Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1889, Image 1

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    ' -
Another Road in the Union Pnclflc-
Vnndorbllt Byatom.
Vice President McMitllon Donr/unoes
tlio Story as a ljo | Maito of
AVholo Cloth A Conflrma-
tlou Front Now York.
n Controlling Interest.
Yens , Oct. 80. [ Special Telegram to
{ Tun llKnJ When TUB BEB gave tlio do-
lulls of the importnnt compact entered into
by tlio Union 1'uciflo nnd Chicago & North
western directors a few daya ago , stress was
laid upon the probability of otjicr developments -
monts of n similar naturo. The llrst of the
great projects which was in view was In fact
nearly complete at that tlmo and was con
summated yesterday. This Is the absorption
of the Chicago & Alton railroad company * by
the Union Paclllo through the purchase of n
majority of thu stock of the llrst named
company bv tlio ofllccra of the latter. In
brief , the Chicago & Alton , the prldo of a
certain cotorlo of capitalists who liavo nl-
waj's had u commanding volco In the making
of rntcs and granting of territorial
rights for other vast systems ,
becomes mi Integral part of the Union
Puclile-Vnnderbllt chata of roads between
the Atlantic and Paciflo oceans , and the
great lakes on the north and the gulf of
Mexico on tlio south. .
Almost before the Ink had become dry on
the document which now binds the Union
Pnclllo and the phlcugo ft Northwestern
together with nn almost indissoluble link for
the next ten years , President Charles
Francis Adams , of the former , had practi
cally concluded arrangements with Vlco
President McMullen , of the Chicgo & Alton ,
for Ujo passing of a majority Interest in tbo
shares of the latter coimmti.y Into his own
hands. Exactly how much rash , If any , has
passed In the operation is not known ,
out the amount involved is probably
r.ot far from $12,400,000 , this aniout being
equal to $ MU a shnro for a majority of the
capital stock of the Chicago & Alton com
pany , the total stock issue being $17,594,100.
it Is possible that the holders of Chicago &
Alton stock may elect to tnko in payment
collateral trust bonds of the Union Pacitlc ,
the stock of their own road being tbo col
lateral pledged.
A Very Vigorous Denial.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30 , [ Special TolcgratiT to
TUB line. ] "It is a Ho made out of whole
cloth , " said Vlco President McMullon , of
the Alton , to-day , to your representative in
rcforonco to the Now York report that the
Union Pacific had bought or uiado some ar
rangement with the Alton.
"I think it is about tlmo for those concoct-
era of fairy tales to turn their attention to
some other road , " continued ho. "To secure
a controlling interest in tno Alton it would bo
necessary to buy the ontlro holdings of moro
t'ian ' a hundred of our heaviest stockholders.
That could not bo done hurriedly nor could
It bo done at nil except at a very high
11 euro. Practically , the Alton is not fet
sale , though anyone has his pdco for any
property. Neither the control or u hundredth
part cf it could bo bought In open market.
It would bo necessary to go to tno individual
stockholder , not ono of whom would sell at
the price nt which the stuck in usually
quoted. There are a dozen roads which pay
but 4 per cent interest and whoso stocks are
above par. The Alton is quoted nominally
nt 125to HO , there bemir very few transac
tions at any ligurc. Alton stock is not a
speculative stock.
"You cnn Imagine that if stockholders
In roads rluylngi per cent on stock above
par are satisfied , our stockholders receiving
6 per cent will not sell'at 1125 nor 140 or 200.
In fact it xvould be Impossible to buy u con
trolling interest except nt an exorbitant
"I havon't ' any idea who Is circulating the
rumors of all thcso consolidations , " con
tinued Mr. McMullon , "unless perhaps it Is
the brokers. I should think it would bo
more profitable , however , for them to make.
tbo statements about some road
stocks are largely on the market. "
A Confirmation.
NEiy YOIIK , Oct. 30. Notwithstanding the
various denials of the purchase of the con
trol of the Chicago & Alton road by tbo
Union Paciflo combination , a Wall stree *
news agency this evening sends out tbefj
lowing : '
"Tho Vnndorbllt interests Insist that the
control of the Alton property has bo n
bought , and It is stated a Union Paclllo col
lateral trust bond , which is to bo used to
tuke up all tbo stock , Is now being printed. "
The Commercial Advertiser this evening
says' . J. Plerpont Morgan is credited with
having put the thing through. It Is assorted
tbo papers will all bo signed in a few days
and the Independence of the Chicago & Alton
oeaso. When the Alton withdraw from the
Intor-stuto Coirmerco Hallway association
its position was such that it must eltlior
begin a light for business or lease or sell
out to some other company. The At eh I son
ilnally inudo an offer to purchase acontrol
ling interest at $125 a stiaro. The proposi
tion was not satisfactory nnd the negotia
tions fell through. Then the Union 1'aclflc ,
In contemplation of its dual with the Northwestern -
western , offered $140 per share and the Altou
Chnunccy M. Dopow did not scorn disposed
to admit the full effect and full Influence at
tributed to tno transaction. Ho said :
"Thoro has boon no change of property in
torcst in the Alton system , ns fur ns I know ,
nor , us I 11 m Informed , has there been any
thing llko consolidation. I understood a
( raffle arrangement similar to that between
tbo Northwestern and the Union 1'ucillu has
boon irecd ; upon. The newspapers liavo
bcou induced to inako too muok uf the mat
Another Hiy Donl.
New VOUK , Oct. 80. Another railroad
cbomo of equal Importance under way In
cludes a close traffic agreement between the
Pennsylvania , Burlington & Qulnoy , Bur
lington & Northern nnd the Manitoba. It is
asserted that the negotiations between the
Burlington and tlio Pennsylvania liavo been
practically closed und only the details re
main to bo arranged.
Denied at Headquarters.
BOSTON , Oct. 80. The story that tbo
Union Paclllo had purchased the Chicago &
Alton railroad Is pronounced aa untrue at
tlio Uulon Pacific- office hero.
Prnuiloully JJontl.
CniCAOO , Oct. 80. The Inler-Stato Commerce
morco liullvvuy association Is practically
dead ,
Tlio nock Island , Burlington nnd St. Paul
roads tnko the ground that the egrooment
Las been violated by the tariff arjsngements
of the Union Paciflo and Nortbvreatorn. The
Times , to-morrow , xvill say they will uo
longer bo bound by the rules ol ifea ussocia
tlon , although formal notice t1 withdrawal
Will not bo given.
