Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1889, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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. , , , , . ' _ _ _ _ .
/fS i IT" r.r'1 ft / - \ * ? i / - > - Sense ,
In Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes , Opera and Common
we have decided to mark 300 pairs of $4.50 Shoes down to the
ready selling price , $3.00 per pair. This is to make them go
quick , It is a shoe that any lady can sec the value in a mo
flu . FA li
In this mark down \Vc include ; i lot of $2.00 and $2.50 Dull
and Bright Dongola to 1.50 per pair.
Our new Fall Stock is now almost complete , and we take this
way of clearing out odd lines ofshoes regardless of cost pi lce.
flf '
We will also sell two cases of Ex
tension Sole $4.00 Shoes
for $3.00.
Be lo Your Ulo Come
Cutlery , Mechanics' Tools ,
Telephone 437 , One door west of Postoffice , 1511 Dodge St.
Manufacturers and. W.holesale Dealer's in
iv > denlera only. Mills Southern Missouri. Kooins . , I , 3 nnd a. U. S. National vlunk ! IHilldlng
Telephone J.57. ! Oinnha , I
Atlanta Constitution.
How dear to my heart , how unspoaltably
tender ,
Are the memories , old gourd , that around
thco cling 1
Not ono of them all would I ever surrender ,
For the costliest gutn In the crown of a
The scenes of my childhood , my youth's
Kolaon story
Of di earning and loving ot all that befell ,
Acaiu pass before me , in visions of Rlory
That over mo cast u most exquisite spell ,
Whenever thy lontr , crooked handle I grip ,
Ana rtrlnk the co.ol draught \vlth n quivering
How unlike thou art to thy olden-timo
splendor ,
Thy bulk , bale and ample , when I was a
Now , shrunken , nnd dented , and cracked in
the cantor ,
No band save my own will thy service em
Ab mo I how my eyes become blurred aud
grow misty ,
How it sots uiy heart aching and bead to
swim ,
When I think of the sweet lips that once
have kissed theo.
Of the eyes that looked over thy battered
Lips that have bcou ashes for many a day ,
Ann eves that uro closed now forever and
tl aye !
tlIr in.
Ir Old gourd 1 with old letters and old picture-
faces ,
With lockets of gold hair nnd lockets of
gray ,
The treasures nnd relics of childhood thy
„ pence is ,
With these I will tenderly hide thee away ;
The hand of a stranger , the laugh of the
No moro shall disturb the deep calm of
thy rest ;
Thou bliult bo as snug and safe In thv corner
As nn OKI ? tlio inothur'bird bides with her
breast ;
For how long I know not niy hair has
( 'iown gray-
But I'm ' siii-o it will bo to iny dying day !
Jin an Old iMclismltli.
llobton Glebe : One day in the au
tumn of 1852 , while J was working ns
nn apnrentico to a prominent iJoston
locksmith , a man came into the shop
to got Mr. Searlo , my employer , to open
a .safe , ono of the keys of which had
boon lost , and the possessor of the other
being away for some days.
Mr , Searlo questioned the mun con
cerning the nmlco of the safe , and by his
replies understood the character of the
lock , and being himself just then too
busy to attend personally to the joe ho
called me , gave the necessary directions ,
and told mo to accompany the messen
ger.I was at this time seventeen years old.
had boon some two years nt the trade.
was apt nnd hud acquired unusual skill
in it for so brief a period , nnd Mr.
Seurlo , pleased with my progress and
interest in the business , had confided
much of his own secret knowledge of
the craft to mo , and particularly of his
method of ascertaining the interior
inoohanism and arrangomoutu of locks
of rival makers , by which ho witsgo n-
e rally enabled to pick oven themes t
difficult of those thou in use.
I wont with the mun , who was a mos-
sf Bongor in a broker's office on State
sfi street whore the lockcd-up safe was , nnd
i on arriving proceeded ut once to my
work , Several person besides iho pro-
priotov wora present , und all watohod
with much interest my movements , for
which 1 did not care so long as they did
not intprforo with my space and light.
