Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1889, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Probability That the Olty Will Not
Loao Anything.
Cloning Hrfllon of tlio Cniiftrcftntlnnnl
iChurcli Convention ixt As lilnml
Mother nntl Children I'ol-
soncd ntl'romont.
Will Prohnlily Iu Hci'nndcil.
nEATnicc , Nob. , Oet 20. ( Special Tele-
pram to THE HbE. ] There Is some prospect
thnttha f29,000 of overissue bond In the
First paving district will bo refunded Into
Second and Third district bond , tlcorpo D.
Schoflcid , the Nebraska ngent of the eastern
bondholders , was In the city , and In confer *
cnco with the city authorities on this ques
tion yesterday. The city will suffer no loss
in nny ovcnt , nnd enjoy the peculiar distinc
tion of having more money nn hand than It
knows bow to legally dispose of. The mis
take of the overissue occurred In
Including the Intersections In the
original estimate for the $ ' .KCOO ) bond , which ,
wild tbo $22,000 intersection bonds voted by
tbo city , makes n double issue of bonds for
the Intersections. In the case of the side
walks their width wns Increased from twelve
tu fifteen feet , instead nf from ten to fifteen
feet , ns first stated , thus reducing the urea
to oe paved six feet Instead ot ton after the
bonds had been Issued nnd negotiated.
Xlm CoiiurcKiitlonnl Convention.
ASIIIMXII. Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UIE. : This evening closed the
convention of tbo Congregational churches ,
though the committee on religious exercises
has arranged n programme for to-morrow.
Prominent speakers will preach nt tbo dif
ferent churches , as follows : T. O. Doug
las at the Congregational church ,
Hov. A. N. Hitchcock nt the
Christian , Uov. M. L. Holt nt the
Methodist aad Kev. Herry at the Haptlst ,
while in the evening a homo missionary mass
meeting will bo hid nt Slmndngton's opera
After the business hour to-day there wns n
report of the committee on the narrative of
religion , alter which followed an ad
dress by Ilev. K. S. Smith upon
the Oborlln seminary. After the devotional
hour Itov. J. D. Steward spoke of the Con
gregational Sunday School nnd Publication
society. At 11:20a.m. : there were several
Interesting addresses on our foreign popula
At 2 o'clock , after another business meet
ing , Kov. F. S. Forbes delivered an address
upon "How to Hcnch Our Young People , "
nnd Kov. K. C. Morse upon "How to Use
Our Younc People. " Hov. E. S. Uidston then
Bpolto upon "Tho Successful Church What
Is It ? " After this there were several short
nnd pointed addresses upon the following
fiubjocts : "How May the Church Influence
the Non-Cnurch Gocrl" by Hov. M. L. Holt ;
"Tho Fauit-Finding Member , " by Kov. Wil
liam Waltoas ! "The .Man Who Carries n
Church Letter in His Pocket , " by Kov. A.
A. Grossman ; "Tho Man Who Pays but Will
not pray , " by Hov. J. J. Hurko ; "Tho man'
who prays but will not pay , " by UovWanu -
To-night Kev. A. N. Hitchcook , of the
Homo Missionary society , of lown , addressed
the nubile at the opera house.
A largo number of the delegates re-
tu.-ned to their respective homes to
day , nil cxpressllng themselves ns
highly pleased with the convention.
Many were heard to say us they loft to-day
that this has been the best convention that I
over attended , A still larger number will
remain over Sunday In the city. Norfolk
wns chosen ns the place for holding the next
general association.
Mother and Children Poisoned.
FIIEMUNT , Oct. 2u. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEK.I The wire and two children of
Robert Nelson wcro this morning poisoned
from BOIIIO food they nto for breakfast.
Doctors were Immediately summoned nnd
found them nil unconscious. Stomach pumps
were immediately applied and the patients
Boon revived and are this evening in a fair
way to recovery. U Is supposed the poison
waa In the sugar they ate on their buckwheat
cakes. Some of this will bo antdy/cd ,
Tim III air Court House Job.
Huns , Neb. , Oct. 2(5. ( | Special to TUB
BEE. | For some time there has been some
kicking In regard to tbo sand and stone lur
nishcd by Hichardson & Co. , contractors for
the new court house. The county super
visors appointed a committee to superintend
the construction , nnd L. M. D. Vuughan , an
experienced architect , to assist the commit
tee. Vaughan claimed the stone and sand
were not up to contract. The committee
ngrocd in regard to the sand and ordered the
contractors to remove it. Hut they failed todo
BO and wore using It In at every opportunity.
Yesterday the county supervisors mot nnd in
n body visited the grounds , examined tno
stone and sand , and unanimously rejected
nil rough stone nnd nil sand shipped in and
ordered it removed. What the outcome will
bo Is hard to toll , us it. probably starts n light
Which will keep the committee busy watch
ing the contrutors for fear of popr material
belli ) ; used.
Hound Over l-'or Trial.
BKATKICB , Nob. , Oct , 20. | Special Tele
grain to TUB HEF..I The preliminary oxnml
nation in tbo rape case In which Mary Dor-
nmn is plaintiff and Ellis nnd Manger , hack-
won , nnd Murx Meyer , n hotel runner , are
defendants , was concluded In Justice Shel
don's court to-night and resulted In Manger
being bound over In the sum of $ l.r > 00 nnd
Meyer in the sum of $1,000 dollars. Ellis ,
another of the defendants , escaped from cust
ody last night and has fled. Ho was remanded
to the euro of n special otllcer for his ap-
pearaneo this morning , and got away from
the officer during thn plght. Manger gave
ball , but Mayer , being unable to do HO. was
taken to Jail. The case is ono in which the
defendants am charged with Inducing the
girl , a half-witted Gorman , to enter a Hack
with them nnd being carried all about town
and outraged the night of October 17.