Thu Times a ay a there Is an evident deter
ruination ou the part of the roada named
ubovo to waku the Union Paol a tick of its
bargain , and to thu end a BtronR tight will
bo made , Prom now until Jsauary the
mooting of tlio presidents in tkaNow York
auxiliary associations will govern western
railroad affair * , If they are go'.tt-sed at all.
Whether a new association will bo formed
nt that meeting U aquet'Jin an whlcu there
is diversity of opinion.
Tim btnry bcoutcd.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. fSuoelul 7elcgratu to
TMBBEB.J "The tea
Burlington not with
drawn from the In tor SUM Commerce asso
ciation , nor does It Intend making any such
move. You can mukv & % t statement post
lively , " said an oMcial f the Burlington to
your repmmfnV.vo to-day. "Thoro la BO
enso In more than ono-tonth of the slusb
printed lately about rallrouds. There
a absolutely no foundation oven for
ho report. I don't ' but leva cither
hnt the llocU Island or St. Paul contem
plates withdrawing. There is absolutely
nothing to gnln by such a move. It is on a
iar with the rumor of our consolidating with
ho Manitoba anil the Pennsylvania. "
The official would not allow thousoofhls
name. There is no quo&tlon of his knowl
edge of the facts , however , ana the matter Is
simply ono of veracity.
President Cable , of the Rock Island , Is In
S'ow York. General Manager St. John de
nied the rumor of the Hock Island withdraw-
ng. however , declaring such a thing had not
oven been considered.
The general ofllcers of the St. Paul road
are In Milwaukee , In whlcn city
Assistant General Manager Tucker was
.o-day. The rumor was scouted , however ,
by every cfllcial , including General Freight
Agent Illland , In the city.
At the ofllcci of the Intcr-Stato Commerce ;
hallway association no notlco of withdrawal
jail boon received nor was any expected.
Jntor in tno dav it was rumored that Gon-
cral Mnnaccr St. John has qualified his de
nial and said the Hock Island might with
draw. Ho was not in his office after the
rumor was started and It could not bo offi
cially denied.
An Unr.xpcotrU Stumbling Clock.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bie.l An unexpected stumbling block
was found In the meeting of the northwest
ern division of the Western Freight associa
tion called to-day for the purpose of raising
rntcs botwcen Chicago nnd St. Paul. Chair
man Faithorn , In calling the mooting to
order , told the result of tlio Now York con
ference of the Canadian Pacitlc , the Soollno
nnd the trunk lines. That confercnco had
resulted In a proposition by all the lines to
establish through rates from the seaboard
to St. Paul of 115 , 100 , 80 , 50
48 and 40 on the six classes ,
the understanding boinc that the rates via
the different lines should bo the same via all
the lines. Traillc Manager Ilnmblm , for the
Burlmt-ton & Northern , moved that the
proposition bo accepted. This was carried ,
so fur as the westbound rates wcro concern
ed , but strenuous objection was made to
their application on cast bound business. It
ilnally leaked out that the cause of the ob
jection was because souio of tbo roads did
not want an advance in the Hour rate , which
Is now yt cents on the proportional east
bound tariff nnd 12 > cents locally , from
St. Paul to Chicago. It was charged In tbo
meeting and not denied that the St. Paul hud
sold an immense block of transit at U
cents. The charge was hotly denied bv General -
oral Freight Agent Illinnd. When It came
to a veto the St. Paul was the only road voting
ing against the ralsa in cast-Dound rates. It
was plainly impossible to accomplish any
thing and the whole matter was laid over to
the regular November meeting.
All manner of charges and countercharges
wcro made after the meeting , the gist
of them being that some of the lines
wcro so complicated with lake connections
ns to prevent their nclln * with the other
lines before navigation closed. Eight mem
bers present at the meeting said there was
no question that the rates will bo railed at
the November meeting , as navigation would
bo closed at that time.
Saleof tlio Grt-nt Plllnbtiry Flour
mill nncl Other Propartjr.
' * > ' > ) / JametOonton ncnn'lt. ]
LONDON , Oct. 80. | New York Herald
Cable Special to THE BEE. ] Senator
Washburn nnd ex-Governor Pillsbury have
concluded the sale of their great milling , ele
vator and water power properties , concern
ing which negotiations had been under way
for many weeks. Tto sale was made to a
company recently organized and to bo Known
as _ the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mill com
pany , it is composed of American and Eng
lish stockholders. Governor Pillsbury , Sen. .
atoc Washburn and C , A. Pillsbury nnd four
English associates , all men of high charac
ter and business standing , will form the
board of directors. Five years constitute the
term of the American directors.
Senator Washburn informed the Herald
correspondent to-day that the now company
would muko extensive additions nnd im
provements in the property , as the infu , .
sion of English blood would qroatly increase -
crease the foreign sulo of the mill's
products , one-third of which is now
exported. The property disposed of consists
the mills A , B and Anchor , of C. A.
Pillsbury & Co. ; the Lincoln and Palisade
mills , of the Wnshburn MIU Company ; ono
hundred nnd thirty elevators of the MInne.
eota and Northern elevator company the
water power of the Minnesota Mill Com
pony , and St. Anthony's Fulls water power
company , and a controlling interest In the
tUlantlo elevator company , which has forty
elevators. The capital stock of the now
company is 1,000,000 and debenture bonds
033,000. The amount paid for the property ,
according to Senator Washburn , is 0,123,000 ,
The sellers of tbo property retain a largo in. .
terest in the property , probably about ono
third of the Block. The prospectus
will probably bo issued to-morrow. Senator
Wasliburn has been in England and on the
continent for four month ; and will sail for
New York next week.
Affairs Assuinlnii n lllooily Aspect In
Central America.
CITT OP Mexico , Oct. 30. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tnu BEE. | Guatemala gossip indi
cates probable1var with San Salvador. A
letter from Guatemala , bearing date of the
7th mat , lias just been received. It spoalja of
telegrams remitted to this city which liavo
evidently not been made public. A.S they
were of Importance it is a pity that they
never found their way into print. The letter
also speaks of n pending conflict between
Guatemala and San Salvador over the mis-
carrlaga of a schema to unify the scvcra
states at Central America into ono republic.
