Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No nclvortlaomonts will bo taken for
tlioso columns oftor I2:3O p. m.
Terms Coflh In advnnco ,
Advertisements nnder this head 10 cjnts per
line for th < llr t Insertion , ? cents for each imb-
MMiuent innertlon , and 11,50 per llnf > per month.
No ftdrertisemcnu tnlim for less than 25 cents
for nrnt Insertion. Seven words will be counted
to tlie line : they must run coiisecutlvtlv nnd
must IHJ paid In ADVANC1I. All ndvertlse-
rncnts in nst tie hnnde' * mb rorc o'clock p.
nu nud undtr no circumstances mil they bo
Ink Cn or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd nav-
Inir tltplr nnsweM addressed In enroot TIIK HBP.
will plonse nitc for a check to enable them to get
thelrletU-r * . ns none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. AH answers to ad-
vcrtUumentB should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvertlacraentji In thcso columns nro BUD-
II.Mted in both mornlnn and evening cdltlonn of
TIIH Tiki ! Ibo circulation of which ngKregates
tnoivthnn 18,000 p.ipers daily. nnd clvn tlio nil-
vi'itlser tjiobenellt. notonly of the city clrcu-
IntlouotTliB IHK : , Imt also of Council llluITs ,
Lincoln nnd otlicr elite * ! nnd towns througliont
thlincrtlon of thojountrv. _ _ _ _
Advertising for thc o columns will be tnlccn
on ! ho aboto conditions , at tlio following busi
ness lioiif , who nro authorised ngents forTHR
Jlrn special tiotice * , nnd will quote tlio same
nB Cjnbqbu ntheinnlnolllco. _
TOIIJOV. BKLL. Pharmacist. KM South Tenth
< J Street.
GIIAMK , t KDDV , Stationer * and Printers , 113
.Suutli ICth Street.
_ _ _
8.11. ) SAtlNB\VOHTH , Plinnunclst , S115 Cnm-
logjfrKJut. _
' 1A7"ijTilUaiUa , Pharmixclst , C2 ( North 10th
VV .Street.
_ _ _ _
GEO. W. PAItlt , Plmnnaclst , 1809 St. Mary's
Avenue. _
TTVGHUS' PUAHMAOV , 2208 Fainnm Street.
J AT situation by a llrst-clafs Ocr-
man Cook. 1437 N. Ifth nt. 4i > 5 IMt
ITUATIONB wautod for good girls. Tlio
most nnd tlio best girls nro always to bo
found at Mrg. llrcfia'g.iJlIU B 15th. 42iiOJ ! )
WANTKO-'A newspaper man who Is n ready
wrltev wantH position cu n city newspaper.
Address , N. _ Hoc. ! lt8 .TW
Situation byayonng lady as ns-
Hlstaut bookkeeper or ollice work. Kzpe-
rloncu wanted more than wages. Address N S ,
lleo onico. _ 38.1 SOt
A FlHST-clnss business man. ono who is very
JcVonurgetlc , commands conatderablo capital ,
loves plenty work and can furnish the very best
of references. wantH to got into a first-class
legitimate business In Omab , cither on salary
or an Interest In the business. Address.N 2. lice.
374 3
\A7ANTKT ) A good tailor. Apply imincdi-
' Blely , Nlcoll , the tailor , HOJ Douglas rit.
_ _ _ J _ | _ 528-31 *
AGKNT8 wanted To handle article every
steve requires. ] tetalls$4 : raves il.tO per
mouth. Must establish county agencies. gnm >
plcajicnt express prepaid on receipt of $2.75.
Jkirny J fg. Co. . Waukcslm. WIs. _
\\7 ANTED' rirst-cliiss mnlu Etonogrnphpr
TT and typewriter. Apply persunnlly. with
references , to Omaha Packing Co. , outh Omaha.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
WANTED Hey of 18 or over to woik in fac
tory : coed opening for boy with energy
and intellect. N ! ' . lleo ulllce. 453 iht
'TKD A llist-clasa bartender at 713 N.
mill. KM ) 3Ut
WANTHD-A cake baker at City Ilnkery ,
Twenty-sixth between M and N streets.
South Omnlia. Nob. B'JT
W ANTKD Li vo agents to represent the Poo-
plu's Live Stock Ins. Co. , of Philadelphia.
Bound , cheap and reliable ; Insures horses
agnnst nil kinds of acrldontsnndslcknessat loiv
rates. Wheeler & Wheeler , general western
agents. Douglaa and l.'itu street. 41t 4
WANT ! ! ! ) A good boy to take en TO ot horse
nnd cow unit deliver goods. Those with
city reference apply 17t3 Do Jga. 415 ill
All UNTS Wanted \Vo pay gentlemen nnd la
dles $ uo to & .W ) pormontn to procure mem
bers for our association. Members can buy
books and muulo ntwholohale prices. 1'or full
particular uddrcss-Natlonal Library Assoeia- . 4lg-3 t _
_ . . . _ . . fft-M : imjulio nt room iH ,
N6"b.NntlVnoebld'j' . John A. O'ICeote ,
, . " \VANTED Section men , laborers and teauv
> > stera. Jlr . Urego , 3I4VJ B Ir. 4 8 30J
7ANT13D A jeweler , Edholm & Akin.
, Neb. _ _ 400 3 _
N UME1I ATI VE employment offered to en-
rBitic pewoiis affair education. Applr 42(5 (
M. Y. Llfo lliilldlug. Omaha. _ 41K1 4t _
AG1-NTSI 2 "red-hot. " nrtlclesl Coin monpy
imtll holidays 1 Write uickly I Particular for
stamp. Bamnle.ffic. 1'rlco llros. David Olty.Neb.
" \\T ANTKDCapable Hollcltors ; salary&t per
TT day. Tlio lllake-IIcywood Co. , Kansas
City , Mo. _ Srj-st-
" "
GEN'IU wanted to haudlo the Diamond
Scissor Sliurpeuor nud Mrs. Cleveland Hair
Crimper , botu indispensable In any family.
Samples r > cents each or both 23 conts. C. Moi-
ton. box 403 , OftteParfe. III. _ ; in2-il' : _
W'ANTI.D ' A few more good ngents for now
novelties just our. Hnmplo by mnllliO cents
Kettler & DoVine , Itooni31 > , llarner building.
. _ SO-J-7t _
STEIN , MaahcimerA Co. , successurs to Louis
dtoln & Co. . jobbers in hats , caps , etc. , Chl-
CURO , ill. , deslro to engage the sen ices of one
or two active men to represent thorn .lu Nebraska
braska ; i\.nmt bo well ncqunlutcd with the
trade. Apply or address promptly to J. C
Manhelinor & Co. , 43) Delaware st , , Kansas
City , o. _ KB 1 _
\\TANTUD-Agonis to hell the Pinlcss cfoihes
TT line ; the only line overinveuted that holds
the clothes without plus ; a perfect success
patent recently issued ; sold only by agents. t <
whom the exclusive right Is given ; on receipt
of 60 cts wo will scud u Miuiplo line by nmll
also circulars , price lisle nud terms to ngi > nts
Eocuro your territory at once. Address Wor
cester Pinlesa Clothi-a Line Co. , 17 Hermon Bt.
Worcester. Maea. _ - _
WANTEDTrncU lo.yerH mid bridge cnrpcn
ter * for lown. Fllloy , Kramer & Co. . cor
llth nnd Fnrnam sta. _ 170
100 cooporn wanted ; bteady work all year
40o for making tierces nnd 3.'o for barrel
and best of Htulf used. Address Omanu Coopoi1-
ugo Co. , Pouth Omnha. Neb. _ 812 31 _
A N TK U A tow moro live , energetic sales
men to sell groceries , etc. , to farmers , ho
tbl and restaurant Keepers nnd other ( urge con
runners nt wholesale prices ; exclusive tsrrltor )
given ; for particular * address the Edgewoitl
Mercantile Co. , linportprif. mauufflcturert > um
wholcsnltrgrocoit1 , 1447 State at. Chicago.
