THE OMAHA DAILY tBEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 29 , 1889. 'A PAIR OF DIAMOND SHARPS Soloo Socluco Ooonoy and Najrlo from Omaha. WE HAVE NO MANAGER NOW. tlloCorinlck : Controls the Oninlia Htoolc tint \Vlint tlio Futnro Jluy UrltiK Forth No Man 91 ny Tell. In It n Combine ? That there la n secret movement golr.g on in loaeuo circles , of which the minor bodies ere totally In the dark , thcro is not the RllghtcU doubt. It begins to look to a careful observer that the magnates of the loading Imso ball associations of the country nro quietly entrenching themselves ngnlnst nny Inroads upon tholr former old players that may bo made by the brotherhood , nnd nro signing ns many of tho'best players of the tumor bodies as they possibly can Without exposing tholr plans to the public. It bo- ' ( 'int , to look ns If the national agreement was nil , insomuch as tbo reservation of players < by the minor associations nro concerned , nnd the welfare of tbo great national game is in imminent peril. The writer was shown a letter from Jimmy Coouoy , Omaha's clover all-round player. In Which that gentleman positively stated that lie will not play in Omutia next season ; that lie nnd Tom Noglo have both signed with Chicago. All reports to the contrary , this Is n fact. President McCormiclt was seen nnd np- Tirlscd of the Information convoyed In Coonoy's letter und bis explanation , In affect , was this : On the 20th * ot September Frnnit Soloo \virod McCormlck asking him his lowest terms for Cooney nnd Nuglu. McCormlck wred back , $1,000 for Coonoy and $3,000 for Wnplo. " Nothing further was heard about the mat ter until u few days ago , when President JilcCornuck received a telegram from A. G. Kpaldlnu' , president of the Chlcngos , notify ing him that be , Spaldmg , hud signed Cooney and Naglo for Chicago for 1S90 , and that the price for tholr release , & ) ,000. would bo deposited with Nick Young , president of the National League , subject to a draft by 'thn Omaha management as soon ns the deal had ocori completed with tha players. Through this source ft was subsequently developed that Sclcc , on the re ceipt of McCormick's * telegram , had givan Spauldlng an option of $3,000 on Cooney aud Naglo for thirty days , and that Snaldlug had Unally signed the players , paid them ndvaaco money , nnd closed the compact so fur as they wore con cerned. IVlcUormlck , of course was "rod-hnadod" to use a little effective slang , nnd wired Spaldlng that ho would not release cither Coouoy or Nugloj that. Solco had exceeded liis authority : that ho had no right to give fan option , sell or release n single player bo- flonging to Omaha until ho had a thorough understanding with the directors of the club. Ho also stated that ho had wired and written Selcc , two weeks ngo , that all prices on Omaha players wcro off , und that nego tiations for any of them should censo. Further , the telegraph yesterday morrimer continued the report tfmtSclce lias signed to manage the Bostons next year , and this should be a pertinent pointer to the base ball people hero , as ho certainly has not acted in the best faith with Omnhn. On leaving the clt3' , Seleo promised President McCormlok to keep him posted of all his movements , par ticularly In regard to his negotiations for players , and about his conclusion upon the subject of the Boston management. According to Coonoy's letter , Scleo has just been on n"tour of the Omaha players' homes , and has seen them all. Wimt possible business can Scleo have with these men nt tills season of the your j Ho is interested in them no longer , ns his engage ment with Boston severs his ollleial relation with Omaha. Cooney went "with " Seleo to Springfield , Mnss.'tO interview Canavan , but did not divulge the nnturo of their business. It. mnylje that the players' of the minor bodies are to b6 gobbled up body nnd soul by the league , irrespective of all rights vested in those associations by virtue of the national agreement. President McCormlck disCredits - Credits this , however. Ho argues that the National league cin not afford to throw away the annual payment to them of S23.000 by the minor bodies for the privil ege of enjoying their protection and the restoration of their players. But this is whore McCormlck is off. All questions to bo BPttled , Judged or arbitrated upon must bo left to the committee on arbitration , made up of the potentates of the National league nnd American association , with Nlcn tfoung ns uhiof justice. To this board must go the cases of Coonoy and Nuglo. Will Omaha bo allowed to retain her men after n price has been placed upon their heads by the president of snld club to the mnnngorl Not much. Cooney and Kngle have played their last ball in Omaha ; that will do to Ramble on. Mr. McCormick has succeeded in buying u a controlling interest in tl.o Omaha base ball association , nnd the next best thing for him to do is to engage a good manager , a man ompotcnt to incut and cope with the wolves of the league uuon their own ground and at their own paine if necessary. i THE CHAMPIONSHIP SHK1KS. New York 1O , Brooklyn 7. NEW YOHK , Oct 28. ISnecInl Telegram to Tun BUB. ! The eighth of the series of 'panics ' between the Now York uud Brook lyn teams was played to-day nt Washington l > ark , Brooklyn , before 2,5W ) halt frozen spectators. The Giants won. Tboro was positively no interest in the game after the Bccond inning. Score : Totuh 1J15.K15 < Totnh 7 627 8 4 11V INNINIIB. Now V rk. . , . 4120300 1-lfi llniokljn , , .3 0 0 U 0 0 U 3 a7 H17U3IA11V- . KuniCMl runs Now York 0 , lirooklyn 1. Tiro-lm o hjtn Kvlnic 1. Throo-tinto hllB-Coiinnr , O'Hourko , D'lirlcn , llurii * . lltiiuiiriiim Tlorniin , fault , Molrn The Mntuh Mude. Tom Connors , the champion catch-as- catch-can wrestler of America , nnd W. L. Mardls , a local athlete , mot at THE BEE of- flco and entered into the following for n match one week from Saturday evening : Articles made and entered into this , the 27lh day of October , 1SS9 , by and botweea Tom Connors , of Milwaukee , nnd W. L. Mnrdls , of Omaha , for a catch-as-catch-can wrestling match , Connors to bo handicapped aa to time , ho agreeing to throw Mardls three Units In ono hour , two shoulders down to constitute a fall , for the sum of ? 30 n side. Host hot ween falls , by mutual agreement , is to bo ono minute , but the actual time of wrestling to bo sixty minutes. Bald match to ttfco place at the Coliseum , Saturday evening , November D. As an earnest of coed fulth , each party has this day dupositcd ! 