Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    p * -W - ' „ * - / . w - * - *
Valuoa In the Wheat Pit Take on
Upward Turn ,
Ontfl liCXH Active Ititt Moro Firmness
Exhibited Hood UiiRlncflf lit
1'rovlslons NotliliiK Now
in Cuttle Quotations.
CnicAao , DC' 23. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HrB. ] The wheat market turned up today -
day , which was a natural thing to expect
after a 6 > o brenlt. The recovery amounted
to nearly Ic , a largo part of which was hold
to the end , though thcro wcro occasional fits
of weakness and depression. The short In
terest generated on the decline must hnvo
been heavy , judging from the action of the
market , nnd by the sumo token It scorns
clear that the old speculative long Interest
had boon pretty thoroughly liquidated , leav
ing the market bare of offerings for tlio tlmo
being. Cables vvoro rather bolter and early
dispatches brought the news that consider
able wheat had been packed for export ship
ment late yesterday. Later detail * made
the quantity sixteen boat loads certain nnd
four to eight boat loads unlocatcd as uncer
tain. The sixteen boat loads are dcstlnca for
Ll&bon. The northwest sent in n confusing
mass of testimony on the situation m that
quarter. It was assorted with poslttvoness
on tlio ono hand that farmers' deliveries
wcro falling oft and that the effect would
soon be.felt til the rail movement , and on the
other , that the largo elevator companies
were unanimous m the opinion that thcro
was no lot-up In sight ; that to the extreme
range of their vision and Information the
channels and avenues wcro plugged full of
wheat , the only trouble being a scarcity of
rolling stock to haul the grain. Receipts nrc
f ailing off somowlmtut Duluth and Minne
apolis -Ihut is certain but the arrivals at
all the enumerated points foot up'S51,000 '
bushels , against an export clearance amount
ing to 70,000 bushols. Hccolpt at winter
Wheat points which started up a week
or two ago are aguln fall
ing off. The local market was
steady and nt times strong , without excite
ment. December opened at TUJ/c , advanced
to 80Jfc , reacted to TOJ T'JKc , i-alllod
sharply to 80c. but settled back to 80) c ,
and during the last hour remained In the vi
cinity of bOl/o , closing at that llguro. May
opened ntftiKc , ranged at S2 ; @ 33Jfc , closIng -
Ing at 83 c bid. October loft off at80c
nominal. On the upturn to-day there was no
little covering of short wheat for local spec
ulative account. Pnnrdgo ! > & Cudaby are
believed to bo the heaviest shorts In the
market nt this juncture , and they were cred
ited with good buy Inc. Hutchinson was on
both sides of the market. There was very
excellent reinvestment buying nil morning
on the pool1 present prospects for winter
wheat in the Ohio valley , and on the theory
that the movement of spring wheat must in
evitably slow up In the near future. The
navigation season is drawing to a close ,
and when the lock up comes
nnd there Is less wheat at the seaboard than
usual , foreigners arc exposed to wako up
and show uneasiness. That Is ono of the
reasons clvcn for feeling friendly to wheat
nt ore-sent prices. The local sentiment Is
certainly rather uioro bullish this afternoon
than for some time past , although there Is a
largo and Influential party adhering to tha
opinion that thd decline has only fairly
Corn was firmer and made another slight
ndvanco. Receipts were forty-throe cars
under yestorduy's calculations , and for to
morrow tlio moderate number of Sal ) cars
were the estimated arrivals. There was
another advance quoted from Liverpool and
nn excellent demand hero for- cash offer-
Ings. Circumstances were such as to causu
Bomo uneasiness , and at times thcro wcro no
offerings In answer to bids for the property.
At 33o for May thcro were n good many
email selling orders for November , which
were rather dinicult of execution until the
price got to 3'JXc. ' The amount of specu-
lallv trading was only moderate. The
scalpers woru still In control and did the
major purt of tlio trading. October corn
opened ut 30JtfgJ3 ( ( ) o and neld at SO c the
creator portion of the day , closing ut that.
May advanced ) i } nnd sold principally at
> ' - / * ( ! & ) > ' , but closed at ! ii % the same price
us the day before.
Oats wuro less active than yesterday ,
though firmer , with Muy advancing } { a from
the close on Tuesday , The oostcd receipts
fell considerably below the estimate- and the
shorts were moderate buyers. The market
was also Indirectly affected by the strength
in wheat. May sold at 2l-i ) < 22i5 o nnd De
cember was Xc bettor nt l&Jfe , with No.
3 cash or ( toiler tha month at % o discount
from that point. No. 3 whlto oats for November -
vombor were offered at SOJ o and for May at
SS c. Stocks were reduced but 30,433
bushels since the previous report.
Thcro wan increased spectiiativo business
transacted In provisions to-dav. In pork n
rattling good trade was witnessed , as the
trade now goes , lard nnd ribs attracting
rather less attention. On the general list
the opening prices wcro not far away from
yesterday's ' closing range , but under the in-
lluciiceof a brisk , demand for both Novem
ber nnd January pork the market rapidly
hardened , and reactions were tow and unim
portant during the forenoon. The decidedly
strong tone in October product of all kinds
nnd the limited trade in it shows plainly
that operators of all classes will ho
glad when the month's cad Is reached.
The special feature to-day was the
largo buying of November porlc
by Hutchlnsoii and the solllne of year by
Counsulnmn , Thcro was good buying of
January pork under the load of Cuduhy and
Slngor. It is claimed that the wickers are
not anxious to sell pork for November de
liveries at these prices , as It entails a loss of
fully $1.00 per barrel on a basis of present
prices for hogs. There wa ; some buying by
gram houses to-day , which would Indicate
that there were some country orders re
ceived. The soiling of year porlc was gen
erally supposed to DO for account of the
clique. After n strong opening Novornbor
and January pork moved uu 17X-Wo per
barrel , the former selling to $ 'J.8T > i and the
latter to f'J.GSXLard ' futures vvoro loss no-
tivo than for two or ihrco days past , bui the
undertone was ono of limitless for all months.
October ribs again advanced sharply , soiling
up to $5.-10 , while January ribs improved to
H.82K' < HS3. Cholco brands of cash lard
continue to Roll nt a premium of fi@7 > a
over October. Prices for hoes were lOo per
100 Ibs lower and the receipts slightly above
the estimate. At tha six principal packinc
points the i receipts of hogs aggregated 03,000
head , against 41,1)00 ) for the corresponding
day last year , 'l ho Now York market for
lard was stronger and Liverpool advices
noted steady and unchanged prices for both
Inrd and bacon. In the local cash market for
the product a fair business was transacted ,
tales of cash lard being reported at $0.85(3 (
U.42 } , with groou hauia quoted 7J o and
sweet pickled hams nt 8 > ; o for 100 Ibs aver
ages. Dressed short ribs averaging OS
Ibs sold at 5J7K. ! October pork ranged ut
* 10.SO ( < ? < U.07H' , and closed at tbo inside fig.
urea , or 17 o lower. November pork closed
20o higher and January and February 7V < c
higher , with year 7&c lower. October ribs
were marked up 15o and January lard and
ribs woru unchanged.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to
Tun KEB. ] OATTI.B There was little 01
nothing now In trade to-day , The receipts
were divided at about 7,500 natives , 8.50C
Texan * and 4,000 rangers that is there were
a lUDlciout number of car * of raupers reported
ported to make 4,000 , if such should arrive Ic
tlmo. 13est natives were In good demand and
equally as strong as ynstorday , nnd it was
the same weary and often told story on com
mon , slow and neglected , Texans and rang
era were in good demand and steady U
troop , and seine of the best range cattl <
ecu hero this season were on the market to
day , Nntlvo butchers' stock la In good demand
mand and steady , There was again a fair bust
neis In stacker * and feeders at itoady prices
Choice to oxiru beeves , U.MXitS.OO ; modmn
to good iteera , 1350 to 15JO Ibs. f4.CXX34.iO
1300 to 1ffT > 0 Ibs , f3.r 0@4.80 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs ,
5&00 < < J4.15 ! stockcrs ( ini feeders , * 1.00@3.05 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , $1.10@2.55 ; bulk ,
f3.CKW52.15t slop-fed stcor * . * 3.00 ( < H20 ; Texas
steers , J.25 ( < ? 3-W 5 cows , ? l.COC < i2.23 ; western
cows , $2.00M2.GOj wintered Texans , fcj.76f $
3.40 ,
Hoas Vntuos again showed a decline of
G@IOe , and the general market ruled slow ,
closing weak , nnd several late lots were loft
at the close. Packers paid. . $3.85(31.00j (
Inrpoly * J.OO ( < i3.03 , and shlpporrfl.O'itfgnn.
