THE OMAHA' ' DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FBIDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 1 , 1SS9. NUMBER 135. AN EXPOSE OF BOULANGISM , Secret Intrlguoa of ? Some of the Gon- ornl'o Followers. DANGERS OF THE REPUBLIC. Violence Only Avoided Iljr tlio Oppn- sllloii or tlio Atom Influential Lenders Itlqa In tlio Scotch Iron Market. Vlolfnco Wa Conqldnrnd. irnj > i/rfpM JSWhu James ( Innlnn llenn'U\ \ PAIHS , OcU 31. [ Now Yorlt Herald Cubic Special to TUB BEI : . ] Tlio Figaro has commenced tlio publication of a series of notes on "Boulonglsin , " the anonymous au thor of which appears to have been thor oughly at homo with regard to the prlvuto notions of thnt party. Ho gives some curious details respecting the projects which wcro discussed by Qunoral Boulangcr's Immediate ndvliors after the election of January 27 and the divergencies of * opinion which arose among tlio leaders of the national party. According to these notes It would appear that there really was n question of attempt ing a coup do force after the victory of Jan- uury i.7. Paul Do Houldo and Thlobnnt were energetic In support of the idea and desired that It should bo attempted before the fall of the Floquot cabinet , the weakness of the ministry bolug regarded by them ns a pledge of success. On the other hnnd , Nnuquot , Hocbofort find Dillon opposed any attempt at violence. They advised only calm worli and doilroil to conltno the light exclusively to legal action and electoral grounds. Lnguorro Pcrrisso und Vcrdoln remained neutral. As for the general , ho was undecided and Inactive , thinking , above- all , of his own pleasure. Do "Houldo pursued his projected plan of keeping the troops ho meant to use , members of the Patriotic league , In continual expecta tion. Ho frequently passed this army In re view , going from ono nrromlissotncnt to an other to strengthen the zeal of his agents. Ho called meeting * frequently and made fre quent allusions to ati attack on the .Palais Bourbon , allusions which were always frantically applauded. After the Snello Incident the impatience of Do Kouldo and his league became greater and the men tnoro dinlcult to control. ' Nnuquot and these who were opposed to tbo use of force only succeeded partially In calming them. It wa at that moment that the protest was Issued which brought about the dissolu tion of the Patriot io leaguo. Soon afterward the trial by a high court commenced and Boulaugcr's flight followed. If the facts related nro correct , it would seem Unit there really did exist a plot in the Boulangist party against the safety of the Elate , but the high court of justice would hnvo given proof of very little discernment and equity in condemning Boulanger , Roche- fort and Dillon mid sparing De Kouldo and Thlcbant. While the first named wcro op posed to the employment of force , which the letter advised and prepared , of course the itory must bo accepted for what it Is worth. SCOXOII IKON. Contiiiunnco of the Klso mill tlio iJnrKct Greatly levelled. ICopurliJht J5S9 In Jamet Gordon Uenn'U. ] LONDON , Oct. 31. | New York Herald Cable Special to Tuc BEE.I From time to llmo In the last few weeks I have cabled the cxcltod conditlon of the Scotch Iron market. The movement of prices it. still upward and the excitement , in the market greater just now than It has boon for ten years. The rise has not conio suddenly , as some English pa * pers have it , unless a period of weeks is con sidered sudden. Six mouths ago Scotch war rants were 40s Od. They have advanced to 60s. Hcmatito Iron has jumped to 70s 3d. During the present excitement the export trndo In Scotch pi ? Iron has been entirely neglected , homo consumption and speculation occupying attention. Seine merchants hava made enormous profits , ono Glasgow firm being credited with a profit of from 250,000 to 500,000 In a few months. Glasgow steel manors refuse orders generally and any now work is booked at a rlso of 15s cor ton. Clyde ship builders nro clamor ing for material. Gas and boiler tuba makers have advanced prices , as they nro paying 0 10s for strips which not I long ngo wcro quoted at 0 4s. Now steal . < works are In courseof erection at Glasgow. It has been a feverish week at Ncwcasllo- on-Tyno. Shipbuilders , iii order to proteo' ' themselves , are buying largo quantities o manufactured Iron and stcol. A few months ago common burs sold for f5. Now they are quoted at nearly 8. Iron ship plates are nearly 3 a ton , the highest prlco siuco the Inflated period of 1871 to 1S73. This tlmo last year Iron ship plates sold at less than 5 per ton. Souio holders now aslc 0 for steo ship plutos. Ship builders on the Tyno and Wear nro very busy and must liavo"matorlaL The great works of S'lr William Armstrong t Elswlck were never busier. The company makes Its own Iron and has a largo stock , \Volvcrhampton is also greatly excited ever the condition of the market , which seems till on the riso. AN UXfHAOltm > * AllOIlARTGn Vnlunlilo Territory Hoaured By tlio llrltlxli South African Coin piny. ICopi/rfo'it / ' Jf39 bj James ( Jordan iitimctt. ] LONDON , OcU 31. [ Now York Horuld Cable Special to Tin : BEE. I A most extraor dinary charter lias just been obtained from the queen by the duke of Fife and otlic titled personages. The charter of incorpora tion was granted to the British South Afri can company "under the queen's sign wan ual at Westminster on the 29th of October , in the JHty-thlrd year of ourrolgn. " The terms of this Important document nn the Immense powers conferred upon the Eng lish syndicate that has succeeded in obtain Ing it are of suoh a nature as to deserve mor than passing notice. Victoria has been pleased to grunt to her humble pe titioners absolute control "extending ever and having Its principal field of operations in that region of South Africa lying to the north of British Hocbuanaland nud to the north and west of the South African ropubllu and to the west of tlio Portugese dominions. " A glauco ut the map of South Africa will ' enow that thcs'o boundaries are capable of an exceedingly elastic interpretation , und that the territory grunted to the seven indi viduals Is , o tar as tlio wording of the charier