5 us a forfeit with the sporting editor of Tim BEE. Rofcreotobe selected after ttin man have entered the ringandihould they fall to agree within llftecn minutes thereafter , tbo stakeholder is empowered to appoint Bald of- llcial. The llual depotlt of ! T oaoh to bo made on or before next Tuesday , October 7. TOM CONNEIIS , ' W. L. MAKDIS. Live lllrd Shoot. There will be a live bird sweepstake shoot < on the Gwln &Duamiro grounds acrcns tbo rlvor , this afternoon. The main match will uo twenty-live birds to each man. thirty- one yards rise , Uvo traps , modified , English roles , entrance (10. Tbcro will bo a good at- teudaucc , the fair wouther continuing , mid undoubtedly a line afternoon's sport. Ullly Iluwklim , of Ht. I'aul. Billy Hawltius. of St. Paul , has arrived nnd taken chaixo ot Jimmy Grifllu , at his training quartern. Hawkins although for * ty-ono or forty-two years of age , Is yet a splendid specimen of the physical man , Ho Is a Hahtwclgbt , and. ono of the most for- mldnblo In the country despite his years. Ho Is n modest , gentlemanly follow , nnd pos sesses no llttio amount of judgment and good sense. _ _ NO TROT I-'OH ST. PAUh. Tlio Hummer IMcotlnir Not n SUCOPS * I'ltinnclally. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnc.l It Is announced that there will probably bo no trotting meeting at St. ( Paul next summer. At a meeting called for the purpose of devising ways nnd means to meet the unpaid expenses ot the meeting last July , a great deal of feeling was shown nnd It looked for n tlmo no If thcro would ho Fomo broken heads. At the close of the suininor meeting it was an nounced by Secretary Simon that the club had made money. Thli was chronicled In nil the how pauors nnd was commented upon nt length , especially ns It was the first trot ting meeting Hold In this sec tion of the country which closed with n bulncco nn the right slrto of the ledger. It now dovclops.howovcr , that this was neb the case. Not only did tbo re ceipts fall short of the expenses , but the deficit is larger than it has over been boforc. In round llpnrea the club la short $1,760. This it was decided to ralso by assessing each of the Etocldiolilors. * HA&UWIN WON TUB RAOli While Our Own Ned Ucadlnc Brought Up the Rcnr. SIM Fiuxcisco , Oct. 29. The fifty-six bout1 bicycle tournament closed at midnight' with Helen Baldwin , of Pittsburg , in the load. She mndo 834 miles and was awarded first money. Edward Reading , of Omaha , came In last , having mndo S02 miles. STATB NEWS. ' Dnkntn County Politics. DAKQTXCITT , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special to Tun BUB' . ] Never before lias excitement run so high over a county election as It docs this fall , . all because of the third party ticket nut in by dissatisfied democrats. This county is democratic by 150 to 200 raajorlt ) , nnd on account of the third ticket it Is oxuectcd to elect all the republican nominees but sheriff , which Is doubtful , on account of the people's candidate withdrawing from the ticket. The hnrdest light will bo for treasurer und clerk , there being thrco candidate.1) for each ofllco , and ull being well known , are making a hard light for the ofllco. The hardest fight will bo in Covlnpton precinct , where it is ex pected there will bo plenty of illegal voting tried. ISoatrlco Linuor Jlen In Trouble. BnxTiiiCKNob.Oct.23. rSPoomlToloKrara to TUB BEK. ] Henry Spahn , a temperance saloonkeeper , and Samuel Sliinncman and C. S. Porter , keepers of the "O. K. " restau rant , wcro arrested to-day , charged with selling whisky ou Sunday. Spabn was sent to default of $500 ball for a hearing to-morrow. Porter was tried this afternoon and found guilty nnd was sentenced to pay a line of ? 10L' , and to stand committed until the flno is paid. Shinncninn is still In jail nnd will bo given n hearing to-morrow. The deputy United States marshal stands ready 10 grvo the trio a whirl for soiling liquor without a liccnso ns soon as the city author ities got through with them. A Pnv Our Collision. FHKMOXT , Nob. , Oct. 28. 1 Special Tele gram to Tun BF.E. ] At 8 o'clock this afternoon - ' noon a rear end collision occurred on the frctnont , Elkhorn ft Missouri Yalley road , three n'lles north of Fremont. As freight train No. 18 was approaching the city the pay ear special ran it down und crashed into the way car. Throe of the cars wcro dam aged considerably , though none of them wcro thrown from the truck. Engineer Judsou , of the nay car special , jumped from his en gine when bo saw the impending danger und sustained a fracture of ono of his legs. KlUn RcnrreHtcd. BEATRICE , Nob. , Out 28. [ Special Tele gram to THE BUB. ] Frank Ellis , the hack- man , who escaped from the custody of a special ollleial Tuesday night last , was rearrested - arrested at Leweston , Pawnee county , yesterday - torday attornoon and brought baclc here. Ellis is wanted for rape and perjury. Ho was arraigned before Justice Shelton this tnoiningnnd waived examination. His bond was fixed at $1,500 , aud in default thereof he was committed to jail to await the felony term of the district court. Murderer Garrison Drclared Insane. AI.HIOX , Nob. , Oct. 28. | Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J In the case of Hanserd 1C. Garrison , who w s convicted of man slaughter nbout two weeks ago , a jury was drawn and the matter of his sanity inquired into Satui day. Their verdict was that he was insane. Sentence was suspended , the commissioners of jusnnlty adjudged him in sane and ho will bo sent to the asylum in the morning. Cumin : ; County Republican Ticket. BEEMEU , Neb. , Oct. 23. | Special Tele gram to TUB ; B E.1 The republican county convention held hero to-day nominated the following county olllccrs : Judge , Uriah Brunor ; sheriff , J. H. Gallon ; coroner , W. D. Gibbon ; treasurer , F. N. Scharfcn ; clerk , S.C , Licko ; surveyor , F. R. Kline ; superin tendent , A. J. Snider. It is acknowledged to bo a'atroug ticket. Hohl Captured. FKP.MOKT , Neb. , Oct. 28. ] Special Tele gram to THE Br.E. ] Ernest Hohl , wonted nt Scribner for railing the seventeen-year-old daughter of Farmer ICruz whllo the two wcro in the corn Held gathering corn , was found Sunday in that vicinity and placed under arrest. The girl Is reported greatly prostiiited on account of her fright and tbo brutal ti catment she was" forced to submit to. Reformation of Dlvorcq PIIII.AUEUMIIA , Oct. 23. Under the leader ship of the Notional Reform association , a public meeting to discuss the reformation of tlio divorce laws in the United States wan culled together this afternoon iu Association hall. The association urges the clergymen to impart sound instruction from the pulpit on tba