Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Ruled by Many Fluotuatlona
and Very Unreliable.
Only a Moderate Volume of Ilimlnoss
Trmunutcd In JJio i'rovlslon I'll
Cnttlo Dull tlc > K
Knthrr Antlvc.
CIIICAQO , Nov.1.-- | Special Tolosrnm to TJin
iJEE. ] To-day's ' wheat market was mnny-
Bidcd nml unreliable. I - Imd ills of sironuth.
followed by periods \vcaUncsi , which car
ried price * over the whole Ramut of the day's
rnngo more than once , so that when the bulls
were rejoicing in its strength It would Incon
tinently turn and toke strong sides with their
opponents. 'I ho early Influence of no wheat
boln ? delivered out to-day on November
contracts ono little 5,000 bushel warehouse
receipt being unworthy of serious notice-
was to glvo llrtnness to the first transactions ,
but the lack of Jbull news on the black
boards , leaving out o Liverpool cablegram ,
was not encouraging to any pronounced
strength. The fcuturo of the day was the
reported buying of llftcen boat loads at , Now
York for export to Great Britain nml 20,000
bushels at Unltlmoro on Liverpool account.
The Inlluonco of this plcco of news
was scon in the advance of December
to 80 o fiom around & 0o , whcro
it had been playing for about an hour. On
the way up heavy buying on account of some
prominent shorts kept the fl/za-going , and It
was not till near the close that the cftcrvci-
ccnco subsided to any great extent. It bc-
came apparent toward the end that wnoat
bought on the early advance ( oxcoit so much
of it ns was required to settle short do.tls ) ,
waa all for sale around 80 > c , and bolng In
the hands of local talent , which , without
outside support , quickly dumps its load , get
ting from under was iho principal feature of
the last ten minutes of trailing. December
wheat opened at fcO'fu , sold down to SOj c
early , then advanced und played for some
time around SO' ' SO o. A further advance
to SO to took pl.ico , wiileh was tno high point
for tlio day , and the subsequent point of con
tention WUH arounu ( % , with a ihml break
to bOJgc , at which prieo uld the market closed.
Continued wet xveather and the fact
that no corn was delivered out on
November contracts during the hour allowed
for the transaction of business , gave the
market for that cereal a firm opening. The
good demand for cash offerings also
tended to cause uneasiness to the shorts ,
whoso purchases moro tlmn buying" for long
account has been a factor in the recent ad-
vanco. The llrm opening did not hold very
long , offerings becoming freer , and recent
purchasers took advantage of the opcnirfg
strength to unload. The foreign markets
wcro Jinn , exports from the Atlantic coast
llboral , and the eastern movement from
this point was free , aa 1ms bean the case
dui Ing the entire season. The closing prices
woio Xlj o for NoVcniber.boing Jfi ? c lower
than on yestoiday , but December closed at
is a decline of J c , und May lost
! J.
'iho lute tone of strength that pervaded
the oats market was absent to-day , with a
notable tendency to heaviness tbo rule , ow
ing to ti luck of suuport. Some recent buy
ers turned sellers , even though the receipt ?
continued small , and trading was chiefly in
May nt 22@iie early , down to 2lJ < c , or a
decline ot } i& a from yesterday's closings.
Delivering on November contracts were not
important , with this month offered nt 19e.
Withdrawals for shipment were unusually
largo , ugKregating 220,409 bushels. No. a
rcgtirar was 19o early , and cash sales were
chiefly b.v sample.
Just a moderate volume of business was
transacted in the various lines of provisions
to-day and fluctuations In speculative values
wcro less violent. The opening liguros were
slightly above yosterday's closing range on
the entire list and in o.irly dealings con
siderable strength was developed. Sub
sequently an easier feeling prevailed , but
there was not enough bear pressure to ser
iously disturb valves. There were no deliveries
liveries on November contracts and the
clique did nothing to enlighten the crowd In
the least as to their intentions. About all that
tbo clique brokers were engaged in openly
was buying November and selling year pork.
On the morning call Itobert Warren sold
considerable pork and durinc the regular
session Hutchmson was a fair buyerof Janu
ary nt $ y.5. The extreme range paid for
that future was $9.83 f ( ii'J.JiO ' and at the cloao
19.23 was the market , being So higher for the
day. Thci o was a fair miscellaneous trade
In this article , but it wai almost entirely
local , there being an appalling degree of
dullness in the outside order trade. Lard
also attracted a fair amount of attention ho-
twuon local professionals , whllo ribs ruled
quiet and without feature. Uoth lard and
rib futures closed substantially the same as
on the day before. lu November pork there
was a shrinkage of T Jo and lu year pork
of Oo. _
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE UKB. ] CATTI.K Tne receipts were di
vided nt about 5,000 natives and 1,000 Texans
and rangers , but only a few cars of the lat
tor. Business was dull and scarcely any
thing wanted but a few exports , such soiling
etuauy to strong and nil ottior classes drag
giug along all day in tbo ruin and mud. Tin
turn In prices was rather lower than other
wiso. Texans ruled slow and dull and to
day were yarded in every division , the
quarantine period expiring on the 3lst of Oc
tobor. Tbo few rangers on the market sole
about the sumo as yesterday. iCalu fell
nearly all the forenoon , somewhat interfer
ing with the stocker and feeder trade , hence
the amount of business transacted was
limited. Choleo to extra hooves , ? 4.X (
(36.05 ( $ medium to good steers , 1830 to 150C
rt)9 , .00@4.60 ; 1200 to 1U10 Ibs. $3.50(8 (
4.25 ; V50 to 1200 Ibs , $3.80@3.75 ,
Stackers mid feeders , Jl.OO S.OO ; cows , bulls
and mixed , $1.00@2.70 : bulk. $1.CO@3.00
Texas steers , | 3.10 ( < f'4.l50 ; cows , $ l.r > 0aJ3.00 (
Western i augurs. $ 'J.4lJ3X ) ( ( ( ) . Wmtorcc
aexans , 2.50C' .40.
Hoas Business was rather active , with t
Blight up turn on best packers and prime
but. common stock sold nearly as low as yes
terday. The advance was in prime mediuir
weight lots that showed a largo per cent o ;
barrows. Liuht sorts sold about a nicko
higher. Packers paid W.7T @aOU , largely a
J3.85 , and shippers $3.05j.'jrK : , largely $ . ) .0."i
A low fancy but choice weights sold at $1.01
( 4,10. The general market closed steady.
Nnvr VOIIK , Nov. 1. ( Special Telegram to
Tun UKU.I STOCKS The feature of tin
stock market for the forenoon was a furthc
break lu trusts , Including Sugar , Cotton
Oil , Load , auu Chicago Gun. Throughout tb
railroad list shares generally presented i
strong front , whllo the bulk ot the traulni
"was lu Cotton Oil , nearly 50,000 shares of i
changing bauds In the first half hour , whll
It declined to considerably lower figured thai
it reached yesterday. Opening nt 3 < y f , ! )
per cent lower than its closing llgur
of yesterday , it declined to Si ;
and remained In the tiolghborhooi
of i13 for tbo rest of the hour. In the regula
HsttbiTO was llttlo animation ouUIdo o
Union Pacific ana Ton.icmoo Coal , the lattc
buing the strong feature. It opened at 5
end rose to 0 : ) , retaining most of the im
provcmcnt , Tbo opening prices were generally
orally from } ( to Yt per cout higher than las
uight'a figures , and further fractional ad
vaucci were niaito throughout the llsi
Lackawanun , Union Pacific and low
Central preferred being the tuoa
prominent for the advances made
Trusts were at first Inclined to follow th
general lift , but Load afterward gava wa.
ud scored a decline of 1 % per cent Durln
the hour to 13 o'clock Interest centered stl !
more in trusts. Chicago Gas went oft 2)
under last night to Wtf ami recovered t
MJf. Cotton Oil became still moro demoral
ized nnd broke to 32 0 , nearly 0 points under
last night and 4 point * under the opening
flpuro. Sugar wo less weak , touching 71J-
and recovering to 7ft , Tennessee Coal lost
most of Its early advance , declining to 69 } .
