Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Local Bankers Hold DIfferent Vlowa
Regarding Monoy.
Jobbers Itoport lliMlnrsq us Vcfy
Ksiioiilnlly In Snob Lines
ns Dry Goods , Hardware
* and
In Iiocnl Cmnmrroinl Clicloi.
Mr Htiqhcs reports the clearings nt
&t,7l2.G.'r > DI ) , an increase of 4'f per cent over
tlio same week lastyear. There Is consider
able divergence of views among bankers ns
to the condition of tliu money market , seine [
holding that it Is cnsj , nnd with funds in
vornmplo supply , mill others that there Is
much stringency , but the nmjorlty pay Inero
Is aBunicicncy of to-inublo funds fof every
necessary purpose. Mon with second nnd
third mortgage paper to Belt meet but llttlo
encouniRcmcnt from our banks but jabbers
nml tnanufacturors In peed cmilt nro tcndlly
mot nnil their wants fully supplied ut reason
able rates. In fact , Omaha's nntionnl banks
arc extremely liberal , both In making limits
to credit anil in intercut charges. The cur
rent rates hero all the .voar round to sound
concern * me 7 to S per rent , A few of the
smaller fry limy pa10 per cent , but icgular
customers can net nil they can safely uao in
tbulr business nt S per cent , which is icla-
tlvelv u lower rate than 7 percent In Chicago
4nnd 0 per cent in Now York , unit nt many
times the rntfts In these two cities nro S to 10
per cent lor very good jaor ) | , better than
much that is cheerfully passed hern at 8 per
cent. AVbntovor else inny be said against
Omaha's bankers , out * merchants will bear
witness that the national banks of this city
arc very liberal In lending ns to amounts ,
mid iiotntullsovoin in their scrutiny if the
borrower's icputntion for iiitogilty [ 3 pood.
It is cheaper to boirow In this market , hav
ing a stiro thing of S per cent , than to borrow
at the oust mid taking the chances of having
to nay from 6 to 10 per cent , the latter flguro
being the ruling rate when nny great string-
ouc.In . threatened , nml nt such times out
siders' paper Is ttmlli at to ha rejected , no
mutter how peed and strong the appointed
names mny bo.
.lobbcrs nay trailu In good , not ns good ns it
might be , but with a very good dc.m.iml in
most lines , especially dry goods , huidu.uo
und groceries. Prices do not show much
change , though dtlnd fruits nro active und
Homuvvhnt higher. 'J ho nutter market con
tinues TO improve so finr.a the better grudns
nioconcoinea , but there lsuillttlo , call
for much of the slush that is shipped us but
ter. Kggs are steady imd in very good de-
maud for strictly lirst class fresh ujjgs. Po
tatoes' and onions utcwc.tknnd neglected
niiu < | uotitions ! urn almost nominal. Gumo
and jKHiltiy tuo nctivo mid in request. Thu
influx of live stock finm the drought-stricken
country to the north continues , and it Is com
putcd that Jlvo times the usual number of
ciittlo and sheep will winter In tliisstato dur
um the season of IWI-'OO , and our fatmors
will bencilt giuatly by the demand thus cro-
nted for their grain.
The stocks of and rorn at twenty
one lending interior uml seaboard markets
MSI of the HoL'ky mountuins , in transit from
.ho west to tlio seaboard , nncj uflont on the
ocean , ( Kstlncd for Great Hrltnin and lontl-
liental Europe , ou tlio dutch named , \vciu ns
follows :
Wheat bu. Corn bu.
United States east of
Hockies . 22.052,000 ii.Li3ooo
"Vlloat on oLcan United
Kingdom . . . . . .14,720,000 2,7.20,000
Afloat on ocean conti
nental Kuropo . 3osoooo , 1,200,000
'I'otnl , Oct. 21 , INS' ' ) .40 , 152,000 15,255 000
t'fevloiwweekS. . 35.1I7000J l ( > , ii7,0lll : )
Total Oct. S3. 158 . 50,812(00 KI/JJl.O 0
, Total Oct. 2 , 18ST . 4Ii,7l'.t.OUO .1,101,1)00 )
Totiil Oct. 25 , 18 > G . 7r..5C5X)0 ( ) 10,31501)0 )
The exports of wheat nnd Hour in wheat
( reckoning 4)5 bushels of wheat toil barrel of
Hour ) from all Ainciican poits , HI icportcd
by the chief of the bureau of statistics of the
treasury tlepaitment , monthly for three
year * were us follow * ( huh
Months. 1SW. 18SS. ! Sj7. !
January . ( i,257llU 7,520bGO 12,8M , ; > 57
February. . . . 4.5bil.0 ; ! ' . .lUKb'iO ' 10,301,1(17 (
Jnurc.ll . n.t&M'hJ ' s,504.735 1' ' , 7110.718
April . 5.S10731 7,257,210 10N22,73l
May . 0l'ii (5,014 ( fill IS.ffltVI'K )
Juno . ii.wiVJ1)1) ) ) o,2iJ,5.y.i i < ii2oiso :
July . 7oifiiH > 7,019,509 Mi.iW.ii'.u '
AUgUbt . 11,25'ti'Kl 1J,03JMII ( IH.MiJU4l (
beptumbor. . . 1,02 ( ) < ) , ! IV. ( II , " 07,4 1
The \\ecklv nnthincito cocl production is
about 704,001) ) tons , or 00,500 Urns less than
u iciiruuo. Tnu output thus far this . \ ear in
2iV. > t7,557 tons , commit cd with 2li,212,7.iltoiis )
for the siuno period last yc.u , u dcureaso of
VJ'.Hi.NW ' tons.
'llui Florida orange cinp this season
tiniuted at 2,000,000 boxes.
1 ho features in the sugar market lust week
were the circulars sent out by the Sprockols
refinery , of Philadelphia , pieparing the way
lor sales of their product in tlio near future
as soon as tlioy begin running , ana the coun
ter circulars said to huvo been scntoutbv
other refineries In opnosition to Mr. Sprcck-
< - ! ' claim , Bbowiug the pi aspect of u sharp
competition between Air. Sprcckels und
other exutllng refiners , the progress of
vliicli , us It ntTucts tlio sugar trade of the
country , will bo watched with 'ntcnsq inter
est. It Is , houcvor , not yet definitely known
uK | > \vliutdntoAIr. . Sprcckols will boqin to
\\orlchl8rBllnory. Huw sugar ueulmud } gu
per pound during the week und re II nod de
clined Ji'c , Willet & Hnnilln say : "Tho
market must still bo considered ast cntlrulj
nomlmil , as far as transactions and prices ol
raw BUgur mo concerned , as buyers have dis
appeared ft om thu market while ongugcd in
reducing their holdings of high-cost sugar ,
botli raw and lollned. This liquidation pro-
reeded this weak to the extent of .r > , lLC > ions ,
this amount being the smaller stock than
last xvci'k held by rcflncra , wliilo it is fair to
suppose that a reduction was also made in
thp surplus rotlncd stock , " Tlio total stock
of sugar In all the nrlncipu ) countries of tlio
\\nrld by latest cublo dates is 8 < ( l0i ! ! tons ,
auniiist t-tvl3 ! ' tons a year ago ,
'Ihu Now VorkOoiinnoirml Itullctln stales
that fully 10,00. ) cases grllon upplo.s have
been sold uurmg the lust two or tiireoeelts
at prices ranging between f l.WQ'J.'JS , ac-
Mrttlug to nuallty nnd condition. Priino now
wunt nt $2.15 unlubulcd.
Tlicro Is complete unanimity in the reports
concerning the irontiiidu. ' 1 hey show thai
this important Industry is just now In n moro
prosperous condition than for many j uars
past ,
Tlio Phlladclnhtallecord na\s the produc
tion of nnthracito conl this year will bo ut
kust : : , ( KXIOUO tons less than last j oar.
