Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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No ntlvortlaomonto will bo tnkon for
thooo columns oftor I2:3O : p. m.
TormB Cnsh In ndvnnoo.
Ailvtrllsomonts under tills bend 10 onta per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for rncti sub-
peiiucnt Insertion , and ll/o par linn per month.
No advertisements tnkwi for less thiin 2o cents
for first Insertion , Seven words will bo counted
to the line : thry mint run consecutively and
must bo paid In AUVANCU. All advertise
ments mil ft be handc' , in before ] J0 : o'clock p.
m. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd hnv-
Inu their answer * nil dressed In cnroof TUB Her.
Mill plenso atk for a check to enn bio them to get
their letters , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All nrtvcrtlfcmcnts In these columns nro Dab-
Ibhcil in both morning nnd oveiilnc editions of
UIIF. Ilr.K the rlrcnlatlon of which nggregates
more than If.OCfl paper * dally , and elves the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only ot the city circu
lation of TUB IIKF. but nlso of Council Illuffs.
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
this sect Ion of the couptry _ . . .
Adrortlnlng for Jheso columns will bo taken
en the nbovo conditions , at the following busl-
ne § houses who are nlithorlred ngentH forTiir.
JlEr special notices , nud will quote the same
rntes B8on _
TOHN W. , I'harnmclst , KWBouth Tenth
J Street.
/ 1IIA8F. fc iniY , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
V/aouth innv street.
_ _ _
II , FA11N8WOIITH , Phnrmnclst , 2115 Cum-
.liiB trmt. _
\\T .1.1IUOHF.S , Pharmacist , C2I North Ifith
TT .Street.
GKO. W. PAHI1 , Pharmacist , 1800 St. Mary's
UOIIKsFT'lTAHM AUY , 2W3 Fnrnnm Btreot.
* V ) UNfJ man wishes n situation in prlvRto
JL family ; understands ! care of norscs ; itfor-
cneeslf rvqtiiicd . Address jl 0 lleo olllco.
278 arj
WANTKD Position iu olllco by experienced
book keeper nud bill r.k-ik ; best of rot.
given. Add. M CU Hoe ollico. 'AO 181-
SITUATION wanted A latlv wants to work
In an Amerlcau family for bonrd. Inquire
nt Atluctlo hotel. . ' 12i ?
WANTF.D Situation by young man familiar
with double nnd single entry hooKkeejiliig ,
can rnrnhli rofincnccs nml not tifrnld of v.oik.
Aildtess M. M. 1121) , Jiickaon .st aJO-27 *
" \\7ANTKD-A situation In the \\oil by n
TT jounglady ftenoKriiphor and typewriter ,
( Irnhnm syrtein. Allies S. Allman , No : 'T ( irnud
ltier ave , Detroit , Mien , I5J1'-U1 _
"VITANTIID-Slt'Siitliili us bookkeeper by ono
TT of oxpeileiico nnd with tb best or city
lefaieiiccs ns to nbillly. ohaiuctor und business
juallty. Addiosa M tl , lluo olllco.
AN eastern tiavclcr of iO ytaiV experience
would llko position with re-poiHililo llrm to
trnvtl. Itofcrttutes given. Address Mns lieu.
\X7ANTKD Bltunllon to ilrivo und deliver
TT pioooiloi lor wti > > li > Ralo fitoit * , well ac
quainted with city , best city refcionco. Ad-
iiressM45 , lice. _ 142 27t
SITUATION wanted in a llist-class hotel by
uoi king housekeeper. Host of references
plven as to experience nnd capability. Address
Airs. P. . UiO PnrK BVIChicago. . IHI 27t
WA 'J i.U titiiernl ixnd local agents to hnn-
dlo thu nuw patent chemical Ink erasing
pencil. ( Jre.xttst novelty oer piodncol. llruses
Ink In two seconds , no abrasion ot paper. ' . ' 00
to MX ) per i out piollt. Ono agones sales
amounted to W 2(1 ( in six day ? another jl ! in two
houis. Tcnltoiy absolutely frtifc'alnry to
ROoUiuvn. No ladles need nns\ver. Samploi5 :
cts. For terms nud full particulars nililre < ? .
The Motuoe .Eraser Co. . .MnnnfuctiiiviH , Lu
Crosse , WIs. Ull-2)f )
WANTED A man cook , Cermau picferred.
Addiess M 70 llee ollice. .
WANT12D A few more good agents ror new
novelties just out. Hamplo by mall ! , ( > i cuts.
Keillor & DoViue , Itoom , " 'i , ILuKcr building.
WANTED-Agood lively hustlar to solicit
orders among city trndo. Address ,
M 01 , lloo olllco. 32J 27 $
WAN'iTJD A first cla's oout maker , nt once ,
telegraph Inquiry. .1.1C. Ohlman , Iteatiice ,
Keb. 310-27 *
WANTIID-Agents to sell thoplnless clothes
line ; thu only line c\erInvented tlmtholds
the clothes without pins : u perfect Micces ? ;
patent recently issued ; sold only by agents , to
whom the exclusive right Is glvon : nn leculnt
of Mcts ) wo wlllsoud a sample Hue by mail ;
alxocIiculaiB , price llste mid terms toiigents ;
secure your teirltoiy at once. Adrtiuss Wor
cester Pluless Clothes Line Co. , 17 IJennon st. ,
Worctstcr , Mass. ik,07 ?
n" > HU Missouri Washer n Hauls agents profit-
JL able business. It washes dlitlutt ciothuu
clean by hot steam without lubblug. Argu
ments In Its fa\or iiionumeroim and convinc
ing. F-uellv t-old. Sent on two weeks' trial to
lie returned ntmy upenso if not Mitliifncto ry
Write for llluMruteu clrctihus and titms. J.
Worth , St. I.oiils. Mo.
WANT1U ) Iwo younit men for light work
all winter ; only if 1 capital lequlied. Apply
20 N leth St. . Hoom 17. Wi 29 *
WANTKD-Tracklayeis and liiUlgecnrpcn-
tcis for Iowa. Fluey , Kramer & . Co. . cor.
llth and Farnam sts. 170
WANTKD A cormco man at once , must bo
good on shop woik , will nay $ ,1 per day.
Address Koaruay Cornice WorksKcuruey.Niu.
] . ui:7l. : _
100 roopcis wnnted ; Meady woik alt year
40o for making Hems and X.O for buuels
nnd best of stnir used. Addict Omuliu. Coopoi-
cgoCo. , South Oinuhn , Neb. SI2 31
W ANTKD A tew more live , energetic sales
men to sell giocencs , etc. , to farmers , ho
tel and lostnurant keepers nnd other ( urge con-
numcis nt wholesale pilces ; ovi-UiBivo turiitory
utvon ; for parMuilarn addrtss the Udgewoitn
Jlercantllo Co. , importcrF. maiiufucturers nud
Viiolcsnlo croccrc , 1447 State st , Chicago.
_ _ h'll nlS *
Ldl'.NTSl Write for terms , t'l sample corset
free , bchlolo & Co.iKM IlroaUwav , Now York.
WAN1ED BalRjinenat J'iipur mouth salary
und expenses to soil n line . > t flher-pliited
wnio , watchof , etc. . by sample only ; horsonnd
team furui.itied iree. Write at ones for full par
ticulars and sample of goods freq Stand-
urd Oliver Ware Co. . lloston. Jlasi. 574
A good olllco man to go east ;
must Invest i.,6ix ) ; inttft bo u good business
man. Addiuss the Coo. S. Cllue Publishing
House , 315 to 2l Wnbash ave. , Chicago , Ills.
\\7ANTED-JIcn for Washington territory.
TT Albiigtit'H Labor Agency , 11"0 Farnam st.
A\TAMKll ( iood biirklayeis and Monecut-
T > tors ; good wages paid. Apply M. T ,
Miuphy , Fiemont , Nt'b , IUO
WANTF.D-Ageiits. "Dodge's Horse lllan-
kot Holder" Weep * the blanket from
blowinu or sliding off the horse. Nothing Ilka
It In the market ; overv liorse owner buys.
Hamplos by mall , sjc , 8tayuer \ Co , I'rovlctence ,
11.1. uw.o-.nt
7 vnTECnVFS-WantedKood it-liable men for
J clstectlves In % fiy community ; paying posi
tions. Address Kixnuih Detective ntireaulock-
box 2J9 , Wichita , 1C nil. WlT-O-i'Jt
MF.N to tinvel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
Canada. We pay S'.O to $1UJ a month and
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian erouu
block. Add. Stone & Wellington , Madison , WIs.
liuilUS Wanted for Rossini's master plico ,
"btabnt Mater : " inuit bo fulr leaders. Apply
for lulieauul Monday , October L'S , ut IKii I ar-
immhruo The Mas > y Howards. 3I2-27 *
W AVP15D Young girl to assist in
housework.Hll ) ( lliudettu st. 2hi 27 *
- A good , strong girl , at 12 N 18th ,
2U3 27 *
I-WISH to employ a few ladles , on balary , to
toke chniguof my business at their homes ;
entirely unobjectionable : light ; very fascinat
ing and healthful ; no talkinglequlred ; wages
tie per week , ( load pay for mat time. My
references Include tome ot the best known poo-
plu ot Louisville , Cincinnati , Pittsburg and
elseuhere. Addicss with Mamii , Mrs. Marlon
Walker , 4th and Chestnut bts. . Louisville , Kj.
