Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered liy carrier In nnr vart ot the City nt
Twenty Cents per Woe ) : .
H.W.Tlt/rO.V MANAOnil
NiniiTiiniTon. No. si.
i i N o ITliiKNTfON !
N. Y. P. Co.
tllcnaon coal.
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Boston store , the leaders In dry Roods.
Carbon Coal Co. wholesale , retail , 10 Pearl.
Adams' special solo $3 inou's ' shoes to-mor
row.Two drunks wore assessed booze fines in
police court yesterday morning.
Now cases of diphtheria were reported yes
terday at CM Uluft street nnd 733 Fifth
W. O. Patterson , manager of the local
ofllco of the Western Union , ls the happy
fattier of a bouncing boy.
The funeral of C. P. Heed will take place
from his Into residence , No. (123 ( Mynstor
trcot , this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. M. M. Marshall received word yes
terday of the serious of her brother ,
Frank MclCco , of typhoid fever , at Center-
Tillo , la.
Louis Uiodcrman , of this city , was elected
deputy grand master of the Town grand
lodge , I. O. O. F. , nt the recent mooting nt
A new eating house , to bo known a the
"Postofilco Ucstiturunt , " has been opened by
Mr. Hoyinglon Just west of the federal
Meeting of the Woman's Christian associa
tion nt. Mrs. Rj. . Slunrart's Monday at ! ) p.
m. Every person interested in hospital work
Is requested to ho present.
The Chnutamiua elrclo of the Congrega
tional church will meet In the rooms of the
\V. C. T. U. , 302 Merrlam block , ovcry Mon
day evening at 70 : ! ! o'clock sharp.
Attention , Odd Follows : You nro re
quested to meet at the hall nt 1 n'clocu sharp
to attend in n body the funeral of our Into
brother , C. P. Heed. U. P. Sroicit.
J. W. Camp started up n hot sodii fountain
at his Broadway drug store lust evening und
chilly pcdCHtrlnnn warmed up thcro by hun
dreds. It bids fair to bo uu Imnienso MUJ-
J. F. Peterson 13 planning for the erection
of llvo houses on Ouklnnd avenue , to cost
about 81uUOO. They will bo finely finished ,
and will add much to the appearance of that
The statement that the Chicago , Burling
ton & Quliic.y railroad company furnished
the caslict in which the remains of Miss
llcrtlm Stevenson were taken east for Inter
ment , was a mistake. The company fur
nished passes for the Ijpreavcd sister , mother
and brother , the latter bolus a clerk lu their
Mrs. Claw Filltins , n sister of Toney nml
George Gorspacher. died at her home in St.
Foul , Minn , on Thursday nUht , of Inn ?
fever , xv'lth which she had been suffering
nbout five weeks. Tlio remains will be
brought to this city to-day , and the funeral
. will be held at St. Francis Xavler's church
t 1 o'clock this nftcraoon.
Crombie Bros , nra fitting up first class
tonsorial parlors in the Pacific house aud
will soon open the lending , four chair , 10
cent shop in the city. They have had a
constantly growing trade and their plan to
open u thoroughly tlrst class shop on a 10
cent rate will meet with general approval ,
unless It is that of their competitors who in
sist Unit it is worth 15 cents to polish a man's
chla in truly artistic stylo.
Sol Kaufman , well known In police circles ,
was arrested Friday night ou the churgo of
attempted highway robbery. Ho knew that
E. R. Noycs had received some money , and
approaching him endeavored to ascertain
Which way ho intended going homo , nnd also
acted In a very suspicious manner. Yester
day morning in police court Kaufman stated
bo mcunt no harm , so the cnsa was dismissed.
Ho was taken before Justice Schurz , how
ever , nnd sent to jail for fourteen days ou
the charge of vagrancy.
William nogers was arrested Friday night
charged with assault and battery. The in
formant was a man who was connected with
the executive dcpaitment of the city govern
ment last summer in the capacity of dog-
catcher. Kogors , who tends bar on Upper
Broadway , claims that the dog-catcher owed
him for a drink which ho obtained ut his bar
seine tlmo ago , und when ho gave him DO
cents u day or Uvo ago in payment for an
other drink , he took out of It what ho claimed
Was already duo. The result was a rough
and tumble light , and Rogers l.i now lu jail
n the charge of assault und battery.
The Pullman restaurant , 534 Broadway.
Morohouie & Co. , m'f'g Mam : books , bank
and commercial work.
Get Fountain Cc cigar , next to Elscman'b.
Dwelling for snio on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Sheufe & Co.
Every purchaser of shoes nt J. J. Maurath
& Co.'s this weolc will bo presented with an
elegant box of school pencils.
Personal 1'nriigrnplH.
Bert Sargent is homo from a Boston trip.
Gcorgo Motcalf is laid up again with
Mavor M. G. liolirer returned yesterday
from n trip to Avnlon , Mo.
Mr. and Airs. Frank Sniffer , of Stnnton ,
I a. , hnvo removed to this city.
Mrs. William Ueechor , of Crcston , Is
Visiting Mrs. T. J. Carruthors.
Mrs. H. C. Wmsby ami daughter , of
Avoca , are visiting fn tills city.
Charles H. To'vlo returned from a visit to
New Knglaud cities yesterday morning.
Perry Keel , Ksq. , has returned from Col-
fax , but his health has not been improved by
bis trip thcro.
Hon. W. H. M. Pusov will proslrto at the
domocratio meeting ut the opera liouso Mon
day evening.
13. T. Connor hail liU hands painfully
blistered whllo lighting the lire at the trans
fer Btoblo Friday night.
nov. W. T. Smith , ot this city , will assist
In the dedicating services of the now M. E.
church nt Ilawthorno to-day.
Fred Short , ono of the Adiims company's
express messengers , has gone east , and report -
port has it that when hu returns ho will bo
accompanied by Mrs. Short.
Miss Sophia Hlipso will return from the
west , where she has been atcotctilng scenes
from nature during the summer , next wook.
Bho will Immediately reorganize her classes
in art.
Mr. anil. Mrs. Daniel Etnyro , of Oregon ,
111. , nro visiting their daughter , Mrs. S. H.
\Vadsworth , for a season. Miss Emma Et
nyro Is also hero , and will remain for
Hon. Horace Boles , \Vntorloo , demo
cratic candidate for governor , will nrriva In
the Blulls from Atlantic to-morrow morning.
Apartments huvo been seemed at the Ogdun
during his stay lu the city.
Shoes at your own prlco at J. J. Maurath
Si Co.
Ulxby has removed to Mcrrlam block.
Sheet music lOc , 038 Broadway.
C. D. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway.
Lot Uasmusseii beautify your house In beat
tjrlo and cheap. U North Main.
