Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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_ _ f
No acivortieorniDnta will bo taken for
these columns nf tor 12:30 p. m.
Torms-'Cash In ntlvnnco ,
Advertlpomonts under thin head 10 cints per
line for Die Ilrst Insertion , 7 ccntu tot each sub
sequent Insertion , nnd llix ) per lln * per innntn.
No ( Mlvertieemcnti tak n forlcs limn Si cent *
( or first Insertion. Bevcn words will uo counted
to the lire : they mutt run const-cutlvbly nnd
mnst bo paid in AOVANCK. All ndverllso-
mcntn must l > o hnndfrr. m before 12:30 : o'clock p.
m * nnd umler no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telcphonn.
, 1'artles advertising In thctte column * nnd hnv-
Ing thnlr nimwer * addressed In rnroot TllR IIRK
Mill please a k for a ( .hock to cnnble them to pet
their letter * , ns none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ed-
vcrllsemenls Bliotild bo enclosed In envelope' .
All ndvertUemcntfi In tlicae column * nro otin-
ll.Mied in both morning nnd evening cdltloni of
TUB HEP. the circulation of which aggregates
morn thnn lf.000 papers dally , nnd elves the ad
vertisers the benellt. not only of the city clrcu-
TntlfinofTiiB HKK. Imt also of Council RlulTB ,
T.lncoin hhd other titles and towns throughout
this section o f the country. _ _ _ lS _ _
Advertising for these columns 111 bo taken
on the nbovo condition * , nt tlio following busl-
nesir houxoo , ivho nro nnlhorlred agents fotTiiR
lir.r upcclal notices , nnd will quote the satne
rafrgjng f an be lintl nt the mnln office. _ _ _
TQIIN . IlfitTL , Plmrniaclat , 820 BoutbTTonth
tl Street.
O KDDV. StutloticM and Printers , 113
% nuth IClli Strtet.
Sll. VARNSWORTH. l'haunnclst,2115 Cum-
T\f .l.HUnilUS , I'kannncUt , KM North IBtli
i \ Mrect.
GTiOvPAHII , Miurinoclst , 1803 St. Mary's
T-JUoTlES' I'HARMAUV.SMS 1'arnam Street.
_ _ . . . . . . _ _ n Ilrst-class"(5er-
f T man cook. 1437 N. 18th at. 405 3 n
ITUATIONS wnntod'for good girls. Tlio
n\ost \ mid the best girls nro always to bo
'found nt Mra. Brega'it.itH'j S 15th. 4-'OlOJ
WANTED by a lady a situation ns house
keeper , nccompllsbcd In nil Kinds of work ,
no objktioli to a widower ulth little children ,
< A < tdreSfl ( iU. ! Sloan , Woodbury , Co , , la.
WANTBD--A newspaperman who is a ready
writer wants position en n city newspaper.
Address. N. 4 , Bee. 318 3W
AVI RST-clnss business man. one who IB very
energetic , commands considerable capita ) ,
loves plenty work and can furnish the very best
of references , wnntH to got into a ilrst-class
legitimate business In Omnli , cither on snlnry
or an Interest In the butilness. Address.N - ' , lieu.
, 374 3
-A Bltuatlon In the west by a
TT young lady Stenographer and typewriter ,
firuhnm Hyutein. Mlsa S. Allman , No. 27 ( Jriuul
lllver nve. , Detroit. Mini. _ ail-'Jtt
\\rANTii : > Slflatlon us bookkeeper by one
bfexperlcnco and wiiii the boat of clly
refon-nct'H us to ability , diameter und business
quality. Address M 6l , lleo olllce. JKt' ai *
T ? and typowrltor. Apply persuniilly , with
references , to Omaha Packing Co. , South Omaha.
LOLNTS Wnntod We pay gentlemen nnd la-
dlCbM ) to fax ) per moiitn to piocnie mem
bers for our association. Members can buy
books and nuts c at wholesale prices. For full
particulars address National Mbraiv Associa
tion. J03 fatatnatreotChlc.igoIU. _ _ _ 4 K-iMt
\T/"ANTKD , M5 tnuisterj ; lunulro ut room U4.
Neb , NntL bank bld'g. John A. O'Ki'etc ,
, _ 441-1J
\ \ * AMTGi > Section men , laborers nnd teanH
> T store. Mrs , llrcga , 314'/a a 15. 4M ! UJ )
" \\rANTr.D Trnoilers to carry Hide line , half
T > do/cn shoes from factory , on fi per cent
commission : send references. Shoo Manufac
turers Exchange , 37 Seltz block , Detroit , Mlcti ,
\ \MNTnp-A Jeweler , L'dholm & Akin ,
Vi ' _ Omaha , Not ) . _ _ 4W 3
/iJENUMr.UAH'lVE eiuplojment offered'tp on-
f JLAorgltlopcrnons of fair education. Apply 4iU
M. Y. Life Building. Omaha. -lutl It
AOI NT3I 2 "red-hot" artlclcsl Coin money
until holldaysl Writu nulcKly 1 for
stamp. Sample,2Cc. Price Bros. , David City. Neb.
372 4 $
WANTEDAgcntsTHark'lVnln's new Book
lajHHi ready ; get nil agency quick nnd
innkemon y fast ; usual terms and exclusive
territory ; outfit * l. Send at once to S. F. Jim-
kin & . Co. . 1)01 ) Olive St. . Sf.Louis. _ _ 373 2j * _
WANTKD-A boy 18 to 18 years old. 1110
Famnmst. iayau
salary M per
T day. The Blaku-Heywood Co. , Kansas
City. Mo. 3-J3-3 ?
( lENTS wanted to handle the Diamod
Sclhsor Bnarponcr and MIH. Cluvehuul Hair
Crimper , botn indlspensnblo In auy family.
Samules n cents each or both 23 cents. C. Moi-
ton , box mi. Onfc Park. Jtl. _ IB3-.I1 *
\\TANTED Oeneriil and local agents to lian-
TY die the now patent chemical ink erasing
pencil. ( JreatO8tuo\elty over produce 1. Erases
Ink in two seconds , no abrasion of paper.1W
to MX ) per cent prollt. One ngont's sales
nmounted to $ < i20iu six days auolhcr * U in two
liours. Territory absolutely free. Salary to
good men. No ladles need ausw er. Sample 35
cts. Fortermannd full particulars udure s ,
Tlvo Sloiuoe Eraser Co. , Manufacturers. La
Cro'so , WIs , _ 311-2li _
WANTKD A few more good'ngents for now
iiovcltleo Justour. Hitmplo by mall 30 cents.
Kettlef ti Do Vine , Room 3'J , Barker building.
_ J.OJ-7T
WANTED-Agcnts to sell the Plnlcss clothes
line ; the only line overlnvented that holds
the clothes vvlthout pins ; a perfect success :
pnti nt recently ipsued ; sold only by agents , to
whouijtha exclusive right Is given : on leoelpt
of f > U cts wo will send n wiiiiplo line by mail ;
nlxo circulars , price list ; and tenns tottgcnts ;
secure your tarrltory nt once. Address Wor
cester Plulcbs Clothes Line Co. , 17 Hormon sc. ,
. . . - , „ . „ young men for light work
oil iviot rt only 13 cunltal-rcqulred. Apply
gJO N lUUi Bt < . Jtopni 17. IhSail
"MTAKTllij-TracU layers and bridge cnrpen-
T J , tep ; fPCJowa. I'llley , Kramer fe Co. . cor.
Utn jind 1 nrnnm stn , 170
IVO toopcr9"\v mca : Meaily work 11 year
J Diftpr. 'nmblnK tierces nnd Ka for barrels
niilliy3tdf ) < ; Htnir used. Address oinnhti Cooper-
ng Co. . gimlh Oinilha. Neb. 81 : . ' 31
\\7ANTKD-A tew inoru live , cncrgetto sales-
TT Jui'nndaoll ' groceries , etc , to farmern , ho
tel nnd restaurant Keepers nnd other largo con-
emuertt at wholesale prices ; oxcluuivo turrltory
given ; for parllculirs nddre&n the Kduowoith
MorcaijHlo.C'o. , linportcrf. mniiutacluieraand
\vnoU' ! ftI6 grdcens 1147 Btnlo at. Chicago.
