Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The jury In tlio cnso ot Frnnlc Lucns ,
who wns cnnrfjctl with stealing n watch ,
disa rcod , Ho will bo tried nguln
to-dny In , Tudgo T3orkn'fl court.
Deputy County Marshal Froomau , of
Kansnfl City , 1ms arrived to pot John
LalTorty , a man who is wanted tlicro for
liurfflary. IJo loft with his prlHOiior
yesterday afternoon.
Mr. J. J , Johnson had n narrow cs-
cnpo yesterday morning1. Ho was
boardinp the cable car at Twontloth
and California when his foot struck iv
plloof dirt which hud boon thrown
from the man hole , cnuslng him to
lese his footing , and ho was thrown to
the ground. The car atop struck him ,
bruising him severely.
I'cinoiml l'nraitrnpli < i.
At tlio Windsor Joseph Dnwson , Denverj
N. A. Wnrren , Chicago ; J. T. Splvoy , Knn-
ens Cltyi l-'mnk Hninniond , rrcmont ; .inmcs
Gadmlcn , bchuvlor ; U , II. Wobitor , Chlcn ro
A. K. Uollcr. Ueuvnr City : U. D. Leonard ,
Friend ; J. D , Chandler , I'lttiburtf.
\Vlicro U tlio Hnrplst ?
Gerranrro L.ngraco , nn Italian boy twelve
years of ngo , left homo with his bnrp a month
ago. Ho first went to Sioux Olty. then to
Norfolk nnd flnnlly to Covlnuton. Since tlint
time nothing lins been hoard of his where
abouts. Ills * parents are of the opinion that
hn wns kldnoupcil , us ho was u splendid harp
Nobrnslcn. Flsli Culture.
Low Mny , of Fremont , who Is a member
of the state llsh commission , Is In Omaha.
In connection with the development of the
business of the hatchery ho states that In
about ton dnvs the private car , to bu tisetl In
transporting spcalos ot the ilnny trlbo , will
bo ready for service. Ho also said that addi
tional buildings lire to bo constructed at
Boutli licml.
Tlio 1'nblle Lillirnry.
The nubile library has recently received
lovcral valuable additions to its long list of
books , and Is prowlnc in daily Importance as
well ns popularity. The library ban been
conveniently arranged under the dirccllon of
Miss Jcftslo Allan , the librarian , and now
certain space Is allotted to everyone of the
various classes of books In the library , so
that there is no dluloulty In finding any book
desired on any subject. The books used for
reference only are placed In n separate apart
ment , nnd tlio library Is boi-oniing n very
popular resort for professional and business
men In scorch of information.
A Quiet Wedding.
A very quiet wedding occurred between 4
nml fi o'clock last evening at 2013 Capitol
avenue , In which T. P. Cartwnght , a well
known traveling mini , mid Miss Uclla T.
Hudson ilgured ni the contracting parties.
Dr. Ilnryea pronounced the ceremony that
linked their futures , but only a few of the
most intimate Irlonds were invited to assist
In launching them upon the sea of domestic
happiness , 'i'hn groom icprcsents Williams ,
Van Anmtn & Harto , of this city , nnd is very
popular with all who know him. Ho and his
bride left on the 7:35 : Union Paeille train for
the west , expecting to spend their honey
moon in 13cm cr , Bait Lake and other west
ern resorts. _
AHHCHHOI ! a Mnall I Inc.
Mike Roach was brought hero yesterday
from Ord and arraigned in the United States
court for selling liquor without a licence.
Ho ilrst declared his innocence , waived pre
liminary examination and was bound over.
This action scorned to annoy two or three of
the old man's friends who ramo down to sco
him through , nnd at their earnest solicita
tion ho consented to plead guilty on ono
charge ( there were two lllcd ngnlust him )
provided IJlstrlet Attorney Pritchott would
agree to dismiss the other , as ho had done an
hour previous in a similar cnso against
Bamuol Sherman , of Hoatrico. One of the
frlonas went before Judge Dundy , and to
him made a statement of the accused's con
dition , whcioupon his honor consented to lot
him change his plea to guilty and submit to
the payment of a5 flue and the costs in the
fllnclo City Ijoiljjn No. : t , Golden Shore.