Is concerned , unlimited la extent to tbo north aud west. The terms of the charter uro almost as wldo as tbo territory over which the incorporated company will hold sway. Special clauses empower it to hoist and use the British Hag on Its buildmcs and oisowhoro in the territories , and on Its vessels ; to establish and maintain a force of police aud to control the truOlo in spirits and Intoxicating liquor ; to on force the close of tbo seaiou for the preservation of elephants nd other gauio aud to Impose game licenses. The charter ! > to be uclccowlodgod by the Governors , the naval nnd military officers , consuls and other officers In the Urltlsh col- nles nnd possessions , nnd on the high seas .ndcisowherc . , nnd such ofilcors are to civo ull effect to the charter and rccognlzo nd la all thlngb aid the com- 'any ' nnd Its ofilcors pretty ox- enslvo power Ii will bo readily dmlltcd and , Indeed , as far as can bo udgcd , It Is a ropllc-x of the East India com- any's charter , granted In the good old days vhen It was regarded nn excellent thing o glvo the classes absolute and Irresponsible tontcol of the masses. Ono clause In the charter has a grim sa- Ire , all its own : "Nothing In this charter hall bo doomed to authorize the company to ct up or grant any monopoly of trade , nro- Idcd thnt llic establishment of or grant of : onccs3lonn for banks , railways , tramways , oelts , telegraphs , waterworks or other slml- ar undertakings , or the establishment of ny system of patents or copyrights nporovcd iy our secretary of state shall not bo deemed monopolies for this purpose. " The first exclamation of the reader will bo , liow came 'ch n charter to bo granted. A glance at tub names of the officers of the ow company will afford nn ample cxulor.a- Ion. The humble politlonors for the con- icsslons ns set forth in the preamble of the deed are the duke of Aborcorn , duke of Flfo. , ord Glfford , Cecil John Hhodos , Alfred Ucst , Albert Henry , George Grey nnd Gcorgo Cawstono. Lord Glfford has been Instrumental in forming many syndicates since ho first made up his mind to retrieve his fortunes , but oven for him It was n touch of genius to aspire to such a charter as this and very cleverly ho must have clayed lis cards. The negotiations carried on with the most nobln Alexander William George , duke of Fife , 1C. T. C. P. , must have boon interesting , Indeed , and once lie was an tied , the provisions of the charter became n moro matter of modesty on the part of the solicitor to the syndicate , When parliament moots there will surely bo a little excusable curiosity on the part of sonio-meuibors over the provisions of the charter. ONLY A.LOVI2K'S QUAUKKIJ. Hnw tlio Miirnt-Galdwcll inentis Itctiardcd in I'arl * . LCopi/rfoht / lSS3bu James dordnn Hmitt.1 PAIIIS , Oct. 81. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bic. : ] With reference to the breaking off of the marriage of Miss Caldwell to i'rinco Joachim Murat , the gen eral opinion Is that the difficulty is but a lover's quarrel and lhat the matrlago has only been postponed for u few weeks. Ono trouble arises from the fact that there has boon a general misunderstanding about the contract. Tao prince desired that it should bo made after the French form and Miss Culdwcll insisted that It should bo drawn Open on the American plan , as that , would glvo her moro privileges. The Herald correspondent called at the Caldwell rcflidoiicn to-day nnd was told that the lady wks 111 , but ho was couiteously received ceivod by Mrs. Donnelly , guardian of Miss Cnldwell , and her sister. Mrs. Donnelly did not enter into any details of the affair , but quietly stated that the "marriage has been postponed owing to some diOluultlcs about the contract. " The correspondent next saw Mr. Cochard , lawyer for Miss Caldwell , who declined to bo interviewed , but said ho saw no reason why the marriage should not take place , and thought that there would bo a reconciliation oeforo long. Miss Caldwell's income is estimated at 20,000 u year , but by the will of her father , William II. Caldwell , of Fredericksburg , Vn. , the piopcrty was loft In trust , HO that his heirs are limited as to the use of tholr in come. The conditions of the will would pro hibit a marriage contract after the French form. It was the intention of the parties to sail for America on tbo Saturday after the marriage , but the Caldwell family now in tend to remain In Paris a while longer. COUNT WALDI3KSEB. The Famous Gorman General Not In Favor of War. ICopyrlgM 1S33 by Jama Gordon BEIILIN , Oct. 31. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bun. | In an in- tervlevT With the Herald correspondent Count Wuldorseo , chief of staff of the Gor man army , said : "ThatI doslro war is nonsense. I have only the wish that wo may bo so strougly organ ized that our enemies may lese all desire to attack us. I know war well enough to bo convinced that as an honest man I must have the wish not alone in the interest of the Fatherland , but In that of tno whole world , only to look upon it as a last resort. There fore , if I think-- can bo avoided , I consider it to bo my duty to do ull In my power to prevent it. Should providence , however , send us war , I should have the greatest confidence In being able to carry out the task confided to mo. I know the self-sacrificing spirit of the Ger mans , and with what confidence they would follow tholr capable and energetic young kaiser. I know our army , too , and am sure that It la superior In efficiency to any other Other nations may imitate our tactical forms and our weapons , hut not our moral quail ties. Thnt Is the principal elcmnut ol strength in the German army. Our alliances add to our strength nnd nro at any rate a strong guarantee of peace , but I am also sure that the power of Germany , hold in ono strong band nnd directed by ono firm will. Is strong enough to confront toes alone with a good hope of success. " No Free 'Irniln. BEIIUN , Oct. 31. The budget passed the first reading in the rolchstag to-day. Yoi Matlzahn , secretary of state for the imperla treasury , replying to the attacks on the sucar tax- held that protection und free trade were merely questions of