FREMONT , Nob. , Oct. SO. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUB. ] A warrant was Issued
at Scribnor to-day for the arrest of Krnost
Hob ) , who ii chnrgoil with raping the so von
toon-year old daughter of a farmer named
Kur& llohl has bcon working for ICurz.nnd
last Thursday the latter scut Hohl and his
dauihtor ; to the Held to pick corn , Whllo at
worlc In the Hold , according to tbo girl's
story , Hohl assaulted her. She nude a
huroia but futile resistance. TUo vllllam
Immcdlntoly lied , nnd thn jnrl wont to the
house and Informed her mother of what luu
hapjicned , nnd the cusu was called to the at
tention of the ofllcors. llohl U supposed to
still l > o in the vicinity of Scribncr , and oftl
ccrs arc uonrchlut ; for him.
Farmer * ' llnlly at Weeping Water
WHIM-ISO WATBII , Neb , , Oct. IW. [ Spccla
Telegram to TIIK UEC. ] At the farmers
rally hero this afternoon about thrco hun
dred fanners were present. II. Hlrlcldam
acted us chairman and Introduced the lira
speaker , J , Hurrows , who inado n short ad
dress regarding the necessity of the farmorn
alliance , the causes producing low prices
the reason of the so-called ovor-productloi
mid orlU of trusts. Tbo speaker was fol
lowed by , O. II. Van Wyclt , who inado a
lengthy address of Interest to his heaters.
lei ( > Convention.
BrniKariCM ) , Neb. , Oct , 20. [ Specia
Telegram to TUB HEB. ] The republics
county convention mot hero this afternoon
and made the following nominations ; Fo
treasurer , Goorec Meeker ; clerk , B. O. Sails
bury : Judge , James Haisett ; sheriff , A. It
Mormon ; county superintendent , J. J
Jllahopj county commissioner , John Glass
man : surveyor , William Allen , coroner , Dr
C , i'Thompson. . A resolution endorsing
Davis for district Judge was adopted ,
Noinlnntdt to Kill the Vnonncy.
RU8UVIU.B , Neb , Oct. , 24 } . [ Special 'iolo
Kram to Tun HUB. j The republican centra
committee of tbo Forty-iecond district iae
ere to-ilny and nominated Hon. Alfred I3ar >
ow , of D.iwcs county , to fill the unexplrcd
crm of Senator Cornell , resigned. The
lotnlnation was unanimous nnd great cnthu-
lasm prevailed. Resolutions \vcro passed
ndorslng the administration of President
larrlton , the national nnd stnto platforms.
Identified the Hotly.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Neb , , Oct. 26 [ Special to
Tun UCB.I Mrs. Mary A. Clove , of No-
iraska City , sister of M. A. Murphy , whoso
body was found In the river nt Ihls point last
vcok , arrived hero yesterday evening , and
: o-day had the body exhumed for Idontlllca-
.Ion. Notwithstanding the -fact that it has
been moro than a month ho was
drowned or killed , the sister recognized his
'oaturcs very readily , nnd by his clothing
ind other articles found upon his person , she
ivns satisfied tlmt It was her brother. The
> ody was removed to Nebraska City for In
terment. Mrs. Clcvohad just returned from
Council Dltiffs , 'whcro her brother had been
'or BOIIIO time , and where ho was last scon
dive. She had been there for the uurposo of
nvcsllgatlng the causa of his death , It ap-
ieirs that Murphy had been board Ing nt a
louse where n big Swede had made un un
successful attempt to accomplish the ruin
of the landlord's daughter , ns related in THE
3in : a few days ago , nnd that the man wns
arrested for attcmutcd rape. Thd man was
released on ball , nnd , ns Murphy was tlio
irlndpalwitness in the case , foul play Is
suspected. Mrs. Clove thinks ho wns mur
dered and then robbed , for n gold cross
which ho always wore on his shirt bosom ,
nnd which was valued highly by him. Is
nlsning nnd only n few cents were In his
ocliets xvhcn found.
A luirKO Snnki ; Story.
Lour CITV , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special to Tun
tJBi.l : Ono of the , largest snalto stories
: icard for some time was told yesterday by
Mr. John Hntson , n man of undoubted vo
racity , and who lives on the Morsofarm , two
miles this side of Litchfleid. One of his
neighbors , n MP. DnUdow , found his "stray"
liorso in Mr. Ilutson's pasture but wns
nfrald to drive him out because several rat-
: lcsiiakcs were near the liorso. Going to
Mr. Hutsoii'H hoiiso ho informed Mr , Hutson ,
and taking a gnu they repaired to the pas
ture , Near where tno horse stood was an
old pr.ilrlo dog town , nnd this Immediate
vicinity seemed nlivo with the reptiles , with
from two to live heads with darting tongues
irotrudliiK from every hole. Upon the tip-
[ iroach of nnv object the "yellow belly's
would dart out ready to nttnrk , while the
common rattler seemed in n more dormant
mood nnd did not show fight unless crowded.
Mr. Hutson began the work of destruction
and by evening ho had killed 2UU rattle
snakes , some of which measured fully seven
feet in length. Mr. Hutson brought in a
glass jur full of rattles which ho had taken
ns a tronhy. This story nrouscd the curi
osity of the citizens nud several visited the
liasturo to-day and verify Mr. Hutson's
A IonOlty Wolf Hunt.
LoutCITV , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special to Tin
UIE. : ] The wolf hunt which took place to
day was quite a success in the way of gen
uine nport , and was participated In by u large
number of our business men ns well as
others , about forty in all , who scoured the
country for ten or fifteen miles around nnd
succeeded in sighting several of the troublesome -
some animals , but owing to the extremely
bad state of the weather were unable to
make a single capture.
I'linnoiiraiih Company Stni-tBRuitnosti
Kis.vuxnv , Nob. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HUB. ] The Central Nebraska
Phonograph company opened its place of
business hero to-day. Its capital stock Is
$ < ) ,000 and Is operated by substantial business
men , nrinclpally of this city. The company
controls all that portion of Nebraska west of
the guide meridian dividing the counties of
Hall and Hamilton.
A Newspaper Chnncc.
PAWN KB CITY , Nob. , Oct. 20. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK HEK. ] The Press was
to-day sold to F. S. Hasslcr , late of the
Ucacon City Tribune. Hen F. Hildebrand ,
its former editor , has been In the printing
business hero ton years , and sold because ho
got his price. It is the only democratic
paper in the county nud ranks second to
Death oT Tliomits Vnn Horn.
ivt Cm' , Nob. , Oct. 20. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK Ur.E ] A dispatch from
Denver to-day unnounccs the death of
Thomas Van Horn , well known In this city
and Omaha , and foster son of the late Dr. N.
