Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    y , *
- -Jr t i ' "
Span the Missouri Between
Council BlufTd and Omaha.
All Honda to Ita Knnblod to Ronch
Another Union Pnpot Ujr the
Mxpotnllturo of Four Pill-
lions of Dollars.
Omnlin'fl Orrmtnit Undertaking.
Omnlia Is to hava another bridge and a
Union depot.
ArrnngomcnU hnvo been perfected for the
consummation of tliU tong-chcrlshcdplnn And
dcclslvo preliminary steps hnvo been tnlccn
tovvonl cnrrylnf ? out the greatest enterprise
thnt tins been attempted In years.
It wns noticed , Wednesday , that nn engi
neering corpfl wnscngugcd In mnulnrj sound
ings In the river north of the Oinnlm nnd
Council Bluffs bridge and an Investigation
led to the development of the details of the
Brent schema.
The plan Is not a now ono. It has been
tbo subject of ft grcnt deal nf discussion
r.moiiR local capitalists and business inon
but has not until recently assumed any
tangible form ,
The company at present back of the plan is
composed of a number of leading onMcrn
capitalists , the principal holders being W. A.
Underwood , president of the American
Waterworks company , nnd C. II. Vonnor &
Co. , the principal owners of the American
Waterworks stock. The only local capital
ists directly Interested nro Hon. John A. Mo *
Stinno and Mr. J. I ) . Uuniont.
The company is styled the Nebraska Cem-
trnl railway company , nnd U a reorganization
of the corporation of that name that possesses
ncbartcr for a bridge across the Missouri
river secured by Hon. John A. McShaiio
Wliou ho was In congress. The latter Is.prcs-
idontof the root-Ran izcJ company , J. H. Du-
inont vlco pros.dout and trcusuror , nnd
Gcorgo C. JJarnum secretary.
These Kuntlomon have boon at work for
Bovonu months parfoctlng the plans for the
enterprise that they now propose to dovolop.
They have foil the necessity and Importance
of securing bettor railway facilities for
Omiilm anil Nebraska , unil have adopted the
most foastblo plan for supplying thU need ,
Mr. Underwood , president of the Water
Works oouipany , has tnkon a very deep In
terest In the city and its developments. Hn
lias been in the east for some months nnd
lias secured the co-oparatton of a number of
capitalists who hava ngrood to take tuu bonds
of the corporation und push the enterprise.
The local work In connection with the pro
ject lias been conducted by Mr. McSuano und
Mr. Dutnont , who have sucoootlod in inter
esting local capitalists ana bringing the plnn
ready for decisive action.
The company proposes to build a double
track nloel railway bridge across the Mis
souri river at some point abova the present
bridges and below the north , line of the city
of Florence , provided Douglas county will
donate $250,000 of 5 per cent twenty-year
bonds , to bo delivered to the company when
tno bridge is completed and ready for use.
The company proposes to build a bridge
that will cost nearly , if not quite , 81,000,000 , ,
nnd to expend in its construction nnd in se
curing terminal facilities nnd building a
depot nt least $1,000,000. The prlmo object
of the project is to afford tbo Iowa
roads means of access to Omaha and No'
braslcu , and it is hoped and expected that
the Missouri Paciflo , Hock Island , Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul , and. the Wabash
railway companies will tnko ndvnntago of
the opportunities offered aiul will join in a
union depot. It is proposed also , by this en
terprise , to furnish a menus of access to
Omnliii and Nebraska to the Winona St
Southwestern railway that is now being
bnllt. in this direction through Wisconsin
nnd will undoubtedly bo completed to Ouinhn
within the next three years , giving to tiiis
city and state a direct line to the great lum
ber districts of Wisconsin and the north.
It is proposed to hnvo terminal facilities
so arranged that railways crossing the now
bridge will bo furnished connections
with the Dclt line to enable thorn
to extend their lines west from Omaha und
through the state In any direction.
The organization is not backed by any
foreign railway company , but is composed of
Omaha men who have interested eastern
capitalists with them in promotion of this
grout cntorpriso for the development of the
city and state.
The company proposes to commence work
on the bridge nt once and ono or the condi
tions under which it is proposed to vote the
bonds Is that they shall not bo delivered to
the company unless work has boon com
menced upon the bridge toy the fifteenth day
of next Juno , or the bridge is not completed
by the twenty-second day of Juno , 1893.
The location | for the nroposcd bridge has
not yet been decided upon. A number of
surveys have been made and soundings tak
en at various places between the present
bridges nnd the town of Florence and good
rock bottom found in several suitable loca
Vor a month past , agents of this now com
pany have been quietly at work to got pos
session of all the property cast of Fifteenth
aud north of Chicago , which Is the proposed
sight of the now union depot. Options have
been secured on largo a portion ot this prop *
orty , but there arc a few owners who refuse
to sell nnd whoso property will doubtless bo
The plan for entering the now union depot
will invoivo a viaduct over the tracks of the
Union Pacific , north of the shops.