\\7ANTKD-UooU girt for light housekeep-
VT imr. Inquire of U D , Iluinett , Murray
hotel cigar stand.
\V ANTF.D Flrit-ciass experienced saleslady
Ti | u cloak dopurtment. Btnte experience.
and whera employed. Addrem L63 , llee. C.V1
\\7AN'lKD-ixp : lenccdelrl ; Binall family ;
TT guoctwoKesj ill < bliitli8t. IU )
\YANTUD-Hellable nurse , girl 2021 Chicago ,
ACOMPIIIBNTgirl for general housework ,
mint bo good cook and launjreis , ( lerraan
preferred , tbl a. 20th Bt. 24J
WAN1BD Qlrl for general housework , In
tmall family. UU ) If th at. JJJ187J
\XrANTKU-Fi\e good lady canvassers ; alto
T T r tlriit class gentleman cativmsera at I lie
White gewluy uiachlus oulco , 121 N , l&th Bt.
. - . cook and waitress for Hutton -
WANTF.D-I.ady girl for Denver. Colo. ; 3
cooks and oacond girls for 1st class families :
small nnrae girls ; cooks for boarding bonnes ,
kitchen pirls. scullions , ana CO for Renorul
housework. Mrs. tlrega,314H tUSth. 8i.l-2St )
ANTKO-lIxperlrnred Rlrl for general
hon owotk , small family. Hefcronces
required. 2813 Wooiworth avo. 3J9-28t
. - second girl , 317 N. 17.
327-ai *
ANTKD-dood lrl for housework ) good
wages for good work ; Irish preferred , jtp-
ply nt lie. Capitol ave. 216 aoj
ANTKD-dlrl for ttci.eral house work In a
smnll family. 1'JOrt Farnam. 212 29 ,
) - for general housework ; tarn-
WANTIU-airI ; peed location ; apply nt 2fi23
Farnam st , Mrs'.I.O'Douohoe. 29
ANT& ) A peed worn nn pastry .cook.
W wage' , Now York chop housu No. I. No.
111 H 14 tli hi. rep
oiflSTi : From the east. would "liice a few
more customers ; wedding trosieaui a spe
cialty. Address M. 71. llee. _ Mt-it *
WANTKI ) Flint elans dress making ; prices
reasonable ; 24WCnpltolnvenue. iViO-37t
to do dressmaking In faml-
lies solicited. Miss Stindy , 819 B. 2Gth st.
yjj n2it
OUIS Wlueberg dresj and cleat mnker :
plush clanWsto order nnd steanind : sealskin
clonks lennlied. ml Kinds Mr trimmings fur
nished. to Cnpttol aye. . lopulrlng of nil kind.
A good sized furnished Mouse ,
with ntnole. Address .Mis. J. 0. Cow In ,
I'axtou hotel. 2 < X ) 2S
Nlcolyfurnished room with
WANTED conveniences with or without
boaid. for mini nnd wife. Hofciuutes given
nnd rciiuliod. Atldress M 0.1. HCO. 33 * V *
WANTHD To rent three or four finnlsliod
rooms fin1 light housoEropIng. or smalt
furnished COUUR < ' . Address M Cfl. llco olll-o.
S7ANTiD : To rent u good fiunUhed hotel
T Inllvelown. Address box 41 , Sewaid. Neb.
\H7ANTR llv family of thice small rur-
V > nlshcd house , for U months. Aartiesi J | r ,
llco ollice. 7SI 2) )
WAN'tT.D- smnll "club of gentleinon tti
loom anil board. Handsomely tmntahod
lionsoj tci.tially located ; 411 N. 11) ) . iUUSOJ
WANTEO Niiv. 1 four RUitlemou to room
nnd board with pilvnto Inmlly. 1'lrtt
clats nnommodatlons ; prices iiiodernte. Ail-
drussM f.7. lletiullku. SIS U ]
_ _
BrtNIC < ) | ienlnir wanted i.i Nebraska or Da-
kotn , whera can ln\ost fli,0)0 ( ) to JJfl.Ofld nno
Rfivic.i'S with pinlltnhla rotiuns ; cstabltslied
blinking romily Hunt town preferied : wrltu par
ticulars 1' . O. box i OJ. Kearney , Neb. 2.10 ; H
FOH HUNT Nice it-roonriioifc , brltk'ccllnr ,
well anil cltv wnter , tioct ; } i : > n mouth.
Applyto Mis. J.elhi Stelu , 1117 UouBlns > t. _
'IT10H ItKNT 1 wo good 8-room houses ; paved
JU Btiejt ; nlectilc cms ! low rent to goon ten-
ents. U 1' . llainmoiul. Ullnrkor blk. iHr.27j
niWO nice ( i-room rottnKOS ; closets , pantry ,
Jtlty nnd cistern \\atar. Newly papeieii ,
lurcu ynrds , rouveiilentlv located on car lines
nnd only Sis per month , Including water ; "nn't
bo iviualpd tu the city. Call on the ow ner , .Mih.
II. If , Mc.Mnnon , . . e. cor. lUth und Aiborsts.
PjlO HUNT Now 5 loom lottngo , 'Will and
JLdince , on cable llneclty water : JlSn month
and cheap , llilo Clothing Co. , 320 N. Ifith st.
HOUSK To rent for carpemm- work , paint
ing ; very i heap. Call nt once. W. .1. Paul ,
1WJ Fnrnam sti e t. : JH-2j
TJlOIl HUNT 7-ioom Hat In good location ;
J- price of furalturu $ 3 ; lent ? jr. per mouth.
All modern conveniences. Also a i1 room Hat ,
rent JBO per in-mth ; price of furniture $ ( t u :
looms full. Hoth paving well , Co-oporntlvo
Land and Lot Co. , 2uf > N. ICth. 312-20
[ jHH HKNT- Only 1 moreof those nice now 8-
JL1 room houses. Hath room , hot and cold
water. Near 2 oar lines , only 115 per mo. diir-
intrwlntor. .1. J. Wilkinson , Hooiu 018P.ixton
Block. 357
THlU'.Kroom house and barn. J7 month. Tn-
quire at 22 Popploton nve , C. Madbcu.
317 27 *
OIinAPHFNTri 0 loo.lis , 1711 St. Mary's
nve. . 418.
ft-room cottngp , 31th nnd Fninnra , $13.
A-rooni cottage , Urlstol st. SI4.
2 cottages , 2jth nnd Hamilton st.
All ha\o Utv water and near street cars.
2 ( .tores , fat. Mary'b nvo. , suitable foi furni
ture , bakery or other Hunt business.
Smnll stoio , Ilbtli nnd Farnam. no.\t to gro-
teiy doing a good business ; good plnco for meat
market ,
2 stoics , 10th and Arbor , will rent cheap.
Hugh ( ! . Clink , H7 , Chamber of Commerce.
TT1OH IttiNT So. / < my block , mi Oeo. nve ,
JU 10 rooms , furnace , gas nnd llxturei , oloctrin
wires for lighting , range nnd every conven
ience ; barn with city water nnd gas In ; choice
neighboihood.'fo' ) . D.V. Sholes2Ulst Nnt banlr ,
"IT10H HUNT A brlci house ot 7 rooms , city
X' water. Bower nnd gas. 717 8. Kth st.
2. 0 i7t !
IOH HKNT Two dwellings , ctiruer Capital
are. and Itth sts. , opposite Trinity cathe- ; furnate , inngo and all modern coin en-
lences. Cull on or uddrcss 11. U Hall , Hurllng-
ton ticket ofllcc. l-'J l f nrnam st. _ 'il
T7IOH HF.NT 7-ioom house. 01J 8.15th St. . bet.
JL' Jackson nud Jones sis. Enquire iiextcloor.
FOH HKNT I loom house. Apply at 827 S.
. .M street. 2 23 *
FOH linNT 1 new detached fl-room houses ,
nil modern improvements , situated Faiunui
nnd 29th sts.ery ; desirable. Ames , 1507 Far-
imui st. 140 27
TTIOlt HKNT 0 rooms , cellar , city water and
Jt ? gas. Apply Itoom 19 , Arlington blk. 115
O-ttOOM house on ! Uh st. 18. Enquire 8. K. cor.
- > llth and Vlnton. uoi
HKNT 417 , 0 room houso. bath room , cemented
mentod collar , barn , UjUSiith near HicKory
Inquire at llth and Farnam , N. K. corner. U.
F. Klsnsser. U09
'IT LKOANT Hats to rent. ICth st. , east side. to-
Jtwecn Jones and Loavenworth ; Ilist-classln
all respects , and new : steam heat , bath , open
grates and mnntels. electric hells in all rooms ;
uotli motor lines pass property. Hefercnces
required. The * . 1' . Hull , 311 Paxton block.
pb HUNT Two frame nouses on 8 ICth st. .
