Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Vnudorvoort's Commission Qranlto
Tied up Till July ,
Anxiety of Contrnctor Cootn , "Who
A\ ill Meed the Material nt
Least nn Knrly n
the 1st of Mny.
IlnHtn Slowly.
Ilic city linll will not go up with a rush If
DoJIm graulto Is used.
Contrnctor Coots went to mike arrange-
incnts to use thin material for the hall ns
soon ns ins contract was signed , and was met
with the statement from I'aul Vandorvoort
that tlio Dodlln ) icolo | ) could not deliver nny
granite In Oinulm hsforo the ilrst of next
Mr. Coots wants the material on the ground
hy the Ilrst of May tit the latest. Ho Is
under bonds to Imvu his part of the building
completed by tlio first of January , 1991 ,
nnd in order to comply with
this requirement , must have tlio granite
iendv to ho put in jilnco very curly In the
building ncason next year. Unless the Dod
lln people agrco to li.ivo tlio granite for the
I ) u lull UK on the ground hero by the illHt of
next May Mr. Coots will ask Ilia council to
either change the material for dome other
iraiilto that cnn bo delivered promptly or
clso extend the time allowed him for com
pleting his contract.
Vmuieivoort , it is snld , has been clinging
to the fllcntsof members of the council for
several clays in nn odort to Imve the dim-
cultv Rcttlcd in aotno wnv that will save him
f ioiii losing Ills Dodlin commission.
Ihe mutter will lomo up in BOTIIO shape at
the LouiiLil meeting on Tuesday night.
It in ncrlenccl | In the Caao or
Qiilnn , tlio Alloiroil Former.
The cato against UJ Qulnn , who passed a
forged check on S. L Andrews , of the Two
Oiphntis , bearing the signature of Sherwood ,
the liveryman , vvns called in Judge Hope-
well's couit and continued owing to the
absence of ono of tbo state prosecutors.
Qulnn was tiled/at the May term of the dis
trict couit on the charge of obtaining money
under falsa pretences. Ho visited a house of
Ill-ieputo and gave the proprietor a $20 con-
fciJcialo bill nun received ? 1G in good money
in clmngo. Ho was acquitted on a technical
point nnd in less thnnn week afterwards was
aircslfd on the mosciit chnrgo.
The CIIBC against Frank Lovclndv , charged
wit * * stealing a horse from Bernard Coulgun
was phu'o'l on tiiul in Judge llopewell's
court nt 2 o'clock yestciday afternoon.
Judfio Waicoley is engaged in hearing the
case of the Atlantic Cigar company vs. Cun
ningham , one of n hull dozen suits that have
grown out of the Ccorgu Duncan failure.
William Hamilton was found guilty of
the charge of arson.
On account of the illness of Chailes P.
Nooilham , the case of Douglas county vs
Needham lias been continued. The suit Is
against C. I1. Needhnm mid bis bondsmen as
connt.v cleik for $4.000 , which amount the
count } claims that Nccdham was short in his
Gertrude Edncy and P. Cavanaugh filed a
Dotltion in the district coutt askiug permis
sion and nuthority to , ell propcity of the
estate of the late J. A. ndnoy.
ICittio Lafforty has brought suit against T.
F. Jnmils to quiet title to lot il , block
100 , iu the town of Floi euco.
Graham Park has begun proceedings
against John P. Brcen to icco 'er ? 11W ou
account of a plumbing account.
John A. Wakefleld hin commenced suit
against ray & Bvrno ct al. to f01 close a
mechanics Hen for iJjT.OP.
The jury in the case of Heller vs. Stein
were instructed by the court to return a
verdict for the plaintiff , giving him poses-
sion of the property in dispute , nnd brought
in n verdict assessing his damages at 10
United fct ilt-i Court.
Judge nundy has appointed L. 1' . Albi ight ,
of Hod Cloud , receiver for the lied Cloud
IMectrio Light company , against which suit ,
brought by Standard Underground Cable
couipmv , is now pending iu tUo United
States ciicult coutt.
II. C. Scott , receiver for the Red Cloud
Milling company , Imsmadeaieport to Judge
Dnndj of his action in renting the Alma
mills and applying the pioiceds to the pay
ment of notes held by thu Hod Cloud bank.
County Court.
A. W. Cowan has commenced suit against
A. II. Suyuer for S300 and damages , the re
sult of u steve deal in uhich Snyder sold the
property under n mortgncc , w liich Cowan al
leges ho offered to pay before the foreclos
Samuel Tnto has brought suit against
Bcnno Kunkcl to recover $10"i,80 on n note.
The 1'uxton & Viorllng lion woiks ob-
t 'lined ' a jiidcmcnt against Samuel 1C. Felton
ct al for M llillo.
Mrs. Sophia Alexander has made applica
tion for appointment. QS guardian of W. B.
Alexander , insane.
Max Iteoso flled nn application for appoint
ment us guardian of Mury Keeso.
Helen L. Gibson Huino filed a petition to
liavo W. N. Nason appointed gunidlun of the
estate of David U. Hume , deceased.
Do not tlirow nway nard-carncd cash for
c\eiy neiv cough syrup , whin that standard
remedy fnr coughs , Dr. Hull's Cough Sirup
is " . " > cents.
"Hun nh l'i said a little girl , "I'm not to be ,
Itcpt in because of that lioirid ncuialglu.
My mamma has bought u bottle of Salvation
JUIbb (70ULI ) IU A I * I * ISA II
And tlio CIIHO Against Wilson For
AhKailltVnH DlBllllHHOll.
J. 11. Wilson wan arraigned In Justice
"Wada's couit yesterday afternoon for trial
on the clmrgo of assaulting with intent to
do bodily injiuy and commit rape on tbo
person of Miss Emma Gould.
When the case was called Thursday after
noon Miss Could was present and promised
Justice Wudo she would appear at the tiial
nod testify against Wilson. Papa Gould
thought dltfercntly , howovnr , nnd whcn the
tlmo sot for the trial arrived , yesterday nt U
o'clock , Miss Gould was not present and Mr.
Gould stated that she had gouo to Council
BIuITt ) on a vlalt.
Assistant County Attorney Moriarty asked
that tlio C.IHII against Wilson bo dismissed ,
which was done accordingly ,
WHeon was then tried on the charge of
maliciously dcstioyinir property and was
lined i und twoutv-four hours in Jail.