The bafo was ono of the best tiro-proof
raa'kpsof thnt time , aud the lock an ox-
oollunt ono of tbo "lover" kind , BO-
'called ; but in less than half an hour I
had fitted a key to it , roughly made but
sufficient to uulociv it , and great were
the expressions of wonder and admira
tion at my skill.
Now , without making an effort to xlo
go , I had , during , the operation , noted
the various persons present , and among
thorn was ono young man , who said very
little , but watched my efforts with
marked interest , and whom I judged to
bo a clerk in the office. lie was not
over thirty years of ago , was of medium
height , of light complexion , with noth
ing striking about his general
anco to distinguish him from ordinary
men , but , us on ono occasion he tunica
his head nsido to answer some question
of the broker's , I MIW a small , bright
red mole on the back of his ear , or ,
rather , there wore two moles joining seas
as to form tin outline of the figure 8 in
I had been taught by Mr. Soarlo that ,
in a job of this sort , my work was ac
complished with the picking of the
lock , und that it was no p'irt of the
locksmith's business to afterward open
the door-unless ut the customer's re
quest. Therefore.I arose and said to the
broker- . . .
"Thoro , sir , itis , unlocked. You can
now open it. "
IIo at _ once Mid 69 , and revealed the
contents" iho safet which consisted
principally of papers and books ,
hot I noticed in addition
laid in one corner whoj-o
there wore no shelves a small steel
box _ or chest , which I recognized us ono
which I hud about a month before fitted
a key to at the shop. However , L did
not wait , but after the broker hud
given mo an order to make a suitable
' Key for the safe , which I could do , of
courbo , from the skeleton I had made in
unlocking it , I wont back to the shop-
but the mole on the clerk's car still
haunted me.
About a fortnight later I was ono
night returning homo from the old
National theater. I had just turned
from Haymnrkot square into Cross
street and gone n few yards when , in a
dark part , I felt mysolt firmly soi/cil , a
cloth bandage thrust over iny eyes , and
a rough voice , in suppressed tones , said :
"Make uo noise , boy. Wo don't want
tor hurt ye , but'11 hov tor'f yor don't
come along quietly. We've got a little
job for yo tor do'foro wo go homo'n'
ther's n knlfo stlckiu' right toward yo 'f
yo make the least trouble. " ,
I had already conscd whatlittlo resist
ance I , had attempted at first , for 1 was
neither a largo nor a strong lad of my
ago , und I felt that I was in tlio grasp
of tit least two strong men ; so I allowed
thorn , ono on each sidcn to hurry mo
along. The night was a cloudy ono and
the stores wcvo ull closed , so thnt the
streets wore darker than usual and
knew there was little likelihood of anyone
ono interrupting our progress.
I know that wo had not turned , and
therefore I was hoing taken in the sumo
direction I was at first moving , that is ,
toward Salem street , und was awaru
when wo crossed that thoroughfare , and
that wo passed Hanover street without
turning , and that the next street would
bo Ann , whicii hud not then boon re-
ohristoned North etreot. Thou I feared
I was being kidnapped to bo taken out
to sen. I hud hoard of such things oc
curring to toys.
"Gentlemen , " ! began , "what have I
donob Whoio are "
D'Shut yor yawp , younker , or yor a
goner , " and I felt something pointed
pressing against my side. "No hnnu'll
comolo yo , I toll yo , if yo mind. "
Wo pass Ann street , still on Cross ,
but nftor proceeding a few paces further
wo etoppod olT the sidewalk- onto the
cobbles and took several turns before
regaining the bricks , and when wo
wout straight on I kuo'tv by the
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
YAnd Peacock
Holds rite all Night. KirSoor. Wlilto Ash.
" da 1.1
103 South i5lh Street , Opposite J5
Our Anthracite Fresh Mined All RailCoal
i ; < 11
PIANOS & ORG . - , _ . T MUSIC.
