Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wy'y ' 'VVt'W' HSHS ;
I' I
The Money Market the Ono Oaust
of Anxloty ,
The ApprnliniiolotiH Are Koinexvlini
IjCSHCticd , JIo\vr.vir The Vciltimo
ol Trailu c Hank Clear-
l\ccfil hiiHt
The ninnlpiilntion Scnro Ovltitr.
DNr.w YOIIK , Oot , IS. 'Spaclal Telegrnm
to TUB 1'r.n.j U. O. Dun AJ Co.'s weekly
review of trade says : As before , the
money market is the ono point of nnxioty.
Hates nro higher , but perhaps the appro
hcnMoit has somewhat , lesscnoil , ns the
neniolcss cry that the prcssuro was _ only
laaiilpiilatloti , has given plaeo to n more ra
tlotinl understanding of the reality nnd the
cou&cipicnt limitations of the demand. The
country still calls tor money largely , but retorts -
. { torts from nearly all interior centers of
aupply show that the supply is
considered ample for commercial needs.
There is limitless * und increased de
mand at Kansas City nnd some stringency at
Cleveland , but with uu easier tendency. At
Milwaukee the market Is brisk nt 7 per cent.
At I'hil.idclphia customers are supplied al
"from " 0 to 7 per cent.
The volume ot trade continues large , bank
clearings exceed last year's , railroad earn
ings are encouraging and castbound ship
ments from Chicago lira heavy.
At Chicago the dry goods trade for the
week falls bolotV Unit of thu corroiponding
.veclc last year , nnd tbo receipts ot wool and
Inrd full off ono-hnlf , but coal receipts nre
larger nnd receipts of grain und provisions
show n good Increase.
St. 1'nul rejoices in the inovcmcntnf Minne
sota's largest crop , and the railroad reports
indicate that the northwestern lines arc
choked with Iho enormous receipts from Ihc
Cleveland nolcs ncllvily In all lines with
small sales of ere because unsold supplies arc
There Is little activity in coal nt PittsbUMT ,
but the glass works are busy nt Iho old
prices. The Iron and slcol works nre nil busy
xvith prices well held , and the coke out-put
ntCounollsvillo is reported in excess of the
demand by one day's work each wcclr.
The iron traUo is still healthy , southern
furnaces seeming to have well sold up , nnd
though an offer of a Kchlgh Valley brand OH
No. 1 ul $ IC/iO is reported the quotation for
Iiig Is 517 lo $18. Uur iron is not ns firm as
other forms , mid tlio surprisingly heavy de
mand for plates nnd structural forms is for
Blcol rather than for iron. Kails are quoted
sit $ .11.50 , with sales for the week of 57,500
tons. An offer for 5.1KHJ tons American iron
to be shipped to bcotlnml failed because
frclghts were too high.
The shin yards on the lakes are to bo very
busy next season , contracts for thirty-live
vessels with atoamn-'O of < ir)00 , ; ) being quoted.
Tlio wool trado. is still dull , nnd while
there is a fair movement of dress goods and
enlarged discounts have caused more busi
ness in knit goods , the demand for men's
woolens is strictly moderate.
The cotton manufacture is thriving nnd
the trade In goods is satis factory , print cloths
Boiling att : ) c for C4s.
Speculation for higher prices in wheat has
not been active , since the last government
report and -heavy northwestern receipts
with scanty exports combine to depress
lirire'3 , which have fallen S'RC ' for the wcoic
jvith sales of 31.000.0UO bushels , against
110,000,000 last week on Friday alouo.
Corn has declined and oats 1's'c , while
pork products , though still sustained by tlio
clique , nro a little lower. Collco has yielded
'ic and Is woalc also , traders suspect on n
bettor knowledge of the yield than has boon
The coal business is belter with cooler
weather , but is by up means satisfactory.
The Heading company has stopucdnino of Us
collieries , iucludiiig two of thu largest.
The price of raw sugar has again declined
JjtC taiiu of refined J4c and n circular nn-
jiounces the approaching opening of the largo
Bprccklo'ft rclluery , but the fall In sucar
trust stock has been arrested by an upward
The stock market resists the tight money
stubbornly , but has yielded ait average of $1
per share on active railroad stocks , with
Homo recovery , however , on Friday. It is
the theory of some western managers that
an advance in prices just before tlio meeting
of legislatures in the CJranjror states would
bo most tin fortunate. But the moro gouer
nlly controlling influence is a conviction that
the western competition threatens mischief
nnd is not restrained by the intnr-stnto act
or by the good sense of managers , while lot
the present monetary uncertainties nro also
The business failures during the past wceli
number for the United States 1S > 3 and foi
Can ail a 41. For the corresponding sovet :
days last year the llgures wcro 202 failure :
iti the United States and 2'J in Canada.
