Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Experiences n , Bulgy Fit at
the Opening ;
A Fair negroe of Activity Shown llsclf
In Corn Ilnllticis In Provisions
Cattle In Fair Jc-
in u ml.
CIIICAOO , OoV 23.Speclnl [ Telegram to
THE UKB. ] The wheat market had a "bulpy"
fit on Mils morning , with tlio crowd fooling
bullish , talking bullish and buying property.
Cablet favored that side and the recent re
ductions from previous high crop estimates
in several Instances encouraged holder * to
liopo for further Improvement. The black
board was discouraging In the extreme. The
figures net forth there showed that In ono
day's business } , 135,009 had been received at
points of accumulation and only 00,000 bush
els had loft the Atlantic coast , though the
exports of flour Increased the total to an
equivalent of 105,000 bushels. Later on tbo
vlsiblu supply report was posted , showing an
Increase- 3,153,000 bushels in stooln "In
Right. " This was close to the outslilo esti
mates of Saturday and caused the market to
break off sharply. In the course of u few
minutes the net pain of two days was lost.
Hiollbulislness" departed , to return no rnoro
during the session , leaving the market spirit
less and heavy. A lot of long wheat came
out on the JSfc dcclliio and the bears \vcru en
couraged to extend their lines somewhat.
There was some recovery from bottom prices
nnd decidedly Increased activity In trade ,
but the closings record a Inct loss of @nac
on the day. December wheat opened at
80i c , advanced to 80) < e , sold back to SOJ c
ana between 11 nnd 13 o'clock rallied to Si )
@SOfc , from which point It sold ofT to T'JJjJo
on the vislblo exhibit , rallying to bOtfo und
closing at fiOu60Ve. Muy started In at 84o ,
advanced to 8l7B@3 c , broke to & \Hc \ , ml
lied to 8lo and uiosea at 8i ! ; @ ! J4c , witti Ooto-
bar resting at "SJf. There \vori-no | dlstlnctivo
fcutuics In trading beyond an uvldont cool
ing down ot the bullish spirit consequent upon
a largo increase in the visible , fulluro of the
primary movcmnnt to full oft as expected ,
and HI the ability of the bulls to gancrato
popular enthusiasm on that side. Wlillo
stocks continue to accumulate rapidly and
exports do not Improve , tbo friends of wheat ,
ilnd themselves beset with doubts and dis
couragement. A little wheat was taken to
the seaboard to-day for thu coastwise trade ,
but not enough to bo a stimulant. The volume -
umo of transactions was rather above the
averacc. There was cjultu a battla around
the bottom prices , an effort being mada
toward the last to force u further decline
and make a weak closing , but the bulls made
a strong stitnd nnd successfully checked the
raid. As before noted , the closing was at a
slight recovery from tha insldo prices.
There was n fair dcgreo of activity la the
corn market and a decidedly stronger tone
to It. The receipts wcro forty cars more
than cxpoctod , but the shipments wcro very
heavy , both from Chicago nnd the Atlantlo
seaboard. For to morrow the estimated ar
rivals at this point wcro . ' 19J cars. Another
heavy aocreuso In the stock In sight amount
ing to 1,0-18,000 bushels was another feature
of the day's developments nud this was of
course regarded as n strong bull argument
for near deliveries. Shippers wcro active
buyers , not only of cash offerings , but of
November delivery also , ana the improved
tone In nearer months was communicated
even to January and May , but In a diminish
ing rut'o ' , governed by the distance of the
month. The market maintained Its strength
to the close nnd tha coin for the day was } a
In NovcmDcr and , ' c In May. The closing
quotations nro : November 315 @ 313/c , and
In oats the trade was practically con-
flnod to May , with nearer deliveries
( 'till nnd neglected. Iho opening was llrm ,
with May selling at 21 Jfc and touching 2IJ
(321J ( < jC. This was followed by a fractional
down turn aa a result of moderately free
selling by Hutclnnson and Counselman , und
quietude prevailed later. No interest was
sliown In October , with 18fc } : at ono time
bid , nnd next , month nominally } ( @ \ ± c pre
mium. Cash trading was chlelly by sample ,
with 18 fc paid for No. 3 lo go to store.
It was the dullest day In provisions ex
perienced for some time. A greater portion
of the sosJon the trading pit was entirely
descried. Whnt little interest there was
centered In October porlc nnd October lard.
About 1,750 barrels of the former were
traded In. Hutchinson was the principal
buyer. Later ho sold some at the same price
paid fet it and bought January. Tim prin
cipal feature ot the day was a bulge of 25e In
October lard. The shorts In this article
were nervous , and upon attempting to cover
found very little for sale. The result was
that prices wcro run up from ft-10 ) nt the
opening to $0 (10where ( tlio market hung stub
bornly until the close , with very little business
passlnir. Speculative offerings generally
were light on the whole list , and this fact ,
despite all the pervading dullness , gave to
the product a marked undertone of strength.
November porlc opened at $9 57J , or 3 > c
under Saturday's closing llgurca , sold to
{ 9.70 and cased off to (9.05 at tbo closo. Trad-
lug in January pork was within n range of
$9.43@9.50 nnd ut the close $9.47 was bid ,
being u Might Improvement. Hib futures
were inactive , with lluctuations In prices too
small to attract attention. ' 1 ho receipts ot
hogs wcro slighlv under the estimates und
prices at the yards were Do per 10J pounds
higher. Pork was less active In tuo specu
lative market and there wore no now
fontuics. October sold and closed 5e lower ,
while more deferred deliveries moved up 2f
< 35a Cash closed at $10.70@10.70.
CIIIOAQO , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEB. ] CATTLB The receipts were
divided at 7,000 natives , 0,000 Texans and
3,000 rangers. The demand was fair all
around with prime natives selling a shade
stronger than at the close on Friday and all
other grades slow hut steady. Texans nnd
rangers wcro ulso quoted steady , but rather
slow. Native butchers' stock , on account of
a big run in Tcxans and a liberal supply of
old COWB and common titock , sold somowbut
lower than Friday , but no lower than on
Saturday. In the stochor and feeder line
there \.ii3 alight business , yet there was a
fair representation of country buyers und
tlio outlook was that a fair business would
bo transacted before the close of the day.
Cholco to extra beeves , f J.50@5,00 ; medium
to good steers , 1350 to 1500 lb , M.OO@I.4U ;
I'-HX ) to 1330 Ibs. 10.60 ® 1.25 : 050 to 1200 Ibs.
fy.00(2383. ( Stockera and feeders , $3.25(3 (
S-.bO ; cows , bulls mid mixed , $ 1.15(5)2.X ( ) ) ;
bulk , S.J.OO@2.25. Toxus ulcers , $ J.05@J.85 ;
cows , $ l.W ( > i2.15. Western rangers , - - - -
13.90 ;
Hoas The demand was active and prices
strong to Ce higher on all sorts and sizes ,
closing steady anil about everything sold.
Puckorij paid HOOOI.05 , shippers $4.05@4.15
end light sorts sold at * 1.10 ( < H13 and the
luge varlolv at (4.30.
- , NEW VOIIK , Oct. 23 | Special Telegram to
Tim Unn.1 STOCKS Tlio early activity was
duo to the Interest in a tow ot the lending
locks , among which Lake Shore , Union PA-
clHo , Heading , Laeltawnnnn , unil Den-
Tor , Texas Fort Worth were
the most prominent. The heaviness
of Saturday lusted oyor until this
morning and llrst prices were quite irregu
lar as compared with Saturday's final figures -
uros , but the strong undertone of the mar
ket soon came to the surfac'o aid prices ad
vanced all around the room. Tbo first ten
dency of price * was downward , however ,
and Coal stocks were quite weak , both Head
ing and Lackawanna retiring % par cent before -
fore advancing. Trusts also showed consid
erable weakness , 'Iho upward movement
was confined to small proportions and frac
tional advances of from > / to % percent only
wcro citablUhcd. in the general list , while
Manhattan , with a gain of M per cent ,
to 10 % * , and Michigan Centra ) , with 1J * ' to
CO , were tlio strong features of tno hour.
