Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Enormous Gash Purchase of Now
and Doslrnblo Drosu Goods.
A Wholesale HOIIHD'S Kntlro Stock
of Dress Goodi Closed Out Snlo
.Hoi-Ins To-morrow nnd Con- ?
Unites All Week.
2 cases Brilliantlnos , nil the latest
thndcs , including old rose and mahog
any , 2leynrd.
48-Inch nil wool striped suitings , 18o.
64-inch all wool ladles' cloth , 38n.
60-Inch Ilonrlottn , all now colors , 87c.
All wool French flannels , striped nnd
plaids , nOc.
42-inch striped tricot flannel , 40c.
48-inch nil wool side band suitings ,
BOc.40Inch nil wool silk finish blnck
Henrietta , OOc.
CO-incknll wool finest quality black
Henrietta , 02c.
Extra heavy blnck warp Henrietta ,
it m.
Eider down flannels , plain and stripes ,
2 o.
Extra heavy gray striped wool fla.-
Very wide heavy shaker flannels45c. _
All wool heavy twilled medicated
scarlet flannel , 1'Jc. '
Double fold Scotch apron ging
hams , 5c.
Honeycomb bedspreads , 30o.
Largo Marseilles pattern bedspreads ,
60c.Extra largo and heavy Marseilles bed-
spreads. OSc.
Regular $5 Marseilles bedsprcnds ,
505 dozen nil linen , red bordered ,
If , dnmask towels. Gc each.
IV. 475 dozen , red or blue border , damask
towels , 15c each.
Extra length , fine huckabuck towels ,
All linen crash towelling , 4cyard.
v/hlldron'fi plush cnps , 5c.
Infants' zephyr knit jackets' nil
colors , 23c.
Infants' extra quality zephyr booties ,
Infants'zephyr knit shirts , white or
ecarlct , 22c.
Large facinators , black and colored ,
Hand knit Saxony wool facinators ,
All the ladles' 5-button kid gloves ,
latest novelties' and embroidered backs ,
70o , worth $1.30.
The balance of the 8-button length
mousquctaircs Ida gloves , OGc.
Ladics'20-button length mousquotairo
kid gloves , all shadus$1.10.
Gentlemen's genuine Alexander kid
gloves , 88c. Long black all wool jersey
gloves , lOc. All wool jersey gloves,12c.
Very finest quality cashmere glove ,
All our $25 seal plush sacques tomorrow
row , $10.75.
Very finest ronlEoal plush wraps , $24.
Another lot of fine seal plush wraps ,
Seal plush jackets S13 , worth $25.
Seal plush English walking jackets ,
Stylish plaid nowmarkots , $5.75.
Persian stripe nowmarkets , black and
whlto and blue and while$10.50. .
Dlrcctoiro front nowmarkots , tailor
made , silk embroidered , all colors ,
Dircctoiro front beaver jackets , black
and green , $7.60.
Tailor made English walking jackets
$7.60. Big line of children's cloaks , all
itylcs , special prices to-morrow.
All beaver hats from 75o to
83. Ostrich tips SOc per bunch.
Fancy wings ISc and upwards. All
shades velvet ribbons 12c per yard.
Wo are displaying a largo line of
pattern hats at prices far bslow milli
ners. Visit our pattern room.
1300 pair of white , colored and scarlet
blankoto from auction , 10-4 , 11-1 and
12-1 at $1.29 , $1.80 , $2 29 , $2.03 , $3.50 ,
84.481.08 , $5.48 , $0.48 , worth from $2.29
to $10.
Full sized comforters , Pacific calicos
and Turkey red lining at $1 to $1.75.
Full sized sateen comforters $1.85 to
114 S. 10th St.
There's n Hair I.oonn In Your Whiskers
Caused by smoking other than the
importoi-j Barker block , Omaha. Box
trade solicited.
Silver thimbles 25e each with your
name on at Edholm & Akin's.
Great Silver Snlo Moiulny
and Tuesday at Edholm & Akin's.
The Nn\v lO'Ii st. Motor
Passes the People's Mammoth Install
ment house. Sale on stoves next week.
Do not fall to attend. This is a genuine
salo. Como.
Great Sliver Sale Mondny
and Tuesday at Edholm & Akin's.
Miss Shulzo will exhibit on Mondny
nnd Tuosdny , Oct. 21 and 22 , ut 128 S.
25th street , a collection of art work
suitable for holiday gifts , which she
offers at moderate priccb. She will
Bpond the winter urt season in Now
Yoik city preparing now studies for
her pupils ,
Silver thimbles 25o oncli with your
name on ut Edholm it Akin's ,
k- Totlio Ilmiury Multitude.
