Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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Paxton Building Farnam Street Elevator ,
Also in
Estimates Given from Architects' Wainscoting ? Floors , Etc ,
Designs ,
Floors ill Large Buildings a
Specialty ,
( Including Hardwood Manelt and all trim
I ; mings , ) We Refer to Bee Building1 , Merchants'
Hotel. Arcade Hotel , World-Herald ,
Liiiinger's Art Gallery , Getty's Kes-
taurant , etc. , etc.
On exhibition in our parlors.
Over 100 Designs Set Up Estimates Furnished Contractors on All Kinds of
Complete. Tile Work ,
Brass and Wrought Iron , Fireplace Trimming's , Fenders.Fire Sets ,
Andirons , etc. , etc.
9 . , The FarnamStreet Elevator.
; > jMjr. : < ! KygSj < 3g3gasarreaJgja7a5r
How She Induces Mortnls
Her Homago.
a'lio Little Uo < 4RliiiiN Whoso Hri llt
Eyes mid Ulpo Itcd Ijips
Will IMnko Them
Attractive .
The Season's IHvci'tlguniGiitH.
The flrst blto of frost strikes u sympathetic
/hord la the heart of the society woman ,
whoso effoits in the way of entertainment
crown the season with success , or whoso in
difference ) and retirement would Icavo a scar
on the face of the whole town. She fee's '
proud triumph in the air and turns her eyes
iibout ber in search of material to fashion
lior lioneliU upon. Primarily , it is glory stio
drives for and glory she attains.
Dolls are really spectacular plnj s nnd do-
juiuul any amount of frills in the way of
youth , beauty and style as apart of the stage
nottlng , Rosebuds nro the usual "coiisum-
jiuitIon devoutly to ho wished , " as the ever
lasting thirsting for novelty demands oven
l > eauty , that Is not known by heart. There
nro few debutantes this wljitor , and our fair
lady congratulates herself that the buds of n
year ace are as pretty and charming as ono
would meet anywhere , and they have the ad
vantage of n certain finish only to boncnulrcrt
in that school of polish-society.
The sweet young girls , with roses fuller
blown , young married women and -dames
ivltu the malura beauty tluit lias a royalty all
Its own , are what she reguids , mentally ns
her stock in trade and classes according to
the credit they will reflect on nor tact.
I Dinners and luncheons are affairs of state
demanding any amount of diplomacy. .Somo
ona spmowhuru nays : "Never have more
than six at dinner unless you have fourteen.
Arrange them with foresight as for a parlor
comedy a leading lady , u first young ladv , a
Bouuretto , a virtuous hero , u heavy villain ,
nnd u lover. " With this material , and u jrooil
cook , the dinner will tuko euro of Itself ,
As for afternoon receptionthey nro dreary
riffulrs at the best. Soma clover woman sets
the fashion , and all the world of women fol
lows In her wake. Hero , the fuir sex is sim
ply en evidence. There is no opportunity for
tin exchange of ideas. Cards nru bolter ,
for here there is a chance for exciting rival
ry , and there is a lloKt for new cumcs and
new prizes. Hut curd parties linvu been
Known toward the end of the season to grow *
ragged at the edges from too constant wour.
Afternoon teas , with a leaven of men. u
now book , a picture , or what not to mnuo
conversation , nro usually cliccry things ami
inulmcd to leave an ngrcoablo tnst.o in the
tnouths of the guests whoso best thoughts
liavo passed their lips at the Invitation of
pome sympulhotlu hostess.
Theater parlies are ns rurous ambergris ,
'pity ' 'tis , 'tis ' true , " such good fun they nro.
These reflections puss rapidly through the
mind of ( he social plotter for social favor ,
und thu result of her planning will bo little
White reminders during the winter that your
presence at nouie ball , dinner or tea is noces-
nary for the ultimate happiness nf the
' bravo tadlo" who leads the 400.
October \VoiIcllnij .