Past supreme piesidont , Alexander Ilotli-
onstoln , of San Francisco , \Vednosday even
ing organ i/od Magic Gity lodge No. 3 , of the
Order of the Golden Shore. The following
olllcors wore elected : President , U. C.
Hilllkcr ; vice president , H. Hoyinnn ;
secretary , C. w. Miller ; treasurer , Mrs.
JacobJaskolck ; eonductor.Satnuel D. Hoyerj
inside guardian , Charles Mnttisou ; outsiao
guardian , Joseph Anderson Past presidents ,
1 Jacob Joskolek , Charles Singer and George
1f J. Seltzer.
Iho next meeting will bo hold Wednesday
f evening in Knights of Labor hall , when trus
tees and representatives to the grand lodge
will bo elected and President Uotbcnstom
will install the oillcors-olcct.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nerv
ous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured oy Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples frco at Kuhn &
Co.3 , ICth and Douglas.
A Petty bwintllrr.
A very shrewd piece of swindling has just
coma to light , and a hundred unfortunate
laborers ate wiser but poor men on account
of the swindle. It seems that a tall , slender ,
Wtell dressed man , with dark eyes and mus
tache , answering to the nauio of P. C. Col
lins , arrived hero 1 ast week , and , going to
Mrs , Brcga's employment ncency , repre
sented that ho wanted 100 men to go west
and \voik on the railroad. Ho gathered u
the men on the streets and agreed to pay
Mrs. Hroga $10 for the use of her agency ns
hlaofllec. Ho collected $ J BO from each of
tbo men and 01 dorcd them to await his ar
rival at Mrs. Urega's. Ho paid Mrs. Urcga
* } a forged check for10 , but never appeared to
take his employes west with him , and the un
fortunates linally discovered that Collins
was a slick swinulor and had gene for other
parti with their small change ho hud col
lected. Ho Is Mill on the wing and his vie
tluib are nursing their wrath.
Tlio I'rosrnniino For Cololmitlni : All
SniiitH1 Day at All Salutt * ' Cliuroli.
All Saints' church holds its third annual
festival to-day , All Saints' duy. In the
morning ut 11 o'clock , holy communion will
bo administered , with the oven song festival
in the evening.
Too choir , which will consist of thirty
voices , will bo assisted by Claud Anderson ,
ololst at St. James church , Chicago.
The muslo at the 11 o'clock service will bo :
Piocossional Hymn 203
Communion service In U Hut Calkin
AuthoJii "What Are Tlieso That Are.
Arrayed In White Ilobes. " Statner
Hymn No. ISO
Offertory "I Was In the Spirit oa the
Lord's Day" , Arms
Roceusloual , , Hymn 167
At thu evening service the musio will bo :
Processional The Sou of God Goes
Forth to War , " St. Anuis tune. . . .
. , ni'r by Sullivan
Magnificat and Nunu Dlmlttls in li
Hat Calkin
Anthem Selection from Sullivan's or
atorio. "Tho Light of the World"
Solos by Muster Andon > ont Miss Pennoll and
Mr. Per.ucll.
Offertory "Praise Jehovah , " from
Mass In U. , , , , Chorubmo
Solo by Muster Anderson.
Hymn No. 403
Hocossloiml Hymn 167
Very Uov. Dr. Unit , dean of St. John's
cathedral , Denver , Col. , will preach both the
morning and evening services. After the
evening soivicotbo usual parish reception
will bo hold at the rectory ,
A 1'rcvontivo for Croup.
Thora no longer exists any doubt but
croup can bo prevented , True crour
never appears without warning , and if
Chamberlain's Cougli liomody is given
as directed as soon us the first indica
tion of croup appears , it will invariably
disuoll all symptoms of tlio disease.
This can uhvuyH bo done if it is kept at
hand. 60 uont und ono dollar bottles
( or tmlo by all druggists ,
WALSH'S scnc.nn.
