SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No odvortlsomontB will bo taken ( or thono columns altar ! 2:3Op. : m. Torm8--Cnah In tulvnnco. AdviTtlcflinents under tills head 10 csnls per line for the Hist Insertion , 7 cents for each subsequent - sequent Insertion , nnd Jl Vi per linn per month. No ndvcitiscnictus taken for less than E. cents for nr-a insertion. Seven worns will bo counted to the line : they miiht run cousecutlvtlr and must bo paid In ADVANCI ! . All advertlso- tneiits must be Imixlea m before 12 : ! o'clock p. in. , nnd under no circumstances tliey betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'Mlles ndvcrtlsini : In theeo columns nnd Imv- Inethelrnnswcrs aildrenied In caroof TIIR HKI : uil ! please nak fornrhork toftialilothPmtOBct tlielrlelteri" , n * none will 1 > delivered xcept on presentation of cheek. All answers to ad- vertlcmcnti Rhotitd bn enclosed In envelopes. All ndvertUcmcnts In tht-.to columns nrn pub lished in both morning and ovenlna editions ot Tin : III.K the circulation of vlilch nKKieKitos more limn l .nifl papers dally , nnd elves the nd- vortlsi rs the benellt , not only of the city < lrcu- latlnnof Tun llr.i : , but nlso of Council DlnlTs. Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout thlsj < er-tloii ot the country. ' "BR A 'C HO FFTcI'sT _ Aclvcrtlslntr for thcso columns will bo taken on the above conditions , nt the following bust- liens Iioue9 , u ho are authorized agents forTiu : llr.n special notices , and will qiiolo the banio rntcs lrnnjobod ) oUlio inalnoince. ff _ JOHN W. mflI , , IMiarinaclst , 8M South Tenth Htrcct. CIlASi : .V KDDY. Stationers und 1'rlntor.i. 113 South ICth Stlvct. Sll. rAIlNSWOUTII. 1'liarmaclst. ' 2115 Cttm- Itig Street. \AT .l.lirailiS : , CI North 10th J-trect. G KO. W. I'Aiut , I'liarmacist. IWrJ St. Mary's Avenue. 1.1 UOIir.S' l'HAHMAn,2JJ3 Farnam Street. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANT15D Situation bv experienced black- smith on carrln oi or wagons. Address Hox07. ; Central City , Nob. B'il 2IJ ) Situation as ptcnosrapher by u lady. Hueed. 125 wordh permlnute. Addresi P. M. S. , 1.01 Capitol avenue. 757 ISJ WANTED MALE HELP. A HUNTS Wimtoil To luuidlo article every -CXhtovo riifiulrcs. llotalls 51 ; saves $1.50 per month. Mimt establish county agencies. Sum- pics snnt express prepaid on receipt of $ ! .r,0. , SIo- rey Mfg. Co.Vmikcnhn. . Wls. B7H-1U * WANTUD Two coatmakors. It. Cntnpball , Jlnrysvllle , Ivans. K70 sot _ rilAILOH Wanted Ono iirit-cla s coalmakur ; -L telegraph Iniitnry Immediately. J. I ) . Stack , ( in lleatrlce. Nob. _ boo 21 1 ' \\7ANT1311 rxi boys < 1 > etwnon 11 and 18 years old ) to net an ushers at ( illmore .luhllco , Oct. 21th. Apply nt A. Meinbcrg's Muilc store , 1510 Doil.cc St. HiO 13 _ 100 cocpors wanted ; "teaily work nil year 40o for making tierces mid 3"o lor batrols and best ol stult used , Addicss Omnliii Coopor- UKO Co , Hoilth Omnhn , Nub. 812 ill AdKNTri wimted to taue orders for llfosl/e crayon poitratt-t , II vo iirin can make J5il per wtvk , Miniploricu. Call S W cor. 12th ami 1 1 ar ucy f or particular- ! . 848 IS * Pirst class pann and vestmaker , T Hteaitv work. Onerii House Tailors. Sac City , la. il. Doyle , cutter. 8.TJ 2 it I WANT n IIrt'ClaES dress Roods salesman with Al references. Only such need iiipiy. ] Wess-elX Mlllard Hotel. _ br.4 IHt " \\TANTKD 2 mcntoseH the best and neatest T r uajustablo chair lu the market on Install ments , Satisfactory IITIIM can bo nmdo tojiood worlcpl-M. Apply 1718 he. M ary S nve. b58 2ut \ \ r ANTI 1 0 1'iTuTer l J ood"typosc'ter. . 14 to ' T 111 years old ; state experience and price Address .Mirror , Lyons , Neb. WW IS > liA-ThUHHS wanted at DelTono hotel nnd county hospital ; J4.0J day ; 8 liours work. SJ1 18 * WA N'IF.D " boys about ISjearsof ago at \Y , V. Morse A ; Co.'a shoe factory , cor. llth nnd Douglas. 8.0 17 r \\f ANTKD ST ) men foi-ctty won : , $1.73 ; cook V > for ni'-tauiaiit , ? 10 ; one for It , It. eating house , Tfutl : cleric for binall hotul. 81.1 ; man to ilrl\o uud deliver.-1 poultry , etc , , ? - . " > , roo.a .and board , security undroferouce-i required. Lots ot work for goodmcn. Mis , Mrcitif , 0144 S nth. > 3l I8t A d-'NTfi wanted Kverywhero for new , nse- - tnil. . uiilt-k-solUug novelty. Sample 10 cents. Kettler & DoYine , room 3'J , Kaiter bldg.U . U 3 . _ _ rANTUD Two llr l-clpss coat makers , llaiuea llros. . Hasting ! ? , Nob. S14--.T.K AI'K'.V good men to reprcient the Inter State Ilnllitlncc and I.o.ui association of llloom- Ington , III , , in Nebraska , Dakota , Kansas and Iowa. Situations perm.maut to satisfactory parties. IRifernnceH required. Call on or ad dress Iv. | j. Iluwley , room is1. Continental block , Unmha , Neb. 7 ! < ( K 1 \r ANTKD Good tinner. : tie N. inth st. 707 art W \NTUD llrldfrn raipouters uud laborers. I'll ley. Kramer ttt'o , cor. llth nnd Fiirmim Bts , Va\.Meyerbulldihg. , " ( \"l' AN'J UU-2 J ouiig IKOII for light work nt J15 Ti x oolvly. Koom 17 , W N Kith. UltJ 1J ! ( " \\'P ANTUD J1nn-n hustler who solicits In V the way of printing , to handle good side linn. Address. L U5. Ilee. _ li'Jil : ' ! _ \\7ANTLD-2' ) coal inlnars for Wyoming JI.OO pur tou--'OfJ rockiin'ii aud laborers for Wyo ming. good wages. Albright's Labor Agency _ _ _ _ AOKNTS ! Wrllo for terms. M siimtilo corset ties. Si-Iilelo < ! c Co.S'Al Hroadwav , Now York. * " \ \ ' 'ANTKD Salesmen nt t" . " > per month salary T T and oxpemca to f-ell a line . ) f hilver-platcd ware , watrhoietc. . l > y Huuiplu only : hoi oanil te.un furnished tree. Write at once for full par- tirnlnrs and sample unkn of goods free Stand ard Stiver Ware Co. , Ho'ton , Mas1 * . 574 "VVANT150 A good ollice niun to o cast ; V i imiftlnvoBtfcViuu ; must bo n good buslnesn man. Address the ( ieo. S. Cline Publishing House , ol" ) to ffil ' .Yubat.li nve. . Chicago , UH- ) Men for Washington territory , Albright's Labor Agency , lU'U Faruoinst t-'x ) "VX'.VNTKD-d'pod bilrklayers nnd stonccut- tergooil wages paw. Apply M. T , Murphy. I'rumont , Neb. _ HiiO \\rANTUD 1'our nuudred moil for truck lay- Y > ing in Wyoming , Apply to P. II. .lonnsou , It. &Mimi > 8cngi < r .depot , ( nualiii. IKli \rAXTKlT Agents. "Dodgo'it Her e Ulan kut Holder" keeps the blanket from blowluc or sliding oir the IIOI-MJ. Nothliig like it In the market ; nvcvy horse-ownor buys Humpies by mall , 25c , StaynerftCo. , Providence It. 1. _ _ li l.o--llt . . Canada. Wo pa > Tf > to 5103 a month mu cxiien.stn to agents to sell our Canadian growi block. Add. btono Ar Wellington , Madison , Wls WANTED--FENIALE HELP. _ _ : A\rANTUD-StronK ulrl for general house V > work , Btnall family , Uermanvrefnriod,21 NJl'lh. ' J _ _ _ _ H15 'A ) "llTANTUD A woiiianto do onoral liolisc work ; must bapood cook p.nd lauudrebs : In f.ttmiy. wutfes il per cck. Apply 1UU 1'ull competent nirl wanted for genera GOOD In Biunll tamtly ut K'M N. IHth st ' . 7 ai' _ " \\rANTKD-A good girl at * ufl California st > > _ _ ' _ Kill- 1 H glrTat Iflio'cullfonila st , JCO I IT _ \r.