Hallroftd stock * wcro but llttlo nltcctod
by the eccentric action of trust * . The losses
up to noou from the best figures of the mornIng -
Ing ranged from \i \ to > per cent. Union
Pacific sold nt 68)4 ) ; nnd off to 07Jf. Vnndor-
bllt share * were strong nil through. The
closing hours of the stock ; mnrkct were oven
moro interesting than the morning. The rate
for money wa * again bid up to 13 per cent ,
and In connection with the shaky condition
f trusts everything pcmtblo was done to
rcnk the railroad list. A special drive , was
mndo at all western stocks , which resulted
n a loss of % @ ) l per cent In most of the
Grangers , 1 per cent In IJurllngton to 105 > ,
nd 2)4 ) In Missouri Pacific , which was
rcsscd to C3Jf. Atctmon closed steady nt
1. Vnndorbilt shares yielded slightly also.
Jnlon Pnclflo cloned \4 \ per cent lower at
' . The losses In trusts ranged nt about
for Chicago Ga * nnd 5 points in Sugar ,
vhllo Sugar closed about steady.
The following were the closing quotations :
) . S.4 regular , 127 Northern Vacino. . HI
J.8. Jscotipoai . . .127 dopreforroil . 7U' , '
J.a4'4iroiUIvr..IOI' ( . u N. w . HIM
J. S.4'ji coupons..ItVi1 ( lcprorurrcil..Hl
'ncltlcitjot 'Ui 117J N.i'.Cfentral
Central 1'aclllo SI . . . . . .
" ! hlcauo.V Alton . . .i31 llooklilrm.l . .
Chicago , llurllnyton . . . . . . . .
10V { ( lopreferrflu . I12H
HO'f aui'
lllnoUCcntrAl . Ill ) doproterrfld . flu'.i '
I. . II. AV. . , . ui ( ir ion
. . \V..St.U 3cV
' .nkoShora . IQT'S ' ( loproforroil. .
llclilcnii Control. Western Union.
Missouri I'aclllo . . . 03 ; ;
MO.NET Tight , ranging from 0 to 12 per
. cut ; closed offered at 0 per cent.
PUIME MnuCAmtB PAI-C rt 5J (557) ( ) c per
SreitMNn ExciiAxau Quiet , heavy sixty-
: lay bills , ; doinand. W. J.
Nnw YOUK , Nov. 1. fSuecial Telegram
; oTnc BEB.I Tin follo.viu are the mln-
ngatocU quotations !
Asp n . , , . .400 Iron Silver 203
llfjt.M Itclrlior Mexican tfM
L'nleiloiila II. Il .Mutual 14i )
Ontario DIDO
loulil&Uutry . ! ) Plymouth 100
lomeatakn . . . . . . , 'Jfl Sierra Nevada NX )
lorn yilvor. . l. ' > 3
CrncAOO. Nov. 1. 1:15 : p. m. oloso
Wheat Lower ; November , TOc : December ,
" ) .lrfc ; Mtiy , byj c.
Corn Lower ; November , 32J c ; Deoem-
) eryi ) < fo ; May , iWJfe.
Oatu Loxver ; November , IS c : Decom-
ccr , ISJjfc ; May , Sl gC.
Ilyo November , I''c.
Uarlo.v November , BCo.
Flax-Cash , Sl.iMH ; May , $1.37 ,
Prltnu Timothy 11.10.
Whisky $1.0' > .
Pork Ste.tdy ; November , f9 00 ; January ,
59 23.
Lard Steady ; November , $3.93 ; January ,
Flour Unchanged.
Provisions -Shoulders , $ ( .50 ( t.fi2' : short
clear , * 5.50(25.0 ( % ; short ribs , Novemb"r ,
humor Dull ; creamery , 10@23o ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars ,
: Hats , 'J , ' @Sl c ; Young Americas.
Eggs Steady ; fresh ,
Ilidot Weak and unchanged ; light green
salted , Oc ; dry calf , 5@Uc ; deacons , each ,
Tnllow Weak and unchanged ; No. 1
solid packed , 4c ; No. a , G ) c ; cake , 4)fe.
Het.oipt'j. Suipm'ts.
Flour 19,003 9.000
Wheat 77.00J10.000
Corn 120,000 203,000
Oats 145,000 319.000
Now York , Nov. 1. Wheat Receipts ,
53,000 ; exports. 31,430 ; spot weaker ; No. a
red , 83@si : > fo In elevator , 34J4 ( < S3)4c afloat ,
S3V285J.Cc ! f. o. b. ; ungradeu red , TI ®
b9 > ic ; options lower , closing weak ; No. -
rod , November , closing nt 83c.
Corn Receipts , 93.00 bushels ; exports ,
120,000 bushels ; spot fairly active , closing
easier ; No. 2 , 41K@ll c in elevator , 42 } o
afloat ; No. 2 white , llejungraded mixed , 40 ( < 5
42Kc ; options weaker ; November closing at
4Uc. , ? *
Oats Receipts , 09,000 bushels ; exports ,
57,000 ; spot llrm ; options weaker ; Novem
ber closing at 25Jc | ; spot No. 3 , white ,
28J @ -Su ; tnixoU western , 24S27oj ( white
western , 27V27 ( e.
Coffee Options closed steady at o points
up. Sales : 11,000 bags ; November , $11.85 ®
14.10 ; spot Uio , steady ; fair cargoes , $19.00.
Sugar Raw , dull and depressed ; roliuou ,
quiet and unchanged.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at $1.00
for December.
Pork Quiet ; mess , inspected , $12.053
Eggs Firm ; western , 23@24o.
Lard Easier and quiet ; western , steam ,
$3.70gi3.73 ( ; November closing at $0,45 asked.
Butter Quiet ; Elgin , 2l > @ 25c ; western
dulrv , 9@15o ; creamery , 12@2lc.
Cheese Quiet ; western , 7 > ( d10c. !
Kann City , Nov. 1. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 hard , cash GIJ c ; Novombsr , OJf@ )
03 0 ; No. 8 hard , cash , 59)io ; November ,
59'i59c ; No. 3 soft , cash , 07 ? c ; Novem
ber. t.7 @ 07 c.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 23o bid ; No
vember , 23) ) < o ; No. 2 white , cash , 2fo bid ; No
vember , 2c bid.
Oats No. 3 cash , 15J o ; November , ICo.
MllwniticaiN Nov. 1. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 73) u ; No. 1 noithorn , SID.
Corn Firmer ; No. 3 , 33 > fe.