What Ho Thinks of tlio Grand Jury'n
Ed. Walsh Is very sere over the censure of
; ho grand jury upon the work of the con
tractors of the now county hospital , "ono of
whom turn which , " to quote Mr. Walsh.
"It Is a shnnio and dead wrong , " said Mr ,
Walsh to District Clerk Mooroj yesterday
morning , "for these follows who don't know
any thing about buildings to ccnsuro contract
ors who hnvo boon in the business for twenty-
eight years , as wo have , "
Then Mr. Walsh proposed a sehcino by
which tbo county can get out of paying for
Lho county hospital , "Wo nro going to go
before the county commissioners , " said Mr.
Walsh , "and have them got five export build
ers to oxnmino Wio hospital and the ilrst
story of Tun Unn building and the Amos
building at Klovenlh and Hnrnov streets ,
nnd If our work ain't 20 per coat bolter than
cither of those buildings , wo won't charge
the county a cent for tiie whole building. "
PAXTOX Iiorin. , OMAHA Special at
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest liotol in the west. Kittrcdgo &
IBrainard , proprietors.
Whom .Miilgo Ilcrka Punished for
'J heir TrnTisjtfpKsloiis.
Polka Judge Horka's theater was packed
yesterday morning from his honor's bench to
the alley wall of the largo court room.
The docket announced that fifty persons
had violated the law , but nearly all of the
chnrcns wcro of a minor nature. After a
number of drunks nnd vagrants had been
disposed of , a tall , whiskered old soldier ,
with ragged garments , ono bad eye nnd a
$3 llddlo , limped forward to respond to the
namnof W. II. Plngroo.
"You nro charged with being drunk and a
vagrant , " said tho'court.
"I ain't nothing of the sort , Judgo. I'm a
tiddler and earn my living that way. "
' "How do I know you nro a HddlcH"
"I'll provo It to you. boss , " ntmthcr. Pin-
grco took out his itddlo. Ho had only
played a few burs of "Chippie Get Your Hair
Cut" when ho had the court , bis cleric and
Tom Onnsby doing a "rag. " After a few
mote selections of u classical nature the pris
oner was discharged.
Minnie Fnrroll , a voluptuous blonde , was
In for creating a disturbance In a Douglas
street saloon , and was lined $0 50 for what
the policeman said was inking "the name of
God In vain.1
Flora Miller testified that Charles Call
had sworn in her presence and wrongfully
accused her little brother with stoning linn.
Cull was assessed $17,50. '
Jack Fitzgerald wns up for kicking In the
door of Mrs. McCann's boarding house on
South Thirteenth sticot. The lady weak
ened and refused toprosecute. The prisoner
wns discharged and Mrs. McCann was forced
to pay the costs of the action.
Charles Gctir was caught at the Union Pa
cific depot while trying to confi
dence , a farmer out of money. Ho was lociied
up ns u suspicious character and is hold for
further evidence. n
Harry Uarnaclo was examined on the seri
ous charge of stealing n pigeon. Ho was
discharged. _
Don't buy trashy imitations. Get the
genuine- Red Cross Cough Drops.
TO U1DI3 0(1 WALK.
The Ijcttcr Ciurlcrs Want to Get a
Wholn Loaf.
The letter carriers are on a strike against
the Omaha Street Railway company because
of the fact that Uncle Sam bus seen fit to pay
car fares for only those who deliver mail in
the outlying dtsti lets.
Postmaster Gallagher has been notified by
the department at Washington that ho will
ho allowed $ iS8 every three months
with . which to pay these fares ,
but the carriers have combined
und say they will not compromise on any
such terms. They want an arrangement
made to enable them all to ride , or else , as
ouo of them put it , "Wo will all walk. "
"It is because they abused the privilege , "
said an oniuinl of the street car company ,
"that wo discontinued the frco ride order.
It was a frequent occurrence of a summer
evening during warm weather for ten or
fifteen letter carriers to crowd a grip car
and talro an evening at our expense. "
For these who go half a mile- before
reaching their districts , It has been figured
that they arc justly cutitlcd to O.'OO rides a
quarter , and to pay for these the $233 allow-
unco has been made.
Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrun for
children teething produces natural
quiet sleep. 2o cents u bottle.
A Methodist IMshnp.
Bishop W. F. Mallalieu , of New Orleans ,
came into this city Wednesday morning on
his way ftoin the Dakota conferences.
Ho will spend a aay or two hero and then
go to Topeka , Knn. , to attend the annual
meeting of bishops.
Ho was met at the tram by Dr. J. 13. Max-
ilold , Rev. J. W. Shank , Rev. A. Hodgotta
and Rev. C. W. Suvidgo.
Thobishop wont Immediately to the homo
of Hev. J. li , MaxQold , whoso guest ho is.
The bishop looked into the plans for the
People's church , and spoke to the pastor
these very encouraging words :
"Brother Savidgo , I am glad you are hero
in this field. T am glad you are in the opera
house. I think you mny hnvo four
or five hundred conversions thin year. Don't '
bo discouraged if your morning congrega
tions are not largo. Mnuo your sermons us
attractive as you can. Got In musical Instru
ments they will help. You are solving the
problem of 'How to reach the masses. ' The
best and surest way is to po after them.
Give them the glorious cos pel of the blessed
God in all its fieshncBs and fullness. "
The bishop and his son , the Rev. Dr. J. B ,
Maxlleld visited Tin : Hi : 13 building yesterday ,
The party cxptesscd surprise and admiration
at the city of Omaha and Tun Hiu : building ,
Why don't you try Rod Cross Cough
Drops , live cents per box.
Alexander's Appointment.
The telegraph yesterday convoyed the
Intelligence that W. II. Alexander , of this
city , has been appointed surveyor of customs
of this port.
This announcement Is in accordance with
tbo facts which have already been published
In these columns , the Nebraska delegation In
congress as also a number of loading citizens
having endorsed Mr , Alexander for the
Tills appointment of course will bo follow
ed by thu retirement of R. C. Jordan , wno
now fills the place , an also by the retirement
of Vincent Huikloy , who has been Inspector
of customs for several yours.
Mr. Alexander's assistant will bo James N ,
Phillips , who wns nl o n candidate for the
position , nnd who lor some time acted as
deputy slicrllT.
Under Mr , Alexander' * administration the
oflleo will bo improved , so as to b6como ono
of the most Important under the government
at this plnco. It will also bo worked so as to
Inure to the advantage of the merchants of
this city , nnd for this purpose aboard of ap
praisers will bo appointed , the same as la all
the largo cities of this country.
Walking advertisements , nvery man ,
woman and child who has once tried Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup cannot say enough In its
The wonderful cures by Salvation Oil of
Mr. M. S. Gulp , a chronic ihoumntic , 1220
George St. , Halt ( more , Md. , has awakened
wide-spread interest.
xiin nuAij KsTAru KxoiiANan.
How it Proposes to Hntidlo Propel ty
l-'or Sale.
"People generally don't ' scorn to under
stand the alms and objects of our open board
departure , " said a member of the Omnha
Real Kstnto exchange. "Tbo impression
seems to prevail that wo are simply formed
into nn organization for the purpose of bell
ing real cstnlo nnd getting our lltllo commis
sions , That of course is ono of the objects of
the association , but what wo hope first to ac
complish Is the establishment of n dally
meeting place , whcro business men , capital
ists , property owners nnd prospective pur
chasers can meet an hour each dny and com
pare notes nnd exchange views upon the state
of trade nnd business in conoral , Hint Is
what wo need mor'o than anything else Just
at present. Wo have n line largo room on
the Ilrst floor in the northwest corner of the
Now York Life building nnd
when our exchange is fnlrly working wo
pi oi > 090 to niuko the meetings so nttrnctlvo
that business men will bo compelled to at
tend them for their own Interest. "
"Will you explain , In plnln English , the
methods you mean to use in disposing of
piouerty and sceuiities in your open board
scssionsl" was nskcd.