- Hill ulS'
(1 KNTSrwrlte for terms. Kl sample corset
' ie. chjejo & Co.yja llroadway. New York ,
. 4 v < , 15
WANTKD Balesmnnat I'ftpw month salary
and to sell n Una of ullver-plated
vtare , watches.eU1. . by wimple only : liornoand
tenth fnrolsh d.lrro. Write at once for full par-
tlciih 7i nnd sample casu of goods free Htand-
ni\l Silver Ware Co. , lloaton , Jlass. 674 _
\\7ANTHD-A good ollloe man to go east :
* must Invest * Jr > uO : miiHt be n good business
man. Address the Ueo. 8. Cline Publtshlni ;
House , UUtoiCil Wtibuah ave. , Chlcuuo , UK
_ _ _ _ m
\\rANTEn-Men for WnshliiKton territory.
T AlbnanVi Labor ABoney , 1120 I'liruannt.
_ _ _ rIU _
"IXT'ANTF.II-llood bricklayers und stonecut-
T tersj good wagns paid. Apply M. T.
Murpliy.jficniont. Nob. IHJQ
"fA7ANTBI > Assenti ) . ' 'Uodge'rt Horsa Blanket -
, ket Holder' ' keeps the blanket from
bU Uuu Or tflldlng oil the honie. Nottilug like
it lu the market ; < nery liorHe-ownor buys ,
Humpies by inair. ' Jc. Stuyuct 4c Co. , Provldenco ,
11.1. _ _ 'J. < l.o llt
Din'it'nVES-Wnuted.good : reliable men for
detect IveJ Inovury community ; iiayiua posi
tions. Address Kansas Detective Bureau.lock.
box - " * ' . Wichita. Kan. t 7-O21)t )
M EN' to travel for the FcmthlU nurseries of
Canada.N e pay t > " > 0 to * 100 n mouth and
expeuscii'to mtslosull our Canadian grown
block , Add. Biono .V : Wellington , Jladlsoii , Wis.
IN"ri c < inT5lri airirnelirto"tuire"cirr5
of children.ills Ut. Miry'n uvo. 3W 3U *
17 ANTii-lrl : ) ( ! for geuerul house work in a
tmiull family. 13iHi Knrnam. 813 , ' "
G 1UL wanted at 1610 California.
I WISH to employ n foiv luiUe8.ou Kalary. to
take chnrgdofmy business at their homes ;
entirely uuobjtxtlonublii ; lluht ; very fascinat
ing and hfwltlitul ; no talklug required ; wapen
fin per wuek. ( lood pay for nnrt lime , My
refou'iices luclndo tome ot the best know n IH-O.
pie or l.oulavlllc , ClncUmatl , 1'ittnburg und
elbewhero. Address with stump , Mra. Marlon
Walker. 4th niul Chestnut KU lxjuUllle , JCB.
A tllltltnt J811 Capitol avenue , Ucnrmti pro-
Vferrvj. ' via
\ \ A TEO Flm-clftM experienced ualosladT
r * > D cloak depart meat , Htate vxpvneuM
lier * employed. Aiidreu L ( B , Bee. 0 > a
VI > V opanl * for CldV reform wniat
Rklrtf ) , fitwlffimbstltntfv baby's dlnpor sup
porter , etc. NovBood . Our accent at Aust In.
Minn. , tnarte 17ft In 10 day > . ladles' Supply Co
287 W. WnshlnRton at , , unlcaRO , _ 4lp-tt (
CMPKTKNTBirl for Rencrnl housework.
A must ho Rood root nnd laundress , ( lermnn
preferred. 6)1 ) * * suth > t. a
ANtlJD-Cook nndseond lrl , .117 ' N. 17.
WANTtSD-ChambermaliJ for Idaho. S Innch
counter nlrM for Oirdta.Vf nttress for Wy-
omlnK. COOKS for HnrtlnRton und Sntton. 40
kitchen Rlrw for Pouth OmnliR.f 18. nurno g'r '
tnllori'ss.lftdy nrlnter.gecotidulrl Jl. f > 0 for gen
era. housework. Mr * . HreunUUK - - -
43J oOj
ANTF.n-mirlforgcnernl housework. 1519
Hownrdat. 437 31
\\TANTr.b-A girl for gcnct'nl housework ,
T > Herman or Stvcao pror rn l : good wugoj
toncomrctcnt cooK'apply ; to Mrs. C. Ossninp
,2310 , Webster slies j 307
irANTKI ) Good -girl for housework : good
" goodrrorkflrlsh preferred. Ap-
M wnlst tlnishcrn. nlso 2 appren
\v tice girls. MLss Jllnulck. 17.M Loavcnworlh.
411 31 ?
Olrl for genoralhoiisowork ; tnm-
V > lly M tlrtcot good Ibcntloti ; apply nt ass
FnrimmfBt.j _ r 2JO
ATllD A peed -woman pastry cook , gooa
wiigo , ' . New Vork chop house No. 1. No.
Ill S Hth ct. I'M ' )
'IVI TSS'Ml NNTdlf IIM returrtecT "from "ciiirago
l J ithtlio Intent fall nud winter styles In
dressmnting. nnd wlinxHilcflKoitto have you
roll on hcrucirJ4 L nv-on &rth st. 408 3 ?
'U ' > A clil to do light housework !
npply immediately. Wl ) VirBlnlnnvonue.
U8J-21)t )
NOAOKMIvNTS to dridressmaklnRin fumT
lies elicited. Miss Sturdy , 51U S. th st.
Winoborg dress nnd clonlc maker ;
LOUIS , clouksto order nnd Htenmod : sealskin i
cloaks repaired. nl ( Kinds fur trimmings fur
nished. 1CU Capitol avo. . repairing of all kind.
VV in good locnlltv for physlelnn's olllco. nd-
dress N 1 Bee ofllce. 3fi82'Jf
To rent three hr four fnrnlBhed
rooms for light bonsfliteoplng. or smnll
furnished Cottage. Addles * M CO. Boo olllce.
ANTBO-lly family pf three , small fur-
nlnlied house , for 0 months. Aadrnss 1 5 ,
Bee onicc. 7818)
ANTUD A umall club ot gentlemen to
room nnd board. Handsomely tiunlshed
house ; centrally located ; 411 N. 10. < CI9 30j
1ST CLASS board nnd room 9t per WOOK. day
board M ; 1310 California , near Hth. 411 31T
Nov. 1 four gentlemen to room
nnd board with prlvato family. First
class accommodations ; prices moderate. Ad
dress M 07 , Bee olllco. . 318 Sj
BANK opcnfilor wanted In Nebraska or Da
kota , where can ln\est JIO.OOO to it-UOOil nna
scrvltr-s with prontnblc rctmns ; established
banking county sent town preferred : write par
ticulars I * . 0. box SO J. ICenrnoy , Neb. 2oO 31
O ELEOANT nowF-room HouseH , with all con-
\ enlenrcs , including ranges , nnd best resi
dence location In the city ; 10-ioom house on
S. KltliRt. , opposite Bronnoll hall ; 3 4-rootn
cottages , S.Xti \ St. : 4 7-room houses , with nil
convenleutcs. cor , Rood nnd Park hts , Windsor
Place : large 10-iooin 5iou e ror ttilh nnd Cnld-
well SIB. Apply to Uruonllllanis , 1st Nat.
bnnkbulldlns. 421
FOR RENT iloitso 3 rooms , collar , hard ,
soft and1 rltv'wnter. JI2. to small tamlly.
retereuce riimilrod ; cor. J5th uud Pacllle ts.
41' . 3U
GOOD 4-roo.m cottage , cor. lot , with and
Dodge , 91,1 : nice t-room house , built 3 j ears
ngo , city water , gnu , soweiagnand stable , Da\-
enpurt near SJd , U" > . Hoggs &JIIU , Una rnrnam.
I710R RKNT 10 loom flat in centrnl location
J ? with all lilddern conveniences , rent' * . " ! r > iM
niontu. price ot furniture SJ.UOO' Co-operntl u
Lund X Lot Co. . 205 N. ICth St. 4J4 31
FOR REH'X The21ower nopw of a modern
house , furnace , gas and bath , Sniper month ,
11S8 N. 17th St. 401 80t
T7Kll ) RENT Suites of 4 and 3 rooms or two
JJ 7-room IIOUSCB , chuap and convenient. One
block trom motor. S52 S. 23d , cor. Mason.
380 3
POR RENT Cottage or flve (5) ( ) rooms. En
quire , 40.1 N. 15th at. Thos. Swift. 375 SOf
FOR RFNT A now G-room 1W story cottage ,
No.2T > 78Bpaldlng Ht. paved street and only
2 blocks from Saunders St. motor line. Kent J16
Inquire 2316 Dougjaast , 3coa : *
I7WIMUNTi"IlonsB of D rooms , well , cistern ,
JJ at311 WoolAortli nve.
llousB of o aooms. hydrdnt , bewer , at 1MH N.
