t rny f THE OMAHA DAILY B&E : WEDNESDAY * /'OCTOBER ' 30 , 1889. THE CITY. The worlt Of repairing the bonrd of education rooms has boon commenced. Gcorgo Smith , the colored man who Btolo a watch Monday night , pleaded RUllly yesterday afternoon nnu was hold td the district court in the sura of 8700. John Lafforty. ono of a gang of thieves who robucd a clothing store in Kansas City , IB n prisoner at central police station. Ho will bo taken back to the scene of his crime. No reply has boon rocoivoil from the wife of Lieutenant Humphrey in ro- aponso to the telegram sent from army headquarters asking her wishes regardIng - Ing the disposition of the body. Louis Kloppmnn. the man who was so brutally assaulted by John Quinlan , is vovy low. The case was to liavo boon called yesterday afternoon , but Klopp mnn was not able to leave the hospital. John Bftlloy , the man who assaulted Tom Hutlcdgo at 11509 Davenport street several davs ago and broke his shoulder blade wltli a. heavy board , was lined $ 12.50 in the police court yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. S. Soavoy , secretary of the Ladles' Relief corps , on behalf of her society , desires through Tun BEK to thank all the ladies and gontlnmon who BO kindly assisted in making their en tertainment a success on Monduy even ing. * 1'crsoiml I'nrncrnpliH. J. B. Li'ons. or Lyons , Is at tlio Jllllard. P. O. HIcKinun , of Craig , Isnt tlio Murray. E. 13. Manlz , of Fremont , is at the Mur ray. ray.II. . II. MOBO , of Wnyno , Is stopping at the Cnsoy. W. A. Wcstfnll , of Atkinson , Is at the Cnsoy , f L. C. Burr , of Lincoln , Is stopping at the Paxton. Augustus'Frank , of Kcarnoy , Is at the Paxton. T. Ht. Martin , of Wulioo , Is a guest at the Murriiy. D. Rhy , of Grand Island , is a guest at the Mlllanl. < F. I. Foss , of Crete , Is stopping at the Mllurd. | R. U. Hamilton , of Scotia , Is registered at th6 Cusuy. J. E. Urown , of Hastings , Is 'a guest at the Cnsoy. J. rt. Eaatorduy , of Tecumseh , Is nt the Merchants. Robert 11. Wmilheltn. of Pluttsmouth , Is at the Murray. il. S. Meal , of North Plutte , is n cuest ut the 1'axtoii. E. H. niclmrilnon , of Crete , is stoppinc at the Mlllard. F. S. Owen , of Stromsborg , is a guest at the Millard. Henry Pcnner , of Beatrice , Is stopping at the Merchants. Mrs. E. II. Ambler'of Beatrice , Is regis tered at * the Murray. ( J. S. Johnson and wife , of Osccola , nro guests at the Merchants. J. D. Durton nnd wife , of Lincoln , are ttopplng at the Merchants. E. P. Newell and W. II. Clark , of Her man , are registered at the Millard. M. A. Hartlgan and J. J. Uucliunan , of Hastings , are registered at the Merchants. General J. It. Brooke nnd Captain P. II. Rav returned Monday night from a hunting trip in Wyoming , R. H. Wielts , secretary of the Star Land and Loan company , has gone to 1'lorro , S. D. , to consummate a deal for an addition to Pierre. Colonel Michael Sheridan will arrive In this city Thursday , and will assuiua his duties as assistant adjutant-general of the department o ( the I'latto , * - , li'lnrtl I'or Stealing Coal. Julius Cragor admitted that ho had stolen fifty pounds of coal to keen from freozing'to death aim Judge Borka fined him $3. ' Mnrrla'no License * . A Kcenso was Issued to the following parties by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and Address. Age. I Charles Minelll , Omaha 83 | Annlo Foruo , Omaha " 4 Conrad Coralln < l. Alexander Conrad , n fugitive from jnstlco from Fort Morgan , Colo. , where he stole ? 