laws underlying the family relation and calls upon them to refuse to unite in mar riage persons who Imvo been divorced on other than- scriptural grounds. Ministers wcro also urged to join In petitions and by other manifestations bring influence to bear on congress to secure u national mar- ilago and divorce law that will eradicate the evils which now exist. .Addresses were de livered including the statistics of Commis sioner Carroll D. Wright , of- the department of labor , at Washington , Hnnsbroiich's Appeal. WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. Representative Ilansbrough , North Dakota's now congress man , called upon Secretary Proctor to day in the interests of the residents of Ham. gey county in that state. The crops have boon bad for tba past two years and the people are in a destitute condi tion , As winter 19 approaching nnd they nro not able to purchase fuel , Hunsbrough has as tied Secretary Proctor to permit the desti tute settlers to cut llrowood from the timber tract on the Devil's Lake reservation at Fort Totton. Una secretary not being certain of his authority in the promises , promised Huns- brouch an answer to-morrow. Ho fools in clined to grant tbo request. Jin Killed UiB Orolhcr. NOUTJIVILLE , N | , Y. , Oct. 23. A tracrcdy occurred near hero late Saturday bight. Oscar Barclay made himself notorious by his visits to two women at tha bouso of Samuel Carrlncton. Barclay's father , two brothera'dad a dozen neighbors disguised as White Caps wont to CarriuL'ton'u houso.took Carrlngton out , tarred and feathered hint nud rode him oa a rail. Going back for young Barclay ho mot thorn at the head of the Btaira with a gun. As the party canio on ho fired , killing Ills youngest brother , Fred. Barclay mudo au effort to escape , bat was arrested yesterday afternoon , Four ot the White Caps are under arrest. Cannon Thrown the Frenchman. LONUOX , Oct. US. Cannou to-night de feated the French wrestler , Pietro. The stakes were JWiO. FOR THE IOWA LEGISLATURE , A List of tbo Nominations Made By the Republicans. SUPREME COURT PROCEEDINGS , Farmers I/mod to Support Hutchison IFor Governor Accidental Shoot- lutes Tlio Vacant Ucncralslilp , Ilio Imv Mnkorfl. DCS Moixr.ii , Oct. iiS. The republicans of Iowa have practically completed the nomina tion of the Twonty-third genernl assembly , and below will bo found the first complete list of nominees. The first Is the republican nominees for the house , divided Into classes. TO succr.r.o TiiRMSELYns. Adair A. D. Crooks. GreOiillold. Audubon William Walker , Extra. ' lionton J. C. Kennnn , Ylnton. Ulnck Hawk Edward , Townseml , Cedar Falls. Hretncr John Homrlghaus , Denver. JJucnn Vista E. L. llubbs , Mansuu. Cass Silas Wilson , Atlantic. Ccrro Goriio James J3. Blythe , Mason City. Cherokee J. C. Lackln , Aurolln. Dallas Thomas A. Thornburp , Linden. Delaware W. C. Oakuiah , Uuioutown. Dickinson , Emmot nnd Palo Alto W. M. MoFurlnnti , Esthorvillo. Fayottc G. D. Darnell , AVcst Union. Floyd E. W. Wilson , Hock ford. Franklin J. W. Luke , Hampton. Greene Albert Head , Jefferson , Guthric Ira H. Shoploy. Yalo. Henry S. L. Steolo. Mt. Ida D. Nicoll , Ida Grove. .IcfTcrson Gcorgo W. Ball , Falrflold. Lucas II. L. Uycrs , Lucas. Madison J. II. Mack , Mncksburg. Marshall Charles Ecklos , Mnrshalltown , . Mills A. J. Charity , Malvorn. Mitchell J. A. Smith , Osago. Montgomery John Xorpcr , Sciota. Muscatine John A. Evans , West Liberty. Page E. S. FI61d , Shenandoah. Powcshlck V. M. Uodmnn , Montozumo. Hingpold William Brown , Tingley. Sioux Henry Ilospors , Ornngo City. Taylor C. M. Puscnal , No\ * Market , Wayne L. W. Lewis , Soymour. Winneshlek Nols Larson , Hospor. In Wright couuty A. S. Chapman was nominated to succeed himself , but has slnco died , nnd a convention will bo hold Octo ber 20. TO SUCCEED lini'UIH.ICANS. Appanoosc Madison W. Walden , Ccntor- vlito. Hoono Swan Johnson , D.iyton. Butler S. W. Sorsby , Greene. Clarke F. M. Kyle , Oneola. Cloy and Pocahontas James Mercer , Fonda. Dccatur J. W. Brown , Leon. Gruudy G. M. Bronson , "Now Hartford. Hamilton D. C. Chase , Webster City. HnncocK ana Winnebago John Law , Forest City. Hnrdln John Dolph , Eldora. Harrison W. O. Hiddcll , Woodbine. Humboldt D. F. Coylo , Dakota City. Jasper S. B. Powers , Kellogg. KosBiith George Hanna , Lu Yerno. Louisa J. F. Haliday , Alorning Sun. Lyon and Osceoln W. J. Miller , Sloloy. Mahasha A. J. Jewell , Oskuloosa. Monroe Joslah T. Young , Albla. O'Brien O. M. Shoutavilcr , Hartley. Sac A. B. Smith , Odcbolt. Stony C. G. McCarthy , Nevada. Tnnm John Voung , Traer. Vnn Huron W. A. Tudc , Bonaparte. Warren J. Van Gilder , Mllo. Washington Sam C. Gardner , Lexington. Worth C. T. Jowott , Konsett. TO SUCCECII DCMOCHATS. Adams F. M. Davis , Corning. Allnmakoe C. D. Breoinan , Waukan. Buchanan J. A..Laird , Independence. . Cedar Charles Cope , Atlalissa. Chickasaw W. E Pcrrin , Nashua. Clayton Thomas Edcart Mcndon. Crawford E. A. PucUard , Manilla , Davis J. D. .Tones , Ash Grovo. Des Molnes U. B. Foster'Burlington. Dubuque E. C. WIcklin nud George Waterhouse , Dubuque. Fremont John F. Watkins. Harvard Charles D. Cutting1 , Riceville. lown John Hughes , jr. , Williamsburg. Jackson Dr. William M , Ames , Preston. Johnson Dr. M. Young. Jones James Davidson , Montioello. ICcokuk J. L. Kamsoy , Keoto. Leo Edwin B. Sargent , ICcokuk. Marion J. B. Hondershott , Otloy. Monona J. L. Bartholomew , Moorhead. Plymouth-- . Smith , Remsen. Pottawattamlo W. H. Freeman , Oakland , and F. S. Thomas , Couucll Blulfs. Scott William U'ilkin und M. L. Marks. Shelby H. B. ICoes , Harlan. Ninon W. W. Monan , Afton. Wnpollo Dr. A. 1C. Berry. Chlllicotho. Webster J. L. Skinner , Dayton , Woodbury Albert W. Holumn , Sargent Bluffs. IN nivn > r ] > DISTINCTS. Clinton D. S. Bullock , Lost Notion , and G.'A. Griswold , Andover. Linn Henry J. Nollert , Walker , nnd John Banco , Lisbon. Pollt W. J. Stewart , Grlnncll , and B. B. Latio , Maxwell. The list is complete , except ns to Carroll county , where the nomination has not been made and in Wright county. The former is democratic and the latter republican. The following are the senatorial nominations : BEKA.TOB3. Polk Colonel C. H. Gr.teh , Des Moinos. Black Hawk and Grundy Matt Powatt , Waterloo. Chickasaw and FJoyd U. G. Itelniger , Charles City. Henry nnd Washington John S. Woolson , Mt. Pleasant. Case and Shelby Lafo Young , Atlantic. Paso nnd Fremont G. W. Perkins , Far- rugut. Howard and WinncshoiK A. K. Bailey , Cresco. Sac , Carroll nnd Greene Z. A. Church , Jefferson. Jasper B , C. Ward , Prairlo City. Bucna Vista , Pocahoutas and Humboldt E. E. Mack , Storm