Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In nny pnrt of the City ftt
Twenty Coins per Week.
IMV.TILTON. . . . . . itANAaJSU
nuMsrMdmcTt No. 42. >
N. V. P. Co.
Olctison conl.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Boston Btoro , tlio lenders la dry Roods.
Carbon Conl Co. .wholesale , retail , 10 Pcnrl.
The attachment * against the Otjdnn house
ro being disposed of , and It It stated tlmt
nil will TJO satisfactorily adjusted In a very
few day * .
Fireman Norrls Wicks is lamenting tlio
loss of forty chickens , which some unknown
tlilcf abstracted from hU lion roost Wednes
day night.
The Indict should not fail to hear Mrs.
John Bailey' * talk on physical culture , nnd
select recitations at the Presbyterian church
Baturtluy afternoon nt I ) o'clock.
D. K. JShrox'cs , who had n harness stolen
from his stable last spring , had the good fortune -
tune to flnd It In n corn Hold Wednesday ,
while on n hunting expedition.
Owing to the funeral of E. L. Smith ,
which tnlscs pluco this nf tcrnodn , the wolf
chase which was nrrangocl for to-day has
been postponed until to-morrow afternoon.
The name of the Bocbtolo hotel Is to'bo
changed to Hotel Jmnicson , under the ntw
management , which fact will soon bo an
nounced to the traveling public by a heavy
gilt fllgn.
Two special motor trains were run from
Omaha last aliening at the eloio of the Gilmore -
moro concert to nccommodnto the hundreds
who attended from this city , and could not
obtain passage on the regular trains.
Tlio Congregational church sociable will
bo entertained ut the residence of iNlra. J.
Mueller this evening by Mcsdamcs Clouph ,
CIIBO , Crane , Hnrstow r.tu : the Misses Crofts
nnd Uiicliell. All nro ccrdlally &Vltcd.
I earnestly request all mourners of the
hotul committee who were at work yesterday
to meet mo ut mv ofllco this morning at 0
o'clock. Two days' work moro will com
plete the subscriptions nnd the hotel is ours ,
William Moore , Chairman.
A good sized nudlenco witnessed "Ono of
the Old Stock , " as presented by Charles J.
Davis ( Alvlu Joslln ) and n first-class com
pany nt Dohany'a last evening. The typical
New Uiighind farmer was truthfully po -
traycd , with nil his oddities and eccentrici
ties in tlio Inimitable muu tier which Is Mr.
Davis' oivn.
There was n quiet wedding utthoroMdonco
of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mlllurd , No. 144 Glen
n venue , Wednesday evening , tlio contracting
parties boiin : Mr. George T. Spooner nnd
Miss Lucy 13. Millnrd. The coromonv was
performed In tlio presence of a few Intimuto
friends. U'lio . ( room Is connected with the
Citizens' bank. The happy couple will resicto
in this city.
In district court yesterday the caeo of the
Btato vs Joseph Omlg , charged with assault
with attempt to commit rape , was on trial.
The defendant is n boy about sixteen ycara
of age , nnd the prosecuting witness Is n four-
tcon-ycsir-old girl named Price. The details
of the cuso are unlit for publication. The
defendant Is out on ball. The case will oc
cupy the remainder of the weak , us there
are several witnesses to bo examined on each
An enthusiastic meeting was hold at. the
Broadway M. E. church , the object of which
was to effect the organization of a society for
the non-sectarian advancement of prohibi
tion. About fifty members wore enrolled.
The officers elected were : Itov. A. Ovcrton ,
president ; Hov , D. C. Franklin , vice presi
dent ; Hov. C. Hoover , secretary : Miss
Brown , assistant secretary ; Kov. Dr. Pholni ,
treasurer : Miss Clark , chorister ; L. W.
Tulloys , chairman of the executive com
The Jury in the case of state vs George
Fourlwulton , charged with receiving stolen
property , returned a verdict ut 5ao : last
evening , finding the defendant guilty , nnd
fixing the value of the goods at f$3.ft ) . The
Jury was- out thirty hours , and during the
whole tlmo the ballot was eleven to ono for
conviction. Ono man hold off all that tlmo ,
but finally wilted. The jury reported sov-
crul times that they could not agree , but the
court would not Imvo It so , and held them to
it until a verdict was finally reached.
The reception committee , appointed by the
board of trade , to entertain tlio Pun-Ameri
can excursion party , have requested the
mayor to telegraph Special Agent W. E.
Curtis , who has charge of the party , cun-
coglng the Invitation to give them u few
hours' drive about this city , as the Bluffs
committee ) was unublo to malco arrange
ments with the Omaha committee to receive
them before ! or G o'clock Sunduv evening ,
which would bo too late for a daylight drive
about the city.
The Pullman restaurant , 534 Broadway.
- .
Western Lumber and Supply Co. , 13th and
14th streets and M and 8,1 avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling pole.ttos.Umo ,
cement and building- material In tlio west.
E. W. Hiiyiiiond , manager.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorata
prices. E. H. Shoafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y
Flno dressed chickens. Q. Mottaz , Tel. 173.
. .
Finest market in city J.M. Scanlaa' * .
Mrs. S. C. Ward has coneon a visit to the
Pacific ccmut.
T. O. Carlisle , of Missouri Valley , wna a
visitor la the Bluff a yesterday.
Mrs. Belle Illoks , of Dunlap , la visiting
bcr parents , Mr. und Mrs. Hugh Brown , of
this elty.
J. U. TInton loft last evening on n business
trip to Chicago. Ho will bo absent about
two weeks.
Miss Arta Cody , of North Platte , Neb. , Is
tbo guest of Miss Uotty Graves. Miss Cody
Is n daughter of the celebrated Hon. W. F.
Cody , better known as "Buffalo Bill. "
Samuel Epperson , who has served as depot -
pot policeman far the Milwaukee for several
years , has severed his connection with that
company to accept u more lucrative one with
the electric motor company.
Ledgers and Journals , special ruled , extra
first class paucr and well bound , bv More-
liouao & Co. , Pearl St. , Council Mluffa.