, _ _ tan ul8 *
AGENTSI Write for terms. Kl sample rorso
free. Schiela & Co.ttJO Uroaawnv , NeYork
VV 7' ANTKD Salesmen at 875 per month salar ;
i and expenses to null u line < > t Hllvur-platei
ware.Yatcho , otc. . by Kiimple only ; hordomu
team fuinUhed tree , write ut onoo for full par
tlculars and sample cnso of goods f rea Htnnd
aid Sllvoi- Ware Co. . Itoaton. Masa. 674
"WTANTKli A good ollfco man to go east
TT uiustlnvcaclftXWK ) ; muxt ben good business
man , Addraxn the Geo. S. Cllne Pulillshhii ,
House , 31 j to 321 Wabash ave. , Chicago , ills.
_ _ b49
T 'ANTKD Men for Washington territory
TT Albngnt'a Labor Agency , 11-0 Formalist ,
bricklayers and stonecut
ters ; eoddragHS paid. Apply M. U
Murphy. Fremont , Nob. _ W0 ! _
WANTHO-Ageuts. "Ilodge's Horse Hlau
kut Holder' ' koups ttm blanket fnui
blowloeoralldlngoif the llorHo. Nothing like
It lu the market ; every horse-owner huy
Humpies by mail , ilo. Stayner 4c Co. , Provldem-e
11.1. _ _ _
MEN to travel for the I'oiUliIH nurseries o
Canada. We pay V ) to $103 a mouth am
expenses to agents to neil our Canadian grown
pluck. Add. Stone & Wellington. Madison. Wi.i.
_ ww
i'Hll Second girl MuVliulp to taku euro
" lron'a4i5ritJi _ ry'n aye , iiini ait
\\rANTKD-Olrrforgoneral housework. 718
T > jV. ail at. Mra M. u. Petom. 4.M ait
\VArTKD Chamliormaid foFidaho , 2 luncli
counter girls for Ogdeiuwulirebs for M'y-
onnnir , cooks for DartlngUm nnd button. 41
Ititchon girls for Smith ( Jimiliti.IlK , nurho glrln ,
i.laily II. H ) for geiii
ui Hi hoxuuwork. Mrs. llrega 314 B 16th.43130J
\\rANTKD -Uodd girl for hmisawork ; t'ood
T ? wages for good work ; Irish proferred. Ap.
ply at l a Cupiuil ave. Bin isi.l
\\7ANTRi ) A fiashloimbla ilrussuiAkrr , at
f 1011 } Daveuporu llefurcucos required.
'yfrANTKlj Oermun B'rl ' for general house
YXT ANTKO A good'Klrl for general house
work. lOJO N lUth st. bia ait
WANTED-A lady of exparlenre and ability ,
havimr Its to Invest , falary f rora $4U to t K
month. Add real L ? j , lee ! , Council IllutU
4MoU )
\\rANTKD-Uencrnl etrl ut 4 ± 3 Cumlul
* _ _ N ? ' *
\\7XNflfD-At mice , a llrat-claaa dining rooiii
> > gin M City Hotel. _ eafu
GI UI , Wanted at 1810 CaU'fornU.
: 3i
t _ _
\ ANTKU Hrat-cliua c-xnirlouced tmlohUily
l lu cloak dapartmunt. Utute oxpt-rieuou
dad where employed. Addiew L6i , lice , na
necntfi for CldUU' reform waists
LADY , bustle substitute. bftbr'H dtnper sup
i > ort r , etc. New ( roods. Oor nccut at An t in ,
linn. , marie 575 In 10 days. Ladles' Bnpplr Co.
281 W , Wn-.hliRton at. . Uhlengo.
central housework ,
Lmnst be good roox and laundress , ( lermnn
preferred , fill H. 80th nt. 213
\\1 ANTKDllrl ( for general housework. 1G19
> V Howard st. 427 31
ANTKD 2 wnl't tlnlsherR. also S uppren-
w tico girls. Miss Mlnnlck , 1721 Leavonworth.
413 ait
AN1 111) A peed woman pastry cook , goon
wages. Nevr York chop house No. I , No.
Ill B 14th st. Wi !
\f 188 MWN1CK has returned from Chicago
Lu.withtho latent fall and winter styles in
Ir-jR-imnmnK , and will beplenxed to have you
cnll on her nt 1724 LoiivenworUi st. 4H8 3 ?
' Iss K. WnlslCiniH Uaprtornvohuo.dri'siFnrid
cloak maker ; pltish contsrellttell. rellned.
_ _ _
NOAOnMhNTH tft doJlrewiniafcTnK In fatnl-
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy. 511) ) t ) . Mill st.
-'W nSjt
TOU1S Wlncbcrg dress nnd cioakTmTkor !
JLJplush cloitkAto order nnd steamed : imnlskln
clonks rennlird , all Rinds fur trimmings fur
nished. 142U Cnbltol are. , repairing of ull Hind.
. ' - niall dub of contlcincn to
WAN.'llID-A board. Handsomely tiunUliod
house ; centrally located ; 111 N. 19. 3JUUOJ
KOOM and board. 111 and 11.1 N-.llth St. , one
block north of Mlll.ird. r.vorythlnc new and
liotnu'ilko. I'rltos reasonable. Call and sco for
yonr olf. _ fO31t
T ST CLASP board and room $1 per WCOK , day
J-ljonril ji : ; 1310 California , near 14th. 411 Ult
WANTIJO Nov. 1 four Kentleinon to room
nnd board with prlvnto family , First
class accommodations ; prices moderate. Ad-
drnsa M 07. llee odlce. ills J
' *
T mt 11KNOV4 ten moui'l.AUftavCronTtTfi to ISO
JJ per inontli , on .Motor line. Hooiu KiT 1'astou
block. 5 It
TTlblt UKNT 10-room uouso. lil Dodee. with
Ju all inodern Improvements.Apply 172.1 podge.
f ) EljKOANT new H-room houses , with nil con-
vonlencca , including ranges , and best resi
dence location In the city : 10-room homo on
S. lUtlist. , opposite llrovvnoll hull ; < 4-room
cottnges , f. luttist. : 4 7-room houses , with nil
convonlonccn. cor. Heed and I'ark ts , Windsor
Place ; largo ID-room house cor. ! 3 > th nnd Cnld-
well sts. Apply to Uroen & Williams , 1st Nat.
bank building. 421
FOR KRNTllouse 3 rooms , cellar , hard ,
soft aud'cltywater , * ! ' . ' , to small tnmlly.
rercicnco rnuulrod ; cor. 13th and Paclllc Hts.
4M 3lt
GOOD 4-rnom cottage , cor. , lot , 2 th nnd
Uoilfio , $13 : nice f-room house.'bullt 3 years
nKO , city water , Kn , sewernBe nnd stable , Dav
enport near ! iM. KB. Hoggs i ; 11111. UOS Karnam.
JjlOH HUNT 10-room lint In central location
Jl with nil llioilern conveniences , rent 55.1 per
inontn. price ot fnrnltnro JI.COO' Co-operntlvo
IU11(1 .V Lot Co. , 2UTi N. ICth St. 4Ut 31
"fjlUIt KENT The Slower lloois of n moilern
JU nousp. fnrnacv , gas and bath , $ ffi per month ,
1138 N. 17th st , 401 'JOt
FOH HKN'ISultcs of 4 nnd P. rooms or two
' room house ? , cheap nnd convenient. Olio
block from motor. W > a. 23d , cor. Mason.
POU HUNT CotlnRO of nve (5) ( ) rooms. "Kn-
( lUire , 4ai N. 15th St. Thos. S\vlft. 37J 30t
Foil HENT-A now 0-room IK story cottage ,
No. > 78 Spnldlnf ; St. puved street nnd only
"blocks from Satindcin st.motor Hue. Hont J15.
Inquire 2316 Dquglna at. WifliiO'
rj OIt HUNT Ilousa ore rooms , well , clsteni ,
JJ at3ll Woolworth nvo.
11 onset ot i ) rooms , hydrant , sewer , nt 1001 N.
2JIU street.
Houses from 3 to 4 rooms , at COS N. 1.1th st.
384 30J
F OK UKNT A. partly furnished ll-room
house , with all modern conveniences ; tlrst-
class locality ; furnltuio for talc , and willrc-
talu several rooms nnd pav a good price for
board for three or moie persons. A good
chanre for the right party. Call nt once at
2312 Douglas j.t. . 4U 3
FOH Itl'NT Only 4 more of tnoso nice new 8-
room' houses. Biith room , hot nnd cold
water. Nonr chr lines , only SIS'per mo. dur
ing ivluter. J. J."Wiltlnson , lloom 01S , Paxton
block. 0.17
TT1OU RnNT-So. V my block. 11.11 Goo. nvo.
