Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Result or the luvostlpatlon Into
County Affairs.
Cms * Irrcpiilnrltle In the Coimlruo-
tlon of the Nmv Ilonpltal Un-
iMinlncftftllkn AloilioiU Of
the CoinmlHslotieri.
Tlio Ilospllnt n Dlftgrncc.
The grand Jury npponrod In Judge Hopo-
veil's court , yoUenlay afternoon about C
o'clock and MibmlUcd their report , embody
ing the result of their Invcstliratlons during
their session of over flvo weeks.
Two reports wcro submitted , rmo being on
the subject of the county commissioners und
county clerk , nnd the other on the , matter of
the county jail.
A butch of Indictments wcro also handed
Below Is tha report of the grand Jury :
State of Nebraska , Douplns county
Of the September term of tbo district
court of the Third judicial district of No-
braslca , within nnd for the county of Douir-
lae , in snld state , in the year of our Lord ,
The Rrnnil JuTors chosen , selected nnd
sworn , in nnd for Douglas county , do hereby
present their report of their doings as such
grund Jury.
On account of the great importance
of the matters concerning which the
grand Jury was ompnnellcd , nud on account
of a largo number of witnesses that It be-
dnmo necessary to oxamlno In order to nrrlvo
ut n full understanding of said mutters , the
Brand Jury has been compelled to remain
in session much longer tliim was expected
when wo were originally ouipitnnellou.Vo
liavti tnkcn all tbo testimony that was avail
able hi reference to the grading of the
county hospital site , the erection of the hos
pital , tha building of the wall about
the court house , mid the fitting of u vault In
the ofllco of the clerk of the district court ,
and from this testimony wo llnd as follows ;
1Vo find no criminal liability resting
upon any of the members of the county
board in connection with the building of the
county hospital , but wo find thai It was inju
dicious , unbusinesslike nnd contrary to a
wlsu public policy to make n verbal contract
for grading Uio county hospital site at an ex
travagant price , as was done , Instead of ad
vertising for bids and letting the contract to
the lowest bidder , und Unit by reason of this
unbusinesslike- method serious loss was occa
sioned the county.
! 2. Wo llnd that the nrchltoct ot the
county hospital building , by Ills dilatory and
evasive decisions , bus caused much delay
und expense in the erection of the building.
8. Wo llnd that the contractors have
shown u disposition to slight tno work , nnd
have dlsoboyod the superintendent's orders
to remove defective and condemned work
and material from the grounds. That the
bulldmgas : constructed , is in a bad condition ;
that the worlc is done in u rough and un-
worknmnliUo manner ; that It Is n sunous
question whether the building will bo safe
for occupancy , or will stand for uny great
length of time ; that the county would bo
better off with the material piled up ou the
grouud than to have the building in its pres
ent condition , and that tha building as it
now stands Is a lasting monument to the
stupidity nnd inofllcloncy of the contractors
and n dlsprncu to Dougjas county.
4.'o llnd that tlio auptirmtandcnts In
churgo of the work were remiss in tboir
duties In not compelling contractors to com
ply with tha plans nnd speciticritinns by
withholding estimates until the orders of the
fiupcrlntondonls wore oboycd.
C. in the matter , of the construction of the
retaining wall around the court house , wo
Und that an unsuccessful attempt was made
to brlho certain members of tbo county
board , Ulclinrd O'ICoelTo and William J.
Mount , by oltorlnc tbom money for the pur
pose of securing a favorable report upon
work done nnd the allowance of estimates
ou the saino. 13ut tlu.t , tie | said bribes hav
ing been offered moro than eighteen months
prior to the empanelling of this grand Jury ,
criminal proceedings ngumst the parties
offering said bribes uro barred by the statute
of limitations. Wo further find from the
testimony that the superintendent in chnrgo
of thu construction or this retaining wall re
ceived from the contractor extra compensa
tion while acting ns supjrlntondont.
0. Wo have been unable lo find that n con
tract wns made or order given to anyone to
construct a balcony In tun vault of the olllco
of the cleric of the district court , or to put In
filing cases nbovo the balcony. Wo llnd that
tbo commissioners who allowed the bill for
the balcony allowed the same in undue haste
und without duo consideration , and without
referring the same to the proper committee
before talcing action , and that bad tno war-
runt. been held for ton days , as required by
law , unv Irregularities might have been
7. The testimony submitted to us shows
that the county commissioners In the man-
ngcrncnt of the llnancial affairs of the county
have in many cases shown carelessness and
negligence. Wo further find that more or
less business has boon dona by mutual un
derstanding outsldo of the commissioners'
ofllco. Wo therefore recommend that all
business involving the expenditure of county
funds bo dooo In the commissioners' olllco ,
or If by necessity the work Is ordered when
the board Is not in session , the sumo
sliould bo ratified or repealed and
inaiio a mutter of record at the next meeting
of the board. Wo also Had that the records
of the county commissioners nro very incom
plete and thu testimony goes to show that
the reading of the minutes liasbcon deterred
for months at utimo , nud wo recommend
that all actions of the board shall appear
upon the records nud that the sumo should
bo road and approved ut oanh meeting of the
board. Wo also rccouimoiid that no bills bo
allowed or advances bo made on bills with
out the snmo being referred to the proper
commiUco of the boaril for duo consideration
before taking action thereon , and that n
strict compliance with the law requiring
county clerks to bold warrants ton days , bo
unforced , and that tbo county clerk bo re
quired to furnish tha county commissioners
, with voucher * for nil expenditures of money
in bis ofllce.