The writer says :
"When this reaches your hands therewil
liavo been more news by telegraph ubou
the war with San Salvador. To-day
all of tbo artillery left , nnd it Is ex
pected that from 10,000 to 12.000 men will
he moved ugaiust the president of San
Salvador. "
Thu motive for war Is that San Salvador
does not dcslro to enter Into u compact for
the unification of the Central American
states. There are some very wild rumors
afloat In this city which are of a character
that preclude publicity. 1'boy are too
dangerous for the Mexican press to give
even at their face values , as rumors.
Till : KNU1N13KHS.
Vronuin Added to the Committee on
DESVEII , Col , Oct. 80 , The conferonoo
coinuuttoo of the engineers , after meeting
with the Knights of Labor and the Brother
hood of Firemen on the federation question
reported to-day that It was unable to roach a
conclusion und was granted further time
George Vrouian was added to thu committee
Ho la u warm supporter of federation.
Should Soon Arrive nt Mpwapa.
BEIILIN , Oct. 0. Dr. Scnwoiufurth , tb
well-known African traveler , has written to
the National Guzatla that the letters from
Emln Pasha which liavo reached Cuptaii
Wlssuiaim justify iho expectation that Kind
Pusha and Henry M. Stanley will soon ur
rivout Mpwapa.
The Montana Contest.
HCLEKA , Mont. , Oct. 30. The attorneys In
tbo Tunnel precinct case consume J the day
in arguments on the motion of the demo
crata for judgment the plaadlnga. I
looV.a as though tbo caao will not bo Uuishe
tuts ween.
Qroff Boto the Spirit Above the Letter -
tor of the Law.
Doodle tlio Sloznn of tlio Boiirbnn
Cnpt.tin Thomiis' Monitors Still
\Valttnc for Montana Strict
C13 FOUHTF.EXTlt StnnET. }
WASUI.NUTOX. O. C. , Oct. 30. J
Laud Commissioner Graft made another
decision to-day based upon a principle which
s Intended to make the commissioner and
the policy of tbo Interior dcuartmont popular.
The Intent of the settler is given consider
ation along with the settlor's actual accom
Good faith is n strong nrgumcn * on the
part of the settler.
The decision is in the homestead entry
contest of John L. Anderson vs Mary Mey
ers , including the southwest quarter of sec
tion three , township thirty , range fourteen ,
west , Niobrnra land district.
The decision of the local officers , holding
the entry for cancellation on the ground that
the defendant had abandoned her claim , Is
Mary Meyers made the entry November
10 , 1SS2 , nnd Juno 11,1SS7 , Anderson filed his
contest , blleglng that the defendant had
changed her residence from the land.
Commissioner Graft savs in Ills decision ,
which Is ' -It and
qulto lengthyIt : was proved
admlttcu by tho'claimant that from Decem
ber 23 , 18SO. to Juno 17 , 1837 , a ho was not
living on the land , nnd the question pre
sented for my consideration is , upon the
showing made , has the claimant by such ab
sence forfeited her entry !
'Her good faith In making the entry and
in what she has done upon the claim Is a
very-important clement and indispensable.
uro determine this it Is necessary to in-
rjulro into all the circumstances. The testi
mony shows that the claimant is unmarried
and that she was poor. She borrowed the
money to go west and at the tlmo of entry
she hud but 15. She at llrst built a sod
house on the land in the full of 18S2. In 1333
she succeeded In building a second nnd bettor
housfj. She has also built n frame barn ,
dug a well and a collar and has about forty
acres of the land under cultivation. The
improvements cost about (300. Tlio claim
ant was In poor health and not nblo to per
form much labor. Two reputable pnysiclans
certify on oath that she had heart discaso
and her nervous system was broken down.
They further certify that it was unsafe for
her to live alone upon her claim. She was
not able to earn wages und support bersolf.
She borrowed $75 of n neighbor to clothe
herself. Her brother lived about one mile
away and she spent a great portion of her
tlmo with him , dotnc such housework as she
could. On the SOth of December , 1SSO , she
wont to n married sister , who lived nt Ains-
worth , Neb. , to bo cared for , and
wbjlo here she was under a doctor's
care. She returned to her brother in
February , 18S7 , nnd went to her claim a few
times in May following but she was not
sufllciently recovered to resume her resi
dence on tbo land. It is clear that in consequence -
quenco of sickness and poverty she has been
obliged to bo away a great deal of the time
and I am satisfied that she has lived on the
claim as continuously as she was able and as
much as was consistent with prudence nnd
"Tho law docs not require that life and
health should bo sacrlfleca to maintain a
"It incidentally appears in the testimony
that the defendant had been offered $ l'JOO for
her claim and refused to take it. There Is
not u particle of cvidcnc.o to show that shoat
any tlmo intended to abandon her claim.
Her improvements and her struggle with
poverty and with ill health shows her entire
Hood faith , and I think she lias shown a suf-
liccnt excuse lor her absence. "
The decision is reversed and Miss Meyers
entry is bold intact.
It will he a disappointment to many people
hero nnd in Virginia If there are not serious
collisions nt the noils in the Ola Dominion on
next Tuesday , election day.
The bourbons have contrived by every
trick to keep the negroes from being regis
tered und there are subpoenas In the hands
of the ofllcers In almost every county in the
tate , directing the arrest of registrars who
have cither refused to permit negroes to
register or who have striclccn their names
from the list after they were properly regls
General Mahono has arranged to have reg
istrars at tbo polls on election day who will
take tne names of voters.
A number of men in Washington will go
into Virginia on Monday and Monday night
to see the close of the campaign and will re
main till Tuesday to witness the voting.
A message was received to-day from Richmond
mend in which it is stated by a democrat
that Senator Joseph Barbour , tbo old chair
man of the state democratic committee , gave
the democrats to understand from the start
that this was to bo u boodle campaign. Chair
man Gordon has contrlouted most generously
to the campaign fund. It Is understood that
bo has already given as much as $25.000.
Hichmond has "sent 3,000 or $10,000
to the stnto committee. Lyn'chburg
and other cities liavo done almost ai well
aa Klchmond , but the cry still comes for
more. Mr , Barbour came to Hichmond yes
terday afternoon , and after a private confer
ence with two or three leading politicians ao
copied an invitation to tea at Mayor Elly-
son's. There he mot a number of wealthy
citizens , uifd as the party did not break up
until u late hour It is supposed that tbo situ-
tlon was fully discussed and the need of moro
money explained. Mr. Barbour , it Is under
stood , spoke very gratefully of the contribu
tions ho had received In New York , but ho
said the committee baa better have too much
than too little.