Never go into the water after a
hearty jiinnl. Go to a restaurant , par
BOO , for n line cigar go to Hamilton ,
cigar dealer , Barker block , Omaha.
Great Hllvnr Snlo Mondny
and Tuesday at Edholm & Akiu's.
The office of the American water
works company 1ms been removed to
Tim Bins building.
Edholm & Akin. "Who nro they ? "
The anniversary ball given by the
Danish sisterhood on Ontobar 20 will beheld
hold at Washington Hull instead of
Metropolitan hull.
Great Silver Hnlo Monday
and Tuesday nt Edholm & Akiu's.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
$25 filovos for $15
At the grcut steve sale this week at the
People's Mammoth Installment House ,
Oia-016 North Sixteenth street.
House for rent , $25 per mouth , and
furniture for sale , carpets , kitchen
utensils , Windsor folding bed ; hand
some haw tree , oto. Only in use short
time. Will sell cheap. 1715 Spencer
it.Kouutze Place.
EdLolm & Aklu , "Who are they ? "
$23,000 Worth of Books and Sta
tion on Sale To-Morrow.
This Is the II. M. niul S. tV. Joncn
Htoclr , Fortunately l'iirctia < ? c l
hr Us ljt\Ht Week From
the Mortgagee.
This stock Is so largo that our first
nnd second floors will hardly hold it.
In order to close this stock out In n ,
hurry wo will sell it at half or loss than
half of Jones' plain marked figures ,
All the Uoo' and 50o paper covered
books at 5c and lOc.
Black and red Inks So nnd 5o bottle.
Fabor'a pencils and pen holders lo
Slate pencils 3c dozen.
Envelopes Ic , 2o nnd 8c per pack.
Pass books Ic , 3c , So and llc. )
Finest Irish linen paper and envel
opes lOo box.
Finest novelty paper and envelopes
25c box.
All 5e tablets at 2o.
All lOo tablets at 5c.
All 2oc tablets at lOc.
Pens all brands , 35o per box ,
All the finest visiting cards lOc
Ivory paper cutters nnd scratchers
Largo rubber erasers. 2o.
Carpenter's pencils Ic.
Hardwood rulers 2c.
Fine rubber rulers lOc.
All sizes noiseless slates 5c.
In this stock nro 1,200 elegantly bound
volumes from all the standard authors ,
poems , history nnd fiction , all at half
the price Jones had them marked.
Morrocco photograph albums $1.00 ,
Jones' price $2.50.
Imported photograph albums $2.00 ,
Jones' price $4.00.
Latest novelties in Indies' and men's
solid leather purses lOo , 15c , 20c , 25c ,
35c , SOc , 75o and $1.00 , worth up to $5.00.
Antique match safes Joe.
Bronze wisp broom holders 30e.
Jones carried the largest stock of
blank books of any house in the city ,
doing a big jobbing business in this lino.
Our second floor" is jammed full of
these goods and they must bo
sold. This is a great oppor
tunity for merchants , bankers and
others to buy n set of books for less than
the cost of the paper nlono. Also a full
line of legal blanks , receipt books , '
drafts , notes and chocks at lee per hun
Quart bottles of Carter's ink and
mucilage , 45c.
Letter files , letter clips , board clips ,
at half prico. Fine waste baskets , 25c
to SOc.
In this stock was a complete line of
plush cases such as toilet spts , mani
cure sets , work boxes , collar and cuff
boxes , etc. This is a good time to buy
Christmas presents at one-fourth their
If you can't got in the store Monday
come Tuesday , as the sale will continue
until all is sold.
To Jones' regular customers we would
respectfully state that they will find
everything that Jones carried now in
our store. BOSTON STORE ,
114 South Sixteenth street.
Silver thimbles 2oo each with your
name ou at Edholm & Akin's ,
New Fish ami Oyst r Market.
114 North Sixteenth street ; just what
Omaha people have been looking for.
All kinds of lake and salt water fish ,
oysters , celery , anything usually kept
in fish market. Now and clean stock
fresh every day. DEVINE & COOK.
A Silver Tea Sot.
Commencing Monday morning wo
will sell fifty tea sets at $10 each. At
tend this great sale ; three days only.
Goods warranted triple plate. Special
sale. Como early.
Cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
A Word.
To these that are in need of n suit of
clothes and want to save money. Call
on the reliable tailor , Frank Voilicka. I
make perfectly fitting garment or don't
usk pay. My work is to bo
nothing but first class. Rly prices are
reasonable within reach of everybody.
I have reduced prices for next thirty
days to 10 per cent on all garments.