The plans for the now union depot , which
will cost over 11,000,000 , Imvo boon made and
proposals boon asked on a largo part of the
contract work.
A full' description of these plans will bo
given in another issue.
The following proposition to the commis
sioners WHS to bo submitted nt a special meetIng -
Ing which was to have been hold at 'J o'clock
yesterday ( afternoon. It was finally
agreed to lot the matter go over
to the next regular mooting of the commis
sioners und put the proposition ooforo the
people for ratification at the city election ,
December 3.
OMAHA , Nob. , Oct. ill , 18SO. Honorable
Hoard of Commissioners of Douglas County ,
Nebraska Gentlemen : The Nebraska Cen
tral railway company proposes to build u
double-track steel railway bridge ncross the
Missouri river , at BOIIIO point yet to bo se
lected , above the present bridges and Houth
of the north line of the city of Kloronoo
provided the county of DotiglaH will dnnato
to Urn company two hundred nnd fifty thous
and ( $ -.10,000) ) dollars of llvo per cent (6 ( per
cent ) twenty-year bonds of the county , to bo
delivered to the company on the completion
of Urn bridge ruauy for operation on or before >
fore Juno ! i , IBM.
The briJgo la proposed to bo built under
naact of congrcsM entitled "An act to author.
lie tun construction of u bridge over the
Missouri , at or nour the city of Omaha ,
Noli. . " approved Juno iS , 1SS3 , The act
provides that tha brluga shall bo open to ull
railroad companies desiring to use the name ,
upon equal terms.
In cuso the construction of the bridge U
not bognn before the 13th day of June , 1890 ,
or that bridge Is not completed before the
IWd day of Juno , ISW , the company nhall not
bo entitled to receive any of said bonds , oven
though the proiwwltlon should be carried by
vote bf the electors.
Uy ortier of the board of directors.
Tlio Denver Stnto lottery company
wants URcmta. Tlcltota 60 cents. Ad-
drass A , O. Rose t Co. , Don vur , Colo.
Anr J > lplnyc < l nr .Judge Dnnily
In Court.
Jmlgo Dundy hbld a very lively session of
United States court In chambers yesterday
morning ,
lion , J , M. Wool worth was Ihcra nnd asked
permission to file an amended answer In the
case ol Patrick vs Davis.
' Have yon taken all the time you want In
which to tnako this requcstl" quietly In
quired his honor , nnd the question had a
ring of Irony Jo it that rather surprised Mr.
"Yes , I think the request Is a roasoonblo
ono,11 ho replied. Whereupon the court ro-
tortcd !
"You might have made It seven or eight
ycnra ago. "
This controversy created a hearty laugh ,
\Vool\vorth made an effort to c nun go the
"If your honor please. " ho continued ,
"there is Btill another llttlo matter I would
like to call up. It has reference to an order
miido by you last pprlng for nn extension ot
time to Ilia nn amended answer in the No-
brttsKa and Iowa Insurance company's suit
ugnmsl Clark. "
"I thought , " observed the court , "that you
wcro going to refer to Woolworth against
Uoot. "
After that another nnd younger member of
the bar stepped up nnd wanted a whole lot of
orders granted which would clothe him witli
authority to have certain Judgments collected
and the irone.v divided among these holding
claim * ngntust it by an attorney nt St. Joe.
"Well I don't like the Idea , " Interrupted
the judge , of drawing cbocks In favor of law
yers , against other people's moncy.nnd won't
( to it. They h.ivo no moro right to divide ur >
a client's property limn any stranger would
havo. "
"How about lions" commenced the
young practitioner , when ho was abruptly
cut off with :
"Out with your lions ; wo have no such
things hero , and you ought to know it by
this tlmo. "
The young man subsided , disappeared nnd
William lUechcl , chief of the postoftlco
nuprulsers , took advantage of the moment to
have a whispcrod conversation with the
Judge. Everybody thought ho was going
to lllo his report , but they wcro dis
appointed. It was afterwards learned that ho
merely asked for instructions ns to how the
appraisers should act regarding certain
points under discussion.
C. 12. Vest nlao appeared nnd made his
final report ns receiver of the Republican
which In substance chows thnt ho 1ms saved
enough out of the institution together with
what the real estate Is worth to pay off tbo
indebtedness , which amounts to 3121,000.
"How much will bo loft for the Hounds
heirs nnd Cadet Taylor to divide } " was
asked of the receiver.
"That I can't toll , but nil that the building
and lot on which it stands can bo sold forever
over $ .15,000 will go to them. The property
is certainly worth considerably uioro than
that , "
Wesley II. Dofranco was admitted to prac
tice in the federal courts.
Clerk Franks was authorized by an order
to pay taxes on the propcvty of the West
Point Manufacturing company.
The OlHtrict Courr.
Judiro Wakeloy's court was occupied yes
terday with the case of Carrie Shinu against
Shields & O'Connor.
Judge Donnevus occupied with the case
of Nels O'Brien against Jerry Ilyan and
others for attempted bribery. Ryan was
admitted to bail yesterday in the sum of
$1,000 , with Dennis Cunningham as surety.