I The Social union of the Presbyterian
church have arranged a inusieale to bo given
Tuesday evening , October 'JJ , in the church
parlors. Admission 23 cents. Tlio following
Interesting programme has boon prepared !
Vocal Dnct.Mlsse9 Murkot und Portorllold
Vocal Solo , Mr. Thornton
Recitation Miss Stephens
Vocal Solo Mr . Mulits
Vocal Duct..Mrs. Stollluu aud Miss Palmer.
Reading Mrs. Lyons.
Vocal Solo Miss Manila Oliver.
At the close of the programme , supper will
be served without extra charge.
In spite of the undignified petition taken
by the Council. Blulls retail coal dealers.
Thatcher's business Is boomiuf. Hols hand-
Hug twelve teams , and Is in constant receipt
of freih mined all rail coal , to which ho lu-
Titts public lukuoction.
Another Ptilnoo Hotel Proposition
Which Promises Sucoeaa.
Avcrnuo of tlio Gitnrcls on In-
Tlio Orl ln of Frlilay's
Flro a Myatory Congress or
tlin Tliroo Americas.
Kliat IJOIIK Promised Pnlnco Hotel.
The new nnlnco hotel scheme , although
several times aurung upon the unsuspecting
public , with unsatisfactory results , has
again risen to the surface , und all the pro ]
llmlnary work has been done before the plan
was inudo public. The prospects for the ulti
mate success of the schema nro most
brilliant , aud the erection of tbo hotel Is re
garded as un assured fact.
The proposed building will ho six stories
In hcighlh , and will occupy n frontage of
00 feet on Poail street mid lOOfceton First
avenue In other words it Is to bo located on
what is Known ns the Woodbur.v corner. It
will bo erected by the enterprising llrm of
Klmhnll & Chump. Some tlmo ago these
gentlemen submitted n proposition to
Mr. Lucius Wells , president of the
board of trade , that If the citirens
of Council Bluffs wanted a now hotel they
could get It , by giving reiisotmllo assistance
to sncli nn enterprise. Mr. Wells called on
these gentlemen , and the proposition was
niailo Unit , If the site above mentioned was
donated , they would construct n six-story
hotel , to cost not less than $150,000 , on the
same. The entire Urst lloor would bo devoted -
voted to nn ofllce. nnd rotunda , while the
hotel would bo furnished in ns complete a
style us that amount of money could make It.
Air. Wells notified a number of gentlemen of
the city concerning the proposition , nnd
ilnnlly appointed a committee to raise the
necessary funds to secure the ground. Ihls
committee has been nt work , and has scoured
subscriptions suftlcleut to Insure the success
of the enterprise.
It will bo remembered that the nmount
necessary to imrclmso this site for n Chicago
syndicate was subscribed about a year ago ,
but when it eamo to guaranteeing the list the
whole schema fell through. The slto 1ms
several times been selected for hotel pur
poses , for which it is peculiarly adapted , und
it is hoped that n handsome p.ilncu of this
kind will soon tljo spot. The board of
tiado has devoted n good deal of tlmo and
until uork to securing tueh a hotel , aud it
will ho a matter for general congr.itulutloii
If , it last , their efforts are to bo rewarded by
success. f
Swansea Musio Co. , U33 13roadway.
E. II. Shcafo ft Co. give special uttcnt on
to the collection of routs and care of property
in the city und vicinity. ChariMi moderate.
Ofllco Uroad , voy and Main streets.
The Pnii-AinniMcnii Relocation.
On Sunday , the 27th of this month , the
delegates to the congress , who
aao now on u tour through the country , wilt
pay Council Uluffa u visit. The following
gentlemen have boon selected by the board
of trade as a reception committee , and these
of the committee having carriages arc earn
estly requested to use thoci in driving the
delegates about the city. Ttio committee
will bo advised later of the hour of
M. F , Ilohrer , Lucius Wells , .John T. Slow-
art , J. L. S'.ewart , Ocorgo F. Wright , T. J.
Evans , William Moore , John N. IJaldwin ,
George H. Camp , J. F. Kimball , S. P. Mac-
Conucll , Leonard Everett , Gcorgo A. Keo-
llno , John Sohoentegen , 13. Zovoly , W. F.
Sapp sr , William Gronowog , George Met-
calf , F. Wios , E. W. Hart , Dr. Maorao , Dr.
II. W. Hart , Dr. Pinnoy , Marshall Traynor ,
W. U. M. Pusoy , J. J. Drown , F. J. Day , M.
E. Smith , N. M. Pusey , II. HIrhinbino.
Thomas Ofllcer , Simon Eiioman , N. P.
Dodge , John 13eno , William Siedntopf , J. F.
Evans , Samuel Hans , S. Farnsworth , E. L.
Shuftrxrt , C. II. Ilannan , Thomas Uowtnan ,
Judge J. H. Uoed , S. H. Foster , A. C. Gra
ham , J. W. Perego.v. Major Joseph Lyman ,
S. 13. Wadsworlh , George A. Holmes , E. II.
Odoll , J. A. Murphv. J. W. Squiro. Dr. F.P.
Uclllnger , W. II. Knoplor , E. P. Waturman ,
E. \Vickham. . Gcorgo S. Miller , John P.
Weaver , John Uoresheim , P. II. Fothering-
ham , A. J. Crittendon , Colonel D. U. Dalloy ,
E. C. Hunt , of Tun BEE , J. J. Steaaman , of
the Nonpareil , E. F. Watts , of tlio Republi
can , and H. E. Grimm , of the World-Horuld.
The foregoing are rcspecfuUv lequested to
notily the secretary of tlio board of trade of
their acceptance of this appointment.
There will uu about seventy in the party ,
including uowspaper representatives.
C. 13. P. Co. , Stephan & Harmer , 33 Pearl.
Mcschemlorf's ' popular moat market , finest
In the Twin Cities. ! WJ Hroaaway.
Dernpsey & Butler , candy M'f'g. , 105Main.
Orotlltnlili ; Htniiillnz of tlio < minis.
Lieutenant W. E. Attohlson , of the Dodge
Light Guard , otherwise Co. A , Fifth regi
ment I. N. O. , has received from Adjutant
General Hcoson the report of LJng.i'do Inspector
specter J. ' ! ' . Davidson , ontlin muster inspec
tion at lied O.ilc during the annual ciic.imu-
meut , August 11 , 1SSO. The percentage
credited to Company A Is as follows for the
forty-throe uion and two ofllcais1
Discipline , 90 ; Instruction , 80 : millitary
appearance , SO ; arms , 8.1 ; accoutrements , 75 ;
uniform , 85 ; average , 8J.5.