Oats Firmer : No. 3 white , 21 @ 23c.
Rye Firm ; No. 1. 44' c.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , December , 52 > fc.
Provislous Easy ; pork , 19.45.
St. rmuU , Nov. 1. Wnoat Higher ;
cash , 77c ; May , SlIXc.
Corn Weaker ; cash , 29c ; May , SOJ o.
Oats Weak ; cash , 18c bid ; Aluy , 22c.
Pork-Quiet at f 11.50.
Lard Lower at 55.00.
Butter Unchanged.
Altnncnpnliii Nov. 1. Sample wheat
firmer and higher ; receipts , 500 cars ;
shipments , 118 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
November , 77c ; May , 83c ; on track , 77@7Sc ;
No , 1 northern , November , 71c ; May , bUXu ;
on trncK , 75 > K7iJ ) c ; No. 3 northern , No
vember , 70o ; May , 70Kc ; on track , 70@74o.
Ijlvernuol , Nov. 1. Wheat Steady ,
demand Improving ; holders offer moderately ;
California No , 1 , 7s iJ@7s IM per cental.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mixed
western , 4s Id per cental ,
Cincinnati , Nov. 1. Wheat Steady ;
flrm ; No. 2 rod , 78o.
Horn Strong ; No. 3 mixed , 35e.
Oats Strong ; No. 3 mixed , 21K@33a
WuiBky 51.03.
iavn stooK
. . -
Clilonuo , Nov. 1. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle -Receipts , 9,000 ; market generally
dull and lower ; choice to extra beeves.
$4.00 ( < i5.03 ; stours. $3.80@4.50 ; stackers and
iccdorti , tlUO@t..9J ; cows , bulls und mixed ,
* l,00i-J.70i ( ! 'loxas cattle1.5J@3.CO ; west
ern rangers , f . ' .40@3.l0. !
liogsReceipts , 23,000 ; market strong to
5o higher ; mixed , $3.75@4.00 ; heavv , $3,70
( j(4,00 ( ; light , eJ.bOCj4.15 ; BUIps , * 30C@3.85.
Snoop Kcoolpta , 0,000 ; inurkot steady ,
closing weak : natives , $ i75Cit5.00 : westerns ,
fj.5003l.10Tuxaus , M,00@t.OO ; lambs , $1.33
Sioux City , Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts ,
550 ; shipments , none ; market unchanged ;
cows , | l)0@ ) . > .0ristockors ; and feeders , f 1.50
@ 3.80 ; veal calves , $ . ' .00@3.15.
Horfg Receipts. 4.9JO ; market steady ;
light and mixed , { 3.65(28.75 ( ! heavy , 3.00Q
ICiiuiias City , Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts ,
5,900 ; shipments , 0,150 ; market steady ;
cows , fl.yOQi.35j Btockora und feeders ,
f'J.15 ( < J3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 1,350 ]
market strong and hlghur ; light , | 3.80@3.00 ;
heavy and mixed , fJ.ti5Qy.Bl ) .
NiUiuunl Htoclc Yards , Bast St.
Ijnuld , Nov. J. Cattle Receipts. 1,400 ;
shipments , 200 ; market strong : fair tc
choice heavy native steers , W.8Xi ( < J4.SO ; stock-
era ana feeders , tLBO J.OO ; ran go steers ,
Hogs Uucolpts , 3,700 ; shipments , 700 ;
markutstronger : heavy , f3.80S4.00 ; pack
lag , 3.TO3.00j light , t3,85 < H .OQ.
OMAHA MVt ; srocic.
Friday , Nov. 1.
To-day's trading In cattle was very unsat
isfactory. There wa n heavy fall of no\v ,
lostlng all day , which made the cattle look
nt their worst and caused every ono \vho
could to remain Indoors , The early receipts
conilstcd of only about twenty-three COM ,
but later trains brought up the total to over
n thousand head. Reports from eastern
points wore hot encouraging and the demand
was very light , the packers not scorning to
want many cattle and tno speculators did not
euro to buy with the prospect of holding In
such a storm. A few lucKy salesmen who
linpucnca to have lust what was wanted
thought they got yesterday's ' prices , but as a
rule operators were reporting the market flat
nnd lower. This was especially true of the
medium nnd half fut natives , of which there
has been an over supply of late. Native
steers sold at , S3. 'OQI.OJ. The same thing
could bo said of butchers' stock ; it was very
slow nnd In many cases salesmen thought
they were offered less monoy. Natives
brought fl.SCQ i.75 , ana the westerns * 3.00.
Feeders nnd stackers sold moro freely than
the other kinds of cattle , but at n decline of
about lOc. A largo proportion of tbo cattle
on sale were cleaned up.
hoc * .
The receipts of hogs wcro light and the
market opened strong to Co higher on heavy
and mixed , und some light sons sold perhaps
lOc higher. While the market remained in
that state the trade was qulto active , but the
heaviest packers wcro In no hurry to buy ,
und ns the litter trains came in the market
dropped back to where It was yesterday.
The packers wanted the heavy und mixed
hogs that were loft atXG3. . As every ono
wanted about the morning prices the trade
was very slow. The market drapcud the re
mainder of the forenoon , and at iniddav there
wcro still a number of loads unsold. The
market closed with the * morning's advance
about lost.
The bulk of the sheep were feeders nnd
consigned through.
Cattle . 1.030
Boss . 2.500
Sheep . a.340
Horses . . . -11
Tlio fallowing Is , i table of pricai pAhl In
thiiuiarkot for tha gr.ulaa of stock mon *
tionod i
runosteers. 1391 to WW lbs..fUO @l.50
Good steers , 12' > J to 11V ) IbJ. . 8.93 c/H25
Good steers , 103 } to lUOJlb * . . . 350 M4.0J
Western steers 3.50 W ! | . 15
Common 1000 to 1150 ib steers. 3.00 ( gJ.iM )
Common canners 1.00 ' ( n > l.59
Ordinary to fair cows 1,51 Ml.75
Fair to good cows 1.73 @ 1.90
Good to choice cowa 1.93 ( ( t)2.40 )
air to good bulls 1.50 032.00
, ightstocitors and feeders. . . . 8.70 @ 3.7rt
Good feeders , 930 to 1103 Ibs. . . 3.70 ru3.73
Fair to choice light Hogs 3.75 ( $3.83
Fair to choice heavy noas 8.70 ( a.8.75
Fair to choice ihixed hogs 3.70 ( rf3.75
Common to rough heirs 8.23 @ 3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
43 1107 H 10 HI 1097 850
20 11CO 't 10 IS 1074 350
19 1017 340 18 123'J 3 CO
2 870 350 20 1293 400
CO\\ .
11 1057 1SO 3 1100 300
11 709 180 9 1128 205
U57 11)5 ) 23 ICUl 220
18 983 300 3 i)23 ) 375
1003 2 : )7 > 20 1075 240
80 1143 3 37) 33 10sO 245
21 1003 340 29 70-1 360
1 1400 170 1 H30 200
1 1010 1 73
14 411 3 00
930 1 3
Owner aud No. Av. Pr.
A. Mnntli's
Showing the number of cattle , hosi and
sheep bought on this market by the dllTurciit
buyers during the past month :
Swift & Co 10,473
O. U. Ilainmonil & Co 5,4113
Armour-Cudahy Packing Co 0,172
Omaha Packing Co 10 ?