U. Larsh. It is reported that ho committed
suicide , but particulars nro not given , lie
had made an attempt on bis own life once
| Kxn in hint Ion Postponed.
NKIIIUSKA CITV , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special
Telegram to THE HUE. ] The case of David
Kline for attempting to shnot Sheriff Will-
man has been put oil until next Wednesday
for examination. The evidence shoxys that
the sheriff had ono of the narrowest escapes
of his life. The hummer on Kimo's revolver
snapped when it was caught by the sheriff.
A Verdict of Not Guilty.
SCOTIA , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tolccrnm
to THE HII-After : : ] being out about forty ,
six hours the jury this afternoon returned a
verdict of not guilty in the case of the state
of Nebraska vs. Thomas Dunn , charged with
rape upon the person of Mrs. Laura An
Flru at Dnvlil Cilv.
DAVID CITV , Neb. , Oct. 2i > . [ Special Tele
pram to Tin : Hue. ] The residence , together
with the contents , belonging to Tom Stodar ,
of this city , was completely consumed by lire
at 10:45 : to-night. Loss i'JOO ' ; insured for $ ! 00.
Fifteen ImliutmrntH Found AiiiiiHt
Ex-lri'iisnrcr itnrUc.
Nr.w OIU.EANS , Oct. 20. The grand jury
inado a report to-day on the bond steal.
It states that during 1SSO-81 203,000 in
consolidated bon s were exchanged , accord
ing to law , for 4 per cents , known as consti
tutional bonds. Notwithstanding the ex
change nnd the positive mandates of the law
requiring their Imnicdlatocancellation , these
bonds wcro retained Intact until May 4 ,
1SS3 , nnd were used by Treasurer Uurko on
that day for his private purposes.
The total fraudulent bonds put in circula
tion by Hurko amounted to $37:1.000 : , Includ
ing $ TOOCO of constitutional bonds. The con
stitutional bonds purported to have been
issued in exchange for certain consolidated
bonds and hud been numbered to correspond
with outstanding consols. In ninny cases
fraudulent numbers were duplicated , and In
oua case the same number was used three
The grand jury found fifteen or twenty In
diet incuts against Hurko , Including breach
of trust , embezzlement nud forgery , and ilvo
against other parties , including two against
W. A. Cockorton , formerly Uurko's private
secretary. Mho Investigation is stll
going on ,
A Bccniul Attempt to Sncuro hatlnfao-
tory Proposal * .
Wism.vtiTox , Oct. 24 Uids wcro oponci
at the navy department to-day In a seeom
endeavor to secure satisfactory proposals for
the construction of throe 2,000 ton cruisers
not Including armament or equipment. The
lowest bidder was the Columbian iron
warns , of lialtlmoro , who nainod for one
cruiser fO'25ooo ; , for two cruiser * { 1,323,000.
This firm built the gunboat Petrol.
After the reading of the bids was con
eluded , Secretary Tracy expressed blinsol
latUtlod with the propositions made. The
reduction of the required speed from
eighteen to seventeen knoti an hour prob
ably had some effect , ho said , "but the de
termination to build > l,000 ton cruisers at the
navy yards doubtless led the constructors to
bring their bids within the prescribe !
figures. " '
An Antl-Miiliouo Ticket ,
AI.EXANDIIIA , Vu. , Oct. 20. The Indcpen
pendent republicans have nominated un antl
Muhono ticket , with John T. Lewis for gov
oruor and Park Agnew for lieutenant gorcr
r g
Mahono Shows Hlmsolf a Master of
Political Strategy ,
Washington Ueniihllonns Anxious
About the Admission 1'roolnnm-
tlnn Tlio ProHlikcnt Still
WnlU for Mtmtnnn.
513 Fot'iiTEBNTu STIIIICT , >
WABHINOTON. IX C. , Oct. 20 , )
Although Virginia Is In the habit of Retting
all the fun there Is out of a general stnto
election , the Old Dominion never saw before
a campaign to equal this ono.
from the Potomac to the North Carolina
Ino the whole state is excitement , llfirbo-
: ucs , meetings and gatherings of all kinds
are being held every day , and each side In
the creat light Is doing Its utmost to win.
When General Mahono first accepted the
nomination It was generally thought hero
jy republicans and democrats alike that ho
, vas bound to bo defeated , as the election
machinery Is In the hands of the democrats ,
nnd they have everything nt stake. Hut
Mahono , who Is ono of the most wonderful
Dolillcul organizers in the country , did not
jiroposo to allow anything to go by default ,
ile admitted no "foregone conclusions" into
its vocabulary of political terms ; but on the
contrary , from the outset ho had the opposi
tion of many of the older republicans , those
who were originally known as the "atrulght-
outs" as opposed to the " roadjusters , "
Lnngston , tlio most powerful of the colored
republicans , was also against him , nna for
weeks the democrats wcro felicitating them
selves with the delusion that thny had n
walk-over. To-night , however , all reports
from Virginia ro to the effect Unit the little *
general has gained so rapidly that ho has
created the greatest alarm among his oppo
nents , resulting In the opening of ono of tno
"argcst democratic barrels in the Btntc.
Mahono has adopted every known means
of advancing thn interests of the republican
ticket and n great many that were never be
fore heard of.
Ho has plastered the stnto with reading
matter and keeps the presses running day
and night. The reading matter turned out
Is of a character never thought of byho \
other slue and it is having a remarkable ef
fect among the negroes.
Thousands upon thousands of circulars are
being distributed from Richmond signed by
all the colored preachers calllnir upon tbelr
HOCKS to vote the republican ticket.
The circulars are so ingeniously inter
larded with scriptural quotation us to have
a marked effect.
Ten days ago the republican who held that
Mahono might carry Virginia was laughed
at. Ho was rcearded as an enthusiast whoso
hopes got the better of his judgement. To
night the sentiment is entirely changed and
the crank gf last week is looked upon more
ns a pretty likely sort of n prophet.
