THE OMAHA DAILY BEI& MONDAY , OCTOBER 2g , 1889. SPECIAL .NOTICES. OMAHA. No advertisements wilt bo tnkon fbr thoeo columns attor I2:3O : p. m. TormB-'Cnsh In ndvnnco. Advertlxemenui under UiiAheml 10 onts p line for the Jlrnl Insertion , 7 ctnu for oacli unb- sequrnr insertion , nnd per llnp per month. No ftdrertitemems loknn , for less tlmn 25 cents for first Insert Ion , Beven words will bo conntert to the line ! they mint run eonsecutlvilv nutl must be paid in ADVANCH. All ndvcrtlnr- tnentn must lie Iiandct. in before ) l2Cf : > o'clock p. nu nnd under no circumstance * will they bo tnkcn or discontinued by telopnono. Parlies advertising In these columns and liar- ID tbelr answers mldressed In cnroof TIIK llF.r. wilt pleitfto Bile for a check to cnnhle them to ( tet tlielr letter * , ns none will bo delivered except imtire-cntallonof chock. All answers to nd- vcrtl'emouts should he enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In tin-so columns are PUI > - Iblied in both morning nnd evening editions of Trip. Ilin tlio clrnilntlon of tthlrh aggregates morn thnn I'.OtO pnpers dully , nnd civrs tlio ad vertiser * the benefit. not only of tuoclty clrcn- Ifltlnnnf TIM : Hr.K , but also of Council lllnlls , Lincoln and oilier cltlefi nnd towns throughout tlitonrrtlon of tlio country. "BRANCH Advertising for tho.e columns u 111 be taken mi tlin above conditions , nt tha fulUAvlntc bud- ness lieu e , who nro nnthnrlreil ngents forTiiK Hun special notices , and will quote the cama rnlfi n nnboliad at Ihoiiialn office. J fIINV. . HELL , PhannnclYtTio ) South Tenth BUoct. _ _ _ _ _ _ OHA.HT.V : isnnv. HtatloncM nnd Printers , 113 Q H. r A II NSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 5115 Cum- C5.lnjf-trect. _ W . I. HTmn3 | Pharmacist. KM North 10th .Street. _ _ KaVrFA Hit , Pharmacist. 1SOO St. Mary's Avenue. _ s1 PHAIIMAUV.S-JS nirnatn Street. SiTMJATlNS WAf < TEP. WANTBI ) Position In small town"ns bar tender : 2 years' excellence. Address , M C2.1100. _ 200lit WANTIID Cientlcmnn stenographer desires position , experience desired inoro thnn btgfialary. llnva bad omo experience. On furnish good rcforeiice and machine. Address M 6 * . lieo. 2S7 _ _ _ _ \\7ANTKr Position In oniro by oxnerlonccrt TT book keeper anrt 1)111 dork ; best of ret given. Add. M CO Hen ollice. _ ! i 0 3f WANTKD A situation in the west by a young lady utenonrupher and typewriter. flr.ll in tn tyMern. MUs H. .Ml man , Ho7 ( Inuul Itlvor ave. , DotrohMlcn. 331-sat ' " \\7ANTKU BlfiBllou ns bookkeeper by one Tt ofi > xporlonco and with the best of city reference ! ) us to ubillty , character and business quality. Address M u ) . lice olllce. " ) { ; ! ' . ! * rWAf4TEDKlALE HELP. WANTKD Young man tvuolins kept double entry books. Must bogood penman. Pond references. Bulnry JoU to $ CU. Lock UoxB ) . \\fANTKD Traveling salesman ; good pay , 716 N. liith nt. -7U go * \\7ANTIJM Immediately , nrst-dnss machln- TT Ist.sand llnlshera on pants ; good wages. ( Ircuuwnod. Hundley & Co. , sclcntlllo tailors , 1C. lloruld building. "VVfAN'jTKD " llr. < t-cla-ss took men ; must be T f ot good ofldrofla.JIN. . 13th. "jU att WANTUD Kxprlenced wholesale clothing salesmen. Heveral good routes open. Ad- dressgivingroft-iences , experleiuo , ronr.e und terms. Carrier fit ) , Chicago Postofllce. tcr.2 IT \\rANTKD-Ocnornl and local agents to Iian- TT dlo thonewjiatunt cliemlcal Ink erasing pencil. ( Ircatcst novelty overproduced. Krases ink in two seconds , no abrasion ot paper.00 to filK ) per rent protlt. Ono ngi-nt's f-ales amoimteil to Ji-i In six diivs another JU intuo hours. Territory absolutely free. Salary to good nifii. No ladle.s need answer. : i5 cts. Tor terms nud full particulars address. The Monroe Krnsor Co. . Manufacturers. Hi Crofse'ls. \ . 311-2' ) ? " \\'ANTiD : A mancooic , German preferred. ArtdrcsaM 71) Heo olllco. 3l3--4t \\f ANTIJD A few moro good agents for now IT noxelllcs Justdut. Siimplo by miUUJU cents. Kottler V DoViue , Itoom 39 , Harder building. > Aconta to soil thoPlnlcsj clolhes line ; the only line ovcrinvonted that lioldH tltuclotlu-.s without iilns ; a , perfect biicccsa ; patent recently issued ; sold only by agents , to \\homthoo.\cliii-lveriglitlsBlveii ; on receipt of Dp cts wo will send a sample Una bymnll ; nlso cliculars , price lists nnd terms to agents ; Hocnro your territory nt. once. Address Wor cester Hnless Clothes Line Co. , 17 Herman St. , WoicbsterMass. SM-'i \\TANTED-Two young men for light work T T nil winter ; only Sll capital required. Apply J20N ll'th&t. . llooml- . naaij WA NTUD-Truck layers and bridge cnipen- ters fer lown. Kllloy , Kramer & Co. . cor. llth nnd Farnam sts. 170 100 coopers wanted ; steady work nil yea r 40o for making tierces mill 3io for bairels and best of stun" used. Address Omiihu Coonei-- ago Co , , South U in nil a. Neb. 812 ai " \TTANTED-A tow more-live , energetic salas- T f men to sell groceries , etc. , to formers , ho tel nnd restaurant keepers nnd other largo con- sinners at whole-sale prices ; exclusive turrltory given : for particulars the IMgewortli Mercantile Co. , importers , manufiictiuersuud wholesale grocer * . 1447 Stuto st. Chicago. Bill nlS * AOKNTSI Write for terms. t.'Isamplecorset free. Schlelo & Co.,330 Ilroad\7av , Now York. 3 ! ) . ' . " \ \ > ANTBD Palosmenac S pe' month salary i i jiud expenses to soil a. line of bllvor-platod ware , watches , etc. . by sample only ; ' hornoand team furnished Irre. wilte utoncufor lull par ticulars and sample cuso ot goods frou Stand ard gllver Ware Co. . Iloston. Mass. ti74 "V\7ANTUD A good olllco man to go east ; ' > inustlnvestSi'.WX ) ; must bo n'ood business man. Address the lioo. S. Cllno Publishing House. U toffil Wauash avo. . Chlca o. Ills. _ _ _ t 8-l'J WANTRD-Men for Wushlnton territory. Albngnl's Labor Agency , HiU rarnumst. V\7AN1.'I < I ) lioacl bricklayers nnd htonccut- T > trrs ; good wages iiaiu. Apply .M. " T. Mnrphy , n onion t , Nob. U30 ANTHO-Agonts. "Dodge's Horse Hlan- kt-l Holder" keeps the blanket from blowing the horso. Nothing llku it in the market ; overuorsoownur buys. Hampli-s by mall , ao. Stnynor i : Co. , Providence , H.I. uai. o4 it JL/dete'ctlvt-s lu every community ; paying posl- tloim. Addiusj Kansas Ilotcctlvo lltiru.niluck- box -'I1 , Wichita , Kan. W-C ) . " MiN : to travel for the IYmUiltl nurseries of Canada. U'e pay f..U to $ iu ) n month and expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown stock. Add. btono & Wellington. .Madison. Wls. 1W ) WANTED FEIVIAtE HELP. \\7ANTUD ( loort gin for light housokeep. T J lug , Inqulra ot U a. llnrnett , Murray hotel cigar atmid. uor \ \ , ANTII ! > First-class experienced saleslady ' ' in cloak department. Btnto oxptnonco and where employed. Address LOllee. . OKI . \VANTl'.l-ixposlencc"dBlrl ) : ; small family ; T > goouwoees ; 1 tr ; B. luth at. luu A COM l'P/1 V.N T girl for uenetal housework must bo good ooolc and lauudrass , ( iermau preferred. tM B. seth -t. 24J ) A girl to assist lu housoworc. KJi i ttoutli'-'lat st. _ 7U-dj \\rANTI5D-Lunch counter girl , Ml ; waitress for Colorado. tiOi steady girl or woman for ii ranch. JCS ) ; experienced clrl in a notion utore ; pastry cook. * 8 ; Hhort order lady cook , < ! ) ; dining room ulrH.nnrso KU-IB. ulrls to ns- hist Ui housuivork. lots fur couorul lioiuewoik , Mr * , llruga. U . IMli. \\rA N'riTo 'aood giri for general houso- JM > \ > ork. _ C18 B. llth st. -ii : .u "VVAM'KD I dy cook and waitress for tint- ' tun , tin and * I5 ; girl for Denver , Colo. ; y cooks uudecoud girls for 1st class families ; email niirao girls : cooks for boaralng houses , kitchen girls , scullions , ana UU ror general housownrk. Mrs. Ilregn , UHfS U.ltth. UHi-IiSt \\rANTUD-lxpcrlenro.l ! . sir ! for geueral hou owoik. Small family , lleforences relilreil. ( | gsU | Wooiwurth avo. ANTUD-Cook and utcoud girl. : nr N. 17. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\rANTP.II-Oood girl for hoiuiwork ; good ! wages for good work ; Irish prororrud. An- ply at lltti CapiUil ave. _ | j > uuj T\r , A KTKIi-f Itrl for | ro.eral IIOIISB work in a J > inallfamlly.JWVarn-in. 8ia at r * TKI-oirl for Keneral homework : t m- upt"r DRES8MAKI H C. _ Tl ? ISSMjN'NTcJChas returned fronf Chicago J. lHltlithB latest fall nmt winter Btyliw Jn Uressni-klnK and will be pleased tounraycu ' call on her at IJV'I JUeavetiworUi street , l.j sot M ISS Mlnnlck'a dressmakmjfvarlor- L < veuworth. ITJo-6 ] TUNOAOKHENtS to do drecsmaklnR In fnml- Jl' ' lies solicited. JIIss Sturdy , 610 S.tih st. 017JS Wlrteberg flrs and cloak mnVeri JplBsh clonks to order and steamed ; sealskin cloaks repaired , all -tnds lur trimmings fur- I4-U Cnpltol are. , repairing of ml kind. WANTED--TO RENT. WANTKD A Koort sized furnlshon notice , withstAOlo. Address Mts. J. a Cow in , rn-ton hotel. OTIS ! WANTUD To rent three or four furnl Iicd rooms for light honsexci > plng. or mnnll furnished cottage. Address M CO , Heo olllce. 3JO-3t " \\7ANTKD-hy family of three , small fur- > > nlshod house , for u months , Aadress at B , Dee olllce. 7il * 2J BOARDINC. \\f ANTWD 4 young men to board and room VT in n private , family , i'Wamontli npiero- trent roonjs , ISO ! Cumtiit ; St. 'M Al WANTKD A small club of gontlemcn to room nnd boRrd. Ilnndnomoly tuinlshed liou-ic ! centrnlly located ; 411 N. IB. ai'J3JJ ' "V\TANTEl > Nov. 1 four gptitlcmoii to room T T nnd board with j > rl"ate family. 1'list cln sncciunraodntloas ; prices moderate. Ad- tlret-aJl B7 > Heo olllco. 31H "J RENT-j FOItLBASij nfnrniR , C years , II mles out. Hoggs & Hill , real uslntc , HOJ roriiam. | JUK JillASTj choice Insldu resldenco lots tar JL' lontf term of years , very low rental. Hoggs & II III. f uai EOlt LIIASB 300 n'res'ndjolnlng cltj- . for dairy , poultry , uar'dcnliitr. iOtc. In lots , to suit ; M peracro. Doggs X11111. HiW l-'arimm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80It "OANKopenlmr wanted In Nebraska or Dn- Jkotn , where can invest Jl,0rt.i ( ) to 3c.lOM ) aim services with profitable returns ; cttnblt hed banking county eat town preferred ; wilto par ticulars P. O. box 3U , Kearney , Nob. RVJ ; ll FOR RENT-HOUSES. ITvOll HUNT S-rooin cottage , modern 1m- JL1 provonicnttt. onIth ave. Unqulru 8. D. llarkalow. 81:1 : 9. 10th St. ' " 17ldli"Til'.NT Small liotuo 2 rooms. Inaulro -tJ MuS.lCtnst. . .38ut _ T7OU ( HUNT 4 good cotthgcs In Omaha View. JL1 Hoggs Hill. _ HI. 20 FTAWO nice 0-room cottages ; closets , pantry , JL city and cistern water. Newly papered. large yards , conveniently located on car lines nnd only $ ls per month. Including water ; run't Ira i-qualcd lu the city. Cull-on the iiwuor. Mm. It. If McMaliou. B. e , cor. 13th and Arbor sts. " 1T1OII UKNTroom flat In good location ; JL' price ot furniture * . ) ; r nt$3'i per month , All modern couvenlonvei. Also -ti-room lint , rent SCO per month ; price of furniture $ < ! V : rooms full , Iloth paving well. Ca-opor.itlva Laud and Lot Co. , CU'i N. Ifith. 31----U TpOH ltiNT : Only 4 morti of tnoso nlco now S- * : room linnscs. Hath loom , hot and cold water. Near" car lines , only $15 per mo. dnr- Intr winter. J. J. Wilkinson , Itoom uls , Pnxtou olock. 3o7 OHKAPHENTS-0 roo.ns. 1711 St. Mary's nve. , * l . A-room collage , .llth and Knrnam , $13. f > -rooin cottage , lirlstol st. ? H. - rottages..itli nnd Hamilton Kt. All Imvo cltv watof and near street cars. " troves , St. Mary's avo. , siiltablo for furni ture , bakery or other Unlit business. Small store , ; 'f > tli nud famum. next to gro cery doing a good business ; good place for meat inatknt. - stores , Iflth nnd Arbor , will rent cheap. Hugh O. Clark , H 7 , Chamber of Commerce. 'Ml _ FOtt HUNT Sa ; ; my block. 1131 Goo. nve , 10 rooms , fnrnacu. gas nnd llxturos , electric. wires for lighting , rnngo nnd evury conven ience : barn with city water nnd gas In ; choleo neighborhood ! ) . D.V. Sholus13,1st rvnt bank , -B- - - _ TjlOlt HUNT Two dwellings , corner Cnpltol JL nvo. and I8th sts. , opposite Trinity cathe dral ; furnace , rnngu and all modern conven iences. Call on or address Ii. L. Hall , Ilurllns- t on ticket olllec. I--I f nrnam Kt. _ -.I . FOR UKNT 7-room house , ( ill S. 15th St. , bet. Jackson mid Jones Bts. Enquire next door. gil N-4 TJ1OI UKNT 4 room houso. Apply nt ( ? J7 S. JL1 A M street. SO3t T710 H KENT 0 rooms , cellar , city water and JL' gH . Apply Itoom lu , Arlington blk. .ll.'i O-UOOM honsu on Oth st. 58. Kntiulro S. K. cnr. Ollth and Vlnton. Ml _ Olt HUNT 117. C-rcom houso. bath room , co mentcil cellar , Invrn , 14'iHSIitli ucar IIIcKory Innnlro nt Uth und Farnam , N. 12. corner. O. P. KliiiiaHcr. OOP TnLEClANT Hats to rent. Ifith st. . castslde. be- JLJtwocii Jouesand I.cavouuortli ; flist-ulnss In nllrospcrta. nnd now : tpam heat ; bath , open grates nnd mantels , electric Dells In all rooms ; both motor Hues pass property. Deferences required. Thos. K Hall , Ull Pnxton block. U78 rpcrilKNT Two frame houses ou 8 ICth st. , Abet Howard nnd Jackson sts ; will put them In good shape for a rnllablu tenant , for terms call Her It Co. , 111 Haruey Bt. Ki7 o 5-llOOM ( now ) houses , all modem convenlen- > ccs except fnninco. at JIM , halt block n-om motor. .fill . ) Pnxton Illock. K-U _ HOOSI'.S aJid Imslnees places torrent , .T. J. Wilkinson , Ula Pnxton blk. _ 78S _ THIS best House for the juonoy In Oinatin for runt ; S rooms , furuucn , Dath. hot nud cold water , on Dodgu St. cable line , ? IO per month. V. _ .l. llorthwick S. 14th St. _ 779 _ T .AltfiK l--room House with all conveniences JLJund large barn , cor.jth and Caidwoll sts. C-0 _ TT'Ofl HKNT Five room house $13 per mo. , S. JL1 1 ! . corner llth and VI ntonsis. _ (117 fT-room house with barn , JU onr mouth. C. I ? llnrrison , Mcrcliani- ' Nat , bank. _ 48J mo HUNT Flat II. Bill So. 18th at. Has all JL conveniences and will bo