Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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    T7AOH BALI * Very chop. no trades , farm M-XTf
* acres , iw-c.5,12 NB w , llntinltoiicounty Ni-b ,
H miles from Martinet te , uninll lioino , ntablo
OOOttcrps pasture icncca , living wator. prlc <
only tin lirr nrro. fo.4l7.U. ( oup-thtrd 1W croi
included , Term52,30cniili balance0 percent
Interest , F. 1C , Atkins , owner , railroad build
Ing , IK'tiTcr. Cole , 778
TONNIi : get you gun and shoot the Idiot thai
t" thlnkn ho xvlll aver purchasn pronorty li
Omalia nt n lots llgure than ho can at tlio nrm
rnttlmc. Dill nt our ofllreand wn irlKtcliroi
how to get itch. M , A. Lpton Co. , ICth nnd Far
natn. KU2I
ro'Tiu iH.usnTtipicnilld nnlglili
foraaln by Illrkn. M. Y. I.lfnhldR. f
OUHN'Utl Old nnd Dodge. ll.ijOi Wort lit I.WXI
AddruM M | , llco. OH 2.ij
NKVf modern built , brick house , nine rooms
for gain by lllctB. N. V. l.lfa bldg. KV12U
SAY , tinlp-hbor , you'll kprp your money n lit
tin too long If you ain't careful. M , A , t/'ptui
Co. . Wli nnd I'nrnnm. KO-2.1
* f7 OH SA Iill-nicapott first cUss
-I' acred In Nournska , l.'l ) ncres rultlvatvd , ilco ;
iilnck rlcli not ) , no cnnd ; Kr-nrncy county
* 2iK ) only , lloitgs & Hill , 1IUS I'liniam. 82
rilO got nil the bcnellts of Omulia'g futnr
J-Rroiit prosporliy you Khoiild Invest imw
Tilts ilon t wean next jenr , but now. 'Ibis 1
"olid irlltli which A lll soon IKI vcilllod. M. A
Upton Co. . lot It nnd laninin. bW > ! 1
nu.Ml'.H tor Halo on Monthly I'aymrntH
" room d oiling In Central i'uric. full lol
Boutb front : pnymontR , JIH.SII pur month.
Bmall cottngo In Urntrnl 1'arK , Tml lot ; pnj
mcnt . f I2.M nor mouth.
0-rooni dwelling. rorn < r WtU ! nnd Vntrlrk nvc
nue , full lot , Houth front ; payments , * a ) pe
Handsome 7-room dwelling , on ( Irnro street
all modern Improvements , on inontlily pa ;
mcnta. Other properly In nil parts nt the cltj
Call uml eo ino. 1) . .1. O'Douafioe , 1(01 ( rnrnitni
_ . _ _ _ rt
1310118/lI.K-Kii ) ncicsvcry tlnolniid tnCcifu
JL' county , tl.'JX ) takes It. Hoggs .V 1 1 111 , HJZ 2
American llulldlng nud Loan Ashoclr
tlou of Minneapolis , capital stuclc , J-.d.UlKl ,
000. hltares JIIM ciith. imyalila ( ! ) cents l > c
inontn. ' 1 ho largest building and loan ussochi
tlon In Amcilcu. Bubticrlbo for sharon n
Boutlieust cor. lutli and 1'iinmm , M. A. llptol
Bpoclal agent. ww ± 1
S1T.CIAI , bargain NJ ncroti of good fan
land , 'M miles west of O.nalia on U. I * . It. It
4 niliesnom town , to trudu for lot. ? no > . n
tnortgngnpiiior , $ iKi. ( Pull lot nn Humlllonst
Walnut Hill for jm lilnulio of n. 0. Mcrrll
4lta and Howard ts _ _ fl SjHt
, nctunl .tlneliiHldubufiluoss nml TOR
$27,000 . t.Ki.uxl worth of ImnsoH bolng Imll
ndjolnlnu. will well for 117.1m now ! why ? l'o
reason am In need of flO.liOO cnsli ; grout oll'oi
Address I.M. lleo. _ _ ( lUUIj )
O ItllOh ! Jump on this : HiOxIfl on iUd xtrcc
oaHt front. 1M ) foot south ot I'opploton nvo
forM.7l : will ilUIdf , .M. A. Upton Co. . liH
and 1'ai nain , Wtn-'J , )
T7iJANT ; ( brick house , nine riioins , ( jpici
dldly furnUhod , only ? , aJ. ) IHck . N. i
ilg. _ _ _
HTL'K eTglit loom house 1 1 unseam plnco f .
sale by Hicks. N. V. l.tto blc'B. f , V1 :
You elinpples that arc always liuntln
SAYI th "owner to buy from In order <
"eavo tlio coiniiiKslon , " you are puylng itoub !
commission on each inueliii'-o you make. Cn
ktourolllia uml o will convince you that v ,
nro "Ueixil to rlulits" in tlio above iissertlon. , M
A. Upton Co. , 10th anil rarnam. hill "J
nTKU BAM' On long lime nnd easy payment
-U hnnilsomp. now , uU-butlt IIUIISI-H of f , O.UB
10 room" . All convonip ices , good ni'lghbn
hood ; paved btreotw. street ciir-- , nmllthl
\valklnu dlstancu ot 1 > . U. Niitlnm Sheltoti. Ill
Tarnuiu Htrcel. MK )
I/tOU SAM : Cheupe-t and be t resldeiiee lo (
JL' in Umulia to p.irtl M anting tliuni t <
liomcs. JloggrftV Hill , liiifli _ > urn.iin. _ KM 2i )
HdXJANT hew coltage Ilriii'roiu place fl
E sale bv Oeo. N , Illcks , N. V. I.lfo bid ! ; . 8.ri : ;
T/IOIl HAfill-'l-room House. Darn mm lo
JJ Iliinsrom 1'laeu , at n bargain , ilurrlv , root
ill , 1st Nnt Itauk. K'J
" ! ' . Kplondlil mnv nine 1001
house. No. : | Ci Pupplcton uvt > . Iliitisioi
place , just completed , run glvn Immedi.ito ) o
Bcssloii. tor siiloby Illcks , N. V. w ' - - ' -
TTWIt SAIiP. 8.000 acre1' laud Iu Nobraaki
Jj Mlxllll foot lots S. I'ltli st. at n acrlllcln
ITlce. luiiulro-llias. JltU. ( ico. II. I'uterooi
M' , <
OIl SA I.r-la,003 rt5)-ucri stock tnrm l
F1 lirownCo. , Neb. Kor parllculars write 1
i , Alnsirortli , NVb. tillj OJ9 *
"ITlOlt SALIJ 3-room house and len -o , iith : tu
-1J Ohio. Chnnn and oa c > nsy term'II. .
.Master * . Itoom 4Wlthtiell Imllillujr. 7 SI
"IjlOll SAIiB On oasv terms , a line h-roo
S } hoiisa In Orchard Illll. Tor purtloulara a
druss L IT lieu ollloo " 3l
IIOTI'.l.-Corncr of llltli ai
WINDSOR . , ! 1 bloclcs from L'nlon dope
llcst W u day hcu- Iu thu cltv. K)7 )
Kor n line lot 50x1' . In
$25 Cash , Balance Monthly.
