3IH THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJ3EDAY NOVEMBER 1 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ntlvortlaomonta wlll-bo token tor these columns aflor I2I3O p. m. Torma-"Co8h In ndvnnco. . Advertisements under this head 10 cjnts per line for the llrst Inaertlnn , 7 ccnu for cncli sub- ftequcnt insertion , and f l.m per lln * per inontu. No advertisements tnknii for less than Si cents for tint Insertion , Seven words wlllbo counted totlio line : they mnst run consecutively nnd must bo pnld In AOVANCR. All advertise ments nniHt bo linndec. in before 13:30 : o'clock p. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by ( oloplione , Parties advertising In thfso columns nnd having - ing tliolr answers nddresicd In enroot Tin : Ilr.t * . will pleasonsk for a clicrk to enable them to Ret their IcttTS , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to nd- vcrtlsemems should bo enclosed In envelope * . \ All nrtvertl i ncnts In these columns are DUD- II.Micil in both morning nnd ovenlnir editions of Tin : 111 r tlio circulation of which aggregates more than lt/00 papers dallv , nnd elves the ad vertisers the benrllt. not only of the city elteu Intlonot TUP. HUB , but also of Council llhilTs. Lincoln nnd other title * nnd towns throughout tbiMrrtlpnjof the country. _ BRA N CH O F F 1C ST Advertising for theio columns will bo taken on ihn above conditions , at tha following busi ness houfi , Mho nre nuthnrl7oil ngrntx forTnit HER special notices , and will quota tha same rates nujconjbo hiujjU th innjnjnice. _ JOHN . IIULtj , Pharmacist , KM South Tenth Street. _ _ CHAhi : .V EDDY. Stationer * mid Printers , 113 South inth Strict. _ _ O II. FAIINSWOHTII. 1'bnrmacUt , 211. Cuui- rJ.lnit Street. _ \\T .1. HUGHES , 1'bnrmaclst , U2I North 10th VV .Street. _ _ GKO.v. . FAWI , I'lmrmaclst. HOT St. Mary's Avenue. r. aa Fnruam Strict. SITUATIOMS WArTTEb. " \V ANTKD Situation as nurfciwlll nlsn do > housekeeping , nnd tnko cnra of sick chll- Aren If required. Cull It 15 California st. 637 3 ? Y\.ANTEf-Posltlonni teacher In family or T day governoxs by Indv ot experience lu teaching. Address N 1" , lice. fill at " \\r ANTED Situ all7j)7byTlr3Ucins3 cook , tier- T > iimnladr. Address N IB. Hee. KM 1C WANTKD Situation by a competent Ocr- mini barber. Just from Huroiie. Address box Kl. rontanelle. Nob. 513 St A KlIlST-class business man , one who Is very oiiergetlc. commands conslderablo capital. loves plenty work and eanYuriilsh tho'vorybcsi of references , wants to got into a first-class IcKlUmnU ) business In Ouiab , ulthcr on salary or an Interest In the business. Address , N 2. lue. ! il74 ! ) . WANTED--N1ALE HELP. "VV ANTED A good tullor. Apply Itnmcdl- ' nloly. Nlcoll , the tailor , 110J Douglas st. 628-31 * _ i \\7AlsTED Men with teams tongafhoriorn. 715 N. 18th , Omaha. 61li ( It WANTED first-class pattern makers. Apply to McLearlo i ; Ooiirlo Fotindry.lled- ford Place. SK at \VANTEO At onto , two good tinner ) to BO to Lincoln. Apply to Hector A : Wilheltny Co. . 10th and llnmoy , clly. 65231 "TfTANTKD Good barber : 8IS per week : no ' Sunday work. Mil Soutli 'llilrd avcnuo , Marrthulltown , In. 67M w ANTED Two good feeders for Gordon eneoV presses , rim by power. Must tiavo export- eneo . Mellrldo .V Co. , 1.110 Dodge. C > 1 ! 2 \\7ANTKD An experienced dress goods salesman , ono who can take clinrgo of a ciopaitment. Apply botueun 0 ami 7 p. in. at the Huston store , 114 S Itthst. _ KIO Dl "VV AN'JT.l ) Man and wlfoithont children ' lu a first-class private fnmllnydio hor.ses to take cnio of ) , } ' , ' 5 ; ninnnnd wlfo ou n farm , ? ! > ; 2 good men ou n MODI : furmt20 ; 10 funu hands , 2J teamsters , JU.1 ; section hands , corn huhkors , cook for .small hot < l , $ > 10. ilra. Ilreiju.lHH S Ifith. Hti'J 1 * _ _ \\TANTKD A Urat-chiss bartender at 711 N. , 'V JHjth. _ f.2U IT " \\7 ANTKD A flr.st-clns3 male Ftenogrnpher v. and typowrltor. Apply iicrsoually. with references , to Omaha ' Packing Co. , South Omaha , . _ _ ) Hey of 18 or over to workTn fac- vv tory : coed opening for boy with un rcy mid intdlluct. N . lleo ollice. 4 : > a 'M WAN'i'KD-A cake baker nt City Hakery , Twenty-sixth between Maud N streets. South Omaha. Neb. _ Ii27 WANTED Llvo agents ro ropieseiit tlmPco- plo'B Llvo Stock Ins. Co. , of Philadelphia. Sound , cheap and reliable ; Insures horses agaiMt nil kinds of accidents and sickness at lo < v rates. Wheeler & Wheolor. general western iigents. Douglas and 15tn street. _ 444 4 WANTED A good boy to take caio of horse and cow and deliver goody. Those with city reference apply 1723 Dodge. tin "OENlJMIiltATlVKcinployment otrercd toen- J-lorgltlo persons of fair education. Apply 4it ) jLYjJitfe Jlulldlng , Oninhn. _ _ Wt 4t _ A U I' N I'd I 2 "red hot" articles I Coin money until holidays I Write quickly I Particular for stamp. Eample,2Cc. Prlco Ilros. , David Clty.Ncb. _ \YK \ it \\A ANTEl-C. . p _ hahiry $ J per V > day. Thu Hlake-lluyuood Co. , Kuiibiis City. _ Mo. _ IMJ-W A ( J'ENTS wanted to handle the Dlnmon'l JtX SclhsorSliiupenerand Mrs. Cleveland Hnlr Crimper , botn Indispensable in any family. Rumples I'i ' cents each or both 25 cents. O. Morton - ton , box 401) ) . Oak Park. 111. _ iKf-MU * TVf ANTED A few more good ngenta for newT T noveltleo justout. Sample by mull HO cents. Kettler & Do Vine , Hoom U ? , Uurkcr bulldlug. - ST151N , Maiihulmerfc Co. . successors to Louis atolu & Co. , jobbers lu hats , caps , etc. . Chicago cage , 111. , desire to engage the services of ono or two active men to represent them in No- hrasknf inust bo well acquainted with the trade. Apply or address promptly to J. c. Manheltnor A ; Co. , 420 Delawnro st. . Kansas City , Ma ; 622 l WANTED-Auents to sell the Plnlessclothes line ; the only tine ovcrlnventod that holds thu clothes without plus ; a perfect success ; liuti nt recent/ ! Issued ; sold only by agents , to whom the oxcluhlvo right Is given : ou receipt of 6(1 ( cts wo will end n camplo line by mull ; nlso cltctilars. prlco liste mid terms to agents ; Bocuro your territory nt onco. Address Wor cester Pitiless Clothes Line Co , , 17 Heriiion st , , Woiccster. Mass. 3JXJ-7 ? WANTED-Tracu layers aud bridge carpl-IT- lorn for Iowa. Fllloy , Kramer & Co. . cor. llth and Karnaumts. 170 a Oil coopers wanted ; bteady work al yea r 40a tor mnltlnir tierces aud a > : for bmrels nud best of Htult' used. Address Omaliu Coopoi- ago Co. , South Omaha. Neb. ifl231 _ ' \\rANTHD A tow moro live , energctiasalfls- men to sell groceries , etc. . to farmers , ho tel and restaurant keepers nnd other targe con sumers at wholc-snla prices ; exclusiva Urrltory clven ; fur partlcularx address tha EdKewoitn Mercaiullo Co. , Importers mauufncturers uud wholesale grocem. 