Light sorts showed the greatest decline , the
snmo ruling a good lOo lower , going out nt
.05@U ( > for210 lb. averages down to IJjO ,
and $1.30 for the Bingo variety.
Nnw Vontc , Oct. 23. ISpashl Tclojrrnm to
Tnu Ufin. ] STOCKS There was only a fair
amount of bull force displayed nt the openIng -
Ing of stocks to-day. The expressions last
night were very hopeful. It was figured
nt the close yesterday that buylnp to cover
was principally In Loulsvlllo , Union Pacific
and Missouri Paciflo. People who nro ad
vised say that Gould will return very bullish
at the end of the week. Hussell Saco says
openly that stocks will look cheap at 5 to 15
points higher In a few months. At the open
ing London was a buyer of St. Paul and
Louisville. Local professionals were sellers ,
together with Chicago bear houses. The
regular list displayed an advancing tendency
In early dealings , Northwestern , Missouri
Pacific , nnd Union 1'oclflo being the most
prominent in the upward movement , but
trusts were again specially nctlvo and decid
edly weak , nnd finally the rccular Hit pave
way. The losses wcro confined to the small
est fractions , however , while Lead
Trust dropped 1 per cent to SOJff , Cotton
Oil IM to 41 > .f nnd Sugar Refineries 1J to
73)f. When these figures were reached the
decline was checked nnd the market became-
comparatively dull , while urices began to
mend. During the hour to 13 o'clock n fair
upward tendency was noticeable. Sugar re
covered to 70 , Cotton Oil to 42tf , and Chicago -
cage Gas to 51. Coalers improved % © ) { P ° r
cent from the early figures. In railroad
stocks Missouri Paciflo moved up to
Northwestern to llljf , Burlington to
Northern Pacific to 7 K and Manhattan to
In most of the other stocks business
was light and fluctuations Insignificant. An
easier feeling In the money market caused
good buying of stocks to the closo. Ad
vances wcro qulto sharp at times and the
last figures were very nearly at the best
prices of the day. Sugar weakened to 74 %
at the close , while Chicago Gas went to 55 ,
closing at 04 % . Coal stocks were but small
fractions bettor , but the Granger group
moved up % Wi per cent all around. Gould
stocks wcro also advanced ,
The following wore the closing quotations :
0. S.4s regular. K7 Noi thorn 1'aclnc. . ! Ki !
U. 8. 4s coupons . . . . 127 do preferred 7j ! !
U. 3. 41sregulnr. . .liMi'i 0. & M. W II1U
U. 8. IKs coupons. 10BJ4 do preferred 140H
I'aclllcC.sot 'ilj . 11755 N.Y.Oontral lOO'i
Central 1'acttlc . a4 ! 1' . D.&K. . . . 19
Chicago 3c Alton. . . . l"7 Uocklslnna U8i
Chicago , llurllngton C..M. &St.l' 1.0H
ignhiRV. . . . ICXl. ' i doprofcrrod ll-'i '
IX. I * ft W . Uiv , Sc.Pnul.fcOmaha. . SO
llllnolsCantral . . . .III ) doprorerrod 07
I. , II.V . 'J4 ! Union 1'aclllc CO ? ;
Knnsas&'l'exas. . . , 12K W..8t. L. HV IflTi
LalcoSlioro . 10 > 5i do prof.irred ai',4
Michigan Central. . V-S ! Westora Union , . . . 847 ,
Mlseoiu-ll'acitlc. . . . 70J'
MONET Easier , rangintr from 3 to 8 per
cent. Last loan 3 per cent.
PRIME MEacvxTiLn PAt'cn 5 ( J57cj sterl
ing exchange quiet , but weak ; sixty-day bills , ; demand , S4.S5.
Mining Stocks.
NEW Yottic , Oct 23. fSoocial Telosratn
to THE BEB.I The following ara the min
ing stock quotations :
Caledonian. It. . . . ! 5 110
Con. Cal. if Va. . . .SH Ontario Utoo
Dead wood T. 130 Ophlr HiO
Km-eka Con H.VI Occidental 1JO
Homestako tUO I'l ymoutn 'JM
Horn Silver. 14'J ' Sierra Nevada I..U
Iron Silver 200 Union Con L'GJ
CHICAGO. Oct. 2,5. 1:15 p. m. close
Wheat Firmer ; October , 7Sjfc ; December ,
S04'c ' ; May , 83 0.
Corn Steady ; October and December ,
) ? < c ; May , 33 ? o.
Oats Steady ; October , ISo ; November ,
lS ? c ; May , 2l' o.
Hyo October , -llJic.
Uarloy October , Die.
Prime Timothy 91.13.
Flax Cash , S1.2S ; May , S1.37K-
Whisky 51.03.
Pork Easy ; October , $10.80 ; January ,
v Lard Steady ; October. S0.27K ; January ,
Flour Steady , with no sales reported ;
winter wheat. $2.W@J.-IO ( ; spring wheat ,
f J.7o@5 00 ; rice , 83.-II ) i,2.60. ,
Provisions Shoulders , { ! .2ii.50 ( ; short
clear , $3.50@3.Gi : > tf ; short ribs , October.
Butter Steadier ; creamery , 13@23c ; dairy ,
Checso Tight ; full cream Cheddars , 0@
c : Huts , U , ' @ 9j o ; Young Americas , y j
Eegs Firm ; fresh , 17 @ 18Kc.
Hides Steady ; light groan salted , Oc ;
dry calf , 5@0o ; deacons , each , 20c.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1. solid packed , 4o ;
No. il , 5 } e ; cake , 4 > c.
Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour JH.UOO 11,000
Wheat 17li,000 155,000
Corn 27J.OOO aoo.OOO
Oats 8D7.000 279.000
Now Y < irk. Oct. 23. Wheat-Rocolpts ,
2i,230 ) ; exports , 40,000 ; spot fairly nctlvo ,
higher and firm ; No. U red. 821f@S3Jfo in
elevator ; 82 / ( < $84jrfo afloat ; 83t4@i4 ! o f. o.
b. ; ungraded rod , 70@b'J o ; options stronger
nnd higher ; No. 2 red , November closing ut
Corn Receipts , 72,300 bushels ; exports ,
58,050 bushels ; spot higher ; No. 2 , 38 ®
30KO in elevator , 89 (3140) ( 0 afloat : uncradod
mixed , 38K@40J c ; options llrm ; November
closing at 'M %
Oats Receipts , 130,000 bushels ; exports ,
- ; spot firmer ; options stronger ; Novem
ber closing nt 25tfcj spot No. a , white. 27X
@ 28u ; mixed western , 23 > 4@20 } cj white
western , 27@34J c.
CotTee Options closed steady to 10@15
points down. Sales : a ? , 250 Dags ; October ,
f 15.05 ; November , $15.05 ; spot UIo , steady ;
fair cargoes , $10.25.
Sugar Kaw , nominal ; refined , easy and
Petroleum Firmer ; United closed at
$1.02 % for November.