8. Wo bollove that the payment of foes to
county commissioners and county employes
for attendance before the grand Jury us wit
nesses is nn imposition to the
tax payers of tbo coanty , we
rocpmuieud not only as errand Jurors , but as
citizens , ( bnt if sold fees bo allowed the pro
per reduction be inado from tholr ) iuy as
county employes.
{ i. The grand jury was unable to find
many valuable paporo that wcro necessary In
their Investigations , and the county cleric being -
ing the authorized custodian of all papers
appertaining to It la oftlou and the ofllco of the
county commissioners , wo rocommona that
n proper system of receipts bo established ,
u'ul that uo books or papers bo allowed to betaken
taken from the county clerk's ' olllco uxcopt
by persons entitled to tha same , nud only
then by giving receipt for such books or
papers .
10. Wa find that the county clerk , making
n ( immorly report , bus been guilty of gross
carelessness and negligence.
A. Cl. Ci.iuic , foreman ,
The grand jury vlaitod the county jail nnd
found the enino to bo as clean and orderly as
) > osilblu In its crowded condition ,
Wo found that the placing of a fiteam heat
ing laundry and the syatain of "baking" the
prisoners' clothes kee | > s the jail cainpara-
lively free from vermin und diseaso.
Wo llnd an follows : A portion of the Jail
has never boon painted ; that some of the
iron has only a priming coat o ( paint , and
the walls are moro or leas smoked nnd dingy.
Wp therefore recommend that the in tor lotof
tbo jail bo lulutotl throughout.
\ \ o also Had In BOIIIO cases that the jailors
have boon obliged to attend foinulo prisoners
In the bath room aud oUuwhero ; wo there
fore recommend in the future , for the saka
of morality and decency , that a matron bo
employed ut ouea to cara for female pris
And that whore any member or members
of f arallioR of any prisoner vUit the Jail , they
bo accorded un interview scparato from
other prisoners , when the rules governing
tbo lubtilutlon will admit.
Wo aeuiii flud that the lower corridor , or
that portion sot apart for city prisoner * . Is
constructed to accomiuodato twenty-four
Itonwnt , but the average number confined Is
from forty to sixty , therefore nucensitatlni'
the slcepUig on tbo Iron floor , and complaint
lias been made of un ituufflcionoy of blank-
ou. Wo recommend that the sheriff supply
u proper iH-mbor of blanttaU.
Aud wo further recommend that the city
should take Immediate action towards bnltd-
In g a city jail.
Htion G. CJ.ATIK , Foreman.
The frrnrul jury1 tendered County Attorney
Mahoncy a vote of thanks for his norrlccs
and attention during their session.
IN Til 13 CO U UTS.
Another Suit Growing Ont or the
Brink of Oninlin Failure.
Judge Wukelcy n still engaged In the hearIng -
Ing of the cnso of Callahnn vs. Reynolds et
al. After this fcnsa ho will take up the fol
lowing causes In order. Hrynnt vs. McCul-
loagh , Potter vs. Clark , Sliechan vs. Con
Ed D. Button was placed on trial In Judge
Hopowcli'a court yesterday , on tbo charge
ot stealing a chock arid a quantity of stamps
from the Union Pacific railway company.
The case of Strasscr vs. Gray is still on
trial in Judge Oonno's court.
Ororgo U. Hobble has commenced suit In
the district court against Fremont N. Jnynes
nnd Harry I * . Taylor lor $350 duo on a real
estate contract.
Jnmcs T. Mnrlrxrly , administrator , lias
commenced suit ntrulnst J. W. Howell , W.
U. Hush , J. I' . ITinley , C. A. Munnvltlo and
.lohn Sullivan , for JW)0 ) due the estate of
W. G. Hombnway on promissory notes.
Potcr O. Boasln has commenced foreclos
ure proceedings ngalnst the property of
Krlck Clyno to satisfy n morlgniro of $ JW ,
Charles L. Blazer and Alexander Lllllru-
croin have petitioned the district court for
an Injunction restraining Kichard Joseph
from enforcing n Judgment secured in Justice
Anderson's court for $115,03. The petitioners
nllcgo irregularities in the proceedings of
the justlco court.
County Attorney Mahonay filed Informa
tion In the district court yesterday morning
against the following persons : Mrs. 13. Al.
