Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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I 11- ? !
it Wheat Temporarily Strong But
Vnlttoa Finally Go Lower.
Frovitlniifl Open Up Actlro nnd
Stronger on tlio Wtiolo hUt Oat-
* llo lit Hotter Shape Most
lu Dciiiand.
onicAoo puonuon JIAUKRTS.
CniOAno , Ocv IS. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Urs. ] The xvhoat market had n period
of speculative strength and vigor early in
the day , but values the session through
avernped rather lower Ihnn yesterday and
the undortonocan not bo truthfully described
M stonily. Trading was rather thin. That
Is to say , whllo fluctuations woru not - infrequent
quent , the uinrkot was not broad nr full of
action. Towards the last of the session ,
however , when the market took on a plainer
coloring of weakness , there xvns increased
activity and the tendency of values to " lvo
way" bcc.vnc moro pronounced. 'I ho last
fifteen minutes of the session witnessed a
big struggle , in which the bulls came out
second host. Conditions have been getting
moro bearish for some time past. The blR
movement In > lho northwest , the recent
moderate stimulation in movements In llrit
hands throughout the whiter wheat district
of the \vest , lacit of encouragement from the
old world and the accumulation of supplies
huvo nil tended to sliako confidence In the
malntaiminco of values at the present
basis. The f.ict that n very largo
amount of wheat bought for Decem
ber has not coino out on the little
roucllotm and frequent rallies from 8-Jo or
thereabouts for December , hai served to educate -
cato operators to the belief that the market
vian unlikely to go back to that llguro. On
every rally , however , there came n steady ,
trickling stream of orders through commis
sion houses to sell ciRalnst possessed wheat ,
whllo the majority of the old crowd of pro
fessionals Increased their short lines nnd the
load kept building up. Professionals have
for some ; time past evinced a partiality for
May , having realized the sense of the possi
ble danger of over trading in December ,
though they felt satisfied that there was no
concentration of contract ! for that month ,
but rather a great mais of property con
tracted for by the miscellaneous miyers at
figures that showed no loss in the trades.
Fooling this , they have not been discouraged
at the stubborn refusal of the market to
yield to their pursunsluns. As before stated ,
May has been the point against which the
bears have been directing their heaviest lire.
To-day that future developed distinctive
nlgns of weakness , pulling back when Oe-
combe1- moved up and leading on the back
track. December opened at S-i'aC ' , advanced
to 8'Jjfc , settled b.iclc to S2'&c , rallied to
b2Xc and then broke under hc.ivy pressure
to 81J o and closed at SlJfG lJ c. Mav
openeil nl Sfi' ' c , advanced to S)5 > , worked
\c \ down to S4Xc , hung hc.ivily aioumtSSonnd
then sold oft to 8\ytc \ , closing at 8l ° c. Oc
tober left oil at bU'fc. The average net do-
cllno for the day was sU'vie. Cables were
a shade lower nnd piiv.Uu dispatches from
the other side brought selling order ! ) . Export
clearances ofhcat were small , nud of Hour
tnoJcrntc. New York ad vised that nine boat
loads had been worked for Lisbon. Dunham
wired that this report was partially true and
that ho thought this only the beginning.
Local arrivals wcro 310 cars. Minneapolis
received 045 cars and Diiluth 210 cars. The
total receipts at all the blackboard points
foot ui > 810,000 , bushels and shipments 22J.2S7
bushels. ,
There was even less doing than usual In
the corn pit , which for the greater part of
the day was piacticaliydoscitcd. The mar
ket was easier and pi ices again lower. The
foreign markets were weak and oulsido do
mestic trailing centers wet o apathetic , dull
nud tending lower. Uecoipts hero wore 3.5.2
cars , against 317 expected. Thai o was a car
of now corn received fiom the eastern part
of this state. It wus a flue sample of grain ,
but ratnor soft and graded No. 4 , but it was
looked upon by receivers und spcculatois as
the advance guaui of a mighty host. There
was n good demand for May coin around
82J e , but sellers wore moro conspicuous
than buyers In all near futures and in the
end May suffered equally with the balance of
the list. Shipucrs voro indlffcicnt bvivew
oven at the lower prices they wore having It
oflerclat. Tno closing prices show a do-
cllno of about ' 40 since 'vcsteiday , the llir-
ures being : OctoberUOkfc , November ! 305 < fc
and May 32 ; : w ; .
Oats wcro moderately active , out tne mar
ket partoolc of tlio weakness in corn nnd
wheat , and with line weather for delivering
from farmers and continued liberal receipts
there was an absence of buying orders ex
cept at a shaded pi Ice , and a decline of j ( > j !
} { a Declined. May touched 2IA u , with Ua-
con & \Vcaro selling nt21c. Near mouths
ahow relative weakness , with December of
fered at 18' < c. No. 2 to go to store sold at
18'o. '
In provisions there was an nctlvo and
strong opening on the whole list to-day , dcs
pile the fact lhat hogs wcro C@10u lower at
the yards nnd the receipts of the same not
ouly ubovo the estimates but larger than the
recent average. Prices for provisions
showed a decided upward tendency iu early
dealings , Januniy pork moving up 1''jijC , or
to ? 'J 10. Lard in thu meantime gamed
21 " ' 1(1 ( rl"s t ° v October do-
livoijr lOc , with the moro deferred
deliveries of ribs 2' < f@7)fo ) up. Packers
nnd loivil professionals wcro the principal
traders , January pork leading in Interest.
Only ono trade was made in October pork up
to noon , nnd that was at $11.00. Considera
ble long propei tv was unloaded on the bulge
by local houses , and as soon as the buying
pressure eased up tlio mailed reacted to tlio
extent of lOo on the moro deferred deliveries
of poik. Them were some scattering out-
uldo buying orders , nnd in the aggregate n
fair speculative business was transacted ,
though rather n nuict stnto of affairs existed
during the last half of the session. At six
loading pacitlng points the icccipts of hogs
fertile past twenty-four Hours were 43,500 ,
head , against 31,000 head for the correspond
ing day last year. Foreign maikots wcro
quiet and steady for lard , with a fair demand
rcpoilod for bacon at unchanged pi ices Ko-
coipU of the product wcio fair and the ship
ping dcuiand is moderately active at this
point for both gt ecu nud pickled meats. The
mill kct closed steady at about unchanged
prices for pork , lard showing a not gala of
'Jji'u und ribs of 7 > < o for this and next
mouth's dcliveiy.
Cmatno , Oct. 18. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKB. ] CATTLE The receipts were di
vided ut 0,000 natives , 2,000 Texans and l.OJO .
rangers. The general market was in bettor
Blmpo than for any day this week and about
everything In the natlvo line sold from
steady .to a shndo stronger. Texans wcro
quoted up 5 ( < L10o and u few good rangois sold
cubstanilally boiler. Oi > ing to the scarcity
of Texans , canners and butchers had to fall
back on native butchers' stock , causing the
best cows nnd heifers to sell for better
prices than for any day m two necks. Deal
ers iu utoclrcra and feeders reported a fair
business at the current low prices.
Choice to extra hooves , tl. 50 1 90 ;
medium to good steers , 1350 to 150J
Ibs , f4.00@4.25j 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $3 WJ
@ 4.25 , 060 to 1200 Ibs , $ J 0003.75 ;
stocUera and feeders , $ JOO < < (2.00 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , I1.20&2.SO ; hulk ,
tl 752.10 ; Texas steers , f J-IS AOO ; cows.
tl.7fXH2.b5 ; natives nud half-broods , t'J.50ft
8.75 ; cows , $ l.fc5@2.M ) .