Hits beautiful addition lays on the eluvati
lauds in the northwestern part or. the city , ou
1 mlnutos wall : from milmrlmu tralii ! < , at
about lUmlmitiH from tlm proposed motor 111
Prlco u less lliau Imlf naked for adjamit pro
orty. Only u limited unmoor of lots n 111
BoldiittlilN prli-e. Comoiiiiick it you n
or moro of the&oextraordiuuiy bargains.
VAN BEUBBN Douglaa & S jMth
UOPOSAL8 for Krrctloii of School Iluildli :
ote , U. S. Indian Service. Yaukton AROIIC
Daktota. October lath , ItW'J. Sealed propo u
Indented "IToposuls for erection of a cchc
bulldlut ; , or for building materials" as the <
may be , nnd dliictuil to the iindenUs'ied '
Greenwood , DixKotn , will 1m rci" .veil at tt
olllco until onn o'clock of N v < .bir I'tb ' , ID
for furnlshltiK the nucessary materials ni
labor uud for > jroctttiK a two story f rnmu schi
tlm Yunkton Agency. Dak. ' Iu i
cordnucnlth plans and Hpecltli-nttons that m
bo examined at the olllco ot the "I'ioneer 1're-
of St. rani , Minn. , the "llco" of Onmhu , Nol
and " .loiiinal" of Sioux City , lonn ; aNoi
ftirnlshliiK * vanety of liimuer. bricks , w
down , door.s.hard warp , I'tc , , ( a lull ll t and d
crlptlouotUilcJi miiv bu obtnlneil by uppll
tlon to the under liriii ; < t ) , ivqiilrcMl for UBOII
lnilllliiir > . In KUbiiilttliiK bids for tlioerjct'ou
the school biitldlm ; , bidden * miiht stnt t
length of tlinereiiulrcdto comploti ; It : uud I
furnishing bnlUllumuterlalti. | . the price ot eii
article ollured for ilcll\ery unilor lontrnct mi
bo HpprlflCAlb * mat oil. CurtlUVil checks All bl
miiBt DU iiccompanled by certlllpd ohpcksun
some IMiltodBiilesiloposltory , payable to ;
order of tno uiidThiBiiud. for ut ieust A per cc
or the amount of tlm proposal. ulilrhchccK v
boforrulti > d to the Unlleii StiUcn in case any b
der or biddcrH rccehlm ; nn \vunl shiilltall
promptly nxecute contract with Rood and s
ilcliint hiu nt lo . otliHr\TUo to bo returned to l
bidder. The light la reserved lo i eject any
nil bids or uny part ot any bid If ilrem < u for I
best lmirp oC the SIM vice. BAMI'KL
IilIAYY. IT. 8. Iwlluu Agent.
" Kotleo is lieioby nlvon that a book \\ill
opened at 10 otlock a. m. on Saturday , the a
tcentli Uny of Novrmbor. l f' ' , at tnu onico 01
JI. TluiiHtou , Union rnclllo Ilullillng , In i
city ot Omaha , DoiiBlas county , Nebruslca ,
the purpose of rorelvim : subscriptions lo 1
capitaUtotkof Iho Omaha IJiilon Depot Co
Dauy. W , II , Ilor.umn ,
1 n. \ \ - . HOMMIKUB.
Vor the lucorjioruton
lorl'nvlnic HonUu.
October lt > tli , IH39. f
Scaled proposals will by the l
derblgued until October a ith. btuut I o'clock
m. , for the pnrclinso of tlilrty einlit thoum
dollars UUtrlct paying bonilH of llio City
Hnntu < iinaha. Biilil bonds will bu dated
orlfct , lltai , uud 111 be uuo tu one , t
threi' . four , llvo. Bis. sovi-u. vleht anil nliiti ye
from tlu'lr ilati > , iv similar amount bocomlni ; i
each } ear , iiro 1.1 mini * of tlvo hundred I'acli. i
lioar Interest from llu-lr ilatu at the rate
HHVUII per crnt PIT minimi , puyahlu nnnua
U'Ue prim liiul unit Interest uio both imyublii
the FlM-al iit'uncy orthoStulu or Nebraska
Bald bjndu are Issued under the chai
powcrof said City , and will bodellverod toj
ctiiieers ou payment tlierttfor ut the City I'n
ury Iu foutli omalm ou November lt. Ih'U.
Ulila will lx > nddrrssrd to the underslyned :
marked " 1'r.iiio.sulti ror DUtrlcl I'AvluK llom
and must htuto the full numa and addruxi
the bidder , the amount of culd bonds doslrei
dmllar amount due each year from onu to i
yearn ) and the pilco proposed lo be paid v
accrued Interest. Tliu right U reserved to
jcclnnyur all bids I'.u. JousbiON.
U10 U 101. C'Unlruian I'lnauca Oommttt
INai'KUMl'Nrd pUooa oa ruori duri
W.I NViiconerto public , Sixteenth street
add. plul , . . . ,
JMw KiKon Kiul wlfu to U A Taylor , lol 2 ,
Ilk2. ) Slillin'H mill , wd , a
fico II Harder i > t ul lo K A huutrmau , lot
6blK4 , Tlioiiiburul'laco , w il , . ,
Gt-o H ItoitKii and wife to A lloapi' , jr , lot
si , bik ajjj u iiou-irK' mUl. a .
Oil UrowiitoS II l.conaul. lot d , bit 1 ,
Urdu 1'aik , w ( I . . . .
Fred llunilkerand wlfato M Mcgrlir , l t
12 , block 10 , Wulunt Mill , wd
M \Veltnnnu nudnltcU ) Slorotillcr , lot
C. MArMmll ft Luln-ck's rtlv , w a- . KR
WmV rrou nml wife to Ij 0 Wynte.lot 1 1 ,
bik K. lro nwt I'lnce , w 1 . l.ftXJ
I , W Hill to .iMycr.s lot 0 , bit 9 , Patel
l\ > reM.iil . . . . I . 2JC
J (3 llairwil nd v If' to .1 (1 lCr > rtelyon ,
lots 10 to M , blk 15 , North Omahn , w d. 5WO
W I' lletnol and wlfoto T K SmlboroURh ,
una Ulnt * r > nutl C , blkl , lllllsiao mid
No2vil. . . . . . . , . . . . . . 3.00C
T K BndborouKh nml * I to to .1 II J luley.
tniMce. lots 6 nnd P , blkl , Hillside Add
No'.1 , u il . . oax
M Morrison and \\lte to ADancker , lot 10 ,
bile 1 , JlorrHon > add to South Umnhn ,
Wil . . .V. , . . wx
N K llarcalow to I U llurdlrk , lot 4 , bile 1 ,
KJ KuMinranrt wife to .1 I , Cnrr , lot W ,
blkff , flautnortin.'AVil 40 :
Jos Korst nnd wlftto M < 1 Patterson , lot
ll. biic n , Kount7 'v rtd du , w < i , . . . . 7,301
APIukpyetnl to .1 N Keach , lot 4. blk 7,301NX
noiltton Illll , wd NX
A P Tukny ct nl to IJ (3 Tnmx , lot it , blk NXKX
1.1. niftnn Illll.M ! KX
M K Cox to W Iton'on et al , lot 12 , blk n.
NnrthOmalia. ( | oilY
\Y OllrldKC'setnlto K Allart.lots II and
15. l > ikC : Shrlver Plitep. d G2.