expediency. For the present , ho said , a return to free trade was impossible. DAvrrr THKOUGU TALKING. Jnstluo Ilniiuoii ComplImetHH Him on thn Ability Displayed , LONDON , Oct. 31. Davitt concluded hi : speech before thoParnell commission to-day by appealing to tno court to say that th Times had not proved Its charges againstth men striving to end the Anglo-Irish ques tlon. When Davitt hud finished Presiding Justice Hunnon complimented him upon tut ability displayed in tun speech and thankee him for the assistance ho bad given the court. Blr Henry James then begun his speed in behalf of the Times , His address wa historical in character. Ho denied that air injustice to Ireland existed which justified the present uttltudo of tbo Irish nationalists Crook DIuGiisMcx Dcvartlnns1 , WASHINGTON , Oct. 81. Major Genera Crook , commanding the division of tbo Mis sourl , In his annual report , gives protnlnanco to the subject of desertion * , flu is of the opinion that if a soldier could , after u rea tollable term , soyor uU connection with the military servlco by the payment of tu < amount which the enlistment und service ha ; cost the government. It would go far toward preventing desertions. Ho suxt'ma th shortening ol tue term of A BLACK EYE FOR LAWS , The Stinking Water Transaction Branded as a Swindle , THREE ADVERSE DECISIONS , The Assistant .Secretary of the In terior on the Notorious No- urnska Land Fraud The Pan- American Visit to Omaha. WASHINGTON BUIIEUJ TUB OMAHA Bnn , ) 513 FOI'IITEBNTII vf , WASHINGTON , D. O. , Oct. The assistant secretary of the Interior to- clav rendered decisions in three laud cases 'rom Nebraska. They Include rolms of the celebrated blinking Water fraud. In the case of the United States vs. August F. Peterson , Involving the south nno-liulf of bo southeast quarter of section twelve , ownshlp sixteen , range twenty-three west , nnd the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and lot four , section seven , town ship sixteen , rutigo twenty-two west , North i'lntto land district , the decision of the com missioner of the general land odlco holding the entry for cancellation Is affirmed. In the case of James B. Wallace , In xvhlch the general land olllco held for cancellation the homestead entry of the east half of the southeast quarter of section three , nnd the south half of the southeast quarter of BOO- tlon two , township six , range thirty-six west , McUook land district , the assistant secretary gives nn alllrmatlvo to the de cision. This is ono of the many claims which Tun BKB has taken a deep Interest In , nud the de cision is in the line of the principle- laid down by THE BBE. In the course of his de cision , the assistant secretary says ! "Tlio testimony shows that the claimant was ono of a dozen or so persons who cnmo together from Hustings , . Neb. , to McCook , on Juno 15,1SS2 , and were there uuon the first opening of that ofllco for business on that morning , and that through the same at torney they presented their applications and made homestead and tiinbor culture entries of land along a stream called Stinking Water , taking up the water front for nearly thirteen uiilos. The evidence Is not sufficient to prove that their simultaneous action was the result of n conspiracy to obtain the land In the Interest of sotno per sons other than these making the entry , but the evidence clearly shows that the entry made In the caeo ut bar never established an actual residence upon the land In good faith , nud that ho never resided upon the land at all. It does not apooar that the claimant ever stayed a single night at the alleged house or kept therein a single article of fur niture. The evidence fully sustains the Ille gal character of the entry and the falsity of the ficnl proof without considering the ad missions of the claimant made to the special agent as related in such agent's testimony. " The assistant secretary also affirms the de cision of the commissioner in holding for cancellation the homestead entry of Alonzo W. Laird , covering the northwest quarter section twelve , township six north , runiro thirty-six west , McCook laud district. The assistant secretary in this decision says : "Wo have never held , nor Is It the law , that ono who ontera upon the land in the first place , with no intention of residing there , nnd attempts to colorably comuly with what ho understands to bo tbo letter of the law , ignoring its spirit and true intent , and thun makes fraudulent proof , can , after his entry has been reported and held for cancel lation , cure the wrong and acquire title to the land ho has originally attomiited to ac quire illegally by merely raovmg on tno land without raising u crop , though nearly chree years had elapsed from its original entry. The homestead entry was evidently fraudulent in its incep tion and its Illegal character has at no time been changed. The entries will bo can celled.1 THB OMAHA VISIT. This evening's Star has a two-column letter - tor from George II. Halncs , its staff corre spondent with the iuternatlonnl congress , dated at Omaha and giving an account of the entertainment of the excursionists in that city. Among other good and deserving things bo says : "Omaha has done the thing up in great style for tno delegates and the impression made upon the minds of the visitors is a remarkably good 0110. Solf-auda- tory speeches have been laid on the shelf and the visitors have been spared the pain of listening to a long string of statistics Intended to provo that there is not and never can bo such a town ns Omaha. Omaha has a numbnr of things of which It may well bo proud , but especially were the delegates struck by the size and character of the buildings which have been erected during the past four or five years. In this particular Omaha has kept abreast of any city in the country. "To-day tha rules were suspended at Fort Omaha and n Sunday dress parade was gone through with for the edification of the visitors. A trip was also made by most of the members of the party through the Grant silver amcltiiiir works , nnd in the afternoon oloctno cars convoyed the visitors to Coun cil Bluffs in order thnt they might have an opportunity to see what that