Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BSE : MOtffrAY , OCTOBER 28. 1889. 3
And Why Docs Mrs. Glarko With
hold Information ?
A ficrvnnt Disappear * Suddenly nnd
la Not Hcnnl l-'roin Hy Her
I'rlcndB , Wlio Are Very ,
Very Anxious. . .
\VIicro Cnn Lena Ho ?
Lena Lewis In missing.
She Is said to have left the city October 14 ,
nlnco which tlmo she hasnot been seen by
those with whom she was wont to moot , and
her friends , who are unaware of her present
location , nro very much concerned regarding
lior welfare. *
Lena Is n domestic about twenty-eight
years of age , who has for some tlmo been
employed ns n chambermaid In the family of
John M. Clarke , at 1810 Chicago street.
On Tuesday , Octobnr 14 , t about 2:30 : p.
m. , nho loft the homo for where no ono , save
perhaps ono or two persons knows.
The door of her room was locked , but the
lioy remained , and Inside on her little
bureau was found her watch , whllo several
J other articles were also IcftUohmd.
She Is rather toll , slender , with a pnlo
face , llglvj. brown hair , nnd were when she
loft a black dress which was nearly covered
by a green wrap ; also n black hot with
trimmings of the same sombre hue.
Such is the information that cauioto Tun
Hue .Yesterday.
The reporter sent out to liivestlgato the
matter called nt Mr. Clarke's ' residence last
night. After rlnulng the door boll viciously
for about ton minutes a very pretty llttlo do
mestic answered the summons by cautiously
oceiiing the door , whereupon the following
conversation ensued :
"Is this the residence of Mr. John M
"Yes sir. "
"Aro any of the family at homol"
"Yes sir , Mrs. Clarke is ut home ; will you
walk ml Who shall I say ( H waiting to sco
It may of have been a mistake for the
seeker after Information to have rovcnlcu
bi Identity , and it might h'uvo beuu the
liroper thing for him to have asserted that
ho was Lena's long lost brother , or some
thing of that sort ; but at any rate a lady
who proved to bo Mrs. Clarke , who had
boon holding the sitting room door ajar , ex
claimed very suddenly.
"Toll him I hnvo no report for Tun HER. "
"Do you know Lena Lewis ! " was the in
terrogation propounded before the good lady
could shut the door.
"I don't want anything said about the
matter , and hnvo nothing to say , " was the
"Uut what matter ! I merely asked If you
know Lena Lowis. "
"Oh , I know , but you will confer n favor
on ma by not saying anything auout us , " and
bang wont the door.
The domestic was the next one to bo ques
"Lo ) you know Lena Lowisl" was asked.
" > fo , sir , I never have scon her. 1 am anew
now girl hero. "
Just then the door opened again and Mrs.
Clarke's face again appeared. Then was the
situation related ; that Lena tins disap
peared ns utated above , nnd thut Tin : 13nu
desired the full facts In the case In order to
bo accurate.
"I don't want anything said about us , nnd
I will tell you notbirg.- you got anything
wrong wo can get it. corrected , " and again
the door was shut.
An inuulry as to whether Mr. Clarke was
at homo elicited the following from the
domestic :
"I don't know. "
"Is ho In the cltyl"
" 1 don't Know , I work on the other side. "
Tin : UIB : man then concluded to go to the
"other side. " On the way ho mot a young
man of perhaps twenty , who In reply us to
whether ho lived there , said "ho worked
there. "
'Lo ) you know Lena Lewis ? "
' ' that's ) "
'What , the woman's gone
Yes. "
'Oh. I've seen her. "
'Where hu-j she gonol"
'I don't know. 1 think Clark's ' folics don't
want anything said about it , " and whistling
"Coming Thro' the Kye , " ho started off , but
Btopucd to answer the question , "Is Lena lu
thoclt.v ? " by saying :
"lu the city i Well. I should say no "
but ho checked himself and continued. "Oh ,
yes , she is in the city , of course , but I don't
know whcrs. "
The family of Mr. Clark , who is a real cs-
tate agent at 1401 Douglas , nro eminently re
spectable. nnd Just why they should endeavor
to conceal the matter is odd , to say tue
Organization of the Hebrew-Ameri
can I41x > rnl < Jlul > .
The Hebrews of this city , to the number of
200 , mot laat 'ovculngat Cunningham hall
ami perfected nn organization , to bo known
as the IIcbrow-American Liberal oiub. The
objects of the cluu are sot forth In the follow
ing resolutions.
Wo , the Israelites of the city of Omaha ,
behoving that a thorough organization will
conduce to the benefit and prosperity of our
brethren in thm clt.v nnd state , hereby form
ourselves into un association for that pur
pose , and to clearly define our position en
dorse the following plattform and rules :
The object of this club Is to uphold and
Mlpport the candidate for ofilco whom the
clue shall consider best llttcd for the posi
tion , regardless of political nulnlty , and ouch
member of tills club shall pledge himself
to vote for such candidate as the club
( .hull by a majority vote select for this sup
It shall bo the duty of the club to procure
naturalization papers for each und every
member entitled thereto , to ItiHtruut him in
his duties as u citizen , and to sco that Un
members are duly registered according to
law.This club shall bo pledged to no political
party , itH object bolni ; to support the attest
candidate for each ofllro.
Any member or members who shall bo
found Kiiilty of receiving any brlbo in the
form of money or other consideration from
any candidate to use his Influence among the
members of tills club In favor of such candi
date shall bo Immediately expelled from tins
club and proeccutcd according to law ,
No candidate for olllco shall bo admitted
ns u member of tills club , unu any member
of tins club who mav become a candidate for
oOico , shall at once forfeit his membership :
The following o Ulcers were elected : Carl
Kchlank , president ; A. Levi , arst vlco presi
dent ; A. Splcglo , second vivo president ;
Moses Lav ) , third vlco president ; A. Nathal-
ou , secretary ; J. Mqrrltt , treasurer. Com
mittee on registration S. Kuilsli. II. Smcglo ,
Jf Lev ! , A. Mansky. L. Kopold , S. Kllno.
