THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : fgUJESDAY , OCTOBER 29. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES , OMAHA. Ko nclvorllaomonla wilt bo token for these columns nftor I2:3O p. nil Tcrms-'Cnoh In ntlvnnco. Advertisement * under tlili bend 10 einti per line for tli ( lim Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- eequpnt InHcrtlon , nml tl in par line per month. 'Ko ' ftdrertiscmtntu taken for If si than S5 cent * for first Insertion. Boven word * will bo counted to the lire ; they must run consecutlvblv ud must bo pftltl in ADVANHi Ml ndvprtlso- incntn must be handca in before 12:80 o'clock p. in. , nurt under no circumstances will they- be taken nr discontinued by telephone , Parflb * advertising In these column * ami liar- Ing tJinlr answers mTtlrc3io < l In curoof Tim lien will please ttilc for a check to cnnlilo thorn to net Vbolr letter * . ns none will b delivered except winrefientatlon of chock. All nniwcra to e-u- vcrtlwraents should bo enclosed In envelopes. All iidvcrtl'emcnts In thx-so columns nro PUD- ll.ilied in both morning and ovculnu editions ot Tin : Ilnn the circulation ot which aggregates more tlinn IS.OCX ) pnjicra d llv. and elves the ad- vertloprs Hio bciu-nt , not only of thnclty circu lation of Tnr. llr.E , but also of Council muffs. Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout thin ncr.tlon ofjbp country. _ . & B"R"A NCl o"F F I C E ST Advertising for these column * wilt bo taken mi the nbovo coniiltlons , nt the following ImM- ticnii hou > i , who uro authorized ngcnts forTnc ltn ) special notices , nnd will quote the same ites ns cimbo had 1 at the iu > uofce. _ _ TOIIN\V. 1'liRrmaclst , 620 south Tenth J Btrcct. OHAHEfc KDDY. StiitloncM and Printers , 113 South ICth Street. " _ _ _ _ S H. FAHN8WOUTH , Fliarwncisl , 2115 Cum- .iDB Street. _ vr .1.1 H. Pharmacist , 021 North 16th T .Street. Gr.O. W. iV.Ult , PlmrmacUt , 1603 St. Mary's Avenue. ' I'lIAKMAOi' , 2J33 Tarhatn Strost. S ITUATTdN'S WAN 7 ED \XJ ANTKll Situation byu yomiK 1'ndy ni oaT - T > sIstMit bookKcepor or olllce work. 15xna- rlenca wuntod tnoro than wages. Address N 3 , llco olllcc. WJ SOt Al'lHST-clnss business man , one who Is very onuriietlc. commands coualdcrahlo capital , loves plenty work and can furnish the very best of references , wants tn Ret Into n Unit-class legitimate bucliie s lu Omah , either on salary or an Interest lu the business. Address , N " , Hoc. y74 n _ _ WANTKD Gontlcmnn stonoKiapher deilres position , experience dustrvd mnro than big salary. Have tiad some cxportouce. Con furnlsn Rood reforencB and machine. Address M 68. liee. _ 287 Mt _ ANTKD Position In olllco by n.Nperlnnccd book kotpor and bill dork ; best of rot. given. Add. M GO lle < ; ollice. _ SiO 23 > ) A situation la the west by a T > youiiR lady stenoijrni > her and typewriter. ftrnlmin system. Miss B. Allmau , No. : ' " Oruud Klveravu. , Detroit , Mien. HJI-ar "VArANTKD BU'iatloii as bookkeeper by ouo " of oxporlenco nndvltti the best or city rcforuncc ! * os to ability , rhiiractor and business quality. Addro a M dl. Uco olllCB. au i9 ! * WANTED--W1ALE HELP. A OKN FSI 2 "red-hot" articles ! Coin money _ -until holidays 1 Write milc-lyl Particular for -tump. Samnle.'Jic. Prlco Ilros. , David Clty.Neb. AUJjATd wiintou To liiiuuio urtlclo i-very steve rniiulres. Hetutlsjl ; taves S1.60 per month. Jlust establish county agencies. Sam- Tiles Bent OXIHOSB prop ulil on receipt of 52,16. JlorayMfg. Co. . WmiKesha.Vls. . _ AgentsJIarkTwaln's nowuook 'tis Just vondy ; got nu ag ncy quick mid mnkomonuy fust ; usual terms and exclusive territory ; outllttl. Send at once to 8. F. , luu- kin & Co. . IMl Olive st , . St. Loulg. 313 23 * WANTED A boy 10 to 18 years old. 1119 Farnam st. Iiffi-2 ! ) " \\7ANTKD-C.inabU solicitors ; salary $ , ' 1 per T > day. The IJlake-Hcyuood Co. , Kuiiaaa Clly. Mo. 39J-UT AGF.NTS wanted to llnudle the Diamond Scissor Snurponorand Mr * . Cleveland Hair Crlmport botn fudlspeusabli ) In any family. Bomolea1 cents each or both 25 conts. C. Morton - ton , box 4Uil. Oak Park. Jll. ! ! ffii-ai * " \\7ANTED-Qoneral and local URouts to han- TY dle.thp-'new"patent cliumlcal Ink erasing pencil. iJrentcst-noveliy over produce 1. Eraser ink in t'Vo seconds , no abrasion of paper. 200 to COO per cent prollt. Ono agent's sales nmonntect to JffiU in six nays another Sli In two hours. T rrlt04y absblutply free. Salary to good men. No ladles need answer. Sample .13 cts. For turnn aud full particulars address. The Monroe Eraser Co. , Manufacturers , La Crosse , Wls. nil-Silt . . .TED A man cook , Gorman proferrod. Address M 70 e ulllce. 8l3St \\7-ANTKD A few moro good agents for new novelties Ju.t out. Sample by mall 'M cents. KotUor & DoYmo , Itoom : n > , .Marker bulldlug. WANTRD-'ABcnts to soil the-Plnless cloihes line ; the only line ever Invented ibntholds the cloihes without plus ; a perfect success ; patent recently Ip.sucd ; sold only by agents , to whom Uiooxcliiplvoright 1 * given : ou receipt of no cts wo will send a sample Hue by mail ; ulso circulars , prlco llstg and terms tp agents ; secure your tetrltorynt ouce. Address Wor cester Plnless Clothes Line Co. , 17 Hormon st. , Worcester , Mas. 3U-7 ) WANTED Two young men for light work oil winter ; only * 3 capital required. Apply 82QN llith St. . Itnom 17. 183 gj. ) WANTED- : layera and bridge carpen ters for Jown. Fllloy , Kramer i Co. , cor , lllh and Farnain sts. 170 Id ) coopera wanted : Wendy work all year 40o for nmkliiir tierces nnd Ito for barrels and best of stuff used. Addles * Omutiu'Cooper- neoCo. _ , South Uimilia. Neb. tJLi m WANTED A tew more live , cnergc-llo sales men to cell groceries , etc. , to farmers , ho tel and restaurant Keepers nud other Urge con sumers at wholesale prices ; exclusive territory L'iven : for particulars address the Edgoworth Mercantile Co. . Importers , maiiufncturers und wtiolecale grocew , 1447 Stuto st. Chicago. BflTulB * AGENTS1 Write for terms. $1 sample corset free. Schlole & CO..KIO IJroaUwar , Now York. WANTED Salesmen at 173 p r mouth salarv ' and expenses to Boll o Una of Mlver-plato'd vnre. watchesetc. . by snmplo only ; liorijoand team furnished tree. Write at ouce for full par ticulars and sample case of goods free tand- ai-d Silver Ware Co. , Hoston. Mass. 674 \\7ANTED-A good olllce man to eo oust ; T must Invest ? _ , ryx : must be a good business man. Address the Goo. S. Cllne Publishing House , U15 to S21 Wubash are. , Chlcugo , Ills. \\7ANTED Men for Washington torrltory. f Albrignt's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam it. "IXTANTED ilood bricklayers and stoneciit- T > ters ; good wagfls paid. Apply M. T. JIurphy , Ifromont , Nob. CO ANTHn-ABents. "lodt ! 