Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1889, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BElfi : SjSSlficUDAV , OOTOBJSR 26. 1388. 13
Movements of the Members of the
Local Pout'Hundred.
tlio Dress Kcfhrni Movement 5tnr
nnil Annlvcrjnrles Oirth
iliiys ami Surprises
oftho Week tit Soclotjr.
In the Boutlolr.
From London oorncs the assurance that
iho duchess or Marlborough has Introduced
cigarette-smoking ID tlio charmed circle oC
her select friends. So successful lias been
the innovation that ravishing smohlng-
Jacltptn , nhtazo wltu gold embroidery , nro
now n imrt and parcel of every society
woman' * outfit.
Gcnllo reader , you nro shocked , and n
fltrotcli of geography will not , in this In
stance , "temper the wind to tha shorn lamb , "
for lam about to give joua turn nearer
The more than half-naughty fad , Is i mil
itant in our very midst. Not only does the
callow dude , with trousers wider than his ex-
] Xricncc ) , and a stick with a head bigger thau
the confines necessary for Ills intellect , Main
his helpless lingers a dirty brownbut , charm-
Inc anil cultivated women acknowledge It to
bo the correct thing.
These fair crcatuies have familiarised
thcinscl\cs with tobacco In this form to
flitch nn extent that , the varieties of
Egyptian La Ferine , Ulchmond mid
Satin Straight Cuts niul the rest nro
ns well known to them u their pra > prn , and
the pretty creatures make rings ns easily na
they maUo promises.
In tliu boudoirs of any number of women
In Omaha , n tray of cigarettes , holders and
mutches has Its honored piaco with no tffoit
at concealment 'Iho pretty apiwInttucntB
of the tc.i-tablo hnva grown to bo a second
consideration , for tlicic is notlilng wicked
about ten pure and simple. Ihochnrm for
the fnh- sex m smoking is undoubtedly the
conviction that it Is at least venture
some !
Tina the trifles necessary to this practice ,
Which by courtesy Is called a small vice , are
exquisite , no ono can gainsay. There me
little trnVBOf silver , Hcuurcs bras * , tortolso
shell or poicclaln ; holdera of uuibor , mother
of pearl , or silver nguln , In Instances jeweled
and adorned with n monogram ; mutch
boxen of rarest workmanship , some of them
with miniatures of b\Kono beauties made to
smllo tit this now-u-uny custom : tiny candle
sticks lo hold thotapms. und n thousand
other enticing things which go far tow.ird
seducing the feminine mind.
A woman with beauty nnough to draw a
mmi'H heart out of his body , with a spice of
a "wonderfully sweet devil slanting side
long finm her ovolushcs ; " cownod in some
distracting fashion : gracefully posed
with her saury head thrown
bacic ; u paper covered need
in lici dainty ilugeip and her bewitching
face seen through the soft ginv curling
sinokn Is a picture , oven when not employed
as u cigaictlo advertisement , and ono that Is
ns often seen as any other In ultra fashionable -
able Hoelcty.
Miss Coghlnn In ' 'Forget-AJe-Not" and
Mrs. Langtry in that peculiarly unsavorv
piny of "As In a Loohlug-Glass , " g.uhcr all
I their \\ltchery of grace nbont them for the
smoking act , and giddy joung women with
dating propensities , look on and sign with
To ho sure , any number of men smoke
clgni ottos ami it always appeals to mo that
they have taken up the gnuntlet thrown
down by girls and dudes. 1'orsonnUv , I like
the oOor of u clgnrotti ! mid , were 1 of the
other sex , might on high days .mil holldnj s
imndgo , but reKUlnH.y , never. In the latter
event , tliaie would bo with mo the over-pics-
ont ( ear of coloiing the mind with the lln-
Then , too , It is with elgaicttcs In effect , ns
Bomo otic-stud of strawberries : ' 'God might
have made n better berry , but lie didn't , "
and I i fold limit might make u good cigarette
but ho doesn't.
I heard u pbyMciau of a tcputatlon not
confined to his own town s.iy that nine-
tenths of the women would be healthier if
they smoked , not the baleful cigarette , but a
good cignrl So much for the opinion of
. /Ksculnplus. My hum bio ndvico , however ,
to beauty , is to let cigars alone.
Primarily , the odor of tobacco about a
M Oman's gown or laces is vulgar , and , on
her hands and lips , It is s.iurllego.
Again , smoking Is undeniably exciting to
the nervous system , and indirectly then the
occasion of wrinkles and u lack of repose ,
that unmistakable of good ) " edln r.
As a protest then , Is the "game worth the
candid ! " Is there- enough enjoyment conso-
( lucnt upon hunting ou the preserves of the
other aex for the exposure of oneself
thoicbyto unenviable comment , the rhnnco
reputation for vulgarity and the probable
risk of wrinkles , the samples that Time
works soon enough upon the tulrcst faces ]
Lunch parties , a reception or two and tha
Young Men's Ctiiistian association con
vention kept many Indies away fiom Mrs.
Jciinebs-Mlllor'a lecture , Friday afternoon.
'The natnuot was quite well llllcd , however ,
when a lady canto out on the stage , moved a
red velvet chair several inches , tried ono of
the doors painted on Iho put lor scene , which
was Bet upon the stuse , ana finally intro
duced Mrs. Jonncss-Millcr.
Of course thu lecture was upon the subject
of ilic H u toplo that never fails to Interest
women but the audioimo paid moio atten
tion to the lectuier's ' plush gown
than It did to her sensible
word * . The gown was really u verv
satisfactory creation of the modiste's art and
it was ho picturesque that every woman
btrnightxvny decided to 1m vu at least oao cos-
tlinio exnctly likeIt. .
Mrs. .Icnncss-Miller began her lecture by
Rpcuklng of stout women , und she was not at
all complimentary to her sisters overbur
dened u tthtoo , too solid flesh. " Then she
turned her attention to the lean women with
prominent collar bone. The lecturer's gown
wa cut BO that it displayed u white throat
and therefore she was very severe In dealing
with tier less fortunuto sisters.
The dross reform pnradu was the most In
teresting part of tha lecture , Street suits , n
tea gown und a ball drebs were tried ou In
rapid succession. They woio all pretty
anil they weru likewisenow. . When
the question ol undergarments was
Jlnnlly touched the spectators wore
destined to disappointment. Mrs. Jcnucss <
Miller Bald that the stagewu too cold to
poimithor to show tlie union underwear
und divided skirts in nctivu uso. Uosidcs 11
wild -eyed young man , attached to thu opera
holme , insisted upon appearing at tha door
every ten minutes. Therefore the leader of
tha dies * reform movement merely ex
hibited oomu pongee garments that had no
particular form or shupoliness.
When the luatuio was concluded even1
ono had u rod nose , but there uns u dnm't
boll drill , given by Miss Anderson' * physica
culture clusn , which wus so lively that 1
jnnJo the spectators warm to look at it.
AnYl'teu'iiooii llooc'ptlon.
Mr * . rrauclsV. . \ gave n delight
ful f lei noon reception ou Friday in honor o
tier sister , Mrs. Aduina , and hur niece , Mis1
Adams , of lirooklui. Nearly two hundrci
Invitations were Usual und almost as many
women were on evidence , Now gowns and
new bouucU were the order of the day ; being -
ing the that reception of 'the season , th
various tilumphs of the modistes' aud mill !
nor'H art amounted to charming drca
The drawing rooms , whlnh at ull times arc
pretty und interesting , wcromado guv will
a quantity of ( lowers tastefully ill-ranged
thu cable In the dining room was also most
ottrnctivu. whllo the pretty women wltli
their blight , smiling fauoa und liRht , Imppi'
talk made an unusually fetching ensemble ,
\\CB3ols\vajvcfy \ bccomiuglv uttirod
in black velvet. Mrs , Adams in u graceful
gown of black luco and MUs Adam * were u
girlish gown of old iocc.