papered nnd llxo < l tin in good slmpu for a good tenant. Cull at Her Co. , IllIlaruoy s _ , for particulars. m _ _ _ ' OU UKNT Handsome ID-room house , nil conveniences , paved street , cable and horse earn , f > minutes' wnlkofpostolllcu. Nathantihel. urn , Itl4 1-arnumst. Ul FOIt HUNT Nleo new fi-room cottages with cellnis , IWCJnndSJIS Half Howard Bt. Kent 813 per month cuch. Enquire &l U 17th Bt. 1-3 _ TOH UKNT lu-room house , all modern con- \onlcncc''j , ImIC block from stit-ut car , t3U permonlli. Call nt K7 Pnxton blocK. Ill TTOH 1RN'P ! Twelve-room house , htublo and JL' carriage house , on H.1st street , next to cor ner Leavcuwortli ; modvrn inun'ovi-mi.Mits nnd In ported repair. Apply to Lmvls S. Heed & Co. , room 13 , Hoard ot 'trade building. VM "J71OU Itr.NT 10-ropm house , steam heat , nil - - Improvements , cheap rent U. K. Thompson , room _ I4 , fahcely block , Ifith und Howard , . _ _ sni "I71OH ItKNT Klulit room house , Avjtn ample A grouiidv carnvr J.ouvonworth and " 1st sts. ; bath room , hut und told water. Apply to Lowly S. Iteed A ; Co. , room 13 , Hoard of Trade building. fT _ _ j _ VKRY low. two 7-room houses on 18th and \ Inton ; two K and u room houses ou7th nnd Woolworili ( with city water and bath ) ; two A-room houses in Lincoln I'luca. Kooin BID. I'ft-toii block. 480 Foil HUNT 0-rooni modern improved Huuse. cornor. Apply M. l'.lguttor.litia 10th. KM IJiOlt HI5NT Neat croom house , in good rc- * ? pair , oucor. _ < Hli und Woolwnrtn ave. ; pos session given Oct. 1st. Inmilru a. II. Vz.rh.uclc . , llee olllce. mi _ _ FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. FOH HUNT Two furnlMied rooms ; oveiy- thlng new and neat ; gas and bath ; i it mod erate.MiT , Farnum St. , llatC. XiUXit 17HMIN1SI1UI ) room for geutlomcn ; modern * - couvfiitoucos , cm South icth , Urd lloor , 'UOttlislde. 283 _ T JJICTFltirulslied rooms.UU DJdgl' . Tjl O HHIJNT Novumbor 1st , pleasant room r ° .r ' w < ? K utlemen , steam hout , tuble board , Uouela ? . " , vj. ' 1' 'ot" s I" tnodf m brick rostilonce. uple or en sulto ; also one largo front ; board it desired , isll Cass st. _ _ _ _ _ ? 'j2 ' * _ T > 00 SI. board , gas. bath. 1012 JlurneVkt. JLt 3l--at : _ _ ITIOH HUNT Nicely furnished south room for JL' one person , with board if desired. ! 21G Dodge street. it. S3 * 171011 UKNT NIccly furnlhhcd rooms with al X1 mtidurn courvnlouecs. 2 l K ! Mh st. _ l-7-2 _ FUItNISHKl ) rpoms , J7 , t8 and ! ? . ntSOU Harneyat. UltllJ' * ' TjWlN 1611KD room , south bay window , with - * every conveuleuceSit Furnaui. U ± J TTIOU lll2Tn'-.LrKe furnithcd7rout ! room { 10 J- ' per mouth. 2il3 Leavunwoilh , _ IM5 _ _ "I > OOM and board for two gentlemen , private -I ' family ; references , Ibl. Dodjie. 1 1S AriNKLY fiirnishea room.Sl. mo. Innniti nt cigar store 1 JU DouuUs st , 177 T71011 HKNT Fnrnlshed front rdom witn JL1 modern rtmvenlpnccs , to gentlemen only , _ t0Ti8t. Mnry'n avenue. Apply nt store-Id And213 South KlftcentUat. rlor , 5X07 Cnss st. FOH HKNT A miltaof rooim , with bonrd. 178 { UodgBjrtrect. _ _ _ _ < _ T71OH UKNT Ouo large front room nle I ? fur- JL1 nlshed 1811 California , st. SU3& > _ H HENT-Ono single and double room , \\ltli board , very cllcnp : 1011 Douglns tit..aai -.aai * _ _ T710H HKNT One nlco furnished room. 113 N JU nth tt. , l. _ _ _ IpLKOANT furnished rooms with bath and steam. 1519 Howard . _ 617 _ TTIOIl HBNT Furnliheil looms' ' for S gentle- JL' men , or man and wife. 1 < V39 Douglas. B'lt \T1CK rooms , steam heat. 1710 Davenport. JL > POT U HKNT To one or tw6 gentlemen with good references , n nicely furnished front rdom. heated by ste.ira and centrally located Inquire 7il ! B 1PUI t. 30.S WJT. fLAIU I.'nropcun hotel , cor. isth nnd ODodpc ; special rate by week or-month 1 KiG OH HUNT-- nicely ftirnHlied rdotn < with board ; ITOO Capitol avenue. tea TfOH HRNT- pleasant bay-window south JL1 front room ; bent location : nllconvpnlonccs ; suitable for one or two gentlemen. & ! lFnrnntn. . ' 418 , T710H HUNT Two furnlsned rooms on St. JL1 Mary's nveniio , to Bcntlemen only ; six min utes' wain of business center. Hi-ferenoo re quired. Jntiulro at store , 210 and 212 B. Uth st. 001) room with bath. 610 a6th st , 8.VJ FO RJ ? E N ROOMS UNFURNISHED. -a"iiiifu"rnl8iimrroomssuitnblofor FOH honsokeeplng. _ 8 N. lilth st. .OH FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES T31OH ItRMT Dcak room lit front dlllco of J3 Frenzer block. Inquire room It. U03y ! -llnclc Btore room _ 07 lith st. FOmtUNTllnclc joining cor. Douglas. & r.elirouu. xyo ITiOK KRNT-S stores , cor SSrt nnd Plorcr sts , JL1 suitable for meat market nnd grocery ; ai.-w two data above stores : will glvo responblble parties-months' rent frco to establish trade. Call on J. II. I'urrottc , Douglas Co. Hank. I7--T TpOH HKiNT Tliree-Btorybrlelc building , 1119 JLA Dougiiisst. . siiltablo for wholosala or ware house. Chas. Kanfmann , 1X13 Douglas street. 4D9 ( Illl P. most promising locality for business In JOmtilia Is on Ifith bt. . tmtween Karnam and Leavunwortb , xUo future retail district of the city , r.leimui bluets aio Kolug up , and nothing shabby will ever bo erected there. lakealoolc at the new block on past sldo 10th between Jones x Leaviuvortli and secxiru lease for a number of years ; all hcat d with steam , with pinto-glass front , Thos. V. Hull. 311 Paxton block. ff.'i _ TTIOIl UKNT 2 new ntoros , 617 nnd 013 S. 10th. -t : Fine show windows. _ ! IKi FOU UKNT Store room in IJoyd opera house building. Kniutlrc Amorlcan SavnKS | Hank. _ Ifil IriOH HUNT A 4-story nrlct uulldliis.lisxlW. JU' mutable for wholesale : good IraclCKge ; 1 have nlso n number of line prop erty for rent or Halo. For particular * call or address 41) ) > m Heo bldg. _ N , U. llroBTl. 43T FINK store , vvltlfcellar , ( tsTSouth lllth. \ SSI N4 ? _ _ _ _ "IjlOll HUNT S very do.slrablo baseuieutaiin- X ? der block cor. ll > tu nnd .Inckson sts. , slzo 31x40 fcot. They have steam bent nnd water and would be suitable for n. barber shop al most any kind of business. I will flx thorn up In Booil shape for a good tenant. Call at 1 It ; llarnny St. , P. T. Her. _ 4-j Foil HUNT Store , llll Farnam St. . SO by 138 feet , a stories nnd cellar. Nnttian Sholtou , 1014 1'liruam st. _ Niii TpO HKNT Desirable warehouse room on J. track. Apply to C. W. Kolth , 7U 1'nclllo st. _ _ _ MXl fJlOIt HUNT Tlio 4-story brick bulldlnst with JC < yr without power , formerly occupied by The Jlco Publishing Co. . UN ) I'arnam Ht I'ne build- 1m ; has u llnvjiroof comantod buiomant , com plete sleam-hcatlns tlxtiiros. water on till tbu floors , gas. etc. Apply at the olllce of The Hcc. TJIOK H15NT After Oct. 1. flno front olDce. JL' ground lluorulitte ; uluss window ; heat nnd lleht furnlHlioii ; a most dejlr.ibla .location . , lor any kind of bnstnonsrpnt reaiouaoio , liKjuk-e Omaha Ice Co. , 1110 So. 15th si. U. ) "IJIOIl HI1NT Dnsement 40 nv no ft , heated oy J ? steam. Enquire J. Nagl. U12 So. 13th st. _ 471 MISCELLANEOUS. "VfOTICE To Contractors and Others : for J- > rubble , rip-rap or crushed stonetMirmlro ot Hugh Uehon , 1212 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. KfJ-ftf < I COto-OOpBld monthiytoeducated gentlemen P/.nd ladles for procuring members for our Library Association. Members buy their boo&b tncl muHlc nt wholesale prices. For full particu lars address National Library Association , 1UJ Etatostroct. Chicago. 