A pleasant social affair In the shape of an
exquisite luncheon was given at the RIgga
house to-day by tbo Hon. John H. Thomas ,
of Illinois , to Hear Admiral Viol , of the
Chilian navy ; Lieutenant Beugaucy , of the
Chilian navy , bis aldo-do-do-camp ; Hear
Admiral Worden , United States navy ; Com
modore Tueodoro D. Wilson , chief con
structor of the United Stales navy : General
John W. Foster , ex-minister to Uuaslo ,
Spain and Mexico ; Colonel J. N. Uatr ,
superintendent , etc. , of the Chicago , Mil
waukee &St. Paul railroad ; Captain J. II.
MacDonald , of New York ; Major John
Carson , of the Philadelphia Ledger ; Perry
S. Heath , of Tim HUE ; Llnson Do Forrest
Jennings , of Now York , and General George
Williams , ofthis city.
The occasion was taken advantage of by
the gentlemen present to make an Inspec
tion of the plans of Mr. Thomas for
armored cruising monitors of hU design. Jt
is the intention of the Chilian government to
construct two now war vessels in the imme
diate future , nnd the plans of Captain
Thomas were considered by the representa
tives of that couutry present with tha , view
of their ndoutlou , The designs met with
hearty and well merited commendations ,
the practical men present complimenting
Captain Thomas on having brought about a
revolution in naval construction.
Their marked superiority In structural
strength , defensive power , increased speed
and economy of fuel was admitted and nl !
congratulated Captain Thomas on tha suc
cess of hU endeavor to Improve the present
modes of building vessels of war. pur gov
ernment is fortunate in tbo fact that the
first cruiser built from those plaus. is to fly
the ensign of the United States.
Ex-Congressman John It Thomas , of 111 !
nois , to-day declined another lucrative post
tlon , making the second ono which has boon
tendered him and which he lias declined. Ho
was offered the position of Cherokee com
nnssioncr in a very complimentary loiter by
President Harrison. Captnlrt Thomas called
on Secretary Noble to-ilnVhnd delivered his
ormal declination of the 'pbsltlon , stating
hat his professional eng emonis would
make it Impossible for'tilm Jp-ncccpt the po
sition. Secretary Noble urgid him to recon
sider his declination and to Accept the office ,
but Captain Thomas firmly ofnscd to do so.
Under nn old order of the Di&trlct commis
sioners , promulgated by the major of police ,
for many years it bai boon nnd Is now n'
misdemeanor for nny ono to whlstlo or sing
on the streets of Washington nftor midnight.
A couple of years ugo a congressman golntr
homo late at night after h hearty dinner nt
which red nnit whlto wlno flowed began
whistling "Marching Througn Georgia. " A
joliccman took him to thofstation house , but
upon being identified hovui ! roloasod. A
congressman when congress is In session
can only bo placed under' ' arrest for u high
: rlmc. This rule for late hours la intended
: o protect the good-intqfitlonod citizen who
wants to sleep , but it has boon the source of
much complaint on the p.irt of offenders.
To-day In the pollco court moro obnox
ious law was unearthed. 'A couple of law-
abiding citizens wcro arraigned charged with
blockading the sidewalk.
"But , your honor , " ono citizen pleaded ,
wo wcro simply standing in fron , of my
residence talking us two , nnd no more. "
"You must understand , " said Judge Mil
ler , ' 'that you have no right to stand in the
street , even if it Is In front of your residence.
An officer has n perfect right , Indeed , It is
bis duty to disperse all gatherings. "
The citizens gave bondtt for appearance for
Washington is the most orderly city in the
Attorney General Miller is examining Iho
returns received from North and South
Dakota and looking into the law which pro
vides for the admission into the union of tbo
fair now states. It Is understood that tbo
president will wait somo. time , probably as
late ns three weeks , before issuing his
proclamation , if necessary , to rc-
coivo thu returns from Montana. The
attorney general Is quoted as having stated
to-day that It will bo the policy of the ad
ministration to recognize the recommenda
tions of the now senators and congressmen
in muklni ; appointments in the four now
states. If this Is done ox-Senator Edgcrton ,
who came so nonr being elected n United
States senator in South Dakota this month
over Judge Moody , will bo appointed Judge
of the United States district court for South
Dakota , as ho Is tbo choice of the senators ,
congressmen and state ofllccra , the legis
lature nnd nearly all of the republicans. The
only objection that has been offered to Judge
Edgerton is his ago. Ho is up in the sixties ,
but ho is a man of splendid physique , pos
sessed of the best of health , and is good for
many years of the roost active service.
TUB ouorp HOUSE.
The family of Land Commissioner Groft
have arrival ! iiftho city and 'are tomponvrily
located nt 807 Twelfth stie ? t. In the mean
time their house on Nineteenth street is
being made ready * for occupancy and the
departure from their present quarters will
take place early in November.
It is a handsome three-story and basement
brick frontlnir on two streets. The neigh
borhood is a good ono. Fashionable resi
dences are all around it , arid Connecticut
avenuo. the fasblouablo Tramonudo of the
city , runs only "a couple of squares away ,
ana Dupout circle , wltu its Chinese lega
tion , the Blame mansion occupied by
Millionaire Letter , of'Chcajo | ( , the residence
of the laU > Sunset Cox and a largo number
of others in fashionable circles , are close at
hand. The house is , of , brick , handsomely
furnished within In' natural woods , and
standing as it docs updn the corner , it is
naturally light and cheerful. , As you enter
you find yourself in tfJtSiVo halljbroad
enough for a recaption rbjiru Next to .tills
are the parlors , largo and commodious.
Adjoining these Is tha. library"nnd beyond
it the dining room. Om the second lloor the
arrangement 'is something similar to that
described as the residence ! of Senator Man-
derson. The third floor consists of slqcpl'ng
apartments. In tno basement are kitchen ,
furnace room , dumb waiters and all tbo
paraphernalia of a flrst'class rcsldcncs.
The time schedule fo'r mail route
extending from Vordlgres to Plum Valley ,
Neb. , has been changed as follows ! Leave
Verdlgres Tuesday * . Thursdays nnd Satur
days at 1:80 : p. m. Arrive at Plum yulloy
by 4:30 : p , m. Leavn Plum Valley Tuesdays ,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 0 a. in. Arnvo
at Vordlgres by 12 m.
Senator Allison and bis pleasant family
have located at 1034 Vermont avenue , and
their home will probably be ono of the cen
ters of hospitality tho'coming winter.