Shippers and feeders 31,937
Local 43
Unasaigiicd 78G
Total 5J.03S .
Armpur-Cudahy Packing Co 39.52J
OmalmPacking Co ; . . . . 29,212
J. P. Sijuiros&Co 11,907
KInKan &Co 4.24D
O. H. Hammond & Co 10,03'J
Swift & Co : 11,82. "
Uluckshlro & Co 3,054 ,
Local i
Sinclair 82J
Total I'iO.SOt
Swift & Co 1,001
G. H. Hammond .t Co 1,001
Armour-Cudahy Packing Co Ol'J
Omaha PackiugCo til , "
J. S.III11 1.481
Sllborhorn 20 ?
J. Kobb 4C
Urown IK
M. W. Begun . 34i
lloogo & Sons 18-
J , Uowcra 11C
Total C.74J
I.lvo StouU Notes.
Henry Wchrman , of Nelson , was in will
M. H. Jeffrey , of Silver Creek , was in will
H. C. Dawson was In from Endicott with
Armsburger & Heed marketed bogs frou
J. F. Borryman was In from Cordova foi
Southard brothers marketed hogs froir
Atlantic , la.
Fred Uartlett , of Amswortb , spent the daj
at tbo yards.
D. Bolivar carao up from Dawson , Mo.
after siocuers ,
C. O. llenny , of Herman , was ono of the
market visitors.
M. Mackoy. a regular shipper , was la f roir
Kustls , with hog * .
C. W. Linn , of Henderson , la. , was look
iug after feeders.
J. D , Parker came over from Griswold
la. , to visit the yards.
K. W. King , of Concordia , Kan. , was ot
the market with cattlo.
Ansolmo was represented by J. D , Glodo
wbo had hogs on the market.
John Corn , of Hooper , was In with tw <
cars of cattle and one car of hogs ,
Will mm Johnson , of Ccrihr'Haptds.tniul
two lands of cattle on the mapkqt.
W. MoshnRiS , of Mo hngo & Hcodlan , of
Docl ? o , wns in with two caM < of liops.
J. A. ICohoe , president oTio Nebraska
Llvo Stock Shippers' association , waa in
from Platte Center.
Stock Inspector Clark Hoxvnrit durlnc Oc
tober condemned twenty-two dlsoascd cat-
tic , turning them over to tlo ) Union Kumlcr-
Ing company. The average prlco Dalit for tha
carcasses was $3 45.
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
Efloa Strictly fresh , ISui'sooondi , 14c.
Ilinr.a , PF.LTS , TAI.U ) V. KTC. Green
salted hides , t/o ; damaged Index , 3Kc ; dry
nint hides , 7o ; calf hldoa , SCnjo o ; damaged
hides 2c lesi ; sheep polls , green , each , 25c(3 (
Jl.OJ ; sheen pelts , dry , per Ib. 70120 ; tallow ,
Ixo. 1 , 4@4Ko ; No. 3 , 3@Ji < a ; grease ,
white , 4@4 > < i yellow , 2W@Jc.
SAUSVOE Uologna , 4S { lic ; Frankfort
" 05 tongue , 8cs summer , 18c ; hcadchecso , "o ,
POUI.TKY Chickens , per doz. live , lions
$3.75@3.00 ; sprlngsi. * 2.60@3.7r ) ' , arcssod
lior Ib , lOfailtjj turkeys , hveU@10e : dressed ,
ll@12c ; ducks. Hvo. per' doz. $3.5033.00 ;
dressed per Ib , ll@l'ic ; geese , llvo , per doz ,
fOOO3.00 ( ! dressed per ib , H(3l2c. (
LAUD Tierces Ueflncd Oc ; ptiro leaf ,
c ; kettle rendered "c. Aud 'tfc to J o for
smaller quantities.
WOOL Fine , average , 22@Mc : medium ,
average , 2l@22o ; quarter blood , avoraRO , 20
@ 21c ; coarse , avornvo , 15@17o ; colts nnd
rough , nverngo , 14f$10c. (
Fum Heaver , each , MOOgO.bO ; ot
ter , each , f3.00@7.00 ; wolf , each , fiOc ®
tl.i" > ; coot ) , uach , 2.75c ; mini ? ,
each , 15 ( < $ t0c ! ; muskrat , fall , 5tf9o ( ! skunk ,
rat , 15ra50c ; ; batigor , rat , 23SOo , deer skins ,
fall , per Ib , 18 'jrc.
LEMONS Fancy , W.OOQS.50 ; choice , $1.50
@ 0.00.
UuTTr.nisn Tubs 14c ; rolls , I5c.
Coco \NUTS-Pcr 100 , J5.00.
Cinnit Uuls , ? 5 50 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAi'1.13 SUOAII 12j j(216c | per Ib.
Vn vi.Choice , medium size , fiSJOe ; choice
heavy , 4@5c.
Livr. Pionojts Per doz , $1,50.
GAME Prairie chiukons , $300 3.50 ; mal
lard ducks. $3.50@3.00 ; mixed ducks , tl.5'J@ '
t 75 ; teal , ? 1,55 | 1.50 ; Jack snipe , $1.00i5l.25 ( ;
quail , 8l.75@i.OU ; jack raboits , M.OOCnJ ! fiO ;
small rabbits , ? 1.00@1.SO ; squirrels , $1.00(3 ( ;
1.10 ; jilover , $1.00 1.25 ; vculson saddles ,
13@llc ; carcasses , 810e.
UHASS Choioa hand-picked navj$1.75 ®
2.00 ; choice hand-picked medium , $1.05@1.SO ;
cholco hand-picked country , fl.OOiJl.SO ( ;
clean country , 51.50@1.CO ; Inferior country ,
Uitccai : Young Americas , full cream ,
12a ; factory twins , llC < tH2 , c ; off grades , 7(3 (
fa'c ; Van Uoisen ICdom , $11.50 per doz ; sap
sago , 19o ; briclr , lie ; limburgcr , 9c ; domes
tic Swiss , 13@14e.
Ouivitnuitiiis Capo Cod , $9.00@10.00.
OiiAN'OKS Louisiana , per box , S4 00.
UtuK\vitcAT FI.OUU Per bbl. , $0.60.
GitAi'iss N. Y. Concord , per basket , 35 ®
Ari'jr.s Per bbl. , $1.00@3.00.
Cu.iroiiNMA Gitvi'ns $1.5ag$1.73.
PniKS lOlb. boxs , St.75 2.25.
13NANAS According to size , per bunuh ,
$ iOOg3.00. ( _
POVISIONS Hams , No , 1 , 10-lb. average ,
Jtfo ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lOo ; 12 to 11 Ibs , lie ;
shoulders , 5 > c ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , & c ;
ham suus.tgc , 9c ; dried bcof bams , be ;
beef tongues , * O.OJ per dozen ; dry salt meats ,
4M60JBO per lu ; ham roulette , C.Jo ) ; add leper
per Ib lor small lota.
