Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
THE , OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NO EMBER 2 , 1889. SPECIAL JNOTIOES. OMAHA. _ _ No mlvortleomonts will bo tnkon for thooo columns nftor I2:3O p. rn. Torm8--Cnah In advance , Artvt-rtlsomcnU under thin head 10 tint * per line for the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents ( or each sub- fltMjufiit Insertion , nnrt pur lln per montn. No ndvertisemcnti Inker for less tlmn Si ccnti for first Insertion. Seven words will IK ) counted to the line : they mtiat run consfctitlvtlv and must bo paid in AUVANl'U. All ndvertlio- mints must be Iiamlr < , in before ISsJfl o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circumstance * will they betaken taken or ( IHcontlnuod by telephone. . Parttri advertising In these column * ami liar- Ing their mowers addressed In enroot Tnr. Hen will plRiiao aik for n chcrk to enable thoin to get Vbolrlett-cru , an none will 1) delivered except on presentation of check. All nnkwers to au- vtTtI cmenn should ho enclosed In envelope All mlverttnemonu Inthi'no columns nro cub- ll.Mifiln hntli morning nnd ovenlne editions of 'I'm : IU'K the circulation of which aggregates 'jnorp thnn 18AW papers dallv , nnd elves the nd- vrrtlncru tlio benefit. notonly of the city rlrcu- Intlonof Tin ; llii : : , but alsn of Council HlulTs. Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throngliout thl * * ert ton oittlio country. _ ; fcR Afr C H O F FIG EST Advertising for these columns will bo tnkpn 'on tile nbovo conditions , at the followlmt busi ness houpot , Mho nro authorised agent * forTitit llr.n special notice * , mid will quote the same intes tin cun bo had jit the main pITlco. TOllN \ \ ' . Phnrniaclst , SMSonth Tenth fJ Btreet. OHABK .t HDDY.uitloucM and Prlntors. 113 South ICtlt Stnot. U II. I'AHNSWOIITH , I'll arm aclat , 2115 Cum- D.lngStrcut. \\T .I.HiJailKH.TliarmaUsr , C24 North 36th > > .street. GKO. W. PAHlM'hnrmncist , 1BOO St. Mary's Avenue" TT UO llTTs1PHAHMAOY , 2-JOa 1'aruam Street. SITUATIONS WANTED. AYOl'Nd Licly wants a nltimtton as n l it. Jnnt booKkecpor or olllco woric. Uxiierlence wanted moru than wages. Address N n , llco oincc. BOI-St _ W ANTED Situation us "d bread baker : ud- N 17 lieu olllef. Did ! 1J "V\rANTKD Situation as nurse ; will also dev v housukuciilng nnil tiikn care of sIcK chil dren If required. Cull 1U3 California at. car M V\ANTlD-Po ! > Ulonns teacher In family or * ' day governess by Indv of oxporlenco in teaching. Address N IS , llee. Mi ! tt by ilrat-claes cook. Ocr- man lady. Address N l.\lloe. KM It V\rANTiD ; Situation by a competent Oer- ' man barber. Just from Kurope , Aildrcss box O.i , I'ontiinellf , Neb. 5V ) at Al' I HST-cIass business man , OHTJ M ho Is very energetic , commands considerable capital , loves plenty work and can fuiulsh the very best of reforoiuos , wantatogot. into a Oral-class legltliimttihiiplnt'ss In Omah , either on Hillary or an interest in the business. Address , N 2. Hue. : t74 a WANTED--MALE HELP. In Iruit storo. Sto.idy work to right party , a.B South 10th st. C01-4- /fAN / wanted , good milker , Sbth and Dodge. AtillixTa wnnfoIT ro handle nrllclo every stole rciilres. | lletatls$4 : KIVCM Jl.W per month. Must establish county agencies. Sam ple t sent oxpru&K prepaid on receipt ot J2.75. Mori.yMfg. . Co. . Waiueslm. Wla. T\7 A NTKO-Carpenters. Cull at room 3 , T l llurkor block. Cualiman A Corey , Mil St \\7ANTKD-3 peed coat makers and 2 pants TT makers immediately. Armstrong & Ivrrls , Sioux City. 0012t "MtAVEMN l salesman wuiited forlown. 11- HiioK Nobraakn and Minnesota. A hustler ran easily make Sloa per month and expenses. Address u H Johns , ( Jen. Agent. Stuart , la. - COO It XV'AXT.KO * .faw good agents to sell a now TT nrtlclototho trade : good wngei guaran teed. AddrcBn llox 701 , Grand Islaud. Neb. DIM 2 ? LUIRaKY wiiiited.niale or torn ale , valimblo outtlt free , now and big pay , it , A. Dliismcire , Washington. U. 0. UU2 2t "AM'l'D Men with tcnms to gainer corn. 713-KT. ICth , Onmlm. Ctll qg " \\7A3fTKD 2 flrst-cl.isi pattern milkers. T T A nply to McLeario i ; Oourle I'oundry , lied- ford Plate. 6ii 3t \\TANTED-Ooodbarbev ; (13 pur week : no T T Sunday work. E01 Sputh Third tivenue , i , la. 574-1 " \\7ANTRD-Two good loodcrs for Gordon T presBep , run by power. Must huve experi ence. McDrlda & Co. , lull ) Dodge. D10 2 " \\7ANTHD Man ami wlfo without children T T in a Brut-class private f ivmllayaio horses to take cine of ) , 1Q ; maniuid wife on n farm. Hii ; "good men on a stocK farm.f-O ; 10 fann hands , t'U teamsters , KTi ; section bauds , corn hunkers , cook for sinull hoU IWO , Mis. Jlrega/JHH B 15th. DU9 1 * \\rAT < Ti:0-.V : Ilist-class bartender nt 713 N. T T ICth. 520 K " \\TANTHD A cake baker nt City HaKery. TT T > euty.slxtli between Maud N streets. South Omaha. Nob. 62T \\rANTIJD-Mve agents to represent the Peo- jilo'd Uvo block Ins. Co. , of Philadelphia. Bound , cheap nnd reliable r insmes horsed agaustull kinds of accidents aud sickness ntloiv rntcs. Wheeler k Wheeler , general western ngouts , IJouglns and liitu streof. 444 4 W ANTED 25 toamslerj ; Inniiire ut room 24. Acb , Natl. bant bld'c , John A. O'Ki-ofc , L'ANTED-A J.'duolm & Akin , > Onmlm , Not ) 4001) ) 1KN UMKHAT ] VK employment offered to en- Jll erpitlc persons of fair education. Apply 420 X V. Ufa Jlulldlng. Oniulm. iUU 4t A G1'.NT3I 2 "red-hot" aitlclesl Coin money J\ until holiday * 1 Wrllo iiulcsly 1 Vartlciilar for stamp. Samile,2c. ) Price 111os.David Clty.Nub. B75 ! 4 * KT " \\rANTIJD Capable f-ollcltors ; nalary CI per > > day. 'Jho Jllakt-Heywooa Co. , Kulihas City. M . ir > ; i-ii7 Adl'NTQ wanted to Imndlu the Diamond bclasor Sharpener aud Mrd. Cleveland Hair Crimper , botn ludlbponsable lu any family , riuniulei 11 centu each or both 23 touts. C. Mor ton , box 4ot. oak Park. III. iiii-4il " \\7 ANTED A few more good ug nts for now TT iioyeltli-.s Just out. Sample by mall : ) cents. Kettler'&DoViuc , Itoom K' ' , llarkcr building. TKlN.MnuhBlmer& Co. , Hiicceasorti to I.ouis .Stein & Co. . jobbers lu hats , caps , etc. , Clil- rugo , 111. , doslro to engage the sorvlvex ot one or two nctha men to represent them In No- braskn ; i iut be xvcll acquainted with the trnili- . Apply or address promptly to .1 , O. Miududmer & Co. , 420 Delaware fit , Kansas City ; Mo. ' K3 1 \\T ANTKU AKOUS to sell thoPlnlessciiuheii T T line ; the only line Avcriiiventod that holds the clothes without pins ; a perfect Mic-cess ; liati nt recently Issued ; Hold only by agents , to \ > hem thhoxcluftvo right In ttivun : on receipt ( if 50 ctH wo will send n bumple line by mall ] alfo cliculait ) , price llstr and terms to agents ; hocuro > our territory nt once. Address Wor- ' " Tiniest Clothe * Uuo Co. , 17 Hermon Nt. , W A NTKItTraru layers nud bridge corpen tors for Iowa. Ulloy , JCromorJc Co. . cor , lltli and Varnaiubta. 