\NTHD-A good sT ' 'Oth i.i _ 'ANTIJD A good clrl for gciiciral Itnusc wa-r. ftW8.3Mlii _ e. fiK 1 \ rANTUD-A youuit woman to do jjcuori > liousow.ork. luqulrjlfcU Capitol nyuuuo , . _ _ _ _ * * VV ANTUD-Wnltress tor Colorado. S for W ; ' > nmlng. WJ : competent j-'lrl for Itiiilalo , U family , KM ; 1 for Deadwood , Dak. , CJO : pastr cookw. n : coot lorolllCL-r's fnmliy of 2. S.'O ; an . umouat of good places iu prirutu famUlos. Mr lln-gu.ill4t B. 15tli _ ' _ K"1 . ? _ glrl , cooit and'iauudrt'ss wanted l AUUUti Or Collmauu'B rojldencoth ; and 8 MurvJMiive. _ _ _ Wl 22' ' WAN l'TilMiddle uged'Udy for light Jiotui _ _ \mik. tKXl a ith Bt. 8l'-lht If ANTKD-QIrito do general housework , Tin family , Apply at ! SJ < * Dodge i WANIBD-WaUtbastur nnd niilihorn. A. Wnllaw , 1SID Howard st. 70.1 H yANTUD A good girl ; 1W1 tnlitornla at. \\rANTKI > -Clood elrlt binnU family ; goo li wacv3.bI''Ucurirauve. . uearLcavonwortl _ 7IS \V > AN1'1' " Fli-ttt-ctau experienced suT ' Tiul i In cloak dapurtmeut. btuto exiit- ' ' Had where employed. Adilresv LK. , Hoe , DRESSMAKING. LOUIS Wlnoberg dress nnd cloak maker ; pltiMi cloakftto orrtcr and steamed ! sealskin clonks repair * ! , ail Kinds fur trimming fur nished , to Capitol are. , repairing of nil kind. _ HUS3MAKINO In inmlllos. < W7 So. 17th nvo. p _ JSS Minnlek'a dressmaking piylors. 17SI m .oavenworth. 773O26J BOARDING. > OOMS and board , 801 bo. Will nve. t R.V ) I WAN7ED-TO RENT. FOl"K gentlemen rtnslro sultn of furnished rooms within tlvo blocks of 13th and Doug las. Addre-fs M 19 , Hoe. Hi > M " \\7ANTF.D Two unfurnished roonta by Nov. i V 1st , 1) . M. Pearson , care Hnrr D. (1. ( Co. Ht * 18r "VVANTUD-Small fnrnUhod homo In eood IT locAllty near primary school. Address M ! ' . Ilco olllco. TO--lbt V\7ANTKI-lly family of three , small fur- i i nlihed house , for 0 months. Address Jl 5 , llec oilier. - 7S12) unfurnished or fimiMiod rooms with board forman , wifonnd coo child : mu tbo between llmdctte , lllunoy. IBtn und Jsth. mod ern conveniences. Adurcsa M C , Ilco olllco. 7X1 16" FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. " \\rANTID llonm nnd board In private hoaullm ; house whern tliuro are few hoard ers : two young ladles ; roforoii'-os. Address M 211 lee. ted 'M1 _ _ 77KHI I.UAsTT-3 farms , fi yeari" , 11 miles out. JL1 Hoggs .V Hill. real cjtntu , 1403 I'nniam.2U 1711 ) H LUAMi Choice Inside realdaueo Ints lor Jt ; long term of years , > > low rental , Hoggs & MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTKI ) Hoard for Kn-jcioinan. wife mid two small daughters iinnr primary school : two tlrst-claw ) rooms needed not higher than 'M lloor. Address M 10 , Ileo olllco. 701-iat \\7ANTED To know a peed location tor n i Y harm-is shop , address J. 0. Hlcsslng. Ar lington. Nub. 77ii lit ? ANTUD Party to rent lialf of furnished olllco in otm of tlio bust bulldlnjs in city , iiooonicei. 701 - of FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOlt HUNT One. steam-boated Hat In Harris ic Fisher block. Tied O. Harris , IftlD Dodge. 81221 G-ItOOM collage , china clo-sot. pantry , cellar , city nnd tlstoni water , Iniyo yard , pavement and Htret't cur ; rent J18. Call on the owner , II. II. Mc.Mahou , K. o. cor , ISluand Arbor."its. btlTSQ TWO new 4-room hous-os for lent , $11 and $12. JS. . li , cor. 13th uud toiilcr. Jill 20 * 'ino KUNT-Two frame hotisos on S Kthst. . Jl.bet Howard and.lacksor.sts ; will put them In coed shupa for a reliable tenant. For terms call Her Je Co. , 1112 Harnoy st. S.T7 K'lNK-room house. In excellent location ; all modern cruvenluuces ; rent. $ JO per mo. I'ricc of furnlttiro iWO , pait cash , balance on time : rooms full. Co-Operative l.ivud and Lot Co. . 20."i .V. lUtli st. 821 10 _ riMJN-room house , in coed location ; nil mod- 4. crn conveniences , el.storu water , etc. ; rent 350 per mo. Co-Opcnillvo Laud uud Lot Co. , 20" ) N. lEthht. t > il it ) _ O 5-ltOOM mow ) houses , allmodeiiiconvenlen- Ocea except furnace , ct if 10. half block from motor. 5lii 1'axton llloiik. _ 820 71OH KKNT Two 6-roim cottasos on D.iven- F port street about thrco ulockB \ > es > t of the hlKli hchool , lurr.lshed , i > oacn. ( ino. N. Hicks. K. Y. LUubldg. 83720 _ > OH ItKNT Newly pnporcd rroom house , P { { oed well , clstorn , near street cur * , 2hOO I'rankllnst. Inquire llrst doornortli. Ktl 181 : TTTOIt HiIHT 1 ijood cottages In Omaha S'iuw. JL' llongsi : IIllL 8li ! 20 TT1OII HUNT Nice 7-room hotfe with modern JL1 convenience , 5U1 N. 2Jth , uoar Crelghton Col- lese. _ , _ 7i'.i ' 20 * TT.OII ItUN'T Ono now H-room house at cor. JL ? 1 ttli- and Capitol nve , biillt uvpressly for rooming : will ba completed 2iUh December. See Dr. Neville , cor. 14th and DoURliiM , _ 771 22 r OIl HUNT To responsible party , 7-room house. No. 12 1 N. SOth Bt. liobeck , Koom IS , Chamber ot Commerce. 707 20 roil HUNT Fine residence , 2112 Cass street , furnished or unfurnished , to small family for term of years. Low rent to responsible par ties. Hoggs & Hill , real estate , liui I'lirnam st. H OL'SKS and business places torrent. J. J. Wilkinson , 618 I'nxton blk. 788 T III U best house for the money in Omaha for rout ; 8 rooms , furuoce , batli , hot and cold water , on Dodge Bt. cable line , $10 per mouth. F. .1. Itorthwick. LM3 S. llth st. _ _ 773 FOlt JtBNT 10-room house , with all modern convcniouces , on south 10th street , opp. llro\Micll hall. 7-room home.-'li South 17th street. a 4-room cottages on fcouth I''th street. Will i-out veiy cheap through thu winter , ili rootn Hats , on N. 17th St. , suitable for light hnusokeeplng. ApiJly to ( irceti i ; Wlltliims , 1st Nntl. bunlc bulldiui : . ff J IS-room house with all couvonionces LAIUiR and largo barn , cor. iUth und Caiuwell Hts. C t ) I'.riNT At corner of.lones and'J5th gts , , FOH a very destrabln house of nine rooms uud laundry w 1th all modern improvements , st iblo if dcsliod. The W. C. Ivts Co. , yi3 S. 14th st. C2318 FOIl HENT Five room house , 515 per mo. , S , li corner llth and Vinton Hts. on fT-room home with b.iru , Jl'i ni-r month. 0. ! ' t Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. 4t'J 171OU HUNT Outside Hat In Llutou block ; t JU rooms , heated by steam , newly papered , grnto in parlor ; aUoonu Hat upstairs. No , t * . Iu qulrnutun , in the block , 15th ana Mason sts , John IhuuUii , at'eut. K 'JO * T/UU HUNT -1-00111 housa with all convon JO leiiccs and in llrst-class location ; can glvi : posEcssion nt once. fi-room Hat , &I7 N. 1Cth St. . J3J. M'o have several houses and a number oi store rooms for rent. Apply to Green it Wll Hams , Flr.st Nat , Itank building. _ 4117 ilNT 7-room cottajro. with bath , 201- Capitol uve. Inquire i8 ! Cupltol nvo. 311 11 " rno inNT-rmt n , moso. jot t. lias ai JL coiiveiitt-nces and will bo pnpoied and llvei up in good slmpa for a good tenant. Call a Her Jt Co. , 1113 llarney St. , for vaitlculars. ' ' | I\OH \ HUNT Handsouio 10-room house , al J3 convenlencos. paved street , caule and her > i curs , 5 minutes' \ \ all. of poatolllce. Nathan She ! ton , 1011 l-'aruiimat. _ b51 T7IOK KKNT A neat , nnwfi-roonicottaire.nca JO Leavonworth und Uith t-treets. Inquire to Lucbbun , at 1007 Karnam St. , Omaha. _ ll'i _ TTOH HUNTNlco new fi-room cottages