Uninn Pitt ITS Currants , new , 5fc :
prunes , casks , 1,300 His , 4 c ; prunes , bbls
or baps , 4 c ; citron pools , drums , 20 lt > s
22c ; lemon pool , drums , 20 Ibs , 17c ; fard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , io ! ; apricots , cholco evap
orated , 14c ; apncots , jelly , cured , 251l > boxes ,
lOc ; apricots , fancv. Mount Hamilton. 25-lb
boxes , lOc ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 Ibs ,
; apples , evaporated. Alden , 50 Ib boxes ,
SHC ; apples , Star , 8Jfoj apples , fancy
Aldcu , 5 Ib , lOc ; auples , fancy Aldeu ,
2 Ib , lOKo ; Salt Lake , 9 c ; black
berries , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 5 > i@
OJ c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15c ; pears ,
California fancy , > s boxes , 25 Ib , 12) ) c ;
peaches , Gal No. 1 , fancy , J s unp bags , 80
Ibs , 15c ; nectarines , red , 12c ; nectarines ,
silver , bags , TJc ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 Ib
boxes , lie ; raspberries , evep N Y , now , 27c ;
prunes , Cal , U C , 90-100 boxes , 25 Ibs , 0o ;
prunes , Cal , U C. 00-10 , Uc ; orange peel , 15a ;
raisins , California Lontlons , crop 19S9 , $2.50 ;
raisins , , loose muscatels , crop 1838 , $2.00
(3)2.10 ( ) ; Vulenclas , 18S3 , Oc.
Hoxr.Y lOc per ib for choice.
PiiESEitvus 9K@10c per Ib.
JUM.IE3 l@4) c per Ib.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19c.
Pins FKET Pickled , Ittts , 75c ; plcklod
Digs tongues , kits , S3 35 ; pickled trlpo , kits ,
O. j ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 8oc ; spicoa
pigs hocks , kits , 51.15.
UEKP fONOuns Salt , bbls , $3X00.
H.vr ? o.OO@.i.OO.
CHOIFECD - 10.03511.03.
SHOUTS > .00@8 50.
OATS ! S@l9c ,
ONIONS 25@30c.
SAUKK KIIAUT Ubbls , $5.00 ; h'f bbli , $3 00.
BUTTnit Creamery , fancy , 23@2Jc ; choice
20@21c. Dairy , fancy , 17@18c ; cholco , 15
@ 10J. Country , fancy , ! U l7c ; good to
choice , 1415o ; fair , 10llc ; inferior , 7@Sc. Medium , per bbl. $5.00 ; small
$0.00 ; gherkins , 57.00 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts. $5.85 ; pts. ? 3.40.
CANDY 9K@l-Ke Per Ib.
CIIOCOIATU ANI > Cocov 21@37c per Hi ;
German chickory , red , 71Jrfc.
Gisouit Jamaica , \ { uints , $3.00 per doz.
SiiOAiis Cut , SJiCjcut loafcubes,8Xc.
standard , powdered , 8l/4cXXXX ; , powderod-
9c : granulated , standard , 7 } @ 7c ; confec ;
tioners' A , 7 o ; white , extra C , 7c ; extra
C , Nebraska , O c ; amber , O o ; California ,
golden C , 0" " c
CANNKU MEATS 1 Ib lunch tongue , $2.00 ;
21b lunch tongue , S1.75 ; 1 Ib corned beef ,
$1.20 ; 2 Ib corned beef , ? 2.0" ; 0 Ib corned
beef , $0.50 ; 14 Ib corned beef , Sll.0031t ;
boneless pigs feet , $ j.20 ; 1 Ib English brawn ,
$1.30 ; 3 Ib ICnglish brawn , $2.15 ; 0 Ib Englis\j \
brawn , $0.75 ; 1 Ib compressed ham , $1.75 ;
2 Ib compressed ham , $2.75 ; lib chipped
beef , 83.00.
CANNUD FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; sal
mon trout , 2 Ib. ? 2.33 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.23 :
clams , 2 Ib , W.OO ; clam chowder , 8 Ib , $1.25 :
deviled crabs , 1 : b , $3.25 ; deviled orabs , 3 Ib ,
$ .1.50 ; couiisn ballu , 2 lit , $1.75 ; caviar , % Ib ,
$3.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 :
lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.95 ; lobsters , deviled , % Ib ,
2.25 ; muckerul , Ib , $1,75 ; mackerel mutt
turd SUUCL' , ! t Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomatc
sauce , 3 Ib , $3.25 ; oysters , 1 Ib , Me ; oysters
Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. U. , lib , $3.00 ; salmon. .
C. K. , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 :
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib
Con'iJn Green Fancy1 , old golden Hio ,
22 > c ; fancy old poaberryv2Jc ; Hlo choici
to tancy , 23a ; Hlo , prime21c ; Hlo , good ,
20c ; Mocha , 30c ; Java , fancy Mandohllng ,
23o ; Java , good Interior , 24q ; African , 21c ,
COITRI ; Housted Arbucklo's Anosa
23o : McLaughlln's XXXX,23c ; German
2J'iJc ' : Dilwortli , 2ys'o : : AlaYoma , 2. ) o.
Flail Salt Dried codflsli.SI/fgSHojscalcc
herring , 21c per bnx ; hoi. horrlni ; . dom. , G5o
Hamburg , sploid herring , $1.60 ; hoi. herring
Imp. , 80o : inacuerol , largo family , $10.23 poi
! 00 Ibs ; whit i fNn , No. 1 , ST.OO : family
$3.75 ; trout , & . 35 ; salmon , IS.&O ; anchovies
NUTS AlmnrdH. lo no ; ' Brazils , lee ; 111
berts , llo ; pecans , lOo ; wnlnuts , 12J e ; pea
nut coclts , 8 > oj roasted , 10 > o ; Tcuuessci
peanuts , 7c. PAPEII Straw , per Ih , \i &
2 0 ; rug , S oj manllla , 11 ( D@0 o ; No. 1
SALT-Dalry , 230 Ibs m bbl , bulk , 13.10 ;
best prado. 00 , 5s , fi.UO ; best grade , 100 , 8j ,
13,40 : best groda 23 , 10s , 13.20 ; roolc salt
crushed. tl.SO ; dalr.v salt , Ashton , 50-lb baea
83o ; bulk , 231-lb bags , (3.23 ; common , n
bbls , J1.23.
FAUINACEOUS GOODS Barley , 3@3K" ; fat
ina , 4 > < o ; peas , 3J/o ; oatmeal , 2 @ 5o ; mac
curoni , llo ; vermfeeHl , llo ; rice ,
sago and tapioca , ( ! @ 7c.
SALbODA l2) ) o per Ib ,
STAHCII 5@7o per lu.
STOVB POLISH $3.00@5.87 per gross.
SHOES Whole , per Ib Allspice , 9o ; Cai
sta , China , 'Jo ; cloves , Ponang , 2So ; nui
meg , No. 1 , 75o ; pepper , 18Q19C.
Twines and nojio.
HiNDnits1 TWINE Sisal , 18o ; hemp , 14o
manllla , 15o ,
Ci.OTHESUXE3-Cotton , 60 ft , 11.20 ; cotton
60 ft , 11.40 ; Jute , 50 ft , Wet Jute , DO ft , ll.OC
Cono.v Twixe-Fino , 20o ; medium , lO o
heavy hemp , 14o : light hemp , 17c.
