Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    , vff3 / * * { * " * -x-ff -
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A Now Departure in tbo Art of
Naval V/arfaro.
Successful Experiment AVIUi n Frotich
Voasel A. New ilnllwny Tele-
grupli Device Tli o 121 cc
trio Ll tit In 1'nrls.
flrctl From tlio Pilot Towor.
On flomo of the InrRcr European
Bhl 3-of-war , and on u few United States
vcs8ol9.nrrnnfjonionts Imvo boon mndo
for firing the puns by electricity , ivritcs
Lieutenant W. S. Uughosof the United
Btntos Navy , in the October Scribnor.
This la usually nccomplishcd by causing
the current from nn ordinary zinc-car
bon battery to puss through \ylmt is
known as an electric prlmor inserted in
the vent of the RUII. The primer , as
used in the United States service , is
imply a quill tube nearly filled with
mall-grained powder , and contain
ing n fine platinum wire wrapped -
pod with a wnsp of gun-cotton.
The platinum wire is connected with
the wires of the electric battory. .When
the battery circuit is closed the plati
num becomes instantly whllo hot , thus
igniting the primer and llrlng the gun.
The llrlng key , with which the circuit
may bo closed at pleasure , is placed in
tho' pilot tower , or in some other posi
tion whore It Is directly under the con
trol of the commanding olllcor , and the
circuit is of course kept onan until the
instant of firing. The 'advantages
claimed for such a system nro many.
Obviously , under some circumstances ,
as , for example , where it is desirable
to concentrate the whole broadside
upon a certain point , and to lira
all the guns together , such an arrago-
mont would have a great advantage
6vcr the ordinary method of depend
ing upon the simultaneous action
of the gunners. Again , it IB no uncom
mon occurrence in battle * for a ship's
gunner to become so enveloped in smoke
that the enemy cannot be seen by the
men nt the guns , and in such cases , with
an electric system , the llriug could bo
done by an olllccr clear of such an ob-
BtructSon. Usually the electrical appli
ances admit , also , of the guns being
flred singly and in succession ; and /or
cases whore the ship is rolling heavily
from side to side , an ' 'automatic ' circuit-
closer" Is sometimes employed , which ,
after the regular firing-key has boon
pressed , closes the circuit and dis
charges the guns the instant the vessel
roaches an upright position.
Hiibm irlno Torpedo Rnnts.
A French contemporary says , rofor-
Ing to the now submarine torpedo boat :
"It is not of to-day that search is made ,
a little i every country , for the solu
tion of a problem , which sceoms now
us impossible to t-olvo as that of the
etecring of balloons * , it is of the sub
marine boats that I wish to speak. M ,
Goubot hns just concluded a long scries
of oxperimnts ; with a submarine boat
of his invention. This boat has been
spoken of for a long time. Tlio numer
ous preceding abortive attempts had
put people on thoii * guard against sub
marine vessels. Successful attempt ?
vainless against this state of mind
until it became necessary to recognize
the fact that a solution of tlio problem
had been found when the Goubot that
Is the name of the vessel had re
mained eight hours submerged with
two jnen on board , who ate , smoked and
played at cards without the slightest
inconvenience. How is this vessel con
structed which so well merits the name
of fish boatV This secret , like others
relating to national defense , is well
kept. But whatever the mechanism
nnd tlio system which works the
Goubot , the experiments which are
being continued at Cherbourg prove
that itisolllcacious. Tlio naval author
ities have not such a tender tooling for
inventors in general that they would
have consented , if the invention had
not appeared really practical and capa
ble oi rendering real fcoivicQto place at
M. Goubot's disposal n basin at the port
of Cherbourg , and also officers nnd
Bailors. The now boat w s able , during
the course of the experiments , to sink
at command to variable depths , and to
maintain a perfect equilibrium. The
sinking of the Goubot was brought
about with the greatest regularity ,
without oscillation or shocks , quickly
or slowly , according to the orders trans
mitted through the telephone wire
which communicated between the sub
marine boat nnd the pontoon. At Uio
different depths the Goubot was iminou-
vred nt will , and bolmvod as much like
a fish as possible.
Cnilo's Kallwuy Tolocrapli.
