8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ; TUESDAY OCTOBER 29 , 1880. THE CITY. 8. E. Cnso yesterday gave a bill of sale of the Btoclc nnd fixture * of the grocery titoro at 6823 fVnam Btrcct to D. W. Ucnncr , the Coot idcratlon being (1,000. The paving of Vlnton street from Twen tieth to Twenty-fourth with cedar blocks on and nnd plank linn commenced. The work Is to bodono by J. E. Hlloy & Co. Gospel meetings conducted by Rov. Charles Snnvoly , pastor , nro now bclnp held at the West Omaha M. E. churoh , Thirty-seventh nnd Mason Btroota , every evening. To-night Rev. Gcorgo AI. Brown , of the llnmscom Pnrlc church , will preach. Thursday ovoninp Rev. Clmrlos Dawnon , of the South Tenth street nhurch , will preach. Everybody U Invited. Personal Pnrn rn plis. Cnrl Kobcn , of Nellgh , la at the Pnxton. II. Fontonollo , of Dccutur , Is at the Casey. 11. K. Hamilton , of Scotia. Is at the Casey. D. liny , of Grand Island , Is at the Mlllnrd. L. P. OlllettOj of Beatrice , Is at the Casoy. II. M. KollOfjg. of Aurora , is n guest at the Casey , * W , I * Dcmorost , of Grand Islnnil , Is at the Murray. A. L. Field , of Alliance , Is stopping nt the Pnxton , Peter Smith , of Nebraska City , Is nt the Pax ton. 0. L. Mulllns , of Louisville , is nt the Mer chants. Leopold Hahn , of HasHnes , Is at the Mer chants. J. C. Nelson , of Hastings , Is at tbo Mer - chants. J. S. Dow , of Tcoumsoh , Is a guest at the Merchants. W. C. Koily , of Sidney , Is registered at the Mlllard. James It Wash , of Uncoln , Is o guest nt the Millard. L. IX Lowlcr , of Button , la registered nt the Murray. W. H. Wldamon , of Norfolk , Is stopping at the Casey. F. 11. Mljrjatt , of Long Pine , is registered * t tbo Casey. C. B. Uoyco nnd E. Pitts , of I3oatrico , ere at the Casoy. Georeo A. Downing , of Kearney , is a guest at the Paxton. N. U. Porilncer , of Central City , Is stop ping at the Mlllurd. John M. Dyer , of North Platte , is rogts- torod at the Pnxton. O. P. Farmau iincl wlfo , of Hushvlllo , arc guests at the Murray. I Charles C. Hunt , of Hcmlngford , Is reg istered at the Paxton. . A. M. Callioun , of Nebraska City , is a guest at the Merchants. Edgar Howard and wife , of Bcnkloman ere guests at the Murray. L. II. North and C. u. Gonard , of Colum bus , nro registered at the Casey. Colonel HuchcH has returned from his trip to Colorado , Utah and Wyoming. E. D. Slmonds , the well known and popu lar clRnr man , is in the city stopping nt the Paxton.4 * Mrs. Mlllor , wife of Captain Mlllor , ac companied by her daughter and son , have Just returned from Boston. Thomas H. Montgomery and Major C. E. Bevlns , of Philadelphia and Cincinnati , ofllclaln of the New York Life Insurance company , are at the Paxton. At the Windsor : H. D. Bassett and wife , St. Joe , Mo. ; J. A. Rood , Beatrice : J. B. Conklln , Sprmuport. Mich. ; Frank H. Law rence , Lincoln ; J. C. Abbott , Milton , Iowa ; B. R. Hart , Altoonn ; A. L. Hart , Fairmont ; w. D. Duane , Idaho ; M. Murray , Gralton , Neb. TVhoi-p Arc the Wntclics. H. D. McICclvoy. ot Genoa , this state , sent two watches to the "Now York repair shop , Omaha , " to bo fixed and has never heard from them since. This was several weeks BKO , and MoKalvoy now believes tunt ho has boon duped. Ho bus called upon Chief tjcavoy to ascertain if there Is any such company in Omaha. Ttobuilfllni ; Fallen Wallu. The collapse of a portion of the brick walls of the Woodman Linseed Oil works on Sov entcenth nnd Nicholas tttroots has necessi tated the tearing down of some of tbo re- mning portion , which Is considered unsafe. The work of rebuilding has commenced. The accident has not interfered with the work of the mill , which is progressing mean while tbo same as usual. rulrtlo Works. The paving of Twentieth street with cedar bloclts from Harncy , street to St. Mary's avenue , will probably bo completed by Tues day night. Grading has commenced on Twenty-sec end Btrcet jnst north of Nicholas to bring the trcot down to a level with thd motor tracks. Small's om-iisc. Among the old timers who have frequently been arrested for drunkenness were Consta ble Small and Victor Lmdholtn. The latter was lined $5 50. A more serious charge was placed against Small that of Indecent exposure of hia per son. Ho was fined $7.50. I like my wife to USD Pozzoni's Complexion Powder because it improves her looks and is BS fragrant as violets. Unites Chaw n Firomnn. Two vicious dogs owned by Fritz Selgol , aloonkecpcr at 2-103 Cumlng street , pounced upon G. Qraeor , n fireman ntNo. i engine- house , nt noon , and bit him on both less below the Itneo. The wounds uro verv painful , at least ton of tliem being an inch lone. Sclpolwis at rested yesterday afternoon on the chaigo of keeping vicious does. VVitti 1'n.ntnloons. Frank Cooper entered Schlank's clothing bouso , on the corner of Tenth street , and tolo on armful of pantaloons. Ho divided up his booty with M. Carey and John Drown. Whllo the three were attempting to dispose of the goods they were arrested. Cooper was committed for thirty days , Urown for twenty-eight duys and Carey for for twenty- flvo days. Liicoiisoi. Licenses were issued to the following parties by Judge Shields yesterday ! Kama nnd Keaiilonee. Ago. ( Froderlelc W. Rolls , Omaha 23 ( Mlana Hoelino , Omaha "J ( John Eiran , Omaha , . . 