'H Horss Illau- ket Iloldur" iccnps the blanket from blowing or alldlut ; oir th horso. Nothing like It in the market ; avery horse-ownar buys , Hamples by mall , 3c. Btayner it Co. , Provliienco , it. l. imp-ait _ _ _ BKTECTlVHS-Wanted.good rellabls men for detectives in every Community ; paying posi tions. Address Kansas Dotectlvo luu eaulock > bo yj3 , Wichita. Kun. l MKN to travel for the Fnnthlll nurserlos of Canada. We pay ( oO to $100 a mouth aud expenses to agents to soil our Canadian cro\ni Block , Add. btoue S : WpllinBton. iladlsou. Wl3. WO WANTED--FEMALE HELP. IltL wunted at 1B10 California. G ot T WISH to employ a few ladles , on salary , to JL toke cliaruo of my busluiws at tliclr homos ; t'litlrelr unobjpt'tlonablet Utlit ; very faeclimt- IntrmuUiealifitiil ; no tultlUK required \\HRCS j * li ) pi-r week. Oood pay for uart lime. My rofi'i-Piitus Include some ot tlio best known people - plo ot Louisville , Cincinnati. Ptttsburi ; and eUouliere. Address with stamp , Sirs. Mnrlnu Wulkur. 4th and Chestnut Sts. . l.ouUyille , Kg. * V\rAN'rK > A slrl to do lluut liousovvorK ; , f i > ) > ly Immediately , lUlYireiuluavenut > . ArilUL wanted , for general housework.ll'J Ciutlc street. TO ) Set AQIUL at 1811 Capitol aVcuue. Uvrman pro- ferroJ. 8S ) SU \\TANT15D-At once ; good clrl for general T Jiousswork ; small lamily , 1818 Corbyst. iTi7 \rANl'KD-A Htrl for general housework , 'M lleMuatior Swoao prufurrcd : good WHRHI a ? , ? Wa ? . coolc ! UW' > ' to Mw. O. Oskamp aii7 " \\7ANTKD-qood girl for liousek ep < > J intt. inquire o ? L. J ) . Uurnctt , Murriy totel cigar ttntid. _ \ \ ? ANTKO-l'lttt-claw axptrleucea saleslady Tl in clo k department , uute oxperieiuo und where employed. Address L 82. lie * . f l \irANTKU-I.ady cook and w altrens for tint" TT ton. U ) mid 115 ; girl for Denver , Colo. ; a cooks und second RlrU for l l cUis famlllt-g ; uull uurioulrU ; COOKS for bourulug houboa , kltchcu Kir I B. aculUous , uuu U ) for iienurui liouteworE , Mrs. Iirega , 8HS } S. I6th. WANTED Kxpeslcnccdalrl ; small farallri gooavftgea ; HKMCtfint. icu _ A OOMPKTBNTnlrlior control housowork. a-mnst be pee < l COOK nnd laundress , ( lerronn preferred. 601 a. goth st. _ 24J ANTKD Kxporicnced Rlrl for general house wet k Small family. Inferences tequirtd. g ii : Wooiworth avo. _ avj-air \A7 ANTED-Cook and Bccond girl , B17 N. 17. Y > _ _ 337-21' * . - Rlrl for housoworlc : good WANTP.D-Good wage * for ftooil work ; Irish preferred. Ap- plrntlfeCaplUilnve. 81S ! MJ ANTKD-Olrl for gCi.crftl house work In a sin nil family. 1300 1'arnam , _ SIS 0 Olrl for pcneral housework : tam- WANTKD ; good location ; npply nt W22 ! Parnain at. _ . . r8 . A peed Woman pastry cook.Roott WANtr.D wnfjes. New York chot > liouso No. L No. Ill B lltli st. 089 D RESSM AKlT r S toilodrcismaltlmfln fnml- iios solicited. Jliss stiu-dy. oia B.&UI st. OtTIS VFlnebcrR dress nnd clonfe maker ; plush cloiiknlourdur and steamed ; seulsVlu cloaks rennli-ed. nil Kinds fur trllntnlnfrs fur- nlslied. 14il ) Capitol UTO. , repairing of all Kind. flTTI _ WAN gn TO PRNT. WANT15I * ttootu ! > .ttiriiUliciioriinfUrulsli8d In peed locality for physician's olllco. nd- dross N 1 Uce olllco. ! IJ aj > _ _ A good sized furuUhoa liouso , WANTKH . Address Mis. J. C. Crtv-in , Paxtou liotol. art ) 2J _ To rent three or four furnish od WANTED for light hoiueiccepln : ; . or small furnished cottage. Address M CO. Doe ollke. nitf .wr _ _ _ _ _ ANTKD-lly fnmily of three , small Fu nl.-died housB , for 0 months. Aadress M 6 , lleo olllce. 78123 _ BOARDING. inOTWfElJ A stimirclub ot Keutlemon to TV room and board. Handsomely luinlshed liouao ; centrally located ; 411 N. 19. 3VJIOj ! Nov. 1 four Kentlonum to room and board with private fnmily. First class accommodations ; prices moderate1 Ad dress M 07 , lleo ollico. HIS 'Jj FOR nENT-MISCELi-ANEOUS. f7V6fl LEAgH-n < X ) n-'ies adjoining city , for Jt dairy , poultry , gardculnD. oto. In lots to suit ; 3 pcracro. lioggi \ . Hill. 1KB 1'ariiam. HM'U - > _ / wanted In Nebraska or Da- B/iNKopenlntr kola , where can Invest if to fc.'O.OOO ana servings Vt IttiprolUalde returns ; established banking county seat town preferred : write par- tlculars P.O. l > oxaX ; ) Kearney. Neb. ao ill FOR RENT-HOUSES. _ _ OUTlKNT CoTtaffo of five ( B ) rooms. Kn- qtllri-.4U.-iN. 15th St. Tlios. Swift. U7530r HIINIA new n-room 1JJ story cottage. No.78Spaldluc st. puvedstieet nnd only S blocks from Sanntlera st , motor Hue. lleut $15 , Inquire 115 Douglas Hi. _ SOB SO' | 7\OH \ IIKNT Housooro rooms , well , cistern , 43 atiHl Wooiworth nvo. 1101130 of fl rooms , hydrant , sewer , at 1MI N. 25th atreet. Houses fioru 2 to 4 room ? , at ( Oi N. I TOOK IlENT Suites of 4 nnd II rooms or two JJ 7-room houses , clieup. and convenient. One block from motor. ST B. Id , cor. Mason. 03C 3 _ FOIl HUNT Nice 0-room liouso , porch , col lar , well uud city water , trees ; $15 a mouth , Apply to Mrs. Julia Stoln , 1111 Douglas st. rPWO nice 0-room rottnRes ; closets , pantry , Jcity nud cistern water. Newly papered. larce ynrds , convenlentlr located on car Hues nnd only SW per month , Includlnc ; water ; Hurt be etiualod In the city. Call on tlio owner , Jlrs. II. 11 , McManon , s. e. cor. llith and Arbor sts. illl-Jii . _ _ _ "poll HKNT 7-room Hat in oed location ; J. ' prlco of furniture 5i"-'J ; lout ? ! " > per mouth. All modern conveniences. Also a u-room tint , rent IffiO per mouth ; mlceot ftiriilturoWiO ; rooms full. Iloth pavlns well , Co-oporatlvo Land ttlld Lot Co. . SUi N. Htli. 31J"J _ TJ10II HUNT Only 4 moro of tnose ulcq' ' new 8- J- ' room Houses , Until room , hot and cold water. Near y car lines , only $15 per mo. dur- ine winter. J. J. WllUlnsou , Hoom 01S , PaMon block. . .0.17 OHUA11 UUNTS O 1-oo.ns , 1711 St , Mary's avc. . W. n-room coltnge , 8)th ) and Farnam , $13. 6-rootn cottage , lirlstol st , 814. 2 cottages. 2. > tlL and Hamilton st. All have clt v water and near street cars. 2 stores , St. Marv's ave. , suitable for furni ture , baKery or other light business. Small store , UCth and Farnam. next to gro cery doliiK B good business ; Rood place for moat market. S stores , 10th and Arbor , will runt cheap. Hugh O. Clark. U 7 , Chamber of Commerce. uOl TJIOU ItUNT So. 54 my block , 1131 Oeo. ave. J 10 rooms , furnace , gas aud fixtures , oloctrlft wires for lighting , runijo ana every conven ience ; barn with city water and gas lu ; choice liclgliborhood.ioO. D.V. Shales H13Ist Nat bank , " ( U TTlOIt KENT Two dwellings , corner Capitol J3 aye. nnd 18th sts. . opposite Trinity cathe dral ; furnace , range nud nil modern conven iences Cull ou or address H , L. Hall , llurlln - ton ticket office , 1 > l 1-arnntu st. > 1 TTIOU UKNT 7-room bouse. 013 S. J5th St. , bet. JL' Jackson mid Jones sts. Knnuiro next door. 254 Mi. * _ _ T710H IIUNT 4 room bouse. Apply at R7 ! 