Nothing to uppoaU to the general heart
beat as a wedding with Us attendant crowd-
I n if memovles for the old and trembling hopes
for thoio of earlier yearn. It sends the blood
rioting through their veins anil fills their
eyes with tours that bring a smliu to Iteep
them company. "AHJho world loves a lover1'
nnd follows with quickened breath his court-
Chip from the first soft sighing to the climax
of the solemn promises in the "everlasting
locking of two lives. "
The past week was marked by weddings
galore , the echo of whoso bells still linger In
tUe air , inclining tnu thoughts of all to the
uroud bridegroom and the bonny bride , ar
rayed in her bravery , laid aside for weeks
against her wedding day.
Sinlili htovons.
On Tuesday , at high noon , at the home of
the bride's mother , Mrs. II. C. Smith , were
married Miss Julia U. Smith and Mr. Luolon
Stevens , Hov. W. J. Ilarsha performing the
The wedding was comparatively quiet ,
only nbout thirty of the family friends being
present. Tlio drawing rooms wore charm
ingly decorated with ilowers , every available
place being made gay with roses. Great
bowls of them stood on the piano , mantel
pieces and tables. The bride , who is
a very pretty woman , with n sweat
face and a winning individuality ,
wore h short cream India silk gown , whoso
simplicity und daintiness perfectly suited
her girlish face and figure. Iho bridegroom
is one of Omaha's young men , of more than
ordinary ability and Is a great favorite in
social and business circles. After the wed
ding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Stevens loft
fora fortnight's trip to St. Louis and Now
Miss Lena Ttiltlo and Mr. William Field ,
of Kichmond , Ky. , wcro married very
quietly Wednesday afternoon , at U o'clock ,
Uev. John ] ? . Williams officiating. The
wedding occurred at Morrium flats , only the
people in the house and Mr. and Mr > . John
Ilelh and Miss Minnm Ileth Vuile , connec
tions of the bridegroom , being present. The
brldo were a tailor-mado go-away pawn , of
soft gray with a gray bonnet and gloves , as
they loft directly after the breakfast tor the
groom's homo in Kentucky. A largo amount
of flowers in the drawing rooms and dining
room made u fitting frame for the pretty
llroiliorlon-ltrmvn ,
Miss Blanche Urotherton was married on
\Vodnesday , Octouer J ) , at St. Peter's ISpis-
copal church at Wuterford , Krio county ,
Pennsylvania , to Doctor Kwing Brown , of
Omaha , Neb. The nuwly married couple
wunt directly to Sioux City whore a recep
tion was given them by Kev. JUMCS Urowu ,
lather of the groom , and whore they will ro-
maln fur samn little time , coming later to
llvu in Omaha where Dr. lirou'ii is well
Known ns n successful physician.
A quiet wedding , the relatives of the hrldo
and groom being the only quests , took plnco
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Howell , at 4 p. m. Wednosdny , October 10 ,
thu occasion being tliu marriage oftlielr
daughter ICmmu to Mr. Wilbur C. Knight , of
Wyoming. Mr. Knight Is a graduate of our
state university at Lincoln , and , although u
young man , IIUH acquired a reputation as a
geologist and mining engineer. Tlia young
couple wcro the recipients of numerous wed
ding souvenlors from relatives nnd friends
and Mr. Knight was specially and creditably
remembered by thu Messrs. Sartoris , of Lon
don , Knghind , gentlemen with whom ho Is
associated In largo mining enterprises. Mr.
und Mm. Knight took their departure im
mediately after the wedding dinner on the
overland train for Olioyonno , which city will
DO their future home.
Mnrnhy-O' Mourn ,
.Miss Annie O'Hourn and Mr , Joseph M.
Murphy were married October 15 at St.