2T-th street. *
Houses from 3 to 4 rooms , nt COS N. nth st.
384 : Mj
TJTOR HUNT " -loom ( l t in good location ;
JP price of furniture If22j ; rent Rl" > per month.
All modern conveniences. Also a it-room Hat.
rent fCO per month : price of furniture * ) :
looms full. Both paung well. Co-operative
Land and Lot Co. , Wt N. 10th. JJ12-2 ! )
FOR RENT A partly furnished"11room
honsc. Mlthall modern convorlcnces ; llrbt-
class locality ; rurnltuio for sale , nnd will re
tnln several rooms and pav u good price for
board for three or nloro persons. A good
chnnoo for the right party. Call nt onci > nt
K112 Douglas st. 414 3
171011 RENT Only 4 more pf tnoso nice now 8-
X ! room houses. Bath roam , hot and coU
water. Noar.cur HIICH. only 115 per mo. dnr
inc winter. J. J. Wilkinson , Room 018 , Paxton
Dloek. 357
GHEAPRBNTS-8 joo.113. 1711 St , Mary's
avo. . U18.
fi-room cottage , .tlth and Farnam , $13.
5-room cottage , Ilrlstol xt. $14.
U cottages , 2ith and Hamilton st.
All have cltv water and near street cars.
2 stores ) , St. Mary's nve. . suitable forfnrnl
turo. bakery or other llsht business.
Small store , ilCth nnd Farnam. next to gro
coiy dolugagoodbuslnessgood ; place for
2 stores , 10th and Arbor , will rent cheap.
Hugh G. Clatk , 117 , Chamber of Commerce.
! t
_ _ _
THOU Iir.NT-'So. } < my block. 1131 Geo. nve
JU 10 rooms , fnrnace. , gas and IKturos , electric
wires for lighting , range and every convenience
ienco ; bnru with city water and gas in ; choice
nt'lghborhood.tjo. D.V. Sholes 213,1st i < at bnnlc
* 20'
TJ1OR RENT Tno'duulllnc , corner Capitol
-i ? nye. nnd 18tli bts. , opposite Trinity catlio
urnl ; furnace , rangu and all modern comeu
iences. Cut ! on or address" H , L. Hall , Burling
ton ticket olllce , ,12 ; I larnam st.
T 7-room house , on 8. Kith st. bet
? Jackson , and , Jones sts. Enquire- next door.
_ _ _ 254 N24
TJK Ht RENT fl rooms , cellar , city water am
X' gas. _ Apply Room U' , Arlliigtim blk. 115 _
O-UOOM house on oTh Btr.iB. Enquire S. E. cor.
tJHth uud Vtntqn. 051
_ _
Hats to lent. Ifith st. , castsld6T1)o-
J twoen Jones and Leavenworth ; ( list-class in
nlliosperts , and new : steam heat , bath , open
grates and mantels , vlectrlu tiolls in all rooms-
both motor lines pass property. References
lequlred. Thos. i. Hall , 311 Paxton block.
O 5-ROOM ( new ) houses , nil modem convenlen
> ce except furimco , at tlD , half block Iroui
motor. Dili Paxton Block. K.M
' with all conveniences
LA1U1E l--room Iiou e
and large barn , cor. 2tlth and Caidwell sts.
IfOR RENT i'jvo room houac , 13 per mo. , 8.
1 II corner llth and Vlmon u. on
rj room hotuo with barn , JHunr month. 0. 1'
i 1 1 arruon , , M orcuaiui. ' Nat. bank. 4b'U
qiO llENT-l'lat. "B , Sid Po. 10th st. Has all
JL couvenlcncc nnd will , bo papurnd and llxod
tin in good nhapa for a good tenant. Call at
Her it Co , llUHarney su , for particulars.
_ _ _ _ _ _
ir > Oll RENT Handsome 10-ruom house , nil
JL1 comonleuroivpuY'd street , cable and hone
earn , &iuluiUeb' allotpobtolllc'o. Nathan Bhel-
tqu lim lariiuui'gt.L _ fc51 _
TIKHl RENT Nice new C-roora cottages with
JU.rollars , : nu und 3313 Halt Howard su Rent
115 per inontB Enquire (14 ! fcj 17th bt.g
TJ10R HENT-ilu-'rooin house , alt modern con-
Jj > enUtmus , half block from street car , ( U
per month. Call ixtMl Paxton bloo * . Ill
"ITOR RENT Twelve-room house , liable and
JL' carnage bouse , ou t1st ) ttrecr , next to cor *
oer Leavmiworth ; modem luiprovemtnts and
in perfect rupalr. Apply to Le la a. Herd i.
Co , room 13 , Board ot Xradq building. W6
HEN'IV-10-room home , nteam hett , nil
JL' luipro > emeutg. cheap rent. C ) . 18 , Thompson ,
rooui 211 , auecly , blpck , Wth and .Howard.
TT1OR RHM'-Elffh't room n'wtse. wltn ample
-L' grouudi. corner Le .Un worth and 2lat at * . :
btttu roouL hoi und cold watur. Apply to I/owU
b. Heed X Co , i trapt 13. Board at l d building.
VERY loir , two 7-room houses on UfUi and
VInton ; two ft nnd 9 room house * or. nth
and Woolwotth ( with clly water knd bath ) : two
-room bouses in Lincoln Piice. Room M ! > .
Pniton block. W
TT10R RENT frroom modern linprrtvodlionv.
JL1 comer. Apply M. Klgmter. 11 UK 10th. KM
OlIBESundbtislnnss place ? fpr rent. J.
E Wilkinson , 618 Pnxton blk. 788
tfiOR HUNT N oat i-room hon eln gpod re-
Jt ? pair , oncor. 2 th and Woolwortn tue. ; pos-
Kpsslon given Oct. 1st , Inquire O. B. * Wxmuck ;
BeeolHce. OH
TTHHl RKNT T\vo furnifinea rooms , on , fit.
JL1 Mary avenue , to gentlemen only : MX min
utes' wain ot business center. Rufertuce re
quired , Inquire at store. 10 and 218 tMMh st.
A FINKLY furnished room. tlZ irio. Innntro
nt clgnr store irtM Douglas st. 111
"M lOKLVTurnrslieil rooms , wltli board. .
L > and heat. 407 N. Itth st , 31
rillKKIIFUtrrontroom wlihboanl In private
V/famlly , nicely situated. 2130 , Harnoy r. ,
! t4U ! ?
EMJG ANT rooms In tnod'rn brick reslflntitfo.
single or cu sulto : nlso One Inrgp , front
room : board if desired. IKlCassst.lafito
laf-ito *
I OOM. board , gas. bath. 1012 Unmet * st.
_ ltl2-3t
ji RENT Nicely furnished for
F one : person , with board if desired. ! ! ! >
Uodgo street. 185 28 *
"TTHH RUNT Two furnished rooms : every-
X' thing now nmt neat ; gns and bathrcmt ; mod-
crate. yasr > Farnam st. , C. 2soilt ;
TTIOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with al
Ja modern conveniences. C22 NlMhst
N1 113 IiY furnished rooms. 2209 Dodge.
4.JI 31 $
RENT To one or two gentlemen with
good references , n nicely furnished front
room , heated by steam and ccntinlly located
Inquire 7-4 B 10th St. 30a
fT > WO nicely furnlshei ! front rooms for light
JL house Keeping. Apply 017 N. 17tn st. 3i3Ut
TJ1UIINI81TKD looms. J7 , 8 nnd 81nt WJS
J2 Ilaiueyst. 31U1J
F1 I OR KENT A rurnlshed room. 1123 Jf.20th st.
415 SOT
. . _ largo rooms , elegantly furnished In
--mod rn brick residence ; board if desired ,
IK-'l Cass st. 30J 4 ;
/\NE largo and one one small room for rent
WfnrnlBhed or unfurnished , board If fieslred ,
suitable for light housekeeping. 1310 California.
411 30 $
LAHGT. nicely furnished front room with
prlvato board , apply wilhreferencelOJ8Cnp-
Hot avo. 4S31 ! *
ROOMS furnished , JU and $ S month. Oil H.l'jth.
