Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    3 OaiAHA DAILY BEE' ' FajiTDAY , NOVEMBEB. I. 1889.
Moro Business In Wheat the Latter
Part of the Session.
Oats Attract Marked Attention With
Xrnnsnotlons fiirtallcr In Volttiuo
Cnttlo Uiila Slow Ic-
tclino In HUSH.
Cnicxoo , OoV. HI. [ Special Tologrnm to
THB UKE. ] Whont opened steady nt about
yesterday's closing prices and sold down
! 6(3 > Mo under the mlfmpprchcnslon that the
market was no weak that Its friends would
not or could not hold It. The fact was devel
oped that they wcro entirely competent to do
this same , for the tlrno bourn at least. De
cember was nt TO o at the Btnrt and May
frJc December sold at 70 ; < ® SOa and for an
hour and a half or more was traded In , first
on a basis ot TO @TO nnd then 7070 > / .
Shortly after 11 o'clock December sold off
rattier sharply to ( % and May to 83 } c.
The market turned suddenly , howawir , and
nil advance of about Jf o followed , the rally
notculminntlni ; until nearly the ond. De
cember went to BO &SOyf and May to 8tJ
The otTurhms worn plentiful nbovo SOa and
64 c and the murkot yielded fractionally , but
closed at S0. ' . { for Discombur nnd 8-1 Vf for
May , oci@go better than yesterday. Thcro
was plenty of business during the last hour
of Ilia session , but previous to that lltno the
wheat pit was characterized by lack of ox-
citciiioiit , Trading was iiono In n spiritless
fushlon and news was n scarce article , as In
deed It was for the eutlro day. None of the
big local oponUora'or commission houses did
anything worthy of special romarlt and the
trndo was unanimously characterized nt
"dull. " When the advance started , how
ever , the scene bocaino tnoro animated and
operations were on an enlarged scale unit of
a tnoro general and miscellaneous character.
Knrly news was comprised heavily of lifeless
cables and dispatches from the northwest
that n 1 % movement was still kept up , whllo
from no plnco In particular could especially
encouraging bull news bo said to onmnatc.
Minneapolis wired that the heavy forward
movement would probably not let up appre
ciably before the 10th or 15th of November ,
that country elevators now' held somowhcro
between 0,000,001) ) nnd 10,000.000 bushels moro
than at the beginning of the month , and that
October was ttm banner month In tha history
of the Minneapolis grain trade , 8,250,000
bushels having boon received at that point.
It WIIH also stated that tlicro was an astonish
ing demand at Minneapolis and Duluth for
cash wheat , regardless of the heavy receipts.
' The winter wheat movement is now begin
ning to fall oft In a way to attract attention.
The receipts hero were 215 cars ,
which was below expectations , and
to-morrow's estimate is for M5 ears.
The market turned up about the time to-
morrow'a estimate was given out. The
equivalent of about 175,000 bushels of wheat
cleared from New York to-day and shipments
of both wheat and flour from the west to the
cast nro on a liberal scale. This may indicate
a present foreign demand or it may mean a
determination on the part of holders to inovo
their uroporty cast before lake navigation
closes , so as to tmvo It nearer consuming
markets. Lnto .Liverpool advices are to the
effect that tlicro has recently been f reo buyIng -
Ing of Hussion wheat futures. Late Cali
fornia statistics record a heavier movement
from first hands on the coast than
lust year and 2,000,000 bushels less exported
since July 1 than last year. Cnlifornlans nro
notoriously "good holders , " however , and
this does not necessarily foreshadow a fu
ture pressure of California wheat on Euro
pean markets.
Tno dealing In corn was again of con
siderable interest and attracted moro than
the usual number to the trading pit. Prices
were higher and for near deliveries they
were strong , the demand for cash offerings
being brisk at nn advance of about } c over
yesterday's closing prices. May was also
firm and higher , but the navanco was less
marked for late deliveries. November , De
cember and January , hoxvcvor , all shared In
the boom to aomo extent , although October
and cash were much stronger , but the ex
treme strength was not maintained to the
close , the last quotations showing
only a trifling advance. Prlco
changes nro nn advance of l-10c in
November , which closed at U2J e , the same
as December , while January declined l-lOo
and May was unchanged.
Oats again attracted marked attention ,
though the volume of speculative business
was loss than that of yesterday. The mar
ket was strong hut unsettled , with the da-
inand chiefly from shorts. The receipts
again proved small , and wet weather and the
strength in corn wcro factors in the contin
ued firmness. The market opened at U-Kc ,
touched Wfa with shorts covering freely at
22c , and the market subsequently sagging
to ifc } , with later a partial recovery , De
cember was in fair request , but other months
were dull. No. 2 regular was nominal around
Speculative Interest in the provision mar
ket was again keyed up to u high pitch , al
though tlio volume of business transacted
was not particularly largo In the aggregate.
The outstanding short interest in October
property proved quite limited and trad
ing centered mainly in November and
January pork nnd the different futures
of lard. The rib market was quiet nnd fca-
turnlcss from start to llnlsh. The undertone.
of the market for the actlvo month was ,
upon the whole , weaker. Continued liberal
receipts of hogs , present and prospective , n
wcaic and lOu lower market for the same at
this point , and free ofTorlngs of
all kinds of the product future . ( .
livery by packers u hud n depressing
effect , which there was not sufllciont invest
ment demand to overcome. There appeared
to bo little buying of pork for long account
( tips having been freely given out this week
to buy January ) , but the demand * in all the
different Hues catno principally from the
eliprts , 1 { _ W. Dunham & Co. took a
good sized line of November pork
early , supposed to bo for the clique , and John
13cusely was n good buyer if the sumo fu
ture , both on 'olianpo and on the morning
call. Trading in larit was pretty evenly dis
tributed through all of the mouths. Tim
shorts In October lard were given a pretty
sharp squeeze just nt the close , the price beIng -
Ing run up to t < ) . 85. This .was tha inside
figure of the morning ana that much higher
for the day. Moro active deliveries for
lard olosod Do lower than yesterday , Octo
ber and January pork closed 7K ° lower.
year ! ! ) o off , and November 17 > o Higher.
CIIIOAQO , Oct. 81 , [ Special Telegram to
Tun 'HKB. ] CATTI.B Tito receipts were dl
vlded nt 10-IOQ natives , ' . ' ,000 rangers nnd
2,000 Toxans. The general market ruled
Blow , nnd outside of the demand for the few
good natives on the market , business was
rather dull than otherwise- , salesmen gener
ally predicting that medium and common
ttock , whether natives , rangers or Texans ,
would bo closed out at lower prices than for
any any this WCOK , Native butchers' stock ,
on account of the light run of Texans , con
tinucs to sell steady , Dealers In stackers and
feeders ngala reported a fair business nl
steady prices. Choice to extra beeves , fl.W.
@ 5,05 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to 150C
Jus. M , < XX < J4.70 ; 1'JOO to 11150 Ibs , tU50@ !
4.35s 050 to 1200 Ibs , J3,00@U.T5.
Btockcrn and feeders , $1,00 ( 11.00 ! cows , bulls
and mixed , 1.00@3.80 ; bulk. J2.00@3.S5.
Texas steers , | 2.l5 ( a.75 ; cowa , * l.0o2.10 ( } ,
Western lungers , f.40@i.SO ; ; cows , * l.75@
Hoes Another decline of lOo on hnavy
nnd So on light was noted. Odd lots of bl ?
old sows sold down us low as f3.55i ( 3.GO
packers ( about all sows ) , f. 1.70 3.80 ; loti
with good barrow top , j3.g5W3.lH ) , and bes
heavy , W.03. Shippers paid * aVO@3.y5 and
buyers of light sorts I3.WQ-UO.