170 T\rANTiD : A tow more ll\e , encrgctlo salos- T Jiii-u to gell grocencH , etc , to farmerx , ho tel and restaurant Keepers and other Urge con MUIIIVTI < at wholisule prlctii : exclumve turrltorj L'tven : for particular * nddiesa thu iduoortl : Meimntlle Co. , importers , mauiifacturorsuni ! oiv'sivlo grocery. 1447 State ni. Chicago. Ril ul8 riHN'I l Write for terms , pisaiuiilo rorboi fi ei > . Schielo & Co.,3yO liroadwav , Ne\r York falesmonat 87"iv r month salar ; and expenses to noli a llv r-phitei vtaro. watch ex. etc. . byrjiniple only ; hoMoani team fiirnlshod tree. Write ut once for full par ticularx and samnlo cane of goods fret ) Btand aixl Oliver Wara Co. . Jlostou , Muss. 574 \\TANTiD : A gowl olllce man to go enst TT must Invest J-/iiO ; mu > t bu u good buslnosi man. Address the Cro. B. Cllne Publlshlut House , aiitoasl WabonUave. . flilcuuo. Ill * \\7A.\TKD Men tor Washington territory , T | Albnatit'u l < abof Atuucy , HiU I'anium it , K)0 \\TANTUII- ( lood brliklaj-ers and slouecut , T ten ; COM wag pud. Apply M. T , Murphy. Fromoat , Neb. tux ) MKN to travelfo7the Kouthlli mirseries" Canada. We pay ISO to JIOO a month nuO expenses to acenta to Htil our Canadian croni Hock. Add. btone i Wclliiujton. MiulUon. U'Ls WANTEO--FENIALE HELP. " \\rANTUO Uooxl ( jlrl for ftenorul hoiuouori T T ( Jerman preferred , at 1W ) N SOth Bt. Mil 1 , ? r A N TKl ) Allr T ircook "auaT iTuilr l ut 1U.VJ ( iworcln avu. DtfJ " \\fANTKD Saleslady nt oxparlrnou to ropn < T. T flcift publl&liliig hniibe : tuliirv ( A15. O ; fcuiul ra h lioui 2J N , tth nL , kuk , la , CttJt * W cANTED I/iilles nnd gentlemen to Uko charge ot our business nnd Introduce n line of imported gloves for ladles' and gents' v/ear. tkUryfltro puf montli and.oxpetiseaj s- porlpnco unnecessary ; one h nna rca ntvles to select from ; goods fell th miolres. Address With stamp , Icoynl Manufacturing nlove nnd ImDorllnR Co. . Cincinnati , Ohio , J'actorlos , Paris , > Tancc. OlovorKVllie. N. Y > KM 1 YTA fiY "n renTS for ChlTils * reform wnlsTa" JLJ Bklrts , bustle substitute , bnbv'n diaper up porter , ete. New good * . Our gent nt Austin. > llnn. , made 175 In 10 darn. Ladles' Supply Co.\ \ ST87 W. Waihlngtonst. , Chicago , " " " WANTI5D Ooort girl. Ocrman preferred , Inquire 013 & I3th street Mra. J. N gl. r ! WANT15D At once , n nrst-class dtnlngroom girl at CHy Hotel. _ fctl * \y ANTUD-tJencral girl nt 4 a Cumin ? . WANTKD Oood experienced colored rhuni- ber mnld , nt onco. Inquire at 112 , N . nth street. til at i ) rir t-class experienced Baleslady ' ' In cloak department. Btute exptrienoo and whore employed. Address 1. 02. llee. O.t.1 DRESSNIAKIMC. RMIIA" HOYS has removed licr dross- 1'J makingT > nrlorflto&H N. IMhst , . iieurCass , \vhero she trill bo pleased to have Her frlomlH nnd customers call ; she will also lennh ladles the art of dress cutting by her own invented system ; n perfect lit is guaranteed ; onlv n tew lessons nro necessary , 679JW TVIlSSMlNNlCKhasiettlrned from Chicago J-U with the latest fall and "Inter Fttylos In drcssmacing , und will be pleased to have you call on her nt 1J4 l.euvemxorlh St. 4H3 'B MISS I' . Walali , HIS Capitol nvonuo.drrsannd cloak maker ; plush coatsrulltted. rellnrd. ' ' _ _ . _ _ > to do dressmaking In faiul- I llea solicited. Miss Btuidy. oil ) B. 2t th st. ? J1 nSlt LOUIS Wlnebcrg ill ess and clonk maker ; plush clonks to order nud steamed : sealiVlu clonks ropnlrrd. all Rinds fur trlmmlncs fur nished. ] 4''U Caiiltol ave. . repairing of ull kind. BOARDING. WANTKH Nov. 1 four Biiitlcmon to room nnd board with prl"ato fiunlly. I'lrst clats accommodations ; prices modeiato. Address - dross 1 07 , Hen hlllco. 318J VVANTED-TO RENT. WAJJTni ) To rent n turuisned hoiiHO of not less than H rooms , in a good location. Address - dress N If , lleo olllco. 584 a WANT120 To rout or buy on easy terms a , atrouiold phaeton : must bo clump ; state price and terms. Address N11 lice olllce. MO It FOR RENT HOUSES. TTIOIt HUNT 7-room brick house , city vnter. JU hewer and gas. 717 S 10th st. 682 J ; r HOOM house. $13 per mo. . S. E. corner lull O and Vlntou sta. . 017 TT10U HUNT 8-room hou so with modern im- JLJ provomonts , en the motor line. K)5 ) per month. C. V. llnnlsoti , Merchants Nnt. bauk. u.'ll 5 FOIl llOT-H-room house. No. niON tin st. Address room 1UO , Mlllnrd hotel. ( MM TlOU ItKNT Nlco brick cottage on Capitol - iivrmio , near 2uthst. Oeo. N. Hicks. N. Y. Life bldg. ( HSU OH HUNT 4 ton loom houses , fiom 815 to ji ) J- per month , on Motor Hue. Itoom 5271'axtou bloclc. . 511 THOU JIRNT Hlglit room cottage. 14M Bhor- J maiiave. tlty water. i nio audbnth loom. Two hundred feet ot yard rrontnge. Apply nt premises. XV. 12. Annln. fi51 2KLKOANT new H-room houses , with all con veniences , Including ratigoD. and best resi dence location in the city : 10-ioom housoon S. llltli St. , opposite llrouuell hull : 3 4-rooni cottages , 8. Utntit , : 4 7-room houses , with all conveniences , cor. Iloed and Paik s > ts. Windsor Place ; largo 10-room house cor. Mth and Caldwell - well 8ts. Apply to Green & Williams , Jst Nat. bunkbnlldinij. - 421 GOOD 4-room cottage , cor. lot , 2lltlanil Dodge , $ KI. Nlco Sroom liouse , built 3 years ago. city water , gas , j > e\voraro | and sfihlo. Davenport near 2Jd. iJo. Boggs & Illll.iHOS Tainam. HUNT Suites of 1 and II rooms or two Edit ' rooin houses qhenp nnd couvcciout. Ono block from motor , fwti. 23d , cor. Mason. TTIOn UK NT A partly furnlbhod 11-room JO house , with all modem converlc-nces ; llrst- cluss locality ; furniture tor sale , and will re tain several rooms and puv a good price for board for tliroo or more peisons. A good chan for the right party. Call nt onci ; at 2312 Douglas St. 414 3 TflOK KKNT Only 4 more of tnoso nice now8- JO room houses. Hath room , hot nnd cold water. Near a car lines , only $1B per mo. dur ine winter. J. J. Wilkinson , lloom 018. Faxton blork. o57 TITOU nilNT So. > A my block , 1131 Geo. ave , JU 10 rooms , furnace , ens and llxturos , eloctrln wires for lighting , range and every conven ience ; barn with cltv water and gas in ; choice nelghborhood.WX D.V. Sholes 213,1st Nat l.ank , S&S TT1OU HUNT Two dwellings , corner Caplto JO nvo. and 16th bts. , opposlto Trinity cathedral dral ; furnace , raugo and all modern couven icncos. Cull on or nddreas H. L. Hall , liurHng- ton ticket olllce , 12J.11'iiriiam. st. 251 TTIOIl'llRNT 7- oem houno. nil S. 15th Bt. . bet JJaclcsou and Jones sis. lEnnuiro next door. S51 N24 FOH HUNT 0 rooms , cellar , city ivater nnd gas. Apply lloom 1l > , Arlington blk. ll > O-UOOM house on Sth St. 87. Enqubro S. K. cor. Olith and Vlnton. uoi T7LEO ANT Hats to reut. Ifith St. , east side , bo- JuJtweeu Jones and Leavoiiworth ; tlrst-class In nil respects , and new : xtnam heat , bath , open grates and mantels , electric bells in nil rooms ; both motor lines puss property. Inferences required. Thos. Jr. Hall , 311 Puxton block. UTS O "i-ltOOM ( new ) houses , all modem couvoiilen- Oce.s except furnace , nt $10. halt block from motor. 