23 J Johunnuh Uegloy , Omaha 24 ( Follx Lcnogh , South Omaha 2tJ 1 Kato McGurlr , South Omaha. . 20 Will ItiMimln In Oinnhn. It seems that the recent announcement made In TUB UEE that Dr. llonson would Bcccpt a cull fromlho congregation at Lin coln was somewhat misunderstood by his many friends. Dr. Uonson will still remain In Omaha In the active prosecution of his law business. His duties at Lincoln will only rcnulro his presence once n month , thereby furthering the Interests of the con- KrOKutloii ut Lincoln , who uro contemplating building a Jewish house of worship in tbo neur future , PAXTON HOTur. , OJIAHA Special at tention to comineroltil inon. Finest and largest hotel in the wost. Kittrodgo & Bruin ard , proprietors. AnnnunocMiicntg. "Uomoo nnd Juliet" will bo n surprise to all who have never hoard or soon it Gounod made of it the most exquisite lava lyrlo over created , us grand in muslo as Slmkcaoeuro nmdoltln drama. Emma Abbott's toilets as Juliet are beautiful , created especially by Worth. The costuming of tbo entire opera is exceedingly rich. The oust Is the strongest In the company. This opera is the bill for the Saturday Abbott mutlnoo. Seats for the entire ougugcment were put ou sale this inorulu ? , Morohnnta' Hotol. Lnrgo sample rooms. $2f2.60&33pordny. NntUrown. BEOUItEl ) QUAUTKHS. Thd Ilcnl Hntntn Kxclinn o Getting DoXrn to IJiiHlticflfl. Tlio Heal Estate oxolmngo has rented the largo room on the first floor of the Now York Lifo Insurance building , In the northwest corner for the holding of Us dally sessions und the Inauguration of the "open board" system of realty that has existedin those columns. The repular annual mealing of the ex change will bo hold on Saturday when offl- cors for the ensuing year will bo elected and general plans adopted for the Inauguration of the noxv system. The exchange as reor ganized is composed of the following mem bers : Omaha Heal Estate nnd Trust company , Otto Lobeck , Mead Investment company , Hartraan & Ilobbins , W. Q. Shrlvor , M. A. Upton & Co. , W. N. McCondllsh , II. O. Clark , , T. 13. Evans & Co. , George P. Uomls , the O. R Davis company , Luwls S , Hood & Co. , Crary & Crar. " , Gcorgo N. Hlcits , Grovcr Stwvons. Conner & Fltchctt , N. A. Gardiner , D. V. ( Sholcs , Potter &Cobb , Uyron Heed company. GcorgroV. . Ames. T. S. Clurkson , J. F. Flack , Gate City Land company , A. M , Kitchen. It S. Berlin , G. G. Wallace , Ernest Hlall St Co. , Honnon- echoln & Valentino , D. II. IJall , A. ] > . Tuclccy , Gcorni'.T. Paul , C. L. Jaynes ft Co. , Mulr < fc Oayloul , Benson Si Carinlchaol , Curtis & Socket , F. 1C. Darling. UHOUGHT T11I3M TO TIME. Judge Doane'8 Snltitnry Admonition tol'rncrnHtlnntina Itnwycrp. Jndgo Doano's announcement Frldny that ho would dismiss the cases on the trial list Monday If the litigants were not ready to proceed , brought u largo number ot attor neys to the court room. The first four cases called were ready for trial nud the witnesses on hand. As the former were enough to keen the court busv for the day the attorneys m the other cases on the list that had been threatened with destruction simply smiled nnd responded "trial" when the cases were called. There was another hitch In the trial of the criminal causes. The llrst cnso called was that of the state acalnst Fred I. Copeland , the young man who is charged with having passed n number of forged checks upon D. W. Van Cott , Max Meyer , nnd others. As sistant Prosecutor Moriiirty asked that ho bq allowed to ndd the names of two witnesses who were needed by the state. Copoland's attorney objected , but , Judco Hopewell grunted Mr. Moriartv's application , alter it had been put in writing. The defendant's then made a motion to quash the Indictment , as the prisoner was accused of three separate offenses in ono indlctmqnt. Pending the argument of the motion , the court adjourned. Judge Davis went to Sarpy county nud remained thcro during the dny. Judgu Donne Is hearing the case of Mrs. Matlia C. Str.iasor against her son , Howard E. r < rny ; a suit on n promissory note for 1,809 31. Judge Wukeloy Is hearing the suit of J. B. Cailahan vs S. W. Reynolds , I. W. Uodofer and W. A. Smith. This is a damage suit for f 1S5.49 ( ! for alleged non-eomplinnco with a contract for the construction of a building for the plaintiff nt the south end ol' the Eleventh street viaduct. Judge Baldwin has received word that the casoof Uobinson vs A. D. Jones , involving the title to n largo amount of real estate In Omaha , has been continued until the Da- comber term of iho supreme