NEW Yonic , OgUfll. ISpocIal Telegram to
TUB HKB.I STOCKS The banking Interest
generally do not uphold the views of stock
operators who cry tight money , Sovera
prominent inatitutioni.have given It out Urn
money will not bo tiffuln ni easy as two
months ego , but that a healthful market at
fair rates for legitimate business is likely to
prevail to the close of the year , IfthU idea
once gets possession of the stock trading
public the principal argument of the bears
will bo gono. The action of the market yes
terday was regarded as a ' 'backing and
filling" process , by which deslrablo stocks
were taken by strong parties for
an advnnco. Similar Investments have ,
it Is thought , boon made on concessions
for.twowcoks past by certain banking in
terests. All these things give a moro con
fident fooling among holders of standard
shares , nnd the trail A is In readiness for the
contemplated advanco. The opening this
morning was heavy , with n firmer foellntr In
Suar. ! In the dealings of the forenoon
rollroad shares generally Improved , while
Sugar was an exception , with n break of
nearly 2 per cent , and Cotton Oil followed
with n droD of 1 per cent. Tnero was a liltlo
activity In the repular list , but St. I'nift ,
Heading , Northern Paclilo preferred and
Union Pacific led In the dealings , whlio
their fluctuations were confined to the small
est fractions ni u rule. The only Im
provement In the regular list was an
extraordinary advance in Tonnossco Coal ,
whirh , after opening unchanged at CO , rose
to 69 . Ueforo noon Union Pacific rose to
08 , JJurllngton to 10t5 , Missouri Pacific to
71 } , Northern Pacific preferred to 73 ? ,
Michigan Central to 07J Canada Southern
.0 55Jjf , Louisville to Si ; , and Big Tour to
75 , followed by the Urantrors , Coalers and
underbills with smaller fractional gains.
Tno noon hour was followed by a further
sharp break In trusts. Suirnr wont off to
71J and Cotton Oil paralyzed the list by a
break to 3G > . This action was accompanied
by n downward turn in railroad
.hares . nnd about all the ndvanco of
the morning was lost. Later , however ,
there was a pretty fair recovery
all around. Cotton Oil returned to 33 and
ugnr to 7.2. Lackawunna closed linn at
J < per cent advance to 141J , whllo Tcnncsseo
'oal ' hold its advance nt 59. Northern
Pacific showed n net gain of } { per cent at
Hurllngton closed J per cent higher
nt lOOJtf. Other Grangers were simply
steady. .Money was bid up to 12 per cent atone
ono time , but was fairly easy nt the close.
The boars did their worst all day without
great result , cxcopt In trusts. The total
sales for the day were 144,974 shares.
The following wore the closing quotations :
D. 8. 4s regular. 1x7 Northern I'.aclQo. . .11 ? . {
U. S. 4s coupons . .1-7 do preferred . ' ! ) ?
U.S. l',4s regular. .104 ? ; 0. X- N.V . 112U
U. H.4Jis coupons .IWiii do preferred . It )
'aclttuisor 'Ui. . . .1171S N.Y.Contral . ICGJf
: eutral 1'aoiac. . . . 34 P. U.AcB . WW
Chicago Alton llock Island . 'J8)i )
Chicago , Hurllngton O..M. . . ,
HurllngtonlOO'S do preferred. . . . , .112.C
St.Paul&Omaha , . : )3H )
Illinois Central 1IUU doproterred . D7
I. . II.V UK Uillon Riclilo . 07 ?
Kansas .1cTexas. . . . 1.1 Ji W..SI. L. te V 10U
j.akoSlioro 107' doproforrud H1H
Michigan Ceutral. . ltiifj\Vcstera Union. . . . Hi
Missouri 1'aclllo. . . . 71 I
MoNnv Tight , ranging from 4 to 12 per
cent ; last loan at 3 per cent.
PniMK MBiioxxriM ! PAPCII 5 > @ 7JiJ ( per
STIIILIXO : EXCHANGE Qulot , weak ; sixty-
day bills , $1.83 ; demand , 34.S5.
Mining Stocks.
Nr.w YOUK , Oot 31. fSpocial
; o Tnn UEE. ] The following are the tnln-
ngstock quotations :
Caledonia II. II. .22 , ' Mexican 400
Con. C'ttl , As Va. . .Oil Mutual I4J
Commonwealth. .200 Mt. Diablo 175
Deadwood T. 125 Ontario i 00
JSuroka Con ! I75 Ophlr 470
Halo & Norcross , : ) JJ Occidental i :
Ilomestake DO ) Savage ! iOO
Horn Silver. . . . .10' ) Sierra Nevada 203
Independence . . .U o
CHICAGO. Oct. 31. 1:15 n. m. close-
Wheat Strong and higher ; October , 78J c ;
December , S0 , ' c ; May , S4I4'c.
Corn Steady ; October 3'J'/u ; November ,
3B'e ; Ma.v , 83 > s'c. .
Oats Higher ; October , ISJ c : May , 23J c.
Ityo October , 4"c.
Barley October , CCc.
Prime Timothy $1.15.
Flax-Cash , $1.23 ; May , S1.37)f. ;
Whisky $1.03.
Lard Easy ; October. $0.85 ; January.
Pork- Easier ; October , ? 9.52 } ; January ,
Flour Dull nnd easier ; 5@lOc lower.
Provisions -Shoulders , $ J.50 ( 4.(13'f ( ( : short
clear , $5.50@5.G3 } ; short , ribs , October , $ . i.05.
lluttter Steady : creamery , 1523c ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars ,
flats , 'JCW c ; Young Americas ,
Kggs Steady ; frosb , I8@19o.
Hides \Vcaknnd unchanged ; light groan
salted , Cc ; dry calf , 5@ie ( ; deacons , each ,
Tallow Weak and unchanged ; No. 1
solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , 5 > < fc ; cake , 4fc. !
Uoceipts. Shipm'ts.
Flour . r . . 21.000 1(1,000 (
Wheat . - . . 142,000 85.000
Corn . 178,000 , lO.I.OOO
Oats . 104.000 190.000
Now STork. Oct. 31. Wheat Receipts ,
125,050 ; exports , 77,200 ; spot stronger
but dull ; No. 2 rod , 8 : ) > @S3 > o in elevator ,
81KS3 > o afloat. 84f ; S5 o f. o. b. ; un
graded red. 70JjiiOc ( ( ) ; options closed firm and
higher ; No. SS red , November closing at
Corn Receipts , 49,800 bushels ; exports ,
202,100 bushels ; spot stronger ; No. 2 ,
41'4'11K0' ' " elevator , 42@t2o afloat : un-
cr'adcd mixed , 40@42Xc ; options lirmer ;
November closing at 4l } c.
Oats Uoceipts , 89,400 bushels ; exports ,
14,300 ; spot firmer ; options stronger : Novem
ber closing nt 20u ; spot No. 2 , white ,
23Vc ; mixed western , 24@27o : wliito west
ern. 27@2T c.
Coffee Options opened baroiy steady nt
15 ( < 025 points down ; closed steady at S@15
points doxvn. Sales : 00,750 bags ; .November ,
$14.40@ 14.50 , spot Ulo , quiet ; fair cargoes ,
Sugar Raw , nominal ; reflucd , quiet and
weak ,
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at $1.00
tflr November.
Pork Firm ; mess , Inspected , 112.259
Eggs Firm ; western , 22@24o.
Lard Dull ; western , steam , $0.80 ; November -
vombor closing at $0.40 hid ,
Uuttor Firm ; Klgln , 2IK@25o ; western
dairy , 9QlSo ; creamery , 12@21o.
Choose Firm ; western , 7XJ410o. (
Mllwaiilcoi ? , Oct. 31. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 7 ! ) c ; No. 1 northern , SOa
Corn Firmer ; No. ! ! , 3u. ; !
Oats-Sto.idy ; No. 3 white , 2tKc.