Tonne < co Coat rose # per cent. At 11
o'cldck prices wcro close tp the opening
figures , but the hour to noon brought good
buying and fair advance ? . Tennessee Coal
went to K % or 2 per cent over the opening
prico. Lackawanna and Reading were helped
somo. Missouri Pnclflo and Union Pacific
continued nctlvo and Irregular , nock Island
gained & to MJ { nnd Uurllngton J4 per cent
to lOOJff , and Atclilson turned upward to
31 , % . A few of the most buoyant stocks
early mot with somcsot back be to re mid-day.
Michigan Central lost 1 pur cent to 05 , Lake
Shore K to 100 and Manhattan Jf to 100.
This left the list irregular , with no decided
tendency. The strength In stocks at noon
was short lived. Last prices were about tbo
lowest of the day all nround. There were
fears of a further stringency In tha money
The following wore the closing quotations :
I ) . B , 4s regular. 127 Northern 1'ftclflo. . 33
U. H. ( s coupons . , .127 do preferred. . . . . . . 73
U. iM < ( a regular. . . ItXiK 0. & N. W 11
U.aiHs coupons. .KiiilS do preferred 141
I'aclllciuof 'Oj . 1I7 ! ( K.V.l'entrnt HO
Central Pacific . ,11 y I' . U.B 10
Chicago * : Alton . . .127 Hock : Island 'J7V
Chicago , Ilutllngton U..M.4BU' . . 0
AUiilney . I0.1X dnpreterredt H-H
. . . . SU'mil .VOmnhft. . 'J3
IHlnoliOmtrnt . 110 dopreferred 0 < 5
I..1I. & W. . 0 ( { tr.Uon Vaclflo Cfl' <
KansasfcToxas . . . 10)iW..Sl. ) | li. to V IDSt
l.nkoSlior * lOil'il doprotorred 'JIH
Michigan Central. . HSU Western Union. . . . 84'j
Hlanourll'Mltlo . . . U9 |
MONEY Lighter at 5J4@ l'or cent ; last
loan , (1 ( per cent.
PIIIMB MEHOANTU.B Parnn 5 > < ( * ) c per
cent ,
SmuuxoEvciuxoR Quiet , steady } sixty-
day bills , M.Sl'f ; demand. fUStf.
Mining Stoclcs.
NBW YOIIK , OJt 23 fSuashl
to TIIR UBB.I The following uro the min
ing stock quotations :
Aspen 700 Horn Silver. IV )
I'AluHniila II. II. . . 1:0,1 : Iron Silver . --10
Cliollar 150 Mutual UU
Crowns Point JTK > lt. Diablo IVi
Con. Cal. .v\a fitt ) Ontario IlliW
DfttdttoodT. 100 Plymouth - < w
llomeataka UOO Sierra Nevada 17J
CIIICAOO. Oi't. ! 33. lli n. ra. close-
Wheat Irreeularj Cash , 7SX''S December ,
SOc : May , SS c.
Corn Steady ; October 3l ? o ; November ,
\ % < i ; May , JlUJi'c
Oats Steady ; Octobor/lS o : December ,
Xc ; May , 21 c.
Hyo October , M c.
Harlev No trading.
I'rlmo Timothy-Si. 17.
Flax-Cash. Sl.'J'J ; Muy , $1.37 .
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Steady ; October , S10.70 ; January ,
.47 > f. *
Lird Steady ; October. ? OCO ; January ,
Flour Steady ; unchanged ; spring patents ,
lOo lowor.
Provwlons-Shouldeis , * 4.50 ( I.02K ; short
clear , $ . " > .GO@5.0J ; short ribs , October , $5.15
@ , " . 17 > f.
Uuttter Quiet : creamery , 13S23c ( ; dairy ,
Chccso Dull ; lower ; full cream Cheddars ,
9@'j/cB ; : Oats , 0 @ 'J > c ; Young Amoricas.
JJggs Steady ; fresh , ! S@lDo.
Hides Weak und unchanged ; light grcoa
salted , Co ; dry calf , 5@0c ; deacons , each ,
Tallow Weak and unchanged ; No. 1
solid packed , 4o ; No. 2 , 5' c ; cake , -IJ c.
ItOLoIpts. Shlptn'ts.
Flour . 23S.OOJ 000
Wlmat . 113,001) ) 32.000
Corn . 210,000 323,000
Oats . 2J1.000 150.000
Now York. Oct. 23. Wheat Receipts ,
158,500 ; exports , 24,100 ; spot weaker ; No. B
red , 82K@SJo in elevator ;
84V@85cf. o. b. ; ungraded , 70K@S4y'c ;
options closed steady ; No. 2 red , November ,
Corn Receipts , C3)00 ! ) bushels : exports ,
103,000 bushels ; spot linn ; No. 2 , 40K@IOVc
In elevator ; 4l > @ 41a ndout : uneruded
mlxod , 39j @ 4l9fc ; options stronger und
higher , Novetntfor closing n
Oats Receipts , ICOODD bushels ; exports ,
; spot llrm ; options dull and timer , No
vember closing at 2oJjjC ; spot No. 3 , white.
" $ } { umKed \ Western , 24(3.27c ( ; white west
ern. 27@31e.
Coltoc Options closed'steady at 10 points
up. Sales : 5(5,751) ( ) bags ; Novonioer , S14.GO ® ; spot Ulo , steady ; cargoes , f 1'J.OO. '
Sugar Raw , ijulet ; retincd , quiet and
Petroleum Higher and llrm ; United
closed nt Sl.OGJ for November.
Eggs Western , "l Q-Jl c.
Pork Firm ; mess , inspected , $12.25@
1(1 10
Lard Spot higher , others dull ; western
steam , $0.1)0. )
Uutter Steady ; Elglns , 24J < f@23c ; western
dairy , 9 ( 15c ; creamery , 12@2lo.
Cheese Firm ; western , 7K1
AKiiiiKtapiilis , Oct. 23 Sample wheat
weak. Closing : No. 1 hard , November ,
77J c ; Muy , , S4o ; on track , 77J c ; No. 1
northern. November , 75o ; May , 81J c ; on
trade , 75J o ; No. 2 northern , November ,
70) c ; May , 77c ; on track , 70@73o.
HuiiMis City , Oct. 28.-Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 hard , cash , 03Ko ; No. 3 hard , cash ,
Wo bid ; No. 2 soft , cash. OSo bid ; October ,
- ) J c bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 22i o bid ;
November , 2Jj o bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 15fc bid ; November , lOo
bid ; No. 3 cash , llo bid.
Milwaukee , Oct. 28. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 73/o ; No. 1 northern , Sic.
Coin firmer ; No. 8 , 8'e.
Oats Sleady ; No. 2 while , 2
Hyo Quiet ; No. 1 , 42J c.
Uarley Dull ; No. 3 , October. 62c.
Provlbions Dull ; pork , 710.75.
St. LoulB. Oct. 23. Wneat Lower ;
cash , 70 ! c ; May , SSJ c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 23c.
Oats Dull ; cash , 17c ; May , 2
Pork Stf ady nt $11.50.
Lard Nominally higher at 1020.
Whiskey Steady atSl.03.
Butter Quiet : creamery , 19@0o ; dairy ,
BCInolniiful , Oct. 28. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , 7Sc.
Corn Weaker : No. 2 , Sic.
Oats Weaker ; No. 3 mixed , 20/2lo.
lavnrnnol , Oct. 28. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders otter , moderately.
Corn Quiet and unchanged ; holders offer
moderately ,
Chicago , Oct. 23. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle - Receipt10,000 ) ; strong for good ,
others lower ; beeve8f4.50(35 ( 00 ; sicers. JJ.OO
@ 4.10 ; slockers nnd feeders , tJ.25@.S5t ! cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1,15@2.00 ; Texas cuttle ,
$1.50@2.S5 ; western rangers , $1 75C53.00.
tiogs Receipts , 23.00U ; stroriL' , 5o Higher ;
mlxod * 3.90@4.20 ; heavy , $3.654.20 / ; light ,
fj.00@l.30 ; skips , 30CA85.