Win Cobtirn , Bheritr. tov in A Gardner ,
lota 10uml II , blk K , annder.-.V llune-
baugli'H ndil. deNl *
W A Gardner to .1 KCarothem , lots 10 and
II. blk KSimtiilers .V Illmebaugh's add ,
wil , 82
It H Hnll to II ( ) Jones , uud VJ lotH 1 nnd : . ' .
bIR 4Ki. llrnndvlpw. and lind > { ot uud
13-100 In stonp ( iiisrry and Spring 1'laco
reserves' , cj c d 10
T\Ycnty-lbreo transfers. . . S O'.HJ
Itiillt'.tnU c'rriiiits.
The following building ucnnlts weroissuci
at the oftlccof Uulldlng Inspector Whltlock
yesterday !
Knov Presbyterian church , church build
ing. Nineteenth nun onlo UO
.laioti Young , ipslilenjo , .Maple and
nwMnty-Mxth street 2,50
ClmiIts .lohnMin. lesldencp.NorlUTnltty-
HeCOIIll 1.50
W. II. llaydun , ictldvnco. < lregg and
'riilitythild IoO
J. T. lllne.llireo bilek rosldi uee . Tenth
nncl Uaslellar 13,01
Three minor permit * 12
THE flll ? TIME THES ,
BUllUitii/VN THA1.N8.
Running betnecn Council Ilia' . ' , and A
brlKht. la addition to the Btatlonn montlonci
trains stop nt l' cnilotli ana Twenty-'uurt
jviotf , and at thu Summit In Omaha.
Wariantefl Free froinliijarions Drug
Mouoy Reported Tighter Durlnpr the
Past Wook.
. '
Aii Active Demand l-'or Iumln
City Jobbers Xclmiskn's Grow
litft Importance ns a Live
block Center.
In Iionnl Cointnorolnl Circle * .
Mr. Hughes ropoits tlio clontlng * for thi
week ns fooling ft S.VJ.lO , nn Incrcasi
over this week last year of 'Jtt 8-10 per cent
Ualnucci wcru fGW.WM.tiO. This is a ver ;
licnUtiy Increase , and ns the clearings of tlu
associated banks ol Omnua nro based upot
actual Iriitis.ioltocs and nra clonn uml nol
stuffed , the commercial situation Is vcr ;
accurately represented by thorn. Money 1
tighter limn it wiw last week nnd seems V
bo growing tighter. Tboro l !
a very active demand for mono ;
from city Jobbers who nbou
this time nro accustomed to discount thai
Dills for fall and \vlntur purchases. Thci
the wants of the country nro manifestos
earlier tlmn usual. IsobrasUti will become t
great cattle and shcon feeding state ttil
year and next. The shipments of cattle nni
shcop from the surrounding states at tin
present time nro far iu excess of any prc
vlous season and uro very heavy ; our cnor
mous crops nnd our even climnto liavo at
traded the attention of foodcrs who seek tin
cheapest market for their needs mid thi
plains and lulls of Nebraska will bo crowdoi
this winter ana next spring will
stock driven hero to consum
the surplus of our granaries am
this means that our farmers will have
hotter market for their products than the ,
thought it wlso to expect when the ,
suw nt the close of harvest so great n surplu
of coin and suinll grain as the result of thol
toil. Good Judges nuil well posted men sa ,
there will bo more stock fed and sluppci
from tins stnto timing tlm ensuing si :
mouth * than over before in its history.
General trudo is very good ; there has beei
homo lessoning of the demand for woolen
anil the heavier winter goods owing t
the mild , bright weather prevailing , 1m
ory goods jobbers say trudu is botto
this year limn last and prices am unchnngc't
but linn. In groceries the sugar murkot i
olT nnd n decline of fully J4e per pound 1
noted. Mr. Sprcekels' - factory stnrls U |
next weOlc , nnd ns he will have about one
fourth of the consumers' requirements t
Roll , the trust Is meeting him in ndvunua b ;
cutting under what limy consider n nornui
proilt. It seems certain tlmt this countr.
will be able to buy sugar this winter ns lov
us Europe buys tlio American sugar produc
iiftcrpayinglreight from our slioros to theirs
Coffee is dull and weak and buyers nro tali
ing only what ttiey want for Immediate use
' 1 he feeling seems to bo tliu ciop for th
\ear will bo larger ttinn has bi > en promised
nnd wlule Hio reports no great surplus , th
accumulations nt Santos nro Iienvj and price
ire likely to go lower.
1 ho drug market is fairly active nn
prices are linn. bhelC hardware is scljiii
ficely , nnd demand for bar iron , nails , etc
is very good , inlluenced by tlio promise tlm
higher prices my ? ulmost cortnin to prevni
Paints uml oils a're steady nnd window glas
is up 5 per cent nnd very stilf.
* J lii-ro Is n very lair demand for lumbe
and building materials from both city mi
country trade , but the market is not stron
and concessions are readily made on roun
Collections nro pretty gooil from the coui :
try though it is necessary to poke them u
consuloiably , and to obtam satisfactory re
suits there are some credit men wno think i
will bo necessary to carry over fully ti
large a crop of delimiuenls us usual , nn
this will probably bo the caao if farmers dt
eidu as. n class to hold their crous nnd fee
rather than sell at the low prices quotei
What is wanted just now to make the peace
ful agriculturist feel good and cheerful is
bloody and prolonged Kuropcnn war.
( Jity trade Is fair and improves dally. A
that is needed to gladden the hearts of ci
city retailers is a spell of cold weather , an
if rain could comu with it for u feudn.i
trade would bo good. City collections at
( in let
The movement of canneu peaches is show
ing gradual improvement , and transaction
at flrst hands as well as the business hi
tween Jobber and retailer uro invariably a
linn prices , particularly where brands <
positive merit are concerned.
The New York Commercial Hullctm sa.v
that the condition of now pack tomatoes r <
cuived iu delivery on contracts is turnin
out to bo quite the reverse of satisfactory
and rejections have been quito frequent tl
last few days. Many 'lines uro found to I
faulty in color , poor in flavor , and watery ,
result of the wet weather during the soaso
Sugar is in moderate demand at eu :
prices. At the latest dutcs tlio aggregate <
the world's visible supply of sugar wi
IIK1 , l.V.i tons , against 400,010 tons a woe
earlier and 4tiVJ ! , > 4 tons a year ago.
It is now announced that the Alaska sa
uion puck will aggregate 500,000 , cases instc ;
of 400.UW.
Reports from California indicate a coi
tlnucd hardening tendency there to prici
for evaporated fruits in genet al. Provloi
advices of growing scarcit- stocks In Or
hands are continued , wbila the demand
represented as quilo brisk. Apricots hai
advanced about Ic per pound during the pa
The market on mackerel is very firm , ni
it is a surprise to many that they are bougi
at the present high prices , but the demand
very good , nnd lots are sold as fast as tlu
arrive. Prices go higher and higher , at
tlio fish long ago ceased to bo n com me
article of food , and became a luxury. Tlu
are vastly dcaror than most kinds of men
and it seems surprising that tlioy should I
so eagerly sought alter.