Abet Howard nnd Jackson sts ; will nut them
In good idinpo lor u reliable tenant. For terms
call Her & Co. , 11U Hartley st bT > 7
O 5-HOOM ( new ) houses , all modem conveuien-
Jce except fiunace. at tie , half block from
motor , fill ) Paxton lllock. 820
O1I815S and business places for rent. J. J.
Wilkinson , U1K Paxton blk. 788
TIIK best house for the "money in Omaha for
rent ; 8 rooms , furnace , bath , hot and cold
water , on Dodge tt. table line , $10 per mouth.
F. J. HorlliwiJk. 2U B. 14th st. 77tt |
T A1U51312-ioom liouRB with all conveniences
J-Jaiul large barn , cor. 2dth and Catdwoll Hts. .
I foil HKNT Five loom house , J13 per ino. , 8.
li. corner llth and Vlntou sth. _
rr room house with barn. ( U onr month , O , f
Harrison , Morcnuntb * Nat. bank. 480
10 HKNT-Fiat II. niU Bo. IBth at. Has all
conveniences and will ! bo papered and llxed
UD in good Bhupu for a good tenant. Call at
JleraCo , 1112arney { st , for particular.
. _ ajo.
TOOK HUNT Handsome 10-room house , all
JL : con\enlenr , pa\t < cl otreet , cable and horse
cars , & minutes' walk of poatolllce. Nathan BUel-
ton , 1(114 ( Kariiam st. 6fil
TTOIt HKNT Nice new 6-room collates with
J3 cellars. JCWJ and 3313 Halt Howard st. Kent
(15 per month oaUi. Unimlie 021 B 17th tt.
FOU 11ENT lu-room house , alt modern con
venience * , halt blocic from street car , HO
per month. Call ut K7 Paxton bloct. ill
011 ItKNT Twelve-room house , stable and
carnage house , on B. 21st street , next to cor
ner Leaven worth ; modern Improvements and
in perfect repair. Apply to Lew U S. lltrd &
Co. . room 13 , Board of Trade building. DM
POlt UKNT-10-roorn home , steam heat , nil
improvements , theaprent G. Il'lhompson ,
room 214 , Blieely block , l.HU and Howard ,
FOIl HUNT EiRht room haute , wltu anipla
iiroumla. corner Leaven worth and 21it sti , ;
bath room , hot und cold vsater. Apply to Lewis
8. llecd& Co , room 1J , Hoard of Trade bulldlny.
VKHY low , two 7-room houius oa 16th and
Vlnton ; two 8 and U room houu 6 on 7tU
and Woolworth ( with city water and bath ) ; two
6-1 oem houses iu Llucoln I'ltcu. Itoom filt ) .
Paxton block. 4 so
FOll itK.ST lroom modern Improved hpuse.
corner. Apply M. lilcuiter. lift a 10th. KJO
1T10U nKNT N ntvroom house , in Rood re > -
JiJ pair , on cor. JMth and Woolwortn ave.i possession -
session given Oct. 1st. Inquire U. U. '
IIKNX Two furrilsned rooms : cvery-
X1 Uilnjt new nnd neat ; gas and bathrent ; mod *
cr.o , 2025 Fnrnam St. , flatU. _ gjfl $ t
Oil HUNT TToomj all modern conven
iences ; gentlemen preferred. 601 S Cfith nvc. .
TjlO IlrtRNT November 1st , pleasant room
JJ for two gentlemen , steam h at , tnblo board , .
2100 Uonglas. ! S8-
IjlliONT parlor nicely furnished , rent reason-
JU nblo ; amoono large nnd small room , suit-
nble for three Rontlemcn ; with ail modern con-
rrnlunces. S004 llntt. guO-27 *
l.i : ANT rooms in inod < rn brlcx residence.
single or tn nulto ; nlso one latgo front
room ; board it desired. 1621 Cass st.
OO.M , bonrd. BBS. bath. 1012 Hnrney st.
m\VO rurnlshod front rooms with B& " . bnth
JL nndhont ; tirpakfnst nnd o o'clock dinner
loin Douglas. afi3U7J
UlOll UKNT Furnished room for gentlemen"
JJ Modern conveniences. 018 South IBth-thlrd
floor , north side. _ 3Q3-U7T
IHOH 11RNT Nlcelv ftirnlslicd south room for
JU one person , with bonnl If desired. ? ' 15
DodgostCet. _
moiThr.NT Nlcvly furnltthed i oems Hh nf
JC modern conveniences. 321 N 15th st. _
N. 10th st. Mrs H. A. Chnrrlilll will Imvo
tills \\tet 2 desirable rooms with board.
107 lt
TT10H luNT rnrnlnned rooms nil couven-
M lencles 015 N i.0th at. * ( lij ! ;
looms $7 , S8 and 112. ntfflis
llaineyst. _ ! llHj (
FUUNISIinirooni , south bay window , with
every cum entente ; SSI 4 Knrnum. 1G3
Foil Hl'NT I.nrne fuinlshed front room $10
per month. _ M8J < onvvoulu WS
OOOH nnd board for to ccntlciuen , private
JLitamtly ; rcferciicn-i. 18IJ iodpo. UIS
Al'IM'.IiY fnrnlslieil room , $1" mo. inquire
nt clRJir store 13M Douglna st. 177
"iTlUir liUNTuihlshed front voom uitD al
-C modora convenlPiices , to gentlnmcn only ,
Oi'iMt. Mnri's avenue. Apply at stoio.-10
'lU South riflaeiun bt. UW
n back parlor , 3007 Cuss st ,
TTUMl HUNT A BUlte of rooms , with board.
Jj 172 i Dotlgojtrcet. Wl
O ItOOMS , will take lioard ioriout ; can have
Oftw day boarders. Inquire 1011 Davenport.
' '
] A Vit r fiont room with board for 2 or ! gen-
Jtlomcn ; handsomo\lcw. olflbo. 22nur
lU.lirUL front loom \\Itti uuard In prlv
Oil , nltely slttmtcd. 'JI30 Harney st.
oil HUNT One laigo front room nltclv fur
nished 1811 California st. tti ) 2M
OR HiM' : Ono sliiRlo Riid double room.
with bonrd , very cheap : 1011 Douglas st.
F OH 11RNT One nke furnished room. 3 N
Utli'bt. 178
and unturnl heil double par-
lors. Hath room , gas and heat. 2 10 Leav-
enworth nt. 312rt !
LKGANT furnished rooms with "both nnd
steam. IBIS ) Howard bt. 017
Foil HUNT I'uinlshed rooms for 2 gentle-
men , or man nnd wife , invi Douglas. Ct4
' 'ICE rooms , steam heat , 171'J ' Da\enport.
FOH HKNT To one or two gentlemen with
good leferenceii , a nicely furnished front
loom. Heated by steam and centially located
Inquire 724 8 Ifltht. . _ ] Q
VJT. U/Alll 1'nropean hotel , cor. litli and
Olodjo : special rate by week or month
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
F Oll IlfiNT 2 nicely furnished rooms , with
board ; liOll Capitol avenue. 6H8
TTUHl RENT A pleasant bay-window south
X1 front room ; best location ; nil conveniences ;
suitable for one or two gentlemen. 2Ji2 Furnam.
FOll JIBNT Two furnisned rooms on St.
Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six inin- '
ntcs' wnlK of busluets center. Reference re-
nulled. Iniiulro at store. 210 and 212 8. Uth st.
. OOU room with bath. 510 S. 2 th st.
O'UNTUHNISIIED rooms , lldnolern convon-
Oionce' ' , etoam boat : also furnished IOOIIIH 3
blocks from Hoard of Trade. Address M M , Jleo.
218 27t
TJIOlt HKNT ! 1 unfurnished rooms.sultablo fol-
JP housekeeping. 203 N. 13th ht. 20a
TflOH HENT Desk room in front ofllco of
-U Frenzer block. Inquire room 11. 30323
IJlOTrUlfNT Hnck store room 207 12th st.
-L ? joining cor. Douglas , b. Lehman. 2JO
IJlOil KENT 2 stores , cor 22d and PIcrcf sts ,
-L1 suitable for meat market und grocery ; also
two Hats above stores ; will give responsible
parties 2 months' rent free to establish trade.
Cull on J. II. Parrotto , Douglas Co , Dank. 172-5 ,
171011 HUNTThreestory brick btllldins , Ilia
J-1 IJougiasst. , suitable for wliolosalu or ware
house. Clias. Kaufmanu , Uai Douglas street.
fill IE most promising locality for business in
JOmnlm is on luth ht. . between Parnam nnd
Lnavenworth , Uio fiitnro retail district of the
city. Elegant blocks are going up , and nothing
shabby will ever be erected there.
'Jakenlcok at the new block on east side
10th betw cen Jones Ac Lcavnw orth and secure
lease for a number ot years ; all heated with
steam , with plate-glass front , Thos. P. Hall.
311 Paxton block. ( > 0u
TT1OH HKNT S new stores , 017 and 010 S. ICth.
JE Hue show windows. _ :15 : ! )
T710H HENT Store loom in Hey A opera house
A ? building. Knnuire American Savings Dame.