It must bo understood that this Is a very
good average , as the reports of the state oni-
ccrs show that the highest nvcrauo secured
by any company in the regiment in 1885 was
ol f and in ISiO was n % . The hlubcsi average -
ago of any regiment was that of the first
regiment , which was b'J 12 27 in 1SS5 and
S-TJIi-ftl m 18SI1. 'I ho Second regiment se
cured a mark of 83 8-9 in 18M5. which makes
only three times that tlio mark of company
A has been beaten. The average of the entire -
tire Fifth regiment , however , was 73 10-7 ! ! In
lbS3 nnd but 03 in 1S 0 , which shows tholr
present standing 14 per cent bettor than
the roglmcntal average thrco years ago.
The couumnv.'a nvoingo this year was cut
down by the failure to rank high In accou
trements , as the Inspector got hold of two or
three old soldiers who had just been relieved
from guard duty , and their accoutrements
wcic dusty , which cut down the marking. It
Is , however , an average of which to bo pioud ,
nnd the boya fcol highly elated that their
showing was so satisfactory. It is another
demonstration , If ono was ncedod , that the
Li luffs company can hold its own against all
Stcnm nnd hot water heating , first-claim
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , cor. Pearl at. aud Willow uvo.
Western Lumber ana Supply Co. , 13th nnd
14th streets nnd ' 'd and ! U avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling polctlosllmo ,
cement und building material in the west.
E , W. Kuymond , manager.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'a
loan oftlco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Its Orlcln Still n Mystery ,
Instead of an Investigation tending to re
veal the origin of the lire at the transfer
barn of Cousins & Nanscl , Friday night , the
matter la moro of a mvstcry than over. Mr.
Cousins states that ho nas no theory to offer
and atter closely questioning all of his men ,
who were at the stable when the flro started ,
ho can two no explanalipn that would throw
any light on the subject. Ho stated , how
ever , that the company carried a email In
surance to cover such accidents as might da-
privo their patrons of property whllo In their
possession , and this amount would bo divided
pro rata among those who sustained a loss.
The company U not required by law to
carry any such Insurance , und It was taken
solely to protect tholr patrons as much as
Tun flro was an exceedingly hot one , and
the dromon bad their laces aud hauds so-
vuroly blistered. Captain Hapaljo , of Hoao
No. 1. auatuiueJ u badly sprained wrist ,
camed by bemir dragged quite a dlitauco by
n line of hose which the other hnd
released. 'Hie pressure was so strong that
ho could not hold the nozzle , nnd It took him
off his feet. Ills Injuries will lay him up
for it few days.
Rlsemnn'is Hollnblo Dry Ooods Store
Is the place where the lonst money will buy
the most goods. Hond about the tremendous
bargains to bo offeroa during this wook.
Silks , plushes nnd dross goods , special
offering. A splomliu opportunity to got anew
now dress cheap. Visit the department nnd
sco the proof.
At 00 cents a yard wo offer 10 pieces fnllto
Franchise , gros grain nnd Armour black and
colored dross silks that cannot bo duplicated
for loss than $ l.i.5.
At ! i9 emits aynrd wo offer S3 pieces , all
Bhados , 10-Inch silk plushes ; other houses
ask CO cents for satna quality ,
At 12X cents per yard wo offer ono case
42-Inch honrlettit cloth , worth CO cents a
At 23 cents a yard wo offer n cases double
width dress flannel nnd trkotts , nil shades ,
worth 40 cents a yard.
At 18 cents n yard wo offer 3 cases , nil
shades , ladles' cloth , ( VI inches wldo , worth
75 cents per yard.
At BO and 00 cents a yard wo nlaco over
tTO pieces plaid and striped , as well as plain ,
nil wool dress goods on our counters that
cnnnotbo duplicated lor ono-third tnoro.
A special tiling In broadclot h.
At $1.35 a yard SO pieces Imported French
broadcloth , nil shade * , 50 Inches wldo ,
twilled blnek Bpongeil , a regular ? 3 quality ;
goes this week nt (1.25.
At G cents a yard , 1 case plaid striped nnd
plain half wool dross goods at u cents , xvorlh
double the price.
At 10 cents and 12 cents , 3 cases double
width half wool cable cords , In plnin nnd
mixtures ; would bo a bargain at 13 cents or
.0 cents.
Special Bargains Very fiishlonablo Im
ported and domestic dress trimmings , nil
now goods ; silk fringe dress fronts ; knotted
filnges : blade silk bullion fringes ; blade
silk sashes ; black nnd colored sillc gronp.s.
You can positively save 113 per cent by buy
ing your UPOHS trimmlnes from us , besides
having the largest nnd llncst assortment of
novelties in the west to select from.
Fall und winter cloaks aud wraps second
Is thcro anything In n nnmol In tno great
majority of cases absolutely nothing , but in
the matter of cloaks and wraps wo are not
vain , wo are proud of it , The name of Else-
man's house is a power nil over the United
States as leaders in the cloak business. It is
a badge of good faith , on nssuinnco of rolla-
bllltj , n guarantee of good value and of ntylo
nnd of fit. The crowds of customer * coming
fnm far ami , admiring our cloak de
partment , making their purchases and recom
mending their friends , ana thov theirs , has
mudo us hiMjquaitcrs und has given us
prestige In the in ukctaof the world. A por-
jcct lit and the Litest style always bo
had in our house. Implicit conlldcnco can
nlwavs bo placed In all representations.
Honest and fair dealing Is assured , and there
are moro styles to bo soon than nt miy three
houses In Council Blurts and Omaha com
Misses' and children's cloaks nt greatly
reduced prices during this week's special
BHO odd garments must ho closed out nt
half price. Also 175 misses' and children's
ro.idv made suits have boon in trkud down to
half price for njics I , ( ! , 8 , 10 and 13 voars.
IJo sure and call at the reliable dry goods
house of Henry Eisoinau & Co. , Council
Bluffs , In.
Mall orders receive prompt attention.
Amouir tlio OhurohpH.
Second Piesbyterian Services nt 3 p. m.
led by L. F. Hayden. Sunday school ut4 | > .
m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:110 : ,
p. m.
Christian Science So rvlces at 4 o'clock p.
m. In Iowa College null , corner of First avenue -
nue and Pearl sticot , up stairs. All are wel
Congrcgatienal Services in the morning :
Preaching by tliu pastor , subject UA Glori
ous Garment. " There will bo no evening
The Pilgrim Congregational Sunday school
will meet nt 3 p. m. corner of Ninth street
ana Avenue A. A cordial invitation is ex
St. Paul's Divine service at 10:30 : and
7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12:1. : ! . Tlio rec
tor will ofliciile and preach. Young moji
and strangers always cordially welcomed to
these services. T. J. Mackay , roctor.
First Baptist Nuar postofllce. Preaching
by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p in. ;
subject for mornintr "God's Eye Ever Upon
Us ; " for evening "Tho Model Christian. "
Sunday school at1 m. Young people's
meeting at 0:30 : p. m. Seats free. All cor
dially welcome.
