Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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    The People's ' Clothing House OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN The People's ' Clothing House
For the first time since the existence of the People's Clothing House , 1303 Douglas Street , they hd 'e made miscalculations. We announced through these columns last week , that \vc had closed out the assignee's
Bankrupt Stock of Clothing , Furnishing Goods , Hats , Caps. Trunks , Valises and Shoes , also the entire Piqduct ; of an exclusive Overcoat Manafactury. Now the matter stands thus : When we purchased all these goods , wo
already had our entire Fall and Winter Stock bought , but this was too much of a Snap to let slip , and as wc'bccupy a three story Building we expected to find ample room for all these Goods. This was one of our miscalculations. | ,
AltlKHtgh we did an excellent business last week we find our shelves and counters too crowded to handle tlic goods comfortably. Our second miscalculation is that we let the Prophecies of the Weather Prophets , predicting an i
early and extreme cold winter get away with our better judgement. Although it is early as yet in the , season and may yet get coldwe , arc tired of waiting for the same and in order to be on the safe side we wi 11 sell , at prices fi
which will paralyze the Clothing Trade in tlic City of Omaha. To miss this is missing a chance of a Life Time. We will only add , that some goods we sold so cheap last weelc , that we possibly can't ' make a reduction as we
could sell them in bulk to other dealers for more money. Jt costs you nothing to examine these goods , and if you find that we don't do just as we advertise , we don't ask you to buy , as one of our mottos which we strictly live
$9.00 All KlS Of $12.75 $11.50 Y/E / CARRY THE ' $14.25
Stock of
. lluy.s u Illitu Chinchilla flip \Vo reduced the finest black Customers who are Hard to Please are Largest lluyji nn Klegmit lllm *
fur hoiutlfiil
( j llcnvy Weight
Collnr * niul cuffs trimmed will Specially , Invited to Attend this Sale.
genuine beaver orth } 13 t
MITTENS Mnrtu or crnnlno Imported
in Cnntund vest lined with silk. Hlnc ) : WoiMcil mid trimmed
Better Qualities
In fact compare * fnviirabl ) v > ltn Horuo lining. No merchant -
. SPECIALTY vilth milts Unit morclinllt tnl . chant tulloroiilil touch this
. Worth will of
Proportion. .
for. pirry In the city , gull for loss tlian JJO.IH ) .
Cooks' .A. ' and Waiters' ' Jackets House Tr t
50c Leather 25c $1.85 Duck Goats $ .25
. 1303 Street 1303
11' Douglas -AND
, , Huya a Cult r atlier palrnf
I lay 8 tlii > genuine medicated lluys n pair or JJtiy * a Dotible-brrnstcil Man
Hurt I'lunnul uel lined
Duck Ulsters
Undershirts Blue Overalls Alterations to improve a fit in clothing1 , free of charge. LACE SHOES. -iN- Chinchilla Goat
or Drawers FROM Open evenings until 9 p. m. Saturdays until 11 p. m. Worth $2-25. LARGE Slues from Bi to u ,
The sumo nn we fiohl last . year $3.75 Usually soldat-BGca . \Ve would llko you to sou
lit KM suit. up. pair. them. VARIETY. Worlti $5,00 ,
65c 3Dc c o GOz C3OJ 75 50c.
C/3 > 0) Ti DO > z !
-o z H O DOm 30 O > .
m as Cuys a Buy * a iiuir of 39cii * lined Yon can get a Clots .your choice of
FUR CAP m x oa ex. csi f
, o U < see -
m ' .0 ta C3
Hal Mores ak you lor I no 0) Fine * pattern and good . . 53" Worlli all llio way ui to
All worth
over 8I.OO.
. . Worth . C/3 / . . . .
name ! ? J. < ) O. $2. Dirt cliean at $ A.OO. SI..10.
; i
Gleaning of the Field Which Yielded
Such a Hai-vest.
Coiulslcoy I'rodlots 'J'liat
tlic Organization Will be
Formed SporiB of
Other Kinds.
Next Season's Make-Up.
The probable composition ot tbo Western
association for next year will bo Oinahn ,
St. Piiul , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , Sioux
City , Denver , Detroit , and Toledo. DulutU
and Osuuosli uro .both very desirous of pos'
ricsslng franchises in this iissoclntion , but It
2s not probiblo that either will bo quuliflcd.