1447 Stuto st. Chlcngo. AdKNTSI Write for terms. ft sainpTS ron-i > t free. Sculole 4 : Ca.,39U Ilrond\vnv , New York , , J _ jfcfi 'VITANTHD Salesmen at J75p r month salary TT tud expenses to sell alluootHllver-pltitod vare , wutche.setc. . by bumpla only ; hoiiteand team furnished tn-e. Write nt enc for full par ticulars and sample casu of goods free Stund- aid Silver Ware Co. . llostoit , Maas. 671 s O : must bo n good Guiltiest man. Address the Oeo. S. ( 'lino Publishing Home , UH toU21 Wabnuh nve. . Clilcugo , llln. _ _ _ _ "IXfANTKl ) Men for W-shluuton torrttorv. Albngnt's Labor Auoiiey , IliO Fainuuitt. " \\T ANTED-ilood brlnklitycrs and Btonecut- ters : good wages paid. Apply M. T. ihy , FremontNeh. _ _ wo \VAKTIU-Agents. "Doilca's Horse lllan- ' kut llolilor" keeps the blanket from blowluir or alldlnn olt Ilia lior-jo. Nothing llku It In the market ; every horse-owner buys. Samples by mull , Sic. Elnyner&Co. , Providence , it. I. _ _ _ tfeiio-- ; ! H LN' to travel for the IVnthlll nurserlos of Canada. Wo pay 8VI to JIOO n month and expRiisis to agents to veil our Canadian crown block , Add. Stoiiu * Wellington , Madlsun , Wis. . _ OOi ) WANTEp-j-FEMALE HELP. . . . . , . . r - - ' * * iii .niic-I n , uinu w IVllUn'II- > > tico tlrls. Miss -Mlnnlck. I'M I aven'n.rlh. . 413 31 $ V\TANTii-Snltfslady : of exiieflenco to repTT. t put publUhlng house : salary J.ou ; binull cash bond required. Work , 23 N. 6th st. . Keo- nk , la , 5tt3Q , \yANTKI ) . < ) lrl furgenural huusawork , 715 \ . iSld - . * ? _ ' . * -j ; 1'etorn. 451 aif \VAM'1 ! ' , ! | ) A "shlpuable droaaiuAkrr , at ' 1010 Davouport , llofereucos required. w sw Ie 0 1"- ira- W Vcit Hoisa nr3t ciakY ui"5i5f ftoom T TUL wauled" lolO CalTfornlu. Vl COS 31 LADV npenU fpr ChlldV reform walsti pklrts , biiMlP substitute , bnbr's diaper sup porter , f > uv New goods. Our agent nt Austin , Minn. , made (76 In ID days. I/a dies' Supply Co. * . 87 W. Washington sU , Chicago , 4(0-S ( : \I7 ANTEDlirt for general housework , 1519 Howard st. 427 31 " Klrl. ( ernmn preferred , inqulra GU S. 13th street. Mr * . J. N gl. ANTHl ) ( lencrnl girl nt 4222 L . . . . .n.t tfAK'l'Kli Second Rlrl vidhelp to take earn Votchlldreil.2jl5St.M ry'jiave. .TJ93U \\T ANTM1) tlood experienced colored chatn- V ) bcr innltl , nt once. Inquire at 112 , N.ntlj street. CI1 ! Jt UANTKD 1'lrst-clnss experienced snleiladr In cloak department , tttato experience and where employed. Address I < 63. llee. OV1 WAN'I Illl A Rood Moinau paltry coot. wnnei. New York chop houiu No. 1. No. lllH14Uist. DRESSMAKING. 111SS .MWNlCIv lins returned from Chicago I'lwiththo latest fall and winter htyloi In tlrcs.imiiKniB , and will be pleaiod to have you cnll on her at 1724 Learcnworth t. 40S "B 1SS IX Walsh. HIS Cnpliol avenue.dreasancl clonk mnker ; plush coaterullttud. rrllned. ' ' TT'NOAOr.M UNTS to do dresimakln ? In frtinl- JK lies solicited , illss Stmdy. 31J S. nth ( it. " nnd cioaK lnakor : plusli clonk ! ) to order and Rtenmed : senlikln tloaks roiialred , nil Kinds fur trlimiilncn fnr- n Inlicd. 1I2U Capitol nve. . repairing of all kind. Q73 BOARDING. T > OOM nnd board. Ill nnd 11:1 : NM'Jth St. , onn Alblock north of Mlllard. KrerythlnK now nnd liomc'.lko. 1'rlcoa reasonable. Call and scv for yourself. fiS3lt 1ST CLASS board and room f per ween , day board M ; 1310 UaUfornln. near I Hh. 4113tt \\7ANTKD-Nov. 1 four Ronttcmoti to room T ? nnd board wltli prl"atu family. 1'lrst class accommodations ; prices moderate. Ad dress M 07 , lice olllee. HIS UJ WANTED-TO RENT. " \\fANTHl ) To rent or buy on easy terms a ' Htront ; old phaeton ; must bo clionp ; state prlcu nnd terms. Address N11 lleo olllee. KJO It FOR RENT HOUSES. TTWJIl HUNT 8-room liousaltli modern 1m. JU piovmnonts , on the motor line. SW per month. U. F. llnriison , Jlerchauts Nat. bauk. Ufi UKNT ll-room house , No. nio N 2in st. -U Addrois room ICO , Milliard hotel. 604 Ot TTtOll Iir.NT Nlco brlcfc cottage on Capitol -AJ avnnuo , uearaithsU teo. ! N. lllcks , N. Y. I.lfo bldg. _ FOIl HUNT Nlco 6-room house , porch , cel lar , well nnd clly water , trcoi : SI'i a mouth. Apply to Mrs. Julia Stelu , llll Douglas t. fVJ ill * TTIOH UKNT 4 toll room houses , from $15 to tM V per month , on Motor line. Ituoin 627 I'uxtou block. fi It I7HJH KENT 10-room hoimo. 17-M Dodge , with A ! all modern Improvements.Apply 172,1 podge. 44" ) 31 OH HllNT Right room cottage. UoTsiiorl man nve. tlty water , r.mgo uudbath room. Two hundrud foot of yard frontage. Apply nt premises. W. E. Annln , fiiii 2 ELEGANT newH-room houses , with nil con veniences. Including ranges , and best resi dence location in the city ; 10-room house on S. 10th st. , opposite llrownell hull ; 3 4-rooni cottages , S. 12tn St. : 4 7-room'houses , with nil conveniences , cor. Heed and Park sts , Windsor Pluco ; largo 10-room house cor. 2ith ! nnd Caldwell - well HIS. Apply to Uruon & Williams , 1st Nat. bank bnlldlui ; . 421 TTlOiniCNT lloubo 3 rooms , cellar , har.l , JL1 soft mid city water , SI' ' , to small lamlly. reteieuco required ; cor. 13th and Pacllle Hts. 41' . ill * _ GOOD 4-room cottage , coxlot. . ITith nml UoilRO , $13 : nice If-room lioutc , liullt ! 1 yours ago. city water , pas , Ronerago anil stable , Dav- enpurt near UJd , K. llogga \ 11111. 1408 1'arimtn. I710H III'.NT in-rooui llat In con trill location V with all modern Conveniences , rent J."i per Tnontn , price ol furnlturo IIJIOO' Co-operntlvu Lund \ Lot Co. , i-STi N.-i6th Bt. * 4J1 Ul T710U ItliNT Suites of ' 4 nnd S ro'oms or two JU 7-room houses , clu-.a ) ) inul convenient. One block riom motor. t& ! S. J , cor. Mason. 171OU JtliNT A partly furnished ll-room -U house , with nil modern converlences ; llrst- class locality ; furniture for pale , and will ro- taln several rooms and p.iv n KOOU price for boaid for thruo or more persons. A good chaiiro for the right party , Cnll at once at gl2 ! Douglas st. 414 II Tj OU HUNT Only 4 more of tnoso nlco ne\v 8- -V room Houses. Hath room , hot and cold water. Near a car linen , only 815 per mo. dur- inc winter. J. a. Wilkinson , lloom US , 1'axton Dlock. o. ' 7 TTttlU HUNT So. K my block. 1131 Goo. ave , JL ? 10 rooms , furnace , gus und llxturos , oloctrln wires for lighting , ranso ana ovury conven ience : barn with city water and gas in ; choice uelghborhood30. J.V. Sholes'JW.lst l < at l.ank. "GJ Imoit IM'.NT Two dwelling" , corner Capitol JL ? are. and 18th sts , , opposite Trinity cathu- ural ; furnace , range and all modern conven iences. Call on or adilres ? II. 1 * Hall , Huillng- ton ticket ollice , liltl riiriuiia st. - , l TTIDli HUNT 7-room house. fiUS 1'ith st. , beU JL1 jacksoii and Jones its. Luiiinro nuxt door. J4 N ' 4 T710H IIENT looms , rellar , city water an ! - * . ' gas. Apply Itooin w , Arllimtnn blk , 145 O-ltOSl house on Pth st. it. Ihuiulro S. II. cor. - > llth and Vlnton. Ml TTUiKOANT ilata to rent , 10th St. , cast side , beI I Jutwoen Jones and I.eavenuorth ; first-class In all respects , and now : hteum heat , bath , open grates and mantels , electric hells In nil rooms ; both motor lines puss property. Inferences required. Thoa. 1. Halt , all Vaxton block. 