Eggs Firm ; western , 2021 > o.
Tork Qulot and irrnjrular.
Lard Higher but quiet : western steam ,
f0.90@0.l)5. )
UutterVoak ; Elgins , 24K@25o ; western
dairy , 9@15o ; oreainory , 126S14O.
Chceso About steady ; western , 7K(3lOc. ( !
St. Ijoula , Oct. 23. Wneat Higher ;
cash , 75Ko ; May , 83c.
Corn Firmer ; cash , 27c ; May , 2
Oats Firmer ; cash , 17)/o ) ; May ,
Pork Firm nt $11.50.
Lard-Firm ut 0.100.15.
\Vhlskoy-fl.OJ. \
KniismCliy , Oct. -Whoat Weaker ;
No. 2 hard , cash , G3Jfo bid ; October , C3Ko ;
No. a hard , cash. 58 J \ October , 53o bid ;
No.Sboft , cash , G7) o bid ; October , 07 0
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , cash , 22 obid ; Octo-
Dor , 22 u bid ; No. a white , cash , no blda
nor offerings. .
Oats No , 3 , cash , lOo bid ; No. 3 , cash ,
14 0 asked , rejected ; 12o asked.
Olnoliiimil. Oct. 2J. Wheat Lower ;
No. 3 red , 70@77o.
Corn Steady : No. 3 mixed , 34c.
Oats-No , 3 mixed , 2lc.
Liverpool , Oct. 23. Wheat-Qulet , hold
ers offer moderately ; California No. 1 , 78 2 ! d
@ 7s 3.J d nor cental.
Corn Firm , deniana fair ; now mixed
western , 4s lU'd par cental.
MlUvniifcoi' . Oct. 33. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 72o ; December , 73Vo.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3. 3lo.
Oats-Qulef No. 3 white , 21@31tfc.
Hye Euslor ; No , I. 42c ,
Uarley Fairly active ; October , 52o.
ProvUlons Firm1 , pork , 111.60.
Mtiiiioupi > li < i , Oct. 23. Sample wheat
higher ; receipts , 450 cars ; shipments , 125 cars :
Closing : No. 1 hard. October , 77 > o > May ,
84o ; on traok , 77c ; No. I northern , 77J o
May , 8Uo ; on trade , 75c ; No. 3 northern
October , 70c ; May , 77/fcj / on track , 70 ®
Chlonico , Oct. 23. The Drovers1 Journal
reports as follows :
CnttloKcceiptRir ,000 ; market steady on
good , others weak ; beovfs , J4.50S5.0 ( < ) ;
steers , . ) .00@4.40 : stockcrs and feeders , * 1.00
(32.03 ( ; cows , bulls and mljc4d , gl,102.55 ;
Texas cattle , $1.GO@2.00 ; western rangers ,
Iloga Receipts , 29,000 ; market slow , .clos
ing 510o lower ; mixed. taoo@4,80 | heavy ,
t3.85 ® .20 ; light , $3.85(34.80 ( ; sKlps , * 3.W ) @
Sheep Receipts , 10,000 ; market steady ;
unlives , tf.OOG&'UOt westerns , $ .1.00@U5 ;
Toxnns , f3.25@ ,03 ; lambs , $4.00@3.23.
Kunsa < City , Oct. l3. ! Cattle
Receipts , 7.750 ; shipments , 5,250 ;
cows. Jl.oO@J.33 ; atockors and feed
ers , r -
llogs Receipts , 8,800 : shipment * , 800 ;
market lower ; light , 53.1534.15 ; heavy and
mixed , $3.75@3.0J.
Hloux Oily , Oct. 2.J. Cattle RcooIpU ,
COO ; shipments. 415 ; market strong : cows ,
f 1.00@2.05 ; stockcrs and feeders , fl.50Q2.SO ;
veal calves , f2.00@3.15.
Hogs Receipts. 3,403 ; market strong ;
light and mixed , f3.70@3.S7 heavy , * 3.80
@ 3,00.
Niitlonnl Htoolc YariH , Kaot St.
mild , Oct. 23.-Cattlo Receipts , 31,400 ;
shipments. IH)0 ; market strong ; fair to
choice native steers , $330 4.85 ; stack
ers and feeders , Sl.CO@2-10 : range steers ,
$2.10 ( < J2.90.
Hogs Receipts. 5,200 : shipments , 2,800 ;
market lower ; heavy , M.SO4.00 : packing ,
? 3. 70 ( 3.90 ; light , $3.W1.13. )
Wednesday , Oct. 23.
To-day's cattle market WDS strong nnd
nctlvo and the most desirable of Ilia offerings
were soon picked up. The cattle run was
light , loss than half what It was on Wednes
day of last week , nnd the fortv-sovcn loads
reported In made a small showing in the
yards. There wcro a few pretty good cattle
among the offerings , but not many , The ar
rival of two trains in the afternoon added
considerably to that number , Nutlvo steers
sold nt S3.501.37U ( nnd westerns $2.15 ®
2.87J $ . 'Ihero wcro qulto a good many cows
among the c.ittlo on salc.but there was in ad
dition to the local demand a nrotty fair ship
ping demand. The market was higher and
the trade qulto brisk. Cows are selling n
good deal higher than ut the low point somn
ton days or two weeks ago , but it
is so easy to got a big run of
this kind 'of stock , and the market Is
so easily glutted , that shippers should not
place too much dependence In the ucrnin-
neney of present prices. Native cows brought
$1.80 ( < i2.10 nnd westerns t2.05@2.25. Feed
ers were none too plenty and the market
was strong at yostord.\y's ' prices. A bunch
of cholco grade Herefords from the range
brought $3.00 , showing what good stuff will
bring. Natives sold nt $2.10@2.80.
The hog market experienced a decline to
day of So. A few of the earliest sales wcro
not much lower , but the heaviest packers set
out to hammer prices from the very opening
of the market , and in this they were aided
by eastern advices , which were unfavorable !
to the selling interest. The bulK of the good
heavy and mixed packers selling at ? 3.85. u1 *
acuinst $3.93 yesterday , the light hog ship
pers were not trying to do much , claiming
that prices were too high to suit them. Al
though the market was at no tlmo very ac
tive , the hogs JccDt dropping off a few loads
nt a tlmo , and by 10 o'clock the- bulk had
changed hands.
Two double docks of good western snoop
were received and sold.