Colfoo Is plenty and fairly active at cu
rent prices. Cables from Rotterdam gi'
the stock in Europe October 1 as 1.071H
bags , ( against Ib31,000 bags September
ISbtl , and l.HOH.-UX ) bags October 1 , ISS8) ) thl
bringing the visible supply of the world
' . ' /JJO.OT4 bags , against 8,090.589 bags Se
tembor 1 , IbS'J , nnd U bugs October
ISbS. Tlio Now York cofloo exchange cole
lationa to October 1 nmko the grand tot
consumption of coffee in the United Stnt
mid in Europe In July to September I
elusive , or three months , 2,8CS-HC bag
uualnst2MlplJO Dags In the same time
the preceding crop year. Receipts at SanU
nro 8,400 buns per day and average rocoip
In Hio about li.OOO bags per day. The r
coiptsattho latter port uro generally mm
larger than In the former ,
Chicago's ' stock of llax seed nt tlio prcsoi
time amounts to : iilJTO ) ! bushels , against 1W
i00 ! bushels October 5. ISS'J , and 1'Jt.O
bushels October 1J ! , IbSS.
Tlio Minneapolis Hour mills mailulnst wei
108,000 barrels of flour , against 101,300 barrc
for the week previous uud lb',000 barrels f
tlio name week In ISbS.
In Minnesota and Dakota tlm counti
marketing of lust week was the largest
nnv so faron this crop ,
Farmers are said to bo discouraged ns
the outlook for prices of coru. A lar
quantity is being cribbed for another Reaso
Pig-iron tins advanced tS per ton , or near
! J1 per cent , In the last six monlliH.
With few exceptions tha winter whe
crop is claimed to bo seeded.
The Unitoa States treasury now hoi
1303,1127,464 of gold coin and bullion , & 5
Si3bs'J of silver dollars and bullion , u
Jin.485.74a of legal tenders. Tbo gold ct
tillcnles iu circulation at the present tli
amount to $118,230,703 , the tlver ccrtlllcal
to $277.753.103. ana the currency cortlflcat
to JlUiWO.OOO. Bonds held in the treasury
uouuro national bank circulation outstai
lag Include the following )
Currency O's . , . . 4fKHS , (
Four and n half per cents . 41,171 , (
Fourper cents . 10l,03T , <
Saturday- . 10
> Cattle , such as there were hero , Bold
about steady prices. A bunch of IKiO
native * told at 11.30 and some fair beeves
SW.NXVM.QU. There \vas practical ! * nott | {
doing in the cow market , only u' few ou
and und changing bauds. Tlio most of t
trading was la stackers nnd focdors , wbl
was ( juliu Urge , ultuouuh good cattle of ll
kind were by noraonnsthj nty. At the son-
son advances the dotnnlu" , calls for cnttlo
that have moro llesu nmlaw ready to bo put
on food nt once. F nrl.uJil the fall , with n
longer tune before tiwm ifor feeding , tlio
buvers would take pbcrfit1 cattlo. At the
present time the yard * are full of common
little cattle , but they nr 'tuovint ; slowly , nnd
nro considerably lower IHSn n week iipo. On
the other hand , the boM Krndpn of feeders
have held their own , nnd s there have been
plenty of buyers for nil such.
The hog market tool > ii Downward turn to
day of 5@10c. The trftdo , Xvas not jinrUcu-
larlv nctivc , but the hogVwero about all sold
before 10 o'clock in the rmmiltig. Most every
thing went nt * a0 ( ; < : U > 0 , nnd W.83 was a
Very popular price. The llcht and light
mixed hogs sold largely nt $3.S.V$3.W , nnd
fj.85 bought pretty good heavy hogs. The
present week closts with the market fully
lOo lower than It opened. The hogs sold on
Monday at Kt.OVM.OO principally , nnd on
Tuesday nt S4 OOg-I.Oo. with $ l.l'JK the top.
On Wednesday I.1K4.00 ) bouutit nearly
cvcrythlngj on Thursday the bulk went at
$ .1 8ri@a.ji3. Friday's range was $ ! t.SO@4.00
for full loads , with the majority of the sales
Slier ) ) ,
A fo\v stackers nmX lambs changed hands.
Cattle . 1,100
Hogs . 5,400
Horses . 47
The following Is a table of | irloo ? paid In
thlsmarkat for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Primosteors. 1300 to 1010 lbs.l.03 @ 1.40
Good steers , 1250 to 145'J lb . . H.SO ( rt)4.'JO )
Good stear-s , 105J to 130C Ibs. , 3 f > 0 of 4. 10
Western steers . SJ.50 ( $3.10
Common canncrs . 1,00 ( iot,5'J
Ordinary to fair cows . , . . 1.50 ( iftl.70
Fairtogood cows . 1.70
Good lo choice cowa . 1.93
Fair to peed bulls . l.SO OC2.0J
Light stocisers aud feeders. . . . " , OU r >
Good feeders , .150 to 1100 Ibs. . . S.D ! ) ( yZ.m
Fair to choleu light lie s . . ! s5 ( if3 0 J
Fair to choice heavy nogs . U.8" > Q.Ci.un
Fair to choice mixed horfs . U.bO ( rfU.85
Common lo rough hogs . U.'J5 (23.75 (
Ilcprj'sontative Siles.
11 . 7'J3 2 ! U )
* 0 . 307 175 10 . 1S2 300
1 . 20J a 25
19 . 732 110. 8 . 835 133
48 . 815 200 111 . 779 225
00 . C-Kt 205 24 . 875 230
i . mo 200
Owner and No. . ' Av. Pr.
lOfeuders. . . . , . . . , . 1110 $231
I ! ' ) stackers . 800 231
2SsUckcrs _ , . , , . 6'i9 ' 2 5t
New Hampshire Cattle Up.
3fecdeis . 115T 1 8 (
2Sfeeders . 10 > 5 2 3 ;
Anderson Hros.
12 cows . ' . 11S3 1 S (
10 steers . , . , . 1213 2 OS
Tigo Cattle Co.
15 steers . 1145 2 7 (
U steers . , f. * . . . .13'tj : 2 71
Clark & Ilunton. > .
JO smers . 112J 2 ( X
AV. U. ll. Cranmer. - - .
llOleodeis , Col-Tqx . 10d9 2 OC
0 cows . 10S3 1 7f
! 1 cows . ' . . . . : . 1003 1 7.
. 2 cowa . : . 1130 1 U
1 cow . . " . . S'-'ll 1 C (
45 steers . ' . ; . nil 2 31
No. AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
3 so
3 85
b. >
I 8.- >
I 85
J So
sr >
3 85
I 85
1 Sr >
1 85
1 85
3 b5
SI 85
M 85
: : 85
3 85
3 85
3 85
: : 85
3 85
3 85
a 85
3 85
3 85
3 85
3 85
3 85
3 87 } !
a 8 '
3 a 'y
3 S7Ji
3 67'x
3 87'
3 ' .ID
3 W
a w )
3 02j
3 y.- >
3 95
Ijivo SlOL'k .Nuci-H.
.T. F , Kcsslor hna a cur of lie s iu fron
O. O. IIlKbce , of UiiaiUllu , liiul IIORS on tin
T , Cochrnn caiuo In from Wilbur with twc
cars of tioL'.s.