Mr. Gould was asked by a reporter why
Ills dung liter had left the city after the man
had been an cs ted nnd tliu trial about to
talto phuo. Ho testily informed the reporter
that it was no business of the newspapers
what his daughter did. Ho didn't propose
to have his family mixed up in any scandal.
lie was nslced why lib had the man ar-
icsted It lie didn't intend to prosecute him.
Mr. Gould snorted , nud retorted that ho
guessed ho luicw hla business and didn't
want nny more publicity.
A Natural Product of Calllunin ,
It is only found in Hulto county , Califor
nia , ana In no other part of the world. Wo
refer to the trco that produces the healing
nnd penetrating gum used in that pleasant
nud uflcctlvo euro for consumption , asthma ,
liroufhtiu und coughs , SANTA ABm , the
Icing of consumption. Goodman Drug Co.
gum an tecs and Belli it for $1 a bottla.or three
for t..M ) . Hy the use of OALU'OKNIA
CAT-H CUUH , all symptoms of catarrh uro
dispelled , mid the diseased nasal passage is
speedily ic torod to a healthy condition. Jl
Hp.icUace. Hy mall , Circulars free
A ' 1 rod IT Slolcn.
Dan D , a fast-trotting Uorso owned by A.
ji.\Vood | , at Uiuhteenth and Nicholas streets
Vrak stolen in broad daylight veswrday. The
arc on the track of the thief ,
Merchants' ITotcl. LnrRO sample
rooms , fci.SSJ.GQ&eanerday. NutHrowti.
flic Uontcst Tor .liitlccslilp In Warm-
I nt { Apncc ,
Tlio statement publlshoil Thursday In rof-
crctico to the Judicial canvas caused some *
thing of n breeze among politicians and law
yers. The Judijcstilp vvus the chlof topic of
ilscusslon among them. Mr. Slincrnl , who
s a strom * supporter of Mr. Davis , snld !
" 1 tinnk that Joe Cltirkson must have for
gotten himself vvlion ho said ho hud not
agreed In advnnro of his own
candidacy to support Mr. Davis.
L saw him In Ills oOlco a wcok or ten days be
fore the bar mooting took place , nnd subse
quent to Howard Smith's withdrawal. IIo
.old mo then that ho wna for Mr. Davis for
the ttosltlon , and when I called on him In
compTtiy with Mr. Gurloy and Mr. Authur
Wiikclcy on the Monday before the barmcot-
"tip , I was surplscd nt his informing mo that
iu was u c.uultduto for the place.
"It was nttho ROllcltatlon of the friends of
Mr. Amlno'ontirt o'hcr candidates for tlio
udgcshlp that a petition was circulated re
questing n bar incut Ing. There was no inti
mation In any way pledging tlio per
sons who took pirt In the mcot-
ng to stand by tlio result. It was only
culled for the purpose of su ( gosling n person
who should bo a republican , to the republi
can convention us n cholco of the bar for the
udgcshlp. On the Ilrst ballot there went .2.20
votes c ist , ot which Mr. Ustcllo received 00 ,
Mr. Davis HI nnd Mr Clnrkson 70 , the bil-
mice scattering. On the third ballot Davis ,
with uvntu oflU , vvns withdrawn. Upon
the fourth ballot 1111 votes wcto cast , of Mr. Ciurksou iccolvcd 110 and Mr.
'Ihu nssoiHoii from some prominent mem-
jorsof the bar , ns referred to In Tun BLB ,
that the icpublicna convention was domi
nated over by Chut ley Green nnd I'.ml
Vandervoort , is wholly ntul entirely fnlsi1.
Mr Green was In the convention , suppot ting
Joe Clnrkson , and was ono of the tow who
voted for him. Mr. Vnndorvoort had not
scon Mr. Davis at nny time prior to the con
vention , und In n talk with him nt the
convent Ion 1 uigcd him to support Mr. Clark-
son , lie refused to do BO , for the reason ho
thought the bar had no right to nssumo to
dictate. I then snld tu him , 'If Mr. Davis
liad been the choice of the bar would jou
have opposed himV Ho answered that ho
"It must bo remembered that Mr. Clark-
son received only sixteen votes of the entire
convention , nnd had not Mr. Davis ac
cepted , a eoniuaratlvolv unknown attorney
ivoiild have been nominated , and with the
largo republican majority in this district
would probably have been elected. As it is
now thu voters of the dlstiict can nuiko no
mlstuku iu suupoitim : Mr. Davis , In my
"Mr. Davis' nomination by the republican
convention was unanimous nud enthusiastic ,
and nftor he hud requested the convention to
give him a few duvs to cdnsidor the matter
the dolomites from Washington nnd Hurt
4'ountlcs stuod up and insisted that ho nccept
at once. "
A prominent attorney who Is a friend of
loth the candidates , siid yesterday :
"As a politician I must supporttho regular
nominee of my pnrty , regaidless of the
action nf the bar , in which I took part. . I
liuvo given this matter duocon8idcrationtnd
can't hei > my way clear to any other course.
First D ivis is in every way as well quali
fied ns Glark oii. Second Aiopublican is
entitled to the place. 'Ihird The bar in-
doised Clarl ; ou nud recommended him to
the political p.uties. Hi ) was a candidate
uoforu the republican convention und was
repudiitcd for ono who in no way sought to
acfcat the bar nominee or join In his own
nomination. "
Mr. Davis was soon yesterday morning , and
asked when ho proposed to take the oath of
onico nnd enter upon his dutio * ns judge. "I
can't ' sni ex ictli , " was his reply , "but not
probably before the llrst of the week. "
Ills torn mission arrived from Lincoln Thn is-
dny ovenlnir , accompanied by the following
complimentary letter frouiGovornorTIi lier.
RXLGLTIVfi Drjl > VHTMF\T , Ll.NCOl.N , Ncl )
Herbert.I. Davis , Esq. , Omaha , Neb. Dear
Sir : I take pleasure in forwarding to.vou
by to day's mail , your appointment and com
mission as judge of tlio Third judicial dis
trict in place of Judge GroT ( , resigned.
Judges Hopcwcll , Wakeley and Doanc wrote
mo about \vcck or ten days ago uigmg mete
to appoint some one , but I did not wisli to do
that until the republican convention had
made a nomination. 1 now express my ap
proval of that nomination by sending you the
commission named. Vciy tiuly joui- > ,
"I rocngniro the fact , " said a staunch dem
ocratic lawier , "that the machine politic ! ins
in both pai tics are for Davis , but don't be
lieve they have the power to elect him.