Committee for soliciting new members S.
Kllno , B. Levi , C. Shaw , II. Hubcns. Hall
committee K. Kahu and H. Bnlogle.
'i.'ho next mooting will bo Held on Wednes
day , October Il ! > , at S p. m. , at St. LouU hull.
AVnrtl Dnmnoratv.
The meeting of the Eighth Ward Demo.
cratio club , held Saturday night at Schroo-
dor'a hall , Twenty-fourth and Cumlng
streets , was well attended , After some
minor business had been transacted the fol
io wing nominations for the democratic ticket
were made : I. It , Worahnni , assessor ; Thco
Festnor und Will Triscoll , constables. The
meeting adjourned until next Saturday at 8
o'clock ut Kohroedor's ' hull. Invitations will
bo sent to the candidates to bo present.
Tliu Iliiorcorvnrcln.
Tbo Indications are that the Hucrgervorcln
will soon cease to exist. Uccout meetings
liovo boon very poorly attended , and at the
meeting called for yesterday by the Eighth
ward club only the president , secretary and
three or four uinmbcrs were present. An
adjournment was taken until next Sunday
afternoon at" o'clock.
Will lnuroaan the Output.
M. D. Hannu , a member of the directorate
of too Union Pacltle , returned from the west
yesterday , where ho has boon looking after
tbo coal ilolds of tuo company.
Mr. Huuna U chairman of the coal com
mittee and Mute * that his mission west wan
for the purpose of obtaining proper knowl
edge us to the existing supply. It Is the In
tention of the company to open up several
ndtlltlonal mines In Wyoming at an early
Tlio Subject of llev. Dr.
Lecture 1/nst Night.
Lnst evening llev. J. CallnKhnn , D. D. ,
rector of St. Cecilia's church , Walnut Hill ,
delivered n lecture In the church of the Holy
l > mlly , corner of Eighteenth nnd Iznrd , on
"SU Ignatius nnil the Company of Jesus"
before a large nnd evidently n very npprccln-
tivo congregation.
The rovorcnd lecturer bcjan by giving
n graphic description of the struggles
and trials of cjiristlnnlty in the
flrst century of Its existence.
"Nineteen hundred years npo , " said the
lecturer , "there came n sound from heaven
of strange , mystical melody , a sound com *
pared with which oven ttio muslu of nngoU ,
prostrated heforo the throne of God , Is as
nothing ; a sound throbbing with the spirit
of God , and It came to brood over the
church. From that moment there appeared
In the history of the world a new race of
heroes. The name of Jesus rose nbovo the
\vrcclt of Homan paganism.
"Outof that dlvlno name and the dlvlno
truth which It rovers two organisms were
horn , ono dlvlno In Its life , and , through that
divine organism cauio ncallng for
every wounded soul. It was not n divine
organism established to create material
com fort or to widen the means of material
happiness. Wo do not rend In the commis
sion of the apostles that they wcro ever
sent to build n railroad from Joppa to
Jerusalem. Hut Its mission was to nmko
men worthy citizens ot heaven.
No\v , akin to that flrstorganism Is another
sprung Irom Its life , receiving all its
form , Us shape , Its color , Its literature ,
Its art , 1U science , solely from the
dlvlno power of the nomu of .Jesus and
from the divine organism , nnd thiit is the
Catholic church , the organism of tha living
God , Ono was an eternal society , the other
was its earthly counterpart. * Thu world ac
cepted the name of Jesus ns the
shibboleth of salvation , and In return there
was horn of that name n Christian common
wealth. All Europe , the world accepted thu
divinity of .Icsus Christ. H was a p.iciin of
Joy for till the Ills that flesh is air to.
What was the work upon society wrought ,
for llftccn centuries lu tlio name of Jesus I It
took the pngnn law nntl It stripped that law
of its despotism and It clothed It with the
etmrity of Jesus. As Emerson hits well said ,
'The principles of the Cathuilu faith und the
doctrines of tlio Catholic church , teaching a
dlvlno legislator ruling all , was the proclama
tion of the flrst principles of democracy that
found n home. ' It took the poor and
In the namu of Jesus It clothed them with
the purple of Its divinity , und It told the
rich in n clear , emphatic , never wavering
voice that the poor had n right to u portion
of the wealth of which God had made them
the custodians. It wipea out the badge of
degrcdatlon from poverty nnd the stamp of
servility from the brow of the workincmnn.
It clothed both with dignity and it preached
divine ciiuallty In the name of Jesus. It
silenced with Its volco of truth the errors of
humanity as It silenced , with love , the long ,
unnbatod cry of the poor. It broke the fet
ters of Ignornnco with its wisdom
us it broke with its love the
fetters of the slave. It took the
lost of mankind , the pariah , ono of the pro
letariat and it put upon his brow the U lad cm
heforo whom kings bow ; the diadem of the
liguro of Christ giving to him the power of
the name and all the authority of the divin
ity of Christ. It leveled all castes. Thcro
was neither Greek nor Gentile. The work
of Jesus was twofold in its character , bless
ings upon the individual nnd benedictions
without number on the community.
" 13ut there came u sad hour , the most do-
plorabio iu the history of the world since pa
ganism went down with its rottinc garments ,
an hour when supernatural authority was
dcniPd In the world. "
The speaker then dwelt upon the rise and
progress of the reformation , Introducing in
Ills reference the statement that God sought
for u man to rebuild the bulwarks of Chris
tian faith , to rokmdlo tlio ( lame of learning
and to organize a band of heroes who would
stem the tide of heresy nnd open up new
lands and now Holds of labor. That man
was found in Ignatius Loyola , and that
serried phalanx was found la tlio company
of Jesus.