61'JJ'axtoii lllock. 82U LAltdIC 12-room. lioUKe with all conveniences aud largo barn , cor. M\ and Calduoll Ma. C2B ff-voom bouse M Ith barn , Il'i PIT month. ( J. F I Hairibon , Mcrcnuins. ' Nat. bank. 4S'J THOU Itl'.NT Handtomo 10-room house , nil JO convunleiices. paved street , cable und hooo tars , 5 mlnutos ; wallof poatollic . NathanShel- ton. lill J ariiam st. Kit TTTOU HKNT NIooiiBwri-room cottages with JO cellurB , IUW and liili : Halt Howard ot , Kent } 15 per uibutli each ino.ulrc : tTi * S 17th st.J23 J23 TTIOU HKNT 10-ronm house , Kteain haat , all JO improvements , cheap rent. 0.11 Thompson , room UH , bhcely block , Iftth and Howard. SOI H OUSr.S and business places for rent. J. J. XVllkliihon. 018 Paxton blk. 788 IjiOll HUNT Noafi-room house , in Rood re- JO pair , on cor. aitli and xvoohrnrtu ave , ; pos session given Oct. 1st. Inquire U. U. Tzscliuck , lice oltico. tm FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. TTiOU lU'.NT Elegant becond utor ) ' frontroom. JJ newly turnlshud , with prlvlleco ot tnmll room uiljlnliu | ; , hot air furnace , bath , hot and cold water , gas.nlc. , cnsytllhtanco.convunlentto strri't cars , good neighborhood , private family , meals it dealred. UJ7N. st. 5b'l 1 * T7OH llKNT I ir-e fiirnMied front room $10 JO per mouth. 1H Lonvenwuith. U85 171011 HUNT Furnished front room wltn nl JO moduru couveiilenoea , to contlemen only , atarilBt. Mary'H uvenuo. Apply at store. 211) ) and212 South Flftovmh bt. C80 rilNlfaHIU ) back parlor , Sv07 Caw i > t , 813 UltllNT Novoinbor Ut , peasant loom J-1 fortwogeutleluon , oteuni liout , table board , iilt'O Uoilgla . WB. IjlOIl HUNT Neatly funilshod room with or J- ' without board , modern lonveulences. liUI N. IPth ht , 4D4 4' rprt'O nicely I'urnUliPd rooms with board , Jl Alt COU\enleures , MB B S2d. 08 ! ) Ut ISIIHP rooiira N. 17th Btroot. BW St IM'.NISIIHD room with lloard for two gen- L1 tlenion. am Capitol a\e. tCSet JjpUUNIBHUD rooms Ills Dodge. [ " I'INKIiV furnished room , 113 mo. Innnira at cigar atorultMDougUsnt. IU N ICKLV furnished rooms , wltu board , gas aud heat. 4U7N. litli at. U87 3 ? 11 OOM , board , gas. bath. 1612 Harney st. FOK HUNT Tooue or two eenttemin with gjod references , a nicely fiimlstiea front ro < im. Heated by steam aud. cvutrully located luuulre 7SI H | tUj ( . 10H IJAUHNIBIIKD rooms. 87 , IS and 112. at 2012 JHuruey t. illill ] \T If KlY furnlshuil roomT WJ DouglM st. - > t , > n HKNT Two fnnmnoA roonw on Pt. Mary's avenue , to gentlemen onlyMX min utes' wale ot business center. ltef > renw r quired. In an Ire at store. 810 and 213 S. 13th st. "ijlUHNlSIlEDroom , south bay window , with JU orcry convenience j 2214 Farnam. its mVVO large rooms , elegantly furnished In JL modern brick rcsldonco ; board it desired , 1881 Cass ft. POT 4t IJAOIl HUNT A niilto ot rooms , with board , JJ 17,2 Dodge street , CtK > " " TyTOMtrwTtfi""oF ) without board , for three X\pentlcmenj private family ; references , isiz Docfge strtet , CAS OOMSurnlslica , M and W month. Ml 4:174 : * IJ HUNT One nice furnished room. 421 JJ 14th St. 1'8 TjM.EClANT furnished rooms wltli bath and Jlffctoam , 1U& Howard St. C17 FOlt HKIJT rurnlshed looms for3.gentie- men , or man and wife. 1003 Douglas. OM NICK rooms stcnm heat , 1710 Davenport. MJ7 If . CJ.A1U Knropean hotel , cor. lath and Dodpc ; f pedal rate by week or month "nioit HUNT 2 nicely furnished rooms , with Jj board ; irofl Capitol a\enue. 6 3 FToOD room with bath. CloaxtlhsU FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 17IOU URNT t-room suit , unfurnished sultn- JU bio for housekeeping , gns , nt r. etc. . to famllv without children ; northwest cor. 17th mmVebstcrnt. . : > ! ) " lilOlt ItliNT lloom over stove store liiil How- JH nrd street. Prlco CIS per month. 5i7 ! TT" " ItHNT 3 unfurnished roomssuitablo for JJ housekeeping , 2118 N. l.llli st. 'Mi FOR RENT-STOR-S AND OFFICES / \rncK8 for rent. Wltlmoll blocs ; central io- V/catlon,8teain heat all modern Improvements. I1011 KiNT-i : ! store. 703 S 10th st. ' | jHK HUNT Pnrt of store in lery best Musi- J ? nee s part of city , suitable for gfovn ilnnartmeot , rent reasonable. Address N W , lleo olllco. 417 I rnouiUJNT-Iluck store room 207 12th bt. JU joining cor. Douglas. S. rehnian. 2W Ij OH HUNT-a stores , cor .M aud Pierce Bts. , JL. mittnblo for meat market and grocery ; nlpo two Hats nbovo stoles : \\lll glvo responsible parties'months' rent free to establish tindo. Call on J. 1L Parrotte. Douglas Co. llauk. 1TJ-5 lllK most promising locality tor business in JL Onmtin. is on ICth bt. . bttwueu Farmini nnd I.cavenworth. the ruttiro retail district ot the city. Ulegant blocks nre going up , and nothing shabby will over bo erected there. ' 1 ake a look nt the new block on cast side 10th betwcer. Jones K Leavnworth and secure lease for a number of years ; all heated with steam , with pinto-glass front , Thos. F. Hall , 811 PaMon block. W)5 ) TT\OU \ HKNT-Snow stores , 017 and 010 S. Iflth. JJ 1'lno show windows. Uo'j T7\OH \ HUNT Store room in Hoyd opera house JL' building. Unqulrc American Savings itanlc. plOU IliXT : A 4-story Drick building , 01x129. Jt ) suitable for wholisale ; good trackage ; 1 have also a number ot line residence prop erty far rent or sale. For particulars call or addiess 4U3-411 lloo bldg. N , O. llrown. 413 171INU store , with cellar , 020 South Ifith. X1 _ " : ! FOK nUNT-Store , Ull Farnam bv 138 feet , 2 stories and cellar. Nathan Shorten , 10M Farnanx at. bu3 niO HKNT Desirable warehouse room on Jtruck. . Apply to C. XV. ICultti , 7U 1'aclllo st. TTIOH HUNT The 4-story brick bulldla ? with JL : or w Ithont power , formerly occupied by The Hoe Publishing Co. . 'JIG Fnrnam st. 1'no build- Imrhasa lire-proof comontoj baa ment , com plete stcam-heatlii ! ; llxtures , water on all the lloora , gas. etc. Apply at the olllcu of The llco. ! llu T710U IIHNT After Oct. 1 , flno front olllco. JO ground lloor ; plate gluss window ; heat and llcht f urnishoA ; a most desirable location for any Und of business ; rent roasouaoie. Inquire Omaha Ice Co. , aio So. nth st. r jj TJIOK KKNT nasemont 40 by fi ! ) ft. heated by JO Btoam. Kuqulro J. Nagl.613 80.13th st. _ ' * * 471 MISCELLANEOUS. TVMIATIIEH strips furnished and put on for He i n root by L. .1. Keene. Itai Hamilton street. Omaha , Neb. Drop us a postal and wo will call and see you _ 556 2f fpwb young ladies can secure n comfortable Xhonio for tne winter byupplying to Mrs. Emily Hoys. 514 N. Ibth st , 6FO 3t LADIES use Marion Walker's Face Bleach for freckles , pimple ? , moth and liver spots , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion and to be penectly harmless. For further information mation call nt 322 N 15th basement. 