Alphonso's church , St. Louis. The wedding
wasn very swell ono , four priests officiating
at the ceremony. Mrs. Ed , who is a
celebrated vocalist in St. Louis , sang the
"Avo Maria , " and Oilmoro. whoso band had
been entertained u few duys before by a con
nection of the bride , returned the compli
ment by sending live of his soloists to fur-
ni s.h muslo for the occasion. Mr. Murphy Is
employed In the Ouiiihu National bank. Ho
and his bride arrived in Omaha Thursday
morning und ure at homo to their friends at
242I1 Franklin utreet.
Wednesday evening at 7M ; ! o'clock , at
Mr. George Dobbiugtmi's residence , 101 Park
nvpnuo. Council muffs , was celebrated the
uiurriago of his daughter , Clara , to Mr.
Ernest Hart , son of Or , Hurt , also of Coun
cil niults. The affair was nn exceedingly
awnll home wedding , with only the two lam-
ilies , nnd Mr. and Mrs. George A. Iloagland ,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hums , " \lr.s. C. 13.
Woplworth and Mrs. Vmoy.ird.of St. Joseph ,
invited to witness the. ceremony , which was
followed by a handsome reception civon to
tlio very largo circle of their mutual friends
nnd acquaintances.
The house , which has been lately remodeled -
modeled , was made simply gorgeous with
palms nnd ( lowers. In the front drawing-
room , whore the bride and bridegroom stood
durinir thocorcmonvwas an immense canopy
of smilux and white roses , appealing to the
eyes nnd tilling the room with fragrance.
Everywhere great quantities of sweet smell-
ppsics were the constant occasion of expres
sions of delight.
In effect , the wedding was the charming
Wattcau combination of blue , nnd pink , from
the go'vns of the uridomaids to the decora
tions of ttio rooms. The table in the dining-
room was literally a square of flowers , leav
ing room for nothing but admiration. From
the chandelier , were four trailing garlands
of smilax , and pink and blue ribbons , reach
ing to the four corners of the table , where
they were tied in truo-love-ltnots ,
At the ceremony , the best manMr. Arthur
Smith , and the ushers , Mr. John Pusoy , Mr.
Charlie Haas , Mr. Frank Miller , Mr. J.
Pavtou and Dr. Woodbory , preceded the
prettiest possible hulf-do/en bridesmaids
gowned , thrco in pink and throa In blue.
Miss Maude Woolwortti , us maid of honor ,
looked u picture- a love of a frock of soft
blue crepe trimmed with yards and yards
of dainty bluo. ruibons with a narrow
satin cdgo. The decoletto uoJic3 was cdgaJ
with tiny rosettes , which set oil her pretty
round shoulders to perfection. Miss Emma
Hougland and MUs Nellie Hums also were
very becoming gowrs of the same color ,
while Miss Emma Morse , Miss Carrie
Stevens and Miss Bessie Stewart bravely
contested the honors In pink. Miss Bobbing
ton , in an omnroldereit white crepe gown of
exquisite grace and finish , followed loaning
on the nrrn of the groom. Her veil of whlto
silk gauio , with n satin irauzj stripe , was
distractlngly becoming. She were the gift of
thu groom , a very buautlful diamond pin ,
nnd carried a bouquet of Nlphutos roses. In
shnrt.froin her pretty head to her dainty feet ,
she was a captivating roallty.
The bridegroom is good-loolcln ? , clover and
rich , ii'id their future outlook for happiness
seems "us plum as the way to p insli
church "
Itov. McCabe of St. Paul's Episcopal
church , performed the ceremony , the music
of Mendclsiohn'H welding march , mem-
wlillo reaching the oars of the guests from
an adjoining Voom ,
The bride prusontej the brlle.siititds with
iiaautllul llttju finger rings , pinlt primroses
for the pink gowns and forget nut-lints for
thu blue. The groom presented tlic best
man and UbliLrs with gold bci.rl plus , in
addition to scarfs and gloves
After the ceremony the nowlv-m irnod
coiiDlo received their friends until U o'clock ,
when they went directly to the beautiful
Ittilo homo that has been fitted uu for them ,
Sunday , October III , ut : > 3ll Seward street ,
wore united in inornate by It ; ' . H A Crane ,
Mihs Annie J. JorJlto aid Mr. Claries
Miss Emma Liugenrellor and Samuel W.