Cattle 1.400
Hogs 4,500
Horses 400
Prevailing Priors *
Thofollowlng 1s a table of pries * paid la
this market for the grades of stock meu-
tionod :
Prime stcors , 1303 to 1050 Ibs. . $4.00 @ 4.45
Good steers , 1250 to 1430 Ibs. . 3.80 W4.20
Good steers , 103'J to 130U Ibs. . . 3.50 @ 4.U )
Western steers 2.50 @ 3.20
Common canners 1.00 @ 1.50
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 ( < ? 1.75
Fair to good cows 1.73 ( jl.US
Good to choice co wa 1.95 © 3.25
Fair to good bulls 1.30 ( < # 2.00
LightstocKors and feeders. . . . 2.00 @ 3.50
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . . 3.30 © 3.90
Fair to choice light hogs 3.90 @ 3.95
Fair to choice heavy noes 3.85 ( 3.90
Fair to choice mixed hogs 8.85 f < 3.90
Common to rough hogs 3.23 @ 3.73
RoprcBuntativc S.ilcj.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
18 1250 S3 50 20 , 1205 J8 90
1'J ' 1070 SCO 18 1804 390
22 117(1 ( 3 03 ! ! 9 1387 420
23 1117 370 43 1381 4 87i
3 723 180 20 1009 200
14 054 130 1 900 200
7 1143 100 2 1105 200
7 940 ISO 23 978 205
3 'J10 1 SO 13 1044 3 10
29 718 210 4 825 245
7 1083 210 23 872 245
23 872 235 5 1020 345
4 815 333 53 1094 345
34 8U3 240 25 958 350
20 900 240 1 1030 300
2 975 240 13 1303 270
8 913 240 89 10JS 275
33 703 240 25 1114 280
1 1550 150 1 1480 100
3 1000 240
1 200 2 50
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
1 steer , stray 1000 2 25
1 steer , stray 1020 2 25
13stcors , strays. . . . 793 310
1 steer , stray 900 3 10
Scows , strays , , . 1200 100
2 steers 1345 3 25
2 steers 1375 275
Iflfeedors 078 2(15 (
lOfcodors 1122 2(15 (
50 feeders 1104 350
SOfecdors 10'JJ ' 350
21 feeders 800 305
9cows 983 1 75
3bulls 1230 1 CO
1 stag 12SO 200
Warbonnot Cattle Co
74steers 1193 2 87K
lOSstcors 1103 387
Swan Land & Cattle Co
24stcors 1003 215
Sstoers 1030 215
Sstcers 1215 325
M. M. Mason
85 cows 003 1 90
T. B. Hicks
HickslOSfeodcra 1113 300
77 cows 1033 325
MoLaughlin20COWB 1125 205
Carlisle Bros
127foedera 1020 245
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
4..3UO 1375 59.,309 4UO 13 87K
0..807 40 375 00..275 100 8 87K
5.213 875 77..2l5fi 40 8 87K
48..207 80 3 60 C0..23 40 8 87K
57..280 100 380 01..293 IGO 3 87K
C0..2W 300 3 b2Jtf 01..278 120 3 97 > J
BO..300 100 3 85 05..243 IGO 8 87K
07..279 80 3 85 Ot. . . 284 100 390
59..300 200 8 85 CO..240 300 893
00..207 80 3 85 03..255 40 390
01..279 240 385 03.271 240 300
70..283 80 8 83 01..238 130 890
53.233 240 385 03..255 40 890
65..2SO 100 385 71.203 100 8 DO
53..293 120 385 83..334 130 890
63..810 200 885 05..103 130 390
4..275 8 85 03..200 80 3 90
71..318 200 385 71..255 120 890
59..299 30 385 70..220 120 8 90
50..285 120 365 50..251 210 390
03..805 240 865 71..253 80 8 90
70..255 120 385 04..807 200 390
51..297 bO 8 85 83,23140 390
71..210 100 385 00. . .374 80 3 90
03 , . .399 200 8 85 05.,290 120 8 90
5(1..330 ( 120 3 85 03..203 80 890
50..317 200 385 50. . . 800 SO 8 90
00..814 830 385 73..213 8 90
CO..200 280 385 60..107 40 8 92W
57..203 100 365 4.9..355 3 85
No. 1,1" , AvPr -
100 westerns ' . , ! . . . .100 (3 SO
201 westerns ' , , ' , . . .03 3 SO
99westerns . . . . , . . . . . . 05 380
. Ijlvo 8tncK/l'Nnto ' .
M. Mackoy marketed hogs from Eustis.
C. Rcgtor marketed cattle from llondor-
ton.D. . Deltrlclc came In from Upland with
hogs. J * '
H. Gould ft Co. , of Blue Hill , marKeted
hogs. < ' >
C. A. Powell , of Koncsnw , was In with
A.V. . Hagorman , of Mandowln , was In
with hogs.
Bennett Ewlng , of Exeter , marketed three
loads of cattlo.
G. W. Holt came down from Blair with
two curs of hogs.
L. W. Stcolo , of Gordon , was In with two
car loads of cattlo. \
Friend was represented by F. Alldrltt.who
had hogs on tlio market.
Wilbur was represented by T. Cochran ,
who had hogs on market.
J. 11. Jusloy , manager of tho'Loavonworth
Cattle company , of Slater. Col , , couio In in
advance of n train of thlrty.flvo cars of
cattle shipped from Rawllns , Wvo. Presi
dent L. T. Smith nnd Secretary- . H. Jus
loy , of the company , were hero from Lcavoa-
worth , Kan.
Prmlucr , Frultti , Etc.
Encs Strictly fresh , ISo ; sounds , 14o.
Hums , PELTS , TALLOW. "ETC. Grcon
salted hides , 4/c ; damaged hides , 8) c ; dry
flint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 5@5-fc ; ; damaged
hides 2o loss ; Mieop pelts , green , each , 23c@
Sl.OJ ; sheep polls , dry , | iorlbQl2c ( ; tallow ,
ISo. 1 , 4@4j o ; No. 3 , 2 ! @ 3o ; grease ,
whlto. 3X@lc ; yellow , 2J @ 3e.
WOOL Flno. average , lofjjlCc ; medium ,
average , 21@22c ; quarter blood , average , 20
@ 2lu ; coarse , nvornco , 15@l7c ; cotts nnd
rough , average , l10c. ) ( ! .
Funs Beaver , per lb , $ J.OO < < J350 ; each ,
? 2.CO@ .00 ; otter , each , $3.00@7.00 ; wolf ,
each , Wc@$1.23 ) ; coon , each , 25'J73c ; mink ,
each , 15uOc ( ; muskrat , full , 5 ( < j9c : skunk ,
rat , 15@50c ; badger , rat , 23@SOc , deer skins ,
fall , per lb , 18'J7c.
llCTTEiuxn Tubs , 14c ; rolls , I3o.
oxioxs ir > @ 20i\
Coco VSUT3 Per 100 , $3.00.
APPLE Butrcii Cc ,
Ciw.u Bhls , $3..M ) ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAl'l.i : SUOAU 12j ( jT)15c ) per lb.
VEILChoice , medium size , 5SOc ; cholco
heavy , 4@5o.
HONHY lOc per lb fnr cholco.
PKCSEIIVES 9J @ 10c per lb.
JELLIES 8K@lc | > er lb.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19c.
Pies FEET Pickled , kits , 73o ; pickled
nigs tongues , kits , $3.35 ; pickled tripe , icits ,
05o ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 83c ; spiced
pigs hocks , kits , SI.15.
UECFToxaUEs Salt , bbls , $ ' 30.00.
HAY $5.00@I5.00.
CHOP Fnr.n $10.00(7611.00. (
Biux-S.OOrtS.50. ( ;
SHOUTS ? 3.008 30. ,
OATS ! S@l9c.
CoilX 23irJ20c. (
POTATOES ! 30$23c. (
HUTTBU Creamery , fancy. 22@23c ; choice
202lc. Dairy , fancy , i @ 18c ; choice , 15
© lUc. Country , tancy , 10@17o ; good to
cholco , 1415c ; fair , lO Sllc ; inferior , 7@Sc.
Livn PIOEOXS Per doz'f 1.50.
GAMH Pralrlo chlukons , $3 00@3.50 ; mal
lard ducks. ? 2.50@3.00 ; mixed ducks , 1.50@
1 75 ; teal , Sl.25Ql.50 ; Jack snipe , $1.00(91.25 ( ;
quail , Sl.75@'J ' OU ; jack hxbolts , W.OU350 ;
small rabbits , ? 1.0U@1.20 ; squirrels , $1.00ii ( $
1.10 ; plover , ? 1.00@1.25 ; ' venison saddles ,
18@14e ; carcasses , b10c. i
BEAKS Choice hand-picked navy , 31.75 ®
2.00 ; choice hand-picked medium , SU5@1.SO ! ;
cholco hand-picked country , fl.GOQjl.SO ;
clean country , ? 1.50@1.60 ; inferior country ,
? l.CO1.23.
Cnucsi : Young Americas , full cream.
12o ; factory twins , HC < il3J ) c ; off grades , 7(2 (
80 ; Van Rosson Edom ; $11.50 per doz ; sap
sago , 19c ; brick , lie ; limburger , 9c ; domes
tic Swiss , 13@14c.