wltl -L' collais , UkOnmlSHS Half Howard st. Hou J15 per month each. Kuqnlio Ml B 17th t. I V 3 FOK HUNT ID-room house , nil modern eon vonlem-es , halt MOCK from street car. t- ; per month. Cull at K7 1'iixloii blocK. Ill "iroil HUNT Twelve-room house , fctablo am JL1 carriage hout > e , on -IstBtreet. . next to coi ncr Leavenworlh ; modern immovemeiits nu < lu perfect repair. Apply to Lewis S. Heed { Co. , room 1:1 : , Hoard ot a rado building. WO " | 4\OK \ HUNT 10-room house , steam heat , nl Jf improvement * , iluiup rent. (1. K. ThoinpsoiJ room -U , bheely bock , 16th and Howard. til 1'TOll HUNT KIght room house , wltn iiiupl JL grouiidi ! . corner Lcaveuworth and -1st Ht . buth loom , hot und colil water. Apply to Low ! B. Hoed \ Co. , room I'J , Hoard of Trailo bullillut UN r by Shales / { Hamilton Itoom aiu 1st National Hank aide. Kft 11-rooiu tioute. nil conv , , " 4th aud Cuss sti ( LU-ll-room house , all conv. . same location , al 10 t-room house , ull conv. , llaiiscom i'lace. Kit---7-room ll.Us. ICth nnd Howard ttta. fi'i K-iooni bouse , nil conv. , Windsor Place , j- . ' * .i > " 7-rf > om nouea , till conv. . Windsor Plac „ m 1-1 ' > oem house all conv. , lift ! B. U3th ve. ry | Unttrw btilhilngon S. IGth St. , suitable for hi iy tel or boardtny ; rent all or part. . - - 71011 KENT 0-rooiu modern Improvedhousi J corner. Apply M. Klguttor , 11U B. 10th. K it. VUKY low , two 7-room houses on 18th an Vliitoii ; two 8 and ll room house * on7t and Woolworth ( with city water aud bath ) ; tw fi-i-oom boiuecj iu IJucolu Pitce. Koom 61 Puxtou bloct , 460 IjlOK HUNT Neat i-room hotito , In good r JL ; pair , on cor. Wth und Woolwortn uvo. ; po nesalon given Oct. 1st. liuiulro U. 1) . 1z chuci Ilee olllco. VM FOR REHT-ROOMS FURNISHED. litOU lr..NT ( Nicely Mrrlslivd rooms wit J. hoard in private family , reference)1. ) ! y 1 nmam mg | iy ) rjoruj furnUhiHl for housekdepiutr , clica ; . llth , bouth of viaduct. 71W 1ST 1Jif.UOANT suit ot rooms In modern brick JtJresldcnco ! suitable for four gentlemen , alto Int-lo room. Hoard It desired. Telephone ; IftnCatsst , 610 K.n TilOK KPNT-I'urnl hod front room wltn Rl JJ modern conveniences , to gentlemen only , BtC ri8t. Mary's avenue. Apply at More , 810 SOrTII front room for rent , heated by steam. 2100 DotlRlag. R-fl " 1JIOK KF.NT Nlco tunilshod front room for Jc ono or two contlemen , en1'athnnd heat , on DottRlas , Adarcsa M 17 lice ollice. I'J ll I poll KUNT-0 newly furnished rooms. S013 llnrneysu M a ) ; : D back parlor , SC07 Cass bt , j. sin TfKJll KF.NT 1 lares room , sultablo tor four : X1 board If deslroa. 1117 Chicago at. KJU'Mt "T7iLF.lANT furnished rooms ; every modern Inconvenience ; 810 month and upwards , ( llobo Hotel. 01018 * K HUNT A milto of rooms , with board , tt ! Dodge street. K'.i ' 9 IIUO.M8 , llghthousc-kceiilng 1319 N. Ibth FUK.N1SIII3D front rooms. 409 N. 19th. SS 21J N 'lOKIiY furnished rooms , KOO Dodge. 401 0 EliliOANT fnrnUhod rooms wltU bath nnd Ktcntn ; U1D llmvnrc Bt. ' M7 "IJIOI ! JII'.NT rurntshed moms fori'Bontie- J moil , or man nnd wife. IRK ) Oouglui. fi i O I , Mini ; well furnhhfd front rooms ; nlso M south lit'd room : moiiern convoniuncoi ; llrst class board If dOMheil ; siXi 1'nrnam. 7U1JJ ITIOU HUNT To ono or two rent lemon with J-1 Kood references , a nicely nmdilied front room , heated by steam uuil centrally located Inquire Til 8 UltU st , _ IKS IJT. Cl.Allt r.ttropenn hotel , cor. IStli and Ollodpe ; tiicclnl rale by week or month b XJ ' " TTlOlt HKS"T " nicely furnished rooms , with -13 board ; IllJil Capitol uvcnno. to3 R : NT rnrnised front rooms , na _ lipdBQ street. _ . 0-W-o : i _ TJtOll ItKNT A pleasant bay-window south J- front 'room ; best location ; all conveniences ; suitable for onu or two gentlemen. . ' 1'J 1'arnnm. " 17Mlt KENT Two fnrntsnod rooms on Ht. J-i .Mary's ixvonue. to gentlemen only : six milt- xitra' wnlK of business crntor. Hcferenco 10- qttlicd. Inqulro at store , " 10 and "I8.15th st. ' > OOM with or without board 181S 1 L SIB Foil ItnNT Nicely fnrnlshod rooms with cas , bath nnd heat. Paul's llats , Hoard four dollars n week. 407 N lUtli st. 7ft L'lt GOOD room wltn batli. 6iaa 2Cth bt. MS N.ICKTiY furnished room , all couvonlencus,3l.i N. 17th. 450 ( ) 18 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. i ! desirable looms on llrst lloor ; mod- ere conveniences. Addiess Jl t , lice olllco. TJT1OU ItKNT 1 unfurnished rooms Vr private J-1 family , pleasant location , hlKil.cejlluKS.Kiia. liatli. larpo clostita and on motor line , llmulro at'--'ID LnavemvoitU street , rent rt-naonulile. HKNT-Tnorooms in brick llat.lstriloor. In central location ; turulruro S12.1 ; lulit { 15 per nio. Co-Oiiuratlvc Liiuil and Lot CO. , 20"i N 10th ht. b07 20 IT1OK ItKNT Unfurnished rooms for house- -i. ' kceplni ; : nlso nlco foldlnnbed und I'lirnlturo for saleulieap ; u. o. cor. IGth and Cans Nt.i. , over ( iontlemau'8 frocery. 71 18 * TPOIt HRNT 1 unfurnished rooms.sultable for JJ liousekeepIiiK. 2D8 N. 13thst. _ 'Mi FOR ItllNT I'nfurnlsheil rooms suitable for housekeeping , convnmcntly looatu.l. llutt's Ucutlns agenry , 1500 Karnam. DJflo'iJ FOR RENT-STORIS AND OFFICES ABTO It K , rent very low , to a lespoiialblo par ty. Inquire In lead store. No. 113tJ N. li-tiiht. ' M1IIR most promising locality for business In JL Omnlm Is on lUth ht. . between Fiirnani and Lcavunworih. the future retail district of the city. Ulejtaut blocks aiu going up , und nothing bhabby will ever be crcLted there. Take a look at the nowbiockat Nos. 7C7-70-.I- 71 IS. Kith St. , near Leavenwoith ; nil henteil with hteiitn , ann full plate-glass front , nud so- euro a lease for n iiumbor of years. The * . 1' . llall.'IllPaxton block. M5 HUNT S new stores , 017 uud 013 S. 18th. " windows. : J5u - F ell HUNT Store room In Hey d opera lionso building. Enquire American Savings llauK. C10K HUNT A 4-story brick building. 03x1X0 , JD hiiltablo for wholjsnlo : good trackage ; 1 have also a number of tine residence prop- city fur rent or Bain. For particulars call or addiesa 4M-41jJlee ( bldg. N.O. llrown. ! .3 store , with cellar , 0-JO South Kith.Ml . Ml Nit HUNT "very desirable basements tinder FOIl der block cor. itlth and .Inckson tts. , slvo WlxlOfeot. They have steam heat nnd water and would be suitable for a barber shop 01 most any kind of business. 1 will llx them uj In good shape for a good tenant. Callntlll : . Harney St. . P. U. Her. 4' FOlt UUrJT-Store. 1111 l-'ariiam St. , 'JO by la 8 feet , 2stories and collar. Nathan Shelton 11)14 ) raruaui st. fco'J rpo IlKNT Deslrabla warahouso room 01 -L track. Apply to C. W. ICoith , 714 Pacific st fci U Oil HUNT The 4-story brick liulIdltiK will or without power , formerly occupied by The lice Publishing Co. . U10 l-'arnum sr. Trio biilld- Inghntt a tlro-pioof comoiite.l basimont. complete pleto steriin-heuttntf llxturos , watsr on all the lloors , cas utc. Apply nt the olllcu of The Ilee i'lTi ' 011 llEVr After Oct. 1. Hun trout oince ground iloor ; plate ulass window ; heat am light funilshea ; a most desirable location fo nny kind of business ; rent reasonable. Inquire Omaha lee Co. . 