Dwelling for < mlo on easy payments. Also
building lots nt lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list E. II. Sheafe & Co.
Blxby has removed to Mori-lain blocu.
Alwaj-H on Tim ? .
It you wish to purchase a good and reliable
watch S3 per cent loss than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and make
your own selection at O. B. Jucquemln ft
Co. . 27 Mala street.
Tlio Now Itntnl.
The committees of the board ot trade en-
Cnged In soliciting subscriptions for the now
liotol reported lost evening 913,000 as the re
sult of their efforts since the enterprise was
started a few days ago , There are only two
days In which to raise the remaining $7,000
to eoouro the location on the Woodbury cor
ner , as tbo option expires on Saturday.
Messrs. Klmball & Camp , who represent the
eastern capitalists who want to invest $100-
000 la a hotel on that corner , are positive the
offer cannot bo renewed if the site is not
ocurcd by Saturday night So far as they
ore concerned , the matter will end if the
necessary amount Is not raised. Said a prom
inent wholesale man yesterday : ' 'This Is
the last chance for the Mala street people to
cot this great improvement oa their street.
If it falls now good-bye Woodbury corner.
Vfo will have a new modern hotel within a
year , but it will bo built on Broadway , not
iar from tlio uostoRIco. If tbo Main street
people waut the grand building they should
bestir themselves. "
Money loaned at L. U. Craft's & Co , 'a
loan ofllce on furniture , pianos , horses ,
WOKOIIB , personal property of all kinds ,
mm ull otlior articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly coufl-
Olroumstanoaa Show the NoDd of a
Rigid Polioo Investigation.
A True IlrldRO 1 Scoured Bo Fnr As
Slotnr Travel In Concerned Hub-
fccrlptloiiH For the Now Hotel
Ocncrnl nnd Personal.
An Investlcntloti Dotnnnded ,
"What policeman Imi boon tnlklnff to Tun
Dcr.11 ! Is n question that several members
of the force have froauontly naked during
the past day. or two , and ore very anxious to
flnd out. They are aware that many of the
happenings of the past few months In which
they have figured promlnontljr would not
look well In print , for them at least , and are
anxious to have the matter drop pad. It maybe
bo said right hero that TUB Bnii Is indebted
to no ono or even two members of the torco'
for Information rcgardlnff the Internal workIngs -
Ings of tlmt bodv , and Indubitable proof Is at
hand to Miow that the situation is as repre
sented. As U well known , the Council
Uluftspollco force U not and never has been
the most harmonlou * body In existence , and
outbreaks Imvo boon more or loss frequent.
Whenever the trouble assumed such pro-
poitlons as to seriouslv impair the working
of the force , n ventilation of the case In the
papers has proved effective Ir either causing
the elimination of the troublesome element
or rendering It Imperative that the trouble
bo hushed up and bridccd over , for a short
time at least. In the hitter case It has been
Insisted that : io such trouble- existed , and
that all was as harmonious as could bo de
sired , Sueli was the case on the occasion of
the lust outbreak n few months ngo. but
whether or not , the situation warranted the
claim the reader can determine.
Frcouotit complaints have been mode of
late rewrdlng the manner in which affairs
Imvo been conducted , and now the
door Is thrown open for a
careful and searching investigation.
A prostitute was shot In her room In n notor
ious bagnio , und the weapon with which the
deed douo belongs to a pollcoimm , who
was with her at- the tlmo , uud the circum
stances are such that the olllcor Is tulicn Into
custody to determine whether or not ho' did
the shooting with murderous intent. It
transpires that the ofllccr nod boon consort
ing with prostitutes for months , and the
charge Is made that this was with the knowl
edge of those In authority. This Is denied ,
but it is certain that stories of tills character
had come to the ears of the superior offlcors.
It seems that several months ago a certain
young man of this city was livinjr in the
capacity of "friond" of the Lolaiul woman.
Just then the ofllcor entered the field , and
and aspired to the position bcld bv the said
young man , in the woman's favor.
The ofllcer was drawing n salary of $70 n
month , which lie was willing to lavish on
her , while the impecunious young man could
do nothing of the kind. While much pre
ferring the nttcntions of the latter , the cash
in sight proved far more potent , and the
star wearer was duly installed as the
woman's "lover. " Shortly afterward this
state of affairs was brought to the notice of
the chief , but what action he took is un
known. It is known , However , that Scott
took the woman before the chief , nnd that
she denied the story in the strongest
language of which she was capable , nnd de
clared most emphatically that Scott had
never sustained any such relation toward
her. tYliat weight should have been given
to any such statement of a prostitute , to
whoso interest it was to screen the ofllccr ,
nny man of ordinary Intelligence may easily
Not only Is it certain that Scott's amours
with the woman were known to nearly every
other ofllcer on the force , as well as numer
ous otuers , but that ho was cordially dis
liked for his braggadocio , overbearing ways
nnd the evident partiality felt toward him by
the chief. For thu past month there hns
been hardly a man ou the force who has
spoken to him.
Ofllcor .Toslyn's name has been brought
Into unpleasant prominence in connection
with the caso. lie denies tbo truth of the
reports concerning him , nnd asks for an in
vestigation. Ills request is reasonable , and
If comulicd with and his statements corrob
orated , a complete vindication is his just duo.
During his connection with the force his
work as a policeman has been commendable ,
a fact which the iccord shows. [ / , however -
over , these reports are conllrmed , ignomini
ous dismissal would bo but Blight punish
ment for any oHlcor found guilty of such
The opinion prevails that the method now
in vogue , of changing the captain every
weeic , Is responsible for many shortcomings
that cause complaint. It will bo remembered
that since the discharge of Captain iJyer
several months ngo the practice has been to
appoint a patrolman to serve one week as
captain , thus chousing the captaincy about
among all the members of the force , The
result of it is thus expressed by ono of .the
patrolmen :
"It's ' Just as bad as no captain at nil. For
Instance , wo will say that I am captain this
week and you will bo next. Perhaps I like
to get off my beat occasionally and so do
you. Mow then , do you suppose that I am
going to report any of your shortcomings ,
when you will have uhanco to hold the
whip over mo next weokJ Well , I guess
not. That's the way it goes , and the men do
Just as they please. They stay on their
boats when they want to , nnd when they
don't they go where they chooso. If there
was a captain to look after the inon they
would bo found on their beats. I don't
blame- man for doing as ho pleases when ho
can got Just as much for It as ho can for
being tied down bv strictly enforced rules.