Give mo a trial. I-'KANK VODIOKA ,
310 South Twelfth.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
A Univcrsalist Sunday school will beheld
hold nt the residence of John Wilson ,
1802 Ohio street , at 4 o'clock this after
noon. All are cordially invited.
Edholm it Akin. * "Wlio are they ? " "
( rent Sllve.r Sale Monday
and Tuesday at Edholm it Akin's.
Patrick S. Gil morn
Could not buy a stove cheaper than
you can next week by attending the
great steve sale at the Pconlu's Mam
moth Installment house , 013-015 N.
10th st.
Farmers' Homo Hotel , Webster St. .
between 15th nnd 10th. Boarding from
$11 to S15 per week. Everything nice.
Silver thimbles 25o each with your
name on ut Edholm & Akin's.
On 1n-liiy > ri .Market ,
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Don't IsrouU Your Uncle
Trying to lift your trunk , but stop into
the city ticket olllco of the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. , 1501 Far-
num street. ( Barker block ) , and get
your ticket and a check for your bag
gage through from your hotel or resi
dence to destination. No delay ; no
trouolo ; no loss of time ; every thing
done for you. Don't forgot
that the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway is the
only line between Omaha and Chicago
and all points east that has adopted tlio
Metropolitan Residence Bagiago
chocking system. You will also find on
this line the moat perfectly equipped
trains of the best Pullman sleeping curs ,
elegant free chair cars , luxurious
coaches und the host dining cars in the
world. Curs start from Union Pacltio
depot , Omulm.
F. A. NASII , Gen. Agent ,
1501 Farnam St. . Barker Block.
* "
Edholm & Akin. 'Who"nro they ? "
Miss E. H. Ton-ill will return from
the cast Tuesday with the latest styles
for fall and winter drosses. Rooms 0 , 7
and 8,1521 Douglas st.
Grout Hllv-r fi.ilij Mondny
and Tuesday at Edholm & Akiu's.
Edholm & Akin. "Who nro they ? "
i - i 1 *
' Old Honesty , "
the workingman's Hour. Insist on hav
ing it , nnJ take uo other. All grocers
bundle it.
Son ! Flushes Are the Rage Again
this Sonson.
Special Uarealns this Woclc In Fnra
of AH DcHcrlntlons , Drnn-J Qnoila
S\lo Continued this
Sonl plushes nro meeting with tiuox-
ncctcd favor again this season. Wnoro
to buy the best vnluonttho lowest price
is no longer a. debatable question. Kol-
ley. Stigor & Co. nrosollinp the bcstSlO
sciil plush Jacket over shown in Omulm.
Tliolr S17 plush jnckotrls sold elsewhere
nt $ 2-2. At Kelley , Stttfor & Co. you
cnn buy for $22 n soul plush jacket 1 tint
would bo cheap nt $ ' 27. Tholr $19 plush
sncquo is the same value as advertised
elsewhere at $22.50. At $25,835 and $45
they soil a Wnlkor seal plush sacquo
with which they give n written gunran-
too that makes the purchase of either of
these garments absolutely no risk what
ever to the buyor.
The stock of cloth Newmarkets nnd
English walking jackets Is pronounced
by every person who visits their cloak
department to bo tbo best assortment in
this city. Prices varying from $1 to $50.
Misses'and children's cloaks in great
variety at prices from &l. ! i to $37.
A complete assortment of strictly
reliable and fashionable furs , compris
ing boa and mutt sets , boa , scarf and
mulT sets , collar and muff sets , capos ,
inulTs , etc.FUR
Immense assortment , including every
fashionable fur ia the market , at aston
ishingly low prices.
Latest novelties in hand crochet , silk
cord , valasqucs and mousquotniro lace
and cord , also embroidered appliquo
gimps , in straight bands and Vandyke
point effects.
Our prices are the lowest.
The handsomest line of silk dress
fringes in the city , in every conceivable
style from ( ! 5c up to $15.00 a yard. Call
and sco thorn.
Wo shall continue our sale of 50c
dross goods for ono wcolc longer. Wo
have added some striking bargains.
Remember at SOc.
All popular styles , weaves and colors.
Regular Ooo and 75c goods.
For COc.
At3oo double width , all wool flannel ,
all colors , worth oOe.
For 85c.
Sen onr French broadcloth , the new
est shades , never sold loss than $1.25
and $ l.l.j. )
For $1.00.
Our steam shrunk , extra fine broad
cloth selling at $2.03.
Sells on Monday at $2.00.
Wo have a handsome broadcloth , all
the latest shades ,
For $1.50.
Will compare with anything sold at
$1.05. KELLEY , STIGER & CO.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Silver thimbles 2oc each with your
nuino on at Edholm & Alcin's.