Gcocrrai > hlcully con aide red Oshkosh would
bnvo the call , nltliou li tlicro is little doubt
but wlmt Uuluth would jjivo better support
to n tiiiim. However , it is Idle 10 talk about
ttioso cities , as they Rtniut no show wliatovor
to got Into thu Western association. Detroit
and Toledo uro both supremely disgusted
with the Intorimtionul. as they have lost
money , uiul seem to thlnlc that annexation
with thu Western association is all that is
V necessary tu 1111 their coffers with the coin
VK of the realm. That the acquisition would ho
a welcouio oiic.un one will i'alii3u.vus it would
K make one of thu best base ball eitcults in the
It couutry , burring tbo IOIIR jumi ) from Toledo
to Denver. It may bo posslblo that the lot'
ter city will Uo dropped , and uilothor ( jood
city looked up to taku lior place , but hi any
event thosti chiefly interested will spare no
pains to effect a solid circuit for next year ,
irrespective of old tics ana associations.
TlitKtoiy ol'tlio Nicliols Dral.
Ted Sullivan , who camu to Ouialia a couple -
plo of UTclm ago to buy u pitcher or two , was
authorized by the Cincinnati iimnuL'omont to
give I'rcsmoDt McCormlck a cheek for ? 3IM)0 , )
for "Kid" Nichols , payable on October ! il.
This precaution was taken by Cincinnati bo-
caus ? a contract entered into with a player
before that day would DU illegal. Ttiero was
olio another provision mentioned by Cincin
nati and that was to the effect , that the check
was not to bo cashed uutll Nichols had imula
terms with the PorUonoIis iniuiugemi'
Sullivan failed to fulllil the Instructions of
lusomploynra , but instead gi\vo MeConniclc
u sight check , which hu sent In with hl
usual promptitude forcollcction. Cincinnati
refused to honor it IIH tlio.y hud boon nimble
to tnngotiato with Nichols. When McCor-
inIck tvas notlllcd bv the bank that the check
would not bo paid , ho Immediately tolo-
Rraphod to Cincinnati that the deal wno off.
Cincinnati now alleges that Omlmvis BUD-
sequontly offered u blgi-or price for the Kid ,
untl they purposely limit him out of the way.
An Oinntin Mnu Humrostoil In
Another uiattnr that will doubtless receive-
uUcntloii itt tiio couiliiK annual meetings of
tuo IcnKiio nud American association nest
month U tlxliiK a regular tmio for callhiK the
Kiiiuo in the sprinu' , mid-summer and fal !
months. This very dcsir.Uilo ameadmcnt to
the rules was nuirgcstod the other evening to
Captain Comiskey by n well-known Omnhi
nuiUHomont man , and it so favorably struct
the great baao uall ( renoral that he made n
note of it , utth tbo declaration that ho wouh
uco ttint uch a rulu was embodied in the
Amorlc-au association coda at it * coining
"Why1 said Comisky , "it was the absence -
sonco of just such an iiujmrutlvo rule as tins
that occasioned all our trouble fu
uud the wonder Is that it lias not boon SUR-
geftted by BOIIIO one long since. In llrooklyi
they had things ilxed to boat us at all haz
Eards. They had their umpire , this uuiii
Onffne.v , und ho called the panic at-I o'clock
when every other umpire m the country wa
either railing thu guinea at 3 or UUO :
The reason for this wai that in casa the
lirookl.viis wera in the lead ut the end of the
llftti or sintb or seventh inning , und there
wu any tiretcst for It under heavens , ho
called ( hu uuuiu oh account of darkness aad
thus eave it to Hrooklyu ; but if they \\cro
tchind , would Uitvc compelled us to nlny the
game to a ilnish if it got so dark a nuui
louldn't ' borecoenlzcd from base to base.
Yes , you can go uroko that the American as-
ociation noxtjcar will have a regular pre-
cribcil tune for calling her games. "
CumUkey on the BrotliRrlinnil.
a ho brotherhood scheino is still in the
liadow , but tuero Is no cessation in the
peculation us to thu outcome , and it really
icgins to look as there \vns not quite HO much j
'alto and bluff about it as many wisoacrcs at
Irst thought.