Shnep Receipts , 0,000 : steady ; natives ,
S3.00ii5.00 ( ; ; westerns. SJ50@1.15 : Texans ,
3.00(3UO ( ; lambs , H.00i5.76. ( !
The Drovsrs1 Journal's London cablegram
quotes liberal supplies of cattle to best
American steers 10@l2o per lb , estimator
dead weight ,
KUMHIIH City , Oct. 23. Cattle-
Receipts , 7,500 ; shipments , 4,000 ; murlco
steady ; cows , tt.30@4,35 ; stacker * ant
feoilers , t'J.25@l r > 0.
Hogs Hecolpls. 3.700 ; shipments , 0,000
market closed weak ; light , ? 3.W(34.10 ) ( ; hoavj
and mixed , * J.60@4.UO.
National Stock Yard * , Knit St.
Louis , Oct. 23. Cattle Uocolpls. 1,800 ;
shipments. 400 ; market strong ; fair to
cholco heavy native steoru , S3.40@-l.90 ; itock-
ors and feeders , | 1.60@J.50.
Hogs Receipts , 1.9UU ; shipments , 1,400 ;
market a shaao higher ; heavy , WS5@-i.05 :
packing , | 3.70@4.00 ; light , f3.70Ql.10.
Sioux City , Oct 23. Cattle Receipts ,
250 ; shipments. 235 ; market steady ; cows ,
$ l.tW@J 03 ; Mockers and feeders , $1.50@
2.80 ; veal calves , U00 < 83.15.
Ho s Uecelpts. 1,500 ; market cloicd
easier ; light and mixed , f3.C3(33.80 ( ; heavy ,
Monday , Oct , 23.
Desirable beef cattle sold at about Satur
day's prices , but cattle answering to that de
scription were not at all plenty. A good
many of ttio cattle were westerns and not
good enough for anything but feeders. Still
there wcro ft few pretty fair western bcojcs
among the offerings. The market was bans
of good native bcove * . nnd there was nothing
good enough to bring $ t 00. The few natives
hcrosold at $3. 10 3.70. The westerns brought
principally $ VCO@2.80 ! with a few Tcxans nt
$2.45. There was an easier feeling on cow
sluIT to-day. The supply was quite largo ,
though not excessive. There were some very
common canncrs among the offerings. No-
tivos told nt $1.1532.15 and nulto n number
of westerns wont at $1.W2.05. ) While there
were a good many stackers nnd feeders In
the yards , there wcro not many that could
be graded as good. The market was about
the same as on Saturday. There were a
number of buyers hero , but the mnvomont
was slow. A few natives brought $2.45 ®
2.00. but the trade was mostly In westerns ,
which brought $2.45@3.55.
The hog market opened n. shade stronger ,
but weakened and closed about like Satur
day. The receipts wcro light , but about the
same as on last Monday.
There was nothing hero to make a market.
Cattle . l.SOO
Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t 1,700
Hones . 19
PrcvAilinit Prloo * .
The following Is a table of prlcn paid In
this market for the grades of stosk mov
tloncd :
Pnmostoers. 1390 lo 10 X ) Ins. . f 4.10 © 1,50
Good steers , 1250 lo 141J Ibs. . 8.SO .K l.20
Good slcers , 105J to 130J Ibs. . . 3 50 < > 4.11) )
Western steers 2.53
Common canncrs 1.00
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50
Fulr to good cows 1.75
Good to choice co wa 200
I'.ilrtopood bulls 1.50
Lightstocitcrs nnd feeders. . . . 2.0U
Good feeders , 0.71 to 110J Ibs. . . 211J
Fair to choice light hogs 3 bO
Fair to cholco heavy noes ! ) SO
Pair to choice mixed hnx * 3.SO ( ( ( . ' 1.5)5 )
Common to rough hogs 13.25 @ 3.03
itoprcsontntivo Sale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
21 10b2 f.1 25 81 1221 S3 50
1 1310 3 ! r IS 1319 Ui5 (
DO 1323 340 2J 1307 370'
COW 8.
21 733 1 15 43 Oil 1 J5
2. ' lO-'O 135 0 Klbo 215
3 1150 135 0 1172 2-15
12 Mil 170 31 1243 215
1 10SO 240 40 1012 200
23 1070 245 23 1091 200
41 1040 2 42 #
13 315 125 1 710 170
3 013 150 29 5SO 2 DO
12 823 1 10
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
100 feeders 1090 $2 C2K
10 steers , fillings 13J8 1 40
Urown-Iliff Cattle Co.
75 cows 050 1 IK )
75 cows UiJ7 1 SU )
15 steers. Col-Tex 1107 2 4"
,45 steers , Col-Tox 1241 245
11 bulls 1223 1 bO
Milwaukee and Wyoming Investincnt Co.-
105 feeders 1173 2 41
20 cows OW 1 93
Reel & Hosemhile.
1 hull 1010 1 05
40 cows 1001 205
lOOfeenors 10J.5 . 255
18 stcera 1171 2 bO
0 steers 12SO 2 10
Durpin Land and Cuttle Co.
10 sleera 11S9 200
4 cows 013 2 03
15 cows ObO 2 05
22 steers - 1173 2 70
3 steers 10S7 270
Rock Creek Cattle Co.
9 cows 950 200
1 cow 1110 2 00
4 steers Ili5 ( 300
3 steers 12JO 300
Stevens & Meisnor.
12 steers. . . . , 1097 2 70
Teschomacher & Donlllior.
03 cows 819 100
Scows 1097 190
4 bulls 113J 1 ( H
17 feeders 1109 2 10
1 feedo 950 3 21
59 feeders 1075 2 40
23 steers 1034 3 00
American Cattle Co.
44 feeders 1114 350
GUfoeders 1IJO 255
Oleeders 1117 3 25
iioas ,
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
8..810 372 } $ 07..299 40 385
10 . . . ! I10 3 70 59..2 < i3 80 385
8..340 375 50..307 40 385
58..287 60 380 .51..234 100 385
01..27(1 ( 4 ! ) 3 M ) 74..214 1UO 385
Oil..247 100 380 73 . . 249 200 3 85
0 > . . . 27U 120 380 57..375 10J 3 8r
Oft. . . . ! ) ! ) ! 80 3 80 73..248 120 3 87 } <
03. . . 3(15 ( 100 3 b2K 0..2iil 120 3 S7'-i
72..255 100 385 07..202 SO 3 S7J-
02..235 100 585 03..2.13 80 ! i 87 > ,
50..271" 3 b5 05..894 200 3'JO
50 . . .UJ3 SO 385 04..2-17 40 390
01..303 210 3 83
Ijlvo Stock N7ots.
Webster & Harwood , Hartmaa , marketed
Hicks , Jackson & Co. marketed hogs from
W. H. Beagle , of Arcadia , had hogs on the
Talmugo was represented by Peter Herlet ,
who had two cars of cattlu.
Robert Gammel. of Tekamah , was In with
two loads of cattlo.
S. fngalsbo came in from Inland looking
for feoJera.
A. IJeekman & Co. , of Oakland , la , mar.
koted hogs.
Fraalc Aldrltt , an old time shipper from
Friend , was in with hogs.
Ora Haley , of Itiuvllns , Wyo. , brought In
a train of nineteen cars of cattle ,
T , F. Pumphrcy , who has boon traveling
extensively through Dakota and Wyoming ,
has returned , and says the cattle are pretty
well run out , and that there nro not many to
come. Feed U very scarce , but the most
alarming feature is the scarcity of water.
This Is especially true in Wyoming , wncro
the losses are certain to bo heavy unless
there should be plenty of snow this winter.