Speaking of St. Ignatius , ho said : "Iteared
in luxury , nurtured in indolence , fondled in
a court , bred to the science of arms , it
seemed n pgor beginning for a saint four
elements out of which Vo shnpo n Christian
hero. Hut God saw in the calm , cold intel
lect of St. Ignatius , joined to that magnetic
power over the uUcctlons of men , a leader
who would nguin 1111 the weak places of earth
with the llrcs of virtue , who would again
lift up the human mind in its soaring after
knowledge. Iln found one who would not
only leave his mark on earth , but ivould
leave the stamp of divinity on his own brow ,
nnd his name as nn heirloom for generations
of hi * company until tlio end ot time. "
A Stranger to the Omalm Copq.
William Johnson , alias J. W. Young , who
was arrested at Fremont for fraud , lives in
Omaha , but Is not known by the police hero.
His correct name Is supposed to bo Young.
His occupation is that of a H'.ock buyer ; and
it Is eald that Young passed several bogus
checks. In South Omaha and Council Bluffy. '
It WnB Not thn Original Jo-1.
A few days ago a man named Joe Schiller
was arrested for charging a man $3 for a
bottle of beer on Sunday. The Joe Schiller
is not the well Known employe of Puycko
Ijnlxir l-Itliioatloniil IMoptiugs.
Kti ghts of Labor hall was well tilled Sun
day afternoon at the llrst of the series of
educational meetings. John J. Fitzgerald
wan elected chairman , nnd addresses wcro
made by Jacob Jaskolok , C. W. Millar ,
Alexander Ester and W. A. Adams , of South
Omaha , and John Tourney , of O mall a. Next
Sunday afternoon addresses will bo made
bv eloquent and Interesting speakers on
"Uallot Kuforrn. "
At "Tho Choice. "
"Tho Choice , " in Sarpy county , was the
scene of a Sunday dog fight and riot that
would plcaso the most fiuitldlous. Two dogs
belonging to the McCarty boys wcro
matched , und while they were fighting two
strange bullies began acting ugly and Im
posing on different ones , and at last started
u quarrel. When the dust settled and they
could bo seen , one had his eye kicked out
nnd the other had his nose kicked , and they
wcro far from beautiful , Mnro than a score
of frequenters of thut resort joined in the
amusement ,
Third Ward noinonrnilo
A democratic rally will bo hold nt Council
man John N , Hurko's hand ball court ,
Thirty-third and Q streets , Monday evening.
Mr. Morlarty , T. J. Mahoney and Edward
Morlarty , of Omaha , will rnuko addresses.
All uro invited to attend.
Notes Atmiit HID City ,
Moses H. Hoctmond Is ill aud'pfT duty ,
Mrs. Ncls. A. Lundgren was taken sud
denly ill yesterday.
Klevcn Huniluy criminals ? are booked on
the jail register for Judge King's Monday
morning luvoo ,
A sou , born to Mr. and Mrs. James If.
Van 13u6on. '
Iterated Pension OHloluIn Will Ho
WASHINGTON , Oct. 2" . A loiter was mndo
publlo to-day from Secretary Noble to
Colonel J. E. Smith , until a few
days ago chief of the certificate di
vision of the pension ofllce , from
which U would Boom it is not
improbable that those employes of the pen
sion oflloo who wcro rnrated are slated to
lose tliulr places. The letter says In parti
"I deem it Urtho best interest of the serv
ice that thu men who wcro rorated In the
bureau should not bo continued there to
oxurclao influence m that direction
either by their proscuco or counsel
ami that the now commissioner should have
a better opportunity to correct the ovlls
which I consider of the grossest character.1 '
Secretary Noble was seen by u reporter-to
night : but said very curtly that the letter
explains itself and bo bat nothing more to
ay about it.
Jewish McrohnntM Fired On nt Delhi ,
Lnninlnnn ,
Is'r.w Om.EAXH , Oct , 37. A Vlcksburg.
Miss. , special says that A. D. Simon and .1.
Felbcr , employes of T , Hlrsch , a merchant
at Delhi , La. , arrived there to-day and state
that Saturday morning the stores of two or
three Jewish merchants were attacked
and llrcd into by a mob of llfty or
seventy men , about a thousand shots bc.lng
flrcd , the fronts nnd some of the stock of the
stores being greatly damaged.
Business rivalry and the fact thru the
Jewish merchants wcro monopolizing the
trmlo Is the reason nssJgnod.
A report from Delhi attributes the action
to n drunken crowd of roughs , nnd says the
respectable cltltcnn had nothing to do with Ik
Outlaw Harrows
, Ala. , Oct. 2" . A special cor
respondent with u posse after the notorious
outlaw , Hubo Hurrows , telegraphs that ho
has again escaped and that ho and Hartrcr
nro on the Sand mountains. A skirmish.
took place between the parties to-day. The
citizens thereabouts nro so afraid of Uur-
rows that they do llttlo to help the posse.
the Brotherhood.
NKW YOUK , Oct. 27. The World says that
six capitalists , representing four brother
hood clubs , met In Now York Sunday afternoon -
noon , and , excepting a few minor details , all
arrangements wcro made for the establish
ment of a brotherhood league. Operations
will bo begun immediately after the players'
meeting next Monday. Thn grounds ( or the
Now York team hove already been leased ,
A I'orly-hcvcn Hound Fight.
CHICAGO , Oct. 27. A forty-seven round
prize fight took place to-day at Hammond ,
Ind. , between Louis Michel , the "Helglnn
Wonder , " and W. J. Nelson , the "Colored
Phenomenon , " with four ouuce gloves under
Queonsbury rtile . The whlto man was
knocked out in the forty-seventh round ,
after being knocked down six times. Ho
was terribly punished.
Stubbed Hy His P'nthRi-ln-Ijnu.
