PHE OMAHA DAILY NINETEENTH "YT3AB. OMAHA , SATUEDAY MOKNING , NOVEMBER 2 , 1889. NUMBER 130. VERY DAMAGING TESTIMONY , Martin Eurho Identified By tbo Carlson a. THE WINNIPEG SUSPECT WINCED. Ilio Landlord and Ills DaiiRhtor-ln- liaw Ponltlvo Ho In thn JIail Who Hunted the Cottage ns Prank Williams. Ttio Cnrlion Carpet lit iCvldenon. CnicAOO , Nov. 1. Mnrtln MoIIiilo , a car pet layer , wns the tlrstvltnoas In the Cronln Jtrlnl this mornmjj. Ho tcstincd tlint the carpet bought by "J. II. Slrnonds" Feb ruary lust wan laid by him ( ttio witness ) on the floor of the room at 117 Clarlc street. Witness \vas then shown a piece of the carpet presumably from the Carlson cottage , and ho Identified It as identical in pattern with that which ho laid In the Clark street room. Jonaa Carlson , owner of the cottugo , was the next witness. Ho coroboratcd the testi mony of Ills daughter-in-law. Anna , about , the stranger coming to rent the coltugo. Ho went on to say that the stranger , who gavq the name of Frank Williams , said ho had thrco brothers ana his sister waj to como from Hnltlmoro to keep house for them. Ho .hull bought furniture und it woqld urrlvo In two or thron days. The stranger then took the key. Witness said ho had mot und talked with O'SullIvun , ono of the defend ants , many times. O'Sullivun lived In ttio Immediate vicinity. After the shipping clcrir , delivery man and otltcr employes of Kcvlll'a ' 'hud testified the first Important witness of ttio day , Mrs. Anna Carlson , was placed on the stand. The .young wonmn bccan her testimony very timidly and at times her voice wns al most Inaudible. She rclnted how on the SUtll of Marcn , wudo she was at the Carlson cot tage , a man came to rent the cottage which stood near. He Raid his sister was keeping bouse for him and that ha had some furni ture ho wanted to move in at once. Ho gave his name as Frank Williams. "Mrs. Carlson , " nskod the counsel for the etato , "do you sco that stranger in the court room now I" "Yes , sir.11 "Will you point him out to the Jury ? " "There ho Is. " The witness pointed di rectly to Martin Burke. "Doyou mean Mnrtln Burke , that man ? " continued Mills , pointing to Burke again. "Yes , " responded thb witness , mid that ended her examination. On cross-examination Mrs. Carlson testi fied that Bho had never seen Burke from the day ho entered the cottngo until n few days ago when she cumo into the court room to identify him , yet she recognized him im mediately. At the afternoon session Jonas Carlson was recalled. He snld the stranger uflcr renting the cottage walked over to O'Sulli- vnn's stable , where ho met the ice man and talked with him. The next time the witness saw I3urko it wns about 8 p. m. of May 4 , a. few hours before Cronln was murdered. At 7 o'cloctc that evening the witness beard two men talking in the cottngo. In April the witness hud u conversation with O'Sullivnn about the men who hud rented the cottnco. . O'Sulllvan told him ho know ono of them was all right and would pay the rent when due. On May 10 Carlson had another conver sation with O'Sulllvan in which ho told tbo latter the cottugo was vacant and tnat ho bad received a letter from the man who had rented it asking him ( Carlson ) to put the furnlturo In the basement , und saying ho bed painted the parlor floor to suvo his sister tbo trouble of scrubbing. On May 20 the witness entered the blood- Btulncd cottage. Ho described the condi tions there apparent. Mr. Mills then uskcd how many times ho had seen a man railing bimaclf Frank Williams. Carlson replied , "Three times. " Mr. Mills then said : "I will nsk you if you see that man nowl" The witness looked in a bewildered way to the back of the court In an endeavor to pick out from the sea of faces before him the inuu ho wanted. "Look back of the lawyers , Mr. Carlson , " said Mills , as the old gentleman hesitated. Ho had hardlyuttored the words when the witness , walking straight up to Martin Burke , shook his hat at him and exclaimed : "Tliat's the man. " Despite his utmost efforts to appear uncon cerned it was evident Burke fully realized the damaging nature of old mini Carlson's testimony. Mills was not slow to clinch his advantage. "Is that the man 1" ho asked ( Indicating Mnrtln Burke ) , "you called Frank Will- lumsl" and the wituos1 * unhesitatingly an- iwered : "Yes sir. " Carlson was cross-oxamlnod nt great length , but his testimony wns unshniton. John Garrity , a teamster , testified that about two years ago Coughlin told him ho wanted to BOO "Major" Sampson. Ho wanted to got him to "slug a man. " Ho wanted the man disfigured for life , and If ho wns killed it wouldn't make much dif ference. Adjourned. In regard to the alleged confession of Bunco , told by Prisoner Qillotto , at Winni peg , yesterday , the chief of police Is looking up that part of Gillette's story In which ho Bponks of the murderer getting money in nn office on Dearborn street , and is also looking up the woDian Burke spoke of. It is also re ported that a woman answering the descrip tion sold out her furniture last summer mid loft for the old country. States Attorney LoiiRencokor this afternoon mudo light of the published accounts of Gillette's storv , saying that there was nothing in it and nil that Gillette knows ho ( Longcnecker ) has locked up in his safe. Ho intimated that the story didn't ' amount to much. Sylvester E. Urown , business partner of Thomas Kavnnuugh , ono of the men under Indictment for trying to orlbo the Cronln Jury , brought suit in the circuit court to-day for an accounting , a dissolution of partnership - ship and the appointment of a receiver. A PLIiTHOKA OF I/AWiJ. The IS'ouborry Notion Goes Into Ef fect In Missouri. ST. Louis , Nov. l.