8. JU > A street. a ggt _ "OOH HUNT fl room * , cellar , city water and JD gas. Apply Itoom IV , Arlington blk. 145 3-UOOM house on 0th St. 18. Enquire S. K. cor. llth ant ) Vlntou. Ml _ TTl LEG ANT Hats to rent. ICth St. , east side , be- JUJtwocu Jouos und I.cavoimorth ; ( list-class in nil respects , and new : steam beat , bath , open Rrutos and mantels , electric bells in all rooms ; both motor lines pass property. Itofereuceb icqulrcd. Tlioa. 1- . Hull , an Paxton block. OTS _ 0 WIOOM ( new ) houses , allmodoinconveuten- t > ces except furnace , nt JIB , halt block Horn motor. Sin I'axlou lllocK. SS ) _ HOIISKS and business places for rent. .7. J. AVllklusou. 018 1'nxton blk. 78ii _ nnilK bestliouse for tlio money in Omaha for JL rout ; 8 rooms , furuace. nutli. hot and cold water , on Dodge st. cable line , CIO per month. F. J. llortliwicl : . 2ia 8. 14th st. 770 _ T AltOU U'-room nou'9 wltb Ml conveniences JLjand large barn , cor , MU\ and Caulell sts , CM _ JJ _ FOU UKNT Five room house , J13 per mo.S. K. corner Uth and Vluton st-i. CI7 _ rr-room bouse with barn , f Uunr mouth. 0. 1' 1 Ilarrison , Morcnants' Nat. bank. 4S'J rpt ) KKNT-I'lat II. 6)11 ) Bo. 18th st Has all JL conveniences and will : bo papered and llxed up In good slianw for a good tenant. Call at Jler .V Co. , Ilia Harney sU , tor partlculais. 1 m _ _ _ _ _ _ TTtOlt ItKNT Handsome ID-room house , all JL. ' conveiilenre" , paved street , cabin mid liorso cars , fi uiluutes' walkofpostolllco. Nathan Shelton - ton , ldl4 > nrimm st , Ml TT.OH HUNT Nice new 5-room cottages with JL' collars , iCJiM and SJtt Halt Howard st. lleut 115 per month each , linciuli-e ( Tit b 17th tt. 123 _ T710H HUNT lo-room house , all modern con- JU venlencfs , halt block from street car. 930 per month. Call at K7 PaMon blocs. Ill T70H 1U5NT T\elre-room house , stable and L carnage house , on B. " 1st street , next to cor ner Leavtmworth ; modern improvements and In perfect repair. Apply to Lewis a. Itocd & Co. . room 13. Hoard ot Trad a btillillug. VjQ ITU ) It HUNT 10-room. house , steam heat , all A improvumcills. cheap rent O. K. Thompson , room ill , Klieely block , Uth aud Howard , 854 _ _ TTIOH ItKNT Klght room house , wlln ample J. groundi. corner Lenvenworlli aud 2lst sts. ; balu room , hot und cold water. Apply to Lewis B. ltocd& Co. , room r.i , Itoard of Trnde building. _ vn Y1SUV low. two 7-room houses on 18th and Vluton ; two 8 nud 9 room houses on nth and Woolwortti ( with city water aud liatli ) ; txvo fv-room houses in Liucola Plica. Itoom Ol'J , 1'ttxtonbloct. 4HO , xH lll'.NT D-room modern improved bouse , conior. Apply M. Klguuer. llfi B. 10th. BJU HUNT Neat 'i-roora jioube , in good repair - pair , on cor. 3Uh and Woohvnrtn nve.i pos. nesHlon given Oct. 1st. Inquiru 0. B. U'zicbuck. lleeotUca. KM _ FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. /1ALL and Fee the tiirulsUod rooms atni7i ! S VJlOlh , all alxea. all prices. _ rpWO ulcoljr fnrulshed front roomi for light JL housekeeping. Apply PIT N. 17ttt Bt. 83g-30t TjlOlt HUNT Two furnisiied rooms on Bt. JL1 Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; * lx lulu- utt'M * uals ot business renter , lleferenra re quired. Inquire at More , ill ) aud aa . .lMh at. t tuj AriNKLYfurnUhix ! room , 113 mo. Inmure i.t ds r store 1SW Dougia * at , 177 VflCRIW fnruUhod room , with board , grts LNnmHicnt. 407N. Kth r. ! t 7 itt - front room with board In private famll ) * , nicely situated. 2130 Harney ft. "ITU/EOANT rooms In modern brickresidence. J-Uslnclo or en suite ; na \ one large front room ; board If dealred. 1521 Cnss at. T > OOM , board. gai. bntlu 1612Harnoy . OH HEN T Nicely furnished south rftom for ono person , with. board It desired. 215 Uodgo street. IM 23j _ _ FOll Iir.NT Nicely furnl hert rooms with l modem conveniences. . " 2 N 15th sU TTIUUNIS11KO rooms. J7 , 13 nnd SI2 , ntSOlS JU Harneyst. . ! M01j _ _ TjU'ltNlSIinDroom , south bay window , with JP every convenience ; 3214-Fsrnuni. 0- FOli HUNT L rg furnished front room tlO per month , 221S Lea veil worth . UJ5 _ nnd board for two gentlemen , private family ; references. 181'bodgo. . Ulfl ItKfTT Furnished front roomwitn nl modern convenience ! . to gentlemen only , RtrKHt , Marv's nvenue. Apply nt ntorc , 210 and SI2 South Fifteenth st. ' 03J unmsilTb : back iranor , 2007 Cass at. O ! _ TT10H UKNT Two furnished .rooms : rveiy- JU tiling new anil nrnt ; ga * and bailment mod- orate. KfcM Fiirnain St. , llutc. . room for Rentloipcti : modem ' conveniences. 018 South ICth , 3rd floor , north side. "s : SfiT TjlO HRENT Novomb&r 1st , pleasant room JL' ror two gentlemen , steam heat , table board , 210a UotiL'la.s. i.T > S- TTTOlMllfNT A suite of rooms , wllb board , JUl ? ' ! Dodge street. dm 1710 H IlENT Oue large front room lilcelv fur- JU niiucd 1811 California st. ' 203 2Jt ITtOlt HUNT Ono single and double room , JU with board , very clu..ip ; 1011 Douglas st. 223 Ul "TIIOK KENT One nice fuinlshcd room. 421 N JU lllh st. I'.iS furnUhed rooms with batli nud ELEGANT steam. U1& Howard st , 617 FOR HUNT Kurnlihed looms for 2 gentle men , or man nnd wife. 1030 Douglas , 034 "M ICE rooms , sleam heat , 171 ! ) Davenport. FOR HUNT To one or two gentlemen with good references , a nicely furnished front room , hpittod by steam and centrally located IliqulfQTJt 8 18th st. 103 . CLAIM European hotel , cor. 13th and Dodjre ; special ratc'by week or month TjlOR IlENT 2 nicely furnished rooms , with JU board ; 1UOO Capitol avenue. 6W3 TTIOH IlENT A pleasant bay-window south JL' front room ; best location ; all conveniences ; suitable for ono or two gentlemen. 2.1'J Farnam. 418 OOD room with batlu 619 & 2Cth st. G1 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOH HKNT Ouo largo front room , untur- nlihcd. ovcrythliiR modern , steam rmat pri vate family. 203 H Kit hut. S70 g > t "I710H 11KNT Three unfurnished rooms , flfll S. J17th St. , botueeu Jnctsou and Lcnvenwoith. JI71 ! t "Ij on URNT 3 anfnrnlslicdrooms.'iuitablefor J housohoeiilup. W8N. 13th t.t. 2H8 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES TTIOU ItRNT Desk room In front otlico of J Frenzer block. Inquire room 11. 30J2S fTIOll IIKNT Unck store room 2tf7 12th st. JJ joining cor. Douglas. S. Lehman. 2A ) ITtOU HHNT 2 stores , cor 22d and 1'lerce sti , JL1 BUltablo for meat market nnd jnnccry ; also two Hats above stores : will glvo resnoublblo parties "montlis1 rent free tn establish trade. Call on J. II. Piirrotte. DoURlasCo. Hunk. li-j 1 jlOH-HUNT Three-story brick building. 1110 -L ? DougliiHSt. . Kiiltablo for wholesale or ware house. Chas. Kaufmanu , 1TO. Douglas street. 4TO f pill ! most promising locality for business In JL Omaha Is on ICth tt. , between Farmuu nnd Leayenworth. vho future retail district ot the city. Klesant blocks ro Rolng up , and uothlug shabby will ever be erected there. 