PISDLIY , O. , Oct. 27. Samuel W. Miller ,
cashier of the American bank , was probably
fatally stabbed to-night by F. W. Stokes , his
father-in-law. Stokes has been act ing queerly
for some tlmo and it is thought he was out of
his uilud. Ho Is in jaiK _
Chicnpro Times : Knpineor Dim- .
mick , of the Chicago express ,
said ho hud boon in nervous
dread of nn accident from the moment
he pulled out of the Ltvlfo Shore depot
in Chicago , writes William II. Manor
in the Toledo Blade. This had mndo
him unusually careful , but aa ho reached
Sherman's crossing , n little behind
time , ho began to'loso his fear : ho
opened the throttle of ol'd 90 , intoiuUnp
to gain a few minutes in the remaining
eight miles between there nnd Toledo.
IIo started to siirnnl for the crossing ,
just this side of the trees , when , horror !
no saw a farmer drive furiously towuud
it as if to cross ahead of the ttain.
It was suicide !
Dimmiek sent out ti heart-breaking
signal to the hrakoman , reversed the
engine , put on air-brakes , knowing all
the time the train could not bo stopped
this side of the crossing , and then shut
his eyes and prayed.
When the onirino stopped n part of
the wagon was -on the headlight , the
horses were distributed along the truck ,
and two old people were lying near the
Dimmiek was the first to reach them.
They both breathed. Was there n , phys
ician among the passengers ? Yes , two.
A hurried examination and consulta
tion. The man was undoubtedly fatally
hurt ; the woman probably bo.
They were tenderly carried to Mr.
Richards' house near by and the physi
cians were told that if they would stay
until the local practioner wtia found a
locomotive would bo sent back for them
in an hour. They agreed to stay. The
bell rang ; travelers hurried to their
places ; some- with white faces at the
thought that it might have been them
selves ; others full of the importance a
participation in the event would give
them and their story , and others , for
getting themselves , thinking only of
the sorrow brought to others.
Mr. Richards placed his house at the
command of the physicians. Stimulants
were administered nnd when the fami
ly doctor and the children of the sulTer-
c'rs had arrived the father was moaning ,
but the mother had opened her eyes.
Late in the nigh * , , after hours of
faithful and incessant labor over them ,
the mother spoke.
"How is father ? "
' 'Ho is still unconscious , but is well
taken care of. Hero is something for
you : now don't worry ; don't think ; just
go to sleep again. " Her son spoke to
her.'f must go to fattier. "
"You mustn't think of it , mother.
You are very badly hurt yourself. You
must bo very quiet. "
"I must goto father , ho needs mo. "
The physician looked at her keenly ,
saying , in a low tpno , to the son : ' 'I
think wo had better lix a place for her
near him. She will never bo contented
otherwise. "
The son coaxed nnd argued with her.
but it was of no avail. They moved her
bed bortide her husband's ; she attempt
ed to take his hand , but could not. His
stuntorlous breathing seemed to malone
no impression upon hor.
"Is father going to die ? " she nskcd.
The weeping daughter nodded. "You
must keep quiet for your own sake ,
mother. "
"Wo'vo been married over forty-eight
years , ' ' she said to the doctor , "but
wo'vo known each other all our lives. "
"You mustn't ' talk , mother. "
"Wo was raised side by side ; ho took
care 'on mo whan wo wont to school to
gether ; ho always took care on mo. Put
mo on my Hide moro , BO'S I can see him
bolter. "
"Mother , you must stop thinking and
talking. " She paid no hoed.
"Seems 's if Uwan't hut : v little while
ngo since we was married ; but it's ever
forty-eight year. Wo was talkiti' of our
golden weddin' this very week , lien ! "
The son put his hand on her lips to
silence her , but the doctor whispered :
"Bettor lot her talk a littlo. She's be
yond control. "
The gray-hairod husband loomed to
hear her call ; ho opened his eyes ,
breathed loss noisily , struggled with his
voice , and then manuged to whisper :
"Rachel. "
"Hero I am , Benjamin , " and turning
her eyes to her daughter , "put my bund
in his. "
They laid her poor .vrinklod hand on
his hard , knotty iingeru.
"Is it morning , Rachel. "
"No , it ain't ; you just llo still. You
BOO , " said she , turning her eyes to the
others , "ho thinks it's tlmo to got up. "
"Rachel ! " In a very low whisper it
"Yes , Bon ; I'm ' right hero beside
you. "
"Toll Jim to milk this morning , "
"Yes , yes ; that's all attended to. Can
you BOO me ? "
"It's very light , wife , but I ca'n't
BOO you. "
The doctor motioned to the children
that the end was near.
"Put my face on his , Susy ; yes , I
know ho's going , but Hain't for long ;
lift mo over to.him. "
They lifted her face to his ; his eyes
opened ; ho smiled und passed away ,
They carried the mother back to her
own pillow , and were glad to BOO her
quietly go to Bleep.
And in that sloop she crossed the
river to her Bon ,
The Weekly Bovlow bf Iron and
Other MotAft/
General Operations Itiillnc Moderate
Increased KxportiitloitN of
Iron No Now Kent urea
In Groceries.
The IlusincHs World. "
HOSTON , Oct. 27. The general tone of the
Iron market continues firm , with the tend
ency still upward. The feature of the mar
ket has been the exportation of pig iron , sev
eral transactions In this respect being re
ported during the past week. Now York re
ports say that the Thomas iron company has
made n sale of GOO tons of pig Iron for export
to Mexico , the shipment of which is already
under way. The same company has been ne
gotiating for the sale of 1,000 tons in Eng
land , anil , It Is said , would hare succeeded
ere this but for Inability to sccuro freight ac
commodation on the regular Una steamers.