To show how how the sentiment has
changed hoio it is only necessary to say that
ono of the members of the republican
committee , now in Washington , lias hud
ulaccd in his hands a largo sum of money to
wager that Muhono will bo elected and ho is
ready to take all odds that may be offered.
The Virginia election , while purely
a local one , has a national
significance , as it will doubtless have a de
cided effect upon the selection of the United
States senator. This Is ono of the reasons
why EO much Interest is taken. Another is
that this is the first real light between the
republicans and the democrats in the Old
Dominion since the republicans and read-
juster parties wereconsolidated. ,
Prominent republicans at Olympia tele
graphed hero to-night asking when Presi
dent Harrison Intends to Issue his proclama
tion admitting the four now states.
Washington is anxious to get into
statehood and the governor - elect
as well ss the state ofllccrs and
candidate for the United States senate are
eagerly requesting un extra session of the
It has been decided that the action of Gov
ernor Molletto in calling un extra session of
the legislature in South Dakota for the elec
tion of the United States senators was regu
lar and legal. The omnibus statehood bill
provides that the legislatures may meet in
special session , select senators and certify
their elections to the president with the re
sult of the elections.
Everything is being held back awaiting
the returns Irom Montana. The president
Is not expected to issue his proclamation
until the Montana returns are recoivnd un
less they are delayed mdollnately , in which
event he will Issue the proclamation without
naming Montana.
General Haum , the now commissioner of
pensions , had a foretaste this afternoon of
what a president of the United States bus to
stand in the way of hahdshaUing.
The general shook hands with Ids em
ployes. There are about 1,500 or l.liOO of
them. When ho got through his right hand
fell at his side , as though it had no strength.
The general is a hiippy-fuced , good 'diqposi-
tioned man. but ho looked as though he could
see no fun in the proceedings when they wore
at an end. Many of the employes had never
scon their now chief. The recontlon took
pluco just before the close of business at 3
The new commissioner has made the pen
sion ofllco look like a now pin. It has been
swept nnd cleaned up until
one would know , oven though ho were a
stranger , that something radical had taken
place. It is now definitely settled that the
illegal and Irregular pension rerating will bo
called in , ana those who have got money un
lawfully or irregularly will ba compelled to
'Tt is true that oflleial patronage in u curse
to both parties and men , but since wo are
held responsible for the otllces and their ad
ministration at this tune , I am determined to
do what I can to have democrats put out and
republicans put Into the places outside of the
civil service limits. I believe In party re
ward where the public service is not im
paired and am heartily tired of this thing of
Keeping democrats in positions which can
bo just as well and oftentimes bettor tilled
by republicans who nave earned them by
services to their party nnd their country. "
'ihU was the gist of what Senator Man-
derson said to Tin : 13in : correspondent this
afternoon , and is the sentiment of every re
publican who has been in Washington since
March 4 last , looking after places for their
party friends.
Senator Manderson had just returned from
a visit to Indian Commissioner Morgan , Ho
has told Senator Plumb , of Kansas , Senator
Manderson and others that ho docs not pro
pose to put democrats out of oOlco simply to
put republicans in , that wherever ho finds n
democrat who fills his place acceptably ho
shall stay thoro.
Senator Manderson entered protest with
Commissioner Morgan ( igulnst charging up
to Nebraska the appointment of a doctor In
Iowa as physician to the Winncbago nnd
Omaha Indians in Nebraska. Of course the
idea of the commission was to deduct this
appointment from the quota of patronage to
bo given to Nebraska. When an ottlcer wants
to ninko a personal appointment ho loons
over the list and charges It to the state hav
ing received the smallest amount of patron
age. Then there U just that much taken
from those who deserve patronage in that
ttato. Senator Mamiersou said ha and tbo
other members of the Mobraaka delegation
in congress would most earnestly protest
against the saddling upon their state of any
one who Is not u resident of Nebraska. They
want the olllces for those to whom the offices
The delegation Lad recommended the ap
pointment of Dr. Stephenson , u resident of
Nebraska , and they want him appointed. If
Mr. Morgan wants to clvo his friend In Iowa
a place ho should send him elsewhere. That
Is the way the Nebraska delegates feel. The
senator then asked the commissioner of
Indian affairs to appoint J , W. Tucker to bo
shipping clerk at Valentino. For some years
before Uio Cleveland reglms Mr. Tucker was
a land oftlcer at Valentino , but ho
was then , as now , a republican
and he stepped down and out that u demo
crat could como in , The commissioner re
futed to remove the present , ebipplnir clerk ,
suyioK that he was tilling the position ac
ceptably Aud iio did not propose to turn of
ficers out Just because they wcro democrats
und because republicans wanted the position.
PrilBV S. Hr.
Fixtnl Shooting ofn Fnnftor Nonr New
Hampton ,
Dns Moixr. * , In , , Oct , 20. | Spectiit Tele
gram to Tun linn. ] A fpnd has boon ex
isting for years Between the families of
Pctar McKenna and Thomas Doiul , farmers ,
living on the Wnpslo four hulcs rrom Now
Hampton. To-day it culminated in the killIng -
Ing of McKenna nnd the probable fatal
shooting of toiid. Thn trouble to-day arose
over an attempt to take down a partition
fence. While n plowing boo was In progress
the two factions joined battle nnd a dozen
shots were llrcd. There Is talk of lynching
nnd the community Is much excited.
Tlio biiproinc Court.
DKS MoiNr.s , In. , Oct. 2i ) . [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HRE , ] The supreme court
to-day reversed the decision of the Polk
county district court In the Potts Vrlbory
case. Potts wns a constable who made
Acatchcs and seizures . In this city under the
prohibitory law. Ho fell into b.ul odor nearly
t wo j cars ago , and a trap was not to brlbo
him , as it was claimed that hu had been tak
ing bribes to let liquor dealers alone. Ho
was arrested and convicted and sentenced to
the penitentiary , but he appealed to the supreme
premo court and has been out on ball nil
this time , The supreme court now reverses
that decision , holding that the district judge
erred in his instructions to the jury nnd in
the admission of evidence. Potts in tbo
meantime had gene out of the search ing busi
ness , and now that ho Is free , will probably
stay out. Other decisions to-day were :
M. W. Wolcutt , appellant , vs T. L. Lor-
dell , sr. , and Agatha Lerdcll ; Kmmott dis
trict ; afllrmed.
ilohannaF. Hockhult , appellant , vs Will
iam Kraft and Antoinette Kraft , ; LUichanan
district ; uQlrmcd.