Hoas The doiuuud was fair , with a down
turn of C@10a on rough and common HOWI
nnd 01 dinury pickling grades. On the othei
hand , prime heavy , showing a liberal barrou
top , told only n shade louer , Pucxcra pahl
ta.WMJ 05 for lough and coarse sows In odd
lots ; ? ! 00(34.03 ( for ordinary packing grades ,
nud m Bouio cases as nigh as ti.07 } ( l.lO ,
liuyers are making a strung light against tlu
extraordinary number of rough but fat sow :
that are coming to market at present. Uar-
row a are scarce and command a strong prom
luru , as shippers are bound to have thorn
Toe regulation iblpplnt eoiti lold nt | UO ( < j
' .
Wf IM.I "
n . -iiair'mifK
4 TO nnd light orts nt Cl.rK UO. Fancy
butchnr pigs , averaging 240 pounds , cost
$4.40(24.45. (
New YORK , Oct. 19 | Special Telegram to
THE llnr. ] SIOCKS Stocks opened lively
to-day. Action was very doubtful. Gossip
last night was that of disgusted nnd tired
operators. The bear combination Nnt
Jones , Uatcman , Cninmack , Durand and
their followers were clntoj. The Vlllard
victory was n great thing. Hisscll , for flvo
old directors , sold 10,000 sharoi of Northern
Pacific , whllo Vlllard's forcoi acquired largo
blocks of the stock. The Colgate p irty sold
liurlineton heavily. Boston and London up
held Atchlson. The money situation looks
less hopeful than at any tune.
Financiers say that there will bo a
pinch and that funds may run from
12 to 2J per cent , unless the treasury gives
relief. It Is claimed that Chicago has taken
largo sums of money from Now York. 'Iho
London tnaruot opened flat for American se
curities , but later Improve 1 to Ji'QJjf ' per
cent better than It closed hora last night.
This market opened shaky , with Louisvlllo
up to SO / and Burlington and St. Paul still
further depressed and the list generally
small fractions off. Northern Pacific was
much improved In tone nnd moved up on
early dealings from 71J to 73J < f. Sugar was
prominent for strength , going the first hour
from 70 to 78 . Coal stocks were ad
vanced , with Holding at 45j nnd Lacka-
wunnn nt 142' . Tim boars and motiov manip
ulators did all In their power to cause
n loner range of prices In stocks nnd failed.
Money was loaned up to 15 par cent. Ono
thing which gave the market n buoyant feel
ing nt times Is the fact that the short inter
est is so great that to cover It may require n
sharp advance. There is less talk of tight
money comim ; to an end soon nnd buyers are
now seeking to better the market even in tlio
face of dear money. Something iu that di
rection was dono'to-day. Northern Pacific
preferred sold as high as 73J ! , closing at 73j ,
or \ * ( per cent hieher. Manhattan gained n
point. Atchison touched 3lc , closing {
per cent better nt 31 , Granger stocks closed
with net gains of J < @K- Missouri J'acillc
sold at 70) < J and held the Jjf per cent gain nt
70 at the clpso. Lacknwunna was up 1 per
c nt , Cotton Oil ! > * , ' mid Sugar \ % , wltn no
\eryweakspots atiywhcio. The total sales
wcro 101,7CI shares.
The following wore the closing quotations :
Mover On call , light , ranging from 0 to
IB per cent ; Inst loan at 7 per cont.
PniMB MuucvxriLB PAI-BH fyfQi par
RTBRMXO EXCITIVOE Qulot nnd woalt ;
sixty-day bills , fl 81J ; douianJ , $4.b5 ; .
Tonic , Oot IS. fSpoolal
o THE Utc.1 Tha following aw the miu-
RsWc'.i quotations :
* lioml
W \sntvorov , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram
: o Tun Bnn.l Honds offered : $ dl39 ut
. .2rfJ3,2)0 ( ) at 51.03Jif.
CIIICAOO , Oct. IS ll"i : p. ra. close
.Vlieat Lower ; October , bOVc ; Decembsr ,
Jfc ; May , 8c. !
Corn Steady ; October , 30 } c ; November.
' < ( c ; Liny , 3Jfc.
O.its Steady ; October , IS c ; November.
u ; May , Sl c.
Hjo-October , 43J o.
Uarlev Olc.
Prime Timotliy-l.lS.
Flax Cash. $1.2'JX ; Mny , $1.33.
Whisky-Si 03.
Pork Steady ; October , S1093 ; January ,
? OCO.
Lard Steady ; October. SG.12K ; January ,
? 5 00.
Flour Steady nnd unchanged : winter
wheat , ? 3 00@ 1 10 ; sprms wheat , S1.23 ( D 00 ;
rye , ti.r > OQJ 73
ProvisionsShoulders $1.2" GO hort
Provisions - , > @l ; 5 >
clear , ? j.GO@ > 6\ \ short ribs , October , ? 5 15.
Duttcr btu.idy ; creamery , 10@23u ; dairy ,
Cheese Dull and lower ; full cream ohed-
iis , OW@0' ' i : Hats , tytf&Wie ; Young
Amorcas. 'J t Wc.
KgK * Ktsier ; frosb , 17)i19iJ. ) ?
llidos We ut ; heavy ami li ht grooa
salted , Oc ; dry calf , S JQ ; deacons , each ,
Tallow Weak ; No. 1 solid packed , 4c ;
No.'i , 5Xc ; caleo , 1 , ' c.
UecPipts. Shlpm'ts
Tlour . 2.I.UOD 9.0JO
Wheat . lin.OJJ 14.0JO
Corn . 210,000 1'JJ.OOJ '
Oats . 233,003 253.00J
Now York , Oct. IS. Wheat-Receipts ,
3J,5"0 ; oxpotts. 20'JOO ; spot lower ami woalt ;
No. JJ red , li ( Sllifc lu elevator : 8k ? iCVo
afloat ; b lj@S''KJ l ' . o. b. ; ungraded rod , 78
@ 07o : oiitlons weaker ; No. a red , No
vember , closing b4Jfc.
Corn Hcceiiits , iJiO.'OO bushels ; exports ,
03,000 bushels ; spot steadier ; No. 2 , 334' < < s39u
in elevator , iJOJ ffllOc alloat ; miL'raded mixed ,
SfifdtAQMc ; options dull uud lower , Novem
ber closing at ll'Jj/o.
Oats Hoceipts , 152,000 bushels ; exports ,
1,100 ; spot active ami weaker ; options easier ,
November closing at 25c ; spot No. J ,
whlto , 21tf23c } ; mixea western , 211 ®
20c ; wliito western , 27Q lie.
Coffco Options closeu barely steady nt 10
(315 points up. Sales : 47,2 0 OAKS ; October ,
| 1520@15CO ; November , S1515Q1020 ; npot
Klo , Btoady ; fair cargoes , $1'J.25. '
Sugar Huw , nominal ; icllnoJ , easy and
Petroleum Steady ; United closed nt
$1.00)6 for November.
Ut't-'s Steady ; western , 20@34c.
Pork -Quiet ; moss , inspected , 1 13.25 ®
Laid -Firmer ; western steam , spot , Si5.70.
liuttor About steady ; Klglus , " 3o ; west
ern , 9iJ15i3 ( ; creamery , 12@Jlo.
Cheese Weak ; \\esturn , b lOc. , Oct. 18. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 73ii7/c ! ; ? ; December , 73o.J
Corn Dull ; No , 3 , 31o.
Oats-Quiet ; No.J white , 21
Ityo Steady ; No. 1 , 43 , c.
Uarley Uasy ; No. li , October , 63 0.
Piovlblons btondy ; pork , $11.00.