78 0 0-HOOM ( now ) houses , all modem convenlen- 'Jcri except furiiaco. at ill ) , lialf block from motor. 5U 1'axton llloek. Kio T Alidli r.-room nonse with all conveniences JLJunil large barn , cor. "Cth und L'aKln ell sts. CM OH HUNT Fno room liouso. Sl'J per mo. , S. K. corner llth and Vlnton HJ. 017 fT-room housB with barn , Jliper moutli. 0. if 1 Harrison. Morcnants' Nat , bank. 4R ) "I710H UKNT Handsome 10-room lionse , all Jconvoniencos. . paved btreot , cable and lioryo cnrn , & mlnntoD' walk of po&tollicu. NathunKhel- ton. 10111 arnam st. > > 51 ilKNT Nice new n-Tnom cottages wllli cellais , ICMW and KJi : ! Halt Howard m. Kent 115 per mouth each , hiiiinlie C-4 ti 17th st. 1 3 TTIOH HUNT 10-room house , Bteam heat , alt Improvements , cheap rent. ( . ! Thompson , rooiuX'H , fclicely block , Ifith nud Howard. b&l VKHV lb\v , two 7-room houses on 13th and Vlnton ; two H and ! l room house * on 27th nndVoolworth ( with city water and bath ) ; tn-o fi-rooin houses iu Lincoln 1'itco. Hooiii r > 19 , 1'axton block. 4S ) _ HO USES nnd business places" for rent J , J. Wilkinson. U18 J'axton blk. 7 9 1710H HUNT Neat i-room Mouse , in good re- J-'pair ' ; on cor. 'Mill nnd Woolwnrtn uvo. ; pos- nesslon given Oct. 1st. Immlru U. 11. TzBclutck. llee ollice. IUTJ FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED , IjlUKMSIIKI ) room with Hoard for two goa- Jtlomuii , iaill Capitol lue. fi i iir HUNT Uirgaell furnUhwl front room - - for a or 4 gentlemen , or ludy and Kuntlomnn ; new brick roildcni-c. all modern conveniences , > 0 . ' . llnrnuy and Mth ) sta , GUI ai ITIUltNJaTl D rooms HI ! ) Dudgt ) . ' j ? _ t fi7 ! 37 TTIOIl HENT Two furnisned rooms on fit. JMary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six mln- Ulc-H1 1K of buslm-fs renter. Inference 10- aulred. Inquire at store , ' 'w und L'2 | 8. 151 li su - _ 8.V A I'lNKIA' furnished room , t3 ! mo. luouiru xXat cigar store 13a ) Douglas " bt , _ 117 _ NICKIA' furnished roonitf , "wltn board. a nml Heat. jWT N.J'Jth ' st.J _ ilh7 lit ROOM , bouril. gaa. bath. IblU lliiruuy t.r. itu-at _ Trait KKNT Two furnlhned rooms ; ovory- 4thliiw new nnd neat ; gai and bathicnt ; mod- yrate. _ atS 1'urnuin bt.llatC' _ . _ LtiOUlt FOK HliN'l Tooue or two gentlemen with gjod referenced , ulcely furnished front room , nested by steam and centrally loeatea Inquire 721 H IPiii BU _ ] oa TriUHNIBHKn rooms , $7 , M und 112. otaJIS JL1 Hartley m. _ uiai _ _ _ _ f P VVO larue nioins. elegantly furnluhed lit J-iuodnruljrlckr * ldence ; board If desired. ISil Casn t. _ _ _ _ uja 4 ? _ LAIUii : nlcelv furuUUed front room with private board , nppiy wttli reference lujs cap itoia > e. 4ti31 * MIC ELY furnUUedToomTniiosTjoiiglas st , * > iSJ it fTIOn llKNT-Ncntly fnrnlshcd room with or JL' without board , modern conveniences , ffiti N. 13th t. 401 4 * TJU'llNISIIKD room , ronth bay window , with JU crcry convenience ? 2214 Fnrnnm. 822 TTIOH HKNT LnrB furnljhedlrout room 110 JU per inontli. 13 Leaven worth , w > Ij on KENT Funitslied front roomw'ltn nl JU mo < lorn conveniences , to gentlombn only , ntatn St. Mary's avenue. Apply at utoro. 2lo and 212 South Fltlcentn gt. C80 TJItniNl&IIED back parlor , 2007 Caw st. Tj10 HUENT November 1st , pleasant room JL1 for two gentlemen , steam heat , table board , 2100 Douglas. 2oS- T710H HENT A suite ot rooms , with board. JL1172 ! Dodge street , ua H . or without board , for t&roo gentlemen ; private family ; references. 1812 MH i.Y furnished rooms. 2OT Dodge. ] 4,11 U _ _ _ T7IOH III'ST line single and double room , JU with board , Aery cheap : loll Dougliwuit TUOMS furnished , N and S3 month. 611 smth. TJIOH HENT One nice furnished room , 4'il N J Htn st. 178 TiM.EOANT furnished rooms with bath and jlMeam. 1610 Howards * . 617 "IJIOIl HUNT Furnished rooms for2Bontl - JLA men , or man nnd wlfo. HVg ) Douglas. o4 "VTICK rooms , steam bent , 1719 Davenport. J > 1107 It . CLA1H Fuiopeau hotel , con Mtli aud Dodpc ; fcpcclal late by week or month b.Vl TJ10 It'HUNT 2 "nicely furnlsho < l rooms , with JU board ; 1100 Cnpltol nvenue. Mrt riOODiooni witVbath. Mil S.SCt list. O R'S FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. iroit HUNT 4-room suit , unfuinlshed nulta- .1 : bio for housekeeping , gus , water , etc. . to famllv without children ; northwest cor. 17th aim Webster st. JBlT _ "iriOH HUNT lloom over stove store 1K1 llo\v- Jnrd stieot. 1'rlco tin per month. _ f 57 TriOR H K NT Three unfurnished rooms. 0.11 S. -i- nth St. , be tw oou Jackhon and tjonvenwoith. "I3AOH HENT R unfurnished rooms.sultable for JU liotisekucplnp. 2U8 N. llltll t-t. 'Mi FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES / IFKtCES for rent. Wlthnell blocc : central to- Vcatlon.stcam heat all modern Improvements , KQO- It HENT H store. 702 S 10th st. ulO 1 * TTIOU HENT Part of store In very best husl- J. nof s part of city , suitable for glove or hnlr department , rent reasonable. Address N K1 , lleo olllco. 447 1 T Duck sloro room 207 12th st. JL ! joining cor. Douglas. S. Lehman. SM , troit HENT 2 stores , cor 22d and Pierce sts , JL' HUltnbht for meat market aud grocery ; also tno Hats above stores : will glvu responsible parties 2months'rent free to establish trade. Call ou ,1. 11. Pnrrotte. Douglas Co. llaiik. 172M fpllE most promising locality for business In JL Omaha Is on lllth bt. , bttvn > eii Farnam nnd Leavenworth. the future retail district of tlio city , lilegnnt blocks ore going up , und nothing shabby will over bo erected there. Take a look nt the new block on enst side inth between Jones v I.eavmvorth aud secure lease for a number ot years ; all heafd with steam , with plato-glass front , Thos. F. Hull. 311 I'axton block. W5 "ITIOU HENT Snow store ? , 017 and 01 ! ) S. lilth , J Fine show windows. 'Jj'j ' FOH HUNT Store room in Hoyd opera house building. Knqulre American Savings Haul : . lul FOU HENT A 4-story Drlck building , 0 > xl2D. suitable for wholesale : good trackage ; 1 have also a number of line residence prop erty for rent or sale. For particulars call or adilresa4 U-lll lloobldg. N , O. Itrovni. 