Link were married Monday , October II , by
Itnv. Charles W. Savidgo , at his residence
"UU5 Sherman avenue ,
Thirty-l'iiir Yinra ; Married.
Thursday was the thirty-fourth annivers
ary of the marrlagoof Mr , and Mrs , F , E.
Bailey , and Mrs. lialloy persuaded her llogo
lord that tliore was prcasinir business down
town which demanded his attention in the
evening , Mr. Hulloy accordingly hctoolc
himself away to look after his buslnc-s , and
during bis absence the family residence , at
the comer of Nineteenth and Grace streets ,
was taken possession of by a host pf ) friends
who gathered to congratulate their ronlal
host und hostess upon the completion of
elghty.f our Shoppy J years of married life ,
and to wish them many more years of mutual
happlncsB uud prosperity.
When Mr , Hulloy returned ho was given a
rousing welcome by the assembled guests ,
and a most marry oven Ing was passed. Music
and Kiimcs served to make the evening p.iun
r a p 1 illy , nnd thu over-amusing ilonl'.uy puzjjj
contributed Its atmro of thu. sport.
those present wej-o lion. S. 1C. Jackson and
wile , S. C. Massett nnd wife , Harry HnsUell
and wife , J. Hiuman and wife , J. Kedman
nnd wife , Mr. Mclvcnnn and wife , A. M. Col-
lettnnd wife , N. W. Charles and wife , H. O.
Counsiunn nnd wife , Messrs. 15. Smith , H.
Copley , Otto Uaunian und Guue Charles.
Tin \V I It i ' .
Mr. and Mrs. D. U' . Ti lotijn calobrated
their t nth or t n annlv JM n-y of thir wed
ding S-iiurdny ovnln at their pleasant
lioine iilUS Ohio strc't. Abaut sKty-Uvo
friends were pro'til .ind tin ovoniniissecl (
delightfullv with cirJs , dancinoraud a boun
tiful sup 'cr Any nuuuar of tin remsin-
bnincO'j were bro'iglit by the irucsta out of
consideration for the day.
Itode fnv I'noir S
The ridln ? club gillopid "over thu ti ills
ad far awaj" on WcJnosday ovonine to re
turn ' 'corns sup > er time" ta that enchanted
valley "Happy Hollow , " \vhicti has already
nbout taken the wind out of tlio sails of H is-
solas. There tiio.y roiniinod for nn hour or
more the guests ot Mr and Mrs. J.N. It. Pat
rick , and were joined at supper by Mrs.
lirown. Mrs. Manderson , Miss Wukeloy ,
Miss Ktchurdfton , Mis * McClintocIc , Mr.
Fabi > r and Mr. Will Wakeloy. The riders
were about the same at last weclc.
On Prob itinn.
On Monday ovonlntr , Mr. Joseph Garncau
entertained a supper party at the Omaha club
witii his usual success. Mr. Crane was the
guest of the evening , and inked to meat nlin
were Mr. E. Peek , Mr. W. U. McCord. Mr.
J. 1C , Chambers , Mr. Luther Drake and Mr.
Murray. As James Whitcomb Hilo.v would
say , there was "storytelling and ho wittiest
Jolacsl" evening imaginable and if one would
go with tiiom all tlio way , ouo must ac-
knnwlcdgo sleep well lost in such 'gudo'
company. _
A Surprlsu 1'itrtv.