Jonn P. Berger was'appointed to-day postmaster -
master at Fleming , Box Butte county.
Pcnur S. HEATH.
lie Kocomnionds Tlint KnlistmcntH
Bo Alntlo For Tlrcc | Years.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 80. The annual report
of Brigadier General Miles , commanding the
division of the Pacific , shows the administra
tion of military affairs is in a satisfactory
On the subject of desertions bo recom
mends that enlistments bo made for tbreo
years instead of flvo ; that enlisted men , as
iar as possible , bo permitted to select the
divisions in which they bhall servo ; that the
men found qualified after a year's service bo
commissioned secona lieutenants , and if
there bo no vacancies for them that they ro-
ccivo honorable discharges ; that the tbreo
batalllon organization adopted in Europe for
Infantry be adopted by the United States ,
giving promotion to over fifty ofllccra , and
that for fifteen years' continuous service in
tbo same rauic an officer shall bo promoted
ono grade.
Touching on the defenseless condition of
tbo coast , the general f > ald : "It is estimated
that to put this coast In proper condition for
defense would require C73 modern guns and
mortars with their proper carriages nnd am
munition. Thelr.'cslimated cost would bo $30-
008,000. Plants for the manufacture of thosa
should bo established on the Pacitlo coast. "
He recommends that un appropriation bo
The Customs Hoporr.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 80. The report of tbo
commissioner of customs tor the last fiscal
year shows { 22.'J,203,412jald Into the treasury
as receipts from various sources. The
amount paid out of the treasury on various
accounts was $20,153,001 The commissioner
makes a number of recommendations , among
others , ono that the apfirpprlatlona for the
expenses of collecting ruvonue should bo
permanently increased tain sum adequate to
the prompt payment of the necessary ex
panses under this bead ; Without having re-
sourcu to tbo income from collections , as
now. .
Ituiiin Confers 'With Noble.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 80. This afternoon
Commissioner Haum bi43 a conference with
Secretary Noble , relative to tbo cases of the
rorated pension ofllco employes.
General Hautu stated that 110 definite
action wagj-cachcd , bub thought there would
bo another talk with the secretary before
filial action was reached In the oases of tbo
roratod employes. General Itaum has Issued
Instructions to the heads of divisions , direct
ing that all claims Involving torero sums of
money are to bo brought to him for his con
sideration before the pension certificate is
Tlio Mllllury Marksmen.
WASHINGTON , Oct. CO. Adjutant General
Kolton lias prepared a table giving the
results of the rifle , carblno and revolver
competition among army teams this year ,
At the competition at Bellavuo , Nob. , for
cavalry from the departments of the Dakota ,
Piatto and Columbia , J , M. O'Connor , cor-
pora' ' , company A' Eighth cavalry , won the
gold medal with both carbine and
revolver , The competition of vho army
rifle team of distinguished marksmen i csulted
in Sergeant Wolford , company E , Nineteenth
Infantry , scoring a total of 520 out of a pbssl-
bio SOU at both long distance aud skirmish
firing. The prlzo offered the army carbine
team of distinguished marksmen wus won bv
Lieutenant McComb , Filth cavalry. 438
points at tooc ( distance and akiruiUb fir Inf.
Helen M. Gougnr Talks to the People -
plo of David Olty.
The Beatrice Authorities EncnRcd In
n Vigorous Wnrfnro ot\ Whisky
Joints Sulcldo of n , Fiu-inrr
Near ANlilniuI. t
Prohibition Pyrotoctmlo < ) .
DAVID CiTr , Nob. , Oct. 30. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tun Bnr ; . ] Helen M. Qougar talked
to n crowded house hero to-night. She
started with the history of the women's cru-
aada in Ohio. She said the business of keep
ing a saloon , when licensed by law , was as
reapcctablo us the men who voted for n sa
loon , and as good as the law that permits it ;
that the three saloonkeepers m David City
are just as good as the men who vote to
llconso tholr business. She denounced tlio
stnto and the government as being In league
with the liquor power ns ngalnst morality
nnd the homo , If tno men cannot vote the
traftlo out , then let the women bnvo the
right to the ballot. She showed the effect of
women's Influence in clearing the saloons
out of Kansas. She says the children which
the W. O. T. U. nro educating
will drlvo llnttor out In the
future. The effect of alcohol in
the system was explained. She accused the
politicians and the pr6ss ns being under the
contract of the National Liquor league nnd
that the W. C. T. U. nro going to make It also
n political question. No court la said to bo
on record as sayinp anything good of the
liquor interest. The llnuor oligarchy now
takes the plac6 of the old slave oligarchy ;
the 200,000 saloons In America cause S'J per
cent or all the criminals , eta ; that Nebraska
blh license Is the schema of monopolists , as
only rich men can soil liquor , and aalil our
llconso law was tbo saino old obligator , the
same old drunken factory. She says Ne
braska is the slop bucket for Kansas , Towa
nnd Dakota. She quoted Her to the
Notional Liquor loacuo as saying that
high license docs not decrease the sale
of liquor in this state. Fremont has llftcen
saloons and would liavo no arrests if there
were no saloons. Five hundred working
people in that town pav $3,000 per annum for
lines. No rich man over got locked up fot1
drunkenness. Farmers who veto for license
are too green to burn when they go to hades.
Omaha is completely within the
power of the saloons und brothols. The cor
ruption of cities has caused the destitution
of all the countries in history. She "roasted"
Mr. Kosowater over the shoulders of tbo
the legislative committee of last winter in
tbo Her bribery case. There were flfty mur-
dera in Chicago last year and forty-eight
were traced to tbo use or effects of liquor.
She ncbbsed the National Liquor league of
encouraging intimidation , arson and inurdor ,
gave the leading newspapers another roast
ing and declared that f 100,000 was used to
brlbo the press of Pennsylvania against the
amendment. She said the contractors of
convict labor wcro throwing up their con
tracts in Kansas on account ot the scarcity
of prisoners. She eaid Judge Ueese was de
feated because ho declared the prohibition
amendment in dual form would be constitu
tional ,
Sulcldo of n Farmer Near
.ASULAXD , Nob. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram Mo-flMa 'Bee. ! William Soften , a
farmer residing two mlles south of this city ,
committed suicide last night. Ho was found
in his room this morning by his daughter ,
who upon rising found a letter upon the table
in which ho told her that before another day
should dawn sbe would bo a fatherless child ,
nnd on going to hw room ho was found
shaved and dressed in his best clothes lying
upon the bed with a 82-calibro bullet
hole in his forehead anil a revolver of
the sa'mo rnllbro lying upon his breast
Coroner Beck nnd Deputy Sheriff Miller , of
Plattsmouth , arrived this evening and an In
quest was hold at tbo residence at 10 o'clock
to-night. There were three persons in the
house at the tlmo and no one hoard the shot.