Mr. Hilllard , of II. Liebcs & Co. , of
San Francisco , the celebrated manufac
turers of bcal garments , will arrive in
Omaha next Thursday with a larger an d
llnor assortment than over before.
Though seals have advanced lately
near ly 50 per cent Mr. Ililliard informs
us ho will bo able to take orders at the
old prices , they having had a very
largo stpck on hand ab the time of the
advance. II. Liobes & Co. sell all their
goods through us at San Francisco
prices , which are known to be much
lower than Now York , and their goods
have always given the highest satisfuc-
tion to our cubtomers , so that we recom
mend them with conlldenco to our
friends. N. B. FALCONER.
A Silver ' 1'cn Sot.
Commencing Monday morning wo
will soil iifty tea sots at $10 each. At
tend this great sale ; three days only.
Goods warranted triple plate. Special
sale. Come earl v.
Cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
K. K AlnCnrtncy ,
The Elite Cloak and Suit Co. Ladies'
suits , cosiumcs , tea gowns , wrappers ,
etc. , etc.Cloaks
Cloaks and Newmarksts.
Jackets and wraps. SEAL SKIN
CLOAKS and FINE FURS a specialty.
151(5 ( Douglas St.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Dining Hall.
This popular restaurant man has just
opened an elegant now dining hull at
Mil Douglas street. It is safe to say
that this is ono of the flncst and best
equipped of its kind in Omaha. It is
beautifully decorated , Is neatly carpeted
with Linoleum , and furnished complete
in antique oak by Dewey & Stono. The
kitchen is a model of convenience and
is lltted up with ranges , roasting ovens
and all the newest improvements for
preparing food , and is presided over by
a cook who was chef at the MHlard for
two voars. They still maintain their
popular prices , $1.00 for 21 meals , 5
meals for $1 and single meals 2oc. Try
Edholm & Akin. "Who are thoyV
Men of refined tastes can bo suited
with a box of choice cigars , Imported
by W. E. Hamilton , Barker block.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Smashed all to 1'lcoon ,
But nobody killed. It was only the
prices at the great stove sale at the
P. M. I. house , 0111-015 N. 10th st. Road
over big add. on 10th page.
Silver thimbles 2oo each with your
name on at Edholm & Akin's.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Owing to the prevalence of thld dire
disease , and from a desire to bo of usoin
the community where I have made my
permanent homo , and at the risk of of
fending my professional brethren , I an
nounce myself as an export in the treat
ment of diphtheria , and by moans of ad
vertisement otTer my services to the suf
fering. During the epidemic at Cedar
Rapids , la. , I treated 250 cases nnd lost
but six. I have treated a number in this
city during the last five years and lost
HON. 10th St. , Tel. 041.
Dr. Hamilton Warren successfully
carried my family through two severe
attacus ot diphtheria , once while in
Cedar Rapids , la. , nnd once In Omaha ,
a few weeks aco- Ills success with the
disease in Cudar Rapids , la , , was phe
nomenal. IlEtfuY V , Ewa
Brick Manufacturer ,
8. Mth , near Bancroft.
Great Silver Ralo Mondny
and Tuesday at Ed helm & Akin's.
Edholm & AkiaT Who nro they ? "
UcnillMon Hros.
A simply stupendous sale Monday.
Don't miss it. Tlioro is money In It for
you. 350 white wolf ruga , simply beau
ties , only $2.03 each Monday , worth $3.
The reason wo sdllIthcso so ohonp is be
cause wo boughttthbui at n low figure
for cash , and will give our customers
the benefit ot tha < purchase. Remem
ber the price , $2.08lcnch , nnd ono day
only nt that prleoi "Monday wo will
offer 75 flue drosa patterns In silk nnd
wool comblimtlousinlso handsome em
broidered patterns. Wo will sell them
so cheap nnd so much below regular
value that the Indies cannot fall to ap
preciate them. The prices nro nor pattern -
torn $0 , $0.60 , $7.50 , $3 , $3.60 and up to
$10.75 each. Ask to sco them
Mondny. Also 00 pieces all wool
dress goods , all kinds , all weaves ,
nil colors , nil styles , in ono lot nt 4Se
yard ; worth up to $1.25. This is n deep
cut price to close the lot. One day only.