Union Service at the First Baptist Rev.
A. Martin , pastor of the First Christian
church , Omuha.will'preach In the First Bap
tist church ( Dr. Coolov's ' ) Sunday at 3 p. m ,
subject "Tho blgns of the Times. " Ttio
music Willie led by the choir of the Ouianu
chuich. People of all religions and no re
ligion are coidially invited. Bring Sunkcy'a
Broadwav M. E. Preaching at 10:20 : n. m.
by the pastor , subject "Tho Glorv and
Honor of the Church. " Sunday school at 12
m. Epworth league and class meeting at
0:80 : p. in. At 7:30 : p. m. Colonel L. W. Till-
leys will address the Sunday school on Inci
dents connected with his visit to the World's
Sunday School convention in London. A
coidialinvitatlon to all.
Attention Votermi Tippccnnoo Club.
All members of the Veteran Tippecanoo
club , of Council Bluffs , are requested to at
tend the funeral of the late C. F. Heed , who
was a member of the club , this afternoon at ,
o'clock , from his late residence , corner of
boventh and Mynster street. These who
have buggies nloaso bring them. D. B. Clark ,
Always on Time.
If you wish tn purchase a good and reliable
watch 25 per cent less than club rates , aud
on easy turnn , then call at once und make
your own selection at C. B. Jucijucmiu &
Co. , 7 Main street.
Desirable dwnllings for rent at mouorato
prices , E. H. Sheafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway ana Main streets , up stalra.
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y
Tlio ICociHtty Hoards.
Mayor Uuoror has Issued a proclamation
calling for all qualified voters of the city to
register In their respective wards ou ono of
the dates given below , that they may not bo
deprived of tholr right to vote attho No
vember election. The boards ot registration
will sit at the following places :
First Ward At the olllco of Wheeler &
Horeld , corner of Benton and Broadway.
Koirmtrars , U. J. Abbott nnd It. H. Hagg.
Second Ward U the olllco of vVatennun's
carriage works , Nortn Main street. Regis
trars , J. llhodabeclt nnd A. T. Whtttlosoy.
Third Ward At Hattonhauor's ' carriage
works on Fourth street , Registrars , Q. F.
Smith and Gcorgo Blaxsitn.
Fourth Ward , First Precinct At the
cigar store of T. D. King & Co. , Broadway.
Registrars , O. II. P. Oulingor and L. Swear-
Fourth Ward , Second Precinct In the
summer kltchun of George Bock , No. 1203
South Sixth street. Registrars , T. C , John-
BOII nnd T. L. Smith ,
The reglstrais will bo In In attendance at
these places on the 31th and 25th days of
October , 18S9 , nnd on Saturday , November 3 ,
1SSU , from ti o'clock a. m. to 0 o'clock p. m.
Also on Tuesday , November 5 , 1SVJ , the day
of election , nt the sumo hours , for the pur-
uoso of revising , correcting , receiving and
adding to said list the names of any persons
who would on said day bo entitled , under the
provisions of the constitution and the law of
the state , to exorcise the right of suffrage la
tholr wards.
Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173.
At tlio' Hontou ritoro ,
This weak the attention of customers will
bo called to the rare bargains offered In
cloaks and shawls , hosiery and underwear.
black und colored dross goods , gloves and
inks. The assortment Is very largo , and the
prices will bo as satisfactory as the stock.
Special attention will also bo called to the
largo assortment of handsome bed comforts
aud spreads. This line Is Uio largest la the
city , aad prices the lowostovor offered.
A Itltc Wook'H
Last week's business of the Council Bluffs
Carpet Co. was about the heaviest over
transacted by them. The week was devoted
to a ipccial ealo of oarpeti , rugs and our-
tains , nnd the grout cut In prices drew trade
from nn area 100 miles wldo , and there were
moro well satisfied and perfectly suited poo-
plothnn ever. This week there will bo a
special snlo dovotpd-jto portlcrs , silk , laco.
turcomen. chnnlUoLaiul other varieties. It
wlltnlso Include rilgVof all grades , linoleums
nnd oil cloths. A5 better opportunity wns
never given to furnish your lion cs with
comforts and luxuries at little cost than will
bo afforded by this week's special snlo.
To the Citizens of Council IJIutT * nnl
Wo were In liopcs that tlio coal dealers
whoso unmos have appeared In n certain card
published In various local papers nt different
dates Irdni October 4. would have on calm
reflection sooa the folly of tholr position
without taking into consideration its utter
falsity nnd hnvo assorted tholr Individual
manhood , business integrity nnd honesty of
purpose by withdrawing from a combination
that has been productive of no good to them
selves , cither Individually or collectively.
But it Is n matter of supreme Indifference to
us If they wish to sacrifice their business in
terests to their blind personal prejudices.
Wo rrlterato the statement wo have al
ready published , nnd brand tholr whole nrtl-
clo as a wilful falsehood and thoDartles , were
perfectly awnro of that fact whoa they
signed It. What has bccomo ot the signature
nf the party whoso vivid Imagination con-
oootcd the fabrication but who lacks the
courngo to father it ) Meanwhile wo shall
still continue to sell Imnl and soft coal at the
same old popular prices. H , A. COY ,
Western Sales Agent ,
A. Q.-Tnvrciiin : , Council Blurts , In.
, Chicago , 111.
Another llnmlsnmo Flnt.
S. II. Foster has tnkou out n uermlt to
erect a Hut of linudsotno residences , costing
$12,000. The houses , three in number will
bo of pressed briel : and cut stone , with plato
glass windows , They will bo fitted through
out with all modern conveniences , and will
probably rent for about SCO a month each ,
They will bo erected on the corner of Eighth
street nnd First avenue , facing south. The
contrnot lor the brick work has been Let to
J. P. Weaver , and P. Wind will do the car
penter work.
Finest market ia city J.M. Siunlan's.
A lliicliiir Mntlnco.
The races at the driving park yesterday
afternoon , for alleged purses of $400 , proved
to bo lively brushes for the gate receipts ,
There were , nevertheless , some very pretty
and interesting heats trotted , some of thorn
being Qliotly contested , nnd considering
the ohlliy weather , strong wind and sloxv
traek , the tlmo was very pood. The 2:30 :
race was won by Charles Wilson's b g Billy
Mont , Myor'B King Humbert second , and
Lncy's Nellie Caffroy third. Halle's Monmouth -
mouth Abdullah was drawn after the ilrst
bent. Tinio-2:4T. : 2:40 : ; .
In the threc-imuuto class MuDermott's
JlmBlnlno took the first heat in 3:01J4 : ,
which would have easily been 3:55 : had occa
sion required It. The horse was drawn after
this heat , as the owner , who is a compara
tive stranger in the cltv , wns not accorded
proper facilities for caring for hli horso.