_ 161
'IjlOH HENT A 4-story brick Dutldlng , .
J. suitsblo for wliol3llale ; good trackngo ; I
have nlso a number oC nno residence prop
erty for rout or sale. 1'or particulars call or
ail chess 40J-4I1 Pea blilg. N. O. llrown. 4J1
T7IINK store , with cellar , 020 t-outh fetn.
JJ 2K1 N4t
_ _
FOH HENT 2 very desirable basomcnts tin-
tier block cor. luth and Jackson .st- ) . , slo
311x40 feut. They Imvo steam heat and water
and would be suitable for a barber shop or
most any kind of business. I will flx them up
in good shape for a good tenant. Cull at ] 112
Hainoy at. . P. Ii.ller. _ 423
TOlt HENT-Store. till I'arnam st. , 20 bv US
JL1 feet , 2 stoiles and collar. Nathan Klialton ,
1014 1'nrnam st. _ b5'J '
rpo HKNT Ueslrabla warehouse room on
JL track. Apply to C. W. ICelth , 7U Paclllo at.
NX )
TJ10H KENT The 4-story brick building with
J or without power , formerly occupied by Tha
Ueo Publishing Co. . UIO 1'arimm st. Tno build-
Inir has a flre-pioof cemented basement , coni-
Pleto steam-heating Ilxturea , water on all the
iloors , gas. etc. Apply at the olllcu of 'Die lleo.
THOU HENT After Oct. I , line front office.
JL ? ground lloor ; plate ilais ; wlnjow ; heat and
light fnrnlsuea ; a most Uetlniblo location for
any kind ot business ; rent reasonable , Iminlro
Omaha Ice Co. , 310 80. 15th at. M'J
FOH KENT Rasomcnt 10 by ( W ft. heated by
steam. Kuqulro J. Nagl , U12 80. 13th st.
HNTAL Agents-Large libt ; well kept ; Wej-
slmus & Co. , 14 Cup. a\e. , Kxjiosltlou
llhlliK. J 3t42JJ
_ _ _ _
Eioi your Houses for rent with Geo.II. Place ,
1K1 N. Y. Llf . 3I027J
_ _
B HICK Wanted ; for cash , notes , lots , etc.eto.
\V. J. Paul , 1U03 1'ttfnam btreot. 341 27
A FKMALH Newfoundland or Mastilf doi ; .
J-l-two years or more of a e ; must , bo gentle
and good witch dog ; state price delivered , .id-
dress M 6 , lleo olilce. _ X 27t
BUILDINd-Muterlal wanted ; for lots , notes ,
mortgages , houses , farms' Unas , etc. W. J ,
Paul. lOOlt turnam. _ 844-27
IF you have anything to exchange call on II ,
K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block , Fifteenth
and Douglas. _ 1)HV )
1 ADlKS-Mnrlon Wn.ker'a 1'aco Illeach re.
AJuiovrs frecklea.plmplea moth nnd liver epou.
guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion anJ
to bo perfectly harmless , Kor furthtr Information
mation call at lloom 15 , Canlleld House , Utn and
I'arnam. 133 gut
ALL rTnttti of building mateilal warned for
lots , cash , farmi , mortgages , lands , notes ,
etc. utc. Call at once. W , J. Paul , 1'VJ ' Farnani
street. D427
IK you have any thing to cell or exchange call
at Itoom 018 , I'axtou block. _ UM
UBWINO by day or at home.USl 8. SOtUbt , N ,
TIlUATIIEltB cleaned , curled and d > od. hats
-I ? Jeshapod , at tM. . BchtiUell ii t'o.SW N. leth.
ArCTION al s * * ery Tueiday and Krtdny
morning t 1121 Karnntn. Omaha Auction .t
PtofnBoCo. _ , _ 77B
DH. M A IIY St ronp , cor. Bftnnders nnd Casslus
sis. . Kountze plnce. Telephone 14 . 237 nTt
CASH pa'ld for household furniture , stoves.
Omaha Auction , V Storage Co. , ll-'t ranmni.
\\7"ANTBD A fort Horses to board and drlvo
Ti orcoltn tobreaV ; ch rcos modernto. II.
S. lllioadci , SMtli ud Hamilton gt. 205 27 ;
HOUSES wintered nt Omaha fairgrounds !
largo box stalls : .terms reasonable ; cnr-
riagea stored. A. Thojnson. _ 2C8 N2I4.
HOUSES Wintered nt my farm , good range
and Paddocks ; no barbed wlro on plnco ;
horses called for and delivered ; terms moder
ate. Telephone 577. Chas. McCormlcfc , Cal-
noun. Nob. 417 n7
WANTED Horses to winter nt Ma month
per head on farm nearlrvlncton. Flentv
of grain nnd hay to feed , good shelter and good
care given thorn ; horses oxlled for and delivered -
ed U. It. Homan. rootnil 1'rcnzer Illk. 101
WILfi winter horses on7. . U. Mlllard's
farm nt Cnlnoun , Neb. Heasonable rates ,
care considered , Ordeis can be loft with W. I ) .
Mlllard or mailed me ntCnlhoun. T.J. Fleming.
rilllU banjo taught ai an art by Qoo. F.dollen-
JL beck. Apply nt Ute oHIce. _ B5U
CIIOOL ot Expression , Vocal. Articulate.
Pantomimic. L V. Anderson , 8ncely block.
E VEN1NG Trench class. New Vork l.lfo
llulldlng. Itoom W > .lules MerlP. 711 K 11
T > E11SONAL Harry bo sure nnd order of
JL Harmon if Wcetn , 1 III North blxtoeiith the
free burning Kcntuccy lump coal. Can't uo
any other. 3l.l-2r
T WILL gladly toll anyone who sends mo n
J-self-iddressed stamped cnvclopo ot some
thing 1 made which entirely cured my face of
blackheads , pimples nnd freckles ; It gives a
lovely complexion. Misa Flora .lone" , South
lleno. Inn. i .V2i
TnEltSONAL I2.KO will buy the ntcklo plated
JL Connecticut lamp complete with 10-Inch
domosnade. It gtcs n light ! to the In-
cnnae cent electric light ; is perfectly safe ,
rosy to wick nnd is free from ouor. Those who
have one sny they would not do without IU
Call mid see It at Moody's china store. : 2
North liltli st. Illustrated circular sent upon
application. 311-27
T > EIISONAL-Mrs. M. Van Clove , a relmble
JL nnd expelii'iiced nurse. Would llko nurs
ing to da ; would prefer nursing Indies In dell-
caio Health. Address North 22d st. No. 420.
South Omaha. Nob. 320 28
I > iitSONAL ; Ladles are quick to dlscovnr
why the Ireo Imrntiur Kentucuv lump Is the
favorlto cooking coal. Try it. 110 North Six
teenth , Harmon .VV < cth. 31,1-27
TDEHSONAL Mrs. A. M. Heath's dressmnk-
JL ing parlors ; work guaranteed. Prices tl-o
low cat. In rear No. 10U , near the corner o ! ICth
and Cass. 275-28'
LADIES and gentlemen desiring correspond
ents address Coiresponding Club , Kansas
City. Mo. Inclose stamp. 289 n < t
I OST Either on Sherman nvo. , IStn , 20th or
JWel-storr.ts money purse containing bills ,
gold pteco and owner's visiting card , name in
full ; tinder will be rewarded by leaving at 1003
Fainam st. 8M )
L Ob I' .Money and time both In bnyluir the
free burning Kcntuckv lump coal , fcoltl by
Harmon & , \Voetii. 1\U \ North Uth. 31 ! 27
TOST On Douglas , betw eon lilth and 21th st.
Asumll package of > ilk made up into curtains
with fiingo. with Ptrtteionrittnn on the
paper. Pinder please loturn to N. 11. Falconer ,
1CU7 liouglas st. i W1 28
POUND Thegenulne free burning Kentuckv
lump coal , for sale by Harmon V Wceth ,
119 North Sixteenth. 31J.2J
VArANTED Second liana light w agon. Must
TT be cheap. Address It , care Page Ponp Co.
" \ \ ; ANTED Some llrst class cltv and farm
TT property ifor sale or trade. Ueo. II. Place ,
021 N. Y. Llfellldng. Omaha , Neb. 340 27J
k"\H7"ANTED tonTuy Dlack horse four or lUo
T V years old. 1515 hands hi h. weight lOoO ,
peed style ; will pay cash. A. P. Tukcy. N. Y. L.
blilg. 2S1 27
_ _
WK Imvo n customer tor n lot centrally lo
cated , to be used for mnnufacturlng : al
cnsh will be paid. Iiutchln ° on & Weail. 1524
Douglas stieet. _ 248 a ?
MOHKY to loan in nnv amount on houRohold
t'ootls. hordes and w.igons , diamonds , land
contracts , second mortRnprcs.or any available to-
curlty , without puullclty. Itoom 019,1'axtou blic
. 240
_ _
WANTED To buy fO acre fnrm. good for
gardening , within ll mile of some It H
station , not o\cr 11 miles from Omana : must
bo low price. W. L. SelDy , H. U. IJosrd Ti iide.