The cuso of the State of Nebraska ueainst
Ed Li. Dutton is still pending before Judge
Hopowcll. The defense closed yesterday ,
nnd unless the prosecution lias some addi
tional testimony the argument will begin to
day. _
Somotliint ; tolliMiinmbar.
If you arc going east , remember the
"Hock Island Route" run the sleepers
nnd chair cars of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. in..thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council Bluffs. Three
solid trains daily. All chair cars are
frco. Jhning carson all through trains.
Our trains make close connections with
all eastern limited trains connecting
in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a
transfer across the city to parties on
route to Now York , Boston and other
eastern cities , "and everything a little
bettor than other lines can olTor. "
Ticket ofllco,130o Furnum. Gon'lV. . A
The > icw Adjutant General of tlio
IMattc Arrives.
Last night Lieutenant F. W. Roe , who
since the transfer of General Brcck to
Wushln gton has been acting adjutant gen
eral of the department of the Pintle , returned
to his staff position as aido-do-camu to the
commander. General Broolco.
Yesterday General Hrock's successor ,
Colonel M. V. Sheridan , arrived , and will
assume the duties of his now position to-day.
Ho came direct from Chicago , where , on
route , ho remained several days.
Ho registered ut the Poxum and at 11
o'clock , walked slowly up the hill to the de
partment headquarters to pay his respects to
General Hrooko.
At tlio corner of Sixteenth nnd Farnam
streets a motor went Hinging northward. It
attracted the colonel's attention , who turned
nround and gazed at n with u great deal of
He remarked that it was the first train of
the kind ho had seen on n grade and felt that
it , must bo a pleasant means of locomotion.
The colonel ban not been in Omaha , ex
cept to pass through at the depot , in about
ton years , and states that the changes that
have been made in that tlmo have , of course ,
been remarkable.
Colonel Sheridan In form and feature re
sembles tlio late lieutenant general of the
army. There is not , however , the same
massive , and closely knit frame , not the ac
tive , restless expression which characterized
the deceased. Some of the features , too , are
less pointed and the manner Is distinguished
uioro by repose. Nevertheless , no person
who know the general would fail to recog
nize the resemblance In the new adjutant
general of this department.
When the colonel reached Farnnm and
Seventeenth streets ho was met by Colonel
Terrell nnd Dr. Uachc , the former of whom
approached him with the remark : "Well ,
there's Mike. J3horidan , " at tho' same time
heartily shaking him by the hand. Dr. Biicuc ,
modicnl inspector of the department , was iu-
traduced by him.
The colonel then called on General Hrooko ,
whom ho found in his rooms at headquar
Colonel Sheridan entered the army as first
lieutenant of the Second Wisconsin infantry
on tlio 7th of September , 1S03. Ho became
captain nnd aide-de-camp on the Ibth of
May , 16(11 ( , and Brevet imijor on tlio 13th of
May , 1S05. Ho was honorably mustered out
of the service In 1SCO.
In the regular army ho became second
lieutenant of the Fifth cavalry on the 23d of
February , IMiil : captain of the Seventh cav
alry July i3 ! , nnd promoted major and was
acting adjutant-general on the 7th of June.
From tlio I a it mentioned tlmo and up to the
UinUi of Ciuiicrul Sheridan , tbo colonel en
joyed the title of military secretary to the
lleutenant-ganoral of the army , an ofllco
\yhlch was created especially iu General
Shoriduu'a cane and which expired with him ,
Leave of absence for one month lias been
grained Captain Egbert U. Savage , liighth
infantry , Fort Nlobrara , Nob. , to take effect
December 20.
When you are constipated , have head-
aojio , or loss of appetite , talco Dr. J. II.
MoLoau'tt Liver and Kidney Fillets ;
they are pleasant to talco , and will cure
lUchard Gushing , Mrs , Gushing nnd Frank
Hanlonhavo returned from Strong City ,
Kan , , where they attended the double wed
ding , Wednesday icornlng , of Barney
Lniietry'a ' two daughters. Mr.
Cushlngs brother , Will II. Gushing ,
cashier of tUo PlatUmouth bank , married
ono of them , Miss Nellie. Mr. Lnngtry la
ono of the wealthy men of Kansus. The
wedding was attended by friandi from all
purU of tbo country.
A Now York Soonlo Artlat
Up nnd Down In the Woot.
Tlio St. Josnph & Grand Inlnnil mid
Missouri I'ncllln Protest The
Postoffloe Donglns County
Itcelstrntlon On so ,
1020 P STIICET ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. flt.
A few years ago n. Bcchtol , at scon Ic nrtlst
in ono of the theatres ot Now York city ,
wedded nnd for u tlmo was happy nrtd con
tented , Dunne ; the onrly part of thoycnr
1S37 , howovcr , discontent , on the part , of his
wife crept Into hUiiotnc , nnd In the mouth
of Junoslio loft him. Sltico then Uechtcl
has soticht hU wife high and low , but with
out avail.