'J hu hostess was assisted In receiving bi
Mrs. Adums , Mrs. Mandur ou , Mrs. WiiUe
ley , MM. lioulo , Mia Miniifora , Miss Wake-
ley , Miss liaicombo mid Miss Adam * , whll
Mm. Urceno and Mrs. Uati Igor dUpousoi
the courtesies In another room. The list o
InvitNi gue U lucludedt Mrs. Adams , An
floraon , Auulti , Allen , I . H. Allen , llrud
Will , Uierbovvor , Harlon , Uennott , llarrlger
3. 3 , Urown , K. O. IJrown , Cochrnn. Carter ,
Cofftmtn , ConcdonCurtutCarrlve , Crandcll ,
Chambers , Cornish , Chase , Copofnnd , Cou-
tnnt , f'oljtotror , Cnldwoll , Council. Dixon ,
JJoane , Kstnbrook , Edgar , Ramsey , Iu Dots ,
fSilbcrt , Qreono , Gardner , Gorman ,
Hnwks , Houston , lender , IJamn
.lone ? , Kountzo , Knight , Btobhms ,
Keller , Lake , Lehmcr , Moore , Motenlfc ,
Morse , Moraoman , Mercer , McMillan , Kzrn
.Ward. . J. II. Mlllard , Alfred Mlllard. Mor-
rncll , Mcrrlam , Oskautp , 1'rltchett , Popple-
ton , William I'opploton , Paddock , It. Uccd ,
I ) . Heed , KOSR , MtKeiinn , Holllns. Kiclmnl-
Bon. K , Itluftwnlt , J. Ulngwalt , Kalmnilg ,
Stclgcr , Squires , Sargent , Swnrtzlandor ,
Savage , H. U. Smith , Howard Smith , Shelton -
ton , bummers , Tnkcy , Patterson. 'i'nvlor ,
Tower , Tnbor , Hrooko , S.mpson , Iloo , Wal
lace , Woolwortb.Wllson.Wheaton , Woodman ,
Yost. Younp , Vales , Patrick , Burnotto ,
Hill , tlallcr. Linnlngor , Gallagher , Kit-
Patrick , Comn. Uonncr , Hnrbach , Cotton ,
Pcnnoll. Van Kuron , Irvine , Gould , Jlach-
art , DaleDnrrow , Dcuel , Dundy , Graily ,
Smith , Hnnscom , Hcth , Vallo , Paxlou ,
Lmigo , Luadlngton , Mnndcrnon , Mcday ,
Mcngcll , Mount. Powell. Ultehle , Shlvcrlclc ,
Wukeley , Kiistln , "A'lllmmB , Webster ,
Hcnslraw , Whitney. Lawrence , Rogers , Hlg-
clnson , Hruatch , Crnry , Clark , DlcKov ,
Nichols , Ml eH Drown , Uesscho , Copolaud ,
Clarlr , ClmniDar ? , Schnllcr , Ijauis , Knight ,
Hnlcombe , Mlllnrd , Popploton , Hess , Mo-
KCIIIUI , Richardson , Shcnra , Summers , Yost ,
Pcnncll , Huttcrllcld. Dlllcrancc , Lvuian ,
Wall , D'imlv ' , Tons , O'Reilly , Luddington ,
Idlstin and Crary.
SpokcH In tlio Sitctnl Wheel.
The Dodge Light Guards gave a swell
dance Tuesday evening in Mason to hall on
ho other side of the river. Council Bluffs
n truth "luid gathered there her bcnutv and
tcrehhnlry , " with some of ours , for any
number of young people from Omaha were
guests on thin occasion. Miss Duryo.i , Miss
Armstrong , Miss Kllu Armstrong , Miss
lory nml Miss Have , Mr. Arthur Gulou ,
Mr. .1. A. liponoter , Mr. C. A. Ellis. Mr.
John Atchlson , Mr. Gcorgo Minor , Mr.
Wood Allen , Mr. Charles McConnell , Mr.
11. Cattcs , Mr. iFostomcr unit Mr. M.
. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock gave n
theater put ty Friday evening at thf Grand
opcia houwo to see Margaret Mather in "Tho
Iionciinoon. " Their guests were : Miss1
Preston , Miss Chambers , Mist Yost , Miss
Nosh , Miss Florence Yale ? , Miss Bessie
Yules , Miss Anna Mlllard and Miss Dixon ,
Mr. John Patrick , Mr. Ed Sherwood , Mr.
Wilbur , Mr. Pierre Gurncau. Mr , Koenig ,
mid Mr. Will Donne. After a charming
evening at the play , they were delightfully
enteitalnod at supper by their clever host
and hostess.
Mr. and Mm. R. C. Cuahlng gave a pleas-
nut card party at ' 'Loravllhi , " their spacious
home , on Monday evening in honor of some
visiting friends. High five , which promises
to bo the accepted pnrno of the winter , was
the choice for the evening and was plajca
ivlth lively interest
Miss Yost's luncheon on Thursday was n
most charming affair. Those * en tor tallied-
were : Miss Kichurdson , Miss Nash , the
Misses Ualcoutbo , the Misses Rentes , the
Misses Iloaglnnd , Miss \Voolworth , Mrs.
Hitchcock , Miss Ijams , Miss Dixon , .Miss
Ludlnt'toi ) , the Misses Hurlow , MissUewoy ,
Miss McClIutock and Miss Anna Millaid , ull
of whom carried away the pleasant memory
of appetizing dainties , n wealth of chrysan
themums and the rollicking jingle of college
< \ Cunt of Whitewash.
The autumn house cleaning brings with all
it bothersome caio und many a touch of
humor that makes the whole world grin. A
yonug married woman the other day , be
ginning the annual scrubbing time accord
ing to lulc , found that "tho cellar should bo
the lit st consideration , and to insure good
health the walls should no whitewashed. "
Itcasonlng by the law ot incongruity , that
nil negroes are caually skillful in putting
this chat liable coat over a multitude ofdls-
ciopanclcs , she called in nn old retainer mid
bade him begin. Later she was drawn to
the cellar by the most dismal and appalling
moans and groans , lltirr.vine to the door
and throwintr U open she stood transfixed bv
the sight that met her eyes , only to shriek
with laughter when the whole meaning
dawned upon hfcr mind.
A metamorphosis from a full-bloodca
nogto to something surpassing the staring
whiteness of Hutnuty IJumptv stood on a
shaky scaffolding in themlddlp of the room
xrlth Ills calcimine , oh , horror of horrors , in
her spick , span new coal bucket. The sunny
whistling creature of an hour before had
mcnnwhilo ceased gro.inlng , und with nn ef
fort marked by various cracks and crevices
In his pasty features , ho managed to uj icu-
late :
"Missis , I want 'jou to understan' , dls
hero is do las' whitowushlu' dls niccah ' 1
over do I1' '
And ho proceeded to dip his brush in the
thin mixturn , turning his face upward with
closed oycs , and slapping the stuff on , with
thu result , that two-thirds poured back upon
him , drying directlv , und leaving him litor-
crally with a cwst of countenance , nnd the
ceiling broken out in spots.
It is unnecessary to say ho was dissuaded
from continuing , and went homo much ci cat-
fallen over his unsuccessful attempt.
/ \ Swell Litinoltpnn.
Now and then In the gitrdcn of 11 fo we get
that special bite out of the sunny side of a
pcaili , nnd the women who sat down to
luncheon with Sirs. Joseph Millnrd on
Thursday considered themselves favored
with a irencious mouthful. Airs. Mlllard's
house Is essentially fitted for outortalulng
nnd that , us delightfully us the most am
bitious liostcss could cleslrj , when every
thing in the way of luxury obtains , success
comes of itself.
The table , rectangular In shape , covered
with linen that is the envy of every young
housewife in tonn , und , indeed , many of the
older ones , was simply n background for
flowers , a cut glass bowl of La Franco , and
Amctlcnn Uonuty rose-tin the center , with
feumand roses scattered in graceful con-
liihion over tlio jcmulnderof the table.
Covers were laid for fourteen , including
tno hostess , the guests being : McBdnuics
Wntson , Mnndcrfton , Patrick , Hanscoin , M.
I. Luddington , Horace Luddington , Hoi-
comb , J. H. Piatt , Barton , Yost , Bennett ,
Ilorbach and Caldwcll.
An Kvenint ; nt C'urdu.
Ou Thursday evening Mia. McKouna gava
u card party in honor of Mrs. Watson , who
has been the agreeable raisoa d'etre of any
amount of entertainment In the last fort
night. Mrs. McICeunn is ono of the graceful ,
tactful liOAtcssos of whom Omaha may bo
duly proud , and her parties are , in truth ,
"famous fellclMcs. The house is delight
fully co/y with that Ineffable charm com
monly convoyed In the term "lived in , " nnd
Is full of things to nulto conversation. No
especial game was sot for the evening , the
guests being loft to their own inclination ,
and whist , high-live and the rest ueru suc
cessively chosen and played , wliilo ado
Hulous little supper was thu occasion of com
pliinont nnd complete satis faction , Tito
guests were ; Mr. mid Mr * . Yost , Mr. und
Mis. Bennett , Mrs. Wnkoly. Mrs. Watson ,
Mm , Hoibuch , Mra. Culduell , Mr. and .Mrs ,
Kouiitre , Mr , and Mrs. J. Batker , Mrs.Man-
deiBon , Dr. nnd Mrs. Ponbody , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Henry Vales , Mr. and Mrs. Lowls Kec-d ,
Ucncrnl and Mrs. Brooke , Mrs Beull , Mujm
nnd Mrs , Benbaui , Mr. und Mra Iloo , Miss
Wnkolcy , Miss Adams , Doctor Miller , Mr.
Urigliam und Mr , Arthur Smith.
All lOllt-llHll hllpDOT.
On Tuesday o\enlng Mrs.J. N. Champion
Invited some friends to an English supper us
asurprUmto Mr. Champion nnd in honor of
his birthday , Covers were laid for Rev. J.
P. D.Lloyd niiJ Mis. Llo > < J , Uov. O. T.
Urudy and Mrs. Brady , Mr. and Mrs
George- Barker , Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Powell
ami Mr , and Mrs. G , W. HoibrooU.