Lako. Wanello S. Harper , Ottumwa. BcntoA and Tama S. S. ' Smet , Belle Plalno. Hamilton , Hardin nnd Wright E. S. Ells worth , Iowa Falls , nnd W. C. Smith , Eagle Grove. Harrison , Monroe and Crawford J. B , Romans , Dcnison. Muscatlno and Louisa R. R. Huff. Mu - catlno. Des Momes George II. Laho , Burling , ton. ton.Kcoltult Kcoltult nnd Poweshlek S. IJ , Graver. Leo S. II , Evuns , ICcokuk. ' Dubuque General ( jcorgo W. Jones , Du- buquo. Scott Seth P. Bryant , Davbnport. Clinton Jessie Stlno , 'Wheaton. The first flvo on this list 'aro < rcnomlnated to succeed themselves. The succeeding eight on the list ore in districts now represented by republicans , and the reijialntlor uro in democratic dlstrists. Mcsjrs. Ellsworth and Smith both claim the regular nomination , but Imvo consented to arbltratlpn to settle It. Of the representatives thirty-llvo nro re- nominations , twenty-sis are to-sucee d other republicans , thirteen nrq , in districts now represented by democrats and six uro in the divided districts. Undoubtedly several of the districts that are now represented by democrats wilt bo represented. , by repub licans. Tliev All Kndorso Hutchison. Sioux Cttr. In. , Oct. 23. [ Special to TIIC Biic.J In an authorirod interview hero Governor Larrabco emphatically contradicts the rumors systematically floated by the dem ocratic press of Iowa to the effect that his letter endorsing Honator Hutchison Is not cordial. Ho says ho Is desirous of making his expression of .confidence In Senator Hutchison as emphatic and complete as lan guage can express it , Governor , L'tfrrabce ' Bays : "Senator Hutchison frequently con- suited mo during the last sesslbn of the leg- Isturo and I Unow ho was largely- instru mental In securing our present railroad law. 1 have entire contldeuco In him , and U it hadn't ' been for that talk about 'tho swinging back of the pendulum1 the Asuby loiter never would huve been written , Senator Hutchi- son Is nn honest , conscientious man. undlutn fully satisfied that the peopla of this t lute Will have good ncrvioo at , hlsJiuiuU. " Scuator Alllbou wa ubked about the ex. prcsslon , I'Tho Jlfc Is up with Hutchison , " which Is puttinto the senator's mouth by dem ocratic papers nil over the state. "What A llo that'HI" ' said the senator. "Tho remnrK attributed to mo had no foundation ivhatovur. The only remark I ever Jiimlo nbout the Ash by letter was to the effect that In my Judgment It did not nfirOunt to anything. The rouorU that ImvcMapjiearcil In eoitnln democratic papers , anftiltmt Imvo been telegraphed to Chicago touching that matter nnd of nny al leged pilgrimages I may Imvo made In regard to it , nro pure fabrications. " Hon. John A. Knsson , who 1ms been hereto to incut the nil-American excursionists , nnd who is ono of tlio Dstutcstof Iowa politicians nnd campaigners , in an Interview ridicules the pretensions which democratic stumpers nnd newspaper organs are ranking. Ho says ho tins hoard the snmo stories nnd witnessed the game tactics for twenty years In lown. There being no break In party lines , the democratic ppoltcsmcn are trying to make such n break by the sheer assertion that It exists. Ho says ho has bcon over the state somewhat lately , nnd tlint "thoro will bo the usual republican victory on election day. " Knrninrs Wliootlni ; Into lilnc. DBS MOIXKS , In. . Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram 10 TUB Bic. : ] Secretary Post , of tha Formers' Alliance of Iowa , has now como out in a letter endorsing the republican ticket and giving his reasons why tlio farmers shpnld support , Hutchison. The letter was written to nil alliance members in response to nn inquiry ns to bow Hutchison stood on the railway question , Mr , Post says ho has Investigated his record and talked with him and he is now prepared to say that Hutchi son is nil right. This letter , taken with that from the president of the alliance , Indicates that the Iowa farmers nro going to support the republican ticket without any break , nnd completely upsets the democratic plot to cap ture the alliance. The Switching Oriler. DES MOI.VE ? , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnc. j The Milwaukee railroad onicials have lllcd tholr answer to the com plaint of Limn , O. , parties before the rail road commissioners on account of refusal to switch cars of fuel oil from Dubuque to the luno kilns situated on a spur of the Milwau kee track , the oil beine carded to Dubuque proper by the Diagonal Railway company. The Milwaukee takes the ground that the switching is the completion of an intor-stnto shipment , over which the Iowa commis sioners have no control , and declares its in tention to resist to the bitter end any ou- deavor of the commission to enforce its switching order. The Norwegian Plow company , of Du- buquc , has also lllod complaint on account of the refusal of tbo Illinois Central to switch its cars when destined to competitive points. The Supreme Court. DES MOI.VES , la. , Oct. 28. ( Special Tele gram to THE Bnc. | The supronio court do- elded the following cases to-day : Jnno F. Doolittle vs M. B. Doollttlo , ap pellant ; Howard district ; aOlrmcd. McQuado vs the Rock Island railway com pany , uetitlon for rehearing ; overruled. KauiTmau Bros , fa Co. vs the J. P. Farley Manufacturing company , appellant ; Dubuque district ; reversed. Gregg ut.ul. . VjS Myatt ot al. , petition for rehearing ; overruled. George Becic vs German IClinlk , Gtistav Hoopfnor otal , , , appellants ; Scott district ; afllrincd. State Insurants company , appellant , vs Thomas Watcrhouso ot al ; reversed. Shot IIli HraU Off. MisoxCiTr , fa. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB iBnn. | Mr. Charles Laydon , Hviup near Swaledalc , in the south pirt of this county , accidentally shot the whole top of his bend oft yesterday morning while pull- inc his gun 6utr from a corn crib with the muz/.lo toward him. Ho was ubout to shoot a turkey he bud ; purchased of a neighbor fern n christening , , dinner party. The deceased leaves a wife mid young babo. 1 lie lrtVincr < ninan Rii3lnrs < > . CHESTOS , In. , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE" . ] The Farmers' alliance of Spnulding , this county , have called a mcot- ing for the purpose of devising means to dis pose of their butcher stock , cither by cstnb- lishinc n market in Crcston or selling in quantities direct to consumers. Butchers have bcon buying cuttle at Q cents aud soil ing meat at 10 and 12K. The Formers' alli ance Is well organized and says it means business. The Vnonnt Brigadier Generalship. DBS MOINES , la. , Oct. 28. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J Governor Lnrrabce to day issued nn order for the election of a brigadier general of the Second brit'ndo to 1111 the vacancy caused by the promotion of General B. A. Benson to bo adjutant gen eral. The election will bo hold in the ar mories of the different 'companies of the brigade on Saturday , November 23. An Accidental Miootln-j. Cciun RAPIDS , la. , Oct. 28. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | A young man named Usher , of Palo , \vhilo preparing to go hunt- inc yesterday , discharged his shotgun acci dentally , the charge entering Just in front of the shoulder joint , uialclug a fearful wound. Ho may recover. Killed l > y n Kail. OSKALOOBA , la. , Oct. 23. ( .Special Tele gram to TUB BiiE.l Henry Lee , a bridge carpenter , fell from n bridge on the Iowa Central railway near hero and was instantly killed on the rocks thirty feet below. He leaves a family. A Fire at ivcoJrttlr. ICeouuK , In. , Oot. 23. The wholesale mil linery store of Spiesborger Bros , burned to night. Loss , 875,000 THAT Mlljlj lK\li. Ilia Sale of tlio AVasliburn nnd Pilla- linry Plants In Process. MiNXiurouB. Oct. 23. The recent report that the C , C. Washburn mills had been sold is followed to-night by the nnnounccnicnt that the Bale of the Plllisbury mills and also of the Wushburn nulls is about to bo consum mated , For the first time in connection with tlieso deals the price is given as regards the Pillsbury - bury Interests. It is that the option un the Pillsbury system of nulls and elevators calls for $5aOO.OOt . The purchaser Is the Enplish syndicate heretofore mentioned , and the sale is on the same plan as outlined in these dispatches some time sinco. The PlllUburyH will retain nn interest in theaiew company. When seen by'a reporter of the Associated Press late to-ni llt aud asked regarding the sale of his mills , Pillsbury handed him tbo folio wine typo-written statement in addition to which ho would say nothing : "If our property is sold. It will bo to a Joint stock company In which wo will rotam very largo interests nnd wo shall have to agree to continue in the * management of tbo same. The sale , If made , will bo mndo to a company organized in Now Vork orsomo oilier eastern city , and as farusttionubliouro concerned , I cannot see how it will affect them ono way or the other , " AT 8CA. The British Sllln Ilolnn Thirty-three 'Ijlvrs Lost. LiVKiu-oor , , 'bctj. 28. The British nhip Bolun , from Calcutta to this port , has' foundered at sea. Thirty-three lives were lost. Iliu-Ht llor Holler , LOXDOX , Oct. 23. The general trans-At- lantlo line steamer Yillo de Brest burst her boiler in Tunis bay. Five persons wcro killed by the explosion. Bnvrd from a Winery Grnvi * . NOKFOI.K , Va. , Oct. 23. A picked life sav ing cruw succeeded this morning In rescuing the only surviving members of the crow of the schooner Georco T. Schriver , wrecked lust Wednesday night near Falsa Capo. Tlio Portamnuili Arrives Safely. NewroitT , R. J. , Oct. 23. Tbo United States training ship Portsmouth arrived hero from her summer cruise this iiiornln ? , She roKrt6 | having mot wltb no accident us was rumored. DRAW THE LINE DISTINCTLY , Van Wyok's Advloo to the Fnnnoro at Wcoplnpr Water. MORE PATRIOTS , LESS PARTISANS Tlio Anti-Monopolistic AVnr-Ilorsc SCOTCH tlio Trusts mill Sounds the War Cry of n Now Conflict , Van WyoJc nnd thn l 'arinnrn. WECI-INO WATBH , Nob. , Oct , 23. ( Special to TUB Br.E. ' ] Saturday afternoon a very enthusiastic meeting of the Farmers' Alli ance was held In this city. Formers from the surrounding country turned out In largo numbers. Ex-Senator Van Wyck had been Invited to address the gathering nnd bespoke for li few mlnutos substantially ns follows : Am I right ! You tmvo not gathered hero from lillo curiosity , for mnusomont , or cvcu for information , hut to prepare for action , and to earnest men there Is Inspiration In the text "come lot us reason together. " Many have for a Ion ; ; tltno bcon awaiting nnollior emancipation. Thn patient nro nl- most hopelessly looking for the first break ing of thn light in tlio cast. With moro nr less of suffering or oppression , power hus nlways been nggrosstve , and or ganized capital extortionate , Yoara of in * justice culminating In great wrong is fol lowed by spasmodic rebellion , attended by n short period of victory and right , only to bo succeeded by another cycle of injustice , ugravntodby now and reilnod Inquisitions to xvrong und extort. The multitude cry for pence ; but thcro can bo no rest. Each stapo und condition represents man's nnturo , which climate , civilization nml Christianity can but Httlo control. Wo nro taucht thntit ts not only liuman but rljrnt for power to clutch everything it can hold , and wealth to nbsorb the earning * of the toilers , by nil schemes that Ingenuity can devise , and the basest betrayal enforce : while the masses Imvo always been taught that it is the part of Wisdom to boar the Ills xvo have , rather than seek to repress Injustice or redress wrongs. In some form oppresaion nncl Injustice , re sistance and rebellion , nro the principal chapters lit tlio world's ' history , and that history continually repents Itself. Many of this gonoratlon well remember the domina tion of shiver , } ' , its gradual growth , complete control of the social , religious , ilnnnclal and political elements ; Us cruel and brutal con tempt of thofio who would not bow the knee and recognize its dlvino origin and right to rulo. Its power , though hold by a minority in numbers , was in no dnngor until it domi nated every branch of the government and every nvenue thereto. This generation has also seen that corporate power und organ ized wealth In trusts and syndicates Is on a par with slavery : that by its insidious growth nil brunches of the government nave bcon absorbed , and when courts could not bo controlled , they have been dolled. Like slavery , not content with ull that com plete supremacy usurps , it becomes over bearingly insolent nnd issues tlie dccrco that the nation shall not only bo submissive , but positively and humbly acknowledge its right of supremacy no moro murmurs or complaints as to financial tlicfts and politi cal robberies. In your own expression you have wit nessed ono und Knottier degradation and spoliation , until the state is prostrate , help less , held in the sliuioy clutches of many devil flshcs. Certain organs of your corpor ate masters inako pretense of great weari ness because of continual complaints nnd insist that they must ceaso. So slavery , drunken witn power , mndo the sumo gcutlo demand , und sought violently