58130J AOKNTLKMAN "who suffered years from plies and hits been ell cctually cured \\111 send lull directions for self-treatment. Simple and unfailing. Free to nil. Edwiu Slater , P. O. box. 17H. Cincinnati. O. 831-lt II' you have anything to exchange call on II. R. Cole. roomO , Continental block , Fifteenth and Douglas. IOT IFyouhavennythlnito sell or exchange call at Itoom 018.1'axton block. J5 i : ATI 1KU8 cleaned , curled and dyed , hats F reshaped , at F. M. Schadoll & Co.,21H N. liltli. -"Jin 4 A UCTION sales evury Tuesday and Friday jiA-mornmg at 1121 Faruam. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. 775 IH.MAItY Strong , cor. Haundora and Casslus 2c Sts. . Koillllzo place. Tulcpliono 14HI. 2U7 n3t c ASH paid for household furniture , stoves. Omaha , Auction tc Storage Co. , ll l Funmm. STOCK BOARDZD. HOUSES \\lntnred at Omaha fairgrounds ; largo box HtalU ; torma reasonable ; car riages stored. A. Tlionibou. 2G8 N244- Wiutcrei ! at my farm , good range and Paddocks ; no barbed wire on place ; horses called for and delivered ; tormn moder ate. Telephone 577. Chas. McCormick , Cal- noun , Nuu. 417 n7 WANTKD Horses to winter ut lib month per head on farm near Irvlngton. Plenty of grain and hay to feed , good shelter and good care given them ; lior.soicalled for und deliver ed W. It. Iloman. room II I'renzer lllk. 101 T WILL winter horses on W. It , Mlllard's J-farm at Calnoun , Neb , Knasonable rates , earn considered. Orders run be left with W. II. Mlllard or mailed mo at Calhouu. T. J.Flemlng , 154 nl EDUCATIONAL. Till 113 banjo taught us an art by Ceo. I' . Gellen- JLbeck , room 2U Douglas clock. 1UO rTiil K banjo taught us nriarFby Oco. r.Oolien JL beck. Apply at llee olllce. IT > J SCHOOL of repression , VocaU Articulate , Pantomimic , L V. Andorson. Unuoly block. lUnaif E VKNINO Trench class. New York Life lIulldliiK. Itoomnav. Jules Merle. 711 N U PERSONALS. tKHBONAl < I will send you I mean you a valuable book of Information worlh J.JVOO for 10 cents. Dr. W , J llerriiiger , Council tlluirs , ! . 4J4t ! LAD HIS and gontlomou desiring corresoond- ent.s uddreiM Corre&poiullnt ; Club , Kansas City. Mo. Incloseatauip. iu ) nl ; WANTED-TO BUY. W ANTKD- ( oed desk , cheap for cash. Ad' Orelrt N 0 , llee. WJ U WK IlAS'Ksome rash buyers foTpropeitylit fair figures. HiiUhluson K Wund , 1U4 Douglas , telepliono 15JJ. M41 2 * /1ABH for furniture , carpets , eta WoU'B Auc- Villon BlornKe Co. . U17H. 13lh , 715 WANTKD 4 or r. thoiiBand ydsotcartbto till lot f > . Illirr Otik and. up to grude. In quire W , N , Darnard , 1517 Doupiasst. 7UO JAI1Q15 lire proof safe wanted. Address 1' . Eenou. N , Y. Life bulldlnb' . W 1 WANTKD To buy bU acre farm , good for gunlenlDp , within / mile ot sotno U II Btatloo , not over 15 miles from Omana : must be low price. W. L. Boloy , IL 13. Do rd Trade. STORAGE. rpltACKAGrJ ctorage at louost rates. W. M. Xllushman. 1311 Leavenwortli Mi QTOKAOli at low rates at H31 i'uriiam street. UOmaha Auction and Storage Co , BflJ STOKAGR and forwarding. We collect aud do liver goods ot all description. mertnuudUe , furniture and baggage at cheapest ratea lot storage for any length of time. Van * anil wagonstobohudatsliortost uotine , with cure- ful men for moUnir. Packing and Bhlnplnfj rrota our own warehouse done oil moderate charge. Merchandise loaded .unci unloaded. Warthouit on our own tracks. Oinco SU H Htli t , Telephone 114. Howtll It ( Jo. 863 OLAIRVQYfNT. - " ! -1- = - . . . . Blt NANNIE V. Wwren , clklrrornnt , medl. cat and bnslneM medium. Female cliaeaiM 113 N IBtntt. . rooms 8 and a A ! > AMK Welllnfrtolii.'lworld-iTnowned M . - ns- troloelst , test medium ind destlnv reader. Jttst from I'.urope. TrlliS your life from the cradle to the grave , reunited the separated , ranges speedy murrlagd with the ono you love , locafa deceases nnd trcolA with matsnco and electric baths. All in trouble should not foil to consult this Kilted seeress. J'arlor 0 , upstairs , 417 8. llth ; ofllce hours from 10 a , m. to 10 p. m. "It 4uJ a _ _ " J OIITL'NK Teller Mftf , lrtorrnan"can be JU consulted on nil airalraot life. Battsracllon guaranteed. No. ! 110 N. 15lh st. CCCnllJ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING TJ | N. 1I1NDMAN. JU .Stenographer and Typo vrlter. H. 37 I'axton lllk. aclephonol630. UCnMt IlITTIiKai'.Y'S shorthand nnrt typewriting stliool. Darker block. Iho best and cheap est in tlia city , G3S N 12 * QTANDAHD Shorthand School.lloom SV > Ware O blk. , ( successor to Valentine s ) the largest exclusive Rtiortlmnd school In the west. TOUCH- ers-nroverbntlm reporters. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory expert. Circulars FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ll SAIilJOr will tr ilo for"h"orHps , n nbto ot jioo. dccond mortgage or propoityorth fl.COO ; first mortgage STJ5. 1) . ! ' . Masters , i Wltlmoll building. 685 0 Ii Oll SArK--Span ot wore horses and wagon 1 cheap for rnsli or on easy payments. O. F. Head. 118 S 13th M. 5781IJ Foil BAlili Counter nnd shelving , roomr > 27 , Pnxton lllock. ! KO EOH SAW ! Cheap tor cash , square piano , costJVK ) . Will trade for pair good driving 'uirses and carriage. .T. I. , lllco , Itoom 4U < , lice juildlug. 570 st niOU SAT.n Cheap for cash , one scat JU Slmiison i-oad wagon In good order , nnd ono Amesbury oxtciiHioii top , side spring , two seat carriage. .1. U Itice.lla llee building. f,71 , 2J TTiOH BAIjK Vnrm wngon , in good retmir , for JU taif fold at onco. Co-opcratlvo Land and , ot Co. , 'JUS North Sixteenth streot. na 1 " 17101 l 8ATiK Alin lrablo carriage tea in , ilarlc JU bays , 0 years old. pate and sound : ulso two road horses , carriages , buguloi , etc. : vill make ,11100 , and tcims satlstactory , XV. J. Council. 420 4 Foil SALK A good reliable family carriage team , carriage and harne's ; a bargain. Ap- play to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha. 412 J1OU 1 BALE Light sprln ? wagon ISfiT N. 19th. 2KJ n'J4j C1OUSALU At halt lirlco. a lot of counters J and shelving suitable for grocery , notion , boot and shoo stock. XX' . H. iloman , room 0 I'renzer blk. 037 Foil SALT ! Top buggy nearly new , cheap. J , U XVolshnns , 14JO Harnoy. U71 POIl SALU Anew furnace ; cheap for cash ur will trade. Inquire at 2108. Uth. 7JO ITlOHSAliU S cows ohnap. II. II. llendor- Json. . room 103,1'axton blk. CU.j TjlOUSATii : A qiiantllv of building stono. 