In a coiivorsutlou with' Captain Churlia
3omibkey , the greatest b.iso ball general in
he profession , last Wednesday evening , in
ho presence of a number of co ngcnlal
spirits , ho inquired of tuo writer , who has
jecn one. of the many wtio took no stock m
the alleged consplracy.or its successful issue
at least , what ho thought of the scheme.
"Think the whole thing is a huge bugaboo
it will all end in bluff , " was the reply.
"Well you were never more mistaken in
vour life , " continued Comnicy with warmth ,
'I tell you it is as sure a go as death or
taxes. Even should the league condescend
nt this tlmo to uialco the concessions long do-
nandod by the players , it cannot prove abor-
ivo. The players are bound to go ahead
they 11 ro nil signed , and thcru is no backing
out. The cities that will have brotherhood
teams have all been correctly named
md more than suflluient funds to oparato the
clubs has been pledged. Don't you deluda
yourself any longer. I know what I am
talking about , and in Mny next you will BCD
the brotherhood Bturt oft in the full llusli of
what , will bo a successful antoruriso "
"With all duo deference to your knowl
edge and enthusiasm , captain , " retorted the
scribe , " I can't help but think that it will bo
a ilnsh in the pau remember thu old Union
association and its fate ! "
"Uahl" interrupted the Napoleon of the
diamond , "tho two projects have no
similarity with each other that was it
case of cue man endeavoring to ac
complish uhat the hone and sinew
and muscle- and brains of thu whola base
ball Htructuro intends to perform. You pre
pare yonrnclf foru big surprise , for I tell you
It is coining. "
" \Voll \ , you haven't signed a brotherhood
contract , have you ? "
"I um In the American association and I
don't havu to. Wo arc not in the light UH
yet , " and Comuiey's "as yet'1 had a good
deal of covert Rlgiiillcanoo In It.
After n little further couvnrsatlon , ami
observing that his declarations had not car
ried the weight to which ho considered them
entitled , Comiskoy said :
"Now I'll ' toll you what I'll 110 I don't
want to inulce nuy bet but if , tbo brother
hood schema doesn't pan out Just as I have
told you , you co to your lending tullor and
order the llnest suit of clothes ho can make
uiKl send mo the bill. Will you do tlmU"
"Sure. "
Then a few moro were blown off , and
hinting that bo would like to see the Coun
cil UlulTs bridge , the party went down to
look ut it.
Inviting Ilia
At the coming annual mooting of the
National league and American association ,
it is proposud to dovoio ono day to a confer
ence with the representatives of the minor
leagues , which is all very charitable upon
the purt of the omnipotent magnates of the
major bodies ; but what will It all amount
to ) Nothing uioro uor less than an augmen
tation of Uio uujunt rights and powers of
thcso older bodies , In some shape or otherund
razeeing of the prerogatives the lessor or-
gunlzutioiia Imagine- they onjoy. It is simply
a bluff Uv the louguo and American associa
tion at the minor bodies , to uiaku thorn bo-
llovo that they nro working for the good of
tlu whole and their fostering care Is to bo us
liberally bestowed upon the weaker combina
tions as upon themselves. It would bo amus
ing to listen to the iiuislo of the chins of the
minor loacuo representatives at u meeting of
the National league. They will bo nothing
moro nr loss than a row of wall-flowers. Bo
fur in the history of base ball u minor asso
ciation has yet got to suggest its first move
In the Interests of the great sport that will
bo adopted by the moguls of the older bodies.
A Jluo article of justice the minor bodies got
for being allowed to pay hundreds and thous
ands of dollars to huddle together under tbo
safeguard of the wings of the wonderful na
tional ugreotnent. However , tbw condition
of affairs is simply because thcso minor
bodies have never yet developed n man who
dare say his soul is his own. Quasi base ball
magnates aru thcso minor lenguo owners
and supporters , without snnp enough
to conceive anything good Tor themselves , or
even to assort their rights. Bui the tlmo is
drawing on apace whou thera will bo a
change. The ISrothcrhood-Leaguo cmbrogllo
must certainly revolutionize base ball af
fairs very largely , and the popularity of tbo
sport i.s menaced with considerable danger.