LEMONS Fancy , fC.OO@8.50 ; cholco , $3.50
CiASnriiiiiE3 : Cape Cod , $3.00@10.00.
OIIANOKS Louisiana , per box , $4.00.
BUCKWHIUT FLOUH Per bbl. , $0.30.
GIIAPKS N. Y. Concord , per basket , 35@
APPLES Per bbl. , § 1.00@3.00.
PKAIIS 40 lb. boxs. Sl.75@2.23.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
"PcmsiONB Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb. average ,
lOKc ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lOc ; 13 to 14 Ibs , lie ;
shoulders , 5o ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , 8c ;
ham sausage , 9o ; dried beef hams , S > c ;
beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt moats ,
4/ @ 0 } cpcr lb ; ham roulette , 0) ) c ; add Ic
per tt for small lots.
PICKLES Medium , per bbl. $3.50 ; small
$5,50 ; gherkins , $0.50 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts. $5.85 ; pts. $3.40.
CiNiiv OKOl-Kopor ft.
CIIOCOLITC AND Coco * 31@37o per H ;
Gorman chickory , red , 71 } c.
GINOEU Jamaica , } pints , $3.00 per doz.
COFFEE Green Fancy , old golden Rio ,
22) c ; fancy old poaborry , 23o ; Rio choice
to fancy , 22c ; Rio , prime , 21o ; Rio , good ,
20o ; Mocha , 80c ; Java , fancy Mandehling ,
27o ; Java , good Interior , 24o ; African , 21c.
COFFEE Roasted Arbucklo's Anosa ,
StJ c ; McLaughlin's XXXX,34 c ; German ,
23) c ; Dilworth , 23J c ; Alaroma , 24) c.
SUQAUS Cut louf. 9o ; cut loaf , cubes , 9o ;
standard , powdered , 9o ; XXXX , powdered ,
9 > c ; granulated , standard. 7 c ; confec
tioners'A , 7 c ; whlto , extra C , 7 > c ; extra
C , Nebrnsna , 7j c ; amber , 7 , ' o ; California ,
( olden C , 7c.
SAUSAOE Bologna , 4) ) < f@3o ; Frankfort
7J c ; touguo , 8 , } o ; sum'uier , 18c ; head
cheese , 0 > < c.
PoULTiiir Chickens , per doz. live , cholco
$3.73@3.00 ; springs , $2.50@3.75 ; dressed
per lb , 10 ( < ? lllo ; turkeys , live , 8Vg9c ( : dressed ,
ll@12o ; ducks , live , per doz. $250@3.00 ;
dressed per lb , ll@12o ; goose , live , per doz ,
$0.00 ( 3.00 ; dressed per lb , ll@12o.
LAUD Tierces Roflned 5J/c ; pure leaf ,
o ; kettle rendered 7o. Add } ( c to % c for
smaller quantities.
LYE1.75@ .50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17o : Brazils , 9o ; ill-
berts , 12o ; pecans , 12o ; walnuts , 13u ; peanut -
nut COCKS , 8 > ac ; roasted , loj c.
WiiAPi'iNO PAPKK Straw , per lb , 1 ? @
2Ko ; rag , 2 0 ; manllla , B , 5@OXo ; No. 1 ,
SALT-Dalry , 280 Ibs in bbl. bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , 60 , 5s , $2.30 : best grade , 100. Us ,
$3.40 ; best grade , 38 , 10s , $3,20 ; rock salt ,
crushed , $ l.bO ; dairy salt. Ashton , 50-lb bags ,
85o ; bulk , 224-lb bags , $3.23 ; common , in
bbls , $1.35.
FAWNACCOUS Goons-r-Barloy , 8(73Ko ( ; far
ina , 4 > o ; peas , 8/c ; ; oatmeal , 25c ; mao-
curoni , llo ; vcnnfcBlll , llo ; rice , 3) < i@7oj
sago and tapioca , 0@7c.
Fiau Salt Drled1coiinsh,5 ® SKo ; scaled
herring , 24o per box ; hoi , hernutr. dom. , EOo ;
Hamburg , spiced herrli/f,51.40 / ; hoi. herring ,
imp. , 85o ; mackerel , largo family , * 10.35 per
100 Ibs ; whlto flsn , No ! 1 , $7.00 : family ,
$3.75 ; trout , $5.23 ; aalihoU , $8.50 ; anchovies ,
85o. -1 '
CANNED Mi ! ITS Corned hoof , lib square
cans , $1,20 ; corned bcofu3 lb square cans ,
$2.03 ; corned beef , 0 lb si\uuro cans , $0.50 ;
corned beef , 14 lb square cans , $14.00 ; lunch
tongues , 1 lb round cans , $3.60 ; lunch tongues ,
3 lb round cans , $4,75Jbruwn ; , 1 lb square
brawn , 3 lb square cans , $3.00 ; brawn , Olb
square cant ) , 0.50 ; brawn , 14 lb square cans ,
$14.00 ; oxtongues , \ % ty round cans , J5.00 ;
ox tongues , 3 lb round cans , $0.00 ; ox tongues ,
3K lb round cans , J7AK ) : ox touguos , 3 lb
round cans , $3.00 ; chipped beef , 1 lb round
cans , $3.00 ; chipped beef , 2 lb round cans ,
$4.00 ; roast bcof , 1 lb round cans , 91.20 ; roast
beef , 3 lb round cans , 9-J.OO ; potted nam , > /
lb round cans , C5o ; potted ham , yt lb round
cans , $1.20 ; deviled ham , \ \ lb round cans ,
CSo ; deviled ham , % ID round cans , $1.20 ;
potted ox tongue , jb round cans , 65o ; petted -
ted ox tongue , M lb round cana , $1.20 ; com
pressed hnin , lib square cans , $1.75 ; compressed -
pressed ham , 3 lb square cans , $3.75 ; tripe ,
3 lb round cans. Sl.bOj uilnced callops , 2 lb
round cans , $3.20 ; bonuless pigs feet. 2 lb
squara cans. $ j.35. One i > ound cans are
packed two dozen and four dozen to coso.
Two pound cans are packed one dozen and
two dozen to caso. Half pound cans packed
two doien to case. Quarter pound cans
packed four dozen to case. All prices per
dozen not.
DIUKD FitoiTs Currants , new , 5J/o ;
nrunci , caaks , 1,800 tts , 4tf@4fo ; prunes ,
bblB or bags , 4Jf@4 } C ; citron peels , drums ,
20 tts. 22ei lemon pool , drums , 20 H > B , 16o ;
fard dales , boxei , 12 lb , 9c ; upricou , choice
cvnporaton , He1 apricots , Jolly , cured , 85 lt >
boxes , 15c ; apricots , fancy , Mount Hamilton ,
25 lb boxes , lOo ; nprlcots , cholco , bags , 80 tt > s ,
llj fo ; apples , evaporated , Aldon,50 lb boxes ,
PC : untiles , Star , SJfc ; apples , fancy Alden ,
fi ft. 10o ; apples , fa'icy Aldcn , 3 lb , lO' o :
blackberries , evaporated , 50 lb boxes , li } ©
0fe } ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , IGo ; pears ,
California fancy , } ( boxes , 23 ft , 12 c ;
peaches , Cal No 1 , fancy , Ksunpbngn , 60 Ida ,
IGo ; nectarines , red , 12c ; nectarines , silver ,
bags , lOc ; pitted plums. Cnl , 25 lb boxes , llo ;
raspberries , ovap N Y , now , 27o ; prunes ,
Cal , U C , 00-100 boxes , 25 ILs , 0p ; prunes ,
Cal. It O , CO-70 , 9oj ornngo peel , 15o ; raisins ,
California Londons , crop 18S9 , $3.50 ; rnUlns ,
Cal , loose muscatels , crop 1SS8 , $3.00@2.10 ;
Valcnclai , 1SS8 , Oo.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; sal
mon trout , 3 lb , $2.33 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.25 ;
clams , 3 lb , $3.10 : clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.25 ;
lobsters , 3 lb. $290 ; lobsters , deviled , J < lb ,
3.23 ; mackerel , lb , $1.75 ; mackerel mus
tard sauce , a lb , $3.10 ; mnckcrol , tomato
sauce. 3 lb , $3.23 ; oyster * . 1 lb , 03o ; oysters ,
lb , $1.00 ; salmon , O. It , lib , * 3.00 ; salmon ,
C. R. . 2 lb. $3.80 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , $3.6o ; shrimps , 1 lb.
"biLs-Kcroicnc-P. W. , 9 f I W. W. , 12o ;
headlight , 13o ; salad oil , $2.16(39.00 ( per
SAHODA n < ® 2 , ' o per lb.