Mrs , Uo'chtol made her homo la Omaha , nt
1007 Faraatn street , during the months of
July , August and September of that year.
She la described as n tall , woll-rormoi ) lady
of the lithe. willowy typo , with
llpht brown hnlr nnd blue O.VCB. Ucchtel ,
who Is In Lincoln , searching for tier ,
expresses the hone that his quest of years
will bo rewarded In the end. Ho in rottcont
ns to the cause of their Reparation , but his
anxiety to discover her whereabout la mani
fest in every move ho nmkos. Mr. licchtcl
states that Tin ; Una of Wednesday , Sep
tember 'JO , 1SS7 , pave nn account of hU mtsa *
ing wife , and located her at 1007 Fnrnaui
Opposed to tliot.ralu KoilucllouOriler
The St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad
company and operated lines , and the Mis
souri Pacific railroad company nro "forninst"
the reduction of grain rates to Chicago from
points In this state , as suirgasted nnd recom
mended by the state board of transportation
qulto recently.
Replying to the letter of recommendation
sent out by the board , Edwin McXelll , gen
eral manager of the St. Joseph Sz Grand
Island , says :
"There are but eight stations on our branch
lines , vjz : Alain , Hun tiny , Ryan , Wiloox ,
Kounc , Mtndon , Norman nnd Ilolstola ,
where the rate on wheat exceeds SO cents per
1UU weight to Chicago , nnd wticro the rate
on corn , which is by far the most important
production , exceeds 25 cents per 100 weight
to the point stated. "
MuNolll also Bays that tha rnto of trans
portation barelv covers the cost , nnd there
fore ho earnestly protests against any further
S. II. II. Clark , first vice president of the
Missouri Pacific , says in substance the nnmo
thing , adding , however , thnt any reduction
In rates would bo attended by an equal re
duction on the selling price at the point of
destination , and therefore nothing could bo
gained for tbo producer in the contemplated
Douglas County llauistrntloii Case.
The supreme court hoard the Douglas
county registration case this afternoon. As
stated by TUB Buis this morning , Beatrice
intervened to pusn the quo wurraato pro
ceedings to a speedy issue.
The new law , It will bo remembered , was
nttaclcod on the grounds of uneonstitutionul-
It is said that the court will hand down its
decision to-morrow.
The Lincoln PostolMcc.
A letter from Senator Mamlorson , dated
October 20 , and ad dressed to a prominent poli
tician of this city , openly declares that the
disposition of tiio Lincoln pjstotllco is and
has been exclusively in the hands of Con-
cressmaa Council ; that neither Senator Pad
dock nor himself have anything to
do or say about the appoint
ment. The letter in question has
been qulto generally circulated to-day , and
provokes considerable comment , some of
which Is not altogether quite complimentary
to the alleged appointing power. Mandorson
closes the letter by stating that Paddock and
himself will sliaro the responsibility of mak
ing the appointment if requested to , but ho
distinctly Htatcs that they prefer not to have
any voice in the matter whatever.
Stnto House < Iottini8.
Sheriff Lirown , of Dixon county , com
mitted five prisoners to the pen to-day fora
term of two years each. Four were sen
tenced for burglary and ono for horse steal
ing , viz : Fran I ; Connor , C. A. Jackson ,
ThomuH Leo Blanch nnd Frank Whnlnn for
the former und Georiro Norton for the latter
Governor Tlioyer and Commissioner Steen
went to Kearney last evening to visit the
state Industrial school. From there they go
to Grand Island to examine the improve
ments nnd look into the records of the sol
diers' and Bailors' homo.
The Bnak ol Waunota , Chase county , filed
articles of incorporation to-day. Capital
stock , 30,000. Incorporates : E. .7. Hawlcn ,
C. W. Shurtiff , S. C. Hanrynnd J. S. Harden.
Tne Hamilton Loan & Trust company , of
Kearney , also filed amended articles. Capi
tal stock was raised /rom lOO.OUO to & 300.000.
& Governor Thaycr to-day issued bis procla
mation offering a reward of $ JOO for the nr-
rest of the murderer or murderers of Joseph
Klbbc , of Ivnox county.
Now Notiincs Public.
The governor to-day made tha following
notarial apppointmcnts : John Brhlcnbaugh ,
Coleridge. Cedar county ; George J. Mander-
ville , Semen , Cherry county ; Kdwurd Nel
son , Waterloo , Douglas county ; Horace C ,
Jcliisou , Moorlield , Frontier county ; J. U.
Klngslcy , MInden , ICournoy county ; James
A. Sheffield , Lincoln , Lancaster county.
Bitprcinn Court t'rocendlncs.
To-day's court proceedings were as fol
lows :
State ex rcl Wise vs Duncan. Defendant
to answer in twenty days and notice to bo
served on mortgagor and creditors of debtor.
Betts vs Rims. Leave to reply Instantcr.