A now form of railway telegraph has
looii invented by Mr. LJuylus Cade , of
Louisburg , N. C. , says the Electrical
World. This apparatus is of the contact
typo , and consists simply of an ordinary
box sounding relay with a key on the
base , which is placed in the circuit , and
maintained there no matter how fast
the train runs. The difficulty of con-
Btructing a circuit which would allow
instruments on the trains to bo thrown
into circuit and kept there while trains
wore in motion is , it is claimed , en
tirely overcome , and the cost of con
struction will not exceed $ oO per milo ,
the inbtrumont being capable of adjust
ment to the car in 11 vo minutes. It also
lias the croat advantage that the opera
tors require no "phones" to detect the
sounds , and can always know if there is
any trouble on the line ; whereas in the
Inductive method , if the current in the
line conductor falls for any ronson to act
instinctively , the train operator has no
moans of knowing of such failure.
Elcoirlo IjitilitliiK In Purls.
The visitor irom' the states who has
occasion to go abroad ut night in Paris ,
upon emerging from the exhibition ,
which is brilliantly lighted in all parts ,
both by electricity and gas , enters Into
comparative darkness , and sighs for
the are lamp which he is accustomed to
BOO at the 'street corner of oven the
smallest townfl of the states , says the
Electrical "World. With the exception
of the lights on u few of the boulevards
there is no electric street lighting in
Paris. When the exhibition was ub'out
to bo opened the Paris municipality ,
considering it important to have its
streets atloast in part , well lit , gave out
contracts to different companies , allot
ting to each about fifty lamps. Among
these companies were these operating
the system of Marcel Doproz , the Edison
company and Thomson-Houston com
pany. Tlicso lamps are placed on the
Rue Iloynlo , running from the Place do
In Concorde up to the Boulevard do la
Mudeloino along the Boulevards dos
Capuoinos , dosltailonsand Montmartro.
I took occasion to examine the Thom
son-Houston ey s torn , which is run in con
nection with the Popp system of distri
bution of power by means of com
pressed air. Quo of their installations is
placed in the Edou thoater. where they
have two machines furnishing sixty tire
lights. Of tlioso forty-nine lighU are
employed about the theater , eight of
which are employed as foot-lights , and
from this station also eleven street
lights are run. At the other station ou
the Boulevard ties Cupuclnos two ma
chines operate twonty-nino public
lights and about fourteen or fifteen
private lights. All the circuits , of
course , nro underground , and the lamps
nro in series. On the other nro system
the lamps nro connected two In aeries
across the lines , the E. M. P. being only
110 volts.
Such ns it is , the nro lighting in
Purls IB good , the , Rue Royal , less than
one-quarter of n , mlle long , especially
being very well lit. In looking over
the ground , however , it would seem al
most certain that considerable economy
could bo nttnlnod by the use of nro
lights in Paris to replace the largo
number of gns lamps In uso. To bo
fair , it must bo said that the Paris au
thorities nro by no means stingy in
their use of gns on the streets , but the
results nro , it seems , not up to
the cost which such A largo
number of lights must involve. TnkoJ
for instance , the Place do la Concorde ,
a space measuring about five hundred to
seven hundred feet nnd containing
probably between five hundred and six
hundred gas lamps , There can not bo
the slightest doubt that thirty or forty
ar.c lamps well distributed would give a
far bettor illumination than is now ob
tained. Again , on the Avenue dos
Champs Elytecs , there nro running
from the Place do la Concorde up to the
Arc do Triompho , a distance of about u
milo and a half , four rows of gas lamps ,
the latter being nlncbd at an average
distance of fifty foot apart , whllo at fre
quent intervals in tno middle of the
roadway two extra high gas lamps are
situated. Thus , whtlo.I . would not ad-
vocnto arc lamps in some of the narrow ,
crooked streets of Paris , there are a
BUllrclont number of , beautiful , wide
streets in which the arc lights would
show up to the improvement of the
street nnd conduce to economy at the
same time. As I have ! said before , the
present arc lighting in Paris is merely
provisional , but It Is greatly to bo hoped
that at the end of the exhibition some
permanent arrangement will be arrived
nt and the system extended.