1110 So. 1'itli st. M > "TOOK HUNT Three-story brick building , 1110 Jv Douglasst. . suitable for wholesale or ware- hoii5e. Chab. Kaufniann"M Douglas ? tr ot. ItfJ HUNT Ilasoment 10 bv 01 f t , heated by Kurjiilro J. Nagl , U12 Bo. 1'Jth st. 471 MISCELLANEOUS. ( I- \\7ANTKI ) People to know that Wneoler/ > i Wheeh-r are the f ole RReuta In Doutclai Co of the I'copl'-s' Live ttocKjns. Co. . of Penti. coer t loss from all cauw.tVo am Insure your lioreu for tioo. for less than two cents per duy. Wheeler & Wheeler , Douglas uud 15th bt. 756 18 _ i The ben Hwcot plrkles in thn mar ket. Ask your grocer for Ilnlna1 flwect pickles nnd take no other. . Cfc'i iM T7-OK LUASU-,15) n--roi adjolnlng city , for JU daliy. poultry , gardenlntr. oto. In lots to suit ; ? J per acre. Hoggs c Hill , I40a I'ui-uiim. * I7iUATII I'TlS clcaiiedTcurled iTiid "dyed , hats JL1 reshaped , at 1'.M. Sahadell .V LU.'JIH N. ICth. A I'CTION sales nvory Tuesday and Friday i Vinoniin ut ml Farnam. Omaha Auction & ; Storage O ) . 775 ] D II.MAKY f-troiur , cor. Baiindeis and Casslus i- tits. , Kmmtzo place. Toleplione 1H ( . 2117 nilf DCASH CASH paid for household fnrnltnie. stoves. Omaha Auction i Storage Co. , llil 1'ariiHin. A NTIQI'AHIAN HOOE Store. Ill : ) I'arnam st. 2\ . Cash paid for Mecond-hand boous. EDUCATIONAL. A UT painting taught for We a Jetton ; paints -TXniid bnishOH furninhed. All kinds of paint ing und stamping donu to ordur , M , O , A , Tnouibon. 13ISN. 17th St. . up Btnlia. bM 18t r V'UNINd I'lench class. New York Lite ) llullutug , Itoom 'M\ Jules Merle. 711 N 13 rpIIKbanjo taught as on ortby Goo , ] ' . ( film- Jl beck. Apply nt lice ollne. UW ( jTidoiT of Expression. Vocal Aitlculate , Pantomime , 1. V. Anderson , Sheolv block. UliOJur STOCK QOARDiD. .rANTKD Horneg 10 winter at fin month o- \ \ . per head on farm near Irvlngtou. Plenty of grain and hay to feed , good bhulter and ; ; oo.l caie Klven them ; colts , hordeor rows taken in exchange for f ending thum. W. 11. Hainan. 101 id HOItSUS Wintered at my farm , good range ih and Puddockb : no barbed wlie on place ; ro liorses called for and delivered : terms n toiler ate. Telephone ti77. Chas. McCormlck , Cul noun. Neb. 4I7-D7 e- T WILL winter horbos on W. II. Mlllard1 ! 13- Jl farm nt Calhoun , Neb. Iteasouable rates 13k , rare considered. Orders can be left with W. 11 Mlllard or mailed mo at Calhouu. T.Jl''lrmlnt' 114 ill th UIp. IO3T One piece ot 115-181 nch tnattlng bo Jtweeu Ncrtb und South Omaha. Leavi p. word at 603 B. lUth. 1'lnUer witlbe liberal ) ; \rudeL ( ( = 3 t)00 ) IB QllAYIn-T.iftht ! b-W bor . white hind feet , VTJwlth vliltaMreAk.ilqwn foroliead. blind in right tye , taken tip InTlKYk > dd. Owner may hav snmobypnyliiKdn tof keeping , etc. Win , Grah aru. 8. Uli. C'latk'.y udd. 801 I8t T.OST-Palroperft Hinges tit Hoyd's opera J-Jhous TnctiVny erefllnif. Finder will bore warded by returnlne them toSM S 13th st , 8 , " I PERSONALS. - * l - DKAIt wife , do not falj , to Imve Helnt ? ' sweet plcklps on the InUls , If you want 1110 to be > rompt nt my mt-als , _ " * y 10 O LADIUS. nicely sllvnted , want Rcntlcman Jcorrospondcuts.objdcr fun. Address M rJ , Ilco. LADIUS and gonlleiu'oii dcilriiift correspond ents uddroHs Corresponding Club , Kansas ? lty , Mo. Inclo. ostamp. ' * How era nnd plants cheapest at A. ' 1153NKthRt. no 20t WANTED-TO W ANTKD To liny Itnprovi-d business prop erty on r.irnnni or Douglas between I.tth nnd Uith Ms or on 15th between Capitol nvo and Inrncy st. or on ICth st between Webster nnd A'ftveuworth Ma. Cash customer ! onlv good ) arpahis will be considered. Harris , room 411 , st Nnt'l bane building. M7 " \\rANTUI ) To buy come llrst class inortgnRcs for eastern party. Hoggs A : lllll. mitl / 1A8H for fnrnltutc. carpets , etc. Well's Auc- \J 'tlon Storage Oo. . J117 H. KltU. 715 WANTKD-4 or f > tliousuud yds ot earth to > i 1111 lot 58. Ilurr Oak add , up to grade , In- Hiiro W. N. Dorward , 1517 Dougln- . 700 STORAtSE. at lowest rates. W. M. Hiisliinan. i.'lll Lcnvonworth tH ( DTOUAOK and forwardlnp. We collect andde- T5llver noodn of all description , merchandise , furnlturo nnd baggage at cheapest rates for htorago for anv length of time. Vnus and wngoim to be had at shortest uotli-e , with care- 'ul , men lor moving. Packing nud shipping i-om our own wiirohouse donn on moderato charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on ouv own tracks , Olllco SI f S Kth bt. TclenhoiiolH. Howell * Co SKI ' TOHAGH nt low rates nt 1IJ1 rarnnm street. Omaha Auction nud Storage Co. tdi ' CLAIRVOYANT. MADAMR U'clllnKton , world-renowned as- trologlt , test modmtn aud destiny reader , lust from Kuropo , Tells your life from the cradle to the grave , reunites the separated , catihcs speedy manlrge with the ono you love , locates disease and terats with maassgn nnd electric baths. All In trouble should not fall to consult this gifted poorest. Parlor 0. upstairs. 4178. llth ; olllcu hour ! , from 10 a. ra. to 10 v. m. ( S IN * FOHTHNU Teller Mrs. Lpnorman can bo consulted on all aflalrs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No. 1110 N. 15th at. ( XKnllj -f fll. . NAwNil- : . Warren , clairvoyant , mcill- J-'fal und business uiedium. Femnlu illscasos UDN , lOtn st , , rooms" nnd : i. tOJ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING \\7 IIITI'LKSUY'S slioithand nud typewrlthiK .school. Iturkor block. Tuo best and cheup. est In the city. .W N I'J * STANDAHD ShorthandSchool.ltoom.'ir. Wnro blk. . ( successor to Valentine s ) tlio largest excluslvostiorthauilKchoolluthe west. Te.u-n- crs are vernatlm reporters. Pnrttculur attention paid to typewriting. M'oehanlcal ' constiuction oCiiiachiue taught by foctory expert. Circulars FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS neil HALK- One seul'Kht ' double haruessTA" 1 P. Tukey. N. Y. Lifiibldg. S55-1U HOIISB , buccy nud harness clieap. Frank Gotham , mil andfticliolussta. 871'Jt \ TflOlTS A LU S'ollH-e da.sks'aud 3 sii6\v cases. J Omuha Kubber Co , , , ' .U'J ' 18 POH SA LE Fine Ilhrge horbO iio trndo Hoggs .V lllll. ' i , _ MB ! _ iroit SALU li yds vcluet Hruisels earmit.oua JL1 Hue oalc bed loom fat. only been lined low weeks. Will sell very cheap 1518 Douglas. Fptalrs. . ; ' 608 SJ FOlt BALI' Marble monuments at cost nt 221I * Cimilngst. " , 4C5 " 'OJ Foil HALIJ Furniturp ot It-room houseS.'iOD ; rent 83U luconiu Sl3 > ) per mouth. Inquire r.o'j s. iitii ht. ' ' 7ai is * "I71OK SALK Anew furnace ; cheap for cash i.1 or will trade , inquire nt U16 S. iith. : 7JO " | jUt ! 8.\M ? Single horuos or teams , cnoap , JL and on easy terms. 11. F. Masters , Itoom 4 , Witliuell biillillng. Till ) "I Foil 6ALH Now Amesberry phaeton ono of the finest. Hoe H. F. Muster I , Koom I. With- nell building. 7JJ't FOK SALK Ono llvo-glass landau iu cnod re pair. Uasy payments. H. F. Mattel s , lloom 4. Withnoll buildlnp. 7 3 'M "IJ1OltSAlii-3 : cows cheap. II. II. I lender- -L1 fcou , toosu 10 J , 1'axtou blk. Mi IJ lly every leading grocer. Heinz nwcot pickles. 