00 in n hotel , Is in custody Chief Seavoy received Instructions to hold him until an oillcor could reach this city and ccuro requisition papers. Have Von Koulstcrctl ? The remaining days for registration are Friday , November 1 , and Saturday , Novoui' ber2. The registration books will bo held open from 8 a. m. to 0 p. in. on each of thcso days , i Chnrucd With Larceny. John Qraskoy and Charles Barton are prisoners nt central police station charged with larceny. LouU Hasmusson claims that \ & they stole $10 from him whllo ho was asleep. I The money was found In n bed that had been occupied by Uraskoy and Barton , Left With Another Mnn'n AYIfo. Fred Holler , a restaurant man at 018 Iforth Sixteenth street , has left with another tuan'a'wlfo ' , and is quartered In parts un- known''to his partner , whoso name Is Mey ers. Movers says that Holler loft his finan cial matters In good shape , and anticipates his return after a time. * -Mrmorlixl Charity. Reports of donations to Bishop Clarkson's Memorial hospital for the past three months show : Mrs. H. M. Caldwell , $10 ; Mrs. S.D. Barkalow , $13 ; Mrs. R. H. ClarKson , $ lb ; Miss Juliette Smith , Now York City , J15 ; St. Stephen's ohurcb , Ashland , f'J ; fat. Luke's church , Kearney , 51.53 ; St. Paul's ' church , Arapahoc , $1.03 ; total , $70.50. St. Luke's churcn , Kearney , a box of canned frulu. Jollies and ether supplies ; Omaha \Vatorwork8company , full supply of water ; Arctic Ice company , full supply of ico. Arrostnl fur Kinlxirzlomont. N. L. Angus , the local acont for the Building Association of Minneapolis , was nrrostci. by Sergeant Orrasby yesterday , charged with embezzlement. The complaint was sworn out by Morris Stein , who claims that on August 15 Angus obtained of him bout f3 In payment for u cortlllcato of took la the association. Angus Issued the certificate which , whun presented to the ofllco at Minneapolis , proved worthless , hav ing boon Issuo.l by Angus himself. Sliort-LiivMl 1'loasiire. Death is likely to bo the cause of li. H. Waqdell's not being prosecuted. Ho was arrested the last'titno about three weeks ago on the charge of obtaining an In- uranco proinlum'undcr false protonsns. Ho has not yet had a preliminary hearing , From tlmq to tlmo the ease ban been postponed on account of the sickness of the defendant. Wandcll Is In the county lull and Is suffer ing from consumption. It Is said that ho is llablo to die before his case Is disposed of. The case Is similar to that of the late Wll N. King , who occupied the same apartments in which Wandoll is now quartered. Tlio Retailers' Association. Monday evening the Omaha , local branch of the Nebraska State Business Men's asso ciation hold a very interesting meeting Quito a lively discussion took place over the quostloa of peddlers and their encroach inontoou different lines of business ; also the advisability of petitioning the city conn ell to raise their license to a larger amount. This association now numbers 200 business men , comprising all classes of the rotal trndo , They are gaining strength rapidly and will bo hoard from in tno future. The et&to organization , of which this Is a branch extends throughout the state , and. will sooi accomplish much good in procuring the passage of such laws as will protect the re tailer in hU legitimate trade. There will bo * Kspecial meeting next Monday evening ut I oVlocli to look over the political field. CLUA.IUNG The C7ontroverr n to Clonlnc on * " Election Dny. The question under discussion among the directors of the Bank of Commerce and other people ai to whether 10 o'clock was not n bolter hour for opening than 9 o'clock , and what shontd bo dond about closing their doors on election day l . . ( ttfaotlng consider' able attention. * > The first proposition promises to develop nto nn exciting contest , nnd there seems to > e a wide diversity of opinion u to what course should bo pursued , Jn both instances the test appears to dc- > oml upon the strength nnd Influence of the J mail a National against nil the other bank- ng institutions. Joseph H. Millard nnd William Wallace first advocated the advisability of making 10 o'clock Ufa opening hour. The cashiers-and tellers of every national jank in town are with thorn , but , it Is said , Presidents MUrphy , Kountzo , Yatcs , Ilamil- on oppose the scheme. Thcso control tbo the situation. , \ However , sooner or later the change will JO mado. In all largo cities 10 o'clock is tlio tlmo at which banks opcnjfor the transaction of business. i Conceding the fac that iho wishes of a ma- lorltv of tbo presidents must prevail , much depends Upon the llcons'o board which Is composed Of Luther Drake , Fred Davis and Milt Barlow. Whether or not the banks will close on election