G. Mulders null ICIcotrlcity.
It has boon suggested recently that
instead of using the rack , so well
known to trnns-atluntic travelers , that
the dishes might beheld on the table
by means of electricity. This would bo
accomplished by the use 'of a number of
electro-magnates placed immediately
below the table cover , which could bo
made by closing an electric circuit , to
powerfully attract the various dishes ,
they having been provided with iron
A similar device has been designed
by certain gamblers who , like the rest
of the world nro quick to avail them
selves of electrical- . The loaded
dice of to-day have the same specific
gravity , but have a ploi'o of iron insert
ed opposite the side which is wanted
to turn up throughout , so that when
thrown on an ordinary table they are
governed only by the law of chancobut
when cast on the magnetic table nt the
gambling den can bo made to turn up
'three sixes" or not at the will of the
person controlling the secret button
connecting the battery with the electro-
ir l > y IClectrlclty.
That electrical engineering hns taken
a foremost place among the manufac
turing industries of the world , is exem
plified in n striking way by the face
that a few days ago at Glasgow a cast
ing of Sio nen's steel was successfully
run containing no less than seventy
tons of metal , for the shaft qf the mon
ster Forranti dynamo now under con
struction for the London Electric sup
ply corporation. When turned , bored
atfd finished the shaft will weigh about
thirty-two tons. It is seldom a steel
casting of such magnitude has been
mndo for an.y purpose , and when wo rc-
fiecl that this is for a dynamo , wo begin -
gin to realize that electric lighting has
a pretty firm footing.
The Opelt hotel , as now conducted , is
not surpassed by any hotel in the city
ns a convenient , comfortable place for
transient guests. Steam heat through
out. Table equal to the best two dollars
lars per day.
J. Q. IlAMlT/roiT , Proprietor.
The Fntlier of Twonty-Two Children.
Dr. James II. Gordon , of Greenville ,
111. , is seventy-two years old and the
father of twenty-two children. Seven
of tlioso were boys , and. with one ex
ception , all boeauio physicians and at
tained moro than ordinary success. The
exception was a son who was accident
ally killed while a. student at the St.
Louis Medical , collcco. To take
the place of this one , though , there is
an only living son-in-law who is a rued- .
ical practitioner.
Cough no more , Rod Cross cough
drops will euro your cold. 5 cents a box.
Undo Deb Can blioot Rqulrrcln.
Uncle Bob Carleton , of Magazine ,
Ark. , is said to bo one' hundred and
twenty-six years old. llo is strong and
hearty , has good eyesight and can shoot
inoro squirrels 'than any boy in the
neighborhood. ITo uses nn old-fash
ioned rille that was carried by a soldier
in the revolutionary war.
Presidential Thrift.
An old observer of presidential life in
Washington says that each now presi
dent begins his term by spending moro
money on hospitality during the first
year of olllco than during any of the suc
ceeding ones. The expenditure decreases -
creases gradually , it is said , until the
fourth year , when the ordinary president
begins to think moro about saving mon
ey for the coming rainy day than about
spending it for dinners and rotoptions.
n blood illaeasc. Until tno riolson la
expelled from the system , there enn
bo no euro for tills loatlisomo and
dangoroua lualaily. Therefore , the only
uffectlvo treatment la a thorough course
o ( Aycr's Snrsnpiirllla the best ol nil
blood purifiers , The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous.
" I was troubled w 1th cntarih for over
two years. I tried various remedies ,
and was treated by a number of physi
cians , but received no benollt until I
began to take Ayer'a SnrsaparlUa. A
tovr bottles of this mcdlcino cured mo of
this troublcsomo complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesao JI.
liogb's , Hohimn'a Hills , N. 0.
"When Aycr's Barsaparilla wns rec
ommended to mo for catarih , I was In
clined to doubt its cfflcacy. HaviiiK
tried so many remedies , with little boll-
ellt , I had no fulth that anything would
euro mo , I became emaciated from loss
of npiiotlto and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost the sense of mnell , and
my system wus badly deranged. I was
about discouraged , when a friend urged
mo to try Ayor's Snrsapaillla , nnd re.
fcrrad mo to persons whom It had cured
ot catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles 61 this iiiciljcino , I am convinced
that the only sum way of treating this
obstinate disease Is through the blood. "
Charles II. Malouey , 113 lllvcr at. ,
Lowull , Mass ,
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
niEtMiuD ur
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
I'rlct tl ; its tottlci , (9. W > tl > 5 bottle ,
This is to certify that I have analyzed Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
I find it composed of pure materials , compounded on correct scientific
principles. The ingredients are accurately nnd sciontillcally pro
portioned. Hence , bread or biscuits prepared with it are
bettor suited for digestion.