Molnt > scs Is uioro nctlvo nt steady pi Ices ,
'Iho new crop of Now Orleans Is just comlnjj
in. liiforination received from the Uresceni
city suy tlilrty-ihrto ban els nave been ro-
i-cived , strictly oiion lots bringing a" , good
to fnlr f > 7o uml syrup ftOfts Slu ! per gallon ,
'J'hcso , liUu all early and openin ) ; pi Ices , are
Jinn ,
Non\rglr.n iiincVerel huvo been purchased
In IViMon fortho Now York markolut n * bl h
n J.MI Jandcd nt Now York for Jluli KI5 to
HO to tlio barrel. Some invoices of Nor
uofflnn umckorol buvo turned out soft and
had to bo rejected , und Irish tish huvo also
wealed cither luck of knowledge as to
uroper curing or u disposition on thu | wrt o
tlio Milppora to ivssuuio that uni thing is goot
enough for Amorlcu nt tlio piuseut time
The irregulariUos tii this imrtlculnr. however
over , arc olTsot in some degree by tholinown
fact that llrst-chiM stuck is to bo Imd fron
l-.urope , bud tl t. too , in fairly liberal Milan
tlo . Tlio Now York Commercial UulUtiu
states that sorao advices nro to the effect
that 1S.OOO barrels of Irish mucKoiol cat
afcl > bo calculated upou. und U is stated
also that n bettvr ovoraco quality than uai
thus far been rewived will bo comlui ; this
YTHV before long.
Ulio London Uitlxou afford * seine cxphiua
lion of the continued weakness in the liiicllsu
u nvmarkot as follows ! "ibo ingenious
, toiifoctors of elaboruto ciroular& who spend
a lot of tiuio In producing ligurus to show the
ugnr fauiino' that was to occur in Septem
ber mutt bo sadly thkou uback by thu
pivsput llcures , The loiporu for Bcnt uiber
rent-hod the heavy total of IWl.HOO tons , o
the lurgMt quantity by far this jear. Instead
of buiug thu smallest , us they proguoiitlcutod
It huw8 how oaormously the iiano produu
t Jon can bo incroasnd , us over 00,000 toiu I
Uuo to tuU. Java scuds W.OOO tons In tiup-
ombcr , npnlnst nil last ycnr : Manilla
oublcn Us exports , nnd Ga t tndlix's are
1,700 ton * , against 02 tons. "
Saturday , Oct. 20.
The cnltlo Bold at the satno old prices again
o ilny nnd thcro was no change In the mar
mot to note. While there were some pretty
? oed corn fed stcore , thcro were no prime
icavywoights. There \\ero few westerns
< oed enough for bcoves , nnd no Texans to
sneak of. 'Ihe feeling on thorough nnd
: oarso cattle , nnd a good many of the corn
fed steers wore on that order , was not very
itrong. Rtill it could bu called no lower. As
il h iMflSTiwas paid for * omo natives , but
.ho sales ranged mostly from $3 f .J } to 4 00
for natives. Quite n string of westerns
brought $2.00 nnd some "I'exnns $ ) .iV > . The
afforlngs of butchers' stock were quite lib
2ral , but the movement was not very nctlvo.
Native cows und cannon * brought ? I.10@U.50
md westerns $1.70r-0" The jardn wore
iretly well cleared ot stockers and feeders
M-sterday , nnd there were not many on sale
to day except , the fresh arrivals. They sold
itaboutthasamo pliccs nljcstcrduv. The
mllvo feeders brought ! TJ UOQJ.S'j nnd the
westerns UJ. @iXJO.
Hoi ; * ' .
To-day'B ' hog inntket was steady xv'lth yes-
terda > 's curlier market mid 'stronger than
Vestcrdny's closo. The trndo was fairly
nclivo nt the prices , nnd the j ards were soon
Mine1 p.
Two loads of good western sheep were re
ceived and sold readily at Hrm prices.
Prevailing Prices.
The following is n tiblo of pricSi pilil In
this inai1it for the grades of stock mentioned -
tionod :
Pumo steers. 130J to ItTWl Ibs. . $1.10
CJood steers , 12T.O to 14'U Ibs. . tlbO H l.20
flood steers , 1039 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3 50 ( rt.4.10
Western steers . , . 2.51 @ 320
Common canncrs. . l.K ( ) ( ifil.50
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.5) ) ( < 0l.7ft
Fair to good cows . 1.75 ( < 0.J.OO
Good to choice cows . 200 t < t2.25
Fairtopood bulls . 1..10 ( 'W.OO
Light stoi'Kcrs and feodors. . . . 2.00 rjfji.50
Oood feeders , ITM ) to 1100 Ibs. . . 2 ! 10 fn3.0l )
Fair to choice light hogs' . ! I bO ( ifcl HO
Fnlr to choice heavy nogs . UbO
Fair to choice mixed hogs . J1.80 { >
20 . C55 2 20
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
27 feeders . 1072 S" ) 45
21 steers . , . 104S 251
Green A , Deiiiblan.
20 cows . ! )3J ) 1 70
1 bull. , . 1.-SO 1 70
23 feeders . 101S 2 CO
American Cattle Co. '
4(5 ( feeders . 1171 2 50
C. Uccbt.C4
C4 steers . 12)7 ( ) 2 00
121 steers . 1272 2 IK )
8 stags . 14Cti 1 fcO
1 stag . lObO 180
4T feeders . 10J7 2 50
J. M. Carey & LJro.-
fl tecrs . 1200 275
Ofeedcis . 13 > ! 0 2 35
J. H. Dm bin.
41 feeders . KC.K ) 230
22 steers . 115(5 ( 2 ( KI
1 steer . U".K ) 200
1 steer . 1200 200
4 steer . llbO 2 75
1 steer . 12M ) 275
1 steer . 1150 275
! l Pteor . 1201 200
I'uoblo Puckluir Co.
5' cow s , CoI-Tex . 72 1 1 SO
N. Header & Co.
Iiivo Kldiik Notes.
J , H. Sangstor icprcsentod Stewart with
Hem-man & Llttlolor , of Cordova , mar
keted liogs.
O. Hurgoss , of Wecpmu Water , had hogs
on the murkot.
W. P. Clark , of Hushvllle , was in with
butchers' cuttlo.
J. S. Fordyce brought in two cars of cattle
from Central City.
Kobort Dykes ran In from Pueblo , Col. ,
with two cars of cattle.
Vnllov was ropresonlca by J. M. Abraham ,
who had bogs on the muikut.
J. C. Morrow cauic up from Iliulilen ,
Kan , und hud two cars of cattle on the
W , T. Kouuuu and wife , of Chicago , were
nt the exchange , They loft for Chicago Sat
urday ovuuing.
A. J. LaiifTilon cauio over from Casey , la ,
this inornlnc with three cars of VOT Hue
yoorlmgs for his ranch near Oretna , Nob.
Tlio buyers hero wanted them bad , but they
were not for sale.
The week closed with the maikct about 5o
lower tbuu ut the oivcniug of the vvoeic. The
hogs sold on Monday at 3.85&U.IK > , with ( i
choice load at $1.02) { . Qn Tuesday the trade
was higher , und the raago wna * 3 8504 00 ,
with $3.00 the | K > pulur pric-c. On Wednesday
the market dropped back ogaiu , and f3.b ( > i < i
11.115 bought the hog * , with the great buU at
fi.bOQU.tW. Prices went etlll lower on Thure
day , and 3.75@3.65 wuc the extreme rantre.
with f3.80 the moht common prlco. Tht
sales on Friday raugod from 153,75 to t.67)f ,
A Mormon elder who lately arrived at San
Francisco from "Nowoaland euld that he and
other filormmi uiisaionurius had boonot work
urnonir the natives for tlireoioura anil a half ,
and they hud oror H.oyO member * iu their
churches among the Muorw.