137 4t
r& 1CBLV furnished room , ' . ' 105 Douglas st ,
J > 4JJ 1 *
TJ1OR RKNT Neatly furnished rtxjm llh or
-U wlllioiit board , modern coaWulences. Cat N.
18th at. 404 4 *
TTIURNISHI'D room , south bay viindpw. with
JLJ ovciy convenience ; 14 Farnam. 3ii
FOR RUNT Large furnished froul roomtlO
per mouth. Xilf LeavenAvoith. U35
"OOOM and board for two gentlemen , private
-Lltumily ; references. 1H12 Dodge. IHO
"IJIOR RENT rurnlshed front roomwitli nl
JL ? modern conveniences , to gentlemen only ,
ntSIBTiht. Mary's avenue. Apply nt store. 210
and 212 South Fifteenth st , - * ' < t )
p'URNlSHED back parlor , SCOT Cnss&t ,
Ti'O It RENT November 1st , pleasant room
JL ? for two gentlemen , steam heat , table board ,
2100 Douglas. 2oS-
FOR RKNT A suite of roinn , with board ,
172 J Dodge street. W )
FOR RUNT One laigo front roomailcely fui-
nlsdied Ibll California st.
TTIOR RENT Ono single and double room.
JL ? with board , very cheap : lOUDonsliisjst.
FOR RENT One nice furnished room. 4iJ N
14th &t. ITS
EMXJANT furnishecl rooms with bath and
fttoam. ir.10 HoTvanlp , , , r .tlt'rv ' -i'iil
FOR UKNT rurnlahed looms'for 2 gonlie-
men , or man nnd wife. 1S09 Douglas. * 014
VTICE rooms , steam heat , 1710 Davenport.
' f
T. CLAIU I'.uiopean hotel , cor. 1.1th and
llodpe ; special rate by week or month
B1OR RENT a nicely furnished rooms'wlth
board ; IHJtt Capitol avenue. * * DBS
wltti bath. S19 S. L'Btli st.
TTIOR RENT i-rooui suit , iinfinilsheil ) sulta-
JL ? ble for housekeeping , gas. water , etc. . to
family without children ; northwest , cor. 17th
ana Webster st. ; SI7
TjlOR RKNT 2 unfurnlslied rooms ; bath nud
JL ? city wnter on cable line. $7 per month. 1142
N. 23th st. 410 Wt )
Tlolt HiNT Ono large front room , unlur-
- L ? nlshcd , everything modern , steam prl
vato fnmii j.ya sath st. 370
F OR RKNT Three unfurnished rooms. 031 S.
17th st. , between Jackson and Leavcnwoith.
371 30 *
TTOIt RENT ,1 unfurnished rooms.sultable for
J housekeeping. 208 N. 13th st. 203
ITIOR HEM1 Brick store room 20r 12th ht.
JL ? joining cor. Douglas. S. Lehman. ,2110
EHOR RENT 5 stores , cor 22d nnd Plercf sts. ,
JL ? suitable for meat market and grocery : also
two Hats above stores : will give responsible
parties " months' rent free to establish trndo.
Cull on J. H. Parrotte , Douglas Co. Bank. 172-5
T71OR RENT Three-story brick building , IHO
JL ? Douglasat. . miltablo for wholesale or ware
house. Chas. Knufmnnu , 13U3 Douglas Htroot.
fllllE most promising locality for busliiesa In
JL Omaha is on Itith ht. . between Fninnni nnd
Ltnvenworth. iho future retail district of the
city. Elegant blocks aie going up , and nothing
shabby will ever be erected there.
'Jake a look at the new block on enst fcldo
IGth betweeii Jones X Leavnworth'ninl se'cura
lease for a number of yeais ; nil heufd with
steam , with plate-glass front , Thos. F. Hall.
311 I'axton block. fi\j \
TTIOR RENT-2 now slores , 817 and 019 S'.1 loth.
JL ? Fine show vrlndowK. U.Vj
T71OR RENT Store room in Boyd opera house
JL ? building. Enquire American Savings Bank.
'IJAOR RENT A 4-storV hriclt building , 63x120.
JL ? suitable for whoijsale : goo4l trackage ; 1
have nlso n number of tine residence prop
erty for rent or sate. 1'or particulars cult or
address 400-411 Bee bldg. N , O. Brown. 4'W
PINE store , with cellar , 020 Soutli IRth.
2S3 Ntt
FOR RENT-StOre. 1111 Ffirnam by 138
fo t , "stories and cellar , Natban Bheltou ,
1014 Faruam st , fco'J
RENT Desirable warehouse room on
TO . Apply to 0. W. Kolth. 711 PAclllo st.
B1U/ '
" | j\OR \ RENT The 4-story brick building with
JU or without power , formerly occupied by The
Bee Publishing Co. . 010 Faruam ut , Tn building - '
ing has a tiro-proof ceineuted basement , com
plete steam-heatlng llxturoj , water on all the
iloora , gas.etc. Apply nt t tie olllce of Iho lleo.
TTIOR RENT After Oct. 1. line liout oincf.
JL ? ground Uoor ; Plate uluis yrlndovr ; lieut anO
light furnlsned ; n most deMrable lorstiou for
any kind ot business ; rent reasonable , .Jmmjre
Omaha Ice Co. , 310 Bo. 13th n , KJ
TTIORTlENT Basement 40 by 89 ft. heatM M
JL ? steam. Enquire J. Nagl , BIS 80. Ijthsf. '
G"ENTLEM AN w hoT ' iirered."y'S
plies and has been effectually cpreii
hend tiill directions for uolf-treutnu-nU Blmple
and unfailing. l'iee to nil. Kdnliii81 l r. P ,
O. box. KH , duclmmti , u. _ a > l.jty t
ENTALAgenls-Laigellht' , MellikvDtt.Wol.
Khans if Co. , 1422 Cup , , , V.iK > sltfon
llldug. ' * i"3i
_ _ _
IF you have anything to exchange call pn II
E. Cole , room 0 , 1'ontluental bloclc , Fiftventl
and Douglaa. 1 > B3
IF you have anything to sell or excuanga eal
at Room BID , faxton block.r " JW
THBATHERB cleaned , curled and flVed , llati
J3 rvahaped , at I1. M , Bchadell & Co,21H N ; latu.
HCT n t
AUCTION sales every Tueiday and -Friday
morinna at ll.'l Farnain , Omaha Auction ! *
Storage Co. _ , '
DR.MAUV Strong : , cor. Saunders anil t'asslns
bin. , Kount7e place. TelephonaHSt. U3T nU'
O AHI1 paid lor bousehold furniture , utovou
Auction ft btorag Co. , ll-l fiiriiupu
HORSK8 wintered nt-iO/maha fair grounds ;
large box otalli , tw-ms reasonable ; cat >
rlagcs stored. A. Thojriyjn. _ SCT N2U
HOHHia Wintered at 'rily ' farm , good runes
and Paddocks ; no xbarbed wire on place ;
lorses called for and tWlrrred : terms moder
ate. Telephone 677. Clms , McCormlck. Cal-
joun , Neb. fl 417 n7
_ _
WANTKD Horsw ton nrlntcr at M a month
per head on farinijirar irrlueton. Plenty
of grain and hay to focJMRood shelter and good
care given thorn : hors < wcnlled for nnd deliver
ed _ \ . inlgrrenzerBUulOI
I WILL winter horbo 'on W. H. Mlllitrd's
farm at Calnoun , fit ; ] ) . Rrnsonnble rntes ,
cnro considered. Ordepsjciin bo left with \V. B.
Millard or mailed mo nitnlhoun , T.J. Fleming.
* 154 nl
rlTHB banjo taught a * an art by Ooo. F.flellcn-
JL beck. Apply nt l ta olllct. mo
CHOOL ot Expression. Vocal , Articulate
Pantomimic. 1. V. Anderson , Hni-cly block.
_ _
VENINO I'reucil cinss. New Yorfc Life
E Building , KooniWi. .lules Merle. 711 N 13
TJinifaONAl/ wilt nciltt yon I me n joit-a
valuable book of Information worth 23.00
for 10 cents. Dr. W , J Jlorringcr , IVmnctl
-n. 42C 4t
LADIES nnd gentlemen desiring correspond
ents uddrc s Correejioiidlng Club , Kansas
City , Mo. Incloaostarnt ) . 28'Jutt
T OST Kltlior on Sherman nve. , IBtn , aoth or
J-J\Vobstor at * , money pu t > contalnlnc : bills ,
cold pleco and OH nor's visit Ing card , name in
full ; llnderwlllbe rewarded by-leaving at 1003
I'ariianist. . two
"lATANTED Second hand light wagon. Must
TT bo cheap. Address It. care Page 8o.ip Co.