1513 Douglns Street * , OmalVa ? N
slope of the sidewalk that the binlditigs
wore still on my riRht , hut whether on
the sumo side-of the street or in the
determine. Prcs-
same street I could not
entlv , however , \ve turned u corner to
the right , mid as wei-roccoded the occa
sional sounds o coarse lauRhter ami
drunken voices and violin playing ibsu-
ing from places wo parsed showed that
1 was on Ann street or ono of its equally
disreputable intersections.
We now crossed one more street'mul
had proceeded perhaps 100 paces when
my nostrils wore assailed by a peculiarly
disagreeable but familiar odor that en
lightened me tit once as to my locality.
In one part of the city stood an old
tenement buiMinp of the vilest class ,
the ground floor of which mis occupied
by an Italian junk dealer , while the
basement or cellar was used by a cheap
de.ilor in hides and pelts ; and from
these two places came two distinct
cflluviu , which , combining : , made a
mobt indescribable but uickcningstonch ,
such as I never encountered elsewhere ,
and which { ronorally induced me to pass
( in bv the other side. So , as my captors
hurried mo uway , I rocognivod this
odor and know where I was.
However , we had scarcely passed the
point of effluvia when I was turned
sharply to the right , and , as I judged
from the echoing of our feet and the
closer pressing of my guards , conducted
up an alloy for a few rods when a loft
turn brought mo ngalnit some nteps ,
which wo ascended. A door was
opened and wo entered n houso.
Up two flights of stairs and 11 turn to
the right and wo entered a room , where
my captors , seating mo in a chair , for
the first time released their irrasp on
mv arm.
' There , ! ' ' exclaimed ono ,
"Unit job is hiifoly ovo/r. / "
"Yes , " returned the othot"but
whore's Clint ? I thought ho'd get hero
first. "
' There he is now , " caid tlio first
speaker , as u light stop WUB heard as
cending the stair , and soon the door
opened and a third person entered.
"Hullo , boyrt ! So you've got him , I
see. Well , Unit's lucky , for I did hate
to have to force the damned thing , "
said tlio new comer , and I heard him
place something heavy , apparently , on
the table. "You see I've got our prix.o ,
too. Take off his hoodwink and lot's
proceed to business. "
I could hoar Homo slight movements
and tli on ono of them canio to me nnd
removed the bandage from my oyos.
My companions nil wore masks of black
cloth , so that I could form no idea of
their facos.
"Now , my young friend. , " said the
loader , addressing mo , "wo moan you
no harm if you do wlint's wanted with
out making any fuss. " I said nothing ,
for I was still dazed and somewhat
frightened , and I observed that ho held
u pistol in Jiiri hand and that ono of the
others was lingering somewhat osten
tatiously the handle of u shoath-knifo ,
and ho continued ;
"You see this box ? Well , the quick6r
you do your work the sooner you'll got
homo and into bod. Wo want you to
open the lock without doing it any in
jury. That is ull , and then you can
go. "
As ho bpoke I looked nt the box ,
which lay on the table , and at once
recognized It as the one I had soon in
the broker's safe , but I made no eign ,
"Come , boy , " said the man with the
knife , advancing witn a threatening
manner , "git about ltd' d quick ,
for we ain't disposed to nut up with no
delay. "
"But I liavo no tools with mo , " I said
nt last.
"Oh , that's all , Is it ? " ho answered.
"Dick , fetch our tool-chest. "
The follow addressed , and who ha > l
not yej spoken , wont across the room
' and , unlocking and opening a small
iron door in the wall , 'disclosed one of
those wall-safes which are still to bo
found in many old buildings , and
i brought thence a wooden box contain-
I ing a , great variety of machinists' tools ,
nicks , skeleton keys , and jimmies in
fact , a complete burglar's kit.