Iowa had thlrly-lhreo cars of stock on Sat
urday'a niuritct , u very lnr o purucntaRO o
nil tlic stoolc iccclved. riljver fclnco 1'rosi
ilont liabcnclc has taUoir hold of tlio affair
of the Stock Yards uotnn.uiy thuro has buci
u gradual liiunusu l/i ilju Iowa business
Ills llrat efforts werij ulructod toward thi
ostabllshmont of the noeossur.v train sorvici
on the different lovvaronils. Tlmt douu , ul
tlmt wau necessary wan to ntlvlso shipper :
of tno uilvuutugoa of shipping their llv
stock wst instead ofpa t. Iowa shlupcr
huvo always realized j-Uut , tnls was ttiolr bos
uiiirknt but they have boon Uopt nwny by th
iliniculty of roach Ini' the yards , 'J'no rail
ro.idn hnvo nil IniprovbiKtliolr faculties fo
irunsportini , ' stoc.ctiiilih in.irKot froi
rastorn poinls , nnd low * tfhippors can nov
brliiK their Htouli hero us touveulcntly as th
Nebraska utilizers. , .f
Jilofohatitb1 Ilotiel' : > Lurffo sunpl :
rooms. $ ' _ ' , $ : i.GO&HifcrUuy. Nutltrown
To an Old Cont.
Tom Matton 1n tlit Cloililtr 0'id J'unUsher.
Old coat , fare well I it must bo BO ;
The best of friends Imva parted.
Decri'iilt , faded , you must go ;
Look I how your seams have started.
'Twas In ray nineteenth year I sought ,
Ono bright day In September ,
The tailor hop where you were wrought
AU ! well do 1 remember.
Loni ; yearn have gone by alnue that day
1 Wncn you and I wore fitted.
With you my evenings have been gay ,
My griefs have been omitted.
Upon your shiny sllU lapel
How many heads huvo rested !
Old coat , you alone cuu tell
How tnls poor heart's uucn tested.
And you were with uio Unit iifcht when
Iy foolish love ulroLtcd
I tomotcd fate. As I ; VUH I lion
So you uio now
Wheat Slips Down a Notch Bu1
Rules Very Steady.
OntB ContlnitpH on the DnwnliU
Course No Now Dcvcloninonts
In 1'rovlHlons A llrlsk Uo-
iniuKl For Ilcnvy Hogs.
Cnicioo , Oo' . 10. f Special Telegram to
Tun Hir : . ] Wheat slipped down n notcl
to-day , but xvns very steady not to say Urn
nt the decline , ' with unusually heavy buylni
'rom nil quarters. The volume of trntisuc
tions In futures was nwiiy above , the av
crnge. In ofllccs yesterday afternoon Do
ccmber wheat sold ns high us Sljffc. Thl
nornlug It opened weak ntSI-Vc , with Ma ;
quoted ut Sl'i'c ; Wceombor sold down to Sli
nnd May to S3Jfe. An avalanche of whoa
came out , out n etono wall was struck at SI
nnd Sl/c for December and May respect
voly. The demand for property at thcsi
figures was llmiiloss , apparently. An 1m
uictiBO btisttioss was done at th
Inside nml the "spill" nbovo , but no
50 per cent of the buying ordcn
could bo tilled. The shorta covered freely
but commission houses seamed to have iu
numerable orders. It cannot bo truthfull ;
sjild , therefore , that the market derived it
support from the shorts altogether. Thor <
was clearly n renewed Investment buying b ;
[ icoplo who consider n ! % ( < $ ! o decline fron
: ho top ns break enough. The market durini
the greater part of the day ruled stead ;
around SP&OJUlc for December nnd 81c fo
Muy. The clone was 711'fo ' for October , Sl1
Tor December and b3 ; t7 'i- ' for Muy , or 14
lower limn yesterday. News to-day WH
largely of n statistical nature Hradslrecl' '
reports clearances from both coast
in wheat and Hour for the wccl
of 2,703,000 bushels , against 2,3:18,00 :
bushels for the corresponding pcilod Ins
year. The Now York produce exchung <
statistician figures that exports from boll
coasts from September 1 to October 1
amount to 11,703,000 bushels , against 13O.YT,00
uushols for thu corresponding six weuks las
year. Exports for last week include UlVMi
bushels of wlient , 220,000 barrels of Hour am
1.100,000 bushels of corn. Wheat and lloui
combined lo represent 1,000,000 bushels. Ni
new export business was reported and cubic
ranged from weuk to steady , no spcciii
change in prices being mentioned. Jn tin
northwest Indications point to n modcrat
fulling oft Iu the movement. Dakota mil
Alinuesota vlevutor systems report a lolling
up iu farmers' deliveries unit gooi
authorities were that Minneapolis and Dulutl
receipts for the past week will not bo exueeil
ed on HID year's ' crop. An increase in stock
nt these two points amounting to HXUuO ) bush
oN is expected nnd the b ais will be disap
pointed if there should not be n 2l 00 , ( > 00 In
crease in the visible supply next Mondav
They have their minds set on that liguri
The drouth in the Ohio valley continues. 1
is line weuthei for cunug corn , but farmer
complain that luloplanted wheat is not show
ingupuoll. This f.jntuiomnj loom Into
position of Jirst importance if rain docs no
come soon. The bulls feel a sense of In
creased confluence since they witnessed hi ;
buying to-day in the ftieo of big sellin
by fou'ign houses and bearish new
from the old world nnd the noithwest. Thei
is a Irco movement of wheat from tlio WPS
to Ihu casl. and tliu quality ol western re
ccipts is iuipioving.
The coin market was once more in th
slouith of despond , in which condition nil ill
partmcnts of business participated. The receipts
coipts were ten curs less than had been ca' '
ciliated on aud for Monday-II5 ! cars were th
estimated number which would boinspcctcii
nnd tliis takes account of whnt may b
passed upon by the inspectors ou Sunday
Clearances fiom Atlantic ports were heavie
than for some time nud the shipments fron
this port wcro liberal , but regular shipper
claim lhat there is no margii
at present between this and cast
crn markets , and the wcukncs
of lower grades and high mixed yellow i
the cash muiltet , which have recently bee
the only kinds linnoled by shippers , appearc
to confirm the sincerity of the above stuti
ment , Nenr deliveries opened at a decline a
about Vc under the closing figures of tlm da
before , but somu of the recent fellers wer
buvers at the decline , and apart from Ihe cu
inuud from Ihis source Ihero VMI no suppoi
lo Iho market. Closing prices show n Migli
advance iiK | > u those of the dav before , N (
vembcr closing at 30V ( 30 , o and Mav si
3-JXe. Vessels were chartered for 1S,0J ( ! (
Oats continued on the downhill course
with prices receding V ' 4'c from yesterday'
latest quotations ,
Kecoipts were liberal nnd the estimate fo
Monday really large. The weakness clsi
where oerhupi exerted nn indirect Inducnr
and fair quiintities of long oats were ugui
on sale , with few friomls of the buying sld
present. May sold oft to 2l ? (5il ( c , an
December at one time touched 1 ! > } e. wit
this month at IS' ' c. Cur lota of No. 2 regi
lar sold J/c lower ut ISc.
There were no new developments in th
provision market , the uiidcr.ono bciu
steady uud llrm throughout. The volume c
business transacted WHS not as lariro ns ye *
torday and fluctuations were within nnrroi
bounds. The wheat pit was the csnter o
gK | > culativo interest to-uuy , Hutchitisoi
was thu largest seller of January pork b
long odas , while ttio shorts in October lar
showed a disposition to cover. The lur
market was relatively firmer than tlio per
market , la fact , Ihe impression goncrall
prevails Hint packers have sold about nil c
the January product they care to pt :
out until the October pork tuuddl
Is settled. Receipts of hog
continuo liberal for the season. Takln
17,000 as to-duy's estimated arrivals , th
total for the week is 132,100 head , with 133 ,
000 expected next week. Charley Wngl
predlets 2 0,000 hogs being received durm
the remainder of this month and over
million for next month. There wuro no nui
features In October pork. It sold sparing !
ut 11.00 , the same us yestcrdir
January pork sold at $ y.47'jjAM ( and close
at Kl.47 ! , or2'ic lower for tho'day. Future
of lard mailo a not gain of 2KC 10c. win !