Wheat Rules Steady But No Spoolal
Interest Shown.
flio Provision Pit licsn Aottvo In Alt
Its Itrnnchcs Cnttlc Transac
tions 8 low Hosa Active
< 3cncrnl QiiotntlottB.
CHICVOO , On1 ; . 20.--fSpsclal Telegram to
Tun Urn. ] The wheat market was steady
uut'not especially Interesting. Locnll'tbero }
was heavy selling by n few loading operators
and a tendency on thu part of the general
cro\Ul to bull the , uiarkct , , Tim nowi Was
for the most pirt bullish In tenor , though the
cold nnd dlsugrcoablo fact remains that
stocks are piling up nnd stuff Is not going out
of Jho count rj ns fast as If should to Insure
the distribution of the surplus among the
connumiuir countries ofctlioold worldi On
tlio floor to-day it was estimated that the
visible supply would on Monday
show an Increase of 2,000,000 or
U.fiJO.OOO bushels , it may bo reduced
by Iho nmouut going into private store
houses , that being nn unknown quantity in
Iho visible calculations. Export clearances
from the four principal Atlantic ports for
the week foot up 250,003 bushela of wheat
and 22,000bairols ot flour , onuat in all to
about 1,150,000 , bushels. Uradslrcots makes
the total exports from botli coasts 'JHI7,000
bushels , against 1,800,000 utuhols n icur ago.
The receipts fn the northwest nro not up to
oxuectatlons , being about 500,000 bushels in
Duluth nnd Minneapolis , nnd testi
mony to the effect that farmers'
deliveries nro falling off in Dakota
nml Minnesota Is strengthmilng. Receipts ,
however , nt nil points foot up012,000 bushels ,
against Jwr.ODO bushels shipped , of vvliicu
very llttlo goes out of.tho country.
Foreign markets have u better
tone. English country aelivories for
thu v/eolc were 80,800 quarters
ot an average price of 80s 4d , against 8i,500 :
quarters at an uvcrngo of 2ia ) lOd the preced
ing week. Dispatches wore received by sov-
orul peoDlo on the lloor that Mr. Liw. the
eminent English statistician , had reduced his
estimate of the crop of Grout Britain
from 78,0i)0,000 ) to 70,000,000 , bushels.
His llrst estimate was 81,000,000 ,
bushels. A cablegram from Liverpool ( [ noted
English country murKcts ns firm , witu the
quality of the crop good , but the yield belOw
on nver.igo. Another cable noted n tailing
off In Hussinn and Indian supplios. On the
whole , the f01 eign situation may bo quoted
as encouraging. Ono of the baarlsh pieces
of news might bo found in rain throughout
the winter wheat country , but this did not
seem to have nuy special olTcct , probably for
the reason that the fears of damage from
drouth had never been very deeply rcoted iu
the popular mind. Local specu
lative sentiment seems to bo develop
ing In favor of higher prices- though ,
as before stated , several loading opeiators
insist upon pounding the market whenever
circumstances justify. December opened at
SOJfc , sold up to bO 'iKgHO c , back > < c , up to
SOJjC , ofT to bOJ o , up to 8U c , bacn to 80Jfo
and lip to SO.t < ( ( < > MW , closing nt SO @ : jiJc. ! ) ;
Mny oueiied at Sic , ranged nt 8tjT@8 : ( ' 4"o all
day and closed at 81Glb4'fc. October left oft
atTdc. Uutsido markets were In substan
tial harmony with Chicago and in the north
west nn active inquiry for cash vvhoatisio-
ported. The volume of transactions in
futures was rattier below un average to day.
The corn market opened strong on wet
weather and small iccolpU. Tlio shorts In
near deliveries were free buyers at t lie sturt ,
and the strong feeliflg apparent , yesterday
was continued with added strength. There
was vei.v Jteo selling of May , however ,
which weakened tlio general list , The de
mand for cash corn was active and nt gennr-
ally higher prices than prevailed .v csterdny ,
but in sympatuy with the vveokor feeling at
the end for futures shippers dropped their
bids proportionately. The receipts were
within six car loads of yesterday's
estimate and shipments were fair ,
but smaller tnan on the day be
fore. Exports were also lighter , but the
demand from abroad was good and ma move-
incut from the seaboard would be heavier , as
it uould bo from hero also if vessels were
plentiful. October delivery started ut 'JlVtft
aljjjo , but declined later to Jllj/c and cloned
at.lj4c. November followed a somewhat
similar comse , openintr utai c. advancing
to ni c and closmi ; at" illJ/viiJl e , or from
JiO to jVc lower thnn it closed .vostcrday.
Amy was -cely sold and closed at a decline
ol about Mic. (
In a general way the muikct for oats was
only steady , with Mny selling at aijf !
( tf'.Mj ; c and later offered fieoly
at the inside , while December
was easy at 18J c. Owing to tlio mild in
quiry for October to fill shorts and no selfors
of consequence , this month was early bid up
} { c , but the show of strength was not sus
tained. No. 3 to co to store to-day sold nt
18 } c , with lS'h'u bid later.
'iho provision market was less active to
day in all Its branched and although there
wcro some firm spots , tlio undertone was
weak and the general diift of speculative
values the greater portion of the session
was towara n lower lovol. Thcro
was ragged ouotatmg , the initial trades
in pork und October lard belli ? ut an advance
over the .v ear's closing , with October ribs a
llttlo loxver. From $10.00 October pork bioko
to ( I0.7."i , and November weakened from $ 'J,80
to K > .57 } , fluctuations in Januaty bomg less
viol ° nt. October ribs sold early nt W 10 , then
at ijfi 12.Jtf , broke to ? ,7 Oo , aud later , under
goodQlcuiaiid and small offerings , wcro Did
up to | T > .2l ) . The break In November pork
was the result mainly of free selling by
Apulcgatu. Eatly m the session
Hutchlnson's bioker bought n big
Hue of January poik at S'.Un$9.-17J ' ( .
and sold Junuary laid freely at $ . " > < JU@5.0'j'j'
ou the split. The shorts m October hini were
disposed to cover , vvhilo October pork v\as
offered more freely , A larger business was
a ono in the latter than fur several days past.
Hog receipts continue about up to expecta
tions and prices for the satno u ores toady
and unchanged , Liverpool oiblos reported
prices higher for hums , with laid ! U lowor.
The eastern market for the product showed
no material change. A quiet feeling pre
vailed hern during tliu lost hour of tlie Hus
sion , nnd the trading was of small volume in
the nggregu'o. The latest bid * slioned n
decline for the dav ofOo In November pork
und nn udvnucu of tJ ! c In January. Laid
was lOc higher for October nnd 2Jjo , louor
for January , aud October ribs were Do
higher , with other deliveries unchanged.
Citiovoo , Oct 20 [ Special Tolcgtam to
Tin : llr.E. ] CATTI.K The receipts wire
divided nt nbout 1,200 natives , 100 ! ! Tuxuns
nnd WX ) rangers. Out of flfty-thrpo cars
slaiu'iitcrcrs received thirty-eight , leaving
only fifteen pars on tlio market. Huslnoss
was slow. The weather was cold nud rulny ,
tlio yards ditty and uninviting , and honpo
buyers. Unless they had urgent orders , pro *
fcrtod toiomnln under Bueltor of the warm
and comfortable exchange , so that salesmen
that had natives generally re
ported sales lOQISo lower In many
instances than nt the close yesterday ,
Tovans showed little or uo change ,
and the few rangers hero sold slow and r
Buiulo lower. Nutlvo butchers' stock was
quiet and llttlo or nothing was going oa iu
the stacker and feeder line. Clioico to oxtru
heovcs , ft.fiO@t.OO ; medium to good
steers. 1,850 to 1,500 Ibs. U.VK > @ 4.40 !