MvurDiiol , Oct. 18. Wheat Quiet ;
holders offer moderately ; California No. 1 ,
7s 4d@7 5d per cental ; red western wlntar ,
Us 9 > f KgJa lOiJct.
Corn- Quiet ; now mixed western , 4s 10d
per cental.
Minium polls , Oct. 13. Sample wheat
dull and slow ; receipts 015 cars , shipments UJ ,
Closing : No , 1 hard , October , 79o ; May , SUe ;
No , 1 northern , October , 7to ! ; May , 8Ju ; No.
! 3 northern , October , 71o ; May , 7Uc.
St. I.oulM. Oct. 13. Wheat Lower j cash ,
TScjMay , Sajfc
Com Weaker ; cash , 23c ; May , 29J c.
Oats Lower ; cash , ISc ; May , 2lKo.
Pork-Htoady at * 11.50.
Lard Firm nt 1000.
Uuttor-Ua yj croatuory , 20 < 331o ; dairy ,
Whisky Steady at fl.OT.
Clnolnnnii , Oct. 18. Wheat Weaker !
No. 3 rod,79 < ibOc.
Corn l.asier ; No. 3 mixed. 34c.
Oats Weaker ; No , 3 uilxod , aic.
IlniiMnCity , Oct. 19. Wheat Receipts ,
3,700 ; shipments , 3,700 ; strong ; No , 3 hard ,
cash C5o bid ; October , Q5a ; No. S hard ,
cash , Ole bid ; October , Ulo ; No. a soft , ca b ,
OOWo bid ; October. Wjfa bid.
Cora Quiet ; No. \ ) , cnh and Oetooor ,
2.1'ffo ' bid : No. 2 whlto , cish nnd October ,
Oats No. 2 , caih , Ityfc ; October , lOo bid.
Chlcnco , Oct. 13. The Drovers' ' Journal
reports ns follows !
CnttloHccelpts , 0,000 : market steady ;
choice to oxtru beeves , M 0@4.00 ( stccro ,
UORSllccbipts ; 21.00J ; ' market closing
lower ; mixed , * l 0001.40 ; heavy , SJ.SSdJl 25 ;
light , $4.00(31.00 ( ; sKll > 4. ? 3uO@l 10.
Shnop Kccolpt , 9.000 ; maritct steady nnd
active ; natives , W.OOci5.iO ( ; westerns. . * . ! BO ®
4 15 ; Texans , $ J.40I.15 ; lambs , fl.OOCto 25.
Kansas City , Oct , 19. Cattle Uecelpts ,
4COO , ( shipments , 2,400 ; market lilRhor ;
common to choice corn-fed stoors. $ J23@
4 . " 0 : cows , Jl.uCQ ) 30 ; stockers and fcoJcrs ,
? J.23 00.
Hogs Uccolpts , 7.100 ; shipment , 2,000 , ;
wonk nnd loWer ; llsht , $4.tXX24 40 ; heavy
nnd mixed , $ , ) .S5@J 95.
Sioux tly ( , Oct. 18. Cntllo Hccolpts ,
400 ; shipments. 2.20 ; market weak ami
unchanged ; cows , $ l.OO@I.'J. > ; stoekcr * nnd
feeders , * l.50@2bO ; votU calves , $ J OJi3 , 16.
Hojja Uocoipti , l.PDO ; shipments , - ;
market steady light und mixed , ) .05@3.75 :
heavy , ? 3.7'Qy.5 > 5.
National Stook Ynril < , Hast Kr.
Oct. -Cnttlo Uocolpts , 1,000 , ;
shipments. 1OW ; inarKet hltjhur ; fair to
choice heavy natlvo steers , f3.30v < ? l.75 ; stock-
era nntl feudcrs , iJl.Ti'i'QJ ' 03.
HORS Uecalpts , 3,50) ) : shipments , 2,033 ;
murkut slow ; heavy , 81.0'J@13J ' ;
* J 7504.10 ; light , fl 00 1.33.
Cat Hi- .
rrlday , Oct. 13.
The fresh receipts ot c.Utlo were tlio light-
at of the .your , but there uoro quite n food
nnny holdovers In the yards , though of not
cry deslr.iblo qunllty. A tr.iiu of Toxuns
vhlch uamo In Into yestordiiy were on tlio
nnrkct to-tiny , Such cattle us the dressed
icef men could use brought linn prices. A
cw unlives sold nt ? J 6UM8.1K ) and To\ans
light S3.40 © ? 59. Cow siutt was In fight
upply and commanded steady prices. Nn-
, lvooo\\sand canncis sold at SI.01)03.25. )
1'hoyards were full of trashcouimon to fnlr.
hin und light atockors nnd feeders , but
enlly desirable cuttle of thai dcscnptlon
vcro sc.itco. Iho niaikot was slow , partly
reason of the nusonco of buyers nnd partly
jccauso the eattlo were not such ns the buv-
rs wanted. Western feedci s Drought ? 1S3
@ 2 50 anu natives S3 47 > ( < $2.53.
To-dny's hog market was upon the whole
ibout steady with yesterday , bat n few
oads which wcro carried over solil higher
han was offeied for them ut vcstorduy's
loso. The best of light mid heavy
logs sold at f i 004 00 prtncipallv , but $3b5
3.90 was Iho popular range for packers.
\s the light liog men nnd shippers filled their
rdcrs nnd sit down the uutikot became
nthor slow. The jards wcro cleared iu
good season.
Tncro was a load of sheep hero , but it was
mrdly good enough to tempt the packers.
Sattlo 200
logs 4b03 ,
Sheep 113
pitd in
© I : r
( < t > 4.7o
@j to
f.t.7 ( )
( < 2313
( < § 3.0) )
( i ! > 35)
Mi 93
( ifi4 03
@J 80
n r > o
3 7i
3 93
1 50
1 50
1 0)
2 23
2 1430 2 47K 20 957 200
OSO 250 21 1137 253
Iiivn Stock Notes
D. G. Uobb of Kndicott , marketed cattle.
W. it. Ucaglc came in fiom Arcadia with
J. J. Miller came up from Vnlloy with
iicnglc nnd son ol Hazard , lirul hogs on the
Nicholas Jacquet came over from Mcrna ,
n. , with hogs.
William tlohnbauui of Waco , was In with
cattle and hogs.
Hanker \V. \ K , Sapp of Wllcox , marketed
wo cars of hogs.
Ainslow was represented by John D. Glndo
vtio had two cars of hogs on the market.
Whllo the receipts of cnttlo were the
Ightcst of the year , only eight loads being
reported , there have been several days
vhcn the receipts wcro not much heavier.
line 29 und February 23 the receipts were
ilshtccn loads ; February 7 , fourteen loads ;
anuary 20 , ton loads , nud January 10 , nlno
The Sioux City Tribune , In speaking of
Wednesday's ' hog market at that point , nays :
'John Swlsher , manager for Wood Jlro ,
shipped a string of eight carloads of hogs to
Clnc.igo. They ore ti eating us shamefully. '
said John , 'and I , for one , won't stand it. '
V stranger could distinguish u seller fiom
.ho common herd by the length of their
'aces. They were all warm under the collar ,
ind It is n wonder that more hogs were not
shipped to Chicago. "
Produce , Friiitt , Kto.
Hnns Strictly fresh , 18c ; seconds , lie.
Him : * . PI.I.T , TAT i ow , Gicen sailed
ddes , 41jc ; dr.\ \ salted hides , 3 } < Jo ; dry flint
ildes , 7c. c.Uf hides. oC < ? jMe ; damiiged hides ,
'c less ; sheep pells , green , each , 25jf ( 1.00 ;
heep pelts , dry , per lb , 0iJ)12c. ( ) Tallow , No.