October ribs closed 7 ! o aud more dcfenc
dollvcrich 'Jj o lowor.
Cuic.ino , Oct. 19 , [ Special Telegram t
TUB Hec. ] CiTn.B The receipts were d
vided at about 1.000 natives , 2.TOO Texan
audSOOrauguis. About everything was sol
that was ut all useful. The llrht run <
Tcxans again luid the effect of enlarging tl
demand for native butchers' stock , nnd I
this class tlioro has been a substantial ni
vance the past wpeV. Tex mis and raugoi
sold quick and n ttbade stronger than ycstc
day. The general market closed stead '
Choice to extra beeves , fl.Wifl.l ) ( 0 ; uicdiu'
to good steers , 1350 to ir.iX ) Ibs , | 4.K4.2i ( )
iaOOtolT ! > 0 Ibs , W.tMj@-I.10 ; 0.10 to 1200 Ib
* 3 00@1.00 ; stockers and feeders. $1.00(33.01 (
cnws , bulls and mixed , S1.10@2.05 ; "bull
$1.7502.00 ; Teias steers , $2.10(12.85 ( ; cow
fl.W2.iV. ! western rangers , 93001 1.00.
Hoas There was a brisk demand fi
packing and shipping heavy grades , nn
such sold from strong to n nickel hlgho
packers paying W.DOQJ. 15 and shippers ft :
@ 4.3ri. J lght sorts opened Co lower nr
closed OfaiUo lower at $1.2091.25 for 180 i
100 Ib averages and $ J.15@.40 ! for 105 to 1'
Ib averages , 13uoho ? paid Jl.'Oai.lU.
New YOIIK , Out. IU , | Special Tolegrara I
Tun UEK. ] BTGCKS There wa a Loav
feellu ? at the opening of the Block mark
todayVhilo prices wore Irregular , wl
a few stocks at better figures , the general II
showed Blight declines , The market rallic
immediately , and while stocks of the rogul
list were dull , they all made small fraction
trains , In early dealings the feature of tl
market was Cotton Oil , which wa not ou
extremely active , but displayed dccld
strength , and after opening at W { , again
40 % lust evening , it rose rapidly to 43 ;
tiugar followed with nn advance of 1 | i
"ont to TO , but the upward movement was
hen cheeked nnd most of the Improvement
vas lost , tlio regular list showing more anl-
nallon on tlio decline. Coal stocks were
specially prominent In the downward move-
nciil nud Ijnckawannn reached 142 , ntramst
4' ) last evening , but was fairly rivaled by
lloek Island , which droi ) | > cd to M" from 03 ,
During the hour to noon thorn was an ini-
irovod feeling and a fair rally occurred In
Centers , Grangers nml spcclulllos , liocV
Plaint recovered n , point from the bottom ,
St. Paul recovered * i , Missouri Paclllo / and
juion Paclflic , lUirllngtouniHl Northwustoni
l ( per cent each , Northern 1'aclflo touched
72Jfo on the dip nud rallied to 73''j ' , Jersey
Central was oft 2 points to 123.V , and Pull-
uau oft 2jf ! to 131. The weekly b.iuk Rlato-
netit showed an Increase ot flOi" , OW ) In re
serves and was the cause of bettor feeling n'
; he cloae. For the week n few stocks show
1 to I par cent gain , whllo the general list
shows losses ofM to 3 per cout.
Iho following were the closing quotations :
II. S 4s regular. K'7 Noithorn I'acltlo
U.S. In coupons . .12 do tireforroil . V.1
.12IXV 0. A- N.V . MPj
U. H.4i'scnupous..lC " , doprororrod. . . . .143
rnclilcflsot M3. . . .117 N.Y.Coiltrnl . lim'i '
Central I'ncluo. . . . ,1l S I'.I.MC ) . , , . S.M
. \lton. . . .127 Itork Island . U7' (
Clitcdtto , llui'liugion O..M. .VHtr . IU' ,
100' doprerurtoil . . . .llJ'i
) . . * * . IK' ' t.rnul.VUmnha : il > 4
lllltiolsOjiitral . 117 lioproforiml
I. , ll. A W . ! l'\cttlo . W'i
Iviuunstt roxas..llt > 4 W..KI. L. & I- . HI
I.nko9lioro . UU'j dnprofurred . lit
Mlchlgnn i-outral. . HI Western UnUm. . . . ( 'i
MlsiourU'aclllo. . . .
MON'CT On call , easy with no loans.
PutMB MGiiovxTir.n I'AI-BII 1. ) ' < 517 par
STKIIMNO nxcii\SOK-Quiet aud licxvy ,
suty-dixy.bills , fl.Slff denmtul , SI.S..J ,
NBW YoitK , Out UL fSdccUl Tolo.-r.un
to Tun linn. ! Tli3 following urj tha lulu-
Innslflclt quotations :
Asp n . . . . .mi
Cnipiioula II. II . . sa Horn Sllvor. 1U1
fliollar , 140 Moxlctn : ir >
I'on. Oil. * t Va . . JO ) .Mutual Ill
Deiuhvood T. . . . .1-5 Onturlo an )
Ilalu & Noncioss . , ' .70 Uphlr 4)3
Cuir oo. Oct. 111. llf i > . m. close-
Wheat Stead v : October , TUKc ; December ,
Sl'jc ; Mav. S't' c.
Corn Steady ; October , U0l c ; November.
COV ; Mnv , 3' . ' ; o.
Oats-Ste'idv ; October , IS'a' ' lS'fc ; No-
ember.lS c : May , 21K .
Hjo October , 42c.
Uiirlev t-lo.
Primu Timothy ? 1. 10.
Flax Gush. $ I.27HJ ; May , $1.3 * .
Whisky * ! ( fj.
Pork Steady ; October , Sll Ot ) ; November ,
S'.UO ' ; January , * ' .U7Ji' .
Lird Steady October. JU'JJ ; January ,
I'lotir Stcndv : winter wheat. $2.01ilO ( ;
Bpi-ing uhcnt , ? ; i.75.r)00 ( ; rice , $ J 10iit2 BO.
I'roviaionsDry soiled me , a ? , com
iiiratlveiv Htcady : short ribs , October
$5 07K-
Huiter Stead v ; creumory , lC ( 23c ; dairy
' '
KBRS Stondv ; fresh , iT
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , ( .IY < "
12c : Hats. 'Ji oanj/c ; Young Amercas. M
I0a.Hides .Weaic ; nnd unchungeil : lisht jrrooi
salted , Oc ; drv cilf , .lOOIIj ; dcneons , each ,
, ' 0 .
Tallow Weak and unchanged ; No. 1 solii
packed , lo ; No. 2 , GJ o ; cake , I' c.