"With pleastiro , " .was the reply , "and that
Is the point wo want to get the peonlo to un
derstand. If you hnvo a piece of property
which you want to soil , you give mo the
agency for It and fix your price upon it , I
will , In turn , list it with every member of
the exchange. If you want it sold nt auction ,
we will offer it at such sales at our meetings.
Or you may pluco It my hands for sale on
call , lor one or any number of days not ex
ceeding ono month. That means that the lot
will bo called for sale for two days
in succession and will then bo put on the list
with the secretary of the exchange ana will
bo for sale by him or any member of the ex
change for thirty days , or n shorter period if
so desired by the owner. Thu property may
be relisted , as of ten as dcsiied , but will not
bo kept on the secretary's ' books more than
thirty days at a time if not sold. "
The regular annual meeting of the ex
change will bo held on Saturday afternoon
at 0 o'clock , at which time officers for the en
suing year will bo elected nnd time fixed for
commencing the dully sessions of the board.
Taken Unawares.
Unsuspected causes for malaria exist
every where. A sunken lot pnitl.V filled with
water In the vicinity of your abode , anew
location upon land filled in , but formerly
overflowed or marshy , nnd causes far more
occult than these produce the atmospheric
miasmata which constitute the germs , that ,
if inhaled , ripen Into fever and ague and con
genital maladies. A person taken unawares
with a malai ial complaint should , as soon as
it declares itself , seolc aid from the safe ,
non-disappointing , cordial medicine , Hnstet-
tei's Stomach Bitters , which h is lor over a
third of a century , und In every quarter of
the globe , relieved the malaria-stricken , and
neutralized miasma in air and water. The
Bitters imparts activity to the stomach ,
bowels and liver ; repels luuipiejit I'leuma-
tism , and remedies Inaction of the kidneys
and bladder. Appetite and sleep are im
proved , and the infirmities of ago mitigated
by its use. _ , .
When I ucillo Western played "East
Lynne" her audiences wept. The heavens
also frequently shod tears. But no ele
mental disturbance could prevent the audi
ence from assembling to sympathize with
the heroine wnom the lamented Lucilleso
faithfully portrayed.
Last night there was not a ray of atarlicht ,
and from a leaden sky fell drops of wintry
rain. It was anything but an opera night ,
but "Bohemian Girl" and Abbott conquered.
Boyd's was filled , and the enthusiasm was
as genuine as the night was dreary. Who
does not know "Bohemian Girl , " at
least In part , and who does not ap
preciate , in greater or less degree ,
its oft-sung numbers ! Theio nro some men
wno never die. Bulfo seems to bo a uinn
who shall live forever ; at least until the people
ple shall have forgotten the tuneful arms and
choruses of bis opera , which is , really , as en
during as "Home , Sweet Homo. "
'Iho cast was a good ono. There have been
greater , even by this company , but last
night little was found wanting. In her care
ful nnd interested rendition of her solos ,
which ranged1 from simplicity and tender
ness to fervid and florid efforts ; In her dispo
sition to please an ovcr-exuctinir audience ;
in tiio beauty , variety and richness of her
costumes , U- may well bo doubted if Emma
Abbott , in Arlino , over appeared in this city
to greater advantage.
Miss Annandnlo'B Queen lacked the melo
dramatic plcturcsqucncss of most women who
essay the part , but thin fact detracted but
slightly from the general excellence of the
Mr. Montegriffo worked hard In Thnddous
nnd scored u success. Ho possesses true
dramatic lire nnd worked himself up to a fine
frenzy while rendering the "Fair Land of
Polnnd , " which evoked stanra encores. Dur
ing his Linging of "Then You'll Remember
Me" u host of inemoiics 'swept across the
mind of the star. Unbidden tears began to
flow ; und , with her bead turned from the
audience , the tell-tale mementoes of a love
which , seemingly , the grave lias not de
stroyed , were wiped away with bui ill-con
coaled emotion ,
Mr. Pruotto made nn excellent Count , his
"Henri Bowed Down" being deservedly en <
Walter Allen's Devilshoof was somewhat
The costuming , stupe business and singing
ottho choi us was very good ,
Ciislinmn'b Menthe Inhaler cures catairh ,
headncho , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever.