to repress tlio groanlngs of the slave and the argument of the defenders of liberty. The protest against wrong and humble prayer for relief , the lost solace of oppressed Humanity , has not alway been do- nled oven by despots. The Israelites en joyed that slluht solace in the time of the Pharoohs with about as much effect on the taskmasters as does your repining upon your taskmasters. So did the workmen in ttio vineyard in Christ's parable in the Guvs of the Ciusars. They received respectful at tention , while you uro sometimes invited to bo damned. This gathering to-day is because of discon tent. Seeto it that it becomes more than a meaningless protest. Throughout the re public labor is organized in various unions and farmers iu wheels und alliances. Why ] Uccnuso of burdens and extortions imposed. Thus you a.lloffo to-day. Are you quito sure of it ? Do you bollovo ill I nsk this question , for you sometimes act us if you did not. It may bo you had not berne the cross long enough to robel. or have berne it BO long that rhaflng 1ms become a second nature , uud , therefore , not only endurable but enjoyable. And do you really think you need protection from corporations ! i'ou Know western roads have been built princi pally by the bounty of the government , states , cities , counties and precincts , nnd oven then the road is stocked nnd bonded for three times Its actual cost , and charges must bo upheld on the people to pay largo interest and dividends on this watered stock and bonds. Bo you earnestly think you need protec tion from trusts , which have introduced the tactics of corporations' in the ordinary busi ness of life , ns the sugar trust , with a liberal assessment of $ 12,500,000 as the value of the rellncries entering the practical compact , and atonco issuing certificates for 00,000,000 four times moro than the nctual cost and then arbitrarily increasing the price of sugar U cents per pound , taking $30,000,000 annually from the pockets of the consumer ) And In this manner ull the trusts have boon formed. Now while larger nnd moro dangerous corporation * are proposed by corporations , and moro trusts to embrace the necessities of life , oven British capital , without re straint or hindrance , Invading our shores nnd with not ns much right and moro arro gance than King Gcorgo , when ho only asked a penny u pound tux on tea British capital , aided by American capital , aids to mnnnolo the people , scheming to take the last dollar that can ho wrung from them without rebellion. Now you bollevo you need , must have pro tection from all this. So did our fathers in 1770. with much less cause for grievance. Their action showed they believed it. Docs yours ? Our fathers petitioned and were spurned. You have uetitloned and bogged nnd been moro rudoiy spurned. You Imvo believed moral suasion und entreaty would secure juntlco. You found that source not moro effective in free. Christian America than it had been In other countries and other centuries. To-day the country is hono.v combed with all sorts of devices nud tricks to absorb tbo earnings of toilers and produ ce rw , to grow rich by unholy gains , by rank plunder. Now , wbatl Have you experimented long enough ? You know there is no relief except by legislation. The courts nro cause the men of wealth nnd corporations can trample on their decisions und steadily , step by step , they are capturing ono and another - other of the Judicial bulwarks. You well know it In this couuty. You Imvo seen them peeking to control ovor.y district nomination and election. You saw thorn two years iico endeavor to assassinate Judge Maxwell , whom every man in Cuss county respects as n faithful citizen nnd venerates as an up right , fearless judga. t'J'hon they failed , hut they continue their attack on the Judiciary uud only because they have acquired mora strength In conventions by meanu you well Unow , thuy succeeded in striking down nn- other judge whom the people admired and supposed would bo ronominated by acclama tion ono against wbosu ability , character and uprightness no one uouid "opo hU mouth. " No stain upon the ounluo worn by him. JH it not mockery to tulle nbout the peo- Din ruling , the majority controllng < You have learned by bitlerexpurlquco that no relief can como from boards and 't-ommlsi mous or lecltflalunis and con editions ruled iu corporation Interests. Year ultor year you Imvo primaries and caucuses and conven tions with the bania results. Von know that the fanners united can routrol the govern * uiont , stnto and national ; that labor , allied with you could secure your and their rluhts nud undo the wrongs iulllcted. You could break down cvory legal and unjust coinuina tion of uapitol. You could wring the water out , of ull railroad blocks and bonds und fix the rate of transportation chun/os , Are you notict siitlsliodl The convention of a great party struck down Judge Heono und mocked the people when with grim hu mor and in a vein of irony it lasolvcd that corporations shall bo the sorvunU and not the uiutlera of the people , and at once the alelght of hand political jugglers commenced preparation to behead the next ufllclal who N houost In tlio discharge of his duty , ex- pecllnff the people not only to witness the execution but to glvo thorn the power. While you nro frolns to your dally toll , to ralso corn for IB cent * n bushel , to fatten cnttlo at n low , and In gloomy doi > pair , whlipor to your despairing co-sufferer , "What can wo dol" Servilely tnko your position In the party where the corporation sergeant directs nml nro drilled in the manual of the rntlroiul cat echism. The nation is nflllctcd with too much nnd bitter pnttlsnnshlp. Continue the snmo par tisan If you dcslro , but bo not entirely donil to your own Interest nnd the prosperity ol the country. Como lot u ronson together. " The national government Is In the hnndi of republicans nnd cannot bo changed for thrco years. Wlioro Is the possible benefit to mouth party Milboloths during that tlmo , when thcro nro matters of vital importance affecting democrat nnd republican , which will remain Injurious to nil nllltn If those in terested uro to bo kept apart by party names at the scheming of certain leaders in the pay and for the Interests of corporations ? For three years thcro will bo no politics In this stnto , except the continued nnd Increasing power of corporations nua trusts , the con tinued depression of business nnd gradual Impoverishment of producers nud laborers. The glitter of wealth as it appears In the cen sus reports is reflected from the c-oltl of the few , whllo the slick editor nnd woU paid