Contrary to the usual outcome , the surprise
priso wan perfect , Mr , Champion' * amaze
ment bciug so genuine us to add materially
to the amusement of thu vui'sts. A t > upper
followed that was llturerally "to the
miccn's taste , " smothered chicken mu
suUDJgcH. a roast of beef and n real EngllB )
pluui pudding that gave the nose nud toes
nllku u treatwcro well calculated to win now
subjects for her majesty's realm. The
Americans who were present rivalled th <
British m appetite und appreciation , am
all entered heartily Into the spirit of tlio old
EuL'llsh games that came as an rftorploco
when supper was done.
An entertainment no unique and delight
ful can but luavo thu tuost agreeable memo-
'ic ' , mid Ihe fruesti wllh ono nccord voted
t n triumph from the Jlrst greeting to good
A Chlnn Wctldlntr.
Coptnln nnd Mrs. Simpson celebrated the
.wcntloth . nnnivcrsary of tiiotr wedding In
heir suite of rooms nt tlio Morrhtn on
Monday evening , gathering nbout them Just
ho friends who were neighbors to thorn
when they lived on Virginia nvonuo. A game
of cards was tbo piece do resistance of the
evening , nnd high flvo was earnestly plnyed
for exceedingly pretty prl/cs. A four-leaf
clover , which was won by Mr. It. Pease , a
glided mllttlng stool covered with pink
ilush , won by Miss Hates , n consolation
> rl7C , "Jonathan and Hu Continent , " won
hv Dr. Coffmnn , nnd n Japanese glove box of
cxccedlnuly pretty design was carried off by
Miss Fan nlu Huttcrfleld.
Thojntests brought with them ony amount
it pretty china souvenirs and nn equal num-
jcr of pretty speeches for the host nnd
"lostcs.s , who have stood the test of twenty
( oars so youthfully.
liofrcstimcutB of lees , cnko and champagne
iircceded the uwardlng of the prl/es.
Iho guests were ; Dr. nud Mrs. Coffmnn ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Pease , Mr. Will Pease ,
Mrs. Alexander , MUs Fannlo and Miss
Mcliona Uiitterllold , the Misses Hates , Mr.
nml Mm. D. H. Wheeler , Jr. , Mr. nnd Mra.
r. W. Lee. Mr , nnd Mrs. Worhon , air. John
"Jolllns nnd Mr. Will Oreary.
All Saints' 1'nrlsh Festival.
Tbo third annual parish festival of All
Saints church which will bu held on next
Tridav , November 1 , "All Saints Day"
promises to bo of moio than usual Interest.
The musical programme which will bo
juitc elaborate will bo sung by the regular
choir of the church consisting of about
thirty voices assisted by Master Claude An-
.Icrson the soprano solo boy from St. James
church , Chicago.
The holy communion will bo celebrated at
11 o'clock nnd at 7:30 : p. in. will bo hold the
festival service , nf tor which there will bo the
usual parish reception nt the rectory.
At tbo 11 o'clock service the choir will sing
tbo communion service in U flat bv Calking ,
nnd the anthem , "What are these that are
nrravcd iu white robes" by Strainer , and
nt the offertory , a selection from the oratorio
torio "St. John the Evangelist , " by Dr.
Armes "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's
Day , " for soprano solo and chorus , the solo
to bo sung by Master Anderson.
At tbo festival evening service , the choir
will slug the Magnificat and KUDU Dlmittis
in H Hut by Calkin , nnd for the festival nn-
thom u selection from Sullivan's oratorio ,
"Tho Light of the World" for &olo and
chorus. The solo parts will bo sung by
Master Anderson , Miss Peuuell and Mr.
Master Anderson will also sing a solo nt
the offertory nt the evening service , the
selection being from Chorublnis Mnt > sino
set to the words "Pralso Jehovah , " for solo
and chorus
The choir has been roheaising this pro
gramme for two months or inoie.
Oao of those events which linger long in
memory took place nt thu residence of Mr.
Gcorgo Hlggms , corner of Georgia und Pop
ploton avenues , ou Mend evening , October
SI , ou the occasion of bis fifty-fifth birthday.
Ho was tcnttorcd a surprise party , when
about twenty friends nnd neighbors took
possession of the house , not forcettmgto
bring with them an abundance of good things
for the Inner man.
The evening was spent pleasantly at caids
and other games until 11 o'clock , when the
party was conducted to the dining-room and
seated to u table landed with the good things
of this earth , nud were made to feel thcro
w.ts enough and to spare.
Mr. and Mrs. Hlggms will long remember
the occasion ns ono of the happiest events of
their lives :
Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs ,
Benjamin Briggs , Mr. und Mrs. J. E. Porigo ,
Mr. nnd Mis. C. H. House , Mrs. Miuy M.
PUtnntn , Mr nnd Mrs H. A. Costcis , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Doverus , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dtotrick ,
Mr. and Mrs. G rover. Mr. J. B. Blanchard ,
Mrs. H. Kluibal and Mrs. Booth.
A I'lnitHaiiL Surprise.
The voung friends of Mr. Arthur Angoll
gave him a complete surprise lost Tuesday
evening nt bis homo on North Nineteenth
sticet. Games und other amusements were
indulged in , after which n sumptuous icpnst
was spread , which nil seemed to fully enjoy.
These present woie : Mabel Cotter , M > rtlo
Coon , Amy Kobinson , Nannie Scliuck. Sallie -
lie Smith , Jcnnio Dodson , Lizzie Shiolds.
Lizrte Leedc-r , Etta Ut own. Grace Bassett ,
Fannlo GiolT. Dora Mnddocks. Ada GUinore ,
nnd the Messrs. liolnnd Uobinson , David
Knox. Albert (3 u In , Frank Haskell , Louis
Lceder , Hess Bailey , Ucorgo Hess , Jerome
Miller , Frank Colby , Will Blnklev. Charlie
Wollur , Otto Baumati. Uoy Walker. Will
Barnum and Deal Weitz
Artornoiiii C.irit * .
On last Satuidny Mrs. A. J. Hanscom en
tertained the Women's Card club in her
hospitable and generous fashion. The ap
pointments of her table nro voty beautiful ,
the silver , china and glass in themselves
constituted n feast for the eyes , whllo the
pcifcctly scived luncheon appealed equally
to the sense of sight and taste. After the
coffee the tables weie arranged for slx-
mmdcd euchio and the game began , the play
ers being : Mrs. Yost , Mrs , Wnkeloy , Mis.
J. N. H. Patrick , Mrs. Kichardson , Mis.
Udgar , Mis. itamscv , Mrs. Lncoy , Mrs. Bar
ker , Mrs. Bonnet , MM. Baiualow , MM. Levi
Carter. Mrs. Guy Burton , Mrs. Cahiwell ,
Mrs. Wntson , Mrs. Horbach. Mrs. Joseph
Milmrit , Mrs. Henry Yates , Mrs Cowln and
Mrs. Colliding.
Happy llnurn.
Tbo Happy Hours Social club gave the
first of the parties for this season nt Masonic-
hall on last Wednesday nl ht. It was a very
enjoyable affair , everything passing off in a
moat highly satisfactory manner.
The club will gUe four moro partlei dur
ing tlio year. Among those present were the
following :
Mrs. T. J. Fitzniorris Ilssos Ella Truckev
nnd Ida Truckey , Mamie Fitzpatrick , Cos-
grove Hayes , Kllu Butler , Cheyenne , Wio. ;
Kate VIdIo , St. Joseph , Mo. ; Sarah Brndv ,
Molllo Heelun , Llzzlo Hoolun. lilgin , 111. ; N.
Malone , L. Malono.T. . O'Nelll.Agnes Cieary ,
Julia Mullen , Maud Paul. May MoVunn ,
E. A. O'Brien , O'danlon , Mnmlo blicetmu ,
Topeka , Kan. ; Nun Naddon , DavonpoitIa ;
Myra Crane , Council Bluffs ; M. Hlloy. N.
O'Ncil , Donahnoy , Swift , Fluheitv.
Messrs. Mr. W. H. O'falmughnessy , Will
iam Kobe r , James Swift , John M. Froiizor ,
K. J. Greene , Ed B. McMahon , Joseph C.
Wceth , John N. Paul , D , H. Bradley , F. A.
Cleary , Charles Ho\es , F. H , Kosters ,
Mnurlco Ilussle , Thotnas A. Cobry , .loo Mc
Carthy , J. J. O'Neill , John M. Mullen ,
Thotnas Kelly , J. A. Llnnhnn , William M.
O'Bilon , W. J. Glair , Thomas J. Fitzmorris ,
W. J. Paul. Hairy Husslo , J. A. Spring , H.
J. Scullion. Dr. A. W. Hiloy , J , Martin. C.
T. Ctlllon. E. J. MoVatm , F. C. Dollono , U.
M. Joyce , und Chris Thompson.
Miss Uraily nied and Mr. William P.
Chambers were married Wednesday nfter-
iioan ut 5 o'clock at the homo of the bride ,
1410 North Nineteenth street , IJev. Dohcrly
otllelatlug ,
The wedding was comparatively quiet , the
rolathes comprising the guests.
Thobouso WHS lavishly decorated with
ilowcrs , tlio breakfast table being especially
beautiful. The umouut of wedding presents
of money , silver , furniture , chlim and pic
tures v\us uuftlclant to have delighted the
Hearts of tho.vouiig couple.