AtJ:80 : last evening he was sitting at the
table writing when his hired man , Henry
Woodruff , came from town , bringing a letter
from Washington stating that the pension
which he had expected was doubtful. Ho
was also deeply Involved , having sold a
mortgaged team , which was to cause him
trouble. He loft a letter to his daughter ,
giving her much fatherly advice and sending
her to un aunt in Iowa with
whom to llvo until she should bo of age , and
appointing Amos Weldon , a brother-in-law ,
to bo administrator nnd guardian of her
properly , of which aho has qulto an amount
left by her mother some two years ago. Ho
also stated that ha waa to bo married in
about two weeks to a Mrs. Taylor , of Michi
gan , who was to meet him in Oinaua nnd
there bo married. The jury adjourned find
after about ton minutes returned with the
verdict ot suicide , which is beyond doubt
the oauso of hia death. Ho was fifty years
old and loaves only a daughter of sixteen to
mourn his loss.
Beatrice .Liquor Dealers In Trouble.
BEATRICE , Nob. , Oct. 80. | Special Tele-
grain to Tun BEE. I The city authorities
have begun a vigorous warfare on the illicit
whisky joints that have disgraced the city
for an indefinite period In the past. Com
plaints bavo been lodged against a dozen or
moro parties nnd two convictions have al
ready been found and the parties sentenced
to pay heaVy lines. Tno case of Henry Spall n
was heard to-day and ho was lined $100. Ho
appealed the case to the district court. The
keepers of an cast end bagnio were arraigned
on the general complaint and waived exam
ination und gave bonds for their appearance
at the next term of the district court. The
whisky men liavo begun to retaliate by llllng
numerous complaints against Detective Case-
beer , tbo general prosecuting witness In the
cases. Ho was arraigned in Justlco Colli-
son'n court this afternoon and placed
under $300 bonds lor a hear
ing to-morrow. Ha promptly fur
nished bail. The matter Is likely to
get into local politics , us Collision is sup
posed to bo the npeclul friend of the whisky
crowd , and County Judge Craig ? of the tem
perance sldo of the question , and before
whom the whisky casea buvo been tried with
such disastrous results to them. Craig and
Collision are both candidates for justluo of
the peace.
Hamuul Shlnoinan was arrested by Deputy
Marshal Emory to-day and taken to Omaha
for a hearing on tbo clmrgo of selling liquor
without a liceiiBO before the United States
court. Other arreats on the same subject
are likely to follow.
A ITCH toll Tor Itbrne Stealing.
NjnuubKA CITY ; Nob. , Oct. 30. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BBB.J Deputy Sheriff
WHIman arrived from Hamburg , la , , having
In custody Gottfreld Bauman , accused of
stealing a team ot horses and a wagon from
Louis Ganzol , in Berlin precinct , on Septem
ber 25 , 1SSS. Baumun says ho was induced
to steal the team by a trump and that they
took it to Lincoln , whore It was pawned for
8(5 ( , but they novoc wont back to redeem it ,
After leaving Lincoln bo went to Mloden ,
Kearney county , and Ilnally drifted on to a
farm , near Hamburg , where ho was cap.
turod. Hn will have his preliminary exami
nation ou Friday.
Divided u | > nuit Hoparatod.
NBUHAbUA Crrr , Neb. , Oct. 81 , ( Special
Telegram to Tim Ben. | Mrs. John Hall
bad her husband arrested for cruelly beatIng -
Ing her. Ho was brought into court and
the difficulty was entiled by agreeing to
dwido up their o fleets and part , which was
done and each went their way.
WhUlcy Caios at H arris liuru-
HAHIHBUUIIO , Neb. , Oct. 8U , [ Special to
TUB BEB.J Lewln F. Enderly , a prominent
merchant of this place , was arrested for sell
ing whisky without n llconso. Ho lias run n
regular open drug stora saloon nil summer ,
nnd the pcoplo bavo bccomo enraged. Mr.
Eudorly will bo dofondantln at least twenty-
flvo similar cases nt the next term of the dis
trict court. Deputy United States Marshal
Mercer was hero nftor witnesses last week ,
and it Is rumored that the United States Is
after the same chicken.
Sitrpv County Oomo-ir.its.
MPAi'ii-uoN , Nob. , Oct. 80. [ Special to
Tun Bns. | The democratic county conven
tion mot yesterday nt a o'clock. 10. II. Mo-
Cur ty was made chairman ahd R. F , Barton
Bccrotary. The following ofllccra were nomi
nated : Sheriff , Howitrd Whitney ; treasurer ,
Louis Leisure ; clerk , H. C. Loffer ; commis
sioner. Samuel Stootzor ; judge , E. B. Hoyt ;
superintendent , W. J. Nowmnn * . coroner , \v.
C. Upjohn ; surveyor , J. D. Patterson.
A Kmmwny Uiy Captured.
AixswonTii , Neb , , Oct. 00. fSpcclal Tola-
gram to THE Ben. ] Mack Dnwson , n tblr-
teen-ycnr-old boy of John Dawson , of Koyn
Vaba county , arrived In town last night in
company with ono George Grconough , run
ning nway from homo. Mr. Dawson over
took the boys here and took Mack homo
to-day. The only reason that the boys gnva
for going away was that they did not want
to stay ut homo.
A Picnic For Prisoner *
Hr.D CLOUD , Nob. , Oct. 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BED. ] Although the now
Webster county jail has only boon completed
a few weeks , the second successful escape
from It occurred last nlcht , when n prisoner
knocked the jailor down as ho was making
his rounds and cleared out. A competent
man w.lll bo engaged at once as jailor to suc
ceed the present incumbent.
Court House IloiulH Dcolnrod Valid ,
BIHTIUOC , Neb. , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE Bin. | The pcoplo of this city
nro highly pleased to-night over to-duy's ' de
cision of the slate supreme court affirming
tbo validity of the court liouso bonds act.
The decision is rendered in response to tlio
injunction proceedings brought against the
county board of supervisors by Wymoro
A Deputy Mnr lml'fl Snfo Roturn.