Hcceipts ShlDiii'ls
Flour . 21,00) ) 2I.OJI
Win-lit . 9r.OJl 13I.OJ ,
Corn . 2111,09(1 ( 417,01)
Oats . 200.0M Is'i.OJt
New Yoi-lc , Oct , 19.Vli ° it IJac
.12,05' ! ; export- , . 2."i.OJO ; spot dull and ' lower
No. 2 rcJ. b3tKIVo ( ! in elevator : b'i' ' Sli
iilloat ; St Mb-IXe fo. . b. ; nngiudcit red , 71
( 'tS5'Mc ' : options lower , closed uculc ; No
vember , closing at B'c. .
Corn Uecelpts , 117,500 bubhels : e.sports
1411,203 bushels ; spot stead v ; No. 2 , 3le ! ii
elevator , uQ'ktgttl'.l' ' : tinirruded mixed
: iSfi40Loptions ; uusv ; Novembei1 closing a
3'Jc.Oats Receipts , 70,01)0 ) bushels ; exports
"SO ; spot dull hut steady ; options Irregular1
November closing at 25'.iV ' ; spot No. '
white , " 'foiSse ; mlxcu western , 2Vji !
27c ; white woatoru. 27c.
CofTee Options closed steady to I
jmitits down. Sales : 22,000 Dags ; October
* 15 l.r > ; November. S15 10 ; spot KIo , steady
fair cargoi-s , fel',1.25.
Sugar Haw , nominal ; refilled , weak am
Petroleum Steady ; United closed ix
O'.ic ' ' , for November.
KIWTSStp.ulv ; wester : . , 2i ! ) 'JOi c.
Pork -Unsettled ; mess , inspected , ? 12.0i
Laid Stronger but quiet ; western sleum
Butter Quiet ; Elgins , 25c ; western duirv
'Jfj l.V ; creamery , I2 ( 2lo.
Cheese Quiet : wcsteru , "J CwlOc.
K < 4 < Jny , Oct. ll ) . Wheat Lowi-r
No. 2 red , cash and October , 01)40 ) ; No.
hard , cash , ! > 'Jic ' bid : October , fiy o ; No. :
soft , cash , ( iSc bid ; October , OS.Kc.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash nnd October
Sle ; November , iMKo bid ; No. 2 white
CAsl , , 2it ; < : o bid ; October. 2 c bhL
Oats Xo. 2 , cash , 13' ' c bid ; Oclobei
i' . Oct. 19. Wheat-Steady
cash , 74c ; 1 Northern , SlKc.
Com Dull ; October , 30j c.
Outs Firm ; No. 2 white , 31@2l } c.
Uyo Qulot ; No. 3 , 43s.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $11.00.
Unrloy ISusy ; No. 2 , October , 52' c.
SI. l < i iiN. Oct. 19. Wheat Cash , 77c
May , S3V < < fc.
L'oru Lower ; cish,23'/c : ' ; Mny , .Ti' ' c.
Oats Lower ; c.ish , U'fc ; Muy , 21'0(5 ' (
1orkSteady nt (11.50
Lard Firm nt ? 0.00.
Huttor-Uncbangcd ; creauiery , 20@7Io
duir.v , 15i10c. {
Whisky Steady nt $1.02.
Ciiiulniinil , Oct. 19. Wheat We.iltor
lower , No. 2 red , 78c ,
Corn UiichuiiKOil : No. 2 niixej , 34c.
Oats Dull ; Woukor ; No. 2 inlxoj , 21c.
Whisky fl.W.
Llvrrtinol , Oct. 19. an
unchutiKud ; holdersolTur moderutoly ; Culi
fnrniii No. 1 , 7n 4da)7 ( ) 5d liar cental ; ic
western winter , Os l ) > il@s ! ! lOJ u.
Corntituiidy but ( julut nml unchuii cd
now mixed wcstoniIs lOd per ixiutul.
"illiinitiitxilis , Oct. 19. Sauiplu whoa
weak uud lower ; receipts 72 curs , shipment
01 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , October , 7bc
No , 2.7S)4oon ) ; Iruclc 78T ( THo. No. I nortl
orn. October , TI'I U ; Muy , S''c ; on truck
"OJi'i1. No. 2 northern , October , 72o ; Maj
78VjO ; on track , 72@7lc.
Bloux Oily , Oct. 10. Cattle Hocoipla
410 ; shipments. 7SOumrlccl ; weak : cows
* 1.00@1.W ) ; stockora and feeders , * 1.50S'J.SO
vonl calves , ri.OJ/$3.15. ( /
H0s UecelplH. 1.1SO ; market higher
llBhtand mixed , f3.C5@3.75 ; heuvy , $3.72 ! < ( i
tlly , Oat. 19. Cattle Hoceipt
2,700 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market weak uu
lower ; cows , $ ! . & 0@i30 ; stoekers and feed
ors. PJ.25 ( 3.JO. (
Hogs KoceiptH , 0,100 ; bhipmeiit , l.KMl
market stead v ami higher : light , fl.00 ( < 44 , 3d
heavy and mixed , ! .i > 0@i.05.
Nnlluiiul Slctulc Vnrds , ICast Kt
I.duln , Oct. 19. Cattle Hoeolpts , 1X (
shipments , none ; market stronger : fair t
choice heavy native steers. 1.40 4,80 ; stool
crs and feeders. ! 1.70@3.Gi. (
liogs Hocolpts , 1,500 ; shipnients , none
market lower ; heavy , W80M1.10 ; puckiui
3.70M4.00 ; light , $ .W5.25. )
tu Weil.
Judge Shields Ittsuotl Hocuses to the fol
lowing parties yesterday ;
Name and Address , Ag
Christ ChrUteuson , Omaha . ' <
Annie M. MlchaoUon , Oaiabu , , , . . . . . . . . 1
Otto C. Jensen , Konnard , Neb . . . . . ' .
Mary Jensen , Kennard , Nab . :
Hobert J , Miles , Omaha , . . '
Alice Campbell , Omaha. . , . 1
Antonlne Dottilo , Omaha . , . !
Maria IJirono , Omuha . , . :
Antonio Laschlavo , Omaha. . . !
Maria ilugolo , Omaha . !
London has flxpil the cost of its eloi
trio light at 10 cents for uuo toii-riiiuli
liunp thirty liours , or twenty
ctindlo lumps ten houra.
The Uonl EntfUo Bxohuuyta A.dopt3
Improved D
A HlK llouni IC\inctcil | In
l'rocrty 'llio Wook'rt
In Knnl Kstntc , Iliillilln
anil llnnk Cuclrs.
The lisinio llvolmnco.
The Oumhn vonl estate ileulcrs liuve tiikatt
very kindly to llio "open board" sclicmo ,
At a moetlng of the Kent Ustnto cxchutKa
yesterday twenty now llrnw were ndmitted
to tnemborshlp Iu the oriratilriUlou , whicU
noxv Includes tlio loading roil cstu'o broker *
of the city. Now by-laws wcro adopted
which very materially enlarges the | xror > \ < t
of the orgatilMliou nnd makes the cxulinngu
nn open instead of a close corporation ,
Allot the members of thu exchange , ucvr
nnd old , ivoro onthuslistlc.illy In fuvor ot
the plan of holding dally opun sessions for
the Irun&artlon of real csialu and bwUerAgj
business Tlio plan bus boon practically
uduptcd nnd will bo placed In npumtUm
us soon UK suitnblo uuurtcru can b\t
secured for holding the dally Hussions. It , is
proposed to hold tin upon mi'ptiuir of the C-K-
chnngo for oun hour each day , nt which rent
cslnte , bonds stouk in local corporations and
other commercial securities will bo put up
for sale. Members oC the uxclmngo am
very Mingiilnu in their oxiMM'tntloim of tiiii
Htimiiluiliig otToct t hut this method of
will huvo on tin ; real OAtuto murkot. It
will give both buyers and sellers an oppor
tunity to ascertain tlio st.ito of llio market in
nnv location in tha city , rhuoxcliaiigo will
hold .1 meeting ou N'mvmbor 2 , ill which now
ofllrers will bu elected nnd nrraiiKCiiU'iitit
iniiilo for puttlim the "upon bo.ird" scheme
Into operation.