1 Apply to the superintendent Dee building. C25 IilOR SAliR A nvhorsa power Porter engine in good condition , weight fi.lOOpounds cyl inder llxlll. For particulars apply to 'ilio lleo olllce. " 703 ABSTRACTS .OF TITLE. TlflDLAND r.uarnmeo Ai'Trust Co. . N.'Y. Life J. ) Lbldg. coinoloto abstmcts f amisnud and titles to real estate oxamlued.p focted & guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN P III VATB money wnutttd. $ ,000. II to C years , Brut mortgage on llnoUraproved resldcnco propeity in north part 9lty. buildings ull tin- ishcd and occupied wttn good tenants. ; no bro kers need apply. J. L. luce. 413 Boo building. M : OK1 > Y to loon in anV'hmount on honseliold uoodt. ! horses and \\ipoii9 , alamonds , land coiitracts.sscondmortga5c , or any available se curity. wltlioiHpUDllclty. Nebraska Moitprago Loan Co. llorm "iltl.I'axfMiblK " J.MO ONE hundred dollars'iAr'nto { money to loan or wllPbuv short time'1 'liiortgr.go or' good cote , room lil llonul ol TraUo , Giu MONK1 to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household coods. pianos , organs , diamonds , lowest rates. The Ilrst organized loan o 111 co in the city. Makes loans from thirty to three hun dred and sixty-live ( lays , which pan bo paid in part or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and interest. Call ana see us when you want money. Wo can assist you promptly and to jour advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No dolav In making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. , Sl'J S. 13th St. . over lllnghum & Sons. B7o MONEY to loan : cash on hand : no delay. J. W. Squire. 1219 Farnam at. , Klrst National bank building. b81 MONEY to loan on city or faun property. ( Sr \ J. Paul. 1009 Tarnam st. & 5 B UlTiDlNfl loans. D. V. Sholcs. 210 First National bane. kTJ ONEY loaned on chattel securltv or rca M estate. J. J. XVllnlnson , 018 1'axton blk. 78S r OANS made on real estate mid mortgages JL/bought Louis B. Heed & Co. r.13 , board trudo b74 VANTUD First-class inside loans. Lownst ' rates. Call und sue. us. Mutual Invest ment Co , 1101 Farnam. 877 rpOLOAN A few thousand on inside umra- JU proved rity pionarty or good 2d niortgaga paper. Address M 40 , llco olllco. 2oa MONKY If ) loan on real estate necurlty at lowest rates. Ilafore negotiating loans see Wallace , KiilU llrown bldg. liltli aud Llouglus. MONl'.V to loan by an eastern man , on gilt edge property , for the next 10days. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nut. Dank. ( Vi'.l LOANB City una farm loans , mortgage pa per bought. McCagne Investment Co. 833 MONnv to loan on city property and farm lands at lowest raloi. J. J ) . Zltlle , 4'M I'uv- ton block. 173 RK8IDUNC1J loans ( iJJ to 7 percent ; no ad ditional charges for commlsHlons or attor ney's fees. W. 11. Molkle , first Hat bank bldg. MONEY to loan on furnU-i j , I'.onar.vftx jns eta , or on any approved security J. W , Itobblns , lllUi 1'arnnm btroot. 1'axtou notel. hi 1 Tjlllt.ST7iiortiago louiu at low rates and no J-1 delay. 1) . V. Sholes , 2101'lrst National bank. 871 ! TV ) VOU wnnt nionuy ? It so , don't borrow JL/before getting my rates , which are the low est on any mitn from 41 l < i If 10.00J. 1 make loans on household good * , plnnoi , or- cans , hnrflcs.mules , wagons , warehouse receipts , houses , loufien. etc. . in any amount , at the. lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal ot property. Loans can bo made for ono to six months and you ran puy part at any time , reducing both principal and interest. If you owe n bul.iuco on jourlmiilUiru' or horses or have a loan on them , I will ts.k It up uiu\ carry it for you as long as you deslif > . 'i If yon need money vqli mil fl nd It to your ad vantage to hue me befor borrow Ing. H. K. Masters , room 4 ! Withnell building. 11th and Harney. , | j. E7U $1,000 Private money ( oan or will buy good mortgage , W. L.BelUyv'nW. Hoard of Trade i f 72M Tl/fONIJV / to loan on anyauciirlty 1TL lor short time an low rates. Lowest r.ltaS on personal J" propeity. iivti The Ilooderxon Mortgogalnvcstmont company , room 400 Puxton blocs. Vc biJ MONKV to loan at lowj-ates aud no doUy. Capital and surplils1I.S0.1.UW. . Lombard Investment Co. . 'MIS lllljst. B8Q SEE Slioies. room 213 hfat Nat'l liuuk , before iiiaklng your loans. lou HI ' CCMnOoa to loan at U perj , ut , Linanan & Ma- Phoney , loomWI PaxtJlblock. B70 MONliV loaned on furniture , lioraes nnd wugonu ; rat j reasoniiblo. City Loan Co. . I1K8. loth Bl. . opposite Mlllard hotel. HSJ TITONIU' to loan. O. K DavU Co. , real estate J-'J-aud loan agents , 1501 riirimm st. U70 " " P HILA"OKLPH1A MnrtgagolTTrust Co. fur- uish chuaii eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfvct tltlat , accept loans ut their western olllce. ( Jeorue W , P , Coates , room 7 , Board of Tiade. bbti KKVBTONB MOI-IKOHO Co.-Ix > ans of 91J tc 11,000 ; getour rates before borrowing anc save money ; loan on homes , funilture , or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for new loan , renewal ot old , and low , en lt20SBhoel y blk.l&th & Howard st. "OKFOIIB laaVInc chattel t collateral loans ! J Jit will p y you to aee Tna Western Investment - ment Co. . room H4 ! , llee bulldlnu' . B J niO -Aupoclallutwiot * IW. Xi in Bums J-of llu.OUO and upwards at vary low rates The Mead Invettuient Co. , all 8. JBtli Bt. iaj MONlTv-Ixians negotiated at low rutcTwith" out delay , and purchusa toocl commercial BUILDINO lonnx wanted on brick builntsi or reiliUnc * blocks , ritrorabln trms and rates. Klmball , Champ < b llyan , 1205 Farnam. * 800 N a SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. TjllllST National safety ( K'l'ostt vnnlts. Pates JU to ix nt * S to * a rear , JH7 8. l.Uli. v DUSINESS CHANCES , "TTIOltSAhB Grocery and feed store tor 11,000 , JL'half cash nna half good vacant lot. W , J.I. llomnn , Itoom fl , 1'reiizer block. 607 TjiOH SALn Cigar factory , nddross loci box JJJ5Ma\1d ) Cjty. Nub. tKI6 AFRW first-class stock sociirltles for sale. Address N U , Hoc. 61l ! 1 j "ITIOU BAM ! Nlco , clean restaurant , ilolng JL' good business ; must be sold this week ; easy terms. J , II. I'arrottc , lloom 21 , Doilqlas block. 3 * DA Mint 21112 Douglas t. for good chnnco to right party. Scend olsowncro. 414 ; i ITiOIl PAI.K or oTchanfte-Vlrst olnss drug JU stock in Mo. Valloy. la. . 4.WU people , three store.s stock J ,000. Will sell for part cash bal ance on time , secured , or part int\i \ nna biilnneo Iowa iir Nfcbraska land at fair valuation. Lock , box C1J Mo. Vnlloy , la. 2OT1 * BIIUO buKlnens for sain In n lire Nebraska town , about t > ,0 < )0 ) worth of drm ; business done in the town yearly , only two drug stores ; Block will linolco about & . ' .8UO , half CAN h and halt on time. Address M 37 , Dee olllco. 