AINSWOUTH , Nob. , Oct. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnc BEE. ] W. G. Hedges , deputy
marshal , who was supposed to have been
murdered In the sand hills northeast of this
pluco , returned homo yesterday. Ho had
gone In pursuit of some parties who had left
the country with some mortgaged property.
Columbus' ' Now Hotel.
COMWIIUS , Neb. , Oct. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB But. ] J. P. Abt'a now brick
hotel on Thlrtaenth street was thrown open
to tho' public this evening by a grand ball
and banquet. Over ono thousand citizens
passed through the building during tbo even
The Most Gigantic Frnutls Ever Pcr-
potrntctl in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Oct. 80. [ Special Telegram to
THE BBC. ] The Journal makes scnsationa
disclosures this afternoon la regard to the
frauds of the notorious Alfred Post in the
manipulation of his "Western freight claim
bureau. "
"It was the most gigantic confidence game
over practiced in Chicago , ' ! says a well
known attorney 'vho flpuros ia the caso. 4'A
great many of Alfred Post's operations have ,
never seen tbo light , simply bcouuso well
known citizens have boon content to sdffor
the loss of their cash rather than have their
names dragged before the public in connec
tion with this shady piece of business. I
know that Post holds a sword
over the heads of many of them
in tbo shape of a threat that ho
will cxposo the fact that they know exactly
the nature of the business in which ho was
embarked and lu which they knowingly em
barked with him. The men who woru the
heaviest losers , however , "havo not been
frightened nny by thoio threats. Among
thcso latter are A. A. Mungor , the elevator
man ; J. J. P. Odoll , vice president of the
Union National bank ; William C. Oakloy ,
cashier ot the Union National bank ; A. G.
Spalding , the wall-known dealer in sporting
goods and baseball players ; T. G. Fisher ,
secretary of the Union Bag and Paper com-
p.iuy ; Francis T. Wheeler , president of the
Union Bag and Paper company. Of thcso
Mungor alone paid in $313,003 nnd the Aggre
gate investments of thcso gentlemen In Mr.
Post's bureau come within a few thousand
dollars of a million. Post took an
ofllco In the Homo Insurance building ,
wbero ho established himself under the
nnrno of the Western Freight Claim bureau ,
which ho advertised to bo possessed of
facilities for collecting claims from railrord
and steamboat companies , for lost iroods and
rebates on damaged freight , etc. Ho got his
dupes to make small investments at first.
Suppose a man paid in ? r .000. Within n few
months ho got back SJ.OOI ) , The man , think
ing this a paying investment , would put
$ -1,000 , with the $0,000 and Invest $10,000 , and
so on , until Post had collected from suckers
the round sum of $1,000IOO. , ( The fnct was
that Post was paying off ono man with an
other man's money , nnd the freight claim
business was llttlo moro than a mytho.
Meantime , ns everyone knows , Post lived
high aud kept n stable valued nt $30,000 ,
which it cost him $3. > 0 a week to run. But
now comes the strange part of the atory.
Post claims that ho told each 'investor that
his scheme was to use the money paid In to
bribe railroad officials so that the claims
would bo allowed whether they were righter
or not. Ho now threatens that if sued by
his dupes ho will provo that the men who
invested their money did so with the knowl
edge and express understanding that it waste
to bo used in that manner.
When the case docs cumo up for trial.thoro
will bo disclosures that will astonish the
An Oimilm Man SUCH the American
Homo Missionary Koclcty.
CHICAGO , Oct. 80. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. | The American Homo Missionary
association of New York , was sued for $10-
000 In the federal court by William G.
Tafllndcr In an aotlon of assumpsit. The as
sociation is holding its annual session In this
city. Tufllndor is a rich Insurance uont liv
ing In Omaha. In 18S3 Tafllndor contracted
with the association to buy fifty-six acres of
land near Ucs Moincs , la. The title was In
the American Homo Missionary association ,
the defendant , but it was so obscured
by tax sales and forfeiture that
the association regarded it OH of
llttlo value and contracted to well it for a
small sum to Tnfllr.dcr. The insurance man
stys bo set to work and after consldorablu
litigation and the expenditure of $1,500 ho
perfected the title to the land In the Dilution-
cry society and made It good and merchant
able , whereupon , It is charged , the associa
tion repudiated the agreement to sell the
properly to him nnd kept it in Its own name ,
refusing Tafllndcr a devil , us agreed ut that
time , Taftltidor nays ho made no light owing
to want of means , but ho bus lately gel rich
by apeuuUllon and tie now tries to force the
contract. Seven years lm seen Iho property
involved enhance greatly in value.
The ProgrcBslvo Minors Defontod.
CoLUiiiicfl , Oct. 80. A telegram received
at District Assembly No. 135 , Knights of
Labor from Mastpr Workman Nugent , of
District No. 0 , states the strike of the Pro
gressive Union miners at the Columbia &
Hocking Coal and Iron company's mines baa
been declared off and. the striking minors
will return to work this morning Just wbero
they wcro when the strike wan inaugurated.
The company'B refusal to 1 outer recognize
the "check off" tynletn WUB the cause of the
Lougouookor Qots 'mi Attachment
for the Poorlu Man ,
TlioScnnc In Canit | 20 on the Nlutit of
February 8 , When Ho Charged
That 110 Cnron Was n Tool
nl1 the Trlanulo.
The Crouln Trlnt. | 5
CtiiCAiio , Oct. 80 , At the opening of the > - \
Cronln trial this morning State Attorney
Longcnockor asked for an attachment fop
Kdward Spollman , of Pcorla , III , , district
ofllcor of the Clati'iia-Qnol. Longc-
ncckor sald Spcllmnn bad Ucon served
with n subpoena nml bad ngrcod to comb
when called for. Two telegrams bad boon ,
sent to htm , but ho had not responded. The
attachment was ordered Issued.
The llrst witness wus Dentils O'Connor ' , a
member of Camp Sl , Clan-na-Oacl , wno
Htatcd that nt the mooting of the camp Feb
ruary 8 last , bo heard Tliomhs O'Connor aay
bo had heard read in Dr. Cronin's camp
the minority report or the committee to try
thd executive body of the order. The names
of the members of the executive body were
not mentioned and witness said ho never
know who composed the triangle. Then It
was voted to appoint a committed to' go up
to Dr. Cronlu's camp and investigate the
matter of the minority report whlcu Cronln
had read.