'J nkon look nt the new block on cart fildo Kith between Jones 4c Lcaviiworth and secure lease for n number of years ; nil heated with steam , with plate-glass front , Thos. 1' . Hall , 311 Paxton block. KC , Oil KENT S new stores , 017 and 619 S. 10th. Fine show -windows. iiu'j FOH HKNT Store room in Boyd opor.x'hoHsa building. Enquire American Savings liauk. . 1 1 "tpOn IlENT A 4-story hrlck bulldlnft , 03x1X0. JL suitable for wholesale ; good trackage ; I have aUo n number of line residence prop erty for rent or sale. For particulars call or address 40U411 Hoobldg. N , O. Drown. 433 INK store , with cellar , KO South ifltn. 2t3 N4t THOU U13NT Store , 1111 Fnrnam St. , 20 by 128 JU fret , 2 stories and cellar. Nathan Sheltou , 1BI4 Kornam st. t > 59 n O KENT Desirable warjhouse room enL -L track. Apply to C. W. Keith. 7H 1'acltlc st. bat "TpOlt lll'.NT The 4-story brick building with , JL ? or without power , formerly occupied by The lleo Publishing Co. . Via 1/arnam Bt. Tuo buildIng - Ing has a lire-proof cemented basement , com plete steam-heating fixtures , water on all the UoorB , gas. etc. Apply at the olllco of The lice. T71OII IlENT After Oct. 1 , flno front ollice. X' ground lloor ; plate class window ; beat and light furnished ; a most de.ilrnblo location for any kind ot business ; rent reasonable , Inquire Ornaba Ice Co. , 310 So. lr > th si. r > 6'.i fjioit UKNT llasainent 40 ay GO ft , h atea uy X1 steam. Knqulro J. Ka.l , U12 80. Kith at. MISCELLANEOUS. ( ! * Mto $ 00 paid monthly to educated gentlemen Pfind ladles for procuilug mouibers for our Library Association. Mumbcrti buy thuir books and music at wholesale prices , Tor full particu lars address National Library Association , 10J Btatostreet , Chicago , 111. 29728 * A GENTLEMAN who suffered years from piles and has been ellectually 'cured 111 bend till ) directions fomelf-trentment. Slmplu and unfailing. Free to all. Kdwlu Sinter , 1' . O. box. iS.CIuclnnatl. U. 391-lt 17ENTAL Agents Largo llt : well kept ; Wei- JLw olmna & Co. . 1422 Cup. ave. , Exposition Mldug. ! K4 'J IF you have anything to exchange ration H , K.Colo , roomti. Continental block , Fifteenth and Douglas. I'fij ' | ADIKS HarlonVntur'a Face.Itleach ro- JLJnioves freclsles.BlrapIos moth ana liver spots , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion nna to be perfectly harmless. For furthar Information mation call at Itoom 15. Canllnld Housedtn nnd Faniam. ' ,1X ! S8t IF you have anything to sell or exclmngc call at Itoom ( HP. f'axton block. lir > y FUATIIKHS cleaned , curled and dvod , hats reshaped , at F. M. Schadoll & Co./'lH N. luth. ! _ nm A UCT10N sales nvery Tuesday and Frldav -timonmns at 11211'arnam. Oiuaba Auctiou fc Storage Co. 775 B Jit. M AHY Strong , cor. Baunders unit CaiMus sta. . Knuntze place. Telephone 1481. 237 ft'lt C iASIl paid for household furniture' , stoves , Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1)21 ) I'uiuam. btt2 STOCK BOARDED. wintered nt Omaba fairgrounds : HOUSES large box btalU ; terms reasonable ; car. rlages fetorcd. A. Thomson. S < iS NSU HOUSES Wintered at my farm , good range and Paddocks ; no barbed wire on ) Haix > ; horses called for and delivered ; terms moder ate. Telephone > 77. Chas. McCormlct , Cal- npun , Neb. < ! 7-n7 WANTED Horses to winter nt f 1 n month per head ou farm near Irvlneton. Plenty of grain and hay to f od , good shelter nnd good care given them ; borsoBcallad for and delivered - edV. . It. Homau. room II yrcnter Ulk , 101 T WILL winter horses on v ? . II. Milliard's JLfnnn at Calnonn , Neb , Ileasoimble rates , care considered. Orders can be loft with W. 11. 11 Ward or mailed me at Calhoun , T.J.Fleming. ISilll ' EDUCAflQNAL. milU banjo taught M an art by Ooo. F.Qelien- JL bt'clc. Apply at Uea olllce.fiU \ ' CHOOL of Expreulon , Vocal Articulate , Pantomimic. L V. Anderson , bQeely block , lltBSH EVENING JTeuch class. New York Llf Itnllaing. Itoom Wft. Jules Slerle. 711 N 13 PERSONALS. I .ADIUS aud gentlemen desiring correspond- J-Jents address Correvpondlui ; Club , Kausiu Cltjr. Mo. inclostBtamp. number of ladleanot under 18 or over 25 years of ago. Object , nmtiSMtiBiit nnd possibly an nequalnlanco. Adnr j-8.1 l ns , cnro lice , col lot 1DEUPONAL Mrs. iM.'V'nn Clove , a reliable JL nnd oxporirncecrinfrsp. Would like nurs ing to do ! would prefer nursing ladles in doll- cats health. Address North 1XA St. , No. ISO , South Omalin. Nob. , TKUSONAIr-Mrs. A. M , Heath's drcssniak. X Ing parlors , ' worR guaranteed. Prices the lowest. In rear No , 1614 near the corner oi ICth nnd Cnss , 275-S8 * LOST. LOST Elihcr on Sliorman nvo. , ltn , SOth or Webster Bt > . money purin contalnlue bills , Rold ploco and owner's visiting card , name In full ! llndnr will bo rewarded by lonvlnc t 1003 Fnrnam st. 830 WANTED-TO BUY. T\r ANTl'.n-Sccond hand llnht wagon. Must T ? bo cheap. Addrcsi It. care Paga Soap Co. ANTKD-To buy a lot within one mlle and a halt of postoillopj cash will bo paid fern n bargain. Those anxious to sell address N 6 , lice. 330-Ult _ WANTIiD I want to burn democrntlopa. ptr lu n good town , what have you got ? Don't waste any time , but write lull particulars nt onco. lieu F. Illldebrund , Fnvnieo City. Nob. - \\rANTED To buy H ) aero farm , good for ' i gardening , within H mlle ot some H It station , not ever 13 mtlosfrom Oniana ; must bo low price. W. L. Soloy , 1U13. Hoard Trade. TOO _ CASH for furniture , rarpets , etc. WcU'n Auc- tlon } jorage | Co. . IllV S. Kith. _ 715 V\7ANTivf-4 or fi thousand yds ot earth to 111 ! lot r > ? , llurr Oiil : add. up to grade. Inquire - quire \V. N. Dorvnrd , 1517 Douglas st. 700 STORAGE. _ _ rpHACKAOK fitoi-Rge at io\raTrratos. W. M. -L Rushman. 1311 Lcavcuworth EC I at low rntei nt 11211'nrnain street. STOHAOE Omaha Auction and Storage Co. ( G'2 and forwardlnp. Wo collect nnd deliver STOKAOII liver goods of all description , merchandise , furniture and baggage at cheapest rates ror stornge for any length of time , V5ins aud wagons to" be bad nt shortest notice , with care ful men for moving. Packing nnd shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate- charge. Merchandise loaded ana unloaded. .Wnrnhouao ou our own tracks. Olllco III 8 Uth st. Telfphono 111. llQwell&Co. 8C3 CLAIRVOYANT. FOKTUNK Teller Mrs. Lenormati cau bo consulted ou all affairs ot life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No.-Ulu N. IRth ft. GOl'nllJ DK. NAwNil : V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium. Female dlseasoi a spiclaltjH'JN Ifltti st. . rooms 3 and a , f05 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING FN. inNDMAN , StenogrnpUcr and Typewriter , H. 427 PtiMQIl lilt : . Telephone 15 ! . 