' 1 ho second heat was won by Ulj Sioux ,
Tramp second , Maud thlid. Time 3-03'
There were but two heats trotted in each
race , and what little money there was in the
pool was divided. Tlio second heat of the
2:30 : race was a very pretty exhibition , and
worth going to seo. Tho. attendance- was
very fair considering the woatlior , which
was altogether too ookl for a trotting mati
nee. ,
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway.
Tills Ornina Was
The most sensational case over tried
in Nowaygo comity1 closed to-day with a
verdict acquitting' Oregon Hamilton of
the murdurpf his child , saysaNewayffo ,
Mich. , special. Iliimilton was accused
of whipning his child to death , and in
March , 1SS8 , was sentenced to Jackson
prison for life. Uo had no means with
which /o make a defense and no friends.
While n prison ho secured a pension ,
with Sl.'OO arrearage , and with this
money ho employed attorneys who secured -
cured him a now trial , which
ended to-day. Hamilton was a
poor man , and when his wife
died he employed Mary Marston to care
for his child. It was upon her evidence
ho was convicted afterthochild's death.
The now evidence upon which the trial
was secured was that the worn in was
dissolute and depraved ; that she is now
living a life of shame ; that she was
cruel to the child placed In her care ,
siiid that sho. instead of the father , was
responsible for its death. The second
trial has continued flvo days and the in
terest in the ca = o has been so great and
the attendance so largo that the uro-
ceedings were conducted in the opera
houso. the chief actors in the drama
occupying the stage and the spectators
illling the scats.
Bear limiting in Australia.
The Australian koala , or native bear ,
has its favorite haunts in the gigantic
eucalyptus trees , in which , the color of
its fur being so like that of their bark ,
it is not , xylieii at any great height ,
easily distinguishable from it. It lives
mainly upon the tender shoots and
buds , climbs with great rapidity , and
clings to the bark with wonderful
tenacity ; the females while climbing ,
carrying their young upon their backs.
DThoy are destroyed in great numbers
for the sake of tlioir hides , and the way
in which some of the bualimcn pursue
them , by cutting notches in the bark
and digging their toe * therein , in emu
lation of the black natives , is not ono of
the least wonderful things in the col
ony.Tho boar's cry of distress , when in
danger , is curiously like that of a terri
fied baby. In sl/.o they are small , nnd
resemble the cloth bear species , HO com
mon in the jungles ot India.
This animal , as wall as the kangaroo ,
opossum nnd other quadrupeds indig
enous to Australia , belongs to the mar
supial order.
New York Ijliinincn Are I.i'rlchtcncil.
The impression created upon the
minds of the many linemen employed
in this city by John Fooks's horrible
deatli has been very deep , Bays the Now
York Sun. Many of them have become
melancholy and imbued with unpleas
ant presentiments. At least , that was
what ono of them said yostorkay at the
Grand btroot station of tlioThirdavonuo
olovntcd road. Ho came in with his
tools and a coil of wlro slung over hia
shoulder , An acquaintance nskod him
In the way of a grim joke :
"Well , Harry , when is your time
coming V" ,
The lineman turned whlto and put up
his hand in n deprecating way.
"Don't talk that way , " ho said , "God
knows wo fool chlbkon-hcartod enough
now. " '
His Storpj Dlilnt Oo.
A Cincinnati man went' llshing , first
promising his friends a supply of Ilia
catch. Ho fished all day , but didn't get
a bite. "Surprised at this , ho examined
his tackle and found that there were no
hooks on his lino. When ho rotuiTncd
ho bought several dollars' worth of llsh
and sent them around to his friends ,
That night nt the club ho began boast
ing about his SUCCOS9 and wna laughed
at. The same men who received the fish
hud cut the hooks from hia lines.
A Novel Motltnti of Inspection.
A novel method has been hit upon by
the trustees of the f > tate hospital for the
insana in Norrlstown to prevent brutal
ities on the part of attendance toward
violent and refractory patients. It is a
system of mirrors ana Hhnfts leading to
too attlo or top utnry , by which tin inspector
specter stationed there is enabled to ob-
Borvo minutely oery act and motion of
the patients and attendants in the wards
of the Urst and second Hoars.
Thoy'ro SoniowhatDoooltfiil Dub the
Mou Are to Blamo.
Since the Capture by the Strong
Arm tu 1'rlmltlvo 1'lnics liar
Solo Keoourso Has
JUooii to I'lcaso.
Mrs. BpnfTord on Ilnr SOT.
To any that \voinon luxvo no sins Umt
tire not slinrcd by mon , Umt there are
no dlsttnctlvoly fomliilno sins , is but to
dochiro a plntltmlo.
Without doubt the sins o ! women nro
the sins o' humanity ; tlicro nro none so
peculiar to thomsolvca as to dcsorvo
moiitlon ; anil they differ only from the
Bins of mon in being ot n minor degree.
"Woman Is the lessor innn , and nil her mo
tions matched with mine
Are ns tnoonllglit unto sunlight , nnd as
water unto wine , " "
says ono of the mon in splenetic mood ;
but so fur as fact has anything to do
with his lines , it is in reference to her
sins only that she ia the lessor man ,
since they tire in general as much
slighter than her brother's sins us her
body isvoakor ami her temptations
In general , lot it bo said , because otico
in a while llioro cotnos a liYodogondo , a
Brinvilliora , a Thoroigno , to show us of
what , under fostering circumstances ,
women are capable , ami whore , in doing
nothing but what many mon have al
ready done , they appear so much worse
because so much more is looked for
from thorn. For indeed if their sins are
generally less , tholr virtues are gener
ally greater than these of the other half
of humanity , and there ig every reason
why they should bo , in their nature ,
their education , and theirvsculuslon.
If , according to the now theory , wo
man is the race and man the variation ,
woman should bo the conaorvor of
and certainly nothing bends more
strongly to this than the urgency of the
duties of motherhood and the tender
ness that motherhood evokes ; indeed ,
duty and tenderness belong to till foini-
nine human nature that is true to its
law of being and Its first development.
The baby does not go ulono before she
is nursing and loving another baby in
ncr doll ; any two little girls in the street
will have tlioir arms about each other's
shoulder-j1 the boys of a family are off
at their play when the girls are at homo
helping their mother ; the son marries
when ho will , the girls as frequently lot
love go by because the old iaronta need
her ; and she is not praisedvor any of it ;
no ono expecti it to bo otherwise ; duty ,
kindness , love and sacrifice nro recog
nised to be parts of her personality , and
she would not bo herself if she did dif
And when motherhood is called in
question , dnifj not every child know to
what the mother is equal , save in excep
tional cases whore she chances to bo
what gardeners call a freak ? It is not ,
perhaps , her virtue that she lives in
her child ; that she would die for him ;
it is her nature ; and it only shows how
near her nature is to virtue ss near
that , in view of it , it is strange that
when wo think of the creative undfaus-
tainlng force of the universe it is our
habit to say father and not mother.