por- tloa of Iowa looks like on Sunday and to test the prohibition law which Is said to pre vail over there. " A B\NGDINB MAHOXE MAX. Colonel William Lamb , ox-mayor of Nor folk , and after General Mahono { the most prominent republican of Virginia , who has taken a very active part In the camp.algn and whoso judgment , together with his excep tional advuntagufi for accurate Information make him a reliable authority , gave mo this afternoon his estimate of the election in Virginia on next Tuesday. Ills claims aagrogato a majority In the ntuto for General Mahono of 4,000. Ho claim * that in the First , Second , Third , Fourth , Fifth and Ninth districts the repub lican majority will aggregate 13,500 , wnllo in the Sixth. Seventh. Eighth and Tenth the democratic majorities will amount to 9,500 , leaving a republican majority of 4,000. r.OOSEVpLT COINCIDES. Civil Service Commissioner Roosevelt has returned bore aud announced himself ir hearty sympathy with the declarations ol Commissioners Thompjon und Lymun that the persons who have been making collec tions for campalga purposes in tbo depart pients shall bo prosecuted. Ho says that if the Virginia club sends around a committee to the departments to-morrow , as has been threatened , for the purpose of collecting con tributions , ho will have thorn arrested and prosecuted. IIVAHTS ON TUB SPBAKEIISHIP. Congressman Kvarts , of North Carolina , Is here , and announces himself as In favoi of the Blair educational bill , but the ropea of the entire Internal revenue lawa , with the exception of the tax on Intoxicating liquors , lie is In favor of an entire repeal of the 11 cense tax , and says that no republican cat continue In ofllco in any southern Btate un less ho favors thesu principles. Of the speakorshlp ho says ; "In my opinion there will bo moro than ono ballot taken to determine the Bpcukershlp. McKlnley is popular it the Bouth and has many friends In that sec tlon. Ho Is regarded as conservative and as not believing In the passage of nny harsl election law. I understand ho also favors the Blair bill and a modification of the Inter nal revenue law. Cannon is another candi date with friends in the south , Now Heed , while ho is an able man , cannot expect to receive any support from tbo south if ill : position on the Blair bill and the Interim revenue questions ia correctly stated. WAXAUAKER'B LETTEU. Postmaster General Wunntnakcr's latter to Dr. Norvln Green , president ot the West ern Union Teleurapli coaipatiy , anuouncint a reduction of the govtirunieut telegraph lol amounting to probablyono tbird of the prcs- nt rate. Is regarded < a n forward stop in aver of n general cheap tejoffrnph toll. The government has the right to prnctlc- ally dictate Its terms lo Inter-state tolo- graphlo companies , and thb heavy reduction vhlch Postmaster Gonkral Wanamnker makes Is nn announcement tlmt the govern ment bellow ) the present rates are too high tot only to the government but to private ndlvliiuals. It Is no secret thnt the postot- flco department Is jn favor of some stop vlncn will glvo cheaper tolcgrapblo rates to every person. TUB The monthly debt statement for Oetobor , o bo Issued by the treasury dopartmuiit to- norrow. will show a net decrease of the mbllo dept of about $7,500,000. Of the 530,000,000 appropriated , by the lost congress 'or the expenditures of the pension bureau lurlnu the current fiscal ycnr over ono-hulf ios already been expended. A treasury official said to-day that Iho annual appropri ation for the pension dcllcloncy would this fear probably amount to $ 5,000,000. conronAtj Corporal Tatinor lies < ceased talking pol- tics and about his recent administration of \a pension office , but no has not quit talking altogether. Ho was at a campllro of Lincoln Post No. 3 , G. A. H. , lust night and related several army anecdotes , most of them being about his own career us a soldier. Ho said that ho had seen a newspaper statement to the effect that ho had rccol 'cd his wounds while running away from a battlefield , In re sponse to which ho has only to say that It had boon refuted by the tneu with whom ho fought. "I simply claim for myself , " ho said , "that I kept up with the procession , with the line that was led by General Philip Kearney. " The ex-commlssionor frequently aud vigorously applauded. > PAWNSHOP TIlAjtSFOnMATION. After 13 o'clock to-night there will bo scarcely n pawnshop In "Washington. This afternoon "youft uncles" were en gaged taking down their three gold balls , and putting up instead signs announcing that they wcro second-hand dealers. ' .This Is duo to a now law Iwhlcb takes effect November 1 , requiring pawnbrokers to pay $10 license and forbidding their receiving interest in excess of 24 ver cent per annum upon nny loan not exceeding $35 , or moro tbnn 12 per cent upon < iny loan exceeding RM , under penalty of $100 for every offense , Second-hand dealers have greater latttudo und nro not required to takeout a license. AKMT NEWS. By direction of the secretary of war Cap tain John M. E. Hyde , recently appointed assistant quartermaster , "will proceed from Fort Niobrara to David's Island , N. Y. , aid report to the commanding officer ot the post for assignment to the duties heretofore per formed by the late Captain George II. Cook , assistant quartermaster ( dcceusod ) . report ing by letter to the adjutant general und the quartermaster general oftbo | army. Major Marcus P. Miller , Fifth artillery , Captain Samuel Mills , Fifth artillery , and First Lieutenant Medono > M. Crawford , Second end artillery , have been , detailed as a court- martial to meet ut Fortress Monroe , Vir ginia , November 20 , und Sergeant Frederick S. Wild , Company B , Sevantuenth infantry ; Senreant Simon II. Dunn , Company H , Seventh infantry ; Corporal Albart Wide- meyer , Company 11 , Second infnntr , nro designated on another court-martial board to meet at the same tlmt ) and place. NEBRASKA AN1 > IOWA ) TO3TMSTEIIS. . Nebraska Julian , Neirjaha county , Benja min N. Burrlss ; ICenimrd , Washington county , William F. GatnOs. Iowa Beraard , Dubuque county , Satnuol H. Bauinau. I MISCr.I.L'A EOD9. Drs. A. S. Warner , W.JH ; Martin and J. A. Klnnstou were