at torney will assure , with tales like Aladdin , that jou nro accumulating riches moro nip- idly than that portion of tin ) world owned by Gould and Vaiiderbllt. Don't yon tire of beIng - Ing taught nnd led by that class of Bolf-as- snrcd leaders ? Are you not satisfied that It Is becoming ai "dangerous to meet the dog ns the wolf. Just ns nuro ns pestilence fol lows military glory will privation nnd nuftor- Ing ( follow the brilliancy of wealth when massed In a few centers , You know there Is no other issue. Act us bravo men or cease grumbling nnd shout thanks to American masters and British sydieatos that they luavo jou olpthliiR nnd subsistence. The mass of the democratic party did not bcnovo in the divinity or right of slavery to extend , but they had not the courage to lay nsldo the party yoke nud take slavery by the throat until it bccaino BO dollant that n bloody nnd cruel war was the result. Learn what that party tenches. Discard the partisan and act the patriot , when victory will not cost blood. Your ene mies should remember the world is full of examples of the danger of forcing nn over burdened people bovond the point of despair. For three yearn you cannot disturb national issues. You und I uiny think the tariff should bo re-formed , that lumber and sugar should bo admitted duty free. Our masters , how ever , will never consent. The republican pine barons of the north will unlto with the democratic sugar planters of the south. Wo may favor reduction on coal nnd lion , but democratic millionaire1) like Scott , ol Penn sylvania , and republican iron kings like Carnegie - negio , of the sauio state , aided bv democratic traders like Randall , will muko common cause nnd defeat any hope. Why should not producers and laborers , cvory 0110 "whoso bauds are his riches , " maku common cause for their Interest ? Do It as our masters do , inside the narty If you can ; If not , outside. Von have been trying inside , and , while in a great majority , nro always defeated. There is practically but a narrow margin between parties. Whatever political brand the administration boars at AYiuhington , Wall street controls the financial policy and the treasury tarllt reform will be clogged under cither. At the last election greater liberality to soldiers was un issue , and tri umphed. It is to bo feared these hopes , like "dead sea fruits , will turn to ashes on the lips. " The crisis Is upon you. The time Is now , now. Delay no lonecr. Isothiiig can be done without organization. Form uiitt- monopoly clubs. Commence in precincts. It will cost _ yon no money , nnd but little time : or , if you prefer , orgai o an antimonopoly - monopoly republican league. An example has been furnished. Ono year ago corporation attorneys and others , with certain objects to bo accomplished , organized outside the regular party organi/a- tious u roiiubllcan league party to secure high tariff for the manufactures in the cast nnd high tariff for railroads in the west. You have a different object to obtain , rurally im portant to yourselves. Why , then , do you not meet nnd organize an anti-monopoly re publican league , nnd have the questlou set tled at the ballot ibox. Have the line dis tinctly drawn. Let the people take their position , nnd If n majority vote to continue the rule of corporations and trusts , lot It .bo submitted to cheerfully and without mur mur. Mrs. Winolows Soothing Syrup lor children teething1 cures wind colicdiar rhoea , etc. 5 cents a bottle. THE PAN-AMEUICAN8 Welcomed to St. Liouia By Booming Cannon , Roil Flrn , Ets. ELDOX , la. , Oct. 28. It was neatly 2 o'clock this morning whou the International Amer ican excursion train started from Council Bluffs for St. Louis , DCS Momes was reached at 0 o'clock. According to the itin erary the p'irty was to stop at DCS Moincs for a couple of Lours , but n change hart been made which is explained by the manager of the excursion ns follows : "Wo have been obliged to omit Des Momes , The people of St. Louis generously offered to divide their tlmo wltn their sister city , Kansas City , and wo could not uffordjto bo less gen erous , to St. Louts. Wo will arrive In Kan sas City Wednesday morning nnd stop all day , leaving for Springfield , 111 , Wednesday night. Slgnor Bolet Pcraza , the "Abraham Lincoln" of South America , will deliver-all appropriate address over Lincoln's tomb. The great Exchange hall was brilliantly illuminated and was thronged with guests. Governor Francis welcomed the visitors und was followed by Mayor li'oonnn , after which Minister Stojarra , of Peru , responded for the delegates. After singing by the Ladies' qunrtclto the vlsit6rs wore presented to the ladles present , and ull took part in a dance , which lasted until a late hour. Ar Ht. ST. Louis , Oct. 23. Eighteen hours were consumed in the Journey from Omaha to St. Louis , the train arriving hero at 7 ; BO p. in. Upon the arrival hero the nurty was mot by Mayor Noonnn and tho' reception com mute' : nnd greeted with the booming of guns , while colored llro burned from the buildings along the route to the hotel. After supper the paity were conveyed to the Mer chants' ' Exchange , where a reception hud been arranged. A Ijnok oT CHICAGO , Oct. 28. The Farmer's Keviow this week will say the reports from its cor respondents : show n serious absence of full pasturage for cattle except la Ohio , Missouri and Kentucky , Tbo states suffering most nro Illinois , "Wit cousin and Minnesota. The , Review ndds that the farmtTH have n serious question to moot. Whore cattle uro lit for inurliot they nro being Hold off as rapidly as possible. It Is stated as probable that largo numbers of animal * not ready for the block will have to bo forced on un already low market at a loss , The VlHlhlu Supply. CHICAGO , Oct. 23. The visible supply for the week ending October 20 , us compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is us follows : Bushels. Wheat . 24.507.000 Corn . , . O.JIMI.OUO Oats . . 7t91OOJ Ityo . , . 1W.UOO ! ! ) Uarloy . . . 