JL 10rooms , furnace , gas nnd llxturos , eloctrio
wires for llglitluif. range nud every conven
ience ; barn with city water and gas In ; choice
neighborhood , ? D.v. Sholea U13lst Kat bank ,
I1OU 1H3NT Two dwellinRS , corner Capitol
RTO. and 18th bts. , opposite Trinity cathe
dral ; furnace , range nnd nil modern conven
iences. Cnil on or address II. L. Hall , llurllng-
ton ticket ollice. IzUEnrnam st. 251
T7\Oll \ HUNT 7-room house. 013 S. 15th st. , bet ,
JL1 Jackson nnd Jones sts. Enquire next door.
FOll KENT 0 rooms , cellar , city water and
gas. Apply lloom VJ , Arlington blk. 115
O-HOOM lioiiso on Oth it. S8. Enquire 8. E. cor.
tllth and Vluton. swi
Tp LEO ANT"nats to rout , ] 0th St. . cast side/be
JLIJtweeu Jones and I.envomvorth ; lirat-class in
all respects , nnd new : steam heat , bath , open
grates and mantels , electric bolls In alt rooms ;
both motor lines pass property. Ho Terences
required. 'Jhos. 1 < . Hall , 311 Paxton block.
O 5-ltOO.M ( new ) houses , all modem conveulen-
Oces except fuinace. at $10 , half block tiom
motor. Glu Pnxlon IJlock. B20
12-i-oom nouso with all conveniences
nnd lurgo barn , cor. 2fith and CaiUvvell sta.
FOR IlKNT--Fjve room house , J13 per mo , S.
\ \ corner llth nnd Vlntou sts. U17
rr-room house wjth barn , $ ! " > nnr month. U I"1
i Harrison. Slorchantb' Nat , bank. 480
FOlt HKNT Handbomo 10-room house , nil
conveniences , paved street , cable and horse
car. , 5 minutes' walk of postolllco. Nathan Shel-
ion. Iill4 I'arnnm at. bSt
FOR ItKNT Nice new fi-room cottages with
cellars , ICIUO nnd S313 Halt Howard st. Kent
81" ) per month each. Enquire C2 | B 17th bt.
Foil 1U5NT TH-elve-room bouse , Btnblo and
cnrringo houBe , on S. 21st street , next to cor
ner Lenvenworth ; modern improvements nud
In perfect repair. Apply to Lewis S. Heed &
Co. . room 13. Hoard ot Trade building. OOP
Foil HKNT 10-room house , steam heat , nil
improvements , cheat ) rent. G. II. Thompson ,
room 214 , Shecly block , 15th and Howard.
. 851
T710U lUCM'-Kiuht room house , wltn ample
J- grounds , corner Leavonworth nnd 21st sts. ;
bath room , hot and cold water. Apply to Lewis
B. Itecd \ Co. , room 13 , Hoard at Trade building.
" \7KltV low. two 7-room houses on 18th ami
> Vlnton ; two 8 and l ) room houses on 27th
nnd Woolworth ( withcity watitrand bath ) ; two
ft-room bouses hi Lincoln "Piice. lloom fil'J.
Paxton bloce. 480
HO08K8 ftn'd business places for rent' . J. J ,
\Vllkhi3on. 018 Pnxton blk. 788
TJ1OK HKNU' W oaf 7-rooTh house , in noou re-
-L1 pair , on cor. aflth nud Woolwnrtn ave. : pos-
nsmlon given Oct. 1st Inquiry G. U. 'I'zschuck ,
lleo ollice. CUJ
ClUltNlSHEl ) rooms 14lB Dodge.
5173 ?
IJ OH HKNT T o furmsued rooms on .St.
J-1 Mary' * aveuuo , to gentlemen only ; MX min
utes' wnlK ot buslni'es center , lluferencere
quired. Inquire at store , 210 nnd 212 8. 1Mb st.
V fiirnlHluwl room , 12 mo. liiqniro
_ atjclgajrstore li Wlouglas ) at. _ _ 117 _
"VT JCKI.V furnished rooms7 % rith board , gdi
PI and lieat.407 _ N. lltli bt. _ 337 3 * _
CIIKKIIl'ULi front room with board luprlvuto
family , nicely , situated. SIM llurney bt.
IV OOMvbotird. gun , b.uh. lor.'lliiruoy
FOIt HKNT Two furnished rooms ; every
thing now and uent ; can andbathrent ; mod
erate. Uit3 t'urnam st , , llatc. 'J8831J
* furnished rooms. ! 309 Dodge.
j- > _ _ _ 431 : nt
fpOH HnNT Tooiie or two pentletnen with
X' good raferenw-8. a nicely furulshcrt front
room , heated by steam and centrally located
Jnqulro 724 a l th nt. _ _ _ iua _
rVO nicely fiirnlalidil front roomi for light
JL liouBekpeiiliig. Apply 017 N. Ilia st. USy-30
fJIUHNIBHKD rooms. 7 , $ a and 1ut
JD llarnoyat. aitflj
Tario riwins. elegantly furnished In
modern brick residence : ' board if desired.
ligl Osa bt. _ am 4t
O NK large and ono one soiull room for rent
turnlshiKt or unturuUhed , Ixiard if aeslred ,
suitable for Ilgh houbekeeiunu 1310 California.
LAltur. nicely furiiUhed frout room with
private board , apply \vitn rurcreuceiyJS c i > -
itoluve. 4SJU1 *
KOOMB furnUhed , W aud 13 mouth , Gil ai'
4374 ?
JNT ICBLY funilahed room. S(03 ( Douglas st.
HKNT Neatly furnished room with or
FOR board , inodern conveniences , tin N.
18th at. 401 4 *
TjU'ItNIBIIKD room , south buy -window , with
JO crcry convenience ; 111 Knrnain. 3
" | 7On ! HKNT Lars * furnished front room J10
JD per month. SBls Leaven worth. ' WB
T > OOM and board for two gentlemen , private
JAfamlly ! references. 1S1Dodge. . 1'ld '
T7KR HENT Furnished front room wltft nl
JU modern conveniences , to gentlemen only ,
ntSUTittt. Mary'n nvenue. Apply nt store210
nnd 818 South Fifteenth at. C80
, S007Cassst.8(3 (
. . . HliKN'T November 1st , pleasant room
1 for two gentlemen , Dteum heat , table board ,
SlOfl Douglas. S58-
TTlOlt KENT A suite of roonn. rltu hoatd ,
A1 1TJ8 Dodge street. WW
T71OH Itl'.NT Uno Blnglo and double room.
JL1 with board , very cheap ; 1(111 ( DoUglas st.
TTIOH HENT-One nlco furnished roonl.USl N
J Utlmt. 17 ! >
furnished rooms with bath and
htenin.15ia Howard Rt. ' D17
imoit HKNT-t'uriiUlipd rrxims for 2'genllo-
JL men , or mun nnd wlfo. IBM D6ugltti. ( l
NIC13 rooms , steam hont , 171H Davenport ,
" 107 * It
. CLA1H Kwropoan libtDl. cor. 13th and
Dodye ; upeclal ratuby week or month
THOU IlKST U nicely furnished rooms , with
JL' board : IWO Capitol avenue. K < 3'
ri COD room with bath. BIDS ' . ' 6th st.
ITIOII HENT l-rootn siitl wTurnlsuod snlla-
X' ble for housekenplii ) ; , gas. water , etc. . to
family without children ; northwest cor. 17th
nnd Webster st. ; i')7 )
IJIOIl HUNT a unfnrnlsned rooms ; bath nnd
JU city water on cable lino. $7 per month. IliK
N. 86th at. 410 IMt
F 1OH HRNT Throe nnfurnlihed room ! " . 031 S.
17th ! st. , botweou Jackson aud Loavenworth.
37130 *
TTIOll HBNT .1 unfarnishcd roomssilltnblo for
J liouseKf eplng , 208 N. 13th &t. TO
TjlOH UliNT Part of store in very best Dust-
J. ness part of city , nultablo for gfovoorhilr
department- reasonable. Address N 10 ,
ileennlco. -417 1
171011 HKNT llnck store room ZOT 12th st.
Jt ; jolnlntrcor. Douglas , s. Lehman. WJ
fTIOK HUNT 2 stores , cor 22d and Pierce sts. ,
Jsiiltnblo for moat market nud grocery ; also
two lints above stores : will glvo responsible
parties 2 months'rent free to establish trade.