_ _ _ _ _ _ KK )
/1ASII for furnltiiro. carpets , etc. Well's Auc-
Vv'tlon ' Storage Co. . 317 S. Uth. 71.ri
WANTKD 4 or B thousand yds ot earth to
1111 lot IW , llurr Oak add. up to grudo. Inquire -
quire W N. Uorwurd , 1317 Douglas st. 700
rnilACKAOK storage nt lowest rates. W. M.
JIlushman. . 1311 Leavcuwoith tfit
QTOUAOE nt low rates nt 1121 I'arnam street.
VJOmaha Auction nnd Storage Co. _ Efti
'lOUAGU and forwarding. Wo collect nndde-
s : ll\er goods of all description , meichandlse ,
furniture and baggage ut ilieapest lotos for
htorago for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to bo had nt shortest notl < e , with care
ful men for mo\lng. Packing nnd shipping
from our own waiohouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded ana unloaded.
Warohoure on our own tracks. Ottlco Sir 8 Uth
ht. Telephone 114. Unwell & Co. 8,1.1
T71OHTUNF. Teller Mrs. Lenorman can be
JJ coiifiulted on all atrulisot life. SatUfactlon
guaranteed. No. 310 N. irah Ht. ( X)2nllj )
DIt. NAwNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium , Female diseases
a specialty. HUN ICtnst. , looms 2 and y. tBj
Stenographer and Typewriter.
II. 4-7 ! Paxton illt. 'Iclcplione 1530.
HITTLESKV'8 shorthand and typewiiting
school , llarker block , ane best and clump-
est in thu city. CJ8 N 12 *
QTANDAHD Bhorthand School. Itoom 34 Ware
O blk. . ( successor to Valentine s ) the largest
exclusive snorthand school in the west. Teacn-
ersnroveruatimreporteifl. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical consti uction
of machine taught uy factory expert. Circulars
rdirsTTLE CoumqiVana'blielving ' , loom 1 > 27 ,
Paxton lllock. _ / _ 300
FOK BALK HcapE rncou nnd real bov. nlso
heavy hnrnoss. XL. S , Illioadrs , 28th and
Hamilton st. J a)4 ) 27t
_ _
TT OIt SALi : Weld : trained horse , buggy and
JE huinobs , JJ25 , r\ ' bargain , AddrehH P. O.
110X752. , \ , 3522UJ
TTIOIl SALE quaro piano , originally cost
J tMO ; will sell cheap , at ' . ' 72 2 Miami st.
. 315 87 *
_ _
FOH LALi-Styllul : | te&m of Day hoibes , fi
and 7 yeuis old , perfectly Bound , and w ll
knonnlu the city ; will dr e double or single.
One canopy-top double surrey ,
Ono top buggy. ' '
One set double hnmess.
Ono set single lmru < w > ! i ,
One saddle. i . m
All the above cotuplotn and in good condi
tion. No further ua9reason for selling.
Also one btelnway miliare piano , nearly new ,
The abo\e property will be Kold cheap , on
jusonuble iornis , or will trade for Inside real
estate. Inquire room MM , First Nat'l bank.
272 ill
* _
niOlt HALU-Llght spring wagon 1M7 N. I Uth.
* * 8j IiWIJ
OH BALK cheap Horse , buckboard and liar-
ness for 175. Ilotse bound and will walk
single or double. Call at City tlablea , north-
an torner Jelferaon bquate. _ ai7 Z7t
1710 H BALK A good set of butchor'n toolf ,
E very cheap. Apply2423 uuinlng. Ht 28 ;
thouiand domestic cigars For sale
J-.1 cheap , or will trade for liorso and buirgy.
B. B. Price. Jr. , room 411 Ut Nafl bank. Ill
CXMl BALK-At half price , n lot of counters
-L and shelving suitable tor rrocery , notion ,
toot unu shoe stock , W , H. lloman , room 0
Creuzer blk. tw7
TTiOIl BALK Cheap , a Jouey cows , J treTiii
JL1 Leuvltt llunihuin , 8.V , 21st and Cass.
TTUMl BALU-Top bugcy nearly new , cheap. J.
JL1 U Welshans. I4JO Harney. 071
TflOU BALI ! Anew furnace ; cheap for each
-L1 or \ > ili trade. Inquire at 210 g. iJtu , 7JU
771OH 8AVK .1 rows cheap. II , H , Hender-
JL' ton , teem to-l , I'Mton blk. CT1 }
TTIOHSALK A quantity of liulldlnft stone.
- * - -Apply to the superintendent llco building.
"JjlOll 8A 1,15 A .IVhorio power Porter engine
JL1 in peed condition , nolght r > , ion pounds cyl
inder llxin. for particulars apply to The llco
olTlce. 75W
MIDLAND Ounrantro A Trust Co. , N. Y. Life
bldg , complete abstracts fumlsncd and titles
torealestntopxamtnedpcrfectodftgii rnntccd.
BUILDINO loans. 1) . V. Sholes , 210 First
National bane. 8T.I
LOANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
bought Louts 8. Heed Ac Co. r.Uboard trndo
_ , _ , _ . _ 874
I OAN8 City ana farm loans , mortgage paper -
per bought. McCngne Inre&tmont Uo. KW
y > USllBNCKoans- ) ! < to 7 percent ; no ad-
JLldltlonal charges for commlsslonn or attor
ney's fees. W. II. MolWle , First .N at bank lildK.
MONKY to loan on furnliura , ,
ctn. , or on any approved security , J. W ,
Houblns , Hll'l Farnam street , Paxton Hotel.
_ _ 871
IjllHSTinortcneo loans nt low rates and no
JL1 delay. D. V. Sholes , X10 llrst National bant
PHITjADKLPllIA Mortgage * Trust Co. fur
nish chenu eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept lo.ins
at their western ollice. George W. P. Coatcs ,
room" . Hoard of Tinde. S88
KiVSToNK : Mortga5u Co. Loans of HO to
11,000 ; get our ratosboforo borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture , or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; fornaw loan , renewal of old. nnd low
est ialescaUH20 : < ,8hoolcyblk,1uth& Howard st.
Bfi' )
MONK1 to loan on horses , wngons , mules ,
household uoods. pianos , organs , diamonds.
Ion est rntcs. The first organized loan olllco in
the city. Makes loans from thirty to throe hun
dred nnd sixty-live days , whlrh can bo puld in
part or whole at any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd luteiost. Call aim see us when
you want money. We cnn assist you promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay-In making loans. C. F. Heed .V Co ,
319 S. Vith st. , over Itlngliam & Sons. 8'ii
ON 13V to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , roalcstnto
and loan agents , llioi I'urnam st. H78
MONEY to loan on city or faun property.
Oeo. J. Paul. 1003 Farnam st. S8T >
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rotes , which are tlio low
est on auy sum from SI to J10.00J.
I make loans on huusehold goods pianos , or
gans , lioise , mulas , wngoas , warehouse receipts ,
house * , lonscs , etc. in any amount , at the lowest
posslblo tales , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bu made for ono to six months nnd
you can pay pait nt nuy time , reducing both
principal and interest. If youowa n balance on
5 our furniture or horses or have a loan on
them , 1 will take It up and cany it for you as
long ns you closiro.
If you need money vou will flnd it to your advantage -
vantage to see ma before borrowing.
II F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building. Ifith
and llnrnoy. 879
'ONEY loaned on chattel security or rea
M : estate. J , J. WllKlnsoii , 018 Paxton blk.
( JJl.OCK ) Prunte money to loan or will buy good
Pmortgagc , W. L. Selby , r. 13 , llo.iidof Tiado.
_ 728
MONKY to loan on city property ami f aim
lands nt lowest rates. J. 1) . X.lttlo. 4JO Paxton -
ton block. _ 178 _
1Y'AN'rll' ' Mrst-class Inside loans. Lowest
t ' rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invcst-
ment Co. . ICOi Farnani. 877
$ f 01,000 to loan at 6 per cant. Llnanan & M a-
hoaey. loomfiQJ Paxton block. 870
MONEY to loan by an eastern man , on gilt
edge property , for the next lOdays. Harris ,
room 411. 1st Nat , llank. ( i-10
"O ii ; OHi ; making chattel loans ,
JJitwllljiay you to see The Western Invest-
mentCo. . room til , lleo building. _ b9
BUILDINH loans wanted on brick business
or residence blocks. Favoiable terms and
rates. Klmbali , Champ & llyau , 1205 Faruam.
_ 200 N 2
TO LOAN -A special fund ot $100,000 in sums
of $10.000 und upwards at voiy low rates
Tlie Mead Investment Co. , 314 S. luth st. 13:1 :
MONKY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , nnd good commoicial
paper Hiul moitgage noins. B. A. Slorian. cor.
13th and I-'aruom. SS3
MONEY to loan on any security
lor short time nt low
rates. Lowest latos
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment company ,
room 400 Paxton blocx. 872
MONEY to loan on real estate secuiity at
lowest rates. Uufoiu negotiating loans see
Wallace , It 310 Drown bldp. lilth and Llouglus.
MONEY to loin at low rates and no delay.