His cross examination elicited nothing
Stephen Collcran , who was on tlio stand nt
the tlmo of tbo adjourninont of the court last
tivenlnir , was recalled , anil after answering a
few unimportant questions from the state
was turned over to tlio defense for cross ex
amination. It developed nothing of interest.
Patrick Nolan , financial secretary of Camp
20 , produced thu record boot ; nnd testlllod ns
to tlio numbers berne by Coughlan , Coonoy ,
O'Sulllvan , Hoggs and Burke , all of whom ,
except Coonoy , nro now on trial. Witness
further testified that ha was nt the mooting
of thu camp on the night of May U , the day
preceding Dr. Croniu's death ; that Hcggs
presided ; that there was a cull for the report
of the secret committee appointed February
8 , and that Bcggs replied that , the committee
was to report to him alone. Witness said
Unit on the Sunday following Dr. Cronlu's
disappearance ho met Burke nnd Coonoy
about 3 o'clock In the afternoon in n saloon.
The next witness was Captain Thomas F.
O'Connor , tbu man who created the oxclto
mcnt in Camp ! 20 the night of February 8 , by
saying ho had heard read In Dr. Crania's
camp the report of the commlttuo that tried
the triangle. Captain O'Connor ' said that
Adrcw Fey wus the first man 10 speak ihnt
night. Fey nroso in his place In camp and
addressed tbo senior guardian nnd stated ho
uroso under a terrible strain ; that after the
disclosures of Lo Caroti in London the or
ganization as an organization was no moro ;
that there were four Brltisn spies in the or
ganization , nnd that It should bo reorganized
und every ono that was In the organization
who had the slightest taint or suspicion aU
tachcd to his natno should bo expelled. Con
tinuing the witness said :
"When ho got through I arose to my feet
mid stated that I was not at all surprised nt
bearinir the gentleman talk an bo had done ;
that I know by positive information that the
organization was run by a parcel of roguca
known as our executive body ; that they hud
squandered our funds , even to tha amount of
$100,000 , nnd not that nlono , but they had ,
sent our'best men across to Knglar.d to have
them put behind British bars , and now I
state posItlvelythat'LcCnroh was the necpt
of our executive body and received pay from
thorn. At that moment I was interrupted by
two or three brothers with n demand to tell * *
where I cot my information. I did not llko
tbu first brother who spoke to mo and I said
'you demand nothing. ' Then there were
two or three other brothers who demanded
to know whore I got my information and
there was a general uproar , so I turned
around to the senior guardian and said to
him'if the senior guardian demands of mo
whorol ( jot my information , I will toll him.
He did not say anythlair. Then tbcro waa
some uproar. Then I stated I had heard'tbo
terrible report of the entire trial commit too
in BulTulo und that I had also seen a written
report of three hundred pages of closely
written long hand about the trial , and I waa
positive of my statement. At this instant )
Daniel Couchlin , a member of the camp ,
arose to his foot and s.ud :
Mr. Guardian , I move you that
a secret committee of three bo appointed to
find out the source of Captain O'Connor's
Information. " Thoao were the words. Then
there was some ono else on his feet and the
senior pmirdlan rapped the camp to order ,
as It was such a tumultuous time , and some *
body spoke , and ho said :
'I will hoar no moro of this subject and
will appoint u committee. ' "
In answer to n question us to whom the
sonlor cuardlan was , the witness said It wad
John F. Beggs.
On cross-examination , Captain O'Connor '
said he did not sav in his speech on Fob ]
ruary 8 that Dr. Cronin read the report or
the trial committee , nor did bo say In what
cant ) ) it wus read.
Ho said Hint after ho was Rubpccnacd to
appear before the coroner's Jury ho met
Begga and asked him if ho should disclose
the secrets of the organization. Hoggs told
turn to go ahead , us Ihny were already public
On re-dlrcct examination th'e fact wj > a
brought out that there were five or six mem
bers of camp 20 present when the witness
made his speech on February 8 , who wera
In the other camp when thu report in regard
to tbo triangle trial wus f-'ivon. Ha ex
plained that it was a verbal , not n written
report. There were eighteen or twenty
members of camp " 0 in the other camp when
the report was mado. That report , ho said ,
was made by the late Ur. Cronln in his
( Cionm'a ) camp. Subsequently Ur. Cronin
showed the witness n written report ,
Henry Owen O'Connor , a member of Camp
20 , described the proceedings at the meetings
on February 8 and ' "J without bringing out
any now points. At the subsequent meet
ing , however , ho said Dun Coughlln came up
to him nnd said information had been re
ceived in Chicago to the effect that a confed
erate of Lo Caron was In tbo organization
and that the Indications pointed to Dr. Cro
nln as the man.
Pollco Olllcor John M. Collins , formerly n
member of Camp 20 , testified ns to the meat-
ings , but brought out nothing now.
Patrick McGarry , sonlor guardian of the
Clan-nn-Gaol camp In Lake Vlow , Instituted
by Dr. Cronln , told of a visit he made to tbo
house of Ice Man O'Sulllvan thu Sunday fol
lowing Cronin's disappearance. Ho ques
tioned O'Sulhvun very closely about his con
tract with Cronln and described the twitch
ing of O'Sulllvan's face. The court then ad
journed till to-morrow.
The DUtlllur Ditmuiienr * .
PKOIIIA , III , , Oct. 80. Edward Spollman ,
a prominent distiller and district delegate cf
the Clan-nn-Gaol , who was wanted In
Chicago as a witness in the Cronln trial
Is not to bo found. Spellmun has not been
In Pcorlu for two weeks. Ho was in Cin
cinnati about a week ago , but uow oven his
family profess lirnoranca of his whereabouts.
7 hey Want n Itldo to Chloaco.
WiN.Mii'fiO , Oct 80. Assistant States A13
tornoy Batter la satisfied that Burko's fol
low prisoners are fukltig to n great extent
regarding tlio lattcr's alleged confession , Ho
aays the Canadian olllccruwho gave evidence
during the extradition proceedings will uo to
Chicago to testify.
The Wenthor Forecast.
„ t
For Omaha nnd vicinity Fair weather.
Nebraska , Dakota mid Iowa Fair , preceded -
ceded by iiirht rain In Iowa and southern Da
kota , cooler northerly winds.
A Prominent niitn Buloldtt * . " "H
KANSAS CITV. Oct. 80. Henry D. Wilson , .
of this city , a contractor and builder , and
formerly u wealthy citizen of Milwaukee ,
suicided this morniuK by uUootiug hluiitlf.