Cull on J. H. Parrotte. Douglas Co. Hank. m-i
TTIOlt RENT Three-story brick" building. 1110
J Douglnsst. , suitable for wholesale or ware
house. Chas. Knufmnnn , 13OJ Uouglus street ,
fill IK most promising locality for business in
JL Oimitm is on IBth bt. , between Farnnm and
Lcavenworth , ihe future retail district ot the
city , lilegnnt blacks are going up , and nothing
shabby will pver b erected there.
Take a look nt the new block on east side
Ifith botwcer. Joues < S LenVjiHortll and secure
lease for n number of years ; all heated with
stenm , with plato-glass trout , Thoa. F. Hall ,
ail Paxton block. 695
IjlOH KENT a now stores , 017 nnd Ol'J ' S. 16th.
JU Flnoshow % vlndows. itu'j
T7IOU KENT Store room m Iloyd opera house
JU building. Knqulrt American Savings IJauk.
| j1OIl KENT A 4-story brick building , 03x120.
-t : suitable for whoUsale : good trackage ; 1
have also a number of llua residence prop
erty for rent or palo. For particular * call or
ndUress40MH ! Iteobldg. N , p. Urown. 4J3
ITIINR store , with cellar , (120 ( South JBtli.
J ? 2K1 Kit
TTIOIl KENT Store , 1111 Farnnra St. . 2Q by 128
JL feet , " stories and collar. Nutlian .SUolton ,
1014 Furunm st. Ki'J
IIENT Desirable warehouse room on
TO . Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 Pnclllo st.
fJIOlt KENT The 4-story brick bulldlns with
Jor without power , formerly occupied by The
lleo Publishing Co. . ! Ufl Farnam nt. Tno- build
ing has n lire-proof cemented basement , com
plete steam-heating fixtures , watar on all the
lloors , gns. etc. Apply at the ollicu ot ahc Hoc.
TTIOH KENT After Oct. 1. line front oince.
JL' ground lluor ; plate glass window ; heat and
light furulstiod ; a most de lrubLo location for
nny kind of business ; rent reasonable , Inquire
Omaha Ice Co. , 310 So. 15th si. U9
TjlOHKENT Basement ; 40 by 80 ft. heated oy
JD steam. Enquire J. Nagl , C12 So. 13th st. _
TP YOU have anything for sale or exchange ,
Jlcall on the Star J.unl : nnd Loan Co. G15 30
A GENTLEMAN who sulfored * years from
piles and bus been effectually cured \\111
send lull directions for self-treatment. Slmplu
nnd unfailing. Free to all. Edwin Slater , P.
O. box , 178 , Cincinnati , u. UJl-lt
IF you have anything to exchange cnll on III
E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. Fifteenth
and Douglas. ' . -Si
PI'you hnvo anything to soil or exchange call
Lut lloom 018 , Paxton block. 358
cleaned , curled nud dyed , bats
FEATHERS , F. M. Schadoll i ; Co./'ft N. 18th.
an n 4
A UCTION sales nvery Tuesday nnd Friday
J-Xmormng at 1121 Farnam. Omaha Auction k
Storage Co. 775
\H.MAllY Strong , cor. Saundere and Cnsslui
/sts. . Knuutzo place. Telephone 1484. 'i7u3t !
1ASI1 paid lor household furniture , stoves.
AJmnliu Auction 4j Storage Co. , 1121 Furnam.
HORSES wintered nt Omaha fairgrounds ;
lurgo box Htallx ; terms reasonable : car
riages stored. A. Thomson.08 .NL'u
HORSES Wintered nt my farm , good rnntjo
and Paddocks ; no barbed wire on place ;
horses called for and delivered ; terms moder
ate. Telephone 577. Chas. McCormlck , Cal-
noun. Neb. 417-n7
WANTED Horses to winter at $ J a month
per head on farm near Irvlncton. Plenty
of grain and hay to rued , good shelter and good
care given them ; horsex called for and deliver
ed W , It. Homan. room li Frenzor lilk. 101
WILL winter on W. 11. Mlllnrd's
farm at Calnoun , Neb. Reasonable rateu ,
care considered. Order" cnn be left with \V. 11.
Mlllard or mailed mo at Calhoun , T. J.Flnmlnu.
1154 nl
rpHE banjo taught ai nnartby Cleo. .F.flolioii-
JL beck. Apply at Pea ofllce. _ OJO
SC of Expression. Vocal. Articulate.
Pantomimic. L V. Anderson , Stiuely block.
E VENINQ French class. New 1'ork Life
Ilullulng. lloom toy Jules Mcile. 711 N U
EERBONAL 1 will send you I mean you n
valuable book of information worth $ Sxi
for 10 cents. Dr. W , J Jlerrlngor , Council
jihitts. Jo. _ -Eli 4t
LADIES aud gentlemen desiring correspond
ents address Corresponding Club , ICuutas
City. Mo. Inclosestamp. I'HJ u4t
T , OST Hither on Bherman are. , 18tn ; ajth en
JLJWohster sta. money pursu contalnlni : bills ,
gold plero und owner'h visiting card , name in
full ; Under will be rewarded by leaving ut 1WX
FnriiamBt. biiO
ANTED-To buy a lot within one mlle niul
a halt of postoiHci' ; cAh will bo paid for
a bargain. Those anxious to bell address N D.
Hee. _ 8PU-UIT
WANTED I want to buy a democnitluna-
I > cr In a good town. Win thuve you go tj
Dou't ttMto anytime , but write lull particulars
at once. Hen I' , IHIdebrand , Pawnee City , Neb ,
_ _ _ _
ANTED-To buy 60 acre farm , good foi
Burdening , within ! S rallo of Borne It II
station , not over 15 miles from Omana : must
Ua low price. W. L. Bel oy , U , lJ.llo rd Trade.
C1ABH for furniture , carpets , etc. Weil's Anc
VUon Btorage Co. , 817 8. 13th. _ 715
ANTKD 4 or 5 thousand yds of earth to
flll lot 68. Hurt Oak add. up to grade. I a-
quire W. N. Dorwanl. 1517 DouKlaaat. 700
ITinAOKAaiSstoraK0at'low it raT s. wril
J. Ilushuian. 1311 Leavenworth tot
liTOHAOB at low rates at 1121 Furnam utreot ,
( OOuaba Auction ua Storage Co f * { *
STOHAOR nnd forwarding. Wo collect andfle-
liver needs ot all delijtlptlon. mcrchandl. rt.
furniture and bagnagdM chrapest rates for
storage for any length ot time. Vans nnd
wagons to bo had atshortou notlrp-rrltti cnre-
fnl men for tnovintt. PacklnR ana shipping
from our own wnirhcwpp dnno on moderate
chargf * . Mcrihnndlsr loaded ana unloncled.
Warrhonito on our ownyakcks. omco SIf S llth
st. Telephone 114. llowell & Co WSl
MADAMU Wellington ; world-renowned as-
troloelst , test medium nnd destlnv reader ,
Just from I'.uropo. Terrs tour Ufa from the
crania to the trravo jijiyinficti the separated ,
causes speedy lunrrUno with the ono you love ,
locates < fo < in es and trcata with mawauo and
electric baths. All In trouble should not fall to
coniult this Kitted setffWi. Parlor u , upstairs ,
417 S. llth ; ofllce hours from 10 n , m. to 101m. .
403 ! P
TJIOHTrNl ! Teller Mrs. Lenormnn can bo
Jj coiiMilted on all nITalrsor life , Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. aid N. liltl st.
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. med >
cal nnd business medium , Fnnalo dlseniies
aspnclnlty. 119 N 18th t. . rooms 3 nnd 3. H > >
T7I N. HYND.\rAN ,
JJ Stenographer nnd Typewriter ,
11. 4 Pnxlon lllk. Tclcpliono 1630.
nTTLESEY'S shofthnnd nnd typew rltlng
sUiool. Itnrker block. The best and cheap
est in the city. 638 N 12 *
STANDARD ShorthnntlHchool.Room315 Ware
blk. . ( sucofssor to Vnlnmine-s ) the largest
exclusive snorthnnd school In the west. Team-
era arc verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert. Circulars
Foil SALK Counter and shelving , room iW77
Paxton lllock. 800
Foil SALK Farm wnson , In good repair , for
SJi , If sold nt once. Co-operntlvo Lnud and
Lot Co. , 2U3 North Sixteenth street. G75 1
TTlOltSAl.- : 7-yr-old pony , biokn to saddla
JL } and hnrucs3. K. ItiilTan , with N. 11. Falconer.