A WH'c. Miminrcr SiMitcnord.
OsKALOcm , la. , Oct 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TIIK Dm : . ] Harvey , the colored
wife murderer , received his sentence from
Judge Uyan In the district court nt T o'clock
this meriting. Ho was found guilty of mur
der in the second degree nnd given fifteen
years in tbo penitentiary. The crime for
which ho was sentenced occurred nt
Muohaplnock , on Sunday , May 20.
I ucy Harvey , his wife , had become
too intimate with ono Glllson , and after a
quarrel , or rather an nttomnt nt rcconclllla-
tlnn , Harvey deliberately shot his wlfo with
a revolver. Four or live shots were fired
and the woman died Immediately.
Ilotli Will llroliahly Die.
- Hooxn , la. , Oct. 20. ( Special Telegram to
Tun Unii. ] Frank Slater , the engineer in
jured In the wreck near Scrnnton this week ,
is In a very bad state , and may not survive
his injuries. Fred Llnrodo , the fireman
hurt In the same collision , is suffering far
more serious injuries , and his life is des-
nalred of by the doctors. Ho is hurt Inter
nally nnd continually spits blood. The
bridge between Ames and Nevada has been
repaired and travel is again unobstructed.
Snloldo of n Drummer.
HUHUJHITON- . , Oct. ' 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hue. | FrqJ , Jaeger , u well
known traveling agent of , Blaul & Sons , n
wholesale grocery firm of 'tins ' city , com
mitted suicide by bunging this afternoon.
An investigation of his ai'counts shows a
considerable shortage Jn money , and it is
supposed this was the cause of his rash act.
Ho leaves u wife and several children.
Killed Uy Tailing Slate.
, la. , Oct. 20 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE UKK.I At the , Excelsior mines
last evening IJobcrt Caswcll , was horribly
mangled by a full of slatp nnd died in a few
hours after. Ho had Just , fired a blast anil
was sounding the roof when it caved in on
of an Ai > cd Couple.
WATERLOO , In. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hii.J : : M. W. Chapman and
Mrs. Goodfellow , of Cedar Fulls , were mar
ried yesterday. The groom Is n veteran of
the war of Ibl2 and is in his eighty-ninth
year. The bride is sixty-live years.
Chief of Police Too Cute
for Any I hin tr.
Oct. 2t > . There were no
further developments this morning In the
cusoof the man arrested at Heading1 , Pa. , on
the charge of passing forged checks , nnd
whom the detectives believe to bo Tuscott ,
the murderer of Millionaire Snell at Chicago.
The chief of police awaits advices from the
Chicago officials.
Chief of Police Wood to-day asked the
prisoner if he was not Tnscott.
The young innn is said to have colored per
ceptibly and to have denied in a half-hc.irtcd
sort of way that he was that notorious
Since the interview Chief Wood Is more
than over convinced that the man is none
other than the murderer for whoso capture n
reward of S5l,000 ) Is offered.
Will Wnit Kor Xnscotl'w IMiotr * .
ClllfAno , Oct. 20. Chief of Police Hub-
bard this morning said ho would not send n
man to Identify the supposed Tnscott , held In
Philadelphia for passing forged chocks , until
a photograph which has been sent from there
Is received.
Thought to Bo ( i Cronln Conspirator.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2 ( ! . A man named Martin
Duane was arrested to-day at St. Joseph ,
Mich. It is rumored ho is wantcd'for com
plicity in the Cronin case.
Another One of the "Fivoil" , lii yincn
in the Tolls.
DBXVEB , Col. , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HBE.J Governor Cooper to-day Is
sued a requisition on the governor of Cali
fornia for the return of ono Thomas Dlxon
Price , now under arrest nt San Francisco ,
The charge against him is perjury. It will
be remembered that a short time since these
dispatches gave the particulars of the dis
charge of a jury luipannoliul to tr.v ox-Police
Lieutenant James Cannon. ox-Policeman
Charles Cannon , and James Marshal , of
Kansas City. Indicted for conspiracy to rob
the Denver & Hlo Grauda express , and the
holding of ono of the jury , Isuao DefTer , for
perjury In having sworn ( falsely as to his
competency , .
To-day It was inado public that i'ricc , who
was u member of the salnd- jury , hid boon
arrested In San Francisco/ the sumo of-
fctibc. i
The facts as slated at , the district attor
ney's ofllco are that aft'cr Price was sum
moned as n juryman hearts taken to the sa
loon of Kd Cannon , a cduain of the defend
ant , where he was offered " > 00 to favor the
Cannons , He accepted L the offer nnd was
paid $35 , the balance to bq bunded over after
the trial. When the Ddffer expose came the
Cannons became frlglfteried , gave Prlco anew
now suit of clothes and flOO in cash and
smuggling him on u train at Littleton , sent
him to San Francisco. Jlp , is now under ar
rest nnd will bo brought back to receive the
severest punishment the law allows.
Foathcrwelclit Ilclloy Docs Dtxinnt'o
With a ICrzor.
DOSTOX , Oct. 20. This afternoon John Ii.
Sullivan and a party of followers , among
whom were Tommy ICelley , ex-champion
featherweight , and Tommy Sluy , made the
rounds of several saloons , finally bringing
up In a barber shop.
Shay , who was considerably under the In
fluence of liquor , attempted soueral times to
engage Sullivan in conversation upon mat
ters ho did not care to discuss , and had bfon
told to desist.
While Sullivan was in a chair getting
shaved Shay again began his talk , Kelly
then interfered , whereupon Shay made an
insulting remark to the former who quickly
selied a razor and inflicted u terrible wound
under Shay's ' loft oar. Sullivan , In tlio mean
time , walked out of the place , entered a cub
and drove away. Kelly surrendered himself
to the police. Shay's wound is considered
extremely dangerous. All sorts of rumors
regarding the affray were current.