100 at GOOD clianco for the right party. Cnll at SI12 Douglas bt. Bee nil cUowhcie. Jlljl T7l6lTiTMS'T Now hotel. Irriicnrt of city ; Jl thirty rooms. W.rarnnm Smlthl Ol'uruam TmOItaAnn Or trade , a well established book JL1 and stationery store , llox MS. EJl FOR EXCHANGE. * T"ANIami cash for Job pilnting nuiVhowspa- J-Jpur outllt. One ot the licst puylUK rastnu- rnnts in Omaha to cxchiingo lor good property , Star Land & l.onu Co. . lOb'JIi rniiium. f sG 1 SKVKItAIi very tine improved farms near _ Omuhn for insldo property. SM.UIK ) truckacu lot tin city ) for an lown farm. Hutchiuson A ; Wi-nd , 1321 Douglas st , Tel. I5'J . ITIOltKXCHANni : Eight lots inNorthOmunn JL1 clear , to ovclianire for property m I'ierre , Dak. Aedress M 7i lleo olllc.i. 4UI Wllditrado 2 clear South Omaha lots for horses or carriage : ) ; 0110 north Omahn lot for good driving limsosuitable forlndy tndilvo proterrod. J. U Hlce,4Kl lleo building. 57--"r niO P.XCHANOE-My equity , worth 91.500 In Jun splendid lot onOoorgla ave. , for Chicago suburban property. Address ! ? , 117 W. Vun Ilu- rcn st. . Cblcago. 234 1 ; ITfXVHn 10ncre > farm in northern part of thin state , with small barn on It , thatl would UKO to oxctiango for n good * pan of horses and buggy. Address N 14 , thH olllco. & 58 2 r ANTED To trano 240 acres good Nebras- tea land , all rloar and iloedud , for brood Albert Odholm , 101 & Kith St. , Omaha , 2:11 : 2 O20 acres land to exchange for horses nnd cnt- Otle. W. II. Oates , room MS N. Y. Life bl'dg. 558 S EOIl IIXHANOK SO acres clear of encumb rance. In strips of 10 acres. In Mercer coun- tv. Illinois , for stock or : goods or citv property. Apply loom 210. First National bank building. tS7"ANTiO ; To trade 2 lots , f room house , T bam und out-building : nicely located In rioroncp. Nob. , No liicumbrance , for peed young work teams. It. Hull , Florence , Neb. FOH EXCHANOC-A business yielding a prollt of from $ . ) , ( iW ) to Jfl.0 v ncr unniim , to ex change for good city propoity. Am willing to n sumn light encumbrance. Apply room211) ) , I'li-st National bank building. 130 TTHMt EXOHANfii : lOrlear South Omaha lots JU and clearjlnnd for Ser 10 room lionsn. Mill assume small incumbrauce. W. L. Selby , U. IJ , Hoard Trade , bikl > To cxctionee dry goods notions nnd millinery goods for clear land or city property nnd part cash. Address box 479 Vrankfort Hid. VW3 IlAVn some flrat-class rental property for pal ) cheap within one mile of postliloce , on paved xtrouts and motor lino. Thos , r. Hall , oil Paxtnilblock. BU ! J CLl'/AK Sqiitn Omaha lota for norses.orlaricl Osouth or castot Whtjoler Co. , Nob. Bolby , 19 Hoard Trade. 214 NGW . ' 'sontcd carnage for 2nd mortgage , gelby. 13 Hoard Trade. 211 TjlOH EXCHANGE l'or any fcind ot good JJ property , a grain elevator in ono of the best towns in Iowa , slttiuter" In the heart ot n line agricultural country. Present ornier Is not a gialnman , and has ether business. A iare chance for o practical man. Also. Kvo thousand acres of One timber land in northern Tennessee - see , lloom 14 , cnambcr of Commerce. Tel. itio. 240 FOR SAUE--RE\l E5TATJT TTUSiNEHScorner0blocks from N. Y. Lito , JJWHI per foot , pays 10 percent ; J cash , bal. anceonsy ; D. C. Piittoison. 518 N. V. Lite. 575 < j 14.0DO buys COxiaJ ft about 3 blocks from 1' . O. tpaud east of Iiithst. Hutcnlnson Ic Woail , 1524 Douglas st. TcL 1K.1I , 587 'J 171011 SALE Itw acre farm in Fheridan county J-1 iiorthwebt Nebraska , neitr Itushville , the county scat , line improvements , plenty < > f good timber nnd running wator. frame buildings , fence , etc. , all In splendid order , been improved 7 J ears , nnd now occupied ; cash pried S15pci aero , will exchange for Omaha residence pro peity. J. L. Hlce , 41'J lleo buildg , 507 : ij ADO II & Westerlleld , real estate , S. Omaha M2 K1OK SALK-LotS.blk 14. Ambler place. 5.75. ! J ? 11. . llrowu. 3ii N. V. Life building. O4'l ; t ? TTlOll HALK Large two story trnine building JO of IJ or 14 rooms , In good condition , to bo moved. W. It. Human , Kootn C , Frenzer block. 607 "IDAHTIUa wanting to sell or buy city property JL cheap call on me. Burg.ilns a specialty. C. ll. Jaynef. U10 Houth 15th St. 53S 1 * EIGTY acres near Omaha . Nice home in Hanscom place 3 1,500. F.ast front lot Thlrty-tlilrd uoar Leavoiiworth II.SVX Douglas st. full lot nnd cottage , east ot 27th to.ODO. Hutchlnson & Wcad , 1521 Douglas , tol. 1523. ; * -,5iO cosy homo , li-room liouse , Houth front lot on cut line , great bargain. J. L. lllcc , 113 lloo bldg. r > 'J5 ! IJ T710II BALE Onlongilmo nnd easy payments , JO handsome , now , veil-built , houses of f , O.ancl 10 rooniH. All coin-cine ices , good neighbor hood ; paved htreets. street cars , aurt M'lthln walking tllstanco of P. O. Nathan Sheltoii , 11514 rurnam Btreet. 890 Q-HOOM housewitn nllmodern improvements , Qlncludlng b st turnacR , near IIunscom park. $5 , Mi ; a good homo , O. F. Harrison , Jli'iciianta Nat'l Rune. 6'JJ 0 QTIUNOKIl & Penny. Hoom 0 , Douglas Obuililliu , ' , have the list ot ( lejirablo proparty In Omaha , Itcmbracot every local ity In the city , and their prices nnd terms can not be duplicated , actual value considered , in , I'or U tf.Hli , and balance in II or D years nt 7 per cent , they will give u waniinty deed. They will sell a contract from MO to $201 cash , und balance tjunrlurly , extendingo\er 5 yourii. They have lots in Orchard Hill. Wiilnut Hill. Poppleton 1 nrk nnd Ilriggs Place. Crelghton HelithtH aim Cloverdulo. And 111 nearly every ether desirable addition to Omiihn from $ r > u to il.WO , all real' Hi st-rias ? InvcMinonts , Prepare tor a big advance in prices , TnU flrru ure on the inside trucK , and they will not list ji.-operty that is not at rock bottom price , llulldors can tiuy fiom tlioin' J5 cash , and iho balau-o placed us second inortgiigo. Property went of the post- oiucylu Omaha is the surest thinin / the market for investment. Lots worth Ul.OiX ) now will moretlian double in the next few years. Any thing most between Ciimlug and Leavvnworth is oxcullcnt property to buy. becuie every thing In the way ot n bargain within tlieno lim it B ; it In , OH the boys nay. "a nine thing. " For turthnr uartlcularu and list of bargain * t > ea Btritifcr & Penny , Itoom yo , Douglas lllk. Ojl 111 . _ T -The llnest urltk rebloenco in the city , modern nnd now , largo shady yard con- tutulng about two ucres ot grounds , utono walks nnd wlthai n complete homn. Have ext - t ensue business Interests in bait Lake and my wlfo dechirat slio will live alone no longer. Terms nnd price to Milt the customer. How is that ? Address M 72 lleo olllce , U7u T7AOII BALE , very cheap , no trades , farm * 1T,74 JO airea. auf.5 , \ " N.O W. Haimlton county Neb , 2 miles from Manjuette. small house , stable , aX ) acres pasture lanced , living water , prlcu onlyllOter ncre. IV4J7.UO. onn-tlilnl IS.W i-rop included. Terms I3aoo cash balance a percent interest , r , K , Atkins , owner , railroad buildIng - Ing , Dunvor , Colo. 77a Til Oil SALI'i Or oxclmnvu.on easy terms , some J3 Bruud new 0-rooin bouses on Bpauldlng at , near motor line ; no better residence location In the city. Aluo some new 7-room houses on Corby und 2"ith Bt , just 1'i miles froa pojt- olllce ; will exchange any ot the above for tloar land orlots. For terms nnd particular ! ) apply to C. C Bpottswood. UU'ij H Iflth at. 44tt ITHSCItTnB the "American " for shares in , the lurgost building and loan association in the world ; U. A. Upton , special ueent , loth and Farnnm. Sa -CholcftlnsMo Improved business ' propertr , HO.roo loss than actual valun if liken ot once. J. J UI A in flee bldg. 5W3J " " [ jlOll SAI-K in ncrea"wlfliin one half mtlo of JU courihousn. in tlis city of I'lerrti , Dakota's now nnd L'ro lncMltaltinooi | > onlnr ( for t.imo nterprlMcg rent estate flrni. Address M 7 % Icoolllco. 