Capital and surplus Lombard
Investment Co. , . ' ! 09S lath st. 880
SErTsholcg. room 210 First Nat'l bank , before"
Oinnklng your loans. H7.1
MONCV to loan ; cash on hand ; nodwlav. J.
W. Snulre. 12I'J Karnam st. , Virst Nntlonal
bank building. 684
rpOI.OAN A few thousand on Inside unim-
JL proved city pronerty or good 2d mortgage
paper. Address M 4i ( , llee ollice. 288
loaned on furniture , horses nnd
MONEY ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. mil st , , oppoalte Mlllurd hotel. 6SO
National safety rteroslt vaults. Safes
to i ent tn to T a year. 3J7 S. Uth. 2U !
WANTUD-Partnar with J5.0J3 in nn estab-
llhlied business. Hare chance ror young
man. Will bear investigation. Address M Of ,
lieu ollice. 317 27 ?
POll BALK Grocery , $2,003 or more ; good
business. Addioss box 2) I , Yort , Neb.
33J-27 *
800 buys restaurant that pays tlGO net pioflt
per month. Only $500 cash. J , J. Olnsou ,
1 3 CijJlghton block. JOD
In onoof the be t locations in
the city. Can Hell any amount to suit the
] itichusor. ; Confectionary nnd lestaurnnt com
bined. Co-ODcrativo Land ana Lot Co. . 205 N ,
lllth St. 312-29
WILL take lana nnd cash for Joe and news
paper outtlt , also a fancy dilvlng team ,
match blacks , tor sale. WW/t Furnam.IB187
OONFECTJONIlHY. bakery , clgarand tobacco
store to trade for city propeuy or land.
Btocu of jewelry for lann. Block of groceries
for city propei tyunu cash. Co-operative Land
and Lot Co. . 8TON. luth st. ! ! 412a
17\OH \ BALE M i can buy u cigar store in good
-U location anil doing a good business. Inquire
at Karbach fc Co. , 2i)7 S 16th Ht. ilOil 27
TJTOH HALE or oxchango-Flrst ilnss drug
JJ stock In Mo. Vnlley. la. . 4.U/J people , tluee
stores , stock ffl,000. will GOI ! for pait cash bal
ance on time , bpcurot ] . or pait cath ana balance
Ion a or Nebraska land at fair valuation. Lotk
TTlOIl 8ALK cheap Cigar , confectionery and
JL' fruit bland , a good stand , 200 H 12th ( it.
| ail 27 >
_ _
7jUll BALK Cheap Workshop fronting on
JL' ono of the most busy streets of Omaha ,
with very low Icaso for four jeurs. F. U.
Urlau. U70 N. 25th uyo. 211) ) 37 *
' . ' .NX ) Omaha barb wlie stock for sale , party
$ living city. Address 31 fiHue. . 22.1 21 1
iu business for sale In a live Nebraska
town , ubout J'M.OuU worth of ding business
done in the town yearly , only two drug stores :
stock will Invoice about S2.H/0 / , hulf < ash and
half on time. Address 31 J7 , lleo ollleo.
OH HBNT-Now hotel , In heart of city ;
thirty rooms. W.Farnum 8mllb,1220Fnrnanj
_ ojU
17101 ! BALG Or trade , a well established book
X' and stationery aloru. lloxfilH. _ 2il :
FOH KXCHANQR-lmproved farm * near
Omaha for Omaha property. 2 groceiies
for cash and live stock. Clear lots foi live
stock. 417 bheoly block. 335 27T
7ANTKD-llallway lands and farms for lots ,
f T houseH , stores , etcetc ; maKH ollorH soon ,
with full particulars , W. J. Paul. ItUV Fainam
fPO F.XCIIANOE-My nquity , worth II.GOOIti
JL a splendid lot on Georgia ave , for Chicago
suburban property. Address 8,117 W. Van Du-
ren st. . Chicago. 264
: ' residences of Gaud U roomseach
on Hovtanl und 2Ut , clear. To exchange for
residence on N. 2Ut , 22d or 23d at. 2 neat resl-
donceaof 4 and 10 looms each on Ohio St. , near
Slurman are. , unc. , 11,60. . ) , to trade for hinull Im
proved farm. Slur Land and Lot Co. . Way
Farnam. 3J1-37
IJ10H KXCIIANOi-W : nted. for good farnii.
JP a 76 to 100 bbl. llour mill , und u nevtipaper
outtlt. Addren lock box bl , Ootbenbuiir. Neb ,
WANTKD Ralln ay contract land * , eto , otc ,
forhon e < , lots slorcsttc , etc , etc WII-
llaniPaiU , inoo rariinm. n I4W.
FOH IWCnANlin-Orocery nml feed store
for MJO ; 'i cash , balance trndo. Might do
better If property in first cla s. co-oporntivo
Land nnd Lot Co. , 205 N. 18th st iiia-ga
" "
ASH nnd good land In Antelope Co. to trade
for merrhnndl < i > . Thrno nice fnrma for
Omnlia property. Clear Council IlluiTs prop
erty ann good farm to trade for hotel. Co-op-
orntlvo Land and Lot Co , 205 N. 18th st.
_ _
TpOUKXOtt AMI K-Casht farm , ftc , etc , for
* . ' good corners ( inside ) ; make offers ot wlmt
yon Imvo , with full partlculnts. nt once ; can
then make extra good trndo if done at once. W.
J. Paul , 1000 Fnruam. 311-27
MAK11 offers for Ilou es , lots ncres , stores ,
eto , eto , with full pArtloulnrs , w 111 then send
list.V. . j. Paul. 1603 Fnrnam Direct. SI4-27.
J CLKAH South Omaha lots for horacs.orlnnd
O < omh or east of Wheeler Co , Nob. Solby ,
13 Donrd Trade. 244
JN HW 2-scnUd cnrnane for 2nd inortgnge ,
; Selby , 13 Hoard Trade. 214
\\rANTKD-To traao 240 acres good Nobras-
TT knland , all oloar and docdoil , for blood
ninics. Albert Kdholm , 101 a 1Mb fct. . Omaha.
WILL exchange fTi'.noo ' worth ot Improved
Lincoln pronottyforlixnds. J. U.&O. It.
Hutching , 1122 O street. Lincoln. Nob. 201J
rpo KXCHANUi : lleautlful Doinor property
i for property further en t. Doxtor. 810
Wright blk , Minneapolis , Minn. 171 2Sf
OH HXlIANOK s < accsclf ar
ranee. In stilps of 10 ncres , Iu Mercer conn-
tv , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property.
Apply loom 210. First National bank building.
WANTED To trndo 2 lots , r room house ,
bnrnmul out-building ; nicely located In
Florence , Neb. , No incnnibinncc. for good
young work teams. II. Hall , Florence. Neb.
tm i *
_ _
FOK BXOHANOK-A business yicldlngnpront
ot from Stnoo to Jrt.O O JUT annum , to ex
change for good city pioperty. Am willing to
assume light eurumbiante. Apply room 210 ,
First National bank building. KM
IJlOIt KXCHANOII-IO clear South Onmlni lots
JJ nnd cleartland for Kor 10 room IIOIH * . will
assume small incumbranco. W. L. Selby , It. 1 \
Hoard Trndo. b ) ,
OH KXCHANGi : In Ptuoit , Holt Co. , Nob. ,
new house , n-rooms nnd closets , with 4 cor
ner lots ; rents for J10 per montn.
A feed store nml two business lot" , rents for
$12 per month ; will trndo for a stock ot haul-
ware , clothing or boots nnd shoes. Address
Frank K. Hnrtlgan. Crete. Neb. Wltn
EXCHANflK for city property , two good
farms Joining tonns situated In Italian nnd
Ureolv counties. Meyer & Hanpko , 1103 Hnr-
neyjrt. _ " 91 oTO
WANTKD To oxcliauire dry goods notions
and millinery goods for clear land or city
property and part cash. Addicss box 410
Frankfort .hid. _ no. ,
EUNTAli property , Inside , to exchange for
clear farms or vacant city lots. Uhos. F.
Hall. 311 I'axtou hi OCR. > S23
TTIttlt'UXUIIANOU For any kind of good
-U property , n grain elevator In one of the best
towns In Iowa , sltuuteA in the heart of n Una
agricultural country. Piescnt ovtnorls no : u
gialnman , and has other business. A uivo
chance for n practical man. Also , five thousand
ncres of fine timber land In northern Tennes
see. Itoom 11. Cnumbcr of Commerce. Tel. t It'l.
FOH 8AIjI ? Cno corneiHots near South OT57G
ha Puik ; gient bmgain. 8. , P. O. box .IHi ) .
OH SALi : Or trade. I own an absolute
equity of SSO.UMln the three lit Irk and slono
htoro buildings , tluee. stoilea high , adjoining
thoKIrst National dank on Thirteenth Btieut ,
Omaha , that 1 will trade for unlncumbercd
pioperty In or near Omahi. Should like a nice
losidence , or 1 will sell r > uld propel tv at n bur-
gam. Address W. It. Vaughnn , Demociut ollice ,
Omalin , Neb. uiV27 *
OLUAIl improved property In ShuH's 2d add ,
paylmj H per cent , to trade for lot In western
part of city. F. K. Darling , 1 1 Barker blk.
_ _ _ _
LOTS 2 and "J , blocK 5 , Lincoln Place , by the
owner. Address Arthm C. Ciossman. At-
Ellison , Nob. 32I-'J7
CO.OOO acres yellow nine in one bed ) , near rail-
tlioad , in Washington comity , Alabama , for
< -alo in tiactsto suit buyers. T. ,1. firavbill ,
Bhelbyvlllc. HI. _ 32.I--J7
O TO tbo "Old llellable" M. A. Upton Co.
ICth mm Farnam. for real estate Invest
ments. llefeieiicos Our past dealings. fi7i >
DON'T foi get that Van Heurcn , Douglas and
14th tits , hells these henutltiil lots in Ibtf. st.
addition for W,0 , $15 cash and JIO monthly.
FEW cottages In AMord's. Orchiud Ililli
Horbacn's'Jnd , Uancom Place. Lake's , Pop-
pleton pars , Shlnn's and PnrKcr's additions to
sell on easy monthly payments. These are on
verycholt ( lots and same nio on car lines.Dou't
deluy until next sear ; get in now nnd take ; ul-
vantage or ri e inalues. . F. 1C. 1'arllntr , li
llurker block.
O lluUbKS in Hertford J'luco to sell on easy
Jterms ; price 81.50J each ; close to factory. Also
two vacant lots. F. K. Daillng , 41 Darker blk.
lf.7 27
rpWUNTY ninth St. , east front , near Huv-
JL dette. hiah nnd sightly. .V ) ft lot , JI.MX ) ; very
cheap on easy terms , or build n house and you
can have all the time j on want to puy lei It. F.
K. Darling. 41 llnrkei blk. 157 27
CALL at N. 12 corner Douglas and Uth fcta.
and taKu a ildo to ICth st. andltlon. 29. ! 27
CtJ27,000 actual aluoinside business , and resl-
'Pdonce , M".OJO worth of houses being built
adjoining , will sell for ? 17.03o now ! Why ? For
icasonara In need of I10.00J cash ; great oiler.
Address LCD , llee. BJln 11 j _
filOH 8AIji-LuUOxl77tt : south front on Deci-
JL1 turst , one and a halt blocks fiom motoi ,
apply tit No. 3118 Decatur st , ual y-J
VIIHV line south front lot , u corner , n. e.
cor. 27th and Howard sts. , GUxlJJ , JJ.5'JU. M.
A. Upton To. ICth and Farnam. 211 29
heio is a bargain at twothirdsalue :
fiOxliO feeton Culdwoll street between 2Uth
and 27th , 7-room hoiibe , well , cistern , walks and
trees.HWiO. il.owj cash , balance3 years , Notutho
bi/o of this lot. Its locution uud Die improve
ments. M. A. Upton Co. , ICth and Fainam.
241 29
TJ1OH 8AL13 Very low pi ice fora few day * ,
J Iot3 , blocic "f , near new I' . O. site. Inquire
on promises. No. 1715 Davenport st. 'Ml th
SNAP An elegant south fiont on Hamilton
ztieet , lotli , block 1 , Orchftid Hill , can bo
bought for } l,250. Arnold & Wlnstanloy. 5J5
Paxton block. 217 27
NO CONTHAO'lHglM-non Amos Place lots ,
but straight wairanleo deed to each lot ;
longtime : JKHdown ; motor rars to ground.
Ames , 1C07Fainam. 24T 27
I71OH BALE-Lots in Crelghton Heights for
JL1 sale by Oeo , H. Place , Wl New Voik Life
llldng ; leMldcnce 4 11) ) Ohio at. UI027J
T7IOH 8ALE Here's your bargain. Now l' {
X story frame House nnd two Into for (1,203 ;
slzo of ground 80x128 fe t ; good well , cellar
and coal house. In my hands for u short time ,
Chatles L. .laynii.s , 310 South 15th it. U.W 27t
" \S7HYpny rent w lion you ran buv ono of
TT those nice lota In Shenmin AVO. Park add
on easy teims ; size of lots 40x144 ft ; perfect
titla ; shoit walk to motor : near North Omaha
depot ; good school on addition ; perfect title.
Charles L. .lalies , solo agt , J10 Houth 15th st.
_ J 317 27t
OH 8ALi-lho : N. W. cor. Kponcerand 21st.
in Kountzo plaru , with " large residences ,
all conveniences , llentnl 8 per cent net on the
imostmeut. F. 1C.Daillng , < J jlaikui blk.
192 27
TS/'AKHANTniJiUeds to Ames' 1'laco lotM on
TT payment down of tlOO ; motor cars to
ground : paved strouts , city water and gas.
Ames , 1M71'uuinm. 245 " 1
ANRWdepot , anew pos coin CP. n now city
hull , a boom is tommg ; an Idiot ean KCU
that with one hand iu his pocket. Jliiy while
prices nio low.
! l elegant C-room cottages in Orcliaid Hill ,
fl.fOJ , tn cash and { 15 per month.
We Imvo n cush customer for residence lot in
soiithwoHttrn pai t of city.
A beautiful ( I-rnom house In Konnt7o Place ,
allmodcrii coinonleiices , for < Icar properly.
If you have any thing to Bull oroxdiunuo call
on blur Land nnd Loan Co , 1GU9 ! I'arnam ht ,
FW HALK-Ily Otto Lobeek.
urooin cottage , good cellar und well , lot
Mxl05. fenced in , West Cuminir , tl/JOOj cash
fit ) , tel , 117 per month , without Interest.
7-room cottage In Unit-class order , on K.SOtii
near Paul , terms to mill. fl.BiO.
New H-room house on ilrlitol St. , 1 blk from
motor lino. IJ.tOO.
8-room house on N. 23d near Cuas , tl.COU ,
Corner Douglas and 10th , rents at gl.KOO , ca h
South b'm aim lots :
Lot 4 in blk 10 , 00x160 ft , 11,0)0.
Lot 4 In blk 13. WxlM ft , < l,200.
Ixits 11 and K in blk 'H. corner ICOxlW , fSOO ,
Lots 2 and 4 In blk 4. COxlW each , im
Acre lots In Solomon's add , ttido.
Acre property on belt Una , 11 5 to WO , all on
easyterniH. Otto Lobeek , room IB Chamber of
Commerce. _ 221 JX )
C7)'lTAfil ! . burn and outhoiues on good lot in
Parker's addition in llrut clans inupe , close
to school , : VM oash , ual. to suit. P. K.
Darling , 4J llarKer blk. 167 27
rpO PtIHCHABKIlS Never go to the on ner of
Jl apleco of property you wl h to buy. A
good broker will make the mtrchaso for you at
u Ie figure than you possibly can , If you will
put your thinking capon you can reason out
thu truth of thin nmrUon. 31. A. Upton Co. ,
10th and Furnam. fc l--"J
VAN I115UHUN cells 10th ft ndditlon loin fo > w :
n.-o. only ta ca h. _ act S7
IilOH 8ATR Onie-haIf Interest. orth wholo.
JL1 in handsome Oo.iblo reildoncc' . rcoms
Ach. with nil modern Improvement * il well
fnrnlihed , In Kouctre Plato , is well rente I ana
dciirnble. . .
Slots , 60x1111 , on niit Rt , , near rarnitm , just
Kradcd , very desirable for residence.
Also interest In , or whole ot liMidsomo
house nnd lot in Shull's 2d add , Tha nbovo
wllr bn gold cheap for cash. Inquire room MKT ,
First NnU Hank. _ H7327
YOU w-nnt homo handy to jour business
buy in Ifllh street nddlllon. _ _ J 2 27
line nlcco of ground . on
SPnc u""jiist"oi7tli"of Viiiloh ; 14'JxiMi. ' * Mi
ish. M , A. Upton Co. , loth and Fnrnam.
"A MJaT'lace. cho pc t nnd bosTlotnln'Omn
. /XatttOUto KWl onchs 8100 cash ; wnrran
deed ghon toench lot ; nil lmpro\omcnts ; all
lutolv iusldo iiropcrty. Ames. 1,107 Farnnni.
\TOII will pay the same price per fiont foot
1 for lots 'J mile farther north nnd rant from
motor line ns wo ask lor llth street addition.
FOR BALK On longtime nnd easy payments ,
handsome , now , well-Unlit hotiivs ot8,1'.nud '
It ) rooms. All comcme ires , good neighbor
hood ; paved street" , street c.irs. and within
walking distance of P. O. Nathnn Shelton , 1ti ) (
I 'arnam street. ( VO
Li KB AincsTIaco lots at two to.00 ; 100downs
riwarrnntco deed ghen. Ames , 1507 Fainam.
24 27
" \fOTOH cms to Ames I'laci * . lots only I\OJ to
-HI Jim on long time , wnrrnnty deed given.
Ames , Fi07 I'arnam , 24" > a7.
/ /ixiU / : on Fnrnnii , hctw ecu Pth nnd 10th , nt $150
"front foot. 1 his is JIM a foot less tlmn vnlue.
M. A , Upton Co. , Ifith nnd Farmm.
A DISCOUNT for cash of tr > on lots tn tilth
street addition. y-M 2T
QI.XTKKN'lll street nddlllon lots are itlW
KJthcapor than Is naked for lots adjoining.
2U ! 27
ATOW is the time to get a lot in Dwlght and
-L > Lyman'a addition just south ot Iliunrom
pane , licanttful location , The grading of : td !
st. is making it n line thoroughfare. Urtrn
nice lyliiKlots , S'JrlK , oan bo bought now for
JI/J.10 to $ II > IX ) . Ttiev will null for double this
amount In less tlmn. I years. Wo have n num
ber of these elegant lots for Bale. M. A. Uptou i
Co , . 10th nud Fnrnnin. 211-2 ! )
SIXTEENTH street nddltlon lots nio only
Iu minutes lido on mo tar from poitolllcc.
I HAVE some llist-cHss rental property for
sals cheap within ono tnllo of postllloce , on
paved Btrouts nnd motor lino. Tnoj. F. IIMI.
311Fuxtoablock. K1U
FOK SALi : . > ety cheap , no trades , farm W6
acres. ECC.P , 12 N. ll W. Hnmilton count r Neb ,
2 miles from Marqlictto , xmnll liousc , stable ,
! W ) acres pastnitj fenced , living water , prlco
only $10 per ncio. * 5.4 17.CO. onn-thtrd 18Sl ! crop
included , 'IVrmn J'J.aiO cnali balance 0 per cant t
Interest , F. 1C. Atkins , o\vner , raihoiul build *
ing , Dumer , Colo. i78
r btop 0110 bnc
.1 . iriim luth st addition. SJ3 2"
JL liusluoss.
Vacant and
suburbau propel ties In the mnikot
are for sain by "tho old icllable" 31. A. I'pton
Co. . Ulth am' J'arniiin. _ 24J _
GALL nt Douglas and I4lh SIH. und let Vali
llcurcu take you out to ictn st. addition.
2ilJ.7 !
ASHllKWn buyer ahvaynmaRcs his pur-
clmses of propeity. like rent vstntc , through
n broker.
A good many pcoplo out hero need to lie edu
cate a In tills ri'K'nul , but oxperlenoe , that cost *
ly butolleetlvo teacher , will "him" them.
M. A. Upton Co. , 10th nnd Tninnm. 241 SO
IIKHMAN mo. motor runs within iTbiock" ?
ot llitli st. iiddltlon. 2'i2 27
nu.Mis : ror Halo on Monthlv Pay inputs.
7-room ilw oiling In ( Vntrnl Pare , full lot ,
south front ; pavmcnts JK" > i ) per month.
Small roitngo in Cential Park , full lot ; pay
ments. $ l2.m per month.
C-room dwelling , corner ; ! 1th nnd Patilck ave
nue , full lot , south front ; payments. ( J3 per
Hundsomo 7-room dwelling , on ( iraco fetieet ,
nil moaem impiovemeiits , on monthly pay-
inontB. Other pioperty In nil parts ot the city ,
Call and see me. D. J. O'Douahoe , 1C01 Tamnm.
_ _ _ 7U2
1 BTH st. addition is only 2J mluutss from P.O
JLby motor Hue. 2Ui 27
un CltlllK Tor shares in the "American. "
the lai gcst building nnuloan association in
the world. M. A. Uptou , special agent , IQtli
and rixrnnm. . 213
" "
1 r.TII "st."ddltlon is sold by Van Hpuron ,
J Douglas and 14th sts. _ 202 27
moved to St. Louis olTers to mill 0
holies nt a Dip ; bargain , $700 and & 00 each ,
all newlv piipeiPd und lented , in a location thnt
thuy will lie > or beacaut. . Call and lot me tfixo
you terms. D. U. Snienton , llooin 41 Unrker
block. U5J nl'J
JL LoU aio 3Gxl2Ti.
-1 BTII st. addition Is only fi blocks north of
ifchermnii nvo motor line. 213 27
fi Oll HA M3 'J-room Home , wain mm lot ,
-L' Hunscom Place , at n bargain. Harris , room ,
411 , 1st Nnt. Hank. KVi
" > . ' . ) Iju vs a II uo lot iu 10th st. addition ; only
OH dALC-K.OOJ-a O-acio stock tarm in
Drown Co. , Neb. I'or particulars wrlta to
Hox170. . Alnaiyoftb. Nub. _ IHH O."i
-IfiTII st. addition lots only W3J , JM i-asli , 810
1 Monthly. 2 ) - 27 ,
WlNI ) OIt IIOTJ1lCorner of lUtli ami
.lAtksoiists. , ii blocKN from Union depot.
Host 8J a day house In the citv. BUT
1'or a line lot Mxl2In
$25 Cash , Balance Monthly.
This bonntiftil addition lays on the eloxntpd
lands In the iuuthnosteriiuirt | of the city , onlv
7 mlnntoi w.ilc from snburbun tiulus. and
about ! 0iiilnnto < from the proposed motor lino.
I'tlci ) is IIHS tlmn half asked for adjntuit prop-
ei ly. Only n limited number nf lots will beHeld
Hold nt this prlcu. Comeiiulck if youwnntona
or morn of these ox traoidln
VAN BBtTBBN Douglas & S Mthsfe
1DHOPOSALS for Erection of School HuIldiiiK
JL utc. , U. S. Indian Service. Vanklon Agency ,
Duktota. October 1-Jth , 1H89. Healed nropoKalx ,
Indoibcd "Proiioials for erection ot n hcliool
building , or for building materials" as the i ase
may be , and illrfcctud to the undersigned at
( Jreenwood , Dakota , will bo received nt this
olllcu until HUB o'clock of November Uth , IBS9.
for furnishing the nuccssary materials nnd
labor and for greeting a two story frame school
building at thn Yunkton At'uncy. Uuk.'luno-
cordantowlth plans and speclllcnuons that may
lie examined nt the olllcu ot t ho "Pioneer J'nW
ofSt. Paul. Minn , , the "Hun" of Omnlia , Nubr , , ,
and "Journal" of Sioux City , Iowa ; ulnofor
furnishing a variety of lumber , brltks , wlu-
dowH , dooivUiardwnrt' , oto , , ( a lull list and des
cription of which may bo obtained by apllca | >
tlon to the nnili'iHlunecl ) . icriulrcil for nuenuy
biilldliigx. Innubmlttlngblds fortlioorottfonof
tin ) school building , bidden * must stuto the
length oC time required to complete it ; und for
fuiulflhlng htillillntt materlulH , ( lie pilco of tuch
article olfcred for de.Hi eiy under contru-t must
bo Hpcclllcully htatiMl. Cortltlud chocks All l > ldu
mint OB iiLcompunlcd by 101 tilled chocks uuon
aoiuo United htul s depository , payable tu the
aider of the undurhlgnud , Tor at luuxta par cunt
of thn amount of thu proposal , which check , will
bo forfeited to the United .Stiitcs In cnuo any bid.
tier or bidders receiving tin award shut ) full to
Piomplly oxocntoii contract with good and suf >
lltlent KUiutles , othiirwlsn to bu lutiirnud to the
binder. 1 hi ) rlk'l't IH roHciveil tn reject any or
all bids oruny jiutofimy blillf deuiiied for thu
bimt Interest of the berrlco. HAMUEL T.
LKA V Y , IT. 8. Indian Agent. ol8d.ilt
AH tor's Olllco , Omaliu. Neb. , OctoberIttth IbU'.l
Staled proposals in diiplicutu will be iccelvcd
nt this ofllio until 10 u. m , , Tuesday October
2tth ( IKrii , ut whlth time und ) > lace they will be
opened in the presence of utlcndlug Illddersfor
dillvory of Lmnbur , Slilnglns , Hardwure , Wire
Hope , Matting und Btovex. Llstsg.vlug KpecllJ-
cation * ijuantltles nnd other Information
will ba furnished upon application to
this ollice. Preference will bu given to
i of domestic production or inunu-
uctiiie. condition of quality and price
( Including In tlieprlco of fontlKii prodnotlon or
mnnnfutturo thu duty thereon ) being eiiuul :
and further , that no conttuct * ) Mmll bo awardeil
for furnlHlilng articles of foreign piocluitlon or
mumifacture when the articles of Hiiltublu
( limllty of domeitln production or manufacture
can be obtained. The Government reserves thu i eject any or all proposal. Dldderu
Bliould attach a copy of thlH adv rtlsement to
their bids. JOHN HIMI'SON , Captain und Aunt ,
( jr. Mr. , U. H. Army. oI8ll)272S.
Police It hereby given that -"book will b7
opened nt 10 o'clock a. in , on Haturday , the six.
teouth day of November , l l , at tno olllcu of J.
M. ThurHton. Union Paclllo llulldlnjf. In thu
city ot Omaha , Douglas county , Neurudka. for
the purpoje of rocelviUL' Rilbscrlptlonti to th
capital stock of the Oiiialm Union Depot ComP -
P ny. w. ll , Hnr.conn ,
. } V. Iloiom.ait.
'J't I * . KlJIllAM * ,
Vor th o 1 ncorporatori.