It Is very poor encouragement for a man to
work hard and do his duty when others gel
Just the same for soldiering , Ksuoclally is
this true when a man don't got any
credit for whatever good work ho may do.
This last occurrence is a tough ono for all
the boys , and It un't holpine the sale of tick
ets for our ball. I haven't had the nerve to
ask n man to buy n ticket since It happened ,
for fear lie would throw it up to mo und
want to know when we were going to kill
another ono. It was only this morning that
ono of the most prominent physicians of the
city met the chief ana saluted him with ,
'Well , have your men killed any moro pros
titutes lately ! " Of course , it was very ag
gravating nnd you could hardly blame him
for firing back something about doctors nnd
abortions. Hut It shows how people foot
about the matter , ana it is enough' to make
anybody wish it hadn't happened. "
J. Q , Tlpton , real estate , D27 Broadway.
Got Fountain Co cigar , next to Eiseman's.
C. 13. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway.
t m
A Alystrrloiiu lilnzo.
At an early hour yesterday morning
O nicer Jack Cusiclc discovered stnoko
Issuing from the collar under the
Btoro occupied by Parks & Son , on Main
nnd Pearl streets. Ho at once gave the
alarm , to which the department responded
in good tirno. No flames were visible , but
the smoke poured out In such dense volumes
that it was impossible to enter the collar ,
and the ilrcmen were compelled to direct
their streams at random. It was fully half
an hour before the smoke perceptibly de
creased BO that the building could bo entered.
It was then found that the lire , which had
originated In the collar , had burned a hole
through the lloor , but the damage from the
( lames was comparatively small. Smoke and
water , however , had played bavoo with tbo
Block , which was badly damaged ,
Mr. George Parks stated yesterday that
the vtoro was closed before 'J o'clock , and
that so far as ho know , there had boon no
lire in the cellar that evening. Ho could not
account lor the lire except on the Incendiary
theory. The lira started near the middle of
the cellar. In a pile of boxes , barrels and cgif
cases. There was also considerable straw ,
in which culmnc.vs had boon packed , so that
kindling was not wanting , The cellar was
easy of access , as a light board shutter , ever
an outsldo entrance , was all that separated
U from the sidewalk. It would bo but the
work of a moment for anyone acquainted
with the premises to slip Into the collar and
close the shutter after them. If the lire was
of incendiary origin this was probably bis
method of Ingress and ocross.
Mr. Purus stated that hU loss would bo
between (3,000 and t'3,600 , but thought the
mallor amount would coyer It. Tlio stock
was Inwirod for 13,000 nnd valued at f , ,000.
The smoke penetrated all parts of the build
ing , finding iu way Into the art store of W.
W , Chapman adjolnlnp , but Mr. Chapman's
aamago from It will ba very light. The
water , which was thrown In largo quanti
ties , flooded the cellar to a depth of four
feet , nnd It did considerable dnmnco In tbo
collars tmdor the stores of W. W , Chapman ,
I ) . W , Hushncll , Hnrlo. Ilass & Co. , anil
Stewart Bros , The building occupied bv
Parku & Son U owned by Judge W. U.
James , nnd Is Insured.
Sheet music lOc , 533 Broadway.
I.ct Rasrmmcn beautify your house In beat
Blylc and cheap. 13 North Main.
Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway.
K. H. Slionfo A Co. give special nttcnt ante
to the collection of rents nnd caroof propnrly
in the city nnd vicinity. Charges moderate.
Ofllco Broadway and Main streets.
A Free Wncou Bridge.
The free brldgo lias at last boon secured ,
as the Union Pacific Hallway company has
thrown open Its wagon brldgo to the public
to cross without money and without price.
The company's receipts from this source
amounted to $1,45 for ono month , and as it
cost them the services of two men to act as
piUeltccpcrs , it will bo seen that It was not a
paying investment ; In fact , it is a stop of re
trenchment to throw thn bridge open to free
passage. The movn does not perceptibly af
fect motor travel , but it docs change the
amount of carriage travel over the now
As long as the weather continues flno and
the street from the cast end of the approach
to the Union Pacific brldco to tbo paved portion
tion of the city is in good condition , there
will undoubtedly bo considerable travel over
the free brldgo. but a pull of ever two miles
through the mud In bad weather will hardlv
bo regarded as anv saving over payltiu toll
on the now brldgo. A frco bridge , while It
will bo of great benefit to the city , must
inako connection with n paved street , lu
order tlmt the best results may bo realized.
As it now is , the street leading to the Union
Pacific bridge is across nn ungraded portion
of the city and lu pleasant
wcnthor Is in very good condition.
What its condition is nt other times is only
too well known to these whoso business took
them ever it every day or two before the
Broadway brldgo was completed. If , how-
over'the company proposes to allow the use
of the wagon brldeo to remain frco to the
public , a move will bo made to put the streets
on this side , that load to it , In better condi
tion. Said an alderman in speaking of the
mailer yesterday : "I notice that there is
considerable travel over the Union Pad Do
bridge , since it lias cost nothing for toll , and
I suppose the public is satisfied. There 1ms
been quite a clamor for a free bridge , and
now that we have ono I hope it will bo used.
The street leading to it ought to Do put in
better condition than It now is , if there is to
bo much travel that way. If that is proporlv
llxcd up the public would croatly appreciate
the action of the company , provided they
continue to leaves the structure open. It will
bo a good thing for the Blurts. With a new
hotel , new city hall and free bridge , I don't '
see what will prevent a wonderful boom
next year. "
Mcschendorf's popular meat market , finest
In the Twin Cities. 331 Broauway.