Wo will offer 6 pieces black satin rlmd-
aincs , at 79c yard. That would bo cheap
at $1.10. Also 35 pieces surah silks , all
colors , handsome shades for drapes and
fancy work ; price only 40c yard. 100
dozen ladles' , children's nnd boys' mit
tens at ISc. COc and 2 > jo pair ; nil wool
nnd just wlint you need this chilly
weather. Ladles' ' all wool jersey ribbed
vests , no sleeves , only OOo each ; worth
$1.00 , all colors. Ladies' all wool scarlet
vests Goo each ; worth $1.00. Ladies'
Jersey ribbed vests , long sleeves , in
scarlet only ; warranted not to fade ,
only 35o each ; worth 75c. Ladles'fine ,
all wool black cashmere gloves 20c pair ;
worth SOc. Ladies' nil wool cashmere
hose Uoo pair. Gents' wool socks
15o pair. Chlldrons' heavy rlbhsd
wool hose 2oo pair , till sizes
Don't forgot wo nro cutting the lifo all
out of carpets. Smith's moquottcs , ele
gant body-brussolls , Wilton velvets
all at $1.15 yard , worth up to $2.00. An
elegant line best makes of ingrains all
at cut prices. 1,000 Holland shades allen
on best sprint : fixtures ready to hang
up , only IlUo each ; a line opnquo shade
ml ready to hang , 40c each ; only 1
price. Great bargains in cloaks Mon
day nnd all next week. Wo will sell
you a line seal plush sacquo , 42 in long ,
line quilted satta lining. 4 seal orna
ments , at $18.00 , others ask you $25.00
for the same quality. Next week. $35.00
plush 'sacqucs at $25.00 , $15.00 plush
sacqucs at $30,00 , $ " )0.00 plush sacquosnt
$35.00 , and all the latest novelties in
wraps at reduced prices. Children's
cloaks at away down prices.
Grc'nt Sliver Sale Moutlny
and Tuesday at Edholm & Akin's.
Two Garlands tit' Stoves
Just received at the People's Mam
moth Installment house. 013-015 N. 10th.
Sliver thimbles L'5c each with your
name on at Edholm & Akin's.
1C. R'McCartney ,
The Elite Cloak- and Suit Co. Ladies'
suits , costumes , tea gowns , wrappers ,
etc. , etc.Cloaks
Cloaks andJNowmarkets.
Jackets and 'wraps. SEAL SKIN
CLOAKS and FINE FURS a specialty.
161G Douglas St.
Edholm & Akinj "Who arc they ? "
Silver thimbles ; 25o each with your
name on at Edholln A ; Akin's.
$15 Stoves fur $ O.
This is the way wo will sell stoves this
week at our great atovo &nlo. People's'
Mammoth Installment House , 013-015
North Sixteenth street.
Edholm A : Akin. "Who are they ? "
A Silver 'lea Set.
Commencing Monday morning wo
will sell fiftvtca sots at $10 each. At
tend thid great fealp ; three days only.
Goods warranted triple plato. "Special
sale. Come early.
Cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
Edholm it Akin. "Who are they ? "
Artistic Mllllnorv Stock.
New importations of hats and feath
ers now arriving the admiration of all
and the marvel of everyone at their low
prices. Wo cannot onnumcrato. as the
variety is lee great , but an examination
will convince anyone that we lead all
competition in this lino. We talk very
little in print , but our prices tali : sali&-
faclorily to our customers. Our com
petitors may not like them so well , but
In our stock wo show everything fiom a
plain felt to the most artistic hat that
skill and material can produce. Wo
also ask special attention to our su
perior stock of
The finest exhibit west of New York ,
and at the very lowest prices over mudo
on such goods. Elegant plushes , $17.02 ,
$21 and $23.75 ; a special line of ladies
jackets at $1.75 , $1.05 and $2.8 ! ! ; New
markets , $ -1.12 , So3.50 , $0 , $7 , $7,50 and
$ S ; several hundred children's jackets
at $1.75 to $5. Everything in this de
partment on sale for Monday at prices
for that diiy that will sell them. Every
body needing anything in this line of
wear will nave money by coming to us
before buying , and come if possible to
the sales of Monday.
Fine Millinery , Cloaks ami Jackets.
leu for Sale.
500 to 1,000 tons good Ice on railroad
track. Will sell cheap. Address A.
G. Buchanan it Co. , Fremont , Nob.
( jrniul Special Stovt ! Sale.
No prices quoted in this greatest
slovo ualo over attempted in Omaha ,
begins Monday morning nt the People's
Mammoth Installment house , 013-015
N. 10th st.
Fast Time tt ilio East.
Tlu Burlington' No. 2 , fast vestibule
express , loaves Omaha dally ut 3:15 : p.
in. and arrives nti Chicago at 7:00 : the
next morning , in time to connect with
nil morning trains out of Chicago for
the cast. The famous fast in-ill , now car
rying passongorsilcavoH Omaha dally at
0:00 : p.m. and Council Bluffs ut9:2o : p.m. ,
arriving at Chicairo at 11:50 : the follow
ing morning , the fastest tiiro over mndo
between the Missouri river and Chicago
cage on roguiuD schedule. Pullman
palace sleeping cnrs and free reclcniug
chair cars on all through trains.