The following causes wore argued and sub-
milted : Schiiylor National Hank vsBollong ;
Small vs Small ; Bauldndgo vs Faust ;
Schuster vs Carson ; Snoll vs Klckotts ; Al-
duct vs Lowls ; Miller vs Camu ; Curtin va
The following causes wore dismissed :
Sehroodor vs Barber ; Homier vs Plummor ;
Horrigan vs Bennett.
. . Citr News and Notes ,
George Desmond , of May , Col. , nnd Miss
Annie Ghcer. of Momlotu , Hi. , wcro married
to-day by Judge Stenclt.
William II. Skinner aud Miss Emma A.
Paul , of this city , were licensed to wed by
the county court tuU morning.
The uight police force la circulating a peti
tion to secure it possible a change of duties
with the day force each alternate mouth.
Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon Colonel Rob
ertson and Miss Addle Uiffonhorick had not
received nn v word from papa , who lives near
Lafayette , Ind.
"Dick" Johnson , of the Capital hotel ,
smiles blandly as the lads cry out papa , Horn
yesterday , to himself and wife , at Norwich ,
England , u son ,
The ovldonco'in the McAllister will case
closed at noon to-day. Arguments wera
hoard this afternoon , Judge Stawurt will
not pass upon it before to-morrow.
E. T. Hudson filed a cross-petition to-day
in the district court in answer to Ills wife's
prayers for divorce , charging her with adul
tery and divo'rs other acts ot general cussed-
A Miss Meadows , of Blue Springs , Kan ,
came near going the way of nil llesn lost
nlglit. She registered at the Opolt , and on
retiring' blew out tno gas Instead of turuln g
it off. A traveling man , on going to his
room , saiellea the escaping gas and
gave the alarm. When located the
lady was uncouicioug. It took sturdy work
to restore her to consciousness , She wa
en route to Syracuse , Otoo county ,
An Auuiiliito ( Jure.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin bores ,
und is an absolute cure for old soroj , burns ,
wouuda , chapped hands , and all skin erup.
tloas. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MLNT. Sold by Goodman Drug oempiuy at
2o c nU per box by mail ao cant * .
Tlio Alton nnd tlio Union I'nolflo Now
ArrnunliiB tlio Deal.
The reported purchase of the Alton oy the
Union Pnclfia is pronoiuicod untrue nt tha
headquarter * of the latter road. On the
other hand , Tim UKB has positive Informa
tion thnt n deal is n6w being arranged be
tween the rends In qdcstton which will result
in another traffic arrangement such ns was
effected with thoChloA ft & Northwestern.
It will bo remembered that Tun Ur.n on
Monday lost publishedtin account ot n pend
ing deal between the roads whereby n com
binatlon is to be formed of the Kansas
division nnd the Alt6h. ' It has since been
learned that the officials of both roads nro
now at work fixing tlio agreement , and it
will be announced in n few days.
The transaction will bo confined to n trafllo
ngrcomcnt to bo limited to n period of years.
The Union Pncifio is to turn over nil of its
tinconslgnod freight business to the Alton nt
Kansas City and tbo Alton to do likewise
with its west-bound unconsigncd business.
Through trains will bo put on botwccu Chi-
cairo nnd Cheyenne which will bo run via
Knnsns City aud each road will furnish f > 0
per cent ot the rolling stock required in the
building up ot the through service. It has
also been learned from n reliable source that
tlio deal with the Alton will ultimately re-
suit in the absorption of the Kansas division
by that road , although a delay may result in
the latter Instance , owing to the rotations of
the government to the Union Pacific.
Provisions Mnilo for ttio Operation of
tlio Alllnnco htuo.
About November 15 the Burlington's ' Alll
nnco line to Newcastle will bo completed.
This will necessitate the following changes :
E. Blgwolt , assistant superintendent , will
bo relieved of the lines north of Aurora , the
line from Aurora to Ravonna. His Jurisdic
tion will bo extended , over the Alliance line
from Alliance to Newcastle.
V. O. English will be appointed assistant
superintendent , with headquarters at Aurora.
Ho will buvo jurisdiction over the line from
Kearney to Aurora , from Aurora to Arcadia ,
and Arcadia to Burwoll , . und from Greoloy
Center to Erlcson.
F. D , Houlotto , trainmaster , will bo re
lieved of the line to Kearney via Aurora ,
and the line from Lincoln to Columbus. Ha
will have jurisdiction over tlio line to
Hastings nnu to Pacific Junction vln Omaha ,
also the line from Oronpolls to Schuylor.
The jurisdiction of I. J. Holnap , trainmaster ,
will bo extended front Lincoln to Columbus ,
and from Lincoln to Ravouna ,
"U'lll Chnimo the Time.
Assistant General Manager Dickinson , of
the Union Paciflo , has returned from
Chicago , whore ho wont to help make n now
tlmo card. He states that nil the Hues have
signified their intention to make connections
at Council Bluffs according to the now cara.
It TuKci KfToct.
To-day the changes thnt were insti
tuted in the personnel of the Union Pacific
by President Adams will bo carried out.
General Manager Kimbnll will nssumo the
third vice presidency ; Assistant General
Manager Dickinson the general manager-
snip of the Missouri river division ; C. S.