court. , United States Court. Judge Dutidy has postponed hearing argu ments , motions nnd applications in Chambers until Wednesday. He has gene to visit his rauctio near Falls City nnd will not return until tomorrow evening. County Court. Nancy C. Noon was yesterday appointed administratrix of the estate of Joseph E. Noon , deceased. Clementine Weiss , administratrix of the estate of August Weiss , bus begun suit against Charles E. ant' ' M. P. Strnssburgor to recover $300 on a noto. Judgment was entered In the case of Charles Bacbman vs Charles Rievo , suit on breach of contract , in the sum of $118.15.3. A great benefit has been secured to the poor by iho introduction of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; for it now only takes 2i cents 'to euro a cough or cold. Anybody troubled with rheumatism , neu ralgia , stiff neck or and uain or ache shtftild procure a botilo of Salvation Oil at onco. Price 25 cents. _ XHK BAJ'TISI ? ANMVCR.SARY. Tlio Twenty-Second Annual Meeting Now in Session at Hustings. The twenty-second annual meeting of the Nebraska Baptist anniversaries is at present in progress in Hastings , having commenced last ovenlmr. It is divided into five conven tions , the first , the ministers' union , occur ring last evening nnd this morning. The young people's convention occurs this after noon and the Sunday school convention this evening nnd to-morrow morning. Tuesday evening and Wednesday mot-nine occurs the women's meeting and the remainder of the session will bo devoted to the state conven tion programme. * Last evening , at the ministers' union , Ilov. W. G. Evans , of York , delivered the ser mon , After the election of ofllcers this morning nro tbo following addresses : "Spiritual Llfo of the Pastor , " Rev. T. S. Leonard , Beatrice ; "Bible Ordination , " Rev , C. E. Bentley , Surprise ; "How to Pro mote and Direct the Spiritual Lifo of Our Churches , " Rev. E. O. Williams , D. D. . Lincoln. At tlio youner people's convention "Our Denominational Need of Young People" will bo discussed by Rov. A. W. Clark , Mr. J. O. Staples nnd Dr. E. F. Allen , all of Omaha , Mr. Wiltnont Zodikcr , of Grand Island , Miss Lcttlo Lcgg , of Fremont , nnd E. E. Bennett , of Lincoln , In the Sunday school convention addresses will bo made by Rov. F , G , Thoarlo , of Ohi- cage , Rov. B. A. Russell , general Sunday school missionary , A. II. Weir , of Lincoln , Mrs. E. A. Russell , of Ord , and Rov. Mark Noble , of Ftiirbury. Among the participants in the state con vention programme are the following : Presi dent L. G. M. Baldwin and Rov. O. A. Will iams , of Lincoln ; Roy. A. W. Chirk , Hon. L , D. Holmes and Roy. II. L. House , of Omaha ; Rov. J. J. Crosby , of Holdridgo ; Rov. T. E. Britten , of Grand Island ; -J. R. Force , of Tekumnh ; Rev. D. W. Grimtb , Mrs. M. L. IIuyward and Miss Martha Van Ness , of Nebraska City ; Mr. and Mrs. William Sax- ton , of Edcur : Rov. W. H. Stearns , of Grand Island , nnd Miss Dr. O. H.'Dunlulls , of Chl- ca fo. How to Cure a Colil. Many years constant use and the ox- pononco pf thousands of persons of all ages , has fully demonstrated that there la nothincr bettor for n severe cold than Chamberlain's Couch Homody , It acts in perfect harmony with unturo , ro- liovcs the lungs , liquullos the tough tenacious mucus , making : it easier to expectorate , and restores the system to aetrong and healthy condition , Hnrnett vs Archer. Justice Wudemado a decision yesterday in the cqsoof Batuetl vs Archer. This was a" suit for $00 , alleged to bo duo on a contract for an ofllco In the Rcdiolc block. The de fendant vacated shortly after the first pay ment of $00 became duo , hence the suit. The dpfcndant-sot up tbo plea of constructive eviction , based on the ground that the block was being rented for immoral purposes. The justice- admitted the plea of tlio defense and awarded tbo plaintiff the amount of the rent up to tlio time the defendant moved , loss $5. which was the amount of cxpcnsa incurred by the defendant In moving , This decision was based upon the evidence for the dofeud- ant , who testified that Harriett had admitted that he rented the rooms in the block to women whom ho Know to bo immoral. That Imbor Ticket. The following was adoptoa at the last meeting of the Central Labor union : Whereas , It has como to the knowledge of the Central Labor union that certain political trlokstors have formed a so called labor ticket for the puiX)8o | uf Impressing upon the varlouti candidates tno idea that they can control tbo vote of the labor organizations of Omaha , In order to secure boodle ; and Whereas , The said labor ticket is contrary * j n " T r --n n . i i i n to the constitution of the Central Labor union , therefore bo It Resolved , That wo , the Central Labor union , denounce the action of nil such politi cal tricksters as not being worthy of the notice of the labor organizations of the city. This resolution was also