Smith , selling lottery tickets ; Jcnnlo Stcn-
borK , receiving stolen property ; Stephen
Dallcy , burglary ; Anderson McQuantcr ,
adultery ; Kdnnrd Orr , grand larccuy ; John
Dean , grand larceny.
The National Hank of the Republic , of the
city of Now York , has filed n suit against
Sheriff Coburn , as assignee of tha Bank ot
Omaha , to recover S-112.17. The petition al
leges that the Dank of Omaha had the nbovo
named amount ou deposit with the plaintiff
to cover drafts which might bo made on it.
S. A. Kenn , the Chicago banker , garnUbecd
tbo money to satisfy a claim against the
Hank of Omaha. Subsequently Sheriff Co-
burn drew on the plaintiff for the amount of
the deposit , and the draft was paid through
mistake. The plaintiff now seeks to recover
the amount from Sheriff. Coburu.
W. S. Hynn has brought suit in foreclosure
agntnst John Wobcr to recover $211) ) on a
County Court.
Tbo Ban It of Commerce has commenced
suit ngalnst Theodore Onlllgbcr ot al , to re
cover $900 on a promissory noto.
Don't buy trashy imitations. Got the
genuine Rod Cross Cough Drops.
Action Taken Upon Thorn nt n Meet
ing YoHlcrdny Mornlnir.
A conference was hold yosterdayjmormng'in
the parlors of the First. National bank. The
union depot bond ordinances were discussed
freoly. '
The meeting was attended by the mayor.
City Attorney Webster , a number of city
councilman nnd n score of loading citizens.
The railroads were represented by Mr.
Thomas L. Kimball and Assistant Attorney
Kelley of the Union Pacific , General Man
ager iloldrego of the 13. & M. being absent.
Mr. Herman Kouutze , in whoso ofllco thu
meeting was held , was also present.
The mayor said that ho hud decided , after
consultation with the city attorney , to veto
the viaduct aud depot ordinances and City
Attorney Webster then road his obinlon.
Tbo objections to the ordinance were fully
discussed on all bauds and suggestions were
made as to what should bo done to protect
the interests of the city moro thoroughly
nnd to present a proposition in such a way
as would make it acceptable to the voters of
The railroad managers conceded several
Important'points and the amendments thus
agreed upon will bo formulated lu a few
After the city attorney thus revises the
ordinances they will bo ro-lntroduccd in the
council and , upon pnssngd , placed in the
hands of the mayor tor his approval. Their
ratification will probably not bo accom
plished until a special election Is bad soon
after the city election in December.
Mrs. "Winslows Soothing Syrup lor
children toothing1 cures wind colicdiar-
rhoca , otc. : cents a bottle.
Ilcal ICstatu Kxchangc.
Tbo real estate exchange expects to inaugr-
urato the open board sosslous about Wed
nesday of next week. The annual meeting
occurs next Saturday.
It will reqtilro'twn or three days for the
new officers and committees to cot things in
shape , consequently the dully sessions can
not easily bo commenced ( before the time
mentioned. _
Cushnian'B Menthe Inhaler cures catairh ,
boadacho , neuralgia , asthma , hay fovcr.
Trial frco at your druggist. 1'rico 50 cents.
It la Unorganized , With I ) . O. Olnrk
nt I'H [ lead.
The following order was issued by Vice
President Iloloomb , of the Union 1'aeillo
yesterday , and the same was approved by M.
A. Ilnntm , chairman of the coal committee ,
taking ; effect November Is
D. O. Clark is hereby appointed general
coal agent , with headquarters at Omaha.-
Ho will have charge of the distribution and
sale of all caul , of the management and de
velopment oTmines and the making ot rates
on coal for the commercial trade , reporting
to the vice president direct.
The fuel department , us now organized , is
hereby abolished , and all duties heretofore
pertaining to that department will hereafter
bo performed by Mr. Clark.
Thomas Mlddlcton is hereby appointed
superintendent , ot mines , and will have
charge of the mining aml4oadng ! of coal and
the constructlou of now mines , reporting to
the general coal agent. Ho will make all
requisitions for material and supplies , sub
ject to the approval of too gcuoral coal
George I > . Black Is hereby appointed en
gineer of coal department and assistant
superintendent of mines.
It is tbo Intention of'the company to make
n material Increase in the output of coal ut
an early date.
Tha Union I'nciflc hooking After the
iU > > rttton | of tlio KlKliorn.
It Is rcnortcd that a deal is now jiondlng
which means no less than tbo absorption of
the Fremont , KIkhorn & Missouri Valley by
the Union Pncillc.
The report Is to the effect that the Elkhorn
lias not been a money making medium at any
time , or to that extent ua to return a reason
able ronumcratlon on the money tied up In
the concern. The lines and the road proper
are In a strong competitive territory. Not
alone this but the provisions of the charter
under which its franchise woa grouted coin-
polls the Northwestern to maintain u sepa
rate and dUtinqt management from the
Northwestern proper.