This bombastic talk about the b ir
standimr in with judirca elected
nud , elevated to a scat on the
bench by them is nonsense. If jou want
to keep the judiciary non-partisan that is the
only wuy in which to do it. This is tlio
course pursued nt Kansas City , Chicago ,
Cincinnati , St. Louis , St. Paul mm maiiy
other places I could name. The bar is not
half BO liable to iccommond n man unfitted
for the position as is a political convention ,
often composed of individuals who know
very little about nnd have less respect for
the dignity of the bench "
Con. Gallagher and other democrats who
tried so hard to have their party convention
indorse Davis , lay all the blame for its nut
being done to C. Montgomery nnd Kuchd
Mai tin , who , they declare btutTed the dcleg i-
tlon with lawyers.
"I cannot ] > riiso Ilood's Sarsaparilln
half unough , " saya n mother whose son ,
almost blind with scrofulanay cuicd by
this meUiiMiie. _
I'tclliiiintiry Ste | > Toward Itrcnkinc
Up n Cane of Tiie\es. (
Edward Darlington was 01 rested by De
tectives Savidgo and Dempsey on the charge
of burglnry.
Darlington is a chum of AV. C. Sliatzman ,
who vvns anestcd Wednesday nicht by
Block Watchman Brody in Over& Shooply's
store at 1-115 Douglas street. Slmtzninn had
piled up a lot of costly shoes and was about
to escape when bo was discovered. Ho has
been in jail xlnco. In thu cellar of thu store
ono of tlio cleiks found a letter belonging to
Daillnglon. This clue led to his urrest. IIo
and Shutzuian were roommates.
Joe Dniibaum employed ShaUman for
some time in his restaurant on Fourteenth
street. Jon says the man Is to bo pitied , as ho
has a weak mind und is Htibject to tits. Joe
ulso b"lioves that ho was put up to the rob
bery by outsiders and it Is duito likely that
other urrests will follow.
Darlington and Shatzman vvero bcforo
Judge Berkn late lust night. The lat
ter pleaded guilty nnd vvns ronmndcd , while
Darlington asked for an examination.
a ho case begun at t:30aml ) : lasted two
hours , endlnc in Darlington being hold to
the district court. Tlio defendant sot up the
usual defense , an alibi , and to nrovo It culled
to the stand "Mrs. " Franluo HU and "Mrs. "
Fannie Solden , the two women with whom
ho and ShaUmuu ore rooming on Dodge
stieot , nou to Gwlu & Dunuiiro'a pun store
But their evidence was disproved by n
myiiad of witnesses , who testified an having
seen tlio prisoner on thu street at thu game
hour that the defense testified ho was home
and asleep.
This case will doubt'css ' bo the preliminary
ono In n general breaking up of u gang of
thieves aud crooks wjio at present Infest the
city , and beyond a doubt will lead to the an-
prehension of tbo turn who robboa the City
hotel of f60D worth of jewelry last Juno. The
letter to Danhmton which was found in the
cellar vvns from Govlor , the man who bc.voud
question perpetrated the latter deed. Il was
dated St. Paul , and recited that ho and "tho
woman" vvcio theio but vvero not having as
good a time as when in Omaha last Juno.
Schutzuiun is to bo pitied. Ho Is connected
with ono of thi best families In Columbm ,
O. , nnd has at ouo time berne a npleadid
reputation , But women and vvhUky have
bocn hut downfall , anil from excessive use of
the latter , coupled with a heavy blow on tbo
head with u boor glass during A bar-room
fight , ho has become slightly demented. His
f deads will probably plead insanity .as a do-
1'llpn ! IMlusI Piles !
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
euro blind , bleeding and itching piles vvfcen
other ointments have failed. It absorbs the
tumors , allays the itching at once , acts as a
poultice , gives InBtant roller. Dr. Williams'
Indian I'llo Ointment IB prepared only for
piles nne itching of' the prlvatu parts , and
nothingoUo. livery box is warranted. Sold
by druggists or Bent by mail on receipt of
price. 6Uo aud $1. per box.
WILLIAMS' M'FG. CO. , Prop's
* Clovolund , O.
Will Henceforth Rule Three Omnha
Slnrr. & Her , Mctz & Hrotlicr anil
Jotter & Votinc Itotlro ForTliree-
Quartcra of n Million or Dollars
lars Onmlia MnnnRors.
Iloucht by Hrltons.
The deal wa < * at length consummated ye-
lerdny by which the breweries of Motz &
Uro , Storz it Her nnd JcUor Si Younjr pass
into the hands of the English syndicate
which 1ms been making a wholesale pur
chase of biuwcrics in this country.
Herman ICountsrp , of this city , 1ms been ap
pointed trustco for the syndicate , nnd the
purchase money for the three local brewer-
les hnfl been deposited In Mr. KouUu' * bank
lu Now York. The Dim of Motz& Hro. re
ceived 5150,000 for thotr plant , S310l > 00 In
cash and $100,000 in slocic in the new enter
Charles Mctz will bo the manager of the
Omaha branch , und Fred Metz superintend
ent , at n salnry of 7,51)0 ) per annum each.
Mrs. Hatimnn , the principal stockholder in
the Storz & Her concern , sold that establish
ment for $120,000 ; $20,000 cash and SIOO.O-X )
In stock.
It could not , bo ascertained what was paid
for the Jotter & Young broweilcs , but the
llguro Is supposed to bo In the vicinity of
Momoflnl KpHolutlon.
The following have , been forwarded for
publication , regarding the death of the late
Mrs. Crulekshank , of this city , and formcily
of DCS Molncs , la.
Wheieas , Our Heavenly Ftitherln His nll-
wise providence , has removed fiom our
midst our beloved classmate , Mrs. Mattic
Dcnnev Crulckshink.
Ilcsolved , That wo , the members of the
Prospect Park C. L. S C. , of Dos Molncs ,
la , deeply regret her early deathmm tender
our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved hus
band and to the sorrowing parents and Broth
ers who Imve bean called to cmuro ! so great
on alllietion.
Hcsolvcd , That n copy of resolutions bo
entered upon the records of the circle , and
bo presented for publication to the leading
papers of Omaha nnd DCS Moinus.