to-day nppolntod members of the pension board al-J.S 'Tsfiold ' , Nob. These appointments , vvo/pj" made upoa the recommendation of Congressman Dorsoy. The comptroller of the currency bus au thorized the German National bank of Beatrice - rice , Neb. , to begin business with a capital of SIOO.OOO. " William U. Watson , oL Iowa , was to-day appointed u clerk ut the -Avar department at a salary of $1,000 a year/ jPEnnr S. HEATH. EXPECTED TODAY. . The President's Proplamntlon Admit ting the Dnkotas. WASHINGTON , Oct. 81. It is expected the proclamation admitting Iho two Dakotns into the union ns states will po issued to-morrow. The proclamation admitting Montana is de layed by tbo controversy In the territorial courts ever the counting of a portion of the voto. It is said that nothing hs yat has been re ceived at the white bouso , indicating that an election was held in Washington , so there Is nothing uoon which to base a proclamation of statehood for that territory. NEW au xico. Constant IMsturbanco or Land Titles ItnlnliiR tho'Torritory. ' WASHINGTON , Oct. 31. Governor Prince , of Now Mexico , in his annual report , calls special attention to tbo suojcct of land titles. In reviewing the history of congressional ac tion iu the mutter , ho say's : "Matters were In a Very unsatisfactory condition when the late surveyor general made them worse by endeavoring to un settle the few things that wcro supposed to bo determined , taking up cases which had been decided twenty-five years ago , and without notice to anyone reversing the de cisions of the surveyor general who hoard the cases , and declaring the testimony in sufficient and the grants Invalid. "So long as the uncertainty regard In if titles prevails no ono wll ( buy for improve ment , and so the development of the country is constantly retarded,1) ) The governor urges tjio establishment of a tribunal exclusively for the hearing of these claims and the settlement of titles. The governor answers at some length the statement mudo by persons opposed to the admission of the territory , especially regard ing Its illiteracy. Ho shows that although the whlto native population is moro or less illiterate it Is not true Of n very largo pro portion of the peoplo. The ratio of all Illiter acy has been reduced 20 per cent during the last 11 vu youi s. Ho makes an earnest plea for admission into the union. Upon the subject of water supply nnd Irri gallon the governor sayij tliu people feel It Is as much the business of the government to render valuable the Immense areas now use less for cultivation us it U to improve- har bors and rivers. While boplng for govern ment mil private enterprise will not bo idle nnd during the past year several corpora tions have boon furinedJfor the purpose of Irrigation , Cattle raising has.beenin ; a depressed con dition throughout the your on account of the low prices. A Dulldlnc Falls Knryinc Blxtoon "Workmen. PATHUSON , N. J. , Oct. 31. The walls of a three-story double houto In the course of orrctlon fell to-day In lassala City , and six teen workmen were buried in the ruins , Three were fatally hurt , three seriously Injured uud the others slightly injured. Nothing but broken timbers , bricks and mortar marks tho. sjiot whore the house stood. I The owner of the building Is severely con- demuodus it was u "Huddonsoik" alTuir. Switzerland BPIJS Pardon , BBIINU , Oct. 81. M. Droso , the head of department of Justice In the Swiss govern ment , bus written to Washburu , the United States minister , apologizing for the Illegal arrest of certain Americans In August. M , Droso says reasonable damages are obtain able by applying to the court of appeals of Berne canton , which alouo Is responsible. Bond WASHINGTON , Oct. 31 , ( Special Telegram to Tun HUB. ] Bond offerings : 1115,000 at 1.2t > : t.5tHW at tl.031/ . ! IO\V \ LONG WILL IT LIVE ? The Intor-Stnto Oommorco Railway Association. DIFFERENT OPINIONS ABOUT IT. Iho Itnck Islnnd Thinktlio * Union I'nollle-Noi-tlnvcstorn Dent Una Practically Broken It to Pieces. A llosr * or ISIIxtr Needed. CmcAao , Oct. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnn ] The question in regard to the life of the Inter State Commerce Uallwuy association Is ono becoming critical. The position oftho Hock Island was made public to-day. That road will not even deign to withdraw from the association. It con siders the Union Puciilc-Northwcstern deal has broken It to pieces and will not acknowl edge there is anything from which to with draw. Your correspondent to-day sought legal advlco on n proper construction of tlio agree ment , and the opinion was that It would bo impossible for the Union Pacific and North western to consider themselves qualified members under the present agreement , but there was no reason for the other lines , with out proper notiUcatlon , to consider them selves absolved from Its torms. In regard to thn rumored withdrawal of tbo Burlington , General Freight Agent Paul Morton , speaking for the company , said : "Wo have not withdrawn from tlio InterState - State Commerce Hallway association , and , being still members , shall respect the so- called 'gentlemen's agreement.1 I know of no present Intention to withdraw from the gentlemen's association on the part of the Burlington nnd do not sco how wo can Im prove our condition by so doing. No consul tation even has been had to consider the sub ject of withdrawal. " Chairman Walker , of tno Inter-State Commerce - merco Hallway association , was said at bis ofllco to bo in Hutlund , Vt. , to day. It was learned , however , that o determined effort was already on foot to stop the demoralization among the members , nnd that oven with tlio Hock Island outtlio , association might continue. If this occurs , however. It will bo necessary for the Union Pacific-Northwestern contract to bo known to all members , an event not likely to happen. Moreover , the Hock Island und Burlington , bolug close competitors , Ib will bo hard for the latter to remain a member if tbo former drops out. Made Its Power Felt. CntOAGO , Oct. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tun Br.E. ] The Western States Passenger association has tnado its power felt m n very unpleasant manner with the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton and Monon roads. It will bo remembered that both these lines were found guilty of issuing harvest excursion tickets , selling them at half price after the date on which their issue was to coaso. The Monon acknowledged the corn at the tlmo and agreed to mnlto restitution to the West ern States Passenger association of nil profits accruing from such sales. It afterward ap peared and was acknowledged by Vice Pres ident Woodford , of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton , that Illegal tickets had been is - sued by its Indmr.apolla agent to points In western territo r.v. Eighteen of these crooked tickets were located und the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton has made full restitu tion. ' The Union 1'nuiflc Indebtedness. WASHINGTON , Oct. 31. The government directors of the Uniou Pacific , in their re port to the secretary of the Interior , express their firm conviction that the interests of the United States demand the passage of u bill to secure the payment by tbo company of its indebtedness to the government substan tially like that pending when congress ad journed. The general plan of settlement first sug- irostcd by the commissioner of railioads they fully approve of and also concur in the rec ommendations made in the last rcoort of their predecessors. Special Iron Tariff Abrojjntod. CUIOAQO , Oct. 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBC. ] After November 18 the special iron tariff will no longer bo a thorn in the flesh of the central traflio and trunk line roads. The joint committee , through Chair man Hnyden and Vice Chairman Blnnchard , has issued nn order abrogating the tariffs on the above date. The old tariff now applies , raising the rates about 15 per cent. lltilo Itovokod. WASHINGTON , Oct. 31. Secretary Rusk has issuoJ notice to railroad and transpor tation companies stating that the order of July 3 , 18S9. prescribing regulations for the transportation of Texas and other southern cattle is revoked , us the danger of Texas fever this year is past. * Another Uailronu J ) nl Dnnlnl. ST. Louis , Oct. 31. First Vice President Poosloy of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road makes the positiva statement hero that there Is no truth in the rumored alliance be tween the Pennsylvania aud Burlington , and that there is no truth in the report that the Burlington road had withdrawn from the in terstate railway association. Now Adams DonleR It. BOSTON , Oct. 31. President Adams of the Union Pacific denies the story of tbo pur chase of the Alton by his road , for tlio Ill/iolc HillH. Pi n nn n , S. D. , Oct. 81. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun. [ Northwestern railway engi neers are engaged to-day in cottlnir the con tour and elevations of ull their land along Pleasant drive from Hildor's Gulch to the boat landing , u distance of txvo miles , stating that it was for the object of laying tracks , undgo approaches , depot yards , division headquarters , etc. , and work will bo com menced this full , Developments In this di rection point to the fact that the Northwest ern wilt extend to the Black Hills the first thing in the spring , and the engineering work begun to-day in this city is only the prelimi nary work. A SANTA KK WKEOIC. 'I ho ClilunRO nnd California Vcsll hnlo Trnln Dholird. KANSAS CiTV.Oct , 81. The Chicago , Santa Fo & California vestibule train was derailed near Carrollton , Mo. , this morning , fatally Injuring tbo express messenger , W. Q. Camp bell , of Chicago , aud Thomas Bock , ot this city , Charles Nowhouso , of Pcoria , 111 , was cut about the back and hands. Ton or twelve other persons were slightly Injured. Cottl Train Ditolied. SUU.IVAN , Ind. , Oct. 31. A coal train on the Illinois & Indiana Southern railroad was ditched by u broken rail to-day. JCiigincer Wllllum Kvans , of St. Louis , was killed und an unknown tramp fatally hurt , Couldn't Ijlvo Without Her. nocurpni ) , III. , Oct 31. A sensation was created here to-day by the attempted sui cide of Ernest Potter , a wealthy resident of San Jose , Cal. His wife loft him nnd came here two weeks ago to stop with her sister , Potter followed , and falling to cifeot a ro- oonclliatlon , shot himself this morning. Ho Is In a critical condition. Hu Went ( o Brazil. CIIIIIPHWA. FALLS , WU. , Oct. 31. L. J. Newuld. who absconded from this city soy. Mttl months aao with 1100,000 , has been lo cated m Brazil- THE N KG 110 A ntsciiHslon oT the Problem Before the Antorlcnn Mlssloimry Society. CHICAGO , Oct. 31. The negro question was the principal Ihomo for discussion in the meeting of the American Missionary associ ation to-day. Several papers were road , the most Interesting of which was ono by Colonel nel J. M. Keating , of Memphis , Colonel Keating said disfninchlsomont was Impossible ; that the suffrage is necessary to the protection of tha nccro , Emigration , ho says. Is utterly impossible , for If the colored | ) coplo departed It would bo greatly against the intcrcsU of the south. The thing to bo done Is to let the negro alone , give him his rights , educn'o and christianize him , A vote ot thanks was tendered to Colonel Kcatlni : by the association nud the committee - too on printing Instructed to have this pnpor distributed through the south. The report of the finance committee showed that sound conditions existed , The recom mendation of the committee that $500,000 bo contributed for the proposed enlarging of the work among the negroes an 1 poor whites of the south 'was adopted , The mooting was ended to-night with un election of officers. UnltarlrtiiH Adjourn. Oct. ; il. riio Unitarian conference closed to-day. Hov. Edward Ev erett Hnlo spoke emphatically upon the fuut that many universities claliiiiug to bn nonsectarian - sectarian wcro not such In truth. Hcsolu- tlons were adopted expressing the wish of the conference that secondary schools , acad emics and college might everywhere accept the principle of freedom from dogmatic re straint. Justice Samuel Miller was re-elected president. cm CAGO is'coNKi n u N T. Propnratlons Already lit-1nt ; Made for the Next World' * Vale. CHICAGO , Oct. 