112n2v'S : shorthand aud typewriting school. Darker block , Tnu best aud cliimp- est lu tlm city. _ CM N 12' QTANDAHD Shorthand SchooLHoom : ! 4.Vnre \ V-J blk. . ( surres ov to Valentino s ) the largest excluslvosiiorthand school in the west. Teacn- crw nre vcrbntlmreiiortcrs. Purtlculur attention paid to typewriting. .Mechanical constiuction of maclunu taught by factory expert. Circulars FOR SALE-ivlSGELLAN ! OUS FOR S-U.i ; Well triilued horse , buggy nnd luu ness , f'"o , A 0kfgnln , Address P. O. HoxTii' . ' . 1,0 ! ) YJ fj _ _ FOIt LALi : StyllsVteam of Day horses , 5 nnd 7 yrurb old , parltclly suund. and well known lu the city ; will drive double or single. Ono canopy-ton double ; surrev. ' One top buggy. " One set double harness. One set single harness , Ouo saddle. " AH the nbovo comil8tn and In good condi tion. No further u&o.-.r/enson / for belling. Also ono btclnwny souaro piano , nearly .now. The above property" will bo bold cheap , on 'reasonable tnrtnS or frill trude for Inside real estate , liiiiulre room CK ) , First Nat'lbank. -7 31 _ TRIO It SALE Light siirlu-j wagon 1M7 N. li'th. - Ml n'-4J _ TTIOIl SALE A goo < l set of butcher's tools , Jf very cheap. Apply 3423 Cuinlng. 144 ! Kt I710H SALE At half price , a lot of counlers JL' nnd shelving xultablo tor grocery , notion , boot ana shoo stock , Vf. n. Hainan , room 8 t'reuzcrblk. 087 FOIl SALE Cheap , Z Jersey cows. 1 fresh. Leavltt Ilumham , S. W. " 1st and Cass. - uoa _ _ Foil SALE Top bugsry nearly new , cheap. J. L. Wolshans , 1420 Hartley. 071 TI1OH BALK A new furnace ; chean for cash JL1 nr will trade. Inquire at aiC P. rjlii. 7.iO TTIOKSALE 3 cows cheap. H. H. Hender- J hon , loom IQJ. Paxtou blk. _ ea > TC1OK BALE A quantity of building stone. J- Apply to the superintendent ISoe building. ca _ TjlOB SALB A KShorsopower Porter engine JL1 in good condition , weight fi.lOOnoiuuls cyl inder 11x1(1. ( For particulars apply to Tlio Itee olllee. 783 _ ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TATlDLANn Guarantee & 'JYusfCo''N. V. LlS Jl'i-bldg. complete abstracts furnlt-lied and titles to real estate examlned.perfectod&gimraiiteud. 868 _ MONEY TO LOAN _ UILDING loans. 57 V. Sliolcs ! 210 First National bang. 8TJ _ rOANSmadoon real estate and mortgages JLJbouglit Louis S. Itued & Co. r.lS , board trade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b l LOANS City anrt farm loans , mortgage pa per bought. SIcCaguo Investment Co. 833 MOHKV to loan in anv nmounton liousohold goods , horses and wagons , ( llamouds , land contracts.secondmortgages.orauy nvallabloEo- curlty , witliout publicity. Uoom 'jlo.l'axton bit -10 _ _ _ - fJ K81DEXC13 loans 04 ! to 7 parcout ; no ad- .Ltdltlounl charges for commissions or itltor- ney's fees. W. 11. Sleiklc. First Nat bank bide. _ t6l , MONKi' to loon on furnl'.Jro , uorses.wag jns , Mr , or on uny approved security. J. W. Itobblns , IHUi 1'arniim strest , Paxton uotel. , _ 871 "nuitSTmortKage loans at low rates and no - ? delay. D , V. atioles.SlO FlrstNutlouul Imuk. 72 PHILADELPHIA rortgago& Trust Co. fur- Jnlsh chcao eastern money to borrowers. purchase securities , perfect titles , nccppt loans at their western office. , aeorgo W. P , Coates. room 7. Hoard ot Trada ) gas _ KEYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of $10 to fl.OXNjgetour r&tus Jjoforn borr.vwiiiK imd save money ; loan on Jiorseu , furniture , or any approved security , nlthnut publicity ; notes bought ; for new loan.r > 'uoxval of old , und low- ltS08BhuoIey blkisth * Howard st Y 8C' ' ) _ _ _ TlfONRV to loan on , Corses , wagom. muloa , J-Uboubebold Roods , jilimos , organs , diamonds. lowest rates. The llrst oVgaulired loan olllce In the city. Makes lounsfrrom thirty to three hun dred and slxty-llvo day * which cn be paid in port or wbolo at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest' ' . ) Call anu see us wuen you want monoy. We can assist you promptly mid to your mlvantiuja , without removal of property or publicity. . > fouey always on hand. No delay luuiakiug Irfatis. C. F. lUad & Co. . ait ) B. lath gt. , ov r lllrinllain & Bons. B75 HONF.rtoloan. O. 'K'avis ' Co. , real estate _ and loan agents , yunyarnannt. H7B' TXT ONEY to loan oncity / or farm property. 1'1-Ueo. J. Paul. 1009 Fa/tom at. 835 Dp YOU wont money ? If so. don't borrow before setting my rate * , which are tlio lowest - est on nny sum from fl to possible rates , without publlcltr or removal of property. Loans can be made for one to six months and you can pay part at any time , reducing both principal and interest. 1 f you owe u balance on your furniture or horSei or hare a lojin ou them. I will tike It up and carry It for you M long aa you desire. , If you need money trnu xvilt flnd it to your ad vantage to sea TOO before borrowing. It. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthuell building. Ktn and Hurney. ? ; [ ) MONKY loaned on chattel security or rea estate. J. J. WiUlnaou , 61S Paxtou blk. 7M $ l. W-Pnvatu inonav to loan or will buy good moitsage , W. L. Bolby , r. JS , Hoard of Trade. ! 7' d TiffONKY to loan on city propcrtr and farm * 110Wt" " r tej' W' VMle > * ' * ' - - Inside loans. Lowest WANTKIi-Wrst-class rates. Call nnd sot us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , ItOi Furnntn. 877 rnoLOAN A few thousand on In ldounlra J-pror d city property or cooa 2U ttiortgagj paper. Address M 48 , llco olllce. GJ MONKY In loan on real estate xecurlty nt lowest ratei. llofore negotlatlne loans see Wallace , .HU1U lirowu bhl ? . itith and Douglas. BS3 MONEY to loan by nn pMteru man , on cllt edge propprty , for Ibo next 10 day 3. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Hank. KTO K making chattel orcollnttral loans , U will pay you to sea The Western Invest * ment Co. , room 442 , lice building , _ B88 TjinLDINO loani wanted on brick business JJLJor rcsidonco blocks. I'nvwable terms nnd rates. KtmbMl. cnamp & llyan , 170.1 Farnam , MG N1 TO LOAN--.Vspeclal fund or $100.000 In sums ot $10.000 and Upwards nt very low rates The Mcadluvestuieut Co. , 814 S. 16th st , 133 MONKY Loani negotiated nt low rules with- out delay , and purclmso good commercial paper tnd mortgage notes , a. A. Slotuan. cor , 13th and I'ornnru. SS3 _ TVTO'NRYt < loans cash on hand ; no delay. J. JJJUv. Squire. 1319 Farnam St. , nrst Nutlonal bank , bulldlug. _ bal MONUY to loan ou any security , lor shoit tlmo at low rales. Lowest rates on personal property , Tuo Hcmlorion Mortgage Investment company , room 4UU Pnxtou blocic. S73 "itTONUY to loan at low rates nud uo 1 I Capital nuu sunilui ei.WI.OOO. Lombard Investment Co. . S09S l.'lllist , NW SKKShoies. room ' , ' 10 First Nat'l bunk , lie torn making your loans. _ Hi ? ! qjnO.