dity Is n point yet to bo solved. Judge Lake's Advice bas been solicited , and lie snys that In the oycsjof the law , that the day with reference to bank buslnos must bo considered the snm.o as Sunday. At the { Nebraska national , ho'wovor , the reporter was shown a couv of the law , with margin notes make by Judge Savage , stating that the act had been declared unconstitu tional. > The others evince 'a disposition to keep open , and whllo they agico that paper falling duo on that ilay cannot go to protest , there Is nothing to prevent them receiving deposits and cashing checks. i Although many remedies pro pushed Into the market by spicy advertisements Dr. Bull's Cou h Syrup takes the lead and druggists sell more than ot'orbefore. Price 25 cents. Mrs. Crow "Chile , buy a bottle do Salva tion Oil , it cUre your rhoumatls sait'in. " 25 cents. NOT A KNIGHT OV THK BATH. Why Jon.Uronn AViis Fined $ : $2.GO in tlin foilco Court. It cost Joe Brown SU.50 In the police court because he refused to allow his wife to take n b'a'tli. Brown conducts a little grocery store near the corner of Tenth and Center streets. His wife is in n dcllc'ato condition mid Brown has bis own Idea of how she ehould treat horsolf. Brown's mother-in-law , Mrs. Alma New man , culled Monday to see her daughter. She recommended that she take hot baths regularly and also drink a certain kind of soup. Brown did not object to the soup , but ho vowed that his wife should not outer the bathtub. The mother-in-law declared that she should , and whllo she awaited Brown's depaituro , ho took his axe nnd chopped out the bottom of the bath tub. Then he scl/ed a chunk nf Iron and pounded Mrs. Newman over the back and arm until both wore black and blue. You cannot accomplish any work or business unless you feel well. If you fool used up tired put tnko Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsupurilln. Ityill give you heultli , strength and vitality. LARGEST IN THE WOULD. A $1OUOOOO Tannery to bo Built in Oinnlia Soon. One of the largest tanneries In the world is to bo built In Omaha. 'For sometime back the deal has been pending. J. W. Higgln- bottom , representing , an English syn dicate of capitalists , has been Instrumental in keeping tbo project on foot. Ho has labored untiringly and secretly among the local capitalists for the past week , and has at last enlisted sufficient support to cniryout arrangements for the establish ment of n tannery hero Involving an outlay of $1,000,000. This is the amount that Is to bo actually Invested in the enterprise. How to Cure n Cold. Many years constant use nnd the experience - porionco of thousands of persons of all ages , has fully demonstrated that tlioro is nothing bettor for a severe cold than Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. It acts in perfect harmony with nature , relieves - lioves the lungs , liquefies the tough tenacious mucus , making it easier to expectorate , nnd icstoros the system tea a strong and healthy condition. Wants Her Child Again. Mrs. Mary Emily Nicholson , a middle- aged woman , sat out. through the morning session of police court in tears. Six years ago , through poverty , the woman was compelled to part with her only child , Dora , who is now thirteen years of ago. A sister of Mrs , Nicholson took her to raiso. The sister now lives at Genoa , Nance county , in th's ' state.Q At cer tain intervals , Mrs. Nicholson , who has been married a second tlmo , goes almost insane over the loss of her child. Her relations dcom it unsafe to have the daughter return to her mother under the existing domestic surroundings. * TnUcn Unawares. Unsuspected causes for malaria exist everywhere. A sunken lot partiv filled with water In the vlclnltv of your abode , a new location upon land filled in , but formerly overflowed or marshy , nnd causes far more occult than thcso procLuco the atmospheric miasmata which constitute the germs , that , if inhaled , ripen into favor nnd ague and con genital maladies. A person taken unawares with n malaiial complaint should , as soon as it declares itself , seek aid from the safe , cordial medicine