Steam and hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , cor. Pearl st. and Willow avo.
C.B. P . Co. , Stephan & Hnrmcr , 32 Pearl
A Operation Which Requires a Great
Deal of Skill.
At last the cannon is turned down ,
nnd is roadv to bo bored inside , writes
G. F. Mufler in St. Nicholas. In this
operation it must bo bprod so straight
nnd true that the borinp tool entering
the exact center of the small end of tlio
cannon , will come out precisely at the
cantor of the large end. seventeen feet
nway. These of you who have tried to
bore a straight hole lengthwise through
oven a short bit of wood will know that
this work requires not a little skill and
cnro.yhen any of you hoys have a joh of
boring to do at your work bench , you
make fast the article to bo bored and
turn the boring tool. It is just the
other way in boring n cannon. The
boring tool or ' 'bit. " is held firm and
motionless , while the great mass of steel
to bo bored turns around. This plan is
found to insure steadiness of the "bit. "
It would bo almost impossible to make
this bit firm and solid enough to do its
dillicult work , and -yet free to turn
around in the cannon. So if you had
boon at the side of this gun lathe when
the work was begun , you would have
seen that the bit was motionless , except
for a slow advance in the gun.
The bit attends striotly to business ,
and steadily bores Us way through tlio
steel. Most of you have boon in the
country and soon a pig "rooting" in the
ground. Imagine , then , the pig to bo
standing still and the ground to bo
slowly passing under the pig's snout
and being ' 'rooted , " and you will have
a case much like that of the bit and the
cannon. In fact , the boring tool i.s called
a "hog-nosed" bit , and it roots up that
cannon as if it enjoyed the operation.
No long , graceful curls como from this
boring , but small , crisp shavings that
are removed as fast as they auc.umulato
in order "that the boring tool's work
shall not bo interfered with. The bit
is going into tlu steel at the ralo of
three-eighths of an inch for every turn
of the cannon , and it is making a round
hole almost-largo enough for a boy to
put his head in five and three-quarter
inches in diameter. As the round hole
grows deeper , the heavy bar on which
the bit is fastened advances into the
cannon steadily , moved by a number of
wheels and screw that form part of the
I must not lose sight of the shavings ,
the little ones that como from tlio in
side , and the long , spirally twisted ones
that are turned from the outaido of the
cannon. A military-looking manstand-
ing near the lathe , docs not lese sight
of thcso shavings or trimmings , oithor.
This man's business is to carefully in
spect the borings and trimmings. That
is what ho is paid to do. Uncle Sam
pays him , and expects him to earn his
salary. The cannon is being made for
Uncle Sam , and ho intends to llnd out
all its qualities , whether good or bad.
So the man eyes the borings carefully.
Now , if with a piano or youknifo-blado ,
you will cut a thin shaving from n bit of
wood , it will show any little Haw existing
ingin the wood from whiclrit was sliced.
The tiniest knotholu or crack will show
in the shaving much moro plainly than
in the wood itsolf. So it is with a can
non's shaving. It is a dreadful tell-talo ,
and the fault-finding man beside the
gun knows this perfectly well. Ho ex
amines the spiral turning , or the little
piece of boring and finds no evidence of
n Haw or crack. The long spiral strip
is as smooth as glass and as glossy as your
bis tor's curls.
Into the solid steel the hog-nosed bit
roots its way , until it is in so far that a
little electric light must bear it com
pany , to show the workmen ) iow matters
nro progressing in the heart of the can
non. Alter eighteen days steady bor
ing , the bit lota daylight into the bore
of the cannon by emerging nt the other
( or lurcor ) end , seventeen foot away.
In Mnooilnnln.
Brlgandago is now rlfo iu Macedonia ,
and no fewer than 200 persons have
boon murdered and robbed within the
last two months. Two brigands named
Sliakir and Qdinan , ouch of whom lias
committed moro than twenty murders ,
are terrorizing the country. The Turk
ish authorities are described as showing
a most suspicious supinonees in the re
pression of brigandage.
Novel Entorprlso of Three
Now Yorlc'lMilllonalros.
Thcnc Ollilcil Youths Will ncnrd ttio
Monnrcli nnil Attempt to Con *
ncot Wtth'tlio Gront
Anotlicr Afrlonn Expedition.
While the tworugo Now York young
man Ims buoti laying out his winter
campaign , worrying rxbout the slzo ot
his stick , the fit uf his garments ami
the shape ot his nocktlo , three other
young men of different Icidnoy have
boon selecting rides , laying in umtnuiu-
tton and pouring over maps , says a
writer in the Now York Herald.
To what purpose ?
On Wednesday the Herald briefly an
nounced tho.duparturo for Europe of
Messrs. Royal Carroll Pholpa and
Ilonry Astor Carey , mid said that they
wore bound with Mr. "Willie Chanlor ,
who Is now at Zanzibar , on tv lion hunt
ing trip into the heart of Africa.
\Vo have been made more or loss
familiar with the heart of Africa by Uio
deeds of Stanley and the romance
of Haggard , but the heart of
Africa , like that of the college widow ,
hns n now and particular spot for each
comer , and it is the pleasure of tlicso
Now York young men to penetrate a
cardiac section of the dark continent
which has never been palpitated by
white men before.
I had a long talk over n big man with
Mr. Carroll just before ho sailed on
Wednesday. I didn't take notes , find
must trust to memory for his interesting
details of his trip , [ ndood , the way ho
kittled olT African names of six sylla
bles would have upset a stenographer.
Mr. Carroll , lot mo say , is n son of
John Lee Carroll , of CarrolHonMd. His
mother was a daughter of the late Royal
Phelps , of Now York , from whom ho in
herited a fortune sullleicnt to satisfy
even the caprice of bearding the Afri
can lion in his don. Mr. Carroll is a
graduate of Harvard , class of 'So , and
has already made a reputation as an
African traveler by an expedition made
two years ago from Capo Town through
the Transvaal country as far north as
Monomatapa. lie was quite ulono then
as a white man among his caravan of
negroes , lie succeeded in shooting ele
phant , rhinocnroa. and many rare
species of deer , but never saw a lion ,
and it is to down tha.t menagerie curio
that ho makes his present expedition.