STAUCH t@ro per lb.
STOVIJ POLISH $2.00@5.S7 per gross.
Si'icns Whole , per lb Allspice , 9c ; Cns-
sta , China , 9c ; cloves , Penanp , 23c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , 18l'Jc.
Twines anil llnpo.
BiNDEns1 TWINE Sisal , ISJ c ; hemp , 14 } c ;
manllht , 15c ,
CLOTHESLiSES-Cotton , 50 ft. $1.20 ; cotton ,
CO ft , $1.40 : Jute , 50 ft , 90c ; Jute , 00 ft , 11.00.
COTTON TWINE Fine. 20o ; medium , 10 } c ;
heavy hemp , 14c ; light hemp , 17c.
SAIL TWINE- , sail , 20o ; Calcutta , 14o ;
Manllla rope , 14 > ib ; sisal rope , lljtfo ; now
product , 9o ; ] utc , 9)fcr ) cotton lUo ; hide
rope , 17c. _
Iiuinbor mill Itiilhl Ini ; Material.
STOCK UOVUD ? A , 12 Inch , s 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $1(5.00 ( ; B 13 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
SI1.00 : C 12 Inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 and 1(1 ( foot ,
$3000 ; D 12 Inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet.
32J.OO ; No. 1 com 12 In , s 1 s 13 feet , SIS 00 ;
No. 3 com 13 In , s 1 s 14 nnd 10 feet , $17. 30 $
18.50 ; No. 1 com 12 In. s 1 s 10 , 18 and SO fi-et ,
$19.50 ; No. 3 com 13 In , s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
Poi'LuiLuMUER Clear poplar box bds. %
In , s 3 s , $33.00 ; clear noulnr , % panel ,
$30.00 ; clour poplar , % in panel , $ .25.00 ;
poplar , J in p.uicl stock wide , s 2 s , $ iS,00 ; poplar corrugated ceiling , % , $39.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 Inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , o' inch halves and S incli quar
ters , lie ; white cedar , 4 inch round , 10c ;
Tcnnessoo rod cedar , split , Ilic ; spill oak ,
white , So ; sawed oak , I7c.
SHIP LAP No. 1 plain,8 nnd 18 Inch , $17.59 ;
No. 3 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , $15.53 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18.00.
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 32 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1(100 ( 1000 1800 1900
2x0. . . . 15 00 15 00 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
2x8. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 1000 1000 IS 00 1900
2x10. . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 1C 00 18 00 19 00
2x12. . .15 00 15 00 15 00 1(1 ( 00 1C 00 18 00 19 00
4x43x3.10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 19 00
FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 nnd 14 ft ,
lough , 810.00@10.50 ; No. 1.4 and 0 inch , 10 ft ,
S17.00@17.50 ; No. : i , 4 nnd Cinch , 12 and 10ft ,
$13.50 14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and C inch , 10 ft , $15.00
@ 10.00 ,
FINISHIVO 1st nnd 2d clear , \f \ } Inch , s 2 s ,
$19.00@5t.OO ; 1st and 2J clear , IK and 2 inch ,
s 3s , $47.00 ® 'iO.OJ ; 3d clear , l if inch , s 3 s ,
13.00@4i.00 ; ; B suloct , W , IJtf and 2 inch , s
3 s , $ J7.00@33,00 ; 1st , nnd 3d clear , I inch , s 2
s.515.00 , 3d clear , 1 inch , s2s. $30.00 ; A se
lect. 1 inch , s 2 B , 133.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2
s , S30.00.
tJniNOLES , LATH Per M XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra * A * . $3. < iO ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5-inch
clear , $1.60(31.70 ( ; 0-inch clear , $ l.75@1.80 :
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ;
California rod wood , dimension widths , $4. 50 ;
cypress , clear heart , diufeusion widths. SW. " 3 ;
lath , $3.50.
BoAitns No. Icom s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 , do , $10.50 ; No. 3 , do , $14.50 ;
No. 4 , do ( ship's cull ) , $11.00. Add 50c per
M ft for rough.
Baits , 2inch , COc ; O. G. Balls , 2 ( ff3 , ss ,
35c ; 8-in well tubing , D.&M. and bcv , $ .22.10 ;
pickets , D. & H. . ilat , $ JJ.OO : pickets , D. &
II. , square , $10.00.
FLOORING 1st com C-m whlto pino. $ ' 31.00 ;
2dcoml-in ( white pine , $31.00 ; 3d coin 0-in
white pine , $2(5.00 ( ; D com 0-in whlto nine ,
$20.00icom ; 4 and C-ln yellow pine , $15.00 ;
Star4-in yellow pine. $17.00 ; 1st and 3d clear
yellow pine , 4 and C-ln , $19.00.
white pine partition , $33.00 ; 3d com Jln
whlto pine partition , $ .37.00 : clear tf-in yel
low pine ceiling , $20.00 ; clear % -la Norway ,
$ ! 4.5'J ; 2d com /-in Norway , $12 50.
LIMC Best , 65.
CCMKNT $1.33.
H.un 20c.
BUILDING BRICK Common , $0.00@7.00 per
M ; selected. $7.0U@S.OO per M : sewer brick ,
$3.0009.00 per M. _
Dry Goods ,
PHINTS Pink and Robes Richmond. Cc ;
Allen , Co ; Riverpolnt , 5V c ; Steel River ,
0 0 ; Pacific. G&c.
PRINTS Indigo Blue St. Lcgcr , G c ;
\Vnshington , Cc : American , G > c ; Arnold ,
GXo ; Arnold Century , 9o ; Windsor Gold ,
Tk't. ' lOKc ; Arnold B , 10 > Jc ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 104c } ; Yellow Seal , 10 } o.
CoMi'oiiTnua J0.50M35.00.
COHSKT JEANS Boston , 7o ; Androscog-
gin , 7c ; Kearsago , 7o ; Kockport , O o ;
Conestoga , O c.
CRASH Stevens' B , 5J o ; Stevens' A , 7o ;
bloachcd , Sc ; Stevens' ' P , 7j"c ; bleached ,
Slovens' N , SJ 'o ; bleached , 9 0 ; Sto-
vons' SRT , HHc.
DENIMS AniosKeag , 9 oz , lOJ c ; Everett , 7
oz , 18c ; York , 7 oz , 18o ; Huymaker , &yo\ \
Jaffroy , XX , llj o ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12Ko ;
Beaver Creek , A A , 12o ; Beaver Crook , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Crook , CC , lOe.
Renfrew dress ,
Sutr.TiNO , BLEACHED KHorton
HousokeoDor , 8V c ; Now Candidate ,
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9c ; y"ou Bet. 4-4 ,
OJ o ; butter cloth. OO , 4)c ) ; Cabot. 7 > c ;
Furvvoll , half bleached , 8i o ; Fruit of Loom ,
8J o ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > ao : King Philip
cambric. lOo ; Lonsdulo catnbrio , lOc ; Lens-
dale , 8)40 ) ; New York mills , lOo ; Pepporell ,
42 In , lOo ; Popporoll , 40 in , llo ; Pupporoll ,
6-4 , 14 o. Popporoll , 8-4 , 20o ; Popporell , 11-4 ,
22c ; Pcpporoll , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton. 4-4. SK" !