adopted by both the Central Caber union and the Single Tax club. club.Wtiorcnn Wtiorcnn , The Independence of labor can only bo secured by radical changed In social institutions , particularly m the matter of land tenure , of transportation nnd Of money ; and Whereas , Such chnngci nro opposed by the prejudices nnd greed of humanity and can not bo effected without a hard ana persever ing struggle ; mid Whereas , Such struggle Is now maintained under many dls.idvnntngcs , nnd the efforts of labor nro hindered by corruptions nnd potty tyrannies fostered by our present system of conducting elections. Therefore bolt Resolved , That wo earnestly endorse the Australian ballot system ns securing to n great degree the secrecy which la labor's chief protection , and wo demand the imme diate adoption of its essential principles In this stato. There has not boon n death from diphtheria in Council DlufTs or Omaha where Dr. Thos. JolYoriB1 remedy has been used In duo season. 25.vonra' trial proves it infallible us a preventive nnd euro. KATU OF 1NTEUCST. Mr. Herman Komi 17.0 Sayn Thnt the Money Mnrlcct Will Bo Easy. Mr. Herman Kountzo has Just returned from the cast. In the course of a short in- tTvlow he commented upon the money mar ket there and said that bankers whom hemet met , including the head of ono of the largest national bunks thcro ns well as Uio members of the firm of Kountzo Bros. , were inclined to the opinion that money would bo fairly easy during the ensuing fall and winter. Ho said that legitimate demands from parties in whom bankers had confidence would bo freely mot. Some of the Now York bankers have been loaning heavily on cotton and other southern products which are on their way to market nud the loans nro now being returned , BO that money is easier thcio. Mr. Kountzo docs not think there will bo any undue stringency this full and winter , though there will DO , ho thinks , less disposition than ever by bankers to buck schemes whether wildcat building or what not. Commenting upon an article which np- poured in the Omaha World-Herald of Fri day last , in which it was editorially stated that the rullnc rate of Interest charged by the banks to the merchants of Omaha \vas 10 per cent , in advance , Mr. Kountzc , lifter reading an article In the commercial column of THE SUNDAY Bun , endorsed the lultor ns giving the situation correctly. Ho in cidentally remarked that bat few sound and solvent concerns paid over S per cent to Omaha banks for money and that favors were very liberal in amount. Ho Instanced a cnso where jobbers hero had been accommodated with loans in amount in excess of their whole capital. "It is a re flection upon the traders of the city to pub lish as facts the wild assertions contained In the World-Hot aid's article , " ho said , "when seven-eighths of the merchants of Omaha can contradict them irotn their own knowl edge and experience. " "The ruling rate to sound merchants for bank loans In Omaha is 8 per cent the year round , and when money is plentiful 7 per cent. This is cheaper money tnan 0 per cent in Chicago or Now York , and the demand is certain to be mot when the money is wanted. "WAITTILL XOU U13ACH. OMAHA. " How M-jor Bnurko Advertised the Gate City. "Tho Pan-American delegates , " says Mayor Broatch , "went away with a better impression of Omaha , I think , than of any other city they have visited. L am very glad that our arrangements for receiving and en tertaining them were so extensive and com plete. While it is true that they have be come more or less fatigued with so much sight-soIng , the attention sho\vu them hero was highly appreciated nnd there seemed to bo a spirit of dash about it they had not met with in any other place. " Ono of the newspaper correspondents said : "I can tell you those South A mot leans will remember Omaha better than any city on the tour. " ' What makes you think sol" "Well , over since wo left Washington , Major Bourke has been preaching to them about Omaha overv day. At Boston they were shown the first electric motor train , which excited their wonder nnd amiration ; und when some one spoke about it the major chimed in "Yes , it's quite a curiosity , but wait until wo got to Omnhft , this the only kind of a street railway they have out there. ' "While in Portland , Me. , we till admired the beauties of that town nnd the magnificent ocean view , whereupon Bourke again asked us to wait until we got to Omaha. "At the Pullmtiu car works , near Chicago , several very fine palace street cars were run out for our inspection. When ono of the southern gentlemen asked the major whether they were not rather expensive carriages for street railway purposes , the latter replied : 'Yes , in most cities , but at Omaha they use nothing else , and don't charge extra lor riding in them , ' "So you sou the purty bad gi eat expectations of something extraordinary hero , and from talking with several of them , I am satisfied