11L ; ? J7 2K rilltADES In real estate made at Stringer & JL Penny's. Douglas block , S. E. cor. loth and Dodgo. Call or write us. ! * 1-1 KENTAL Agents-Largo list ; well kept : Wei- > shaus & Co. , 1422 Cup. nvo. , Exposition Jlldng. a.i4 2.1J IP ymt have anything to exchange call on II. E. Cole , room 0 , Continent. * ! blocu , 1'lftcentli and Douglas. HS'i - Wa.ker'a Face llleach re- LADIES-Marlon : noves frecklps.Dlmplestnothnnd HvurBpofs , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion an.I to bo perfectly harmless. For further Information mation call nt Itoom ID. Canllold House , ' . 'in nnd Farnam. 131St IFyou have anything to sell or exchange call at Itoom U1U. Puxton block. 3."ib T71RATIIEU8 cleaned , curled and dyed , hats JU roahapcd , nt ! ' . M. Schadell & Co.,21S N. llith. A UCl'ION sales rvory Tuesday and Friday -f-Vmornmt ; at 11-1 Farnnm. Omaha Auction , v Storage Co. 775 Dlt. M AltY Strong , cor. Saunders and Casslns ets. . Kountzo iiluco. Tolephona 11SI. 17 uif : CASH paid for household furniture , atovos. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 11 : . ' ! i'arnam. r. STOCKJ30ARD-D. HOHSKS wintHrod at Omaha fair grounds ; larKQ box stalld ; terms reasonable : car- rlages btored. A. Thomson.08 Ni-'U HOUSr.3 VI tcroJ ( at my farm , good rnnse and Paddocks ; no barbed wile an place ; homes called for nnd delivered ; terms tupdor- nto. Tnhiphono & 77. Chas. McCormlclc , Col- noun , Nub. 417-a7 WANTED Horses to winter nt W a month per Itead on furmoiear Irvinzton. Plenty of grain and hay to fnod , good shelter and good caroglvon tliem ; horses called for and dehx'cr- \\.It.Homan. . room Frenzer Ulk. 101 T WILL Miuter hones onV. . II , , 3HIdrd's ! JLfarm at. Cainoun. Neb , Reasonable rates , earn ronsldered. Orders can be left with \V. it , Mlllard or mulled mo at Calhonu. T.I.Fluiiilnt' . ir. < nl EDUCATIONAL. niHB banjo taught ni an art by Qoo. IMlellen- JLbeck. Apply at Uee olllce. va L2CHOOL ot ISxprobBlou. Vocal. Artlctilnte. 71'antomlmlc. L V. Andersou , anecly block. llln''Ut E VUNINU Frencli class. Now York Llfo Unlldlntr , Itoom B0' > . Jules Meile. 711 Nil PERSONALS. I > KItSONAL A-siuclB gentleman , 3J ace and of considerable , of thl4 world's goods , would llku to correspond with a limited number of ladles not under IB or over S3 yean otaec. Object , amusement und possibly nn ncunalntnnce. Adnr ea M Bo , care lieu. Mil an IiilSONAL : Mrs. Jl. VanWeve , a reliable and oxporlt-nced nurse. Would UKR inirs. liiK to do ; vtuuld prefer nuraipR ladloa in dell- cute neultlu Address North . -d at. , No , tiO , South Omaha , Neb. asm pEKSON Al JIrs. A. M. Heath's dresainnk. JL tag parlors ; wort Kuurauterd. Prices the lowest , lu rear No. IOI- . near tlio corner of iutu ami Cass. LADIUSand gentlemen de-irlni ; correopond enU address C'orresjiouUlng Club. Kunsaa City , Mo. Inclose btuma -8'Jntt LOST. _ GST Cither oiTsiierman ae 18tn , SUth 01 WebBter sta. money pursu containing bills. lrt nleco and owner'- visiting curd , nuuie in full ; Under will bo lewurdml by lOfivinif ut IOUJ iani-mat. wq _ T O3T On Doual 8. between 10th nd SJthst , XJamall i ckaijo of silk mmlu up into curtains with fringe , with Patterson wrltum on the P per. Under plauu return to N , U. Falconer , WANTED-TO BUY. \Vf ANTED Second hand light w < xgon. " "JTust i T bu che i > . Addren it. ciro I'u.w Boap Co. Ml-aTr WANTED-Slock o * ' rocerJus on commis sion ; good references. Address C. II. . llox < so , OactoU , Neb. „ _ gasat WANTKD-Tobujiptirtie Ih t cla.ii inortonpes for castero purtrJoess / & Hliu sa & MONKV to loan In mrr nmount on household poods , horses nnd MnRons. alnmonds , land contracts.stcondmortcncc or any nVRllAulorc * curlty , wltflout puollclty. Hdom W.Pnxtnn blc > i 210 _ WANTED To buj ? 'ft ' ) acre farm , ffood for gardening , wltliln1' H mlle of sorao U It station , not over K miles from Omnna ; must bo low price. W. L. fielpy , H. 13. Hoard Trade. n , . wo _ C ASH for furniture' inrpeto , etc. Well's Anc- lion { Jlorage < .JJJ * V 131 _ 715 WANTKD or ft tliousand ydsotrnrthto 1111 lot 53 , llurr Oak mid , up to grade. In quire W , N. Donvnrd , 1517 Douglas St. 700 STORAGE. rpn.VCKAGK utotfiRe nt lowest rates. W. JL IlusnmiMi. 1311 LcnVen\vorth jTOUAQK nt Iqw rates at 1131 KaniMn street , OOmahn Auction nnd Storage Co. ftti STOItATlf Snd'forMrnriTln'J. ' We collect nnd do' liver qoorti of nil description , merchandise. fnrnltnro nnd uaggnuont ; cheapest rates ror Morago ror nny length of time. Vans nnd wagons to bo had nt shortest notlr.e , with care ful men for moving. Packing nd shipping from our own warehouse dona on moderate charge. . Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. orfipo-U H Klh St. Telephone 114. llowoll & Co. HI1 CLAIRVOYANT. TJIOllTUNP. Teller Mr . 1/onorniau can be JL consulted on nil niralrHor , life. Sntl.sTact Ion guaranteed. No. : ilO N. 15th st. CO-ill IJ 1H. . NAN Nil ! vTWarrvnTclBtrroynut. medl- J cal nnd business medium. 1'enmlo diseases aSDi-cliilty. UON iota st. , rooms - and a f03 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING FN. \NDMAN , Stenographer nnd Typewriter. II. 4-7 Paxton Illk. lolcphono 15ao. WHITTLKSHY'S shorthand nnd typewriting school. Darker block. Tne best nnd chpnp * cst in tha city. K N 12 * STANDA11D Snorthand School. Hoom 34" . Wivre blk. . ( micTs. or to Vnlentlne s ) the- largest exclusive shorthand school In the vest. Teacn- ers nro verbatim reporters' ' . Purtlcnhir attention paid to typewriting. Mechanical conjunction of machine tnuglit by factory expert. Circulars . NV1 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Flt ) 8"AliP. Counter nud shtlvTinV , room 6-7 , I'nxlon Hlock. "M T7VK ) SALK Well trained horse , bnggjnnd JP lniincss , f-33. A bargain , Address P. O. - Foil SALK Duo largo horse ; uo trade _ iogc.Hill. ! . Foil LA LII Stylish team ot ony horses , 5 mid 7 years old. perfectly bound , nnd will known in the city : will drive double or single. One canopy-top double surrey. Ono top bugay , One set double harness. Ono set single harness , Ono saddle. All the above complete and in good condi tion. No further use. roiiwou for falling. Also mio ttein\\ny Hqliare piano , nearly new. The above property will be told cheap , on reasonable terms , or will trade for Inside real estate. Innnlro room SRI , First Nnt'l bank. - 7Ml _ _ T71OU t-ALH Light sfirlui wagon 1V17 N. Mill. JJ < 0 -ffiln'-'IJ OK SAL 13 A goMlHet of butcher'H tools. very cheap. Apply > - < y. Cumlng. 