Sootier or later the minor leagues must rjsu
up In their might and formulate their own
cede , make their own protective rules und
regulations , or the. avaricious anil voracious
major organisations will swallow tlicm up
body and soul. It is the apogaa of injustice
for thcso arrogant and dictatorial bodies to
levy this species of blackmail upon the
weaker , younger struggling organisations.
To whom does the league and association
pay bounty for the privilege to live ?
Solid For MaCormiolc.
Tnn Ucu's paragraph concerning the re
election of J. 8. McCormlck as president of
the Western association lias elicited the
warmest corroborative comment from the
press of all the cities in this circuit suvo
Milwaukee , who lire tends to bcliovo that
McCormick and Sum Morton nro in collusion
with each other to run western base ball
uffrtlra with the single view of their own
emolument. Milwaukee. Imivovcr , is dis
gruntled over her own failure in hogging the
persimmons in the way of loading oIllciulR ,
meetings , committees , etc. , nud through
her sore-headed secretary , one Quln , takes
this method , of venting her spleen. The con
sensus of opinion of the Western associa
tion , it is pleasing tn note , is that McCor-
inick's c'jiuil is not available , and it is
predicted hero that ho will go through u.y
An Ubiiiuiiciiit ) Trio.
It is amusing to read of the many different
clubs which tiavo bought Nichols , Cooney
mid Nagle. As the papers now tmva It , this
illustrious trio will play next vcar in Chicago
cage , Cincinnati. I'ittsburg , Kansas City
und Brooklyn. Thu fact is , however , that
all tlireu of these men still belong to Omahai
Thinks It Wont fo.
NiniitASicv Cirv , Oct. 20 To the Sporting
Editor of Tun I3ni : : I notice a short article
in .vour Sunday edition regarding tho'
proposition to tax guns , in which it in evi
dent you aru in favor of such taxation. Being
decidedly a lover of sports in the Hold as well
as shooting ut tbo trap , though not nn export
at either , it has boon with great regret that
I have been compelled to watch the wanton
destruction of our beautiful game birds on
the pralrins of our own aim neighboring
states , as well au tbo fearful destruction
that is ut this very tlmo going on to an iiliirm-
lug extent on the hills and valleys of western
Nebraska , \ . : nud Montana , of the
few remaining untolopu , as well us deer and
elk , which uro rapidly growing fewer and
fewer. No man , not to say sportsman , with
a particle of manhood and Immunity , but
deeply deplores this state of affairs , und I
ngreu with you , that there U not a season tube
bo lost , nor a day In fact , in taking such
measures as will put a stop to It. Buthowi
If you will reflect u llttlo I believe you will
give up the gun tax Idea as not only Imprac
ticable but absurd. Does any ono suppose
for an Instant that It would bo productive of
the good desired , or prevent tha killing of a
single gauia bird or animal ) No , for reasons
Innuir.oriit'le. The pot hunter you speak of
would only bo obliged to murtfet moro game
in order to meet his correspondingly
greater expense in the form of tax , Then
again the pot hunter is not the man that
owns the high priced gun. HUeun may bit
Is nn old muzzle-loading shotgun that cost
him not over f 10 or 115 und very likely an old
army musket which can bo bought any place
for f-J. ilow can you place tax high enough
on those cheap guns to prevent his owning
ono ) and I assure you I am statlug the abso
lute facts In the ceso. If you do tax his gun ,
how can you urovent Ills borrowing his neigh
bor's gun and doing the same thlngl Then if
you do tax his cheap gun so high bo can't
afford to own It you must tax tbo high priced
gun owned by gentlemen sportsmen , which
has never tasted the blood of game , corre
spondingly high , ar.d how would you ilko
tum yourself , presuming thai you nro a man
that enjoys a little shoot at glass balls or
blue rjcks ? No , sir ; thcra is only ono way
to bring about tho'desired rosnlt and that is
the enactment of severe laws , where such do
not already exist , and the enforcement of
them , ana to enforce them game wardens
should bo employed , say four of them for
the state of Nebraska , and they should be
paid , and paid well , for their services bv the
state. They should bo men who -votild do
their duty rcn'ardlpss of friendship or favor ,
ntul the good resulting for the faithful dis
charge ot their duties would make the bur
den of their expanse to the stuto seem very
light iuaeed. ANTinrxTXX.