Canton , 4-4 , 9Xo ; Triumph , Co ; Wuuisutta ,
llo ; Valley , 5o.
SIIEETINQ , Biiow.V Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 o ;
Atlantio H , 4-4 , 7is ; Atlantlo D , 4-4. Gjo ;
Atlantlo P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Au
rora C , 4-4.43foj Crown XXX , 4-4 , OjJ/c ;
Uooslor LL , 4-4 , C c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ;
Luwrenco LL , 4-4. b c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Xo ; Popporell , It , 4-1 , 03 c ; Pcpporoll E.
40-Inch , 7Ko ; Peppcrell , 8-4. 17 o ; Poiv
orell , 9-4 , 20o ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 22o ; Utlca C ,
: Wnchusetts , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora R , 4 4 , 7c ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , OKc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 c ; International ,
YY , 80 ; Shotuckot , S,3Kc ; Wnrran , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Berwick. BA , 18o : Acme , 13o ; York ,
30 In , I2o : York , 32 in , 13 } < c ; Swift River.
So ; Thonidlko , OO , 8J c ; Tliorndiko , EF ,
8j ; Thorndllte , 130. 9K"5 Thorndlke , XX ,
IBc ; Cordls , No. 0 , Uo ; Cordls , No. 4 ,
DUOK West Point. 28 in , 8 oz , 0 > oj West
Point. 29 ID. 10 oz , 12 > c ; West Point , 29 In ,
13 oz. 15 u ; West Point , 40 in , U oz , lOo.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen , 30c ; Clear
Lake , 30 } c ; Iron Mountain , 2Wo. ( )
PRINTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Co : Slater ,
Co ; Berlin oil , G ) o ; Garner oil , 0@7o.
SiuiiTiNa CIIKOKS Caledonia X , 9Ko ; CaU
cdonlaXX , lO o ; Economy , 9o ; Otis , 9o ;
Granite , O&fa ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , Mfc.
Fi.ANNBL9-Whlto-G. II. No. 3 , 522 } o ;
G. II. No. 1 , ? f , 20Xc ; U , H , No. 2. > % , 321fo ;
G. II. No. 1 , ? f,80o ; Quochoo No. 3 , % 32 > fo :
QuecheoNo. 3 , 5 , a7 > o ; Anawan , 32 01
Windsor , 23 > fo.
FLANNKLS-Red-O , 34 Inch , 16o ; E , 21
Inch , 21Ko ; G. G. 24 Inch , 20c ; H. A. F. ft ,
25o ; J. It ! F. yt , 27o ; G , J25o. .
BATTS Standard , 80 ; Gem , 80 ; Beauty ,
12) o ; Uoono , 14o ; U , cusod , tO.30.
llj.ANKEis-White , | 1.007.50j colored ,
. . .
CARPET WAUP Bibb , white , 18) c ; colored ,
21K < 3.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls. ;
EE , 8 05 GO , 9 c ; XX , lOHoj OO. llj < oj
uubleauhed LL , 5 > o ; CC , 0c ; SS , 7o ;
NN , lJ ! > ic ; AA 14o ; DD , ISJ o ; TT. lO o
YY , ISo ; BB , 19o ; 20 , bloachcd , 8tfo ; tX ) ,
13Ko ; 60 , 13J < e ; 60 , brown and slate , Uoj 70 ,
13ko ; DO.lOo.
KBNTUCKT JBASS Hercules , 170 ; Leam
ington , 22Jfo ! Glonwood. COc ) Melville , 2oo ;
Hang-up. tiT c ; Momorinl , Uo ; Standpoint ,
18c : Durham , 8lfa (
MisrcUANrous Tnblo oil cloth , $3.60 ;
tnblo oil cloth , marble , $ J.50 ; plain Holland ,
9.ifo ; dado Holland , 13 > o.
1'iUNTS Dross Charter Oak , Go : Rntnnpo ,
4c ; Lodl. 5140 ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond , < io ;
Windsor , CKoj Eddystone , Oljfoj I'aclllc ,
Drucs nti il Choinlcnl'J.
Acin Sulphuric , per carboy , tyfai citric ,
per pound. 61o ; oxalic , per pound , Ho ; tar-
tat lo powdered , per pound , 43o ; carbolic , S3
@ 45o.
ALtnt Per pound , 2Kc ,
AMMONIA Carbonate , per pound , JlJ c.
AnnownooT Per pound , lOc.
BAI.SOM Copaiba , per pound , CSo : tolu , D3
BORAX Refined , per pound , lie.
CALOMEL Am , , per pound , SSc.
CLMIRII Br.iutins $1.50.
CASSTA BUDS Per pound , ISo.
GiiLtmOFOim Per pound. 4lo.
Coiinosivn auni.iMATH Pcr.pound. SSc.
CREAM TAIITAII Pure , per pound , li'Jo. .
EXTRACT Loan OOD Bulk , per pound ,
. '
GUM An into 5C@93o.
LvcoponiUM 4 la
Gt.YCKinsn Bulk , per pound , 230 ,
GUM Asafootida , per pound , He ; cam
phor , per pound , 40o ; opium , per pound ,
$3. Go.
louiKC Resubllmatod , per ounce , $3.30.
LnAvrs Buchti , short , per pound , 13c ;
Senna , Alo.v. , per pound , 3J@3Sc.
MoiipiiiA Sulph. , pcrounco , $3.90.
Mniiounv 74o.
POTASS Bromide , per pound , 44c ; Iodide ,
per pound , $3.83. '
QUINU Sulph. , per ounce , 4Co.
SEEDS Canary , per pound , 4 , o.
SOAPS Castile , mottled , porDoundS10c ;
castllo , white , per pound , 13@15o.
SPIRITS NITRB Sweet , per pound , U. S.
P. , 42c.
STIIYOIINIA Crystals , $1.00(5)1.15. ( )
TAPIOCA Per uouml , Cc.
TONKA BiANs-l.7i@l.75. : )
WAX White , per pound , H5
OILS Lmscea , raw , 59c ; Ltnspod , boiled ,
Ole ; Borgnmot , Sanderson's , per pound ,
$2.45 ; Lemon , Sanderson's , per pound , $1.83 ;
Peppermint , per pound , $2.35 ; Wintergreen ,
per pound , $2.15 ; Olive , Malaga , per gal ,
93o ; Headlight , 175 test , 15'tfo ; Ousolino , 75
degrees , 13c ; Nnpthn. 0,1 dogrces , 12c ; 150
prime white , lOc ; 150 water whtto-12o ; Per
fection , 14e ; Lnrdino , 30o ; Summer , W. Va. ,
llo ; Zero , \V. Va. , 16c ; I. X. L , dark en
gine , COc ; Carbon , HIIOW white , 150 de
grees , lOi o ; Turpentine , 51c.
Provisions § Slocks
Basement First National Bank.
305 Soulii 131li Slrcel , -
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
OHlcors nnd Director ? 13. M. Moraomnn , O
M. llltchcoct , Jot. Oarnoau.Jr. , A. Henry. K
M. Anderson , Wm. O.Maul. v urcs. ; Ij. II. Will
lam ; . A. I * . Hopkins , pros. ; A. Mlllaid , caviller ;
V. li. liryniit , assistant cashier.
Capital $400.000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 52,000
HENIIY W. Y.ITES , I'resldout.
Lnwis S. llKKD. Vloo I'rcslolcnt.
A. E.Too/.u.ix ,
W. Ar. iloiisi : ,
JOHN S.CoM.t.vs ,
J.N. II. I'ATiucrc.