they are well pleased. This Is the iirst place wo have struck where tbo hotel ofllco had been decorated and the sight presented is at once attractive and novel. " For NorvoitHticsH Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. W. C. Hnascomc , Minneapolis , Minn. , says : "I used it in a case of accuto rheuma tism , during convalescence ; the oarticulnr symptoms I wished to relieve were sleepless ness and nervousness , und the results were all I desired. " KUNAAVAV SPOUSES. The Abandoned Ones Seeking fork TIllMII , Henry C. Fisher will nay $200 for the de tention of bis wife. Fisher Is no'w living in Denver. In 1880 his wlfoelopod with a rallioad man named W. J. Shannon. The couple hvea in St. Louis and Kansas City for a time , but Fisher has learned that they are now living In Omaha an mini and wife. Ho has for warded a lull description of tlio pair to Chief Scavoy and if Shannon is found both ho and tno absconding wlfo will bo locked up. When Mrs. Fisher stepped out she took (50 of her husband's inonny , The chief also recelyod another letter in regard to a runaway couple. M. B. Martin , a detective at Galena , Ohio , writes that G. H. Smith , of that place deserted bis family to skip out with another woman , and tunt the two are livlnir In this city in adultery. Smith is a relative of the well known > 'Doo" Smith , of Omuha. Cnll for Your "You're the man who Insulted my wife , " said n pnssonger on a Twenty-fourth street car , Saturday night , ns ho stopped on tbo front platform and addressed the driver. "I don't know you ; don't know your wlfo , never sow nor , and never insulted a woman in my life , " said the driver. "You'rea liar. " said the passen ger , as ho excitedly drew a revolver from his pocket and stuck It In the driver's face. An employe of the company happened to bo In the car. Ho grabbed the gun and throw the enraged passenger from tbo car. The revolver will bo turned over to the po lice and If the owner can bo fouud be will bo arrested. Poundtnnsior Cory has three valuable colts in his pound that were picked up Sunday night. Mora Ilinti Ho Needed , Dressed In a dirty undershirt , n pair of pantaloons six sizes too largo , a linen coat and odd shoos , George Spencer made a sad looking aspect. In addition to Spencer's jr- regular costume ho has worts on his face , and tbo police say that ho is a thief. Spencer's mania is to rob clothes lines of their linen. At this caper ho ban been caught on several occasions und Jailed. As bo bud three hats in his possession when locked up. ami noneof them nro his sire , ho will bo hold until his case can bo ( investigated. Vigor ml Vitality nro quickly plvon-'to every port of the body by Ilood'a Sursnpnrilln. That tired fooling is entirely overcome. The blood is purifiedenriched nnd vitali/od , and carries health instead of disease- every organ. The stomach is toned nnd strengthened , the nppotlto restored. The Itidno.vs nnd liver are reused and invigorated. The brain IB refreshed , the mind mndo clear and ready for work , Try It. Tlio 1'nrk GomtnliMonors. The board of park commissioners held n meeting yesterday afternoon nnd concluded It. would not bo necessary to build n retain ing wnll along the south end of Hnnscom park. The superintendent was directed to have the hill graded down to the level of the street nnd sow it with crass seed. U was also decided to gravel some of tbo roads through the park lu order to test this ma terial for n roadbed. Mr. Georco P. Bemls was present nnd ex hibited to the board n plat of the ground which has boon donated to the city for park purposes. It is an irregular tract extending from near the northwest corner of Thirty- fourth and Cumlng streets , in a westerly direction about 000 feet , being from 150 to 200 feet In width. The board examined the plat , but did not thliik it necessary to form , ally accept the donation , as it had been acted on by the council. They were of the opinion that steps Will scon bo taken towards Im proving It , Couph no mnro , Rod Cross cough drops will euro your cold. 5 cants a box. IS a complaint from which many suffer and few are entirely free. Its catiHO Is indigestion anil a sluggish liver , the euro for which is readily found In the use of Aycr's Pills. " I hno found that for sick headache , caused by a disordered condition of the stomach , AJUI'H 1'ills aio the most re- llablo remedy. " Samuel C. Biadburn , Worthington , Mass. "After the use ot Ayer'a Pills for many yeais , in my prattlco and family , I am instilled in snjiim that they lire an excellent cathartic and lir medicine sustaining all the claims inmln for them. " W. A. AVcstfall , M. . , V. 1' . Austin & N , W. Hallway Co. , Buinot. Texas. "Aycr's Tills nro the best medicine known to mo for leRulatinj ; tliu bowels , and for all diseases ransed by a tlls- ordered stomach anil ll\er. I Buffered foro\er tlneo jcars fiom headache , indigestion - digestion , and constipation. I had no