Mr. nnd Mrs W. P. Durkeo , of Walnut
Hill , wcro agreeably surprised last Wtidnos-
dajr evening by n number of their friends ,
who came armed with uny-iimoiiiit of desir
able wooden articles , commemorative of their
regard for Mr , and Mrs. Durkeo uud consid
eration for the fifth anniversary of their
wedding. Those prusont were : Mrs. Van
Horn , Mrs. Brown , Mr. ) , Clark , Mrs , David
son , Mrs. Whiddcn , Miss Chirk and Miss
Durlcco ; Mr. Vun Horn , Mr. Drown. Mr.
Clark , Mr. Davidson , Mr. Whidden and Mr.
lllirh Fivr.
Mr , and Mrs. Winooto gave n delightful
card party at their cosy homo on Friday
evening. Progressive "high " live was tlio ap
pointed gamaaudjuero | wcro uight tables
of excitud plnyors'.lbocf usu it tiad beou whis
pered that the prices wora well worth doing
OIIO'H best for. The score cards wcro wliito
discs with the ni uiburs of the tunics in
bluett , nnd tlicrd. vvaro individual caids ;
spailos , clubs , hearts and diamonds with
pretty colored pictures on onu sldu und each
with the name of ono of tlio iiliyem and ttie
initial tublo on the other. The punch pro
gressed with unlmiitlon and interest , claret
cun nt intfirvalrt cnllvnning the drooping
s | > lrltB of tie ! losocs , until seven gaums li.ul
been founded by tlju tublu nt the Ilrat table.
When siippsr was Aorved , a tnothsnmo nrruy
of oy.steni , sulad.J ctmmpagno nnd coffee ,
with un uftcratathim ctku and creams , al
most moved to forgotfjlncss those unfortu
nates with a paltr.K division of green nnct
gold Blurs. Neltbtjcaough of one nor thu
other. *
Mrs. Moore won the first prize for the wo
men , a bountiful black ostrich feather fan ,
and Mr. Lander a stunning silver mounted
stick. Thu consolation prize for the women ,
an exquisite gold und pnrl pen and holder ,
was carried off by Mrs. Clement Chuso ;
while the rhyming reward , a scrap book of
P'rchmont ' i'i ' quaintest design was won by
Mr. Kiall.
A 1'leiiHiini { ' 'veiling ,
Old ur.d young people to the number effort
fort or more , gathered at the cosy home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pcrcival , Kountzo Plaoo ,
Friday evening lust , itio occueion being "a
general good time,11 lornprlainf ? dancing ,
cardn und lunch. The pirty was arranged
by Miss Minnie Collet , and her efforts with
those of the jovial host and charming hostess
were highly successful. Among those present
wore Mr and Mro , W. G. Shriver , Mr. nnd
Mrs. F. E. Mailcy. Mr. and Mrs. Duiss , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joseph Hedman , Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. lluskoll , Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Latey , Mr.
und Mrs. J. P. Hay , Mr. and Mrs. Blum , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Kedmnn , Mr. and Mrs.
Lowls. Mr. and Mrs. Van Court , Mr. and
tV5r . Cole , Mr. and Mrs. Dassctt , Mr. and
Mrs. McICuuna , Mr. und Mra A. M. Collott ,
Aliases .McAuslund , Martin , Gusslo und Min
nie iJnuuinn , liailey , Collett. Swingloy ,
MfLain , Litcy , Deiss , Hnskoll and Messrs.
Hamilton , Piclcens , D.iy , Pomi)0tro , Champ-
lin , McConncll , Smith , Goodman , Copley and
in rhi ) SooinlVliceI. .
Airs. L , M. Dennetgavc a charming lunch
eon at her perfectly appointed hoaio on Fri
day i'l honor of Mr * . J M. Watson. Covers
were laid for twelve including the hostess.
Mrs , J. N. H. Patrick , Mrs. Maidcrson ,
Mrs. Ella Ueall. Mrs. Caldwell , Mrs. Lacey ,
Airs. Horbach , Mrs. MoICcnna , Mrs. Guy
Unrtcn , Mrs. II. Vates and Mrs. Hurkalow
were the guests.