Mellon , the general traffic munacorshlp ;
C. H. McKlbben , the general purchasing
agency ; J. S. CamcroW , ' chief superintendent
of construction. a'
In all probability , T. iM. Orr , assistant to
the general manager , will remain with the
company , reports to the contrary notwith
. * fl
standing. _
( Jovcr miicnt , ( Directors.
The members of the government director
ate of the Union Pacific will arrive in Omaha
November 18 , with a view to making a trip
over tbo system. The following constitutes
the board : John F. Plummor , of Now York ;
George E. Leigh ton , St. Louisr Jesse Spalding -
ing , Chicago ; Rufus B. Bullock , Atlanta ,
Ga. , aud Judge Savag'o , of this city.
General Manager Hurt , of the Elkhorn ,
has returned from Chicago.
General Freight Agent Miller , of the Bur
lington , has gone to Kansas City.
An additlonal'switching crow and cugino
have been put on in the Union Pacific yards
owing to the increase of traffic.
Frame Himobaugh , a fireman in the cm-
ploy of tun Union Pacific , while taking water
was struck by the portable section of the
pipe nnd severely injured.
The Atlantic express on the Union Paciflo
arrived from the west in two sections. The
scecnd section was couiposcd of thirteen car
loads of teas and silks from China on route
to Now York.
According to reports received at Union
Pacillo headquarters a heavy snow storm is
ptvrixiling in the territory traversed by the
Kansas division , on the west. Rain was
falling at Ogden.
Circulars liavo reached Omaha announcing
tilt : appointment of Marshall M. Kirkuian as
second vice-president and William H. New
man us third vice-president of tlio Chicago
& Northwestern. The office of comptroller
has been abolished.
Miles' Ncrvo nnd Ijivor Pills.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. Thoyispcedlly
euro billiousncss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. SO doses for 2o cents. Samples free
at KUbn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Journalism nnd Journalists.
On next Sunday the winter series of Sun
day lectures before the Press club will bo
inaugurated nt the rooms of the association ,
Continental block. W. E. Annin , formerly
of THE BKE , will discourse upon "Journal
ism and Journalists at Washington. " These
entertainments are mainly intended for
members of the club , but the organization
will bo pleased to welcome any and all friends
who may feel disposed to attend the enter
The coming discourse will bo very Inter
esting because Mr. Annin is in every way
cpjalitled to treat it in a masterly manner.
For a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills
A Traveling Dlau'a ICxnorlnnco.
Dawson Mayor , ox-vlco president of tbo
T. P. A. , of the United States , will deliver a
lecture Y. M , C. A. hall , Saturday evening
next. His subject will bo : 'Tho Commer
cial Ambassador , or Nineteen Years 'on the
Road. ' " ' Mr. Mayer has been instrumental
in organizing several traveling men's clubs
throughout the west , and it is duo to his in
defatigable efforts that the No-
britslta division of the T. I' .
A. , was formulated , ovoral years ago.
_ i i , .
How Some i'copo ) Allow a AVord ,
UKninHtVliloli Tliuy hnvo a Proju-
< lco | , to stninl i'n'the wuy ot their
iiwnVrllln Inc.
The old lady wlio would not allow her Hon to
Imvu a llddlo , but wus wlllliig lie Hhnuld huvo a
violin. Is u fairexaiiipioof the foolish prejudice
uhicu wry many people liavu ajialnst certain
W.II-UH. Muny iiersoiu mlKht refuaa to tnko
Chloride ot Hoillnm , buV would use salt , wlilcli
Is the same thing NowjtlstliUcIassot people
who uaimlly have a ilepn prt judlco uKalnit the
words alcohol or wllu uy. They know 11101
Bomeixidy hna nbneeil the use of those articles
und lienco they denoiliue them oltoseUier. In
feinteof thn fact tmvt the best scientists nnd the
leiidliitf i > lyMclans of the present day advocate
und use tbeni constaiUly.
1'rof. Austin Vlliit , of Ilellevuo ( Now York )
Cohege , naval "The Judicious use of nlcohollo
btlmulmits IH ono of the ktrlklnu churactorlstlcs
of proffrcas In tlie practice ot medicine during
the last half century. "
I'rof. Joseph 1'urrlBh. the dlstlnBUlshcd
mthor , eay : "We know that alcohol will
steady the heart , slow the pulse , warm the
akin , culm excitement , and wo ought to use it. "
I'rof. M , O. Ureenleuf , the well-kuowu author ,
8 y * : An ititelllfrent coinprebenHlon of the
actlonof olcotiol nnu whiskey.will have ngrenter
Influence in promollng temperance than udho-
slon to a tlOKiim. "
Such lituh 8cloiitlllo authorities show that
pnro whiskey KhouUl be used us a houseltold
remedy. No father or mother need hesitate
for a moment to iidnilnlater Dutfy'a I'tire Mult
Vi lilskey ui th children , ami It Is Blmply big.
otry to allowthu word wbUkoy. whlofi It tlio
Hume of tills mwllclno , to bUnd inUiev y < i (
the vonderful beuellta to be derived from It A
use. Uahoiild be reuiuuibcred. however , thnt
these etrecta are onlr to lie secured by the usn
of u pure medlcluul whiskey like Dufry'a and
care should ba tateu to use no other ,
As Is Our Custom
At this time of the year , we will have for next few weeks our annual SPECIAL SALE of Suits
and Overcoats. We always make these sales at this season , when people need the goods
and the bargains will do them good. There is no need to explain what a special sale means
WITH US. The big crowds attending our special sales tell the story , and tellit well.