Thirteenth hlt-rct Ijlne.
Tlio proposed extension of a line on Thir
teenth Btiect south of Vinton by tuo Omaha
Street Hallway company will bo carried out ,
but instead ol being a continuation of the
Kle\entli sticct it will be an extension of
tlio Thirteenth stioet track. This fact will
bo nieatlv appreciated by the icsiilentii on
Thirteenth sucot noith of Vinton , who now
have their wishes gratihed in the passing of
the tralllu of the southein part of the city
over their street.
A committee from the street railway com
pany has boon out looking over the
ground for the proposed extension of the
Fnt mini sttect line north on Lowe avenue to
Meteor avenue.
Red Cross couprh drops bcnlsthoin till.
5 couts per box , sold everywhere.
Sixth Ward
The central republican committee of the
Sixth ward held their regular meeting at
Twenty-sixth nnd Laice stiects last niirht.
The committee which had been appointed
to prepare and present articles of incorpoia-
tion for the club stated that they were not
ready to report , and aslted for further time ,
which was granted.
The executive committee of the club was
Instiucted to confer with the executive com
mittee of the county contial committee nnd
request them to visit tnc ofllcials of the Union
Pacific RiIUv ay company nnd the smelting
vvoiks and ask them to allow their employe *
time to vote on election day without being
docked for the time thus lost.
A delegate of tnc Seventh ward club was
present und invited thn icimbllcans of the
Sixth \vaid to visit the Seventh ward clue at
their next nicotine1 , Tuesdai night , at winch
time there will bo an old fashioned blow out.
'J ho Seventh ward band will bo inescnt and
also n number of spaakcis , and a lousing
time is expected. The invitation was UL-
The executive committee was authorized
to take charca of the matter of pushing leg
islation in the ward , and to solicit subscri- ]
tions from candidates to defray the expenses
of a thoiough canvass of the wind.
Honil Elections
Mayor Hroatch and Councilman Wheeler
hftld a consultation yesterday morning in
which they discussed tlio qacstion of calling
n special election to vote on the Tenth street
viaduct and other bond propositions
"It is not policy , " said Mr. Weeler , "to
submit these propositions at the
election. Jn addition to the $151) ) , 000 for a
viaduct , wo want to voto.210.0JO with which
to build lire engine houses nnd u city jail ,
impiovcmcnts that nio badly needed. Wo
nrb paving $150 a month rent for the ram-
shackled , dirty old building m which the
central lire station is located. "
Political Mi
The republican county ccntial committee.
mc < U nt the Milhnd hotel this after
noon and immediately after adjournment the
executive committee will meet.
The democratic county central committee
nt it last meeting Wednesday nt Julius Mey
er's rooms , adjourned until Saturday nt
D o'clock. It transacted no business. A full
attendance Is desired.
Have You Ileulntcrcd ?
The remaining days on which voters may
register are as follows : Thursday. October
24 ; Friday , November 1 ; Saturday , Novem-
hoi 2.
i'he registry in each ward will bo kept
open on each of the above days from b a , m.
to 0 p. _
WpHtcrn Art Association.
There was a meeting of the exhibition com
mittee of the Western Art association last
evening , when it was decided to hold the
fall exhibition of pictures next November ,
commencing the IStli nnd remaining open for
ono wcok , The following sub-committees
were appointed :
On Hanging Mr. H. A. Smith , Mr. Hoth-
cry and Dr. Jonas.
On Catalogues Mis. Mumaugh and MUs
On Judges Mr. F. Knight , Mr. Emerson
and Mian Pettlw.
On Printing and Adycitislng Mr. W. H.
Alford and Mis. ivolloj ; Hachert.
The committee on printing was instructed
to lorward to nil the members blank forms to
bo lllled up with the name und subject of
such plc'tuies as they may Intend to exhibit.
Tlioso forms must bo lilted in nnd returned
to the chairman of the catalogues commltten
on or before the llth of November.
All pictures intended for exhibition will
have to be sent to the hall and placed in
chnrt'o of the hungmK committee between
the 13th and ISth of November , after which
data no plctuies will bo tecelvcd.
There will bo premiums given in each of
the following classes i Landscape , still life
and life studies in oil ; landscape , still life
and life studies in water color ; white china
painting , modeling in clay and cravnn work
wilt each bo recognized in their respective
clashes ,
The grand prize of the association will bo
given for tlio best picture on tlio walls , inde
pendent of any class , There are indications
of a very healthy rivalry amongst the artists
to csptuui this distinction , and a good dis
play of the beat products ol the studios is
The names of the judgei , who are to bo
selected from non-membera of the associa
tion , will not be made public until after their
decisions have been handed in and tbo
awards made.
Ucecham's Pills cnro bilious and nervous ills
NOnillS-ROSS At Montreal. Canada , at
the residence of thu bride's father , by the
Hov. P. M. Davvoy , Thomas Musscn Norrls ,
of Oniahu , Neb , to Christina Mary , eldest
daughter of James Ross , esq ,
Tlio Alinndnnt Timber Product or
Wnshlncton anil Oregon ,
If tbo development of the plno forests
of the southern Btntfcs i3n surprise , that
of the grcnt litnbtir bolts of red mul yel
low fir , sugnr pitio , codnr , hemlock and
spruce ) In Wnshlnpton ntul Oregon is
oqunlly so , enya the St. Pnul Pionoor-
Prcs . Thntis \ , fnr northwestern de
velopment of the lumber interest Is
something which low people cast of the
Hockv mountains , who nro not con
nected with the lumber trade , have
properly appreciated ; fovv have rend Its
siRnlflcnnca. Until recently it has
generally boon liold that Michi
gan , Wisconsin and Minnesota are
abundantly able to moot the demand
Tor iioQ'thnrn pine for nn indefinite
period. The idea of the Puget bound
jaw mills Bupplyinp lumber to points
tar cast of tlio liorklcs was not confald-
ercd within the rnngo of probability a ,
few years nyo. Tlio forests of the tlirco
contiguous central states exhausted ,
Canada was looked upon as the future
source of supnly , Hut the tremendous
output of thn 1 'no i lie roast mills has al
ready found a market over tlio Rockies
lo the Missouri river and onsluniil.