It is now stated that a deal is pending
whereby the Union Pacific will take direct
control of the road and operate it in con
junction with its own lines.
Inquiry was made at tbo headquarters of
both thu intcr.csU > d lines , but the oDlcluls
professed to know nothing ofsuch nn under
taking. The Klkhora system. Involves about
fourteen hundred mile * of road and aside
from having a line tapping the grain bolt of
Nebraska , ulso has a direct line to the oil nnd
coal fluids of Wyoming. General Manager
Hurt , of the Elkhorn , is at present la Chicago
cage , and tha story goes that It Is there in
connection with the consolidation.
Practical railroad men outside of the Elkhorn -
horn and Union Pacific circles were ques
tioned concerning the result of the deal
should It be made , and all wcro a unit In ex
pressing their opinion that inasmuch as a
close truflle armogemout had been formed
between the Northwestern & Union Paclllc ,
there would bo DO grounds for rivalry or
competition between the two lines , nnd In
consrqucnco n fnrgo saving nf money lh t U
paid out to maintain a separate management ,
would necessarily follow.
Eioonl Fading Among Knglnocrs Con-
ermine Arthnr's Election.
The result of the engineers' meeting at
Denver ns regards the ro-oiccllon of P. M.
Arthur ns chief was not unexpected hero.
While OcorgoVromnn was supported heartily
by the western contingent , a largo number
of the men who supported him. were nnd nro
firm frloads of Chief Arthur. In Omaha the
result Is considered In two distinct \lghts. \
These favoring federation are not satisfied
with Chief Arthur's election , wuild Ibdso fa-
vorlnir "no entangling nlllancoi witlkothcr
trades" nro Jubilant over the outcome.
Nick Weeks , who is n veteran engineer in
the employ of the Union Pacific , said ! "I am
well pleased with the result. I know Arthur
when ho was running nn cngluo on tbo Now
York Central , and this was long before ho
over dreamed of being nt the head of a urcat
organization lluo the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers. Ho li n capable man , nud
his anil-federation principle and | K > 1icy sots
forth the true character of tbo maa. "
Others , who favor federation , wore 'seen ,
but they stated that inasmuch ns Chief Ar
thur had been ro-clcctod It would bo but of
place for them to do anything or say any
thing that would tiot bo In support of the
chief officer of the Brotherhood. It is ad
mitted , however , that the anil-federation
policy of Arthur may result disastrously to
the Brotherhood an u body ,
General Trnfllo Mannccr
and General Frclitht Agent.
Two moro Important changes will bo an
nounced nt Union Pncltlo headquarters No
vember 1. It wns officially announced yester
day that J. A. Munroe , nt present gen
eral frclcbt agent of the company ,
will bo promoted to the position of
assistant general trafflo manager with head
quarters In this city.
The second change Involves the promotion
of J. S. Tebbots , first assistant general
freight acnt , to the position of general
freight agent oi tbo same road , to suc
ceed Mr. Munroo. This reorganization
has boon brought about by C. S. Mellon , the
general trafllo manaccr-elect , who. ou nnd
after November 1 , will have exclusive con
trol nf tbo trnfllc of the entire aystcm to
gether with the ofllcials nnd attaches of the
trafllo department at nil points on the line.
The above changes will take effect Novem
ber 1.
Vlco President Stone.
Henry D. Stone , second vlco president ,
and J. D. Bcsler , general superintendent ot
the Chicago. Burlington & Quinoy , arrived
in Omaha last night , und , together with Gen
eral Manager Iloldrcgc of the B. &M. , went
west on n special tram out. the Burlington
this morning.
Vlco President Stone , when questioned
concerning his mission , stated that the trip
was only one of Inspection and that thov bad
no other viow. He denied that his
road had auy deal pending with the' Denver
& Hlo Grande or any other line looking
toward the creation of another transconti
nental line.
Hnllrond Nntna.
Bon Campbell , general freight agent of
the Oregon Hallway and Navigation system ,
is in Omaha.
G. M. Cummhigs , of Salt take , "general
manager" of the mountain division of the
Union Pacific , Is in Omaha.
E. Dickinson , assistant general manager of
tlio Union Pacific , has gone to Chicago.
J. S. Bartle , general freight agent , and H.
S. Gray , assistant general freight ugent of
the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs ,
are in Omaha. ,
Oencrnl Manager McNeil ) , of the St. Joe
& Grand Island , has returned to St. Joe.
J. W. Morse , ex-general passenger ngpnt
of the Union Pacific , and ut present com
mercial agent of the Missouri Pacific at Chicago
cage , U in Omaha.
K. H. Bullcn , a prominent roilroadicdn-
tractor of St. Joe , Ho. , is in Omaha.
Military Nlmrotl * .