The people remember the grand values they got at these sales , last year and the year be
fore. We promise to do still better this season. Our buyers have been hard at work the
last two weeks , and we are now getting in daily stacks of goods purchased by them at the
immense reductions from values which manufacturers must submit to at this time of the
We want to impress upon your mind that the goods we are offering arc first class in
every respect , first class in quality , first class in work and trimming , and first class in fit ,
and our stock is worthy the attention of every person who appreciates style and quality in
fabrics , trimming and making ,
The present week we will offer exceptional values in Men's and Young Men's Suits. We
have displayce some of the bargains in our Douglas street window , Let those who never
traded with us call and compare our goods and prices. We will make this a great cus
tomer-winning season ,
Corner Fourteenth , and-Douglas Streets , Omaha.
and ftD 15EpES5TH AX ; <
- LuNG5Soihn Gtf/l-Wl /
Send for Circuljr.ffj litrUlt.3fcr9.ff-
F E rot *
For sale by Goodman Drutq Co
When you are IniyliiR atom rnnember that there. U
„ such a ' .liluRaa n iirlco that
lilooclicaii. It U better to
pay n fair prlco find get
yood K\mf \ IIUu llulcli-
iimoii'H. They an * miulo.
Jfroia si'Ircleil tklns In iliof
t bestmtumeriiudiiru wnr- |
rnntcil to ho the mostf
1 tcrvlccablo made. If > out
want to kuow uioro about
gloves In Kcnernl anil
lIiitcliiiiKoii'H ( jlnvoa
In particular. , onnloie
Rtniupfor the uoolc Ahout
Clove * . II will Interest
JOIIN C. HUTCHIN80.V , Julm.toirn , Jf. V.
Can bo cured In 20 to GO dnya by the
use of the
For sale only by the Cook Ilcmedy Co. , of
Omiilm. Nebraska , Write to us tor the naiutii
and address of patients \\lio have been
cured and from \\liora wo Have permission to
refer. SyphlllH IN u illfleano thut tmu always
bullied tlie nklll of tha most eminent ptivslclims
and until tlio iltacovcry of the Cook llemody
Co "MAG 10 UliMliUV. " not ono In llfty over
having tlie dUeiibe nan boon curt-d. Wo Kuurun-
IPO to care any cuso that ran bo produced.
Those who liavo taken Mercury , Potash , H. B. B ,
Sucus Altcrans or other udvcrtUud remedies ,
with only temporary beni'llts can now lit ) per
manently cured liy tlio use of tliu "MAUIO
UHJI15DY" of the Took Ueinudy Co. . Umalm ,
Nub , llnwnrnof Jinmltiitlons. It Is absolutely
Impossible ) for liny other pcrnon or company to
liavo our lormuln or iiny lemedy like u In etlect
und roaults. The Cook lleinedy Co. , 1ms been
treating putU'iitM for four years and have nl-
wnya given perfect ( .nllsfactlon , They ore llnan.
clnliy responsible , liavlnn a capital of over
$ .V > .OOD , mukliif : their { 'iiuruiitoo good. We soli
cit the mutt oostlnuta cases ttio.-io who lutvu
tried every Lnown remedy mm lout till lope of
recovery. Correspond with us und let us put
yi/ti / In pohseaglon of cividout-o iluil coiivlime.f the
moat nkeptleal. Murk wluit wu suy : In tliu mid
you MUST UM our "MAHIO IU : II5IV" before
you ran be permanently cured. It In tliu most
heroic blood purifier over known. Write for
particulars Alllcttern coiillikntlal.
PAIITinU "enure you aio ( jetting the Cook
uAUIIUll Ileinedy W * Muulo lleinedy.
None otbers are genuine. 1'urtleu chilmltm to
be nuenta for usuru ImpoMorH und frauds , Tull
particulars frco , Addiesxull communications
The to Cook Remedy Go , ,
JUNTOS 4188111419 , FulOl Blltll.
HOB. 303-404-I70-C04.
I HtifTerlnK from tha of *
I U. I ttxti ot jriiulMiil ' er-
liuiiToo ] < l , etc. 1 I il "im > > ulu-tljU ) trtAtlsa l-c'-iled i
conUUuluj full inrtkuUrs tut l > om * cure , frto vt
' '
F.'Bt'FOWLERi Moodu > i Conn.
> ' .
Chlcogo , Ills , i ClnrkSt.
