Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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! ROSBWATBR , Editor.
tlly ) undSmulny , One Y * r. . . . . , | ] 0 entex
tex MonibA , rm
'Ihire Months 2 M )
tnndnrIice ) , Ono Year 3 oo
Weekly lice , Ono Year with I'rcralnm. . . . a CO
Oinnlin , UFA Jlnlldlnp.
Hilcngo onic * . 17 llookcry TtnllcnnR
New Vork , llooms II and 15 Tribune IlUld-
Infe ,
Wnshlnaton. No. 611 Tourt cnth Street.
Coinirll JIlnitH. No. 12 Ponrl Street.
J.lnroln. 10291'BUMt ,
bouthOmnhn , Corner N nnd gflth Streets.
All communication * rclntlnK to news nnd eill-
torltil innttrr hhotilcl bo addressed to tbo Editor *
lul ) ( ! ) rtiiicnt , *
nusiNKss i.rctrnria.
All ImMnens letter * ) and remittance * should
' llco 1'uMUhli- * .
iMiaUflrcKioclto'Jlio 1'uMUhliujmpnny.
Oimihn. Draft * , checks nnd po itolllco orderto
lie nmrte payable to the order ot the company ,
Tlio Bee PDbllsliInrciiDBany , Proprietor *
Hi.r llulldlnc Knrnntn and Seventeenth Street.
rite llco on the Trains.
aiicro Is no oxrnsnfori. failure to j tTim nets
on tlic trains. All novyaoali'n have been noti
fied to eiirry a full upuly. Travelers who nut
THIS H B mid cun't Rut It on trnlni where other
, Oinnhaimpers are carried are requested to no *
J'lcneo bo particular toalvo In all cases full
Information ns to date , railway und number ol
Olv'o tin your nnmo. not for publication or un
necessary UHO , but as a guarantee otgooil faith.
Till ! ! UtiC. ;
Swnrn Statement of Circulation.
BtntootNolrasIca , ! „
County of Douglas. (
' ( JcoiifA II. Tzscliuclc. Mjcrctary of The lleo
J'ublNnliiK Company , does solemnly mvoar thnt
thcactunltliriilntitmorTiii : JUH.Y liKKfortho
\U-CK endlmOctober i , 188U , was aifollows :
Sunday. Ort. 20 21.010
Monday. < ) rt.2 ! Wm
'J'noMlny. Oct. ! 2 If.nil
Wccltieidar.Ucr.SJ 1K. ( ' )
Thnnilny , OU. 21 1H.01V
rrldny. Oct. 25 1H. < ;
batimlay , Oct.M ! .WCOS
Averse0 18.1)57
a F.O no B n. T/.SCH L'cic.
Btntcof NeliinsVn , ) . „
- ronnt ) of IJouxlnii. ( M >
8\vorn to beloromoand Mibscilbcil to In my
Tir 5 nco tlns'Cth : dny otXJctobcr , A. D/ISV.
[ fc'cnl.l N.I' . VKlIi.
Rotary 1'ublic ,
Gcorco II. T/sclmck. beliiK dulyB orn , do-
p < l nnd tnyi thnt ho Is serretary ot ' 1 ho lleo
ulillnhlUK ( .oinpivny. that iho nciunl nvernco
ilnily til dilution ot Tin : Uvii.v lihi : for the
mouth of October 1SK.v s 1t > .ot.l copies ; for
Kounibcr , liK > , Wto copies ; for December.
3K. " , l . J copies ; forJnunary. lN > n , 18.571 cop-
Ie ; for IVbruary , ] bH'.H1ifWcopies ; forJlixrcli.
3FM' . ! Nfo4coplri : for April , ISfH 18Kiti coplos ;
iforMay. IStliJC.OWcopies ; for.lime. "
copies ; fi.r July. 18SD , lfT.Wcopl es < ; tor August ,
ioplCH ; for titpto mUer. 1M > , mill )
copies. ni.onni : II. Txscnticic.
bivoin to ticforu m o tint ! subscribed In my
jiresnico this-ltli tiny of October , A I > . 1W.
lfenl.1 N. P. I'KII. .
Di vvi'.it'fortiflcs its cluinia as n winter
ter resort in autumn by covering the
suiTotuididg wiclceclncsb with a six incli
muntlc of the beautiful.
Tin : ronfcdorntca nro "trotting to-
gcUicr. " Lord \Volsoloy will assist
.loll Davis at the unvoilinp of the Leo
monument in Richmond.
SUVKIIAL ofl'onsivo democrats havn
b'con discovered in the land oillcea in
this stnto , and the interior do'pnrtmont
is whetting a cleaver for nctivo work.
Tin : experience pained by the repub
licans of Iowa in nailing campaign lies
will enable thorn to box the democratic
coipbo with ncatnoss and dispatch next
SICIUTAICY : : NOULI : htis decreed that
the rcriitod pals of Tanner bhall follow
their leader into retirement. Their
company will not bo m'isacd from the
pension building : .
Two more Tuscotts have vanished
from public ga/o. It may soon dawn
upon the suspicious Chicago police that
ns the Snoll murderer , Slippery
William is in reality a myth.
Mit. SKYnnii banks exclusively on
rnco prejudice to boost him into the
county trensury. Mr. Hoimrod appeals
.to , the voters on his ability ns an ac
countant and successful business man.
oversight in using government envel
opes for serai-private business is "a
good-enough Morgan" for Senators
Mutulorsou aud Plumb , whoso politi
cal toes Imvo boon piifchcd by the com
Tun 6upromo court will not cass on
the. validity of the registration law in
time to atToct the county election.
Therefore every voter who desires to
oxcrcito the right of citi/.unbhip must
register during the two remaining days
Thursday nnd Friday.
New York Woildhns discovered
that there are ono hundred und twonty-
ilvo citizens in Gotliam witli an annual
income of a quarter of u million dollars
vnch , and hundreds of linns each doing
nn annual business of one million or
Jmore. Yet two weeks' vigorous drum-
finingor the world's fair fund netted
] ) lcdguH.nmounting to ono million nnd n
frquarjor. Jf Now York gets the fnir it
'will bo IIH tv gift from congress , not
'through the liberality of liar citizens.
KAIMIOAD sensations nro pouring in
.qultq ab fast as collisions of late. The
last ono is the rumor that the Union
Pncillc is about to swallow up the Fro-
inont , Elkhorn&i Missouri Valley line
in this stato. Just what the Union Pa-
cllic would do with the Fremont roai
can not bo conjectured , nnd the report
is scarcely worth considering. It is fur
more reasonable to look for the Union
Pacific to take measures which will pre
vent an alliance between the Central
Pwcillcnud B. & M. with the now Colo-
.rado 11 no as a connecting link. This
latter anterprlso may yet develop into
u thorn in the llcshof the Union Pacific.
WH AUK periodically treated to sen
sational stories of clouded titles aud
threatened suits by adventurers who
lay claim to millions of Omaha realty.
Wo Imvo had the Shields from Washington -
, | ; ington territory uud the Holfonstoin
n claimants from St. Louis. And now
icome throuts from Boston that the ac
tion of tbo courts in foreclosing the
mortgages on the George Francis Train
tract will bo attacked on Iho ground of
irregularity. The creditors of Mr.
Train would doubtless fool greatly re
lieved if they could roach the property
once o\\iied by him in thla section , but
the records of the courts nro invulnera
ble. These periodical fakes would bo
amusing were it not that they tfrighten
credulous people that the 'title to
Omaha properly is vulnerable.
The question ns to who will bo tbo
cadcr ot the democratic minority in
, ho Flfly-flral congress is ot interest to
wlh parlies. Ilogard for precedent
would give the leadership to MrCar -
isle , and his firm bold upon the confi
dence of the nnrty would scorn to assure
him Uio position , but while ho hassomo
excellent qualifications M a leader , ho
in wanting in the nggrcsslvo nnd com
bative qualities which are likely to bo
much in demand by the democrats in
the next congress. Mr. Carlisle has
never shown any conspicuous talent ns
nn obstructionist , nnd the indications
nro that this sort of talent is to find the
largest opportunity in the now house of
representatives. It will bo first called
into play in combatting the republican
purpose of changing Iho rules , it will
lie required to do service in the elec
tion contests , nnd , in fact , U is pretty
sure to bo in requisition nearly nil the
time during the continuance of the
congress. It may bo found that Mr.
Carlisle is capable of meeting the demands -
mands ot his parly in this respect ,
but ho 1ms not yet indicated that ho is
in favor of pn obstruclivo policy , and it
is understood that ho is not regarded by
these who are in favor of that policy as
n safe man to bo entrusted with leader
ship. On the tariff question his party
colleagues will doubtless bo entirely
willing to follow him , since ho is un
questionably ns to this subject the ablest
among them , but nil of them will not bo
dispofccd to trtiht him to conduct thopar-
liamonlary and filibustering contests
thnt arc certain tonriso.
The best equipped man on the
democratic side of the house for this
task is Mr. nnndall , but his health is
ho precarious that it is hardly probnblo
ho would accept so trying and laborious
a duty. Ho tea mast or of parliamentary
tactics : and a very monarch of obstruc
tionists , but the work and vigilance de
manded in such "a service requires
health and vigor , and Mr , Randall baa
neither. The most ho is likely to bo
able to do is to suggest and counsel ,
leaving to some ono else the act
ive work of keeping the demo
crats in line. This much it is
not doubted Mr. Randall will bo most
willing to do , since he has largely re
instated himself in the confidence of
the party , or at least a considerable ele
ment of it , by announcing Jiis hostility
to proposed changes in tlio rules which
would reduce the nowcr of the minority
to obstruct legislation. Under the
counsel nnd cruidanco of Randall , Mills ,
ono of the Drcckinridgos , or Oatcs
might bo entrusted with the hard work
of'tho obstruction contests , but who-
o\or undertakes" this task will need
more 01' less instruction from the Penn
sylvania congressman.
It scorns probable , therefore , that the
leadership of the democratic minority
in"tho uoxt congress will bo a divided
honor between a Kentucky free trader
and n Pennsylvania protectionist.
SIL i rnn Gin c ULATJON.
A statement just prepared by the
United States treasurer shows thnt the
total amount of silver dollars coined
under the present law has boon a frac
tion over three hundred nnd forty-two
million dollars , of which amount less
than sixty millions are in circulation.
Oftho balance over two hundred nnd
seventy-seven million dollars is repre
sented by silver certificates in circula
tion , leaving in the treasury not repre
sented by certillcatos only about live and
a half million dollars. It thus appears
that the country is using practically the
on ire amount of silvo- coined during
the past ten years , in the form of paper
representing the coin , and this without
the blightcst disturbance to the mone
tary system. Those certificates nro
available in every branch of our domes
tic business nnd trade , and , although
they roprcsont only silver , are nowhere -
where questioned in this coun
try. Those facts regarding the
silver circulation nro certainly
a Complete answer to the
arguments of these who before tbo coinage -
ago law was parsed , and since , have
persisted in assorting that the addition
it provided for to the supply of silver
money was certain to have disastrous
The experience of the last ton years
with silver is the ground upon which
the friends of that part "of our money
circulation base their opinion that an
inorcaso of the coinage , or of
ccrtllicatca representing silver bul
lion in the treasury , would
not only have no future ill-ollocts , but is
necessary to meet the growing demands
ot the country and to tnko the place of
the retiring bank circulation , nnd it
cannot bo questioned that they have a
strong position.
The facts regarding the silver situa
tion in this country are believed to have
in part influenced the advance In the
prlco of silver in Edropo , together
with the bolicf thnt some new
policy may find favor with con
gress in response to the demands
of the silver man. Thoio can bo no
doubt thnt tlio discussion of the silver
question in this country is being re
garded in Europe with the very great
est interest , and if it should appear
that the appuront tendency hero toward
a moro liberal policy regarding silver
has influenced the advance abroad , it
would bo a valuable fact in support of
the view that tin initiatory stop on our
part is nil that is necessary to reestablish
lish the bl-mctallic standard through
out the world.
A few days ago an opinion given by
Attorney General Locso in the cam
paign of 1888 wab royampod and given
out to the public to the ofTcct that the
ufao of pasters on election tickets was in"
violation of the statutes ; ,
The impression created by this publi
cation bus bo en that the attorney gen
eral had just rendered an opinion based
upon the amended election laws passed
by iho last legislature. The only law
on the statute that defines the fraudu
lent printing of ttoUots is the act passed
five years ago , which provides that the
name of u candidate printed on
any ticket under the regular party
heading of an opposite political
party shall not bo counted. Tlioro
is 110 reference whatever to
printed slips pabtod upoh tickets. The
uiuuifest object ol the lu\v \ is to prevent
deception ot tlio voter and Iho only ra
tional objection to pasted slips would bo
that the voter might not detect them.
A pasted Blip printed on tinted paper
woulil hardly bo pronounced illegal by
any court. In other words no voter
could possibly bo deceived by a co'ored
paster upon a ticket printed on white
Attorney-General Leo so declared ver
bally within the past throe days thnt
pastors printed on tinted paper would
not bo construed as coming within the
meaning ot the law that prohibits the
fraudulent printing of names upon a
The bugbear about printed slips has
been raised mainly in the interest of
unpopular candidates. The snatching
of tickets with pen or pencil , especially
in cities , is attended with a good deal
of delay and nnnoyancc. With fifteen
to twenty names on'each ' ticket , It be
comes almost a necessity to use printed
slips. Intelligent voters will discrimin
ate in local elections in splto ot the ap
peals of party hacks for the straight ,
unscratchcd ticket , and there is no rea
son why they should bo deprived of the
right to avail themselves of a conven
ient means of fixlncr their tickets ns
they may conscientiously deem to bo In
the interest of good government.
Tnn so-called independent press ot
New York is sorely perplexed regard
ing the duty ol the element it repre
sents in the coming olcctidn. A portion
tion of it , trying to bo consistent in op
position to the ropubllcnn party , while
at the same time wishing to do ns little
as possible that might help Hill to the
detriment of Cleveland , counsels the in
dependents to vote for candidates on
both tickets , while another portion
has taken the least possible part
in the contest. The more candid
of these newspapers admit that as a
whole the republican ticket is superior
to the democratic , but they cannot do
this without harping on the charge that
it was made up by Platt , and consequently
quently its success would be unfortun
ate in so far ns it would bo a Plntt
victory. On the other hand , the fact that
the democratic ticket is distinctively
Hill throughout , is even moro distaste
ful to them , for a victory which the
governor could claim ns an
endorsement of Himself would ho likely
to somewhat stimulate his presidential
boom , a thing that would go harder
with these "indcpundont" devotees of
Mr. Cleveland than would republican
success. It is consequently a matter of
great uncertainty ns lo how the inde
pendents will dispose ot their votes at
the coining election , but the probability
is that they will be distributed to both
parties , \\ith the chances of the repub
licans getting the larger number ot
thorn. The present werplcxity ot these
New York independents is small , how
ever , comuarcd with what they will
experience three years from now in the
event that Mr. Cleveland shall refuse ,
as it is now reported he will , to again
bo a providential candidate , " nnd the
contest should bo between Harrison and
THE Ashby lottoru"whiclr appeared
early in tlio Iowa campaign ? hostile to
the republican candidate''for governor
and professing to represent the
Farmers' alliance , may have had effect
upon a few farmers , but all such will bo
likely to dismiss it from further regard
titter reading the letter ot Mr. Furrow ,
president ot the state alliance , in which
ho declares his full confidence in Mr.
Hutchison and urges the importance of
republican succeas. In the opinion of
Mr. Furrow the interest of the farmers
ot Iowa is in securing a homo market
for their products , aud the arguments
ho presents in support ot this view are
worthy of serious consideration. As to
Mr. Hutchison , he finds'hi'a"position on
the transportation question satisfactory ,
and has full faith that if 'elected gov
ernor ho will bo faithful to the pledges
ho has mode to the people. The intelli
gent farmers of Iowa will have no diffi
culty in deciding whoso counsel they
fahallaccept as botweca Mr. furrow and
Tun Milwaukee wreck was the result
of criminal carelessness. It is surpris
ing that.tho ollicmls of the train , know
ing the condition and tin-eats of the en
gineer , permitted him to take his place
in the cab , imperil the lives ot the pas-
bongcrs and rush on to his own destruc
tion. Wo have had a surfeit ot this rail
road recklessness within the past three
months. Lives have been lost nnd
scores maimed by the willful disobedi
ence of orders. Engineer Pullon is be
yond the jurisdiction of earthly courts ,
but the conductor is equally responsi
ble for the disaster and should bo vigor
ously prosecuted.
Timiuc is a marked falllng.oft in the
number of immigrants arriving in the
country , compared with the record of
1888. The arrivals for September ag
gregated thirty-eight thousand five
hundred and forty-four , or fourteen
hundred loss than for September last
year. The record for the preceding
eight months shows an equally marked
doorcase , while the charactur of the
arrivals has been considerably Jtnproved
by the strict enforcement of the immi
gration laws. * "
Tinj collapse of the leading bank of
Central Kansas , following'tho bank
ruptcy of Hovoral loan nnd trust com
panies , is the natural outcome of prohi
bition. The adoption aijd-enforcement
of the law disrupted business * and pro
duced such atrifo and conflict that prop
erty values flattened out , und tlio mar
ket stagnated. The result is thnt
individuals and corporations cannot un
load their investments at. fifty emits on
the'dollar nnd are forced to the wall.
IK her wild olTorts to surpass Omaha's
hospitality to the Pan-American excur
sionists , Kansas City nurrowjy escaped
treating the members to u-funornl ,
The- members of the rc optloBVcotamlt-
too were called dosvn before they un
loaded their hlp-pooUots nnd began the
" * * " *
slaughter ,
Ir is hardly probable that the Poncas
will emoko the pipe bf peace with Rod
Cloud and join the Sjoux in Dakota ,
unless the government oil.era sqmo in
ducement. It is to the interest of nil
conccrnod to concentrate the Indians in '
largo catnnajkbolh AS n measure ot
economy tinjftuucntlon , If the Poncas
are induced * * join their old enemies ,
their rosoi'wUion ' will , with congres
sional action , add nt least fifty thousand
acres to thoNniblio domain In Nebraska.
Tin : Brlt Jf vhoatcrop this year will
hardly reach one-fourth of the amount
required for homo consumption. It is
estimated that ono hundred and sixty
million busv ) $ $ muse be imported to
make up th Fiflonclt , which ia greater
than last yo n/i. This will materially
strengthen too market and maintain
MAQINXIS and Corrigan are wasting
their moans and energy in n fruitless
campaign. A radical change in the
character and calibre of the county
board is necessary and that can bo se
cured only by the election of Berlin
and Smith.
Noti-l'nrtlsnn Juillclnry.
A'ew York IVnrM.
Their should bo nu politics In the cliolco ot
Judges of our courts , civil or criminal.
Too Certain.
Jl/lnnrnnolf * lYtfum * .
Kansas republicans complain that with
their 82,000 majority they uro potting mighty
few ot the ofllccs. The trouble wltli Kansas
Is that it is too monotonously reliable. Its
mnjorlyt should bo reduced lo about eight
thousand , and them it would pay.
Mnmlnrson's Honor.
Pittshuro Leader ,
Maudorson's ' creditable war record Is in
his favor , but ho will huvo no little difficulty
In convincing tbo world that , in permitting a
big pension to bo tucicod on to his salary as a
senator of the United States , whllo hun
dreds of worthy veterans nro- loft to strug
gle , hard for n bare existence , ho did not
compromise his own honor and tbo dignity of
the legislative body to which ho belongs.
Thn Iron Tradoaiitl General Buslnnns
The recent advance in the prlco of pig Iron
has boon made the occasion of or the excuse
for putting a higher market rate upon most
if not all , of the manufactures of iron and
steel , suvs the Cincinnati Commercial Ga-
zctto. But it was the largo demand for the
finished products which at first started tbo
tendency to an enhanced value of pig iron.
The demand for stool rails , which during the
hrst half of the , current year was disappoint
ingly small and had much to do with de
pressing the market for pig Iron , bns re
cently become nuito active , there- being large ,
purchases t > y old nnd strong corporations for
renewals of track , bosldos an increased do-
in and for the construction of now roads.
The InvcstlgJiilQus which have been made
show thnt nboujl * 5,8)0 ! ) miles of now railroad
were built during the nine months of the
currnnt year , ab&that thcro is work in pro
gress that wiljt Bjvoll the total for the full
year to 5,000 mlJdsmtho United States which
is not ( juito 2ibbijillos ( less than the total con
structed In 1SSS ; Bpthatlnstcau of a reduction
of move than onc-'half In the requirements of
steel rails as compared with last J car , which
was the estimate along in the spring , it Is
likely to bo les ahan ono-thlrd , nnd it Is not
probable that tbo demands for renewals of
old track will j considerably lesson the dis
crepancy. In j the meantime there has boon
a Material onhir emcnt in the usoof irpnand
steel in almoists every direction ; the low
prices which haye prevailed have promoted
consumption for yirious reasons.
The enlarged trnfllo of the railroads has
made It necessary fp'rv'them to increase their
facilities of transportation , and new locomo
tives , cars , &c./hnvo been built and are now
in process of construction In larger numbers.
Ship building has received an Impetus to
which it has long been a stranger and no
small part of the ! ncica ed demand for iron
and steel comes from that source. Iron pipe
works arc pushed with orders far in ndvunco
of production. For architectural purposes
tbo demand for Iron has increased as prices
have declined. Tlio practical usejof electrici
ty for mo ivo power and for illumination has
opened a now flcld for the employment of
largo quantities of lion und steel and much
moro has been used In that way this year
than ever boforo.
'ibo conscqucnco of this general enlarge
ment in the consumption of iron is to stimu
late production , and the statistics dhow that
the output of pig iron by the furnaces Is now
larger than ever before , and yet it appears
to bo short of the consumptive requirements ,
nnd tbo natural result is nn advance in
prices. The advance bas , however , been
mainly on the lower grade of Iron , and the
contention tlmfprices of all finished goods
should advance because of the enhanced
valno of certain grades of pig iron is not
strictly logical. It is manifestly for the
bettor Interests of the Iron trade that values
should bo kept on a piano that will not dis
co urugo consumption ; but that is a matter
that will regulate itself , for the higher
prices to the moro will production bo In
creased , There are numerous furnaces In
thu country which could not bo profitably
operated at , the low prices current for plic
iron lust Juno , that will be put Icto blast
when prices reach u remunerative point ; tlio
only trouble is that this , matter may bo
overdone , and themarknt glutted , to the dct-
rlnionc of the trade. The condition of the
Iron trade in Great Britain is at present so
flourishing ID is helpful to the
prosperity which prevails thoro. Prices
tln'ro have advanced so much
that our tariff serves to practically prohibit
the importation of any considerable quantity
of pig iron , and most of the llnlshod pro
ducts , so that wo huvo our homo mancets to
ourselves , und the development of our iron
resources goes rapidly on , giving employ
ment to u vast amount of homo capital , aad ,
what Is of Btill moro importance , utilizing
tbo labor of our own clti/ons.
It has became axiomatic that wtion tbo
iron trade nourishes ull other branches of
business arc prosperous. Perhaps it is the
general prosieritv whfch stimulates the con
sumption and production of Iron , for the do-
maud must prececd an enlargement In the
volume of trade , and the manifestation of
prosperity In the iron trade la'moro conspic
uous only bccauso of its magnitude nnd
greater prominence. Hut , bo that as It may ,
there lias undoubtedly been a vast Improve
ment In the pcnornl business Hituatlon dur-
the past twolvQ or liftcen months , but moro
especially Hinco tlio'ussurancu that ti was to
bo ayoarof cxccptlonallvgood crops of nearly
all agricultural-productions , Prices of com.
modltlcs are no Iflnjjer declining as n rule ,
and nlthoui > h ttleijuro generally low , busl-
i.css haa becom jujjustcd to n low piano of
value , which Iniirls to tbo greatest good of
the great mass of the pcoplo. Hut the mar-
Itetti can not stand .still : them must be fluctu
ations and gctwrally a positive tendency
cither to an nrfjutclntlon or a decline in
values. C. .4
In Great Britain uud In most countries on
the continent tlioro 1ms been nn ndvunco In
prices of most-imtnufacturfd commodities
during thn current year , and with tbat has
cotno bettor rumunrrulion of labor. To such
an extent bavotprlecs risen them that im
porters in thUjrauntry have found It neces
sary to decline oMys ut previous prices , and
in some cases goods which have been imported
to sell in coinpetitirp * with nomu productionx
aru now practically barred out. Uotwcun
commercial nutiops thcro isn bond of t > ympa-
thy , ana when there is a tendency to general
advance of prices in 'Europn ft is moru than
probable that the tmmo con run will obtain
hero. It may not bo rapid nor roach a Ugh
point , for the facilities of production are BO
great thnt any Increased demand can bo
quickly supplied , but it may require the in
ducement of larger proilts to bring these
facilities into full operation , unit increase
them if necessary. The larger the volume
of business und the greater the activity in
trade the more promptly will the tendency to
higher prices bo nuido manifest. The Indica
tions are that our foreign as well as our dor
incbtlo tradeIs steadily Increasing , In regard
to the latter , it Is only necessary to point to
the fact that railroad earnings and bank
clearing * during tha nine months of thiaycur
uro much larger than for thu corresponding
time lust year.
The preliminary report of the bureau of
Htatistles ahowa that during thu month of
Seutcaibur our exports of brcudatuffii , pro
visions , cotton nnd oil amounted in value to
* 43,031,031 , which li $10.350,000 moro than In
September last year ; thcro Is n decrease in
breadstuff's , but n largo Increase in provisions
and cotton and n small Inrrcuso In oils. The
export * of tlicso articles for nine months
reached ? 3M.3S'J,000 ! this year , which Is
00,000,000 moro tlmn last year. The indica
tion * ore thnt the full report will Miow n
considerable * favorable balance of trade ns
rctmrda the merchandise movement , for the
imports nt Now York were much smaller
than In cither July or August.
The monetary situation In Kuropo hns become -
como moro satisfactory ; thcro continues to
bo considerable outco of gold to South
America , but It Is in n large part supplied by
the Hnnlc of Franco , nnd thus relieves the
strain upon the Bank of England , which
bank ia now recuperating its reserve , nnd
thn onon market rate for money In London
has declined. The Now York bunks have
brought their reserve up to nnd over the
legal requirement during the past week , but
the money market there is Btlll qulto Hiring-
out , with comparatively high rates prevail-
OP i'uniao
The Action or tlio Commissioners
fitnrts n Ijlvoly Itmv.
The ofilco of the board of public works
presented n veritable tempest In n ten pot
yesterday afternoon , Messrs. Balcombo
nnd Fumy , of the board , nnd Messrs. Bailey
nnd ChafTco , of the council , were busily en
gaged in discussing the action of the county
commissioners , nt their last meeting , In re
scinding n resolution which was. passed Sep
tember 21. This resolution provided thnt a
portion of the $ C,000 which had boon sat
nstdo last April for the paving of Intersec
tions on Vlnton street ana Twenty fourth
Btroot Houth of Vinton. should bo divested
from that USD nnd used In paving Intersec
tions on Twentieth street sduth of Vinton ,
nnd on Thirtieth street from Ames avenue
north to tlio city limits. J. B. Ililoy was
present and ovplulnod to the board that this
would only require about $ . ! , 000.
Last Saturday Mi , H. G. Clnrk appeared
before the county commissioners and re
quested them to appropriate money to pay
for the grading of State street in Florence.
Commissioner O'ICeefTo said thor hnd no
money to use for that purpose , nnd Mr. Chirk
asltcd that the money which had been set
nsldo for the paving of Thirtieth street bo
diverted to the grading of State street , of
fering to hold himself , personally responsible
to the board In case the city should hold
them to their resolution.
A resolution was Introduced by Mr. Tur
ner , nnd passed , rescinding the resolution of
September 21. and pro vidlncr that the "bal
ance" bo used in grading State street.
It will bo scon that tha two parts of the
resolution conflict. The understanding on
the part of the commissioners was that thcro
would bo n considerable balance in the ap
propriation , tiftor the Intersections on
Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets had
been paid for , and it was stated that the pav
ing on Thirtieth street could not bo laid this
year. It uiw thought better , all things con
sidorcd , to iccall this money and put it whuro
it will bo used ut once.
The boara ot public works nnd some of
the council were voty wrathy over this no
tion on the part of the commissioners , say
ing It virtually leaves Twentieth street In
tersections out in the cold entirely. There
were vagub threats about holding the com
missioners to their former resolution , etc.
A talk with the commissioners revealed
the fact that it was not their intention to re
call their action ns fur as Twentieth street
was concerned , mid it is probable that action
will bo taken at their next meeting to
stroighton iho matter out.
The following reserves and estimates were
allowed :
Kogan Bros. & Co. , paving . $1,781.43
J. 13. Smith & Co. , paving . 2,00r.r > 0
J. 13. S.nith . .t Co. , paving . 2,1178.70
J. B. Smith & Co. , paving . 4,050.20
J. B. Smith & Co. , paving . 7.2387
J. B. Smith & Co. , paving , assignee. 4,0 4 80
C. E. Fanning & Co. , street sweep
ing . 1,443.22
C. H. Pntchett , grading. . 218 01
J. P. Fox. paving . 1,810 87
The assignment of the contract of Can-
flold , Kyan & Co. to John A. O'KeeiTo was
approved , bond having been Hied and up-
proved , with John F. Coad and J. D. O'Dona-
hoe as sureties ?
The paving bond of J. E. Ullcy & Co. for
$5,000 , with Fred \V. Qray and E. B. Cnlla-
han us fuirelics. for paving Twentieth street
fiom Vinton to the north line of Van Camp's
addition , was approied.
The Government Assumes Control of
All iho Systems.
On Sunday last the government took
forcible pousession of the telephone sys
tem throughout Franco , eava a Paris
correspondent of the Now York
Tribuno. The Socioto Generals dcs
Telephones protested against the soi/-
ure of its property , but as the delegates
appointed to take over the lines ma
terial and olllccs1 on behalf of the
government are accompanied by com
missaries of police , who wore ordered
to proceed militari mnnu in case of ro-
slstonco , the officials of the company
were obliged to yield. vTho action of
the government in the matter origin
ated in the theory that the telephone
system is too vast a monopoly to bo al
lowed to remain in the hands of a
private company of limited liability ,
nnd that like the postal and telegraph
system throughout Europe , it should bo
run by the national government for the
benefit of the community at largo. The
charter which the ' 'Socioto Gen
erals des Telephones" obtained
from the Mini ; tor of Industry and Com
merce , in Ib73 , contains a clause where
by the government is authorised
to acquire , at any time that it deems lit ,
the rights , privileges nnd property of
the company , in return for the payment
of an indemnity , the amount of which
is to bo fixed either by mutual agi ce
ment , or , incuse of uibputo , by exports.
In Juno lust the chamber of deputies , in
compliance with the request on the part
of the prime minister , M. Tirard , voted
a sum of iW,00J,000 ( for the purpose of en
abling the government to acquire the
telephone uystom , and a few days later
the premier addressed a letter to the
president of the company , wherein ho
notillod him that the charter would bo
withdrawn on September 1. At the
same time .M. Tirard requested the So-
cioto Generate dos Telephones to declare
the amount at which it estimated the
value of its lines nnd material ,
stating that , in cabov of any dlf-
fo'onco of opinion of the subject
between the company nnd the govern
ment exports would at ono bo
appointed to arbitrate the points nt is
sue. To this communication the man
agement of tuo Sociole Generate dcs
Telephones ronlied , refusing to glvo
any information as to the value of its
material , and contesting the right ot the
government to annul its charter. Noth
ing further was donoin the matter until
August lllth , when M. Jossclin , an elec
trical export , was appointed by the per
fect of the Seine to obtain nn inventory
of the material of the company nnd to
estimate its value. The management ,
hoivover , refused either to furnish M.
Jnussolin with nn inventory , or to give
him any facilities for compiling ono.
On Augiibt 21st the prime minister ad
dressed a further letter to the prcsi-
deitof the company , repeating the re-
( | ucdt contained in hia former communi
cation , and on receipt of a negatix'o ,
and oven discourteous , reply , dis
patch od a final appeal to tha man
agement on August iMth. which was
allowed to remain without acknowledg
ment whatsoever. Under the ulrcutn-
Htancus. therefore , the government
that it had done all that lay in its power -
or to come to a friendlv understanding ,
and accordingly issued orders to the de
partment of posts and telegraph to
soiiu the property of Urn telephone com
pany throughout Franco on the morn
ing of September 1 , nt the name time
Bunding iiibtrimtionK to the > arious de
partments to provide for armed force.
in case of anv resistance on the pitrt of
the company's ollloiuls.
To what oxtout the community at
largo will bo benefited by the change
will bo roallrcd when J add that M ,
Coulon , the onorgotlo head ot the pos
tal and telegraph departments , has al
ready made arrangements for reducing
the amount of the annual subscription
from $12.5 to $76" , while the cost ot five
minutes' talk over the tolaphono wires
hero at Paris is to bo reduced from 10
cents , its present prlco , to C cents.
\VIIt It bo ConntTlprlHTt or Will It lie
i lie Kmpnror.
A Berlin correspondent of the Akro-
pollsof Athena , recently sent his newspaper -
paper an elaborate explanation of the
relations existing between the four
great chief figures In Gorman politics
Kmporor William II. , Prince JJlsinarck.
Count Herbert Bismarck , and Count
Waldorsoo. Ills letter attracted wide
spread attention on the continent , and
has boon liberally quoted by tha Ger
man newspapers. It said , atuotig other
things :
"It is worthy of consideration thnt
the second olllclal in respect of in
fluence in the Gorman empire , Count
llorbort Bismarck , is the eon of the Im
perial chancellor. Count Herbert Bis
marck , represents hia father in all
affairs of foreign policy. 'Ho accompa
nied the emperor on his journeys to St.
Petersburg , Vienna and Homo. A few
months ago ho went to London on an
important political mission. Ho
guided the negotiations in the
Snmoan conference. Many news
papers which tried hard to Bccuro
the special favor of the chancellor have
long boon wont , consequently , to com
pare Bismarck the fathur and Bismarck
the son with the oldorand younger Pitt.
All this , however , has had little influ
ence upon Emperor William. Despite
his great respect for the father ho was
unable to fool a corresponding confi
dence in the son.
"Tha conclusion to be drawn from Ibis
stnto of affairs is that the parole 'Bis
marck is becoming old' must uo changed
f > o as to road : . "Tlio dynasty of Bis
marck fins become .impossible. ' Emperor -
poror William respects and honors
Prince Bismarck as the first promoter
of German unity , and the tried advisor
of his grandfather. The retirement of
the chancellor is an impossibility ;
equally impossible is it that Count Her
bert should become the successor of his
father. On the contrary , present nn-
pearances indicate that Emperor Wil
liam will become ids own chancellor.
Indeed , unless all sicns fail , wo are approaching
preaching an epoch which , unliUo the
Bismarckian era , will bo characterized
by the gonornl promotion of the policies
of the sovereigns themselves , with the
young German emperor nt their head. '
Tlio Traiifinnilcan Kailroatl Over Ten
Thousand Foot Abovu the Sea.
The year 1892 will probably bo signal
ized in South America by u'most inter
esting event in civil engineering and
in international overland commerce ,
writes a Montevideo correspondent.
This will bo nothing less than the com
pletion of the transundcan railway ,
forming another railroad line from the
Atlantic to the Pacific , and the first
across the continent of South America.
It is nineteen years since this work
was begun , nnd it is now confidently expectedly -
pectedly that it will bo finished by the
beginning of 18'J2. Tlio road is to
run from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso
raise , a distance of 871 miles. There
are now G40 miles of it finished at the
Buenos Ayres end nnd cighty.two at
the Valparaiso end. Of the remaining
111) miles about one-third is practically
complete , the rails being laid.
The pahsajro at the Andes is accom
plished at the Cumbro Pass , which is
18,015 feet abovobcn lo\ol. The rail
road , however , docs not reach the sum
mit of the pass , but pierces the moun
tains by means of a tunnel , moro than
three miles long , at an elevation of
10-loU fool above the sea. This makes
it one of the highest if not the highest
railroad in the world. There is noth
ing in Europe to compare with it. The
St. Gothard railroad is lt.788 feet high
and that on the Kigi only attains an
elevation of 5,751 ! feet. The grades nro ,
of courses , very stcop. For a consider
able distance the rmo is moro than four
hundred and twenty-two foot to the
mil a , or one foot in every twelve and a
half. On this portion of the line a rack-
rail is employed , similar to these on
tlio Hart/ and other mountain roads.
The Man Who Is SoDeiostoU By Irish
Between 1 and 2 p. m. , says a North
Berwick lottcr to the London World ,
you will generally eomo upon a golfing
party , differing from others in the fact
that in its tnidsc walks a man who ,
under all this fierce sun , is always bare
headed. IIo wears a dark-gray Knick
erbocker suit and light gaiters' ; and in
his height , in his Blimncss , by reason
of the pince-nez ho wears and the
earth-swallowing strides which ho
takes , ho reminds you at once of Henry
Irving. When his friends call "Ar
thur" ho responds quickly , and ho gives
himself up to the game as though ho
had no other interest in life ; and yet
this is he upon whoso utterances and
upon whoso deeds , moro than of any
other British statesman , the attention
of the world is riveted. This is ho who
is "boo-ed" for ho whp is so specially
relegated to hades. This is tlio
Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour -
four , who was born in those
parts , who Hits for a division
of Manchester , who is chief secretary
for Ireland , and who , ns you see him , IB
whacking away at the golf-balls as
though they wore the heads of some
of these who , under Mr. Parnell's aus
pices , represent homo rule in the British
parliament. Hnd I any doubt of Mr.
Balfour's identity my ideas would be
confirmed by tha presence of two gen
tlemen in cheap tourist suits who are
always to bo found within easy reach
when ho is playing on the links : they
uro loitering nlong the saily hillocks
which fringe the golllng-ground , or ono
of thorn will descend on to tlio yellow
sands nnd scrawl thereon fantastic fig
ures with a stick. In their heather of
homo-spun reaeli-mo-UowiiH and tight-
fitting traveling caps they might bo
simply tripuoru , with no further design
than the inspection of "tho Biarrit/
the North , " by which high-sounding
title North Berwick calls itself , but "by
their boots yo shall know thorn , " and
these formidable bluchers , vulgarly
bpoaklng. "blow the galf" proclaim
that Scotland yard lias bent to Scotland
the nids-do-camp of Andorbon nnd the
myrmidons of Monro.
Two A ! rf > . ICtitincrfl.
Mm. Nelllo Keener , of St. Joseph ,
and Mrs. Kate Keener , of Kansas City ,
both claim to bo the only surviving
widow of George Keener , deceased.
Both swear that they wore legally mar-
nod to him , never divorced , nor to have
hud another living Jiusbnml. Both
claim to be onfltlod to tha possession of
$5,000 , , which Is awaiting ( in St. Joboph )
tlio decision of the Kansas City Court of
Appeals. _
Jlio Arcu < > ! ' Ilio N < MV States.
The four now states bring in an area
-.bout oqunl to that of ull Now Knglnnd ,
Now Vorlc , Now Jorbcy , Pennsylvania ,
Delaware , Maryland , Virginia , West
Virginia , Ohio , Kentucky and Indiana
combined. It is nn area three times us )
great as the British isles.
An Inmnto of the IURQUO Aoylum
Oomuilta Suloldo.
A Holt in tlio Itoimbllcnn Ilnnlcs in
Lniicnatcr Xho Suitromo Court
Clerkship Killed acmpor-
nrlly Pity Notes.
1020 1
LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct. w. f
Fritz Mode , nninsunopationt from Dougl.i *
county , committed sulcltto tit the Iniatm
ntylutn this morning by ImiiRltip hlmscir.
Dr. Knnpp , Coroner Shoemaker nml Com
missioner Stocn looked Into the anil affair
carefully , nnd stnto thnt no blntiio nttnchc *
nnywhoro. Ho Ingeniously used Ills Mispon *
dor to accomplish the fntnl work. liodo ,
prior to this nuiao two or ttirco unsuccessful
attempts upon tils life.
I'lrsvolt IJoliH tlio Ticket ,
II. J. Licsvolt 1ms resigned his position on
the republican county central committed ami
IB now worklDK for l > . H. Cooper , the demo *
cratio nominee for alicrifr. Mr. Llosvnlt !
on ox-mombor of the state IcKlslutnra and In
said to bo ullnowcrlulvlth iho Hollanders
In the south part of the county. When
his resignation was sent in las associates refused -
fused to accept it , but ho arose lt Ids dignity
timl Insisted upon It ,
This vorlllos tbo statement of Tin : linn
inndo several weeks JIRO that the Carr faction
of thn ropubllcnn party would bolt the tlclcot
at the ninth hour. It 1 * predicted thnt the
race botwuon Cooper and McCluy will bo ex
ceedingly warm aud closo.
A Ilnnklnu 1'rouloiii.
J. C. McNuuK'Uton , bank Inspector of the
Second congressional district , in his peram
bulations has run uuon n snag.
Hecontlv ho examined n bank that showed
na authorized capital stock ofJ5,000 , and a
pala up capital of $12,500. In the general
examination there was no showing of re
discounts. All statements were silent ns to
this. At Oinahn , however , In casting about
In an oniciul capacity , lie found ? U,000 of
tinper that bnd been rcdlscountnd for the
bank In question. These rediscounts were
cITected under the conditions of n cortnln
bdnd , entered Into by the onlrcrs nnd direc
tors of the bank , as Individuals , punrantoo-
inp to protect the paper at maturity. This ,
tlio hank claims , changes the liability from
it to tbo Individuals , notwithstanding the
deal W.IR made for thu bcnullt of tlio bank.
Mr. MuNuuphton says lie can't BOO why tins
is not n liability of the bunk , nnd ho im
presses the opinion that It ought to thus
Htnto Iloiiso .
The Winsldo Stnto bank filed nrticlcs of
incorporation to-d.iv. Capitil stock , $ i.0,000.
Incorporators : N. M. Quo. C. 13. Kronen and
J. H. Gup.
The departments of atnto will close to
morrow nt noon in honor of Guy A. Hi-own ,
deceased , whoso funeral services will bo hold
at 12 o'clock In the afternoon.
13ank Inspector ilcNiiughton was nt
ing headquarters to day. Ho Is preparing a
loport of his \vork In the Second district and
will submit It In n fc\v days.
Walter A. Loose , of Seward , a brother of
Attorney General L.CCBO , was temporarily
unpointed clerk of the supremocourt in place
of Guy A. Urown ( deceased ) this afternoon ,
llo Is ordered bv the couit to take thu oath
of ofilco foithwlthnnd to tlio hit bond con
ditioned according to law. This appoint
ment holds until the further order of the
Stinrpinn Court rrocccillnu .
To-day'a couit proceedings were ns fol
lows :
Pullman Pnlnco Car Compin.v1 vs Lowe ,
submission vac.ite"cl ; Kupublic.m Volley Uuil-
road Company vs Loinr , dismissed ; Stevens
vs Slbbotta , continued.
The following causes were nrpuod nnd
submitted : Mollie vs Peters ; Omaha &
Northern Pacific Kalliond Comp.iny vs
Janccek , on briefs ; State roc rol , Prlmmor vs
IlrodtmU ; Stuto ex rol , Toiunson vs Coleman -
man ; Dodge County vs Kumitz ; North vs
Platte Company , in part.
Court adjourned to Wednesday , October
SO , 18SI ) , nt8SO : o'clock a. in.
Citr Nuwn and Notes.
Aiiolph Hcidcckcr , of Cortland , aud Miss
Pauline Uollnger , of Roca , were united m
marriugo to-day by Judge Stewart.
.lames Wbiliuoro was taken to Exeter nt
midnight last night , where ho will answer to
the charge of raising a note from $1.1 to SI50.
The McAllister will case was on again to
day. The plaintiffs ran out of witnesses and
the case was continued until to-morrow. It
was disclosed that J. I ) . Archibald , who now
appears as ono of thu altornovs for thu pro
ponents , had gona to Now York and whllo
there oiado the proposition to the contestants
that no would biealt the will for u feoof one-
half Iho proceeds.
P. D. GIITora and Jack Woods were ar
rested to-Uay nnd will answer to Urn charge
oflarcenv. U hey \vcro caught stealing huv
fiom E. D. Mills. FranIc Crosby also tried
the slide Humored act and languishes in jail.
A nartv of "Q. " ofllelnls , he.vded by Gon-
ernl Manager Stone , passed through the city
to-dav en louto to the coal llelUs of Wyo
Uotectivo Pound pulled up a plant of
jewelry this morning that awaits lucntillcu-
tlon. It h said to bo valuable.
The pollco force Is uftcr Piank Do Vine ,
who escnocd from custody this morning , ilu
is wanted on the chnrgo of burglary. ,
Chalruian Huuillton , of the republican
county central committee , called n meeting
of thu candidates for tlio vauous comity
ofllces nt .ludgri Stowart's office this morning.
The onjuct of the meeting was to secure , If
possible , a decision of the slipiemo court
upon the constitutionality of the registration
A. StiillKtlainn I'liioes the Number nt
Twelve Hundred Million.
There uro statisticians in Hovonil conn-
Iriot ) , tbo best known of whom la the
Icnrnod Gorman , Ilorr Schemwh6 , , have
endeavored to proHont , from time to
time , statistics of the population of the
entire world. Inasmuch ui mmiy popu
lous countries huvo no OUIIHIIH , and of ton
nothing like a census , UIOHO world stnt-
iHtlclnns can only put together , na to
those countries , the best nttnlimblo
Nevertheless they probably make a
tolerably near estimate of the i > opula-
tiou of the entire world , which they
put nt 1,200,000,000. The number of
nion is supposed to t > o somewhat tmmllor
tliiui the number of wonion.
The ntunbor of dcntha in tlio entire
world , each year , Is placed at about
iJS.IifiO.OOO. which would make nearly
100,000 , u duy1,000 an hour und 07 n
On the oilier band , tlioro nro , it is as-
tinmted. . ' 10,760,030 persons born every
year ; which would make inoro tlmn
100,000 per dny and 80 per iniunto.
The uvtirairo duration of llfo In the
world , an u whole , IB thirty-eight. One-
( juurU'r of the people upon tlio'earth
dlo before reaching the Bovontconth
year. About six of * each 1,000 portons
born rouch the ago of seventy-live
Married people llvo to a Creator nuu
than the uninurrlcd ; temperate people
und workingmen live longer than ox-
cesblvo eaters und Iho indolent ; and
the people of clvlluod nations outlive
the ttayajo races.
Awkward Torpedo ItontH.
Forolf'n inuneuvoi'H nnvo Ucvolopod
the fact thnt torpedo boats uio ex
tremely uncomfortable nt Boa , BO much
BO that the crows lone ull onoru.V und
rouj'h weather nmlfcatlioiiuill but liolp-
ICBS. During oxporhnonts at Copoii-
liugon recently u torpedo boat upset and