npputlto and was weak and neious most of the time. By using tlnce boxes of Ajcr's Pills , and nt tliu same time dieting myself , I w as completely cmed. " Philip Lockwood.Topeka , Kansas. "I was troubled for years \\itli indi gestion , constipation , and headache. A few bojvos ot Aid's Pills , used in Hiiull dally doses , nistorcd. . mo to lii'tillh. Thuy nro prompt and effective. " W. II. gtrout , MeadUlle , Pa. Ayer's Piljs , rnerAKHD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer-i Se , Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by all Druggist * and Dealers In Uctllclnc. DRS. BETIS & BETTS 049d FAUNAMISTHEET , OMAHA , Nnn. ( Opposite Fasten Hotel. ) Offlco hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Specialist ! in Chronic , Nervous Skin nml Blood Disease ; , . l20 Oonsultatlon at office or by inml free , Medicines snnt by jnall or express , securely Backed , free from obsenatlon. Guarantees to curn nuldcly , safely und permanently. tons. 1'liystcal leciy. nrlsliifr from Imllscro tlon , Excess or Indulgence , ptoducluKSlccpless ness , Bespondoncy. Plmploi on the face , aver sion to society , easily rtlscom nert , laclc of conll donee , dull , untlttorstudy or business , and Ilnds llfo n burden. Bnfely , permanently nnd pri vately cured. Consult lira , iletta & Bolts , iiUD Farnam St , Omaha , Neb. Blood and Skin Diseases reanlW. completely eradicated without the aid of Mercury , bcroiula. Kr/slpolns. Fever borea , Jllotclies , Ulcers. 1'ains In tlio Heiul nnd Bones , Byphllttlc Sere 1 hront. Mouth and longuo. Ca- turrh , etc. . pertnauontly cured whore otlicri have fulled. Virlnnir TfiMn'irv nn < J niatlder Compinmts , allllluy > Ulllldiy Painful. Dlincult , too fro. quant Burning or ( lloody Uiine , Urlno high col ored or 'vith utllky Gedlinont on standing , Wcalt Back. Oonorrhirn , Oleet , C > stltla. etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Iteasona- ble. J2Srf1TTf < TIT"R.1I a aranteed . , . ! per. Ki J. llJl\y JL W Xu i i mationt Curo. re moval complete , without cuttluc , caustic or dlllatlon. LMrea oirecteil at home by patient n Ittiont a moments pain or annoranco. To YoiiDir Men and Mle-Ased Men , A SURE CURE e. Tveaxness , destroying both mind and body , all Its dreaded ills , permanentlrcmcd , MP.PTT(3 ( Adross those who have impaired DD110 themsehesby Improper imlul. ar.d eolltarr habits , which ruin both goncoi and mind , unfitting them tor buslnttr itiuly or marrmgp. M AIIIUEU ML'N. or those entering on that Imp pylifo , aw are of plijtlcal debility , quickly u alsted. OUBJ3UCCESS. Is based upon facts. First Practical Ezpe rlence. Second K\erycaso Is especially studied- thus starting aright. 'J hlrd Modiolnes are pre. nnred in our labntory exactly to suit each case , thus affecting cure.vwlthont Injury ia ? Send 0 cents oostKRe for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and .Delicate Diseases. Thousand * cured. fVA friendly letter or call way eave you future suffering and shama , and add Koldea years to life. l > 7No letters an- wered unless aucotnpanied by 4 cent * In name * . Address or call enl l > Usi. KETTS Sc KUTTS , _ _ U08i'wna , m Street. OmahiH § v HUE- , CLOO TirU > SOA \WRAPPERS ( Umiaizi ) . niTtciivc a § a"HAHDSOHi As Is Our Custom At this time of the year , we will have for next few weeks our annual SPECIAL SALE of Suits 4 and Overcoats. We always make these sales at this season , when pqople need the goods and the bargains will do them good. There is no need to explain what a special sale means WITH US. The big crowds attending our special sales tell the story , and tell it well. The people remember the grand values they got at these sales , last year and the year be fore. We promise to do still better this season. Our buyers have been hard at work the last two weeks , and we arc now getting in daily stacks of goods purchased by them at the immense reductions from values which manufacturers must submit to at this time of the year , and OUR CUSTOMERS WILL SHARE THE FULL' BENEFIT OF THESE SACRIFICES. We want to impress upon'your mind that the goods we are offering are first class in every respect , first class in quality , first class in work and trimming , and first class in fit , and our stock is worthy thexattention of every person who appreciates style and quality' ' in fabrics , trimming and making , The present week we will offer * exceptional values in Men's and Young Men's Suits. We ! > have displayee some of the bargains in our Douglas street window , Let those who never il traded with us call and compare our goods and prices.We will make this a great cus tomer-winning season , Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omalia. i \Vo do not harp upan the cheapness of our Clothli'K. but that does not signify that the SUITS anil OVI3KCOATS which \\o uskjn. S1H. $ i'i and iM for are litith priced.Vo could easily cheapen them by putting In Inferior trimming * . It Is not always