\OCO to loan at 0 per cent. Ltuanau & Ma- < Phoney , room GOJ Paxton block , " _ 'Q fVf ONKY iiuned bn iTirriltufo. horses nnd J.VJI wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 H . lath Bt. . opposite .M lllard hotel. ml SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. Nutlonal safety rturosit vaults. Safes to rent J5 to ta a year. r 7 8. lilth. - 20J BUSINESS CHANCES. TTIOU SALE Nice , clean rosluurant. doing JL' good business ; mu t bo sold this week ; easy terms. J. H. Parrotte , Itoom 21 , Douglai block. | MS5 8 * _ _ BOO buys restaurant that pays $150 net prollt $ per month. Only $ WO cash , J. J , Gibson , No. 3 Creiglitoil block. _ ; iOi ) / tlUAlt store In ono ot the best locations lu V tbo city. Cau sell nny amount to suit the puclmser. ; Confectionary and restaurant com- mned. Co-ouorutivo Land ana Lot Co. , M05 N. Ifith St. S42-2J _ _ nON FKCTIONKUY. bakery , cigar and tobacco \J store to trade for city property or laud. StocK of jewelry for lann. Stock of groceries for clly property nnil cash. Co-oueratlvo Land and Lot Co. . sm N. icth st. : iii28 _ "irou SALI3 or exchange-First ilass drug X' stock in Mo. Valley , In. , 4.W ( ) poopk1 , three store- " , stock 40,030. Will soil for part cash bal ance on tlmo , secured , or part cash ann balance Iowa or Nebraska land at fair valuation. Lock box 015 Mo. Valley , In. 28' ' ) 1 * " | vUUO business for sale lu a llvo Nebraska J-/ town , about JA'.oni worth ot dm ; ; business done In the town yearly , only two drug stoics : stock will Invoice about SiSW. linlf cash and half ou time. Address M 07 , llco olllrc. ] 0fl Lt TTlOIt HUNT Now liotel. In heart of city ; JU thirty rooms. W.Farnnm Smlthl 0 Fnrnam _ _ _ _ H1U TTtOK SALE Or trade , a well established book JL1 and stationery store. Ilex 518.'I FOR EXCHANGE. _ _ rpO KXCII ANOR-JIy"eauIty , worth JI.ROO In JLn splendid lot ou Georgia avo. . for Chicago anburbnu property. Address S , 117 W. A'un Ilti- I'eu St. . Chicago. 2SI 1 ? C1OU EXCHANOn Wanted , for good farms. A ? a 75 to 100 bbl. Hour mill , and a uowapapor outllt. Address lock box 01 , Gothenburg. Neb. i.-JH-'S _ TmOR EXCIlANOE-Groccry and feed Btore JO for SJJO't ; \ cash , balunre trade. Might do belter if property is llrst class. Co-operative .Loud and Lot Co. , 20.1 N. itilb st illiM" ) CASH and good land In Antelope Co. to trade for merchandise. Three nice fnrmu ror Omaha property. Clear Council Dlulfs prop erty aiin good farm to trade for hotel. Cooperative erative Lund aud Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. 3IU'3 _ > CLEAR South Omaha lots for noraom.or land Ogouth or east ot Wheeler Co. , Neb. Bolby , 13 Board Trade. 214 E\V 2-soated carriagu for 2ud mortgage , JST Solby. , 1U Hoard Trade. Slf TK7ANTED-Totraua240 acres good Nobras- VT ta. land , all clear nd deeded , for brood marcs. Albert Edholrn , 101 S. 15th St. , Omalla , W'iLL exchange * 70.noO worth of Improved Lincoln property for lands. J. O. & C. II. Tlutchlns , 1122 O street , Lincoln. Nob. 201J 0 EXCHANGE Beautiful Denver property for property further east. Dexter. HID Wright blk. Minneapolis. Minn. 171 28 + FOR EXHANG15 80 acres clear ot encumb rance , in strips of 10 acres , lu Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock ot goods or city iiroporty. Apply room SIB. Flrct National bank Inilldlng. WANTED To trade 2 lots , 0-room house , barn und out-bulldlug ; nicely located in 1'lorcnne , Nob. , No incumbrance. for good young work teams. H. Hall , Florence. Neb. BU.J 1 * TOOK EXCHANGK-A businessyieldlngaproflt JL ! of from S.UOO ) to tlM ) ( ) per annum , to exchange - change for good city property. Am willing to assume light encumbrance. Apply room 210 , First National bank building. 1 ! TTIOREXOHANGE-IOclear South Omahn lot * JL ? and cloartlaud for Nor 10 room house , will assume sin-all incumbrance. W , L. Selby , H. 13 , Hoard Trade. 89J * fpOH KXCHANO I ! In Stuart , Holt Co. , Nob. , JL ! new house.rooms and closets , with 1 cor ner lots : rents for $10 per moutn. A feed store and two business lots , rents for SI2 per month ; will trade for a stock of hard ware , clothing or boots and shoes. Address Frank K , Ilartigan. Crete , Nob. 7'J ! ! K ) for city property , two good JJJfarms joining towns situated In Hurlau and Greyly counties. Meyer & llaapke , 1103 liar- ney st. 081 o30 WANTED To exchange dry goods notions and millinery goods for clear land or city property nnd part cash. Address box 470 Frankfort.Ind. . . UKj TJENTAL property , InMda. to exchange for JLXclear farms or vacant clly lots. Thus. F. Hall. 311 Paxton block. baa TTinil EXCHANOK-For any kind of good JLproperty , a grain elevator in ono of tbe best towns in Iowa , situated lu thu heart of u line agricultural country. Present owner is no : a grain man , and lias other business. A rare chance for a practical man. Also , five thousand acres of Hue timber land In northern Tonnes- ace. Itoora 14 , Cuumber ot Commerce. Tel , lltu. 8 ill FOR SALE'-REAL ESTATE ASPLKNDH ) llttlo cottnuo , good barn and outhoubDH , on lot In Purkor's addu.nour Ixng tiohool. one block west of motor lino. Very cheap und ( in easy terms. Just thlukot it , W.OUO takes it ; $ ) cosh , bal. on time , F. 1C. Darling , 43 Darker block. B3 31 WNKItmovud to St. Louis offers to sell a houses at a Dig bargain , tiuu nnd 9 00 each , nil newly papcrvd und runted , in a location thnt they will never be vacant. Call unit lot ma gtvo you terms. D. I ) . Bmeaton. Itoum 41 llarkcr block. IV niu fj\OH \ BALK Tlio Jlnest Drlck renlueuro In the -L.1 city , modern and new , ) nrg slmdy yard con taining about two tic-res of grounds , stone walks and vrlthai a complete homo. Have ex tensive business intercuts lu Bait Lake and my wife declares she will live uluuo no longer. Terms und , prlco to suit the customer. How is that ? Address M 72 lloo olllcc. U7u UUSCtTUiie fnr slmres m the "American. " the largest building ana loan association in the world , M , A. Upton , special agent. Kith itnd-l'armim. 248 NOW is the time to get n lot lu Dtvlglit and Lymttn's addition just fontn of Hunirom park , lleauttful location. Tlio grading of ! Bd st. is making it a line thoroughfare. Kxtrn nice lying lots , 62x132 , can bo liought uow for I.2JO to JI.5U ) . Taey will sell for double this amount in lean than : i years. We have n num ber of these elegant lots for sale. M. A. Upton Co. , 16th and I'amain. " 41-29 TO the "Old Ileliable" M. A. Upton Co. GO ICtli una Fnrnam , for real estate iuvctt- meuta. lluferencos Our past dealings. 