Miss Unstin , who Is a charming hostess ,
entertained at dinner on Thurs lay cvonin ?
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock , iUiss Ual-
combe , Miss Mau'.e Unlcombo , Mr. Voss and
Mr. Mackintosh.
The "bachelors,11 assisted by Mrs. Savage ,
gave a small curd party Suturdai' evening.
Mrs. A. J. Hunscom ontcrtalncd tlio High
Five club Saturday afternoon.
H. G. Bloom , who has been the floor
walker at S. P. Morse & Co.'s for over two
years , left last Monday for Cnlcngo to take
the management of the 13oston Store in that
city. Mr. Uloom while in Omaha made many
friends who wish him gruat success In his
new position. Before leaving , the employees
at Morse's cot Mr. Uloom into a corner and
caned him with a handsome no Id headed
afUIr costing rJ. > . The recipient responded
In ono of his characteristic speeches and felt
highly honored by the uift from his old
Social G < Mhip.
Mrs. W. J. Council is in Now York.
Mrs. r.oring ( nee Htimsoy ) , is visiting In
Cantata J. M. Dccrlug left on Tuesday for
Portland , Me ,
MUb McICennn has gene to St. Paul for a
visit of a month.
Mrs. C. H. Hlgginson has returned from
her visit to Chicago ,
Lieutenant and Mrs. Trultt have gone west
for a three weeks' trip.
Mrs. Nellie Dang Skelton Is visiting Miss
Pusoy in Council Bluffs ,
Mrs , Mayor will bo with Mrs. C. H. Kustin
nbiut the first of November.
Mr. nnd Airs. H H Itlifcwatt are In their
now homo on South Tenth street.
Lieutenant Drulcn nrrivod in Omaha on
Tuesday for a stay < > i a few dnvs.
Lieutenant liutch'lson , of Fort NIoUrura ,
has been granted a month's leave.
Miss Popploton und MIs Mary Poppluton
left Tuesday evening for Stanford , Conn.
Mrs , William Pike , nco Dickey , Is visiting
Mr. und Mrs. .1. J. Dickey at iiJil Dodge
street ,
Mr. Will Morris has returned from an
extensive trip to his ranch in Kearney
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Acheson ( neo Mur
ray ) , havti returned from their wedding
Mrs. Cannot is veiling Mrs , William
Wallace , before leaving Omaha tor a season
of tr-iyol.
Mrs. Adelaide Xannor. of Falrbault , Minn. ,
U the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stuubs , mor
Capitol uvonuo.
Mrs. J. M. Watson is visiting her many
frlouds in Omnliu. Mr. Uort Watson wa
hero over Sunday.
Mra. Ella Itcall , having rented her house
on Saunderb street , has tulcen rooms at the
Merriam flats for the winter.
Mr Charles Ojdsn nnd Miss Ogden have
tmvu rumovud their Lares and Pouatr *
from the Paxton to Miss Clark's on Chicago
Miss Emma Morse arrived in Omaha Sun
day from Chicago. She came for Miss
Hobbmcton's wedding and also for Miss
Mr. Paul Horbach , who has been spending
a few days in town , will leave for Now York
on Friday , whence ho sails for Europe for a
six weeks' stay.
Mrs , Sam Jones , nf Chicago , and Mrs.
Walter Clmmbjrs. of Davenport , arc visit-
ins Mr. and Mrs. William Chambers , having
como on for William F. Chamuers' wedding.
Miss Kate M. Hall has received nn offer
from the board of education at WlchllaKau. ,
to go there and instruct in drawing. This
recognition of Miss Hall's talents is both flut
tering and well-deserved.
Mrs. Groff will leave in a few days for
Washington , accompanied by two daughters
and her son ; there they will join Land Com
missioner GrolT and the third daughter , who
went earlier with her father.