"TTtOlt SALK Good gentle horsn ; not nfrnld ot
JU the cars ; lady can drive him ; } --0. It. E.
Copson , cor. 15th nnd Paclllc sts. 417 3Jt
" 171011 SALE Adp lrn\ilo carrlago'team , dark
J- bays , 0 yenrs old , puta and sound : also two
road horses , carriages , buggies , etc. ; will mnko
price and terms satisfactory. W. J. Connelt ,
4--0 4
FOll SALE Stomway plauo , nearly new. Ad
dress N. 7 , lleo ollice. 438 HO *
FOU SALE or exchange A line blacK stallion
el bt years old. Inquire ut Kaglo House
stables , S. 14th St. 409 3J *
FOll BALE A uoocl reliable family carriage
team , carrlnco and hnrno. s : a bargain. Ai > -
play to Col. flctchcr. Fort Omaha. 412
T7 < 011 LALE Stylish team of Day horses , 5
-1 ? and 7 years old , perfectly Bound , nnd wsll
known In the city ; will drive double or single.
Ono canopy-top double surrey.
Ono top buggy ,
Ono set double hnrnoss ,
Oncsotslngle harness.
One otuldlc.
All the above complete nnd in good condi
tion. No further use , reason for smiling.
Also ono Meinway square piano , nearly 'low.
Tlio nbovo property will bo sold cheap , on
runsnnablo terms , or will trade for Insldu real
estate. Inquire room 5OT , First Nat'l bank.
LVJ 31
F I Oil SALK Light sptlni wagon 1.TB7 N. 10th.
IJIOU SALE At.half.price , n lotot counters
.1 ? nnd shelving suitable' for grocery , notion ,
hoot nnu shoe mock , , Vf. H. Iloman , room 0
l-'renzer blk. „ ) , U87
TTlOU SALK Top bupiry nearly new , chenp. J.
JP L , Welshnns. 1420 ilnrnoy. 071
FOH SAIiU Anowftrrhncu ; chean for cash
or will trade , lnqutr'6 at 2103. 13th. 7 0
ITlOlfS cowschpnp. 11. II. Heuder-
-C sou. teem 10) , Paxtoii blk. COS
f ?
FOU SALE A qunutlvy of building stone.
Apply to the suporlUjteudent IJoo building.
SALK A 3j-htrso flower. Porter engine
in good condition , .weight n.lOOpounds cyl
inder llxin. For pantculiirs apply to The Ilco
ollice. 07 , 733
MIDLAND Guarnntco & Trust Co. . N. V. Life
bldg , complete abstracts f.irnlsnc-d nnd titles
to real estate examined.pprCectod Ic guaranteed.
ONE hundred dollars prlvnto money to loan
or will buy short tluio mortgage or good
note , room 13 Hoard ofTrnde. 61 < l
MONEY to loan ia any amount on household
goods , noises nnd wnaons , diamonds , land
contracts.BScond mortgages.or any available se
curity , without puDllclty. Uoom OlD.Paxton blR
DO YOU want monev ? If so , don't borrow
before getttog my rates , which are tlfo low
est on any sum from ill tu SIO.OOU.
J make loans on huiiaohold good * , pianos , or
gans , horaes.mulos. wagoas , warehouse recelts. ]
houses , leases , etc. . In auv amount , at tlm lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo made for one to six months and
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal ami interest. I yoiiowe a balance on
your lnrnttur or horses or have n loan ou
them , 1 will taku It up and carry it for you ns
long ns you desire- .
If you note ] money vou will find it to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
. B. F. Masters , room 4. WJthnell building. 15th
ana Hainey. 879
loaned on chattel security or rea
estate. J. J. WlUlnson , 018 Paxton blk.
01,003 Pnvnitt money to loan or will buy good
Pmortgage , W. L. Belby , r. 13 , Hoard of Trnde.
MONK1 to loau on noraes , wagons , mules ,
household coeds , plunos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The iirst organized loan ollice In
the city. Makea loans from thirty to three hun
dred aud Rlzty-llve davs. which can be paid in
pint or whole nt any time , thus lowering the
principal and interest. Cull ana see us when
you want monuy. We can assist you promptly
nud to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Mtmey always on hand.
Nodelayln making loans. 0 , F. Hoed & Co. ,
ail ) 8.13th st , . over Ulnghum & Sons. 87' )
TITONKV toloan : cash on hand : no delay. , T.
J--LW. Squire. 121'J Farnam st. . Klrst National
bank building . f 4
MON EV to loan on city or farm property.
Geo. J. Paul , IC09 1'arium st. iftT > *
IIILDINO Taani. J5T V. Sholes , 210 First
National bamc. B7J
r OANBmadeon real estate and mortgages
J-Jbought Louis f. Ieed& ( Co. r.13.board trade
WANTED Klrst-clasB inside loans. Lowest
rnres. Call and sue us. Mutual Invest-
meut Co. . 1HH Fnrnam. B77
n ULOAN A few thousand Insldo uniin-
< vr JJVtf i * l IUIT btlUUOMUU -
, proved city property yr good "d mortgage
paper. Address tl 413 , llee oillco. " 6B
MONKVto loan on real estate Bocurlty at
lowest rates , llofora. ne otluting loans see
Wallace , It U1U lirown bUlr. ( lath nnd Douglas.
'in nag
IVfONKY to loan byjnii eastern man , on gilt
J.TLedge property , forthe neit lOdays. Harris ,
room HI. l t Nat. llanVa KiU
V OAN8 City mm funtl loans , mortgage pa-
J-Jpor bought , McC'ng\ie.Invebtment \ Co. BSD
MONEY" to loon ort'clty nroperty and farm
luiuli , at lowest rataty J. D.Ittle , 430 I'nv-
ton block. J 17
1T > isiDKNCl' : ; loans Hif.toT percent ; no nd.
JtiUtkmiil charges foivnomimBslons or attor
ney's fees. W. U. MolWeiU-lrst Nnt bank bids.
n o < NII
MONRV to loan on furhU..ia , j.orteiwag JIIH
otn , , or on any appcovud Hecurlty J. W ,
Itobblns , llll'i ' 1'arnam eet , 1'axtou notel ,
"ITIIItSTmortgage IonuiBt low rates and no
J-1 delay. D , V. { JlioleK.'slo First National bunk.
I > HlLADIvLPIlIA Mortgage * Trust Co. fur-
nlali chean eastern moueyto borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , nccopt loans
ut their western ollice. George W. P. Coatcs.
room 7. Hoard of Tradu. saa
Kinsru.NB Mortgage Co.-l.oans of J10 to
ll.OUOiKetour rates before borr.wlng nnct
save money ; loan ou horses , furniture , or any
approved becurity , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old , und low
est r te3calllly03Bheeleyblk.l5th&Howardst.
"OEKOIlUraaking chattel or collateral leanT
JJ It will pay you to see JJho Western Invest
ment Co. , room 4 * , Ueo building. 883
BUILDINU loans wanted on brick builnexa
or rculdencB blocks , Kuvorable lenni and
rates. Klmball , Cuamp AItyan , 1J05 ! Farnam.
ri"U ) LOAN -A special fund o : Jiai ooo iusiiuis
, sr ° ; . ' . , alu * "Pwarda at very low rates
a he Mead Investment Co. , 314 S. 1Mb st. 133
. 0. F. DavU Co. , walfstatet
nnd loanacfnts , 1501 1'nrnnta st , 878
to loan on any security
lor start time at low
rate * . Lowest rates
on personal
property ,
Th Henderson Mortgage lnvestm nt company ,
room ( Co I'Kxton bioct. 873
MONIJY to loan at low rates and no delny.