A Denver Slinrin" ami Douutiea Ac
otisoil ol'Jury l-'ixiti ,
DEN veil , Oct. 18. A sensation was created
in the district court when iho slato's attor
ney Hied an aOIdavit bnforo Judge Oiukor ,
alleging tlmt so long us Sheriff \Vobor or unj
of his deputies were allowed to sumnioi
vcnlreineu or to have anything to do with
the case of .Tames ami Charles Connors , ol
this city , who , with Jim Marshal , of ICansai
City , unj now on triul. charged with u con
spiraey to rob the Oenvcr ki Hio Grnndi
express , the people could not get on impar
tial trial , for the reason tbut the olllciuh
favored the cnso of the defendants.
On convening court this afternoon , the np
plication was granted , and S. M. Control
und John L. Oailu.v were appointed to act it
the future proceedings of the caso.
Tlio Now lilnol : Hills Komi.
CiAMmiiL.ux ( : , S. O. , Oct. IS. [ Specia
to Tnc Hnii.l The Huron , Chauiborlaln < S
Bluelc Hills railroad is not ono of those- pro
] ccls which dies with the ending of tlio cap
Hal campaign. The preliminary survey hai
been completed , nnd the proposed route I :
through ono of the llncst section of the nov
jitate , a region at present entirely dovold o
railroad facilities. The success of Iho outer
prise ml'uns moro to { ho farmers of this sec
tfnn than any ether proposed measure of ro-
lief. It means bettor prices for farm pro
Uuctfl and cheaper necessities of life , inns
much as It will bring our grain market urn
supply point nearly two hundreds mile
nearer , Ouluth is mturull.v the siipp1 !
point of this section ofkOakota. Coal i
shipped at ns low a rule from Buffalo to On
lutti as to Chicago , and Ouluth is nearer u :
by nearly two hundred mllot than Chicago
The project is backed by men of induininta
bio spirit , and will bu a success.
Clilonuo Flijliilnt ; Ilia Has Trust.
CniCAdo , Ocl. } 8. ( Special Telegram ti
TUB HUB. } The city ouiehiU ore preparini
for a vigorous war with the Chicago gni
trust. The city has been uttcmp'lii to pa ;
tlio trust for the gas , consumed and do it
own lighting , as nn Investigation made bom
weeks ago by the council showed tllut eve
fiO.OOQ u year could bu saved by the city em
ploying llilitors for the street , lamps. Ac
.cordlugly Comptroller Onahan has proparoi
( o advertise lor bids for the street lamps
and the gas trust threatens to suu out an in
Junction restraining the city fiotn lighiini
iu own street lumps.
Ait ICxport Ooiiiiiei'lelter Sentenced
LE\VIXWOHTH , Kan. , Oct. -sspecin
toTm : HIBJ : Jamea Wilson was to-day liTho
The United States district court sentenced t
two years in the state penitentiary , \VIUoi
U la the lust Btugo of consumption ana cut
not possibly servo oul his term. The crlin
for which the sentence was , given wa
counterfeiting. He is ono of the most uxptir
countorfoiterb in the country , It is said Ih
f 10 gold pieces inado by him absolutely duf
detection. '
Ofllcor Evans shot at a dog at Twont )
ninth and Furnaui streets last night witho'i '
kllug | ) the cumuo. In puttlag the wcupai
bfrck lu his pocket the gun uxplodctl nnd i
pultut lodged la the calf of the oftlccr's u * .
IN TUL5 FlEtJl ) OP Sl'OIir.
Hall Damn Hnndny.
The ball park will bo the scene of nn in *
tcrestlng game of ball Sunday nftcrnoon , in
asmuch ns the Snowflanc club Is made up of
well known professional ball players. They
will have for their opponents the strong
team of the City Stoatn laundry. The gnmo
will be called nt .1 o'clock sharp , nttd the gen
eral ndmlstlon will bo 25 cents No reserved
sonts. following are the positions ot the
two teams :
Snowllakcs , Pos. City Steams.
Willis . 1'ilcli . Freeman
Cleveland. . . . . . Third . Thompson
vValsh . i. . . .Short . Van Amain
McICclvoy. . Second . Patter-son
Aohoy . Loft . -.McAullffo
Uatullo . Catch . Linahan
1'ockwcll . First . Bowman
Baldwin . Middle . ilurloy
Konulstoti . Right . Mclroso
I.oenl Hull Amirs.
1'rcsldont McCormtclc said last night that
the coming Western association meeting
would bo hold somewhere In the neighbor
hood oC Xovctnbor 1 , und probably in St.
Paul , Jt seems that Omaha , with nil her
advantages , Is novcr to Jlguro very ex
tensively In the business affairs of tbo asso
ciation , but President McCormlck assorls
that U is nil for Iho bcsl in thu long run that
no meetings are to bu lieUt hero.