Sago find Others Enpflnoorliiff a Rrxll-
tend Consolidation Scbomo.
The Western Prclnlit , Central TrnfllO
ft ml Trunk Ijino Afisoclniloiia
1'rnctlcnlly Agree On n Long
Clicrlslioil SotiGinn.
Aloro Consolidation.
NEW YOUR , Oct. 20. The Times any * this
morning that not lone ngo tlio Connecticut
legislature granted n charter to a number of
gentlemen , prominent among whom was
Hussoll Sago , who declared the company
would have a capital ot 1150.000.000. Asso
ciated with Sago In tldi company uro Sidney
Dillon nnd Eugene Zimmerman , together
with Ucorgo Gould , nnd , It Is said , General
The charter , It U declared , was obtained
for the purpose ot combining a number of
rouds and enabling the Incorporators to
bring under the ownership ana mnhngoinont
of the Connecticut coinpixuy a ninny
nillca of valuable rullroaa pro ports' , with
terminal * at St. Paul and BOIIIO southern
The control of the now company , It Is
said , will extend over the Cinulnnntl , Ham
ilton & Dayton , tlio Wheeling & J..UKO Erie ,
the Dayton , Fort Wiiyno Si Ciileago. the
Iowa Central and the Minnesota & North
The Iowa Central reaches I'corin , 111. , nnd
will , In conmiclicn with the Minnesota it
Northwestern , KIVO the consolidated lines
entrnncoto St. Paul. .
His the iiitcntlon of the company , it Is
said , to acquire or build n line from Indian
apolis to connect with tlio Iowa Central at
Pcorla , III. The arrangements will probably
go into effect at the latest by November 15.
A Ststom oCTiiroiigli Itlllltiir.
CIIIOAOO , Got. Sfl. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Unc.l A reinnrknblo pleco of railway
legislation has been consummated by the
agreement of Uiu Western l''i eight , the Cen
tral Trnlllc and thn Trunk Lines associations
to n system of through billing everywhere in
the territories of the throe associations.
It leiilccd out during a meeting of the aud
itors herolast , week that they were consider
ing a plan of through billing which would ef
fectually prevent BU per uent of tlio numer
ous manipulations lately come to licht.
Nothing more could bo learned of the mutter
and it was regarded as one of those mlllen-
lum scheme ; , very gooJ In theory but never
to become u reality.
To day Chairman Mldgcly. of the south
western division of the Western Freight us-
soelntlon , said to your representative :
"Ihe plun of through uilling from thu
point of origin to the destination will soon bo
un accomplished fact.
"i'he meiiting of auditors hero last week
was simply to work out the details. The
plan , roughly outlined , been previously
passed uimnlmoilslv by tlio Western Freight
and Central Traffic associations and ap
proved by the Trunk lines. It will put an
end to a large part of the present manipula
tions in rates liy re-hilling , back billing , etc.
"Chicago merchants object as strongly to
the new nhin as they did to pro-rating to the
Mississippi. It practically makes n way
station of Chicago , a simple dot on the map.
Tlio plan has , however , gone too far now to
bo overthrown.1
Corn Hates Will Not Go iliclier.
CiilCAOO , , Oct. " 0. [ Special Telegram
to THE IJr.c.j The attempt to raise the corn
rate from the -0 cent to the old 23 cent basis
has been nipped in the bud.
It was impossible to ler.rn here what the
Joint confcrenca was doing in Now York ,
but yesterday's advices show an unanimous
disposition to ruiso the rate. It is URoly
such notion was favorably considered to-day.
Ic will have to be reversed If so , for the
Chicago , St. Paul & Kansus City has made
contracts with the IJaltiinoro & Ohio for the
movement of an immense amount of corn
during November at the 20 cent rate. This
news will bo startling intelligence to all the
eastern lines , which were conlidcntly count
ing on a raise In rates at the close of naviga
A. Kivo Thousand Mile Ticket.
CHICAGO , Oct. 20. | Ppocia ) Telegram to
TIIK Bni.l : The Central Trafllcund Western
States roads are actively canvassing the ad
visability of issuing 5,000 mile , interchange
able tickets peed over tiny road between the
Atlantle and the Missouri ,
Sold Aetine Chairman Knapp , of the pas
senger department of the Central Traffic as
sociation :
"Tho plan has been and is being consid
ered. It is now in operation to a small ex
tent , the Lake Shore. Michigan Central and
the 13eo line issuing such tickets good over
their main lines and connections. There
could bo no objection to the issuance of such
tickets If all the roads would strictly unhold
the non-transferable policy. Otherwise they
are as susceptible of manipulation us the
present 1,000-mllo and 2,000-miln tickets. It
has been suggested that they be made also
transferable and sell ut , $125. If nontransferable
ferable , they would probably sell in 5 = 100.
"Merchants everywhere are clamoring for
the issuance of such tlcicets. Now some of
tticm have to ouy twenty or thirty 2,001)
inllo tickets over us many lines tor each of
tlie.r drummers. You see it locks up n good
dual of money for them. With the 5,0)0 inllo
ticket In use u drummer would need but ono
ut a time and could go almost anywhere. " JJ
Takpn Under Advlscmenr.
CIMC.IOO , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB 13in. | Judge Gresham to-day took
under advisement the Intervening petition of
1. 3. and U. Gaboon nnd George Soaton ,
trustees for the creditors of the old Koiths-
burg & Eastern railruad company in tlio fore
closure proceedings agalust the Central Iowa
The petition regards a fag end
of the proceedings , which in the main were
settled by Ibp sale of the Central Iowa road
two years ago , previous to its reorganisation
as the Iowa Central. The Kelthsburg &
Eastern road , an eighteen mlle road , was
considered n part of the system as It was
gold In 1831 to the Pcoria & Farmlngton Kail-
road company , which is now included in the
Central Iowa system. The purchase price ,
$25,000 , was to bo paid in transportation cer
tificates of the Central Iowa road , but the
tnibtccs claim that through a failure to com
ply with tlio conditions of the purchase the
price Is duo In currency. On the other side
it Is claimed that thu ceitillcates of transpor
tation woie of full value at the tlmu of pur
chase and until the Central Iowa went into
the hands of a receiver , December 1 , 1SSO.