the pilco rou pay. but It Is the \ nine recelv ed In purchase that counts. ABIUSEBIIvNTS. Wednesday ! ( U 30 Thursday , I UbL 31 Saturday Special Matinee Saturday , Sale of Seals MONDAY , OCT01JEII 8Jh Special Engagement of the Famou.s KM MA OTTi Abbott , Anuandalo , Mlrolla , Mlclielcnn , Monto- gtlllo , 1'ructto , llrodorlcfc , Allon. Koady , Martens , Full Cliorim. Grand Orolicslra. In the follow lr.g brilliant repertoire : WKUNESDAl llalfo's Masterpiece. ROSE or CASTILE : . EMMA AIlllOTTnnd Entire Company In Cast. TIIUKSDAY lialfo's Tuneful Opera , ISOIICItllAN GIICLi. r.MJIA A UHOTT and Entire Company in Cast. ritrDAY Denial's Grand Heroic Opera , \OIO5A. NOKltlA. KM MA AII110T1' and Entire Company In Cant , BATUKDAY AHIIOTT MATfNKE-Gounod's Exquisite Love L ] lie , UOMKO AJVI > .uji.ir/r. I3MMA AllllOTr tut "Juliet" Bnttre Company. SATUHUAY nVHNINO-QHbort i Sullivan's Latest honsatlon , YEOMCIV OF TJIC OUAKD , Or The Merry mnn and Ilia Maid. EMMA AHUOrr and Kntlro Company. Gorgeous Costumes ! Knrhnntiii Music ! Drllllant Mlso en Scene ! PHIOE8 Sl.rX ) , II and75o , reserved. Ualcony admission. Me. Oallory " > cent * . MATlNliB-tl.iK' ' . 75o and COc. reserved. flBOUT GLOVES. When you nni buying plot M reniemlier that there U aucli a 'hlnn a price that litoochtap. It U better to pay a ( air price aud ( ret Kooa elovus like Ilnlcli- limon'N. They nro made f from ( Circled eUin In tliel f beblmnmierand ere \vur-l rantril to l > e the inoitP forvlctablo made. If ) oui want to know nioro about ' gloves In general and llutchlimon'n ( ilovv * In iJiirtlcular. encloie ntnmuforthe book About lllovr * . It will Intirett you. 1.6T1BL1SIIBD ISSt. JOHN O. lIUICHI.NbO.V , Juliu.loirn , 7f. 7. COLLAR flUV T'O CATAlJDGUEVifCHEAPEST Of A.U MV5KAL INJTRVMENT ? J OHAYNE 6 CO. BosrorJ. NEW YORK STEEL MAT DO , , 834 * 235 BROADWAY , N. Y. Owners & Sole Manufacturers of the ROCHESTER STEEL MAT , AKD Stripped Steel Mats of all Sizes , Patented fob. 7tliISS3. Tbeio Hatha\o tliocomblncd advantageot all other Mala with iionoof tliclrOlsaainnlngcsond hai o nrm en to bo the Cl enpc" < t mm ( lent. Thuy will nothnat downflattenout , Karri er ect out of sliape , and will otilvrr.r all wlro. ? lllHTOUclotln.rntccl Jlmsln tliumarket. Wilt clean the feet licttir than any other Mat , and not permit the dirt tobo carried beyond them. 1'copljfitppplnRou tliem rruiuot Blltias tUclr siirfiuo offma resistance in all directions. They need noMinMng. therefore creatono dust. SolilliiallIInrdwiircJry(3ooijH.C'nrirt and UOUHU 1'urnlithlrJK Stores. IJbcral Ul - count allowed to the trnao. PRICES 1 No. 1-SIze 10i2 . . . . $ iOO No.r.-Szo10x ! . . . . $6.00 No. 3-SUo Ibx-M. . . S50 No. 6-Slzo Sur43 . . . 7l Xo. 3-8lzoJSxS9. . . . 3.50 No. 7-Stzei3Gx 0. . . . UOt No. 4-Szo21x49. ! . . . SOU No. 8-Slzo 8flxi. . . . 1100 The larccat , luBtcsi iiiul flnitiIn the world. I'ttBicngor accommodations unexcelled. Now York to Glasgow via Lsnionlwry Clua sin. Nov . 2d I Ancliorln , iNov . . .ICtli IHlilopUr Ncv. . . . Itli llurueasin , Nov.SId Now York to Azores , Gibraltar ani Italy. BOLIVIA . Nov. nth | CAiuoiiNiA , Nov. 30tU SALOON. SrcosD Or.ss AND STUCK idE rates 6n lottest tsrras. Excursion Tickets renuooo , in ado available to ruturn by either tlio Pictur esque Clyde nnd North of Ireland , or llor ( Mersey nnd South o Ireland , or Naples uud Glbralter. lXcunsioj > 8 OT PAIIIS ou CO.VTINKNTAT , Touim on lowi'st terms. Travelers' Circular Letters of Credit and Drafts for uny amount nt low est current ratos. Apply to any of our local agents or to He ( tan Brotte , Chicago , Ills , n. s. HAM. . n. \ . O. II. MAUKS. U. P. Depot. A Perfect Face Powder ; * A P ! & ffl Vf ( Bit E ? liarmleii latmblv. IJoa'l rub 0ft Hold bj llraffgUU. Kln.Ur ,307rirn inbt lilluii t , 1,101 N Illli &M On Pe.rnmbl t aooodinati Drug Co ,1,110 Bchmlrr'i , l.JllljTorLIlt ; , 1,119 , On N.letlil IJtDI.le'llB,30l wren ttda ,600Whllehiuie e. cor. Wclr ; > loiTclI.corClilr.co.Ucr.rick i , < Jf cor TYIin.ni , Dun. itliiiurriio' , iis ; jkii ten , roi Con. tie. far. LVnurl H.ilc.l In.tllutB Drliir Blor , coi , I > o ( { o.Tucli. e ' , cor. r clflrOnS. | loihi Iltll > , tie ; Kullli llrci c r.l'icll. cor. S ln Swlfl fcCo. , Illh mil Utvennorii fcduefer'i , Blieriria Ive. in I Collar ft.1i.tk I , 29lli > nd WoofwortU Aia.Or ( Jenlicli 1,001 llowirJ ) Ctlo'l m. cor. 6Hi tu I fierce : llaiil i , t.MUl t ! nl Kill lit | W. J. SeliMier'i ) H rkor A Co , H uuiiU. miolriile , Hlchinlinn Unit Co , DUke llruci U Co. THE LATEST PERFUME EXQUISITE FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES I jrundr ctio/i&owanii < < iiu < . < JnBiTry OnM " KM fm .r M * BM fc rantly Imnroved wltu iwincliiir hiekl pa * 3d * Eel etrrdlnflf' ' ' ' ' ' > Ti.r ; . 'riioiprlngil n lE. o and tUJrtfin ftcconllojr to tha wolchl pat on . . . . . eqailli- well to rouah oauntry or tin * drives WUl li 7o U t.t aticfaotlon. The Tyler Syatom of BnnU Counters tlneaualled In Style , Quality or Price. The Tyler Desks , aoo NowStyloo , Together with 1000 Blyltt Tablei , Chalra , 4o , ThoTylorRoyalTypoWrltorOablnots and Deik Combined , 0 Style * . Flneit on Enttli. 