There is n good chimco of having the asso
ciation greatly strengthened iienl season. It
is now known that Oetroit has applied for
admission , and Toledo and OshUosli nro
anxious to got iu. Oshkosh gentlemen have
had several consultations with Secretary
Morton nbout the prospects of n circuit
being formed that will give OshHosh a
chance for admittance. If Detroit Is nd-
mlltcd Toledo and Oshkosh nro pretty cer
tain to come in. With Milwaukee this makes
four clubs in the cast.
There Is some talk now in Uio northern
cities that cither Chicago or Davenport Will
bo taken in , and that Detroit , Toledo , Mil
waukee , Oshkosh nnd either Chicago or
Davenport , with Minneapolis. St. Paul and
Dulittb , will bo Iho eight clubs In the asso
ciation next year. In that event Omaha ,
Sioux City , Denver , St. Joseph , Lincoln and
DCS Moincs would ho left out in the cold nnd
comiiollcu to unlto with two other accessible
cities nud form a now nssooinlion. This ,
however , is improbable , and the public can
rest unsurod that both Omaha and Stoux
City will bo iu next year's Western associa
Tlio Worhl'n Chnniilonstit ) >
KKW YOIIK , Oct , 18. The first game In
the world's championship series was olnycd
hero to-uay. Score :
Now York . 0 0 10
Brooklyn . 5 -I li !
Haso hits New York 12 , Brooklyn 10.
Errors Now York L' , Brooklyn U. Batteries
Now York. Kcofe and -Kwing ; Brooklyn ,
Terry nnd Clarko.
Umpires Ferguson and f.alTnpy.
Gaiuo called on account of darkneoe.
Lmtonla ll.tcos.
i , Oct. IS. The attendance was
good and the track fast. Summary :
Two-year-old maiden Illlies , half mllR
Madurna won , Martha Page second , Flyer
third. Time 1:10 : , ' ; .
Three-year-olds und upwards , thrco-qunr-
tcrs of a mile Utmini won , Ecstucy second ,
War Peak third. Time 1:0'J. :
Two-year-olds , live fitrlones Pullman
won , Hoaiaine second , Hopeful third. Time
All ages , seven furlongs Sportsman won ,
Princess Bowling second , Tom Hood third.
Time 1:30. :
KMXAIICTII , Oct. IS. Summary of to-day's
races :
Six furloncs Belle D'Or won , Frojols
second , Vlctrix thiril. Time lIOf. :
Mile and one-eighth Bronzoinnrte won ,
Huntress second , Lavinln Belle thiril. Time
-1:55. :
Six f n rlnn KS Gregory won , Sir John second
end , Uobespicrro third. Time L : ! ( } ] } .
Six furlongs Mute won. Vivid second ,
Lotion third. Time1:17 : ' 4' .
Mile and ono-sifctccnth Larchmont won ,
Prodigal Hccond , Swilt third. No time.
Five furlongs Veronica won , Hop Filly
second , Time 1:01.
Oct. IS. The conditions wcro
favorable. Summary :
2:1T : ! class Sedalia Boy won , Sallie B second
end , Ella Clay third. Time : ! * ! .
2lii pacing Budd Doblo won , Willard M
second , ether horses drawn. Time ' .l:13 : } . .
2-10 : class ( unfinished ) Jean Valjcan won
the boat. Time 2:27 : .
Blue grass' stalcu , lour-year-olds Walk-
ovui * for Ucpotltlon , Tnne-riJ S,1./ / .
A "Moonshiner Uupfiifotl U ho lias
Ininir Bi't'u Wniitnl.
JACKSONTenn. . , Oct. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bni.J : Deputy United States
Marshals Uoiland and Calllor arrived here
to-day , having in custody Bill Mattoa , a
moonshiner from southwestern Kentucky.
The West Tonncssco odleers have been
searching for him for the past twcnty-Hvc
yoars. Up was captured on the Tennessee
river wliilo selling llsli. in 1S7U a po.sso
wont out from Maylleld , Ky. . to capture
Matton. Ho turned iho tables , capturing
the guns and routing the olllcers.
A MiNHlliK Will Turns Up.
CHICAGO , Oct. 17. | Special Telegram
to Tun BuK.J Jf early seventy years nio
Ilarrenuui Coucli was born iu Now Hamp
shire , learned the trade of printer , bccamo a
democratic editor , went to xcnund trod many
a foreign strand , camu home , married und
settled doxvn at Genoa , Wis. , as a physician.
Thlrty-suven years ago bo removed to
IVoritiy 111. , where his only child died. A
A few years later his wife died. Just before
her death Mrs. Couch made a will bequeath
ing to her husband all her interest In her
father's estate. The interest In question
romprUcd real estate ut Ucnoa , Wis , and m
Now York state.