Mr. Carroll is short and sturdy , of
that sanguine disposition that scouts
llatigue and scorns discouragementand
is a sportsman through and through.
His companion , Mr. Carey , is a son of
the late John Carov and a nephew of
John , Jacob and \yilliam Astor. Ho is
a great big , strong chnu , who has no
special experience in the kind of work
ho is bent on , but'.fsjjust the sort to fallen
on his feet whenever ho gets a tumble.
Ho ulso was graduated from Harvard in
the class of ' 85 , and was best man to his
brother at Cambridge on Tuesday , the
day before ho sailed.
Mr. Willie Chanlor , who completes
this triumvirate of sportsmen , isacousin
to Mr. Carey , his mother having also
been a sister to Mr. J. J. Astor. Ho is
already in Zanzibar , having gone on
ahead to make preparations for the ex
I had a great many questions to ask
Mr. Carroll , which I got slightly mixed ,
but I know the first was :
"How do you get to Zanzibar ? "
"From London to Paris to Marseilles ,
thence by the Mesagerio through the
Mediterranean , the Suez canal , thoRcd
sea , the Gulf of Aden , the Arabian sea ,
the Indian ocean to Zanzibar. The
route only occupies about eighteen days
from Marseilles. The steamers , which
nro well equipped , go on to Madagascar ,
Mauritius and Australia. Wo fit out at
Zanzibar. "
Ei"Thon where do you go ? "
"We follow the coast line almost duo
north to Monbaza and then strike duo
west to Kilima-Njaro. which , by the
way , is 20,000 feet high. Then duo
north again to Mount Konia. In the
plateau of about one hundred and fifty
miles which lies between thcso moun
tains it ij faaul that the best shooting
known in Africa abounds rhinoceros ,
lions and elephants , "
"How do you travel ? "
"On foot entirely. No boast of bur
den can live in this country. I had
thought of sending some salted horses
up from Capo Town by steamer , but it
is too risky. "
"What do you nonn by salted horses ? "
"Why , horses that have had the ani
mal scourge which pervades Central
Africa. In the south I treated it with
oxen , but whereQwo are going now wo
have to foot it. "
"You spoke of getting your outfit at
Zanzibar. Of what docs it consist ? "
"In the first place , wo take 200 war
riors , nrmod with Snider rillos , which I
bought in London. This dotted circu
lar line ( indicating it on the big map )
is not only a great hunting district , but
is also the home of the Massai. the most
warlike tribe yet discovered in Africa.
They muster some ten thousand fight
ing monarmcd with shields and ppoars ,
which they hurl with the utmost pre
cision , and some of them have old Tower
rifles which are effective , because the
niggers have learned to manufacture a
gunpowder of theirown.
"There is no necessity for fighting
these follows , for th'oy are subjcct to a
king who declares'or accepts only a
formal declaration of war , but unless
they know that you are well armed
they will give your .outfit an ovorlabt-
ing amount of trouble. "
"Then , besides our armed force , wo
take about two hllndred carriers , who
have charge of our supplies and camp
equipments. "
"What do you take to oat ? "
"American canned goods , which nro
as cheap and nloiUlfil [ ut Zanzibar as in
Now York , but I always add a few
dozen cans of peas , trufllos and
mushrooms , whicluicomo in handy in
cooking gamo. A'good ' cook is alvynys
available , and I nssuro you the living
in mid-Africa may bo made Lucullian. "
"How far do you tramp a day ? "
"About twenty miles , Minil you wo
are only about live degrees south of the
equator. The heat on January I , when
wo expect to start from Zanzibar , i& in
tense. Wo must rest during the mid
day. "
"How do you locate your game ? "
"That's easy enough with elephants.
You know they feed on the inner bark
of certain trees , knocking oil the outer
bark with their tusks , and , of course ,
leaving their own mark behind. 1'vo
never hunted lions , but understand
that they also leave signs of their
whereabouts , and must bo stalked like
deer. "
"What do you nhoot with ? "
"I'vo got three JSnglinh double-bar-
relod rifles of eight , ten and twelve
boro. The eight bore carries u 45- ,
unllhro bullet and weighs about slxtoon
pounds. It is the most effective weapon
for big game In the world. I tried the
American repenting rifles on olophnnts
two years ago and found that after pen
etrating two or three Inches of lildo
the bullet was stopped and flattened. "
Mr. Carroll became moro serious na
ho wont out
"Of course , the primary object of
this expedition is to shoot lions. I
don't want to pose as an explorer or
discoverer , but wo expect to make our
way up pretty close to lake Victoria
'If the easterly tribes are at all pla
cable It is on the cards that wo may ro-
colvo nowa of Stanley. If wo do , and
can locate him In Emln Boy's territory.
I shall abandon all thought of sport and
push on at all hazards through Uganda
and attempt to connect with Stanley.
"With the exception of Stanley's ,
our expedition will bo the largest and
boat equipped that ever entered Africa.
If you look at this map you will sea that
the Congo where Stanley entered Af
rica on the west coast Is almost In the
same parallel of longitude as Zanzibar.
The region to the north and west of
Victoria Nyntisa , where ho is supposed
to bo olophnnt hunting , is .is famous for
elephants as the district to the east of
Nyunzn , which wo are going to try to
explore. It is only a question of a few
hundred miles ono way or the other ,
and It is not at nil unlikely that a coal
ition may bo made.
"At all events I am going to take the
precaution of getting letters of intro
duction from the Herald to Stanley as
well as to the British African trading
company , and of course I also hold my
self ready to send messengers to the
coast with any news of importance that
may bo available to the Herald.
The Vlllncn Big
While traveling did you over notice
the advent into the train of the village
big manV says the Cincinnati Tunes-
Star. Every town has its big man not
generally moro than ono. That Is ,
there is no other man who approaches
near in importance the certain big
man. Ho is most always a lawyer ,
occasionally a doctor.