Apollo Squibs.
A run will bo made to Fort Omaha and
Council Bluffs this afternoon in honor of the
Pan-American. Tlio full membership of the
Apollo club will be in lino.
Will Pixloy undertoox to ride 100 miles on
the road last Sunday , his routu being to Elk
City and return , llfty miles , thence to Glou-
wood , la. , und return , which Is llfty moro.
He- made the llrst llfty in ilvo hours and
seven minutes , but when twenty-two miles
from Oumhii en route to Gleuwood his wheel
gave out und ho was unaulo to complete the
tusk. The seventy-two miles ho did uo ho
reeled otf in seven hours and nineteen mln-
utos.Tho Apollos uro anxious to unite with the
Omahas in getting up a grand bicyclu cur-
nival for December.
Since the club's orEraiilxutlon It has rutido a
mileage of 705 miles , which isn't BO bait for a
lot of youngsters.
Wo BOO tlmtBurt Meyers' wonderful mlle
mauo at PeorJn recently nil- , all u mistake ,
tils titno wan -MIL instead of U ; ! ' ) , which was
telegraphed broadcast over the land. No no
of the local bykcrs at the time took any stock
in the report.
Flaslios I'Vimi tlu > IXnumml.
Perry \Verdou will accompany the Browns
to the coast.
"Chippoi" McQarr has boon signed by
Barine. of tbo Bultimores.
Outfielder Van Dyke , of Toledo , Is going
to play ball in Florida this winter.
"Tub" Welch , an old Western association
pln.\cr , is tending bar in Dallas , Tex.
Crooks und Kellly , it Is mild , have been
mnda a present of thu city of Columbus ,
Minneapolis has proven herself the best
base ball city in the Western association.
Walter Wilmot , of the Washington league
club , has taken a position in a Minneapolis
bunking house for the winter.
Docs Pitcher Hurt call an nvorago of four
blta to a game hitting hard ; That's the size
of Nichols' past season's reoard.
John S. Uuniesand J. W. Anderson havu
been In Dulutti lopklug over the ground with
u view to locating a Dull club there next sea.
Hcnglo andFoster , , of the Minneapolis
team , are coli ) t6 rent the Minneapolis bull
ground and uad it us u skating rink this
Winter. < " "
The St. LoufSjUrown-KansasClty games
in this vlty last week demonstrated that
there is no money in after-eoasou games In
Omaha. .
Charley Briq'uy.wants to be an Association
umpire. Ho dm good work in the Western
association tills season. Snorting Life , lie
aid-in , '
Shortstop Lohgj of jCansns City , is tha
most popular asi\aclatloii player who visits
Cincinnati. Tn'o Queen City people would
like to see htt 'li ) their team.
Burns , of Kansas City , has about the
worst pair of hands m the Association. Ho
got thcso distortions while acting as catcher
for Billy Black , In Qulucy , soiuo years ago.
The Boston Herald says thatE. O , Brandt ,
secretary of the Omaha baeo ball club ,
thinks Clarke every bit us good a pitcher us
Nichols. Brandt , however , thinks nothing
of the sort.
The Minneapolis club's ground is about the
smallest m thu country , und , consequently ,
balls go over the feuce that should bu easy
outs , The Holder * stand close to the fence ,
and nigh wire sccens keep llnura from bailing
Sandy McDermolt was the only member
of tbo WusUirn association staff of umpires
to begin and finish the season with that or
ganisation. Ho never hud but ono row all
season , and was known as the "Gnffnoy" of
the west.
Pitcher Will Hurt says of the famous
"Kid" Nichols : "Ho is u big fellow , weighs
lUOIshould Judge. Although ho is hit hard
ho is ono of your lucky kind , line CarutUcrj-
whjo is givi-ii pnciionienal support. " Cincin
nati Commercial.- .
Munacer Selce feels sorn at Omaha's
notion in selling Nichols to Cincinnati after
giving him first choice for the rising young
nltchor. Sporting Life. If anybody gets
Nichols it will 1)0 Seine , und it is presumed
that tieleo knows this.
Burdick was u Dakota farmer for sixyears
before becoming a professional ball player.