WANTKD To buv a lot Ithln one mtle nnd
a hall of vostomce ; cash will bo paid fern
n bargain. Those anxious to sell nddtess N t\
WANTUD I vent to burn democratic pa
per lu a good town , \\lmt have you got ?
Don't was to any time , but wrlto lull particulars
at once , Ben i . Hlldobraud , Pawueo City. Neb.
WANTKD To buy EO ncro fann , good for
gardening , within ! J mile of some It 11
station , not over 15 miles from Omaun : must
bo low price. W. L. Se\oy \ , It 13. Uoard Trade ,
8IO !
for furniture , carpets , etc. Woll'a Auc-
V tlon Htoroge Co. . 317 8. 13th. _ 715
WANTKD 4 or fi thousand yds ot earth to
till lot 58. llurr Oak add , up to grade. Inquire -
quire W. N. Dor\\ard. 1517 Douglas St. 70H
_ _
milACKAQK storage at lowest rates. W. M.
Jlluaaninn. . 1311 Iiea\enworth SOI
_ _
STOUAOK at low rates at 1121 1'arimm htreet.
Omaha Auction and Storage Co. kSl
OTOItAOI ! and forwarding. Wo collect and do-
Oliver goods of all description , merchandise.
furniture and baggage At cheapest mtrs ror
Htorago for any length of ttnio. * Vans nnd
wagons to be had at btiortojt notl < e. with care
ful men for moving.jPncklng nnd shipping
from our own wniehouso done on moderate
charge. Merchandise 'loaded ana unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Office 2U S Hth
st. Telephone 114. Ho\i ) ll & Co. ftt3
MADAMR Wellington ! world-renowned as-
troloclst , teiit mediumund , destiny leader ,
just from lUirope. Tolls your life from the
crnillo to tlio grave , . r'enilliCH thn separated ,
c.utses speedy tcnrriiiKp-.V'lth the one you love ,
local's descascs nnd treats with massage and
electric baths. All in trtiuble should not full 10
consult this Kilted seeruU. i'arlor t > , upstalrfl.
417 S. Hth ; otllce hours trura 10 a. m. to 101 > . m.
iuj3 >
TjlORTUNl ! Teller aim. J-cnorranu can ho
J-.1 consulted ou nil alfaLm ot Hto. Satisfaction
gliarautecd. No. 310N , thst. fc02nllj
DK. NAAN1I3 V. WnviW > . > clairvoyant , medi
cal nnd business medium. l'emao | diseases
n-spHdalty. U N 16tnsti , : . robins ii , and a. 183
Stenogrniihor nnd Typewriter ,
It. iSI Paxton'nilc. aeloiilionel580.
WHITTLESEV'Sshorthand and typewriting
school. Barker block. 'Iho best and cheap
est in Hie city. at N 12 *
STANDARD Stiorthnnil School. Room 343 Wnro
blk. . ( successor to Vnlcmine a ) the largest
exclusive Hnorthand school in the nest. Teucn-
crs nre vcrontlm reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical constiuction
of muchino taught by factory expert. Circulars
* OH SAliU Counter and shelving , room 627 ,
Poxlon Block. aoo
POHBAtiU 7-yr-old pony , broke to saddle
and harness. It. Italian , with N. B. Falconer.
4'KJ31l :
" 1710H SAIjK Good gentle horsn : not afraid ot
JJ the cars ; Indy can drive him ; J-V ) . It. E.
Copson , cor. 15th and 1'aclllc sts. 417 ait
FOtl SAId' A desirable carriage team , dark
bays , ( I years old. wife and sound : also two
road horses , carriages , buggies , etc. ; will make
puce and terms satlslactory. W. J. Council.
4-1)4 )
POH SALE Stemway piano , nuarly new. Ad
drean N. 7 , lleo olllca. 4.18 30 *
EOR BALK or exchange A line black stallion
eight years old. Ino.uite ut Eagle HOUEO
stables , S. 14th st. 409 30 *
FOH SALE A .good reliable family carriage
team , carriage and harness ; a baigaln. Ap-
play to Col. Fletcher. Fort Omnhn. 412
FOIl BAIiK Well trained horse , buggy nnd
hniness , J223 , A bargain. Address P. O.
FOH IjAMStyllsli team of nay horses , fi
and 7 years old. perfec lly Si.und. and will
known In the city ; will drive double or single.
Ono canopy-top double surrey.
Ono top buRgy.
One set double harness.
Onu set single harness.
Ono saddle.
All the above complete nnd in good condi
tion. No further use , reason for selling.
Also one btelnwny square pmno , nearly now.
The nboto property will bo sold cheap , on
roasonabln terms , or will trade for inside real
estate. Inquire rouin 503 , First Nat'l bank.
U72 ill
TJ10II SALE Light siiriu ? wagon I'ffl N. IBtli.
J ? ail ii241
I71OU SALE At half price , n lot of counters
Jl nnd shelving Mutable for protery , notlou ,
hoot unu hliod stock ; W. It. llouian , room C
Freiui-r blk. . ( B7
FOH HALE Top buggy nearly now , cheap , J ,
n Welshnns , H.-0 Jlarnuy. U71
TjlOH SALK AnowfnrnUc ! ; cheap for cash
JJ or w 111 trade. IncjulftVAt SIB 8.13th. 7JO
imOH8ALE-a rows chfap. II. II. Hender-
JJ ton. i oem IOJ , Pozton bit 091
"ElOIl BALK A quantity jpf building atona.
* - Apply to the superintendent Bee bulldlaff.
"IAGR BALE A avhor r power Porter engine
JP In good condition , \reJ.Ktit fi.lOOpounds cylInder -
Indor 11x1(1. ( For particulars apply to The Bee
olllce. > " i 7W
IDLAND cTiiarame aiaYusTco7 N Mfe
bldg , comnleto nb-trtul1 f urnUntd and titles
to real estate examinedrterfectud * guaranteed.
Jl Jl ) ECS
MONKi to loanln nnt-nmoitutou household
goods , hones nnd wajions. utamonds , land
rontracts,8 < tcond any available se
curity , vitnout publicity. Itooni MM'axtnn W
DO VOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before gettlug my rates , which are life low
est ou auy u\n from II U > JIO.OUO ,
1 make loans on huuielinld good * , pianos , or-
gans.horseamules , vago , warenoiue receipts.
houMi. leases , etc. . In any amount , nt the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be wade for one to six months nnd
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal and lnteral. Jf ypnowu a balance on
lourJumltur * or bor e or have a loan ou
them , 1 will take it up and carry it tor you as
Jono as you desire.
If you need money you w n flnd it to your ad-
yantago to see tno before borrowlag.
n. F. Masters , room 4 , Withnell building. Lltb
and Haniey , t > 79
MONEV loaned on chatlel securlly or rea
estate. J , J , Wllnluiou , 018 1'axton blk.
$1.00J I'rirnto money to loan or will buy good
mortgage , W , USelby , r.lS.Hoardor > ada.
VVANTUPI'lrstclAss inside loans , lowest
TV mtM. Call nnd sea us. Mutual Invest *
inent Co 1804 Farnain. , B77
rriu TXAN A few thousand on tnsid * unlnt-
4prorodcttypronprty or good M mortgage
paper. Address M 40 , Itcooitlce. 'Mt
MONTTV trt loan on ifal estate necurlty at
lowestratas. Before nrgotiatlnitloans set
Wnll&co , 11310 Brown bldjr.liith and Douglas.
MONKY td'loan by an eastern man , on gilt
eitgo propertj't for the next 10days. Harris ,
room4U,3Bt Nat. .
'and ' farm loans , mortgage p -
'par liniiuut. McCftguo Investment Co , B.M )
TMTONKY to loan on city property and farm
iTJLlnnds t lowest rntos. J. 1) . /.ittle , 4JO I'nv
tdnblackV H
T > KS1DKNCKloans ' { to7 percent ; no art-
JLXilitlpmvl charges for commissions or attor
ney's fee . M" . HI MjClkle , First Nnt bank lildj ; .
MOftnV- loan on horses , wagons , mules
household cooils. pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. TheJlrst organized loan olllca in
the nlty. , Mnko lonusrrom , thirty lo three hun
dred nmlfdxty-flvb daV.s , which cim be paid in
p.itt for/whole nt nny time , thus lowering thn
principal nnd Interest. Call nnn sea us when
> ou wnnt money. Wo cnn assist j-oil promptly
mid to ryoiu' ndvantaite wllluiut riuuol l ot
property or. publicity. Money nltraya on hand.