Hnstet- non-disanpointing , , - tor's Stomach Bitters , which bus for over a third of a century , and in every quarter of the globe , relieved the malaria stricken , and neutralized mlnsma In nlr and water. The Bitters Imparts activity to the stomach , bowels nnd liver ; repels Incipient rheuma tism , and remedies inaction of the kidneys and bladder. Apputlto nnd sleep are Im proved , ana the lullrmitloi of ago mitigated by its uso. Crnvscd by Grlrf. Mrs , Petersonwho lives at Fourteenth and Nicholas streets , lost two children about six months ago nnd since that time bus had spells of Insanity. At times she pulls her hair out by the hand fulls and screams at the top of her voice. The city and county physicians have been notified , and if they conclude that it Is necessary * ha will 1) o taken before the commissioners on Insanity for examination. Get rid of that tlrcdifcolliighs qilck ns possible. Take Hood's ' Sar apnrllln , Which gives strength , a good nppottto , nnd health , , Cheating UnolCj Sniii , "Why did not uou-taxoiii people1 .pay the expenses 1" , , > Collector Peters says thatj since ho took charge of the ofllco , his deputies linvo col lected about I3,03u of rnvpnuo ns taxes over looked by his predecessor , Cnlhoun , Ho says they discovered ono Omaha man whoso Indobtncss to the government amounted to $1,000. All over the district , tobacco manufactur ers , brewers and dealers In distilled llqliora have been found doing business without the necessary license , nnd when caught , hdvo plndly paid not only the uncollcctpd fries , but nn additional 60 per cent flno required by low. Concerns , ho claims , which should bo vis ited at least once every month never ftaw a deputy collector whllo Cnlhoun hold the office. Some of tlio violators wore not aware of the fact that thov had to pay a license ; and others neglected to do so be cause they wore not disturbed. Peterson keeps his men on the go nil the tlmo , and the latter Is doing good work. UUo extra taxes already collected will , more than payjtho running expenses of the oillco for ii/ycar. / ) The Opolthotol , as now conducted , is not surpassed by any hotel in the city ns a convenient , comfortable plnco for transient guests. Stonm boat throucrh- out. Tnblo equal to the host two Hol lars per day. J. Q. HAMILTON , Proprietor. AnnouncctncntH. The repertoire of the Emma Abbott Grand Opera company which commences Its en gagement nt the Boyd this evening nnd continues during the remainder of the week , presents a series of artistic novelties that must challenge public attention from the outset. Out of the repertoire of five operas lour have never been given hero. First among thcso Is "Tho Rose of Cnstlle , " the opera of the opening nightono of the hup- plcst In character , brightest In story and most brilliant In music that has aver been nut upoa the operatic stage. The second , which Is now produced for the first time , is "Norma , " Bolllna's rnnd Heroic opera. The third Is the most exquisite of all love lyrics the most sublime dicnui of love and tragedy that was over conceived "Komoo and Juliet , " sot by the renowned French com poser Gounod , in the most beautiful gems of music. The fourth of the novelties is el nn opnosito nature , jolly and romantic , but rich In song , ' 'The Yeoman of the Guard. " This is Gilbert and Sullivan's latest opera , and wan ono of the reigning 'Now York successes last season. On Thursday evenIng - Ing tbo old-timo favorite , "Tho Bohemian Girl , " will bo produced. Seats for the en tire engagement are now on sale. PAXTON liornr. , OMAHA Special at tention to commercial men. Tmest and largest hotel in the west. KittVodgo & Bruinard , proprietors. A Pcopln's Church Choir. A choir of ono hundred voices , with orches tra , for the People's church , at Boyu'.s opera house , Is now being organized for regular nnd permanent service. Iho members will bo usked to sing regularly for a term of not less than three months. Mr , Franklin S. Smith , choir director , will undertake , for the People's church , to givji the choir , In consideration of their services , n complete course of Instruction in the rudiments