Several lots of Ohio pig are said to have been
sold In Canada in competition with Scotch
Iron. The general outlook Is stronger , the
homo demand for both foundry and , mill pig
ruling active , revealing mixioty on the part
of many consumers to have orders booked'
now that a general advance m prices ,
to tnko effect next month , is found to bo a
certainty. Sellers who have n first-class
article to deliver within the next seventy
days arc very Indifferent mid refusing to sell
at less than $18 for No. 1 X , J17 for No. 2 X ,
or $10 for grey forgo. Some southern brands
are quoted at 00cgf ( 1 under these prices , but
the makes that consumers seem content to
take are extremely difficult to obtain for de
livery this .vcur , and the Kinds that are of
fered at the bottom figures quoted nro
mainly these ttint nro taken only when
buyers hnvo no alternative than to put up
with that clasH of Iron. Sotno contracts have
been made for certain of the most popular
brands for 1&90 delivery at the udvanccd
Dealers hero say Una the demand for pig
iron is much better now than it has been be
fore this year. Most of the loading
makes of Ohio iron nro now practically out
of the market , furnace men having no moro
to sell. Offerings of Pennsylvania
grades are also light nnd buyers can
only pick up limited quantities. Dealers say
thut not only do thpy have trouble in buying
supplies , but they also And it dinicult to get
their former purchases delivered. The fur
naces are busy , and notwithstanding the
fact thut the output this year will bo the
largest over known , It now looks as though
this largo production would ' bo completely
absorbed. The fact that' the competition
with Scotch iron is now dono'awuy with ,
owing to the high prices ruling abroad ,
makes the demand for American iron so
much greater , while the fact that an outlet
for our iron abroad Is opening up makes the
outlook so much moro fuvprublo.
Bar iron is still meeting 'with a quiet de
mand , although the strong tone nnd higher
prices asited at the producing centres of the
west causes values to bo Iicld firm. The
machine shops arc busy and nro using con
siderable iron , but no ono has yet attempted
to go In very heavy in their purchases. The
market is In such u dcllcata position at pres
ent that a largo order would undauntedly
start prices up very materially , but in the
quiet ways that buyers tu-s , operating , they
arc able to get supplies at .lout week's rates.
Swedish iron is llrm , and with conditions
showing still moro strength abroad , the out
look is for a still further advance in values
hero. Dealers only quote on spec-mentions
now , no open quotations being givcu. Steam
piping and plumbing supplies generally are
in a linn position with the mills well sup
plied with orders. Boiler tubes also hold
All branches of the steel market are firm ,
nnd eastern buyers have to pay higher rates
on sonio grades than even a wock ago. Now
York reports say that the stool trade , while
not dlsulaylng quito the degree of excite
ment that prevailed last week , is still active
nnd pricesjire very strong all along the lino.
Some contracts for moderate quantities of
rails have been closed at * 32 f. o. b. ut east
ern mills , .but larco buyers seem rather hesi
tant about closing , although having options
on round lots , despite the representations of
manufacturers regarding the extent to
which the capacity of the mills is under the
control of orders and the oxtroma high cost
of crude materials generally. In the Pitts-
burg market billets and slabs are up to $34
(335. ( wire rods to $ ! 0 and other productions
relatively as high , whilst prices at mills in
other localities employed on these commod
ities are of corresponding level.
Tank plates nro quoted higher from the
mills and the general situation for both steel
and iron paltcs is stronger. Sheet iron holds
firm and sales are active at full prices.
Blacksmiths' supplies nro steady.
Old rails are still in a nominal condition ,
with no transactions reported. There is a
fair quantity of rails hold bv several of the
eastern roads , but the views of buyers and
sellers are still too far apart to result in any
business. The roads nominally ask ? 25 ,
while with bar Iron at its present prlco mill-
men are not bidding above $23.50. Old scrap
iron is quiet , but the mills are picking up lots
from tlmo to time , with prices ranging as to
The nail markqjt continues llrm with the
tendency towards a still further advance.
The high price of wire nails makes tlitvout-
lijok for cut nails more favorable , and ttio
trade look for a creator share of the demand
for the latter. The low prices which were
forced by the heavy competition of the past
two years , have now disappeared , owing to
the advance in erudo material , but oven at
the advance which has already been mudo in
nails , the cost of production is not covered.
The trade feel thut it is high tlmo that a
living profit was obtained by nail manufac
turers , and so anticipate a still further ad-
van CO.
The copper market is steady with a largo
movement reported. This season of the year
Is the ono when copper is most freely used ,
and the prlco for this metal Is on a sufll-
cicntly low basis to induce a free use of the
material. Tin is quiet and steady , but tin
places are active , and prices have been still
lurtber advanced in sympathy with the
higher prices abroad. Lead is quint nnd a
shada easier , with no change In spelter and
The dry goods nmrket holds in a steady
position , with the volume of business fair.
The call from Jobbers fAots up fairly liberal
for the season , and considering the frco sell
ing which was done bv them in August and
September , rutailors arq meeting with a good
distributing business , uu'd conditions are
favorable for a steady fall .business. Cotton
goods hold steady wlti } agents , with snrna
makes of both brown , mid blcunhod goods
well sold ahead. Colored cottons reuiuiu
quiet and steady , while cotton flannels arc
being freely taken from Jobbers , with manu
facturers also busy lu/lclivory of former
orders. Prints continue quiet , although
specialties in wide goods jyot move well and
hold steady. Giughumi are In liuht demand.
Dress goods are steady 'and Jobbers uro
still receiving orders fram day to day for
seasonable styles. Vfltfi manufacturers
business Is slow , the soa'soc bning well over
so faros fall goods are popcorncd. Foreign
dress goods nro firm , w.b'llu silks and velvets
nlbo show moro strength. Flannels are
quiet with manufacturers , but Jobbers are
still selling fair lines. Blankets also meet
with a good demand , witli values steady ,
Casslmorcs continue quiet but steady , while
worsteds are moving fairly in the delivery
of former orders. Overcoatings hold quiet
but steady.
In teas the market Is quiet with no partic
ularly new features to note. Desirable
grades of teas are meeting with a steady call
and hold llrm In price , the stock of nucb beIng -
Ing in no way excessive. China reports still
confirm llrat advices that the choice grades
are in small supply there. The feutura of
the market has been the stronger tone to
Congo tens in the English markets. Tncso
teas have ruled dull and low. out It looks
now that a turn in the market had bucu
reached that would affect the situation oa
this side. Low grade teas are generally dull
with no change to note In prices.
In coftet business tins been quiet with no
new features to uolo In the general situation.