Nodttlayin makiiiir loans. 0. r. Reed&.Co ,
310 t } > ,13tlist. . ov r Blnghnin V Sons. 87- >
MONUVtoloan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and lonnngcnta , l.VH 1'nrnam st. H70
MONKV to loan on city or farm proporty.
Clco. J. VnuU iOOU rnrnam at. t > So
BUItiUINn loans. D. V , Bholes , 21U First
National bang. 873
rOANSinadeoil real estnto nnd mortgages
JLJbotignt I/oilis S. Reed & Co. r.13. board trndo
b74 .
y to loan on furnlt-rs , .
Lctn. . or on nny approved security .1. W.
RobblQS , lltUi Karnam street , Paxtou hotel.
TJ1IHST mortgage loans at low tales nnd no
JU delay. 1) , V. Sholos , 210 First National bank.
Mortgage St Trust Co. fur
nish cheat ) eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western olllce. George W. P. Coatcs ,
room 7. Board ot Trade. K < S
Mortgage Co.-I.oans of $10 to
11,000 ; gotour rates before borr.vwlng nnd
save money ; loan on horses , furniture , or nny
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , reuewnl of old , nnd low
est latcs , call R20iShceloy ) blk,15th & How nrd st.
. . collateral loans iunft.nm timki.uL or ,
> it will pay you to see Tlio Western Invest-
m nt Co. . room 442 , Bee building. 889
loans wanted on brick builness
or residence blocks. Favorable terms nnd
rates. Klinbult , Champ & Itynn , 120'i Farnam.
200 N S
TO LOANA special fund ot $100.000 in sums
ot Jlll.000 nnd upwards nt very low rates
The Mead Investment Co. , 311 B. IDth St. 151
l\fl ONKV Xoans negotiated nt low rules with-
luout delay , nnd purcliuso good commercial
paper und mortgage notes. S. A. Slouan. cor.
13th nnd Karnnin. 8\i !
MONEl''to ' loan : cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Smilre. 1213 rarnam st , First National
bankbulUllU [ {
MONEY to loan on nny security
lor Shotrtimo at low
rutos. Lowest rates
on 'personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment company ,
room 40U 1'axtou block. 872
MONKY to loan at low rates nnd no delay.
CnpUo.1 snd surplus J1.SO,000. ) Lombard
Investment Co. , 3008 13th st , 8bO
SEE Sholes. room 210 First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. H73
* , ' ) to loan at G per cent. Llnanau & Mahoney -
honey , loom COi ) Paxton block. 870
loaned on > furniture , lioises nnd
wngonsJ ; rntes reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S.jtli Bt. , opposite Millard hotel. boa
Tjll RST 'National safety eleroslt vaults. Safes
-C to rcnttfVto $13 a'veur , 307 S. 13th. HM
ali bunlnes , thance3
IJIOR SALR A fancy drh'lnit team , match
JL ? blacks. Star Lund nnd Loan Co. , 16U9K
Fnrniim. 424 2H
rpwo vflry OnozestaurAnf ] In the best portion
Jof the-city f or , sale. The patronage is the
wealthy cas.s | , ami tncy are paying big money.
The p arty is leaving the city uud must sell.
They nre first-class throughout and are cheap
at the prices. $ . ( IOO for one and W.MO for the
other. Co-operative Laud & Lot Co. , 305 N 10th.
, v i 433 31
AN established grocery business ; fine loca
tion , stock clean nnd fresh : fixtures , teams
nnd everything complete , for sale nt { 1.000 less
than value on account of removal ot owner.
Address N 0 , Bee. > 432 31 *
P , restaurant that pays 8150 net prollt
'per ' month. Only $500 cash. J , J. Cllhsou ,
o.3 Creighton block. 30U
/ 1IG All store In one of the beit locations in
vAhe qlty , Can sell nny amount to suit the
Eucuibftr' ; Conf ttlonarv and restaurant com-
mpd. ' Co-onerativo Land ana Lot Co. . son N.
ICtUst. U42-20
at Sil2 Douglas Bt. for good chance to
v-'right party. Scond elsewhere. 4143
T71OR SALE or exchangeFirstjlnss drug
JL ? stock Ui Mo. Valley. la. . 4.0UJ people , three
stores , stock $0OJO. Will bell for pait cash bal
ance on time , secured , or part cn h ana balance
Iowa or Nehrnskalnnd nt fair valuation. Lock
box t15 ! Mo Valley , In. _
DRUG bufclness for snlo In a llvo Nebraska
town , about $23.000worth of drus business
done In the town yearly , only two drug stores :
utock NV 111 invoice about & . ' .WJO , half cash and
half on time. Address M 37 , Bee olllce.
* 100 2t
IOOD chance for the right party. Call at
r 2312Douglas st. Bcond elsewhere. 4U 8
IOAH nud candy store , good stand for right
Inan. Will sell cheap. MX ) N. Hth ! t.
4Uii23 *
OR RKN'l Now hotel , In heart of city ;
thirty rooms. W.Fnrnam Bmith.liiiO Furnam
TmOR SALEOr trade , a well established book
JL ? anil stationery storu. Box 518. M
T41OR KXCIf ANO E lots In North Omaha
k"v > < 4k.vj > i a.i % < Eight " -
JL ? clear , to exchange for property in Pierre.
Halo AedrcBS M 73 , Boo olltc . 411
> GOOD rcndencos ) on Howard nnd 2Ist st . .
clenr , for rcnidelice on N. "Iht , 22nd or23il Ht ,
Well improved tarm near Omaha , and cash ,
for cltv property.
Land and cash for newspaper and Job print
ing outllt.
Omana property to exchange for clear land.
Star Land and Loan Co. , IUWi ; 1'urnam.
IO KXCHANOE-My equity , worth Jl.nno in
applendli ) lot on Georgia ave. . for Chicago
suburban property. Address P , 117 W. Van Uu-
rcn st. . Chicago. K8t l ;
TJTO'R BXCilANOU-Groccry nnd food store
JLJ for I9JO | } J cash , balance trade. Might do
better ifiprdperty it first rlass , Co-operative
Land nnd Lot Co. . 313 N. 18th bt U12-2J
' \ArANTEDr-TotraaeSlO acres good Nebras-
Tl kn laud , all clear and deededr/or brood
mares. Albert Edliolin , 101 ti. 15th St. , Omaha ,
* * arjn
WlLfJ oxclmtige IOX)0 ) worth of improved
Lincoln property forlands. .T. u , & 0. H ,
Ilutchlns , 1123 OBtrcpt , Lincoln. Nub. ) IJ
F"QH'ixiiANOE-80 ; aciei clear ofcncnmb-
rancc. in trlnaof 10 ncros , lu Mercer coun
ty. Illinois , for stock of goods or city property.
Apply room -'IS. Fiptf National bank building ,
WANTED To trade Z lots , n room house ,
bain and out-building ; nicely located in
Flon'oVe. ' > KuU. ' , Nfl "incumbrnnco. for good
younirork teams , H. Hall , Florence. Neb.
_ _
T710R iXCHANOE-A : buslnesHyieldinK
JL ? of from S.'VWJ la )8.0.iO tier unnuin. to ox-
cUaijga for L-OOI ) city property. Am willing to
assume light , encumbrance. Apply room -10 ,
I'lrst National bank building. _ 1JQ
ITWli EXCHANaE-io clear South Omalm lots
JL ? and clearltand' for 8 or 10 room lioiibn. will
amume mlinu incumbranco. W. L. Belby , R. 13 ,
Hoard U'radp. _ blrj
T7IOH EXCHANai-InBtu rtHoltOo. , Nob. .
JJL ? newjipuse , 6-rooui > and closeia , with 1 corner -
ner lots ; renta for | 1U per montii.
A feed store and two business lots , rents for
812 per. month ; will trade for a stock of hard
ware , clothing or boots and bhoej. Address
Frank K. Hurtlgan , Crete , Neb. 707 3J
XCIIANOE for city property , two good
farms joining towns situated in Harlan and
Ureclyicouutuu. Meyer & Ra&pke , 1403 liar-
ney at. Wl cO )
_ _
\\fANTKI : > - Toexclianirfl dry goods notions
Van < VinlUIiiC'ry goods for clear land or city
nropfenr l nd part dull. Address bor 4fa
Vratitfott Jnd. VCS
BRNTAU property , Insldo , to exchange for
rlpar farms or vacanfctty lota. The * . F.