2,210,000 Approve the Tenants' DcjiMx'Oct. 2S. At a convention of the Tenants' Defense league today at Thurlcs Lord Mayor Sexton and several members' imrllumeilt spoke , Thp objects of the Icaguo wore approved nnd these present pledged thumsolvcs to fuibicrlb'i to its funds , Dr. O'Kcilly and Colonel Atkinson of De troit , attended the convention. A Well Known HpnrlHinan Mior. WASHINGTON' , Oct. 28. Kdwurd Ulunt , n well known lawyer , ftontlonmu sieoplo chase rider und owner of several men horaoa , wai shot und berlously wounded this uiteinonu during un altercation in u suloou , by ( iforj.'o Muntz , formerly proprietor of a notorious saloon in this city , but now a political worker In Maryland , J > rukw ; Hum tl , HBM.I.V , Out. 2 > . The docks in Kooning- berg burned to-day , Au enormous auiouul of uauiajjc was duuo. CHICAGO T.VTljOKS' BTIUKB. The FrospralH for ft Settlement nt I'roHont Very Slim. CHICAGO , Oct , 23. | Special Telegram to Tun IJF.E.1 The strike of Chicago journey * man tailors is still on , with not much proa * Vcctof Mttlomont. It , .T. Walsh , the Dear born atrcot tailor , In npeaklng ol the strlko saldi "Tho utrlko Is now n gcncn.l ono nqntnit nil motnbcri of the Drapers' nnd Tailors' Kxchnugo. Wo scut word to the strikers Saturday evening that wo wpuld not Imvo nnythlng to do with Jhotn ns n body , but If the men wanted to return to work tholr places wcro still open for them. U Is not our Intention to wait lonrr , however , for wo can rrplaco tlio men , nud will , but it cannot bo done easily. Tlio inon nro the finest workmen iu Chicago , nml they know It , " Tli otnllom tmvo Issued nn ultimatum to the bosses. They nay that the Inttor'ft re > quest for nn arbitration committee has bcon compiled with , but , strangely , the bosses will not now meet them. The ultimatum Is that if the bosses will not nrbltrnto tomorrow row the charges ngnlnst Ilondrluks. the oh * noxious foreman nt Matthews , will bo pub lished in full. The strikers say nlso that it Is untrue that tlio bassos do not know what the cause of the dlniculty i , for they have boon furnished with the full charges In writing. 1 he strikers have rcrulvod tolo- grnms from the tailors in all the largo otlios , tcndorliii : thorn financial uld and advising them to light the battle out , Ornwinc MEMPHIS , Oct. 28. The forces of the strik ing Bwltcbmcn wcro augmented to-day by the men on the Chcsapcaltc&Ohlo and the Louis * vlllo & Nashville , who linvo heretofore re mained atorlc , The Switchmen's union , which as nn or ganization has held nloof from the strike. Is sued nn order to-day calling out the in embers of that body nud those nt work quit immedi ately. All the ro.ids , however , with the exception of tbo Iron Mountain nnd the Memphis & Charleston sent out trains to-day , JIB ItNRW TASCOXT. The I'lilliulctphln Suspect Jin Ices nn Important AdmlfHlon. PiiiLvntUMiii , Oct. 23. Dr. Andrews , chief of the board of polleo Burgeons , made nn examination of the scars on the person of the prisoner who is supposed to bo TuBCott. Ho said the scars on the mail's body corre sponded exactly with the description of Tas- colt's scars , Ho Know the Alnrtleror. CHICAGO , Oct. 23. A .dispatch was re ceived by the police late to-night from the Philadelphia authorities Baying Prisoner Sutherland , now under arrest suspected oi being Tnscott , has admitted to the noheo that , ho know TIIHCOU and had played bit- Hauls with him In Chicago. Tins is taken by the police ns tending to show that the real Tuscott has been cap tured. ' The photographs of t'io ' suspect sent from Phlludelpahi have not yet arrived. HEID TO THE GRAXD .IUIIV. A Chicago Man Who Impersonated Fictitious FemnlcH. Ciuctao , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bii.J : G. Cleveland Arnold , who mub- qnoradcd in the role of various fictitious females males and accepted offers of matrimony , waived examination bcforo Commissioner Hoyno this morn Ing and was hold to the grand jury Iu bonds of fl.OOO. Arnold watched the columns of various matrimonial papers nnd answered these advertisements inserted by old and gullible iiuui who lived out west. His method of getting money was a novel ono. After selecting his victim ho would write a nice letter , stating that ho was Miss So-and-So , ugod twenty-one , nnd then in detail ho would spread on u glorious de scription of seine varicty ctress , whoso portrait trait ho would send to the unsophisticated , 'ihosoft , sweet , spoony letters and the uho- tograpti did their work woll. In several In stances the victims wont so far ns to send tholr nrctty Chicago girl sums of money to come out west uud meet them und lie mar ried. A CAK IN THE PAUIjOU. A Pnrt of a Derailed Train Pctie- t rules n Residence. . Rinwxr , N. J , , Oct. 83. A freight train on tbo Pennsylvania road jumped the track at Main street hero to-night. Several persons who were waiting for the train to pnss wore injured by flying debris , throe of them fatally. One car ran into the residence of John Weldon , penetrating to the parlor. Woldon's family narrowly escaped. Fifteen loaded cars were wrecked. A Ucilrond Slaughter. t CALCUTTA , Oct. 23. In u railway accident nt Hatran. near Agra , to-day , fifteen persons woio killed and forty injured. WESTERN UNION WINS. The Philadelphia Verdict Set Asldo Jy the Circuit Court. Pim.ADE/.i'iiu , Oct. 23. The United States circuit court to-day sot astdo the ver dict in favor of the city for $14,483 , recently rendered against the Western Union as a li cense fee for the use ot the streets for poles and wires from 1635 to 1888 inclusive. The opinion holds that tbo imposition of a tax would bo an interference witli tbo inter state law. The case will probably bo car ried to the supreme court by the city. Nebraska and Inun I'rnloriH. : Pensions granted Nobrasknns : Original invalid Koiibon W. Rundnll , William Spencer - cor , Thomas ' N. Lewis ( deceased ) , Johh L. Sansmun , p'otcr Holt. Increase John Lett , Kdwin Hoyt. Nathan J , Lowe , Isaac E. Dixon , Borllmus Cuso , John H. McDonald , Abraham II. Scott , jr. Original widows , etc. ( rcissuo ) Louisa , mother of Kdgar A. ward ; Hannah , widow of Thomas W. Lewis. Pensions allowed lowans : Original invalid Robert M. Johnson , George Weslov Davis , Frank Bunco , James ' ( ! . Ross , Ilezokiah Ilarvoy , John T. Mitchell. Increase Con rad ICIucoback , .lacob Boblott , David Uycrs , James W. Prazle , William II. Lacker , Will iam H. Good , John Nixon , John II , Clark , John Turner , Levl W. Powlos. Rcissuo Brudnor Ferguson , JCRBO Cobberly , Ben jamin R. Smutz. John R. McHldorry. Will iam Mnrtln , James P. Seuton , William T. Shurman , Benjamin T. Goodwin , SICK Positively cured lift tllONO I.'ttlo PIUS. ' They also relieve Jla- tress fro'A Dyspepsia , 7ii- IITTLE ( llTStion ( and Too Heart ) J BVER Katln ; ' , . A perfect reni- odyforDlz/lne&n , Nausca.t P8HLS. nro-r < ilness , Dud Taitcl' In the Mouth , Coatcdr snc , rnln in the B'do.fc ' TOiU'fl ) UVJiK. Thoyg rofftilato the Bowels. 1'urcly Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICES t-ur A. B , C. WHITE OATS fA. B. C. OATMEAL. ) " " " 2"S Ct"J" c < 1 tr Jf * a i t r * ifV1VJ * /j SS Traaj Jforfc. At.i Oliodiio sruJ far circ ti JUKI uua u W o. to.