Not that recognition of the strength
and care and generosity of the father
is"at all impaired by rendering the
mother her meed ; it docs not follow
that one is not good because another is
bettor , and ho himself is the lirfat to ac
knowledge it on occasion. It is in np-
proftching these virtues , and in carry
ing them to a point beyond the cubtom-
ary feminine experience that mon are
often finest ; as in the missionary priest
who forgets himself for his race and
who dies for his faith , and in the uhysi-
cian who equally forgets himself , en
countering lo.ithliest disease , giving
tireless days and slaepless nights to the
sutlering , and who brings help and
healing with him in such \vibO that ho
seems to bo the very vicegerent of God
and of creation.
Yet it may bo said that women are so
guarded from their cradles from knowl
edge of evil and the contamination of
the worpcr world that anything else
than purity , temperance and aucli posi
tive forms of goodness becomes dillicult
for thorn , and there has to bo
in a woman for her to go astray ; while
she learns in the homo atmosuhcro the
necessity of solf-donial and self-ropros-
bion , and all her power for love is daily
strengthened there.
Were elio out in the world us her
brother is , she might by possibility lese
much that now hcoms hers by right ,
although she might gain in breadth of
view and in largo nobllitv. It is cloao
upon largo nobility indeed , that women
find their weakest point ; the narrow
view hinders them from the wide , as
ono's hand hold up before the eyes can
obscure tlio sun ; they do not look at the
good of the nice so much as that of
their own homo , and where not them
selves but those they love are injured
they find it all but impossible to forgive ;
if this is sin all the concentrated sweet
ness of their being bus gone to make a
orust round that sin.
In fact , there is but ono sin of which
women are possibly more guilty than
mon , and for that men are more re
sponsible than they ; it la the cowardice
which , where it exists and , thank the
heavenly powers , it docs not exist
among all women makes some womou
subtle , cunning , treacherous , falso.
The capture of the strong arm in
primitive times , their only recourse
has boon to please ; their only weapons
have been amiability , concession , craft.
They would not have boon mad o of
llesh and blood and have bcea without
desires and endeavors to attain the end
of Hiioh desires. Their sense of justice
told them they had a human riglit to
attain these ends , and , of course , they
neglected no means in their power to
do bo , Tlioy had abuses and punish
ments , too , to escape ; they had chil
dren to bo shielded from cruelty ; they
had-faults to bo hidden from hard mas
ters : they availed themselves , then , of
what in great commanders
in great statesmen diplomacy , but in
ethics is called deceit.
Weak in body and timid by consequence
quence , a captive , a slave , a drudge for
generations that became ages , the eon-
timontoftho community , with all its
later enlightenment , never to the pres
ent day quite relinquishing the essence
of the idea of the slave in connection
with her , although cherishing it per
haps unconsciously , woman has had to
resort to craft to carry her ends till she
lias found herself in danger of becoming
sly us n matter of second nature. With
this acquired1 predisposition of hors
from the ancestral bond-slave , a man
has only needed to hoof a too domineer
ing and autocratic turn in his family in
order to develop the objectionable quul-
itv in wife and daughters , till brutality
has brought about shuttling , evasion ,
o onccultnout aud dissembling , and tyr-
anny has boon followed by cunning , as
the whnlo is followed by the flword-llsh.
The man who will not lot hla wife do
what she wishes and innocently might ,
without worrying all pence out of the
hoiito , without a storm , without abuso.
without the withdrawal of his good will
ami a condign punishment of one sorter
or another , forces hla wife , unlo < H she
Is a spiritless shadow , Into doing what
she would , ami deceiving him in I'oln-
tion to it very likely to the point of
lying. Guilty as she herself may bo ,
yet If his children nro born liarsho has
himself to thank for it.
The man who , able to moot expanse ,
denies his wife righteous money for her
needs , should not bo surprised if the
whispering serpent supplies his defic
iency , and his wile debases herself and
her blood enough to filch money from
his pockot. If his children arc born
thieves , the fault is in the first instance
his. If to any the statement scorns
shameful , and women recoil at tljo Ho
and the theft , or at the bare Idea , the
virtue is theirs. But it is owing to the
great tyrannies of old days , the small
tyrannies of modern days , that decep
tion , nud nrls and wiles
of so many women who have no other
faults than those and those to which
they load.
As the woman stands up more and
more on equal ground with the man , as
the husband acknowledges the rights of
thowlfo , as the community comes to
expect and exact it of him , there will
bo loss and less to cull this artifice into
use , Its capacity will become dormant
and atrophied , honest will rise upper
most , the fearlessness of the descendant
will have conquered the pusillanimity
of the grandnm , unfaltering truth will
shine out on her forehead , and woman
will have annihilated possibly the only
sin that was over hora.
IlAKiunr I'unscoTT SPOITOUD.
Modern Mistakes tn Grammar.
Faults nro pardonable In conversa
tion , which nro not pardoimblo in writ
ten compositions , says the Ladles'Homo
.Tournnl. But wo must bo careful not to
tulc too much loo\yny in this regard ,
and not to mnko inistukes in grammar
or pronunoititlon. Some people
guilty of irrniinnixtlcul blunders , through
Blioor carelessness. Thus , ti lady ( f my
acquaintance , who understands triA | > -
motry , nnd cnu translate Virgil , often
says to me'you was , " and yet she luio\\
perfectly well that this an inexcusable
Other people who ought to know bet
ter , say "ho don't" for "ho doesn't , " ' 'I
don't know as I do , " instead of "I don't
know that I do. " "Aint" and "taint"
are not often used now by educated people -
plo , unless in tv jesting wny. It is nn
unwise thine1 , however , to bo careless
or inaccurate in ono's pronunciation or
use of language , since tricks of speech
nro easily caught , and very hnril to get
rid of. Thus , when ono is talking to
servants , or other uneducated people ,
one is often tomptcd to adopt their
phraseology , in order to bo readily un
derstood by them , but It is better to
withstand the temptation , oven if ono
should bo obliged in cotibcauonco to
take moro trouble to express one's
moaning clearly.
What shall bo said of the woman who
says "I done it" ? She has certainly
placed herself between the horns of a
dilemma. Her hearers will infer ,
cither that her early education was
neglected , or that she associated with
uneducated pcoplo during her child
hood. And yet this is a grammatical
fault , which seems hard to get rid of.
Persons who never say "I seen it , " or
"he has went , " or " 'them things , " will
occasionally betray themselves by let
ting slip the fatal "I done it. ' '
It is quite as incorrect to use "ho"
and "I" for "him" nnd "mo , " or vice
is " 1 done it " and
versa , as it to say ,
yet the llrst named class of faults that
of using the wrong pronouns is some
times committed by educated people.