Mho brlile were a uhlto wool goiwi.
trimmed with quantities of nurrow , pleot
enged In stileuiuko inako exceedingly be
coming to her girlish beauty.
Little ) Janet Chutubora , who looked u pic
ture in her whlto froult , with 11 bouquet of
roses as big ns her curly head , shared the
honors with the bride.
Mr. and Mra. Chutnbcis loft on the evening -
ing train for Chicago , wheiei they will pioba
bly atop a month.
J. B , Lindberg , formerly of tbo Union
Pacific slops In this illy , but now of .Stan-
ben y , Mo , , was married on \ \ edncsday last
in Montgomery City , Mo. , to MUs Lulu
Stewart , of thu latter pluco. The euro-
mony was performed In the Episcopal
church by Iho Ilcv r A. Wllllftms in the
nroicnio of n largo iBmbur of friomK The
happy couple nro nip visiting rolttives In
Omaha. R
( _ _ _ _ _
Mr. llursha'8 chlitablo appeal for the
desolate homes wltcHJ Christinas with its
attendant Jo.vs and Wosslugs 1ms no ptnco ,
should find n ready answer in many hearts
and u moro matcrlnl.njuawer m many hands.
Even those who acknowledge no church , nor
creed , nnd are too ready to nucstloti the sin
cerity of motives whirl alms nro asked , feav-
Init always the I. , *
"H.\poerltes who opo Heaven's door ,
Obsequies to thoislnful man of riches ,
But put the wicked , naked , bare-logged
poor '
In parish stocks instead of breeches , "
: aa but allow that this Is nn honest as Inner.
It Is n pressing call on their natural kindli
ness , which surely oneo a year should prompt
a generous giving , through Mr. Ilarshn'B
searching nil personal bothcrol making sure
one's elmritv is worthily dispensed , is done
mvaj with , and ono has but the pleasure ot
bestowing benefits.
7wo I'lcttit-re.
Mrs. Hlpglnson returned on Sunday from
Chicago , whcro she has been spending n
month. Her object in going was mainly to
rot now designs nnd ideas for the approach
ing holidays.
Among her latest wet Its nro two portraits
of a middle need couple with faces full of
character , which the artist , with true genius ,
has portrayad to the life , admirable- flesh
tints , and the subjects' uiont natural ex
pressions skillfully cauuht nnd faithfully re
produced , constitute truly speaking lllco-
Another picture from Ufa Is the bend of a
little Ft ouch Rlrl pooping from behind n
curtuiu. The sweet childish face and wide
eyes are becomingly framed in a soft white
cap , whllo the whole is painted with finch
charm nnd softness ns to nmlcu it a con
ception of ideal loveliness.
nnnclnj * Club.
Wednesday evening the Coreopsis Club"
was organized with a , membership of thirty ,
limited to fifty people. It Is the object of
the club to have nlno meetings during the
season at Washington hall for Its members
and invited guests. Each member having
the privilege of two invitations. The meet
ings will be for dancing exclusively , and
promise to bo enjoyable as the party will bo
select nnd bo composed of Indies and gentle
men who held four moonlight dances nt
Hanscom park during the summer months
just passed.
Canl 1'urty.
Mr. and Mis. J. G. Gllmoro gave n , card
patty last Wednesday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Snee , of Columbus , O. A very
pleasant tlmo was had , refreshments , etc.
Among these present were Mr. nnd Mrs.
Lnutnx , Mr. and Mrs. Leo , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fircbtonc , Mr. and Mrs. Kuklndall , Mr. and
Mrs. Jones , Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cushlm ? ,
Mr. nud Mrs. Benjamin Gallagher , M rs.
Jones , of Columbus , O. , Miss Mugrudar , Dr.
nnd Mrs KInslc-r.
The Assembly , whicl has given BO many
suu cssful parties the past two seasons , an
nounces that it will giu , this year , throe
parlor uarties , which thdgontloaiun in charge
claim will be even mpre jlollghtful than were
these of the seasons whiuh have gone.
Hlfthdiiy I'nrty.
Mrs. U. H. Grottc , wao lives at 021 South
Twentieth street , yesterday celebrated her
crystal wedding. Thltty of her lady friends
wcia invited to no. afternoon ton und the
evening was delightfully spent in a very so
ciable manner. .
Miss Rena Ross ilpft for New York on
Tbuisdny. , j3
Mr. Joseph MHlaivv returned from New
Yoik on Tuesday.
Mrs. J. H. Pratt , from Chicago , is visiting
Mrs. Guv Burton.
Mrs. J. It. Buchanan hna returned from
her visit to Chadron.
Mr. W. McMillan is at home again after n
three weeks' visit in the east.
Hon. nnd Mrs. William H. IJatns returned'
on Tuesday from Dakota Hot Springs.
Mrs. W. J. Connell arrived homo yesterday
after a thrco weeks' visit in Now York.
Mr. and Mrs. St. A , D. Balcomba ha'vc
gone to Sioux City for a wcolt or ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cushing entertained n
few friends at cards last Monday evening.
Miss Sharpand Miss laa Sharp returned
on Tuesday Iroui a fortnight's visit to Chi
S. D. Bnrkalow has roturtied from New
York , whore ho attended thoEsplscopal con
Dr. and Mrs. Summers and Miss Summers
nto at homo again , having taken tltcir rooms
at the Paxton lor another year.
Mr. John O'Keofe und Miss Grace O'Keofo
go to Strong City. Kan. , to-morrow evening
to attend the Cushing-Lantry wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hi all have taken
looms at Mrs. Mills , corner Capitol avenue
und Nineteenth streets until their house is
Goncinl nnd Mrs. Brooke- have rented Mr ,
W , J. Council's ' IIOUHO for the winter and
will talco It directly the family leavelor
Mrs. Walter Chambers , of Davenport , and
Mrs. Samuel Jones , of Chicago , were in the
city this week , attending the Chambers-
Fried wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick gave n very
charming little dinner at Happy Hollow in
honor of Colonel nnd Mrs. Ludlngton on
Thursday evening ,
Miss Bertha Scoileld , of Aurora , 111. , who
for the past month has been visiting the fam
ily of Mr. Stephen , 14 H Sherman avenue , re
turned to her homo last Wednesday.
The enKagomont is announced of Mr ,
Ctmrfcs Treat , Lieutenant of the Fifth
United States artillery , and Miss Wiman ,
daughter of Erastus Wiman , of Now Yoik.
Mrs. Or off and family lett last evening for
Washington to join her husband , Land Com
missioner Groff , Their house will bo taken
by Mr. Huhl , of thu Jitm of Gllmoro &
Mr. L. H. Tower returned from Now
York on Monday. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Tower as for ns Chicago , where she
will remain with friends for two or thice
Mrs. Fletcher is at present nt Fort Omaha
art anging the quarters which will bo occu
pied by tier daughter and Captain Dcmpsey
after their wedding , iihlch will occur within
a fortnight. H t
Mr , and Mrs. J. M , MotciU returned last
Saturday from u protracted stay in Europe ,
where they visited Lpmion , the principal
cities on the continent , und were m Paris
during the exposition.
Colonel M. V. Sliprfdiui will r.rrivo in
Omaha about the Suth ofijilst ot the month ;
and will assume his dull of udtutnnt gen
eral soon after his ttriivnl. Mrs. Phil Shcn-
ditu will visit in Dinting during the winter.
The women intorestof ) , in the Crecha hold
n meeting last Wednesday to determine an
earlier date inr a charitj ball that thu com-
foils of clothes and fuel may bo glvsn the
poor before the winterj half over ,
Mr. and Mrs. K , C , Cushing and MissLora
leave Monday evening for Strong City , Knn. ,
to bo present ut thp tridrriago of Mi. Will
Cushing , of PlatlBnWHi ) ) , nnd Mitm Nolllo
Lnntry , thu joungest tfiiUKhler of thu Hon.
B , Luntry , a wealthy U.ijmallst oftho above
mimed city. > '
The third annual ball of the Omaha
Clmritv association will bo given Tuesday ,
November C , the proceeds to bo devoted to
removing the debt from the Creoho. 'J Ickets
will bo on sulu ut linvutciml'8 , Edholm &
Ahln's , Mux Meyer's , Van Colt's ' und Bau-
mer's Jewelry stoics.
"Though the Phillatincs may jostle , " the
"Aswimbly " born and
, iigaln rechristoued ,
will prove the swollen thing in Omaha's
swelldom during the winter , Three eo-
tllliona given Jiibt where is not altogether
decided uixiu , but circulars will bo issued
later , with favors ami figures und fulr
ladies until the head swims with thoptom-
iscu pleasure.