.4@IKc ; No 2 , SH@Jj.fCo Grease , while ,
3Kteellow ; , 'y 3e.
Wool , Fine , average , luJijlGc ( ; medium ,
iverage , 21j2.c ( ! ; quai tor blood , average , 20
coarse n\orae , 15@17c ; cotts and
rough , average , 14@10c.
Fi us Heaver , per lb , $2.00iM ( 50 , each ,
< 20tuOOO ) ( : otter , each , $ J.OO ( < srOO ; v > elf ,
each , liUc@fl 2."i : coon , each , 2) ( < ? 75c ; mink ,
cnch , ISQ'OOo : musk , fall , fiSjOc ; skunk ,
rat , ingto'iUc ; b-.dgor , rat , 2i(3SOc ( ; deer skins ,
all , per lb , JSO' rc.
IJuiTruiNK 1'ubs , 14c ; lolls , 15o.
AiH'i.n Cc.
OMONS 15l20t ! .
HUTTUK Crenniery , fancy , 22'J23c ; choice
20@21c. Dairy , fancy , 17 ( . < ? 18o ; choice , 1
1)10c. ) Country , fancy , 10Q17c ; good t ,
choice , 14@l5c ; fair , 10@Ho ; inferior , 7
LIVE Piotoxs Ptr do ? . $ l..r)0.
GAMH Pralrlo ci ickon . W.OOR3.50 : raal-
ard ducks. $2 f 0fl 00 ; mixed ducks , $ l.50C < $
1.75 ; teal , ? 1.25@1 50 ; Jack snlpo , tl.00@1.25 ;
quail , $1 75@2.00 ; jack rabbits , $ ) 00(4 1 50 ;
small rabbits , tl.00@1.20 ; squirrels. $1.00(3 (
.10 ; plover , tl.OO@1.2V venison saddles , U
illlc ; carcasses , btlUo. ( ! !
1KA > > Choice hand-nicked navy , $1 " 5@
200 ; choice Imnd-picUed medium , $1.0"(5 (
1 bO ; choice huiul-ulckcil country , $1.75@l.fcO ;
clean country , S1.0jiSl. ; 75 ; Inferior country ,
Cuur.i-n Young Americas , fuli cream ,
I2o ; factory Iwins , lOc ; pff grades , 7tfi > o ;
Van KOSSPU lidom , $ ll. " > 0 tier doz ; s in sago ,
1'Jc ; buck , t10c ) ; liiulurgcr , S@0c ; uomes-
lic Swiss , Klc )14c.
Li'.Moss Fancy , SOOO SjO ; choice , S5 50
( JTO 00.
CuvMiLiniirs Capo Cod , S3.00C510 00.
On i\iu:4 Louisiana , pei box , $4 00.
)5C ) ( icum.Ai Fi.ouit Par bbl. , tO O'l. '
GiiAi'ES N. Y. Concord , per basket , 35Q
"APIM.I s-Pcr bbl. , Sl,00i73 ( 00.
Cvi.uonMX Gnvi'ES tl..Vi ) ( | l 75.
Pnvns 10 lb. boxes , $ l.732.23.
HAVVV S According to sue , per bunch ,
? 2 00g3 ( 00.
Coco V.M-TS Per 100 , $3 00.
Ari'i.n lluiTcu Be.
Clin.u Ubls , $3 50 ; hf bbls. 53 00.
Mu'Lr. Sue vn UK.i < M5c per lb.
Vn\r , Choice , medium size , 4@"c ; choice
heavy 3 ® Ic.
IlOM.'i lOc iior lb for choice.
PmsBU\Ti : 'J'iOlOc ' per lb.
JLLUhs 3J © 4o per lb.
Uni.snNo. . 1 , H@l9c. !
Pias Fni.T PlcUloil , kits , 73o ; pickled
gs tongues , kits , i2. ] > ; picKled tripe , kits ,
05c ; pickled II. C. tripe , kits S3c , spiced pi i
hocks , kits , $1.11.
Hi i v I'ovnuLS Salt , bbls * 2000.
II u $ -1 00r 5 00
CHOP Fi ni-S10.00 12 00.
\N-J10.00. .
Per VTOLS 20@ . ' 5e.
PIIOMSIOVS Hams , No. 1 , IC-lb nveragp ,
t ; SOto.'J Ibs , lOc ; 12 to 14 Ibs , llo ;
shoulders , 5c ; breakfast baton. No.
1. bc ; ham sausage , Oc ; dried
beef hams , S' " o ; beef tongues , 3000 per
ilo/eu ; dry n.ilt"meats , IVyfO'fo PT ll > ; hum
loulette , OHeudd ; Ic per ll lorsmnll lots.
PICKM > .Medium , per bbl. Sl.fiU ; small ,
ST. 5' ' ) : gheiklns , $030 ; C. & U. chow chow ,
Its. * 5b5 ; | > U * J40.
CVM > \ 0'j'Vai2' ' ( o per lb.
CuocoLo.ii : AND Cotot. 21@37o per llj ;
German clnckory , red , 7l c.
GINOLII Jamaica , ] i pints , $3 00 per dor.
Con ri : fii eon -Fancy , old goldea Rio ,
22)ije ) ; fancy old peaboi ry , 2Je ; Uio chnko to
fancy , 2Jc ; Hio , prime , 20c ; Hio , good ,
20o ; Mocha , 30c ; Java , fancy Maudebliiiir ,
2'Jc ' ; Java , good intoner , 24c : African , 21c.
Coi i in : Hoastod Arbucklc's Arosla ,
2l'io ; McLaughliu's ' XXAX , 24' c ; German ,
2IJ < c ; Dilworth , 23 c ; Alaromn , 2l' ' c.
Sue uis Cut loaf , 'J' c ; cut loaf , cubes ,
Oc : standard , powdeiud. O'sc ; XXXX ,
powdered , O' ' c ; gianulatud , standaid , be ;
confcclionors' A , T c ; white , oxtia C , 7Kc ;
exlra C , Nebraska , 7 ' 50 ; amber , 7'ac ; Call-
foinin golden C , 7c.
SvusiOE tiologua , 4Jfi < t5c : Frankfoit ,
7 > Jc ; tongue , Si-jc ; summer , Itse ; liead chccso ,
POUI.THV Chickens , par doz , live , choice
Id , * i.7.ViJ3 00 ; springs , tltrtliV.I 75 ; dressed
porlb. 10rfllc ( ; turkeys , live. M/J3c ; dressed ,
lKV 12c' ducks , live , per doz , | )50@JOO ) ;
diessed per lb , Iljl2c ( ; geese , live , per do < : ,
SUOObOO ; dressed perlo , lK12c.
LxiiDlierces Uellned , C'j'c ; pure leaf ,
0' < c ; kctllo rendered , 7c. Add } Ao to J o lor
smaller quantiiies.
L'.c $1.7fi@4BO.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Hrazlls , 7e ; 111-
berts , lie ; pecans , Hc ) ; walnuts , l"Mo ; pea
nut cocks , Sc ; roasted , lOc.
Wiuri'iNO PAHK : Straw , per lb , lJ/ @
2J o ; iag , 2 e ; manilla , U , 5iiOx'fc ( ' ; No.
1 , be.
SAiT-Dairy. 280 Ibs iu bbl , bulk , SMO
best grade , 00 , 5s , $2 ; ' 0 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$3 10 ; boot crude. 28 , 10s , iJ.'W ; roclt salt ,
crushed. 1 faU ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb bags ,
S'jo ; bulk , 2J4-lb bags , $3.23 ; common , in
bbls , fl.25.