433 TjiiNi ! : store , with collar , CM South inth. 2(8 N 171011 llENT-Storc. llll Farnam st..20bv 138 JL1 feet. 2stories aud cellar. XatSau Sholtou , 1014 Fnrnam st. S''J TI1O HKNT Desirable warehouse room on JL track. Apply to C. W. IColtti , 7U Pacllle st. RU TTIOIt HKNT The 4-story brick bulldlnt ; with Jw or without power , formerly occupied by The lleo Publishing Co. . 010 Farnam st. Tno build ing has a lire-proof ccmontad bastment. com plete steam-boating llxturos. water on all the lloors. gas.otc. Apply at ttie olllco ot The lleo. tilii T710K HENT After Oct. I , flue front olHce. JL ground lloor ; plate glass window ; heat and Hunt fnrnisiiort : n most desirable location for any kind ot business ; rent reasonable. Inquire Omaha Ice Co. , :110 : So. Fith si. K ) TjlOK KENT Basement 40 by fin ft. heated by JU steam. Enquire J. Nngl , 012 So. 1'Jtli st. _ 471 MISCELLANEOUS. \\TEATIIEItstrTpsfnrnlsnedand putonforSc Via foot by L. J. Keene. IMM llnmiltoii street , Omatin. Neb. Drop us a postal aud wo will call and see yon f > r > 6 "f TF VOU tiavo anything for sale or exchange , J call on the Star iund and Ixjui ; Co. Ii)5 ) no AOKNTLK.MAN who sutTered years from Vllos and has been ctlectually cmed will send tull directions for self-treatment. Simple and unfailing. Free to all. ICchvln Slater. 1' . O. box. 1T8 , Cincinnati. U. UJMt IF yon have anything to exchange call on II. K. Cole , roomt ) . Continental block , Fifteenth and Douglas. t > S3 IF you luivo any thing to sell or cxcluuigo call at Hoom 018 , Paston block. USES "TTIEATIIIUtS cleaned , curled and dyed , hats JU reshaped , at F. M. Schadell Sc Co..2fr N. 10th. 2ti ! n 4 A UCTION sales nvory Tuesday anil Friday jJLmorning at 1121 Farnam. Omaha Auction A. Storage Co. 775 DH. M A HV Strong , cor. Humidors nnd Casslus i-ts. . Kouutzo place. Telephone lis4. 2:17 : ni : CASH paid for household furniture , stoves. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Faruaui. KIU ' ' " STOCK BOAIRD's'pT" HOUSES wintered nt Omnha fairgrounds ; largo box stalls ; terms reasonable : car riages btored. A. Thomson.GS N'JU HOUSES Wintered at my farm , good raugo and Paddocks ; no barbed wire on place ; horses called for and delivered ; terms moder ate. Telephone 577. Clias. McCormlck , Cal- noun ; Nob. 417 n | ANTED Horses to winter nt 1 a nmntli per brad on farm near Irvlngton. Plentv ot grain anil hay to feed , good shelter and good care given tliom ; horses called for and delivered - ed W. H. llonmn. room II Frenzer Hlk. ] OI I WILL winter hordes onV. . II. Mllhud's farm nt Caluouu. Neb. Hnasonable rates , care considered. Orders can be loft with \V , II. Mlllard or mailed mo at Calhoun. T.T.riumlng. 1H4 Hi EDUCATIONAL. rilHEbunJo \ taughtoi an art by Uoo. F.Coliou- JL beck. Apply at Hee ollice. ir.il SCHOOL of Expre&ilon. Vocal. Articulate , Pantomimic. 1. V. Anderson , Shuely bloik , S'ENINO Fiench class. New Yorlc Llfe Hulldlim. lloom Wi. Jules Merle , 711 N U PERSONALS. t ) HHSONAL 1 wllluenu you I mean you a valuable book of Information worth J-'VOn for 10 cents. Dr , Vf , J lloriInzer , Council illiiirs , In. tM t LADI IS and gentlemen desiring correspond- cuts uddrevs Corresponding Club. Kansas City. Mo. Jnclo eHtamp. LOST ] IOST At 24th nnd Iznrd , parcel contuiulng Jnhlte work , pair scUsora nml spectacloH. Howaid for Its rutnrn to roomv , lid lioor , 712 N , loth st. ! _ _ ai'jlr : , LOST J120 In currency ; owner will prove nrppety. Liberal reward for luforinntton loading to recovery , Adaress N It ) , H o ollico. 614 : iu WANTED-TO BUY. WANT 0-iood aesk. cheap for casn. , Ad- dretsNO , Hee. Ui/1 * TV K ? IA\'K some casu buyers f or projierty at t T talr figures , llutchlnson x Wead. U2 ( DouelQB , telephone 1523 , _ tu ) ANTED-/TO buy a lot within one mllu anil n halt of postoiike ; cali wilt bo paid for a bargain. TUoso anxious to bell address N 5 , l _ U.Hair ) ( " 1 ASH for furniture carpets , etc. WeU's Vuc- Villon Storajje Co. . 817 H. 13th. 715 WANT1-.D-4 or TThousaud yds ot p.irth to nil lot 6 , Hurr Oak arid , uptocrlldo. In- QUITO Vf. N. UorwurU , J8I7 Douglas rt , 700 LAimitnre proof BafJi/ivantod. Address H. F. Senon , N4J" . LUf [ Binding. 617 1 WANTRD-To buy m ncre farm , Rood for Rnrdenlnp , witlilrr-H mile of sera II U ttntlon , not over 15 miles from Omana ; must be low price. W. I _ 84lMjf , H. 13. Hoard Trade. STORAGE. ' - * " " TQ" j M1RACKAOK storage nnowest rates. W. M. J. Uashman. 1311 Leavouworth f SI OTOKAOE nt low ratcsiRt 1121 Fartiam street. furniture and baggage at cheapest rates for Btorago for any lengtn'of time. Vnns nml wagons to bo had at shortest notlno , with cnre- ful men for moving. Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded nnn unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. OITlco SI I 8 llth t. Telephone 111. Howoll&CV ) Hrtn CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME Wellington , world-renowned as- troloslst , test nedlum and < letiii < > render. Jtint from Europe. Telia your life .rom the cradle to the grave , retinues the separated , ranges speedy marriage with the one you love , locates doseaoes and ( rents with manage and clcctrlo baths. All In trouble should not fall to consult this gifted seorsss. Parlor o , upstairs , 41 * S , IHU ; ollice hours from 10 a. m , to jo i > . m. 4U't ; * _ . " TJIOHTI'NK TellerMrs. . Lcnorman can"bo JU cou-UltrdonallnlTalr.sot life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No. ilio N. Ifith st. 00.nl IJ i H. NAt\NliV. ; Warren , clairvoyant , medi- J cal and bnsliiuss medium. Female diseases n specialty. Ill ) N lOtn St. . looms 2 and II. 103 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING T71 N. mNDMAN , X .Stenographer and Typewriter , It. 127 1'nxton lllk. lelejibono li'JO. Ty IIITTLESEV'S slmrtliaiid aiuTtypewrltiut ; T stliool. Hnrkor block , Tno bcit aud cheap est In thu city. Ku N 12 * STANDAltDSIioithnnrlSchooUlloom a45 Ware blk. . ( succe ! , or to Valentine s ) the largest exclusive shorthand school in the west. Tfiicn- er nre % crimtlm reporters i'artlcular attention paid to typewriting * Mechanical constiuctiou of machine taught uy factory expert. Circulars MO FOR s'ALE-IVnSCELLANEOUS Foil SAIlE Counfor and sfielvlng , ionrar.27 , I'axtou lllock. iiU ) EOH SALE Cheap for cash , square piano , costjm Will tia'lo for pair uood driving horse.s and cairlagu. J. L. Hlce , Hoom 4K < , lice building. 670 St 17(011 ( SALE Cheap for cash , one 4' rent JU Simpson load wagon In good order , and oue Amesbury extension top , side sptlng , two neat carriage. .1. L. llicc,4ii : lice building. 671 SJ TT'Olt ' 8ALK Fonn wagon. In good repair , for JO & 2 > , If told nt once Co-operative Land nnrt Lot Co. , W > North Sixteenth slicot. 5 > 1 " " Oil SANK Memwny plnuo , nearly new. Ad dress N. 7 , llee ollice. 