Produce , Fruit * , Ktc.
Eoos Strictly frojh , 18c ; seconds , llo.
HIPM , PEWS , TAI.I/JW. Uro. Green
salted hides , 4o ; dauiuged ludoj , 'Mo ; dry
Hint hides , 7o ; calf hldoi , 6@Ko ; uamagod
hides 2a less ; Rheap pulls , groan , each , 25e@
$ l.OJ ; shoot ) pulls , dry , porlb,7i2)l'Je ) ; tallow ,
o. 1 , 4lKoNo. ; . 3 , 3@Jtfo ; grease ,
white , W" ; y . . .
SVUSAOK Bologna , 4@J > - o ; Frankfort
7o ; tongue , So ; summer , 13c ; headcheese , 7o.
POUI.TIIV Chickens , per doz. live , lions
? 3.75@3 < H ) ; springs. $2.50@3.75 ; dressed
porlb , lOOlllo ; turkeys , live , U@10c ; dressed ,
ll@12o ; ducks , live , per do/ . $ .35033.00 ;
dressed per lb , ll&l'io ; gaosq , live , par doz ,
JOUOrfd.OO ( ; dressed per lb , ll@12o.
LAUD Tlorcos Roflned Oo ; pure loaf ,
GJ o ; kettle rendered 7c. Add } $ a to ) { o for
BUiullor quantities.
WOOL Fine , average , 22i$23o ( ; medium ,
average , 21@22a ; quarter bloud , average , 2l
@ 21o ; coarse , average , 15@17u ; colts am !
vough , average , 14rfll3c. (
Funs Heaver , each , J200 ( < ? O.GO ; ot
ter , each , f3.007.00 ; wolf , each , 50c@
tl.2.5 ; coon , each , 25$75o ( ; mink
each * , lf > ( &OQo ; muskrat , fall. Q@9o : skunk ,
rat irxfi5Uc ; ; badger , rat , 25@30c , deer skins ,
fall , per lb , 18@)7o.
LKMONS Fancy , fJ.OOQSDO ; choice , $1.60
@ 000.
HuTruitiXB Tubs , He ; roll , 15o.
COOUNUTS Per 100 , J5.00.
Ciiicit Ubls , $5 r > 0 ; hf bbls , f3.00.
SUOAU 12KC4l5c per lb.
Choice , medium size , l > ( 0o ; cholci
heavy , 4@5o.
Live PIOEONS Per doz , f 1.50.
UAMC Prairie chickens , $3 00c2 > 3.50 ; mal
lard ducks. f3.50@3 00 ; mixed ducks , 1,50(3 (
1.79 ; teal , $ 1.25@1.50 ; Jack snipe , (1.00(2(1.23 ;
quail. 1.75@J.OO ; Jack rabDlts , | 3.00 ( < $ .J 60s
small rabbits , tloO@l,20j squirrels , ll.OOGj
1.10 ; plover , | 1.00@1.25 ; venison saddles.
13@14o ; carcasses , Hllo.
OBANS Choice band-picked navy , 11.75 ®
2.00 ; choice hand-picked medium , tl.05Ql.bO ;
cholco hand-picked country , , i ll.COdll.SOi
clean country , f 1,60@1.CO ; Inferior country ,
Ciinnsn Young America * , full cream ,
12o ? factory twins , lUAISlfo ; oft grade * , 7(31 (
Bo ; Van Uosscn Edom , fit.50 per doz ; sap
sago , lOo ; brick , llo ; llmburgor , PC ; domcs-
tlo Swlse. I3@l4o.
CuAXiiRimins Capo Cod , O.OOvftlO.OO.
OIIAXOES Louisiana , per box , (4 00.
UtcK\\mAT : FI.OUU Per bbl. , ffl 50.
QittPES N. Y , Concord , per basket , 35 ®
Arri.F.8 Per bbl. , $1.00@aOO.
CAMFOIINIA GlUTE1) ) $1.5Jiglj75.
ICAIIS 40 lb. boxs , $1.7502.231
llANANis According to size , per bunch ,
Groceries. M
Porisioxs Hnim , No. 1 , 10-lb. average ,
-0 to 23 Ibs , lOo 12 to 14 Ibs , llo ;
shoulders , } ; breakfast bacjn , No. 1 ,
ham sausngo , Oo ; dried beef hams , M ;
beef tongues , $5.00 per dozen ; dry sail meals ,
4J ( iTOBCptr : ; lb ; ham roulello , OJ c ; add lo
pnr flj for small lots.
Diur.n FUUITS Currants , now , 6J/c :
prunes , casks , 1,800 Ibs , 440 ; prunes , bbls
or bags , 4 } c ; citron peels , drums , 20 ll > s
22e ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , 17c ; fard
dates , boxes , 13 Ibs , Oo ; apricots , cholco evap
orated , 14c ; npneofs , Jelly , cured , 33lb boxes ,
ICc ; apricots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 25-Ib
boxes , llc ! ; nprlcots , choice , baps , SO Ibs ,
; apples , evaporated , Ahlct ) , DO lb boxes ,
8 } < jo ; apples , Star , 8Vc ; apples , fancy
Alden , 0 lb , lOc ; auplcs , fancy Aldcn ,
2 lb , lOJ c ; Salt Lnke , 4kc ; black
berries , evaporated. 50 lb boxes ,
0 } < c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15o ; pears ,
California fancy , } ( s boxes. 25 lb , I2tfc ;
DiTachcs , Cal No. 1 , fancy. $4 * uni ags. 80
Ibs , 15c ; npctarliics , red. lie ; nectarines ,
silver , bags , 12c ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 lb
boxes , llo ; raspberries , ovop N Y , now , 27c ;
prunes , Cal , H C , 00-100 boxes , 23 Ibs , 0 ( o ;
pi uncs. Cal , H C , (50-70 ( , He ; orange peel , lf c ;
raisins , California Londons , crop 19S9. $2.50 ;
raisins , Cnl , loose muscatels , crop ISbS , $2.00
(5H2.10 ( ; Vulcncias , 1S3S , Oc.
Hover lOo per lb Inr cholco.
PitusKHVES 9J < @ 10j per lb.
4@4 c per lb.
Hr.r.'jwix No. 1. Ii5@19c ,
Pies FCBT Plclilod. kin. 75o ; plckloJ
ulgs tongues , kits , $3 35 ; pickled trlpj , kits ,
( lor ; pickled II. C. tripe , kits , 85t. ; spiced
pigs hocks , kits , $1.15.
llcur TOVOUKS Salt , bbls , 52J.OD.
II IT $5 00 ® 5 00.
Cuor Fci : ? 10
UllW ? 3 03m3.5l ( ) .
SHOUTS * S.OJ@3 50.
OATS Ibj5l0c.
Cous 2VvifiJJc.
POTATOBS 'Wr < ? 23c.
ONIONS 23@30c.
HOTTiiu Creamery , fancy. 22@23c ; choice
20L ( ) lu. Dairy , fancy , 17lSo ( ; choleo , 15
( < ? ll5t ; . XJountry , fancy , Kl < 5l7o ; goad to
choice , 14C < 315c ; fair , 10@llo ; Inferior , 7 3f.
PICKI.US Medium , per bbl. $5UOb ; > inal !
$0.00 ; gherkins. $7.00 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts. $5.83 ; pts. $ ' 140.
CAXKV ! ) } l'J > u per lb.
Ciloot.TcM ) Cooov 21a37o ( per lb ;
German chickory , red.TlJaC.
Gisouu Jamaica , } i nlnts , J.J.OO per doz.
StOAits Cut loaf , b > iccut ; loaf.cubcs,8l o ;
standard , powdered , 8l cXXXX ; , powdeied , .
Oo : granulated , standard , "J/c ; confcc-
Honors' A , 7J-jc ; white , extra C , 7' ' c ; extra
C , Nebraska , 7c ; IIUIUBP , tifa : California ,
poldea C , O c.