Mr. Will Hamilton loft on Wednesday for
Boston , where his wedding will us cele
brated the mill of tne month. Mrs. C. W.
Hamilton and Mr. Frank Hamilton will
leave shortly to bo present at the ceremony.
Mrs. John Bailey , whose class In physical
culture is growing da Hi' and whoso pupils
urge her to continun her instruction , 1ms
'decided ' to remain in Omaha until .January.
Mrs. Bailey has rooms at Miss Imogcno
Mrs. James Ware , who was called to
Omaha on account of the nlarminir uccidcnt
of her mother , Mrs Carroll , returned on
Saturday to Ogallulu , accompanied by her
mother , who is uapully tvgalnliii ; her
strength rapidly.
Some ninety mnn and women have formed
a dancing claus with Prof. Moraml us in
structor. They will have their dances once
a week nnd as the majority of them nro
merely leurnint : nuvv steps , their gatherings
will be a social feature ot. the winter.
Mr , and Mrs. Clark Woodman left for
Chicago on Monday , whore Mr. Woodman
has boon called by the Linseed Oil trust.
They will by the change , bo required to live
the greater part of tlic year in Chicago.
However , they will retain their beautiful
house in Omaha nnd still call this home.
Colonel and Mm. M. I. Liidlngton , U. S.
A. , who nru so pleasantly remembered by
the many friends mailo during their ofllclal
residence in this city , prior tobVJ \ , will
spend several days hern , the guests of Dr.
Horace Ludlngton. The colonel has been ,
for six years , in charge of the Philadelphia
quartermaster depot and is now unroutu to
San Francisco , Cul. , to ussumu charge of
the quartermaster depot In that clly.
A cotillion club which bus been In the var
ious stages of formation for some tlnia has
at last nmtcrialired , nnd yesterday circulars
were sent to ! SW people. There is a proposed
sharing of expenses by women and men , a
curious departure , but ono that , vill render
the former quite independent of thu luttor's
services. The threatened roorgani/atlon of
thu old assembly has fallen lliront'li and
rival cotillion clubs will not tangle Omaha's '
400 In n yellow ina/o of envy during the
season us was promised.
Tlio Toll-phono Girl.
Ciilnmlnt * DisiHitcli.
I'm a Central Union Telephone girl ,
Ting-a-ling-llng , tlng-u-llng-llnt' .
I como when you give your 'phono bundle a
whirl ,
ThiK-a-lliig , ting-u ling , ting ;
I'm qunon of a hundred holes here In a row ,
A hole for each telephone number , you know ,
And for each of these holes I'vea cheery
"Hallo11 !
Tl'ig-ii-llng , tlng-a-lmg , ting ,
I can hoar every word that you spcui * o'er
the wire ,
Ting-a-ling-llng , tlnc-a-ling-llng.
E'en down to the whispers of lovu's llcldo lire ,
TinK-O'lIng , tingu-llng , ting ;
I know all the secrets there are. in the town ,
Where faithless men binilo nnd suapicious
wives frown-
It would tuko mo u year Just to write thu bull
down ,
Ting-a-iing , ttug-a-ling , tinir.
I am Just ns curious as curious can bo ,
Tlng-a-ling-Hnir , tlng-a-llng-llng ,
The faces of all my patrons to st-o ,
Tingnllnitlngullng , ting ,
If I could but see as 1 hear o'er thu line ,
My knowledge of things would Ua semi-
divine ,
And my Job I would never , no never ,
Tlng-u-ling , tlng-a-lfng , ting.
Scenes Aftnr tlio ItcociiL Hiirririma
on the Atlniilio Coast
The great storm on tlic Atlantic coast , has
become a calm. The storm king has nt Ins
yielded his sceptre , to the milder reign o *
Old Sol , who now armies bunlgnuntly upon
the beach , as though it wore as undisturbed
as It was before the storm , writes Mr.r.v K.
Nlles from Ocenn Grove , N. J.
The ocean , too , looks as placid as a lake.