43S iil * TTIOH SAI.U-7-yr-old pony , hroks to saddle JL' and harness. H. ItiUTuti , with N. H. Falconer. oiu ; ; ITIOH SALE ( ior.tl gentle hor.s" : not nfrald of JJ the iara ; lady can drive him ; JV ) . II. E. Copson. cor. IMh nnd Pacific sts. 41735 + , T71OH SALE A deMrable carrlago team , dark JL1 bays , ( I yeaisold , sate nnd sound : also two road horses , rntrlages bjigeles , etc. ; will make ptico and terms satlstaptory. W. .1. Council. FOIt SAI.K A good 4-Hlablo family can Ingo team , carriage nnd harness ; a bargain. A\t- play to Col. 1'lctcher , Knrt Omahn. 41- FOK IALT StylUh team of Day horses G nnd f years old , perlVt tly hound , nnd will known In tlra city : willxii-lvo double or aiugle. ( Jne canopy-lop double fciurroy. One top bURuy. , ( me set double harno- . One set slnglo harness. One huddle. Jji All the nbo\o comploA and In good condi tion. No futtlicr use. leason for selling. Also one htelnway square piano , ne.irly 'low. The nbo\u propel ty YllL bo sold cheap , on reasonable term" , or wlll'trade for lns.ldo real estate , lnn.ulre.ruom 500'First Nat'l bank. 1 ' 27:1 : 31 T7VJU SAiaLIjlitspiUYs : [ wagon l.Vi" N. 10th. -'gl n'4J tnOH SALK At lialririco.n.lotdf counters -I-1 uud shelving Huttnblo-'roc irrocery. notion , boot and shod block.f. . It , Jlomau , room 0 nenzcrblk. W7 FOH SA LK Top buggy nearly new , cheap , J. li Wolshims , UM Hnrnoy. n TJ1OH SALE A new furnace ; cheap for cash L ( ir will trudo. Inquire at " 10 S. 13th. 7dO TJ1OU SALK 0 cows cheap. II. II. Hendor- JL1 hon. loom 103,1'axton blk. cm TjWJHHAI.K A quautltr of bulldlnc ; stone. JL' Apply to the superintendent lloo building. ftSi ollice. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. ( lurantee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Llfo IJ-blilg , complete abstracts furnisned and titles to real estate ejaraluedperfectod It guarnnt t-cd. MONEY TO LOAN IIUVATi ; inouoy wanted , t ,000 , ; < to fi years. llr t mortgage on line Impioved rcsldenco property m north part city , bnlldlngx all lln- ished and occupied with good tenants ; no bro- Kcr need apply. J. r * Hicf. 413 Hoe building , _ _ _ _ _ _ 673 SJ ON13 hundred dollars private money to loan or will buy short time mortgage or good note , room 13 Hoard o ! Tnulc. filtl MONBi to loan on norse , wagons , minus , household eoods. pianos , organs , diamonds. lowest rates. The flibt organized loan ollice in tha city. Jil ukes loanH from thirty to thrcu hun dred uud sixty- lire days , which cnn be paid In part or whole at nuy time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Cull ana HCU us when you want money. Wo can as ln yon promptly und to your advantage without removal ot property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delaIn iimkiu : loans. C. I' . Keod .V Co aili H. 13th St. . ovrii-'lllngham & Sons. 875 MO.YKV to loan : ca.sli on band : nodolay. J. W. Pmilra. 1 ! 13 1'uriiam at. , Vlrst National bank building , Ml MONKVto lo.iu on city or- farm property. _ tieo.jl. I'nul. liiOil I'arnam st. _ hM _ BUILUINff loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 Klrst National bane. " H73 " \ | ONRV loaned on chattel securltv or rea 1'l es.tate. J. J..WilKlnsou , 018 1'nxtou'blk. r OANB made on real estate nnd mortingos ; JUbougnt Louis B. HeediCo. . r.13 , board trudo _ _ W 1 _ \ \ / ANTKD KlrstrchiBS iiiHldo loans. Lowest rates. Cell nnd BBO us. Mutual Invest- inent Co. . Itot Kanmiu. _ 677 rpOLOAN A few tlioiwanil on Imlde unini- . JL proved city piooerty or good 2d mortgage paper. Aililiesi M W , llee ollice. ai _ MONKVto loan on rtol esUte nocurlty at lowest rates. Jloforu.nogotlatlui ; loans sue Wallace , It 31U llrown bid ? , inth and Uotiglus , _ . _ iii < i MONIJY to loan by an eastern man , on gilt edge property , for th next lUilays. Harris , room 411. M Nat. Hank. KID [ T ( JANS City aim far-iu lonus , mortsago pa- -LJpor liouulit. McCugi\e \ fnve&tmont Co. SM MONl'.V to loan on ffly property ami farm lands at lowest rate * . J. D..Ittle. ' 430 I'ux- ton block. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , _ ia TJHSIDIINCIS loaiw-n'b \o \ 7 per cent : no art- J A-aitlonul charges foL.nmiuiHi.lou | or nttor- uey's fuss. W. II. 5leIkK | ' Slrat Nat bank bhlj ; . ( ' 81 _ _ MONUV to loan on furjiit-u , i.uueiW6pr jus . ? I.r" ° .r..on auy nDprpYod security . .1.V. . Hobblns , 111 ! ' , , rarnnmWeat , 1'axton Hotel _ " " ' bTl „ TT\ruSTjiortgaso \ ) onifat low rates and no JU delay. D. V. Sholes.-Lo lrst NutlonUl bank. _ w p I u r , ADiiLi'fi I AMorusgoi TrusTco. 'fuT -L nlsh cheat ) uastvrn money to borrowera. purehaso securities , porfcet titles accept loan * ottholrw i > tern olllco. George W , 1' . Coates room 7. Hoard of 'Jrade. Sid KKVBTO.NK Mortgage Co.-l-oun-i of $10 to Jl.OJt ) ; got our rates before borr.-iwlng nud gave money ; loan on horses , furniture , or any approved Hecurlty , without publicity ; notes bought ; for uaw loan , renewal of old , nnd low est rotes.call H 03,8aeeler blk. 16th Allownid st. 8OT _ _ _ BKl-qilK making chattel or collateral it will pay you to sue The Western Invest- m ntjo. , room 44 ? . Hoe building. _ KM ) " BUILDING loans wnnted"on brick bmtnebs or residence block * . Kevorable terms and rates. Klmball , Cnamp i Hyau , 1205 rarnam , " _ _ _ _ . . "A s.P clal fund ot lltw.oou in sums ° ; . * luilV < ) mld "Pwards at very low rates /m Uhe .Mead Investment Co. , UI4 B. J5tb Bt. 1JJ IM ONlJV-Loans ilC80tjatud at low rutej want J.uuut delay , und purchase good commercial ' 8' nQ'8'- b A < Blo"aor MONEVtoloan , O. F. DavU Co. , real09tat nnd loan agents , 150 | Fnrnam st. 876 MONKVto loan In nr nmonnton household peed * , horses nnd wagons , diamonds , land conlracts.8 condmortgaResor any available i > e- curlty , wltttQUt puolleltv. Hoom MP.Paxtnnblt _ 249 | DO YOU wnnt money ? It so , don't borrow before Rcttltiit my rates , which are tUo low est ou nuy sum from * l to } 10OW. 1 ninko lonns on huitsehold good * , pianos , or * pans , horses.inules , wagons , warenouso receipts , liousoi , leases , etc. . In any amount , nt the lowest posslblp rates , without publicity or removal ot property. Loans can bo mnds for ono to six months nnd yon can pay part nt any time , redtu'.mr both principal and Intelcst. If you owe n balance on > onrtnrnUiira or horses or hnva a loan on thorn , I will ttvlco It up nucl carry it for you as loin ; as you < loMre > . If you uttid money vou will n ml It to your advantage - vantage to see me before borrowing. 11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlilmoll bulldtnR. intn ana Harnoy. 