CANNED MET3l lb lunch tongue , $2.cp ;
2 lb lunch tongue , $1.75 ; 1 lb corned beef ,
$120 ; 2 Ibcornod ooaf , $ JO" > ' lb corned
beef , $1550 ; 14 lb corned beef , $14.0J21b ;
boneless pigs foot , Si 20 ; 1 lb English brawn ,
$1.30 ; 2 lb English brawn , $2.15 ; (5 ( lb English
brawn , ? < 5.7" > ; 1 lb compressed ham , $1.75 ;
2 lb compressed ham , $ J75 : lib chipped
beef , $3.00.
CANNTO FISH Brook trout , ' 3 lb , $2 40 ; sal
mon trout , 2 lt > . ? 233 ; clams , 1 lt > , $1.23 ;
clams , 3 lb , 2.l)0 ) : clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.23 ;
deviled crabs , 1 lb , 5J.23 ; doyjlod orabs , 2 lb ,
$ . 150 ; coallsn bill-i , 2 lb. $1.75" ; caviar , 14 lb ,
$2.25 ; eels , 1 Hi , { 3 4U : lobsters , lib , $1.90 ;
lobsters , 3 lb. § ! ! ) > ; lobsters,1 dovllcd , > i lb ,
2.25 ; mackerel , lb , $1.75 ; mackerel must-
tard sauce , 3 lb , SJ.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 lb , $3.23 ; oi seers. 1 lb , Me ; oysters ,
II ) , $1.150 ; silmon , C. U. , 1 ID. * 20J ; salmon ,
C. U. 2 lb. $28' ' ) ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , $2.05 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
Corrcn Green Fancy , old golden Rio ,
22 c ; fancy old peaberry , 2c ) ; Rio choice
to fancy , 2)c ; Rio , prime , 'Jlo ; Rio , good ,
2ic ) ; Mocha , 30c ; Java , fancy Mandehlingr ,
2sc ; Java , good interior , 24c ; African , 21c.
"CorrEB Roasted's Anos.i ,
"tjc , : McLoughlin's XXXX,24'8'c ; Gei man ,
.aXc : Dilworth , 2JK" ! Alaroinn , 24 c.
FISH Salt-Driedcoilnsh.S'Yira&K'M scaled
herring , 24e pej" box ; hoi. herrlnir. ( torn. , Soc ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.50 ; hoi. herring ,
imp , 80u ; mackerel , large family , $10.23 per
100 Ibs ; white lUti , No. 1 , $7.00 : family ,
$2.75 ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies ,
Li R $1.75 ® 1.50.
NCTS Almonds , 15J317c ; Brazils , lOc ; 111-
bcrts , lie ; pemns , 10u ; walnuts , 12 } < ic ; pea
nut cocKs , 8 1' ; roasted , lO c ; Tennessee
peanuts , 7c.
WitATl'lN'o PAI'CII Straw , per lb , 1 % @
2Kir rag , 2 o. manllla. H , 5@0 , ' c ; No. 1
SALT Dairy , 2SO Ibs m bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best crade , OJ , 5s , $ ' .3,1 ; best grade , 100. 3s ,
$2.40 : best grade , 23 , 10s , $223 ; loclc salt ,
crushnd , $1.SO ; dairy salt , Ashtou , 515-11) bags ,
8)c ; bullc , 22l-lb baga , $1.23 ; common , "in
bbls. * 1 23.
FAIIINicrous Goons Uarloy , 3rtZ3 ; c ; far
ina , -IJtfo ; peas , 3'fc ; oatmeal , 2Jii55o ( ; mac-
ciironi , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; nco , 3 > j@7o ;
sago and tapioca , 0@7c.
SALSOOA U < ( a2Xo per lb ,
IjTiiicii 5@7c per lb.
SSTOVIJ POLISH $2.00@5.87 per gross.
yi'icus Whole , per lb Allspice , 9c ; Gas.
sl.i , China , ! ) c ; cloves , Penang , Q3c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , 18@19c ,
Tvvlncs and Hope.
BINDRUS' TWIVE Sisal , 13c ; bcinp , 14c ;
uianiliu , 15c.
CLOTIIKS.MXBS Cotton , 50 ft. $1.20 ; cotton ,
00 ft , $1.40 ; Jute , 50 ft , DOe ; jnto , (50 ( ft. fl.OO.
COTTON TWI.VB Fine , 20c ; medium , 10 } c ;
heavy hemp , 14c ; light hpinp , 17o.
SAIL TWINE-B. sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14c ;
Manilla ropa , 14c ; sisal rope , l\Mo \ ; new
process , 8 > u ; Jute , 0 > 4er jcotlon Ii5o ; hldo
rope , 17c.
1.11 m 1)PIanil Uullilinc Mnterlnl.
STOCK Bovuns A , W Inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
feet , $10 00 ; B 12 inch , s 1 s 12,14 nnd 10 feet ,
$11.00 : C 12 Inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$ : ! 00 ; D 13 inch , sis 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet.
$2J 00 : No. 1 com 12 in , s Is 12 feet , $18 00 ;
No. 2 com 12 In , s 1 B 14 and 10 foot , $17.50 ®
18.50 ; No. 1 com 12 In. s 1 s 10 , 16 nnd 20 feet ,
$11) ) 50 ; No. 2 com 12 in , s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
Poi'i.Aii LuMiiKii-Clear poplar box bds ,
In. s 2 s , $3500 ; clear poplar , % panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % In jianol , $ tf 00 ; clear
poplar , In panel slock wdo | , s 3 s , $23 IK ) ;
clear poplar corrugated celling , % , $29.00.
Posrs White cedar , 0 jnch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5K Inch halvesan , J 8 inch quar
tern ) , lie ; white cadar , 4 fnch round , Hie ;
Tennessee rod cedar , split0c , , ! ; split oak ,
white , 8e ; sawed oak , 17c.
SHIP LAP No. 1 plaln,8nnd , 18 Inch , $17fiO ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 1(1 ( ft 18 ft 20 ft 33 ft 24 ft
2x4..15 00 15 IX ) 1500 1UO ) 1000 1800 10 UO
2x1).15 ) 00 1500 15 OJ 1000 1(500 ( 1800 1000
2\8..15001500 15 00 1(5 ( 00 10 00 18 00 1000
2x10 , , ,15 00 15 ( X ) 15 00 115 CKJ 1(1 ( 00 18 ( K ) 19 00
2x12 , . .15 00 15 00 150011500 1(500 ( 1800 1900
4x43x8.1(5001000 ( 1000 17f i > 1700 1800 1900
Fcxcixn No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 jnch , 13 nnd 14 ft ,
rough , $ lfi.OO@llfiO ; No. .1.4 und 0 Inch , 10 ft
$17.00$17.50 ; No. 3. 4 and1 flinch , 12 and 1(5 ( ft.
$13 50@14.00 ; Wo. 'J , 4 aud Q inch , 16 ft , $15.00
FINISHING 1st aud 2d clear , 1 J/ Inch , s 3 s ,
$19.00 51.00 ; Island 2J clear , IX and 3 Inch ,
s 2 H , U7.00Q50 OJ ; ! 3d clear , 11 inch , 82s ,
$4300 ( < MO.K ( ) ; B select , Hf.X \ und 3 Inch , s
3 s , JJ7.Oa@33.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 Inch , s . '
B.$13.03 , 3d clear , 1 inch , s3s. $3000 ; A so-
loot , 1 Inch , s 3 s , $33.00 ; li select , 1 inch , s 2
s , $30.00.
SHINGLES , LTn-Por M XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra * A . $3,00 ; standard A , $2(10 ( ; fi-lnch
clear , $1.00@1,70 ; 0-luoh clear , $1.75(3160 ( :
No. 1 , $1.10(0)1.15 ( ) ; clear red cedar , mlxoi
w'dths ' , from Washington torrltory , $ J4Q ;
California red wood , dimension wldths$4 50
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths.J.25 ;
lath , $ i.50.