FAIIIVACEOUS GOODS Harley , 3(33' ( o ; fnr-
Inna. 4 } < | 0 ; pens , 3Ue : oat meal , 2 ( ; 5c : mac-
aroma , lie ; vermlcella , llo ; lice , 3 > $ ( ( ? 7c ;
sago and tapioca , 0@7e.
Fjhii Salt Dried codll h,5U@3) ) < c ; scaled
horriiiIc ) per box ; hoi. herring , dom. , 50c ;
Hamburg , sjiiccd herring , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
imp. . b5o ; mackerel , laigo family , $10.25 ) ior
100 iLs ; whlto llsh , No. 1. 7 00 ; family. J2.75 ;
trout , 5 25 ; salmon , $3 50 : anchovies , 85c. MIATS : Corned beef , Hrough-
man , 2-H ) , oer doz , JJ 10 ; corned beef , Ar
niour'a , 2-lh , per doz , f.03 ; corned beef ,
Llbbv's , 2 KJ , } 2.10 ; 2-lb lunch tongue. $300 ;
l-to lunch tongue , li.75 ; 2 lb ham , f4.85 ; 2-lfj
brau n or headcheese , $ } 00 ; 3-lb pigs' feet
$2 40 ; 3-lb roust chicken , iO.SO : 2-lL roast turkey -
key , $ . . ' 30 ; iiottod ham , X 1) ) ) , S1.25 ; MJt )
chipped ueof , { 2.15.
DHIED FIIUITS Currants , now , 5)/o )
prunes , casks , 1,300 Ibs , 4'4/t50 ' o ; prunos.
or bags , 4lX UJio ; cllron peels , drums , 2'Jlbs.
22o ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Jbs. lOo ; faid
dales , boxes , 12 Ibs , 'Jo ; upilcots , cholcoovap-
oraled , 14o ; apricots , Jelly , cured , 25U ) boxes ,
15o ; apricots , fancy , .Mount Hamilton , 25-lb
boxes , lOa ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 Ibs ,
lUtfe ; apples , evaporated , Aldcn , 50 lb boxes
Oo ; apples , Star , 8 0 ; apples , fancy Al
don , 5 lb , lOo ; apples , fancy Aldeu,31b , l
blackberries , evalorated | , 50 lb boxes ,
15e ; uoctarlnes , red , 12o ; nectarines , silver
bags. 12o ; pitted plums. Cal , 25 lb boxes , Ho
raspberries , ovap N Y , now , 27c ; prunes
Cal , U 0,00-100 boxes , 25 Ibs , O o ; prunes
Cul , It 0,00-70. Oo ; orange peel , I5o ; raisins
California Londous. crop Ibis9 , $3 40 ; raisins
Cal loose , uiuscateu , crop 1658 , $ J.OO@ > .10
Valencies , 1853 , 80.
CANNED Fisu-Brook trout , 3 lb. ' $240
tulaioa trout , 2 lb , IJ.35 ; clauis , 1 b , 11.85
claim , 91b , | 3.10tclun ( chowder , 31br $1.05 ;
deviled crab * , 1 lb. * 3.23 ; deviled crnbv 'J
b , # 1 M ) ; codllih bnlK U 10 , H.7oj ciwior , X
b , US.cols. ; . 1 lb , 3.40i lobsters , 1 lb , tl.OOi
ousters , 3 lo , IJ.OOi lobstoti , tlovllod , X lb ,
fi.35 } mnckcrol , 1 lb. $1.73 ; mnckorol mus
tard sauce , n lb , f.1.10 ; innckcrol , tomato
snucc , 0 lb , M.2.V oysters , 1 lb , fl. c ; ojstcrs ,
21b , U.CO ; snlmon , C. H. , 1 lb , JiOO : snltnon ,
C. U. , 'J lb , $2,80 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , fl.OO ;
Siilmon , Alnskn , 3 lb , fJC3 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
OiLS-Korosono-P. W. 02/c ; W. W. 12o ;
headlight , salad oil , fJ.15jgO.OJ per
S u.son A 1 JjftsaJs'o per lb.
Srvncn 5(37o ( per lb.
STOVE Pot.isii-$300@3.87 per cross.
SiMChs Whole , per lb Allspice , Oo ; Cns-
sin , China , Oo ; clo\ci , Ponang , 26c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ! pepper , ISQIOc ,
Dry ( Sootls.
PniXTs Pink nnd Uobcs Ulchmond , Oo ;
Allen , Oo ; Klvorpomt , 5 > < c ; Steel Ulvor ,
OUc ; Pnclllc , OJ c.
Piiixrs Indlro Hluo St , Logor , OJic ;
'WnshltiKton. OJ ot Ainorlcan , OKo ; Arnold ,
O' c ; Arnold Century , Ooltidsor ; Gold ,
Tk't , lOi e ; Arnold 11 , lOkc ; Arnold. A , ISa ;
Arnold Gold , 10 } < cj ; Yellow Seal , 10J c.
CoMroiitnitsSJ r > 0'M3" 00.
Cousr.T JnvNS Boston , 7/o ; Androscocr-
Rln , "V'8 Ifoarsaje , 7Jfe ; llockport , O'fc ;
ConeilOKa , ( t'/c.
CIIASII Slovens' H , fijfc ; Stevens' A , 7o :
bleached , 8c" , Stevens' 1' , 7J/o ; blenched
bJfc ; Slovens' N , 8 > fc ; bleached , O' c ;
Slovens' SKI1 , 11 > c.
DKNIMS Amoikcair , 0 07 , 10 * fc ; Everett , 7
oz , Mo ; York , 7 elite ; Ilnyniukor , S'rfo ;
Jnrtroy , XX. lla'c ; .InlTrci , XXX. I''o ;
lloavor Creole , AA , l-'c ; llc.wer Oroolc , U1J ,
llo ; Heaver Greek , UO , lOo.
OINOIIAM Plunkott. ehcoki , O e ; Whit-
icnton , ( IJ e ; York , 7J o ; Normiuull dresi ,
7Ke ; Unleutta ilrcss , 7 c ; Whittcntnn dross ,
7 i ? ; Kontiow dross W'ilSHo.
tiiicuTivo , Hii\cnii : ) Lllorlon , 7 } < o ;
HouseUecper , b'jc ' ; Now Cnndidulc1 , Hl4o ;
Uerkeloy cutiiDrie , No. 00 , Do ; You Bui , 14 ,
' , o ; butter cloth , OO1'fe : Cabot , 7jci
Fiir\voll \ , hitU bleached , 8 > io ; Prult of 1,00111 ,
Sfc , tlrccu G , ( lo ; Jlope , 7 > ic ; Kini ? 1'lillliD
cuiibnc , lUi1 ; Lans'dalo cambric , lUc ; Lous-
dale , 8K ; Now Yorit mills , lOc ; Popperoll ,
I'J In , Hlc ; Pcpperell , 40 In , lie ; Pcppcroll ,
0-1 , U ] < fc ; Penpuroll , S-4 , 20o ; Pcppoiall , 0-1 ,
2Jo ; t'oDperoll , 10 I , l4c ! ; Canton , J I , btfc ;
Canton , 4-1 , U' ' c ; Triumph , Oo ; Wamsutta ,
lie ; Yallov , 5c.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7Ji0 ; Intcrnntlonnl ,
YYSofahotucket ; , S , b < fc ; Warren , No. b70 ,
lOc ; licrwick , 1JA , ISc : Acme , 13o : York.
! W in , 12Kc ; York , 3.3 in , IS' c ; Swift Ilivor ,
be : 'Ihornilikc , OO , S o ; Thorndlko , 111'1 ,
8Kis ; Tliormllke , I'M , "Kc ; Thorndlko , XX ,
15o ; Cordls , No. B , UV o ; Cordls. No. 4 , lO c.