Colorado nnd Wyoming , Kansas , Now
MexicO ) Nebraska , during the past fovv
years , have taken no ainull amount
jf lumbar , shingles und tim
bers from Pugut bound. Some
bridge timbers have boon shipped ,
indeed , as far as St. Paul , and Pacific
coast bhinglcs are sold in largo < | inuili-
Lics in Illinois , Iowa , Indiana and Ohio.
In the last three or four } cm a the Pa
cific ooast producers have steadily la
bored to make a largo market for their
| ) iHiduct from the Uoekios to Lake Su-
| ) otior. L.trgo amounts of capital hav o
been imealetl in b.ivv mills and logging
: > pcialiousou the Paciliuund tlio out put
is far beyond the large local demand ;
millions of feet are shipped coiistatilly
to South America , and the big trees
continue to yield lumber pilcq sulllulont
to supply the country to the Mississippi
valley and the lakes.
\Vhilo wo talk of a thirty years' sun-
lily ot white pine in Minnesota , Michi
gan and 'WibcoiiBin , vvo must not forgot
Lliat thu demand is likely to bo doubled
or trebled by reason of the rapid bottling
up and development of the tuo now
states west of Minnesota and by the
quickened ciovvth of the latter btate.
The Northwestern Lumberman of Chi-
cngo , referring to tlio growth of the
Pacific coobt lumber industry , bays ;
If iir. codnr nud redwood arc to make
rapid strides cast of the mountains , it
will bo boi'iuiso the railroads shall foster
faucii movomnnt by low freight rates ,
und sollei * shall thus bo able to com
pute stiuecb-fullj with the two pines.
\Vitlioutuoubtastho coast lumber in
dustry develops , and the piebsurc of
product on tlio market increases , tbo
raihoad companies will see it to bo
their intcicst to afford all possible
transportation facilities and at lower
rates than now prevail. In the future ,
albO , competition 'between ' rival lines
will incrcabo , for the ManitotM system
is striking out for the north Paoilic
coast , and the Chicago & Noithvvcbtorn
for u point on tiio coast in O 'e-
gon. It is likely that \ \ ithiti tlio coming
iivo.veai-s the systems named , as vv oil
as others , notably the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul and the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy. will have con
structed lines thatibhall touch the west
ern ocean. Thcbc , should tnoy bo
built , will enter Anlo competition for
tlio eastern lumber
It is thus possiblp that the coast pro
duct may , in loss time than wo are now
contemplating , become a powotfu ) com
petitor with the Uvo pines in the prai-
lic intoiibr , bimtily as a resuU of en
couragement tondoiod by the railroads.
It is hkolv that throughout the region
between the Missouri river and tlio
mountains tlio coast lumber trade will
make much moro rapid progress than
f minor oast.
The long haul is certainly not an irre
movable bai rior to the ambition of the
I'uget .sound men. Some of the bluovvd-
cst of the white pine men admit that in
a few ye.ird rales w ill bo reduced suffi
ciently to mnko it margin of profit for
the Puget bound mill men on eastern
shipments. In Oregon and Washington
there are about four hundred stationary
saw mills and over ono hundred shingle
mills at work upon the vast areas of big
trees. In Minnesota , Michigan and
Wisconsin thoic are 1,632 saw mills and
about 700 shingle mills cutting away at
the white pine forests , which are not
renewed. The two- Pacific status pos
sess forest aieas which have scai cely us
\etboon seriously touched by the a * .
That region can supply the northern
tier of btatcs to the laucs when the white
pine ib annihilated , it that time ever
comes , and can diversify the supply if
it docs not. _
< V 8oro Thro it or Ooliuti , Is suffered to
progress , often icsulti In mi incurable throat
orlunjf trouble. "Hrovvn's Hronchlal Tio-
cues" give instant lellof.
To tin1 I'.ipllle li Team.
John Carpenter is fatopping at Appleton -
ton , Minn. , for afewduv3 , on his way
from Sing Sing , Wostcliostor county ,
N. Y. , to the Pacific coast by team. Ho
loft Slug Sing May 20 last. IIo isa man
fifty-six jcarH of ago. This is his second
trip by team to the coast , IIo is an old
soldier and belongs to Sing Sing G. A.
R. post.
The Denver Lottery Co. want agents.
Tickets , 60 cents. Address A. C. Koss
& Co. , Denver , Colo.
Tlio Hinullot Onciilar Sitw.
The smallest circular saw in practical
use is a tii.y disc about the si'/o of a
shilling , which is employed in cutting
the slits in eold pens. These saws are
about as thick as ordinary paper and
revolve some 4,000 times ner minute.
Their high velocity keeps them rigid ,
notwithstanding their extreme thin
Cough no moro , Red Cross cough
drops will euro youricold. 0 cents u box.
MI-H I 'row ilotif AiliiniH1 I'lnno.
Miss Coidclia Mpyqrs , of Nevvvillo ,
Cumberland county , N. Y. , has a piano
which was owned by the wife of Piesi-
doat John Quincy Adtuns. Tills instru
ment is still in c.scollcut condition.
Horhforil'H Arltl I'lionphatc ,
Tor Indigestion ,
Dyspepsia , and diseahcs incident thereto.
PAXTON HOTKI * , 01MAHA Special at
tention to eonuriorqial , men. Finest nnd
largest hotel in the vycst. Kittrcdgo &
13iuinurd , proprietors.
I'lillndciphi.i'fl fUilldlnir Itonin.
Thus far this year the number of
building permits for dw ollings in Phila
delphia exceeds last year's record by
The Consumption of Salt.
Somebody has taken the trouble to
compute that the average consumption
of salt per adult capita in this country
is nearly fifty pounds per annum.
Menthe inhaler cures catatrh ,
headache , uouralia ( ( , usthtna , hay fever ,
Tiialfreo at jour druggist. 1'rlce 60 coats ,
* *
An In Cant bnidtor.
A Wllkosbarre lad of live years on-
en jo\s a smoke , and has a fondness for
u four-year-old pipe of hU father's.
Complexion Powder Is an absolute necessity
of thu re II nod toilet In till * climate. I'ozzonPs
combines every clement of beauty ana puuity.