675 TTIOK BALK-fcJ.OOJ-323-acro stock tarm in JU llrownCo. , Neb. For particular * write to lloxlil' . Ainairorth. Neb. ma oa > , actuaL aluolnsklo bu .n st. ana rest- $27,000 , u.ujO worth of bouses being built adjoining , will Bell for 17. ( Jnow ! Wby ? For reason am In need ofHOXX ( ) cusli ; great ofTsr. Addruss LS8.Uee. _ eoinllj _ TTIOU BALK On long tlino and easy payments , JU handsome , now , well-built hout > eB of H , U.auci 1U rooms. All coiivemeice * , good neighborhood - hood ; pared utroeta. itreet CATS , and within walking ilistuuce o ( V , 0 , Nathan Slitlton , ISU Fftrcam stre t , tV ) rpo rUIlCIIASKHS-Noror BO to the owiior Ot X n piece of property you wIMl to buy. A peed broker wilt tnakothn nurtlu o forjrou at n less llffurotban yon posMbljr can. It you will put your thinking cap onQU can reason out the truth of this assertion , M. A. t'pton Co. , 10th nud Farnain. JUl-ai _ ' AVRW cottaRoa In Astord's , 'orchnrdlllll , Ilorbacn'n2nd , llaticoiu Place. Luke's , Pop- plrton parK , Bhlnn'a nnd Parcel's nddltlous to poll on easy monthly payiuciitt. Thcso nro on very choice low ntid some nro on < ! ar itne . Don't delay until next yeiir ; got In now nnd lake nd' vantage of rlso in ralncs. F. 1C. Darling , 43 llaricor block. 28 > Ul _ AVKIlYllno soulh front lot , a comer , u. o , ror. 27th nnd Reward st < > . . 60s IK , JO,5X ( > . JL A. Upton tXi. . iflth and Fnrnam. .11 * here Is n barpnln at two-thirds value : fflxliofaoton CAldwcll street between 2Bth nnd 27th. 7-room house , woll. chtcm. wnlks and tr osW.R50ltir > o cmb. balnucoll years. Nntotho dlzeot tlilalot. Its location nnd the Improve ments , M. A. Upton Oo. , ICth nnd Fnruam. _ 541 . > . 1710K SALK-Vcry low pilco fora few days , JJ lot I ! , bloc * 7S , near new P. O. site. Inquire on promises. No. lilii Davoiiport st. COl St TTIOH SAI.iv-lly Otto roiaolr. ) JJ ; i-room cottairp , good cellar nnil well , lot MXKW. fcncon In , Wvst Cuminp , # lai ) ; caili K > iO , Vat. J17 per month , without interest. 7-room cottBRO 111 lli > t-tlnss order , on N.anh near Paul , terms to suit , WOO. ! N v\r s-room liottso on Hrlstol St. , 1 blk from motor line. W.6CO. K-room house on N. 23d near Cass. M.RX ) . Comer Douglas and ItJth , rents nt $ ISUJ. cash JI6.out ) . V\flM. Soulh Omaha lots : Lot 4 m blk If tPxlSfl ft , J1.SOO. Lot 1 111 blk IS. 00x150 ft , 8law. Lota II aud 12 lu blk 31 , corner IMxt.VJ , S'AO. l.ota : ; aud 4 In blk4 , no\IM etch , tVJU. Acio lots lu 8olomon'6 mid , J * J. Aero vii'lK-rty oil \wlt line , Il'-Ti to JICO , nil on easy terms. Otto Lobock , room IS Chamber of Commerce. X'Jl ! M SJl'KI'l ATiTarjaln oiTS lluo plecwof groimd oil k-J2lstst. lust ruutli of Vinton , IIOsclCO. 5J.61H ; i cash. M , A. Upton Co. , Ifith nud Farilam , _ 241 a ) , /Ax33 ] ou rurnaii , belwpcii nth nnd 10th , at JIM v/frout foot. This Is Jlffl n foot less than value. M. A. I'ptou Co. . loth and Fiirnnm. 2ll-2na -IKflncro cattle ranch , with prlvtleoo of 01,1 J-n o-o school lease. Must bn sold In ten days , Apply nt room filS Now Vork Life ll'ld. B31-31 IHAVli some first-class rental property for Mils cheap within ono mile of po illloco , on iinved sti'cota nud motor lino. TUoj. F. Hall , SHPaxtou block. CT1 _ TjAOH SALU v r cheap , no trades , farm 64:1.76 : Ju acres , sec.5. 12 N.O W. Humtltuii county Neb , " miles from Marquette , smnll bouse , stable , aooiicn-s pnsturo. fenced , living water , prlco only $10 per ncro. 8U.4'rr.M > , ouo-tblrd 18sn crop included. Terms J2.UIX ) cash balance I ) percent luterost , F. K. Atkins , owner , railroad build ing , Denver , Colo. 778 illE best Business , . Vacant and suburban properties In the market are for sale by "tho old reliable" M. A. Upton Cu..lUtb and Fnrnam. 242 A SH11KWD buyer always maKes his pur- -CA-ciiasc&'of property. Hko ronl estate , through n broker. A good many people out here need to be rdii- catod In this regard , but experience , thnt cost ly butolloctlvo touchor , will "larn" them. M. A. Upton Co. , 10th ud rnrnnm 241 SO HOMKS ror Palo on Mouthlv Payments. 7-room dw oiling In Coutral Pars , full lot , south front ; payments , $13.51) ) per month. Pmall cottngo in Central Park , lull lot ; pny- nu > ntf > . 112.50 nnr month. G-roonrdWflUng , corner Mth nnd Patrick nvc- nuc , full lot , south trout ; payments , 820 per mouth. llandaomo 7-room dwelling , ou ( Jraco street , nil modern Improvements , on monthly pay ments. Other property In nil parts nt Ilia city , Call und Boo me. D. J. O'Doualioe , 1COI Fnrnam. . 702 ' . ' BALK Two corner lots near South Omaha FL'a' ha I'nrk ; great bargain. B. , P. O. box HWl. SB TTHU SALE n-rooni house , unrn uua lot , -f HKIISCOIU Place , at a bargain. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Hank. _ 833 OMAHA HOTELS. \X7INDS01l HOTEL-Corner of lUth and V > .lacksonsts. , 'I blocks from Union depot. Ilcst Si a day house In the clt v. 837 UOPOSALS for Erection of Hchool Hulldlng etc. , U. S. Indian Service , Yankton Agency , Daktota. October 12th , IfSy. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for erectlou ot n .school building , or for building materials" ns the case imiy be , and dlrtctod to the undersigned at Greenwood , Dakota , will bo received ; U tills ollice until ono o'clock of November nth , ISHt. for furnUhlng the nuccssary materlnls and labor and for roctlus a two-story frame school building at the Yanktou Agsncy , Dak. ' in ac cordance with plans and speclllcatlonsthatiuay bo uxamlued nt the otlico ot the " 1'louoer Press offit , Paul , Minn , , the "lice" of Omahu. Nobr. , jiud "Journal" of Sioux City , Iowa ; also for Turnlshliig n variety of lumber , bricks , win dows. doors. hardware , etc , , ( a full list and des cription of which may bo obtained by applica tion to the undersigned ) , required for ugrucy buildings. In submitting bids for tha erection of the school bulldlug. bidders must stntnthe lenglh ot time required to complctu it : and for furiilshlni ; bulldlug materials , the prlco of carh article olTerod fur delivery under contract must bo spcclllcally stated. Certified chocks All bids must oo accompanied by cortltlod chocks Upon some United States depository , payable to the order of the undersigned , for at leastf ) per cent of the amount Of the proposal , which checR. will bo forfeited to the Uuiteu States In case nuy bid der or bidders receiving itn nwnrd shall full to promptly execute n contract with good and gut- UciBiit kuretlos , othenvlse to be i-cturuod to tbe binder. The right Isieservcd to lejoct any or all bids or any part otany bid If deemed for the best Interest of the berrlco. SAMUEL T. LEAVi' , U. S. Indian Agent. oiod'ilt A II MY SUPPLIES : DEPOT QUAQTiniMAB tor's Ollice. Omaha. Neb. , October Utumi Sealed prouosals. lu duplicate will bn received at this ofllco until 10 a. in. , Tuesday October 2'Jth 188 ! . at which tlrao nnd place they will ba opened in the presence of attending Illdders for delivery of Lumber. Shingles. HardwiireVlie Hope , Matting uud Stovus. Lists giving specifi cations quantities una other Information will bo furnished upon application to this ollice. Prcfcii'iico