JJi > CK West Point. 2S in , Soz , 9 > { c ; West
Point , 2'J ' in , 10 oz , 12' c ; West Point , 20 in.
12 of , lo c ; West Point. 40 In , 11 oz , lOc.
Fi.ANVi'LS Plaid Httftsmen. 30u ; Clear
Lske , IWHc ; lion Mountain , 20Hc.
Pui NTS Solid Colors--Atlnntlc , Oe ; Slater ,
Oc ; Herlln oil , CJ c ; Garner oil. 0@7o ,
SliniTiso C'HBCkB C.ilodonfa X , OJ o ;
Calciloniii XX , lOVc ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , lie ;
Granlto , 0 ? c ; Crawford ( .hecks , be ; Huw
Uivor pliuds , 5Jc.
Snp.r.iiNO , lluow.v Atlnntlo A , 4-J , 7'4o ;
Atlanllc H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlanlic D , 4-4 , 0 > ' < o ;
Atlantic P , 4-1 , Cc ; Aurora TJj , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora ( . ! , 1-4 , 5 c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ c ;
Hoosier LU 1 4 , R)4c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ;
Luwivnco lAj , 4 4. 5/c ; Old Dominion , 1-4 ,
oj c ; PcppcrellH , 4-4 , OJ'c : Pcppcroll 1 ,
4u-inuh , 7'4c ' ; Pcpueioll , 8-4 , 17J < Jc ; Popperoll
0-4 , 20o ; Puppoipll 104 , 2 o ; Utlca C ,
Ofc ; Wnchusetts , 4-t , 7c ; Auroia 11 , 4-4 , 7c ;
Aurora U , 4-4 , 0 > o.
FL\XNiis-Wlnte-G. : H. No. 2 , X , 2J' ' c ;
O II. No. 1 , ? , ' . 20) c ; G. II. No. 2 , { ,2J c ;
( J. ll. No. 1 , "j" , 30c ; Qneclioo No. , } { , 3'J c ;
Qnechco No. 2 , Jf , U7J c ; Anannn , 3 } % c ;
Windsor , 2il < o.
FiANNBW-Ked-C , 24 inch , 15 c ; K , 21
inch , 21Jfc : G G.21 inch. 20c ; II A tJ , 'J5c ;
J U F , X. e ; G , * { , 25c.
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , So ; lleauty ,
V2Mc ; Moonc , 14c ; 13 , cased , SO HO.
Ui.AM < Er3 White$1.00 < jg7 no ; colorod$1.10 ,
@ 800
CMU'LT WAIIP I3ibb , white , ISi c ; colored.
COTTON' Fi.AXNnLS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
EE.bJic ; GG.Orc ; XX , 10'Jc ; OO , UK" !
unbleached , LLi , 5 > < c ; CC , < > Ve ; SS , tiu\ ) \
NN , 12 0 ; AA , 14c ; DD. lo c ; TT. I0fc ;
YY. ISo ; UU , lOc ; 20 , bleached , S c ; 00.
12 c ; SL' ' , 13)tfc ) ; 50 , broxvn and slate , Uc ; 70 ,
12)ic ; ; UO.'lOc.
KCXTUCKJI.ANS Hercules , 17o ; Leam
ington , ' ! 2'.c ; Ulounood , 20c ; iMelville , 2 0 ;
Han -up , 27JijC ; Mcmoiml , l."ic ; Stanupomt ,
Ibc ; Durham , -7 ; < c.
Miacbi.E\\ious Table oil rloth , $350 ;
table oil cloth , inarblo , J3 50 ; plain Holland ,
0) ) c ; dado Holland , 12 e.
PIIIM-J Dress Charter Oalt.oc ; Uamapo ,
4c ; Lodi , SJ c ; Allen , Cc ; luchmoud , Oc ;
Windsor , l.&o ; Eddjbtono , Oj ; Pacific ,
\vlncs nn 1
Us' Twivr Sisal , I3j c ; hcmlljijc | ) ;
nmnilU , l.'ic.
Cl onivsMVKS Cotlon , 50 ft , ? 1 20 ; rotlon
CO ft , $1 40 ; jute , 50 ft , ! IOc ; jute , 00 ft , Sl.OO
COITOV Tw isrPino , 2lo ( ; medium , lOJ/Jo ;
heavy houip , He , linlit hemp , 17c.
SAIL Twis-n-B , mil , 2ic ) ; Calcutta , lie ;
Manilla rope , 14J c : sisal rope , IPXc ; new
piodirut , Oc ; Jute , O c , cotlon , lOc ; hldo
rope , 17.
and ItiiiltlliiK ? Intciiil. :
STOCK I3o uiDS A , 12 inch , c 1 s 1 1 and 1C
feet , * ID 00 ; H 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
S4I 00 ; C 12 inch , sis 12 , 13 mid 10 foot ,
$ .1000 ; I ) 12 inch , sis 12 , 11 and 10 feet ,
gM.OO ; No. 1 com 12 in , s 1 3 , 12 foot , $ ! * < 00 ;
No 2 com , U In , s 1 s , 14 und 10 feet , $17.50 ( < fl
IS & 0 ; No. 1 com , 12 in , sin , 10 , IS and 2l >
feet , ? 19.r > 0 ; No. 2 com , 1'i In , s 1 s , 11 and 10
feet , J17.00.
Pui'iAii LrMnrn- Clear poplar box bus , %
in , s 2s , Si'iOJ ; clear poplar. % panel ,
WO.OO ; clear poplar , % In panel , 525.00 ; clear
poplar , ' < J in panel stock wide , a 2 s , t OO ;
cluar ponlar corrugated cclliiig , % , $2'J 00.
PoiT-j U'hlte cedar , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5 i inch imlves and 8 Inch quar
tern ; lie ; unite cedar , 1 inch round , lOe ;
Tennessee , led cedar , split , 16c ; split oak ,
\\liite , 8c ; s.uscd oak , ITc.
SunMr No. I plain , 8 and 18 inch , $17.50 :
No 2 plain , 8 mid 10 inch , S15.50 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18 Ot ) .
msinNsioxs A D TiMinit.
12 f t H ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
2x0. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 13001UOO
2x9. . . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 18001900
2x10. . . 15 00 1500 15001000 1000 18001000
2x12. . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 18 0(1 ( 19 00
4x43x8.1000 1000 1000 1700 1700 18001900
KU.NCINO No. 1 , 4 and Oinch , 12 and 14 ft ,
lougli , f 10 00i < i 10 50 ; Nol , I and 0 inch , 10 ft ,
J17.UOC < J17.50 ; No. 2. 4 and 0 inch , 12 ami 10 ft ,
813 50(0,14.00 ( ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 ft , $15.00
© 1000.
FiMsmxfi 1st and 21 clear , l f inch , s2 a ,
$ lUOO@r)1.00 : 1st and 2d clear , 1 } and. 2
inch , a 2 , * l7.00g50.00 ; 3d clear , 1 # Inch"
2s , fn.OO@IOOO ; U select , \X \ , 1J and 2 inch ,
s 2 s , $ J7 00(1738 00 ; 1st and 2(1 ( clear , I men , s
2 s , f 15 00 ; fid clear. 1 inch , a 2 s , ? , ! ) 00 ; A
select , 1 InUi , s 2 s , J3J.OO ; U select , 1 inch , s
2 s , 5JO.IO.
Sii'N'oi.HH , L\Tir Per M XX clear , $1 15 ;
extra * A * , fJOO ; atandaidA , f300 ; 3-lnoh
clear. $1 ( ,0@1 70 ; 0-Inch clear , $1 75fil.bO ( ;
No. 1 , $1.10rfjl.l5 ( ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington tenitory , I40 ;
California red wood , dimension whllhs , tl 50 ;
cypicss , clour heart , dimcnsiouldtlia , { J.liJ ;
lath , $ -.50.