Capital and gurplus $ l.S > iOW. Lombard
Investment OO..JM ) 8 Uthst , _ NM
CJEBSholes. roomSU ) llrst Nat'l bank , bo fora
Omaklng your loans. _ 873
( CriKtyx ( > to loan at R par cent. Llnnnan * Ma-
Phonoy ; room R03 Paxton block. 870
h riirnlturei"liorsos nnd
.HI wagons : rates reasonablo. City Loan Oo
IIS S l.Uh Bt , , opposite Mlllard lintel. 880
'TjMHST National safety rtdroslt vaults. Safes
-L1 to rc < nt tl to ! 3 \-enr , 9R 8. 13th. aw
BANK opcninir wanted In Nebraska or Da
kota , where can invest 110,000 to J-UWti ami
scrrfcna with profltablo roturna ; estabU.shed
bnnklUK connty sent town preferred ! wrlto par-
tlenlars P.O. boriKH Kearney.Nab. _ ffi > p.ill
TWO vary tine restaurnnta in the best portion
of the city for sale. The patronage is the
wealthy class , and tney are payinn big money.
The party is leaving the city r.nd must s lL
They are flrat-class throughout and nro chonp
nt the price * . fc',0iO ( for one nud JI.500 for the
other. Co-oporntlvo Laud * Lot Co. , WVi N 10th.
Al'llW flr t > clM4 stock securities for sale ,
_ _ Adilress N 0. llee. HJU J _ _
AN established grocnr.V business ; line loca
tion , stock clean nnd trosh ; tlxturns , 101x1113
and everything complete , tor sale nt 81,000 less
than vnluu on account of removal ot owner.
Address N 0 , lleo. 433 31 ?
TT10II SALU Nice , clean restaurant , doing
-L' good business ; must bo sold this week ; easy
terms. J. H , Parrotte , lloom " 1 , Douglas block.
ANTKll-Partivr with * 75. in thcntrical
enterprise : & . " > and expenses guarautccd.
Call ou liM. Anderson. N. ICth stlerr.
rot } l'i ' l _
{ JJWKfbuys restaurant that pays $100 iietTirollt
* P > pcr month. Only 1000 cosh. J. 0. Gibson ,
NoJJ Creighton blockJJ 30 ! )
CALL nt smz Douglas st. for jrood chance to
right party. See ud elsewhere. 414 3
FOIt SALK or oxclmnge-TIrst olass drug
stock In Mo. Valley , la. . 4,000 people , three
stores , stock JO.OOO. Will sell for part cash bal-
nnce on time , fcocured. or part cuth ana balance
Iowa or Nobrut-ka land at fair valuation. Lock
box 013 Mo. Vnlley , In. 8SH1 *
business for snlo lu a lire Nebraska
town , about J2 .lHXl worth of drug business
done in the town yearly , only two drug B tores :
stock will Invoice nbout R..8U > . half cash nnd
half on time. Address M U7 , ileo oillco.
100 at
/ > OOD chance for the right party. Cnll nt
VJT 2312 Douglas st. See nd elsewhere. 411 a
" "
FOR HKNT-Now hoto1 of city , '
thirty rooms. W.Farunm Smlth.lSOFnrnara
811) )
TTlOll SALK Or trade , a well established book
JJ and-statlonery store. lloxfdB. 234
" | AND nud cash for newspaper nnd Job outfit.
.L/ Omaha , property to exchange for clenr
land. Star laud nud Loan Co. 1KMJJ Fnnmm st.
515 W
FOll KXCHANUK Eight lots hi North Omnha
clear , to exchange for property in Pierre.
Dak. Acdrcss Jl 72 , IJoe ollico. 431
J5 My equity , worth JI.BOO In
JL a splendid lot on Georgia nve. . for Cnlcngo
suburban property.Address 8,117 W. Van Hu
ron St. . Chicago. 284 It
\\rANTEO To trune 240 acres good Nebras-
V > ka land , nil clear aud deeded , for brood
mares. Albert EUliolm , 101 8. IGth St. , Omaha ,
WiLIi cxchango J'0.000 worth ot improved
Lincoln property for lands. , T. O.i:0. II.
H utch I ns. ,1122 0 street , Lincoln , Nub. 'M }
FOR KXHANGE 80 ncrea clear of encumb
rance , in rips of 10 acres , in Mercer coun
ty , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property.
Apply room 210. First National bank bulldlug.
rANTKD To trade 3 lots , G-room house ,
barn ami out-building ; nicely located In
Florence , Neb.-'No' ' Incumurauce- , for good
young work teams. II. Hall , Florence. Neb ,
| 81)5 ) 1 *
FOH EXOHANGE-A businessyieldlngnproOl
of from $ . ) , ( iOO to jfl.0 * ) per iinnum , to ex
change for good city property. Am willing to
assume llghr. oncninbrnnco. Apply room-10 ,
First National bank building. 130
FOH KXCHANGK 10 clear South Omnlin lota
and clearjlaud for Her 10 room house , will
assume small inclimbrance. W. L. Sclby , 11.13 ,
Hoard Trade. B'.iQ
FOR KXCHANGE-In Stuart. Holt Co. , Neb. ,
new house , frrooms anil closets , with 4 cor
ner lots ; rents for $10 per month.
A feed store nnd two business lets , rents foi
81" per month ; will trade for a stock of hard
ware , clothing or boots and shoes. Address
Frank K. Harilgnn. Crete. Neb. 701 30
THXCHANOK for city property , two good
J-iTarms joining towns situated in Harlan uud
Greoly counties. Meyer & llaapko , H 5 liar-
uey st. 034 o'3Q
WANTED To cxcliancro dry goods notions
nnil milll lory goods for clear land or city
property and part caih. Address box 4711
Frankfort Jut. Ulio
TXENTAL property , Inside , to exchange for
JLI clear farms or vacant city lots. Thos. V.
Halt. 311 Paxton block. 829
JCLKAIl South Omaha lots fur norses.orlanri
Osouth or east of Wheeler Co. , Nob. Kolby ,
13 Board Trade. 314
N EW 2 seated carriage for 2cd mortgage ,
Belby , , 13 Board Trade , Slf-
agricultural country. 1'resont owner is nos n
grain man , and has other business. A rare
clmnce for a practical man. Also , five thousand
acres of tine timber land lu northern Tonnes-
see. Room 14 , Cnamber of Commerce. Tel. 1410.
[ 240
FBW cottages lu Axford's. Orchard Hill ,
llorbach'H2ud , Huncom Place , Lake's , Pop-
pleton park , Shlnn's and Parser's additions to
soil on easy monthly payments. Tlieso are or
very choice lotriHiid some are on car lines. Don'l
delay until next year ; get In now and take ad
vnntftgo of rlso in values. I' , 1C , Darling , 4 ;
Darker block. MSI 31
I HAVE some first-class rental property foi
sale cheap within one mlle of postllloco. on
paved utrouts and motor lino. Thos. X' . Hall ,
311 Paxton block. 893
OWNER moved to St. Louis offers to soil t
houses nt a big bargain , $700 nnd JWO each ,
nil nowlv papered and rented , in a location that
they will never be vacant. Call and let me give
you terms. D. D. Smeaton , Room 43 llarkei
block. 1)52 nit )
SPLENDID llttlo cottage , good barn and
outhouses , on lot In 1'arker's nddn.uear Lonp
school , ono block wcht of motor line. Very
cheap nml on easy terms , Justthlukof It , t-.uuf.
takes It ; 8WO cash , bal. on time , F. K. Darling.
43 Ilarkor block , KJ 31
$27,000netual , alueinside buslnassi and real
dence3).0 ) < ) Q worth of houses being built
adjoining-M-ill sell for 117.01 j now ! Why ? Foi
reason nm In need of SIO.U03 caah ; great offer ,
Address L60. llee. UUlnllj
TG1OR 8AL15 Onlongtlme nnd easy payments
handsome , now. well-built houses ot 8,0.nntl
10 rooms. All convemo ices , good neighbor
hood ; paved streets , street earn , anil wlthtr
walking distance ot P. O. Nathan Shelton , ISP
Fnrnain stroet. 800
171 OR SALE Tlio ilnest urlck reslaenco in tin
A ? city , modern anil now , large shady ynra con
talnlng about t o ucros of grounds , atom
walks and withal n complete Hunio. Hnvo ox
teiiHivo business Interustu in Bait Lnko nnd mj
wlfo declines she will live ulone uo longer
Terms nnd prlco to wilt the customer. How | i
that ? Address M 72 Doe ollice. U70
ONLY 2 of those beautiful 6-room rotEagei
in Orchard 11111 left. 1'rlco JJ/.ini ; $75 cnsl
and glS'per month. Where in Omaha can yet
lluU uiiother nucli a bargain.