Hu lived in Dakota six years , then traded
his farm for Minneapolis property. He
savs ho learned to milk cows , plow , cure
hay and pick up potatoes pretty well.
Wheel NotoH.
The run to Blair last week was wellat |
landed , but as none of the lailiea-uiou of tlic
clib were along , but little excitement was
A run to the fort has been called for to-day
in honor of the Pan-Americans. The
Omuhu Wheel club Is expected tu turn out
in full force on this occasion.
'JIio Kumblers are coiug to reorganize and
will before long have a club room ot their
own. Tli ere is t > omo ( rood material among
their members , us they Imvn shown on the
track as well us on the road , and there is no
reason why they shouldn't bo nblo to reap
some of the prl/es that the Coliseum man-
ucement will otter during tha winter.
Though the boys don't like to admit it , thu
riding Benson is coming to n close. Thorough
rough and cold weather of the list faw davs.
and the early darkness , keep many of them
from riding. On a nice , sunny day ono may
still see a number of riders on this boule
vard , but the majority are now thinking
about putting vaseline on the iiickol-platliig
of their machines.
There has been 'considerable talk about
renting a large ilat for the Omaha wheel club
rooms , furnishing it .throughout , and making
the club a social one , as well as u bicycle
club. The idea is good , and ough to bo en
couraged. 'tho present quarters are cer
tainly too cramped , and many of the boys
have been clamoring for a billiard table and
a library. As n social club , many mem
bers could ho admitted that are not bicy
clists , but who have been uudor the impres
sion that only wheelman could belong to this
organization ,
Every morning before dawn two tall und
silent wheelmen can bo scon mounting their
machines at the club room , and wending
their way * towards the south. They uro two
of the club's giants , Messrs. Gassiimn and
Francisco , Inking their morning spin to
South Onmhu. After a twenty-llvo minutes'
hpiu tnov are busy at their desks for a day's '
work , lofreshcdby the line morning work ,
able to do moro work and with loss exertion
than their comrades who have to depend on
the motor or railroad trams for their trans
The club room 1ms been undergoing some
changes. A new uiisuburnli : ; , ' Portcrllold
stove has been placed In tbo parlor , and the
secretary had to muko way for the pluno ,
What a Jolly tlmo the bykors will have this
winter sitting around the 11 ro und tolling
fairy tales about what they could have dune
if our tlrca hadn't , come loose , etc. It will
bo Just Ilko old times when the club num
bered only twenty or twenty-two memiicra ,
und the room in the Uruonlg block was
looked on as u imluco.
Thu Omaha club album has been enriched
by an elegant likeness of the liulf-mllc cham
pion of Nebraska , Mr. II. H. Hhodes , as be
appeared in his travels through the stuto ,
Manager Prluco of the Coliseum , nag
promised to givn a good many interesting
racx-'s during the coming season.
valuable prizes u 111 bu offered , und as the
track will bo put in better ahapo than it was
last year und the foment raised , some good
records may be anticipated.
The recent tournament of the Hartford
Wheel club netted tjicm the snug sum of
8I.UOI. What is the matter with the Omaha
Wlionl club Getting up a similar entertain-
wont tbls winter I
Two members of the Denver Social Wheel
club , C. A. lUvorri and W. A , llurlbuit ,
started from that city to ride to Cincinnati ,
They intend to cover the distance , about
thirteen Hundred milea , in three weeks.
Through iieglect , the results of the Lex
ington ( Nob. ) races were omitted last week ,
They are us follows :
Ono uillo novice ordinaries . H. Neoly ,
1 : F. D. Ollmoro , U ; George A , Moonuy , a.
Time , 35 ; .
Ono-ijuarter inila safety N , T. Fl k , It
M. G. Farmer , 2 ; II. T. West , 3. Time ,
Ono mile , L. A. W. stuto championship ,
heats First heat. B.Vf. . Cole , 1 : C. Peabody -
body , 2 ; Tune , 3f7'f. :
Second heat , F. I. . . Temple , I : M. M. Pou
ter. S. Time. : ia : .
Finnl heat , C. Pcabody. 1 ; F. L. Temple ,
2 ; B. W. Cole ; i. 'I imo , 8:12 ! .