"There , lockcy , " said the man with
the knife , "I guess you'll find what you
want among thorn. "
"And mind , " added the one who had
brought the stool chest , ' 'don't hurt the
lock in the least if you don't want to bo
hurl yourself. "
A& I have said , I had once fitted a key
to the box and therefore fully under
stood it. I fott certain thatrobticry was
tho' business in hand and hesitated
about lending my aid , but reflecting
that I could nofprovont it and refusing
might cost me my life , while liberty
might enable mo to assist in discover
ing the thieves , I decided to do as they
wished. SosoloQting the necessary im
plements , whicii I readily found in the
kit , in a very short time the villains
had the satisfaction of seeing the lid
11 y open , for it was a spring lock , which
secured the lid by closing but had to be
opened by si key.
'Good ! that's your sort"said the man
\vJio hud brought it ; aud as ho reached
forward to examine the contents the
light of the lamp , hold by ono of the
others to assist ; my work'fell , upon the
back of his head , and I was startled lit
seeing the mole on the oar that had BO
tenaciously haunted my memory over
since my job at the broker's. It Hashed
upon mo in a moment. Tlio man's
height , figure , hair , ull tallied ho was
the broker's ' clerk !
A brief glance as the lid flew open
showed mo th'nt the cheat contained
bovoral packages of bank bills and many
rolls of coin probablv gold. However ,
my survey was short , for the clerk said :
' "I3ut come , get the boy out of the
way. He's wisely given us no trouble ,
anil. I fjuobs. can no us no harm ; so let
him go. Hero , young follow , take
something for your ; trouble , and if you
bay nothing about , the matter outbid a
it'll bo all the better for you , " and ho
handed mo a $10 note which he took
from tlio box.-
I unhosltolin > fcly took the money , for
by this time.filming that they evident
ly had no intension of harming mo , I
had resolved ) iml , knowing BO much
already , I wouAi'i iniesco in everything
that would mifcimplicate ( mo as a parti
cipant , in order fto learn more , with a
view to aid irt-jbVinging them to justice.
"And noWj'lojbkey , " said the ono with
the knife , " .Ml have to have yor
blinkers dowsed11' ! } } ' "
I submittedwhilo , , , ho ngtifn put the
cloth about ray-flyoa , when I WHS con
ducted out n lfcumu , but by this time
I was calmor'niftViiaid ' moro attention to
my course. i'Jefiftntod ' my paces to tlui
Btuirway fi-oiif'tho room , noted every
turn in defqej/Aling / , and when wo
emerged fronhi yjo outer door I noted
that the stopaictitho ground were throe ,
and that the midtilo one appeared to bo
split lengthwise , as my heel sank as I
stopped upon it , nnd at the bottom on
the ground lay a piece of loose board.
AHvu passqd out of the alley I noticed
that wo turned to the right , bo that I
know I was not being leu buck as I
came , nnd wo afterwards made several
turns which contused me , but nt lust my
conductor for I was aware that only
ono had latterly accompanied mo
hulled , saying as ho lot mo go ;
"Walt a bit , till I see if wo nro
watched"nnd apparently moving olT.
After a few minutes I felt convinced
that I was alone , and slipping the band
age from my eyes I found myself stand
ing in an old carriage shod looking on
the water front. Starting out I discov
ered that I was on Commercial street
and not far from Hanover.
My resolution was inbtantly taken. I
Chicago , llls.idnrKSt.
Iho Regular Old-Established
Istllll Treating With Iho Greatest
Chronic , Norrais aiifl Priyatc Diseases ,
-NERVOUS DEU1LITV , Lost Manhood ,
F llnR | Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Dack Ache anil all Oic cfTccn
Icadma to early decay and | > eihap * Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new method ! with
rever-filling MICCCM.