For fiulo 'M choice lots In Pierre , contrail ]
located. Star Land and Loan Co. , lUOO ! . Far
nain. 6 Joao
T F YOT wont a bargain , call oil the Stnr Lain
land Loan Co. 615UO
"ITIOR SALE , very cheap , no trades , farm 013.71
J3 acres. lier.S , 13 N.O W. Hamilton county Neb ,
2 miles from Marqutitte. xmall house , stable
UOUacres pasture fenced , living water , prict
only 111 ! per acre , 8\4t7.cO , onn-thlrd 18HO cror
included. Terms K.20U cash ImlancaO per cenl
luterest , F. 1Atkins , owner , railroad build
Ing , Denver , Colo. 778
T710U SALE Or oxchange.on easy terms , aomc
A" houses Hpauldiug at
bra.ud.uaw 0-room on
near motor line ; no better residence location li
the city. Also some new 7-room iiouaea ot
Corbr ana UUIi at , just lit miles from pott
ollice ; will exchange any of the ubovo for cleai
land or lots. For-terniH nnd purticuurs ajiply
to C. C. Spottswood.jW'.K B 10th Bt. 44U _
SuhsCRlllli for shares in the "Amerlpan , '
the largest building una loan association ir
the world. M. A. Upton , special agent , lAtli
uud Fafiiaia. SKI
SALE 10 acres within ono-lmlt mils of
conrthousolnthCcltrof Pierre , Dakota's
new nnd growlnRci pltnlllneopetilnR for nome
entcrivrlslng rest catata arm. Address M 72 ,
llceofllco. 4 <
oTwALLACE , BID , T. J. Ilrown uuFlnliijj ,
16th and DoUBl . Now 6-room cottngo
ann mil lot. Mdnmouth Park , ( t.KOO.
SO cash nnd J30 per month , worth $1,800. Two
otthebwit cottnitvain Momnoutti Panc.t3.SoO
carh , rery easy payments. Vacant lotn JX ) lo
II.WU. Electrio motor Iltio now runs to this ad
dition nud no property about Omnha otters the
Inducements in cheap homos In i-asy rmirh
from the city , that nro olfrrcd by beautiful
Monmouth Park.
Ten lots in Carthage , Wnst ( Aiming and Lin
coln Plnro nt f l.uon toJI.2.X ) . Will build houses
on those lots for thosn doMrlntt homos and will
sell on easiest possible payments.
Twenty lots In Cllttnu Illllniumakor Plnront
SPOO to H.OCU , on which houses will bo built if
Clerks , mechanics , shopmen , laborers or any
wishing to get n home , will llnd it to their in
terest toscumo. Can offer the cholco In the
nnrt n part nt the rltvof rhnnnlni ; Muumonlli
Pnrk , Inrco lots In noVd'a addition , vnlunblo
lots onWHIi In Hertford I'lacc. orwostln Haw
thorne. Ilrigg PlaceCllltim Hlll.Tlmrnburg
or nny of tun cholco proper-tins in that direc
tion. Money to lonn. tl.G. Wallace , inth and
Douglas. 431 ni
_ _ _
" | jVll8AI'1or lease , on easy lonna. n lots on
.faith nve. , Just south of Lcnvenworth.
Would build nu eight room house nndsell SO
feet for $ llonu nnd sell ou monthly payments.
Lots 4 nnd D , btk 0 , Kllby 1'laco , high and
Ono lot N. Will st. , trankngo
IVmr business lots N.Uh nnd S , ICth st.
2tith ave. niul Podge , corner ,
KM ft N. not h St.
Other good residence property.
fli lots Crclghtoti llPtBht . cheap.
Will sell n low lots ou building terms.
N. A , Ktihn , drug store , 15th nnd Douglas.
tnTor SnTo tJio ihTriBiii ncont pstato kiirTwh ns
a ? tin ! Plntto Vnlley Ranch , three miles west
of Valley , on tie U. P. U. II. Consist-
lug of over llOu ncros of land cot , to bine
grass , timothy , cloxor nud Mdlop , divi
ded into " ' > holds nud paddocks , Immense
barns , puddock stable. * , tine residence , bimrdlng
lions . cuttln barns nnd oheds , hog barns , ma
chine shops , cnrrlnco houc , "dices , lea house ,
! Hiunrovo. , splecdld liiUC-mtlu track This is
tliu bast Improved ranch In the country , the im
provements costing about $80(1.000. ( Will bo fold
ut less thnn halt the cost , of the Improvements
nlons will tnko pmt in Onlnlia puipurly. Cullen
on , O. F Davis Co. , 1505 rnrnain btrect.
SALE lly Otto I.obeck.
FOR cottage , good collar nnd well , lot
'ilxlOfencea ( la. West Ciimlng. li.WXl ; cash
83)0. ) Val. 17 per month , without interest ,
7-room cottage In order , ou N. th
near Paul , terms to suit , 8.1.800.
Now 8-room house ou llrlstol Bt. , 1 blk from
motor lino. t3. . .
B-rooin house on N. 23d near Cnsi. 83,000.
Corner Douglas ami 10th , rents at if 1,100 , cash
$15.000. K\U.X ! ) . "
South Omaha lots : _
Lot 4 m blk 10. DOxlM ft , $1.00.
Lot 4 in blk 13 , OOXlW ft , J1.SOO.
I/its 11 nnd 12 in blk 31. corner IWxWt. $2,3)0. )
LotsB and t In bit 4. fiOxIBI each , JVOO.
Acre lots In Solomon' * add , SGOO.
Aero property on bolt line , 1425 to STOO , all on
easy terms. Otto Lobeck , room 18 Chamber of
Commerce. ! " ! 30
IOoi ) ncro cuttle much , with prlriloco ot 4'J '
uoro school lensn. Must bo sold lu tun days.
Apply nt room 518 Now York Life ll'ld. 381-31 _
SALE Very low price fern fowdayST
FOR ! ! , block 7f , near new P. 0. site. Inquire
on promises , No. 1715 Davenport st , ail lit
JL Business ,
Residence ,
Vacant and
suburban properties in the market
are for sale by "tho old reliable" JL A. Upton
Co. , liith and Fnmnm. - ' ' < -
HUMUS ror Palo ou Monthly Payments.
7-rootn dwelling In Central 1'nrc , full lot ,
south front : payments. $18.1)0 ) per month.
Small rottnge in Central Park , full lot ; pay
ments. { I2.SO per mouth.
G-rooin dwolllug , coruur nsth and Patrick nve-
nuo , full lot , south trout ; payments , 420 per
Ilnudsomo 7-room dwelling , on Grace street ,
all modern improvements , on monthly pay
ments. Other property In all parts ot the city.
Call mid see me. D. J. O'Douahoe , 1C01 Farnam.
SAI/E Two corner lots near South Omaha
ha Parkgreat ; baigaln. B. , P. O. box M.
TT'OIt ' SALT ! 0-room hou o. uavn nna lot ,
JL1 llunscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , room
411,1st Nnt. Hank. 892
HOTEL-Coruer of 10th and
Jackson sts. , 3 blocks from Union depot.
licst ti a day house'ln the city. 897
Notice Is hereby given that a book "will bo
opened nt 10 o'clocx a. m. on Saturday , the six
teenth day of November , 1889. at tno cilice of J" .
M. Thurston , Union Pacltlo llulldlng , in the
city ot Omaha. Douglas county , Nobrnsko , for
the purnose of recolvmc subscriptions to the
capltalstockof the Omaha Union Depot Com
pany. W. II , HOI.COMII ,
o-17-d-30-t _ For the Incorporator a.
PROPOSALS for Erection -School Ilullding
etc. , U. S. Indian Service , Yunkton Agency ,
Daktota. October 12th , 1HS . Scaled proposals.
indorsed "I'roposal.s for erection or a bchool
building , or for building materials" as the case
mny be , nnd directed to the undersigned nt
Greenwood. Dakotn , will bo rccolvod at this
ollico until ono o'clock of November Oth , 18S ! > .
for furnishing the nuccssnry mntorlala nnd
Inbor nud for erecting n two-Btory frame school
building at the Ynnktou AKBIICJ * . Dak. ' In ac
cordance with plans nnd specifications thatmny
bo examined n { the oillco ot the "Pioneer Press"
of St. Paul , Minn. , the "ilco" of Omaha. Nebr. ,
and "Journal" of Sioux City , Iowa ; also for
furnishing n variety of lumber , bricks , windows
dews , doors.hardware , etc. , ( a full list and des-
cripjlonotwhlch may bo obtained by applica
tion to the undersigned ) , required for ugouey
buildings. In submitting bids for the erection of
the school building , bidders must stntn the
length of time required to complete it : nnd for
furnishing building mntcrluls. the prlco of each
article offered for delivery under contract must
bo epeclllcally stated. Certified checks All bids
must DO accompanied by cortlflod checks unon
some United States depository , payable to the
order of the undersigned , for nt least ( i per cpnt
of the amount of the proposal , which cheek will
be forfeited to the United States in case nny bid
der or bidders receiving an award sh nil fall to
promptly execute a contract with good and suf
ficient sureties , athorwlsa to be returned to the
binder. The right Is reserved to reject nny or
all bids or any part of any bid if deemed for the
best interest of the service. SAM UEL T.