0sl-2ar EOK HAM' A quantliy of bulldlnc stone. Apply to the Biipoiintendeut llea building. C25 EOll SALU-Scoond baud furniture or nine room house. Apply ut 035 S. 17th sr. FOR SALU-Ice in car lots , Gilbert llros. , Council lullsla. _ _ 4ini 22 SAI'U for Sale Hanraiii ; double uoors : nearly new. 518 N. J . Life ilulldlng. 272 "I/IOB SAI.K-A Il'i-horsi ) Diwer Porter engine JIn good condition , wulwht r > ,100ponnds cyl inder llxld. For particulars apply to The Heo olllcc. 71)3 ) ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND ( Juarauten & Tnist fo. . N. Y. Llfo bidg. complete abstracts f.irnlMitd and tltiin to real estate uxamlned.psrfoctod & guaranteed. WIS PflOWEY TO LOAN T OANS on chattel and collateral socurity.spii- JtclU rates this week. Ilinvkeye Investment Co. , H. ; ct. DougluB bl'k. , ll'th and Dodge xts. MONEV to loan on city or farm property. < ieo. .1. 1'anl. 100'j rarnamst. _ _ _ R-N'I MONUV Ibuued on chattel Kecurltv or rcu estate. J , .1. Wlluinson , 018 Paxlonblk. 783 CJI.OO. ) Pnvatn moiioy to loan or will buy good Pmoitgage , W. L. Solby , r. I'J , lloaid ot Trudo. 728 _ O MAHA < 'hattel Loan Co. , lloom 42 , Darker blotk. Money at lowest rate. 713 o 21 Till HST mortgage loauj at low late ? and noL -L delay , li , \ ' . dholus.'JIO Flrat National bank. " 1I"I"IIK ( making chattel orcolhitor.il loans , J Jit will pay you to see Thu Western Invest ment Co. , room 417. lieu building. hMl MONUY to loan on city properly nnd farm hinds nt lowest ratoj. J. D. Xitlle. 4 0 I'ax- tonbloelc , 178 DO YOL' waiit money ? It soTdoiVt borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from Jl ifi * 10OTj. 1 make loans on houtohold good' , plnnoi. or gans , horses.mule ? , wiitfijaM.warehoii-ie receipts , liousec , Ivnses , etc. . in any amount , at the lowest poKsiblo rates , without mibllcltv or removal ot property. .1 Loans t-uu be made toe ono to six months and yon can pay part at ftiiy time , rodiic'.nir both pilnclpul and intere-it. If youowo n balance on \oiu-ttirnltiiie or horsui or have a loan on them. I will take It up .nncl carry it for you as long as you desire , < If you need money vnn will find It to ycur ad vantage to boo inu befni/i / borrowing , H. F. Musters , loom I. , IVlihnell building. l."itn ' ' " b73 nnd llarney. _ _ ' \TONKV to loan on''iioraes , wagona , mules , J.M household 6oods. iiWuos , organs , diamonds , loneit rates. 'Ihe llrst druunlred loan ollico In the city. Miikt-nloannCijora thirty to three bun dled and Klxty-llve daya ! .which cnn bo paid In paitorwholu nt uuy'ttmo. thus lowering the principal and liiteresto' ' Cull una eeo UH when you want moiioy. Wo pan ossWt you promptly uud to } our iidvantatre without removal of property or publicity. 'Money ' always on hand. Nodelavln makmir loins. C. F. Heed & Co. , J1U 8. VJtJist. , over'lllnghum & Sons. b75 J M.NiV ) ; to loan. O. K Davis Co. , roalostato und loan agents , 1.7)1 ) Furnarnst. KO AANTiii : FlrstKlass insldo loans. Lowest rates , ( 'all und uuo us. Mutual Invest- meut Co. . 1UU Karnain. b77 * ro.S'l'Y loaned on chattel rccurltloti uud Ljeuelry , Koom 411lShoeloybk.4'.II.Jorome ! , 0',5 o U'J ! ! IJITILDINO loans. D. VT Sholes , 210 l-'lrbl JJNuJUpnal banic. B7U 1 > P.S1DKNCKloans O'i ' to" percent ; no ntl -ltdltlonal chaises for coramUslons or attor ney's fees. W. il. Molklo. First Nat bank bld iruVSTONE Mortgaga Co.-I.oans of 110 tc -tl.UUgetonr ; rates before borrowing niu : save money ; loan on homes , furniture , or nuj approved nocurlty , without publicity ; notct bought ; for now loan , renewal of old , and low cst vatoscall Kaw.Shuelty bltlith i Howard at. "jirONUVIo loan en leal estatw security al -I't-lowestrat-is. lloforu r.erotmtlnitloanu set , it au Hrown bide I U and Douglas. IOAN8 City nnri fArm loans , mortgage pa- 'ptr liousht. McCaKue Investment Co. KM r".OAKS mftibToirTreBt oaTato and mortRORcs JUbougnt , I/ouls S , Heed iCo. . r.ia , board trade b'4 MON'UY to loan by nn eastern man , on gilt edpo property , for th next lOdajs. Harris room 411. 1st Nut. Hank. M9 "Orif.DINO loans wnnted on brick Jor residence blocks. Fnvorablo terms and rates. Klmball , Champ iV Hyan , 120.i 1'nrnam. _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ aw N a _ PHILADELPHIA MortgARO & Trust Co7 fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers , uirchaso securities , perfect titles , nccnt loans nt their western olllto. ( Icorgo W. P. Coalcs , room 7. Hoard of Trade. MS _ I > 50.\000 to loan at C per rent. Mnnhau i Mu- Thoncy. ioonuV)3 ) Paxton block. tjo MONUV to loan on furnlt-i * . l.uicpu-sgsus , ctn. . or on nny approved security .1. W. iobblns , lilUi 1'arnnni street , PAX ton hotel , | \TONKY to loan at low rates nud no tlolny. Ill Capital ana surplus Jl.HV.UX ) . Lombard nvestmont Co. , .TU08 l.'ithBt , MO * C II ATTLl : loans , MTlctly fonlld9htlal7 M . I. I Inll , 111 Continental block. 7 Oii ( MONl'.V to loan on nny security tor short tlmunt low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment company , room IOU Paxton blocc. fcJ _ _ MONMY Ij < ians negotiated at low i-Htes with- out delay , and purchase good commoichu i.ipcr iiiui rnortgago notes. S. A. Slot Jiui. cor. ; ith und I'mnnni. s'l s. room 2111 Klrst Nat' I bank , bofora nuiklnK your loans. hi ! ) MON'KY to lonn : cash nn baud : no delnv. .1. W. y o uiro. isiu Fnruam St. , First Nutloual bank building. t-sl Ivjl'UltASKA Mort. Loan Co. win mnke you li i. i loan on household goods , horses , wagons , hind contracts , flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at i-oason iblo rutoa. Itoom' , llowlcy block , South Omaha. Kooms CIS-Dili , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. rpOI.OAN A few thousand on Insldu tinim- JL proved city protu-rtv or good "d mortgage p iper. Addres-t M 40 , Heo olllco. ttkl MON'I'Y loaned on furniture , horses and wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 S. mil st. , opposite Mlllard hotel. W ! SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. "WHIST National safety mifoslt vaults. Safes JU to rent J.1 to $ Ji a year , 3J7 S. nth. 2m BUSINESS CHANCES. V\TANTKD A man ot pncifjy with about * 80) ) cash to tukohalf interest In profitable legitimate business. Address M 1 ! * , lle. < . KVJ-IS" \ r ' > to $1.WJ cash to take c-haruo and hulf In terest lu drus f-tocK in Dakota. For pnitirnlniH aildrcss Krauk L. Sti'toon. Lincoln. Nob. S7 % ? J * A NO. ON U Clpar store , ono of the best in the city , in one of tlie best locations In the city , on reasonable lonns ; Invoice about JI.MTI. Co-Opcriillvo Land mid Lot Co . xLTi N. ICth st _ _ _ _ SM _ _ _ ITiOll HUN'1-Ncw hotel. In heart of city : JSJ thirty rooms. M'.Varnam Smlth.l OFaruam hill Foil SALK Cheapmarblu works.shop st ock. lools and very fuvoriiblo leasthptondld : chanco. liiiiulie nt promises , ' JIO C'linlin ; st. oi-JJTO N 2-itii ii\-e. 401 21" Ti'OlfHMXT Lunch Lonntrr at P. if. ( tieeu's. JL1 cor. Ifth and I3t. Mary's n\euue ; this is a bplendld rhnnun. Tbll 1HJ STOCK for Sale dents' fiirnlshiiiK fool ( . boots nnd phoes , best location In tneclty of Omaha , Neb. : Interests Hsewhei-e compels mete to sell out. Address M 7. Hew olllre. 7i'J IS- TjlOK HUNT SO aci-ps for Kardcnhiff , live miles J wo-t ot ( ) maliahouso \ \ Itb stone collar.barn. crib . flood water. 