Hyo-Firm ; No. 1 , 44c.
Hurley Ouiot ; No. 3 ,
w. ijoulH , Oct. 81 , Wheat Higher j
cash , "O o ; May , 83 > < c.
Corn Firm ; cash , : Wc ; May ,
Oats firm ; blRberMuy ; , UU
Hutter Unchanged.
U.IUIKIIS Oliy , Oct. 31. Wheat Steady j
No. 3 hard , eush mid November , 03V o"bid ;
No. 3 hard , cash , 60 > o bid ; No. ! 1 soft , cash ,
07laO ; November. OT so.
Corn Quiet ; No. a cash , 23o bid : No
vember , " 3. 0 ; No. 2 wbitfl.casli.'J-to bid ; No.
! ) , canh , ii-'o bid ; November , 3Jo bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 15 a ; November ,
Clnoiniiiul , Oct. 31. Wheat No. 3 red ,
Ctorn Strong ; No. 3 mixed , 35s.
Oats Stronger ; No. 3 mixed , 21
Aliiincnpulis , Oct. 81. Sampla wheat
'aotlvo ; receipts , 600 cars ; shipments , ISO
cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , November. 77c ;
May , 83 } o ; on track , 77 o ; No. 1 nqrthern ,
Novouibor , 76o ; May , Slo ; on tractt ,
70c ; No. 3 northern , November , 70o ; May ,
70io } on track , 70@73o.
Oct. 31. Wheat Firm
demand poor ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Steady ; douiand poor ; aew mixed
western , 4s Id per cental.
iavj2 sruoic
Cli'ontf o , Oct. 81. TUa Drovers' Jdurual
reports as follows :
Cattle -Receipts , H.OOO ; lOo lower ; choice
o extra bcovrs. $4.KKrt5.05 ! ; stockcrs nnd
ccdors , $1.00@3.6 ) ; steers. $3.00i4.70 ( ; cows ,
lulls and mixed , $ .1,00(33.80 ( ; Texas cattle ,
l.r)03.75 ; western rangers , $ l.5g3.00. (
tlogs'-Receipts , 2.,6b5 ; m'arket wfak onct
) Cr150 loypcr ; mixed , K1.76'Zt.lO ; heavy , $3.05
City , Oct. 31. Cattle Receipts ,
8,700 j shipments. 4 , 300 ; markctslow , weaker ;
cows. $1.30@3iu ; stockcrs and feeders ,
Hotfs Receipt * . 7,230 ; shipment * , 1.000 ;
market lowers light , $3.80@3.00j heavy and
mixed , t3.C533.75.
National Sioo' Vnrd * , KMt St.
Imuls , Oct. 31. Cattle Receipts , 3,000 ;
shipments. 4,000 ; market steady ; fair to
choice heavy natlvo steers , t3.HOJJl.85j stock
crs and feeders , $1.75c < J-2.oO.
Hogs Receipts , 3.0JO : shipments , 8,800 ;
mnrkot lower ; heavy , $3.75s ( > 3.90j packing1 ,
13.0333.85 ; light , f3.S5a ( > 1.00.
Sioux Oily , Oct. 31. Cattle Receipts ,
SfiO ; shipments , 4TO ; market steady nnd un-
ctiangcd ; cowa , tl.00@2.05 ; stocker * nnd
'coders , Sl.r > 0@3.SO ; veal calves , f2.00 < < ? 3.15.
Ho rs Receipts. 4.71105 market lower ;
Ight nnd mixed , t3.D593.78 ; heavy , t3.GO@
8.72 } .
OMAHA iavi : a rooic.
Thursday , Oct. 81.
It was. another day very much lllto yester
day. The veathor was dark nnd gloomy , and
tlio cattle supply , though largo , was made up
mostly of the commoner m-adcs. The mnrkct
was slow nnd unsatisfactory , but quite u
good many cattle changed hands boforn th'o
close. Whllo there were no prime beeves
hero to nmko a test of the market- there wus
a feeling tlmt tlxjy would bring ns good
prices ns nt tiny tlmo , nnd it might bo safa
to quota the market on such steady. The
fairish cattle wcro qinier , and in some in
stances the buyers were bidding 5@10o
lower. The commonhh cattle , and there
were nltojrothor too many of that kind here ,
wcro simply neglected. Tbo few natives
sold nl$3.25jjl ( 10. Cows were quito plenty
nnd the market was onslor. The market on
stockcrs and foodcrs was not so brisk as yes
terday , the dotnnnd boiug light. There wcro
a few buyers 1n from the country , but they
did not take hold very freuly. The prices
paid were about the samu us ycotcrday.
To-day's hog market was fully 5o lowor.
The trndo opened with fifty -live fresh loads
in sight , but Into arrivals swelled the total
lubovo that number , and in addition to the
fresh receipts there were nine loads of hold
overs. The early advices from Chicago indi
cated that the market there was lOis lower
and the sellers hero were prepared to take off
something from yesterday's prices. The mar
ket was quito active at the prices and the
pens were about cleared by the middle of the
forenoon. The popular price was § 3.0" for
There wcro n few here , but the market
was quiet.
lattlo 2.200
Hess 3.90J
Sheep , ; . . . 694
I'rovuiiiiij ; t'riuo * .
Thofjlliwinj H a tiblj of pi-icai piM in
thlsirmrkot for tha giMdji of stoalc men
tioned :
Prime3toor3.13JJ to WO lbi.l.tO @l.50
Good steers , ' 1250 to ll.T ) IbJ. . Il..IO ( uM.'io
Good steers , 103) to ISOOlbs. . . 3.50 Mt.OO
Western steers , 'J.oO @ 3.15
Common 1000 to 1150 Ib steers. 3.00 ( o)3.50 )
Common canners 1.00 ( Vei.C'J
Ordinnry to fair cows 1.5J < > 1.75
Fair to good cowa 1.73 ( ftl.OO
Good to choice cowa 1.9J ( < 2.40
Fair to good bulls 1.5'J i.00 )
Light stociters nnd foo.lei-9. 2.0U 170.2.50
Good feeders , 05 ! ) to HOD Ibs 2.30 fa'3.00 '
Fair to choice light nogs 3.0) ( ( 3.75
Fair to choice heavy noes. . 8.C > 3 's $ . Q
Fair to choice mixed hogs. . 3.03 MH.70
Common to rough hois 8.23 @ 3.50
ItopresiMi ran.-a a 1)33. )
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
a 1213 2 no 114 1211 $3 40
13 1105 3 00 3 12S7 850
20 1097 3-25 10 1101 3 50
12 1093 330 42 1059 3 50
IS 1254 385 30 1515 4
20 10:11 : 8 35
Cf \ 9.
4. . .1075 1 45 10. 951 2 00-
10 , . . 019 1 45 22 005 3 15
.1100 1 Oi 10. UD7 3 33
4. . 80S 1 75 1 .1010 2 30
23. . 989 1 75 .1050 a no
. 980 1 05 3 1170 245
1 750 2 25 13 . . . 938 2 90
20 1233 2 75
, no 225 30. . . , . . 397 3 50
.1010 70 1 1700 335
.1370 85 1 1700 340
118 1 , Z
Owner and No. Av. I'r.
8 feeders , strays 1155 200
J. M. Fox
20 feeders 1001 2 fiO
It feeders 11511 2 ( X )
11 cowa 077 190
21 steers 1244 303
Wm. Somers
44feeders 10SO 2 CO
Pratt & Ferris Cattle Co
13 stenrs , tailings 1342 210
20fcedors 1100 240
45 feeders 1214 233
5steers , tailings. . . .1130 100
Oloedors 1253 2 20
2 Btecra , tailings 1100 200
Gillett Bros
4 bulls uro i oo
Ssteors 1210 275
88 cows 1017 185
L , 7 Cattle Co
115 feeders 1103 2 43
Ora Haley
OOfecdors * 1223 240
Tim Kinney
12 feeders 11SO 240
Swan Land and Cattle Co
53 cows 801 1 05
18 canners 80S 1 10
130 cows 707 ISO
21 steers 1115 215
T. n. Ilord
10 cows 1090 200
23 cows . ' 1010 303
No Av. Shit. Pr. Av. Shir. Pr.