Oao mile safety open N. T.-Fiskl ; M. G.
Farmer S ; Frank H. Morrison a. Time ,
ailtf. : :
One-half mile boys George .Tamos 1 ; El
mer Hurriagton S. Time , tSl. :
Ono quarter inilo dash I ) . P. Dunhip I ;
1C. Kostomlotsky 2 ; C. M. Adams a. Time ,
45 seconds.
One hulf mile safety State championship
H. H. Kodes 1 ; M. G. Farmer 2 ; F. H. Mor
risen ! l. Tltno , 1:11.
Two milu lap race B. W. Cole 1 ; E. Kos-
tomlotsicy U ; Charles Peubody a. Time ,
T:59. :
One quarter mile dnsh-F. L. Temple 1 ;
J. A. Drain , Lincoln , 2 ; C. M. Adams U.
Time , 15 uecamls.
Five milo open A very good race for first
and second between B.V. . Cole and F. L.
Temple. It was a heat race until turning
into the homo stretch for the II mil spurt
spurt Temple ran into u soft place and lost
his pedals , then colu pushed ahead uud won
in IS 0. Templet ! .
liount Sports.
The bulls-oyo of the standard American
target lias bocn enlarged.
Thb .loliu L , Sullivan combination wants a
date at the Coliseum for December.
If Boston gets Solus , why can't Omaha se
cure Jim Hart ! Considering everything ,
this would bo a fair exchange.
Joe Cinrneau , Jr. , has Just purchased from
the Pylo stables at Humboldt the haiidsomo
llttlo mare Uosc Coghlan for § T > ( H ) .
The Lincoln Gun club aru mulling great
preparations for their annual trap-shooting
tournament , which opens up on November
The Omaha Gun club grounds across the
river will bn the HCCIIO of n big Ilvo bird
sweepstake shoot nn Tuesday afternoon
The cool weather of the past few days sot
the ueoao Hying in largo numbers , aad the
hard all along the Plutto are reported to bo
swimming with them Canadas , Hutchlns
uud Snow.
The sparring exhibitions given in the Gate
City Athletic club rooms during the past
week , wore- both very meritorious n flairs ,
and huvo evoked the warmest expression of
approval from all thu club members.
John J. Hardiu , formerly of this city , now
of San Francisco , Is booked for u 100 Ilvo
pigeon shoot , for50 a side , with Marstou
Pickett , u celebrated .loaijnin valley wing
shot. The shoot comes off in Frisco on Fri
day next.
Greek George writes TUB Bun from Now
York that hu is ready to maka u mutch to
wrestle Tom Connors , who is now In this
city , catch-as-eatch-can , two best out of
three falls , for ? 500 n side , and will give or
tuka oxpouses ,
Dave Bennett , who spent the greater part
of loat winter in tins city , is matched against
Tom Dolutiey , the champion ten-mile run
ner of America , and Alexander Miller , for a
ten-mllo ruco , for f.VH ) u sldo , the race to
come off at Philadelphia next month.
Jack Prince anil other bicycle riders take
no stock In the report that Bert Meyers , the
Poorlu champion , recently rode a trial mlle
in ! ij 13 , although the report says two watches
were held on him. The trial wus made on u
country road and Meyers rode n high-geared
Walter Fossondon. who umpired In the
Western association last season , and In tha
league for a whllo this year , U already an
applicant for u position on the former's staff
for next season. The Western association ,
however , should go very gingerly ut this man
Fcsieudcn , He's no good ,
John Potty , who has probably killed ns
inuny Indians as Buffalo llill , is one of the
bust nil-round shots in too world. Ho handles
the rllle , shotgun und revolver with equal
skill , uud it is doubtful whether u man can
bo pi educed in the couutry who could boat
him in a scries of ahootn embracing thesu
thrco arms.
"Senator" Morgan is matched for a 100-
mllu race with Fred T , Morrlll , of Portland ,
Ore. , for t" 0 a side , the race to take place
in the now Coliseum , 1'ortlund , the second
week in November. Morgan bus been offered
the management ot the Portland Colueuui ,
and will probably accept mid HCttlo down
thi'ra. Ho writes rue Bii : ; that ho will visit
Omaha In December.