Houios No. 1 noin s 1 H 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
* 10.00 ; No. 2 com sis 12. 1 1 and 10 ft , J10 50i
No. 3 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , SU f.O ; No. 1
com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50c per M ft for rough.
BVTTI.VS. Wn.i. TUIIINO , Picur.TS O. G.
Halts , 2'i inch , OOo ; O. G. Halts , 2 @J , ss ,
a.o ; 3-In well tubing , D. & M. and bev.
$ -2.10 ; pickets , 1) . .Ss H , , Hat , $ ' .00j pickets ,
1) . & H. , square , $ lo oO C3
FI.OOIIINO Ut com 0 Inch white pine ,
t31 00 ; 2d com 0 inch white pine , 5.11.00 ; 3d
Loin 0 inch whlto plno , 12000 ; J ) coin 0 Inch
white pine , JiO 00 ; torn 4 and 0-inch yellow
pine $15.00 ; Star 4-Inch yellow pine , $1700 ;
1st and 2J clear yellow pine , 4 and 0-inch ,
$19 00.
white plno partition , JJUOO ; 2d Com , % In
white plno partition , t r.iX ) ; clear % in , yel
low pine colling , S'iO.OO : clear j in , Norway.
$11.50 ; 2d Coin , lu Noiway , < 12.SO.
Beat , 65c.
HUILDIKO DIIICK Common , $0.00@7.00per
M ; selected , $ r.OOJ5S.OO ( per M ; sewer brick ,
tS.OOt49.OJ per M.
nincIchirtlH fur
Now York slcontics any that tt Inrgo
part of the rood blids Borved in restiui-
rauts now arc really blackbirds , which
are plonttful iu the etulla ut CO ccuU u
dozen ,
[ NSTllUMKNTd' pl osil on MJJM dunui
L josteraav.
V f > Brow n et M toll H Medny , pnrt of
lot.T. nlk fl , .1 T llrillek'ft add. A . . . . $ 1.5M
AJ Poppieton mid wlfo toV II Itomnn ,
lot n. bite M'oppleton inrkvd . . . . 1 , < 00
N 0 roterson lo A I'otoraon , lot , bit 2 ,
IllllMiloiutilNo : . * . wd . 1
A li Kccd to .1 .1 Knllnix , lot 1 1 , Dltc IS Wll *
cox's M ndd.v il . . . . . 460
liScnrocdpr. tmsto \ to .t , T KMhn , lot SI ,
Wk 0 , llrown'a park , w d . 500
OW McVlckorftiul wlfoto II ll.tciroi , lot
ft. blk a. .1 unction Vlov Totrrtco , \ \ tl . , 803
r W AV < rl H nud v lfi > to H t : Cllpplngor ,
lot 11 , blk . llnn eom 1'lnco , wd . 0,000
A 1 * Glider-oil nml < > lfo tn Ulo Nelson , &w
' lot r > , blK S. Cnmpboll's add , \v il . . 500
11 A Worlay , trnnop , to O N llamscy , part
tn\lotsll.ln2t.1i'.l.t.\\ ( d . . . . 17,00. )
1C II Curtis to 8 S Cm Us , lot 10 , bile 4 ,
Omnlm View , qcd . 1
Hank of Commerce to S Sfmtlslot in ,
tilk 4 , Onialin Vln\v , q r d . 1
J II Thompson toll \V llopjior , lots 10 , 11
ami 1J , ijlK- , Amlro\\a .V ( Iciibon's add ,
wd ? . . . . . . 2 , 00
I < Schroodcr. trustop , to.l II Helper , lot 1\
blKU , Hronn I' . . . 000
Qeorfio 1'iitcrson and \Uto to.lllVnu
Ulostor , lot S7 , lleeso 1'lnco. w ft . 0,000
1' r Collier nndito to J J Uyrile , lot C ,
ulk n. iichldcio. w il . . . SX )
A bnundcri ct nl , tnistoc. to Pnmucl Mor
tenseii , lot 10 , hlk " ) , " Hauudeis A ;
ItlmctiaiiRli'iadd. w d . JRj
A Mcllnvnokto Sumuel Mortcnson.lolll ,
blk "O , " Baundura .V lllmob.uisli n add ,
w tl . . . . . . 1,100
\V T S NcllL'h to C I ! yclboit , lot 10 , blk. < .
Omnlia view , w d . 1,103
Klghtocu transfers . J oV',72 : )
llulli'.nii ; 1'fTiiilti.
The follow liiR bullilliig nermlls woiol ucd
itthoonicoof IJiilldlnff Insiioutor Whltlook
yesterday :
J. II. Vnj no , residence , Dodge nud Ihlr-
ty-iilnlh . S 1,000
0. A. Smiley , b rn , SliPinnn nud licit
l.lno . l.OJO
W. It. llonnn , loihlcnco , 1'oitlpth and Cul-
iroinlu . 4,50)
Etophon HOMO" , cottage , VII South Thirty-
Hist . . . } , ( m
I'wo minor penults . . . .r < J
Six pormtts . $1\EO )
Ailvico > o
Whialow'3 Soothing Svrtip
should always hj used for child rou
Icothliiff. Jt soothes the child , softom
the gums , nllnys all pains , cures wind
colio , and is the bust romouy for ditu1-
lioca. Sou n bottlo.
Provisions i Slocks
Basement First National Bank ,
805 Soulli lit Hi Slvcet. - Onmlia ;
Capital , - $ /iOOOOO
Surplus , - /iOOOO
Olllccrj nml nircctoia I ! . > f. Moriptnnii , ( I
M. Hitchcock , Jo j. ( , A. llcurv. B
M.mloi < > on. Wm. C.ilaul. v uros ; Ij U. Will
lams. A 1 * . Hopkins , pies ; V. MllUtci cnsnler ;
IV It. lliyuiit , assistant taslilcr.
Capital . $ 100.000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) . u2jOOO AND inticroii3. :
\ \ . V.TK-I , 1'iesldeiit ,
I.i.wi S. Iti.i D. Vltu I'ro&lnont.
A. Ij.'I'OU/VMN ,
W. V. MOIIM- .
11. L' . Cir niNO ,
J. N. II. \Titicic ,
W II. S. 111(1111. ( " , Cashier.
Cor. IJHinnd rainitmSts.
AUcnctal lluuklm : lluslnesj Transacted
buocetiors to Hied , Jones k Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of BMs & Siioes
Autula for lloalon HnbberShoo To ,1102 1101 nJ 1101
llarnoy htrect , Omaha , Nebraska.
S'lORZ & 1LER ,
Lapr Beer Brewers ,
isn NorIh KiuMcontli stirot.OmnLa , Neb.
Mannfctnrers ? ofGalyanized Iron Cornice
\\luiloiTciipsnnil motnlloliyllKhts , John KucncUr.
proprietor. MB mul HUbuulli llitli ttfuut. -
BTIlASfl 1 GJj A.ieisTKAM nEATlNO CO. .
Pimps , Plcss and EnEines ,
lUam , walfr , rnllvrnr and mlnliiK nupplln , etc.
'MVllnwl VH Itrium ittttt , Oiuuho.
u. s7wiND fixaiN K & PUMP co. ,
Steam and Water Siiiiplies. .
[ UlHJiVjr Kind inllla , 018 and 0 ° n Jimeii it. , OmaUa.
O , K. lion , .Anting ilnnaner.
Engines , Boilers and General Macliinery ,
Ehett-lion nori. ( team pnmpi , lair mllli , 121J-U15
1 eaicuntirlli Btri > l , Oiimbft.