'Jl ncres tinnier , fenced , und running water. Call anil see It , or address at once , James Yore , KiJ S. HOlli St. , Omuha. _ _ _ HOTRL and bar tiirnlshed In SotFth Oniaha ; heated with steam , umvly papoivd. and all modern linprovementp. Knre rliauceforman of Miiatl capital. Hent flftl per month , with secur- Itv. imnilre liJOl llouclfts st. Omaha. (07 ( IW FOK SALK Store fixtures , safe , oHice , table" , uutcrs. sthelvinR ileak , show cases , olc. KO .1 ones , i : W i'arnum. MS 'JU ' . - -Wanted , a thotoiiRh business man as proprietor of branch' house for Ne.bra-.ka. Vor particulars address uox lOJS.Des SIolnc _ . la. T7IOlfBA L"fi Or trade , a well estaliifshed book JU and stationery store. IloxniS. _ Sjl _ 7I1OH HUNT llestaurant with bakery Inbase- JL ? meut and rooms nnovo. oath rooms , dinlni ; room to Heat ltx.ucw ) brick bulldlnir. lutnlos ownIng - Ing it w Ish to go out of business ; p.irty must bo responsible. For pal ticnlnrs address O. W. Whlttakor. ICearuoyJ'eb. . HulTalo Co. 4KJ019J FOlt BALK A private bank with its business in a live town. No other btuk iu the place. Good reasons for soiling. Address , L5 , Ileo. E OK SALK Lease and furniture of the De pot Hotel. Lincoln , Nub. , ut a haiiratn , A coed chance for the rifiht man. Address , Depot - pot Hotel. Lincoln , Nob. GJ'J "IJIOK SAIjIJ A good paying grocery store In JL1 Lincoln. Terms , half cash. For particulars address H , Uea onlce. Lincoln , Nob.CS7O CS7-O 21 * FOR EXCHANGE. W ANTUD 75.000 brick in t-vchaugo for clear lot In South Omaha , worth i" > 00 cash. IClo- frnntrinxl 'i foot lots for sale in North omatm addition , I blocks from motor lu openttlou.froin $ .Oil to JWMl ; cash , balance JIO month. Never better time to Invest than now $ ' , OJU in blocK of lotswitiiincuiiibranceiuiinluii"i nmlHyears , to exchnUBO for clear unimproved land ; make oiler. Many double corners on best streets In tne city for sale. Investigate. Rood property and money to exehunga for other property to improve. I Khu my wholu atten tion to real estate busltie. p. buying sellioc. reutliiR and L-xchanKliiff. Would be pleased to do business with you. Try me. Uoprso M. Cooper , N. V. Llfo building. _ _ > ' 1 ; 171OK HXCHANIJK 10J aero farm in Nebras- Jj ka , sixty milvs from Omaha , timber uud water vlcnty.wlll oxchaiise for Omaha orftuuh Omahu property. Address Hex & 05 , So. Omaha. t07 IU IjlOIt ICXCHANdK A nlco. clean veil lo- Jcuted grocery , with nn o&tablUhed trade. Invoices about tl.SQI ) . 4l7Hheely block. 7W ! 181 DXCIIANOU Initunit , Holt Co. . Nob. , now bouse , fi-rooms nud closets , with 4 cor ner low : rcniHfor fiu.pcr month. A feed store and two business lots , rents for Jl" per month ; will trade for n stock of hard ware , clothiiiK or boots and shous. Address Frank B. HartlKan. C'reto. Neb. 7Ui \\f ANTKD I want to Undo u Rood clear lot T in o in aim tor n Good team ot driving A. P. Tnkoy. N. Y. Llfo blilK. 7."i " | jXVUIIANGU Jl.yuO for a gonl nierchaiidlce J Jbtoro uoar Omatm : address box W , .Alton , la. " \\'ANTUI Smnll stock oTrlein Kenl' iiier- > T ctiaudlfp ; Kood Improved Keya Palm Co. farm of 10J or i'Ji ) crt-s. Addro&s , M 11. Ilee. bir. 18" ( iOOD farms in Illtchrock Co. , N o , to iido for stosl : of dry Roods , clotlilupr , boots nnd shoes etc , both In Kood Rtato of cultivation llchtliinimbaiico and near Rood llvo town , will trade OHO or both ; address LOi lieu olllco. 707 " 'J " | j > XCIIANll5 for city property , two good J Jforms Joining towns slttiatoil in Harhin and Oieely counties. Meyer A ; Kaapke , na > llar ney st. tnio'to V\"ANTUI > To exchancR iiry goods notions V > and millinery goods for clear land or city property nnd part cash. Address box 47U Vriiukfort .Ind. IMW KUNTAL property. IntldB , to xclintu : for clear farms or vacant city lots. The * . r. Hall.'ill Puxlon block. hJ TJ10K UXOIIANdU For nny kind of good JU property ! a Br'1'11 ' ' elevator inTUio of the boat towns In lown , situutert In the heart of u line uKrlcnlturul country. Present owner is not a grain man , ami has other business. A rnro chituce for a practical man. Also , live thoiiHand acrt'n ( iflluo limber land in northern Tennes see. Koom Jl , Chamber of Commerce. Tel , mo. FOR SALE-REV. ESTATE "VA7ANTUD-.Some houses and lot1) inMoiimoutli mid Central ParUstoeoll on monthly pay ments ; want -xdmiiRo 40 UCK-B of clear land for Miiull stock of coodBj good lot for a horse ; W acres clear land for coed vacant lots ; 410 clear land for good renting pioperty ; ! IW Iowa stock tarm for 10 or l.-room IIOUKO near llaus- com park ; a atortu ot gooas for laud , lots oud cash ; -nctlons ( of Colorado land for peed renting property : IfiO. JOT one , equity for i7& . L. Waterman. 107 1'aiton. _ HI 13t T AltOH double liousnllh umplo lawn for Jj.ulo. low tlBure.lllcko.N. V. Life uldg , BM2 fi OK SALK by Otto Lobeck on easy terms : J } 10 aires lu bpriuir Vnlk'y , adjoining city and near Kelt line , tva per acre , worth t'M. Hi acrt-h on Fremont , KUchovu It. it. , near Bo , Omaha , 4WOU. ' ) Acre lots In Solomon' * add. , IWO to 8000. Lobeck , lloom 18 , Chamber of Commerce. "O KAUTlFlIli cottage homo for Bale , a bar" JJsalu by Illcks , N. Y. Life bld . hVI30 , the CapltolLoflyingv.tTiln three , PIEKKU ! of a mile of the court house In 1'ierip , the capital of Bouth Dakota , can now bo bought for lloo each. In six mouth , they will bo wortli 100. Now U the time to buy Imiulre of 1C P , lloaworth , Koomlv' , Uurkt-r lllock. Omaha. GO TO tlia "Old Kellable" M , A. Upton Co. Ifilh nntt Knrnain. for real nstnt * Invest- monts. HeferenrM Our pst dealings. fiTR TTlOKSAliU tfi-acrn tracts ot land adjoining JL' ( Ity , will sell very clicnpon Mnall payments , H. II. Hall. H 43 Haric r blk. filf. 19 HAVtf nomelirstcTSssentaT Y - propVrty for -Lral cheap vrilhln ono mlle of postolllco , on paved streets nnd motor lino. Thos. F. nail , SllPaxton block. KB "filOK SAl.U Ono ot the best lots In Kosonolr J-1 add. H. II. Hall. It 4 * Darker blk. BIS III "IIUHl SALl * . vety chr-Mi. no trades , farm AI17A J- acres , nec.fi. 12 N. n W. Hamilton county Neb , " miles from Mnrniiettp. small house , stable , ilOiiacros pasture fenced , living water , price only ( iu per acre , fj.4 t7.tt > , one-third issw rrop included , Tprmi'$2Mcaili ! ) balanced percent Interest , 1 % 1C , Atkln ? , o\vnor , rallroaa build ing , Donvnr , Colo. 77 ' " " " ' ETOHTro'iu'i "house"splendid neighborhood" for sain by Hicks , N. \ \ Llfn bldg. t l a ) "VTKW modern bulltbrlck hous\ nine rooms , JL > for sale by 11 Icks. N. Y. Llfo btdp. 8.V' * M Jj < CHI S.\iK-ChcajPst llrst clTiss farm of 16,1 I1 acres In Nebraska , 13) aerjs cultivated , deep black rich sol ) , no naud ; Keaiuov county : & ! , 'M only. Hoggs A- Hill , 140S Fiiriiain. M1M KOMKS for , al ( on MmlilT ! Payments1 ! 7-room dwcllliiu In Central 1'nre , full lot , south front : payments , fli.N ) per month. Small rottago In Central Park , lull lot ; pay ments II-.M per month. 