President L'ciivy , of the Sioux City huso
bull club , bus declined to send u delegate tea
a mealing to bo hold ut Dos Moincs to-day to
organize a stuto base ball league to comprise
Dubuque , Clinton , Davenport , Burlington ,
Ccda. * Hupids , und other towns. Sioux- City
prefers to remain in the Western associa
tion , having reserved her players for next
There li n growing impression hero that
Jimmy Lludsay will have to look sharp or ho
will be bested in his encounter with Jimmy
Griffin. The latter is said to bo a terrific :
hitter , but if Lindsay adboros to the policy
ho told the writer ho intended pursuing , Mr.
Grlfllr. will know , nt nil events , that ho has
been in n glove contest whou it is over. It
should bo recollected that this meeting is not
to he a fight , but simply a sparring bout ,
with pillows , for scientific points. It is
booked for about November ! Jl > .
Frank Parmoleo , of this city , was In Kan
sas City last week. On Tuesday ho was in
vited by the Kansas City Gun club to taku
part in its weekly shoot for a cup uud sweep-
stuiras. The entrance was $ in , and although
Parmcioo hud no gun with him , ho * borrowed
ono ana entered iho content. There are but
few shooters in the country who can't get
Purinclco's game at any stage. The condi
tions of thu shoot in question were twenty
singles and ilvo pairs of doubles , Ilvo birds ,
und Parmcleo won. of course , making a total
score of 20. llo missed tils twentieth single
bird , but scored his doubles clean. Whou it
came to settling up the spoils , tiie captain of
the Kansas City team informed Parmoleo
that some of the club members kicked
against paving him the Hwccpstnkex money ,
which amounted to $72 , and which
Parmcioo hud honestly and clearly
won. Parmeleo told the captain that
1m had taken part in the contest
on invitation of several of the club members ,
and that ho had paid hlsir entrance money
Ilko the balance , nud of course was entitled
to the same rights and treatment. But this
wouldn't go , and tbo Kansas City captain re
fused to pay over the money , although no re
turned him his entrance money. And I liny
call this a gentlemen's club. So mo of the
members , notably Mr. Elliott , full very much
cliurgincd over tha treatment shown their
guest and offered to make up the amount out
of their own pockets , but of coin-so Mr. Par
melee refused to accede to any such an ar
Questions null Answers ,
Bessie and Maud The writer has no facil
ities fcr Icuowlng the Intentions of thu gen
tleman of whom you inquire.
In a guuie of double hlgh-liva 1C and M are
51 and It nua K nro 47. By the llnal hand U
and K making nil the points but game , who
wins ? Kate , Omaha.
Ans. 1C and M ,
Will you plcaso Inform mo where u letter
will reaoti young Staloy , of the PlttitburgB.
Where did ho ilrst play baUf U. B. H. , DCS
Ans. His proiunt address Is Plttsburg ,
Ho will spend the winter In Springfield , 111 ,
Ho ilrst played bull in Decatur In 'H7 ' ,
To decide n wacor will you please state In
Sunday's aporlincr department who Is thu
bona llde natch-as-cntch-can wrestling chain-
Dion ; also tha Uncco-Hoinan champion t
Tliteo Points Down , Coliseum saloon ,
Ans. There really nro no clmmpioiiK , as
most wrestling matches of late yours have
smacked BO much of fakes that the chain-
Dions huvo lost their identity. Muidoou ,
however , is unquestionably ' the Grcco-Ko-
innn champion , whllo Tom Connors , who
wrestled Hobinson at the Coliseum last night ,
Is a good as any of the catcli-us-catuli-c.n
State m Sunday's Bnu and oblige tlic un-
dornluned , who won the American associa
tion pennant In Itm Charles Ellroy , city ,
Ans.- There was no American aisociutloh
nutll IW , In whioh year Cmclumiu won the
J. K. Uumsey and H. J. Miles ; Tuu HKK
stands corrected.
How muny hoisen have beaten Axtell'u
recoiil. mid whutuiu their names anil record I
Turllte , Humboldt , Nub.
Aim. Four. Maud S , 2OS ; > 4' , the crowning
feat of alltrottors ; Jay-Eyo-Sco , iiilOj Quy ,
2:10 : % , and St. Julian , S-ll'i.