But about his entering the car. The
big man has suvoral modes of commu
nicating the fast of his presence. Gen
erally it is with his nose. Sometimes n
resounding "hawk , " stamu of cane , or
the tremendously loud and solemn tones
of his voice In making the simplest ,
most threadbare expression. Mostly ,
however , his nose it is which gives no
uncertain sound and by which all are
made aware of the prcsanco of an in
dividual of note.
Ho is immovable and silent , save an
occasional blast , as a wayside tree. Ho
poses in the whole seat with a graceful
majesty that comes of _ long years of con
stant , diligent practice. By and by the
city is reached.
Big man unconsciouslv reveals an
nlmpst imperceptible interest , and oven
Begins to realize that he is out of his
dontlis in this great massing of huge
buildings , and with no familarity awed
' in
country-neighbor's countenance
Lo his stupendous air of importance
is at a swift ebb. And as ho alights
from the car and walks oil' in the crowd
his is all the appearance of mingled
curiosity , mistrust and general wide-
eyed verdancy of the veriest jay.
Verily , how wo apples do swim at
Vitality of Koln.
About four miles from Norwich is sit
uated the village of Hallvillo , on ono of
the tributaries of the Thames river.
During the present fall it became neces
sary to repair the dam which furnished
the waterfall for a largo woolen mill
owned by Hall Brothers at the nbovo
numea place , says Fibre and Fabric. In
taking away the dam 'live cols were
found in dry dirt three feet below the
surface of the roadbed , and twelve
feet from any water. Ono of these eels
weighed ono and one-fourth pounds ,
and they were very lively and seemed
all right , as the men who examined
them took them homo and had them
cooked and ate them. Wo place tins on
record , knowing the parties who fur
nished the data to bo absolutely truthful.
Wo have in our time chronicled some
remarkable cases of eel migration nnd
otherfacts connected with their peculiar
life but this beats anything we have
over yet known in reference to the eel
family. _ _
Joint Brown' * Fore to bo Torn Down ,
What is known as John Brown's fort
nt Harper's Ferry , Va. , is to bo torn
down. This is the old engine house
used as a citadel by the great antislavery
very leader and his followers thirty
years ago as a place of refuge from the
soldiers and citizens surrounding them.
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad com
pany has determined upon a very de
cided change in the location of its main
line at Ilarnor's Ferry , the now survey
running directly through the old en
gine house. Thousands have gazed
with interest upon the "fort" from cat-
windows nnd platforms since the war.
An olTort is being made to induce a syn
dicate of Philadelphians to buy the
building and move it to Philadelphia
to bo set up there as ai. exhibition en
terprise like the Chicago Libby prison.
Couldn't See tlui Jolco.
Mr. Gladstone on ono occasion In a
speech told n story illustrating the want
of humor among Englishmen. Accord
ing to the ox-premier , a ball and concert
was gotten up by n clergyman in order
to provide the parish with a hearso.
This has boon nearly outdone by a ball
which was hold at Dingwnll , Ross-shiro ,
Sootland in order to provide tin operat
ing table for the Ross Memorial hospital
in the town.
I have opened a now moat market on the
corner of Sixteenth St. and Broadway. It
will bo my aim to please my customers bv
giving them the best meats to bo obtained.
Everything to bo found In a llrst-cluss butcher
chop will bo furnished at the lowest prices.
Please give mo a call and inspect my now
O'J'B on-UH uve. und loth st. very cheap
Uenson & Slieplienl. U Main t.
" "
if""OTSon Ilroadway , anywhere between Coun-
XJcll Illutfd and Omaha. Demon & Suaplierd ,
0 Main st.
OUKLL III103. & CO. loan money. The most
liberal terms olTeroJ. IU ) Pearlnt.
TCTOH BALfc-An old and well establlshTd
Jj drug store , established in I&43. Cain rn-
quired , t-T.WJ , balanca raal enute. Address A
J , lice. CouncilI Illulfa.
AltOAIN lots In Kiddle's sub , on Oth ave ,
Grading all paid. { I'JJoach. ' N.C. Pullllpn ,
room 6 , Kyarutt block.
in TorwllllBen add fJ75 each. N. 0.
i I'lillllpa , room 5 , liverelt block.
In'VanTlTrunt * Hlce'a odd WiO. KaHjr
I IOTS , N. 0. i'hllllp , room 5 , Kverott bin.
AIIAIUIAIN In West Droadwayproperty. N , .
C. Phillips , room 6. Kyerett block.
r OT8 In Terry addition. Monthly pay me cts
AJ.V. U. Pullllpj , room 5 , Urerett block.
Wo were In hopes that the coal dealers whoso names Imvo nppcnrcil In n certain ennl
published In vnrlous local papers nt different dates trom October 4 , would have on
calm reflection seen the folly of their position without taking into consideration
Its utter falsity and have n serted their Individual manhood , business integrity
nnd honesty of purpose by withdrawing from n combinatlonthnt has boon produc
tive of no good to themselves , either Individually or collectively. Hut it Is n mat
ter ot supreme Indlfforcnco to us If they wish to sacrifice their business interests to
their blind personal prejudices. Wo rcltcrnto the statement wo have already
published , and brand their whole article as n wilful falsehood and the parties wuro
perfectly aware of that fact when they signed It. What lias become of the sig
nature nf the party whoso vivid Imagination concocted the fabrication but who
lacks the courage to father It ) Moanwhllo wo shall still continue to sell hnrtl and
soft coal nt the snmo old popular/prices. /
H. A. COX , Western Sales Agent
A. T. THATCHER , Council Bluffs. la.
Chicago , Ills.
= *
Coal Consuming1 Public
3a r
The coal dealers of Council Bluff * would most respectfully say In explanation
of the reduction In price of coal made by A. T. Thatcher , of this city , that Mr ,
Thatcher has heretofore claimed to soil coal by wholesale only , and that mnny of
us Imvo purchased coal from him nt the market prices , nml would still continue
to do so , if wo could Rot a good article of conl that would please our trade , but
with conl bought from Mr. Thatcher wo have had a trrcal deal of trouble and
complaint , and these of us who Imvo handled his coal Imvo boon
Obliged to Withdraw Qyr Orders
from Him or lose our customers.