The doctor was then a young man and
thought very little of bis inheritance. He
failed to prnbata the will , but seven years
later , or thirty years ngo , ho took it over to
the court house lor that purpose. Them the
will was lost , und though the doctor Had
hunted for It ut intervals himself , and has
upon several occasions retained experts to
search for It , the missing will could not bo
found , In the meantime , nnd ilurliifi thu
period of nearly forty years , the lands In
question enhanced rapidly in value- and are
now appraised at $30KIJ. ( Three days ao ,
in looking over some old mid musty papers ,
County Clerk I'illsbury , of Pcoria , found a
faded document which on examination wus
ascertained to bo the mysterious missing
will , Yesterday this will , drawn up thirty-
seven years ago , was protmtcd nnd the doc
tor will imn.odiatoly tnlcu the necessary
stops to recover his1 estate of u quarter of a
million dollars.
Mho Nlpsiu null ( lie Alorl.
SAN PIUXCISCO , Oct. IS-Tho steamer
City of Pelting arrived from Honolulu this
morning. Advices from there report that
thu United States steamship is'huic , which
bus been undergoing repairs thuru for some
time , wus given u trial trip two weeks ago ,
winch resulted satisfactorily. The Nipsio
and the Alert are now lying la harbor at
Honolulu ,
Kenrs For ilio hionincr ICoplor.
NEW YOHIC , Oct. 13. The British stoatnor
Kepler , which loft Sunday morning for Bal
timore , has not yet reached her destination ,
and her agents in this city fear that shu ban
gone down. There wnro about twonty-threa
souls on board.
The I < oiio Aualu ,
uun CUT , ( ire. , Oct , 18. The Canyot
stage wus hold up this morning near Union
Creole by n lone highwayman , and the regis
tered mull taken ,
Tlio Hciiuuler Case.
Uocar.BTicu , N. Y , , Ocl. 18. An appeal In
the Kcmmlur electrical execution case was
arguud hero to-day la the general term ol
the supreme court. A decision is oxpcctci
uU/ut / January 1.
Oflloors of Imbcollb Aayluma Close
Tholr Session at Doatrlco.
A Seliomo nn Foot to Hullil a Unit-
roiul nnd U'nuon llrlduo Acrina
Ilio Missouri lllvcr at
hlnii.x City.
Asylum Oflloers Oloio Tlmlr
HRATIIICE , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tclo-
prntn to Tun line. ] The ahnunl tncotliiR ol
the association of supnrlntcndonl- nicili-
cat oftlccrs of American nKyltlin * ) for Imbecile
ytoths closed its session In thin city lust
n iuh t , Olllcors for the ensuing year wcro
elected -na follows : PresidentOr. . A. C.
Kojjor * , of iMlnticaoiii : vlco president , Dr. .1 ,
L. Armstronir , of Xohrasku ; secretary nnd
treasurer , Dr. t , N. ICcrltn , ot Ponnsylvanln.
The next nnnunl tncotiug will bo hold ut
Fftrlunult , Allnn. , the ditto to bo fixed by the
nrcildcnt. An IntcrcstiuB paper wna road
last ovciilni ; upon the Hubloet , of "PliyalolnR.
U-al and Industrial Kduentlon. " .Hist prior
to Iho formal ndjourntuont Or.V. . 11. l < 'lsi ,
of Illinois , presented a rosolutloii of tliiuikH
for the kindness and courtesy extended the
a aociitiouilnriat ; ; Its pro-icut moutlng by Dr.
I. R Armstrong. Huperlntcndont of the
Hcntrico asylum. Tno rc.solulloa was adopted
Aunouv , Neb. , Oct. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUG UBB. ] T. P. Owen , the fence
swindler , was found Kiultyot foi-Klnt ? notes
on prontincnt Hamilton county farmers.
Jud c Norval sentenced him to two yours at
luinl lubar In the penitentiary.
Or. Liothwiok , n drugcisl , found guilty of
selling liquor without n llcense , ' was released
on payment of the costs In the case , H'J. '
A ScltRino'T'or Anotlinp Il
SOUTH Sioux U.ITV , JJob. , Oct. IS. fSpo-
chil to Tin : llun.J It is rumored 'that ' the
Short line will soon form a utock company
for the purpose of constructing a railroad
nnd wngon bridge across the Missouri rlvor
to Sioux City , In , from this plaeo. This
iiiovo is prompted by the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. I'aul company refusing iho Short
line folks the use of their bridge approaches.
Atrt > Hicil For a Serious Crime.
Hn.mucn , Nob. . Oct. 13. [ Special Tole-
grnm to Tin : iJni : . ] A hotel runner by the
iianio of Meyer and two haoUmon , of this
city , wcro arrested to-day on n charge of
committing an outrage an a young German
cirl named Mary Uornlay , whq was hanging
around the Hock Island depot Inng after mid
night Wednesday uight. The girl alleges
that she was 'prevailed upon to irot into the
hack by Myer and thuy were driven nil over
town , and tlmt tlio crime was committed
during the rido. She criminates the uack-
UILMI as accessories. She givus n crooked
story of tier wanderings nnd claims stu ) was
on route to Lincoln from .lunsun , n small
town several miles west of tlila place , on the
Kock Island. Mycr ntul Iho liackmun were
hound over for preliminary hearing to-Uior-
row in the sum of 61 , 503.