870 $1,09) PrivntH moiTeirfo Toi\n or will buy good mortgage , W , L. Selby , r. 13 , Hoard ofTrade - 728 MONEV to loan on nny security lor short tlmu at low rates. Lowest ratei on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment company , room joe Pqxton blocs. B.J 'JVTONKY to loinnt to\v rates and no delay , J-'LCapltal mm surplus 51.8yXU. ( Lombard Investment. Co. , a S 13th st , ) tso KE Shoics. room 210 First Nal'l bauk , bntoro making your loans. sr.l $600,000 to loan nt n per cent. Llnnlian & Ma- honey , room & 03 Paxtou block. 870 ' ON KV loaned on nu ntture. "TioT as"ami wagons : rates reasonable. CUyljoanCo. , .IJthB ; . . opposite Mlllnrq hotel. ESil SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTsi "IjMHST National safety Unroslt vaults Safes .U to rent i to JJj n year , 3J7 8. 13th. W BUSINESS CHANCES. IjlOU SALE Crorcry nud feed stoio tor $1,00(1 ( , J-1 halt cash and half good vacant lot. W. H. 1 Ionian , Koomt' , Krenzer block. (07 fyoit SALE Clgnr factory , address Iocs box JL1 55 , David City. Neb. _ cciti" WANTHD Iati w Ith W ) ) cash to tnko half interest In prollt able legitimate business ; answer vslth unino nud nddrcas. N 1,1 , lice. K M _ BANKopenlnc wanted la Ncnraska or Da kota , where can Invest SlO.OiX ) to S.UOOOana scrvlu's with protltablo returns ; established bunking comity sent ( own preferred : wrlto par- tlculars P.O. liox-ilOl. KeariiBy. Not ) . 2.'iO ill nry line restaurants in the best portion JL ot the city for * ale. Tlio puronngo is the M ealthy class , and tney are pay lug big money. The party is leaving the city nml must sell. They nro ( Irst-class thioughout nnd nro cheap at the prices , $ ,000 for one und 8)nOO ) for the other. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 20. > N lOtti , | 43. . 31 _ _ A FEW lust-class stock securities for sale , _ Addicss N ft. Hee. _ 6H1 j AN established grocery Business : line loca tion , stock clean nnd ttvsli ; tlxtnres , teams nnd everything complete , tor sale nt Jl.OJO less than value ou account of removal of owner. Address N n , lleo. 4U2 31 * C A M < nt 2:112 : Douglas st. for good chance to right party. See ad olsewnero. 4143 SALK or exchange First ilnss drug stock In Mo. Valley , la. , 4,000 people , three stores stock JW.OOO. Will sell for part cash bal ance on time , secured , or part c.itOi nnn balance Iowa or Nebraska land at fair valuation. 1/3ck box iIJ ! Mo. Vulloy , la. 2311 * DUUO business for sale lu n llvo Nebraska town , about $31,0111 worth of rtrns business done In the town yearly , only two ding stores : stock will invoice about S2.8U ) , half cash and half on time. Address M 37 , Hco ollico. 10U2t GOOD chance for the right party. Call nt 2312 Douglas st. See ad elsewhere. 4113 FOH HENT Now hotel. In heart of city ; thirty looms. W.Farnam Smith,1.20 Fnrnain _ J 810 T7IOH SALC Or trade , a well established book JL\nnd stationeiy storo. lioxMS. 221 FOR EXCHANGE. clear , to exchange for property m I'ierro , Dak. AedicssM TJ , lloo ollicci. 431 Wlliljtrado ' clear South Omaha lots for lioi-ses or carriages ; one north Omaha lot for good driving horsosultable forlady toilrlro prcterrert. J. L. Hlce. 413 Hee building. 572r rpo HXCIIANCE-My eau.lty , worth SI.TOO In JLa splendid lot on Georgia avo. . for Chicago suburban property. Address S , 117 W. Van Hu- rcn st. . Chicago. _ | M4 " IIIAVKulOa-acrefnrm In northern part"of this state , with small barn on it , that ! would llKe to exchange for n good span of horbes and buggy. Address N 14 , this ollice. OTiS U TotraaoaiO acres good Nebraska - ka laud , nil clear and deeded , for brood marcs. Albert Cdholm , 101 S. luth si. , Omaha , 11 2 _ W1L1 < exchange $70,000 worth of Improved Lincoln property for lands. J. ( i. A ; O. II. Ilulchlns H O street , Lincoln. Neb. yoij' O'Mnciea land to exchange for horses nnd cut- Otle. W. 11. Gates , room 518 N. V. Llfo M'dg. f > 58 2 FOH r.XHANGK 60 acres clear of encumb rance , in strips of 10 acres , In Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property. Apply room 1210. First National bank building. 130 WANTIJI ) To trade 2 lots , n-roora house , bain und out-butldtng ; nicely located In Florence. Nob. . No iuciunbruuce , for good young work teams. II. Hall , Florence. Nob. 89" . 1 * TTIOU EXOHANGK-A businessyieldlngaprofit X1 of from * ) , OOU to J8.0 iO per annum , to ex change for good city property. Am willing to assume light oucumbrauco. Apply room -10 , First National bauk building. 1UO ITIOH nXOHANGK-10 clear South Omaha Iota J-1 and cleai'land for Kor 10 room house , will assume small incumbranco. W. L. Belby , H. 13 , Hoard Trade. KiU To exctiance dry goods notions T ? aud mlllluery goods for clear land or city property and jiart cash. Address box 4711 Frankfort Jnd. uu5 TI1AVH toino first-class rentil property for sola ctienp within ono mile of postlllocn. on paved Btruots nnd motor lino. Thos. F. Hall. 311 I'axtou block. BUI J CLKAH Soutn Omaha lota for noHes.or land Osouth or east of Wheeler Co. , Nob. Bolby , 13 HoiudTrado. 211 \TBW " seated carnage for 2nd mortgage. ! > t-elby , 13 Hoard Trade. 21t TTIOK KXGHANllR For any kind of good A proiterty , a grain elevator in ono of the best towns in loiva , Hlttmied In the heart ot a line agricultural country. * I'rosent owner is no : u grain man , nnd has other business. A rare chance for u practical man. Also , five thousand acres of line timber land in northern Tennes see. Hoom 14 , Cnamberot Commerce. 'IVI.lirj. FOR SALE RE < U. ESTATE & Westorlleld , reulestate , 8. Omaha 'I7IOH SAljlS lx > t 3. blk 14 , Ambler place. W7B. JL1 11. tllrown. . ilia N. Y. Life building , lift 3t T710H KALE Large t\\ostory triune bulldlm ; JL of 12 or 14 rooms , in good condition , to be moved. W. H. Iloman , Hoom C , Frenzer block. 6U7 IDAKTIliS wnnllugtoBollorbuy city property . tliouji call cm me. llwrgulns n Hpeclalty C. L. Jiiyney , 1110 South I'.tU t , n3S 1 * EIGTV Krres near Omaha for ? I,4V ( ) . < Nice home in llnnscom place S ( .HOO , Jast { front lot Thirty-third iiuur Leuvonworth II.K'iO. Douglas st , full lot nnd cottage , cast ot C7 tu KXK ( > . hutchlnsou Jc Wead , 1521 Douglas ) , tel. l.Vww . ww ITIOH SALK Tlio lluest crick rexlaonco In the JL' city , modern and now , largu Blindyuni con taining about two acres of grounds , utoiio walks and withai n complete home. Hnvo ox- tcnsn o lUtilnesH Inten-stu In Halt Lake und my ulfu declaim * shu Mill llvo nlonc no longer , Terms aud prlto to f nit the customer , How Is that ? AddnM * M 72 lloo ollice. UTu TTIOH SALT ! , very cheap , no trades , farm 64T.TO JL1 ucrcs , sec.8. 