Prof. CliomlsltT nml Torlco'ogy In the Now Yorfc Hollovu *
Hospital MedlcnlUol ejo. Trot , Cbonilitrr
unil 1'liyMcsln thoCoHouoot the
City of Now Aork.
Cures nil disorders ol'tlio Htom.ioli , Ijlver , IJmvoK Ktrltipy * , 1 11 ml il or , Ner
vous IiHcnHQ , liins ol * Apnniltr , llonilauhr , Constfpitlon , Ctmlvnticss. Inill-
ucRtlon , nilllniisncss Fever , I'llos Ktc. , uud renders tlio system less liable 10
contrnct disease.
RADWAY'S PILLS are a cure for this complaint. They tone up tbo Interim ,
secretions to healtliy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions. Price 2oc per ' > ox. Sold by all druggists.
RAD WAY & CO. , Now York ,
For Sale by M. H. Bliss , Omaha , Nebraska.
Ventilating Appni'Qtus nnd Supplies.
jfrL. o.
1O3 South tSth. Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O
149OCO , ,
Manufacturers nnd Wholesale Dealers in
To acnlera only. Mills Southern Missouri , Itooms , 1. 2 ami a. U. S. National .Bunk Ilulldlne
Telephone lUiT , Omaha , Nob.
15O3 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
WBdnesdavi Friday ,
Thursday , | , 31 ,2 Saturday
Specinl Mntinee Saturday ,
Snlo of Scats MONDAY , OCTOUKR 28th
Special l iigaccineut of the ruinous KMMA
UMMMXMXMKM 9-otMMwxxi c-ewet wi ]
Abbott , Annnmlale , Mlrolln. Mlrhclona , Monte-
grltTo , 1'ruutto , llroilerjoic , Allen. Kuady ,
Full Clinru * . < * rand Orchestra.
In the follow leg lirllllnnt repertoire :
Wr.DNKSDA 1 Bnlfe'8 Masterpiece.
ElMA ! ADBOTTmiJ Ilntlro Compiiny In Cost ,
THUUSUAY Ilalfo's Tuneful Opera.
r.MJIA AUHOTTnnaKntlro Company In Cast.
- Boninl'a Uimid Heroic Opera ,
UMMA AIIUUTC nna Kntlro Company In Cast
Kxqitli-lte I/ovu Lyric ,
r.SIMA AOIIO IT as "Juliet'1 Entire Company.
SATUUUAY ISS'KNINO-ailbBrt & Bulllvnn'D
J/ntust honsntlon ,
OrThoMcrryman nnd Ills Mftlil.
EMMA AUIJOTi' auU Kntlre Company.
Gorgeous Costumes ! UuclmiiUug Music !
lirllllnnt MIso en Sccuo !
PIUCE8 11.60 , II nn < 175c , reserved. Ilalcony
admission , Me. Qallery - crnti.
MATlNlUs U.l > , 75o and tOc.reserved.
Importer * and Wholesale Dcnlcri la
Walclics , Jewelry , Cutlery ,
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
Fancy Goods , Walking Canes ,
Coat-Collar Springs , &c. , &c.
Lame tuiortrucnt for
{ Cane Rncki. Knlfo Poardi , Splndlei.
Auctioneers , Slreelmen and Peddlert.
Ilia variety of to. lOo and 25o coimtor
looifg. tieuilforllluitrat dcataloKuo.
417-119 Sorlli Fourth St. ,
St. Louis , Mo.
A Pocket Cigar Cate Frje to Smokers of
Wo do not havp upon the clianpnoss of
our Clotliloir. ' ) * * u t 'Iocs not Dignify
thnttUu SUITS and OVIIIICOATS which
wo uskSIV * 1H , * and ViO for nro hlch
prlcnd. Wo could ' i as ly cheapen them
by pnttmj , ' In lufurlur trlmmiiiKH. It la
nntiilwayathoiirlcByoupuy. lint It IH the
value received lu purcbns.o that counts.
State Line.