[ . .aid thi' CoiMier Stone.
ITnEMON-T. NebOct. . IS. [ Special to THE
Hii : . ] The corner stone of the new high
school building wus laid at 10 :80 : yesterday
with bellttlng ceremony. Mrs. llelon A I.
Cougar delivered the dedicatory address.
Snc congratu luted the citizens of Fremont
upon thtf fact that they had exalted them
selves by rearing upon the ruins of a brow-
cry u mtignitlccnt Institution of.learning. . .
She also said that the school board was to ba
congratulated upon having secured n son of
the isle of Krin to construct the building and
that that fact wns air assurance that dvery
wall would be plumb , every stone truo.overy
bricU laid correctly and the mortar pure and
lasting. The contractor referred to is M. T.
Murphy , of Omnhu.
The Fairmont V. M. C. A.
' FAIIIMOXT , Neb. , Oct. IS. [ Special to THE
Hnc.l The Fairmont Y. M. C. A. . reading
rooms wore formally opened last night with
a book reception and musicilc. The associa
tion Is in n flourishing condition , having
about thirty members. The library contains
aj ( ) volumes of books , besides the choicest
magazines and periodicals of the day. In all
respects it is a pleasant resort for young
men to spend thsir spare time.
FniliMl lor $ ' . * , r QO.
Cor.fMiiors'eb. . , Oct. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hci : . | Curl Schubert , the
hardware dealer on Olive street , failed to
day forV > CO. Hubbard , Spencer & Co. , of
Chicago , arc the principal creditors. His in
debtedness to parties in this city foot up lo
Sll0. An effort is uetng made to adjust
mutters so that ho can resume business again ,
A lunti | > City Townslt-j Case.
T..OU * * CmNob. . , Oct. IS. [ Special to Tun
HKK. | The district court meets hero on Oc
tober 29. ut which tituo several important
cases will como up , ono of which is the case
of 1'urbush vs The Barker Jistutu , which
involves thii title to a part , of this townsite.
This case will be decided this term.
A Jjnk > 5 Go's Dry.
SOUTH Siorx CITY , Neb. , Oct. IS. [ Spe
cial to Tin : Uii.J : : Crystal lake , west of thia
place , has gone completely dry. Dead Iish
by the ton are l.vimron the bottom , and the
air iu this section is not vury wholesome ,
The city conned set ti force of men to woris
burying them this morning ,
To thii I'eniiemiary nml Asylum.
ICi\ii\iY : : , Nub. , Oct. 18 , [ Special TelC'
gram to Ttii : llr.i : . ) Sheriff Wilcon to-daj
went' to Lincoln with three pris.onord , two ol
them the recc'ntly convicted murderers , wlic
go to the penitent mry for ton years each ,
Mrs. Laura Allen , who Is violently insane ,
wus taken to tlio asylum.
A KlirlnvaltjCamlitlnle U'ithllrnwj.
SOITII Siof.v Cm' , Neb , , Dot. 18. | Spo-
clul to Tin : HII.J William E. ICellt-.v , can
didate for county tthcriff on the people's
ticket from this place , has withdrawn .and
will Join forces with William Kyan , ol
Jaeuaon , the doiuocrailo candidate for the
8111110 OlllCU.
It In Tlioiiitlit the lAnlnnitlon tialiomo
Will Itn Defeatrd.
DKXVEU , Oct. 18. At to-day's oesslon of
the locomotive engineers' convention tlio ro-
pnrts of the special linanco comiiittoo | wore
presented , Tlio annual llnanciiil report wan
presented aad adopted , Chief Arthur made
Ills special report and recommendations to
which ho reform ! m his annual address.
None of these matters have been made
To-night the federation committee from
Iho Union Paclllis nnd the specul committoa
appointed by the convention are catiaidcring
tills quiMtioii ut a special inuctlnt , ' . From
tlio convorsutlon of a number of loading en
glncer3 it may bo inferred that tlii'
proposition will ho defeated when brougiil
before the convention.
Thu engineers to-day restored its chartoi
to St. Louis division No. liiT.
The Burlington strike mutters were
practically ignored , the whole topic onlj
occupying a few minute * of time.
To-morrow they taito an excursion over tin
loop on the Colorado Central , The wlvo1
and lady frlonun of the engineers are wol
represented , there being 3tt in uttondanci
at the convention.
An Asylum liivcHtliratlnn.