Indeed , I have heard the phrase "it
is ma" justified , on tlio ground that it
was a literal translation of the French
"c'cst inoi. " But our English gram
mar does not , like its French name
sake , justify the employment of certain
pronouncing forms , merely for the value
of euphony , "lie is older than I" may
not sound so well as "ho is older
than me , " yet the former is the correct
form. It is a very common mistake to
say "Between you nnd I1 and yet a
moment's rellection should convince
anyone who has over studied grammar ,
that ho should say ' 'Between you und
mo. "
reltx Gray.
Low to the stars she whispers a name-
Low to the listening fltars ;
Ucd as Areturns she blushes ( lame ,
Palo Virco amilos on her maidenly shame
Guard well the seciet , oh stars !
Soft to the flowers she murmurs a word
Soft to the moon-tranced ( lowers ,
The nodding lilies ni-ii lightly stirred.
But the rose di earns on of her poet bird
Oh.guurd well the secret , dear flowers.
Faint to the night wind she breathes a sigh
Fulnt to the wandering wind
That mutely kisses her for reply.
Stealing the unshed tear Itoin her eye
An , breathe not the secret , sweet wind 1
A whispered name a word and a sigh
Floating uway through space ,
With a wlnd-u'iitlicied tear from a pure
maid's eye ,
Seeking seeking below and on high
Shall they ever find resting placet
To Price Our Moves.
Piill r anil Warren's Splendid and Abraham
Cox Itadliint Nmclty llusu llnrncrs nro too
well knoun to require rommcnt on them here.
Humnmbor , wo Riiuranteo all Htovo/t / , Cook.s ,
Jtuniics and Ik'ulei.i to give perfect satlsfac-
tlon or uo snlo.lUIlTUITTfcNOIlTON.
7J7 Hroadway.
I ) . J. icnuu.NPSov , 15. U Sunn HIT ,
Prc-s. VJce 1'rei.
CIMS. H. IIANNAN , Cdshlor.
Pnlcf up Capital SI5O.OOO.OO
Surplus 35OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors . .335,000.00
DiKirroiiRI. : A. Mlllor , I' . O. flleason. 15. \ , .
Bhutan , i : . M. Hurt , J. I ) . Kdimdson. Chus. It.
lluiman , 'Irmisnct general bunking business
Largest capital mid mirphH oC uny biinlc In
I\mUnve.-ilein Iowa. Interest on tlmo denosl is
1 OT8 on < th nro. nnd loilt st. vary cheap
J-Jgnnps. IICIHOII .t Shepherd , o Main st.
T OTS oft lttoMlnfiy7 any\\TicroTiotwoen Conn/
JUcll lilulTs ami Omnhn. llciison 1 : Shepherd
0 Mnln st
„ _ _ _
KMKMIIKH thixt 1 own my own property ,
K nud con criuntly run nmtso terms to suit tlio
imnlmserhoisuot retuilrod to deal with mo
through mi nvont. C , II , .Indd , 000 Uromlwaj-i
Council Hluirs.
TFlliTirillFos. * CO. loan money. The moil
O llbcrnl terim ottered. 10 ] Pearl st ,
BKTTlIHtnnnfi savings bnn < . liny * . honso
and lotof U. It. .Itidd on monthly payment * ,
and by pay lux from $ J to * 'i inor. ) a month than
rent tn a few yonri you will own your liomo
free of debt , \\liloh Is bound hr Unit tlmo to u
worth moratlinn ( lottbla vlwl you pity for It
now. C. It. Judd. ow llro.idwny. Council Illulld.
SA liU-Anoti \ H established
J ilriic store , estiblMho.l In IM ) . t..xih ro
niilrnil , $1,5. ) > , tmlmiea renl ostktn. Addrou A
J , llco. Council tlliilfg. _
l3 A ltd A IN4 low In Illilillo's sub , on i'th ' nvo ,
Jj-0nu1lnnatli > : ill. ( JIJJ o.ich. N.C. 1'hllllps ,
room p , Kverott block.
1 OTS In TonvlllTffors add $ ni each. X.o"
JJ Phillips , room Ororctt : blocfc.
LOTS In Van Itrunt & Itlce7n a7lil } 2W. IJnsr
terms. N. C. Phillip * , loom A , Kveratt blif.
AllAltUAIN In West HroHdway propel ty. N.
a Phillips , room C , livorott block. .
, ors In Terry addition. Monthly P y mo nt
_ N. ) L Phillips , rooiaji. liyerott lilocic. _
LANDS for snlo or oxchnUKO. N. 67 I'lillllrt
room 5. Uvcrott bloek- .
TMl'HOVCI ) frirmfln Iowft nud KanTis for
.Lpxclmnico for city proporty. N. C. l'lillllp %
room' , live ret tblouK.
IF you havs any lots or other property Unit
you \ > lsh to tnulo for a house mm lot , call
onC. H. Judd , ( jCU llroaihrny ,
EUll SAtjU On easy terms , ctioico residence
lot , ( iiauiuu nvo. , un motor Una ,
Tor Sixlosj ncro fruit ixnd vetjotixblo fmm I'l
mllfscnstoC Clmutnuqii.i t.-oiuuls. A treat
bnrK'Un. ' Ktsy U-riiu. Only $ .U nor acre.
I'ors.ilo , or will trnilo for Omnnii or Council
lllulls property , 4V0 acn't Improved laiulj a llnp
com iiml stock fnrm 1 nillo from btnllou. Im
inoilinto possession givon.
J'orSiilo-oTucii'SKood fruit mid fnrm land ,
well wutorod , ! i mtlo north of Clmutnuqua
ground * .
Kor &alon ncros choli'ofjrovo lands on Clraml
( wcmie. Only $ tM pur ncre.
Tor Sixlo llll ncrus , KOOU house , burn and out-
ImlldliiK's 1.0/0 / rrnlt trci-f. four miles from post-
olllco , only fji per ncro , turnis ; nlso yj
nirei adjoining ; well lmpiovod.ntS.iO An acre.
onu-thlra mill , hal.mcn mi terms to suit.
Tor bull-- Lot I. bloolc H , U > n com 1'laco.
Omaha , on ' 0 yoarV tl no .it 7 ptr ivut.
\V. c. Stiicv Hoom l , Optra lllock.
I'HAVTTuvo i'le uutTun-.ji ou tin uvo. , ona
block from motor. liiu < J Ion. Housoj now ,
8 and 11 looms each ; modern Improvumonts.
For s lie on paymuuf to sultmirchMors. Tlieso
arc line bargains , splendidly locntoil nml cheap
est property In Council Hind's. J. II. .Jmld , COd
J FINK housosTon Lincoln ave. . Brooms , moil-
Oorn lmpicivoment , nil now. - lots fioxlr > 0 each
ami tli otliurT'ivluThis properly is finely
located lu tlto uutural p'iric portion ot Council
lllulls , S blocks from Omihn ami Council Uluffa
motor. C. 1J. Jtidii , 0--0 Uro.ulwiiy.