of vocal music , chorus drill , voice cultuin , declamation , etc. The course will comprise ono lesson each" Week through the term ot three months. These _ lessons will be inde pendent of the regular weekly choir rehear sals. The date of first meeting will bo an nounced later. \yhetber you are an accom plished singer or not , please bo present'at the opera house next Sunday ut 10 o'clock , nnd send your full name nnd address to Franklin S. Smith , 1110 Georgia avenue. $2O 25 to Jlnltiinorp nnd Return. Tlio Ohio & Mississippi railway will Bell tickets from St. Loiiis'to ' Baltimore , Md. . and return at the low ratoof $20.U5 , good going November 0 , 7 and 8 , and good for return until November 21 , in clusive. Tlio Ohio & Mississippi rail way is the direct and fast line with aoublo daily through sleeping car service - vice to Now York via Washington and Baltimore. For further information address ' A. J. lA'Tia : , General Western Passenger Agont. St. 'Louis , Mo. UhnnUfiil. . Mayor Broatch hits received the following from the three Americas party : Keokuk , la. , Oct. 28. Hon. W. J. Broatch , Mayor of Omaha Nob. : All tbo members of our party desire mo to tender to you and citizens of Omaha and ofllccrs of Fort Omaha their hearty and sincere gratitude for the generous hospitality tendered them , and to say that In no citv have they been more cordially received or enjoyed them selves to a gi eater degree. Their enthusi asm is unbounded. W. E. CUUTIS , Special Accent Department ot State. An AbHolntc Cure. ThoORIGINALABIETIMB OINTMENT IB onlv put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and Is an absolute euro for old sorus , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup. tions. Will positively euro all kinds of pilos- Aslc for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINP- MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box bv mall ! JO cents. The City Hull Walli. The outer walls of the basement of the city hall erected two years ago liavo all been torn down and excavations are being made to broaden the concrete foundations , The now plans call for broader foundations and when the new concrete work is put in nearly the entire site will bo a thick stratum ot con crete rock , The crushing of rocks nnd laying of con crete foundations will commence the latter part of the present weak. Beecham's Pills cm o bilious and nervous Ills Lost His Wntuli. A yeung blood who Is employed In an es- tabUxiiod bank in this city , got drunk Satur day night and fell asleep in a saloon nt Fqur- tconth nnd Leaven worth streets and someone stole his watch. George Smith , a negro , has been arrested charged with tbo crime. * yVhyJ.don' you try Rod Cross Cough Drops , , uyo cents per box. ' CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. UNITED STAES DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. - Washington , 1) , O. ' „ „ „ By an analysis of Dr. Prlco'a Cream Baking Powder I flnd it carefully compounded , and I regard it ns the host baking powder in the market in evor.C respect. . , , PETER COLLIER. Late Chemist oftuo United States Department " T . , at Agriculture. t * $ ick Headache IS a complaint frtnn which many suffer nnil few nt nntlroly froo. Its causa Is Indigestion anil a sliiBglsli liver , tlio euro for which iis readily found In the use of Aycr'a rills. " I liavo fouml rtat for sick hoadaclio , caused by a disordered condition ot the stomach , Aycr'4 Pills are the tnojt re liable rcmcily. " Samuel O. Dradburn , WorthliiRton , MASS , "Alter tlio UBO of Aycr's Pill * for many 3 cars , In my practice and family , I am Justified In snjlnc that they arc an excellent cathartic and liver medicine sustaining all the claims made for them. " W. A. AV'cstfall , M. ! > . , V. I1. Austin ft N. W. Ualhvay Co. , llurnct , Texas. "Aycr's Pills nro the best incdlclno known to mo for rcRiiIntlnj ; the bowels , and for all diseases caused by n dis ordered stomach and liver. I suffered for over three years from headache , Indigestion - digestion , mid constipation I had no nppctlto and was weak ana nervous most of thn time. Uy mini ; three boxes of