Dr. and Mrs. Gradv , who have been Bpend
ing n mouth ut Iho Paxton , left oil Monday
t-or New York , whence they sail for u throe-
'oar's stay In Europe. ThU winter to bo
epont iu London und next summer in
Switzerland , f uither than this their plans
are not made , whllo scltlbhh rcgrettlotr theii
deraiturofor such a length of tirno , Dr ,
22O Sou.tl3u ICltls. Street , Oraaalia. H
The oldest ngoney In the state of ohrnskn. represent the following comtmnlcs ! 1
Aiunzonln urnnrei'ompsnjr , Clt'rlnmxtl , com *
menrcd buslnms October , 1S7I.
rsn cnpitiu , . . 1S7I.nnooon oo
torKhoUlera ( mUrldnnllyllnlile under the coa-
Kfltntlon otthoBtnto of Olilo. iVith semi-an
num ttntemenl. January 1st ,
17 , 8. Itomld nail BtocKs ( market
value ) . , . . . . . | IMi.750 M
Ixxins on llrst clais CollnttiAls . . . 170.0H ! U
Jtorlgago Loans nnd llonl K.nato , 118,411 W
OashonlKindniuHntrnnMt. . . . . i'S.UM ) 01
I'rcmlum'i in course of Collection. . . 18,07401
Duo from Insurnucti Companies Ao-
crucrt Interest , eto . . 8tK ! 70
Gross As cts . I MO.OIO ZJ
i. unit mix.
Hc-liunrance lle otvf. IXIMPS Out
standing , and nit othci IilnbllltlesH 1V.PIK ) 1'J
NctA set . . . . . . 8 rtSC,129 W
Oedttct CnpHnl fctoek . JOO.OvO 00
Not Hunibis . > S B0.12J 10
0. .
l 0t > 0 >
, . . 8.RJI 03
UAZ/AM UANO. PreskUnl ; .1. II. II1JA1T1K ,
Serretnrv. .
I'ultcd States of America , Ptntp ot Nebraska ,
Onico or Auditor of Public Ai < ounts. Lincoln ,
Tob. Ut , lBt i. It 1s hereby cuitllletl tliut the
Amazon InsttrAticu Cumpauvoi ; Clnclnimtl , In
thu Htatc ot Uhl o , hits llloa .it this olllco the ap
pointment of I-rutiV Murphy A. Jai , I. . Irfivelt
ns their lire fill agents nt Omnhn. tit the County
of DoiiKlas , In thu 8tnt of Nolinvska. Not\
tlioroforo the above immel HRfnts nru hereby
authorized to tiansnct the business of Insur
ance as nqcnts ot said Compnny In this State uu-
tlttriolUst dnyof .Inmmrr , A. 1) , JWU > , miles- ,
sooner rovnkpd , subject howi ver to nil the re
strictions nnil limitations of the law. I further
certify that said Company hns compiled with all
tlio renulromentBot tlio lau iugttlntlni(8iull In-
siirnnco Campnulos In this Statu. In testimony
v nercof , I Imvfl Uorotmto wet mv bund nml the
Rcnlot the Auditor of I'nbtlc Amounts thi lny
auilycarflmtwrittoinbuo. T. II. IIHNTON ,
Auditor ot i'luillc Accounts.
Statement ottl e condition of the United States
branch ot tlio Ouoon Insurance compnuy. of
Mrcrpool. on tlmaist rtnyot Uccembor. IbfH.
'Iho nnspts of the company In tno united
BtatBHaro ns follows :
cash on hnml nnd In the hinds ot
ngonts or other persons $ Sis.-toi.l4
Heal estateiinincumbeicil iU.UDUUU
Donils owned by tlio company , Ijfiu-
tng Interest , secur < rt ns lollows :
$1(16,1x0 ( United Mates 4 per cent
boniK market vnltio riS7,03".l > 0
} Mlselssippt Ntiite 4 pei ipnt
bauds , mnrkBt vnluo ro.OJJ.OO
$11W , UON. V. l.nrkiiwiimi .V Wtixteiu
tlpor cent lallioad bonds , market
vnltto 117Oifl.OO
J10JJIJO N. Y. I.nckavMinn \Scstoin
lipcrcunt lalhoad bondx , market
vnlUB 110,12,1.00
110,010 Chicago , \ , Vouth\\(3titl7per
ctut railroad bonds , marki t valiti ; U.IOO.OO
SlU.ikW Noith Wisconsin poi cent
railroad bonds , mnrkut vnluo . . l"rCO.OO
? 25,0i Olilcngo. liiirlitiKton A qnincv
7porceutrallroiul bonds , tunrkuv
vnluo y3.n7.-.00 .
S5.0JO Chtrngo , Hock Isl.uuKV Uucllio
n par cent lallroiul bond' , matkot
vniui- o.vaoo
500,001) ) Chicago , Hock M.intl \ Pacific
5 per cent ritlliond bonds matket
vnluo IL'.UB.OO
$10,1)00 ) ripmont. HIMioru A : Mo. 0 i > or
cent railroad bonds , mniket value U.nooOO
S10.ti.VI Chi. Mil XSt. 1'ntil ( lnuuquo )
rtlv ) ( liter cent rulHoaclbonds mar
ket vnlue llrOJ.OO
em.UU ( ) Clit Mil. \ . Ht. Paul ( Chi. \
1'ncine . dlv 15 per tent railroad
bonds , market value ltlioOO
$ io.iMooni. MU. A , yr. ranivii ( , mui
Minn , illv ) ft poi rent inllroad
bonds , marki't valua 10,0 , > 0.00
woooo cm. MU. A y. Puui ( t'hi. i-
MUsonrl dlv ) tiper cent railroad
bonds , market Mtlne oO.Sfl.OO
JoO.Oln ctilcago A , Nortuw estci n C per
centrnllioudbonds mniket vnlttB 6ll77i > 0
JIO.Oix ) lialtlmora Ohlon fi per cent
rnlltoad bonds , m irket v iiluo . . . 10,850.00
SCOUK ) TetiiHj Iv nnln. company t Y poi
cent inlltoiid bonds , nmrkot valno Clrti-.03
5r5tiOi MotrlbiV INspx 7 iter tent i.ili-
road bonds , matKet valno. . . . . . . . 0,487.r)0
SJl.iHKj MiUilgnn Central 5 per ctnt
railroad bonds inniUet v nine . ' .fiOO.OO
SSi.WiJilicblnAn Ceutiul r. pot cent
lalhoiul bonds , market viilnu . . . L'.t , 115.CO
? 10H,0 l West Shoio i pel rent lull-
i old bonds , market value 107,750.00
WOOOH'euttal Ktillrnul ot New .lor-
so\ & per cent bonds m iket value 8000. 0
9oOUMlukoMioroX Jllch. boutliein 7
per cen inllroad bonds , market
value fcl.8U.JO
CTUXW Nmtbein Vatlile 0 jitr cent
lallioia bonOs maiket value , C'.ftiJ.OO
lil.uiX ) CnnailltuiSunthuturi tin tent
railroad bonds mntkot vulno 2737r > ,00
$ .tjOHO No\v Yolk A. Knckiivvur Hoach
6 per cent lallroml bomlj , mnikct
value M.OW.CO
SlOO.OOl Now Yotk city : i pnr cent
wntei .stock , maikLt value , . 107,01)000 )
? 1U(0) ( ) runners' f.oananrl 'Jiifit com
pany stock , market value 4j,000.00
J.oiuis on bends and moitgiiKes ot
real estate , wotth double tlio
amount for which the MUUCis
iiiorlgaKeJ , und free from tiny
prior cncntubcianco nil
Debts othoi wise s < > < tired
All other secutitles nil
Total ns ets ,133,800.77
Amount due to bank or othei cred
itors . . ull
Amount ou Ing and not dmto banks
iiiidotliei tioilltois nil
Losses adjusted ind dm' . . . , . . nil
l.os'-es ailjtiHtHi niul not dim. . . . $ 5.G90.11
iosben unadjusted . rvi.ii .OJ
J.osses in Huspuiibe , VMiltiiiir fmlhir
moot 27,718.71
All otlioi claims ngr.lntt the loin- ll.Tb' ' , " "
Amount nece'safy to lo-lnsnro out-
BtantllnK risks .
. ,
Western ilepiu tment , Chluigo , 111. , Jon. M.
inanagei ; Clias. 0. Shcp.iid , assistant
United States of Amcilrn. BtatuotNobn sUn ;
ollltu of Iho Auditor of Public AIIOUIUH. Lin
coln I eb iHl , lHi. It if luroby certified that
the Queen Iininuuro ( ompiiiy. of Ji\cr-
pool , In I upland , lias flu-il nt this
office the appointment of Murphy
& Iovett at , their m\i lul nRt'iits at Omaha , In
ihe countv ot Dnuglns. in tlio .state of N -
luubka. Ki > \ \ ; ilteictore. th above named
agentb nro liuicby anthorl/od to transact the
business ot Insiuaucc ns agents of cntd company -
pany In this stnto until the , ll t < ! ay of pnuunry ,
A. It , 18UH. nnlejjs sooner i evoked , hubjti.t , lm - -
over. to all the restrictions nnd limitations of
the law. I luitnut ( ortlfy thnt i < ald company
bus compiled \\ithullthu U'ipiliomonU ot tbo
InwreKulatlng hitch liuuriiucu tominuea In
this suite.
In testimony whoi i-of , I lui vi bi-reunto set my
liund und the uoiil ot the Auditor of I'nbllc Ao
coimti < .tliii tiny nml > purtlrstabovo written. 'I1.