\\.ll. S. Huniir-s. Cashier.
Cor. 12th and I'artinmSts.
A.General llankinir llusliiuss Transacted.
' London , Eii 'mul.
Ainstcrclain , Ilolluiul.
Trnnsaci a KCnernl bnnklnu bnslnes ! . Securities
bougbtnndtold on commission , rorclgn cxtliimnc.1' .
Commercial nnd irnvolcr's lotlcrs ofcrutllt.
Orders for bondi und slock < executed on commli
slons In Ixindon and on ull Contlnentnl Dourses o
Negotiation of Hnlhvnf , State , City and Corpor
atlon Loans a specialty
Boot ar d Shoes.
Suecesiors to need , Jonci St Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
AKcnli for llOBton Uubber Shoe Co. , 1102.1101 and HIM
llnrner ritrect , Ooialin , Nebrmka.
Lager Beer Brewers.
1B51 North KlKliteinth itreat.Oniaha. K b.
_ ,
Mannfsctnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Fjttlnjgs Pumpg , E _
Pnnips , Pices and Engines ,
Bttam , water , rnllvrnr and mining aupplln , etc.
_ VM , va and ir.'l Kaniaui m et , Omaha. _
Steam and Water Supplies ,
tlelllJay wind rallli , 013 and V20 Jones it. , Omaba ,
U. V. 1(081 , Acting
& co. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bbeit-lion wori , ( team puopi , aw mills. UliMJU
J < uienw rth trctt , Uuaba.
Iron Worka. _ _ _ _
Wrought and C t Iron Building Wort
EnKlncs , bran work , peneral foundry , mechlno and
blacksoiUb work. OClce and worki , U , I' , It/ .
_ and 171h street , Umaba. _
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railinzs
Dtjkral'J. ' iilodow ouanls. newer itaods , wjro iltai ,
_ > tc. liJNurm IClh ttniet , Oiaalia. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaults , lull work. Iron sliuttcrs and Ore cirapu.
U. Aadreto. nrou'r. Corn r 1UU aud Jackson au ,
Sash , Doors , Eto. .
Wboleitlo manufacturer , ot
Sail , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
Brinch offlc , Uth * 4 l rd itroou , Omtka. Ned.
_ ' " " "
omoum Omiia , Limited.
_ Agricultural , Implements.
Agrlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , CaiTiagei
Wlmlcnalo. Omaha. Nebraska.
DEtt'KV A S10XE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Fornitnre ,
Farnam etroct. Omalia. Kobrntia.
Fnrnitnru0 ,
Omaha , Nobrsskn.
Wholssale Grocers ,
1Mb and I aronnorlb streets , Omaha , Nebrasta.
ir. j. nitOAiou ,
Hoayy Hardware , Iron anfl steel ,
Mnnufuct ior i\nrt Job'.ors In
Waons , BngEios Rakci , Plows , Etc ,
( "or.Dili nnJ rnclflo streets , Omatin.
Artlots * rvintorlnla-
A. mt Jr. ,
Arlists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1613 DoiiRlns ilitct , Oranlin , Kotirnnka.
Boots mul
w. v. MonsK & ca ,
Joliocrs of Boots and Slices ,
1101 , 1103 , 1105 Douglnt itrcot , Omiilm. Unar ctorT ,
buunucr Btrcct , lioiton.
_ Coal , Cokoj Eto.
Miners and Sliipers of Coal ant Boi
lloom VI. U. H. > ulioinu Iliul't Hull il l , Uiui uu
Joltos oi liui'duii tiJiiCoai ,
.l Boutli l.Uli Hrjet. Oiim'iB. NebrasKfc.
of dial anil Coi c ,
ill BoHtb l.'Ui St. . Omalm. Nob.
Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc ,
Impnrloil nnil American I'orlliuUonicnl ,
niiuut { or Mliwnukt'i * hyilrnu.ltionioiit uuil
Quln y wlnlu liuio ,
Dealer in Hardwccd LiniiliBr ,
Wood carpets nnil pcirquct tlnorlni : . ItU nil
Bticots ,
All Kinds of Bnilfling Material at Wliolesalo
ISth itrcel and L'ulou 1'aclllc track , OaiaUa.
Dealer in Lnmlier , Latli , Lime , Sasb ,
DOOM , Etc. Vimls-Corner Till mid Douglas. Offlct
Corner loth and Douiilki.
Lninlr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cormcr Otli anil Douglas > ls. , Omab .
C. A' . DWTZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnraoer ,
13tb and California trtct , OniaUBiN bra k . _
Imprtcrs & JoWm in Millinery & Notiami
SO ) , ilU nnd 212 Soulh lltli find.
Wnolesale Notions and FiiriiiSning Goods ,
1124 llftrncy Sircot , Omtilia.
Commission and Storage.
RIDDEL , ! . & H1DDELL ,
and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties llultcr , fRits. chccso. poultry ,
1112nowHrd > trcctUuittliii , Neb.
Dry Coodo and Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
UCQand HOI Douulns , cor. lltli ttrcct , Unmlin.Neo.
KiLPATitroK-Koair DRV GOODS co. ,
IniBorters 8 JolioBrs in Dry Goods. Notions
'i lurnlililnK ROndi. Corner lllli and Uuiaef
, Umalm. Nobn kn.
Bnilflcrs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair M
Mechanic ! ' tool nnd Iluffalo iculei. U05 lougla
urt'ct , Uiunlia , Neb.
Toys * Eto.
Joblieri of
Toys , Dolls , AIM , Fancy Good ? ,
DOUB * furnlshlriK good , clilldron'i cnrrlBRea , I
i itreet , Umnhu , Web.
Wholesale Refined and LiricalinE
Axl greate , etc. , Omaha. A. 11. Ulihop ,
Pa por.
Wholesale Paper Mm , ,
Carry a nice itock of printing , ifnipplnu nnl nr1ttl |
attanllonalfea o c&ra paper
Chicago , Milwaukee _ & St , Paul R'y ' ;
TLo Host Route from Oninlia and Council
IHulft to
Cliicngo , AND Mllnanhcc. I
St. 1'uul , Minneapolis , Cedar
Bock Islftnd , Frerport , Hock ford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport )
EI'Iu ( , Madison , JnncMrllle ,
llclolt , > VInonn , Lu
An Jail otter Important noluU Eait , Northetit an4
For tbrnugb tickets call on tlio lUket agent at UOI
r riiam Darker muck , or ot Uulci 1'aclflJ
IAt > Ot *
Pullman Ele p r and tha finest Dlnlna Cart ID the.
world are run on the main line ot tlio Clilcnuo , Mil )
waukeo A Bt. I'aul llallnur , and evvrr atlvnllon III
paid to paueogcn tijr cuuittoui mylor ot tU <
1UMII.I.EH. Bencril Uanaiter. ,
j. F.TL'CKKH. AitlHtanKJencral ManaKar. ,
A. V , U. CAIU'tSNTJllt , Ucneral 1'aiitnver anlf
Ticket Agent.
OKO. 11. IIKAFFOBD. Aiilitaat General 1'Mieogtt
* T.j.OUAu ! u 'neraienuirlDtinilcut. J
! ' ' , I
Notice Is hereby given that A book will b
opcnea at 10 o'clock a. m , on Saturday , tlio six *
tetmtlt day oi November , IBH'J. at tnu utllce ot J ,
M. Tliuraton , ITolon 1'acltlu llulldliig , in th
city ot OmiUm , Uoiiulas county. Nobruuka. tot
the purpose ot roculvmi : HUbscrlptlons to tlio
capital stock ot tha Oiiiann Union JJopot Com *
puny. w. H. HOLCOMII ,
O , W. ilni.imuiiK.
o-17-d-30-t For the lucorporntora ,