SAIL Twisuli , sail , 800 } Calcutta , He
> lanllla rope , 14o ; slsnl roixs , llHO !
roccsH , 8 fo ) Julo , 9 > < cr cotton 1005 hldo
ope , 17e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iniinlior niul Hulldlni ; Mntorlnl ,
STOCK BoAttus A , 13 Inch , s 1 s U nnd 10
oot , $10.00 ; 13 13 inch , s I s 12 , U and 10 feet ,
11.00 : O 13 inch , a 1 9 13 , 14 and 10 feet ,
30.00 ; I ) 13 Inch , sis 13 , 14 and 10 feet ,
U3.00 : No. 1 com 13 In. s 1 s 13 foot , $18.00 ;
o. 3 com 12 In , s 1 s 14 and 10 feet , $17.50 ®
8.50 ; No. 1 com 12 In , s 1 s 10 , IS nnd 20 fret ,
19.50 ; No. 2 com 13 in , 8 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
ot'ian LuMiirm- Clear poplar box bds. X
n. s 3 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , < panel ,
WO.OO ; clear poplar , ? In panel , $ > 00 ; clear
wplnr , } i In panel stock wide , s 3 s33.00 )
iloar poplar corrugated colling , J6. $39.00.
I'osis White cedar , 0 Inch halves , I2o ;
vlilto cedar , 5V Inch halves nna 3 inch quar-
ors , He ; white cedar , -1 Inch round , lOo ;
Tennessee rod cedar , split , lOo ; split oak ,
vhtto , So ; sawed oak , I7c.
SHIP LAP No. 1 plaln,8nnd 18 Inch. $17.50 ;
o. 2 plain , S and 10 tach , $15.53 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft VO It S'J ft 24 ft
X4..1SOO 1500 1500 1(100 ( 1000 1800 1900
X0..1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
X9..1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800.1900
ixl0..1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 IS 00 19 00
! x2..1B001500 ! 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
x48x8.10 00 1000 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 19 00
Fns'ciNfl No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and U ft ,
rough , $ IO.OO@10.60 ; No. 1.4 and 0 Inch , 10ft ,
17.00 < $17.50 ; No. 3 , 4 nnd ( .Inch , 13 nnd 10ft ,
; I3.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 10 ft , $15.00
( $10.00.
Fisiatiixo 1st nnd 3d clear , \ \ ( Inch , s3 ,
; I9.00 51.00 ; Island 2J clear , l > i and 2 Inch ,
,3s , , fl7.00@50.0J ; 3d clear , 1 ' 4 Inch , s U B ,
43.00@10.00 ; U select , 1 < { l > tf mul 3 Inch , a
! s , $37.00@33.00 ; 1st und 2d clear , t inch , s 3
, . $15.00 , 3J clear , I iiH'li , s'33. $30.09 ; A so-
.cot. 1 Inch , s 3s , $33.00 ; i ) select , 1 inch , s 3
s , S30.00.
Sin.voi.ns , LATH Per M XX clear , S.U5 ;
extra A * . $200 ; standard A , $3.00 ; 5-lttch
iloar , $ l.GO ( < $ t.70 ; 0-Inch clear , $1.75@1.SO ;
No. 1 , $ I.U1.15 ) ; clear red cedar , mixed
.v'dtln . ' , from Wushlngtoit territory , $ } 40 ;
California red wood , dimension wdths ! , 450 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension \vldthsJ.25 ;
' .atti. . W.OO.
13oAtti)3 No. loom s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 , do , ? W.i > 0 ; No. 3 , do , $14.50 ;
No. 4 , do ( ship's cull ) , $11.09. Add 50o per
M ft for rough.
13ATTKNSrr.u , Tumxo , PICKETS O. G.
Jatts , 2U-inch , OOc ; O. U. liatts , 3K ( Z3 , si ,
J3u : 3-ln well tubing , D..M. and bov , $23.10 :
pickets , D. &H. , ilat , $3 ' , .00 : pickets , D. &
II. , square , $10.00.
FI.OOUIXQ 1st com 0-in white pine. $ .11.00 ;
2dcomlMn white pine , $31. OJ ; 3d com 0-ln
whitu pine , $3000 ; 13 com 0 in whllo nine ,
$20.00 ; com 4 and 0-in yellow pine , $15.00 ,
Star -l-in yellow pine. $17.00 ; 1st uud 2cl clear
yellow pine , 4 nnd 0-ln , $19.00.
white pine partition , $13.00 ; 2i com % -in
, vhito pine partition , 32700 : cloarln yel
low pine ceiling , $30.00 ; clear ? -in Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2d com ? g'-ln Norway , $12 30.
LIMB Uest , & 5.
Ol.MKNT $1.33.
HAIII 20c.
Bun.nixo HnicK Common , $0.00@7.00 per
M ; sulcutcd. $7.00@3.00 per M ; sewer brick ,
$ S.OO@9.00 per M.
Dry Goods.
PKINTS Pink and Robes Richmond , Oc ;
Allen , Oo ; Hiverpomt , 5) ) < c ; Steel Hiver ,
OJtfc ; Pacillc , 0 } c.
I'niNTS Indigo Uluo St. Lcger , G > c ;
Washington , Oc ; American , 0 } o ; Arnold ,
GJfe ; Arnold Century , Oo ; Windsor Gold ,
1'k't , lOKo ; Arnold B , lO c ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Seal , lO e ; Yellow Seal , 10 } c.
COMroitTEHS $0.5U ( < tS3.00.
Coitsnr JEAXS Boston , 7J c ; Androscog-
; In , 7c ; ICearsago , ? iU' Hockport , 0 ] ) c ;
Jonosioga , 0) ) c.
CitASti Stevens' B , 5)Jo ; Stevens' A , 7o ;
bleached , be ; Slovens' P , 7J/c ; bleached ,
8c ; Stevens' N. SJ 'e ; bleached , 9 > c ; Ste
vens' SH" ' , llj c.
DENIMS Amosucag , 9oz , 10 } c ; Everett , 7
or , 13a ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Hu.vmaker , S' o ;
Jaffrey , XXy \ Jnffrey , XXX , 12Kc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; tleavor Creek , BB ,
Ho ; Beaver Crook , CO , lOc.
GINGHAM Plunkett , checks , G cVhit ; -
tenton , O c ; York , 7K < s ; Normaudl dioss ,
; Calcutta , dress , 7 c ; Whlttonton dross ,
r Renfrew dress , 8i < J@12 > c.
SHEETING , BLEACHED lillorton 7) c ;
Housekeeper , 8V c ; Now Candidate , S c ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9c ; iTou Bet. 4 4 ,
c ; reen , c ; ope , , , c : ng p
cambric , lOo ; Lonsdalo caniDno , lOc ; Lons-
dale , SKc ; New York mills , lOo ; Pepporoll ,
42 In , lOo ; Pepporoll , 40 in , lie ; Pepporoll ,
04 , 14c. Pepperell , 8-4 , 20c ; Popporell , 9-4 ,
22c ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-4. 8 > c ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9 > c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wumsutta ,
llo : Valley , 5c.