CiiKuao , Oct. 18. [ Special Telegram t
TUB HKE.I The grand Jury Is tuvcstlgatlni
the h'omo for the Incurables in reference ti
the alleged abuses of John liot eu , who dloi
there recently. His death , it was claimed b.
ills relatives , was directly caused by the cm
olty nnd noclcot of the matron , Mrs. Harlow
nnd aevoral male nurses. Forty witnesso
liavo boon subpoonacd and a number of thou
were hoard to-day. Their testimony teadei
toward a conUrmbtlon of tbo
Inwn Tnkci'.U Droldoil Stnnil
Mir ( ) lcnl ItcvUlon.
Nfiw YoiiK pot , IS. At the scssloti to-dn.v
of tlio house ot deputies of the Protestant church , the report of the cotnmlt-
tco nn canons on the proposed establishment
of n inlsMoimr.y'cplseopato for colored people
was presonted.u IJho committee deemed it in
expedient to difso'now. . After some unlm-
portnut business ( Jio house resumed consld-
cratlon of tlio'htUrgicnl revision. The six
amendments which were ndoptcd ycslcrdny
by the com mittoo of the whole were ngrocd
to formnlly. "Tho noon recess "was then
t akcn.
At the afternoon session several other res
oluttons were adopted. The peculiar feature
of the voting on thcso resolutions wns that
Iowa took a decided stand against n revision
or any sort , and decided through Or. Halo to
bo individually recorded lu that light.
The real debate of the afternoon cittno ott
Or. Huntltiglon'a resolution upon n short
ofllco of prayer for sundry occasions. The
subject wns reopened by Or. Kpiui. who Imp'
pencil to bo absent w.hon tbo matter before -
fore the conimlltco of the whole. After a
lengthy discussion the resolution wns put
nun curried , This finally disposes of nn Im
portant mutter already proposed nnd re
jected by two previous convention ! * , BO far
as the house of deputies arc concerned.
Tn the house of bl hops to-day It was de
cided that no chnngo shall bo made in the
term 'assistant bishop , " which it wns pro
posed to change for "coadjutor. "
The bishops declined to concur with the
lower house In the resolution petitioning
congress on the subject of divorce , on the
ground that It was tiiuulvlsablo at this time.
The Inter-Seminary Alllnncc.
CIIICAOO , Oct. IS. The Inter-Seminary al
liance to-day chose \V. 10. LoucUs , of Koch-
cstor , president for the ensuing your. In
teresting addresses on mission worlc wore
A IU lmi > CotiRcncatrtl.
PmiAnr.i.riiiA , Oct. IS. Hov. Thomas F.
Oavios , of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal
church for the nast twonty-ono years , waa
to-day consecrated as the bishop of eastern
Michigan , towhich ho was elected last
A Ilnir-Witicd MUM Kills a Fellow
R.VCINB , Wls. , Oct. 18. Eugene L. Sulli
van was brutally murdered by n hilf-wittccl
follow workman named Galncs on the farm
of George Shields , near Hritol , fifteen allies
west of Kcnosha , last night Sullivan wns
attacked by Gaincs while milking. Ho wns
thrown down , his throat cut , and his body
stabbed in seven places. Galncs Is now in
jail ut ICenosha. Ho aay.s ho killed Sullivan
bemuse hotoarod bo-wouldtako his ( Gaines1) )
jot ) . He also hd Riild thought Sullivnu was a
tramp and that nil tramps'should die.
Arrpntcil F'or nobbing tlm Mnll.
UICIIMOND , Va. , Oct. IS. Willi.un L. .Tor-
dan , son of Postmaster Jordan , of Manches
ter , and clerkm that ofllce , was arrested
yesterday on the'charge of robbing Ihc mail.
Ho made a full 'confession nnd was hold In
S2.0WI bond ? for .examination to-rnorrow.
The young iuunf' & JWoll connected nnd has
moved in good Society , both in Richmond
and Manchester. ' ' '
A Imnatii ; Kims Amuck.
CUICAOO , Oct. IS. ( Special Telegram to
Tnc llir..J ChiCiig'o is excited over a violent -
lent lunatic who is''runniug ' at largo in the
Decring distridt ; sinu has thus far eluded
capture. * ; . Ho is herculean in stature and has
attached mimero.U8.penpto in a Bavage man
ner , generally .tu ) night. The police have
been seiirchinirioihlui without avail , and
Ihe belief is gaining ground that his insanity
is periodical. . ' (
CHICAOO , Oct. IS The K. 11. Stone Lum
ber company of this city , made an assign
ment to-day. The liabilities , as shown by
the schedule , amount to ? UUOO and the as
sets to 0,000. _
CniCAcio , Oct. IS. W. M. Thacher & Co. ,
one of the best known tea Ilrms in Chicago ,
assigned to-day. The liabilities are sched
uled at 550,000 ; assets , $00,000.
Struck a Spoutcr.