Ltl H 1N8UU VNCIJ nt actual cost.
A. 1) ) . lmtl ) ( > crty , C.iniilni ; St. , Council
Uliills. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
BAltr.AINSlnaHpai-ti ot the clty. N. a
Phillips , room 5 , Kverett block.
TIN ( ) --story ( I-iooni Mouses oh North 7th st. '
3 blocks from po < itolllco. city water , only
{ . .J.IDJ i-ncli. Terms to suit. C. II. Judd. OOl )
JJroadway. _ _ _ _
IllAVi : lioucoiaua lots In nil parts of Ooun.
ell liluirs. from $ nu to 8MU ' . that t Holloa
monthly paymnntsi , or any terms to HUH pur
chasers. This Is of pirilcular mlvan'ii o t < j
Om.ilia merchants , clerks , nipchanlcs , 01 ] ) ooplo
whoilcslro a homo ncnrtho mismeis center ot
Unnlia wlthontbelnKcompollod to pay u\orbl
taut prices. C. II. Judd , iKu llroailwnv , Council
llluJlK _
"iV YOU miy a liouso iiml lot of C. -ImMand
Xaf forwards conrluilu to move away or In any
other way nit UcliiK dcalmus of keeping the )
property , I will sell It for you fn-o ot charga
nnrt pi operty unsold I will rent siimqllhout
cost t owner.
, . , on all property
hold by C. U. Judahouthora is a fal
pnymout down.
S In Central sun choap. IHsy torms. NT
LOT 1'hllllp" . room 5 , livorott bloc * .
"IjiOHSAIiK or Kent Garden land with houses ,
J3 by J. U. Itice. IIK Sluln st , , Council Hluirs.
AVKNUU A lots , corners gicat bargnlna.
llcnson vV Shepherd. 9 .Main st.
LOT on 4th avenue , Vim Hrunt .V Illcu's suo. ,
cheap , llcnson & . bhuphord , 'J Mixtn tit.
Tnn Anoatyouus girl to help In sen-
oral liouso work. Mrs Jucob Sims , 319
I'lutuer st. .
_ _ _ _
BUST corner ou Ilroadwav. opposite ioxve )
liousu' Itonsou .VHnt'phcrd a M.iln bt.
I OT3 on ( Jlon avc. . cemilno snaps. Donsou *
J Shopnerd , U Jtaln st. _
TllTroomsTor rent at 117 Touithse.
T710H SAMtn ! bargain : Ono donlilo ba\r
-I ? ami BlL'er : onuvneor machlno w Ith ( 'aarln y
complutc , all now , sultabl for basket luctory.
Inqulio uti-nydor's Com. House , i 1'e.ul at. ,
Council lllnlls.
IflOR KI3NT--A four-room house In
dltloii , centrally locutod , choap.
1 OTS on Mtmawa motor lluo , corners. 10
Jcash , balanca J10 per month. Homo &
Sliniilinul , 1) ) Main st.
Kl.'Alj I'.SI'ATU-lloiiKlit , anil soil mil ox
chaiiRecl. Spnclil Attention Rlvon to ium
Inatlon of tltlas.V. . 0. Jnmoa. No. 1) l'oarlstj
FOIt SA liU Acre lots In Orclmrd placs Thlf
propeity Is locnted In the Itlcu nurserjr.
soiitiiot the miln pirt of tlm city. 1'i inlloi
from court housj , < ! oo. Meti'.vlf 11 I'eurl Bt.
HOUSI.Sami lota ; 81UJ cush. $ Jll cash. ; ,
cnsli , balaiKO aasy. Demon i S lu phord
n Main st.
FOIlBAl < Kn ) easy tonnn , some of the best
m ramrod modern homos ( now ) lu Council
HHiirs. All modem I inprovcmontH , .nv.
located. C'llUm S. K. Maxon , Miirrlam blook.
WM. SIKIlKNTOIT , Iteil Ust.ito. Spocml
attention Klvon to ov.iramutlon and cor *
rertlnn ot titlu tn lands nnd loti in city And
county _ No. f. North Muln Ht. _ _ _
L OTS In Mnlllii's sub , $10cash , lialnnco tlO po
month , llunson > V Sliephortl. U Main ht.
IT1OH SAfjll lill aero farm In Jasper couiity.
-L1 Iowa , locntod nnar real minus that nre in
opoiallon. There Is a llvo foot vela of coal
under the jieo. Metcalf , No. 1U I'oarl Ht.
BUSINESS locutlojiroc Mala nnd llroailwfty
at great bari-aliii. Uoo. Mutealf , No , 10
1'earl Bt.
WANTlTn-Stock'of fiirnlturff , erect rJes of
hardware In oxc-hun o for land mid cltf
proporty. Will pay Homo cash. Address W ,
W. llotiston.aiK ) Itronrtwiy. .
TTlOltBAIiK-improved iul unimproved prop
J2 erty iiuvury part of the city. Kara oppor
tunlttes for Invustora who s at joimiatlon j
hplandiaoppoitunltloi for these whi duslr *
liomea. Quo , Mpl < ; alf. No. 10 t'aarl at.
BAI.I5 H ) feet lake frontaijo loc.iel ba
FOIt 0 11 , bout houHii and MunaWA beacll
Also a number of cholco lots In Itcittatta pine *
Ut'o. Mclcalf. No. W I'uarl st. t
T710U IlTNTOood : buslncsi front , fU llroiul.
-U vay , A line retail point. In good i audi
tion. Inmilro C. II. May no , Ul'J ' llroailway ,
Council lUnlls.
SAM ! A Imnl coal burner , cost jv > , fof
* 5. Abe , for ti'iit. nice lottnije of Uvo
( looms , pnntrj and closet , at * I5 per month In-
rulio or MIH. I ) . .McCurdy.i'a TO , bet jJIstaua
S.M bis. , Council Jlliiirs.
ANTHl-SlluaTlm ly llrst-class luiidwar *
clerk : 7 juarH fxperft'lico. refciom OH A.
II. rhllllpj , Now Pacillo house. Council Jlluir ,
The Host Kqnlpped IfettblUlnnftiit In the West. Hoes Dyoliiff ana Clt-nnlnK of ( larmentt and
( ioods or every doscrlptlnn and material. Dry Cleaning ut line Uiirmunts a Hpoclalty , ,
Out of town orders by mall or oxpre a , will rccuUe promjit uttoiitlon.
Works on Motor Line , Corner 26lli st , & Ave. A , Council Bluffs
NUT , OL1VK und IOWA LUMP aud NUT COAL. Limo Cemeut , 1'luetor , JJuir ,