13 N. 0 W. Hamilton county Neb , 2 miles from Marquette. small houite , stable , iraacrea panturo fenced , Itvln' ' water , prlco only (10 per acre , 8'i.4i7.UO , nun-third 1US9 crop Included , Tenna t2.2Uca ) li balancud percent interest , V. 1C. Atklua , owner , railroad build ing , Denver , Colo. _ _ 7B TTtOH 8 ALII Or exchaniie.on easy terms , some JL ) bcund new 0-room hoiibeM onHpanldlng ut , near motor line ; no better residence location lu the city. Also some new 7-room houses on C'orby unit U'lth Bt , just 1 ? * miles from pojt- ollice ; will oxcuauge uuy of the above for clear laud or IOID. 1'or terms and particulars apply to C , U Spottswood , aJMi H lOtli Bt. 4IU ' ? for shares in the "American , " Sl'HCHHIK butldlug ana loan association In the world. M. A. Uptou , speclnl a.aat , 18iQ and Faraatn. X13 T710HSALE lOncres within one-halt mils of JL1 conrthonse. In the city of Plerro , Dakota's new nnd mroxilnir capital : line opening fomom * entert > rli > lna real estnta nrm. Address M 73 , lleo oilloo. 448 GO.VALLAOK,310 J. J. Hromi liulldliifr. loth and Douglas. New frroom cott Kfl ana mil lot , Mdnmouth Park , fl.non. J.V ) cash nnd SW per month , worth Jl.wcx Two of the best cottages In Munmouta Park , HBW each , very easy payments. Vacant lots J < JO to * 1OO ( , iHeetrio motor line now runs to thin ad dition and no property about Omaha offers the Inducements In cheap nom < v In easy roach from the city , that are ottered by bo/iutlful Monmouth 1'nrlc. Ton lot * In ; art > iRKp. West Cumlnir nnd Lin. coin I'lnco nt ll.iwo to il,2.V ) . Will build houses on thvso lots for those doslrlncc homes and will lell on easiest possible payments. Twrntvlotslnrllttnn Hill aud linker I'laro nt fXW ! to * I.IKW , on which houses 111 uo built It ileslrod. Clerks , meclinnlpg. shopmen , laborers or any \rishlngtogotn borne , will tlnd It to their In terest to sew mo. Can otter tlir choice.in tha norln part of the city of charming Monmouth I'nrk , lari o lots in HoyiV.s nddltlon. % nlunbln lots on ; nli In Hedford Place , or west In llnw- tborne. llrlgitB I'lace. Cllftim Hlll.Thornburg or any of tun choice properties lu that direc tion. Money to loan , u , U , Wallace , inth nml Douglas. 4 iil : AVUWcoltARos In AstordX Orolmril Hill , llorbncii's-nil , llaneom I'lacc , Lnko'.s , l'oi > - pletoupnrk , Shlnn'snnd 1'anScr' * additions to KOU on easy monthly payments. These nro on \ ery choice lots mitt s-imn are on car lines. Don't ilclay until next year : got In now and tnko ad vantage of rlso in value * . F. K. Darllntr , 43 llnrker block. 1 .1 31 "O1INTA1. property , inslile , to oxchnnco for -IVclear fiirnia or vaomit city lots. Tho' . V , Hall , .ill I'axton block. ttit OWNRH moved to St. Iritis olfers to soil 0 hoimes nt i\ big barcalu , iOQ and J < 00 each. 11 newlv pnpcn-d nnd rented , in n location that thoywlll never bo vacant. Call nml let mo give you terms. D. D. Snu-nton. lloom 4J lUrkcr block. PM nil ) ASl'l.UNDlD llttlo coOUeo. good barn nud outhouses , on lot lul'nrkor'saddu.near LOUR j-chool , ono block west of motor line. Very clieiipnndon easy teims. .lust thtukof It , f WW takes It : JVidrnsh , bal. on time , F. K , Darling , 43 llarkorblock. ilKi 31 $27,000 actual nine Inside buslnesh nnd res | . . deuce.Muoo worth of houses being built ndjolnlug. will sell for IK.UVinovvI Why ? Tor u-asoiinm lunecdot S1U.U03 cash ; great offer. AddressiLOn , lieu. tUlnll ] TOTOH BAIjl'-On long tlmo nnd easy payments. JL' handsome , new. well-built houses of H , I'.wnd 10 rooms. All convunie ices , good neighborhood - hood ; pn ert street ? , street cars , anil within walking distance of 1 . O. Nathan Sholtou. 1014 Fnnmin street , flW rilllK banjo taught as an art byOeo. F. Gcllen- J- beck , room "U Douglas clock , UY ) OTH1NGKH & Penny , lloom SO , DoiiRlafl Obuthllng , liavo the lluest list of de irablu property In Omnlm. It t-mbracoi every local ity In the city , and their prices and terms can not bo duplicated , actual M\lno considered , lu the west 1'or U cash , nud balance in n or n years at 7 per cent , they will give a warranty deed. They will sell a contract from 50 to J.W ) cash , nnd balance quarterly , extending over 5 years. They have lots m Orchard Hill. Walnut Hill. 1'onpleton 1'urk nnd Ilrlggs I'lace. Crelghton Heights nnn lloverdnle. And In nearly every other ditsirahlo nddltlon to Omaha from KV > ( i to.W > il. all reiil'first-class Investments. Prepare for n big ndvnnco In prices. Tills nrm are on the Inside tiacK , nnd they will not list property that is not nt rock bottom price. Hulldors can buy from them' H cash , and the biilanno placed ns second mortgage. I'ropeitywent of the post- ollice In Oimdiu is tlio surest thing In the inni kot for Investment. 1/ots worth $ lKfl now will more limn double In the next few years. Any thing most between CnmltiR nud Leaveiuvorth Is excellent property to buy. Secure every thing In \\uyoritbnrgum within these lim its : it is , ns the boys sny , "a nuro thing. " For turthor particulars uud list of bargains see QJ Stringer iV 1'euny , Hoom 20 , Douglas Hlk. C51 13 " 171OH SALK or lease , on easy terms , 3 lots on -L' 2-ith nve. . just south of Leuvcuworth. U'oula build an eight loom hotiso nud Hull 'M feet for $ ; ) , O.X ) and sell on monthly payments. Lots 4 and 6 , blk 0 , Kilby Place , high and slghtlv. Ouolot N. 13th St. , trnckago Four business lots N. 24th nnd S. ICth at. Sfcth avo. and Dodge , corner. liO ft N roth sr. Other good residence property. (0 ( lots Crolghtou llulghts. cheap. Will sell n few lots ou bulldlug terms. N. A. Kuhn , drugstore , lutli and Douglas , -113 n 28 For "Palo -maqnincent estate kiioiru ns the Platte Valley llanch , tluee miles west of Vnlloy , on tas U. P. 1C. H. Consist ing of ever HOu ncre-s - of land sot to blue grass , timothy , clover nud redtop , divi ded into " " > Uclcls and paddocks , immense barns , paddock stables , line residence , boarding house , cattle barns and sheds , bog barus , ma chine shops , carriage House , onico.s , ice house , flno groves splendid h.ilf-nillo track This Is the best Improved ranch in the counlrr. tlio 1m- provemouts co.sllugnboutf20).00J. Will be sold at less than half the cost ot the Improvements alone will t&ko part In Omaha property. Call on , O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 1'arnum bttcot. KM-5 t 0 < in aero cattle ranch , with prlvlleco of 010 JLucro school lease. Mnst boNOld In t < ; u days. Apply at room BIS New York Life H'ld. IISl-Ul POH SALK Arcry low price fern few days , lot ! ) , block TV , near now P. O. slus. Innulru ou pieinlses. No. 1710 Davenport fat. 01 lit r I HIE best JL ( Justness. Hesmence , Vacant nnd suburban properties in the market are for snlo by "tho old reliable" JI. A. Upton Co. , 10th and Furnam. 24J TTOJIf.S ror Sulo on Monthly Payments. IX 7-room dwelling In Central Pnrc. full lot , south front : payments. I8.W per montlu Small cottage in Central Park , full lot ; pay ments. 8I2.M nor month. r.