Alter flic Alton ot nl.
WxsiiiNHrox , Oct. 20. The arguments in
the nasa of the Chicago board of truJe vs
the Chicago & Alton Railroad et at were
heard by tiio IntorsUto Commerce commis
sion to-day.
The complaint In the case Is that the de
fendant road violated the provisions of the
law by demanding much greater compensa
tion for transporting live hogs from Kansas
City nnd other points west ot Chicago to the
latter city than for contemporaneous service
in transporting what U known as packing
house product.
Through I'Velulit ICntn Itpstorntlon.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. . 20. Tlio first move
toward thn restoration of the through
freight rates to St. Paul for the winter sea
son was made to-day at at meeting of the
trafllo managers In the trunk ofllco in this
city. Several plans wcro discussed and
finally a formal proposition was adopted by
the meeting , which will bo submitted to the
various Hues and associations , and their
views will bo reported at a later meeting ,
J/nrnmlo'8 CJlass Works Shut Down
LAIUMIB Cur , Wyo , Oct. 20. | Special
Telegram to TIIB HEE. ] The Larunila glass
work * , which resumed operations September
1 , have shut down again , and all hope that
they will bo able to start mi once more was
abaudoned touy. . The vvorkt. was turned
over in September to a co-opuratlvo company
of glassworkcrs , to whom the citizens gave a
donation of W.OOO. They began by turning
out A superior quality of glais , but wore un-
nblo to Rot competent help In the llntcnlni ;
department , and the factory soon became
blocked , nnd blowing ccasod for three weeks.
They claim this caused a Ions of t,00b , and
also that the prlco paid to the Union 1'nelllo
for coal operated agn.nst them. This week
the employes refused to resume work unless
some guarantee were given them , nnd the
eo-npcratlvo company could not give It , As
the entire output of the worun for thu year
been contracted fos there Is n great deal of
Ill-feeling in Lnrntnio over the shut downs
and It Js freely charged that the men In
charge of the work sold out to the eastern
glass trust , The charge , however , lacks
proof. The glass on hnnd and other asset ,
are sufilciont to meet nil liabilities.
I'roperty Vnliirn nt $2Oono Walling
, I'or n Claimant.
CIIICAOO , Oct. 20. ( Special Telegram
to TUB line. ] A young mnn llvine In Can
ada , who has not been found , is heir to $20-
000 worth of property , which tlio probate
court of Cook county Is holding subject to his
Identification nnd claim. 1 homns Ablnwhlto
died lately In Chicago. lie left bonds , se
curities , etc. , worth ? 2o,000. , His cstato
caina up for adjudication and .hidgo Knick
erbocker granted lottciM 'to collect the cstato
to Austin Clement , of West Monroe street ,
whose only claim Id that of n creditor.
Clement made aflluavlt that bo believed
iVblowhlto had a cousin ROmowhcro In Can
ada , but his name was vnkmnvn. The clerk
will publish n notice of the facts in Canada
nnd try to find the unknown heir.
Keoti's Coal Dlcsoi" .
Si'iuxa VALMV : , 111. , Oct. 2(1. ( AH negotia
tions have again been stopped between the
coal diggers nnd Mr. W. 1. . Scott , proprietor
of the mines here. At the mooting this
afternoon the workmen decided to stand out
nltogcthcr against the contract system. The
signing of the contract Is the only point at
issue , but , the probability of settlement now
uppciirs remote.
Kitn < tis City Ami oxen n Sulinrli.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Got. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 1)1:1 : : . ] 'Iho city oMVestport
voted to-day on the ciuc.stion of being mi-
noxcd to Kansas City , and carried the
annexation scheme ny it largo majority. The
new territory taken in will Increase the
area of tlio eity from eleven to thlity six
square miles , nnd give nn estimated popula
tion of 22.-.OOD in IS'JO. '
It Wan News to llalford.
WASHINGTON- . 20' In response to n
telegram enquiring corn-online the correct
ness of the story that ho had re
signed , Private Secretary Hid ford loplied
to-day from Fortress Monroe :
"It is the first 1 huvu hoard of it. "
Drstroyod liy Klrc.
PiTTsnruo , Pa. , Oct. 20. The business
portion of Stonebnro , Mercer county , wna
lestroved by Urn this morning , entailing a
loss of $73,1100. ,
30 Wnv 11 Frl day ,
Thursday , ,3lftOV,2iSaturday
Special Mntlneo Saturday ,
Snlc of Sp.its MONDAY , OCTOHHIt 'JSlli
line.iiuiucut ol the I'limons KM .MA
li > e > e < . : > o > ex > e ( KXKMKOCM MXMM ! )
Abbott. Annanilale , Mlrell.t. Mlrhclonn , Monte-
Krlllo , I'rnctto , MioJerlcic , Allen. Komly ,
Full Cliorux. firuml Ort'licNlvu.
In the fillowlcg brilliant repertoire :
WKDNKSOA1 Halfc's Mnitrrplecp.
KO.SV 01' CAS'HI.,13 ,
KSI51A AIlllOTrand Kntlro Comuuny in C'n t.
THl'HSDAY Italfo's Tuneful Opera ,
KMMA AIUIOTFnnd Kntlro Comimny In
ritlDAV llclllnl's Ornnd Heroic Oiu-r.i ,
HM.MA AHHOTT ami Knltro Company in fnst.
Kxipitxlte f.ovo
KMM A AHI10TT un "Jnllef'-Kntlro Oonipiiny.
SATUHUAV UVKttlNU-ailbert & Huillvan'n
J.lltOht t-onilltll II ,
OrTheMorrymnn and IlHMuld.
1.M.MA Aliliorc and llntiro Company.
( Nl nines ! lliicluintiii Music !
llrilUmil Mise on Si'cnc !
I'llIOES , 41 mid 7oc , rosci-veil , llulcony
ilmisHlmi , Me. ( Jullcry - ' ) ceiiti.
MATINIK ; Jl.iK' , 75c and Me. reserved.
National Concerts ,
An Oelclto r KcaiiUfiil ( iirls with
Man clous VuiiTS.