SHEETING , BHOWK Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 0 ;
Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0o ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Co ; Au
rora C , 4-4. 4o ; Crown XXX. 44 , OJfc ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5J c ; Indiim Head , 4-4 , 7e ;
erell , 9-4 , 20c ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 23o ; UtlcaO ,
% c : Wnchusetts , 4-J , 7c ; Aurora It , 4 4 , 7c ;
Aurora B , 1-4 , 0 > c.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 } c ; International ,
YY , 8c ; Shotuckel , Sb } c ; Warran , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick. HA , 18u : Acrne , 13c ; York ,
30 lu , 12Kc ; York , 82 in , 13u ; Swift River ,
So ; Thorndike , OO , 8 0 ; TUorndiko , EF ,
8J ; Thorndike , 130 , 9 > e ; Tliornaiko , XX ,
15e ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9J4 J ; Cordis , No. 4 ,
DUCK West Point , 28 in , 8 oz , 9Ko ; West
Point , 29 ID. 10 oz , 12Xc ; West Point , 29 in ,
1'ioz. 15) c ; West Point. 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
FIANSELS Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Cleat-
Lake , 30 > u ; Iron Mountain , 20 } c.
PniMTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , 0 > c ; Garner oil , 0@7c.
SHIUTINO CHECKS Caledonia X , 9Ko ; Cal
edonia XX , lO c ; Economy , 9c ; Otis. 9c ;
Granite , G&e ; Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw
River plaids , ftfc.
FI.ANNCM whlto-G. H. No. 2 , % , 22Ko ;
G. H. No. 1 , % , 20Jfc ; G. H. No. 2 , ? { , 23 o ;
G. H. No. 1 , ! ! f,30o ; Quochco No. 3 , , 32Kc ;
Quecheo No. 2 , JU7 > c ; Anawau , 32 o :
Windsor , 32Jfe.
FLAXSBLs-Red C , 24 Inch , 15 > < Jo ; E , 24
inch , 21Kc ; G. G. 24 inch , 20c ; H. A. F. % ,
25c ; J. it. F. } { . 27c ; G. % , 25a
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gum , Sc ; Beauty ,
} o ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0.30.
UiANKBTs White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
$1.10@3.0 > ) .
WAUP Bibb , white , ISJ c ; colored ,
YY , ISu ; BU , 19o ; 20 , bleached , 8tfo ; (10 ( ,
13 > $ u ; 80 , IS o ; 50 , brown and slate , 'Jo ; 70 ,
12ko90 ; , lOo.
KKNTUCKV JKANS Hercules , 17c ; Loam-
Inggno23 c ; Glenwood , 20c ; Melville , 25u ;
HataUp,27Ko ; Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint ,
18c ! Durham , 27' c.
MisCiiLLiNEoutJ Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , $2 50 ; plain Holland ,
OWe ; dado Holland , 12Kc.
PHINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5c ; Ramopo ,
4o ; Lodi , 5 40 ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond , Cu ;
Windsor , O o ; Eddystone , 0)fo ) ; Pacillc ,
Druus nnd Ctiomlcnls.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 o : citric ,
per pound , 51o ; oxalic , per pound , lie ; tar-
turlo powdered , per pound , 43o ; carbolic , 33
@ 45o.
AI.UM Per pound , 2) c.
AMMONIA CurDonato , per pound , llc ,
AititowitooT Per pound , lOo.
BAI.SOM Copulbd , per pound , GSo ; tolu , 52
@ 55c.
BOHAX Refined , per pound , lie.
CALOMEL Am. , per pound , S3u.
CASTOII On < 11.34.
Cuimn BEHHIES $1.50.
OANTIIAIIIUBil 75c(2fl.05. (
CASSIA HUDS Per pound , 18o.
CiiLUKOroiiM For pound , He.
Coiiuoaivi ; boiiLiMATC Per pound. 8Se.
CIIBAM TAHTAII Pure , per pound , 29c ,
EXTUAOT Looooi > Bulk , per pound
JiltOOT 15c.
GUM An uiio riO@93o
Ll COl'UDIUM 14" .
GLVCBIIINK Bulk , per pound , S5e ,
Gun Asafoetlda , per pound. 14o ; cam
phor , per pound , 40u ; opium , per | x > und
IODINE UcBiiblimatod , per ounce , $0.30.
LBAVM Uucbu , Bhort , per pound , 13o
Soima , Alex. , per pound , 25@38o.
Moui'iiiA Sulph. , per ounce , $2.00.
POT183 Bromide , per pound , 41o ; Iodide
per pound , $3.68.
QUINIA Sulph. , per ounce , 40o ,
SBEPS Canary , per pound , 4c.
SOAI-S Castile , mottled , per pound , 6@10o
SriniTs NITKB Sweet , per pound , U' S.
SinvcnNt Crystals , OISCHOS * I'or ox , 0\iil4c ,
U'AriooA Per DOimd , Co.
TONKA BRANS $1.70 ( < 51.7r .
WAX White , per pound , n. * > ( Vie ,
OILS Lmioea , raw , 69o ; Linseed , bollcil ,
lo ; llorgnmot , Sanderson's , per pound ,
0.45 ; Lemon , Sanderson's , per pound , $1.33 ;
'onpcrmint , per pound , $2.3oi Wlntorgrcon ,
. _ . . . . . . . . , r white , _ _ _ .
cctlon , 14c : Lnrdlne , JWc ; Summer , W. Vn.
lo ; Zero , W. Vn. , lOo ; I. X. L , dark en
Ino , 20o ; Carbon , snow white , 150 do
trees. lOKc. Turpentine , 54q
' ' "
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
J05 South llUh Street , - Onmlm ;
Capital , $4OOOOO
Surplus , 4O.OOO
Ofllcoti anil Director ? 13. M. Morseman , O
I , Hitchcock , Jos , ( itruonu..1r. , A. Henry. I <
I. Anderson , \Vn > . U.Maul. v lirni. ; U II. Will
lms , A. P. Hopkins , piiM. ; . \ . Mtllard , cannier ;
' . II. iiryant. assistant cashier.
Capital $ JJO,000 (
SIIIY ! " * Jan. l > t , 1880 , " > . ! ,00 0
IENIIVV. . YAWN , Provident.
JjBWifl 9. Itr.Kii , Vlco President.
\V. V. MOUSE ,
ft. C. OUblllMl ,
J. X. II. I'ATHirif ,
\V. II. ! ? . llmiin : . Cashier.
Cor. 12th and I'urnnm Sts.
A General HunUlng llusiiiu-ib 1'r.insactoil.
BectFacHtiiApp ! ratu andnfmeuIeiforBuccei fa
Treatment of every form of D'leiie requiring
Boord& Attendance. BeitAccomcvodalionBinWeit.
KT WRITE FOR CIRCUIARB on Bgformttlei and
Bracei , Truitei , Club 1'cet , Ourvaturti of Spine. Pitei.
Tumori , Cancer , Oitturh , Bronchltii , Inhalation.
gttctncHv , P raly li , Epilepiy , Kiduey , Bladder ,
Bye , Ear , Skin and Blood and ell Surgical Operations.
WE lUVn MTILY llin 1 r.TUln.l .
Only Reliable Kedioal IniUtuta making a Epecialty o (
All Blood DlifKiei luccciifalttrtatel. . Syrhilitlel'oUoa
rimoved from the iTilem without tnereurr. hew Itrilorilti *
rr tntntrorLoii rTlTll. I'OnKK. 1'arlln uobK toTlilt
Binftj be treated at homab ; correipoolcoce. A ! I communica
tion ! coaH < lrnut ! . UedlelDeiorlnitrum nti..Dtbjrniallorez.
[ rciiiccurelr picked , DomirkiiolodUaleconKLlioricodtr.