Captain P. II. Ray. Judge advocate of the
Department of the Platte , has Justroturned ,
from n Hunting trip in the mountains of
Wyoming. Ho reports having had a very
pleasant outing , with gratifying returns in
the shape of game. "There were three of
us m the party , " said Captain Hay. "Gen-
oral Brooke , Captain Humphrey nnd my
self. Wo went out moro for recreation than
anything else , but wo shot n number of elk
and deer. Wo wcro in the mountains , about
seventy miles south of Hawllns. We- passed
over the divide at n height of li,00u ! feet und
were camped above tno snow line most of
the time ; in fact , a snow storm drove us out
of the mountains. A storm came up the day
befoto we left , and there was a fall of about
a foot and half. We have a quantity of
gaino on the way down now , and -also some
line specimens of horns and heads , Wo en
joyed the trip very much nnd all feel areatly
refreshed. "
The Gunrcl.t * Social.
Tbo Omaha Guards entertained 200 pcoplo
at their social last night. They consisted of
the society of Omaha and Council Blugs ,
who commingled in the pleasures of one of
the most oujoyablo socials ever hold in
Omaha. Music was furnished by the
guards' band.
Hotnctlilnir to Itpinnmlicr.
If you tire goinjr east , remember the
"Rock Island Jlouto" run the sleopcra
and chair card of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. m.thu8 avoid
ing the transfer at Council Bluffs. Three
solid trains daily. All chuir curs are
frco. Dining carson all through trains.
Our traif.a make close connections with
all custom limited trains connecting
in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a
transfer across the city to parties on
ronto to Now York , Boston and other
eastern oitios , "and everything a little
butter than other lines can offer. "
Ticket onico,1305 Parnam. Gon'l W. A
INSruUilKNra pl&cal oa raiarj durmj
Nathan Hheltnn and wife to A H Lee , e 1A
lot u , bit 5. Sweesojr'a add. w a . . . ' 7,000
FWl'rrktnnioareon& Williams , lot JO ,
blic ft , Jlrnwn 1'urlc , w d . W )
L II Korty utul wire to Ueorgo Hltliard-
son. pt lots ID ami 111. bile P , Bhull's ? d
aildqod . 1
0 llurtnmii niul wife to M A Gray , lot U ,
lllc ! ) . Maker I'lacc. w il . , . , , J'SQQ '
Wl'.llam Coburn , ahorlir. to S K ItOfers. o
llftlotH. blkliO , Omaha , deed . 41'JOO '
A U I'auUan ut al , executor , to John Hoy-
Ian. lot il. bile \Vllllum ' '
add , wd . . , . 403
Langpaul uud wife to Mary Uiegor , ei !
lot ft , bU a. Campbell's add ; w tl . l
F Laugpuul anil wife to .Mary Bkalnlc , w U
lotr > , bit a ; Campboll'Bndd. wd. . . . . . . . . 1
Louis Kolrs mid wife to Henry Hold , wHet
Hot SWIO-1&-1I. w d . 7 , 3,1'OU
John It llarrla and wife to J > Vhltner ,
lotlH , Stewart 1'lace. w rt . . . . , 3,000
James Johnson to II il Muuu , 1 acre In B
waoiO-15-ia , wd . , . , , j ' 03
,1 nines Mnrl.ton to It M Muni ) , 1 aero in. a
WB eSJ-18-l'l. neil . , . . . . ) ,500
It M Patterson to II W ( iuthrte. lot 4. blk
S , l'aUureou'8 lilt add to South Omaha ,
wd . , . . . c(0
Urlggs i'luce UulKllng association to ( lee
ll yn. lots , bile U. llrlses 1'lnfo.rrt. . . 603
J K Orchard and wife to J J Wilkinson ,
lota SU and 31. blk II , llrli.'Kii'riace.iyil. 7.000
H ! 'I'uttm-H&n to.J J WiUlason , lots SI
uml Vblk 11 , IlrlppH'1'lace.w < i
J UilcCnslc to J J WllkluHoii. lot * 18 aud
1U. blk 12. K VSmith'sudd , wrt ; 3,000
N O Hultino and wife to ON J Ilellul'i ( ,
or lot 10 , blk 12. K v BuiUa' nad. n c.i. ; i
Patrick llesmoud. administrator , tu Klht
lynru t Hi. Jot B. 1 > U HI. Omaha , ae u p.O.'O
Vnmk Ulesou , jr. and wife to Ii Ua&tberg ,
wU nfloi Itt. llowe' U < 1 < 1 , vril 2,000
O U and K U llallou to M H llcnlcU , lot
13. blk i. Aniblor Place , wd . , , , . . - . 500
Martin Culm ut al to K it Knudbon , lot U ,
blkf , GranjtnercyParlc , vril CM
D M I're and wifu to 51 A Schurz , loti : ,
Hack's sub. w (1 . . . . . 2.CO )
Otto l.nbrck and wifa to U l.'lTiomna. lots
8. V nu < 1 in. bik II. Lincoln I'lare. w d. . . . 1.030
U U and 1 ! O Hamilton to John F lleliui ,
part lota 1'J aud Uli. Mill's add and Cald-
well'a add. w d . , ? . . . , J.GOO
Twenty-seven transfers . . . . .1110,101
mis , etc. , Trill find 'the' '
the btst. uftsi , KHM
durable and tcnnom-
leal eo.1t oil
in the world.
room an ft.