1,200 to 1,1)00 ) Ihs. . FJ.GO@4.S5 ; 050 U
1,200 Ibs , , J8.00@i.OO. fcJtockem and
Toxaua , , ' 50@2 GO.
Hoes , I'ho market was activewith prices
steady to strong , uut thu general market olos
Ing f ead v vvitu about every thing Bold. Pack
era paid AW@4.00 ami snippers | 4 OSOKIO ,
Lljht ( sorts sold at fl.OCWUU.
New Voitic , Oct. SO l Special Tolosram to
TUB Uk.E.l-Siocicb The busings of ttu
mlf day which closesntUxs stock market for
.ho wcolc was not irtHklng In nny way.
Thcro was a fnlr opening , follouod by An
idvaicoln Atchis'nv ) 'Ortugor nnd Vendor-
jilts , nnd later n grndual letting dowa of
) rlces to the close , vvl lfttho list wn irrcgu-
arand not materially different from Iho
close last nlBht , Flrst"nccs ! were Ronerolly
'roin ' ( , to ? a per ccnt\ilior \ than last o voti
ng's figures , the onLv led ovcoptlon boliiB
Orosfon Trnnscontlncntoh which was down K
; ior cunt to 3.1 . The MAVkct was strong , but
active only in spots , irnd Union Pacific , Mis-
sourl Pacific , Now EngMnu1. St. Paul , Luke
Shore , Atchison nnd Cotton OU did nbout
seven-eighths ot the bns'lhoss transacted. To
the foregoing may bo nddcd Denver , Texas fc
Forth Worth , which was a strong feature of
the hour , rising l1 per cent to rjya' . Further
ndvanccs-in the general list were confined to
} per cent nud lo s , and tovvnril the end of
Lho hour the upward movement came to nu
end , when many stocks t Dieted materially
nnd declined to something below the opening
figures. Sufcar was noctully wcai : , ngaln
losing 1 per oonl to 7i ; . The
money market was easy ' at the
close nt 4@Q * per cent. An
Increase of butV-12,000 in the bank reserves
vvns disappointing to the street. This , fol
lowing the slight depression caused by the
taking of profits on long stocks , caused a
rather weak closing. The strength of Michi
gan Central early and Into was n feature of
the day. In western stoclcs Unrllngton &
Noith western were dull nnd steidy ; Atohl-
son nnd St. Paul cnch * < higher , Hock
Island K lower , Missouri Pnclflo 4 lower.
Trusts all closed lower. The total sales lor
the half-day were 115,482 Lhnrcs.
The following were the closing quotations ;
tl. S. 4s regular. 1.7 Northern Pnclllc. , : u
U.K 4scoupons . . .1J7 ( loprototrod T.l'i !
U.S.4 < 4srogular..n > rii ; 0. Xft. . W ' .IIJ
II. 8.4'is coupons. . KiVi do preferred 141
I'nrltlctlsor Mi 1UJS N , V.Uentral lliil'i
Central I'aoltlo 34 P. O.A.K. . . . EO
Hocklsland VSli
Chicago , UurllUKtou C-BLA-St. ! ' . .
&Julncv 101'i
Ill1 /
Illinois Coiitriii ! ! ! . ' ! I III" doprororrcd. . l17i !
I. , It. AV ll' { Uiilon l'aclllo..t
Kansas it 1'oxas. . . . liy W'.St. li .VI * . 1"
linko Sliori * . IDilJ , dopraforred 3U (
Michigan neutral , . lli Western Union * " " '
Missouri 1'ftctllo. . . . 70V ?
Movuv On call , easy , from 4 toC pcr'ceut ;
closing ofTcrcd at 4 por.ccnt.
PUIMC Mcnav-NTtLU PAIT.U 5 > ( < 47 c per
STLiiLixoE\cii\xon Quiet , steady sixty-
day bills , ft JilKi domnnd , St.bS ) .
puonccn ai.
Cnicioo. Oct. 23. lli . m. close
Wheat Steady ; OctoberTDc ; Doccmbor ,
bO o : May. Sic.
Com Sto uly ; October Sl c ; December ,
31'4i > ; May , it-l 'c
Oats Steady ; October , IS 'c ; May , 21J/0.
Hi o October , 41Jjc.
Hurley October , fi7c.
Priinu Timothy 51.18.
l lax-Cttsh. S1.23K ; May , Sl.87 > .
Whisky ? 1.0i. .
Poik Steady ; OctrfMor , $10.75 ; January ,
$ U 15.
Laid Steady ; October. 5035 ; January ,
S5. ! > 0. tJf
Flour Quiet ; vvintfeff' ' steady ; spring pat
ents , lOc lower.
Provisions -Shoulders , 5I.50@1 C2J4 ; short
clear , S" > 50@rGU > ; Uort ribs , $ , > JJ for
October. i > R >
Uuttter Slndostionger : creamery , 15 ®
2Ja : dairy , 12@JOc. -
' Hides Weak and unchanged ; light green
salted , Cc ; dry culf , n(5c ( ; deacons , each ,
. ' ' "
yoc. 7"
Tallow Wcik nnd imchatlgod ; No. 1
solid packed , 4c ; No. U , S o ; cake , 4J c.
Cheese Dull ; full mam cnoddtirs ,
12c ; flats , 'J > 3 c ; Young Americas.
lOc. ' ' "
Eggs-rum ; fresh , 17H@l8 tfc.
Uecuipts. '
- Shipm'ts
Flour . . . t. . . . 23.U03 11.000
Wheat . ' .7. . ! . .r.1in.OOJ 12.000
Coru . 15 ,001) ) 171,000
Oats . 184.000 103.000
Now York. Oct. 20 Wheat Receipts ,
123,700 ; spot dull and higher ; No. 2 red ,
8J ® 8Jifo in elevator ; 81C't84 o afloat ;
b4s$3'f ( c f. o. b. ; ungraded rod , 7bjf @ 82Xo :
options dull and higher ; No. 2 rod , Novem
ber , closing at b2c.
Corn Kccoipts , OS.600 bushels ; exports ,
44 HOO bushels ; spot higher and Arm ; No. U ,
Mr.10tfc in elayatr ; 4 (0141 0 afloat ;
jnL'ruded mixed , ! 19J ( o < 41 > 4c ; options strong
und higher , IS'oveuibei'closmi ; at 40J c.
Oats Iteceipts , 77,000 bushels ; exports ,
10' ) ; spot dull ; options firmer ; November
S c ; spot No. 2 , white , 2S@2S4o ' ; mixed
western , 2IX20 ( > c ; white western , 27@
27 ? c.
Coffee Options closed steady nt S040
l > oints down. Sales : 41,000 bags ; OctoOor ,
511 70 ; November , S > 14 03 ; spot Hio , weak and
lower ; fuir cargoes , $10.00.
Sugar Haw , steady j refined , quiet nnd
Petroleum Firm ; United closed at S1.05Jf.
Eggs Virm ; western , 2l@Jl c.
Pork Firm ; inspected mess , $12 25@
Lard Easier ; western steaui , $3.90 ; Octo
ber , 50.70 bid.
LJuttcr Easy ; Elgins , 2JK@2' u ; western
dairy , .lii ( > 15c ; creamery , 24&
Cheese Stioug ; western ,
Kun-ns Ony , Oct. 20. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 liaid , cash , ( Mr ; October and No
vember , CJo bid ; No. ! l bard , cash , f/JJ o bid ;
Octobersaloi ni ! > ! > # c ; Nn. 2 soft , OS' ' ( i OS > ( fc
asked ; October , Ojijc ; November , CScliid.
Corn Quiet ; No. S cash. 2ic bid ;
October , KJJfc bid ; N o. 2 white , cash und
October , 2)u ) bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , Ifi is bid ; October , ir jfc ;
No. ! i cash , IGc.