0 room dwelling , corner fiOth.nnd Patrick ave nue , full lot , south front ; payments , 120 per mouth. Hamlsomo 7-room dwelling , on tlracc Mteet , nil modern Improvements , on monthly p. y- menls. Olhorproperty lu nil parts ot the city. Call nnd bee mo. 1) . J , O'Douahoe , ItOl Kavnuiu , _ _ 7 < r : ' 'fjlOHHALir-lllU uefos verv line land In Cedar J. coutit.v , JI/JOJ takes It. Hoggs .V lllll , * li ) J tJPIX'IAL bargain so ncres of good farm kniand , 'Mi miles west of O.naha on I * . P. 11. K , , 4 mites mini town , in traini for lot , jno ) , iir.st iii-irtKngiMnpor , * vm. Full lot on Hamilton st , Wn'.mit lllll far & ( ii * . Inquire ot U. ( i. Merrill , 41th and Steward sts. KB Hj' _ ( lJ27HOnctiiil ( ) ! nluelnsldiibusliio s and resl- 'I'deiir'e.M.i.UKi-worth of houses being built adjoining , will soil for } 17OJinowl why ? For leiisouam In need of JIO.WW cash ; great oiler. Address1.M. Ilee. ( VlnllJ ) JrrLTOANT : bfick house , nltio rooms , pleil > JJUldiy iurulshcd , only $8iWJ , IHcks. N. 'i. Ifo built. .Vi : _ "VTICU eight loomTioTi-oTliiii'.coiii jilacu fur 1 > sale by Hicks. N. Y. Lite blc'g. KKli.t ) Tj101t BALU On long Hum nnd easy payment * , JU batidsome. nnw , well-ijuill houses ofHli.nnd "J rooms. All conveme ices , good nelghbor- oed ; paved streets , ntroet cars , and within Talking distance ot P. O. Nathan Hholton. UIU i'arnaiu street. PM FOlt SAliU Cheiipect and best residence lots In Oranhn to parties wanting them for ' oines. HOC.HSI.VHill. . Itoi1. I'arnnm. e 2i ! FOlt 8ALU At one-third what they are wortn r > lots rloHo to Dundee Place. H. H. llnll , 1142 Marker blk. 615 II ) TT10K SALK A line corner In Myors. lllchards A1 * Tilden's add. II. It. llall. II 4S Hai-Kor blk. B15 III KI.UdANT now cottage Hruif-roin pliuo for sale by (5eo. N. Hicks. N. V. Llfo bldg. K3 ' . ' 0 SALU fl-room house , uarn ana lot , Hun.icom Place , at n bargain. Harris , room U , 1st Nat. Hank. ttli'J A 1'UIIPUCT home , i-plendld now nine room Vliotise. No. ir.'in Popplt'tun nve. llaiisroin ilacp , just completed , cnn give Immediate pos I-S.MOU. for sale by Illcks , N. Y. Life bldg. SX'i M " 17)011 ) SAI.i : 8.0 > J nrroi land lu Nebraska : PnOxllO foot lots S. lath st. at a sntrltlclui ; n-lce. Inqulro 1112 S. 13tU. Oeo. II. Peterson. BI5 * TTIOIt SAIiU ICJ.OOO * iancra > stock tarm m Jv llrown Co. , Neb. For particulars wrlto telex lox 170 , Aliisrvorth , Ni-b. MS OJJ 'iSoKHALi : 3-room hotiao nnd lease , 13th aiul JOhio. . Uienu und ou easv term" . H. I' . ilAstcr.Itoom ' .Wltlnu-ll biillilliif. 7IJ9JM "ITtOK SALK On casv tarms. a line .vroom Jt ? house in Orchard lllll. For particulars address - dross L 17 lice olllco 881 OMAHA HOTELS. \VINDHK ) nOTni.-Corner of loth and T"l .Ut-ksonats. , X bloKs from L'ulou dopot. lest $ . ! u day hr.iiso in the clt v. SH7 grAHTRii.MASTi-irs : orncu- o Omahu , Net ) . , October 1 , 1SMScaled pro- lt" . in triplicate.M bo rncelved here until two o'clock p , in. , central time , OcVolmr 21st , 18M > . and then opened for fomtruetlon of ono brkk btorahon n at Quarteimastei-'s Depot in this rlty. I'.S.ieserve'silglittd ' reject any or all bids , l-'idl Information turnlslied on a ] > idlrntloii to this olllce , vheie plans ami upeclllcntloiiR ot the building can be been. Uu- rulojies containing proposals hlumld bo marked "PiopoMils for Urick Stoiehou-c"und atldros- f-od to WM. Il.-IirOHHS Lieutenant Colonel andDoDiily ( Junrtcrninstcr Ucneral. IT. S. A. , Chief Quartermaster. O 4 U 4 t 17 lrf. 1'roposals lor 1'nvlnt ; JlondH. SOUTH OMAHA. NKII. I October llitli , 181. f Sealed proposals will bj received by the un- derblgncd until October 2 ilh , ISili , at I o'clock p. m. , for the purchase of thlrty-elpht thousand dollars dlstilct paving IIOIUIK of the l Ity of South Omaha. Bald bond * will bo dated No vember let , 18S ! ' , and will be line in one , two , three , rour. Jive , six. seven , ulirlit and nine years from their date , a similar amount becoming dm * each jear , are hi sums of Hvo I mini run each , and bear interest from their date at the rate of seven per cent per annum , payable annually. The principal nud Interest are. both nayablo at the Fiscal agency of the State of Nebraska in New V'otir. Suld bonds are issued under the charter power of Kild City , nnd will uodellvernd to pur chasers on payment therefor at the City Tieus urv In ( Soutli Omaha on November 1st , 1 > U. Ilids will bo addressed to the undersigned and marked " 1'i-oposnls for District 1'avlui ; llnndi. " und > mii > > t Mute the full name and address of the bidder , thonmouut of f.ald lionils desired la hlmllar amount duo each year fiom one to in no years ) and the price proposed to bo paid with accrued Interest. Tlio right is rosencd to re ject any or all bids Ui > . JOIIM-TON. O Hid lot. Chairman 1'iiiauce Commute. PROPOSALS for Krectlon of School lliilldlnj ; oU. , I" . S..IndlanHsrvl-o , Vankton Agency , Daktotu. October 12llu IMt'.i. Sealed nropoxnb. Indorsed "I'ropoiiils for erection of n xchool building , or for building materials" us the < ajo may be , and dlrtcted to the undersigned at ( IroHiiwood , Dakota , will bn received at this ollice until one o'clock ot November Uh , im ! ' . lor tiirnlshlug the nucessiiry materials mid labor and lororectlnirn two story fnimii Hchool building ut thi ) Vankton Agency , Duk.'lnuo- cordaiuowlth pinna uud bpeulllc.itions that may benxamlucd ut the olllco ot the "I'lonesr I'l-oss" of St. Paul , Mlim. . the "life" of Oiiiahu , Nobr , , and " .lournal" of Sioux ( . 'Ity , lown ; aUo for furnishing n variety of lumber , bricks , win- down , dooiuhardw are , etc , , ( u tull list and des cription oC which miiv bo obtained by applica tion to the underMinii'U ) . required for agency buildings. I n wubmlt ting bids for the erection of tlio school Uiilldlng , didders miiHt Hliaolho li'iiRth ot time minimi to complete it : nnd for furnlslilns bnlldlnK matcrhils. the price of eiu'h nrttrle ollered for deliver ) under coiitract must bo ci'ocillc.illy htated. Cortllled checks- All IddH intifet no accompanied by ceitllled clierkb tiiion gome I'nllecl blutes depository , payable to thu order of the uud'-rMgnert. for at leiiHtn per cent o f the amount of The pioposal , which clii-ck. will be forfeited to the Dnlteil States lu case nny bid der or bidden ) leceivlui ; un nward MhidltHlI to promptly execute u contract with good and snf- llclent burettes , otherwise to bo loturm-d to Iho bidder , The right imosrrved to reject any or all bids or any ] irt of any bid if deemed for the bust Interest of the bcrvlce , SAJll'l'.L T. LKA\ , I" . 8. Indian Agent. olCd.'It AIIMY BI'I'PLIUS : DUPOT I IT'S Ollico , Omiih.i. Nub. , October IKtli IHSli Ht-uled proposals in duplicate will bo received at this olllco until 10 u. m. , Tuesday October 2ith IbH'.i , at which Unm anil place they will I.M opened lu the presence of alt ending I lldderhf or dellveivof Ltmibor. Hhliigles. Iliudwaro , Wire lloiie , Muttlni : und Stoves. LlHtn giving hperlll- cations ( | inintlik's and other Intormatlon \vlll bo furnished upon application to this olllco. Prnfcielite will in * given to aitit-lea of domestic production or iiiiinu- iicturu. t-oiidltlon ol quality mid prku ( including In thu in It-cot foreign production or mnuufa < tuiu the duty Ihurooui holng equal : and fnitlier , that no contracts shall be awuided lur luinlsldng in lit k'Buf foreign prodii'lion or niumifiictura when the nrtlcet ! > of ttiilinblc quallly of domestic production or mitiiutncturo can ht ) obtained. Tim ( iovfriimelii IPSBIVUH tbu right to ivJL-ct any or all prupunnls. Itlddcro hhoilld ntttoh a copy of this iidvertlsemiuit to their bids. JOHN M.Ml'SUN , Captulu und Amt , yr. Jlr. , L' , B. Army. o isju : . ' , w. ' ' OITK U.