A Hooslor Youth the Wlsor For
No Moctliiff Hold Yc tcrtlar nn An-
nnunood State llousn Gos >
Iji Tlio NCVYS Jn
LIVCOI.V Huiicvu or Trtn OM\tu BEE , |
LINCOLN. Nob.Oot. ,13. , )
BnnioHum1' , n llooslor , allfclitoil from
the train this morning at the Burlington
depot ,
A few Jnys slneo ho rcaolvcil to talto Grco-
lev's advice ami RO west nmt grow up with
the country , nml- thereupon "gripped his
duds" nmt started.
Isovv , tlninoy Is not an ordlnnry-looking
guy , but n shiuji niinciriiiR follow , though
wholly unused lo tlio ways of this blg.vvlckod
world. Shortly after ullL'htlng from the
tram ho mn upon n gcntlcmnti who gave his
nnmo ns Woods , nnd they soon scraped up
an ncqualntani'o. vv.n dullRhtcd to
Icnrn that Barney was iiolnjj to Uonvor.
lie , tuo , vvns bound for the snina des
tination. Tlio old , old Rtoty follows. They
walked the streets together until ncnr tluio
for ttio departure of tlits west bound train.
Suddenly Woods rcmumbcicd that ho had
aoino Koods that must bo paid for nntl trniiR-
forred , nnd the chcul ; incket was vvorkcit.
Burnov vvlllltiRly cashed It for Us face , $51 ,
mil Woods BOOH made himself scarce
Hums , aided by the police , looked In vain
Tor his now found filcnd. IIo took the mat
ter philosophically , however , nnd having
jtiftlcient moiioy to p.iv his faio through to
tils destination ho departed ou the t 15tinln
this afternoon for his original destination.
Ilii ; Uonrd of 'Xransixirtntion.
Chlof Cleric Holmes , of the state board of
: ranpport.ition , guvo It out Thuisday that
there would bo a mooting of the board to
day , Friday , und that this coal and cattle
nito matter would coino up for consideration
orrcvision. This was n little Inoomprchen-
alble , ns It vvns understood that the order
made Tucbrtay was a peicmptory and llqal
ono. Inquiry nniong the members ot the
ijonrd to day developed the f.ict that not ono
of the cciitluuicn ; knuw miythlng of the
meeting except what tlioy had lead m Tun
13 M : this morning. The uhiof cleik vvns
visited again to-duj und asked concerning it ,
md especially how this coal r.ite question
rould come up when the action taken Tues
day vvaa Hint Ho icplicd very
promptly that the mcetlni ; for to d.iy
was nn udjournod incutlni ; from
Tuesday ; that there was no meeting
Tuesday on account of there being no quo-
mm ; that Commissioner btcoii caino in , and
iftci vvmtmi ; some tlmo .uljourncd the moot
ing until to d.iy. When ho vvns nsked how
it came that the u.ipots all punted an uioount
of tbo Tuesday meeting and the making of
the ilmil order in the
complaint , ho said ho did not know how it
got out ho Know of no meeting ot kind
being held on that day. .lust then Seciutury
Glk-lirist e.imo in and said : "Yes , there was
a mcctini ; Tucscluy , nnd here is a momoiatuhi
of the pioccodlnt's just as I ui'ido them at
the tlnii ) ' ' .
"October 15 1SSO , boaid mot ; present Hill ,
Benton and Stccn. Abse-it , Laws mid Loose :
secrct.mes instructed to issue per
emptory older to all r.tilroad coi potations
ttanipoitine coal m the state of Nebraska to
i educe the coal tault to the follow ing uni
form schedule. Initial charges ,
I0e ! fer ton ; 1 cent per ton per uiilo for the
Hist Jlfty miles , etc"
IUr. Oilchrlst lurthur explained that Chief
Cletl : Holmes vvns absent a uortion of the
day on leave and that piobably necounted
for his not Knowing of the mooting ; that the
meeting v. . is Mold ns ho had stated ; that it
was an important , ono unit that there would
boai coidof tlio same in accordance with
his memoranda ; that this WAS absolutely
necessary , as if the board atfmiplcd to enforce -
force its order in the courts it would mn
against n Rnug unless the tecoid showed that
such an order hint been made. Theiowas
no meeting of the board this afternoon.
An American Orilcr.
A council of the junior O. U. A. M. will bo
organised in Lincoln shortly. Trank E.
Louis , P. O , of Monongahcla council No ,
122 , of Braddock , Pa . is at the head of the
movement und would bo pleased to incut nil
old members of the junior or senior aider or
other kindred orders at 122 North Eleventh
street tnis ( S itunlaj ) evening nt 7 o'clock.
All othets desirous of joining nro cordially
asked to be picsent.
Supreme Court i'ruuoodiiitrd.
Proneedings in the supreme court to-day :
MotJona for reheat ings wore overruled In
the folloiv Ing cases : Ho\lo vs Ijams ; Dick
inson vs Polton ; Walker vs Tumor ; Solleis
vs Foster ; Aultuino vs Troudt.
Motions for rnhnai ing were sustained in
the following cases : State , ex rel Lincoln
Land company , vs Kdwauts ; Greenwood vu
The following causes wcro argued and
submitted : Ainafield vs Moore ; Lindsay vs
Court adjourned to Tucsaay , October 2" ,
IS&'J , nt 8 .10 n. in , when cisi-s will DO taken
uii in the following order : Nos. 18 * . 101 , 10J ,
1'J { , IDS and 193 , all li om the district court of
Douglas county.
Stnto House
Auditor Benton received $73 from an acci
dent insurance company to-day. IIo mnshod
the foicllngcrs of his light baud en route
homo from Boston , Mass.
Goycruor Thnjcr will icturn homo from
Norfolk to morrow. It is said that ho wont
to that city to make u rigid Investigation
into thu affairs of the insane asylum at that
Treasurer. ! . K Hill and wife nro expected
homo from their visit to Illinois the jlrst of
next week.
Superintendent Lane reports a dearth of
news in the state educational department ,
Ho sa.vs , however , that no has well nigh re-
covuiod his health.
City NI-UB anil Notes.
The case of Uollln Mallory , charged with
grand larceny , has been continued until
October 25. The boy'B father Is a deputy
sheriff at Wilbor , Sulino county , und is muk-
tig a despcrata effort to save his son from
the pen.
The case of Charles Weatherby , charged
with robbing Nellie Hobcita nnd the Glebe
clothing house , has also been continued until
the 'J5tti.