YANKT X , S. D. , Oct. IS. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun IJnn. ] At n depth of 500 feet
water was struck to-day at tbo cement plant ,
live miles from Yatikton , and through an
eight-Inch pipe experts thirilc that 5.000
gallons a minute is discharged , more than
double any of our big spotitcrs.
Killed by a Jnguar.
Loxnox , Oct. 18. A scrubwoman was
cleaning the cages at the Hamburg Zoological
tjatden this morning when n jaguar plunged
his paw through the bars of the cngo and
managed to lacerate her flesh so frightfully
tli at she died in a short time.
Thirty-six Hollies Uncovered.
LONDON" , Oct. 18. The bodies of thirty-six
of the men Killed in the explosion M the
Heatilco colliery at Longton Wednesday ,
have boon recovered.
< > ! ' lynlioiil Fever.
GIUNU Foiuc , N. D. , Oct. IS.-Or. Irwin ,
of tills city , returned homo yesterday from
Grandin nnd reports an epidemic of typhoid
fever at that place , there being thirty-seven
cases thus far.
Saw a IMuiriiillot'iit
There were only oijjht luclcy passon-
KCTd on tbo steamship , fort > oy City , of
the Bristol line , which got'inlo Now
York recently , to see ibe biggest and
morft trauslucLMit iceberg of tbo season ,
which lias beoti unusually prolific in ico-
nerfjH. It bad aOcixe-n or inoro ylittor-
insr minarols , tlio loftiest of which was
over ono hundred and fifty fool high.
The mass of Uio icobcrjj was about a
quarlor of a tnilo lonp. It was jiassed
al close quarters in latituilo17s , longitude -
tudo17s JW minutes cast of Kowfound-
land , on tbo inoniiii ( . { of Scnlambm * " 0 ,
and could be HOUII for tnilus in the clear
1'aiil Huvoro'H Iti > ll.
In the stcoplo of iho Congregational
church at Binyhum , Somerset county ,
Maine , there 'llanos ' an ancient bull
that has been swiViyin } , ' in various belfries -
fries GIIO hundred yours or inoro. On
its outer surface is stumped "IJovore ,
Boston , " nndiU , | is supposed to have
been made bylaul Hovuro , who , aftci
Iho peace of 17HM , cslablishcd a foundry
in Boston where bo casl iho first cau'-
iion and bull 'OtUttufaclurod ' in Massa
chusetts. Tlio'iOld bell htis a good lone
and seems Hkijt\j-'lo last auolhw cen
tury , 7 |
Tlio ColilnHt tfiwMtiHl Colder Day.
The uoldoHtu region of the United
Slales is Iho "Bliljtoh of country on the
northern bordfirifrom Iho Minnesotii
lakes to the v { toni line of Daliota ,
say the San rtniclsco l-'xamincr. At
the I'ombinn , jyfifv'h lins near tbo forty-
ninth iiurallol , tlio lowest temperature
recorded in the great Htorin of iho win
ter of 187 ! ! was 60 = below /.era. Tina is
boliovud to bo the lowest Icmpuraturo
rauchou in the United Stales ,
Kortllo Aitiolopti Valley.
A few years ngo Antulopa valley , on
the Mojnvo desert , was cnnsidero-J
worthlosa for fanning. This season
liowovor , Iho people Imvo harvefaled
00,000 sacks of wheat and tbo sainc
amount of barley ,
A Hlonstor Hwnnt 1'otalDf.
J. R. WoUdklll , of Wlntora , Cnl. , dug
up a swool polnloo lust week ilia
wuighcd twonty-olghl poitndB.
In Ilinghum , Mutw. , the llro depart
meat is called out to assist jn toarcbin
for lost children ,
An Important Decision Dy tlio lowti
Supreme Court.
A Voting Wife icalnlly Burned 11 }
Knrosutio The 1'renbyterlau
* Synod A Fnriuni * Brutally
Ilcntcn nml
The Supreme Court.
Dns MOIKKS fa , , Out , IS. ( .Special Tel
cgratn to Tin : linn. ] TUo supreme court
rendered n very Important decision licro to
day bearing upon tlio prohibitory law nml
Uio rights oT railroads as carriers. The case
was tlmt ot the state of Iowa against
Con Crocdon , n liquor seller of this city ,
nnd tlio Itock Island railroad colnuatiy. An
infnriiuitloii hnd boon lllod before n justice
alleging tlmt certain liquors in small pack
ages owitod by Con Crccdon were kept in
the Hock Island freight house in Uos Monies ,
Intended for solo In violation of law. Six
separate packages wcro seized under 11
scuruh warrant stud were condomnml. The
railroad wns tiuiilo u party to the suit , unit it
was tiled In the district court and the liquors
were ordered to bo destroyed. The defend-
nnts appealed , claiming that the liquors wore
in the custody of the railway company IIH a
common farrier , and that the matter huuamo
ono of Intcr-stuto commerce , over which the
courts of Iowa had no jurisdiction.