Sumptuous dining cars on vestibule ex
press trains both to Chicago and Den
ver. City ticket olllco , 122J Furnam at.
Telephone 2-jQ. .
Silver thimbles 2oc each with your
mime on at Edholm & Akin'a.
Edholm & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Adam Folchtmoyor is representing
himself as a member of the firm of
Jolui Schrocdor it Co. , and is soliciting
orders and ordering material on this mis
representation. All parties concerned
will please take notice of the sumo and
act accordingly.
JOHN SCIIROEDER , 1320 S. 17th st.
Gentlemen , visit Stein's now barber
shop and bath rooms in N. Y. Life
building. It is a beauty.
Special Bale Monday Ton ninttkota
Comfort * , Flnnnols , nto.
10-4 white blankets nt $1.18 n pair.
10-4 rod blankets nt OSo n , pair. 10-1
silver gray blankets OSo a pair. 10-1
wlnlo blankets at C9c a pair. 500 campIng -
Ing blankets at 43o. U-i white blank
ets slightly soiled $2.75 a pair. 10-1 rod
Wool blankets 82.23 a pair. 11-4 sani
tary gray , all wool blankets at $5.00 a
pair , others ask $7.50. ll-l California
whlto blankets at 85.00 a pair. 10-4 all
wool rod blankoU $3.00 a pair. It is
impossible to give you nil our prices or
n description of them , but come and see
for yourself the largest stock in this
city. Fine white and colored blankets ,
robu blankets of every description , crib
blankets , etc.
500 largest slzo saloon covered com
forts , Turkey red lining reduced to
$1.50 each , worth $2.75 or money re
funded. 2.000 comfortH to select from
OOc , 75c , floe , $1.00 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $1.)8 ! ) ,
$2.50 , etc. . each. It is money in your
pocket to buy comforts at llnydon Bros.
S\lk embroidered ilannols 05c , 09c ,
75o. 85c , OOc. 05c , $1 , SI.10. $1.15 , $ l.2. > ,
$1.35 and $1.50 yard. Whlto Manuals
20c , 2uo , SOc , Iloo10o , -loo , fiOo and oac.
Whlto shaker ilannol 5c , 8c and lOc n
yard. Rod twlllod llaunol ( all wool )
15c , lOo. 23c , 2-jc , 30c , 5c , 40o , 45o and
SOc yard. Navy blue , gray mixed , blue
gray , plnic mixed , striped and ilnid
ilnnnols of every description from lOc tv
ynrd up. Now lot of older down Ilannol
just received , in all the now colors and
shades , at I5c yard. Flannel skirt pat
terns $1 nnd $1.50 each. Outing llnn
nols lOc yard. Canton Ilannols tijc , 5c ,
7c , 8c ana lOo yard. Double width
shooting 18c nnd 20c. yard. Yard wide
sheeting 5o yard. Bargains in table
linens , napkins and towels. Felt and
linen table scarfs at wholesale prices ,
Now styles of dross ginghams , 12 yards
for $1. Heavy nnppud , striped shirting
only lOc yard. 4 rolls cotton batting
for2oc. These bargains you will find
only at UAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry Goods nnd Carpets.
Sale Extraordinary nnd Climax of the
Scnxon In lrc.H GoolH. ;
Wo will positively oiler a line , of
goods nt one-half the cost of manufac
turing. 1 worsted dress goods , 4c to
12Jc ; double fold cable cord , lOc to 20c ;
30 inch fancy suitings , 12e to 20c ; 30
inch wool checks , 15c to3c ( ) ; double fold
Ilannol , 10c to 33c ; 30 inch English cash
mere , lOc , 12c and 20o , worth 2oc und'
SOc ; 40 inch strictly all wool dress llau-
ncl , 37o to 5Sc ; 40 inch fancy
plaid all wool Ilannol , 3oc to
( iOr , 5li inch all wool llanncl ,
specially nice , 48(5 to 70c ; " > fl inch broad
cloth , all shades , S8o to $1.25 ; 50 inch
host French broadcloth , $1.2-3 to * 2.2-3.
English cashmere to close at lOc. 12c ,
15c and 25c ; 40-inch French cashmere ,
48c to$1.2.j ; silk warp Henrietta , OOc ,
88c , 31 to $3.50 ; best Mohair wide , 2-3c to
We are making special sale on silks in
black and colors. Wo shall show Mon
day a fully warranted black and colored
silk at OOc ; black cTocrains , OOc to $3.50
a yard. This is positively the most in
viting sale in dress goods offered by any
house in America. Como and bo con
vinced. HAYDENBROS. ,
Dry Goods.