! > than
let. on
hour ,
T crcsm nt
Cleveland , Ohio.
For snlcby M. U. IHlst nml 1'crklns , dutch tc
( UX6C 5I2C >
aninetivr a
As Is Our Custom
At this time of the year , we will have for next few weeks our annual SPECIAL SALE of Suits
and Overcoats. We always make these sales at this season , when people need the goods
and the bargains will do them good. There is. no need to explain what a special sale means
WITH US. The big crowds attending our special sales tell the story , and tell it well.
The people remember the grand values they got at these sales , last year and the year be
fore. We promise to do still better this season. Our buyers have been hard at work the
last two weeks , and we are now getting in daily stacks of goods purchased by them at the
immense reductions from values which manufacturers must submit to at this time of the
We want to impress upon your mind that the goods we arc offering are first class in
every respect , first class in quality , first class in work and trimming , and first class in fit ,
and our stock is worthy the attention of every person who appreciates style and quality in
fabrics , trimming and making ,
The present week we will offer exceptional values in Men's and Young Men's Suits. We
have clisplaycc some of the bargains in our Douglas street window , Let those who never
traded with us call and compare our goods and prices. We will make this a great .cus
tomer-winning season ,
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
l or Sale by M. II. Bliss , Otuaha , ICobraska.
Ctiroa nil ( linfirdors ol'llio bioniacli , liivor , Hnwols. Kl'liioy , Iilnl < lcr , Ner-
vnus IIHCIHH , Ii > H of pnatitr , ll'ailiiolitOiiiisiipiciiin , Custivniiosy. Intll-
KOHtKin , ItllllousiicBs , Kcvor , 1'ilcs Kto. , an't r < ; iulcr.4 rno uystiuii lusa liable to
contract. i
II AD WAY'S PILLS nro a euro for this complaint. They tone up the interna
secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions. Prije 2oo per l > ox. Sold by all druggists.
KADWAY & CO. , New York ,
F'OUMJEO 1830.
ScuitODKit & SCHUYLKII & Co Bordeaux Clarets & Sauternes
JOH. BAIT. STUIIM Buncshcim..A-it..Rhino and Moselle
GUIMVIIU-U : : & Fii.S Nuita Burgundies
BiSQirrr , Dtnioucui : & Co . " Cojjnnc Brandies
OsiiOitN & Co Oporto Ports
Vda o Hl.ros DK R. Gtm.T/E CASSAXKS. . .Barcelona & Tiirrungona Ports
FouitKSTKlt & Co Xeres - . , . .Sherries
MANUKL GACTISMJ o YJIIAHTJ : Port St. Mury's Sherries
GIHOLASIO Lvx'Aitno Zara , Maraschino
Rir VAN "VVixiCMS Schiedam Gin
WIIITK Euc Gm ' English Gin
GLEN ROSA Scotch Whiskey
"Omnibus" "Antediluvian , " anil "Aritaniuniluiia" BrauilB of Pure Ityo
Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
' ' 4
1OO South1 ftBth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 140O
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In
To dealers only. Mills Southern Mltsourl. Hooius. 1.2 and n. U. S. NationalHank Ilulldlae
Telepnouo 1JJT , Omalm , " NeU
15O3 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Tn NLAK K * & ! ' ! " ftoatmfV , Uer Potot Cigar Caie Fro to Smotera of
RflLKI ) < " " unti ili if
I il. IV1 f lAl T"o" " . - . I
I M | f | | M | UlK > 4 * aliwU < u UH
1'rof. II. i
Lock Uo | S. UnUolt.flJlcb.
Beit Fucilltlci , Apparatus * ndRerncdieifor8nMeufa !
Treatment pf every form of D'tetii ' rcautrlns
Board S : Attendance. Bc t Accommodation * in\7 t.
ttT-WniTK FOR OIROULARBon HcforinlUoi and
Bracei.Trusiei , Club Feet , Cumturesofijplie.Pilgi.
Turner * , Oancir , Catarrh , Bronchttii , Inhalation.
iUctriuty , Paralysig , EpUtpir , Kidney. Bladder ,
Eye , for , OlclnanJ Blood and all Surgical Of eratiocs.