To Glasgow , llelfast , Daljlln and Liverpool
Cublu iisuugcSU to KQ , according to location of itut
room , Krcurilon WJ to CJi ) .
Etcertgo to and from Kuropo ut I.cmusl Itatoi.
AuuriN UAI.UWJN JL Co. , Uon'l Agenlt ,
U Uroudirar , .Now York
Jou.s' ULEGE.V , Gea'lVeiteru Kcnt.
1C4 Itutiduliih St. , Cblcnjo ,
Iljiiinv E , Moonrs.i'nos. UCC'IN-NK ,
Atenl > , ntOmab
to Desiring exam-
SHOE DEAL toe the
Justly cel
ebrated lines of Ilooti ana Slioes , inanufactur-
edoy U. M. llendurnan 4 ; Co. , of Clilcngo-Fno-
lories at Chicago. DUon. Ills. , nnd Komi On ,
WU.-Blioiiia wr t ? BAN. tl. WATSON , ml.
ence , FHBMONT. NEU. Trawling di ( ot.
Uti.a < iu rt r for liuuber * .
Max Meyer & Bro ,
And other first olosa PIANOS.ontl
Remember , Wo do Not Soil "Ston
cllocl" Plnnoo.
All Instalments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo offer n flno S323 Piano forS230.
Visitors Welcome.
Cor. IGfch and Farnam Sta.
Can be cured In CO to CO days 7 > y the
liar ot tba
Tor snlo only by the Cook Itcmody Co. . of
Omaha. Nebraska. Wrltototis tor the namei
mid undress ot rmtlents who Imvo boon
cureil ami Irom.whora wo have permission to
refer. Syphilis Is n dtiuaso that 1ms always
Imlllcd the skill of the most eminent plivslclaim
nnd until tin- discovery ot the COOK Itemed/
Co.'s "MAGIC UlSMIIbV. " not ono in llfty over
having the dlEoabU lias been cured. Wo jjtiiirun.
too to euro any cnso that can bo produced ,
These uho nnvo taken Mercury. Potash , S. B. S.
Sucus Altcrans or other advertised remedies ,
with only temporary bcncllts can now ho per
manently cured by tlio use ot the "MAulO
KKMKDY" ot the Cook Itemedy Co. . Onuha.
Neb. JImviiVH of Immltuttons. It is absolutely
Impossible for anv other person or company to
have our formula or any remedy Hue it In cllect
and results. The Cook llemody Co. , has been
treating patients for four vcars nnd have nl-
wuyd Ren ! perfect satisfaction. They nro llnnn-
daily responsible , having n capital of ever
fc-lHXdOO , maUIiip their Rtiariuiteo good. Wo soli
cit the mott ob tlnato cases thobo who Imvo
tried every known remedy nun lost all hope ot
recovery. Correspond with us and let us put
yon In possession of evidence that convinces tlio
most skeptical. Mark what \\acny : Iiithnmul
you MUST use our "MAGIC HKNIIUJY" before
you can bo permanently cured. It is the most
heroic blood purifier over known.Vilto for
uarticnlars. All letters confidential.
PAIITIflM Hosuro you are getting tlio Cook
uMUIIUll Komedy Co.'s Manic Hcmcily.
None others HI o Kcuutno. 1'nrtles claiming to
bo tueuts for nsnre impostei s and frauds. , lnll
particulars free. Addiessnll communications
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxton Block.
Be > i Facilities , Appartt'jjandRemedlejforBuccejifu
Treatment of evciy form of D'leuB ' requiring
Board fc Att'ndance. Bet Accozoucdatioat in Wett.
OT7RITE FOB. OIRCTJLARSon Ueformlte ! and
Brocci , IrutBH , OlubTctt , C rr ture of Epinc.rilct ,
Tumcri. Oincer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation.
nosM mjKuucoifmrnr'.T. ( STRICTLY PRIVATF. )
Only Reliable Uedicil In atituU Baking * . Epeciilty oi
- .IJilooaDlieiieiiuec.iifaiijr treiUl. STptlllilo 1'clion
rcmoT d rroatheiyiteu without mercury , flew It.itoritlrt for L..I at VITAL i OIT rt , f.rtltl unille to Till !
eimijrba treated at homeojeorrerpondeBre. AlleoDnaunUa.
HoDicooOJtctltl. M.dleloeiorlnilrnmtntufmbjmillorti.
cr..i , noiatrli lolo < llc.taeoDt nl. or fender.
Una ptrioa llaterTliv pr.f.rred. Ctll nd eoniult ui orient ]
klitorror TonrtiMC. .nd e will tend In pkln vrirper , our
Rnfilf TO MFN FRBE : Upon rrlott. Breel.l ot
DUlftV I U mCRl NerrouiDliee.iei.JmpotererB/ph.
Ills ; Oleel d T rlcocelo-Tllh ou.sllcn Il l. " - "
13tl > and Dodge Street , OMAIIA , 1JEB.
( lie Llaunr Ilatilt , ro.ltlrrlr Cared
br AdmlnUtcrlnB Or. lluliicn'
Cinldrn hpri'lllc.
It ran be elTrn In a cup of corfco or ten without the
nowoli0irtlia ) ( person tnkinu It ! Uubsiilutclyliurm-
cimi. anil will vrruot n hpecily nnd porumnent euro ,
nlibtiivrthnimtlpnt i < n mudorHtoilrliikt'rdr nil ul <
euliiil wriitk. Thou uiul of dmnknrdi Imvo bci'n
Hindu U'lupi'nito inun who liuvo tukcn ( Joldi'ii8i > cclllo
In IliclrcoHco wltlKjut tlielr liiiowled.'o uud twjjijr > n
llovu tliuy ejult ilrliiklni ; oftliolr own friewll IT
NoMTHills. 'J'liuiyitoiunncoliuliroKnntml with Iliu tipioiucs un ulli'r lui | > u > ll < llllr fur Ilio
liquor aiipetlte to oslit. Cor nulo tijr Kulin & Co ,
DriiBHlMit. ISlluuid DniiKlnii nl , nnd IMIi nnd Cum-
luiet9Uuittbu. ; A. l , rosier A llro. . Cuuncll
ad ju tr.Cl'i / . ' Pl U n nttV. od.jrt i
Lo nil potltlouii of thobody.wblle
tlioballlii uio ci - irBBsealiack
tbo Int
. . .w0 [ , , . .tli the tinRi tut l > n'wuru
llf rail U In 1J lecurefy il / - . . indu radliM
ItlJtMV. ijiir liliian < -nlliyrnill
Wbcuyou art ) tu > luup'ot ' ia rtniPinlr that tlieru la
Biicli a 'IiIneM n price I list
li tooc/icnj' / , ItUlAlUrio
I > a7 a fttlr prlcu mid grt
uood Kloicn IIUullulcli
limau'w. They art ) m.ue !
train icli-cli'd tklni lit Hie
tot manlier and nro tiur
luiilcil lei l the inont
rerrloalilo niit'lc. If > ou
want to know inorD about
love * In Kfueral and
' ; ivi-
In ( 'articular ' , enoloio
Ininufor 111 * Look About
( ilotei. It will lutireit
you. t TiBUhiitu ini'i.
JOUM 0. IlUTCUlNbON , j.lKtUnn , N. V.
b- ' *
oc. *
$12 and $15.
We have manufactured 10 styles of extra length
Overcoats , not Ulsters , but Regular Overcoat Styles ,
50 inches long , Cassimere lining and in eveiy respect
a very desirable garment for this climate , and a style
of Overcoat not made by any other house. Prices ,
$12 , $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 and $25.
We * have everything , Freize , Chinchillas , Fur ,
Beavers and Fur Trimmed Ulsters. Some very
choice lines.
$10 , $12 and $15.
Look in our windows for styles and prices. The sea
son for our Fine Suit trade is now well advanced and
we will make this a very interesting week for those
who appreciate fine quality and low prices. It will
interest you to see the suit you can buy at the sale for
$10 , $12.50 and $15.
Boys' Overcoats ,
$5 , $6 and $7.
Children's Overcoats ,
$3 , $3.50 , $4 , and $4.50
Price $5.00.
Twenty different styles of Children's OVERCOATS ,
ages 4 to 14 years , at $6 , which cannot be bought out
side of the CONTINENTAL for less than $7.00.
Cor. 15th and Douglas St.
The Largest Clothing House West'of New Yorfc