IroiTWorko ,
and Cut Iron Bhilding WorK ,
Hnplnci. brn > i work , ponoral founilrr , machine ttud
LluikBiuItU work OKi'.e anil wniH , U. 1' . it/ ,
_ and Uth ilrcct , Unialia. _
Manufacturers of Wire aud Iron Railing
LJciV ikllf . trladow nuirdi , flower iloacli , wlra ilf i ,
otc. U-tNunulCtlnHoul.Umiilu. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaulli , jail work , Iron iliuttcri anil tire eirapvi.
U , Auureun. urou r , t'orucr lltU uJ Jackiou > t > ,
i Doorai Eto.
M. A. D1SUROW & CO. ,
Wboleinle maaufaoturcriot
Sasn , Boors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
Uruncii office. 12tlu d Irani > tr oU.Oni ht Ke'j.
OfSoutttOuiana , Limitel
! yS y * w'v * ' * ' y - ' > v yte ; 'y ' ' ' xj fjjjyS'jgg M
AgrloulUirttl Implomonta.
' *
LTK TA c ; JT A'anri CM L p co. ,
torlcnll'l ' implements , Waaons , Carriage
\\lioles 'e Onuhit ,
: nr , V
Wholesale Ddalcrs in Ftiruitnrc ,
Karnnm itreot , Onnlm , Kcbrntk * .
Fiirnilnro ,
Oraaliio , , N
Mcconb , uitAur A"CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uth and \onnnrtli Blrectt , Onmlii , Nebrnikk.
Heavy Hirflwaro , Iron and Steel ,
Fptlngi , win-on Mock , h-irdrMro , lumber , clo. 1201
nJ nil ll&iuor BlH t , Omnha.
Mnnunclnrer < niul job'orsln '
Wagons , Bnggios Ralici , Plows , Etc ,
Cor ! Hh mul 1'iullo MrilUUra li-i.
U , Jrt
Arlisls1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 DouKlni sltcot Oniiln ,
Booto aiul Shoos. _ . _ . . _
ir. r. Monsn A co ,
s of Bools anil Slices ,
tlOl , 110J , nuiDouiilns etri ot , OmMit .Mnnufixctory ,
Summer ituul , llojtun.
Coal , Coke , Etc.
Hincrs and Sliipiicrs of Coal ant Coi
Itoom ill , I - Nuii > nil 1'iin. llnilillii . OIIMIU
JoLliCiS ol Herd diiil Ui Coal , I
WJ South 13tl > Ureot , Uuinli i , .Vo 1
NEHHAbKA rUEli CO. , ) ,
Sliinners of Coal and Cok |
911 South 13th it. , Orarthn , Nub.
Wholesale Luinlior , Eta
Impnrleil mul Anurlcnn I'otllanJcmcul. . t"tLt
UKont fur lilwnuki u lij ilruu Ic c nieul uuil
ynliuy nmtulimo
DgalcrinllaiuWccdLiiiiilJGr ,
\VoodcarptUninl i > iniM.t llh and Uouglu
btiOLto , 01:1 tint. .Nib.
WlKintlsofBiiMiiigMalcria lWliolesalB
IbtU street nn 1 Union I'n'-illo Hack , Onialin.
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime. Sash ,
Doors , 1 to. Vnnld Cor.icr 7tli nnd Ilougiaa. Ofllet
Corner Kit ) anil liou.1. ! ! .
rRED. M' . DRAY.
Luinlie1 , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Coraer Dili anil Douglas sis , Oiunlm.
C. A' . Dlll'lZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lite
13th nml Cixllfoiiiln 'trccls , Onnhn.iNobrntV * ,
_ f/lilllnory nncl Notions. _
/ . omRruLiiR A co. ,
[ fflporlcrs & Jotibers In Millinery & Nolions
mi , 210 anil SI. ' Sum li llth sired _
_ Notions. _ _ _
J. T. fiOJJ/iViOiV NO 1 ION CO. ,
Wholesale Notions anil Furnishing Goods ,
o ) Street , Omalm
JCQ m m I sal o n nnd Storngo.
hiDiULi. & RIDDILI ,
Storige ami Commission Mei chants ,
SptclultlcB lluttir. CKC9 , chcoso. poultry , gamJjL
_ nuilo > fard BlrccI.Uinulin. sib. _
_ Dry Cooclo ' and WotloriB. _
Dry Goofo , Finishing Gooils am ! Notions
JlKnnJ 1101 DiiiiKlii , cor llth itrcct , Oniulm , Nob.
7jM 'I n It K-KOCll DRY GOO US CO. ,
Importers & JODDCR 'n ' Diy Goods , Nolions
Cilatii luriitihliiK coo < l . CoriKT llth cnil LIurneJf
Btrccta , Umilin. .Suliriisk u
Builders' ' Hariware and Scale ResairShGD
Jlechiiilc1 tool and HiiITftlo culc . HU5 Douglu *
etrtrt , Omulio , .Set ) .
Jobber ! or
Toys , Dolls , Alliums , Fancy Good ? ,
Douse furclshlnc ROOiK chlldron's rnrilaRtu , l0t
i-uronm atnut , Umnlm. Neb. _ ,
Wholesale Rcflred and Lubricating Oils ,
Alia ttmo. etc. . Omaha. A. II , Pltlmis .MBnui-tn
co. ,
Wliolcsalc Paper Diilers.
C rrr nice itook of ptlntlnu' , nrapplni : nml
I r.ii J3Ul Mlo all on xlroa o caru vnper
Chicago , Milwauke _ & St , Paul R'y. '
The Itcst Hotilo from Oinnlin and Cuunrll
lilulTs lo
Clilcngo , AND Mihvniikcc ,
St. Paul , Mlnni'npolls , Cedar Ilnplila ,
Kock Island , Fieqiort , Itotkfitnl.
Clinton. DiiljiKjiit ; , Jlineiijiort ,
Klj'In , Madison , Jaiipsrlllc ,
Uclolt , Wliuiiia. La Cruise ,
jVnd all oilier linportnnt ii'jlnt * KaitNurtlie t and
For through tlcketi call on tlio tltket niirnt attOi \
rarnaiuitriet.lii lark ! r lllcck.or et Uiilo I'ncifiO
I'lillmaii Eleaptn anil the tlntxt Dlnlnv Pan In lh
worlilnro ruiioti tlio mr.lii line ol Iliu Lliknuo , Mll <
naukoaABt 1'aul llkllnraf. miJ i-vtif atteatlun l <
pr.lil to Luurtcuui uuplojo ol
compAnr. IU Ml 1.1. Kit Manager.
j , I' TUCK 1C II , Asilitint d'uneral Mnnagar.
A. V , U. CAIII'KNIUH , Ueuural raiittnuer and
lckf t Aitfnl
UKO K IIIIAKIOHI ) . A > ol tn t ( ionor&l r ueoge
art Ticket Aront
T. J. Ola IIK. Utnaral KatiirlutiRilvnt.
W kn nef Bcdyind Mlndi llttett
of ErroriorEiotJimlnOldorVcuog.
B I > B < I , HOW. iUHCIIlllf.llr llMUirit. ll la f.ltr.i tit
Ntr.U.u < l > l < tr.l.llHllllltUllb ! * I'iUIBcrDODf.
IV.vUlilt i r > lll j ; HUIH 111 HI HUMUinBU U t 4j.
lull'Irom ' II l l.i , Tirtllorlti , 4 furlliiimiilrloi.
T u w'Ht tktn. UvBk , full * t [ > U ltl * . * r ta Btall4
fro. > IEII Ulfreu ca.tUMIP.N.f. |