03 , ri20 200 $3 00 .200 200 :
01. .253 200 3 115 .250 210
03. .243 210 3 05 .208 100
71. .251 230 3 ( S3 .28.1 100
CO. .273 ,300 80
00. .287 ,203 100
61. .292 .274 720
05. ,231 .301 100
07. .813 240 3 05 .803 80
53. .231 440 8 05 .231 200
01 , .202 200 3 05 .251 100
51. .201 .23 100 a 07tf
05 , .2oO .813 310 a 07 } $
O'l. .251 ,195 80 UOTK
" .270 .231 12J
53 , 823 .200 1IX ) a 70
(17. ( .250 .23(1 ( 100 a 70
. -43 20Q a 70
04. .255 2 ! .331 80 a 70
65. .803 2l .227 120 a 70
Oil. .275 11 .223 a 70
80. .251 II .270 a 70
03. .819 21 .27U 120 a 70
03 , 270 li 230 120 a 70
10. .300 I .257 120 a 70
47. .293 21 .220 80 a 70
53 , .813 li .200 100 a 70
OJ. .271 .353 120 a 70
5U. .308 1 ! .373 230 a 70
03. .239 1 < ,310 120 a 70
07 , .278 . .354 80 a 70
00. .811 I . .273 a 72j <
51. ,28U ll . 215 375
63 , .270 ! 40 3 78
07. .201 1' ' . .241 13J a 75
UHKKV. 75Pr.
No. Av. Pr.
43 stockors. . 78 3 51
Mvo Stock Notes.
E. Russnll , of Ewlng , was in with cattlo.
J , AHIs. of Orel , had liogs on tha market.
Bliss & Hllss , of Schuyler , marketed bogs.
Manoa Hart came la from Edgar with
John II. Kceno. llvo stock agent of the
Chicago , St. Paul & Milwaukee railroad , has
, ust returned from Choyftltto , Wyo. , and was
flatting the yards.
S. II. and M. Coffmnn , nf Lcroy , rnarkotoi
hogs. i
W , Wyant , Jr. , of Goimantown ; , was in
with hogs. ,
H. Stubbs & Co. marketed hogs from
Hradsbnw ,
Johnson & Anderson marketed hogs from
Audubon , In.
James Frnzlor , o ( Columbus , marketed
thrco cars of cattlo. , ,
E. U. Everett , of uvons , had two cars of
cnttlo end ono of hogs in.
Gillett Bros. , of Laramlc , Wyo , had flvo
car loads of cattle on the innntet.
Fullerton was represented by W. Horton ,
who had thrco land of cattle on the market.
D. S. Kmsolla brought in a load of light
liogs from Panama , receiving the top , $ .1.75.
Charles Marsh , of Crctghton , is visiting
his POII , the popular T , C. Marsh , nt scales
No. 1.
w. S. Connolly came In from Fort Larnmio
with n'train load of cattle for the Pratt &
Ferris cattle company.
For thn first thirty days of this month Inspector
specter Howard condemned twonty-onohead
of lump Jaw cattlo. They were killed nnd
turned over to the Union Rendering com
pany at M.00@5.00 per head. U would bo
cbcapor for the shippers to kill such cattle
fii the country.
If there should bo a great cutting down bf
the cnttlo herds , that is , botow the beef needs
of the country , it would take quito u whllo to
bring nbout another oversupply , ns the recol
lections of the sad consequences of tha last
mad rush into uattlo raising are too fresh
and pnliiful. Tlicro is no Imminent danger
of supplies getting oelow the > iomnnd , al
though ovcryboily is inclined to nd vise every
body else to quit the business. Drovers'
Journal. _
Produce , Frit It M , Ktc.
Ear.s Strictly fresh , ISu ; saionds , 14c.
HiDi'.s , PI'IT. , TAI.I.OW. ETC. Green
salted hides , 4nj'c : damaged hulos , 3 } c ; dry
Hint hldos , 7o ; caff hldoj , o,1 ) ; damaged
bides 2c less ; nheoj > polls , green , each , 25c@
$ l.0i ) ; shoJii polls , dry , perlb. 7c8l2i3 ( ; tallow ,
No. 1 , 4'VijiUo ' ; No , 2. 8@'l'/o ; grease ,
white , 4@l'/c ' ; yellow , 2 < < f@Jc.
SvusAoii Bologna , 4jlifo ( ) ; Frankfort
7o : tongue , 8c : summer , ISo ; headcheese , 7c.
POULTHV Chickonsf per doz. live , hens
$2.75@3.)0 ( ) ; springs , S2.50@3.75 ; dressed
per Ib , lOCcJHlo ; turkeys , hvo , 0$10e ( ! : dressed ,
ll@12c' ducks. Hvo. par doz. $350@3.00 ;
dressed per Ib , ll@12c ; tfeeso , live , par doz ,
? O.UOtf8.00 ( ; Urcssed par Ib , Il ( < § l2c.
L\nn Tlorcos Roilnod Co ; pure loaf ,
c ; kettle rendered 7c. Add , ' c to Jb'o for
WOOL Fine , average , 22Jg23c ( : medium ,
average , 21@22c ; quarter blooil , avor.igo , 20
Q21c ; coarse , averasjo , 15@17c ; cotts and
rough , average , 14 ( < 10c.
Fens Heaver , each , 5IOOS0.i0 ? ! ; otter -
tor , each , $3,00@7.03 ; wolf , each , 50c@
? 1.25 ; coon , each , 2 , " > ( iJ75c ; mink ,
each , 15f5(50c ( ( ; muslcrat , fall , r > ( < J9o : skunk ,
rat , I5i50c ( ; banger , rat , 25SOc , deer skins.
fall , per Ib , 18J7c.
LEMONS Fancy , $ J.OO@S.50 ; choice , $1.50
® n.oo.
UcTrnuixu Tubs , 14c ; rolls , I5c.
Coco IXUTS Per 100 , $5.00.
At'1-l.n UUTTKU Oc.
Cincii Bbls , $'J ; hf bbls , M.OO.
MAPI.I : Suovu 12'rfiiiiric ' ( ! per Ib.
ViiAi.Choice , medium size , 5@uc ; choice
heavy , 4@5c.
Livi : Pionoss Per doz , 51.50. Pralrlo ijhlc'.tens , ? 3.00@.50 : ; mal
lard ducks , § 3.50(33.00 ( ; mixed ducks * l.r > 0@
1.75 ; teal , ? l.25@l.5l ( ; jut'kisnipe , $1.00l.5 ! ! ;
quail , $1.75@-.OJ ; jaclt rabDIW , $3.00c < ,350 ;
small r.ibbits , 51.0J@1.3a' squirrels , $1.00 4
1.10 ; plover , $1.0gl. : ) ( ' > i vonisou saddloj ,
13@llo ; carcasses , tjc lOi. .
UBANS Uholeo hand-picked navy , 31.75 ®
! .00 ; choice hand-pldted medium , Sl.05@l.SO ;
choice hand-picked country , fl.OO@l.SOj
clean country , S1.50@1.CO : Inferior country ,
CIIUCSE Young Americas , full cream ,
12c ; factory twins , llu > 12" < e ; off grades , 7O
Sc ; Van Rossen Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap
sago , lo ! ) ; brick , lie ; llmburger , 9c ; domes
tic Swiss , 18@14c.
CitANiiEHiiins Cane Cod , ? 9.00@10.00.
OKJLNOES Louisiana , per box , Sl.OO.
UUCKWHGAT Fi-ouu Per bbl. , SJ.50.
Git.vrES N. Y. Concord , per basket , 35@
40c. , .jj . ,
APPLES Per bbl. , Sl.00@3.00.
CAI.IFOHXIA .Glui-ES SU50@S1.75.
Pn.-.U3 10 Ib. boxs , $ l.75@3.35.
U.VKANAS According to sizu , per bunch ,
$2.00@3.00. _
POVISIOXS Hiimi , No. 1 , 10-lb. average ,
} c ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lOc ; 13 to 14 Ibs , lie ;
shoulders , 5ifc : breakfast bacon , No. 1 , S a ;
liam sausage. 9c ; dried beef hams , So ;
beef tongues , $15.09 per dozen ; dry r.alt meats ,
4K@(1/HC ( P r Ib ; ham roulette , Oj c ; add Ic
per It ) for small lots.
DHIED FHUITS Currants , new , S'i'c :
prunes , casks , 1,800 HJS , ; prunes , bbls
or bags , 4 > c ; citron pools , drums , 20 Ibs
22c ; lemon iieel , drums , 20 Ibs , 17o ; fard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , 9o ; . apricots , choice evap
orated , 14c ; apncots , jolly , cured , 251I > boxes ,
lOc ; apricots , fancy. Mount Hamilton , 35-lb
boxes , lOc ; apricots , choice , bugs , SO Ibs ,
14 c ; apples , evaporated , Aldcn , 50 Ib boxes ,
SJ c ; apples , Star , SJfc ; apples , fancy
Aldan , 6 Ib , lOc ; anples , fancy Alden ,
2 Ib , 10 'c ; Salt Lake , 9 u ; black
berries , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes ,
' cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15c ; pears ,
California fancy , , ' s boxes , 25 Ib , 12J c ;
ncaches , Gal No. 1 , fancy , % i unp bags. 80
Ibs , 15c ; nectiirines , red , 12c ; nectarines ,
silver , bugs , 12c ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 Ib
boxes , Ho ; raspberries , ovep N Y , now , 27c ;
prunes , Cal , It C. 90-109 boxes , 25 Ibs , G2ic ;
prunes. Cal , R C , 00-70 , Oc ; orange peel , 15c ;
raisins , California Londons , crop 1989. 83.50 ;
raisins , Cal , loose muscatels , crop 1888 , $3.00
(3)3.10 ( ) ; Vnlencias , 1883 , 9c.
HONP.V lOo per Ib for choice.
JiiijMES 4@4 > aC per Ib.
liKESWVX NO. 1 , 10@19C.
Pies FKBT Pickled , kit ? . 75o ; pickiol
nigs tongiiL-s , kits , ? 2.35 ; pickled trlpo , kits ,
GJO ; pickled II. U. tripe , kits , 85c ; spiced
pigs hocks , kits , 51.15.
UEEFTo.vaup.s-Salt , bbls , 130.03.
HAY $5.00@.J.OO. .
CHOP Fiiin : ? io.oo@n.oo.
HKAX S8.00iai3.5i ) .
SHOUTS $3.o ; ) ( < iS.50.
CORK 352l5c.
1'OTATOKS 'iO ( ! 25c.
ONIONS 35@30c.
SAUKH KKAUT Bbbls , $5.00 ; h'f bbls , S3.00.
HUTTHH Creamery , fancy , 22@3ic ' : ; choice
20i ( 21c. Dairy , fancy , 17it8o ; cho'co ' , 15
( J10c. Country , fancy , 10.v517c ; good to
choice , 1415o ; fair , 10@llo ; inferior , 7@3c.
PICKWW Medium , per bbl. $5.00 ; small
$ (5.00 ( ; gherkins. $7.00 ; C. & 13. chow chow ,
qts. * 5.b5 ; pts. 53.40.
CAKIIIT UK@13) c per Ib.
CllOCOLATK AND COCOA 21@37fl per 11) J
German chickory , red , 71J o.
GINOCU Jamaica , } + Dints , $3,00 per doz.
SuoAiia Cut. lonf , 8j ! ocut ; loafeubes,8A c ,
standard , powdered , 8Ko ; XXXX. powdered.
9c : granulated , standard , 7 @ 7c ; confec ;
lioncrs' A , 7a ; wliite , extra U. 7c ; oxtru
O , Ncbrusicn , OJfoj amber , O o ; California ,
golden C , 0 ! o.
CAN'.VHD aiEATS I Ib .lunch tongue , $2.00 ;
2 Ib lunch tongue , $ -i.75i ; 1 Ib corned beuf ,
$1.30 ; 3 Ib corned beuf , $2.05 ; 0 Ib corned
beof. $0.60 ; 14 Ib corned beef , $14.00 ; 3 Ib
boneless pigs feet , $3.30 ; Mb English brawn ,
$1.80 ; 2 Ib English brawn$3.15 ; 0 Ib English
brawn , $0,75 ; 1 Ib compressed ham , $1.75 ;
31b co'nprcsscd ham , $3.75 ; lib chipped
beef , $3,00.
CANNED FISH Brooktraut , 3 ft , $3.40 ; sal
mon trout , a Ib. $2.85 ; clams , 1 II ) , $1.25 ;
clams , 3 Ib , § 3.00 ; clam chowder , 11 Ib , $1.35 ;
deviled crabs , 1 II ) , $3.35 ; deviled orabs , 3 Ib ,
$3.50 ; codilsh ballu , 3 It > v61.75 ' ; caviar , ft M ,
$ J.35cols ; , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , lib , 81.UO ;
lobsters , 3 Ib , $3.95 ; lobritors , deviled , K U' ,
3.25 ; mackerel , ' Ib , J1.75 ; mackerel must-
turd sauce , 8 Ib , $3.10 ; ' mackerel , tomato
suiico , 8 Ib , $3.25 ; oystdrs , 1 1b , ! > 5o ; oysters ,
Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. It. , 1 Ib , $ .2.00 ; salmon ,
C. U. , 3 Ib , $3.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
OiLS-Korosone P. W. , OJW ; , W , . 12o ;
headlight , ] 0o ; gasoline , 74 ° , ilKo i ; lard No.
1 , 45u ; No. 2 , 41u ; salud ell , $1.36 11.00 pur
COFFEE Greea Fancy , old golden Rio ,
23 > o ; fancy old puubarry , 23o ; Rio choice
to fancy , 23o ; Rio. prime , 21o ; Rio , good ,
20c ; Mocha , 80o ; Java , fancy Manduhllng ,
23o ; Java , good Interior , 34o ; African , 21o.
Corren Rousted Arbucklo's Anosa ,
23j o ; McLnughlin's XXXX,236 ; German
23Vo ; 1)11 worth , 23 c ; Alaroma. 23 o.
FJSII Salt Dried codIlsti,5)/8Ko ) ; scaled
herring , 24o per box ; hoi. herrintr. uom. , E6o ;
Hamburg , spln d herring , $1.50 ; hoi. liorrlng ,
JjrE-$1.75JK60 ( ,
15iJ17c { ; Brazils , lOo ;
bcrts. Ho ; pecans , lOc ! walnuts , 12' c ; pc.v
nut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOJ o ; Tcnncs co
peanuts , 7a
Wiarnsa PArcn Straw , per Ib , 1/Q
2t , o ; rag , 2 > < c ; manllla , H , G fl , oi No. 1
8c *
SII.T Dnlry , 230 lb tn bbl , bulk. $3.10 ;
best urado , 00 , 5s , $3.80 ; best grade , 100 , 3i ,
$2,40 ; best grade. S3 , 10 * , $2,20 ; rock silt ,
crushed , $1,80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb baps ,
85c ; bulk , SlM-lb bags , $3.33 ; common. In
bbl . $1.25.
FAHIXACEOOS Goons Harley , n 3K : far
ina , 4) ) e ; peas , 8.Uc ; oatmeal , 2JCJ5o ( ; mnc-
carom , He ; vormlculU , Ho ; rice , a > f@7oi
sngo and tapioca , 0(3 7c.
SALSon.i 1 J < ( a2 c per Ib ,
STUICH 6@7o Per Ib.
STOVE PoLHit $3.00@5.S7 per gross.
SI-ICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , Oc ; Cns-
sin , China , Oc ; cloves , 1'onnng , 23o ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; popper , 18@10c.
Twlnni nnd Hope.' TWINC Sisal , 18c ; hemp , 14c ;
manillii , 15o.
CLOTHESLINES Cotton , 50 ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
00 ft , $1.40 ; Jllto , 50 ft , OOc ; Jute , (50 ( ft , tt.OO.
COTTON TWIXI : Fine. 20o ; modlum , lOJfo ;
heavy hemp , Ha ; light hcmt > , 17c.
SAU , TWINE- , sail , 20o ; Calcutta , 14o ;
Manilla ropj , 14o ; sisal rope , ll > < c ; now
process , S > jfo ; Jute , 0 } cr Jcotton lUc ; hldo
rope , 17c. .
Inunlior mill llulldlnu
STOCK HoAiuis A , 12 Inch , s I s 14 and 10
feet , f 10.00 ; B 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet ,
$41.00 : C 13 inch , s Is 13. 14 and 10 feat ,
$ .10.00 ; U 13 Inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 fcot.
$33.00 : No. 1 com 13 in , s 1 s 13 fcot , $18.00 ;
No. 3 com 12 In , s I s 14 and 10 feet , $17. 50 $
18.50 ; No. 1 com 13 In , s 1 s 10 , IS nnd 20 fret ,
819.60 ; No. 3 com 13 in , s 1 s 14 and 10 fcot ,
Pori.An Clear poplar box bds.
In. s 3 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar. } ( panel ,
$30.00 : clear poplar , : \ in panel , $ i .00 ; clear
poplar , \ { In panel stock wide , s 3 s , $33.00 j
clear poplar corrugated coiling , } , $39.00 ,
POSTS White cedar , 0 Inch halves , 12c ;
wliito cedar , 5' incli halves ami 8 inch quar
ters , He ; white cedar , 4 inch round , lOc ;
Tcnncsseo rod cedar , split , lOo ; cpllt oak ,
white , So ; sawed oak , 17c.
SimLAI - No. 1 plain.Sand IS inch , $17.50 ;
No. 3 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18.00.
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 16 ft ! * ) ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . . 15 00 15 Ot ) 1500 111 00 1000 1800 1900
2x0. . . .15 00 15 00 15 OD 1000 1000 1800 HI 00
3x8' . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 IS 00 1 ! ) 00
2x10. . .1500 1500 1500 1000 10 00 1800 1900
2x12. . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
4x49x8.10 00 1000 10 OJ 17 00 17 00 IS 00 10 00
FESCIXU No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $ IO.OJ@10.50 ; No. 1.4 and Oineh , 10ft ,
$17.00$17.s ( > 0 ; No. : ! . 4 and ilinch , 12 and 10ft ,
$13.r)0@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 ft , $15.00
( glUU. ( )
FINISHING 1st and 3d clear , l1 inch , s 2 s ,
$ l.000(51.00 ! ) ( ; Island 3d clear , IJf and 3 Inch ,
s 3 s , S17.00@ : > O.OJ ; 3d clear. J ' 4 Inch , 83s ,
$43.00(3 ( 10.00 ; 13 seluct , I * , ' . IK and 3 inch , s
2 s. $37.00@33.00 ; 1st and 3d clear , I inch , s 2
8.SI5.09 , 3J clear , 1 inch , s2s , $30.00 ; A so- '
loct. 1 inch , s 2 s , $83.00 ; 13 select , 1 inch , s 3
s , SiO.OO.
Sllixni.ns , LATH Per M XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra "A * . Si.O'J ; standard A , $3.00 ; 5-inch
clear , $ l.00fi$1.70 ; 0-Inch clear , $1.75 ( 1.80 ;
No. 1 , $ I.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , Si.40 ;
California rod wood , dimension wldths$4.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension width3$3.35 ;
lath , $3.50.
UoAiius No. 1 com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 , doJIG.50 ; No. 8 , do , $14.50 ;
No. 4 , do ( ship's cull ) , Sll.OJ. Add 50u per
M ft for rough.
liaits , 3 > jJ-meh , OOo ; O. G. Barts , 2 ( ffi3. ss ,
35c ; 3-ini well tubing , D.&M. nnd bev , $33.10 :
pickets , D. & H. , llat , S3'.00 : pickets , D. &
H. , square , $10.00.
FLOOHIXQ 1st com 0-tn white pine. $ :14.00 : ;
2dcomi-ln ( white pine , 53I.OU ; 3J com 0-in
white pine , $ -20.00 ; U com 0-in white nine ,
$20.00'com ; 4 and C-iu yellow pine , $15.0(1 ( ,
Star 4-in yellow pine. $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear
yellow pine , 4 nnd 0-in , $19.00.
white pine partition , $32.00 ; 3d com % -in
white pine partition , $37.00 : uluarin yel
low pine ceiling , $30.00 ; clear V-in Norway ,
$14.50 ; 3d com e'-in Norway , $1250.
LIME Best , 85.
CEMENT $1.85.
Pi.AaTEit $3.25.
HAIH 20c.
BUH.DINO HIUCK Common , $0.00@7.00 per
M ; selected. $7.00@S.OO per M ; sewer brick ,
$8.00 ( 9.00 per M.
Dry Goods.
PIIINTS Pink and Robes Richmond , Cc ;
Allen , Go ; Kiverpoinl , 5Uc ; Stool River ,
0c ; Pucillc , O c.
QUINTS Indigo I31ue St. Logcr , 0) < fc ;
\Vashington , Oc : American , CKc ; Arnold ,
0) c ; Arnold Century , 9c ; Windsor Gold ,
Tk't ' , lOJi'u ; Arnold B. 10e ; Arnold A , 12c :
Arnold Gold Seal , lOj o ; Yellow Seal , 10 > c.
COMFOHTEHS $0.50 85.00.
COU KT JEANS Boston , 7J < c ; Androscog-
gin , 7 o ; ICearsago , 7J c ; Uoekport , 0c ;
Conestoga , 6c.
CHASII Stevens' B , fljf ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , 6c ; Stevens' P , 7c ; bloachcd ,
8c ; Stevens' N , 8 c ; blcaohed , 9Jtfc ; Sto-
vcns' SKT , ll. c.
DENIMS Amoslteag , 9 oz. lOj c ; Everett , 7
oz , 18c ; York , 7 oz , 13o ; Hu.vmaker , 8l c ;
Jaffroy , XX , HJ c ; Jaffrcy , XXX , 12j c ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , BB ,
He ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
GINGHAM Plunkett , checks , 6cVhit ; -
Norinuudl dzcss ,
Housekeouor , 8' c ; New Condidato ,
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9c ; Xou Bet.1 4 ,
0o ; butter cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cabot , 7 > o ;
Farwoll , half bleached , SJ c ; Fruit of Loom ,
8c ; Grcon G , Oc ; Hope , 7 ac ; King Philip
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , JOc ; Lens-
dale , 8KC ; New York mills , lOc ; Pepporcll.
42 in , lOc ; Popparoll , 40 in , lie ; Pepperell ,
0-4 , 14) ) c. Poppnrcli , 8-4 , 20o ; Popporoll , 9-4 ,
22c ; Puppenill , 10121c ; Canton. 4-1 , b o ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9 > c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta ,
He ; Valley , 5c.