--Whnt Is known as the Newborry law , parsed by the legislature lust winter , went Into effect to day. This law excludes from dram shops and aloons all gambling devices anil forms ol amusement , such ns cards , dice boxes , pee ! and billiard tables , boxing1 , uthletlu , and musical performances , eta The police formally notified the saloons to day and to-morrow will make urrcsts foi violations. Half n hundred other laws went Into effect to-day , notably among them a law to proven ! the Introduction into the stale of armed bodies by railroad and other cor porations to net as peace ofllcers ] on anti-trust or pool law , the AUB trallun system of noting , a law empowering the state commissioner of labor to appoint boards of arbitration to udjubt differences between employers ami employes , andar null-grain gambling law , which prohibit ! dealing In options unless It ba tliu intention of the dealers to actually have the grain bought or told. No Itloudy Conflict. WHEELING , Nov. 1. A dispatch received to-night says the special sent out from Mil ton , \V. Va. , In regard to the Hatfleld-Mo Coy trouble and a baltlo bavinjr taken place yesterday , is totally falsw. There has beet no b.Utld since Thursday night of last week when McCoy and Halt-y wore lynched. Tin excitement m abating und thoru is no ncccs ity for the presence of troops. i . Franco Honors nn Amer'nnn. PAIUS , Nov , 1 Captain Warren M. Hoaley of New York , ono o ( the exhibitors ot UK American division of tbo exhibition , has ro reived from the government thedccoratioa o the Legion of Honor , THE COTTON OIU A Plan Proposed to Pump Out Sonio of tlio Water. NEW YOUK , Nov. 1. The annual American Cotton Oil trust meeting was held to-day. The president's report shows the .prollts for the year ended August 81 wore $1G55,7S'J. One of the certificate holders nskod that the report bo printed for their benefit , but Mr. Flagler said n great objection to Its being mndo public was that It would put facts oud figures Into the possession of busi ness rivals , which could not bo permitted , E. H. Banner , ono of the certificate holders - ors , wonted to know why the trustees bad said In the last circular the prollts of the ycur would bo Si.GOO.OOO ; where had the missing $1,1110,0.70 gone ! lioforo Flaglor could explain another shareholder wanted to know If the state ment In the circular that the cnah and cash assets of the company wore $7,000OOJ wns tiotnlso 1,000,000 too much. Trustee Thomas then said the circular was issued on special reports from various prop erties , but slnco then the regular reports had como in. und the loss of $1,000,000 by shrinkage - ago of values had been made known. Ho said ie found tlio men who had boon ofllolally : onductinff the trust's business had boon buying n good deal of oil from rival eoinpnn- cs , mid he had been obliged to sell out at owcr prices. Another thing contributing to ho Ions was the poor quality of last year's lotton seed crop. Thomas men spoke of the > lan of merging the trim into a company , .uid said by tho" plan proposed there would bo ft reduction In capital to 821,000,000 , thus "pumping out some of the water. " Consider able murmuring was heard , hut finally n mo tion was adopted for the appointment of a committee to consider plans and arrango- iionts for merging the trust , the committee .o rouort at another meeting. AVAILING ASIONO TIlK HEATHEN. A. Missionary Takes a Flyer In Wheat and Drops Ills Hull. CHICAGO , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to THE BEI : . ] A verdict for the defendant was rendered by a Jury in Judge Clifford's ' court , o-day in the case of Samuel W. Wagner against Jnnics B. Peabody , a broker on tbo board of trade. Wagner sought to recover $3,000 In money which ho invested in grain through Peabody , ns Wagner claimed , for the benefit of the heathen. The plalntlft was a foreign missionary enthusiast , who said ho thought God would forgive the means In con sideration of the end sougnt , which was to secure more money than ho had to spend for the relief of the untutored swages of the Congo. The $ . ' 1,000 invested was a loss , and Mr. Wagner made the claim that ho had Informed Mr. Peabody of his philanthropic motives , and that Mr , Pcnbody had not been impressed with Mr. Wagner's reasons for taking a "flyer In wheat. " It wns agreed by counsel for Mr. Peabody that" it made no difference what the purpose of the specula tion was , whether it was for the heathen or for Mr. Vvagner's own use. The rules and practices were the same in all cases , and Mr. Wagner took his chances just like any body elso. Besides , the counsel said. Mr. Poaoody had only Mr. Wagner's word for it that his motive was philanthropic and not sollish. The jury was asked to compel Peabody - body to return the losses which the lluctua- tions in prices entailed , hut after being out several hours the jurors came to the conclu sion that if Mr. Wagnur had boon successful ho would nothavo "kicked , " and they decid ed ugamst bis novel claim. IS UK A MUKDKRI2R ? A Son. Captain's Daughter Suicides nhd Leaves a Striumo Ijottrr. SAN FiiANcisco. Nov. 1 , | Special Tele gram to Tuc BEE. ! Ida Henrietta Schram , seventeen years old , dropped dead this after noon while visiting her mother at the out skirts of the town. It was thought at first that death resulted from heart disease. An examination ut the morgue , howovcrsbowed , it to bo a casa of suicide. Ida lias icon living with her father and stepmother , and to-day visited her mother , who had been divorced. Her father is the captain or the ship Harvester , against whom the sailors on the last trip made charges of brutality at sea , wbich somehow or other were suppressed. Ida made thrco deep water voyages with her father. A letter in the dead girl's pocket intimates that her father is guilty of some awful crime. It is ad dressed to her mother.- The writer says that for years her father had been beating her , and he and a friend had offered bcr $10,000 , to say nothing about a certain mutter. Ida intimates that if the affair was known to the police her father would bo hanged , and that tnough she is about to die her mother must not tell. An autopsy showed that the unfortunate girl was a virgin , and the inference is that ttio father IB guilty of some crlmo nt sea , possibly the murder of a sailor. Ho was placed by all the seamen at this port as on a par with Captain Sparks , of the notorious ship Gatherer , for cruelty. ' MHS. MIK12 31'DONALiD. Slio IlopentM of Ilor Folly and Wishes to Kelurn Homo. CHICAGO , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to. THE BEH. ] Mrs. Mllto McDonald , wife of the millionaire gambler of Chicago , who cro- ntcd a sensation some months ago by eloping to Paris with her confessor , Father Movsant , has returned to this city and negotiations for a reconciliation with her husband and family are now in progress. For several days Mr , McDonald has been a dully visitor at his lawyer's ofllce. Meanwhile Mrs. Mc Donald has maintained the utmost secrecy , her presence in Chicago being jealously guarded from the public. Indeed , to make nssuranco doubly sure , it was given out to the Now York papers that she had sailed for Europe nearly three weeks ugo , and the statement