AppenrliiK In thu plctiiroguno costumes of
thiilr uuilvn provliuos ami rnnntry.
This coiiinuny wns ( irKanl/ ) hy rilOT. All-
OUHTKllliltliN. director ( jrand Itutul Opera
for thu Klnuof Hwoilen.
1'rlcos-x'fic , Me , 75o and * 1.00.
' EVININ : OLTOHIH : , 2ui.
And the Orlt'lii" ! Company In
3 Wives to I
1'opnlar 1'rlcca : ( ) rche trii , flrKt three rows
and box seatH , 76oi Orchestra , all other > ealn. 50V.
llaliony. llrsttlireo ro a , We ; balcony , all other
beats , -'Jc. ( Jullory ffic.
'Jlireo NlRhtN CoininciicliiK' .Monday , O t. 'M
anil Wednesday Mntluet * . Tlio
Intent Kiirce J'omedy by
Introi'nclDU V unk Dcehon , Amy Air.o * and
Hlarronipnny , , Vuw Mimic , .Now bjicclnltleu ,
HegnUr prlcta , IIox office uo\r open ,
WccKofMonilny , Oct. UHtli.
No Cessation In CJrent Shown !
\Vo tliouaht thM ln t work w the t > lftw t | > c ll
Minn wo cmilil lurnont. Till * wcrV l n ntirhl l' * ( lcr l ,
llnrnnniV unit Mum npcn * In I nnitinj l IlioOly
Vln.Ki Ilioliirnt Krutiirva wo picsplit tliU week c H
vnlr rcmrlnTtlir * ,
7 Marvellously Trained Sunlg 7
(1 > | it , I'niil llojwtnit' * n-nin1ir'of tlieilppp. They
, thout , rook tlmbiilijr , | iltv tin rnrlons imig
nMriinirnli. "Oil/ , inn uasti Itmnl. run n'trliiK tim-
rlilno , vrlivol ' , ' . ntnr , ttili' . .
I'i'r.imlMi r nut1 Mcjolo.ilrlll. nrrMI v
i-rfiiriii tvmim-ni' lei m , niut in t rt alto nil oxlilbl-
Ion wlilcii Mimn ( horn n * Mil' ' illinium of I Ho ilccp
A ; l2 tTl ' : SI ° > A S
Down HiiTMiuli Mid ) - < > ui6 of nurllvcucoiuolliontorr
nt tliiiNI/A HKIII'IC.VI' , ik'Bcrlhcil nw Luloiivlnn to Ilio
ItrelilHtiirlc | > < * rluil. iind thta week thuxu Mun R RMI
iimilorenl. I'ruui llm l lu nl I'lnua In thu CiirrlU'nri
Hi'inlmmtleiiv ninrlni'mlmvii eouureil
! l In-ill Mlko nlmno rnltlc'Miiikn. A emiill tin pro-
liiulcn ( nun tint Imtk not lur Irmu tlm lieu I. lt L.ick
la nniieil ivltli n I'lirliiia of liunl , bony lnm | ,
JIGIII entli r iiiuiruileB u < | iurr
Minpcil Illlln luirii. Illn liclly It of u Unlit
color , cleoiily Indcntcil wild rorrii nll nii
lluliit * two fniiKiinil MIIUIJJ fi'i'liTH oliMiilliiu fruin
lit * iiimlrllH. lln I'M" ' Hlppi'iA or | > U'lillt' mil nnlllia lliu
wlim * nf n IMIKC lint , in lull Iriiiiliiulittln nto | MIII | !
not unllkii u iini'ur Minimi root , lln l liiirlilvurnu *
mill irralni'\nii > u iilllicniKli lil ' " ' "I comhlf niontljr
nf iinliuiil flti ) . IIUi'j"i' r.i very IHFKU nnd brluht.
Hit iiii'iiMiii1 * i > l li'ct In liniulli , nliuiil 'i li't'l In illume-
Ivrln Ilia luruotimrt of IMS liiuly , llcln n link con *
iii'dlutc PU IIKO wllli lliu i > irunt. lou nuibl see
liiiu to Irum liuw woinlcr/iil lia In ,
Tour Atl'Kiii ami liH wonderful it < u circus. Homes
thu old folks , ilcllvhU Ilia little uni > .
The f 11 mo u Tottery \Voikcr , ciiKiiiiCd In tiuxonr
by Mr , l.iiwior.
You will rmiipmbrr tlio iircnt Herrmann , tlio Wlsurd
ml tlio clover people ! vrlin m tu In lil uliuw , l''ur tti
rat lime ut clieup prlccn HU iircient
Mr , Jjuo Morlny
nmllili Kula lliirKonn. A inimt rtelluhtfiil plnfo of
urllillnlUiiiiiuii.Hiiil line of 111" mom oxlritiiriilntiry
plclnrlul ui'lilnveiiicntii on u larifu train , nf wliltu
our unU'rprliliitf IIKUCHII boa l. lleiiulllul imnafur-
million iH-enenof unrqunllml > | iliindor. Wonderful
tun ) liiuulilir-pnivoklntf mucnuiilcul ulfecti. Uriinu
of ncciilo bounty.
Anil now Anotlicrlironl I'Vuturo ,
A lii'nl of Ilieio ilnblmrii Kiiliuuli who obiff Ilie
woraofoniin iiU , 'J'lic ) | < luuvfrytblii | { but lulk.
1U/I tVnnilotn f Knrlh , HCH mid Air.
A Trlu 'J'hroufh IJuropu Wllli
A Colony " ' " " - '
7 - Great Exhlfiition Tepirlments - 7
Wo uro Cciuulem Tollrri for Ihn riibllo' Aiuimcuiant
HUH ImtriK'H' ' ' ! ! .
tir-Frlilsr Jjullon' Houicnlr Day. A > oiivoiilr for
11 liklletullnndliiK uflernonn or nlpUlof I'rtJur.
Day , All ( cbool thllilrrn
aqnilltoilon tlmt Ouy to luutu And ull i
for lu ct'iiu.
Jluico Open Dallr from I to 10 p. in. Ccntlmioiu 1'er-
funimiKci In y Tlii'ul lei by 2
Ohnlrs 6 and 10 Oonts.