J.B.Smithcxport accountaut,402N.10th
Edholm & Akin. 'Who are they ? "
Sieves , MOV - , Stovca.
Down they pete _ the bottom , prices no
object. You will regret it if you miss
this sale nt the P. M. I. House , 013-015
North Sixteenth btreot.
lleforo liny I MS
A piano examine the now scale Kim
ball piano. A. llospo , 1513 Douglas.
Great hilv ! Milu Mondny
and Tucsaav ut Edholm & Akin's.
Have you seen these nobby suitings
at Nicoll the Tailor's ?
They are ns nobby as can bo , nnd nro
eo cheap. Why they nro making1 thorn
up in the very latest style for $ 125.
You don't Ond mo going to Mr. Wuit-
till-you-ploasc-to-pny , Exclusive Tailor
on B St. , for my clothes hereafter.
Nu in Joed , Nicoll catches mo with the
cash , and leaves ten to fifteen dollars in
my poeicot.
Don't buy an overcoat till you have
soon our several hundred now overcoat
ings , $15 to $00 , made t order. They're
like has novcr been brought to this
market , und the prices are very reason
Trousers to Order S5.00to $15,00 ,
Hundreds of fabrics , and you can
easily examinethem. .
1409 Douglas Street ,
First-class wort , imd perfect fit L'uaruut d ,
ItKADY-MAUU lHHSSi:3. : Ute t styles always
on hand ,
BIMC AND UVI5KINO DHB88B9 a upeclalty r.t
1111 Doui'lus Street.
Tlmt I'nrnlyzo Competition
nnd IMonsn tlio Ponpln.
Fine country butter , 15c ( boat sugnr
cured hnim , Ho : host nlonlo hums , tic ;
comiluo klltt dried round oats , 5o ; line
rolled oats , So ; uncolored Jap. tea ,
worth COc , for 35c ; n good Jap tea ,
Worth 60c , for ! Wc ; n good Jnptcn , worth
lOo , for 23c ; n fine sun-dried Jap ton for
50cnn ; extra fine basket llrcdJnp tcn.OOc ;
Our line mixed ten nt 'Joe ; our oxtrn
flno mixed tea nt ! J5c ; ten slftlnps.worth
Uoc , nt 16c ; n good Oolong ten nt 15ot n ,
line Oolong tea at COc ; nu extra Iluo
breakfast tea OOc ; n good Gunpowder
ton 4Sc ; n line Gun powder ton C5c ; ; our
host Gunpowder lea o'Jc. Mocha nnd
Java coiToo. the finest , at 3 Hot Golden
flto at 27c ; Moxicnn Golden Hlo
20c ; n line Caractus coffco at
128c ; n flno jjlnzcd colTco nt "Oc. Largo
bottles of catsup , worth lOo , for fie.
largo bottles ot catsup worth 15c , for
lOc ; 1-gallon bottle plcklos nt Me : qunrt
bottle plcklos 15c ; flno mixed plcklos nt
Ific ; best chow chow SMc ; host mixed
pickles 2oc ; best pickled onions 'J-lc ; 4H-
t > 9l ! best iron-stono China cups lijo each ;
! )0G72 ) best iron-stono China saucers ! ! lo
each ; 711.155 host iron-stone China
plates , 7-Jc each ; C 1.271 best iron-atono
each ; 8,709 bowls 80 each ; li78 ! wash
bowls nnd pitchers 37o each ; 17,0 2 soap
elabs or stands ! ! c each ; i23,837 small
creams 5c each ; ! )7o chambers with cov
ers Mo each ; 1,857 regular sixo with
covers -lc ! ) each ; -1,708 gallon-crocks 80
each ; half-gallon 2c each
Crockery and Groceries.
Thcro'fl n Green Grave in Ireland ,
Jfimfc B. I1. Dmct , < u ( lie fVndiry.
There's a preen grave In Ircluml ,
Where my heart llca burleil deep ;
Where Mary , my fond sweetheart ,
Rests In dreamless sleep :
Wo loved whori both our hearts wcro youug ,
And hoped throbbed In each breast ;
Hut navermoto has hupo boon mliio
Slnco Mnry sauu to rest I
I've lived throiiRli many weary years ,
Since on that siiuimor morn
Sweet Mnry piwo her larowoll Itiss
Anil loft mo all forlorn.
I hear her sweat voice calling mo ,
I huvo not lonif to stay ;
I3rlgtit hope will once again bo uilno
When death bids mo away !
Thcro's a prccn grave In Ireland ,
Whcro my heart lies burled deep ;
Oh , lay me tlioro beside 1115 love
la my last , dreamless sleep.