was duly published , while nt the sumo moment the lady was on her way to Chicago. The negotiations for a reconcilia tion have been carried on by a mutual friend over slnco Mra. McDonald came buck , and there Is every reason to bollcvo they will bo concluded and Mrs. McDonald will DO back once morn nt "tho head of her husband's household wilkiu a few days. Absoonder Drum , KAXS B CJTV , Nov. 1 , An Intimation of the whereabouts of Andrew Drum , who ab sconded with an amount variously estimated at between { 13,000 und JIO.OJO , has just been received. It is now known that Miss Dean received a letter from her flauco postmarked London , and sno has loft the city and nothing Is known of her present whereabouts. Ofll- ccrs nro still after Drum , nud it found ho will bo brought back to this city ami prose cuted. Miss Dean received a letter a short time slnco from Drum's mother , who lives in Ohio , stating that if her son WUH arrested the trial would develop something which would place Drum's prosecutors in i bad light. In his letter to Miss Doan Drum intimates somotning of the same kind and stated if all wns known ho would not bo blamed for tak ing thu money. llnnvor Nowpiper Men Fined. Dusvt'B , Nov. 1. The supreme court to day affirmed tbo ruling of thn district court fining Manager Cooper and Editor Staple ton , of the Republican. SKX ) for contempt in pub lishing an editorial and cartoons reflecting on Judge Stewart , who granted writ of habeas corpus to the acting secretary of ulato at the time of thu legislative boodle Investigation. i The AVnnthnr Forecast. For Omaha and vicinity Snow or rain , followed by.falr weather. For Nebraska and Iowa Fair , clearing In Iowa , warmer , variable winds , For Dakota Fair , warmer , toutherl ) wluds. THE DAKOTAS ARE COMING , Harrison's Admission Proclamation to Bo Issued To-Day , LITTLE HOPE FOR GEN. MAHONE. Ho Una the Votes Hut Democrats llnvo the OHIIB Bonded Appoint ments Deferred Till Conurosa Moots Miscellaneous , i _ _ _ _ WASHINGTON BuitnAU Tnn OMVIU Hen , 1 Mil FOUIITBBSTU STIIBBT , > WASHINGTON. D. O. , Nov. 1. 1 President Harrison Intends to Issua n proc lamation , or two proclamations , to-morrow admitting North and South Dakota. There will bo some delay about the admis sion of Montana and Washington. North Dakota will como first In order. Thcro bas been some discussion ot the proclamation and speculation as to how the senators of thcso states will regulate the length of their terms , or rather bow the senate will dispose of the question. All of the several terms will bo settled by lottery and the various senators will have an equal chance at the long and short terms. The senate Is apportioned Into three classes , drvtdeo PS nearly equal as pos-i siblo , so tbut two-thirds of the ontlro senate will bo elected for two years. At present there nro twenty-flvo senators whoso terms expire m-lSOl , twenty-flvo In 1S93 and twenty- six In 1003. It will bo seen that the short , or two and four year terms , have ono senator less than the long or six year terms. According to all precedents the next state admitted will bo given two and four year senators BO as to make the class of 1891 and 1S93 oven with the class of ISO.'j , Under the existing net und according to the proposed proclamation North Dakota will ho first admitted and will fill the two short term classes of senators , providing the senators nro hero when the session begins. Tbo two senators from North Dakota will draw lots for the two and four year terms or classes und will bo thus assigned. The next state admitted will bo South Dakota , and hero the senators will draw lots. The first drawing will determine which of them shall sccuro the long term. Then the remaining senator will draw to sco whether ho secures the four or two year term. The next admitted , probably Washington , will draw first for the class loft short by South Dakota's selection. The remaining senator will draw for the loner class not selected by his colleague. By this method It will not bo possible for any two senators from nno state to receive terms of equal length and it will bo in ac cordance with the iiothod adopted by the first senate in 1789. Whenever a now state has been admitted-tho senate has assigned the senators according to the resolution of the above duto. When Minnesota was admitted m 1858 a joint resolution wns passed by the Minnesota seta legislature requesting the senate to ad mit Henry M. Rico to the long term. The resolution was referred to the United States senate committee on judiciary , which re ported buck that in accordance with a reso lution of May 14,17S9 , and the constitution , the senators from Minnesota shall draw lots for the classes to which they shall bo as signed. It so happened that Senator Shields drew the short term , and in choosing from the two remaining classes Senator Uyun se cured the long term. Senator Pottlgrow , of South DaKota , has said that ho was willing to take the short term. This kind of an arrangement can't bo rccocnized ; the usual method of drawing must determine which shall fill tbo long and which the short term. THE VIllOINIA ELECTION. A large number of Washington people will go into Virginia on Monday and remain to see the close of the campaign and see the balloting on Tuesday. Trouble at the polls is expected in some localities , notable at Richmond , where it is understood the state militia is to bo ordered out. ostensibly to "preserve the peace , " but really to frighten the neeroes. United States Marshal Dan Ransdcll , Third Auditor'W. II. Hart and THE BEG correspondent will be in Richmond Monday night ana Tuesday morning , returning hero in the afternoon of that day. Colonel W. W. Dudley said to Tun BEI : correspondent this afternoon tnnt General Mahono would very likely bo elected and , although the names of colored men were stricken from the rcgis- trary books by tbo hundred in some places , there would bo enough votes cast to elect Mahono. But in the very botbed of fraud and intimidation little can bo hoped for , aud I do not bollcvo Mahono will bo the next governor of the stato. The democrats are desperate in their determination to defeat him and to do it will resort to anything , oven bloodshed. BONDED APPOINTMENTS DEITERKEU. It was announced at the treasury to-day that there will bo no more appointments of bonded officers until congress assembles. The period still intervening between ibis and the session la so very short that the secretary of tno treasury believes it would not bo worth while to make appointments and have the appointees give bond , when as a matter of fact their appointments may not bo con firmed by the senate. It is recognized that us Is usual with all administrations there are some appointments in the departments which may not < > a confirmed by tno senate and to whoso otiiecs tlio president will probably nomiuatu now men. 