Cincinnati , Oct. 20 Wheat Film ;
Ko. 2 red , 77c.
Corn Fhm : No. 2inlxoJ , 4l@l4) ) c.
Oata-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 21c.
Wlnsk.v * 1.U2.
niiiinoiinolm , Oct. 2G. Sample wheat
higher ; icceipts , 423 cars ; sjhlpmoiits , 78
bor , , . . , ' . . . , - - * . _ ,
No. 2 iibrthoni , October , 71o ; Mai77c ; on
track , 70 ( ,74L' .
' - , Oct. 20 Wheat Firm ;
cash , 7JXC ! Nol northern , 7it
Corn Finn ; No. ! J. aijtfe.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 wnitc ,
l < ic rirm ; No. 1 , 43JJC.
Uarloy Firm ; No. 2 , October , f > 2c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $10.75.
Ht. IioulH. Oct. 20. Wneat Higher ;
'cash , 70 > fu ; May , 83tfc nskoil.
Corn Higher ; cash,2SJ @i9o ; MaytOj ! c.
Oats Higlicr ; oash. ' ! ; ivluy , ai/o.
Pork-SU ady at ? n.5J
Lard Firm at to 10.
Wldskoy Sternly ul ! OJ.
Huttcr Quiet ; creamery , 10@iOc ; dairy ,
Liivnrnnnl , Oct. ' Kl. ( Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders offer moderately.
Coin Quiet ; liolcloia ofTor modorutoly ,
Oct. 20 ' .Mi Drovora' Journal
reports ns tollo > v s : ] ' ' (
Cattle -Heocipts , UAfw ; steady ; ctiolco to
extra beoves4 & ( ) Q ( \ Msteers. \ . W.00@l 40 ;
stoukcrs and fcedortui.I.8D@J.lX ) ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , fl.'AK2BO [ icxus catUe ,
S1.5052.bO ; westurn raneera , f 2 01K23 80.
nogsKecalpts , It.W ) ; stroiiL' , mixed.
J3,85&f4.iri ; heavy , KM&I.I : light ,
4.25 ; skips , * J ) OCC'WJtt TJ-
fahncp KcceiptH , 'J(000 ; unchanged : na
tives , * 2.7 ; > 0- > .00 ; westerns , 1.W1.15 ) }
Texans , fJOu@J.lO ; lambs , tft.25fn5.75.
National rtroolc Vurdi , I'InHt fit.
IJOUIH , Oct. 20. Cattle Hocolpts , bOO ;
BhlptncuU , 500 ; market strong ; fair to
choice heavy native steers , $ J.40 , < $4.E > 5 ; stock-
era ana feeders , If 1.70QJ.40.
Hogs lleceipts , 700 ; shipments , none ;
market. u * < eady ; heavy , $ ! S0 4.'JJ { packing.
? , J.70Sa.yO ; UshtfAvU@l.lO.M
Bloiix City , Oct. JJO. Cattle Hocolpts.
18 ; shipments. 415 ; market steady nml
unchanged ; cows , tl.OO@J05 ; stockers und
feeders , Jl.nOM'JbO ; veal calves , ' $200ic3.15.
Ho s Hcceints , 2JOJ ; market closed u
shiido lower ; light mid mixed , | 3.57 > < ( a3,80 :
heavy , i
KnitHna city , Oct. 20. Cattle
Hucelpts , 2.400 ; stupmcntii , IHOO ; market
steady and lower ; cows. * l.40@J,33 ; stock-
cr und fooJors. FJ.25 ( < ia 10.
Hogs Heceipts , : i,40J ; shipment * , 1,100 ;
market hlKhirllgt ; | , , fj90S415j heavy and
mixed ,
Events ID the Onvoor or the Union
Pnclflo Moguls.
I'ncts or Interest to tltc AontriiiR Hixll-
rend aian nil Along the
Grent Ijlnc V3to. , '
Jtnllwny Mon niul Pnol < > .
The Nebraska state boaid ot transporta
tion 1ms issued its mandate regarding local
rates on coal , nnd nn ciunllnUloti ] of the
i ate * on nnthracito nnd soft Js de
manded , The now rate piuounts to u rcduc-i
tion of about So per cent , nnd the railroads
are Instructed to so revise , vtlthiu the next
thirty days , their local rates as to correspond
spend with the ralo established by the board.
This inovo has long boon expected , owing
to the fact that "petitions on the subject have
been repeatedly forwarded to the board 'by
the dealers , some of thorn dating back over
a year ago. The Untile representatives of
the Nebraska lines oppose the move. They
claim that , inasmuch ns nnthrncitols of moro
vnluo per ton than soft co il , u higher rate
should bo chnrgcu ; also , that soltcoillsa
moro co 111 inou commodity nnd mat n lower
rate can bo maintained on it thnn on hard
coal. A conflict between the roads and thu
boaul is nut ut all unlikely.
* *
Henry Vlllard Is again nt the helm of the
Northern Pacltlc. Just what the future
has in stern for this Irons-continental line
is wrapncd In mystery , but the tumhlu In
Northern P.ieitU : stocks uould Indicate that
certain matters connected with Mr. VII-
hint's former ndmlnlsttaltou have not been
forgotten. When ho was ousted from tlio
control of that toad , about live years ago
tlio institution was In bud sbapo. No sur
plus existed , and even the minor holdings of
tlio company were lucuinburcd. Only by
hard work were the doois hucnt closed
ngalnst the iccciver. Fiomthut time until
the present period , the value ot the
stocks has been gradually cnhanclnc. out
oven now , they nrn urcetod with n dull , m-
nctlvo dcuinnd in Wall street. No sooner
had the success of Henry Yillard , In ngnln
obtaining control , beau announced , than tlio
Northern Pncitlo stock again sought zero on
thu thermometer.
The officials of the LJuillngton nro appar
ently very much "put out" over the report
of the wreck at Gibson as published in Tin :
Hi.c. Facts and figures are seemingly out of
plaro In the opinion of some people , it is
true that Tun lini.'H report contained the
names of thirteen of the injured that were
not included in tlio reports of the accident as
published In the other Oinnlm papeie. Hut
the fact Is. tlicio were several parties In
jured In addition to those whoso names ap
peared in Tnu Um , nnd nothing has been
said conueiuing them ior the reason tliut
they were lelmbursod nnd uslieied out of
tlio way. The mimn of every individual as
published in Tin : IJi u was given by the vict-
tlm voluntarily.
November 1 , ns announced In THC ULK of
Tucsnay , a material cuunec will bo made In
the general otUccs and odloots of the Union
Pacific. Mr. Tlio mas L > . Kimball will as
sume the tnird vice proslucncv ; Uihvard
Dickinson the general managership of the
Hues cast of Chcvcno ; U. S. Mellon will
Have Jurisdiction over ttio tnillle of the entire -
tire system : C. II. Mclvibbinill assume the
position of general iiurchaslng agent : J. S
Cameron will take charge of thu construc
tion ncpat uncut. The foregoing individuals
nro well and favorably known in nnd outside
of railroad circles , especially in tlio west ,
where they have all spent u goodly portion
of their lives.
* #
Thomas TJ Kiuibill was born nt I3e\ton ,
York county. Maine , October 1 , 1811 , nud has
just passed his uftv-oighth mile-stone. He
entered the railroad servioo August 11 , 1B51 > ,
In the capacity of chief of the literary bureau
of the Pennsylvania road. After otio j e.u's
service in that capacity , he was mndo south
western passenger ngeut of ttio sumo road.
Ho filled the latter position for eightoars
when he was again promoted , this time to
the position of assistant general passenger
acent of the Pennsylvania March
20,1871 , ho received a flattciing oflor coupled
with the position of general passenger and
ticket agent of the Union Pacific , which ho
accepted. It was while in this po
sition that tie gained a reputation
throuehout the railway world us a trufllc
manipulator. November 1 , 1880 , he was ap
pointed assistant geuoral manager , a position
which ho held up to August 1 , 1331 , at which
time ho was appointed general trnfllo mana
ger. From September , 18j7. to Octoboi.