One periouf latinliir preferred. C H > cd eociult ui oriend
hlitorr of jour caie , nj we will lend In pi. In wrapper , our
Rflfllf TO UPU FREE : V ° ° VrKaie. 8xcl.l , or
IU . , ,
pUIJK fflCRf KfrrouiII.c ie IiupolenfjSjph-
Uli ; Oleet and \ > rleocelo.vlthquMtonllit. ! Addrrii
13th and DodSo Streets , OMAHA , HEB.
Northwestern Niiiiary ncaricmy ,
Twcnly-tlirpo miles north or I hlcaeo : lm a tdll
corp of cxporit need InntructorBi H\a cour es 01
ttlinly. ona iiiisurpHMCil fncllltlos for Inst.iiUton.
health , homo cnintortH nnil Christian Innuouce.
HBiid for caiiilouuo to lllshlana Park. 111.
Suceesiorsto Heed , Jonci & Co.
WholGsalB Mannfacturers of Baols & Shoes
Az oti for Iloston Uubber Shoo Co , 1102.1101 and 1100
Haruejr StreetOiuaha , Nel > ra kn.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IBl North Blulitcfntli BtreatOmaha , Neb.
Mannfactnrers ofGalyanizefl Iron Cornice
WlucJovr-capi anil metallokrllRhts. John Kpcnctir ,
proprietor. SUB ana llOMtmlli loth ttreot.
_ jPum pa , _
Pices and Engines ,
lUam , nntcr , rallwnr and mlnlnn tupiillii , eta.
V2UvanDl ( Vli larnaiu ilrott , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
ail mllli , 919 nnd 020 Jones it , , Omaha
U. F. Huso , Acting Miinatrcr.
DliOWNELL < t CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BbeeUltoa work , ttenm pun pi , aw mllli. 12IJ-1S1S
LeaT nn rth itruet , Omuha.
Iron Worka.
Wrought and G t Iron Building WorK ,
oKlnei , bran work , peneral foundry , machine and
blacksmith work. OClce and work * , U , 1 * . Uj.
anil litb atre t , Omaha.
Manufacturers of fire andiron Railing
Ueik ratli , > ilnilo < r eutnli , flower ttnndi , wlra f\trni \
tc. mNurtliH.tlntruet.OmaUa.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaults , jail woik , Iron shutters and flro escapes
U. ADdrc n. prou'r. Corner HtU aud Jackson stu ,
Ooo rat Eto.
WhoUiale manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Blinds anl Monlngs ,
Ilrapcb offlce. Htli tail l ar-J tlrceu. Omaha. N ti.
OfHOmak LimitGi
AHrlouUurhl Implomonta.
x , ixixaEimTai ETTA LI' "
aUrlcnin Implements , Wasions , Carriage !
llugclei. etc. Wholcmlp. Omahn , Xo
DCU'Bl'.t S70A'77 ,
Wholesale Dealers in Farnitnre ,
t'arnam eltvct , Omaha , Nflbrnika.
Furniture ,
Omaha , Nobrittka.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltthamlL atenwortli tlrecti. Omaha. Katirmlo.
ir. j. DROAI ou ,
ncayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Fprtnn , wagon took , hardwire , lumber , eta. 1X1
and nil miner uc l , Omaha.
Mnnntactnrcra ftnrt joblors In
, Bngaics Rake ! , Flows , Etc ,
Cor. Mh anil ritclllo streets , Omaha.
Artists' Materials *
A. UOisPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Fianos anil Organs ,
lroct. Omnlia , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
w. v. MOUSE & co. ,
Jokers of Boots and Slices ,
1101,1103,1105 Douclns ttrt t. Omnlm. Mnuu factory ,
Summer atrcot , Huston ,
Con ) , Coke , Etc.
Miners an ! Shippers of Coal ant Col
Hotiui 1 I , On : I't i.
JoL'tCiSOi ' iiordini SjilCoai ,
OTJSouth 13th etr.'et.Oiunha , Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South IStli St. , Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Lnralicr , Etc ,
Imporled niul Amcrlcnn Tortlnnl Tincut. 8taU
agent tor Mlinnuktu Indinu Ic cemen
( jtilmjr vrmlii liuie.
Dealer in Haidwtcd Unite
Wood cnrpcts nnil imrqiut HnorlnA Vth ami Uouglai
ntiectg , Uiunlia , Nib.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wliolesale
ISth street and Union raclllclnick.Onialin , .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb ,
Doors , Etc. Yard < 'n nu < r "th nnd Douglns. OtUet
Corner 10th and Donulai.
Lninlie1 Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer 8th ami Douglas ft ) , Omaha-
( ? . N. D1ETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th anil California atrccta.Onittlia , Nebraska. .
_ Mn lnory an _ d N qtlo na. _ . _
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
; UJ. am and 21i South llth nircct.
V/nolesale / Notions and FiiiMisliing Goods ,
1121 Hnrney Street , Omtvlia.
C o m m 18 sl o n and S to r a -
StowgB and Commission Mercliants ,
Specialties lluttcr , PICKS , clicose. poultry , gamk
1112 lloirurU itrectUuintin , Neb.
Dry ; Oooda _ _ > ondI Notions.
Dry Good ? , Furnishing Good ? and Notions
1103 and 1101 UouKlas , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb.
Importers & JoDoersinDry Goods , Notions
Geat't furnlshlni ; irooilx. Corner llth and llnrnoj
oirutts , Omnlm , Katirnsku.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair ShCD
Mechanics' tool and llultnlo scales. H05 Bought *
streut. Omaha , A b. _
Toya , Etc.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Douse furnlshliiK Roods , children's carrluRCt , 1201
lurnnm streut , Omaha , riob.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Azl * srcaio , etc. . Omaha. A. 11. Blthop. Manager ,
Wholesale Paper Deilers ,
Carry a nice itocii ot printing , wrajiplni : and nrltlaj
I aUaatloantrea o oara paper
Chicago , Milwaukee St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio llcsl Itouto from Onialm and Council
IHufh leTHE
Clilrngo , AND Milwnukcc ,
8t. Paul , .Mlniicnpolls , Cedar Ilnplds ,
Hock Islantlj Tiecport , ItotrifonI ,
Clinton , i Duliuquc , Jnvcnport ) ,
EI'In ( , Miitllsun , Jnin-'Sfllle ,
Hi'lott , Wlnona , La Crossc ,
Xna all other lmport Bt polntn Kait , Nortli t D4
. Buutbumt.
For tlirmiBli tickets call on tlio tltket aviint at 1MB
rarnom tr < ! ctln Jlarkvr illook , or at l/mui I'acifld
I'ullman 8leepra and the flncit Dlnlug Can In th
world are run on tliu mainline ot the cblcaun , Mil *
Maukea A Ht. l' ul Hallwnr. and ovtrr attention II
paid to patuuKer * \ > 1 tourtcoui voiplo ; * * of till
company H.llll.I.EU * Ooncrnl M nay r.
j , F.TUCKBIt , AiilitantCieneral Mananer.
A. V. It. OAltl'KNlKll , U neral 1'oiienter and
' °
UKO. w.'i BAl'rouv. Aulitaat General I'aiienge *
lud'llcket Afont.
T. J. UUUI& , Otoeral 8aDii-lut ntl B .
Noo. 303-404-170-CO4.