144 38 ? J T71OUTV thousand dftne tlc cigars -ror silo -U chean , or n 111 trailolfor her < iand hutrgy. S. g. Price. Jr. . mom 11 ltlst Xat'l bank. Ill ITiOlt PALI : At hall ! t > rlce. n lot of counters JL imd slicivIiiK snlt-Wc for procery. notion , Imot nnu sluie ( stock. , f\V. H. Ilomnu , room 0 T Preu-trblk. tiSI "ITIO u S A Li : rlieap litltrsay cows , I frelF. X1 I.cavltt llurnham , K1 W.1st and Ca s. f . W ) F1 III PA LI'Top bnjtuy nearly now , ohs.ip. .1. I * . Wclfthnns , 14Alurnuv- | | . ui FOH KAMI A new'hlrnncc ; cheap for cash tir w 111 trade. Imiuii p at _ IG S. lath. _ 7aO 1710U SAMS I ! cows obpup. " IlT II. Heudef- JL' t-oii , loom 10J , Pnxtoii blk. t > U'i TT10K BAIiK A iiUAr.ttiy ot bulldlug. stone. A1 Apply .to the iiiperlnlcndqut "fJlOU SALH A fU-liorao power Porter engine Jin oed condition , weight fi.lOOpounds cyl inder llxir. . Kor p.irticui.ira apply to Tim Uco ollice. TVS ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. 1DLANO Ouiiranti-o i TnuuTcVvTN. V. Life bldg. roniDleto abstracts f.unlxtiud und tltlaa to real estate cxnmlaed.puf fueled & guarantocd. rat MONEY TO LOAN BUILDING loans. D. V. SholesID First National banic , FTJ rOANSmndeon real eslnto nud mortgages J-Jtjotignt Lolds S. ICveit&Co r.U.board triulo , , [ -71 LOANS City mm farm loans , mortgage pa per bought. > IcCafno } Co. SJO Kl lDKNCinoaiw-niS to 7 per cent ; no ad ditional charges for commissions or attor ney's feea.V. . 11. Melkle , Hr t Nat bank bldij. i-61 MO.VKi * to loan on fnrnlio. , etc. , or on any approved security J. W. Kobblni , llllli I'arnum street. Paston notol. 871 III I UST ortgage lonim nt low rates ami no JU1 dela . U S' . Slioles-lU Tlrst National bank. Pll I LA DiMiI'lIIA Mortgage ic Trust Co. fur- ulhh clii-an eastern money to borrowers , purchase securltlus. pel feet tltluH. nccent loans at their western olUre. ( jcoiso W. P. Coates , loom 7. Ilonrrt of Trade. H-S KMY8TONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of IIU to tl.OJ1) ) : got our rittns before borr.wlng nnd save money ; loan ou hor.sej , furniture , or any approved security , without | ( tlbllclcy ; notes bought ; for new loan , renewal of old. nud low- ebt It-US.Shccivy blk.lutli & Howard st. Wl ] \ TONito loan ou hordes , wagons , 1111110 ° , J.U household iroods , plunos , organs , diamonds , lowest-rates , Tlm llrst organized loan olllco In tha rlty. MukcJ loans mini thirty to tlueo hun dred und sixty-live dayrf. whli h cnn bo paid In pnrt or wliolo ut uny time , thus lowering tlm principal nnd Interest. Cell nnn neo us wliim you want momiy. Wo cari assist you promptly nnd to your advantage without removal ot uroportjr or publicity. Money always , on hand. No il.lnvln making loans. C1. R Hood .V f'o. . : itu S. loth st. , over Illnghum & Sons. b7.'i MONP.V to loan. O. [ < . jTav-Ts Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , l.VH Kurnara st. K7tl MONEY to loan on city or furm property , ( . ' .eo. J. Paul. 1(13.1 ( rurnani st. " * " . . . . DO YOL' want monuy'H so , don't borrow before setting my rates , which aiu tlfa low- tat on any sum from l to $ Hxw ( , I iiinko louns on hotiaoliold gnod > . pianos , or gans , hor.sosimiI 3u-aKoui.warehouse receipts , Jionse ? ; luuses , tc. . In any amount , nt the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans run bu made Wr one to six months and yoncnupay part ntjuliy timn , reducing both principal mid interest. , If yonowa u baluncu on yonrtnrntttii. or adrsos or have n loan ou them , I will tnkirlt up una carry it for you as long ns you doslib , tti I1 y ou noud money ran wil IQ nd It to your ad- vuntatjo to hoe me before- borrowing , H. P. Muster * , looin'l.m'lthuoU building. lr th and Hartley. , . [ , . , C7i > MONRY loaned Oi.f.iituil ( ] security or rea estate. J. J , Wiliunson , Old IVixtou bile. ' TB.S (1 > IOUU Privattt loan or will buy good Pmoitgafe , Vf. L. Belliv , r. 13 , lioaid of Trade. < \ * * MON11Y to loan oiJ'Pity property and farm hinds at lowest rafill J. D. X.lttle , 430 l > iiv tonjilook. [ j _ _ IB \ i ANTKD l-'lrst-clijM Insida loans ! Lowest rates. Call nnd JSDO us. Mutual Invest ment Co. . 1WU Kiirnattej1 K77 C .Jfti.XX ( ) to loan AtC riw.c&nt. Unatian. : Ma- Phoney , loom H > > I'ny'on block. HTO MONKV to loan byjon coatorn man , ongllt edge property , for tlio next lOduys. Harris , room 411,1st Nut , Hank. Kia KtOItKmakliijTcIiattel or collateral loans , it will pay you to see The Wt-slern Investment - ment CD..JOOUI IK , Hoe tmlldlng. ma BUILDING loan , wanted ou brick business or rcsldeni-a blocks , f uvorable terms and rates. Klinball , CnauipItyan , 12U > Farnam. , - . - tnntlot 8lX.ouU ( lu Bums - $ lt.OUO and upwards at very low rates The Mead InveHtment Co. . 3148.15th nt. _ 1KI \1 ONKV-Loann neaotiatedot low raws with" OUcmt dulay. and purchase good commurcUi paper uml mortcafe notes. S. A. 81or.n. cor , l3th and 1'nnism. gaj " \ifONI5V to loan on any security " JJJ. tor short time at low rates. Lowest rates on person * ! property. The HemlerMHi Morlgnge Inrestment company , room M > Paxton block. if ? , MONKV to loan on real estate security at lowest rates. Itoforo ne otiatln io n-SB * Urown bia > : . l U und DouijUs. V to loan At low rntes and no delay. tnl and fmrpltts ft.SOXOn ) . Lombard Investment Co. , R S 13th St. 880 QKlnoies. room -10 Tlrst Rat'l UMiTcToVfire" Pin-king jour loiin . _ 8 HI \ \ ON KV to loan : rasn on hand : no delay , J. l > Lw. Banlrc 1-1B V rnam at. Virst Nntlonal bank building J 8 l _ _ _ rpft LOAN A" few tlionsand "on Insldo miTui- JL proved city pronffrty or good "d mortgage paper. Ad d ress M < 0. Heo olllce. _ am MONHV loaned on furniture , horses ntul wagons : rntos wasnnablp. City Loan Cov , 118 8. lath st , . opposite Mlllard hotel. Ms ) SAFETY DEPOSIT VAIJLTS. National safety rteroslt vitiilts , Pafes to rent $ . ' . to t'.J n year , 307 a. 13th.7J BUSINESS CHANCES. < C WO buys restaurant Unit pays 8150 nek profit * P per month. pnly.JjOO cash. J. J. ( llbson , Creighton block. W ) /"IKlAltatovoln onoof the best locations In V/lhoclly. Can sell anvitmount tomtit the pucliasor. ; Confectionary and restaurant com bined. Co-onciiUlvoLmid and Lot Co.-05 N. ICtll 8f. r. bakery , elgnrMid tobacco \J store to trade for city tirooerty or land. Ptodfot Jewelry for lann. Stoclc of Rrocerlei t or city property unit cash. Co-operative I.und " TpOU SATiB Or exchangeFirstilass drug JL1 stockHOIo. Vnlloy , In , . 