II. Ili.VJ'ON : , Auditor of I'llblio ACLOtmta.
nnd Mrrt. Grudy'8 filends wish them a heart
felt bon voyage.
It was a meny party that assembled ut T03
North Nineteenth stiecton Monday night
to celebrate the birthday of Mi. , ) . M. Cam
pion. The preliminary iiirnngomcnts had
been so well cai rled out that not the least
suspicion of the pleasure- btore for him
had ever dawned upon the recipient of the
compliment. The evening was passed so
ncieeaoly that it was the loudly expressed
Wish of many mrstmt that the gentleman
would have n birthday every iveek. Among
thoau present vveru Mr. nnd Mis. Gcorgo
Darker , Hov. J. 1' . 1) . Uo\d and Mis. Lloyd ,
Key. C. T. Utudynud MM. Urudv , Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. C. Powell , Mr. nud Mrs , O. AV. Hoi-
brook , and Dr , and Mis. Hanchctt.
Langtty hue Cleopatra thoughts , too.
Homy Clmtifruu la going with "Kit" to
Cjeorgo Uiuenlng 1ms joined "The Pearl of
Pokm" i-ompanv.
Louis James ls making a tour of the south
und is phiylng to huuo houses.
Julia Marlo'v has neon playing to exceed
ingly laigo business lit Uoston.
Qeraldino Ulmcr U eoou to bccomo Mi-s ,
Gordon Kellogg of Now York.
Hobort Downing has won success with
"Count Claudm" in the wrbtcrti cities.
Helen Uuny is now the star In "A Possi
ble Case , " traveling \vlth u good supporting
Lawnmco Darrett has been tlruvving large
hoitsofi ut the ChlcaKp opera IIOUHO with
"Ganolon. "
Maggie Mltcholl made her first appea ranee
this soaeon ut the Windsor , Now York , in
her play , "Uuy. "
Much | iralsci is accorded dlis Skinner for
ItisMaupiat in the JJootli-ModJeska "Ulcho-
lieu" production.
IVatik Saiigcr's ' company plailng "Air.
ntimial xhlblt of the llnrltotd
Flro InsnrAnrp Company of Hnrlford , Comiea-
tiont. .Iniinnry 1st , K < l > .
Cnah oil hnitil , In HntiV and ( n h
Itoma . . . , f Clf.SiO 83
nsli iu hntuls of Agents nnd in
ojursoor tmnsnils'iiiii. , . S IA'2 M
llcntn nud Aecitioil Infrcst 3J.liO ( 45
lltRllCstnto , iinineumlireil. . . , . . COCT5 00
Ixtnns on I loud ami Mortgngc first
Urn . . . 1,1 ! VTO 1
lK > nns on Collate ml Security . , , rfl.6 0 CO
Itniik 8to"V , Hiirtrorti , umrktit vnlun HIO.TStl Ol
Hank btotk , New Vorc , mirkct
Tnltio. . . JUXVMt ( XI
Honk Stock , HoMon. mnrkr-t vnlnc fU.tO'l TO
Hank Stock , Albmi ) nml Montionl.
inxrk'-t vnltio 11,775 ( V )
Knllrond Stock * . . . . W.040 (
Htntf. Clty ud liullrottil Itonds j.wx.iui 1
United Stat-s liotuls . tl,4tKi W
1,1 Mill , I
llosar o for all vtHptlladdiitnifi. , ? 2i\lVli 44
Hcccrte for He-lnotirntiro . . . . 2uilVi , " > 44
Capital Stok . . . . J.UMIOOO 01
sritt'i l s.
Surplus to Policy lloldiv-t . f,1,4'vOSJ ) 60
Act tttirpltts ovtr nil , Including Cap-
itui block . ; a.aiitjaj : to
. . .
Total Pnsh Incoma . . t-M7.7H
Total Kxtionilltures . . . S,4 > , 4i ) 7U
i\cisn : of incontu over Kvpcudlturcs 417uin 70
Oiosssscl8lncipnsc' . . . 11(11,47(110 ( (
Uioss 1'roinlnms liicrpaiet . , . . 110.-T7 TO
Surplus to I'lill-y Holders luirc.v-o SS''S ! 7H
Act fim plus-Incre < i e % S.W.rJS 78
Itc-In-mrnncp Ucseivo lucrcnso . . . . lll,7itH 4(1 (
Jliukot. Vnluo of Stock , . , SJ'i W
UiiltrilPtntcsnt America , blnte-of JsVliriuKn ,
Ofllcaot Auditor or I'nhlle Accounts. Lincoln.
1'tt ) , 1st , IHKI. It is hcxpby urtltlpil thnt thu
llnrtfoKl Kli-o Inmnnueo Company of Hartford ,
InthoStiitcoCOumeciIciit,1ms tiled ut thlnof-
rico tha nppolntmont ot I'tiiuk Murphy .V .Inmcs
K. Irfi\ctt ustholr Inn ful iiRenttntUnmlin , Intho
County of Oonglns. In the > fltnto ot Kvlirasku.
Now lliercfore.thisabovunumoiliigpnt nreheroby
authorized to trnusact the buslines of Insuinnco
ns nccnt otsnld coninnnv In this State. , witll the
Illstilny of Jnnnnry. A. 1) ) . . 181. unless sooner
lovokcd , subject , liowov or to nil tlio 11 HU let loux
and llmltiulouH of the law. I further certify
thnt until Compnuv hn-s compiled with nil tint to-
nulromontsof the Inw legulatlngtwch Insurance
OompanlcB In this Stutc. Iu tcatiinouy vhcivof. .
I hnv o licii-unto rot my Imml nurt the boal of the
Auditor of imbllc Account , the lny nud jcnr
Ilrst abowiulttcn. T. II. II1UNTON , Auditor of
1'ubllo Accounts.
40th Scml-Annmil Statotnpnt of the St. Pnul
riiv nnd Miuluo Insuincce Comvnny.July 1st ,
Cash cnplliil * 00
IttiHorvo forttuparncd piemtnm , III1,4&7 09
itoaorvu foi IO BCS and all other
claims M.uTS W
Net surplus over nil llnblllty 475.1.011 SI
Totnl cash nsaets'il.lO" ! 1TJ
C. II. IIICKLOW. incslitiMlt : (1 II. GlMtHltT ,
becietai : W. B. TIMIIIIIU.AKK. tieu nrei.
Unltpil Stntcs of Ameifcn , Stutoof Nebraska ,
olfleoof Auitltor of 1'nblliAicounts. . Lincoln ,
1 eb. 1st , IW-.I. U U heicbv certified thnt the St.
Paul.mid ! JI. Insiii'jnco Compmy. St. I'nnl ,
In the atnto of M Inncmita. han tiled nt this nlllco
the nppitmtmcnt of Murphv > V l.ovutt ns their
lawful ugcnts nt Oinahn , In tlu-cottn'y of noiig-
las'In the HtiteotNebiaska. No > v thorufoip.tho
nbD\B-iiniiie-d agents 1110 hereby ntithorlreil to
transjet the biiHlnp'-s of insmnnin n-s arcnlH ot
said compnnv In tills Htato until the illsL nay of
Jnnunry , A , I ) . Ib'U ' , unUstibooncr revokoil , Biib-
] ect , lionnv ei to all the restrictions and limita
tions of the law. 1 further certify thnt > .nld
compnnv hns compiled with nil the require-
men t tot the liuv icjuhitlng hiieh insiuiiuco
nimponlpsin tills stnte. Ill testimony v\lu > ronf.
1 hnvobcicuuto Ret my hand nml the si'nloT thu
n'alltor of public accounts the ilny ami jear
fligtiiunvuvMltten. T. II. IlKNION , Auditor of
I'nblle Accounts.
SKty-uInth nimmil stat < * miiit of the l.tua In-
BUI unco Company , llurtfoid , Conn
Cash Capital
-\B-KTSJ\MJMIV IHl , ! ( > .
Market Vuiuo.
Ilinl nitaliiuiilncumbeied . } WMt0.ixi
Loaned ou II nul ai.rt Moitgngo. . . IWOOU
loinel on i ollntcinls. 7,770 cu
rash on hand nnd In Hank . . : . . . . UTS.iiTi ) 57
Gross Amount in hands of Agents
ami hi tuinslt . . . . - Xttnwti
Stocks mul Itoiuls . . . . . . t-lll,7f ( > l fill
Acciuedlntciest . . . U1A14
Tolal AsiotB . n't
i.i inn.nti s
Uoservo for Ko-ln mante . . 8-1.WI.7I911
Jtesone for Ihipitld Ix > si-i . . . J-7 ( , ( > 'S U
All other claims . Ol.Ftti IS
Totnl I.lnbllliies . . . .W 174.JlliC'l !