'ibis determination to make no moro bonded appointments was reached at a recent cabinet mealing and tlio line of policy announced this morning at the treasury was later in the day also ac knowledged in the postofllco department , and , except under circumstances absolutely requiring immediate action , there will bo no moro Important appointments in either tlio treasury or the postoflleo until congress meets. aOINO HOME TO VOTE. Nearly every employe In the exoeutivo de partments who can vote In either of the states of Ohio , Virginia , Maryland , New York or Now Jersey , will leave Washington between to-morrow and Sunday night for the purpose of exercising his franchise. The trams to-morrow night will bear away hundreds of republicans and dem ocrats , lor the latter are not deprived of their privilege now. In iiomo of the depart ments the employes find a difficulty in the way of obtaining leaves of absence. This is caused by a decision of Attorney General Garland , which was made February 21,183(1 ( , and which has been reissued by Attorney General Miller. The decision Is that when a member lus had during tbo year a leave of absence of thirty days on account of sick ness ho Is not entitled to any further leave durinc that year with pay , but If it happens that ho has enjoyed the regular annual leave of thirty days then bo can hnvo leave of nb- sonco on account ot Hicluicss forany length of llmo the bead of the department may do- tormina to allow. It Is claimed that this decision works an iujusticons it deprives an employe of his regular annual leave in the event that ho should happen to bo tuken sick before the ( eave Is granted. In the Interior department the rule tbcro Is that each cm- ployo is entitled to a regular annual leave of thirty duys If ho should happen to bo sick during any time in the year the absence Is not charged to the regular leave , hut a separate account Is kept. A iwiriiiH PROMOTION. The many friouda hi Washington of Cham bers II. McKibbon , of Omaha , nro congratu lating him upon his recent and deserved pro motion on the list of the Union Pacific railroad. All ot the local newspapers speak In complimentary terms of Mr. MuKibbpu's elevation. The following from the qditoria columns of to-day's Post indicates tlio gen * cral expression ; "Among the now general officers of the Union Pacific- who enter upon their duties to day is Mr. Chambers H , MeKibbon , a son of General David B , McKibbon/of this city , uua nephew of General Joseph C , McKibbcn vho assumes the highly responsible position ot general purchasing agent bf the road. Ho s a young man of extraordinary business promise und his rise In llla'sorvlce of the company has been continuous and rapid. " MISCELLANEOUS. Omnba Is reaping a barvoit of advertising from the rccont visit of tbo international American congress. Nearly all of tbo lead- tig eastern papers have spoken In their news or editorial columns of the haudsomo entertainment afforded tbo visitors by the jeoplo of Omaha and In the most compll- iiontary terms they refer to the city's growth , wealth , onterprlso and bright fu ll ro. This Is an era of private secretaries. Not only do all public officials of note hnvo irlvnto socrotarlos , but nil busy private In dividuals , as well. Even the wives of public men are securing tbo services of stenograph ers. Mrs , Levi P. Morton has engaged the services of Miss Nolllo Hunt as private sec retary. Miss Hunt U the daughter of Gar- field's serotary of the navy and Arthur's minister to Uussln , who died at the latter lost. She Is a very charming vocalist nud a favorite. Miss Hunt held the posi- .lon of private secretary to Mrs. Whltnoy , Secretary Noble to-day rendered n decision In n well known Iowa Indian depredation claim. It is that of Joseph Lconla , of Wood- oury county , lown , amounting to $3-lOO. The depredation Is alleged to have been commit ted in 1855 by the Sioux. The secretary finds that the clalmnntlost property to the amount of $1,000 , but his claim was not presented within the time required bylaw , und Itisdls- nllowcd. It must go to congress. Senator G. C. Moody , of South Dakotn , nud his private secretary , Robert C. Hayes , S rrlvod last evening and registered nt the Khbltt. Senator Moody and Congressman Glfford culled upon President Harrison to day In reference to the proclamations to admit Nortb and South Dakota and the no- polntment of Judge A. .T. Edgcrton ns United States district judge for South Dakota. The president to-day appointed Jerome A. Watrous , of Wisconsin , collector of cus toms for the district of Milwaukee. The secretary of the navy to-day awarded Harrhon Loring. of Uostbn , the contract for constructing cruiser NoV 11 , of 2,000 tons displacement , for $074,000 , , to bo completed In two and a half years l om to-day. SccretnVy Proctor will renew the recom mendation of bis predecessors in bw forth coming annual report that congress provide for an assistant secretary of war. The de partment is ono of the lamest of the govern ment and at present whenever the secretary leaves the city the prosldnnt designates the acting secretary. It thus happens in the latter case that some officers of the army are ivquircd to reuort to subordinates , and among them there is n feeling that they would rather have a civilian in the office. The cruiser Charleston has been formally accepted by Secretary Tracy. Pcuur S. HEA.YH. THANKSGIVING I'libciiABIATION. A Favored Nation Admonished to Re member the GiVeV of Good. WASHINGTON , Nov. 1 , The following Thanksgiving proclamation was issued by the president this o veiling : "A highly favored people mindful of their dependence on the bounty of Divine Provl- denco should seek a fitting occasion to testify their gratitude and asorioq praise to Him who is the author of their many blessings. It behooves them to 16pk backward with thankful hearts over tllo''past year and to bless God for His infinite mercy aud His vouchsafing to our land of enduring peace , to our people freedom from pestilence and iuniino , to our husbandmen abundant har vests and to their labor rocdmpeuso for their