4,0ft ) people , three stores , stock fcVXKX Will soil for part rash bal ance on time , secured , or part oa h aim balnnro lonnor Nebraska land nt fair valuation , Lock bos OIA Mo. Valley , In. an 1 T\HUO business for sale Inn Hvo Nebraska J 7town , auont $ _ ) .l XI worth of druu business done In the town.yearly. only two drug stores ; xtock nlil Invoice about J'.SiiO , Half cash and half on tltae. Address > t a7 , Hee olllce. lee at 1011 llIJNT New hotel , In heart of city ; thirty rooms. W.Fnrnam SmithIZ-'O Farnain S10 pOll SA IiE Or trade , a well established book JL' ami btallouery store. Itux MS. . ' 1 FOR EXCHANGE. niO IIXCIIANOK My equity , worth tt.fiUOm JL a Hplcndld lot on Quorsla ave. , for ( ililcnjro BUburban property. Address ! ? , 117 W. A'nn Ilu- ren at , . Chicago. . # 1 1 ? FOll KXCIlANOn Wanted , for good farms , n 76 to 100 bbl. Hour mill , nnd n newspaper outllt. Address lock box VI , Gothenburg , Nub. i"J8-8 EOlt U.YUlANOnGrocery nnd feed store for f , X ) ; M cash , balance trade. Might do better If property is first class. Co-oporntlve Land and IMI Co. . SUe N. Iflth at. itta-CO CASH nnd good land In Antelope Co. to trade for merchandise. Thrno nice fnrniu tor Omaha property. Clear Council lllutrs prop erty ami good farm to trade for hotel. Cooperative erative Lund nnd Lot Co.JJ N. 10th Bt. 1J1I--8 J > CLKAlt Soutn Omaba low for horacs.orland Osoittli or east of Wheeler Co. , Neb. Holby , 13 Board Trade. 3U VTKVV _ aoatcd cnrnnite for -cd mortcaga. A Selby , la Hoard Trade. . SH \\rANTBD TotraA 24n acres good Nebras- Vt ka land , nil clear and deeded , for brood marcs. Albert Gdholm , 101 8. ICtu St. , Omaha , WILL exchange $70,000 worth ot Improved Lincoln property for lands. .1. 0. & C. II. Hutching. 1123 O street. Lincoln. Kab.OIJ O EXCHAMJU tteautlful Denver property for property further cast. Dexter , HU ) Wright blk. Minneapolis , M Inn. 171 ! Mt Oil KXHANQK SO ncro-j-clear ofcncumb- rance. in ftrltis of 10 acres. In Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock , ot goods or city property. Apply room -10. First National bank building. I'M To trade _ lota , fi-room house , WANTKD bam und out-bulldlng ; nicely located in Tlorcnre. Neb. , No Incumbrance , for good young work teams. II. Hall , Florence , Neb. Mi. ) 1 TT'OU ' KXCIIANHK-A business yieldlngnprollt JU ot from $ , ) . 0l ) toJ4S.0.0 . isr unnum , to exchange - change tor good city property. Am willing to nssiimo light encumbrance. Apply room-111 , I'lrst National liunk building. 131) TpOIt KXJUANi ( ( ; : 10clear South Omnhn lots JU nnd cle.irttand for 8or 10 room houaw , will nssiimo small incumbrance.V. . L. Sclby , It. 1U , Hoard Trade. TOJ FOH H.KCHANGK In Ptunit , Holt Co. . Nob. , now house , fi-iooms and closets , with 4 cor ner lots : rcutwfor $10 per month. A feed store and two business lots , rents for 81-per month ; will trade for nstockot hard ware , clothing or boots nud shoes. Address 1'Yunk K. Harrlgan. Crete. Web. 707 ! IO EXCIIANG15 for city property , two good farms joining towns situated In Harlan und Clrcely counties. Meyer & Hanpko , Wi Ilnr- ney at. oat o'M \\7ANT15D To oxchaneo dry goods notions IT nud millinery goods for clear land or city property nnd part cash. Address box 479 Vrankfort .lnd. UU5 EENTAL property , Inside , to exchange for clear forma or vacant city lots. Thos. F , Ilull.Sli PaxtonbloeK. K Tmoit li.XCHANtlE-Kor any kind of good JL1 property , a grain clavator in one of the best towns In Iowa , situated In the heart ot a line agricultural country. Present oner is nos n grain man , and has other business. A rare chance for n practical man. Al > o. Eve thousand acres of line timber land In northern Tennes see , lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce , Tol.1410. SALE REHT. TTIOJl SALT7 Two corner lots near S-mith JU ha Pnrkgreat bargain. S. , P. O. box : ! SSI GO TO the "Old Itellablo" M. A. Upton Co. Ifith ivna Farnam. for real estate Invest ments. Jtcferonces Our post dealings , 575 T OOIC nt this space In Snndny Hoe. Star Land JUand Loan Co. , KWi ! < Farnam. 303flea OK SAr.R-K5.00a-UJ-acre : stock tarm in llrown Co. , Neb. For particulars write to HoiTlTO. Alnsft-ofth. Neb. _ HIH Oia * TTiOR HALE Cheapest nnd nest residence lots JU in Omtdm to parties wanting them for homes. I longs & I fill , 14'J. ) Farnam. I "OTSln Orcnard Hill aronuro to pay well. It J-ilsln the prettiest part , of to motor.V'o have so\ oral rock-bottom prices on easy turms , Stringer & Penny , Douglas ull > . _ 1C..J 20 _ W II , | , toll -10 feet on Dotlgo st. ntllOJppr front foot. Chcapa t thing we Know of. Stringer te-1'onny. Dongla-s block. ira 2fl r7 11OOM cottagu anil " acru-i of giouud with < line vineyard nnd fruit trees on thu hill In Council Ititiifs ; motor passes the house. For tale or rent by Stringer & Penny. Doiii'lus blk. K3--8 - _ _ ANKWil-roomed IIOIISB clo o to Dr. Mercer's for halo on easy terms. Stringer & Penny , Douglas blocK. _ ti'ji 2 < i _ \\rn have for sale the llnest corner on Upper TI Farnam st. at $7'i front , f out ; nlso two of the flm-st residences In Omaha , rinito nou'and luxuriously f nruUhud.ono In Kountze place nnd flno In a. w. part of city. Stringer k I'nnny , Douglas block. t)5.'l ) 'M _ OU8ALK Uheapcbt JlMt class farm of 100 Ij ( icioHlii KeDr.iuka , ISO acres cultivated , deep black rlcti soli , no sand ; Kearney county ; jOJ : ; ! ! only. _ Jlgggs A ; Hjil. UU3 Karnnm. W M "iri'Oil SALIS-lia ) acres ve'ry line fund hfCedar JUcomuy _ , ll uo tnkesjfcllygg3 k Hill , _ MW 20' " " ' A1'1'.W cotfnKfTu"Axtordr-"Oio'imnT TflTlT Tlorbacu't < 2nd , Hancom 1'lauf , Lake's , Pop- ] ) k'ton parkKhlnii's and Pnrnur'd additions to toll on easy monthly payments. These nru on very choice lotd and BMJIIO are on car lines. Dor.'t delay until next year : get lu now and take nd- vnutago ot rise { n values. F , 1C. Darling , 43 llartcr block. _ ixi : u ( } J-7M ( ) actual nlueltiuldo buslnasn aiut rest. 'Pdenci'.rJt.OjO worth of bouse * being built adjoining ; will sail fur il7.oiu now ! why ? For reason nm In neQd ot flO.00) cash ; great olfor. Address 1.5(1 ( , lloe. _ _ _ _ GJInllJ AVI3UY HUB honth front jot , n corner , n. e. cor. _ 7th Biul Howard 6ts. , UixlUj , JU > ! iO. M. A. Upton tolilth : _ nnd Farnam. _ 41 S3 _ NOW h r U a bargain ut tvro-tiilrds value : ( JlxHU tVet on Caldwell stret't between -Uth and -7tb , 7-room house , well , clntern. walksatKl trfeti.f-li.V ) . * II.V > CHHI | , balance 3 yuurs. Notuthe blzg of Ibis lot , Its location add tlin Improve ments. M. A , Upton Co. , 10th and Farnam. _ _ _ _ 2413 " 171011 BALK Very low price fora fewdayn , JL1 iota , blocs 7P , near now 1' . O. site. Inquire on premises. No. ITJlj IJavunport Et.til lit fjloTTaALU-lly o'tto'LcTbuck ; JL1 ii-room cottage , good cellar und well , lot WxKVi , fenced la. West fuming. 11,20 ! ) : cash UK ) . fnl. l7 per inontli. without Interest. T-room cottage In Ilrst-cla < u order , on N.-Oth near I'nul , terms to suit , U.UOU. New H-room house on llrlitol Bt. , 1 blk from motor line. 1.50(1. ( f-room House un N. ) d near Cass , ri.COO. Corner Douglas nnu luth , rents at S1 , U * , cash H5.0UO. S'JA.0.0. Huuth Omaha lot * : Lot i m blk 10. toxino ft , 11,200 , Lot i In blk 13 , ( Aixl5a ( t , tl.