Hall. 3111'axton blocfc KM
> OLKAil SouTiToiiinlia lots for hopscsor land
Oxoutli or east of Wheeler Co , Neb. Solby ,
13 Hoard Trade. - SU
VT/KW / 2 sentrd c rnnn ' . for.l-'c.d mortgage ,
1Selby. . 13 Board Trade. * * _ _
TpOR lXCHANJR-l'Qr ! ( anv kind ot good
JL1 properly , ft grain elevator In one of the best
towns in lown , RlluatciMn the heart ot n tine
agricultural country. Vroscnt owner is no : n
grain man , nud Jias other busliicu. A rare
chnnco for n practical man. Also. Rvo thousand
acres of On * timber land In northern Tennes
see. Room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce. Tel , 14IU.
rpOTtTKCHAHKUS-No\cr golo Die owner of
J R piece ot property yon wish to buy. A
good iirokcr will nmko the ntirchaie for you at
n less llguro thnn you possibly can. If you will
lint your thinking capon you cnn reason out
ilit ! truth of this assertion M. A. Upton Co. ,
loth nnd I'nrimin. . , _ x'41 >
AVI'.W cottages In Asrord'd/ Orchard Hill ,
Horbacn's2nd.llnncom Placiv Luke's , Pop-
plcton park , Shtrin'a and PnritorM additions to
ell ou easy monthly pay mmits. 'Jhme nro on
\ cry choice lots and some nro , on car lines. Don't
delny until next Vehr J tfot In how and IAICO nd-
vantBgo ot rise In vnmes. F , Kf Darllnx , 43
Barker block. 2S 31
A VERY line aotiUi front lot , a crtrner. n. o.
ror. 2tli and Kewnril nts. , toxl.lVi.KU. . M.
A. Upton to ; . 10th nnd rnrnam. 241:3
TVTONvniuro is n bargain nt two-thirds value :
.Li OOxl 10 feet on Caldnoll street between 20th
nnd 27th , 7-room houve , well , cistern , wnlks nnd
treosf.1.i < i > 0 , ( l.iViU CAsh , balance 3 years. Nototlio
hlzoof this lot. itx loctt Ion aiid Ui6 Improve-
incuts , M. A , Upton Co , , 10th and rnrnnm.
_ 2H ai
TTIOR H.MiK Very low price fern fowdnys ,
J-1 lot 3 , IIIUCK 78 , near new p. O. site. Inquire
oil promises. No. 1715 Davenport nt. 20 1 3T
GET ready for the boom. Take ourndvlce
nnd buy Omalia property while prices nro
low. The boom Is sum to come.
Tno greatest minp ever oirered A fine resi
dence lot iioarSSth und Fnrnnm. for ualo ut * s < 5
n foot , win th 1 125 ; must be bold this week.
Wo hnvo n cash buyer for residence lot in a.
w. part ot city. Must bo n bargain.
Only" ot those 4 beautiful 5-room cottngei In
Orchard Hill loft. Pricu SI.WO-S75 casli. { 15
jier month , no interest. Whole in Omaha can
you buy another new J-room cottngo within I'l
miles from P. 0. , und U blacks from motor , for
For sale 40 choice lota in Plcire. ' only 7
blocks from P. O. Price golnc $ up o\ery dny.
Star J.aud and Loan Co. , ! BOijS ) Faruam.
4 1 SO
OWNER moved to St. Ix > uln otters to soil 0
houses at n big bargain , $700 nnd J.'OO onch ,
all newly papered nnd lent oil , in n locntlon that
they will never bo \ acant. Call and lot mo glvo
you terms. D. D. Bmeaton , Room 41 Barker
block. t > > 3 nlu
A SI'LENDID little cottage , good barn and
Xiouthounes , on lot In ParSor'B addnuonr Long
school , one block west of motor , line. Very
cheap nnd nn CORJterms. . Just think ot It. tl.MO (
tnkes it ; $ VK ) cash , bal. on time. r. 1C. Darling ,
4'l Barker block. itgs 31
U ? 7ixm actual Blue inside bushiosb ana"reUP
Pdcnco , ? . ! ) . ( W ° worth of lioiiaos bointt built
adjoining , will soil for 817.03J no wl Why ? For
reason am lunecd of 810.UOJ cash ; great odor.
Address LM , Hoe. OOlnllJ
FOR SAL l5 On long time'anil easy pay m onts ,
handsome , now. well-built houses of H , .nnrt
10 rooms. All convcuie ices , good nclghboi--
hood ; paved streets , street cars , nnO within
walking distance of P. O. Nathan Sheltou , 1014
Farnam street. _ 8iK )
17IOR SALE 'Iho finest nrlck rcslnenco In tlie
JL ? city , modern and no\y large shady yard con
taining about t\\o acres of giounds , utouo
walks and withal n complete home. Have o\-
tenstvo business Interests lu Bait Lake nnd my
wife declares she will live nlono no longer.
Terms nud prlco to suit the customer. How is
that ? Address M 72 llee olllce. _ 370
CUBSCIUBlffor shares in the "Amorlran. "
kJtho largest building nnd loan association In
the world. M. A. Upton , special agent. Kith
nnd I'nruam. 212
"VTOWis the time to pet n lot iuDwIghtand
- lLymun's addition just soutn of Huuscom
park. Beautiful locution. The grading of IC.'d
at. Is making It a line thoroughfare. Extr.i
ntcolyluc lots , 62x133 , can bo bought now for
J1.2.-iOto81r > 0 ! ) . U'nevuill sell for double this
amount lu less than .1 years. Wo have a num
ber of thcso elegant lots for sale , , M. A. Upton
Co. , 10th and Fnrnam. " 241-21) )
GO TO the "Old lloHablo" M. Ai Uptori Co7
IGth and F.iinam. for real citato tin est-
ments. References Our pist dealings , tna
TpOR 8ALK-2,000 .TiVncro Btaok tarm in
JL ? Brown Co. , Neb. For particulars write to
Box 170. Alns worth. Neb. W13 OJU *
/ O.WALLACE , 310 ' .T. .7. Brown bultrting.
VJI'lOth nnd Douglas. New fi-room cottage
nnd mil lot , Monmauth Park , Jl.dOO. '
$ . ' 0 cash and $20 per month , worth $1,800 Two
of the best cottages in Monmoulh Park , (3.30) )
each , very easy payments. Vacant lotBWJO to
$1,000. lilectrfo motor line now rmiKto this ad
dition and no property about Omaha olTcrs tbo
inducements In cheap names in easy reach
from the city , that nio otfeied by beautiful
Monmouth Park.
Ton lotslu''art < iage. West Cumlng nnd Lin
coln Plate at Sl.UUO to Sl/JoO. Will build houses
on these lots for thosadoHlrlnc homes and will
sell on easiest possible payments.
Twenty lots In Clifton Hill nnd Baker Place nt
? KOO to tfl.OOU , on which houses will be built If
desired. '
Clerk ? , mcchanlrs , shopmen , laborers or any
wishing to got a home , will llnd It to their In
terest to see mo. Can oiler the choice in the
nortn part ottht tltvof charming Monmonth
Park , large lots In B lyd's nddltlon , valuable
lots on 3 th in Bedford Place , or west in Haw
thorne , llriggs Phuc. Clifton Hill. Thornburg
or any of the choice properties In tlmt direc
tion. Money to loan. o. O. Wnhncc. 1'lth ' and
Douglas. 42331
FOR BALE or lease , on easy terms , 3 lots on
25th nvo. , just south of Lcavenwortlu
Would build an eight room house and sell 30
feet for I.'l.OX ) and .soli on monthly payments.
Lots-tuna D , blk 0 , Jvllby Place.high and
One lot N. 13th sr , , trackage
Four business lots N. 24th und 8. ICth st.
; ytti nve. nnd Dodge , comer.
ISM ft N. Mth sr.
Other good residence property.
Id lots Crolghton HcightB. cheap.
Will sell u few lota on building terms. -
N. A. Kuhn , drug store , 15th nnd Douglas ,
413 n 28
TilOR BALE-Hy Otto Lobeck.
JL ? 3-room cottage , good cellar and well , lot
00x103. foncoci in. West Cumlnpr. . | , 'JOO ; cash
f2 > W , Vol. J17 per month , without interest.