J 3r SYMULISand nil bad Blood and Skin DU-
caiei nernianently cured.
aiS-KIDNDYand URINARYcompWnU.Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocele and on ditnuei
ftftlie ucmlo-Urinaiy Organs ctlrtd promptly without
iiyuty to Stomach , Kidney * or other Organs
AirNo experiments. Ar.e and experience Im
portant. Consultation Tree and sacred.
flJrSend 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Dellcnte Ducasei.
a rTliose contemplating Marrlace cnd for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
> S cents , liolh as ctnU ( stamp * ) . Consult | lie old' '
Doctor. A friendly letter mealnnayMvefututeitlflcr *
inKnndshamc.nnd add eoltic. n ) > ar tolifo , .PTpliook
"Life'sSecret ( ) Errors"soctntsiiamp ( > ) . Medicine
and writings sent c\erywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to la. AdJiess
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL , .
Dr , J. E. McGRE W
Tlic IVcll Known Spcohilist ,
Is inrurpassort in
Illu tienttmmt of
nil roimsof I'ltiv-
. ,
Ulcebanil SriiiCT-
intr.,11 cure gimr-
illltKCd. til'KIIMA
TKNCI , Iiosa oC
ambition. STIIIII < -
m : 9 absolutely
ureil. Solid for
books , for "Mull"
or "Womnn" 1'iicli
1(1 ( ceuts ( Htniups )
C.VTAHim nntl
cured tnilckly nnil permanently. 1'rcatiuuntby
coriespoiidcnce , iionil stamps for reply.
Otllco S. E. cor. loth ami .Tncksoti Sts.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Stnuton's "Amorlotxn
lnitr * rrcularlljr In tlio nioitobslinata e wi. Ulan
rlfrd Imiltci inlthfrili ln | llifm fcccordinj lo < H
rcliouswUinmllliem * fo * nd Infellfbl ? . Ou r
united 50 IMT ut ilf-OARcr tli In
tocilleU Infln'i article ami
( lltr.KMu color ,
fc'amp * ' ! itli led Trndo Bluli *
At DruzsUti * everywhere or by
mall , $1 * I ull p rllcnlara , 4 tli
Specific Medicine Co. ,
lhlUd li > bU. I'a.
proceeded straight to my employer's
liouso , nnd after I had rung several
times Mr. Searlo himself came to the
loor. In as few words as possible I told
iiim my adventure.
Mr. Searlo dressed as speedily as pos
sible and together wo proceeded to the
nearest nolieo stationwhere I rehearsed
my story to the officer in charge. Ho
asked us if wo wore willing to follow up
, he matter at once , adding to Mr.
Soarlo :
"I think , since your young man has
done so well , that the thieves are al
ready half taken , and can be entirely
so. 1 believe I know who at least ono
of his captors is. "
We at once expressed our willing-
icss , and the captain , eilling a sor-
; oant. gave him some instructions and
thnu requested us to ucoomoany the
olllcer to the residence of Mr. Gould ,
; ho broker , whoso safe 1 had" operated
Arrived there wo learned that Mr.
Gould hud gone to Portland the day
previous and would bo a away a week
or more. His son , who was also his
business associate , was at home , however -
over , and on his hearing , with much
burprifac , iny story , said :
"Gentlemen , the box was my father's
private affair and ho always kept the
coys with him. He often had a largo
unonnt of money in it and I think there
vas considerable when ho wont away.
[ have the duplicate key of the safe and
ockod it myself last evening. The
chest was then in it and wo can go to
Jio office and lonrn , at least , if it has
icon taken out. "
This we decided to do , and started
: hither , and on the way the young
broker gave &omo further information.
"Mr. Allen , the clerk , was to go to
cw York last evening on the 5 o'clock
-rain to bo married in a few days , wo
mdcrstood , and take a wedding trip.
"Ic has been uith us six months , and al
though ho 1ms imvor had charge of fho
safe nor the handling of funds , it was
lot becuubu wo dibtrusted him , for ho
ilways seemed faithful and ofliclcnt , and
wooro perfectly sittislieu with him. "
On our reaching the olllco , whioh was
on the ground lloor and opened onto the
street. Mr Gould at once unlocked the
safe , and as Iho door was pulled open wo
ill eagerly looked in , und there * sure
enough , was the box ! I was at first btu-
"The boy was mistaken , it seems , "
said the broker.