Only ono small breaker fringes tlio coast
and lazily laps up upon the bench , swaying
back and forth us gently and beautifully as
though It were rocking a child's ' cradle.
A wonderful contrast this , to last week ,
when , at my open door , I sat In my rocking
chair , which shook with the violence nf tlm
wind , ns though it had an nLTiie fit , nnd
watched the waves roll in , like snow-cuppci'
mountains , and listened to the mud rush mu
roar of the angry deep , until 1 could sit Mil
no longer for fear thu hand had been with
drawn which hud said to the ocean "Hitherto
shaft thou como , and no farther , nnd hern
shall thy proud waves bo stayed. "
To-day , however , when I walked on the
bench , all was qnlct , peaceful and still. I
counted , in the distance , through thu hn/u
which overspread the skies and the ocean ,
eight largo steamers , slowly coasting along
thu rilgo of the horimn , beside suvuru
schooners with sails fully spread to catch th
Little fishing bouts , which nro usually
launched with great difllcully through thu
foaming bieaker.-t , dotted Iho ocean in ovcr.v
direction , glidiiii ; ns smoothly as on a quiet
mill pond , and thuoarsmeii icquircd no morn
strength to pull the oars thnii they would ill )
on Wesley lake , Iho quiet sheet of water
which separates the twin cities by the sei : ,
Ocean Grove and Ahbnry Purk.
Tlio crowd at Ocoau Grovu Is pone , Thu
cottages are being deserted and closed onu
by one. The camp meeting is undud und Dr.
.Stones , the presiding genius of tliji place , ban
takitn nn "outing" and u vacation after his
labors of the season.
However , October hero : s beautiful , with
its lovely air , delightful sunslunu nnd its
dreamy ha/u , and the nmgnhlcent occiui In
inora glorious than over , whether in thu
might and majesty of thu storm or in the fas
cinating spoil ul its gentler mooiK ,
"O , thou vast ocean ! Kvur sounding sea' '
Thou symbol of n drour Immensity '
* at * H *
Thy vnlco is HUa thu thunders , and thy sleep
fs like a giant's slumber , loud and deep ,
W W * t * *
I love to wander on thy pebbled beach ,
Marking the sunlight at the evening hour ,
And barken to the thought thy water * teach.
Eternity eternity and power. "
The weakness of publishers to cuter to tlm
morbid tauten of Iho public is shown In tlm
publication in book form of thu letters of tlio
Into Etlwurd Bulwcr ( Lord Lytton ; lo his
wifo. Louisa Dovoy , the editor of thu letters ,
defends their publication on thu ground that
they vindicate the character of Luily Lytton ,
from the unjust astxtrslons of her uinutory
lord , und insists that the wrongs thuy will
redruhs are ninplu Jiisllllcatlini. No good
purpose Is Riihservcd , Thu book mi-ruly
rosuriecw the skeleton In the Ljttoii frimlly
cliisiil and Increases thu dclilgu of sensual
literary trash on thu market. ( ! . W Dilllng-
bnm , New York , is the publisher
Soiiintlilnit 10 I
If you aru K""tf ' H8l , rumomhor the
"Kouk Inland Uoiito" mu tlio Hloopcra
ntiil olinir oilra of their solid vustimilo
train to und from tlio Omnlm doKt | ,
leaving Omaha at 8 : > l < r > p. in. , limit avoid
ing thu tnuiriforat Council HlulTtf. Tliruo
bulid trains ihiily. All chair curs aru
froo. Dininf , ' ciirnou all through traiiiH.
Our trains nmko clobO coiinocUonti with
till oabtorn limited trains connecting
in union depot at Chicago , avoiding u
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routu to Now Yoi'K , JJoslou and other
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hotter than other lincu can oil or , "
Ticket offlco.lUOS t-'ju-nuni. Oon'l W. A
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JCoiiiiudy'a Kiibt India Uittora.