7-room cottage in HiNt-claHs order , on N.20th
near Paul , terms to suit , JI.S'X ) .
Newh-ioonihouao on Bristol St. , 1 blk from
motor Hoe , W.r/jO.
8-room house on N. 23d near Cass. SH.COO.
Corner Douglas and luth , rents at 31,200. cash
$15.000 , f.-.Afl.
South Omalia lots : s
Lot 4 m blk 10 , Hxl50 ) ft , 3ia > 3.
Lot 4 in blk 13 , WxlW ft , JI.-JOO.
LotH 11 and U in blk .11 , corner 120x150 , Jw',200.
Lots 2 nnd 4 In blk 4. ttxl5'J ) ' each , Sirju.
Aero lot.s In Bolomon'c , add , $ noo.
Aero property on belt line , 9125 to MOO , nil on
easy terms. Otto Lobeck , room 18 Chamber of
Commerce , i 22130
SPECIAL bargain on n Hut ) piece of ground on
Jlstfct , just south of VInton. HOxT.O. ftl.WKi ,
M cash. M. A. Upton Co. , IGtlfuud Faruam.
/ Bxirc ; on Fnrnari , between Oth and 10th , at $150
"front foot. This11st 150 n foot lesu than value.
M. A. Upton Co. , 10th nnd Fainam. U4I-29B
1 000 acre entile ranch , with privilege of 049
Jlnore school lease. Must bu Bold in ten days.
Apply nt room Sis Now VTork Llfu U'ld. 381-31
IHAVi : some Ural-class rental property 'for
nnls cheap within onemile of postllioce , on
paved stroiits and motor Una. Thos , V. Hall ,
Bit 1'uxtou block. 8'J3
TOOK SALE , very cheap"no trades , farm 643.78
JL1 arres , e c.S , 1U N.O W. Hamilton county Neb ,
S miles from Marqiietle. small house , stable ,
you acres pasture fenced , living water , price
only $10 per ncre , $5.4 n.U ) , oun-thlrd liMi crop
included , Terms cash balanced percent
interest , P. If. Atklnsi , owner , rallrpad build
ing , Duiiver. Colo. 778
JL BusluoBS.
Residence ,
Vacant and
suburban properties lu the market
nro for sain by "the old reliable" M. A. Upton
Co. , luth and /'amain. ' CJ
ABHR13WI ) buyer alwayfliuaKes Ids pur-
rhasea'otpropQjty , like real estate , through
n broker.
A good manypeonle mi there need to be edu
cated in tlilx'teiMYd. ' but experience , that cost
ly but etrecllvo , teacher , will < "lnin" them.
M. A. Upton ( Jo. < IBtli und rarnam. 241 !
HOMK3 tor fialo On Monthly Payments.
7-room dwelling In Ceutral I'nric. full lot ,
south front ; puymentn , 81K.W ) per month.
Bmull cottiigu lu tVnlial 1'arK , full lot ; pay-
inenta. 8I-.M ) tier month ,
G-room dwelling , uirni r WtU and Vatrl V ave
nue , full lot , south trout ; payments , ( JO per
Handsome 7-room dwolllng , on Orace street ,
all modern linprotementi. on monthly pay.
incuts. Other property lu ull parta or the city ,
Call and nee me. it. J , O'Donalioe , lull Fnjnam ,
TT10R SALE Twp corner lols near f outh Oraa-
X1 im 1'ark ; great baigaln. U. , i' . O. box nwi.
17UR HAl.V.-0-rooia House , barn mm lot.
JL' Hanscom I'lace , at a bargain. Harris , room
411,1st Nat. Bank. K'
INDBORIIOTKL ttirner of Mill and
Jackson sts. , 'J blocks from Union depot ,
licit f 3 a day house In th pity- W
> 'otlco is licrtby given that a book will b
opened nt 10 o'clock A. in , on tatunU > ' , ( ho IK *
teent It day ot Noyfmber , IIW at tne ofllro of , T ,
M. Thurston , ITnlon Pnclllo Building , in the
city ot Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska , for
the purpose utreeclvma luilmrlpUoiis to tlio
rnpital stock ot the Omnhn Union Uopot Com
pany. W. llilloticovn , '
. . „ , T. Ij. KlMIIAt.I ,
_ * - _ _ _ _ .i ° r 'hojncorporntor s "
Notion 10 C < unriiotnrs.
Sn.M.KD Proposals vlll lie received at the
olllco ot county clerk. Douglas county , until
Six m. PntunUy. November 2nd. 18S' . for grad
ing not to exceed l.fflf ) yards on county roid. In
8. I ! , rurncr or S. R. of 8. W. > { of See S , IP , 12.
All bids to tie accompanied by certified check
forRSi.O ) , County renprvea the rl ht toroj ct
nny or nil bids. M. I ) . Hocitr , County Clerk.
_ _ _
I ROPOSALS for Krectlon ot School llutldlnj :
JL etc , U. 8 , Indian Servlro. Vnnkton Agency ,
DaUotn. October 12th , IWi.-Senled liropojlals
Indorsed 'M'ropo nls for erection. of n school
building , or for building materials' ' ns the cast
may lie. nnd directed tn the undersigned al
Urormvnod , Dakota , AMU bn received at this
olllce until one o'clock of Noimber nth , iswi.
for nirnlshlng the noccs ary material * nnd
InlHir anil for erecting n t\uv torr frame AchOfil
building nt thn Vnnkton A"ncy , Dak. ' In no
cord.tuie with plaus and ypoclllcntionsthatinny
lie examined nt the olltce ol Iho "Plomur I'reKs"
of SI , Paul. Minn. , the "llpo" ot Omaha , Nohr , ,
ami Mouriml" of Stouv Clly. Iowa1nlso for
nirnlshtng a variety ot lunuwr , bricks , windows -
dews , doorH.hardWnrcctr , , ( a tull list and ( ins
cription otwlilch mnr bo ouUlnrilby applica
tion to tlio umlorsluncd ) . required fur ummcy
buildings. IntttibtiilttlniT hld forthnereitionoC
the srhoi ) ! building , blddna must btntn the
length ot time required to complete It : mid for
furnlnliliii ? building materials , the prlco of vacli
nrtlcle oircrod for dellery uiidcf contract must
bo epccltlc.illy stated. CertlUvd chorks All l > ld
must Do accompanied by rortltleil checks Uimu
aomo Unlled bttlvi depository , payable to thn
order of the und rslguod , form Iiiiitfi per cent
of tha amount of the proposal , \\lilchcliecn. \ will
bu forfeited to the United Stales In cnsu any bid
der or bidders receiving nuuunrd Hlmll talrto
promptly oxBcuto n contr irt with goo d and silt-
ilcldut HuroUcs , otherwlsn to be laturiuul to the
bidder. 'Jho right Is reserved tu reject any or
all bids or nny part ofunvbldlt deemed for the
best Interest of the rerrlco. SAMI'HU T.
LHAVr. U. 8. Indian Agent oiart.'it
xCOE ,
' Ancl Rubter.Oai BMlooni , Jewelryi
. Nouoit , NovMtitli , fie. , Acit
l.owett pricri. _ O _ oai for Htrcetmcn , ,
-nli , Utnoili
. 715 VVsHik'PTnn AVI . ST. louis. Mn.
Running between Council ninth , and Al
bright , lu addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth ana Twenty-fourth ,
sucets , nod at the Summit In Omaha.
B No. 3 BsOOprafA No.13 7loam :
0 No. o BI > p u > n No. l : i5pm
A No. 4 10:00 a in 10 No. 5 6:16 pin
A No. 14 , . ,0:45pmA : | No. 3 0:83 am
No.8./ 8.40am No. 7 . . . :27m
No. 8 3:15pin No , 3. . . . , , . , . . ,7:15 am
No. 4. . . . . . , . , . . , . - : am No. 6 , . , . . . . , , . ,8:15 : pnj
A No.8 . , U:40nmA : ) No.l . 7:00 am
t ' . fajji-nrn * "o a . R ! n n
A No , , . . , ,10:07 aw A No. 3 . O
JL No , . . .VUdptnA No.l . O
B1OUA. Oil' * ' If PAtlifHS.
A No. 10 . 70\amA ; | No , 08Hum :
A No , IS . 7OOproA : | No. II . , . .BCOpio :
A No , 8 . 4:33pmA : | No , 7. . , , . . . .12:00 p ]
A daily : B dally , exceot Saturday : 0
Sunday ; i ) except Monday ; 'fuvi uiatu