Uuyers are operating , as they happen to be
lu need of supplies , but no apeculatlvo fad
ing Is noticeable , and butlltUodispjsltion to
stock up U shown. The growing crop In
Uraill olds fair to bo much larger than lat
.Year , but reports ns to Its condition arc still
contradictory. General quotations nro unchanged -
changed from a week ago ,
The market lor cloves It caver , with Zan
zibar lots Ic lower to sell. Other ppcclcs are
quiet and steady.
The following western buyers wcro on the
market during the week.
Denver , Col. H. Plonsky. of Dtiblor Hros.
San Francisco , Cal. ] . O. Nolan , of
Nolan Hros. ; M. I. Calm , of Calm , Nickels-
burg & Co.
St. Louis , Mo.-A. F. Kclloy , of Kelley ,
Goodfollow&Co. ; 1 > . 1J. Llndsloy , of Orr
& Limulcy Shoe Co.
Sednlla , Mo.-W. IJ. Mackny , of W , S.
Kansas City , Mo , L. V. Marks , of Lodor-
man & Mnrhs.
llurllngton , la. H. A. Brown , of Akin ,
Soiling & Co.
Portland , Ore. H. Soiling , of Akin. SellIng -
Ing & Co.
Wichita. I3nn. S. A. McClun ? , of Getto
McClung 13. & S. Co.
Mr. Ilcrmnn Kounlzo SnyR Thnt the
Money Market \ \ ill UD Knsy.
Mr. Herman Kountzo has just returned
from the cast. In the course of n short in
terview ho commented upon the money mar
ket there nnd said that bankers whom hemet
met , including the bend of ono of the largest
national banks there as well as the members
of the firm of Kountzo Bros. , wcro Inclined
to the opinion that money would bo fairly
easy during the ensuing fall and winter. Ho
said that legitimate demands from parties In
Whom bankers had conlldunco would bo
freely mot. Some of the Now York bankers
have been loaning heavily on cotton nnd
other southern products which ai-o on
their way to market nnd the loans nro now
being returned , so that money is caster
there. Mr. Kountyo does not think there
will bo any undue strlncciic.v this fall and
winter , though there will DO , ho thinks , loss
disposition than over by bankers to buck
BChomos whether wildcat building or what
Commenting upon nn article which ap
peared In the Omaha World-Herald of Fri
day last , In which it was editorially stated
that the rullnir rate of Interest charged by
the banks to the merchants of Omaha was 10
per cent , In ndvanco. .Mr. Kount7e , after
reading un article In the commercial column
of TIIU SUNDA.V linn , endorsed the latter as
eiving the situation correctly. Ho in
cidentally remarked that but few sound nnd
solvent concerns paid over 8 per
cent to Omaha banks for money nnd that
favors were very liberal in amount. Ho
Instanced a case whore jobbers here had
been accommodated with loans In amount in
excess of tholr whole capital. "It is a re
flection upon the traders of the city to pub
lish as facts the wild assertions contained In
the World-Herald's article , " ho saiJ , "wiien
soven-olghttis of the merchants of Oamhu
can contradict them irom their own knowl
edge and experience. "
"Tho ruling rate to sound merchants for
bank loans In Omaha Is 8 per cent the year
round , and when mouoy is plentiful 7 per
cent. This is cheaper money tnaii 0 per cent
in Chicago or Now York , and the demand is
certain to bo met when the uionoy is
There Is nothing in existence that will
equal Salvation Oil m curing pain in the joints
or muscles , or spinal affections. 1'rico 25
A preacher , who had boon annoyed by the
Incessant "hacking" of members of Ills con
gregation , recommended such to try Dr.
Bull's Cough Syruh.
Afore rtnilroails to the Frontier.
General GbroutcliolT , the chief of the
gonorul stivtr of the Russian nriny , sub-
inittcd to the czar last summer a report
urging that a second line of rail bo laid
to tlioyostorn frontier. In spite of the
opposition of the minister of tlnnnco the
proposal is being carried out. Eight
million loads of rails and 300 locomo
tives have been ordered for delivery in
May. This measure completes the
strategic network of Russian railwi.vs ,
increasintr their capacity to mass troops
on the German frontier.
How to Cure ft Colil.
Many years constant use and the ex
perience of thousands of persons of all
ages , has fully demonstrated that there
is nothing bettor for n severe cold than
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It acts
in perfect harmony with nature , re
lieves the lungs , liquefies the tough
tenacious mucus , ranking it easier to
expectorate , and restores the system to
u strong and healthy condition.
Incongruous Architecture.
Every stranger in Washington is
much astonished to see the way in
which the shanties of the poor blacks
are mixed in with the handsome resi
dences of the fashionnblo quarter. Ono
colored family sold its shanty and small
piece of land in the most valuable dia-
rictonly last week for $05,000.
Taken UnawnrcH.
Unsimpected causes for malaria exist
every where. A sunken lot partly filled with
water in the vicinity of your abode , a new
location upon land filled in , but formerly
overflowed or marsny , and causes far moro
occult than these produce the atmospheric
miasmata which constitute the germs , tlint ,
if Inhaled , ripen Into favor and ague and con
genital maladies. A person taken unawares
with a malarial complaint should , ns soon as
it declares Itself , seel : aid from the safe ,
non-disappointing , cordial medlclno , Hnstet-
tor's Stomach Hitters , which has lor over a
third of a century , and in every quarter of
the globe , relieved the malaria-stricken , and
neutralized miasma in air and water. The
Hitters Imimrts activity to the Btomnch ,
buwels and hvor ; repels incipient rheuma
tism , and remedies Inaction of the kidneys
and bladder. Appetlto end sleep are im
proved , nnd the infirmities of ago mitigated
by its use.
Wire Fencing In Houtli America.
Of the 35,000 tons of wire fencing an
nually imported into the Argentine Re
public it is said that Belgium furnishes
half. Great Britain about a quarter and
Franco somewhat less.
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin or up.
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of pilos-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box bv , mail : ! 0 coaU.