Cash Capital * 4MW.Ml' ' . "
Not bill plin J , ( C,5IJ. 4
Not Ablets . . . . * .fir ,51J'H
United biates ol Amoilui. f tate ot NcbtapKti
Onico ot Auditor of I'ubltp Ai counts. MiRoln ,
IVb. 1st , IsSI. lr ib IierobV cortllli < l that tlui
A'luo. liiHiiianco Company of Ilnilioit. In the
btateof romiet'ciit , IIHS tiled nt thN olllco Iho
appointment of 1'intiK Mmphy .V .1. 1 , . l , < mitt
ns theft lawful agents nt Onmiin. In the County
of Donglns , In Iho Ptnto ot Nilnusku. o '
therefore tbo above limned ucrrnls Is herpliy au
thorized to transact the bnsiuebs of Insurmiie
ns agent of mild Company In this btntti until tlio
olBtilavof J.inunry , A. I ) . , JBW , unle&H Hooner
revoked , subject lion01 or to nil thu icstrlctlons
nnd limitations ot the law. I rnitner certify
that said Company liiii > compiled v\Uh nil the
leqiiliementR of tholaw repulatliiK Mich Instir
nnco Companies in this f-ttte In testimony
vUiert'Of , I Imio hereunto net-my band and thu
seal ot tlio Auditor of Public Accounts , tint n ly
andvem-llrhtubovo written. T II. HIIN'ION ,
Auditoi ol Public Aecouuts.
'liansallantlc1'lre fustiianco Compiny , ot
Hnmburg , ( Jermany. U. 8. btaucli , Ki I Ib-
orty htrect. Now York. K , Hnrbu , maimgoi ;
II. Ihnen. assistant mnnager.
si VTIMKM , .IAN. IST , 1SH ) .
I jtpi- rent IT. 8. Oov.Abo'i'i'liJ ? 41fi.OiO ( ( Xj
In linnila of tiuslpcs . . WLtSWliO
Cash In bints , and mipilil pmnlimis f > , to.'Hl
' '
Increase ov r list year . . . . . I7wr 4' ' )
llesono for unearned premiums and
unpaid lobses . HM.07IMH
PurplUH . * 9i3fi7.Jtt !
Jncieuseoiei last ycnr . IC.IIO.dl
< ) i ei 9 ( t0 ! iis'-ets to i-very * 1 0(1 ( liability ,
'Jrusti-ps : Chun , : M. Try. 1'rts. Hank of New
York ; .Ins. holimnnn. of J. A , W. bcllBtiuin
A Co ; I'nnl MchtetiHteln.
Unlteil Miles or Ameiin. Rtatn of Nebraska.
olllco of the Auditoi ot I'nblle Accounts. lln-
utln , I ob. n 1. 18 ' . ' . It M heiPby cei tilled that tint
Unms-Atlantlo lire Insuiauco Cpmpnuy. of
Hamburg. In the empli pot ( lei many , has Hied
nt tMi olllut the appolulmunt of Murphy tc
toctt nn theh luw ful iigontB at Omaha. In the
County ol Douslaa. In thu utato of
Nobraskn. Now. thpioforo , the above
jiiiimd agents Is heiobyniithoilztd to transact
the biislnoMi of iiibiir met ) as agents of Hiiul com
pany in this Mtutu until the 'Hht ilnyof Jautmry ,
A. U. JSIKI. mil 'MS toomr revoked , wiibject , how-
over.'di nil thoiosljlctlons nnd llmltutloim of
the law , Ifintiiorirrtlfytliiit salil rompimy
bus compiled with ull the reitilieincuts | ol tnu
law rpRiiIntlng such limuittiito companies in
In testimony vvhcieof. I have hriuunto HO ! my
liuml nnd seal ot the Auditor of Public , Ac
counts , tlio itay and jeur first above vvi I ttcn. T.
H , IIKN'ION , Auditor ot Vnblic AccountB.
Uurnes of New York , " Is doing remarkably
good business in tha west.
"Kujanka" ployed to the banner week In
the ivny of iccoipls in the Columbia theater ,
Chicago , on its lirst week.
Young Otto Hegner , n , now boy musical
prodigy , tn.ido tils ilrst iippcaranco nt the
Mr-tropolltun opera house. . Now York.
Georgia Parker has secured Fred Lotti tn
plov In hoi1 n < nv comedy , "A Lucky Penny , "
under the management of Tiank L. Good
"Tho Uaggcd Dogs" IB the name of the
now operu which Gilbert and Sullivan have
been iiuletlyMitlng. . At least so it la re
ported ,
The opera season at the Metropolitan In
Now Yoik eity will begin with V/ugnor's '
"Flying Dutchman , " HorrKoIuhinanii in thu
chief ] mi l.
"Tho "Witch , " n now pluy by Wnvne Kills ,
U to bo presented November 11 in Hnti Fran-
elsco. 'l ho leading * part will bo assumed by
Hophln Kvio.
John I'cvnolds was given u beautiful cm-
blematlu watch charm while plaving nn an-
uagunicnt at 1'oid'H thcntro , liultlmoie , by
uicmberH of Maltlmoto lodge of 111 its.
Uenmun Thompson completed hU llfty-
ulxthjcar a fuwduvsngo. Ho is still tbu
Hiimeold Uncle Josh who won the heat Is of
the thcatro-gnora In "The Old HOIIU stead. "
William Harris , of Hoston , ulia U the
manager of the Hownid Athomuum enter
tainment , Is on his way to Europe to get hold
of u big combination , which ib likely In bu
soon ut the academy in thnt city In thu hitter
part of the season. "
It I * said that the feeling batwoou Hiriy
and Tay , the Irish cpmcdian , IK fur from
being u frltndly one , Kay Is wealthy , own
ing neveial houses In Mount Voinon , whllo
Hurry U bollovtnl to have spent the moit of
his lai go earnings
Kobcrt Muntoll Is now ulaylug "Othullo"
and "Thu Matblo Heart" iu addition tn
Stntomrnr o ( ' 'Ihn Alnirluin 1'iro
Comttnny ot riillailolphin , Jnntnry 1 t. 1-oti ,
C. sh OniltRl . . . . siiixii
lloscrvo forltc-liisnraiici' . . . .
llosorvo for I'npnlil liossra nud other
claim * . .
r\ct .W.U5.P3
f l'MMVIIV 01'
HfftlKMnlo , . t SSI.100IX1
MortKa os IT'tllens , , . | i7K.O. i.wi
I nnson Collntotals , . . ltr(0i < i ( i
Slocks nnd llomls . . . Sll > ,7K-,7
Kroiintl li nt . . . . 7ttVH
ricmlumn In course of Collection. , ,1l.tir : is
Accrued imorodts amf lloms , . li'H.iiT :
t'anfumbnud mid In llnuks , , , , . . 111 , 1,74
Thomas I ) , Jlonteomory , 1'rcslilent : Klclmrxl
MitrK yicretnrj : .Inmps U.ountr , Acttmiy ,
I'nltpil HtntPHttf Amoilrn , Htntn of .Nebrnska ,
Olllcoof Amlttor of Publlfl Actouuts lilncolu ,
Fob. tut , IMP.I. It H In-ruby rcrllllcd that Ihn
Amerlcnn I'ln * ItiMiinupn Ci > tni any of I'nllmlol-
phln.lutllp SUto of IVlitifjUiinlii , IIHN Illpd nl
this oiliro dm appointment of Murphy , V txnett
a * tlulrluful nipnts nt Omnhn , In Inn County
ot Donglan , Iu the Stnto of Ncbrankn. Now
therefore the nbovo named niieuts Is hereby
aulhorlrod to tiainuct tlio bnttluess of InMir-
nnco ns nitouts ot cnitl Company Iu IhKStHto un
til thn Jlst li v of .Innuniy , A , n , )8io. ) nultss
noouorrp-vokol , Knltjvct how over to nil the ro-
Htrlctlons mul llmltnttonsot the law , 1 further
certtly ihut salil Company IIIB complipil with nil
lliorvqultatncutsof the Invt rpRUlAtlugeuclilu-
Hinnnco Compnnlcg In this stnto. In testimony
wlovof , Ihnvo horpunt < t h t my hand mul the
t-onl of tbo Auditor ot I'nblle ArronntHthn iHy
nml voarllutubovo vviMtcn , T. II , I1KNTON ,
Auditor of 1'ubllo Account ? .
rifth Annuil PtHtetnour , Amcilrau 8lcam
Holler InMiinneo Co. , , lau. 1 , mi. Olllco of
thocoiimnnv , 1W ! llioiutwny. M > w Vork City.
Ullloo of the Miperrlslnit niHpc ctor , 7H John
BtioJt. Nen VoikCltv.
, .
United Status jrov't bonds nud ilrst
inort. It. it. bonds innikctvnlno..thi2,3ft ! 00
Stacks oftmilkH Hint trust rompnulo * , li''A UU
( "nil loans on improved rolUternlH , . . 4-J.tHO 00
Loaned on bond and niorlgago. . . , , , . . 4SUH ) ( K )
Cnsh In biukK. . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 < yjuo CU
( , 'nHli In hand-lot unoatannd Incouuu
of collection. , . . . 119,318 Ifl
Piomluma Uncollci toil , Including $11-
VU.udorerreiliuoinluinH | . 70,47810
Accimu intou-ht . , . 2,412 48
Totnl nssets . , . , , . , ll. SO
IIVK I'nrMiiui TUMI .