toil. toil.Now Now , therefore , I , Behjnrain Harrison , president of the United States of America , do earnestly recommend that Thursday , 'the 23th day of this present month of November , bo set apart as a day of national thanksgiv ing and prayer , and the people of our coun try ceasing from the cares and labors of their working days , bhall assemble in their respec tive places of worship and give thanks to God , who has prospered us on our wayand madeour paths the paths of peace , beseeching Him to bless the day to our present andfuturo good , making it truly ono of thanksgiving for each reunited homo circle and as u nation at largo. In witness hereof , I have hereunto set my hand und caused the seal of tbo United States to bo afilxod. Done at the city 9f Washington , this 1st day of November , in the year of our Lord , ono thousand eight hundred and eight-nine , and of the Independence of the United States tb.o ono hundred and fourteenth. By the President : BENJAMIN HAKIHSON. JAMBS G. BI.AIMS , Secretary of State. Gnneral Howard's Report. WASIHVOTON , Nov 1. The annual report of General Howard , commandIng - Ing the department , of the Atlantic , calls attention to the lack of armament of nearly all the sea const stations , and adds that the time has undoubtedly come when some decided action in the mutter of perma nent defenses is demanded. General Howard treats the subject of de sertion at length and repeats his former recommendation - commendation for increased reward for the apprehension of deserters. To remove the causes of desertion ho recommend1 } that the first term of enlistment be shortened to two or thrco years and seine system institut ed by which men In emergencies may sever their connection with the service with out dishonor to themselves or injustice to the government General Howard joins General Crook In recommending that the Infantry arm of the service be reorganized by giving the regiments three battalions of four com panies each , Ho recommends also that the present rifle for the infantry and cavalry bo exchanged for a magazine gun. Nebraska and inwa PonMons. WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to THC BEE. | Pensions have been granted to the following Nebraskans : Original in valid Xolmnn C. 'Hust. Restoration , reis sue mid increase John Ilcnnin. Pensions granted lowans : Original in valid Gerard Vanstocnwyck , Benjamin B. Frasu , Thomas Rayger. Reissue William R. Dobord , John M. Ferguson , Alpheus Cockerel ! , Ashbel D. Whitcomb , W. A. Hrunor. Original widow Mary , widow of ( Jorard J. Vausteenwyck. Wnnthor Crop Bulletin. WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. The weather crop bulletin for the month of : October says the drouth which existed In the central valleys has been succeuded by , timely rains , which have doubtless improvel ( the winter wheat crop. The rains are heavy in the central Mississippi und lower Missouri valleys with heavy snows la Nebraska and western Kansas , _ ± _ Asntiri'd ol' 1'rotectloii. WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. Adelocallqn of col ored men , representing tljo Into general Baptist convention , called on the attorney general this afternoon In regard to outrages In the south , The nttornoy general said that they could rest assured' ' that in any matter which the federal authorities had jurisdic tion tbo laws would bo enforced so far us lay In bis power to enforce them , and all officers and witnesses wopld bo protected. They Are Not the Pendcrp. ICANSAS CITV , Nov. 1. A special from OB- vvogo , Kan. , Bays that Deputy Sheriff Dick arrived there to-day with Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. Davis , thn supposed Benders. Prose cuting Attorney Morris said this evening that ono man who bad known the Benders saw the women and failed to identify them , saying that they bore no rcsomblunco what ever to the Benders , There is no excitement in Oswego over the matter. The people are convinced there that tba vigilantes did their work well fifteen years ugo , and that none ol tnu Benders uro ulivo. A preliminary ex amination will bo held Monday , fc'rott's Imtoftr Threat. Srnixo VALI.EV , III. , Nov. l.W. . L.Scott , owner of the coal mines hero , has written a letter declaring that bo will biro new men from outside places und reopen the mines. It 1 no longer a question of wages ho says , but whether bo con have control of bis property. Dr. Arthur P. Oonory Humbusa the People of NoHgh. HIS IGNORANCE OF MEDICINE. Talk or Driving the Qunck From the Neighborhood. The Hcntrlco Whisky Cases Other Nebraska News. A Frnitd. Nr.tion , Nob. , Nov. 1. [ Special to TUB Snn.J About two years ago Dr. Arthur V. Conery located hero , opened nn ofilco nnd be gan the practice , or rather the mnl-practico , of inodicino , after having duly registered with the county clerk. His stock of trade .urns out to hnvo been perfect Innocence of oven tbo rudiments of the profession , un limited cheek , nud his "taking ways , " nnd with these ho succosdcd In duping numbers of the nffiictcd m the neighborhood. Lately his antics have attracted publlo attention and the atmosphere is becoming rather warm for him. In his sworn statement ho claims to huvo practiced in Now York City nnd nt numerous other points throughout ; ho country nnd to have graduated from the [ Jennett Medical college of Chicago In 1SS3. Dr. Milton Jay , the doan of this institution , makes oath that no such man over outorod Lho college , attended lectures or graduated. Consequently bo has perjured himself nnd Ills diploma is n fraud. Competent testimony is also forthcoming that his career in Iowa towns was enthusiastically closed by the townsmen. Administering opium for a bowel dilllculty In such quantities that the patient was saved from possible death by antidotes ml minis tered by other physicians : treating cases of diphtheria in a largo family of children of whom seven died under his treatment , while refusing to call counsel , and insisting that bo would 'pull them through , are among the cases reported. Securing the confidence of these hopelessly nnd Incurably diseased with promises of a cure is repbrted as among his methods. In the case of Mr. Turner , of Ewlng , suf fering with consumption , ho cheerfully promised u cure and in two hours after his departure the patient died. Ho has also , according to bis own story , treated patients for an ultection of the "sel- atlo nerve of the eye , " "oryslpolos of tbo bowels" and "catarrh of the hand , " an ex perience which has never fallen to the lot of mortal before. From all accounts ho would make a good running mate for Omaha's notorious quack , Dr. Powell Reeves , and the chances are that his fate will bo similar. The people nro awaking to tbo fact that an Ignorant mounte bank is playing with human lives aud ho will probably hear from them. The Beatrice Whisky Cases. BEATRICE , Neb , , Nov. 1. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBC. ] * rho whisky cases have como to a temporary end because of the sud den disappearance of the chief prosecuting witness , J. W. Cnsobeer. Ho bad been ar rested on complaint of the whisky crowd a day or two ago for peddling corn medicine without a license and gave bonds for his ap pearance at court this morning for ? T > 00 , with Mayor Kretswuppr and W. D. Nicholls as bis sureties , and , failing to appear ut tbo au- pointed time , the bond was declared for feited. It is thought that bo has been per suaded to leave the country by tbo whisky crowd. District Court nt O'Scfll. O'NEii.1 , , Neb. , Nov. 1. | Special to THE BEE. | District court has boon in session hero for moro than a week , and a number of Jury cases have been disposed of. The case of Becker vs Ed Horshlser , sheriff of Holt county , and his bondsmen , for failure to apply money received from the sale of a stock of goods for the satisfaction of the proper writ , was decided in favor of the sheriff. The case will probably go to the supreme court. Judge Powers , of Norfolk , is expected to sit for Judge Klnkaid after this week until the cases which Judge Kin- kaid is disqualified to try are disposed of. The criminal docket this term is very slight , two cases 'only having been tried aud no conviction. A Despernto Hlnhwuy Robber. BEATRICE , Neb. , Nov. 1. | Special Tele gram to THE BKB. I George Hastings , n Sa line county crook , was brought hero to-day for safe keeping by Sheriff Barton on a charge of highway robbery. The prisoner mode a desperate effort to escape while being taken from the depot to the jail and hud to bo thrown down and ornamented with an additional pair of handcuffs before ho could be conquered. Smlilon Drntha. PLATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Nov. 1. [ Special to THE BEE.J This afternoon "Uncle" Johnny Allison , a wealthy former living ten miles south of Ibis city , dropped dead whllo walking down Main street. Mr. Allison was about seventy years of ago and was ono of the oldest residents of the county , having como to Nebraska in 1S5G. Fred Bauraolster , aged about forty-five yours , died very suddenly this morning nt his home in the north part of the city , whila sitting reading a paper. For several days ho had been troubled with rheumatism of the chest , and the attending physician says that it extended to the heart , causing instant death. llnrrlHhiiri > 'H Liquor Case. IlAitiiisnuua , Nob. , Nov. 1. [ Special to THE HEK. | L. F. Enderl.v has been bound over to appear at the district court , by Jus tice Combs , in the sum of $500. He will answer for the crlmo of selling liquor with out a license. A lot of bogus prescriptions were gotten up during noon hour by de fendants , but It waa shown that defendants had no druggists permitattlmoof sale , there fore they convicted themselves. Holt County I'olltlofl. O'NEiu , , Neb. , Nov. 1. | Speeial to THE BEB.I There is a boom in politics , the prm- clnal fight being on tbo thrco offices of county judge , superintendent of schools and treas urer. The most popular man on the demo cratic ) ticket Is H. W. Dudley , candidate for superintendent , but it is not likely that any democrat will bo elected , as the republican majority In thu county Is from three to four hundred. _ _ An lnxin Woman. RISING CITV , Neb. , Nov. 1. [ Special to THIS BEE , ] Last night about 10 o'clock Mar shal Cole arrested a woman who shows riymptoms of insanity , She is a Swcdo , and from what can bo gathered from her talk lives near Stroinsburg , where she will bo tuken to-day. Jewelry Sluro Hnrclnrlzod , WAVNB , Neb , , Nov. 1. | Special to TUB Bun , ] The jewelry store of Hayes & King was entered last evening whllo the clerk was at supper and ? 500 worth of gold watches , chains and rings wui'o stolen. There is no clue to the thief. The Storm In Nfhra ka. BEATRICE , Neb. , Nov. 1. ISpeclal Tele gram to THE HEE.I Snow begsn falling hero about 8 o'clocic this morning and has continued moro or lots all day , reaching a depth of three or four Inches. MOXIIOE , Nob. , Nov. 1. [ Special to TUB BEE. ! Tbo first BHOW of the season com menced falling hero this morning. Although it melts ns soon as It touches the ground , It will retard corn husking to somo'extent. . Corn is yielding from forty to seventy-five bushels per aero. NORFOLK , Nob. , Nov. 1. [ Special to TUB BEU I The first enow of the season is full mg bore this worulnt'i melting as it comes , The storm commenced yesterday afternoon with rain , nnd so continued through the night. It is very welcome , as the ground was dry for a considerable way down , DAVinCitr , Neb. , Nov. 1. ( Special Telo- irain to Tun Hnn. ) The heavy ridn bore vostordny torininrucci In n severe snowstorm at 12:30 : last night , continuing until l > p. m. to-day. The temperature Is growing colder. Et.woon , Nob. . Nov. -Spoclnl [ Tolcgrntn o TUB Hr.i.l Tbrco Inches of snow fell lore last night. It 11 still snowing nnd a strong c lo is movlntr thu snow rapidly. H.\nmsmma , Nob. , Nov. I [ Special to Titn HUE. ] Two Inches of snow fell hero vostorday , and still lays on tbo ground. Farmers are jubilant over prospects for a wet Winter , which moans Root ! crops next yeuriu Banner county. WANTUD. Ii.ihonuhcrn Acnln Oflfcrs a Howard For "Itud .Ilin. " ( CapurtyM IBSHliu JdMti Gonlou lit illicit. ) LONDON , Nov. 1. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bii : : . I For several days the Dully Telegraph bus "contained an advertisement which in moro or less ngon- zing terms culled upon James MuDormott or others to tell where ho could bu found or communicated with. Lubouchcro again in forms the public that ho will glvo JC60 to ho put in communication with Mr. McDormott. The very man whom Lubouchcro wnnta called upon tbo Herald correspondent to-dny. MoDormott had just returned from a trip to Sweden. Ho had read the advertisement nnd had In his possession u letter which ho intended to send Laboucheru. In this letter 10 told Liabouchoro ho would meet him when and whore ho pleased In company with the Herald correspondent. McDermott is apparently In ignorance of what Laboucboro wants him for , but Is per fectly willing to moot Lnbouchoro , but not nlono. The Parnoll commission is of coil'so ut the bottom of Labouchcro's auxioty to see "Red Jim , " but how Lobby eupeets McDermott Dormott to assist Parnoll & Co. is not clear. Porhups it will bo clear after Labouchcro and McDcrmott moot , The Lord Bishop of Portsmouth , LCopurfflJit JSS9 bu James donlm Ilcnnctt. ] PORTSMOUTH , Nov. 1. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. ! Among the liassengers by the Saulo from Liverpool to Now York on Thursday was the lord bishop of Portsmouth , who Is to represent tbo Roman Catholic bishops of England at the forth coming celebration of the centenary of the Roman Catholic episcopacy In the United States. GUATEMALA'S KKUEIjMON. The Uprising Put Down anil Several JiiHur CiitR shot. CmOF MEXICO , Nov. 1. Another tele gram from Guatemala states that the rebel lion In that republic is ended and that the government has triumphed. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 1. A steamer from Panama to day brought meagre advices from Guatemala about the reported revolu tion. It is uuofilclallv learned that Colonel Ruann , who led the Insurrectionists , bus been shot together with his two brothers. The insurrectionists numbered about 200 and several others of them have been shot by order of the president. Ono of Ruunu's chluf supporters was Rolnna Barrios , a rela tive of the lute President Harrjos. Hovlth \ two other prominent revolutionists are now in prison awaiting trial. Tin- Hawaii K.-lx > ln. SAX FIIANCISCO , Nov. 1. Advices from Honolulu , by the steamship Australia , state that Albert Loomos , ono of the loaders in the Insurrection has been sentenced to bong the first week in December. The other riot ers are on trial. 8AVJ3D PUOM WH13CKS. The Captains of Four Vessels Irouilit In by a sitetunor. NEW YORK , Nov. 1. [ Sneeiul Telegram to THE BEI : . ] The steamship Niagara brought In four shipwrecked captains last evening. All were wrecked within a hundred miles of each other nnd all during the September hurricane. Ono of the men is English , n second is a Norwegian , nnd the other two are Swedes. The Swedish captains lost their ships on the coast of Laguaro. They all escaped without thn loss of a single man , but all lost their ships and everything they owned. The total loss to all is about $ ? 00- 000 , with little Insurance. 'Iho steamer Rio Grande from Galvcston , which arrived to-c1 y , passed through wreck age believed to bo that of the steamer Brooklyn , supposed to have been lost wltti all on board during the hurricane , October M to 10. The captain and the crew num bered eighteen men. -THE I3NO1NIC1JU9. Federation Falls of Favor In the Convention. DENVER , Nov. 1. The engineers refused to adopt the articles of federation. The plan presented by the convention Is under stood to ho the sarno as that presented at Atlanta. Upon the suggestion of Chief Arthur the convention appointed a committee of five with instructions to prepare a now proposi tion of federation , which shall bo presented to each division of the brotherhood for their acceptance or rejection. Every lodge adopt ing this new plan will bo permitted to fcder- atu with any organization named In such federation , to stand until acted upon at the next annual meeting. As Arthur appoints this committee it Is believed ho will numo these who opposed federation , who will do little to bring about its final adoption. The Pan-America UN. iNDUNAi'OLis , Nov. 1. It appeared that every bell in the city was set ringing this morning ns the International American ex cursion train run Into the station. The party was at breakfast when a reception commit tee of the mayor and other prominent citi zens boarded tbo train soon after U o'clock. Tbo train was vim out of town about live miles to the works of a lurgo nulling machine company , where an hour was spent inspect ing it. After the return to the city the party In spected tbo stute capitol nnd some manufac turing establishments , after which u lunch eon given by the citizens ut the hotel was nt- tended , A number of Bpeochen were made , The party left this evening for Louisvhlo. Charles Martinez Sllva , of Columbia , loft .to-day on receipt of news of the death of his father , who was chief justice of Columbia. IgiLouisvn.Li ! , Nov. 1. The All-Amorlcan tourists reached hero from Indianapolis at 11:20 : , Jmvlngmado the run of liil ) miles In three hours with a number of stops. The streets to the hotel v/cro illuminated bril liantly. The delegates retired ut oueo. No Rollclnii'i It'dt Threatened , KANSAS CITV , ! - . 1. An Axtell , Kan. , special says : T1.-J icports conqcrning tbo alleged riot between the Methodists and Catholics of this place are entirely false. The facts are that tbo Presbyterian minister bore delivered" lecture'Wednesday evening on "Priestcraft Exposed. " A number of Catholics present becuma Indignant at the charges made m the discourse , and there was a short but exciting conflict of words between the minister and the Catholics. The mayor , however , received exaggerated reports of the lecture and was misinformed that thu Cath olics made violent threats , nnd ho requested tha governor to send troops to prevent a pos sible riot. Kalnoky Will Visit Hlsnmrok , HEIILIN , Nov. 1 , Count Kulnoky , the Au&- trlan prime minister , will visit Bismarck ut I'roIdcncUsruue to-morrow. C001EY CAUSES A COMMOTION A Breezy Letter From the InterState - State Chairman , OBJECT LESSONS AS TEACHERS. Ho TnlkH Plainly of the rivlln Which I'crmtt Tioki't Hrokorn to U.xlst A Question Huunrd- IliK Oats Settled. loth Point. CHICAGO , Nov. 1. fSpoolal Tolosram to Tim BKE. ] Chairman Abbott , of the West ern Status Passenger association , to-day sent out a circular letter to members of his association containing the following from Judge Cooley , chairman of the intor-stuto commerce commission : 'Object lessons nro ttpt to bo the most 1m- jrcssivo tenohors , mid what is taught iheroby is most ucrtaln to bo remembered tml acted upon. 1 dcsiro to call .your niton- lou and through you the attention of your assocmtcs to thu question whether the rail roads of the country are not now giving the niblle an object lesion which Is certain to m press the public mind that regular passon- tcr rates nro altogether too high , n imposing such rn tcs it la ot course assumed that the rates are in-escribed