To I'nrohnso Koorlioven'ii Jlounr ,
A society has boon organized in Ger
many fet the purchase and restoration
of the house In which Bcotliovon was
horn. It is moro than a hundred yonrn
nlieo ) ho WUH bornand though his mem
ory has boon glorified In many places
by statues and other memorials , his
blrthplaco has remained unnoticed.
The society in Germany has a branch
in this country.
Ciishman'6 Mcntho Inhaler cures catairh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , liny fovcr.
Tilal free at your druggist. Prloo CO cents.
A Now Moxlco Cannl.
A canal UoO miles long is to bo built
for navigation purposes in Naw Mexico.
It will bo thirty feet wide.
Hoinotlilnc to Kcmowhor.
Jt you are going east , remember the
"Rock Island Routo" run the aloepors
nnd chair cars of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha ut 8-15 : p , in.thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council BlutTs. Three
Eolid trains daily. All chair cam are
free. Dining caraon all through trains.
Our trains make close connections with
all eastern limited trains connecting
in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a
transfer across the city to parties on
route to New York , Boston and other
eastern cities , "and everything a little
hotter than other lines can olTor. "
Ticket offlce,1805 Furnam. Gon'l W. A
Manufacture o | ' Co
There ni-o ( our establishments in this
country dov6tcd exclusively to the man
ufacture of cowbells , two being in Ool-
Hnsvillo , 111. , Kays the LMtlsburg Dis
patch. Ono hundred , anil llfty do/.on
are turned out dally , nnd thousands of
thorn dangle from the necks of cows all
over the prairies of North and South
America. The manufacture of cowbells -
bolls is entirely tlllTorant from that of
other bolls. Instead of being molded
the niotnl is rolled into shoots , cut into
symmetrical polygons , which , whou
fold ml , nro pressed Into their well-
known form , After bolug riveted tlioy
nro phnkod in clay nnd brought to a
whlto hont. When suddenly cooled
thcso stool bolls are found to bo not
only tempered , but beautifully bronzed ,
llnllrond Tlcnof Mahogany.
The next day wo rode for miles
through magnificent forests of mahog
any nnd ebony treoswrltos n correspon
dent of the Kaunas City Times. It
may seem strnngo , but it is the plain
truth for miles nud mllas through this
country tHe Monterey fc Gulf railway
will use mahogany Uu , and the ttmbnr
used in the construction of the bridges
will bo of the sumo material , and often
ebony will bo used. Vast forests of
these precious woods cxtond for miles
on olthor side of the roadbed , and the
sound of the woodman's ax has never
yet disturbed the stillness of the virgin
Turkey Quills for Wliulclionc.
New York'l'rlbuno : "Yes , " said nn
exporter who was superintending the
bhipmont of n number of cases of south
ern turkey feathers , "they manufacture
dusting brushes in Europe of these
feathers , the sumo as wo ao hero , but
tlioy also do moro with them. A largo
number of the quills nro too heavy for
Hint-purpose so they nro Ingeniously
shaved into strips , Ilrmly put together
nnd bound in cloth , to bo used as a sub
stitute for dross waist whalobono. In
this form they are light , pliable and
strong. Perhaps I should not have dis
closed the feet , for some of your inge
nious Yankee'readers mtiy utilize the
idea. "
A IMuokHiinlce nt Kan.
A blacksnake was captured nt sea of !
the Bronton Roof lightship , in Newport -
port harbor , the other day.
The Denver State lottery company
wants agonts. Tickets 60 cents. Ad'-
dress A. C. Ross & Co. , Denver. Colo.
Basement First National Bank.
South IStlli Street , -
Correspondence solicited. .
H.W. HARRIS & GO PAHY , Bankers ,
IG3-IG5 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
7O State Street. BOSTON.
Capital $400.000
Surplus Jan. lot , 1SS5) ) 52,001) )
omcKits AND Diui-croit3i :
UKNIIV AV. YATC , 1'raslilout ,
LUWIH S. ltiiu. : Vioa President.
A. E. Ton/.AM.N ,
W. V. .Moiisi : ,
JOHN S. Coujisd ,
W.I I. S. 11 neil ns. Cn shier.
Cnr. 121 hand HnrmunSts.
A General HankliiL. Hmlui'.sa Tniusacte.l.
Capital , - $400OOO
Surplxis , - -10.OOO
Oflicers nnd Director * K. M * . Morsomnn , ( ]
M. llltclicocK , .los , ( Jnrnciui.Jr. . / > . Henry. K
M. .Uulorson , Wm. ( l.Mnul. v iires. ; I , . II. Will
Jams , A. 1' . Hopkins , prea.i A. MlllaiM , casnler ;
V. H. iirynnt , iis-ilatniu cashier.
Eucceaion to Ilcod , JODCI & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bsots & Shoes
Agouti for Iloiton Kubber i-lioo Co. . 11G2. HOI anil 1103
llarncy Ktrnel , Qmmtiu ,
sronz &
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IM Norm Klnlitc ntli trt'ut.Onialm , Neb.
MannMnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wllidcm-cnpi nm ! Mi'lalloskrlluhu. .tolin Kj > netr ,
proprietor. HO anil llUMouili lUUi . .trout.
. - 5lSS5LJitlJ2BiJ H.trlpa' Eto :
Puinos , Pips and Engines- ,
toa. ' f 'S f f S ' " *
U. S. WIND EXUINE , t Imil * CO. ,
Steam and Yfater Supplies ,
IInllll y wln'l mllli , OH nnd Vifl Jonon it. , Omaba
U. K. Uo i , AOllnit Mnn or.
IJllOWNELL < t CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Shout-Iron vork , itcam puupi , tnw mllli. J2UM213
l/cmi > nw rtli UmUmalm.
Iron Worko.
Wrought and Cut Iron Building Wort
Knulnci , bram work , general foundry , machine aud
blucktumii work , UDce amt worU , U. I' , lit.