James Howard , a railroader , started out
With $ lj lust night , bent on painting the city
red , nml cumo up minus the entire sum. IIo
saya ho was robbed m a dive on thn bottoms
kept by a man by thu namoot Cox. Ha
svvoroout n warrant for thonrrostof Cox
und two oilier men , us usual , John Dee aud
Richard Hoe.
Judge Field Issued nn order this morning
authoiizlug lilchard Cuntimghnin to dispose
of sixteen acres off the wuat side of the elghtj-
ncra tract near thu Wusloyan unlveislly ,
owned by Klchaul Glenn , who was pro
nounced insane a'tow weeks ago. This was
done to pi event the loreclosuio of a mort-
Bugo given by Glenn.
Alfred Irvvln brought suit In the district
court to-day uzainbt Ucrtha und Otto H.
Doggo to foreclose a mortgage of f.J.500 on
property nt thn corner ot Sixteenth and P
streets , Tills lit u light between thu late
creditors of the licrold estate and a dozen
lavvicrB , who are plowing for ttio biggest
snare of the spoils.
William Tonnli ; In under arrest at the
police station for usaulting a Chinaman last
night. He ankod thn Mongolian for the loan
of a Quarter and was refused , whereupon bo
smote him ,
Mr , and Mrs. Dr. G. B. Chapman rejoice
in the advent of a daughter at their homo to
day. The doctor is without doubt the hap.
pjest man in the city.
Al. Sorensen and Hon. Dick Berlin , of
Omaha , are la tbo city.
Dr. PicUutt , editor of the Bloomlagton
Guard , caino In this afternoon.
The senate and house journaU are ready
fordUtiibutlou ,
Judge Chapman , of PlaUsraoatb , is iu Mio
CnrcB nil < HsorlciH nnUo Htomnoli , litvor , ItovvcK tClilnoyn , lllndilcf , Nor-
roitn Dignnnpn , ] j ( > 4 of A | > tioilto , Ui'iilnuhc , CmiMi ] > .Mlc > n , Vntlvniin < < . In ill *
KCRtlon , IllllliHtniipftR , Ii'oM'r , I'llcH Uto. , null renders the < * > Rtniit ICRS liable to
contract dlionoo.
KADWAY'S PILLS are a euro for this complaint. They tone up the lulorna
secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions. Prl je U5o per ' \ > \ . Sold by all druggists.
HADWAY fc CO. , Now York ,
Manvifticturors nnd WholcsnloDanloi'3 In
To dtnlois only. Mills Sontlicrn MN .oiirl. llooini , 1. 2 audit tT. 8. National Hunk llulldtng
THciitiuna 1 7. Oinnliu , i
Steam * and
Ventilating Apparatus nnd Supplies.
s. IEEYER & GO. ,
103South JBth Street , Opp. PostoiTiee. Telephone 149O
1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
1 lie Illlu'riiinn Dnnco.
Division Ko. 3 , Aneient Orilor of Hihcrnl-
nns , makes n success of everything it uncler-
taltos nml its dance in A. O II. hall Thurs
day evening vv U3 ono of the pranOest suc
cesses over scoiect by that excellent fr.Uci mil
loilpe. The rommittccs , in fact overi niom-
Ijer was a cummlttpc , muclo moro thnu per- and committee of ! oils to enter
tain thi-lr fiuests anil oveiiono scorned
to do only to make n wanted micceis. Shc-
innv's orchestra furnished music nnd J. M.
Scheiifk sprcnd the cloth for 100 couples.
Adding to the interest of the dunce was the
presence of Messrs Thomas Douglas , Mm tin
McKcnmi , Michael J. Plahcrty. W. U. IJnnn ,
\V. J. Clair , Jldwuid Gwlnn nnd Miles
Welsh , of Oumhu.
Notes About tlm ritj.
Joseph Soncelc will build a cottngo on
Twonty-tliiul nud IJ. Btreets.
Charles Voisv th , of the Armoui Cudahy foice , is on the sick list.
lames , the little son of Mr. nnd Mis. John
llosbuifj , has iccovcied from his illness.
Miss Aiinio I'gan , whoso lllo was despaired
of , is out of d.umci .
Mrs. Willmm Shoniuld is v crv ill nt her
husband's i esidence , Thirtieth and U streets ,
Third ward.
Mr. Tciry , of Omaha , has broken ground
for bis now residoneo on Twenty third and I
Messrs. Arthur \V. Saxo. W. R. Sago and
D. A. Pearce will act as iloor , aud Messrs.
Albeit 12. LiriiliHiii , ] { . A. Cmpcntor and L.
C. Gibson on the it-coption uouimittco nt tlio
Uumnuti dance to-night.
The Hov. Hobeit L. Wlicclcr , pastor of the
Prosh.v terian cliuich , will iire.mli in the
Font th ward scliool house Sunday afternoon
at J 30 o'clock , and thereafter cveiy other
Sunday afternoon at the same hour. Sunday
scliool will bo Held eveiy Sunday afternoon
at a :30 : o'clock.
John A Uoborts of Omaha failed to appear
before Judge King and claim his $10 deposit
for > hcingdruak.
Edward ICain on the dcmocra < ic ticlict and
John E. Smith , 11 O. Ma.vfieldmul.lU8tieoi : .
If. Wells on the republican ticket are candi
dates for the nomination for justice of the
I..arry Curtin , wonting in the Aiinour-
Cudahy packing uousc , while turning sud
denly , ran on the point of a knife iu the
hands of his fellow v.oikmen , the point nf
the blade cntcriiiK nearly two inches , severing -
ingnn artery from which the blood llowcd
freely ,
Luther Clieney , of Winchester , N. IL , i
visiting his nephew , S. A. Miller.
Miss Kitty O'Urion , of Chicago , who 1ms
bccri visitim ; her ulster nnd brothoiitilaw ,
Mr. nud Mis. Patrick II. McMahon , will
retuin home.
W. U. Carr , of the Chicago postoflleo
EiiKJowood station , is in tlio city , the guest
of P. K. ( Joanoy.
Diphtheria is cured hy the use of Cook's
extra piy imuctial champagne an a gurgle.
Ask .your plijsichui to try 1U
Hoinethiiiii to Iti'inninOrr.
If you nro going east , roinombcr the
"Koclc lalnntl Routo" run the sleepers
nnd chnir cars of their bolid vcBtihulo
train to nnd from the Omaha ilepot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. in. , thus avoid
ing tlio transfer at Council Hluirs. Thruo
solid trains daily. All chuir car a are
free. Dining uarson all through IraiiiH.