Aycr's 1'IUs , and at tlio same time dletliiR myself , 1 \ \ n.s completely cm cd. " Philip Lockwood.Topokn , Kansas. " I was troubled for years with indi gestion , constipation , nnd headache. A few boxes of Aycr'fl I'llls , used In small dally doses , restored ino to health. They are prompt and effectives.v. . II. Strout , Mcadlllo , I'a. Ayer's Pills , Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by Ml Drugglsti and Dc lcr In Medicine. CALIFORNIA Tlin 1 AND Oli1 DISCOVERIES ! SANTA : ABIE { ANDY CAT : R : CURE For sale by Goodman DrutQ Co DRS. BETTS & BEITS 1403 FAIINAU STREET , OMAHA , Nlfl. ( Opposite I'uxtou UoteU Office hours , 0 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundayi , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Specialists in Chronic , Nerroui Skin anil Blood Diseases. . pgrconsultatlon at office or by mail free. Meatclnes sent by mall or express , securely Hacked , free from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , safely and permanently. UDDTWnO ! TltniTTTV Spermatorrhoea , s ml flbuYUUb UbUlLlll nal Losse NIcht Emls tons. Physical Uec&y , urisliiK from Indlscta tlon. Excess or Indulgence. producliiRSleoplesa ness , Despondency , I'lniplei on tbo face , aver ( Ion to society , easily < lF-cournie(1 , lauE of conll dence , dull , unflt for study or business , andllnds life a burden. Bafely , permanently and , prl vately cured. Consult iJrs , lletta i Belts , UUa Karuum at , Omaha , Neb. anfl SIdn Diseases . renilti , completely eradicated without th aid of Mercury. Scrofula , Er/slpolas , rever Sores matches , ulcers. Tains In the Head and Bones Byphllltlc Sore'lhront , Mouth and Tongue , Cu tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where otherl have failed. Pidnnir Tfninaru nlul Bladder Complaints JiKinByi Ulindly minfui. Dimcmt. too fre. quent IJurnliigcr Illoody Urine , Urine high col nred cr "vlth milky sediment on standing , Wratt ? aclc , Gonorrhiun , ( Jlcot , CystltH. etc. romptly and Safely Cured , Charges lloasona 1)1 o. _ _ _ _ _ STBICTOTIE ! moral complete , -without cutting , caustic or dlllatlon. CM res .directed at homo by patient without a ruomoras.puin or annoyance. To Yonw Men and MifldlB-Ageil Men , PIIDP ! rtiu awful effects of early AOnnn uUHD Vice , wnlcii bnnga organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , wltll all Its dreaded Illi..liernmnenUy cured , MnPinm ; ; Adeais those who have impaired DD110 themselves by Improper InduN Kencos and solitary' ' habits , wliicii ruin botn body and mind , -nutttlng them ror buslne09 , itudy or marrlag * . M AiiniEi ) MEN. ontlioae entering on that Imp pylife. aware of physical debility , quickly B listed , OUESUCCESS. s la based upon faeta , ' First Practical Kxpa rlence. Socolid Ererycasuls especially studied. thus starting arlgluu Thlid tludlolncs art ) pro , pared In our labniory exactly to suit each case , thuu airectlng curei without Injury C-fiT'Send ( Jcenta pott&ge ( or celebrated works on Chronic , Norruus and Delicate DUeaien. Tlmusanda cured. ( W A. friendly letter or call mny Bavoyou future siitleiluir and Hhnme. and add golden years to life. fxTNo letters an- irereil unless accompanied by 4 cents In itaiuDi. Addrcts or call on IRi. IIET'FS A : IIiTT8 : , It08 yornjun Strett. Umuha. MK FOR MEN ONLY ! BnCITIVP rorLOST orPAnINQ MANHOODt H rUl lift Otnml and NERVOUS DEBILITY : Jft 1 * * n W kn i nftlA.I . H Wlr , , Fff.nt. RESTORED. lUHtur Tuit-A victim U of youthful li.mruclem-B. . uutlnir I'renuitura Diciy. Ker oui DiUlltr , I < ot Manhood. o..h lee IrltJ In v lno crj- known rtiun- tr.lt" duca > rril a nlmnla iiinui of nlf cure , wlilcti tpwIllMiiddetteJlKXEKIoliUfrllowputrcreri. tMitu , J , U , ULKI tS , I'.O. Hoi K90,1 * r York MV Wo do not harp upon the chonpnexs o our 'Clothing , but that dori not signify tlmttho SUITS nntl OV13UCOAT3 which Wo n k $1 % t < . IH and $ , * ) for are ni prlcnd. Wo coiiltl onslly cheapen them liy putting In interior trimming * , u Is notulwnysthoprlcqyonpay. but It Is thu \i\lttorocclveil m purchase thnt counts , MAX MKYBlt. ADOU'H MKYKU ESTABLISHED ISifl. Max Meyer & Bro , GENERAL AGENTS 