Trial fieo at jour druggist. Price 30 cents ,
I ) 1101) .
ICNOX At Omaha , on Wednesday moinlng ,
Octouer ! ! 0 , at the residence- her son-in-
law , George S. Graff , ! i518 Capitol avenue ,
Mrs. Rebecca P. Knox.
Interment at Brownsville , Pu.
"Washington , D. O.
By an analysis of Dr , Price's Cream Baking Powder I find
it carefully compounded , and I regard it as the best
baking- > o\vdor \ in the market in ovor.f respect.
Late Cueailst of tba United States Department
el Agiioultur * .
( UiipoalU I'axton Hotel. )
Office lioun , o a. m , to 8 p. m. Bitndnj o , 10 a.
m to 1 p. m.
fpolillsti in Chronic , Nervous Sltln nnd
Itloixl Hoa"e . ,
rivcoiumltatlon nt odlco or l > y mnil free.
Miullolnia snnt liy innll or oxpiess , securely
imckeil , frco from alum Alton. Utmrnntoca to
euro mildcly.srifely fti'l po rmanenUy.
Ions. I'liyslcM Dicajr. urlsliiR from millscio
tlon , Uxccss or Indulgence. pioiUiclng Sleepless
ness , Despondency. I'linp'oJ ' on the face , nver-
Mon to Hocloty. easily at cournqed , InoK of conn
dence , dull , unlit lor study or business , nml Hilda
llfo n burden. Sifely , pcrmnnontly und prl-
vatcly curod. Commit lira , lletta & llotts.mi
Fnrnnro bt , OmnUa , Nob.
Blood anil Skill Disease ?
results , completely eradicated without tlio nll |
ot Mercury. Scrotuln , Hryslpolns. Tover Sores ,
IJlotches , Ulcers. 1'ninsln thn llvnd and llonon ,
bjphllltlcSoro'llmmt , Mouth nud 'JotiKUf. Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured uhcro othcil
hnvo fulled.
Firlnntr Tfpinarv nml HlniMer Oompinint ,
lilQIlByi Ulllldiy IMlnful. Ulincult. too frequent
quont Iltirnlnc or Uloody Urine. Urlno high colored -
orod or 1vlth milky todlnienf on stmidlne , Wi nk
Back , Oonorrha-n , Gleet , Cj stills , etc. ,
PromnUy nnd Safely Cured , Chaises Itonsonv
1)10. )
O JL JiwJL'O ( JL VlJCwJijJ ! Gnnrnnteed per.
nianent Cure , re
moval complete , without cuttluc , caustic or
dlllatliin. CMres onictcd < U homy by ] ntlout
w Ithout a moments pain or nnnoyacco.
To Younff Men and MiMla-Aicd Men ,
< 3TTBP PF1DL1 Tll ° nwrul elfocts of curly
A DlJltiJ UUtlD Vice , which liting * orRnntc
weakness , destroying both mind and body , with
nil Its di ended tils , permanently cured ,
nifl TJCTTv ! Adrosa those who have impaired
UHv DullO taemaehesby Improper Indul-
genies nud HOlltarr Imbits. willed ruin both
body and mind , unllttlng them tor bustnce ; ,
ttuly or marnagp.
M AitiUKi ) MEN. or those entering on that Imp
pylifo , av-iuo of physical debility , quickly as
OUR succnss.
Is based upon facts , First 1'ractlcal Expo
rlence. Second Kvorycasu is especially studied-
thus starting aright. Third Medicines aio prc.
pin od In our labatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus airectlng cures\\ithout injury
tar"Send 0 cents nostcgo for celebrate 1 w orka
on Chronic , Norvou * and Delicate Diseases
Thousands euro 1. CJ7 A friendly letter or call
may sare you future sutTerinc and shnnio. and
odd Rolden years * to life. t3ff No letlcrs nu-
wered unless accompanied by 1 centu in f tninpi.
Address or call on
1408 Ftrnain Street , ymnho , MaK
, TREDtSmmtJa PrWeNA1ERlCV ) ! !