CommlasloiiH nun nil other ItnbilltloH. H.tllU 00
Cnpltnl stock . NOli.liD.IUO
tossH unpaid . . .NOT ill Ml
Nut bin pin * . arAKsl HI
as itcaulspolicy -
liohlciH . , . f(7iJSO ! ( 81 PTI.8HI
Tolnl . , . JI.107.P13 9)
Directors of the Company i llou. Pells Camp-
Iwll. imu incrcbiitit , 'Jlt.lohnRt. , N.Y. CllyQo.
T. eiieldou. pr . riionlx lire Ins. to , Jir >
llroailwnv , N. V. City : lion.m llrlnkcrnotr.
counsellor nt law , 1 UxchiiiiKO I'luci.Icrsay
City : John 11. 1'lagler. Nnllannl TnboVorKS
Co , nil John ct. . Now i'oik , iiul McKeesporr ,
1'u : K. K. Oodiioy , iircililcnt North Itlvcr Hank ,
N. Y. City ; Albion 1C. IJolBii , pics. Knnilro H -
lining Co. , l llroadwny. N. Y. Clt > ; wm. II.
Uckoon , rotliod mcrcliuiit , Itlilueivooii , Queens
Co , I , I. : 15. II. Apgni , A pear V Co.lioiwilo
Biocors , ra lley t. , N , V. i Hv ; 1) ) . It. fcntterlio ,
ptcslilunt Clinton Hunk , N. Y. City ; John .M.
Tnlbot , Scott X'lalbot. lunutnuco mnnagprs , 41
VAllllinn f-t , , N , Y. ; Win. K. Lothrop. prenldent
of the compauv ; \ \ m.n. Mlilgloy , vko piesideilt
of company ; It. 1C. Sheldon , tteasuirer ot com
pany ; Vincent It. faUicnck , ncciotarj of com-
piny ; Tnoinns T. Poi\ ITS , sunei vising luspcctor ,
tlnttc'il states ot Anicrun , Utntout NcbioRkii ,
Olllcoof Auilltoi ot 1'ubllc Accounts , litncoln ,
Peb. 1st. 1PM ) . It Is hereby certified that the
Ameilcnn htenm llolloi litMiranco Company , ot
New N'ork , In the state ot New York , has tiled nt
this olllco the appointment ot Mnrphv& l.ore'.t
ns their Inwf ill ngonts at Omnhn. In the county
of UoiiKlns , In the htnto ot Nobraskn. Now there-
fine , tlio above named agents mo hnrcby nil-
thoilred to trausnct the business of liisnrnuio
as ttKcnt of said Compuny In thlsttnlc , until tliu
.llbt day of .lununiy. A. 1) ) , IM > ' . uulitas sooner 10-
vokcd , subject , boil ever to all the loslrlctions
and limitations 01 the lavv. 1 nirllur certify ,
thnt said Company has compiled M 1th all thu ro-
ipiltemenls of the Iniv lepnlntltip mull Insur-
nnco Compuii e In thU btnto. In Icstlmo'iv
vvhurprif , I linvo horennto wst my hnml nud tlio
seal ottho Auditor of I'ubiloAci omits ttio clay
nml j inrllist nbovo vviitti'ii. T. II , IIKMON ,
Auditoi of IMlblk. Accounts.
Noith Umlfcli S.-Mer-antllo Ins. Co. , of liomloti
nnd KOInbiiu'li. Homo Ofllte Statement. Jnu-
tmrv J t , IfW.
Invcsicil anil cash He n scts , In-
plmllniriiiiUl-up uiiiltnl . * H,1''I03 ' in
'lotul 11 ibillties. inciuCliii' i > nlii-ut |
, NPI suiplui. , ONCImllne
j { I palit.up mpltiil. . . . 7,633 , % ) U )
f H.inp.'lJ W
UMiii ) hT riH niivNrii wrvrhMhM ,
.innu.irv 1st. 1R-U.
United Mates bonds , inarLot value. * l.OI..tU" ) 00
lotsroitKago inlliotui Iraiid , miir-
ketvnlnu l.ttll.UJOJ
Now Vork cltv and county bonds.
murketalno ( ! > .lf.)00 )
Cltv of lloston stoi k , marketinlHf. K.3IJ UO
Bt.itoIjondK , m.uLitvaluu W.S',2 W
Cash ul1h linnkut ami In olllco. . IKM 10
UncollcctPd premiums und agency
' . . . . . 3)7.070 ) IU
Interest iluo nml uccincd r. iaso , on
Other nilmlUeil nssetH I'.I41 ' (17 (
foruncni ; oil prpmlunis , 01
Kosorvu for unpaid losses 72
Net Biirplus f I.MT4II4 US
Lo-isc s paid tn the ) United SUileH In
Iwcntj-tviojBrJH . , . 819,51V SI8
lotnl Incomn In United
States In U8S . SfJ.OiU.wr S3
Total OMiendlturos In
U'Uted Stnlus In IbfK. ] , { Kir 7ri 90
Income over PxpomlltmeH. . . SJOO.-WU 'M
SAM. I' . IIIAOIHN. imiiuiKurVM. : . A. KHAN-
CIS. nsst. munncor ; IIOIIT. 11. WA8 , ginl.
ncent ; II. M. JACKbON.setretmv. Jlnln ofllto. Til
William btipet , Nou Yoik. vvostein l ) rurt-
mont , yisto"4 ' I.iitnlliifctreit. ChluiKo : vY. w.
DUUI.HY. miperlnlc-mlent ; 11. H. UMDDliN ,
nsslijtant hiipcrlntnudnnt.
IJnllud StutPS of AmoiJui , Htnto of Nebraska ,
Olllcoof Aiulltor of 1'ubllo Ac < mntH , Itncolii ,
I'ob. 1st , IHS'i. It Is horuby ccullleil that tlio
North Itrltlbb and Memunllo Insurnncf Com
pany. ot HonAon nnd DiInbiiiKh , Iu Iho king
dom of Gieut llrltnln , lias tiled at thin olllco Iho
appointment of 1'iauk Murphy und J. li. I/o\et (
IIH tbelr lawlulnKeiits at Umnhu. In the county
of DoiiRliiH. in the state of Nebruskn. Now
tliurofoio , the nbovo-imnipil ngpnts uio hereby
ruithorlred to timiPact the bii InosH of lusnr-
nnciias ucnilH of xnld tompany in this stnto
until thn : ilht day of Jamiury. A. 1) . IKK ) . unless
Sooner rovokul , Hiiliject. however , to all the
lestrlcllons and limitations ot the law. 1 f ar
mor certify thnt nald company Imu compiled
] vUth nil t no requirements or the law regulating
I null Insurance companion In this htato. In ten-
t Imony hereof. 1 hnvp horonnto Hctmylmml
I mid thosonl of thi'uudltorot public ucconutN ,
tlio ilny and year llr t nbovo written. T. II ,
IIHNION , Auditor ot 1'ubllo Account * .
. "Monburs. " To these hu will shortly add
' The Corslcan Hrothers. " making his llwt
appearance In It in New Vork at the Four
teenth Street , theater ,
W. J. Scanhm recently prosonteJ a black
thorn stick to the Library nssoclutlon ut
Kort Wayne. The eano wus votoJ tj thu most
popular resident In the city. It cost tbo
voters $1,000 , which is n ptotty decent prlco
for u "bit iv a shlllntali , "
K.Uher tlmn pay thu toyaltlos uomnndod
by tliu Atnoiit.ui i 'jprosnntiitivosor Wngnor'a
bens the Hosdon Ideals have given up the
project of pioiluoliiK "Lohengrin. " The
company hav i been Hinging "Ulgoletto" In
Intioltwlth Mme L'Allomund an ( Jllda.and .
"Travutoie , " vvith Mr , rjMVel ua Maniico.
A now ginnd onoru by Sumiegllu , Junt prJ-
duccd ut tno Vlonnii opera house , imtitled
"The of K/lgcth. " Is mild to have been
/.ivoi.ibly received. The composer , who la
nn Austrian bv birth , but an Italian by training -
ing , Is known through several operas pro
duced in Milan , Florence , nnd other Italian
towns within the last ten years.
Mr Amoerg is ichcnrAlng "C.trmen.o
which , though t'rcnuii by uutliorslitp , Is th
onlyopuni ivhluh the Into KmporoiWilllum
rntild i > e Induced to sit throb h , Tha cast
will Include Til. Donlta In the title lolo , FrJ.
Itiogcl us Mie.iola , Fil. Kngliionder aa Fras-
( julln , Frl. Ximuiermutio us Morcodos. Htreit-
inun ns Don Jnsu , 'J'luliaplolrn ns thu bull
lluhter , and Cicrold asXnntgo , Mr , Hliirichs
will conduct.
The distinguishing charaLturUtloof heud-
coverlng Is lownesicl ci own and a corro-
spending dtpieaslon of trimming for bonnets
und largcmnH or ahupo und generosity of
( arnituiu for h.ita. Tuo Imported htylus uro
not leas captlvatliir ( than usual , nnd BOIIIO of
the combinations of colots nro mout artl tlu.
Coii'I ( no moro , lioA Crosa rough
will euro your cold. 0 cents it box.