IfoauM Dt'LiliicunyijisaiM. ( STRICTlt FRIVATf. )
Only Reliable Modicil IniUtute raailns a Eceeialtr o t
Alt Blood PJieatea luctenfulltreatetl. . STpliltlUo Totaoa
r moT < l from the ( jitcm without tncrvur ? . h w Rntoratlr *
Tr itmcot f rLoM f TITAL POVlKtC. Pirtlei untbl lo vJilt
niawj Le t rested at hutne by cerrt tpondcnec. All commimle * *
tlonifonfidcBiIal. UedlclooiorlnitrurarDiiientb/iDtlloreK *
fTc ifecurfljpaekednom rhi tatn < lleateoQlenitorirniIer
Ooa ptnonfcl l&ttrilow prer T7od C 11 and eoniiiU 01 or MDI )
tUtorr of TOOT CMQ , end w * will tend ta pliln wrtprcr.onr
Rfmtf Tfl MPH FREE : Vi * ° a IP. sutcui of
UUUIV I U iflbni XerTauillieMg.up9lrDe7.8fph ) *
llli : Ul ct BOd V4rlecc8t.r ! ithqrj tlualiit. .Addreu
13th and Dodfo 8tr bU , OEIAKA , NEB.
"H5ll//&W/// / / / \ / , . * TO" * "
For > -pf rninlnrrliirn , Io ( Jlunliooil , Hrxual llccur.
J.uck r Iturelouinftit. l i . > , OrnltiB. clt * .
7o liitrmlnci > , will 01 VK ) M : AIVAY lo KlIaMs
jifrwon lurnriK-oHiilj. Orrierat onco.
tiod. Uircului-u Kn . Aecciti wanted.
tlio lAauor Hull It , Pntltlrclr Cured
br AamlnlMterliiB Dr. llaluo'
Golrinn Hnrlc. | (
it cart bo given In u cimof coftuo or ten Hltliout the
kiiowlril < irtlin pornnri tiiklnKlti liuliwililH-lj Iiarm-
e . niiU will cITuci a speeily unrt pi-miani-nt cure ,
Hhetliorllic putli'Mt 14 a mniluruui drinker or un al'
cohnl wreck. TlicmsiimN of rirunkiinln huro bunu
niailntpmixirnlnnicii wlio lutviiliikfnCioUleiiHpcclflo
In tliuirc < iTL > without tliHr knowleilKe * ml tixluy l > n
llovu tlicy quit drlnklriK of tnclr own tree will. IT
Never Kiill . Tlionritcm once IraprvxnaUxl with tlio
flu. U brrouic * un utter Imiuuulbllltr fur tlie
liquor appotllo to pxliU For > alu bf Kulin A. Co.
lriiiiBl > t , litli and IKiuulas ntn. , nnd IStli and fjuiu-
Ina tsOpiahn. A. U Poster 4 llro. . Council Dluffli
5 Specially Tecoruuicnileil by tlio Academy of
I ilcillcluft of PAltIBor tlio euro of
land fur ri-unlutliia li pcrlodlo courHi > .
1 None tcfi'iluii uulciui ulunnil "Jlrjiuuiin , ID rue
| 13biuiiartcritriii. " HUI.IJ 1IY IJUUUUIH'IH.
lli.l'imnrrn ACo. > N. Y. A rnlHtiirlliu U. H.
Iraportcri and Wholctale Dcalcri lo
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery ,
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
Fancy Goods , Walking Canes ,
Coat-Collar Springs , fie. , &c.
Large ainortuieiit for
Cane Rack * . Knlfo Doardi , Spindle * .
Auctioneer * . Streelmen and Peildlcn.
lia rarlotr of &c. lUo and i5 ! counter
goodi. Bender Illuttratwl cataloxuo.
417-iI9irortliruir.-Ili.St. ,
St. Louie , PJlo.
UOLD MEDAL , PAltJu , 1878.
IV. BAlLTil : & CO.'S
J tilitolnttli/ pure anil
it It toliilile ,
No Chwnlcals
it utcd in IU j > rrr > iirfttkui. It Ltf vwt
Itan tint llutt ll Mrxptt v ( Coco *
mlittl with SUrch , Arro nx > t cr Buztr ,
ant ] U Ibtrtfuro ftr inert frroiwtulcftl ,
eitl t Iwl liai * Mt CINI a vp. It 14
tILV Jl.t-erin , tuU luli
fur iuitlidi M ntllu nn i la littlth.
Isold bjr Urortrt cttrjiihfie.