IheKegular Old-Established
Is dill Treating with tha Greatest
gKjLjai CESS
CIiroDic.NiirvonsaBil . Private Diseases ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreamo , Head nnd Back Ache and all the tflecti
leading in early decay and perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
uever > failinx success.
SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured ,
/re-KIDNEYnndURINARYcomplalnis , Gleet.
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcoccle and all diseases
of the Geiiito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys nr other Organ * .
7SNo experiments. Age ard experience im.
portant. Consultation Tree and oacred.
flS-Send 4 cents postage Tor Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
'QB Those contemplating : Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
IS cents , both 2 ; cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendlylettirorcallmaypavefuturesuffer-
ipr ; and shame , and add golden > cars to life. &tTltaolc
"Life'sSecret ) Errors , " joccnts ( stamps ) . Medicina
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clarit St. . CHc * .4.r O , IE.U
M-a hnnrf
SY1 an n 0 U 0 j ssttr-a Kis
twlfilntf I'rematuro l ) roy. AITIOIIS Dctilllty , Lost
Mnnlioj l. Aa , h vlnn tried In vnlnevery knonTi Tfmf-
dy , tiati dl carcrvfl a itlniiilA mp-inK ofnelf ritrt' , u hlch
Jiswlll nend ( tnlfiH rilKK to III * ft-lloo.fllirorvrx.
MJroM. J. H. It KKVM. ' . HOT SBH. Key Yr.i k City
tbo Iilanor Habit , r < i ltln < l > Cnrod
br Admlnlnierlna Or. llnlncu1
Goldan SpenlDr.
It ran lip clvi > n In n cup of rotrca or Ion vrlllmnt I tin
knoirKvtgcnrtlio I'or-on lukincll ! lnil : ) ol\lH'lr linnn-
PBS. unit "III cnect a api-inly mm mumnm-iit cure ,
nltctliiM-tlin fallout U n iiiiiJi'riiUMliliiU'r or nil ill-
roliol vrivck. TlicMisnmN ol ilriuikniili luiro l > p < m
iniKlntrinpiTHlnnu'ii wluilmvntaken ( iolileiiHpncllla
In tlU'lrcntrraulllMiut llivlr knowipilui ! Hint tiHlny b
Hum llii-y quit ilrliiklni : oftlu-lr own free will , ir
hovrr IiilK 'llio system oucu lmiromiiili ] > ii with tlui
* pcciriiMt lu'foincB nn utter ImiinsMMIU ) fur Ilio
liquor appoint ) to ojlst. Kor ! > nlo ! > ) Kiilin & .Qi.
DrtiKKlMi , 1'lhnnd Dnmilns ! ' . . unit btll unil Oniu-
lii9t9.Oiiiuh , A , 1) . Toiler \ llru. . Council lllutTi
If they les UFAI.TII innl KOHNOIIV , pluulil bur
Hulled and I 'rushed
( A. B. C. OATMEAL. )
A mucious : IUIUAKVAST man.
SOI.IMIV AI.I.CJHOOKJIJoml ! forilri'iilnr * AC. , lo
TIIBCKIIKAI.M Mro.C'o. , S-l Murmv St. , NowVork.
iuo t ho
Justly rel-
ebrateil llnps of Hoots and Shoes , manufactur
ed DyC. M. Henderson & Co. , of Chicago Fac
tories nt Chicago. IMxou , Ilia. , aud Fond lu ) Lao ,
Wls.-shoulU write SAM. W. WATSON , resi
dence , FKRMONT. NEU. Traveling asjaut.
Ueulquarten for Hubbers.
For Snlo by M. H. Biles , Oinivha , Ncbrnslca.
Typewriter miulo to inoet tlio iiioilnrn
want for a machine wlilcli prints tllroctly train
type , uses no ribbon , aligns portiiauontly at
pulntof printing. Is Light , Compact , Humble ,
unil In a word , Is built on xclontlllo principle" ) ,
tlio Invention ot ( J. W. N.Yost , tlio builder or
ootli tliu Uomlnuton and Callgrapli.
Muculnus with ItomlugtoD cr Callcnipli lea/
board nn dualred.
A larire stock of second hnnil Typowrltars , ot
all mukcH , for Milu. lent or oxchanuu. Wo nro
ulso Bales aucntH lor tlio "MKUHiTT" 'IVpo-
wrltcr. tlio Imeut low prlcad inauhlno outlia
market. I'rlcottl.
\Vo would o pli-aaecl to receive a call from
you , wliothor you want to pitrclniKs or not , and
wo will ftliuUy sliow yon tlio " VO.ST' anil tnn
Iliu'st nuil lurxnst stout ot Typowrltur I'lirnl-
turn , Huppllun , ut-c. , over brou lit to tbU city.
GEO.HLSMITH&CO. , 1605 Famam St. , Omaha
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In
To dtjixloru only , M11U Southern Missouri. Hootns , 1 , anil.'J. u. 8. Kutlimul Hank
Telephone i.5T : , Uiniihn , Neb.
Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1OO South JBth Street , Opp , Postoffice. Telephone 1490
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska *