Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1889, Image 1

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    n "ft
Hoftrlntr of Mlsa BrouKhton'a Suit
Against Lord Dangan.
Blio CArcd \ cry Llltlo for the 1'coun-
Inry t'nrt or It , Hut She 1)1(1
llor Character
Minn nrnughton Victorious.
t lTopvrf/M ( / inn ttu Jnmes Oflnlan Jtom < iU. |
LONDON ; Oct. 20. ( New York Herald
Cable Special to TUB nnn-1 Phyllis
Broughton mid a number of friends , theatri
cal and others , Braced the lord clilof Justice's
court in the queen's bench division to day.
There wore also several friends ot Lord
Dnngan , and altogether , Including the num
ber of people attracted by curiositytho court
rooni Was crowded with society and theatri
cal ticopid and the public generally , who hid :
expected to hear a very interesting action
for breach of promise of marriage brought
by Mt s Hroughton against the noble lord.
Humor tins been so busy about this case nt
otid tllno and another that It must liuvo got
tlro'il. Sometimes It assorted that the mat
ter wan settled , then It nras reported that the
ddlntls would bo mndo public In court. The
case was settled.
Solicitor General Lockwood and G. B.
Lypn .wore present to look after Allis
BroUghton's Interest and to state that slio
had accepted A compromise of 250 and costs.
TJjls precise duty was cajrlod out by the
solicitor general , and ho added that the pro
fessional reputation of the lady and the
rauK of the defendant no doubt attracted n
good deal of public attention to the , case ,
and It was thought right by Miss Broughton
and thosg who advised her that no settle
ment should bo arrived at until a tlmo when
nn opportunity should bo given to n repre
sentative of Lord Dangan to state that the
breaking off of the engagement by him ,
after lasting nearly n year , Involved no
complaint or reflection either upon the con
duct or character of the lady. The lord
would therefore bo drawn from the consid
eration of the Jury and his lordshln would
enter judgment for plaintiff for 2,500 , with
costs , us between solicitor and client.
Sir Charles Kussoll and Mr. Hart repre
sented Lord Dangan. Sir Charles told
the court that Lord Dangan had ad
mitted that , ho mndo an engage
ment to marry Miss liroughton.
Ho admitted that no broke that engagement ,
but ho desired to call attention to the fact
that it should be explicitly stated that In the
circumstances which rcsu itod in the engage
ment being broken off there was no re
flection of any kind upon the character and
conduct of Phyllis Brougbton ,
'Iholqrd chief Justice accordingly gave
and entered a Judgment for 250 , with costs ,
as between solicitor and client.
More About thr Slick Gnmo AVorkcd
nn bailer Nelson.
ICopj/rfo/it / 1880 t > u Jamn ( Ionian JJemiuM
LONDON , Oct. 29. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE REE. | Dr. A. A.
Lawrence , of Memphis , showed mo to-day a
copy of the Memphis , Avalanche of October
9. It contained the gist of tbo story of the
two tricky Americans cabled from London
to the Herald , These- Americans hud
swindled Tailor Nelson , of Hanover street ,
London , out of 20U worth of clothing and
William Lewis & Son out of JEIOO worth of
underwear. The Avalanche states that the
two swindlers nro S. T. Reese nnd K. C.
Chambers , two Memphis gamblers. They
admitted obtaining clothes worth 51,100 from
Kelson , but claimed they had won 400
from Nelson at t > okcr. | They also claim
they did not got credit on tho.card given
to W. S. Kcese , of Montgomery , by Colonel
Kow , United States consul. Dr. Lnwronco
to-day sow tbo card of Colonel Now pre
sented to Kelson by Chambers , who said his
uainu was Rccso , and on which curd ho aud
Rccso got the clothes. Their story of the
ppkor game is a pure fabrication. Kelson
paid to-diiv that ho never saw the men outside -
side ot his shop and never played uoker , as
hodid not Unow the game. The swindlers
had not scon the second story of tholr
swindling operations when they told this
atqrj ; . Will they say that they also played
poker with Lewis & Son , whom they robbed
pf 100 worth of underwear !
Every tailor In London Is Interested in the
case and , tboy swear by the Herald for the
discovery of the swindlers. Chambers aud
RQOSO will ilnd the garao unprofitable before
Kelson gatsthrough , with thom.
1 An AhSoJuto Dcoroo of Dlvoroo.
'iCopi/r/o/il / / 18 ® bu Jama Gordon HtnnM. \
LONDON , Oct. 29. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE Bnu.l An absolute
decree of dtvorco was granted to-day to Mr.
Iz'ard' against luawlfo , an oporatio singer
'known ' a's Marie Tempest , the ground being
Misconduct with J. 8. Lcallo , proprietor of
the Lyild theatre. A dccroo nisi was
krant'cd six' months ago and damages to the
Amount of 5,000 awarded against the co-
'resbondcnt. It Is understood that this
n moutt was piild to Mr , Izard.
Tnd Bouccicault divorce case also cnmo up
Ogata to-day upon application by Mr , Doxon ,
u'olng uiado to conform with the registrar's
report as regarded the payment of perma
nent alimony to Mrs. Bouccicault , The reg
istrar' had fixed the amount of Dion Bouccl-
cault's Income from the exorcise of his pro
fession ai an actor In America and other
lourccs at between 800 and 000 per annum ,
and ho had awarded Mrs. Bouccicault per
manent alimony to the amount of 30 per
month. His lordship asked If there was any
opposition , and , receiving no reply , ho ac
cordingly confirmed the registrar's report ,
A Bin Kloiu-i.Company.
( rtipvrttfM JC89 bu Jainn GonJon llcnnctt , )
LONHONJ * Oct. 29. | Kow York Herald
Cable Special to TUB IEB. | The prospec
tus of the Plllsbury & Washburn tlour com
pany will bo issued to-uiorrow or next day.
The capital of the company is 1,600,000.
The amount paid fur mill ? and elevators was
.10,400,000. Plllsbury and Washburu rotuin
- atUntcrost in the concern.
Pooling of Two lionic Lines ,
[ CopvrfyM IMS liJatnn | ( Ionian Hemittt. ]
LONDON , Oct. l0.-lKow ! York , Herald
CablpySpocial to THE BEE. | Collls P.
Huuimcton uuil family will sail on the Teu
tonic to-morrow. Touching the marriage of
Miss Huntlngton yesterday , a well known
American and London banker writes to the
Herald today as follows ! "In your notice
to-day of the Hutrfoldt-HuntinRton murrlago
jou ay that Hatzfoldt is the direct heir of a
line 000 years old. Surely the American
eagle can beat this. Miss Huntlngtou is the
direct heir to a line lnoo miles long the
Central Pacific. "
Two Freight ! ) Collide.
MlDDLETOHN , K. Y. , Oct. 29 , TWO Erie
freight trains collided to-night. Olio man
was billed and soverul injured.
The Kx-Commlftttoncr of Pensions
\Vnntcd n Chicago OfllOf.
CincAoo , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to
THE BcE.1 General John C. Black , whoso
meteoric course as commissioner of pensions
Is still fresh In the minds of the American
people , to-day gave another exhibition of
political calisthenics In his Drlcf fight for the
democratic nomination for the rccordorshlp.
ills defeat was absolute and tha result mndo
complete the humiliation of this democratic
soldier politician. All the gossip around tbo
North Side turner ball , wncro the democratic
county convention mot this morning , was
about tbo candidacy of General Black for tbo
office of recorder. He was urged strongly
by the city halt crowd and an. exceedingly
enthusiastic cnhvass was at onra begun for
him , headed by Charloi Grain , Mayor Creg-
Icr's son-in-law , Bcrnhardt Klobllng , Aider-
man Mclnerny , Captain Farrell and others.
It scorned as If bo would surely bo offered
the nomination , and the only remaining ques
tion to settle was to learn whether or not bo
would accept. A delegation waited on Gen
eral Hlack to learn his wishes. The wlloy
old ofllco hunter pursued the usual tactics ,
nnd , "vowing ho Would no'cr consent , con
sented. " The acquiescence- the Illinois
reminiscence of the Cleveland administra
tion to re-enter political Ufa WAS received
with enthusiasm by n cotorlo of friends , but
promptly frowned upon by the Harrison ,
.ludd nnd Qoudy factions. Black's short
rcsidonco In the city of Chicago was used as
a telling argument against his candidacy nnd
the old time hostility of the Morrison faction
did the rest. When the convention llnally
mot General Black appeared , nnd after a
brief consultation in the anto-room with his
adherents decided to withdraw from the
light and his name was not oven presented to
the convention. _
It Looks Very Much Lllco n Great
llle Mo.
KEW YOIIK , Oct. 29. ( .Special Telagrorn to
THE BUB.--A prominent newspaper man
and democratic politician told TUB DEC cor
respondent that the Blulno story of the
World was cither a fake or the most out
rageous betrayal of confidence Known to
nowspaperdom. The likelihood Is that it
was a fiction , based on the slight fact that
Blalno was hot over well while In Italy. If
the writer did not make up the story , ho , ac
cording to his own language , was guilty of a
breach of confidence with the physician who
gave htm the story , and a man who would do
this would not hesitate to Ho , therefore the
story was not on any ground to bo given
"In disproof of the theory that Blalno was
so sick in Florence , " said THE Buc's inform
ant , "I wimt to tell of an Interview which I
had In Paris with T. C. Crawford , the
World's correspondent in Europe , shortly
after Crawford had visited Florence
to interview Bhtlno for the World.
Crawford told mo that Blattio was
as strong mentally as ever ; that ho was
bright , cheerful mid full of pleasing anecdotes -
dotes and reminiscences. Crawford also told
mo that in December , a full month before
the Florence loiter. of declination xvas writ
ten , Bldlno had told him bo would not bo a
candidate aaln. The man Crawford , ro-
mombcr , was the World's ' correspondent , nnd
his statement absolutely confutes the ridicu
lous story now told. Moreover , Crawford
cabled to the World essentially the same
matter , saying that Blaine was out riding and
bowing to friends on the very days when the
World now says ho was in tbo house de
pressed with melancholy. "
\ViilkerI5tnlno Talk" .
WASIIINOTON , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBE. ] Walker Blaine said last even
ing : "Wo have for some time been so , tired
of denying such talks that wo have concluded
not to dignify thom with any notice what
ever. Father , immediately after his return
from Europe , as you know , went into the
campaign and Ocllvarod no less than seven
ty-lire fpocchos. To-day ho is In as good
health as ho over enjoyed , though constantly
it work In the state department or at his
home. You can draw vour own inferences ,
therefore , as to the truth or falsity of the
tale. 'Yes , it is arrant nonsense. "
Business Troublnn ,
Anir.cNnj Knn. , Oct. 25. Thirty-five leadIng -
Ing business firms have published a card
stating tli fit they retain the utmost conil-
dcnco m the banking flrm of Lcbold &
Fisher , which failed yesterday , nnd believe
they will pay all indebtedness. The signers
arc among the heaviest depositors The af
fect has been to quiet public fooling and in
spire the belief that tbo II rm will settle sat
isfactorily. A detailed statement will bo
made as soon as possible. About $100,000
worth of real estate was turned over to the
depositors yesterday.
QUEUED , Oct. 29. Robltaillo , Bornier &
Bornler , proprietors of ouo of tbo largest dry
goods bouses la the city , made an assignment
to-day. The liabilities are 30,000.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 29. The failure of
Hcston & Erben.wnol dealers , is announced ;
liabilities $300,000. The shrinkage in values
and the discriminations of banks against
"wool paper" are given as the causes ot the
The State Band of Locklmvcn has entered
judgment against the lumber firm of Wain-
right & Bryant for 8124.759.
Cincino , Oct. 29. A bill asking u re
colvcr for the N. O. Fredorlksen Land com
pany was 'filed ' to-'day. Frederlkson Is a
son-in-law of the lute prime minister of
Denmark and has made a specialty of the
solo of Minnesota and Dakota lands to Scan
dinavian emigrants , acting as agnnt for
various land grant roads. The estimated
sales last year aggregated 1,000,000 acres.
Of late charges of swindling have been pre
ferred against him by various persons and
thcsn charges had a disastrous effect on his
business. The bill tiled to-day alleges that
Frederikson Is Insolvent and has trans
ferred his assets for the purpose of defraud
ing his creditors. It also asserts that bo
has loft the state to avoid the service of u
National ItrllKioiis Confnroncc.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 29. The national con
ference of Unitarian aud other Christian
churches commenced their session this morn
ing ( n the Academy of Music. Justice
Miller , of the supreme court , president of
the conference , regretted not being able to
give tbo time required , and urged that his
name bo not presented for ra-olcotion. In
teresting reports nnd addresses were then
read showing the progress of the Unitarians
in various sections ,
Caused By Curiosity and Liquor.
CIIKUQO , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to
THE BKC.I A drunken man on West Adams
street , together with human curiosity , was
the cause of a serious accident this after
noon , The Dcsplames street patrol was
summoned and a largo crowd assembled.
The wooden sidewalk , which was about ten
foot Iroin the ground , gave way beneath the
heavy load anil foil , carrying a largo num
ber of p"ooplo with itOfllfcr Baylor was
quite badly hurt , and was taken to his homo
at 118 Walnut street. A number of people
wcio Injured , some , quite seriously.
The Tricolor I'caoe.
HEKLIN , Oct. 29 , The roicbstag to-day dis
cussed tho'budgot. Herr von Maltzahn , sec
retary of stuta for the imperial treasury , said
it was expected expenditures in addition
to those already announced would bo re
quired for the urmy. Ko matter how much
confidence was felt lu the continuance of
peace , the means to maintain tbo strength of
the urmy could uot be loft out of considera
Sievmship Arrivals.
At Kew York -Welternland , from
At Hamburg The Gcllort , from Kow
At Brernerlmven Tbo Ems , from Now
The Female Agitator's Slanderous
Attack Upon The Boo.
A Snmplo of the Methods
fly ttto Notorious ninthcrnklto
to Kvndo n. Discussion or
the 1'laln Truth.
Refined n Kcarlne.
TBKAMAII , Nob.Oct. 29. ISpcclal Telegram
-toTuR BrE. | Last night Mrs. . llatotT M.
Gougar , tha notorious tompcranco agitator ,
delivered nn address In Lincoln , during the
delivery of which she charged that Tun Bnu
had been subsidized by tha liquor dealers'
association , nnd that the editor of TUB BKB
had connived with the liquor dealers to de
feat the prohibition amendment and was paid
84,000 for his work. These charges of bribery
nnd corruption , wcro made so broad nnd spe
cific that Immediately upon receipt of the re
port Mr. Rosewater decided to gotoleka-
mob , where Airs. Gougar was to lecture to
night , with a view to compelling her to re
tract the slander publicly.
Upon arrival of the train Mr. Rosewater
proceeded to the rink , which was pacitod
with a largo audience. After Mrs. Gougar
bad been talking about half an hour , during
which Mr. Rosewater stood quietly near the
door , Mrs. Gougar proceeded to repeat her
slanderous charges , and when she had finally
concluded that portion relating to Rosewater
nnd TUB BEE , Mr. Rosewater walked up to
the center of the aisle nnd asked permission
to interrupt the speaker with a question.
Mrs. Gougar shouted :
"Puthltn out I Rosewater cannot speak in
this hall 1"
Mr. Rodowatcr said ho did not want to dis
turb the meeting , but naked to bo heard after
Mrs. Gougar was through.
Mrs. Gougar kept on shouting , " \Vo can't
bo bulldozed by Itosownter. Put him/ / out ,
nnd I call upon the people of Tokamah to ar
rest him nnd nut him In jail I"
A man styling himself a deputy sheriff
conducted Mr. Kosowator to the entrance.
When Mrs. Gougar had concluded , Mr.
Rosewater maJo an effort to bo heard , stat
ing that ho wanted n chance to rcf ute the slan
ders against himself , but the la'dy who pre
sided chimed in with Mrs. Gougar , and
thanked the audience for refusing to glvo
way to Rosowntor , Mrs. Gouger screaming
that this was only another evidence of the
devilish plots of tha rum power.
Amidst a great deal of uproar , during
which time n number of the gcntlctnon of
Teknmah assured Mr. Rosewater that ho
could have a hearing , Mrs. Gougar called for
a vote denouncing Mr. Rosewater for coining
into the meeting , which was declared car
ried , and the audience dismissed.
Just as the people filed out Mrs. Gougar
was hoard declaring : ' 'I want Mr. Rose
water to understand that ho cannot intimi
date Helen M. Gougar. "
At 11 o'clock a warrant was served on Mr.
Rosewater and ho was arrested by a deputy
Disastrous Piro In Armour's Plant at
Kansas City.
KANSAS CmOct. . 29. A fire which threat
ened to destroy the mammoth packing house
of Armour & Co. , at Kansas City , Kan. , wan
discovered In the fertilizer nt 3 o'clock tuts
morning. It eproaa with amazing rapidity ,
asd the combined efforts of the fire
men of this ami Kansas City , Kan. , to ex
tinguish it wcro of no avail. They gave
up the fight and directed their efforts to
saving adjoining buildings , in which they
wcro successful. In about an hour after tha
fire started the entire building1 was In ruins
with the contents wholly destroyed. The
loss is $110,000. fully insured. Itrls thought
that a negro who was asleep in the building
at the time the fire started , perished In the
( lames ,
Vultinhlo XUisini'Hs Illooks Burned ,
AKKON , O. , Oct. 9. At a late hour last
night the boiler In the now four-story brick
block occupied by O'Koll & Dyas , dry goods
merchants , exploded. The building
took fire and burned to the
ground. The loss to O'Koil & Dyas
is estimated at $250,000 , with an Insurance
of 100,000.
The Tiger hat store , a three-story brick on
Howard street , was al&o destroyed with a
a loss of $15,000 , and tbo Pullman restaurant
adjoining , loss $ S000.
Much Daninco none.
FAninAULT , Minn. , Oct. 29. The fires In
the swamps and forests are doiug more damage -
ago each day. The great marshes around
Rico , Mud and Watklns' lakes are burned
over , together with ninny tons of bay. At
Mud and Cedar lakes tbo woods have been
on fire and over one thousand cords of wood
burned. Much hay was also burned In this
Two Hundred Houses Destroyed.
LONDON. Oct 29. Advices from Scutari
state that 200 houses at that place have been
destroyed by firo.
Of No Consequence.
ST. LODIB , Oct. 29. Dr. Cruse , the dele
gate from Guatemala to the International
congressthis cvcningsald about the reported
difficulty with the Insurgents led by General
Barrundla , that having road the donlalof in
surrection by Guatemala's secretary of for
eign affairs , ho doubted not that tbo difficulty
was nothing more than a riot , as stated.
Union 1'aclflo Goal Bins Burned ,
DENVEU , Col. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBB.J The coal bins of the Union
Paclflo at La Sallo , six miles south of Greoly ,
were this morning destroyed by fire. Nearly
nine hundred tons of coal are a total loss.
La Sallo was u coaling station on the Cboy-
onno & Julasburg branches , It being the junc
tion of the two lines.
Two Officers Murdered.
ST. Louis , Oct. 29. Information has been
received bore that Robert Reed , a Mexican ,
nnd.a Creek Indian named Wiley attempted
to arrest a negro horse thief named' Brunnor
In a remote part of the Seminole nation. The
horao thief fired upon the officers nnd was
shot dead. Wlulo the onlcors wero-'Toturulng
they wore killed by live negro friends of
Shot Thtoo Times.
WHEELING , W. Va. , Oot 29 , A. dispatch
from Charleston says that' while 'Deputy '
United States Marshal Hager was attending
a corn-husking la Raleigh county lost Fri
day a man nauiu'd Deal shot him tbruo times ,
causing probably fatal wounds. This Is the
second attempt to assassinate Hager.
The Canadian I'arllaiuanr ,
OTTAWA , Oct. 29. It lu now ugdorstopd the
dominion parliament will meeton January 10.
The fight over the Jesuit bill , tuo mslurboa
relations between Canada and tbo , United
Stat and the possibility of extending com
mercial relations with neighboring republics
will occupy touch of the time of the session.
Milan to Marry a Parisian.
LONDON , Oct. 29. Accord la p to advices
from Belgrade ox-King Milan will shortly be
marrlca to ft Pariiiau lady ,
Mlchncl Dnvllt liosti noa Dofcndn
the Clnnninol. .
LONDON , Oct. 29. Slaj ! u 1 tJavItt resumed ,
his address before the Prtncll commission
to day. He referred" , to t o action of the
Chicago convention ns disproving the as
sertion that the Clan-n i-Gaol was actively
allied with the league. >
The authors of the nrt clei ori "Pirncllistn
and Cnmo , " which wort 'printed n the Lon
don Times , ho said fully Invented nnd
garblod'quotatlons from American papers.
Ho admitted that > thc expressions of sonio
ot the speakers at Chicago were bitter
ngainsj. England , but suidithat they wota
laboring under great excitement nt the
time. Ho Instanced as a Ho the statement
that ho met the chiitfn of an Amerlcnn as
sassination party while In the United States
and concocted with them to form un Irish
federation and that Pnrncll helped in this
scheme. Ho ( Davltt ) had. often repudiated
the policy of revenge advocated by the ox-
Ucmlsts in America. "Dftvltt also said many
erroneous reports wcro current rospccllng
the Clnn-na-Gaol , which organization , ho
said , was not an nssnsilnation society , nor
any more a secret society than was the order
of Free Masons In Great Britain.
The President AsktuI to'Pnt n Stop to
Southern OutrnRPft.
NnwronT , R , I. , Oct. 29. The Observer
to-morrow will print n letter which baa boon
sent to President Harrison by a committee
appointed at a recent non-partisan meeting
ot citizens , which , ns the letter says , was
celled "to protest against the wholesale and
unrestrained murdering "bt American cltl
zcns now going on in some states of the
south ; to protest against the deprival by
these states of life , liberty and property
without duo process of ltuv " The committee
reports the meeting to the president aud asks
him to use the utmost moral influence of his
exulted position to have a stop put to the
violation of the law referred to , beseeches
him to use nil the force that belongs to his
high office to put a slot ) to the sauio i.nd make
this violation of daw usubject of condemna
tion In his coming message to congress. The
committee adds :
"Tlicro is nothing In the character ot our
government or laws that precludes the fed
eral division thereof from maintaining thn
forca and full dignity ot the supreme law of
the land. "
The Itcportcd Revolution In Guate
mala SfjuolCIiotl.
KBW Yonir , Oct. 29" . Jacob Balz , consul
general for Guatemala In { New York , has re
ceived the following cablegram from the sec
retary of foreign affairs' ' at the republic of
Guatemala : .
"Contradict the roportad revolution m
Guatemala. A riot occurred in Mataquedi-
tulntla , Department of Banta Rose , which
was completely quelled in three days , and
perfect peace now prevails. "
DECLiAHtlD' Oli'P.
The Chicago Tailors' Strike a Flat
Failure ; .
Cniotao , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to
Tim BEE. ] The journeymen tailor's strike
which has been In progress's-for flvo days , has
been declared oft and thfl men will return to
work to-morrow morning. *
The conditions on which they go back are
the same as existed before the strike , anil no
mention of their demands , was made by the
tailors when they sent word tq $ ho employ
ers to-day that they wore .willing to return. ,
Flvo Thousand'Minors ' Strike.
BnubSELS , Oct. 29. Five thousand miners
employed m the collieries la Uryango have
struck. '
I'lttsburc Decided On for the Next
DENVEH , Oct. 29. The engineers to-day
elected E. B. Doltrlck , of Altoona , Pa. , second
end grand assistant engineer to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of Cavoner ,
and A. H. Butloo , of'.Plttsburg . , third grand
assistant engineer. T.'ho convention decided
to hold the next convention at Pittsburg :
W. B. Huskoy. of Bloomington , 111. , was
elected grand guide. "
While on an excursion Saturday E. McCor-
tnlck , u delegate from Bpono , la. , was so af
fected by the rarlfloa ah/ that ho , was taken
seriously 111. Ho was brought back to Den
ver and every effort inadc to restore his
health. Ho , however , gfew rapidly xvorso
and died to-night. Heart trouble is the cause.
The Pan-Americans.
Sr. Louis , Oct. 29. The All-Araenoan
delegates to-day visited ast St. Louis , sev
eral manufacturing institutions and the in
stitute for young girls. The visitors subse
quently lunched at tbo house of the St.
Louis Jockey club , after which they wcro
driven through a portion of the resldonco
district und to tLo Anbquser-Busch brewery ,
which they Inspected.
In the evening they were entertained by
the Marquctto club and at midnight they loft
for Kansas City.
Drugged , Robbed and. Stripped.
ST. JoSEi'ir , Mo.Oct. 29.-r-Sjecfal | Telegram
toTiiEBEE. ] Fred KqwDcrry , of DbsMolnos ,
Iowa , was enticed to the southern limits of the
cjty to-day , drugged , robbed of $50stripped
and robbed of his clotlnnp.and loft lying along
the Santa Fo railroad. The body was picked
up and the men suspected of the crime ar
rested. Kewborry has not yet recovered
sufficiently to identify the parties.
The Weather Forecast.
For Omaha and vicinity Ram followed by
fair weather.
Nebraska and Iowa Light rain , followed
in western Nebraska bj fair , cooler , variable
Winds. f
Dakota Fair , except | ight rain in south
ern portion ; slightly copier ; winds becom
ing northwesterly. I
Ilolrs to the lUvrr Bod.
KANSAS Cm , Oct. 29. In 1840 William
Barper bought twenty-jjight acres ot land
along the bank of the MLuourl river.
Since then , by changes In the river bed , it
has increased to 200 acres.
Squatters took- possession of the now land
and Burger's heirsbrautbt suit to have tbo
squatters' titles quasliodF Adeolslon m favor
of the ho Irs was rendered to-day.
The Howard' * Routed.
LOUISVILLE , Oct. 29J A Barbourvills
special confirms the report that Judge Lewis
has full control In Ilnrlan county. The
Howard outlaws , who constitute a small
part of an extensive family , nro leaving the
county. Lewis says ho frill not stop until
peace Is fully restored , ji j
< > i *
Hlopcd With HU Bookkeeper.
MILFOIID , Del. , Oct. 2tt A great sensation
has been caused by the flight of J. Alexander
Harris with Miss Mary Kills , his bookKeeper -
Keeper , leaving a wife apd four children and
unpaid bills to tbo amount of (10,000 , prlci-
pully due farmers , and small merchants.
Street Car Consolidation.
KASHVILLK , Tenn. , Oct. 29 , A deal has
been consummated by which all the street
railway lines In the city will bo consolidated
uuder one management- the capital stook be
ingnbopt fa.OOO.WXV About fifty miles of
road uro included iit the deal , The lines will
uo operated by cloct'rlclty.
An Kx-Clrault Judge Shot.
Four SMITH , Ark. , Oct. 2,9-Wllllatn T.
Morgan , who has held many prominent posi
tions and recently served a tertn as circuit
Judge , was shot and killed by D. Glbbs , as
the result of a quarrel yesterday. Morgan
violent und overbearing ,
The Four Now States Will Smash
the Old Combination.
Nobody Believes ttio Civil Sorvloo
Commission Will I'rospoiito the
Vlrglnln Campaign Fund So
licitors Mliuollnncous.
613 FncnTBfiNTit STIIRRT ,
WASHINGTON. D. O. , Oct , 29.
If for any reason the Fifty-first congress
should not confirm the roapporllontncnt of
the congressional districts according to the
census of 1890 , the electoral votes In the next
presidential year , counting the thirteen cast
by the now states will number 414. The num
ber necessary to elect would therefore bo
209. The "solid south , " so called , would
furnish 150 , including West Virginia's six ,
so that tha democrats might reasonably ex
pect to have to find 53 votes somewhere in
order to insure success. Kow York , if won
over , would furnish 30 of these , leaving 10
still to get. The other states reckoned on as
possibilities are Indiana with 15 , Kow Jersey
with 0 , Connecticut with 0 , nnd
Montana with U It will bo scon
that Indiana must bo included in any
winning combination , for Kow Jersey ,
Connecticut tand Montana together I could
muster only 18 votes. Indiana arid Kow Jer
sey would answer , or Indiana nnd Connecti
cut. Montana would bo of no account in
nny calculation except as a make , weight.
Commenting on the fine outlook for the re
publican party on this basis this evening's
Star ( independent ) says :
"Should Delaware desert the party col
umn as she did when she elected the legis
lature that choose Mr. Higglns senator , Mon
tana would do very well ns a counterbalance ,
or should West Virginia or Florida carry
her lean majority over to the other side ,
causing a detlcit of 23 or 25. Indiana , Con
necticut und Montana would bo a competent
trio in tha latter case , and Indiana , Now Jer
sey nnd Montana in the former. "
The interest attaching to this survey of the
field rests upon the rellot which the repub
licans experience through the admission of
the now states in the northwest , from , fur
ther anxiety about Kow York. Any ono of a
number of combinations could bo made from
which that state might bo excluded which
would give the presidency to the republicans ,
always supposing , of course , that ttio north
held generally ns firm to the republican faith
as the south to the democratic
The ellect of the admission of the now
states may bo summoned up , therefore , as
roboing New York of her former prestige ns
arbiter of the political fortunes of the whole
country. The battle Held of the future , for
a considerable period at least , will bo located
in ono of tbo lesser states , such as Indiana or
Now Jersey , whoso loss would probably bo
irreparable to tbo democrats.
Very low persons bclievo that nny prose
cutions will ensue from the issurnuce of the
circulars by the Virginia republicans solicit
ing contributions for the campaign from the
Old Dominion republicans In the depart
ments. The drift of opinion is that Com
missioner-Thompson , whoso reconstruction
is not thorough , is simply bent upon fright-
rening the republicans holding offices vvho
would like to nsshst General Mationo to RO-
'curo ' success at the election next week. The
conimlssion does not undertake to pass upon
questions of law , and will therefore turn the
whole matter over to the district attorney
for investigation. If that oQlcer finds that
tha law has been violated bo will lay the
matter before the errand Jury and ask that
Indictments bo returned.
There is no likelihood either that the re
publican collectors for the Ohio campaign
will bo prosecuted , us has been threatened.
Those men have uot violated the law and
have committed no wrong. They did not
go half as far as the democrats did in the
campaigns of 1880 and 16S8 , and there was
no talk of accusing those men :
The bad effect ot hasty congressional ac
tion is shown again in connection with the
working of the contract labor law.
Vigorous efforts are being made on the
part of many people Interested in building up
Norfolk , Va. , as a shipping point for cotton
both to European and the Northern Atlantic
ports oi the United Suites. A centlemnn
from England , a cotton spinner , who was In
vited to Norfolk to witness the facilities for
shipping , and who was favorably impressed
with the idea of that port as u port of de
parture for raw cotton , reports tlmt his visit
has convinced him that for the present at
least the contract labor law will prevent the
effectual carrying out of the scheme , and tbo
whole thing is summed up in a sentence
thus :
"In buying cotton wo want to know Just
what we got , and consequently have our own
sorters and graders to look at the stock of
fered. In Kow York our men have been
there for years. They came before the con
tract labor law wont Into effect. Wo tried
to have our own graders go to Norfolk , but
they are barred out by this law , and I expect
the law will bo exceedingly detrimental to
the interests of Norfollc as n shipping port. "
There was a conference to-day between
Pension Commissioner Raum nnd Secretary
Noble relative to the dismissal of the em
ployes of the pension ofllco whoso pensions
have been rerated. Ko final direction has
yet been given by cither the secretary or the
'commissioner by which thesa employes ,
about forty-two In number , nro to go out.
Another question is being discussed by
these officials and it is to bo disposed of nt
the same time that final action as to the re-
rated employes Is taken. It Is In regard to
the procedure to bo followed as to the
illegally alloyved reratod pensions and the
means to bo pursued In compelling the bene
ficiaries to dlsgorgo the money.
Anticipating tbo removal of two score or
more employes , embracing members of the
board of appeals , special examiners und
clerks , Secretary Koble Is dally receiving a
flood of applications for the positions which
are to bo made vacant.
Trouble will arise over tbo removal of the
employesyhose pensions were rerated , as
some of them will attempt and probably will
prove that they secured their increase nnd
rctioactlvo pensions regularly , and they will
try to show that they did not excrclao their
official influence to secure early action ,
Soyeral employes are known to have re
turned tholr retroactive pensions , but it is
not probable that they will escape punish
ment by such action. It is hold by the em
ployes who are to bo dismissed that there
should bp some punishment inflicted upon
tbo rerated employes under Commissioner
Black's administration. Secretary Noble
Intends to look up the facts on the subject
and it is likely ho will extend his punish
ment back to tha Black period.
The people up In Knoic county , Neb. , have
protested through Hon. A. L. Towlo against
locating any Santce Indians on the old Pour a
It appears that under an executive order
of 18S5 the lands of the old Santec-Sloux
reserve , pot then allotted to tha Santees ,
wcro thrown open to the whites ns publio
domain. The recent Sioux commission
discovered tlmt the Indians objected to sec-
tlan 7 of the Sioux bill , and the commission ,
In order to got the Indians to sign , agreed to
recommend to congress to either glvo the
Santees land elsewhere or pay them the
value in mouoy , and whether the recommen
dation will bo adopted no ono now knows.
Section 7. however , elves the Santees not
already allotted lands allotments upon the
Santee reserve. Commissioner Foster
thinks this was an error on the part of con
gress arising from a misunderstanding of
the executive order ot 1683. Nor would
there bo enough land in the reserve to carry
out section 7 of the Sioux mil. So that this
whole mutter rests with the commission uud
congress. This may account for the claim of
Secretary Noble that congress must first
ratify tlio act of tha commission , as there are
said to be several other recommendations by
the Sioux commission , but the question Is
what power had the commliston while pro
ceeding on the basis Of the Sioux not , it they
did , to go bojend Its provisions. However ,
this explains the difference of opinion be
tween Congressman Poole and others nnd
the secretary of the Interior concerning the
necessity for ratlllcation by congress. Of
course , the Nebraska delegation will nrotost
vigorously ngnlnst locating any Indians , *
Santees or others , on the 1'oticiv reservation ,
ns it would bo a violation of the spirit of the
act annexing that to Nebraska when the
Ponca tltla Is closed.
By direction of the secretary of war First
Lieutenant S. Allen Dyer , Twenty-third In
fantry , will report by telegraph to the suuor-
Intondcnt of the recruiting service , Now
Yonc City , to conduct a detachment ot re
cruits to the Department of the Platto. On
completion of this duty bo will return to his
The leave of atisoncn granted Post Chaplin
Thomas W. Barry September 18 , 18SU. Department -
partmont of thb Platte , is extended ouo
The chances now seem to fuvor some solu
tion of the political conundrum involved in
the deslro for a change of the shipping clerk
at Valentino , Nob. Senator Mmidcrson may
yet bnvo his way about It.
The secretary of the interior to-day decided
that Albert Holliday , of Qago county Is not
entitled to anything on his Indian depreda
tion claim , amounting to (3,370. The secre
tary says that Holliday suffered a loss of
81,1110 but that ho did not present the claim
within the time provided by congress.
On the claim of John Palmar , of Liberty ,
Gage county , amounting U > FJi)03 ) the secre
tary decides that the loss Is $3,235. Both of
those claims will go to congress.
The following railway postal service has
been established In Nebraska : Union
Pacific transfer , now ofilce ( Iowa ) , to Ogden ,
U. T. , Union Paalllo railway , 1031 miles.
The establishment ot ono additional daily
line of railway postofllco cars ( forty feet
In length , inside measurement , is authorized
over this entire route nnd ono line of the
same size cars additional thereto over that
portion of the route between Green Hivor
and Granger , Wyo. , thirty miles , the date
of commencement of service to bo stated in
a future order.
J. II. Culver has boon appointed post
master at Milford , Neb.
Moorovillo , Tamn counth , II. Hanna ;
H. L. Young of Omaha , Is at the Hotel
Acting Secretary Batchollcr has decided
that Chinese laundrymen are laborers
within the meaning of the Chlnoso re
striction net , nnd are therefore prohibited
from landing in the United States , no mat
ter whether they have been bore before or
William U. Wharton , first assistant sea-
rotary of state , has suffered a relapse nnd
has bean compelled to again take to his bed.
Much anxiety Is felt as to the result of the
present attack.
H. Hunim has boon appointed postmaster
nt Moorevlllo , Tamn county , Iowa , nud
Lewis Peterson nt Pilot JMouud , Boone
county , Iowa.
Pcitnv S. HEATH.
He Uses Government Envelopes for
1'rlvnto I'uipoBPS.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKE.I Mr. Morgan , the commls-
slonerjof Indian affairs , appears to have got
himself into serious trouble by using gov
ernment penalty envelopes for private mull
matter. Three weeks ago Mr.-Morgan de
livered an address on the education of the
Indian before the Mohonk Indian conference.
Two days ago Mr. Morgan sent 1,000 oftho
pamphlets through the malls In government
envelopes. Any person using these envel
opes for private matter is liable to a line of
$300 for each offense. It would seem , there
fore , that Mr. Morgan has violated the law
$300,000 worth.
Senator Plumb , of Kansas , has boon ,
deeply offended with Mr. Mormm for soma
time over the lattor'B removal of several of
his constituents from positions ut Kansas
Indian agencies , particularly the removal of
a one-armed soldier named Low , who wus
the teacher at the Knw ngenny. Ono of the
senator's agents hero Is Smith D. Fry , Into
whoso hands oho of the Illegally used en
velopes has fallen. Ho has issued a protocol
to Secretary Noble tlmt Morgan must bn removed -
moved , or ho will have him aricstcdaud
prosecuted to u finish for violating the postal
In a letter of explanation to Secretary
Noble Morgan admits ho sent the mutter In
penalty envelopes. x
Nebraska and Iowa Patents.
WABUINOTOK , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEU.I Patents issued to Nebraska
inventors-Samuel A. Ambnster , Dunbnr ,
Nob. , corn gathering machine ; Henry J ,
Chambers , assignor to W. H. Duffott , Beat
rice , Neb. , road grader : Eugene A. and J.
Muyhoatb , Konpurlel , Kcb. , force pump ;
Peter Holntz , Grand Island , web. , combined
hay rnko nnd utackcr.
Patents Issued to lownns Willie W. Har
ris , Sioux City , la. , bullet moulder : Walter
F. Marsh. Benton , In. , vehicle wheel ;
Thomas E. Martin , assignor of one-half to
G. C. Boggs , DcsMoIncs , lu , , burglar alarm
attachment for windows ; Andrew B. Ship-
man , Columbus Junction. la. , show case :
Hosea B. Stafford and H. W. Salso , Manson ,
la , agricultural holler ; Dowitt K. Stearns ,
Dos Molnc.s , la. , agus generator ; Hoiiry p.
Statornux , Davenport , lu. , rotary qhurn ;
Frederick Theilongordor , Mount Union , la. ,
rod for check row planters ; Frank Thone ,
Davenport , In. , electric current regulator ;
David V. Thrlf , Nqvada , la. , animal trap.
Presidential I'obtmastcrs.
WASIIINOTON , Oct. 29. Among a number
of postmasters appointed by the president
are the following : Henry C. Webb , at Bedford -
ford , la. , vlco John D. Smith , removed ;
Thomas M. Grossman , at Edwardsvlllo ,
111. , vlco J , B. Dale , removed ; George San
derson , nt Pittsllold. 111. , vice James H.
Crane , removed ; William H , Shaw , nt Can
ton , ill. , vice II. A. Perkins , resigned , and
J. Lute Christie , nt Superior , Wis. , vlco J.
A. Bardon , removed.
Kehrnakn audlowa I'mislou * .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. | Pensions allowed Nobras-
KaDs : Original invalid Murk Hackney ,
Andrew Jones , Ilobert Fithen. Holssue
James S. Glllesplo , Henry F. Morwln.
Pensions granted lowans : Original In
valid John H. Sanders. Increase Peter
McKonno. Reissue John Ames Smith ,
Ellus Hoskal , Thomas A. Duulap. Itoissuo
and increase Daniel J. Oumerson. Origi
nal widows , etc. Mary A. , mother of
Samuel M. Morrison ,
For Belling Hard Cldor.
TOPEKA , Kan , , Oct. 29. The first convic
tion under the Kansas prohibitory law for
the sale of hard cider was secured In the
district court to-day. The defendant wus
the proprietor of a hotel.
A NowHpapcr Duke.
BIIUSSELS , Oct. 29. It is stated hero that
Archduke John , ot Austria , will Join the
staff of a Kow York paper. His uatno has
been stricken from the army list.
A Russian Lottery Loan ,
ST. PuTEiisDuno , Oct. 29. An Imperial
ukase authorizes the Issue of a now $10nuo-
000 lottery loan for the further conversion
and redemption of former loans ,
American Missionary Hooloiy.
CHICAGO , Oct. 29. Tito forty-third annual
meeting of the American Missionary society
begun hero this afternoon , Houtlne business
occupied both sessions.
A Labor Mayor for Btrontor.
STBEATOII , 111. , Ost. 29. J. J. Gerahly , the
miners' and workmen's candidate , was to
day elected mayor of this city by a hand-
Botno majority.
The Ohorokoo Strip Llvo Stook MojJ
Got a Hint.
Secretary Nohla Addrcnqnn n Lone Lot *
tcr to Uovcrnur Knit-child , Chair *
man of the Chcrokcu Com-
The Nation QrontorThnti Corporation *
WASIIINOTON , OcU 8 . Secretary KobU
has addressed a long letter to Governor Fair *
child , chairman of. the Cherokee commission ,
In whlcn ho defines certain posltiocn that the
department will maintain In negotiating with
the Cherokees for the purchase of Indlau
lands in the Cherokee outlet , The secretary
refers to the Illegitimate luilucncoof the ,1
"ChoroUco Strip Llvo Stock association" In
attempting to thwart the beneficent purposes
of the government. The secretary roaches
the conclusion that the syndicate proposes to
outbid the United Status for these lands , and
to enter the arena ns citizens contending
with tno national government. Ho insists
that thcTcattlo syndicate falls within thulinv
prohibiting citizens from making leases wltfi
Indians ; that thb louses of the Cherokco outlet -
lot ore unlawful and illegal ; that the presi
dent has authority to declare invalid the
agreement or lease for Bracing purposes
made contrary to the provisions of the law
which provide that a puiulntso , louse , or
crant of Indian lands , to bo valid , must bo
made by treaty , pursuant to the constitution.
and thai , the president has authority to TO *
move unauihorlzeiUpcrsons from the reserva
tion whenever their presence * bollevod to
bo detrimental to the pcuco and welfare of
the Indians.
The secretary shows that the syndicate
proposes to leasotho land nt a rental of 200-
000 a year for the first live yoaro , JIOO.OOO for
the next five j ears and $720,000 for the last
flvo years.
The government proposition shows that
tl.0 Cherokecs will get from the United
States nt least $7,000,000 after deducting the
payments' already made.
"The cattle syndicate " ho "Is
, snys , pre
sumably 0110 of the ordinary kind of which '
hundreds have heretofore existed and dlsap-
poarcd with the loss of their assets. Ko re
sponsibility attaches to the individuals com
posing the corporation , nnd If it did , they uro
persons whoso fortunes , however great the
may bo to-day , nro liable to the fluctuations
attendant upon such ventures. The prices
offered as rental are deemed by all ac
quainted with the subject as extravagant
from first to last. The government ot the
United States is seeking land only for th6
creed of the people , to futtilsh new homes fern
n vast number of citizens who wUh by their
labor to ruduem it from u wilderness roamed
over by scattered herds. " The secretary , In
conclusion , mws :
The proposition of the United States is not
only fair , but. munificent , while the title to
the use of the land , oven by the Cherokees , i
is prccailous. The cattle syndicate has no
authority to make a lease such 111 proposed ,
nnd by its evident Intention to rival and defeat -
feat the government on which it depends it
forfeits all claim to Indulccnt consideration
aud can and ought ta bo expelled from tbo
outlet. The secretary therefore announces ,
in order that it may bo communicated with
out delay to the Cnerokoo Nation , that In his
opinion those who purpose to make leases dd
so with the knowledge that such leases
aio unauthorized and may ut any
tlmo within the discretion of the
United States government bo sot aside ;
that their interference with the negotiations
of the Uuited Stutes gives occasion for the
government to consider the propriety of layIng -
Ing Its hand upon these cltl/ens acting in do-
llunco of law aud ugnlnst publio interest ana
to restrain them from proceeding further In
this direction.
It Is deemed necessary that such lessees
should bo compelled to leave said outlet with
their property on or before the 1st of June
next , It being deemed proper not to fix the
time earlier , that they may oscaua without
injury or suffering to cnttlo and herds.
It Is deemed to bo to tha best ; Interests of
the Cherokee people to receive ut the hands
of the government ttio fund , the Interest ou
which will give tnem a steady , reliable and
abundant amount for improvement und ad
vancement , in place of the future payments
of a transient consideration , no claim being
to authority to take thO'iO ' laiins , but that no
rhrht is ueioby waived.
If the Cherokups do not wish to sell they
ai o at liberty to keep their lands under the
broad burdens , resting thereon in favor of
the United States , unless the United States
occs fit hereafter to assert its right -by su
perior title , and that the Cherokees shall re
ceive under any circumstances the game 'n- '
dulgcuce and generous ttcatmont they have
heretofore and so long enjoyed.
Knvortho Govcriiiiiont'8 OfTjr.
KANSAS CITV , Oct. 29. A special from
Tahlcquah , I. T. says : "Chiof Muyos will
advise the Choroicoo council to accept the
government's offer. Bushy Head will Join
in the recommendation. The prospects are
now that the Cherokee commission with suc
The Decision of a Halt ImUn Judge
Clearly in Their Favor ,
SMT LAKE , Utah , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEB. ] The decision of Judge yesterday in tbo Bennett case caused
much feeling. Bennett wa * on trial for Ille'i
gal registering , and charged with being a
polyganust. A church divorce , or agreement
between Bennett nnd plural wife , was of
fered as evidence that Bennett had dis
solved polygamous relations oneyear
prior to registering. Judgeaiio
ordering the Jury to acquit
surprised all the liberals , and opened llio
way for lii.OOO pnl.vgamlsts In Utah to regis
ter and vote. The case will be appealed. The
liberals denounce the decision , but it will not
affect the election In this city next February ,
since the liberal committee has been antici
pating that the Mormons will vote as fur as
possible and do everything In their power to
prevent the control of city affairs being taken
from them. Judge Power , manager of the
liberal campaign , eaya that the liberals will
carry the city by a largo majority.
Ihe Montana Muddle.
HELKNA , Mont. , Oct. 29. Iri the Silver
Bow contest to-day the motion of the at
torneys for the republicans to quash the
mandamus writ was overruled. After argu
ment on several other technicalities , includ
ing an objection to Judge DoWolf sitting In
the case , as ho was u candidate ou the demo'-
erotic ticket , the board of canvassers was
directed to answer why the vote in the Tuu-
nol precincts should not bo counted ,
At KM Illuu ( JctH HiH DoKorts.
Hr.LCNA , Arif. , Oct , 29. As the steamer
James Leo was making a landing at Island
Sixty , John Chlldora , one of the clerks , at
tempted to collect the faro from a negro
passenger and was shot In the breast Clill-
dors then shot the negro , killing him In-
Btuutly. Chlldors1 wound In nut necessarily
_ _
I ho Companies Censured.
KiiW YOIIK , Out. 29. The Jury in the case
of the death of Lineman Fucks this ovoulncr
returned a verdict in which they censure tbo
comuanles for Imperfect insulation and con
demn the BjBtoui of overhead wires.
Ihreo Men Killcid.
SCIIANTON , Pa. , Oct. 20. Three men wer
Inituntly killed tliU evening by tha explosion
of u locoinotlvo boiler ut the Pierce coul
mines. , .
Mich. , Oct. 29 , The trial of
Holzhuy , the uotod highwayman , began to *