W. BAKEH & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Chicago , Ills. ( ClarkSt.
Tha Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
dironiG , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exlinusting Drains , Terrlbla
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all iliecfTecli
leadum to early decay and peihaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
liever-fjilini nuccesi ,
49- SYPHILIS and all bad Dtood and Skin DIs.
eases permanently cured.
d-KIDNEY and URINARY coraplalnU.Qlett ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varicocele and all diseases
of the Gcnlto-Urinary Organs cured niiMptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
a ) - No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
OD- Send .4 cents postage Tor Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
B-Thoie contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male aim Female , each
15 cents , both 25 cents ( itamm ) . Cor.5ult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter ur call may iaxefuturesuflcr *
! PK nnd shame , and add pclilcn > ears to life. Wtfllook
"Life's Secret Errors " . Medlclni
( ) , jocems ( stamps )
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8108. Sunday * 9 to la. Addtess
P. D. CLARKE , lY ) . D. ,
183 So. ClarU St. . CH3iA&0. ILU
Health is Wealth ,
MKNI- Kimrautecd Hpocino for llysti-rln , llrzl-
nras. ConrulnloiiB , Flti , NCIVOUH NenralKla ,
IK-ailache. Nervous Prostration caused by tbn
use of alcohol tobacco.VukoMluuK8. . Muntnl
Uejiri'Silon.SoftcnliiB of fhe llraln , resulllnpr In
IiiM.iulty and loading tonilvory.ilccuy nml ilcittb ,
I'rotniitnro Obi ABO. llarreunujf , l.cihs of rower
in cither Hex. Involuntary J/OBSOH unl : Bix-unat-
torlutacaused liy orjrerertlonoftliB bratn.aelf-
ubiiao or ovcrlriJu'KiMicc. iacli : box contains
nnu inonth's truntmont. ' 1 < r1 u boor Nix lioxei
forfS.OO. sent bjninll prepaid on receipt of price.
To cine any caso. With ench order received bv
un f ( r alxlJoxiM , accompanied with $ ' . - 0. wo will
send the purchaser our written gn irnntoo to 10-
fnuil tlie money If the t e-.itinvnt docs not olfect
nemo ( liuintntaca leaned only by ( loodman
DriiKCo. ljrnKl ( t , Hole A ( > ont ! < l HlU l-'arnuni
Kir Jot , Uniului. N'cbniBku ,
Can lo ) cured In SO to CO days bjf tlia
use of tUu
J'or kale only by the Uoolc Ileinody OeM ot
Umulm. Nebraska. Write to us for the namen
und midresa ot imtluntt. who have been
curoil and from whom wo Imve permission to
refer. Synlillltt IK a dlsuuku tluit liax uHvnjo
balltcd tliu Kklll of tliu inoHt eminent phVHlcUim
and until the discovery ot the Cook Uumeily
Co 'a "JIAUIC JtnMKUV , " noiono in fifty over
having tlio dUeiiHe nn bfoncured. Wocunrnn-
tne lo cure nny cnno that run ho produced.
TliOfce vlio liavo taken Mercury. I'otRHh , H. H. B.
Hticui AltcriuiB or other mlvertUod runmHux ,
with only temporary bcnclltH can now bo per-
innnently ctirod by the use of the "MAlJIO
ItKMKIiY" of thn Cook Keinedy Co. . Oinahu.
Ni'lj. llnwarnof liniiiltutloim. 11 IH iibsoluti'ly
Irapos.Hlljlo for any other porMon or company to
have our tormula or any renii-dy HKeltln clftct
and rennltH. The Cook ltomo < ly Co. , haa been
tiL'iitlncpatlcntH for four yearn nnd h ve al-
WUTU git m perfect Hixtlsfactfon , They are llimn-
rluliy rebiHuielblo , luivlnu u cajiltal of over
Jjno.iO'J. maklnu their Kuaruntea good.Ve toll-
clttuumott olmtlimte CIUCH-thuae who iiuvu
tried every known roinedy ann lost nil hope of
recovery. Correspond with un und let ua put
yon In potnoiialon ot evidence that convince * ) thu
lilOHtiikeptlcal. Mark what vuvay : In the und
you MUST list our "MAOIO IIKMROY" bofuru
you cuii bo permanently cmed. It la the moat
heroic blood pnrlller over Known. Wrllo for
Darllonlnrx. All lellercoutldcntlal. .
PAIITinU llunure yon are unUuK the Coolc
UHITI IUn Itemedy CO'B Muulo lUnnrdy.
None others uro ( ceuulne. l'urllc-a clalmlnu ta
be UKontd for u uru iinpoNleru uitd TraudB. _ Knll
partlculara free. Addiesaall conimuulcatlona
The Cook Remedy Co. ,
JjoomsJlB aniJ19 , Faxlon Blocl
llu u 1'iuf -
othrrs. lictiri ih pe , vllb Iklt
adjitttipif Hall In cuiU-r. adapt *
Itself to all iioiutouaonhelKxIjr.wUllo
_ . - tlialialUniiiacup tireasna back
fe tr' tuo Intoetlnoo liiBt at * a per-
Bon with the ( InHtir. WiiTillitCt l'rfi ' ur
iLulIeruUUlirldKX.-urijlyilj/ , inli ridlctl
rurovDrtAia. ItUiMT.iluml lo ntlrh * i > . rU-nt vl m li-
Clnulu Ittv. UiUUlUl UtbS I0. | Uli i i W.