HOAIIBS No. I com s 1 a 12 , 14 and 10 ft
$10.00 ; No. 2 , do , $18.50 ; No. 8 , do , $14 CO
No. 4 , do Ohio's cull ) . $11.00. Add 5Uo per
M ft for rough.
Uutls , SX-mcb , OOo ; O. O. Baits , 2H@3 , SH
ttfo ; 8-iu well tubing , D.&M. and bev , $23.10 ;
Ickots , D. &U. , flat , $2100s picket * . D. &
I. , square , $10.00.
Ftoonixo 1st com 0-m whlto plno. $34,00 ;
dcomO-In whlto plno , $31.00 ; 3d com 0-ln
vhlto pine , $20.00 ; D com G In whlto nine ,
$20.00 ; com 4 and 0-ln yellow pine , $15.00 ;
tar 4-ln yellow plno. $17.00 ; Int nnd 2d clear
cllow pine , 4 and 0-in , $1P.OO.
vhito plno partition , $ -13.00 ; 3,1 com i-ln
vhlto plno partition , $2700 ; uloor Inyol >
ow plno colling , $20.00 ; clear V-ln Norway ,
14.BU ; 3d comln Norway , ? fa 50.
LIMC llcst , to.
CHMRNT $1.33.
Uun.DiNd BnicK Common , $300@7.00 per
M ; solcotcd. $7.0U@S.OO per M : sewer brick ,
3.000.00 per M.
PAINTS Pink nnd Robes Richmond , Co ;
\ilen , Oo ; Rlvcrpolnt , fiMo ; Slcol River ,
Paclllo ,
PIUSTS Indigo Jlluo-Sl. Lcger , 0) < c ;
\Vashlugton , Co ; American , OKo ; Arnold ,
Arnold . Century , lc ) ; Windsor Gold ,
c ; Arnold A. 12o ;
Yellow Seal ,
Coitsr.T JEANS Uoston , 7J/o ; Androscog-
pln , 7Jfc ; ICoarsage , 7'fc ; Rockport ,
oncstoga , O c.
CiH8H Stevens' B , SUe ; Stevens1 A. 7c ;
jleachcd , Sc ; Slovens' P , 7i-o ; bloaclicd ,
Jfc ; Slovens' N , 8h'ci bleached , 0fc ; Sto-
ens' ' SRT , ll ! o.
DE.NIMS AmosKoag , Ooz. 16o ; Kverett , 7
it , 13c : York , 7 oz. lto ; ; Haymaker , 8 > sc ;
iilTrcy , XX , il c ; Juffrcy , XXX , 12.140 ;
Jcavor Creek , AA , 12o ; Heaver Creek , 1113 ,
lo ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOo.
GINGHAM Plunkctt , checks , CJfo : Wlilt-
onion , tijtfc ; York , 7ic ! ; Normundl diois ,
KO ; Calcutla dress , 7jc ; Whlttonion dress ,
butter cloth , OO , 4'40 ' ; Cnbot , 7Kc ;
; \irwoll , half blenched , SJtfc ; Fruit of Loom ,
40 ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 c : King Philip
lambda , lOc ; Lonsditlo cmnuric , lOu ; Lens *
dale , SKo ; New York mills , lOe ; Pepperell.
2 in , lUc ; Pcpporell , 40 In , llo ; Peppcroll ,
J4 , 14J c. PeppoMll , tj-4 , 20c ; Popporell , 0 4 ,
22c ; Pepporoll , 10-1 , 24e ; Canton , 4-1 , S'fo ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9)fc ) ; Triuinph , Oe ; wunuutta ,
le ; Vulloy , 5o.
SIIKETISO , Unowv Atlanllc A , 4-1 , 7J o ;
Atlantic H. 4"o ! : Atl.tntio D , 4-4 , ofo ;
Atlantic P , 4 4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Oc ; Au-
roiaC , 4-4.4J n ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , ( l o ;
loosler UL , 4-4 , 5J c ; Indian Hend , 4-4 , 7c ;
LL , 4-4. s > } ( c ; Old Dominion , M ,
; Pcppeiell , It , J-l , 0 ? c ; Pcppoi-oll E ,
0 inch , 7 e ; Poppoiell , 84 , 17K ; Pop-
ercli:9-4 : , 2t'c ; Pcpporoll , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca C ,
J o : Wachusetls , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora 11 , 44 , 7c ;
iVuror.i B , 4 4 , ( ! } $ o ,
TICK'S Oakland , A , 7 } c ; lulornntlonal ,
V'Y , be ; Shotucket , S.SKu ; Warrun , No. 870 ,
(5s ( ; Berwick. BA , ISu : Acme , 13o ; York ,
JO In , 12 c : York , 32 in , 13Kc ; Swift Rivor.
ID ; Thorndlkcl OO , 8K" ! Tnorndlkc , IOF ,
) ; ThorndiUe , 130. Vyt < - - \ ThornUlko. XX ,
5c ; Cordis , No. 5 , U } o ; Cordls , No. 4 ,
DL'OK West Point , 23 In. 8 oz , 9J o ; West
omt , 29 in. 10 oz , 12Xo ; West Point , 29 In ,
oz. 15 < 4o ; West Point , 40 in , U oz , lOo.
Fi.vN.s'hi.s Plaid Radsmon , 20o ; Clear
Lake , 3iljo ; Iron Mountain , 20J e.
PIU.NTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Gc ; Slater ,
iu ; Berlin oil , G ) o ; Garner oil , 0@7c
SiuiiTiva CIILOKS Caledonia X , 9 o ; Cn\-
cdonlaXX , 10J o ; Economy , Do ; Otis , 9o ;
jranlte , ( i/fc , Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw
{ Ivor r.JWhite
White G. II. No. 2 , JJ , 22Kc ;
G. II. No 1 , J4' , 2tii r ; G. U No. S , % . 2Ji c ;
( J. H. No 1 , ,3c ( ) ; Quecjheo No. 3 , f { , 32 c ;
Qucchee No. 2 , Xi ! l K i Anawan , 3 jc ;
Windsor , JJJKc.
FLiv.vni.s-Kod-C , 24 inch , loj e ; B , 24
nch , 21J c ; G. G. 21 Inch. SOo ; II. A. F. ? { ,
oc ; J. It. F. % . 27c ; G. } { , 25c.
rs Standard , 8c ; Gem , Sc ; Beauty ,
Hoone , 14c ; B , cased , $0 30.
KEis While , $ l.00@7.50 ; colored ,
MU'ur WAHP Bibb , while , IbKc ; colored ,
COTTON FLXNCLS 10 Ipor cent trade dis. ;
EE , 8 c ; UG. 95/c ; XX , lO c ; OO. ll c ;
intjleaehod LL. S' c ; CC , O c ; SS , 7J c ;
XN. r.J u ; AA , 14c ; DD , 15Jc ; TT. 10 > , ; o ;
iTY , Isu ; BU. lOc ; 20 , bleai-hcd , S o ; (50 ( ,
2Ke ; bO , 13 > c ; 50 , brown -and slate , llo ; 70 ,
2 } o00. ; lOo.
ivENTUcm JEAKS Hercules , 17c ; Learn- , ,
nggn.ii 22J c ; Glenwood , 20c ; Melville , 23c ;
Butiup , 27) < fo ; Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint ,
80 : Durham , 27 } c.
MibCULHSCous Table oil cloth. $250 ;
able oil cloth , marble , $2 50 ; plain Holland ,
c ; dado Holland , Wife.
'ltiNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5c ; Ramapo ,
c ; Lodi , 5' ' c ; Allen , Be ; Richmond , do ;
Windsor , C c ; Eddi stone , O c ; Pacific ,
DrucR aii'l Clij'inlcn Is.
ACID Sulphut 10 , per carboy , 2 , ' c : citric ,
) or pound , 51c ; oxalic , per pound , lie ; lar-
ai'io powdered , per pound , 43c ; carbolic , 33
@ 45c.