To resent this and cocrco the dealers into buying an inferior nrtlclo'of coal
Mr. Thatcher hns come into the retail trade , and is now olforiiiff his coul at ix less
price delivered to consumers than ho charged us for it nt his .yards , and also nt
lower prices than wo could purchase Merchantable Coal olsow'hero.
Wo are prepared to furnish a statement fully vorillcd as to the correctness ol
the above explanation :
Stipp & Ivnolts , E. E. Mnvno ,
D. E. Gloason , Win. Welch
Carbon Coal Co , , .7. E. Movers ,
N. W. Williams , F. 13. Marklo ,
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , T. L. Smith ,
Snckott & Preston , L. M. Shubert ,
Jos. McWilliams.
Until you li.wo vliltctl 100 Mnlnstieet. tlio oldest and heaviest stocked establish ,
ment lu the city , whtio ( joods are Conpht direct fioin m-aiufucturers unit given
away to customers \vltlioiit middlemen a profits. Kvory class of footvvour from the
uorkltmmnn's heavy boot to the tlnost lady's shoo is cheaper now tlinn ever before
at tlio factories , ana establishments that buy direct and lu large * niiAiitltlns can
plve the customer u niMV'lii that will be an extra Inducement , milled to the liast
Roods told \\arrantuil uy rollablo men. Wo do this. Call and bo convinced.
S. A. PIERCE , 1OO Main at. , Council Bluffs.
BAl ; In nil parts of the city. 0. N.
p 'hilling : , room " > , Uverctt block.
LANDS for Htilooroxc bauge. N.U. Pnllllp
room 5. Everett block.
IMI'IlOVKDfarms In IOWB and Knnias for
exchnnso for city property. N. C. Phillips ,
rooms , Kveiett blocic.
FJH BALK On easy terms , choice residence
lot , Gialiam avo. , on motor Una.
1'or Sale by acre fruit and vegetable farm 1&
miles east of Clmutauiiia grounds. A great
bargain. Kasy terms. Only $ Jj per acre.
I'or sale , or will trade for Omiina or Council
ninlM property-IrO ncics iniprorcd land ; a tlno
corn und stock farm 1 mile from station. Im
mediate possession given.
I'or Sale 57 acres no oil fruit and farm laud ,
well watered , li uillo coith of
ground' ) .
for Sale -0 acres choice grove lands on Grand
avenue. Only MJ9 per aero.
Tor Bale isa acres , good bouse , born and out
buildings , 1.000 fiult trees , four mlles from post-
office , only $ OJ per acre , easy terms : also Si
ncrod adjoining , well Improved , nt ? oO an acre ,
ono-thlra cash , bnlunco on terms to suit.
For tialo U > t 4. block 8 , Hanscom Place ,
Omaha , on 10 years' time nt "per cent.
W. C. Stacy Uoom t. Opera lllock.
LIFE INSUIIANCE at actual cost. Address
A. U. Daugherty , Cunning st. . Council
IIIAVU uonsesiuui lots in all parts of Coun
cil Mulls , fromtWJtoiMMJ. that 1 can sell on
monthly payments , or any terms to suit pur-
clms < > rn. This is of particular advantage to
Omaha merchants , clerks , mechanics , 01 people
who desire a home near the mismes.s center oC
Omaha without being compelled topay uxorbl
tant prices. C. IJ. Jiuld , Oiw llrondwav , Council
Ol 3 in Central SUD cneap. iasy : terms. N.
C. Phillip" , room o. Hvcrott bloefc
1/lOU 8ALR or Kent Garden land with houses ,
JU by J. It. Itlce. Itti Main st. . Council Illulfa.
AVENUE A lots , corners , great bargains.
Uenson & Shepherd , 'JMuln st.
OT ou 4th avenue. Van Drunt i ittce's SUD. ,
i cheap , llennon & Shepherd , u Mala bt.
\X7ANTBD-A neat young fjlrl to help lu gon-
1 oral house work. Sirs Jacob Sims , U10
Tlatuor st.
JEST corner on Broadway , opposite o\ver
> house * llensoa & Sncpncrd U Main st.
r , OTa on Glen ave. , Renulno snaps. Uenson it
-i Shepherd , 0 Main st.
LOTH on Mannwa motor line , corners. 10
cash , balance 110 per nioatn. Itonso &
Shepherd , U .Main st.
KEAh KSTATH nought and sold ana ex
changed. Special attention Klvon to exam
ination ot titles. W. O. James , No. II ) I'earl st. *
FOH SALlI-Acre lots In Orchard placo. This
property Is located In the Itico nursery ,
soutnoC the main part of thn city. l',5 ' miles
fromcourthouse , Geo. Motcalf , 1U Pearl st.
HOUSKHancl lots ; < 10J cash , i ! < cash. t-W
cash , balance easy. Uoiison &Snopherd
0 Main st.
BIBDBNTOPP. Heal Estate. Special
attention given to and cor
rection of title to lands and lots iu city and
county. No. 8. North 'lain at.
T OT3 in Mnlllu'.s sub , $10 cash , balance $10 per
JJmonth. Uonson & shepherd. U Main st.
tT\OIt \ BALE 120 aero farm In Jasper county ,
-C Iowa , located naar coal inlnui that ara in
operation. There Ii a llva foot win of coal
under the farm. Geo. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl ut.
BUSINESS locations oc Main and Hroaaway
nt great bargains. Geo. Mctcalf. No. 10
Pearl st.
improved and unimproved prop
JD erty in every part of the city. Ilaro oppor
tunltlos for Investors who neclc xpocniatlons ;
splendid opportunities for those whodoalra
homes. Geo. Metcalf. .No. 10 Pearl st.