as a reasonable compensation for the service nctuully-purforiuod for these who are to pay thorn. But has not the pub- lo abundant reason for bclluvlm. that con- sldcraulo numbers of persona nro all tbo while being improperly curried free , the cost of their carriage tending necessarily to kceb up the usual rates charged to these who puyj This , bowover , Is not the part of ttio lessen to which I wish moat particularly to direct attention now. The extraordinary manner in which the privilege to give excursion rates s abused Is a much greater wrong to these who pay the customary rules than in oven the proper frco transportation. That privllcco might bo exorcised as the law eoalem- Mates without wronging tiny ono , bo- : auso it would tend to crcato a justness for special occasions that would not otherwise exist , and the cost of which would bo moro than mot by the returns. But that it is Improperly otfor- clscd when the excursion rates only tend to ; ut the regular rates , is unquestionable. Moreover , you can not full to know that ex cursion tickets in great quantities are issued with an understanding , expressed or Implied , that the condition of issue shall not be en forced and that they , or nt least the return part thereof , may be used instead of regular tickets , tbo consequence being that unon the same trains there are persons ut nil times to bo found , some of whom huvo paid for their passage twice or more than twicoas much ns others , though neither In law or morals is there reason for any oifforon co. The public sees that , us incidental to this method of con ducting tbo business ofjtransportlng pursoiiH by rail , tbo carriers furnish support und the opportunity for largo profits to a consider able number of persons in all sections or tbo country In a business that ought not to exist nt nil the business known ns that of ticket broker or scalper. Sometimes thcso per sons uro made use of directly us n means of cutting rates , more often indirectly , whereby the same end is accomplished. But whether used directly or indirectly , the effect on the traveling public is the same the coat of sup porting them and their business fulls upon the public und their profits tend to keep rates excessive. . , In view of these facts the following ques tions naturally nrlso ; 1. Wtyen the railroad companies thus dis tinctly give tlio public to understand that' their regular rates uro moro" than a fair remuneration for the services performed for these i who pay them , why should not the fact bo stated with equal distinctness by the commission in its official communications ) 2. If persons charged the regular rates should complain of them as excessive , and brinf ; out the facts nbovo stated as proof , how would the railroad companies undertake to show that complaint to bo not well taken ! Very respectfully yours , 'I'll OMAS M. COOLKT , Chairman. " The nbovo remarkable letter has called out moro comment than any yet issued by-Chair man Cooley in bia official capacitn. In the main the comments are to the effect that tt.o commission is right In stirring up the un. mitigated evil referred to In Judge Cooloy'a letter. It bus put a continued slight on the commission , and of which Chairman Cooley 1ms often spoken in vain. Adverse com ments are ns thick as the favorable ones , some especially savage outbursts being heard in regard to the commission attending to its own purposely delayed business. The letter has already created a profound impression , and is moro than likely , if threats are to bo believed , to lead to un outbreak which will cr.d in a determined effort on the part ot the roads to provo the unconstitutionallty of the inlcr-stato commerce act. Thronch Kut i-.s to tin ; Northwest. CHICAOO , Nov. 1. I Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] - The refusal of the North western lines to accept the proposition of the trunk lines for u raise in through rates to the northwest has excited tha ire of the lat ter. Such a reply was sout by them to the refusal of the Northwestern lines that to-day notification was hurriedly sent out for nn other special meeting of the Northwestern lines next Monday. It Is likely. If a full at tendance can bu had , that doclslvo action will be tuken , provided some arrangement can bo mudo to provide for the outstanding tran sit which the St. Paul has sold in large quantities. St. < To < * rnh & Gi-niHl Island Clmimcfl. ST. Josin-H , Mo , , Nov. 1. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB.I Edwin McNeil , general manager of the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway , announces the following now ap pointments to tuko effect on the Leavonworth , division of the Union Pacific to-days Will iam Williams , superintendent , with ofilco at St. Joseph ; H. O. Halstoad , assistant super intendent , with office nt Leaven worth ; O. H. Andrews , master bridge builder , with headquarters nt Elwood , ICan. ; R. A. Heck. division roadmaster , with headquarters at Ltavcnwoi'th. : Tha pay of engineers and llrtmien will be advanced 25 cents on tha hundred miles , commencing with to-day. Sodliid nt Jjast. CHICAGO , Nov. 1 , [ Special Telegram to Tin ! HUE. ] The joint rate committee con sisting of Vice-Cnalrmun Hoyden , of the trunk lines , and Chairmen Blanchard , Midgoloy and yaltbhorn Imvo finally set tled the "cleaning und clipping of oats In transit" bugaboo by authorizing the Inspec tion bureau to allow the practice. The coin- mltteo officially gives notice to-day of per mission to change tlio destination at least once in transit , a body blow to the attempt to make through billing on ull shipments. A Union Puu flu Dcninl , BOSTON , Nov. 1.Union Pacific officials hero deny nny knowlcd/o of the report that a trafilo alliance has been mndo between the Alton and the Kansas Pacific brunch of tbo Union Pacific. The Ahllfnc Jiiinkora AIJIUNE , Kan , , Nov. 1. Lobold & Fishes made nn assignment late yesterday after * noon and loclioil the Abllono bank's iloorfl. Since Monday's ' suspension a largo number of local depositors have boon settled with , and it was hoped all would bo satisfied. Now England creditors commenced legal proceedings and an assignment was neces sary. Ttio remaining liabilities amount to { Jb5OOD. with assets which , being in went. orn lands , will como far frour settling tlio claims when sold at forced sale. Has n Halapse. LO.NOON , Nov. 1. Charles Bradlaugh , who was recovering from his recent attack of ill uesa , has suffered u relapse ,