ALUM Per pound , 2J c.
'AMMONIA Carbonalo , per pound , HJ c.
AitnowitooT Per pound , lOc.
H ti-jOM Copaiba , per pound , GSc ; tolu , 52
"UoitAS. Reflued , per pound , llo.
CATAIMCL Am. , per pound , 83c.
Ci'm.ii 13Litinns $1.50.
CAJ > niAiiiDn 75c@$1.05.
CASSIA Huns Per pound , ISc.
CiiLonoroiiH Per pound , lie ,
Coitnosivi : faoni.iMvri : Per pound , 880.
' TAUTAII Pure , per pound , 29c.
Loo\\oou Hulk , per pound ,
. OT J5c.
GUM Aiuino fiG@95c.
LYCoroniUM 44'1.
GLICEIIINK Bulk , per pound , 25c.
GUM Asafoctida , per nuund. 14o ; cam
phor , per pound , 40u ; opium , per pound ,
loDiNn Rcsublimatod , perounco , $3.30.
LEAVI.S lluchu , abort , per pound , 13o ;
Senna , Alex. , per pouud , 25@3Sc.
MOUIMIIA Suli > h. , per ounce , $3.90.
PoTtss Bromide , per pound , 44o ; Iodide ,
per pound , $283.
QUIXIA Sulph , per ounce , 40o.
faUEns Canary , per pound. 4 | c.
SOAVS Castllo. mottled , peruound,8@10c ;
caslllc , white , per pound , 13@15c.
SvniiTS NiTitE Sweet , per pound , U. S.
P. , 42c.
STIIYCHNIA Crystals , $1,00@1.15.
SUI.VH. CINCHONA Per oz , 014c. (
TATIOCA Per nound , Oc.
TONKA BEANS * 1.7U@1.75.
WAX White , per pound , 330350.
OILS Linseea , raw , 69c ; Linseed , boiled ,
Glc ; Bargamot , Sanderson's , per pound ,
$2.45 ; Lemon , Sanderson's , per pound , $1.35 ;
Peppermint , per pound , $2 35 ; WIntergrcen ,
per pound , $2.15 ; Oil vo , Malaga , per gal ,
y > o ; Headlight , 175 lesl , 15J c ; Gasoline , 75
degrees , I3c ; Nuplha , (5J ( degrees , 12c ; 150
prime while. lOc ; 150 waior while , 13o ; Per
fccllon , 14c ; Lardlno , SOo ; Summer , W. Vn.
llo ; Xoro , W. Vo , IGo ; I. X , L , dark engine
gino , 20u ; Carbon , snow whlto , 150 do
prees , 10 < c ; Turpentine , 5ic.
lu II J Btanuaru llMk
lUmHlit * tor tlio curu L
WEAK prlr t allmenti " > ru uu.
urpBM d for imrltjr , itc.
8ll fattlon ( luarantewj ,
MEN Order Itcmudy No. 1 for
b i i i ! wnkifii or vital
Jlomn. 1'rlCU II W.
iu. i j.r Uil HkkkMHl ur uliyilcal dtbillty lu mtrriod
ineu.or thoie cnUrinv on tfcat h i py life. J'rlce , IIW
No 3 for U errhi * or gift In UlLtr ci. A coinklnwi
treatment lor Intcrntl onj local u > e. Curei In 1 to ft
Uayi. No > rlnienrInjection. Wlllnotcauiritrlctur * ,
palnoriniaitlnv llMcurdhun < lre < liofca > c .rrlc < ll 00.
No. 1. e lltt 8i > < lfe ( or men ur wuintn. 1'revenU
eonorrloea , etc. No rubber nor Inlertlvn r rk iu
k.u U rl. kailly uied. 1'rlco (1 M. AVIII leul a ' lt.l
tr , l ianiulo of remedy ho. 1 or S on receipt ot I cu (
itarapt for potare. Any oueoflhetvreinMJIeiproinrl
ly ti t.w ( Ied\jrinallwlrMlitof ' ' Price. !
rNSTIUIMKNTS pUaod oa rajjrj during
TOl'ofiney nndwlfMo OW Hill , n j ot
no mid * it old ' ( of no IR-ln-in. wd. < . . . 1
J ! XVIlllnnift nnd wife to K U AJr.Mnhon.
lot IR , bile 4. Potter & Cobb'a mid , wd. . KM
it Sedlnck nnd husband to U I1 Itftlllgnn.
etx.t las foot of lot t , blK \Vllcoxii id
mill , w d 000
0 K Knhs to O Tomer et nl , lot I ) , bit S8.
Houth Utnnlin , w a , , . . , i.ioo
Jl'llclfenMoln amiMfoto .1 II Curry ,
lots Uniid H , blk 12 , i : V Smith's mid ,
noil. . , , , . , . 000
XV T AVooil nnd wife to .1 W llntiRlmwout ,
lot in , nik 3 , Hertford I'lnco , wil . , WO
1'K ; viilto ot nl to CntlWrlno Oliver ,
lots 10 nnd S3 , blK 4 , loorett I'lnco ,
w d isoo
- W Scllner nnd husbunil to ! ' K Whlto ot
ul , o ) t of lot I' ' , bile 7 , HIiltm'M nihlv a . 4TOO
Catherine Oliver to 1 < W Smlaor , o ! J of
lotji. blk 7. Shlnn's nildv it 3.0X )
J XV XVrmht mid \\lta to J N Morton , o
of lot K blk Z , McCormlclc't M odd ,
" ' d K5
-Ity of Omftlin to if O Morgan ot nl , south
aHfoctlot6..Incobict d. . . 1
K.I McCnrthrtoCdnrlcs Itossct nl. lot 11 ,
blk 2 , Jlnyno IMnre. w A 1,503
XV J Wngnnur to It SImw X'nn. lots 1 nnd
2 , hlk1 , Sixteenth street ndd , . l.WX )
KH Hood and\\irot3d Ma son , lotsi ,
blkt ; , AllirlRlit's nnnox , . 400
A J rivriau nnd v Ire to Julin II Jomlro ,
wzit , lota , blk "I * " Ixjwo'snOd , w d. . . . POO
Union Stock Ynrds roimmnjr to Anton
JCo tal. lots 10 ami II , blk in , 1'lrst ndd
toSomn OmoliA , wd . . , coo
V He ) nolds nmllfo to I ) ( I Jonoi , norm
, north cnst .Vlil-ll , w d l.SiO
OJnlitzcn nndMta to .T II Thlemnu ,
north 1U { , lot in. Plcrson's sub.vd. . . . a.000
John H r.rcu to Duvid Altinan , lot IS , blk
ft , I'lalmU , wd , , . . . . , , . , l.lfio
s'luotceu tiAiisfors , ' iK1
Hoinctlilnc to
If you uro goinp east , remember the
'Roulj Islitnil Jtottto" run Iho sloopora
itid oilnir cars of tholr solid voslibulo
fain to nnd from the Omnhti depot ,
inp ; Omnhn nt 8:15 : p. iu.lhus iivoid-
the transfer at Council HlutTd. Thruo
trains daily. All chnlr cars uro
roo. Dining c.trs on till through trains.
Our trains niitUo close connections with .
ill eastern limited trains coiinccUne
'u union depot at Chicago , avoiding a
.ranator across the city to parties on
onto lo Now Yorlt , Boston and ether
instcrn cities , "and everything a little
)0ttor tluin other lines can olTor. "
Ticket olHco , 1305 Furtiatn. Gon'l W. A
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
305 South litlli Street ,
InpKal $ 100,000
Stirius ! Jan. 1st , 1SSH 52,00 ! )
HEMIV W. i'AThS President.
Jr.\Ms8. IIKD ( : , Vlco Pr < ! 3ldent.
A. K. T4IIJ7.AI.IN ,
\V. V. Monsr.