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB lien. ] The Chicago people are so confi dent of the correctness of their recent con gressional poll on the world's fair question that they have oven insinuated to Hon. E. T. JoITery , by cable , to forward certain plans to bo used ns a paper basis for the anticipated Cliicaco world's fair. Mr. Jeffery is the Into general munatcrof the Illinois Central rail road , nnd has boon gathering points for the Chlcagoans In Paris. This particular cable gram sent from the Chicago headquarters is ono of the most important yet issued from the sphlnixliko presence of the 'reticent officers. It was by the merest accident that a reporter became aware that anything of moro than usual Importance was wired to Mr. Jeffery. Mr. Jeltcry lias been constantly in communi cation with bccrotary Cragln for some tlmo as to exposition matters in Paris , and a great deal has been spent in mossagos. This morning's cablccram read as follows : E. T. .Itffery , Paris Congressional pledges sbow that Chicago Is already chosen. For ward plans , ale. , Immediately. The execu tive committee is ready for instant action. SnCllUTAKV. When Mr. Cragin was spoken to by the reporter ho said there was nothing now and would not talk upon the Jelfory uiattor. A W V NTON ACT. Chicago Teamsters Horribly Maltreat n Iiittlc Hoy. CHICAGO , Oct. 81. [ Special Telegram to Tun IIiR. | A most llendlsh and wanton act of cruelty by a couple of teamsters yesterday has just conio to the attention of tbo police. The teamsters picked up a diminutive 5- year-old boy named Theodore Hennlng in front of bis homo at Wubnsh avenue , yester day afternoon , nnd amused themselves by tossing h\in \ back and forth from ono wagon to the other. Ono of them lot him slip , und ho fell against awheel. Tl o full knocked him senseless. The men wcro afraid to take the little fellow homo und loft him lying on the sidewalk on the corner of Wabash avenue and Paulina streets. Ho was un conscious when picked up half an hour later. The physicians say ho is suffering trom con cussion of the bruin nnd may dio. K1IH.IC1 > SIX OF THEM. Judco Lewis Una a Bnttlo With the Howard Gnu : ; . LOUISVILLE , Oct. 31. A sueclal from Pino- villo. Ky. , says : News reached hero to night that Jfcdgo Lewis catno up with the Howard pang yesterday on Martin's Fork and Killed six qf thoui without losing a man. Judtro Lewis Is determined not to quit the ohasa until Howard and his gang uro all killed or driven from the county. Both parties are being reinforced dally aud moro bloodshed Is expected. The best citizens of Harlan county uro joining the Lewis forces. An Indian Hohool Scliomo. WASHINGTON , Oct. 81. Commissioner of Indian Atlulrs Morcan has elaborated a sys tem of education designed to 'roach all the Indian youth of school ngo now under con trol of the Indian bureau. It Is practically the American public school system , adapted to the special requirements of the Indians. It Is to bo non-partisan and non-sectarlui. The industrial feature is to receive special prominence. Tlio "outing system , " by which pupils uro placed In white families nud at tend the public schools , is encouraged when ever practicable. It is proposed to develop the full high school course in at least three Indian schools , Carlisle , Haskell and Cheyenne , ami in others as fast as needed. These high schools are to take rank in equipment and character ol work done with similar institutions for wtilto people , The scheme contemplates the organisation , perhaps , of twenty-live gram mar schools , fifty primary or home schools and enough day or camp bcbools to reach all who cannot bo brought into the boarding schools. Congress will bo mltcil to make u sufficient appropriation to enable the Indian ofllco ut an early day to bring every Indian youth of school ago that can bb reached under proper instruction , * llnnrv Gcoruo'-i Cluriuul Disciple. CHICAGO , Oct. 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J Hov. Joseph Huntlngtoii , of Now York , the widely known clerical dis ciple of Henry George , addressed a single tax mass meeting at the Madison street theatre - atro to-night on tha "Hollglous Phases of tbo Social Question. " Mr. Henry D , Lloyd pro- sided. A special invitation was ex to nil oil to the clergy to bo present , and many were In attendance. The Danth Itocnrd. ST. PBTKIISIIIJKO , Oct. 31. M. Tschor- nischewski , a well known Russian lltera- tcur , is dead , CHAHLKSTON , S , C. , Oct. 31. Hon. James Edwui(1 Culhoun , of Abbeville , u cousin and brother-in-law of John C. Caltiouu , died to day , aged ninety-three. BLOOMSIIUIIV , Pa. , Oct. 81. James O. Syl- vus. a prominent labor advocate , died hero to-day. 'Iho MippoKOil llondnri. SEOALIA , Mo. , Oct. 31. Deputy Sheriff Dick passed through Sodulla this afternoon en route from Michigan to Parsons , Kan. , with two foiualo prisoners , Mrs , Munroo and' ' her daughter , Mrs. Davis , who uro thought to bo the notorious Mrs , Bender und Kato Bender , The WrsnUmr I'oroomt. For Omaha and vicinity Fair weather , preceded by light rains. For Nebraska nnd Iowa Light rain , slightly peeler , except stationary tempera ture in Nebraska , northerly winds. For Dakota Fair , stationary temperature , variable winds. Stcnmshin Arrival * . At Southampton-Tho Travc , from New York , jrom Bremen. At Liverpool The Egypt , from New York. At Quoenstown The Coiumnta from New York , for Liverpool. What the Government Will Pny Its Sorvtco. WANAMAKER'S ORDER ISSUED , An All Hound Ucdiiotlon of About Oiic-Tlilrd Orpon. oftho AVcntiirn Union , Niin-Coiiiinlitnl ai to the Company's Action. A Onoji Cut. WASHINGTON , Oct 31. Postmastor-Gcn crnl Wananiaker to-dny mmlo public nn ordcf fixing rates for telegraph service for tbo government for the present year. The order provides that for day mossagci not exceeding 10 body words to bo sent distance not cxccodlng 400 miles tlio rate sball bo 10 cents and > tf cent extra for ouch word in excess of 10. For distances over 100 nudcsi \ than 1,000 miles the rnto shall bo 15 cents for the first 10 words and ' 4 of n cent lor each word la excess. For distances ever 1,000 miles ' cent per word shall