"No , I was not , " I persisted , "That
f the same box , I know , that I opened
o-night. So if the money la thoro. "
"Unfortunately , " lie said , "my father
1114 taken the keys with him. Hut if
liis box was really taken away , why is
t here now ? "
"Shall I open it ? " asked Mr. Soarlo.
" ( Jortuinly , if you can1 replied the
Mr. Senrlo at once produped a small
collection of picks.
"I generally keep them > vlth mo. " ho
explained , "for emergencies like this. "
In iv few moments the lid of 'the chest
low open and the contents wore rc-
voalcd. Instead of money they eou-
sibtpd of several packages of paper ,
lieccs of iron , and other bubdtunbos to
n'oduco weight.
"Tho hov was right , Mr. Gould , after
ill , " said the nolieo olllcnr. "Now , my
ad , can you talco us to the house where
the thieves took you ? "
" 1 think lean , " bald I , "to the very
room. "
"Very well , load the way. You uoou
not accompany us , Mr. Gould , unions you
wish , "
The young broker , however , did wish
it , and wo sot out. The olllcor and I
receded , walking together , Mr. Searlo
iuil Mr. Gould cl so at our hcpls. In a
short time wo hud reached Ann fatrcjot.
As wo noai'od the locality where I bo-
iiovod I had boon taken I observed two
( iguros , who had been lurking1 In the
For Five Dollars , ,
DR. R. W. BAILEY , Dentist ,
Paxton Block , 16th and Famam Streets.
having within the post
-frv CH-QTrand
DO OUay month largely increased our
office room , are now belter proporcd to turn out the best clnssof
work , and much more rapidly than heretofore. Wo are now using
the best teeth nnd rubber in our plnlos , and for which we charge but
FIVE DOLLARS A SET. Do not let others influence you not to
come , but make us a call nnd see for yourself.
Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN , nnd without using chloroform ,
gns , ether or electricity. Filling nt lowest rates. Remember the lo-
"batlort. DR. DAI LEY , Dentist , Paxton Block.
Open t > vonttigs until 8 o'clock 1'nKo elevator on ICtlt street. Hth unil rarmiu ,
Cut tills out. Mention thli ) mn ° r.
WE * * w
A mngnlilcont dlsplny of evorythtim useful and ornamental In the
furniture maker's art nt reasonable prices.
lite matmalmusnipflflhe
iiPf sr < * K ?
importer ami Douler In all kinds of IlllinS ,
HSU and llAltn ANIMALS.
2iE sais ; : > A si ! > : caAv/rv.
417 S. 15th t. - - Sheely Block.
Contractors and Builders
Room23OinulniNational Bunk Building
shnilows , fall into our rear as wo passed ,
and wo called the ollicer's attention to
the fact. * "
"They're all right , " said he , "they're
my mon ; wo may need 'om. ' '
When we reached the house of oilors
I said in a low voioo :
"It isfioraowhoro about hero oh ! this
must bo the alloy. "
This was n few fatops further on , and
as wo turned into it , treading softly and
I loading the way , I noticed that one of
the other olllcors had closed up with ub ,
his companion staying outside. At the
end ot the alloy , without any habita
tion , I turned to the loft , anil there wore
the three stops and the Iqobo board at
the foot , and on examination wo found
the middle stop broken , as I had
thought. The odlcor was delighted.
"You'd inako a good detective , " ho
said.The door was fastened. Mr. Soarlo
prospected with his picks and boon ro-
inovod the key from the imtido and
throw back the bolt. Fortunately the
door was not bolted within , and wo nil
entered without any trouble. On n&-
conding to the tfiird'lloor the oflicer ex
posed n dark lantern , and wo looked
at it.
"This is , the room , " I whispered , as I
turned in a certain direction and
counted my paces.
"Aro you suroV
" . "
"Quito sure.