JOHN S. ( "OI.M.NP ,
It. C. CUM1IM1 ,
J. N. 11.1'ATKICK.
\V. II. e , IltKJiii : ? , Cnshter.
Cor. 12th owl Knruani Sts.
A General Itauklng llusluuss 1'rausncted.
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Odlccrs nnd Directors K. M. Horseman , ( }
Jl. UltclicocK , Jos. Oarncati.Jr. , A. Ilcury , B
-M. Anderson , Wm. a.Maul , v tires. ; L II.T1I1
alms. A. P. Hopkins , pros. ; A , Mlllnrd. casnlcr ;
V. li. Jlrynut , ussistant cashier.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I70-6O4.
. . c S a tT 4i"1 w i > " * W
frteCSlla a IB entirely otcreouiw by
Kblireri.OonnrintlonindMmlchrarJ. Com
forlalili,8 ir.AlJ illpran4lnte i. Hueminilti it > iis
bpre ll other remcdlci r i . BOLD 011.1 n tSiJi-aQiW
F.1IISCOX , Una Ilrotik-nrnjr. ( < , r.I lUi. rvr York.
Boots and Shooa.
Succesiora to Itccd , Jonci & Co.
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Biots & Shoes
Agent * for noston Ilubbcr Bboo Co. , 1I02.T10I and 1100
Humor Street , oaiaUa , Ncbrmika.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1631 North Eighteenth streetOmaha , Neb.
Mannftctnrers ofGalyanized Iron Cornice
WladoiT-cnpiand metalloitcrllKliti. John Upentter ,
proprietor. H6and lIUHuuth 10th itreat.
Pomiis , Pices and Engines ,
Iteam , water , rallwxr and mining auppllfi , eta
KU , VTioudWI tarimmitieet.Oinatia.
Steam and Water Snuplies ,
IJntllclay wind rollli , SIS and 920 Jnnvii it , , Omaba
U. K. Uom , Aoilng Mannvor ,
& OO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bhelron work , itcam putnpi , law mllli. 1JI3-1215
I < uieuvr rtu itrtet , Omaua.
Iron Works.
Wronght and Cait Iron Building fort
Engines , Dmii work , general lonndrr , machine and
blackimltb work. urTiceanil uorki , U , 1' , Uj.
and Hlb tired , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Ii.ik relli , irlndow cuardi. flower atandi , wlro ilgai ,
etc. Ulmirtu ICthitreot.Uuiaha.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes ,
Vaulti , Jail work , Iron ihutlert and tire cuapti.
U. Aodrceo. ITOO i. fern r 1UU aud Jackaan it .
Saeh , Doorsi Eto
21 , A , DISUROW A CO. ,
Wholtiale. mcaufaeturcriof
Sash , Boors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
Branch office , 12th aad liard ilrcdli , Omaha , NtS.
OfSoutHOiBalia , Limllci
.AgrlqulturM Implomonta.
tVgrlcnlt'l ' Implement Wagons , CarrWci
Wholmle. Oinnht , Ncbr * k .
Wholesale Dealers in Fiirnilnre.
KurnMn tlr ot , Omulm , N > brn .
Fnrnitnrs ,
Om h , Nibraika ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Mb aad L v nwcrth ttrectt , Omtha , N
Heayy Hirdv/are / , iron anj steel ,
Wrnufnclurcr nnrt Job eri In
Wagons , Buggies Hakei , Plows , Etc ,
Cor.Sili nnJ 1'nclno Blrcets. Omftlin.
Artlats' Mntorlnlo-
E , Jrt
Arlisis1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Uouglai ttrcct , Omnlin , Ncbrn < > .
_ 8h o o B .
II' . V , MOUSE A CT ,
JoDoers of Boots and Slices ,
101 , 1103 , lloiDouflns utroot , Onmlin. Msnuffictorr ,
Summer ilroet , llOJIon.
Coal , Coke , Eto.
Miners and Shipr ? of Coal anl Ca'c
1 oo n .1 , U. * > iaiunni i mi % tla , , n , Uiikiu
ol Hern hni Sjn Coal ,
aBBoutli I3tlilrjet. . Oma'in , Kebrmkn.
Strippers of Coal and Colic ,
8U .South 15th it. . Oiiitlm , Nob.
Wholesale Lnnilier , Eta
mpnrled nntl American PonlnnJ "cmcnl , StkM
ar Mllwnnki u li ) drouilo ciu ut nnd
IJiiliiijrrlille lime.
S n. LUK ,
DiialeriiillaidwcodLiiiiilier ,
Teed carpels nml pnrqurt MuoriiiK * ttb ami DouulM
ftioels , Oruulm , Nib.
OMAIIA'L UM ncit co. ,
& 11 Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISlb itrcct and Union Pnclflc Unck , Omaha.
Dealer in lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori , Ktc. Ynrda-l'nrncr 7th mid Douglui. OHIO *
Corner lUth and Uouulai.
Lnmhe1 Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Dili and'Douiilui all , Omaha.
C7. A' . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier ,
13th nnd California ctrectf , Oninlia , Nebraska.
J lj n ry and NotjonB.
inprlers & JoWBrs iu MUincry & Nolions
2UJ , 31U and 212 Sou Hi lltli > tr < t.
Wholesale Notions and Fttrdisliins Gooils.
Hit Uarnejr Street , Oranha
Commission and Storage.
Stonge and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Iliiltcr , OBKS , cheese , poultry , Kami
1113 Howura street , Oniatiii , Mb. ;
Dry CoodB and Notlqns.
JE. . SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Good ? , Furnishing Good ? and Notions
1103 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llti | itrcct , Omiilin.Neb.
Importers & Joohers in Dry Goods , Notions
Qi' /urnlshlnit ( inodn. Q > rnor lltli und Ilarnel
> irt.iU. ! Omitin. NetirmUn.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shon
Mechanic * ' tool and Iluirnln tcalci. 1105 Hougla *
trcct , Uinatia , Neb.
Toysp Eto.
w rwu - '
Jonbcra of
Toys , Bolls , Albums , Fancy Good ? ,
Route furalihlnK gondi. chllilrcir cartUuco ,
Hmmm ftrctt , Oinahn , Nob.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ail * grcaie. etc. . Omaha. A. 11. Blehop , Manaj-eifr
Wholesale Paper B3 lers ,
Canranlcailockor printing wrurplnc and
UIJP33UI altontloaxlrta a card paper
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
Tlio Itcsl Itouto from Omnlin and Council
IMulTs to
ClilrnRO , AND Milwaukee ,
Bt. I'nitl , Mlnnoaiiolls , Cedar
Bock Island , Fiecport , Koekford ,
Clinton. Jliibiiquc , Dnycnjiort ,
ElK'ln , Hmllson , Jnticsrllle ,
llcltilt , Wlnonn , Ln Crosse ,
And all other Important pofntn Rait , Nortbtaat and
For tbrnuih ticket * call on the IHket anent at 1M ]
f arnaiu itrtret. In liarker Uluck , or at Uuloa 1'aclfla
Hullman Hl * pri and the flneit Dining Can In the
worlilaru run on the mainline ot tUu Cblcnuo , Mil
waukee A Bt. 1'aul llallivnr , and avvrj atlcotlon I
paid lo paneniier * bjr courluoai emplojei ut tbe
eompftiir. U. Mil. ( .Kit flenrral Manimer.
J. K.'lUOKKK. Ailttitntieuvral Mnnager.
A. V. 11. UAItniNlttll , Ucueral l'ai > > ni < er and
TIfkBt Aarnt.
UFO K. HUAFFOmi , Aielitaataeneral I'Miengef
nd Ticket Af unt.
T. J.OLAltt. OtnoralEotiirlDlindeat.
D.UIIUM lire *
linn nu o Kt.
_ ' till iiicrlOe IKIIIWK , t UKt <
' * ' * *
. . > = ? " - *
XUctrle. '
Uiihiu Cuiftbt L * : _ _ ,
n7MXUOTViottcoiV ! ul' ' * " aVoAo6jii