, - '
( UH4C 3I2CJ >
ul o Frltlay nnd Saturday.
Emma Abbott Matinee Saturday ,
Uillllant Success of tlio KMJIA *
TO-NIGHT nalfu's Tuneful Opera ,
K01IO1IAN ! KD > .
EMMA AmJOTTimuEntlro Company In Gnat.
ritlDAY IJelllnl's Grnml Heroic Opera ,
KMMA AHHOIT nna Rntlro Company In Cnst.
Kxquhlte Love Ljrlc ,
EMMA AUJlOTTns "Jullot" Kntlro Compiny.
SATUltUAY EVENINa-Qllbart & Snlllvau's
Latest honsutlon ,
YROMR\ 'i'aac UABII > ,
Or Tlio Morryman nnd His Maid ,
EMMA ABIIOTr nnd Kntlio Company.
Gorgeous Co-ttuiiics ! LueliuiiUny Music !
Urillhint .Misfi en Sconol
1'HIOKS J1.50 , $1 nnil"5o'resolved. Balcony
admlRsliin , Me. Uullcry "i cunti
MATJNJJIJ IJ.W , 75c and We. roscivcd.
RnFe , ur8tn < l nlway * rttlalltf. I.aJIm , a 1i
Kiilit fur Diamond llrun < lln red mailllc
, al J wltli lluoril > boa , Tnk 110 ollitr.
HfuJ tt. ( ! ! * ) for rartlouUri nnl * * jlcllir tat
I.nillrml > < l < tiirlii/ return mall. Mamiltfcl
UblcbuU * them. Co. . 3.aiUHiu b < | , I Ullo-.l *
A rocket Cigar Oa o Fro to Smokers of
\V'o do not Imrp npan tlio chcnpnovj o
our CloMiliiK. but tliixt iloci not slfi'ilfy
tlmttliA Sl'ITS nnd OVKItCOATS which
\\o nik l'i. Jlf , * n and M ) for nto liluli
priced. \\o could uns'lv clirnpen them
by piittniK In Inferior trlminlnit . it H
notiilwnji Ilio prlrnyouimy , lint It li tlio
\nlno loculvcd In purchase tlmtcounis.
In. ) V. . 0. WI-.ST'S Nr.uvn AM > Hit n.v TIIKAT-
MKM , n umirantceil specllle for Hystt'rln , Ul/zl-
ness , Convuhloni , Ills , KCIVOIIS Ni'tirnlBln ,
llrndnchc , Ncnous I'rostrntlon cniisid by tlio
USD of nlcoliol tolncco. WnkefillnessMcnlnl
Deprt'Hsloii.SortmilnKof tlio llrixlu. rasuIlliiKlu
lus inlly nnd lending to mlscry.decnytind dentil ,
I'lomntnro Old Ape. llnuonnt ) ? . " , Loss of Power
In ultlicrKCX. Involuntary Losses nnd Siii-unnt-
toi lima caused bj or rcxortlon of the 11 nln. s ilf-
nbuso or oxcrlndu'Rancn. Knell box rontnlns
ono month's trcntmcMit. SI Ma box , or MX boxes
forT".0' ' , Rentbymallpropaldon receipt of price.
To euro any cnso. With each order lorelved v
usfi r six boxes , nccomp.'Uilcd \ \ lib $ i. 0o will
send the puro.uiser our written KU ii.intce to ra-
fun 1 tlio monuy It tht't'eatment , does not elli > ct
acuio Uuiiinntees Issutd only bv lioodmnn
DniBCo. liriigKl-its , Solo Agents , 1110 1'arnaiu
Stivet , Umnbn , Nobiaska ,
w , liclfust , DiiliIiiiniulLUcriiool
Cabin pns'iiRoM to J./O , ncccnllnt ; to location of ( lit
room. HxciirMonJuStoWJ.
Slccrncc to iinil from Kuropo ut T.oivest It iti's.
AL'ST 11ALD IN .V CO. , Ocll 1 AgcntV
Klllroiulnuy , Nen York
Jouv Ili.raix , Uen'l Western . \cont.