100 Fare Illuttratea Catalogue Free , Poktare 7 Cti , TYLER DESK CO , , St , Louis , Mo , , d , S , A , to DOBlrlng ernni- SHOE DEALERS 1 n a t li o JuBtly ret- ebrated lines of Dooti and Hboej , " . , . . . . . . - td or 0. M. If An > 4n > .dnn & ( To. , ot Chicago -rac- torles at Chliago , Ulxon , Ills. , and 1'ond nu l.ac , m-Rouia writ * BAM. rf. WATSON , resf. d nc , FKCMONT. N15I1. TrftrvUng u jut Uet4quart r for jlubbera. Horthwestern Mliliary Twentr-IUreo mllei north uf Oilcaco ; hai a lull or eiperUiited Initrurtorm ll o umtu a nl corpa atudr. nd unturpaited Juclllllci for Init.uctloii tjealtn. botne comloria and Vh.r"l'Vilufl ' ! > - uc- ? i'urk 111. Beud lor cuUlvKu to UigtiUnd , ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 186 So. Chicago , Ills. ( ClarkSt. Iho Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (9 ( still Treatlncwllh the Greatest " Chronic , Nervons aufl Private Diseases , fltl-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loat Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible ) Dreama , Head nnd Bock Ache nnd all the cITecti leading lo early decay and peihaps Consumption 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with i cr-fallinc MICCCSS. SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dis eases permanently cured. 43-KIDNEY and URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicocele and all diseases of tlie Gculto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomicli. KiJnc > s or other Organs. firNo experiments. Afje and experience Im. portent. Consultation free and sacred , JTSSend 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases &xF'lhose contemplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , eich 15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Copsult the old Doctor , A friendly letter orcallmay savefuturesufler. ln and shame , aril add golden ) cars to life. 4 Uook "Life's Secret " . Medicine ( ) Errors"soccnlsstamps ( ) anil writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12 , Address F. D. CLARKE , m. D. , 186 So. Clark St. . CHSC.iGO , ILL. II.WCOR. I3TH& DODGE STS. OMAHA.NEB. FOB TUB nuunonr op ALI. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND - . . TRUSSES. BettPa Trea NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS , ! . Baud & Attendance. Best Accommodations in West. OjWRITE FOR CIRCULARS on DeforrnltUi aat Brac , Truiiei.Clubi'eet , CurvaturcsofBPl-irPilei , Tamorf. Cancer , Catarrh. Bronchftli , Inrialatlott. DISEASES OF WOMEN S , ' WKiiivni TTtTinnin i i.rDin-i-c nupxitfiiriif roa WOHKI uiui.su coxnmiiusT. ( STRICTIV MIVATr. ) Only Reliable H.dlcul JnsUtuK making a Br"ciaJty of PRIVATE DISEASES All Moat niieiee. lueceMfullj treiteil. Bjplilimo rolioo rcmoretl rromlbeiTiteDi vltboul mercury. K * lieilorilr rr.ilnnl tar law ct TIT1L I UrlkU. r.rlltl unit , ! , to Till } mmsyle fretted at tomelieorrcipondeact. . All commnDlea' llouicooDdeiitUI. Ue41eloeiorlnilrucicaUieDlbrinillor < x [ rtiiitcur.lrpickedDcmirki iolnille > licoDleDlior itoder , flatperioulluteriltpreferrdJ. C.llindeoniultnorirni . ll'HysZJi.'ttf i aal : will ' vend la ' , ptkla ' . wrirper . . . OBI ' RnflK Tfl UkU FREE : V' n ' ' , " " . tirteui o | U . PUUIV HlCllt rJertoLiDlieaJM.Impotenejr.Bjfli UU ; Ul t and Virleoeilc , wllh nutttlou II.I. Addrti. OflLAJIA MJ3DICAI , & B0UOIOAI. IN&TIXUZ& 13th and Oodsa Stmti , 0 AHA , MSB , Health is Weallh , Jn. E. O , WKfrT'B Nl ItVK AND JIllAIN TllHAT- MTNT , a Kiiuranlootl ripeclllo for Ilyntcrlu , Dlzz ) . ncs * . Conviilnions , ntH , NOIVOIIH Ntniralula. lleadacbo , Nervous 1'rostrutlon causal by tliu use of alcohol tobacco. U'likeniliieus , .Mental Ui-pnsHlon.Hofcuing ( of tlio llrajii. roiiiiUlnuIn JiiBunltynndleadlnBtoinlsory.dccayiindiloaUi. I'roinnturu Old . \K . Harreimmp , IOHS of I'oucr inolllitTHex , Iiuoliinlnry I.OHSCS anil hpermat. torlni a canned by ovaroxcrtlonof tlio brulu.iolf' abuse or ovcrlmlu'guiicn. Each box contalim 9no.raJGfltn twtimmt. ( l.C-jn box , or MX boxca for r oil , Bunt by mall prepaid on receipt of pricw. WE GUANANTBB SIX BOXES. To euro any case. Wjth each order received tiv u frrulxboxca. accompanied itii . o , \\o\\\\\ \ \ gelid tlie purcliaBcr pur w rltten KII jranteo to ie. fund tbo monuy U tliu treatment doux not oirect a cure Oimrantcea Issued only bv ( Joodman nriiB Co. l rug lsu , Bolo AgontB , 1110 1'wrnara HI net , Urnnlm , NubiusKn. WEAK ufTcrlnafrom thi ef * fftti at youlliful er > . rora , tarly dicuy , Ion l , ite. I win KiuTu rMliwklu tiuitlui ( -MaUdl runlalnlnur full | artlculari for home turn , Jim CliAIW A'ldMM , PftOP. F. O. FOWLER. Moodue. Corn. A GOODRICH Atfy at-Iaw. 13J Dear -i burn Ht.Chicago ; uilvlco frees ai yeard wx Iierlunco ; buslutBs ( jtiittly umi legully trwun i-'i - . -