Ho tried the door and lound it fast ,
anil by pressure Mr. Senrlo , who also
tried it , know that it had a alido bolt on
tlio insido.
"TKon somebody is there , " said the
sergeant , "and I fj'podo wo mubt force it.
But I'll try persuasion. " Ho
knocked gaudy , but had to repeat it
several times before any response was
heard. Finally there was a sound of
movement within , nnd a gruff voice ,
which I recognized as that of my late
cantor with the Icnilo , called :
"Who's there ? "
'It's I Glint , snirtJ , with a sudden
inspiration , and as nearly as I could
imitating the clerk's voice.
"Tho you say ! "
"Quick , " I'roturncd , "lol mo in. The
game's up. " And 1 ruttlod the knob
Wo heard him now cnrfully draw
back the bolt , and the door opening
showed the rascal standing in his shirt
and staring in anin/.omont its the light ,
now hold by Mr. Soarlo. was thrown
full on , nnd the officer confronted him
with a revolver. Haying : "You're
caught , Miinmy. ' 1'ut.your duds on as
soon as you can. I'll wait. Wno'H.vour
pal ? I don't ' roinombor seeing him bo-
foro. "
Ho referred to my other raptor , who
was Htill on the bed , but hud slartud
half up , equally wondering and staring
at us wide-eyed ,
In brief , the villains , rccogni/.od mo ,
know what the visit meant , and seeing
also that resistance uould bo useless
yielded with a good grace , The ono
whom I huvo designated as "with the
knifo" was an old olfondur , well known
to the police and prisons , named Pngga.
From the wall safe the olllcoru seemed
the oiitue burglar'tt kit and about ono-
third Iho whole sum ( about $12,000) )
taken from the brokor'w box. Tlio rc t
the clerk , Allen , had retained as his
The latter was arrested early the next
morning at the station , where ho was
about to take the train for Now Vork ,
and the remainder of Mio stolen money
was recovered wih ( him , AH three
were convjctod of burglary and reel vail
sontoiusos. At the preliminary exam
ination iho roaboit transpired why uucli
care was taken in opening the choet
and afterward replacing it in the wife.
It appeared Unit Allou was really
about to marry a joung htd.of . rcspoi't-
able family in Now York , and was going
thither for Uiut purpobo , and hail ou
Hit. 1) ) . C. Wiw's NKHVI : AM > IlitAtv 'JIIK.VT ,
MI : > T , n Ruaruntoed spcclllc tor Hysttt-rlii , Dl7zl-
ness. Convulsions , Mln , Nervous ciirnlgla
Jle.iilnclii' , Nervous 1'roitrattau cnnsftl l y llio
UMI of ulcolioUir tolincco. Wnkofulncss , Mrntnl
Duinobtiloii. SoftfnliiR of tliu llni.u , rusultlnu In
Insanity uiullpnillnn to intsiny.flecnt mill le th.
riomatuioOld ARC. Iluneniinsfi , Loss of Power
In cither no * , Involunlnry hosaoamirt Bpernmt-
( > ulKO cnupodliy ovor-rxertlou ottliolmiln self.
nbiuo or ovfrltuUilseucp. t'orli box rontnlus
ono month'8 troitmriit. 81 .IX ) iibov , or slxbotri
for 8ri.tXfcont ) by inixll pi opulil on receipt ol prlt a
To euro nnv cnv. . With ench order recolvoit by
us for six boxes , ncconipstulttdlth"iK ( ) . ovll
send Urn purchaser our written mnmintcu to ro
ftiutl the nionoj' If the tiontmont does not i-llco
ni inc. Utiuruutves Usud only by ( joodtniiii
DniKCo. Dtugulhts , Solo AKcnts , 1110 I'nrmun
sti-eet , Onuilui. Nob.
'llolnrgest nnd Ilest V. < itilppod School In the
West. Thorough 1'rnttUui Oopnituicut.
SINI > roil cuijiiisuii : JOUUNAIJ
WEAK MifTcrlnff from tlio cf
fictH of ) oiitlifiil tr.
rom , cyirly tl "i > , lo t
i , itc I w in JITIIU a viiluablo trcnt Iso < n iilttlj
full firs fur homo curv , mo ot
PROF. F. C. FOWLER , Moodus , Conn.
gaged passage for himself and bride
on a steamer to sail for Europe
the Saturday following. Ho know , of
course , that Mr. Gould kept a largo
amount of money in his private casli-
box , and had long waited a favorable
opportunity to rob it. The broker had
really lost the key to his safe nt the
time my services had been used to un
lock it , hut since then the clurk had
found and secretly retained the missing
key. Mr. Gould's projected absence for
a week or two happened opDortunoly at
iho time sot for Allan's marriage. The
hitter knowing that only the broker him
self has accobs to the steel box , and that
if the contents could bo abstracted with
out the chest disappearing , there would
bo no discovery until the older Gould ,
return , when Allen would bo with
his bride \\oll on his way to Europe.
Therefore ho promptly arranged with
"Jimmy" Daggb the plan which had so
nearly succeeded.
I will add that this affair was by no
moans Allen's first offence , but that his
new trial drew out the fact that ho was
an escaped forger whom the uOlccrs of
a western tstato wore then looking for ,
and I was , always glad that I had been
tlio moans not only of brining him to
justice but of saving a probably estima
ble lady from allying herself to a con
victed folon.
Mnko no Mistake.
Uy disrolltn ? the symptoms BO often taln-n
for comMumptlon. SANTA AHIK 1ms
brought KliiuiiesH to many u household. ISA-
its prompt use ) for bro.Udni : up the cold Unit
too of ten JovulopK into tli at fntal disease ,
thousand ) } CUM bo saved from an untimely
grave. You malic no mlstuUo by kccplnc ; a
bottle of this plousaat remedy jn your
equally oftVotivo in eradicating nil truces of
Nasal Catarrh. Both of tliuso wonderful
Califot nia remedies arc sold and warranted
bv Goodman Drntr Co. $1 a tmulcagc , : i for
$2 00.
Mixed ] lRliitlnnslil | ) ° .
There lives in Union township , In
diana , a family that can boast of the
moat curiously complicated relation
ship. Some years ago a widower named
llorgnn , who had a grown son , mairicd
a widow who had a grown daughter.
After awhile lie and his wife secured a
divorce. IliHson then foil in love wifh
his father's divorced wife and married
her. The father got married to the
daughter of the woman from whom ho
had boon divoivcil. Knob couple bus
children , nnd the two families uru terribly -
ribly mixc.d as to their relationship.
Olio Kim >
September 10th and 21th , and Oc
tober 8th , round trip tickets will
bo sold via. the Santa Fa roi\to \
at ono lowest first class faro to
Kaunas , Texas , Indian territory , Now
Mexico , Colorado and Utah , reaching
cities of Galveston , Austin , Ft. Worth ,
Dalian , Oklahoma , Guthrlo , Panhandle
City , HI I'.iso , Doming , Denver , Colo-
nul o Springs I'liohUi/rriiiidudjSaitLaUo j
Ullv , Ogden and inlormudlatc points ,
Tickoia good thirty < luyn. Stop over
privilcgob ut ploubiire while on the
.Santa l-'o ,
For maps , rates and full information
logardingantlonal routes cull on orad-
drosH 10. Jj. Palmer , Freight and Pas
senger Agent , H , M. Osgood , General
Agent , Santa Ko Houto , 11108 Farnatn
street , Omiihn , Neb.
rillion ! Iloiiscw In
Apnrtmcnt houses are multiplying
with great rapidity in London , especi
ally in the bettor neighborhoods. On
tlio south uldo of Hydci park there are
vast mansions arising. There H an nc-
tlvodonmnd for them , nltlioujfli they
are vor.v opensive. .
Kennedy's Kabt India Hitter * .