4H property. Inside , to o < cchanto ( for farms or vacant city lots. The * . V , I all. 11 1'axUm bluoR. 829 OWNKK moved to St , Ijouls offers to soil 0 houses at a big bargain. SiM aud t-fiO enoli , all newly paporcd and rented , in n location that they will never bo vacant. Call anil let mo glvo you terms , 1) . I ) . Saioaton , lloom 41 Darker block. 058 nll > $27,000 actual , aluo Inside bnalnoas nnd rest , donee , KI.OjO worth of houses being built adjoining , will Poll for $ l7.UJinowl why ? Tor reason am in need of .I10.UO ) cash ; ureatolTer. Address Iififl , Iicci , _ OJInllJ $2OCX ) private monev to loan , f.1 % llarrisoii Merchants Nut'l Hank liulldlnff. Me 4 \\rKTlA VKoni.rarot lo'ls 'lu PTpins T > Jubt 6 blorks from the court hmiip. Prlci-s rolnn mi o\ory tiny , lltty uowntid makd J ( X ) to l.iXJU Intlie nextUjOnys. Star l.uml and raruam. 4 .ROOM cottofre and bait loti\ear High school , HtOJ. 0.1' . llnrrlson. Mcrcnunts Nut'l Hank. 6' ' 0 _ ITIOH SAIiBor lease , on easy terms , n lots on A ! auii nve. . Just soiitli of Ij nvontvorth. Would build an eight room house and HO II : n eot for SJ.IXK ) ami soil on monthly payments. I/ts 4 aud fs lit 0 , Kllby Place , high and Elchtly , Ouo lot N. 13lh Bt. , trrxrkntje 1'onr bustucs4 lots K. 24th and Si ICth at. , S th nve. nnd Doilgc , corner. 180ft N : iothat. Other good lesulonoe property. ( li lots ( "rolghton llclu'litu , rlieap , Will soil n few lots on building term1 ? , N. A. Kulin , ilriiRHtnrorlStli nnd Douglas , 4U n ! M _ YUl'u feet , being S lots facing enst nnd south , 'iioar Milton ll ( { ur.V pin 0. west 1'ixnmm. O. F. lliiirhoti , Murcluinta Nut 1 HiniK. fj'.i ; ) n For tfnlo the ru'iunlflcmt est-xto knnuu ns tln < 1'lntto Viilley Uiuicli , three mlU'H\\cst of Vnlluy , on tliu U. 1 . It. It. Conslit- ing or o\or llOu acres of laud not to blue Bias' , timothy , clever mid redtop. < 11\1- Icd Into 'Jo ItelclH nud pnddockH , Imnu-nsa jnniB , paddock stables , tine residence , boutdlng house , ciittlo barns and sheds , hog barns , run- china shops" " , carrlngo lioii'-c , nlllccs , Ice house , rtnogrovo1 , splendid half-mllo track tlhl Is the U Bt Improved ranch In the rountrv , the lin- irovemontHiosttntc about ! .OOJ. Willlio sold at less than linlf the cost of the Improvements. along will t-nkp part In Omaha property. Call on , O. tt Un\ls Oo. , Ifiltt 1'arnam fctreut. 620-5 TTIOIl SAI.K Very low price forafoxv days , J-1 lot n , block 7f , uoar now 1 > . O. site. Innulru on promises , No. 1715 Davunport st , an ; ! t Husluess. Hcsidence. Vnraut aud suburban properties In thfl market are for sale by "the old reliable" M. A. Upton Co. , IKth nnil Kurnam. " ( - ! T you had Feontho Ricat crowd at our olllco .one hour after the issue of the Monday HIM- , . oil would have bt-tluved us when wo stated , 'we have the greatest bargain ever oirercd In OniUm : , n lot for 33 per foot , worth * 12. ' > . " People ple nro stilt mining to buy thnt lot.ehavo , hls to say : When wo advertise barRnln. "wo mean It , " und It will bo useless for you to come two or three days uftarwilrils. Now w o will como ngnln : : i cottaRfs on a lot nnxlHO. rents tor $29 per month , worth $ Tnoi ; only K.'M ) . I.otaixlH' . In llncat residence part of city , Innblo fronts , worth $10UM now. wlllbowortn $12.0(10 ( In no days ; ! , 00 takes It. Star Land A , Lo u Co. . lOW ! Varnam. tfO 1 KUMKS lor Kale on Monthly Payraeuts. 7-room dwollliiK in Central Pnric. full lot. Bonth front : payments. $ H.rj ) per month. Small cottaga in Central Park , full lot ; pay ments. t\2.M \ jier mnnth. C-room dwelling , corner .Tflth nud Patrick nvo- nue , full lot , south front ; payments , 43) ) per month. II aiulBome 7-room dwelling , on draco street , nil modern liiipro\t > mvnts on monthly pay ments. Other properly In all jiurts of the city. Call nnd see mo. D. J. O'Doiinhoo , 1101 rnrnam. 7ir ! POH SAljlJ Two corner lots near b'outh Oina- hn Park ; grout bargain. S. , P. O. box rW ! . SC3 TfOH SALK n-room House , uarn nna lot , JL' Hiiuscom 1'laco , ut a bargain. Harris , room 411 , Jst Nat. Hank. faltt HOTELS. nMNDSOIl HOTKI. Corner of Will awl Tr .Iiiuksoii Kts , , U hlocKB f rora Uulou depot , llest JJ a day house in the cltv. 837 Notice is hereby clvon that a book will be opened nt 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday , the six teenth day ot November , 1359. at tlio olllce of J. M. Thurhton , Union Puclttc Uulldlng , In the city ot Omaha , Douglas county. Nebraska , for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the Omaha Union Depot Com pany. W. II. llor.coun , O. W. HOLDHKaEU T. It. KlMIIAI.T , . o-17-d-30-t Tor the Incorporates. T > HOPOSA1.8 for Erection otSclioot Uulldlng JL etc , U. S. Indian ijervlco , Vuukton Aguiusy , Daktota. October 12th , 1W1. Soulod proposals , indorsed "ijropo < als for erection or n school building , or for building materials" as the t aso may be. und directed In the uuderxlgaod at Grocnunod , Jlaltotn111 b fecoived at this onice until onu o'rlocU of November Ulh , lto ! < . for furnishing the necessary materlaU and labor and for yrocting n tvo-atory frame school building at the Vnnkton Apsncy. Dak.'In ac cordance with plans and siiuclilcutlons that may bo examined at the olllco ol the "Pioneer Probb of St. Paul. Mluu , , the "Hoo" of Omaha. Nobr. , nnd "Journal" of Sioux City , Io a ; ulso for furnishing a variety ot lumber , brlcka. win- dowH , dooil3.harav\irc , etc , , ( a tnll list and des cription ot which may bo obtained by aiiplicn- tlon to the nndoralcnon ) . rcqtilied for agency building ? . In submit tins bids for the erection of the school Lmllillnir , bidders must Htsun the length of time reo.ulied to complete it : and for furnishing building material ? , the prlco of each ni tlcle.olfercd for dolli ery undur contract must bo si'ccltlcxlly htnted. Cortlllod checks All bids must oe accompanied by cortllled checks uuoa gome United States depository , payable