-m Lots 11 nud 12 In blk 34 , corner lOxKD00. . Lou _ and 4 in blk 4 , COxl.'id each , VMa. Acre lota In Solomon's add , tttu. Acre property on belt line. It2 to $000 , all on _ sy terms. Otto Lobock , room IS Chamber of Commerce. _ _ -l UO rilOPUltCHASHUS-Novcrgotothoownerot Jl apiece of property you \rj h to buy. A good broker " 111 muku tlio curchaso for you at u lean figure than you possibly can. It yon will putyour thln.lni ; capon you can reason oat ihu truth of this aasmlou. U. A. Upcou Co. , IStti and Jfaruam. - ' SPKUlAt > burgntnon n flneplecoot rround on -Istsu. Jmt mnth of Vlnion. J4tr\i n. rifiO\ ( Yt cash. M. A , Upton Co. , 16th ml Karnam. 241-0 TPOIl 8ALK Onlcmitlino and easy payments , JLJ Imtidsome. new , \vcll-bullt hottsu * ot nu.nrt 111 rooms. All convcmoir > s , good nolKtlbor- hoorl ; p ve < l Mre-ft * . ntroet curs , and within walking ( llstnnce ot P. O. Nathan Sheltoo , loit Famum B | reel. ax ) GAxlSP on rnnmn , between Pth and lotli , at J4M front foot. This 1 < I1M n foot low than value. M. A. Upton Co. , ICth and Fnninm.U2B NOW Is Uiotlmo to get n loTTirUwicht iTud Lyman'8 Addition just snutn ot Ilnnirom pure. Denntlful location. Th pradlngof rr.'d nt. U making It K line thorouplifftro. Uxtrn nice lylnnlot , Vit\K \ , can be bought now for $1.2oOtolnon. Tticy will sell for douhlothls amount In lesstimn.'I year. * . . Wo IIKTO n nutn * iMtr ot the elegant lots for sale. M. A. Upton Co. , ICth anil Fnrnam. -t\-3) IHAV'i ; om flrst-cla rental property for Mil * cneap within one mile of posiillocc , on paved streets nnd motor line. Thos. P. Hull fill Faxton block. RU 17011 SALT- very chc ) . no trades , farm AdTit JL1 nrres ; * eol12 N.Ov. . Hnnulton county NVl * . " miles from Mornitt > | to , small honor , ntnblo , : R nrr < " jmalnrd fenepfl ; living water , prlco only fin per ncro.4rr.i0. . onA > tulr < UKt9 | crop Included , 'forms $2XM ! cash balance 0 percent Interest , F. 1C , Atkins , owner , rnllroad buiui- Ing. Denver. Colo. 77 * rjTlIlCbMt Itosidonre. . Varnnt and suburban properties tn thn market are for sale bv "tho old lellable" M. A. I'pton Co. . Itith nnd i'arnnin. -4- AHHUr.WD buyer nlways imiKes Ms pur chases of property , like loat estate , through a broker. A good many people out here need to bo edu cated In this regard , but erperlonnp , that cost ly but circctlve tencnor , will "lam" them. M. A. rpton Co. , Itith nud I'arnnin. ' . ' 419 nOMl S Tor Sale on Monthly Payments. " room dwelling In Central Pnric , full lot , south front : payments , Jl.V.l per month. Small cottage In Central Park , mil lot ; pay ments. 812.5(1 per mouth , C room dwelling , corner Mill and Patrick ave nue , full lot , south front ; payment * , fcW per month. Ilnudsoma7-room divotllng. on draco Btrcct , all motlern linprovements. on monthly pay ments. Other property In all pnru of the city. Call nnd see me. D. J. O'Donnlioo , IMl Farnnm. _ TtU UltSCinnii tor shares in the "American. " S the l nest Imlldlng iina lonti assochxUon in the world. M. A. Upton , special agent , Wilt nnd Farnatn. -I- _ moved to 8t , Irfiila blfers to snll 0 OWN13K houses at a talg'burcnlu , 2700 and 500 ouch , all uewl v papered nnd icntcd , in n location that they will never be vacant. Call and let mo glvo you terms. D. D. bmeatoii , Itoom 41 llfirker block. _ . _ viU nit ) TT OK SAM' 0-rooiu House , uavti nim lot. JL' Hhiwcom Place , ut u bargain. Harris , room ill. 1st Nnr. B .nk. _ KU OMAHA HOTELS. UOTKlr-Gorncr of Hit It mid WlNDSOlt JAcksonsts. , U blocks from Union depot. Ilejt Si a day house In the cltv. TOT < ! ' liioorpnrnt Ion. Tie It known that wo tlio undeislgiif d Imvo ns- soclatod ourselves together under the corpor ate mum ) OL Htur Land and Loan Company , thu principal place of business of which shall bo in the city of Oninlm . JDoiiula- ; County , nnd Stito of Nebinskn , for the purpose of tinKsicttuir u geneinl Ko.U nslutt ) und Loan Itu-lnc s. Thu nnthorl7pl capital s'o.'kis Fifty Tuou < and Dollars lars nnd the paid up capital Twenty Thousand Dollars , bahuico of stock when Issued Is payable on demand of Hoiml of Directors. _ ho date ot lieKlnnln'X business was July ii'th ' A. D. 1S8 ! > . and shall continue twenty-live vcarr. The Indebtedness shall not exceed two thirds of tbu mild up capital. Tlio business or nils corporation shall be con ducted by the following oltlcors : C. C. Shlmor , President ; H. It. Wick' , Hecre- tnry ; W. M. Kclsu , Trcnsurer.C. C. C. Sin \tnit , H. II.WiOKM. O.-19--fl-Jf-3 W. M. Kir.-.Q. : _ Notice orifs nlii lon. The partnership heretofore oxlsllng between II. H. UxeramlJ.V. . Schoejply under the linn iiamoof Over iV fc'choclply has this day been dissolved by mntiiiil consent. J.V. . Schoclply will continue thu business and will nssntno the indflitcdnes-s of the llrm and collect all out- btundlug debts. U. H. OVER. J. W. OmnliH , October Cist 1BSP. o-st'ilO-t _ I > KOl > b8ALS hir'Krfctlon of Sciiool Uulldlllfj etc. , U. S. Indian Service , Van Id on Agency , Daktota. October ISt h , 1 M ) . yeiiled proposals , indorsed "I'ropo-nls for erection of a school building , or for building materials" as the < asu may bp , nnd directed to tlie undersigned nt ( iruemrnod , Dakota , will bo received at this olllco until onu o'clock of Novvmlxjr Uth , ISM . for furnishing th noccs ary materials and labor and for greeting n two story frame HChool oiilldlngnt thn Yunkton Agency. Dnk. ' in ac cordance with plans and apeclllcntloustliutmuy bo examined nt the olllco ot the "Plouocr Prct-s ' of St. Paul. Minn. , the "Ilcu'1 of Oilman. Nolir. . and "Journal" ot Hlout City. Iowa ; nlso for furnishing n variety of lumber , bricks , windows dews , ilooivMianlwnrc , etc. , ( a lull list nnd des cription of which raav be obtained by applica tion to the undersigned ) , required for nycncy buildings. Infiubmlttlmrblds forthe erection of the school building , bidders must Htati ! thu length of time renuhcd to complete It : nnd for furnishing building materials , the prlco of each article ottered for delivery under contract must bo speclllcally stated. Ortltled nucuks All bids must no accompanied by ccrtltlud checks iliion Bomo United States depository , payable to the order of tno undorslgneU , for at Iuastr > per cent of the amount of the piopo&al. which chect will be forfeited to the ( Tnlteu States in case any bid der or bidders receiving an award shull fail to promptly execute n contract \vltli good and suf- llolent Miiotles , otln-rwlsn to bo luturncd tn the blitdiT. The right U roicrvort to reject any or all bids or imy jmrt otnny bid If deemi-d for the best Interest of the service. SAMHIU. T. LHAW. IT , 8. Indian A font. Alt MY 8UPPLIF.8 : DKPOT OUAHTHItMAS tor's Olllco. OuiuJm. Neb. , Octonr > Ibtli IMI Sealed proposals In dupllcnto will bo received nt this olllco until 10 u. m. Tuesday October -"Jth IbSli. at which tlmonnd nlai-o they will be opened in the presence of ut fending ( Udders for delivery of Lumber , Shingles. IlnrUwure. Wire Hone. .Matting ilud Stoves. LIstH B.viiig specitl- cuuons quantities nnd other Information will bo furnished upon application to this olllco. Preference will Uo given to avtlcle.i of domt-btlo production or munu- nctnri . condition of quality and prlco ( Including In the prlco of foreign production or inanufncuitu the duty thereon ) lielng cn.tml ; nnd fiirtln-r , tliutnocontnicts slnill boawnrdoil for fnnilslilng articles otfon-lgn production or inanntacture Mlien 'tho nrtlvleu of Hiiltnblo ( limlily of domestic production or manufacture can be obtained. The Government reHervpt * the i Ight to reject any or nil proposals , lltdder.s fihotild nttuoh H copy of this advertlsfinmit to their bids. JOHN SIMPSON , CaptHln and Afcnt. Qr. Mr. , U , B. Army. o IB 107 ' - > * . yotice la hereby given that a book will bo openedat 10 o'clock n. m. on Saturday , the six teenth clay of November , 1W ! ! > . attnc olllco of J , M. Thnraton , Union Pat-illo Htillillng , in the cMy ot Omaha , Douglas county. Nnbruuka , for the purpose uf recelvmc subscriptions to the cnpltal stock of the Omalin ( Tnlon Depot Com- nuuy. \\r. \ H , HoncoHli , ( J. W. HOMIIIKIIB. T , IClHllAl.t o-17-rt-nO-t For the Incorporators. Of Iho Bitting of the City Council ns n Hoard otliquallzutlon. To all Tux-payers nnd nil parties Interested In taxation In the I'lty ut Omiimi : the City Council of thu City of Omalitt. will , UH provldtut und ro- ( lulrcdby8octlonH.-Of the Cliarterof .Motropo- lulaii C'ltlm , hold n Boaslon n u Hoard of IC < iiial- Izutlnn oC not le-u tlmn Mvo days , roinnioiicliiff Monday , October _ 8. ls 'J und continuing from duy today till the close otHUchsittlnt ! : far the purpose < if emmllzltm tlm iisbnssniciit of all property wltliln tlio City of Omuha usKoiHi-d for Ktnuriil toxatlon , for City Taxes for the year Kuril sltttUK will bo haldnt the ofllre of the City Clcrlt ot said rlty , at the County Court Ilousi'in the City otOinuliu. comineuolnK nt U o'clock a. in. , nud continuing till It o'clock n , in. , diuly. And you nnd each of yon me hereby not I lied to bo und uppenr tioloro vald Itonnl nt thn time ami ulaco uuini'd. to make uny com plaint or objection you may have to said assess , ineut. or any part thereof , as by btatuto provi ded. J. H. SOUTIIAIII ) , City ClL-rlt. Omaha , Oct. 18th , 18 ? ! ) . oJIdtt PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1303 FARNAM STREET. THE BEM TIME TABLES , OMAHA. ArrTro" Depot 10th A Mntou'Ms. Onmha. OntRhn , Cblcngo Vestibule K.X. . . . ails p m DiW n m. Chicago Mail. . . ; 45 n in i t45 p n\ OilO p m " ! S n m Denver Vcstlbtilo Kx 10:01 : n m 0:00 : pm Lincoln A Concordia Lo'I $ M a m fliift p m Colorado Mall , . 7li p m PS3 : a m Chicago Fast Mftll VfM p in Kantaa City Hxpros- . , . , . : ' a m nn.'i a m ICantaa City K-prei3 _ flMpjn : a .i.ft p. L avu Arrive Depot luth A Mnrcy sts. Omaha , Oninlm , Dos Molne * Acfommod'n 6:41 : a m OtOQ p m Atlnntia lixpress 9:15 : n ml 7:0) : p in Night r.xpTi s 41J ; p nil nro a m Vestlbulod p m7i40 ( _ n in .rrlva . Depot luth nd Mnrcy sts U malm Overlnml 1'lyer. , , , 7:50 p m R : Jp J ra PacllloKxpres-s. . . StSl n m ! TJSO n in Denver I'xprrss. . 10:30 : n ui 8110 p m Knnsna City. Lincoln A | Heatrleo ixpp : 4:4R a. m ISittn m tnrnna hlnmi . I fi:4 p tn' ' I3:2i : p uv Pahlliion Pntsoiutor , 6:5J p nij 7190 a la tD llr KzcapV ftuiulny. MIK-IUJHI PACIFIC I Lm.o , ornvo Depot If tluV Wttuster.Ms ' Omaha. | Oiimha. sunuun/vN / TUAINS. AVcHtwurd. Rnnnlng between Council Ilinlfo nnd At. Iirlxht , lu addition to thuntallons iniMillouod , trains stop at Twentieth ana Tmnty-rourtu , and nt the Summit In Omaha. ilroaflTraiu - Omaha | South | Al- way. fer. dcpot. Sbcoly.Juitiha aright. A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. n:61 : tt:00 : 0:05 6 : n (1:17 ( nn : : 0.50 0:55 : 0:40 : C:4 : 7uo 7:07 : 7-0 7:25 7:35 7 : - 8:00 7:4ri : tioa HK : 8:00b 8.33 8:4 : : 8.V : ) : b ] 8:52 y03 ; 9:12 Uao 0:35 : 10.HW 0:45 : 0.2 10:05 10:12 : 10:3) : ) lo:4'i : 10 ; > 11:03 11:1. - 1IUO 11:15 : 1I:5 : P.M. P. M. P.M. P.M. P. il P. St. 13:05 ' l-:2. : 1-IO : | ls : KK l:0.i l'li 1:11 1:45 1:5. 2:05 : 2K siso : i:00 : 2:15 J5l- : 3:3U : IhM 4:10 : 4:15 : 4:1- 4:25 : 4:30 : 4SO : 4:57 : 5:10 : 4:43 fi:0j : 5GO & : < I5 6:0j : 0:15 : 7:05 7:25 : 70 ! ! Hffli 8IO : ! 0:03 : fl,10 : 0:62 ] 0:0 > 10:1. : 10:2J : 10:30 arll-BI 1JOJ : 11:07 : : - 11:51 13:01 : Ir 11:45 f 12:05 : lSOi Knntwnra. CIUCAQO , HOOK ISLAND & PACIFIC. n No. S B-.tflpmA No.iil 7lnm ) C No. 0 : " > iipinD No. 1 0lupii\ ; ; A No. 4 10:0liim.a : ! No. n..5:15nm A No. 14. U:4' : > pinA | No. 3. , . . .0i : ! ) mil CHICAGO & NOHTHWiaTKIlN. No. 6 0.40ftm No. 7 . . . ,0:27am : No. B 3:15pm : No.3 7lin : m Ko. 4 ! ! ; ' > am No.r. , .flin : pm CHICAGO , MILWAOICHi : & SV , PAUL. A No.2 :40amlA : No.l 7dOam : * * * ' . , it ; "m vn : i. . . . . r.J"itiirt KANSAS. CITY. ST. JOSIU'H & COUNUlIi A No. S , . . .joVa'mA No. ! ! Oftlnin A No. i 0:15 : i > in A No.l UilOpia HlUb it l't\\ll'U A No. 10 7:05nmA : | No. n , SVinfai : A No , 12 7OOpmA : | No. II . . . .UUOlliu OMAHA .V ST. LOH1H. A No. 8 4:3'ipmA : | No. 7 12tti ( ) A daily : n dally.rooot Saturday ; 0 oxcop. Gunday ; D eicupv Monday ; fubt mall. litU . HiinlccH at rt/inn'.ui-iiiiU' . The woplc of linrvegtiii the rattle snake * crop ol the Shiiivnntfunk tnouu- tnina fatill gees bravely on. A ilny or t\rosinco ! M nly LlndHloy , of Wurts- bore , N. Y. , cnmo upon n don of rattlers - tlors in the mountain ! ) nonr Hint pluco. no Icillcd thirty-elprht of thorn , old und young , the largest being , , a viciouo old settler , tuid inonBUfiitg over four foot in length. Prepared by u combination , proportion tion and procosn iicutilinr to Hnclf , liood's Sarbuparilla nccoinpll'ihea cure , horelotoro unknown. 'N IMIlllonalrn Hnlcnr. Mr. Nuvillo , the grout London bnUor , wns oftorcd und rofuacd $ 1,000,000 for ] IH ! businobasliortly before bib death. In onrly Hfu lie fulled and hud hit ) ac counts .etlled by the banlcvuplcy court. Later , when his Hocoud venture had made him rich , ho paid all hla ohl cred itors the balance of their claims in full , willi intoreut. For a disordered liver try LJccuh urn's lilli Hunclny OliHi-rvniiuit in Kt. A rnovomont is on foot in St. Peters burg for observing Sunday as it is un do rwtood in the United StatCH and Great Britain. It la wild thu. 1'J)0 ) St. Petersburg - burg merchants have already declared thomselvcu willing to keep their place. of buBinosa closed on the iir.t day of the week. The onlv Complexion Powder In the world that U without vulgarity , without injury to the u < ter , nnd without uoubt a beaulifycr , ii 1'oz-oni'n. A Cublo I'limttklii. A WalsivorthO. , man has a pumnkln which is almost cubic in form and la aj large na u nonp box. * Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup foe children teething curcu wind cxllcdlar- , rhtua , etc. u6 cents a bottle.