will be given to articles of domestic production or manu- acture. condition of quality and price ( including In the prlco of foreign production or manufacture the duty thereon ) being uqual ; and fuitht-r , that no contracts shall bu awarded for furnishing articles ot forulgu production or munufactiiro when thi > ' orticleu of suitable quality of domestic production or manufacture can bo obtained. The Government reserves the right to rujcct any or all proposals , llldiler.s should attach n copy of this adviirtlucmout to their bids. JOHN BlMl'SON , Captain ami Ai > st. Qr. Mr. , U. S. Army. o IBlUil ss. . Articles or Incorporation of the Bounnza Hint : Itlauur.iutiirint ; Co in jinny. KNOW All Men by These Presents : TJiatwe. lilclmrd II. Coopurnml Francis V. Koiitor. do assocluto ourselves .logethev fortlici purpose of forming und becoming iv corporation lu Uio state of Nebraska , for the transaction of thu bnMue-3 hurolimftur mentioned : Article 1. Thonameof tlie corporation shall bo "The llonuimi King Mannfac.tiirlnpr Com pany. " 'J ho principal pbicu of transacting Its business shuil bulutho city of Omuha , couuly of Uougliis und Btato of Nebraska. Article 2. The nature ot the business to be transacted by snld corporation shall bo tiio manufacturing and sale of "The llouaiua King , " u commercial article utcd for removing scale from Mcam boilers , mid t'uo , erection and maliitaluuncu of such buildings , ninchlnury and Etrurturos as may be deemed necessary , and tn purchase real estate as n blto therefor , und especially to facilitate the manufacture ami sale nt "i'ho Itouanza King , " Article n. The authorized capital ntock of mild corporation snail bo ton thousand dollars (1111.1X10) ( ) . to bo divided In shares of onehundrol dolinrsilUO.OO ( ) each , to be subscribed and paid ns required by the tioard of dlructors. Artfr lu 4. ' 1 lie existence of thin corporation shall commence on the "ill day of Ortobar. A. I ) . IBiii , and rnnllmitt lu force during thu period of nliinty.nliie yours. Anlclo5. Tlia biiHlness of said rorponrtloil ( ilinll bo conducted l > yu board of dlroclors. not to exceed II vo ( > ) lu number , to bo ok'ctcd by the btnckliolderK. such election to tiiko pluce lit such time , and bo conducted In sued miiiinor UH Mi all bu prescribed by by-lawn or Bald corpora- tlou. Article 0. The olllcers of uuld corporation shall be a prosldunt and srcrctary-lnsasiiror , wild shall be rho eu by tlo board of dlrecuira , und shall hold Ifinlr teim ( if ollice for tliu period ot ono year or until thuir successors shall bo elected and qualify , Article 7. The highest amount nt Indubled- noi to whlclisald curpor.ilion shall nt uny lima subject Itself , shall not be more than ono thous and dollars ( tl.oou.uo ) . Article H. The mnnuer of holding the meet- lng of stockholders for the election of onu-ors nnd the method of conduct Ing the buslines of tne corporation uball bo adopted by the boarder or dlrer.tors. , In witucss whereof tha undersigned hava h ro- unto set their bauds tills 7thuay of October. A.D. 18S . ( Slgneci ) Itic'tuiiii n. Cnni-Kit , ( Higuod ) ! 'IIAMI Y. KKATOII. B'.vorn to bofora notary publlu Duuglus coun ty , state of Nebraska. Omuhu. ( Signed ) C. M. BTJIATTOJI. yotlco is liercby given that a book will be opened at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday , the six teenth clay ot November , Ibttt , at tnu olllce of J , M. Tluu-stoii , Union Pucltlo llulldlug , in the city ot Omaha , l ou lnu county. Nebraska , tor tlio puriose of rocBtvmi : biil ) frtptlons to the r-utiul stock of tliu Omaha Union Depot Com- imuy , W. II , llorxjoun , < 1 , W. llQLDIIKUB. ' 4' . U KlllllAI.I. , o-17-d-D-t Tor llio Incorporutor * . THE RAILWAY TIE TABLES , OMAHA. BUBUUHAN TRA1X3. AV'cstwnril. bttween Council niutfa nnd At * bright , lu addition to tha stations mentioned , trains atop at Twentieth nna Twrnty-rgiirth , aiid at the Summit lu Omaha. CIUCAOO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. JJ No. 2 , GiOOpmlA No.13 7:10 nm O No. 0 fl:5Upni I No. 1 0:15pin A No. 4 10:00 : u in 0 No. 5 5:15 pin A No. 14 OrtlpmlA No. n 0:3Jam : CIIICAQO & NOimiWBSTEHN. Ko.fl n.40um No. 7 0:27 : am No.8. , B:15p in No,3 7I5n : m Wo. 4 U:25um CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & BT.PAUlj. A No. 8 9:10ainA : ) No. 1 7:00l\m : A * 'o 4. . . . fl4i ; n ml A Noli r > :4Spm : ICANSA8. OIT1" , .y.OSKl'H . . k COUNCIL A No. 3. . . . . 10:07 : 'N o.D . 0:25aru A No. . . . . . . . . : m A No. 1 . 0:10 : pm BlUUAUlil Cf A No. 10 . 7:01nmA : | No. 0. . A No. IB . 7OOpmA | No. 11. . , .UOOpia OMAHA & bT. LOUIS. No. 8 . 4OpmA : | No.7. . . . .12:00 : rn A daily : Ildnlly , nxoent Saturday : ( Bunday ; D except Monday ; IUst mall. Joiiru ilmiH nncl tlio Postal , or v lee , Ex-PostmnEtor General James do- oluros in the October Forum that the most importnnt roforma in the postal Borvlco huvo all boon inudo by mon who lind iitul journtiUstlu o.xporiunco , the thrco most importnnt reformers uoliifr lianjainin Fruuklln , Amos liontlulland Montgomery Blair. Not n Oiilifornlu Hoar. Anybody can catch u cold this Iclnd of weather. Ttio trouble Is to lot go , like the man M'ho caught the boar , Wn udviso our readers to purclmso of tlio Uooilmnn Drat ; couKiunv-a bottlu of SANTA AUIB , the Cul- ifornla King of Consumption , Asthma , Uron- L'littis , Coughs ami Croup Cures , uud lcc | > It tmntly. 'Tis pleuelng to the tusto nnil death to tlio nbovo couipluliits. Hold at f LOU u bet > tloorUfor . ' . ) . CAUFOKNIA CAT-H CUlili KIVCS immciilutu rollof. TUo Catnr- rliul virus Is soon displaced by its liciiling und ncncitratlng nature. Oivo it u trial' Nix months treatment ( l.OU , sent by mall 11.10. Tim Kcoit Aot lu Cllliin. A ChlnuM ) interpreter , who arrived with the ChincBo minister at San Frun- cikco the other day , when ualcod about the fooling In China regarding the Scott o.x UiBiou act , paid that ill fooling was not gonorul , being confined only to the merchant class , who conceived their business interests injured by the act , Duck Blioniititt ou tlio htivqiiolinnna. The finest duck ahnoting in the coun try is to bo found in the wild celery ilutu on the SiiBquohniiiia , bolnw Havre da Grace. The number of ducks killed in n single Bouson upon these Hats IB .said to averauo us high as 150,000 , They are always found plump und in the best con dition ami of the finest flavor , the re * sultof feeding upon wild cojary. An Abuoluto Cure. TheORlGINALAUJUWMfc : OINTMENT ! Js ucly jmt up hi lar o Vwo ouuco tin boxes , and Js an absolute euro for old sores , burns , vvouudB , cliajipuil bands , and all skin erup. lions. Will iHjslllvoly cure all kinds of piles- Aslt fortbo OUIOINALr A1UUT1NK OINT MKNT. tiolA by QooJutau Drug oauipaay l % > cents per box by mail W coats.