Our trains malcp elohu connections with
all ouytorn limited trains connecting
in union depot nt Chicago , avoiding a
transfer ncroaa the city to parties on
route to Now Yorlc , Boston and ulhor
eastern cities , "and everything n little
better than other lines can offer. "
S. S. SritvicNS ,
Ticket onice,130j Purnam. Gon'l W. A
iTournitllNiii In tlio Flvo Nations
The IndiiuiH of the Five Nations tulco
great interest in news from the sur
rounding Htatcs , as well as within the
borders of their own nations. Ton
weekly newspapers uro piiblibhcd within
the territory , and 11 number of daily
newspapers from the Btutcb uio taken
by the Indians.
Important Notice.
We are now making small she IMle
Deans , (10 ( little beans in each bottle. )
They are the most convenient to use ;
specially adapted for children and
women. Price 25conta a bottle. J. P ,
Smith & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
1 tall way Travel On Uio Continent.
According to a paper toad at a congress -
gross at Slrasburp , 32 per cent of rail
way passengers in Prussia travel fourth
clusblU per cent third clubs , second
nnd only 6.0 first.
Children Cry for Pitchor's ' Castoria.
( Then Dibjr vru tidt , ire gare her Coatorta.
When the WM a Clilld , Rlio crlKl for Caaloria ,
\Vhun aio became Uim , the duup lo CaMoria ,
\ 7n Riie l&t ClillOrea , Uio care ttiun CutorU
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated hy tlio lA.l3latiiro | , for Kilucullonal
nml Clmrltnhln | > nrin | t , nml It' fiiiiidilM ) in ui" u
imrtot tlinpriiitiil i-titu CunMltmlon , In 187 , liyim
urvrtTliLlinliii ; | > < iiu1nr | rote
Its J1AM.MOTII DHAW'INQS tiiko place Romt-
Annimlly. ( .Innu unrt Juceinlin ) , nnd Hi
( lltAMSINUii : NUMIUUt JlltAVV INC'.S tnko
pluco lu nf tliu other ten mouths of the
jeur. anil uro all drawn In public , at the Auid-
emy ot ilutli. New Orleans , [ .H.
For Integrity of ttn Drawings , and
' ' ol I'li/.pH
i'roniiit I'nyiiiont / ,
Attested as follou-s :
"Wo do Iiproliy certify Hint we sii | > urvl o tlin nr
TaiiKflmenlt lor nil tlm Monthly nml Hnnil Animal
Jninlniiiof Uio Jiouimnnn Mine i/nii < ry Coiiiimuy ,
nml lu | < irMiii iiiiinni.u and cuiitrul DIM \trnyilngn \
tliunisolvoi. , fad tliu sniiiu nit Loniliiittil wlili
lionenty , fnlrni'5" . anil In homl lallli lonnrl nil p ir-
tlot. nnil we luillu rl/u Ilio coiniinii ) lo UM ) I *
Itinlu , Hlili fiK-linllus ui uar liii ; iluris ulliiLliuU , lu
ita uilvorlltununu. "
vye.tliounilomUnoil lliuik * nml llniilnrfl , will pny
all iirUi-n dniwii In ilin loultliiiiii Mute J.uliciluf
which in ly liu uruMiiluJul our counter ; ' .
It M. WAI.MafjBV. 1'ies Louisiana Nnt Ilaulc ,
I'lnitltP. I.ANAIIX. I'ros , Slnto Nnt'l Hank.
A.HAI < I > VV1N. 1'res. NuwOrloans Nat'l limit.
CAItf. KOIIN , I'roh. Itnlon National llanX.
Grand Monthly Drawing
A ttlio Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuosdav. November 12.
10OOOO 'JlokolH nt Iwi-uty lollnrn
cniin. Halves , . 1O ; Quarters , $5 ;
TcntliK , $12 ; Twentieths , $1.
TIRT of rnnrrfl.
i 'Hi/K or s.Tf iouj ii
1 'lll/K OK 1 ( UUI )
1 'Itl/K OP M.UIt ( \
1 Mll/K OH' 2ji m Is
r , III/IMOK .VXIuro
2A > UI/I.Sir l.K'Inru
Wl Mll/l.h 01' uru .
Jil 'UI/K.H OH' . ) nru
WU 'Itl/IH Of UJllilB
' '
100 JVIresot tvinrii
IUJ ilu .Ml are
100 < lo VMnra
( m do 100 uro
WU < lo KOoru . . .
M > n 'llckoU d L | > ll l I'lUu aronot oat
IlloU to linuliml lu
t irl'im f'nni IIATJ i orunylurthLT liilunnntlon
duilrtil , wrliu ItfiUlj lu Ihu nuclcnlnni'il , rlourly
elnllnii ynur retlilmito , iritli hiuta , County , Mrvot
nml Niiinhur Muro rapid return mull diilltrry nrlll
to uBnurud liy yuur cuilu'liiit nil tnvulono Lcuring
jour full uililru > 9
Aiulress M , A. DAIJI'III.V ,
No\v Orleans , L .
\ \ Hbhlngtnn , 0 , 0.
lly ordlnurr letter , containing Mds'K.r
( imltyall jir ; 3Couipunlu , KI.W Ivik I'ltUunne
Druttur I'oiUlNJu ) .
Addrest fleglsleftJ Lelleu coalaioloj Cuffeocj lo
Nuw Urltuna. f.a.
IIKUKMI1KU Hint Illii pnynient nf IVIrel II
NcwOrlcmii. anil tliiulcki'ln urn > lirno < l liy the iireiU
( lent of nn IliMltullmi , irtiuno tliaiti-rud riulif * r
rrcoifuUcil lu lliu lilgluiit cnuiH : llifrt luru , uewir *
ot nil lmtlBllun or gniiiijiiiiiui > cnoiuck. "
ONhDOl.l.AU U tlin rrlrn of the unullf t part or
fmclion Ufa llckct IrtSLl.l ) ItV L'H ' In unjnlrai. IIIK.
Anylhl incur immi ) vtturcU ( or lei > tliun a icillur
U iim
Teacher of the Violin.
Open fur otigaffluc-nts at c&ncfrtu , entertain-
inentu ek.
At I'liplls IlBUduiro. CJI KoitU 15th