114 ll'tndolpli St , Clilcngo ,
n. MoonL , Tiios. McCAN.vr ,
Agents , at Onma
- * * * irmf * * * * * * fJt iaa mMj f * ' * vmimmmfmt
rorHpcrraatorrlm-n , I , t t 3Innlioot1 Hexnnl Octny ,
Link of Development. I OAU * * Drain * , etc.
To Introduce , wilt < Ui : < K A\\ \ . \ to n itllnblo
, f ei-8on In null < nutity. Order nt onco.
UotL Circulars t n c. > pen in v. anted.
N. W.Con , I3TH& DaacE STS , OMAHA , NEB.
Bc < iF > cilitleiApFaratuiandHeinedeiforOucceufu' !
Tre&tmrnt of every form of U'jeasa ' requiring
Boat d& Attendance , Beit Aocommoditioni in Vfest ,
OyWHITE FOR CIROULAKS on Deformltlei and
\1K Him IITKIT illDftl ) A I.TUa-11 DKriRTlII TrOIt
wountl iaiil\u cuiifiNMMT. < STNCTIY [ , FRIVATF. )
Only Reliable Medical Inititute maun ; & Ef temlly at
All IllooJ Dlimei luernifQlly trentril. Syphilitic I'olion
rfmorcil rroutbaiTKlera without tuereurr. N.u Itrtloral ! , .
rr.ilorot for Lou of \ ITAL run Ut. r.rtlti utJtlo la tlill
BiiDAytatrcsttaat hoin by corrripondtncc. Alleotnnanlet.
UonicoQflileQtlal. UcdleloeiorjBttruiQeouafatbjriaailor * ! .
f nil xeurllr l ck dnomirk , , o Indicate eontcnuor ice Jtr.
One periouMi tertleir preferred. Oil mil eooilt in or ern4
Uflorrof roar CIM , and we will tend In rUlu wraprer.our
nflfif Tin Mrti FREE : UP ° O ivi i . BI < ei > i or
UUUK IU FatN , KcrTou < DliVii , lup ° lenefiia-
Illi , Uleftand Varlcocele. wllb qotitlon lilt. Addrcii
13th and Dodge Btrtota , OKAHA , NED ,
The large increase in our wholesale business demand
ing our whole attention , we offer for sale our
The location is the finest in Omaha , being the most
prominent corner ; the building is new , and the store
has recently been fitted up in the most modern style ,
and is conceded to be the finest jewelry establishment
in the west.
The stock is well selected and desirable , being
clean and new
The business has been established 23 years.
This is an opportunity rarely offered ; good terms to
responsible parties. Address
MAX MEYER & BRO. , Omaha.
Thanking you lor the liberal patronngo bcbtowcd upon us n the past , we now
offer. you Watches , Diamonds , Silverware and Art Goods at prices hetetoforo un-
known in Omuha. MAX Mh\ hit UHO , ,
elxteonth und Fitrnam itrceta.
J ,
We have manufactured 10 styles of extra length
Overcoats , not Ulsters , but Regular Overcoat Styles ,
50 inches long , Cassimerc lining and in every respect
a very desirable garment for this climate , and a style
of Overcoat not made by any other house. Prices ,
$12 , $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 and $25.
We have everything , Freize , Chinchillas , Fur ,
Beavers and Fur Trimmed Ulsters. Some very
choice lines.
$10 , $12 and $15.
Look in our windows for styles and prices. The sea
son for our Fine Suit trade is now well advanced and
we will make this a very interesting- week for those
who appreciate fine quality and low prices. It will
interest you to see the suit you can buy at the sale for
$10 , $12.50 and $15.
Boys' Overcoats ,
$5 , $6 and $7.
CMldren's Overcoats ,
$3 , $3.50 , $4 , and $4.50
Price $5.00.
Twenty different styles of Children's OVERCOATS ,
ages 4 to 14 years , at $5 , which cannot be bought out
side of the CONTINENTAL for less than $7.00.
Cor. 15th and Doug-las St.
The Largest Clotting House West of New Yo $