The \\i-i'k' | Ui ni . ' .
Tito uronUcrs must tulte u bu-k soil. Not
withstanding their continual grumbling and
illsnml foroliojingy. Ihero is uolug to bo it
boom In outside piopbrty. D.trlug the p.iftt
weelt there has beou nn increased demand
for lots in outside- additions uml a numbar of
deals huvo bi-en mailo for ucro lots. There
has been an o.spucKilly active inquiry after
ucrc property in the western nnd southwest
ern purts of the city on the lines of the pro
posed extension of thu motor lines to West
l.uwn. Agitntion bus boon iciuuved for thb
location of the fair grounds west of Kuser's
pirk , aud this fnet has drawn tha attention
of cstuto liruKcrs to thlH si'Cllon of thu
city. UeorgeV. . Amo has Invested * ir,0l
in U'est Lawn property and u big I'.iuMisli
svndicato bus Deemed nil option on forty
ncrcs of giounil in the addition with a vlow
of locating a big manufactory. .1. 11 Mailed
paid fr.Ti.WM for otm-tbird of a lot In block ' . ,
West Onmhu , nnd n number of smglo lots In
otitsidu additions cliaiigod haniLs at mere ised
pi Ires.
.1. 1. Keilick intuln the bigucst purchase ot
tin- week , nu Ing SV..r.lK ) to J. C. IX-niso for
lol 7 , block lii'i. ' on Huiiioy slruut , between
Klllopiith nnd Sixfenth stroiiti , near thu
KounUo Mi'inorinl churrli. In p.irt pay for
tlui prtiportv ho guvn four lot.s iu isnno &
Selilon'.s iiddltiou for$12r > 00.
Tin1 transfers for the week w ° ro ns fol
Moml.u . $ 37.SI-J
uy . lll.T.n
Thursdav . l'Jtni :
Friday . 3.i,7''S
Saturday . T.'X'S
The week bus been u comparatively
one in biiililin0' circles , yet When the permits
ure in for the improveniontn already planned
the showing for the month will be highly
gratifying. The penults for tuo week were
us follows :
Monday . $ 7.215
Tuesday . . . . . . S.IiW
Wednesday . b,700
Thursdav . , . . lrr > u
Fridiiv . ll,8ii (
Saturday . L'.1- : ! ! " "
Total . $ OI.GtW
A SJOoO mlditiou will be built to the ICnu < c
Picsbvtcrian church.
K. , lorgeiib n will build n $ ' ! ,0a : ) homo ou
b'orty-slxtb stivet , near Itoulc.
S. ,1. Wolshnns H building a $3OJO homo ou
Lowe avi'iiuo , tiour lliuliult lino.
Lewis fl. Iloybrook , of thosmi'lllng works ,
will build u $5,000 homo Iu Kouut/.o placu. on
Kmmutt bticct. lirougbton will build a row ot
frame Hats on Twentieth mitt CSraco Htroots ,
to cost i .UO )
T. II. Payne is building a $1,013 residence
ou Dodge , near Thirty-ninth mrjut.
W. U. liamun is building u ? ' > , ( K)0 ) resiacnco
on Poult'tli hlrcot neurCallfornlA.
Jacob Younir will build n fiu ) . ) resldoiico
on Muplo street , near Twenty-sixth.
.1. T , Hines will build thrco brick rvm-
dcnces ou Tenth street near Caslellar , each
lo cost W.OO'J.
A residence for O. C. Holmes is bains
built on Lowe avoiiuo near Cumuig , lo cost
* iojo ;
Morris Slomnn's 12,0K ) rosidsiii'oon Cum-
ing strust near Lowe tivonuo , is nearly com-
S.imuul Rloman has a $ lloi'J : homo in pro
cess of erection on Thiriy-suvonlh slreot
near Half Howard.
J. li. Mason la building u f2OU3 rosiduncd
ou Izard Hi reel.
Florence Is to have u (1,00) Tiuiscopil
church , work on which tills nlrc.uly b'jcu
Charles Ogden is to meet uHtoao rusidouco
ou Spring street near I > 'arnum.
Charles McCormick will build u row of
seven I hree-Htory brick Houses ou Twonty-
cightb and Fariiaiu Htreet" , to cust SU.DJ'J.
'I In ; Hunk U
The bank rluarlugs for the week were
follows :
Monday . f 41.801 OS
Tuesday . 7iOVJ ! : ir
Wednesday . ( ' .Hii3U CO
Thursday . 1155 , J43 5Hlf
Friday . IHln.Btr. ! lf
Saturday . avj,072 , 01
Total . M,2 ! > 'V-W l' '
Increase 2 1.3 pen-cut over corresponding
week of hint year.
\Vcnttly Itnnk
NBW YOIIK , Oct. 10. [ Special
toTiiK liKi : . | Tlio weekly bank stitomenl ;
shows the following changes :
Ileservo , decrc.iso . ? l,8ii'Jr."i
Loans , increase . , r. , CII.IOH
Specie , Uccreasii . y.fUl Wii )
Kegal lenders , ileuro.isu . , . lr > fJ'l,20 ( )
DopoiillB , docrenso . , . 2,21 1,0 M
Circulation. Increase . ii'J.UXl
The bunks now bold t'.llli.C.Mi ' in excess of
the 25 per coin rulo. The uxportat spociu
fnim the port of New Yont last week
amounted to $ lb , b55 , of whluh fr'U.SI ! ) was
In gold ami * I.ViOJ5 Hlivur , Of thu total OK-
ports J17,0'JI in gold anil jr.t.OW Kih-or
wont to Kuiopu uud l5b : < ' ) grild and &j5 ;
sliver to South America. 1'ho ImporiM of
apeuio for the wruk amounted to $ ,11,2.11 , ot
which f 'jryJW wa gold and * 7'Jt5. * > sllvyr.
nw York Dry Goiultf market.
NKW Yriiiic. Oct. 1'J. JSpoclul Tolograni
to TUB UCK. I Hoing. Saturday , business iu
dry goods was uccorUmgly rostrlcted , cs-
poclully us rogurdu traiisuutloim ou the spot ,
though thcro'wns no change In the character
of the demand , which continues fair for bK > t
goad * and buoyant for new fabrics for next
sortson. Staple giimliams are nl o Belling
freely and ure likely to bu uilvancod In price.
Print cloths ure uguin tcmling upward , Tlm
wholu cotton goudii market IB gaining in tone ,
toiitiun to coinincroiul uiuii. Finest uud
liirgcst hotel In tlio wobt. IClttfodop it
Hralnnrd ,
A Misnacliiisottb cuinimiiy luia
ui' iiiji/.i'il lo inuliis , by a now ,
ill iiiilnalint , ' ( , 'itH by oleolriuity. Tli *
iiliui Is lo iloniKMU ( ) | petroleum by tlt
lii'.it of nn clei'trii'iil outToiU.