-room dwelling , corner .11th nnd Patrick ave nue , full lot , south front ; payments , 120 per month. Handsome 7-room dwelling , on Grnco street , nil modern improvements , on monthly pay ments. Other property in all parts ot the city. Call uud see me. D. J. O'Donahoe , 1C01 Farnam. 7IK FOH SALK Two corner lots near Moutli Oma ha Park ; great bargain. S. , P. O. box SM. 2G2 THOU SALE n-room house , barn ana lot. JJ llunscoia Place , nt a bargain. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. Hank. HU2 HOTELS- WINDSOH HOTRL-Corner of lOtli and .laclcsousts. , U blocics from Union depot. Heat 9i a day house In the cltv. 8'J7 Kotlco is hereby given that n book will be opcnednt 10 o'clock a. m. on batnrday , the six teenth day of November , I1W3. at tno ollico of J. M. Thurstou , Union Pucillo Hulldlnj ? , In the city ot Omaha , Douglay county , Nebraska , for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the Omaha Union Depot Com pany. W. H , Hor.coMii , O. W. Hor.imuuu. , . , T. L. KlMliAl.l , , o-li-a-30-t For the lucorporolora. THE REALTY NIARKET. TNSTUUllUNrd plaojl on roiora durmz JL yoitarJav. J .1 and ) T Orommlo to A McQavock , lot 12 , Hlveiviuw udd , w d ; 8 1 COO HBIIUS ra K Co to K W NusJi t nl , trus- lees , lots'Jto 12 , Homltipark , w cl 3 i ; A htocKlmin to d M Smith , lot 10. blkfi , Solomon's add , w cl j 100 J A Lloyd and wlfo to Walter Lloyd , pui t of lot 7 , West Kill ami. w U . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 010 J I ) Montgomery to J 8 Shlusbargcr , lots a nnd 4 , blktt , Meyer , illcliarda & Til- den'miild , rf d y.OOD J II Stnndevrn to B L 'htnudoven , wii of Iot2. blk 40. Omalin. wcl 600 South Omaha Land Co to PT Nmightln , lot 10 , blk fit. Bonth Omaha , w d C03 Walter Wills ot ul to Ixuao Douglas , ( ! 4x l.KfontlnuwnoiHri.U. wd 1,150 Albert Hood and wlfu ted H IJlsuly. lot 4 , Miller's suf.wd 250 Potter k Cobb to M T Danu. lot 2 , blk 1 , Potter to Cobb'a 2d ndd 10 South ( Jin aim , \v d , 500 W H Iloman and wlfo to It A MoKachron , lot U nnd w } ' of lot 2 , blk f , Kouutzo Plare , w d 1 H A Mt'Iiachron to A II Iloman , lot : i and W } i ot lot 2. blk H. Kiuint70 I'laceV li. 1 II ( Hleslia.n and wlfo to John HulUz , d a oflotablk f , Arbor Place , wd i 0 TIili teen transfers. . , , 80,311 And (25 every three months buys IfiTH < ' mlmiteH from 5TRFFTAnn-'tvo 101 [ I OlnuLl AUUi Sbnrmauave.Motor line. These lots nre U0xl2 } . Prlcu from * .tV ) to li-j. * MAR ! FPJ I AMP Seveu minutes to licit IIHllLCIrl LflllLi Line Depot und Motor railway. . VAN BEUREN HEIBHTS-Ufa'U ° faunS riilhvuyu. Lots ow Am us avenue , UiJfxlJUouly If' it Is Inconvenient for you to call nt my ollic , drop me a postal c nl with your uddre s and I will call on you and give you all tue In formation needed regarding thesu chuap uud boautlf ul lots. VAN BEURE. . N. U Cor. Dyui-Taa uud llth 6t . TpnOPOSALS for Erection ot School IlulliUnR JU etc. , IT. 8 , Indian Servlc * . Yankton Agency , Daktot * . October 12th , INW. HMiltil proposals , indorsed "l'ropo' li for erection of n school building , or for building materials" ns the rasa may be , nnd dlrictvd to the nmltnilgnnl at llrcenwood. Dakota , will 1m received Rt thu odlffl until ono o'clock of November I'th , 1KSO , for furnishing the nucessary materials and lalior and for erecting n two story frame school bulldlug nt the VanUon ic'iiij. HUN . in m - cordfincowltlr plans aud jpeclllcntlonstlmtmay bo examined ntthe otllrct ol the "Plonapr Press" of Ht. Paul. Minn. , the "llee" of Onmfin. Ncbr. . nnd "Jouriml" of Sioux lily , lows ; nlso for furnl.slilntr R variety of lumber , brick * , win- dons , door-shnrdwareetc , , ( a lull llt and des cription of which mav 1)0 obtained by nppllca * tlou to the nmlorManiMl ) . r < iulu > d for imeney b\itiatn s. InsuhmittliiK bids fur tlio erection of the school bulldlnc , bidders must statntho length ot time required to complete It i nud for furnishing building materials , the prlco of each article offered for delivery under contract must bo vpvcinoilly stated. Certified chocks All bids must no accompanied by certified chocks nmm some t'nlted States depository , l ay blo to tha order of the uud'-rslgnml , for nt Ions 15 per cnut of the amount ot the proposal , which check will lie forfeited to the Unllen Stales In cft'oany bidder - dor or bidders reeetOmt nu award shnlltall to promptly execute a contrart withgonil nnd ant. ilctrntMirotlcs. otherwise to bo returned to the binder. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids or any part of any bid It dimmed for the liMt interest nf the service. SAMUUIiT. LMAVV , U. 8. Indian Agent olOdSlt Notion to Contractors , SEALED Proposals \\lll bn received at ths olllco ot county clerk , Douglas county , until - p. m. Saturday , Nnvwmwr 2nd , IBfli , for grad ing not to oxioed l.tOii yards' on county road , in S.K. corner ot S. liotS.W. 'i of Siv. 8 , 10. 12. All bids to ho accompanied by ccrtlllt-d chock fnr$3i.ftl. County reserves the right to reject any or all bins. il. 1) . Houin : , County Clerk , for 1'ropiisnls Nolle o to A. tcwlnn Well Ilorcrs. Sealed proposals will be received at the onien of the Mnyor of the ( "Ity of Hull , lowii , until Novombvr 1Mb. nt B o'clock p. m. , US' ' , lornlnk- ing an Aiteslan Well. llldderswlll bo required to furnish cstlmntes per foot for each hundred foot up to I.MO feet oru depth that will be necessary to furnish a good supplyof \ > ater. 'J ho estimate- bo made for furnMtlup all material , Inrludlng cnnlug fern bole not l < s than six laches in diameter. rra 'J ho successful bidder will bt > required to lur- nUh asuillclent necurllv for the fulthful p-r- f ormniRO of the contract. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or nil bids. IlortKRT PATTKHSON , Mayor. H. H. TAMPLIN. Heeorder. Hull , low n , October 29 IPS ? . THE BIULVAY TIE TABLES , OMAHA. Day i\nrof-s : 10:111 u m il : in : u Klglit 8WI : n in. . um BUBUUBAN AVpstwnrcl. Running between Council Dlaira nnd Al > bright , in addition to tbo stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth ana Twenty-fourth jtieets , and nt the Summit In Omaha. UnHlwnrn. Ataoutn Bhce- Omaha 'J'rnns-iriroad- bright. Omaha y. Depot , fer. | way. CoriH-r tilth and 1'uruuin Streclii , Chamber ot Commerce Hulldln . Capital Sock ( . $100,000 Liability of Stockholder ! ; . 800,001) ) Ilvn per cent pulil on ili'iiotll * , loans iiindo on mat eHiiluuiid ixmoiml lecurliy ; uolu-i , nuriunti , ttook * unit LouJi iniicliiised. OKKIC13IIS : JOHN L. JIII.KS. . Pretlilciit. UAMUliLXn'NKIt , Vlco IVuiWont. IltCXTKU L. TIIOM At ) , CtlUlet. noAitu of DiitturroitH. John J , . Xlllei. Knutua lienion. huinuol ( Sillier , Jolin II. Kvuni , Audii'W llotovntcr. Morn > Mnrrltnn , W. A. L , ( ilUlion. ( ioorvv | . iUtker. < iuv. Nuruiuu A. Kuliu , V. n.Jutiimiu , JobultuiU , D ,