_ ana lith ilreet , Unmlio. _
Hanafactnrers of Wire andiron Railinss
Deik rall . irlndow euanli. Honor itandi , wire tlgn ,
_ tc. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes ,
Vault * , lull work. Iron ihtiltert and tire cirapti.
O. AudreoD , iirou'r , Corner lift itud Jacktuu it ,
Sqoh , pporgt Etc.
3A. . DlSlillOW & CO. ,
Wtioleiolo roinufaolurertot
Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
UrancU office , ItlU ad liartl itreeU , Omaha , Neb.
Of South Omaha , Llmltei
LTNtt Bf rSTT/l'/ IF CO. ,
aUrlcnlt'l ' Implements , Waaoiis , Carriage !
RnccUi , lo. WhAlf IK : . pmnha , Xcbtaaka.
Wholesale Dialers in Furniture ,
y rn m iltect , Omaha , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Omahn , Kittraikn.
MOVOIW , uttADr iv uo. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
. Oiimlin , Ntbruka.
ir. / . VIWATCH ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and steel ,
Mnnnfaclurer * mid JobVers In
Wagons , Buggies Rake ; , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. ttli mid 1'aclno utri'Oli.Unintm.
Artists' Mntorlolo.
A. HObPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1611 Douiiln * ttrcct , Omnhn , X
JJoots nnd Shoos.
' ' '
Hr4 V. MOlTi > K A' b'6' ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
I101 , HM , llMDoupInt utrrot. Omnlm. Mnnulnclorr ,
_ Summer ulroul , lloston.
Cool , Coke , Etc. "
Miners and Snippers of Coal ant Cai
Itoom .1 I , } . ? > ii.ii < iiin 1 nn t Ililti II i , Uaiiri.
Jolli8S ] ; ol lira un SJH Coai ,
WJBoiitli l.ltli tlriol.Onmlm , Nobraskfc.
Shinjers of Coal and Coke ,
811 South 13th it. . Omaha , Mob.
Wholesale Lumber , Eta
nnd Atntrlcnn rortlnnJ "cnicut. SUM
ngent tor MllwiiiikPi ! imlmu liuemeul uuJ
( julucy wmtolmn ) .
< l M S H. Lln ,
Dsaler in Ilaidwccfl Lumber ,
Wood carpets ntul imrqiiot iloorlni. . UliondUouglM
etioeti , i/maba. Ni'b.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
1Mb Htri'CtanJ Union 1'aclllc truck , Omabn ,
Dealer in Lumliei1 , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Klc. Vnriln Corner 7th and Doiiglag. Office
Corner llllli and Ilouelitj ,
Lnnilie1 Lime Cement Etc.Elc
, , , . , ,
Comer Dili and Dauulixi > ti , Omaha.
(7. iV. VIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California ttrci'U.Omiilm.y.bmika.
_ MJHIryy ai d Motlqns.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
JUS , 51U ami 812 South lltli street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
_ 11M llnrney Street , Omiiliq. _
Commloslon and Storage *
Storage and Commission Merchant !
'sHutter , OKCB , cbecio. poultry , gam * .
1112 Ilimuril itrt'ot.UniuUii , Ncl > .
_ D ry Cooda and Notions.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1KB and llQIDouglin , cor. lltli itreol , Omaha. Neb.
Inmorlora a Jokers in Dry Goods , Notions
Gent's fumltblni ; cooili. Corner llth uinl Unmet
btrcU , Omaha. No ! > rii9k .
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shou
Mechanic * ' tool and HurTnlo i-culBB. 1IUJ Douglu
itrcet. OnmliE.Mil ) .
Toyst Etc. _
H. UAIWY & CO. ,
Joblicn of
Toys , Dolls , Aim , Fancy Goods ,
Eioutii furnltlilnu Konds. ohllilron'n carrlws , I
Hujinm itrc.'i't , Omaba , Nob.
Wholesale Refined and Luhricaling Oils ,
Axle grcaae , etc. . Oniahu. A. II. Ultbop , Manager.
Pa por. _ _ _ _ s--
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
< ; rrjr anlceitookol printing , wrapping an < l wr
Id l jji l v/.j-HloniUroii ucarn paper
Chicago , Milwaukee St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Host Itoulo from Oinnlin and Council
UliilTs ( o
- = = = THE EAST = = -
AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'mil , .Mlnnenpolls , Ccilar ItiinMg ,
Itock Island , Freciorl | , Kockfunl ,
Clinton , HuliiHjuc , Davenport ,
Elglu , Madison , Jnnmllle , ,
llelolt , Winonn , La Crosse ,
And all other Important i.olnn Kait , Kortbeait and
buutbeuit ,
For through llckott rail on tlio tltkel acnt at HOI
rarnau ttrcet. In liarker jiluok , or ct Unlba I'acifle
Fiillm nEleep r ami the flneit Dltilna Curiln.the
world are runon tb mmn llnu ot tbuCulcnso , Jlll <
waukca * Bt. 1'aul Hallway , and tvurr aUfiitlun U
pMd to paiieuKftri kjr courluoul euiploiet ot till
company. lU UI.I.KH. flcnor l Mnnniter.
3. K.TUCKIili , Atiuttm ( iunural Mannner.
A. V. It. CAIU'IS.NTUU , ticuoral l'm rKe >
Ticket Aitent.
UKp. 1C. HUAirrOItl ) . AiulHual General 1'aiieaiM
and Ticket Aient.
T. J.Otdlut.Jtaeral HauitlulinJuut.
N rW3l I IIC atnuUani MKKV008 DEBIIIT7I
Wtaknui of Bodyaad Mlndi Effect *
tUUM , ofErroriorZicimilnOldorYounr HIHIUrdlr He I. t.liri. . j
. . ' Hlr..ilke
? tm tt.Ul , tnm 41 HUlM , T.trll.rl. . . . .4 I.
ne& * rlUtb * . I14 li , rwllfftptuktUa , > 4 r tf. M il4
in. utitu un Miei'Ai to..iyi9. | .i.