Silver thimbles 2oc onch with your
name on at Edholm & Akin's.
JJ518.OO Slovn Vnf $10.00.
You can buy nn $18.00 steve for $10.00
at the great steve sale this wcolr of the
People's Mammoth Installment house ,
Gia-015 N. IGth st. -
nV ( , lure an I alwnji rilUUe. I.uillci , c k
Drugcltt for IHunioiid IIntnilla red mvUllic
INIJVI. vetted with blue ribboa. 'J'nkn no other *
Krud 4c. ut | ' ) for ptrticuliri aud "itcller lor
J.oilh , " ( > ! later , tj return mall , .lami I'ara
C'iiichotort'licm.C'o. . Hilton N
tt.irignln Hnlo.
60 Indies' all wool suits In gray , nnvj
blue nnd brown iitS. 10 , worth $12.
Spoclnl on Monday for plush clonks
and jackoti. Uaauttful nssorlmont
striped nnd fancy jackets at 81.1)5 ) , sold
every where at $2.75 ; 600 Imported plain
cloth jackets nt $1,75 ; n wonderful bar *
Heavy weight cloth Jackets at 5'J.85 ,
worth $1.50.
muuoNs ! iimnoNsi utnnoNsi
It's easy to BOO wo are headquarters
on ribbons. 60 yard for lee ribbon1) , lOo
for n 2oo ribbon nnd ISc for a oOc rib
bon. Wo notouly carry tholarRcststock
nnd prontcst variety , but mnko the low
est prices on line all silk and velvet ribbons
bens In nil shades ? This Is everybody's
opportunity. Wo will oven sell to our
competitors. If poonlo only know our
persistent efforts to plvo bargains In re
liable poods they would not hesitate.
The closing out sale on these goods
has'surprlscd everyone. Wo still have
a good line of those goods to bo sold re
gardless of cost. 75 styles of llooroil
cloth to select from , as low as I2oo yard.
OU styles Ingrain carpets in all wool and
union extra supers , - n' , itOa and DJC ;
worth SOc to 75u yard. The larircst line
of fringed nnd plain ehadus lo bcloct
from. Hot ) styles lace curtains In now
nud beautiful designs , llrns * trimmed '
poles free with every pair of curtains.
Now is the tlmo to buy
The best values over olTorod in Indies'
collars , handkerchiefs , ruchlngs , toilet
articles , oilors , brushes , combs , oto.
Our great sale of books , periodicals anil
stationery still continues.
Wall Paper Merchants.
Great Silver K.\lo Monday
nnd Tuesday nt ISdholm & Akin's.
Edholin & Akin. "Who are they ? "
Ttoniiil Oak Stovoa $ t50. .
Wo sell the Round Oak steve for
S12.60 : others ask $20.00 for thorn. Como
nnd see ours ; it Is a daisy and Fold by
the People's Mammoth Installment
House. OK ! and 015 N. 10th at.
Looking On.
Edironl S. Mai tin , fn Serllm'r.
The tlolco far nlcnto is n delightful
If only ho spuro the time who iilays It.
If ono Is ihrco nnd twenty nuil doesn't covet
fame ,
And cares loss what ho snys then how no
says It
If only deliberately can ( und never think It
loss )
Earn women's smile in hours In which ho
might bo c.iniing dross
If ono can bo content to sit mid watch , year
at tor year ,
The world's great ships go sailingby , nail
novcr wr.nt to steer
If ono Is not awnro thut atiuuliiif , ' still menus
slinpltig hack ,
Or if onn's not uverso to rolrogr.iding on
one's track
The Uolco far mcnto It n delightful gnma
For people who Imvo lives to spare to ) iluy It.
Ju-jf one Word.
Wo Imvo often Invltcil our friends to < all
with the nssuriinco that wo could phew
thorn a Iluo assortment of goocli m our
line.Wo nro inoro conlldont tlmn ovi r Ijofore
of onr nblllly to plvo tuitlgfartlon.
An Inspo tiouof this season t > sclec ioiif.
will justify our comnlnci'mo , nnd will
coiivliu'o our patrons that wo arc inaklnff
no vulu Uo.idt.
- -
Cor. 14th. and Farnam Sts.
If you intend to buy a stove or Range REMEMBER that
Every Sieve and Range Warranted. figure sale has thus far been a great success ,
and at the present rapid rate of sales , every piece set
apart for this sale will be sold before-the time specified.
These goods marked in 'blue figures are actually
less than value.
We make this statement that customers may coma
and not be disappointed.
No goods marked in blue figures exchanged or sent
on approval. There will be exception to this rule.
1206 , 1208 , 1210 Farnam Street.