SIIIIETINO , BUOWN Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7J c ;
AtluntioH , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , O o ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4. { ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , 0 > c ;
Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ;
Lawrence LL , 44. fie ; ' Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 > 4o ; Pepporcll , R , 4-4. O c ; Pcpporull E ,
40-inch , 7 > o ; Pepporoll , 8-4. 17Kc ; Pop-
crell , 9-4 , 20o ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca C ,
45 o : Wachusetts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora it , 4-4 , 7o ;
Aurora B14 , OUc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 } c ; International ,
YY , 8c ; Shotucket ' , S,8 > c ; Warran , No. 870 ,
lOc ; BorwIck.'BA , 18o : Acme , 18c ; York ,
80 in , I2 > c ; York , 33 in , 18 > < Jc ; Swift River.
So ; Thorndike , OO , 8 c ; Tliorndiko , KP ,
8 > f ; Thorndlko , 180 , 9 > < o : Tliorndiko , XX ,
15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9)50 ; Cordls , No. 4 ,
UUOK West Point , 28 hi , 8 oz , 9 > oVost ;
Point , 29 in. 10 oz , ISKo ; West Point , 29 In ,
13 oz. 15 c ; West Point. 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
FUNNELS Plaid Raftsmen , 20o ; Clear
Lake , 'Mc ; Iron Mountain , 20tfc.
PIIISTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , 0 } c ; Garner oil , 0@7c.
SiiiiiTiNo CIIKCKS Caledonia X , 9J o ; Cal
edonia XX , 10 } fo ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , So ;
Granite , 6 ( c ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , fUc.
FLANNELS White Q. H. No. 2 , J22J < ? o ;
Q. H. No. 1 , Jf , 5 > (3 ( ; G. H. No. 2. 9 , 2J' ' o ;
G. H. No. 1 , % , ! 10c ; Quenhco No. 8 , % , 82 0 ;
Quechco No. 2 , Jf , 37 o ; Auuwan , 83 05
Windsor , 22 < c.
PLASNBLS-Red 0 , 3t inch , 15J o ; E , 2t
inch. 31KoG. ; G.31 inch , 20o ; H. A. F. % ,
85o ; J. It. F. J , 27c ; ( J. } ( , 35c.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , 80 ; Beauty ,
12Ko ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0.80.
BLANKETS White , $1,00@7.50 ; colored ,
$1.10@3.01) ) .
CAitrEt WAIIP Bibb , whito. ISV o ; colored ,
NN , 12Kc ; AA ; 14u'nO'l& ; o ; ' TT.r
YY , Ibo ; 1313 , 19o ; 20 , bleached , 8tfo ; CO ,
13 > oj 60 , 13 c ; 60 , brown and slate , Do ; 70 ,
13Uo00 ; , lOo.
KENTUCKV JEANS Hercules , 17c ; Loaui-
lnggnu33Kc < Glenwood , 20c ; Melville , 25o ;
ButpUp,3TKo ; Memorial , 15u ; Standpoint ,
ISo : Uurhum , 27Ko.
MisoBM.ANEOUij--Tnblo oil cloth. $2GO ;
table oil cloth , marblo. $3.50 ; plain Holland ,
OKa ; dado Holland. 13Ko.
J'HINTB Dross Charter Oak , Bo ; Ramapo ,
4a ; Lodl , 5c ; Allan , Oo ; Richmond , tier
Windsor , 0 0 } Eddystone , 0 > o ; Paclilo ,
Prims and Olicinlcnls.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , SJi'o : citric ,
per pouud. Slo ; oxalic , per paund , 14c ; tar-
tarlo powdered , par pound , 43c ; carbolic , S3
@ 45o.
ALUM Per pound , 2 } o.
AUUONIA Curuonato , per pouud ,
AuuowiiooT Per pound , loo.
lUi.soM Copaiba , per pound , CSo ; < olu , 63
HonAx Refined , pcriwund. Ho.
CALOMEL Am , , per pound , 880.
CASTOU Oiir-l.n4.
Crnnn HEIIUIER $1.50.
CANTIUimifiO 75c$1.05.
CASSIA Buns Per pound , 1S < * .
CiiLouoroiiM Per pound , 44.C.
Conndsivc uuiatMATn Per pound , SSo.
CIIEAM TAIITAH Pure , per pound , sita ,
KXTUACT Loow OOP Bulk , per pound ,
Gt'M ' Anvnic Ml@95a
LTCOfOlllOM 44i\
GLTCEIIINE Hulk , per pound , S5o.
GUM Asafootlda , per pound. 14c ; cam-
phcr , per pound , 40c ; opium , per pound ,
IODINE Rcsubllmnted , par ounce , $3.30.
LEAVES Bttchu , short , per pound , 13c ;
Sonna , Alex. , per pouud , 2i > @ 3So ,
MoiiruiA Sulph. , per ounce , $3.00.
POTASS UroinMo , per pound , 44c ; Iodide ,
per pound , $3.88.
CJt'iNU Sulph , , Per ounce , 40c.
SEEDS Canary , per pound- } c.
SOAVS Cnstllo. mottled , per pound , SIOc ;
castilc , white , per pound , I8ir ( > c.
SriiiiTs NITIIE Sweet , per pound , U. S.
P. , 42e.
SriiYcitst * . Crystals , $ l.00 ( $ 1,15.
Sutrii. CINCHONA Per 02 , 014c.
TAi'iooA Per uound , Oc.
TONKA BEANS $1TU ( < $1.5.
WAX White , per pound , 8o35o. (
OILS Linseed , . raw , 5'c ' ) ; Lnmced , boiled ,
Olc ; Bergamot , Sanderson's , per pound ,
$3.45 ; Lemon , Sanderson's , per pouud , $1.85 ;
Peppermint , per pound , $2.85 ; Wlntorgrcon ,
per pound , $3.16 ; Olive , Malaga , per gal ,
U5o ; Headlight , 175 test , UiVc ; Gasoline , 75
degrees , 13c ; Napthn , OJ dcgroos , 12c ; 160
prlmo wliito , lOc ; 150 water white , 12c ; Per
foctlon , 14c ; Lnrdlnc , 80c ! Summer , W. Va.
Ho ; iCoro , w. Vn. , lOo ; I. X. L , dark en
glno , 20 < - ; Cnrb'on , snow white. 150 do
prcos , HiV c ; Turpentine , S4c.
Basement First National Bank ,
:105 : SoiUli litlli Street , -
Capital $400,000
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1880 52,009
oprioims AND DiuKcroiiSi
Hr.snv W. Y\TES Provident.
LvwiH S. ItEKii. Vlco President.
\V. V. MOUSE ,
JOHN H. rot.i.iNp ,
J. N. II. 1'ATitinc ,
W. II. f. UuniiES , Cnslilcr.
I'or. ISth au'1 Kiirnnm Sts.
A General Uunklng llusiucss I'rausaotoil.
Capital , $4OOOOO
Surplus , 4O.OOO
Olllccrsnnd Directors K. . Moraomnn , O
M , JlltclicoeK , Jos. Gurneau.Jr. , j . Ilcnry. K
SI. Anderson , Wm. U.Maut. v nrei.j L. 11. Will
alms. A. P. Hopkins , prca. ; A. Mlllartl. casulcr ;
l < \ U. liryant , assistant cashier.
Correspondence solicited. COMPANE8 , ( ETC.
N.W. HARRIS & COF ANY , Bankers ,
163-163 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
70 State Stroot. BOSTON.
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to Heed , Jonci & Co ,
Wesale Manufacturers of Boots & Stioos
AlienU for llosto n Rubber Hhoo Co. , 1102.1101 neil 1101
llaruoy tUrecr , oniftlm , Nebranka.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1531 North Klghtcditli BtrtBt.Oniiihn , K b.
MannfEctnrcrs ofGalyanizefl Iron Cornice
\Vladow-cnnsnn < l taptnlleakrllehti. Jolin Kpenetir ,
prnpnclor. iUSand lIUBiiutli lutli ttroot.
Stparn FjttljigB , Pumpa , Eto.
BTIUNRPQinps , Pines and Engipes ,
8t Ma , wntor , ralhrnr and mlnlni ; iiiprllai , ( to.
Wu , 'Jfi and 'M I'tnuoi aireet , Omalin.
Steam and Water Sopplics.
wlnl rallla , 018 and D20 JODCII it. ,
U. K. ItotB , Aotlng Manaiter.
& co. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Macbinery ,
Sb Hroa worl , itcam pnmpi , BKW inllli. 12I3-1JI5
I-cniemvertu trcel , Omaha ,
Iron Works ,
Wrongnt anfl Cast Iroa Bfiilding Wort ,
Hoiilnei. bran work , general foundry , machine and
tlackimltU work. Ottc * and wbrki , U , I" . Uj ,
and 17th itrect , Omaba.
Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings
Ucik r lli , ulndow gurd , tlowcr ttaadi , wlro > lg i ,
Manf 'rs ' of Fire and Borglar Froof Safes ,
Vaulti , Jail work , Iron ihuUera and flre eicapti ,
U. ADdreen. viuu't. Corner lull and Jacklon it > ,
a a a h , P oo rjBtJEto.
Jf , A. D1SHROW & CO. ,
Wnolcaalo rotaufaoturert of
Sasti , Doors , Blinds an. HoiilfliiiES ,
. HtU a d Uari alreeu , Omaha. NP > > .
Of outb ( Ma , LiniitijI
Agrloulturtkl implomonta.
TRv/AiiIMF , v"srei CALF do
AWjcnlt'l ' Implcnioiils , Waaons , Carriagei
\Vhol f ! e. OniithK , N brail .
Wholesale Dalers ; in FDrnllnrc ,
Knrndm ittoot , Omaha , Kebrnoka ,
Fnrnitnrs ,
Omaha , Kcbrajka. -
WtioldjalG Grocers ,
inbandLearcnworth itrectf , Onmhn , Kibraika.
IP. j. UROA'I oil ,
HeYy ? nirdware , Iron and Steel ,
WHKOII Hock , bardnnra , lumber , clo. ISA
nd 1111 llaluer JtK t , Omaha.
MOLJKE , Mii.numf STODDARD cat
MnnnfnclnrCM nnd job1 era In
Waons , Baggies Rale1) , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. Dth nnd 1'nclilo atrceti , Ornabn.
A. l'l , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 J.'ouRln ? Btroet , Ornflhn , Kcbritikn.
Doots and Shooa.
ir.'r. MORSE Aco' ,
s of Boots and Slices.
1101,110) , lllX'i Douulns ( Iroct , Omnlui. alanafnctorn
Kuuinivr utroel , lloston.
Con ) , Coke , Eto.
Miners anil Shippers of Coal ant Me
Doom I , li. H. .Nut.-pin. i mi > t > i , O.nii-u
" "
cir'Ot , Oiniilm. Nebraska.
SMppers of Coal and CO'KC ,
214 South ISili it. . Ouinlia , Nob.
f liolcsale Liunlier , Etc ,
Imported nnil mcrlcnn PoiOnJ ' cnieut , 8tat (
ncent for Mllwaukru liydrau It ! ctmeiil aud
Vfnln y wlillu iinio.
rilAS It. LEE ,
Dealer in Ha : dwoodLiimoGr ,
Wood cnrpcts and pnrqnot ; . itb and DouglM
Eliocts , Oiunliu. iSi < l > .
UllKinilsofBiiilfliiigMaterialatV/lio'esalQ / '
IStb street nnil Union 1'iidllc trnck , Oumliiu
Dealer in LunibGr , Latii , Lime , Sasli ,
Doon , Ktc. Vnr > l3 I'oriu'r 'th mid Dougim. Onica
Curner Kith and Uoimla * .
Luitttr Limp Cement EtoEtc
, , , , , ,
Comer Dtu anil Doutlns sis. , Ouinlia.
C. Ar. DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lninlier ,
13th and California ttrccts.Oniiibn , Kabrnika.
nnilllnory and Notions.
Importers 5 Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
'Mi , 310 and 212 Soiilli lltb gtrcct.
j. r. soN KOTION co. ,
Wholesale Notions and Furiiishing Goods ,
1174 Harnoy R'.vcot , Onmha.
C ommIi ss i o n
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties liuttcr , curs , cheese , poultry , gamfe
HI2110 > rnrtl itrect , Onmhn , .sub.
Pry Ciaod3 a nd Notions.
31. E. SMITH A CO. ,
Dry Good Furnisliiiig Good ? and Notions
1103 nnd 1101 Dounlns , cor. lltb itrect , Oinnba , Xeb.
Importers & Jolte in Dry Goods , Notions
Ocal'i furnlshlnit Koodx. Cnrnrr lltli and Ilarnof
streetu. Uniillm. Nubrnika.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Sliog
Mechanics' tool and IliitTalo icalec. HO. ' . loucla )
Btreet. Oniulia , Neb. _
H. nA RDY & CO. ,
Jobbcri of
Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Good ] ,
nouia furnlsblnK Kondu , cbllilrcn's carrlaKO , 1201
Hirtmm atrect , Omnlia , Nob.
Wliolesale Reflced and Lnbricating Oil ? ,
Alia grcato , etc. . Onmlia. A. H. Ultliop. Munngetj
rj. . . Papor. . . . _ _ . . . . . _ „
Wliolesale Paper D3 lers ,
Cmrrr a nlca itoek of printing , irrnpplnt ; and writing
KtjpiJl I lUtaatlon KlTon o cara paper
Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul R'y. '
The llest Itouto from Omnlm and Council
Hln/fs / to
- = = THE EAST
Clilcngo , AND Milwaukee ,
8t. 1'aul , MlnnrnpollH , Cedar Huplds ,
Kock Islaudj Frecport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dultiiquo , Davenport , .
Elgin , Madlsun , JiuuiSTllle , 1
Hololl , AVInona , La L'rossc ,
And all other Iraportnnl nolntt Kail , Norlbtnt and
For tbroimh tickets call on tbo litket weml at 1M1
farnam ttreet , lu Darker Illoek , or at Unlca 1'ucifla
Pullman Sleeper" and tbo flneit DlnlnK Can In th
world am run on tbu maiu llnu of thu Cblcu n , Jill ,
waukee * Bt. raul Itallnur , and vivej altcntlvn li
paid to iianc'iiucri by courluoui cuploya * of lb
cotapanr. II , JIII.I.EIl. Ocneral Manager.
j. F.TUCKISH , Anlitanl General Manauer.
A. V , It. OAItl'JiN'i'BU , ueutral i'aaieniier and
Tlrket Aitcut.
UUO. 1C. IIKAI'KOHI ) . Aiclittat Geooral l'a eoi !
mlllrket Agont.
Agont.J aeral SantluHnieut
H I Ul I IBC a.a r lana MEKVOD8 - UKflJlIT
o/Zrrori or Zswiwaln Older Yotiog
K > k l , KtkU IlklfOOU lm\\j \ \ k il rnl. lltw In K > l > rf i4 HKi .t ll V U ) 'ii : > OklHHil ( t , I'imScf fldlir.
iU.oluUIr rit/a ] IIUK lUlftlHIlIIT-IUxlU U ttj.
t lir/ tram II HUU > , Trrll > rl.i , > 4 rrll ( > r nilrl ,
1,0 lu wrIU IkfB. Blxik , full < ipl tl , imi erc.r. i il ! < 4
un niiiui to. . JUI ; > UB. v.