bo added to the 1,000 , mlle rate. For night messages not exceeding' ' ! ) words the rnto bhnll bo 15 cents for all distances nnU K cout extra for each word In excess of CO. It is provided thnt If at nny time during the ycnr any telegraph company shall charge the publio a less rnto than the auove the gov ernment rate sbull bo reduced to tbo sutno basis. Those rates do not include cluher signal service messages , which are lixcd at ! ! ) cents for each word sunt ever the circuits , to bo dropped at dctilgmitqd olllees , The letter from the postmaster general to Dr. Green , president of the Western Union company , is also made public , in the courtto ot which Mr. Wnnamukcr says that whtlo ho cannot admit Green's claim thnt the priv ileges accorded to the tulcgnuih companies have never bean of nny value to thorn , ho la Impressed by what Dr. Green has advanced In opposition to the npphcation of press rates to government business and conscqueutly re vised his order to the rates as above. Ho proposes the appoint inont of a commis sion of live sultablo'persons to investigate and recommend rates for the next succeed ing fiscal year. What Green Sayu. NEwYoiiK , Oct. 81. President Green , of the Western Union Tok'graim company , in an interview regarding tlio now government rates , said ho could not state what the atti tude of the company would bo until after the meeting of the executive committee next Wednesday. The reduction , ho said , averages about S3 per cent from the old rate , which was not u remunerative ono. I'ostal WASHINGTON , Oct. 3 ! . [ Special to Tim BEK. | Encouragement for the proposition to establish postal telegraphy In this country is civon by the recent annual icport of tha British uostmastor general. Ono of the strongest arguments that has been mudo In congress heretofore ngalnst postal telegraphy in this country was that the English system was not self-sustaining by several millions of dollars a year. When the proposition was under consideration in the last congress a statement was produced going to show that the British postal talcgrapii system had fallen short of the nclf-sus'.ailiingpohit some thing like $0,000,000 for the fiscal year end ing in ISbU , nnd it was estimated that the next following fiscal year would show n still lurccr deficit. A very recent report of the British post master general discloses the tact that tha Knglish postal system actually earned a net profit , last jear profit amounting to over 5 per cent on the total receipts ; and yet tha htutistics show that Iho receipts hud fallen oft from the previous year almost $ luOO.OOO. This will , it is believed , oftoi1 a great Impetus to the proposition to introduce postal telegra phy In this country , and it may result la either the purchase or construction of tele graph lines. o AT LINCOLN'S TOJIU. The Pnii-Anicrlcnii Dolomite * Visit iho Martyr I'rojidoiii'i ) Cirnvo. SriiiNai'ini.D , 111. , Oct. Spiingfiold was leached by the delegates to tlio inter national congress soon after 11 o'clock this morning. In waiting hero were Governor Fifer , Senator Cullom , Ropresentntlva Springer , ex-Govornor Hichard Oglosbyand other prominent persons. Haln bud been falling during tbo night , nnd the roads were In such n condition as to necessitate the abandonment of the programme for the entertainment , ot the visitors during the morning , which in cluded n drive about the suburbs and a visit to the fair ground , so the party was at once escorted to the hotel and given an opportun ity to rest mid lunch quietly. In the afternoon - noon they wcro taken to tbo tomb of Aura- ham Lincoln. Senator Cullom Introduced ex-Govornor Oulcsb.v who made a tolling speech advocating a change of louto for American sight seers from Europe to South America and Mexico , and tbo necessity of the establishment of a universal American brotherhoodcoinmerciallysoc.ially , morally and politically. Governor Oglesby paid u touching tribute to the martyr presi dent. General Bolot Pcruza , who responded is a son-in-law of General MomigerH , who wnllo president of Venezuela , freed tlio slaves in that sountry. General Parnz.i said his volco was bub an cciio of tuo sentiment of the people of his country und that fifteen American nations "woro present to-dny to pay their respects nnd ren der homage to tl.o man who was respected and beloved by all alike. The tomb only contained the nslies of iho urcat man , but . m his real sarcophagus was In the heart ot ovary living American , both north und south. Senor Alfonzo , of Chill , In a brlof speech , said his prcsonco was the result of n vow which ho mudo years ntro to visit the tomb of the man beloved throughout the three Americas. After the speaking was concluded tbo visitors - itors went to the room whore the relics are kept and each Mgnml his name In the rcg- inter. From the oinb they were driven to Lincoln's old homo and thence returned to their hotitl. After dinner several epeec-hes were maao. Senator Cullom said tno three Americas together could wield a great fnllucnco for the good of mankind. Trade follows the flag , and ho hoped It would not bo long before American ships would bo scon dally In tbo harbors of the nations lioio represented. Senor Velarde , of Bolivia , paid a tribute to Lincoln and snoko of the wonderful progress of this country. Governor Fifor spoke briefly nnd was fol lowed bv Delegate Henderson , who said : "IVo uro going to hnvo reciprocity. Free trndo with America does not mean free trade with ICuropo und Asia , " I Congressman Springer said whatever pro tection hud done heretofore the barriers between - twoon the three AinurlcLS should now bo broken down and commerce flow as freely as the waters themselves. Juduo Groshuin hoped congress would bo fruitful of results and establish closer relo * lions between the American. This evening the visitors attended a recep tlon at the state house and at midnight loft for Indianapolis , 1 ho I'n Overllnw * . r ROHK , Oct , Ul. Tlio overflow of the Po and other rivers bus caused the loss of nov- cral lives and the destruction of much prop erty , Mfantua Is flooded and flvn person * have been drowned In the vicinity of Modena. Tun IlooJt uro Increasing lu Tu c < iuy ,