LBAVV. U. B. Indian Agent _ oicd2lt
'J'alcon Up.
Large bay mare with Ilitlo'wtiUa onlilnd feet ,
shod on nil feet , about 12 years old. Owner will
call at 1N)1 ) South 13th st , J.ll. AYEll.
Matter of application of S. E. Howcll for per
mit to soil liquor ns n druggist.
Notice is hereby glveu that 8. 15. llowell , did
upon the Hind day of October , A. D. 1H80. illo
his application to the Hoard ot Fire and Police
Commlbloners of Omnha. for Penult to Mil
Mnlt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors ns a Drug
gist , for medicinal , mechanical , nnd cjiomlcal
purposes only , lit No ami Leuvomvorth Stroi-t ,
ith ) Ward , Omaha , Nebraska , from the li > t duy
of January Ibi'J , to th e 3l&t day ot December.
If'therobono objection. remonstrnnse or pretest -
test tiled within two weeks from October ttind ,
A. D. 1 Wl' , the said permit will be granted.
23-30 _ S. B. UOUXIJ , . Applicant.
Notion to Coniructnra.
SEALED Proposals will bo received at tlio
oillco ot county clerk , Douglas county , until
"p. m. Saturday , Novumbor 2nd , IHb'.i , for grud-
Ing not to exceed 1,600 yards on county , In
B.E. corner of B. 1C , OfS. W.Uof Bee. S , la , is.
All bids to uo accompanied by ccrtllled check
for Kn.Oi. County reserves ihe right to reject
any or all bias. M , D. UOUIIK , County Clurk.
_ o''Jd < t
INSrilUMISNTd piaool oT daara durm/
Win JI Hushman nnd wlfo to N P John-
Bonetnl , lota 10und2ii , liuvdotto Court ,
qo d. . . . . . , t 1
Uoggs to Hill to lionet Nulsou , lot 3) , llur.
dotto Court , qcd. . . . . , . , . 1
IloggH-K Hill to N P Johnson , lot VI , llur-
detta Court , nod . . . . 1
llogga & Hill to M It I'rnltta. 60xttJ feet
adjoining lota 1'J irnduo , Uurdottu Court ,
ncd . . . . . . . , , . 1
W A L Gibbon nnd wlfoto N Johnson ut
a ) , lots ISundKi , HtirdettoCourt. cjcd. . 1
M It Pmltto to lloiiKt NcUun , ifflxoo feet
adjoining lot 20. llurdette Court , wd. . , . 2 0
JMlI'ruUtoto N P .loIuiKon. 2-ixUOfect
ndjolnlnirlot 10 , Ilnrdetto Co-irt , wd. . . 503
J i : harp to II K Doyle , n of lot 11. blk
Y.Shlim'aiiilnrtd. cj o d . l
H K Doyio and husband to J K Hurp , ut
of lot 11. blfcY. 8hlnn' 3dndd. qucl. . . . l
M MorrlHon and wife to John Murrluon ,
part of lots 1 and S , blkl.-Cumpbuiru
udd.wd . . . . . . 3.COQ
A I"l uicoy ct nl to It A HoIIucliion , lot
lu. blBia , CllttonIIillwl . COO
V M Farnaivorth to It Pnrusworth , w H
lot . blk iH7. Om ha , wd . 1
M Morrison nud wife to M Mortaiisen.
part low I and 2 , bit : 3 , Campbell's add ,
wd . . . . . . . . 1,100
II A Karr and wife to John McCieary. w
Y lota n und 0 , blk 4. KoadaU'B ndd. w U 3,000
K M Park et al to C H Dole , lota IV , ! , ' . ' 3
and St , OlK 4 , Pruyn nark , Q.U d . 1
B L Jnynex nt al to II A Sage , loti 17 and
18 , blk 1 , Bherman Avenue park. wd. . . 703
Alorlght Luna and I/ot Co. to T and T ( !
Jetlorls , lots n nnd IB , blk 2 , lots I to 4
ami e , 1:1 : , 14 , 10 and U ) . blk ! l. lots 4. a to
14 and 17 , blk 4. lots 1 to 10. IV , 21 , 'X and
ssi , blk C. Joiferts1 replat , w rt . ] , ! !
3 n Willis ana wife to J Clement , lot 10 ,
blkU , Wllllapark.wd . . 750
A .1 Popploton nnd wife to Poppletou
Park imlldlng anioclatlon , lot 17 , blk 7 ,
I'otisiftonl'urk' , wd . , . 000
H O DoTrllft nnd wlfo to J NVllktn , lot
13 , blfc a. "Comer. " vr A , 1,100
J 11 Ileove Mid wife to Nettle Marshall.
w 73 vrli tnx lot S3. In U-lft-H wd . . . , U.OOO
Joseph Hodman and wjfo to DP Hodman ,
lOarrrilns H fivf XMMl n c tl 9
W 11 Austin nnd wile to ( I B llpiiAwa ot
nl. lots ,1 anil 4 , blk SHitchcock's 1st
wld.wd . . . . . . i R.CM
M A Aimtln nud ImMmm ! to O S Itannwa R.CMMO
ot nl , lot II , blk P. Pullman I'Inro , w d. . , MO
0 V llrlitg * and wlfo to M 0 Hamilton.
lot * 1 nnd 2 , bit DO , Florence , w d. . . . . . . J00
Joseph Kavan ami wife to A Ohnctorff ,
lot is , blk 4 , Ilrown tMrie. w d I.SOO
F W dray nnd wlfo to ( l A Klnkei , nn lr-
rocular trnctlu no 31-13-12. w d
Scuh Omaha Lnnd Co to ( J F Jackson ,
lot 3 , blk 1(1. South Oniahn , w 0. . ' . TOO
Potter .V t'obb to d Tnlelko. n H lot 0. blk
2 , Potter ACobb'aaddwd U3
Twcnty-nlno transfer1. . . , . .
. , , . . . . . , , , .
* AYV. , , . , , , ,4,111 U III A ASW. I. v. v 4 * U4
U1OUA. Uii'l' to PACU'KJ.
A No. 10 7:0"ininA | No , 9 SiKf.nm
A No,12 7OOpmA | No , 11 0:00pio
A No. B 4:3rpmA : , | No. 7 , .12fflw
A daily : II dally , oxceot Saturday : 0 oxcop >
eunday ; D except Monday ; 'fust mulL
I'ttiloillcal-t iFi'uuivcii.
Public Opinion , dovolcd In Rront part
to editorial oxprossioiis upon tlo | Pan-
iiincrlcan conjri'oss.
St. Nicholas for Novoinbor , brimful of
Scribnor's Magazine for Novoinbor
presents u tublo of contents of great in-
CiiBsoll's Family Magnzino for No
ut Ninety.
Mrs. Cynthia McPbcutora , living near
Grooncabtlo , Intl. , is ninety years old
On her liiBt birthday BIO ! entertained a
purtv of friends nnd bulcod the u
that' formed a portion of the repast.
Homn thl UK
If you uro going oiibt , rotnombor the
"Houlc Jslund itonto" run the sloopcra
and chair cars of their solid vo'stibulo
train to and from tlio Omixluv depot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:10 : p , m.thus avoid
ing the transfer ivt Council DlutTs. Throe
bolid trains daily. All chair cars uro
free. Dining earn on ull through trains.
Our trains make close connections with
all eastern limited trains , connecting
in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a
transfer across the city to parties on
route to Now Yorlf , Boston und oilier
eastern cltios , "nnd everything n. . llttlo
bettor than other lines can offer , "
Ticket ofllce,1305 Furnam. Gon'l W. A