IbbS , ho filled the position or assistant to the
first vice piofildent. October 1,18Sho was
appointed general managpr , which ho tins
just relinquished. During bis carcor Mr.
KiinoaU has stood foremost In the i auks of
the representative raihoud men of the country -
try <
Edward Dickinson , who succeeds Mr.
Kimbnll as general manager , was born Oc
tober 8 , 1851) , ut Cumberland , Md. Ho
began his railway career at the ago Of thir
teen ut Cleveland , O. , as a messenger boy in
the Borneo of tlio Cleveland & Toledo tail-
road. Ho applied himsoll strictly to Ills
duties nnd at the end of his second icnr ot
service graduated as a first class operator.
In 1SGJ ho cntoicd the service of the Atlantiu
& Uroat Western tallroud us a telegraph
operator , where ho remained llirco yours.
In 1S03 Ills great ubility , which hud already
began to make itself manifest to his em
ployers , won his promotion to assistant train
dispatcher of the same road. At tlio end of
his second joar of ofilce work ho resigned to
accept n position in thu train service us
baggage master nnd express ngout oh that
liuo , which position ho held until the close of
1871 , when he received n flattering offer fiom
the Union I'aclllu at Omaha. The first posi
tion ho was given on that Hue was the ro.
sponsiblo one of a train dispatcher. Two
years later ho was chief dispatcher of the
Wyoming division wit'a headquarters a
amie. In 1877 ho was mudo superintendent
of Laratnio division , and in ISh'i bo was
made assistant general superintendent of the
entire svstoui. Ju 16S7 Hoas made general
superintendent , a position which ho filled
until about ilve months ugo , when tlio ofllco
was abolished and ho was made assistant
goncrul manager. Ho will stop from the lat
ter position into that of general manager
November 1.
Charles Bangor Molten , who will have ex
clusive chut go of the trafllu of the entire sys
tem , needs no patent introduction to the rail
way world. Ho was born at Lowell , Mass ,
August lu1851 , and ontcrnd railway scmcu
September I. , ! , 1SUU , as clerk in tlio cushier'B
olllco of the Northern Now Hampshire. Tri
1H7J ho was made the chief engineer of tbo
Central Vermont. From January , 187JI , to
October , I BSD , he was connected with the
Nnrthuin Now Hampshire road seven j ears
nnd flvo months of which ho was cashier ,
chiiif clerk nnd assistant treasurer. October
1 , IbSO , to January 1 , 1831 , was assistant gen
eral manager of tlio Boston & Lowell toad ,
and from ttio latter date to October , IbSl. was
Rcnerul manager of tbo same road. Ho was
then made general auditor , n position
which ho hold until March 1 , 183 : ) . Pro in
Juno 1 , 1631 , to 1837 ho was general superin
tendent of the liosion & Lowull. Ho came
to the Union Pacific Juno U , 18SS. us general
purchasing agent. Ho has slnco , In addition
to his duties us general purchasing uuunt ,
filled the position of noting general manager ,
assistant gunorul manager and tr.idlo man.
ngrr. Ho Is considered available in nil do-
partincnls of atailroau ,
Chambers II. McKibbiu , who will suc
ceed Mr. Mullen as general purchasing
ugent , uud who is u son of General D. H.
McKibbiu , has just passed the thlitioth mile-
stoiio in Ufa. Ho is one of the few
that has succeeded in mounting the
ladder with nothing but his own
persevering splut to second him.
uo cmbarkod in railroading in the service of
the t'oiiiifiylvnnln company in 1WJ in the
limablo culling of u meouunlo. Hn learned
his trade , and in u few jears was made us-
bisuiut laochauia of that rood. Tour yean ,
ngu ho loft the Pennsylvania to couio to the
Union Paoltlo in the capacity of Inspector of
the supply department. Ho was shortly af
terward appointed chief inspector of the
Union Pacific. Ho next filled the position
of gunorul storekeeper , from which position
he was called to the position of iuslHtant
goners 1 purchasing agent , and Nomnber 1
Jiu i111 nsu mo direct charge of the depart
ment which Is , aside from the traffic , the
most important and responsible position con
nected with n railroad ,
A bunch of celery containing twelve stalks
hnsjnu been gathered at Knlnmnroo. It
weighed thirty.llvo pound * .
An Agmtn ( Me. ) lady , tartcd out to collect
l,00 < > , ooo postnco stamps. She has accumu
lated ' , ' 00,000 nnd Is re uly to sell out.
In view of the statement from Cnpo Mny
that a swedt potato three feet sK inches long
was crown thcro , it wouldn't bo altogether
surprising If someday vegetables mo sold by
the foot ,
Thu oldest bunk notes nro the "fli lug mon
ey" , or "convenient money , " llrst Issued In
Clilna'.YiO' H. C. Originally those notis were
Issued by the treasury , but experience dic
tated a clinugo to the bnuks xmdor govern
ment Inspection und control.
The emperor of China cnjojs riding ou n
railway and has ono miming into his sum
mer pnlaro. It is genet all\ drawn ot pushed
by eunuchs , as they nro afraid to use the en
gine. They think if It is oaco started It can
not bo stopped , but engineers are to bo
trained to run it.
AVicnmi millionaire has Just dlod leav
ing n request for his only heir to keep tlio
faintly vault liahted with several .lablockofT
electric lumps for ono j cur. Hut tbo nutlior-
itlos having refused the necessary permis
sion the holr has ordered a candle and n box
of pat-lor matches to bo placed near the man
In Ins coflln In' case ho should wako up from
his long sleep.
If thu most Useful man Is tholmpplcst mini ,
n gi'iitlcmaii In Steep Tails , Mo. , must enjoy
supreme bliss. Husldos keeping u gcneial
Rtoro , In which IMS supplies the villagers
with oyori thing from salaratus to gum ,
from candy to cofUtis. from cold soda to
woolen stockings , ho Is also the village bir-
bur , sexton , nud gravestone manufacturer ,
and keeps n livery stable.
An Kngllsh pupor gives tins explanation of
the familiar phrase "by hook or byciook. "
About a ccMitury ago two celolnutod king's '
counsel flourished u hose names u pro respect
ively HOOK and Ctoko ( pronounced Crook. )
They were generally opposed to ouch ollior
in alt impoitant eases , nnd people said : "if
you cannot win jour ciuso uy Hook jou will
by Cicko. " Iloiicu nroso the idlo'ii which Is
now so firmly grafted Into the Kuglish
A calf was recently caught on tlio cow
catcher of one of the big locomotives of the
Hast Tonnessuo , VII gliiln &CSoorgia railroad ,
near Gohuttu , und carried n distance ot 11)110 )
mllos.Vhun discovered the young bovine
was lying coiuplacuntly on the pilot , appar
ently enjoying the mocto of lapid transit. It
was entirely unharmed , nud when released
trotted away ns if nothing unusual bad hup-
A Hcllovlllc. Mich. , paper says : "A largo
black nnimnl , about the size of n j curling
calf , with o.vcs ns large ns teacups and shin
ing like coals of lira , has oecn scaring the
life out of some of the citizens north of this
place. In one instance a young man was go-
hiK to the bain to put out bis hoi so , when
the animal attncitcd him , but ho succeeded
in hitting it n smart blow with the whip and
the boast Btni ted for tlio woods , leaping over
a five-Kill fence ns easily ns a man would a
small ditch. "
A romaikablo passenger who at rived in
Las Vcmis , N. M , the otlior night , was a llt
tlo boy named Manuel Br.uil , ulght yunis
old , who cnmc alone from the Azotes Islands ,
ofT the coast of Poitugal , to meet his uncle ,
a cattleman who lives near Fort bninnor ,
ami with whom ho will hcrcaftor make his
home. The little follow arrived in Hoston ,
and from thct u went across ttie continent to
Sacramento , , nud fiom Saoramcuto to
Las Veens. It was a wonderful trip for a
child of Ins \caia nlono and unable to speak
English but he got thiough in good order.
11'was once American maidens shrewd
banir loudly of Yankee Doodle ,
IJut now they lay for the lintisli dude
Especially for his boo.llo.
The London Acionuutio society started a
paper called The Balloon. It Iris gene up.
Joggles wants to Icnnw if pobblu goat skin
is taken fiom tlio backs ot Kooky mountain
Yoimgboy Figuics can't lie , sir. Oldboy
Can't they though ! Tell that to the mo
The weather Is so wet over in Jersey that
school teachers can no longer dust the jack
ets of the pumls.
"Seo .von departing tramp's wretched inin-
tuloousl"Yes , that h > certainly wretched
ness in the extreme. "
A Pennsylvania man1 a referred to ns hav
ing made u fortune out of a sand tunic. Few
succeed in making a fortune without sand.
The oltl-fushicncd sclf-mado man j r politics
was not perfect , but ho was much better
than the machine-made article of the present
' Mr. Hanks , nro you u lovolvor ? " "No.
Hobby. Why ? " "Pop told sister that if
jou come nu'in he'd ' .fire the son of n gun out
tlio window. ' "
Cluus Sprockles wants to build houses of
suear. It an apartment building of this inn-
torial is erected , wo are willing to lake a
swoitof rooms.
Protestor of Journalism "Mr. Smith ,
how would you answer an nnausivcrablo ar
gument In au opposition paper ? " Student
'Call it n 'yawp. ' "
It Is an odd fact , but II is truer than most
pronchinir , that the mete young writers cancel -
col of what they wi it' } , the moro they can sull
of what they write.
Uroivn How's Jack Versatile getting on
now ! DePunnstlrr Swimmingly. Lirown
Is ho ? What is ho doing ? Do Punustlir
Hunnim ; a imtntorinm.
"Cunous state "of nffuirs at iny society , "
said the recording secretary. 'What's
that ? " "Why , It took two hours last night
for mo to get ten minutes. "
"I will lollavo the people of the burden of
taxation , " said the alderman as ho filiunK
dcrod a bag containing tlio city's funds nud
bought a ticket to Ontnilo ,
"Look hero , my fiiond , you're drunk. "
"Yeahshir. " Hut I undoistand iou to bo u
strong prohibitionists" "I am prohibish-
nlsli , but I'm nosh big'tcd. "
Charecs of plagiarism still continue. It is
now hinted that succuHsful nnd hitherto \m >
suspected farmers onb the stores of their
corn magarlncs from nature's cereals.
"Now really , what was the most astonish
ing thing yon saw in Paris , Air. Spicer. "
ashuJ MissCiUshcr , nud without u moment's
hesitation Seth answoicd , "My hotel hill. "
' 1 ho man wno Is putting up a stove for the
first time in bib lifo can't sco for thu life of
him what there Is in the operation that the
blamed newspaper purngruDhuia find so
First Sport You , pard , its hard times. T
shoved up my last piueo of propoi tv v estor-
diiy , Sec-oiul Sport What was it } What
d'yogit on it ? First Sport Umbrella-got
ram on it ,
The tar likes the ocean swell because it
maUes bin vessel pitch. This is the real
reason of his affection for tlio salt uua. This
uffcotion being ovcrgieuii ho will pine fir to
bu aboard his bark.
Impatient Ouost ( at seaside ) Where in
thunder Is that waiter/ / Head Walter
Was ho1J , sir ? Impatient Guest Ho may
have been forty-throo when I gave him the
uiilcr , but IIO'H fifty by this time !
When the amateur cornet nhucrgutsso
oxuort that ho iloos'nt play fly dots In the
musio for grace notes nny tnoto , ho begins
to think of leaving the German band ami ap
plying for u position in the dime inusaum
"Uxcuso mo , miss , " said n smart joung
man to n lady who nfTccts juvenility in tioud
dress , "but.vour huir is nil down. " ' "Ibunk
you , " was the i only ; "possibly you have ob-
solved thosauiu fact in connection with vour
mustaoho. "
Judge "Do you know the prisoner , Mr.
Jones I" Jones "Yes , to the bonu. " Judge
"What's his character ? " Jones-"Didn't
know ho imd any. " Judge "Does ho llvo
near yoai" Jones "So near that I know ho
has spoilt loss than > for tlrouood in eight
years. "
"bo you nro out of work. What wis vour
lastjobl" "Poseu us 'awful example' ton
tcmiiorunco lecturer. Ho used to itcou mo
full all thu time , but over In Pbiludulphy thu
combination busted. " ' 'What was the mat-
tori" "Didn't take
enough gate receipts to
keep me tight. "
Frank-Oil , don't talk that kind of rot.
( Indlcntintly ) "Hot indeed ! I uaw her
run down the steps lust night uud kbs Mr.
Hrown when he cuma homo , "
'P lmw ! She wanted to find out what
he'd been drinkliir" (
A bride on her return homo must ho car
ried over the threshold by the groo.n B rulu-
AM )
Tlio Week's OulnscA In Inuirovcinont
The really transactions for the past wcole
have bcnii confined principally to smallOcals.
The one big deal ot the week , w hlch has
boon practically consumtmled , was tlio ale
by John T. Uedlclc to diaries Shlvorlck of
tbo shty-sK foot on rvirnnm street lolninp.
the Ucdick bloolc on the west , 1'ho consider
ation in this deal was $37,000 , over $ I100 ! u
front foot. This propcrt ould have boon
puichnsod four years npo for ouc-lmlf that
ilsurc. The transfers for the week were us
follows ;
Monday . . . . . . . ' . , . , . , . $51,717
Tuesday . . a.l , tH )
Wednesday . . . . . . . r..Ofi
Thursday . ' . . : Kt,403
Filduv . , . \ ,4\7
tiiitmditv . ' . ,
Hiilldlni ;
'Iho building permits for the week were n.i
follows : '
Moudai . f 24ffJ5
Tuesday . , . 7,01)0 )
Wednesday . , . . 11,175
Thursday . MOO
Friday . UW.UW
Saturday . IBiCOO
Total . , ' . . * iotoo ;
AVoclclv Kiinlc sinioitiont.
Nrvy YOIJK , Oct. 29. [ Bicctal | Tclosrnm
toTiti : lit.r.1 Tliu weekly bunk stalumoiit
si.oMs the following changes :
Uoscrvo , docrcrtso . . . . . . . . ? SISJ.OiJ.'V
Loan , tncicnso . a , I.NIOO !
Hpculo , < lecroiiso. , . . . -157 011
Lcgul tenders , dtcrcase. . . . . . . . lU70bOO
Deposits , decrease . 4,180 , UK )
Circulation , ineieaso . r.4 , 00
The banks now hold ? llUliUo5 In o\ccss ot
the 33 per caul rule. Thu export ot ttpcclo
from the port of Now York last week
mnountcd to $ r > 29ns $ , of which WIWO uiijt In
gold nnd & 107,4SS silver. All thu nilvcr and
itHOO : In cold wont to Europe uml $ S , ( > 0 ( ) In
gold to bontli America Uho Imports of
specie for the week amounted to & > y,12n. of
which ( JW,0 > 9 was in gold nnd JJO.'JtM In
Nrw York Dry GixulH
NinYOHK , Oct. 20. JSnecinl Telegram
to Tun UKI : . ! Huslncss In dry goods was
unchanged in character , but , as usual on
Saturdays , nnd with unfavorable weather
ndded. tuoro was very llttlo doing. What
vvns done won chiolly through ardors by mull
nnd tolegiuph , tlio piluclpal feature of which
was the demand for spring fabrics. The
murkot was unchanged nnd prices firm.
Stocks of staple goods continue In Ugnt sup.
ply witli ngcnts and are ( incited usunlli
small with jobbers'
In Denver they charge 0" cents admission
to the ball giounds und 21 cents extra for
scats m the grand stand. Hcturniiig playota
s.i.V tliut tbo iittumliiiico is nearly nUyu\s
large , and that the major portion ot the spec
tators sit in the grand stand.
Picshionl Quln , of the Mllw.i'ikco club ,
loves Secretary Morton , of thu Western as
sociation , as the devil docs holy water , nnd
it is , thoicfortf. not nuiprlslng to learn that
ho ( Qum ) will get out independent uvetages
of the western plajeis , as bethinks Moi-
ton's tuo iucoirect. .
Jack Crooks having pln.vcd m but thirteen
games at second base for Columbus will got
no record In the onicmlaverage , but hlavvoilc
nevertheless , deserves mention boio. In
those thirteen games ho had .soventy-ouo
chances and but ono very excusable error.
This Is a Holding average of . ( IM ! , far above
un.vthinc to tlio credit of any other second
baseman in the association.
The St. Paul players will w inter ns fol
lows : Cal Hioucliton , in Albany , Wis. ;
Farmer in Philadelphia ; Wlllin Mams m
North Wimlom , Me , Moukiu in Louisville ,
Ky. ; Hnuos in Lowell , Mass. ; Won Ink in
St. Paul ; Daly In Now Ilumpshlio ; Murphy
in Indianapolis ; Carroll in Huffulo ; Hoilly In
Co lumhiifi.
DCS Molnos is anxious after nil to i cumin
m tlio Wnstern association. A movement Is
on foot to olTcct a reorganization of tlio
company , putting the stoik in shaiesoffSO
each among the business men nnd admirers
of tlio game , thus popularizing the onrani/a-
tion aud creating u wide circle of those in
terested in the club's success.
Speculation Is rlfo In Kunsas City who will
constitute the next season's team , j et noth
ing dollnlto is known. It is probable that
Swarl7cl , Hlttraon nnd Pears will bo re
leased , although the latter may bo retained.
SOwders will bo given a tiial in the spring ,
and if ho shows up wotl ho will bo hcpr.
Otherwise ho will bo released. Two now
twlilcrs will bOHCouied , and Dame Uuinor
has It that their names arc , King of 'St.
Louis , und Knauss of DcttoiU The inflold
will bo composed of Stearns , Long , Alvord
and 1'icKott , und tlio outfield , with ono ex
ception , will remain ns this , \ car.
President Hocho , of the St. Paul club , is
Irroconcilubly gri overt over the sale of
Charley Ucillv , the tbhd baseman , tote
to Columuus. He protested vlgoiously
at the nnnual meeting ol thu St. Paul club ,
against the ratification of the sale which Imd
been made without his sanction or knowledge ,
but he was In tlio minority , and the sale Is
now u fact The election resulted : Picsidcnt
and treasurer , Aaron Poupony ; vice presi
dent nnd manager. A M. Thompson ; sciiio-
taiy , M. .1. Hocho. The stockholcors < lo-
cidod to located new grounds in the central
part of the city , but no particular site bus
ynt been agreed upon.
A Duhith pupor says : Duluth can have a
ball loam in the Western association next
Reason if slio will put up tbo necessary
f 10,000. J. W. Anderson , wiio hn given the
city all her host sports during the past Imlf- *
doon .v oars , will put up I.OOi ) mid gnurntitoo
the team , piovided the citi/ous will uiiso ( .U"
lemamdcr. John S. Haincs has taken u
llvo-ycars' lease of the old People's tboater ,
arid will hereafter spend much of his time
boic , nnd will also go into the base ball
management if bo thinks it can bu madu
profitable. In com pin v witli Mr. Anderson
the capital c-ity sportsmen made a tour of
inspection and found giomuls ut easily
accessible distance which can bo secured at
a reasonable consideration. Piellmlnnry
nriangomcnts being thus completed , all Du-
liiih baa to do is to go down into her pocket
and flsh up $0,000.
I um the proud owner of n handsome two-
nnd-u-huif-ycars old Cordon setter und value
him very highly. Lust summer tin had n
bad attack of distemper , nnd it bus loft most
ovllcffoclH. The oo can stand but llttlo
exertion and staggers whenever ho attempts
to co out of a walk. His back Is weak , his
oies bloodshot nnd watery. What can 1 do
lor him ; no ono hero semns to know ? -It. T.
W. , Lincoln.
AtiB. fho dog's symptoms' are those of
paralvsls in n slight form , owing probably to
prossutu on the Binnul cord. Oronuoy pro
scribes throu grains of Iodide of potassium
thiuo times u day. It will mpjlro ciiroful
nursing for months to suvo your dog.
. . oa nsara during
Ju yuatenUv.
J .1 1'islier iiiid wife fo Mory FUher , lot
11 , lilK 4 , Jllveralilonrtrt , wd. . . , } r > 50
Jj r HlnKuy and wlfti to O K A * > pogrcn , lota
"J > . IJauil 1' . " Mortou'Hmlj , w il , 4030
CImrliH I'jittorson uml wltti t < v II Cor-
but. Jot II. IdU ) , BcnitH Omulin Ylutv.
u cU. . . . , . . 40
iiUOsbornnndwIfotoCJ U Wallace , lot
Si , tilled , Monmoiith 1'urk. cj o d
buiuh Omiiliu hand Co to jniDlIu nitu , blk
HI , BuiitliOuiuliu , plat . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .
I'Htrlck Hcully imd wife to John 1)
Alnrpay. lot -I. ollc IB. Hcully'a udil , vr d
Andruw lliinsen to i/'hrlst ( 'nribtonncii , n
Ji : ot U. blkaVllllnm lluceduin'i , uifd.
wit too
A .1 binilli to 1 ! M Hteaberg , lota Ki anil 1) .
blk . Koaolllll. wd , l.OOJ
O A ltudici ( | > t uud wlfu to II M Hlenburg.
lot a , blkf , lotV. bile 4. li > U JUanU Irt. bile
H.lot H , l > lt II , lot 7 , Ul UK und lot 7 , blk
U note inn , wd. . . , ! . . . .
(1 A litnihincua ctul toItuutcca Davrolot
U bllta. Itoselllll , w U UT6
Omuliu nud I'lorentu Ixiau and Trust CD.
to M II ( JodiluiU , lot 7 , blkM , I'lorunu- ,
\ \ u , . , , . . . , COO-
V II IJollnmnund wifu to J K llungato ,
lot IK. tlfct' ' , J'lacii.r d S.DCO
} ' , A llunscn und wifu to A li.Muy , lots37
uiuJH \ , Ulk I. llrlKL-H I'liice , vr u SAW
A I. May and into to I ) 12 Miller , lots 07
, aua .W. lilt : I , JlriKl'D I'Jnrt ) , wd 8,100
Uill'lielttUiaiil to 1)11 Waii ; li. lotn II
un < J1. \ . 1)1 k a. Mlnsnurt A > e. 1'urk , w d. . 1,000
John Wuhur to Mm K Kldrldgo , lot . bile
M , OiuuUn Vlow. w d 9,0)0
I'.il I'Jiuiaii ut ul to V" Hulveley. loin D and ( I ,
bile 1 , Mlnaonrl nienuopark , wil . . . 1,350
U K Ilirtur unrt wife to Ml Jolinulou. lot
J. Ink 11 , ( Jrcli'ird ' , w d OX )
tlmiII ( and wife to H AndeiHun , lot
r > , 1)1 k : l. CiovolU add to Creluhton
helglita , wu . . . , , 3X )
'ii triiufora