-- /1II1U' QfAHTKIIMABTKH'S - - \J Omaha , Neb. , October lr > , IW.i. healed proposals In trlplitnte , ulll In received hern until two o'clock p. in. . emit nl lime. November IJ , IdU ft'id t arnoiu'ilril. for 2 OHombltiimilimt * 22111 Ibb totlio toil and 'M cords \\ood delivered at Camp Pilot IJiitteVyo. . , or other imlntM Eprctiicd by bidder The I' . t5. n-scrveutho right to reject any or nil bills. Pref reuct ) wlllbo Kiven to nrtlclexof domestic iiroductlon. All In- format Ion furnished on npplfciuton to this of. Ilco or to A. A. Q. M. . Camp i'ilot Hutlc , I5n- > elopes rotitalntiiui < lei > obuliflhoiild Ue luiirKud prrirKmdK for fuel , uud uddri'snil to WM. II , 1IUUIIU8 , LUuienuiit Colonel uml Deputy yuarturmasterCJcueral. U.R A. , Chief Quuiter master. OI5d4tN78. Notice is hereby ( 'lveu that a book will be opened at 10 o'clock 11. m. on Haturday , the Rlx- teeiith day of November , 18 V. t tne ollk of J , M. Thurston , I'nlon Pucltla llulldlug. In the city ot Omahu. Douglas county , Nebramcu. fet IhopiirtiOio jf i-Biclviut : hubsrriptiom to thu capital i.'Jtk of the Omaha I'nlon 1/epot Com- W , II , HOI dMIl , 0 , W. HOWlllKf.l' , T. It. KlMIIAI.I. , For the Incoruorators. Knrn fnrftcH ESTABLISHED 18511 i BO So. lUTCS tJllFO ! } chicngo , Ills , I ClnrkSt. Iho Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It lllll Treating with tlia Greatest Sm dJOCCESS Clironic , Ncryons and Private Diseases , aiTNKRVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Mnnhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlbla Dreams , Head and Uack Aclie and all the effect * loilmglo curly decay and iieihap * Consumption or Insanity , treated tci nlifically by new method * with never-falling mutest. tti * SYPHILISaml nil b d Dlood and Skin Oil- eases permanently cuted , < rS-KIDNEYnnd URINARYcompUlnU.Qleet , Qnaorrhoen , Strlctu re , Vntlcocele and all dlwaiet nfihe Urnlto-Urlnary Orgim cured promptly without Injuty lo Stomach , KUIne ) * or oilier Orjnm , -No i experiments. Ace and experience lm > puttnnt. Coniuttntlon free ami Bucred. US-Send 4 icnti postage for Celebrated Works en Chronic , Nervous nntl Delicate Dne.isei. CB-Tho c contfrnphtlnp M atria Re * end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated Riilclc Male vrtu Female , each H cenn , liolh > < rrntt ( Mamiw ) , Con ull the old Doctor. A friendly letter orclfmaysu rinurr < iiTer. ln anil shameand aiU RoUenjeaii to Me. UJ-llook "Life'sSecretKrrors"jocenu ( ) ( lmrn ) . Mulleins amuiitlnc ) < i ncht e\erj whei-c , sctme fioni exposure. Hours ; 8 to 8. Sur.cb ) 9 tn u. Adilreu F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 188 So. Clnrit St. , CHICAGO , ILL , . THE RAILM TIME TABLES , OMAHA. flUfil.lNOTON llOUTlir Arrlvoa i Depot luth .V Mason ntH.j Omiihu. Omaha , Chicago Vc .lbnlo 1'x . . . : i:15 : p m 0w n"m UhlcaKoMa.l. . u:45 : a m (1:45 p m Chicago Local 0:11) : ) p m 7:15 n tu Deliver Vestibule K.v. . . 10:01 : 11 m : ino : p n Lincoln , V ( 'oncordia Lo'l nD.l : a m 0:15 : p m Colorado Mall 7t' < p m 0JS a m 'hlciiKo I'ust Mull nUJ : p m Cnn as Ulty Hxpros < ! . . . . 0'Vi n m 0:15 a m 4f \ iansasClly Uxprc 0:00 p m nVi p m 1 Arrlvo Depot lutb und Marcy bt : Omaha. Umaha Orcrland 1'ljrer. 7:50 p m 8:40 : p m Pacltlo Kxpress 8r : , K. m 7:20 : n m lienver Kxprrss 10n : a m 2:40 : p m Kansas City , Lincoln I I'eatrlco Kxiireis. . . , 4:4n : a m 12ri : n m 'Oraud ' Island ICxpress. n:4.'i : p m nan p m Papllllon Passengor. . . . r > : uo p nil 7:93 a m Daily Dally Kxc p * . Sttndar. AIISSUUKI l'Al'11'IO LfU , " Arrlvo lciot ] If.th.V WuDbtorsts Ontahn , Omaha. Day Express . . 10:3-1 u m ! ! : : n m _ jBht l-.xpross . _ MK ) p in & ; 'M p m 0. & N. TT. K. It. Leave Arrlvo D pot 10th tc Maroy sts , Omaha. hlcano h'xpro < i , Dally. , 0:1B a m 7:0.'i : p m I'ast Limltod , Dally iKl : p m 10 1 u m 'Iho I'l.ver , " Dally. . . . 8:10 : p ju 8:05 : a m O. M.A.C5T. 1'AUr * t.cava Arrlvo Depot IDth .VMalcysts Omalia. Unmha. U:15 : a m No. 4. U:00 : p m No. I. 7:15 a iu No. . 0ljl ; ( p in F. K. * M. V. It. It. Arrive Depot 15th& Webster st ? Omaha. Omaha - _ Hills Kxprass . . . HMO a m 3:10 p ra Hastings to Hujiorlor K bill ) a m ll : i ) p iu Lincoln & Wrtlioo Pass. r.:10 : p m 10lf : ) a m David City A ; York Puss. 5:10 : p m lul.r : > a in Norfolk Pnsx a:10 : p Hi , 10l-i a in Fremont Past ] " :13liiuni | JI : JP _ m BlOIIX CITV& PACIKIOI Leave Arilvo Depot 15th 4 Webster , ts.l I Omalia. Omaha. Kt.P _ < .ul Limited I flln ; p m s:35 ) a m . 0. U. I. & V. Leave I Arrlvo Depot ICth .V .Marcy nts. Omaha. I Omaha. Dua Molnes Acconimod'n r > :4" > a m C'Ju ' p m Atlainio lixprosa 'JI5 it in 7OJ : p m Night t'Aprc.ss 4 ; 15 p iu .CM ) a m V ! tibuled Express lip _ m _ 7IO a m WA11ASII WH8THHN. I Leave Arrlvo Depot lOtn Sc Slarcy Hts.j Omah i a. Omuha. No. BSt. L. lixp. Dally. . . ! 4lfi ; pm _ rjjso p m C. ST. P. SI. & O. i.eav6 Arrive Depot I"th4t Webster Bts. Omalia. Omaha. RIoux City I'.xpress. . 1:01 p in 1IX : ) p in Sioux City Ac'inmodut'n 7:10 : a m 9:10 : p m fit. 1'nul Limited 11:15 : p m ! ) : ; u m Florence Pftssen er. . n'M a m HtJ : : a in Florence Pn8'enKer. . . . f :20 p m 03U ; p m tl-'lorence Pansensor. . ' . ) : % u m 10:2i : a m { Florence PasgpnKor. . . . 1:3J p m 6:1G : p m Dailv Kxcopt Sunday. tBuuday Only , BimUHHAN TRAINS. M'iHt wnrd. Rnnnlng between Council Ilia''o nnd At- brlKl't. in addition to tlio stations mentioned , train * stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth Civets , nnd at the Summit In Umulm. 0:05 : 11:55 : :2i : > 8:00 : K : : UOJ : 0:30 : 10:110 : iun : : ! l:00 : 4:16 : 4ic ; R'X : 10:30 : KM JCnRtwnrn , ! H OMN'ACIO. IIOC'IC ISLAND & I'AClrlO. jj MO. 2 CbOin : | > A No. 13 7l'am : ) ( j NO. Il : " > ) p m'I ' ) No. 1 . . . .11)15 ) ] ) m A No. 4 lOiMam.O No , r. r.il.'ipm A No. II U:11pmA : | No , : i U'JJum ; CHICAGO & NOKTIIWHBTHKN , Ko. 0 MfliimlNo. 7 :27 am jvo. H : il5 : p inNo | , a 7Pi a m liu.4 W'iiRiuiNo ; fi ( i15pm ; CHU'AOO , > IIL\\'ACICiH : k BT , PAUL A No.8 9WamA Ko. } 7:00nm : KANSAS."OITi' , ' ST.'J OSKlMl' " * 'COL'NcVi' A No. " . , . ,10:07 : uiu A No.l ! fl Jum A No. , . . . . . . . ; A No. I. . . Uilopm UIOUA L/141 A ! PAOll'il ! . A No. 10 7:0'iam'A : ' No. fl 8V5um : A No. IS 7:00I : > in.A No. II . . , .0:00p : iu OMAHA Sc ST. LOUIS. A .No. fl 4inpinA ; ! No , 7. . . 12CKra ) A rtaily : II dally , excejit Saturday : 0 oxcep. Huuday ; 1) except Monday ; fim uialU COE , YONGE & CO. - MANU/AO-IUHMIU Of WALKING CANES , A a Ktibber.Ou Billooni , Jaw lryi Notlo i , NovMtlfl. oc. < &P. . loweit prioci. Ci , d for fitreetme Aur""n ' "l Arniti. Q n K c aJ K' ifofllandml THp ti lly. IILI llHJHliTJI.HUll.UltK. 7 1 5 WASHINCTOHAVt.Sr. LOUIS. MO.