to the ordorof thu undersigned , forntjeii t6 per cent of the amount ot thu proposal , v hlch cJicct will ba forfeited to the United atatcs in case any bid der or bidders receiving an nwitrd ahull full to promptly execute a contract with good and ant- llclmit surotlcs , othurwlso to he rotnrnud to the binder. The light is reserved to icjoct any or nil bids or nny pint of any bid if deemed for the best interest of the Borrlco. HAMUIUiT. . U. 8. Indian Agent olfldJlt Itlds for Proposals Notice to iVrtculnii XVell Horors. Sealed proposals will be received at the odlce ot the Mayor of the City of Hull. Iowa , until November 15th. at 6 o'clock p. in. , ltb , iortdnk- 1m : an ArteMati Well. Hldderswlil bo required to furnish estimates per foot for each hundred foot up to I.WO feet or iv depth that Mill be uuccsbary to furnish a goodsupply of water. The esiliimtu to be mndo for furnishing nil material.including cablng fora hole not IOSB than six Inches In diameter. rra The sufce.sstul bidder will be reqnircil to fur nlsh asulliclent Hocurltv for the faithful per form unto of the contract. The 1'oaid reserves the right to reject any or all bids. KO1IRKT PATTKHSON , Mnyor. fl. II. TAJIPL1N , Ilecordor. Hull , IOUH , October:8 ; : 18B9. Notice to Cnutrnctnr . SKAI.KU Proposals will bo received at tlje olllco of county clerk , Douglas county , until " p. m , Huttirduy , Novoinbor 2nd , IB.H.i , for grad Ing not taexcet-d 1 .M ) yards on county road , In B. U. corner of H. I ! , of 8. XV. JI of Sec. 2 , l . 12 All bids to tie accompanied by rortlflud check for i'ifi.lH. County reserves thu right to reject any or ull blaj. M. D. KOUIIE , County Clerk. ' COE , TTONGE & , CO. , > IAMH-C1L'II11S OF li..m V/ALICING CANES , to CDTLEBT lowf it rrlots , Ani UoiiVcni m g'nit. Cane ILI.lsriUTHI U I 7l5WA3HIKCTQNAVt.Sr.LOUISMO. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1802 FARNAM STUEBT. THE REALTY MARKET. . puoa.i on rsiira durmz JL yesterdftr. 13II Chatullcr to .1 TOooatellow , lot 18 , Mkl , Mfinwo UllL wd . . . . t . U M P ttrr > x > n to U It Patterson.blk land 2 , ex lots2ri , omul7 , blk 1 , lots 3.4,8 , 13 to Hi , blk S , Patterson's tlrst add to South Omana.'Wrt 1,700 Wm A Uardnor nnd wlfo to Win A Saiin- dor * , lots 5,7. V , and is inn "i " " , " waun- ders.V Htiiioomian'.s mid , and lots it ! nniltt.blk2 ! , Kauiidcnul : Hlniobaitgh's add to Walnut Hill , qo A , . , , . , 2,970 Wm n Samidorit to m Adnnincr , lots II nnd Iii , nnrt w u tot li . blk "P. " lots 1 and 10 , blk "K,1' Banndcni .t Illme- bMigh' * iida , aiul lot : u , blk 1 , Saundort & Illraobaugh'Miind to Walnut Hill , n o d , A 0 Ayret to J VV oo.tpor , lots4. A , Omul K ) , btk i. WIo'.v.Parmelee'8ind. ] wrt . . , , 4,000 JW Cooper nnd v ire to K 8 OgtU'il , lot 4. , blk 1 , Wise & Parmeleo'n mid. w d. . . . V > 00 S II llrown nnd wife to A U Mlllnrd. nn li > i res tract on rarimm ft , , Mn It von of no corlot fl , < npltnl add , vr il . . . ' 3 II ( ] HurlianK nndulfo to M H Lindsay , pt lot 7 , blk * l. South Oiuutin , wd . . . . . l.liCO 1' A MaligerandwlrptiiNV U M rniiu. lots 4'i 43 , 4 nnrt pt 4ft , Kalrmount Plncewl R.C03 A 1C ttcrnsdorir and hnsbnuil to 1 ! l < ' JaytiFfl , lotH. blk K , riuUlo < kl'lacoUd | < 1 0 O Wallace and wife to John lnn < ou. lots , Onnd in.blk ; t , lloyd's add. wil , l.fiOO I'PKIrkcndall and lfoto W Illlolcomb ! Sblkli. WoU Omalin.Wil 20iOn , Wll Wilbur lOiilMlfo to ( III Wilbur , . und ' < lot I , blk * P.\I lo ! k I'Hre. w ! . . 1 W II \ \ ilbur and \vtf to N 15 Wilbur , und Jjlot 4 , blk a. Paddo'k'H Plans w d . . . . ' 1 I .letter nnil wlfotodeorge Clnric otnl , lott'.bllcK , .letter's mill. w l . . . . . . . . . .i. O.,0 WA ( lardncrut nl to AlvlH Maunder * , lot , 0 nnd u lot 1) ) . blk "IV lot 4 , blk "K. " Saundei-a .V Illmcb vugii's adrl.lot ? , bite 11 , Mayers , Hlchards fc Tlldon's ittld , wiK 2,050 W AClunlneret ultoO L Saumlcis , lot , II. blk "I' . " lots : ! nud \ . bile "I. , " f-aun- , ilora V HlmobnuKh'Hndd , lot ! ! " , bl < I , ' Cuundurs < V lllmnbaitgh'snild to WAI- > nut Hill , wd , . V. t > lUghteon transfers. . > ? llv.2\ | THE TIME TABLES , OMAHA. I1UHLlN"lrdN ItOiri'UTi l nvo Arrive DeiHit loth & Mason sts. Omahn. Oiimha. Chicago Voktlbula 15r. . . . ; itl5 p m Chicago Mail , . H:45 : u in Chicago liOCal 0:19 : p in Denvnr Vestibule ix. : . . . . 10:05 : u in Lincoln A Concordia I < o'l HiOil a in Colorado Mull. . . , 7li : p m Chicago I'ast Mall UOJ : p m Kansas City Hxpron Oi'ft a in Itansus City Rxpro s. . t:03 : p m a H. i. & p. Leave Arrl\o Depot & Marry sts. Ouiaha. Omalia. DoaMoiues Accouiuiod'n ri:4 : * > a in flius p m Atlantio Kxpress , 9:15 : a m 7OJ p m Night Sxptt'ss 415 ; p in n0 n in Vejtlbiilcd Kxpress > Ll5 ) ! p m 7:40 n m UNION Leave "Arrive Depot lutli and Marcy nts Omaha. Omahn Overland Flyer. 7 : " > ( i p in 0:40 : p m Pacltla Expruss 8:2 : > a m 7:20 : a m Jienvor Impress 10:30 : a m 2:10 : p m KansaH City. Lincoln A ; Heatrlcn Kxprrss t:45 : a m 12in a m 1(1 rand Island Rxprcss. . CM" ) p m 12r > p m Puplllton I'aisetiKer. . 5M : p tn 7:30 a m tDally Krc pX Sunday. MI.-SiUjKI IMllrlU l.uuvy ATilVO Depot I tli\-Wiiiitter.vts. Oiniihn. Om ilia. Day Uxprois 10:3) : ) u mi (1:40 ( : a m Night Expres p m | it"i : : n m IJTlUIrUl-D I OAOmm k < * Dully I'.xcept Sunday. tBuiidoy Only. . BUBUKDAN TKA1X8. AVeBtwnrcl. Running between Council nlaifb and At- bright , in addition to the alatlo'is mentioned , trains atop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth ttE. and at the Summit tn Omaha. Kafliwnrfl. COU.NClfj UUUPKS. CI1ICAQO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. 0 No. 2 BOOpraA No , 13 TilOnin O NO. n : ripnifD No , 1 Oil6pm A No. 4 lO.OOam.O No. 6 5'Jtvm ' } A No.14 ui4JpmA | No. a OtfJum CIIICAQO & No , 0 o.Waro No. 7 , , .fls27Ain . : il5pm No. 3 , . . 7:15 a in No. 4 0:15 : pm CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & BT.PAUL. A No.3 0:40amlA : No.1 7:00am r o 4 i4'mn ; * w'i' ( r-4Rn n KANSAS. OITV , BT. JOam'H le COUNOIIi A No. 2 , , . . .10:07 : am A < e'No.n 023nm ; JL No. i .UUpmA : No , I. . . . 0lUpra HIUU.V ( Jj 1 f PACliaiJ A No. 10 7:0'.omA | No. B , . , SHam : A No. 12 7OOpmlA : No. 11. , OiOOpiu OMAHA & BT. LOU1B , A No. B , . . .4:3JpmA : | No.7 12:00in A daily : H daily , nxoent Saturday ; 0 except Sunday ; D except Monday ; 'fast mall. QOI.D MEDAL , PAlCIo , 1070. W. BAJTUi" & CO.'S f aliulultlu jmra anil it It goliitite , No Chemicals tn lued In IU prrptnlkii. II > iu ntrt Htn lltm limn lln Urtnjtl ut Cucot mlud * lth Slirili , Airovnxitor Butr > ud I * llire/uifl fftf luort cioaowlcil , teitliiy lin tka * < tint a CMH y < ) tllcluu > , iiourlihlnf , ttrtiixth uUif , Ei. II.T | ) iamri > , * ud t&nAnWr d > ixU lur lunIWi > vtll > i iwi.1 la Hold brOr ren eieijn litre , W. BARER & CO , , Dorchester , Mat *