FOU SAf.U 80 feet lake frontage located ba
tweon U 1) ) . boat house and Munawa beach
Also n number of cliolco lots In HogatU place
Gro , Mo I calf. No. 10 Pearl at.
T710K KENT Good buslnesj front , KIT Uroad-
X ? way A line retail point , in good rendi
lion. Inmtlre I' . E. May no , til ! ) jlroadway.
Council llltilli.
CO/Vh. CO All. COAli.
I propose to give consumers vnluo for their
money in Coal , and until flintier nollco my
prices are all rail Anthraclto : Gratu and Keg.
i ; No. I nnd Itange , tJ.60 ; Chestnut : , * ' .i.ri > . 'Also
Unfit ( iriulux < > f Illinois and Inmi Soft Coal
Edluburif , llllnolri , lump , tl.fiO : Mnplewood ,
lump. II.W : Conturvilio , lowu. lump , i.7i > ; Wal
nut lllock lump , $ .I. ' U ; Hamilton lump. f.l.'Jo ;
wiiltobroast lump. M.M : Wliltobreast nut , J.I ;
Pea. - ! , < ; Sloam , tl ; Black. $ l.bO. Term * cash
with order or delivered O. O. IVM. I . WELCH ,
016 South Mala street. Telephone UJ.
I'res. Vice Pr s.
CIMS. 11. HANSAN , Cashier.
orcouscir. ur.urrs.
Paid up Capital . SI3O.OOO.OO
Surplus . . 35,000.00
Liability to Depositors. . . .333.OOO.OO
DIIIKCTOIIK It A. Miller , r. 0. nlazson , E. U
Bhugart , E. K. Hart , J. 1) . Edundson. Clias. H.
Iliinnun , Trunnact general banking business
Largest capital and snrphu of any bank in
Nortlnestorn lovru. Interest on tlmo deposits
C'OU.VCII. . IlL.IJri-8
OmniuUs , Carriage an i Transfer
WM , WELCH . Proprietor ,
Ttio Finest Line of Landaus , Coaches and
Hacks lu the City.
fWl have u no w atln-lined carriage for prl v
ate call. It is tliu most elegant couch iu tlio
cltr ,
hiiiiclul attention given to commeiclal men
anil tlieutrk-ul tioupen. lien facilities lu tlio
city for bundling ucenery ,
00 DUN HOUSE. till SO. MAIN ST. .
Telephone No. 83. Tulcphonv No. K ) .
HA UN , Telephone No. Mil.
The only lluo authorlzced to answer culls
turned in to Am. Ulst. U'ol. Co.
Stove * , Stovoc , Stove * !
Tlio best Sl'J.OO cook stove 11S.OJ
The best $13.10 cook stove 1,1.00 ,
The best steve on earth 23.00
The best K.50 wood stove 7.60
The best J1.UJ atovo P.OO
Clicop stoves at all prices.
Wo are the solo and only naonts lor the cele
brated liadlnut Homo hcatcr.M , thegcnulno P ,
P. Stewart lionleiH , the famous heft coal Oak
stoves , guaranteed to hold llro over iniTlU. Wo
Imvo the best stoves , the largest stock of stoves
nnd tne louost piloi-s on stoves , nnd oven our
cheapest we guarantee. Don't fall to see us ,
Oa Kadlunt Homes ana Stewntts wo are cheaper
than any other western city from M to tfi :
pleased to uuotnptlees to omnlilo parties , and
deliver stoves within Qfty miles oC tlio city.
Colo& Cole , 11 Main st. , opposite Citizens'
Prepare ) I'or Winter.
The Peninsula healing stoves are the best la
the market. Have hnmllud them fcr live years.
Every sale gives satisfaction. Hefoie you buy
eo them. The now lloyton furnaces nro con-
ructcd upon the most r.pprovod scientitlo
rnciplcs. und are tlio best nnd most cconoml
'n furnace in tlio world. For sale only by W
fJ.J.auterwasser , : K)7 ) llroadway , Couu n 111 IT
1 * . O. lleVol's Stove Sale.
BOO stoves and moro coming.
Monday morning I will commence the sa1
1,000 poclcctknlvcs at Ko.
500 pocko'knlves at ' .lie.
4UO pocKctkulve.s at ir > c ,
: WO pocketknlves at lOc.
Heinomber that Fuller & Warren make the P ,
P. Stewart stovo. None other genuine. 1 handle
tliolr brand , and will close out my stock nicest ,
to make room for nuotlior carlonclof Peerless
( * arinml , thn world's best. To ba without n
Peerless Garland is to be behind the times. lo )
not get behind. Coinn in and sue my No. 8 cook
steve for $10 and my Bettor Rradcs , the Cnarter
( Jak nnd Family Qurlnnd. Am nl oagvnt for
the Climax , Excelsior , Acorn , Maud I ) , Mon
itor. Cnartor Oak and OAIIfiANI ) ranges.
Special sales for week will bo Peerless Gar-
laud Moves , stove boards , coal hods nnd " ,000
pockctknivus. Come In mid see the Ait Garland
P. 0. Dr.Vori , t04 Broadway.
Flower Pots.
Something entirely new , nnil the handsomest
article ot the kind tliat over adorned a bay-
window or conservatory , are our now painted
and ornamented Flower Pots nnd'n - > es for
house plants. These goods tire entirely new and
nro sold exclusively lu Council Jllutrn by us.
Tno Hustle Pots nro highly ornamental and
will beautify any house. One grade la smoothly
painted In bright colors rcndy for do'oration
by ladles who paint. These handsome goods
nro gold nt prices commonly nuked for plain :
Cc for painted pot and snucor , nnd iilniu nt cor *
responding prices. LUNl ) HIIO8. .
1 Main Street.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
ABents wantea.
No,27 Main St. , Over Jacquomln'a
Jewelry Stor'
OI' Al/f , KINDS
Uargalns lu School Shoes nnd Winter goods at
K. A. S1 OO.\E11'S ,
(21 Main Street.
Corner Main and Hroaaway ,
Dealers In foreign anil dom/stlo cxdiBim *
CollectloD uiude and Interest paid on tim Q