1TOK TUB STEINWAY , CH1CKERING. KNABE ; And ether first class PIANOSnnd STORY & CLARK ORGANS Remember , Wo do Not Soil "ston cllod" Pianos. All Instalments Guaranteed to be Just as Represented. SPECIAL ! Wo offer a flno $325 Piano for S25O. EASY PAYMENTS. Visitors Wolcomo. MAX MEYER & BRO Cor. 16tb and Farnam Stg. Wediwsdaylflnl 30Wmrl Friday , Thursday , IUGl 31 " 07,2 Saturday Special Matinee Saturday , Sfilo of Jjonts MONDAY , OCTOHKR 28th Special Entauument ot the I'amous EMMA Abbott , Annandnle , Mlrplln. Mlchelena , Monte- gilllo , I'ruette , llroderlcif , Allen. Kuadj- , Martens , Full Cliorns. Gruiul Orclicstrii. In the following brilliant repertoire : WJGDN ESDA1 Halfo's H asterpleco. ItOSE Or CAS'1'Il.K. EMMA AIlBOTTand Entire Company In Cast. TI1UIISDAY Balfo's Tuneful Opera , BOHEMIAN GIRL. EMMA AnilOl'J and Entire Company In Cast. ntlDAY Bellini's Grand Horolo Opera , NOICMA. NOItniA. fiMMA AIIHOTT anil Entire Company In Cast. BATUHDAY ABBOTT MATINr.E-Uounoil'8 Exquisite Leva Ljrlc , KOMKO ANI > .BlTMr/JT. EMMA ABBOTT as "Juliet" Kntlio Company. SATUJtUAY UVENINd-Qllbflrt & Sullivan's Iiatest heiisutlou , \ 'iowiLor : TBIK CJITAKD , Or The Merryman and Ills Maid. KMSIA ABUOTT and Entire Company. Gorgeous Costumes ! L'liclmiitlug Music ! Hrllllaiil MIsc cu Scene ! PHICKS $1.50 , SlandToc , reserved. Balcony admission , Ma. Gallery 25 cents. ilATlNliU-tl.W , 70o and Me. roscned. A full not of Teeth on rubber for V > , Ktmrnntocil lo bn tii will iimUons iilates Bent out from nnyiluntul oillco In this country , nnJ lor wlilcli you would L * clmrKml over twlen ns inucli. 'Jci-tli extracted without pain or danger , nil without - out tlio ma < liolofnrm , tint , cltlicr or electricity , ( ioIdBiul tllvcr Illllus * lit linlf rules. Satisfaction Guaranteed. DR. BAILEY , DENTIST , Pu\on ( Block , Kttli nnil Farnnm StreoU. Take Elevator on Ifltli Street. OPI5N KVKNINGS UNTIL tf O'CLOCK. State Line. w , llolfast , DiiMfnniid Lhorjioal rilOM 1JEW YOItI KVKIlVTHUIIHIAl' . Cabin iiasiagotH to KVO , ucconllni ; to lacntlou of > lat room. Kxcurtlon fjj to fjj. Etccrogo to end from Kuropo at I-oncst Ilatci. AUSTIN' JULmvi.N J. CO. , G'cn'l Agi'iitu , 61 llroudnar , Novr Vorlc Joux UI.EQI.V , Ocn'l Wetlcrn Aucnt. 101 Humlol | > li Et , , CMcao , H.liltr 15 , Mooitr.s , TI103. MltMr.M- , , alOmah to Doslrlna exam SHOE DEALERS jUBtly ine the eel' ebrftted lines of Hoots mul Shoes , manufactur- d or 0. M. Uenfleraon fc Co. , of Clilcago-F c- lories.nt Chicago , Dlxou , Ills. , and Fond Iu ) J < c , Wli.-alioiilil vf.-he BAil. W. WATSON , rosl- deure , I'ltltMONT. NUI1. Trawling JUulHUart u for Itubbers. JOSEPH GiLLOr3 STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION ISli. Nos. 3O3-404-I7O-604. THE MOST PEBFECT OP THE CONTINENTAL WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON VERCOATS THE CONSUMERS OPPORTUNITY. JANUARY PRICES IN 'S ' IJL0UJ 11 I ENDLESS VARIETY OF STYLES. QUANTITIES UNLIMITED. . SPECIAL BARGAIN LINES , 1O , $12 and $15. EXTRA LONG OVERCOATS. t We have manufactured 10 styles of extra length Overcoats , not Ulsters , but Regular Overcoat Styles , 50 inches long , Cassimere lining and in every respect a very desirable garment for this climate , and a style of Overcoat not made by any other house. Prices , . $12 , $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 and $25. i U We have everything , Freize , Chinchillas , Fur , Beavers and Fur Trimmed Ulsters. Some very choice lines. $10 , $12 and $15. peeial Suit Sale THIS WEEK Look in our windows for styles and prices. The sea son for our Fine Suit trade is now well advanced and we will make this a very interesting- week for those who appreciate fine quality and low prices. It will , interest you to see the suit you can buy at the sale for $10 , $12.50 and $15. Boys' Overcoats. $5 , $6 and $7. Children's Overcoats , $3 , $3.50 , $4 , and $4.50 Price $5.00. Twenty different styles of Children's OVERCOATS , ages 4 to 14 yjjars , at $6 , which cannot be bought out side of the CONTINENTAL for-less than $7,00. FREELAND , LOOMIS & Co. , Cor. 15th. and Douglas St. The Largest Clotting House West of New Yo ;