The decision of the supreme court finds
that Crccdou was a persistent violator of the
law mid had been reccivine liquor in this
way for some tliuu , using the Iromht depot
us n storage room to liuop the packages until
needed. These liquors hnd been received
from six to llftcen days prior to the seizure.
The court holds that the intcr-stato com
merce fouturo of the transaction cndcit when
the liquors hnd reached the freight Mouse ;
that the rnllronu lu keeping them for scvornl
days wus holding them not us u earner , but
us n warehouse tnan. Under the circum
stances it rules that the liquor was oehiR
hold for illegal purposes nnd wus no longer
matter of intor-stato commerce , and so wns
properly seized and condemned. The case
will bo taken by railway companies as n
precedent in the mnttor of storing liquor for
The following additional opinions were
lllcu :
\Vlllinm HIntrngcr , appellant , vs Cornelius
Mnhoney ot al ; IJubuquo district ; nfllrmcd.
William H. Hancock ot ul vs the District
Townshipof Perry ; Davis district : reversed.
U. MuGivdtiB , appellant , vs II. II. Welder ;
Woodbury district : rovcrscd.
Thomas Sketching vs M. 13. Smith & Co. ,
appellants ; Harrison district ; reversed.
A Woman * * ) i < riritl'ul | Fntc.
FOUT Down : , la. , Oct. 19. [ Special Tolo-
prnm to Tin : Bnu.l Mrs. George Lean , the
.young wife of u house imlntor ot tills city , is
dying in horrible agony as the result of hero *
seno explosion. In her haste to nropuro her
husband's dinner she was filling a lighted
Iteroscno sieve when the can burst , covering
her with liumln ? oil. She rushed into Uio
street , where her fearful yells brought
prompt assistance , but not until the flames
had been funned by the wind until her cloth
ing was all burned from her body nnd the
llesh was sizzling with heat. Strong men
turned heart sick as tlio still conscious
woman wus boitur carried into the house an d
the flesh on the arms parted ut the joints as
the result of being rousted.
Tim I'i > i".lytt > riim < .
MAliSHAU.Tmvx , la. , Oct. 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE Ban. | The Iowa presby-
tcriiin synod elected Uov. William Bryant ,
of thi city , niodur.itor ut the morning ses
sion. Committees were appointed. E. It.
Craven , secretary of the board of publica
tion , inado an address showing the progress
of the work. Itev. George Kurhcnrt reported
Coo collegu to bo in excellent hands. Tlio
report received from Parsoiu college was
most gratifying , showing seventy now
students in a total of lSt. :
Ho Poll Ainniiir Thieve * .
KCOKUKIn. . , Oct. 18. [ Socuial Telegram
to THE BKE. ] John Caldwell , an old fanner
living near Charleston , catno to this city vcs-
tcrduy in company with an employe. Caldwell
sold a team of mules to a horse buyer hero
nnd received In cash about $150. In company
with his employe ho visited several drinking
places. IM\O at night , while considerably
under the inllncnco of liquor , they were
joined T > y n couple of colored men. ' While
drinking toccthcr Caldwell foolishly dis
played nis money. Ho bccamo separated
from tiis employe and was taken away by
negroes. They took him to several dis
reputable negro resorts and plied him freely
with liquor. About a o'clock this morning
lie was taken into nn alloy and fearfully
beaten , being left for dead. His money was
all taken. Ho recovered consciousness
about daylight nnd managed to re.iuh the
hotel where ho stopped yesterday. Tlio po
lice have a clue that they thiuk will lead to
the arrest of the robbers.
KIISIII- null Mo Toy Arraiirnod.
1 , la. , Oct. 18. | Special Telegram
to THE BII : . ] Doctors Knsor uiid McCoy ,
who have oeun operating in this and adjoin
ing counties claiming to represent the Ne
braska infirmary , located at ilio corner of
Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets. Omaha , nml
the Nobraslta dispensary , 1718 Leavonworth
street , were arraigned for trial in the dis
trict court hero to-day , and their case is set
for Monday next. They are now in charge
of the shorilT , failing to furnish the requited
bonds of $1,000 each. The cnsu will bo tin in
teresting onu. Tlio other members of the
gang have not bean captured.
An Af't'tdotitnt Snooting.
MAiisim.i.iows , la , , Oct. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Aci : . ] Colonel Elliott Scliurtz ,
formerly postmaster of this city , whtlo out
hunting this afternoon attempted to cr.uvl
through a barb wire fence. In doing so his
uuu was accidentally discharged into hit
arm , shattcntti ; it so badly that it will have
to bo amputated.
A Kort Ooi'co Kiro.
FOUT Dot > ci ; : , fa. , Oct. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 15ii : . | H , M. Ciriflin's drug
store was damaged ? ! l,00. ) by h'ro and water
last night. Fully Insured.
The Kori'hlry Coniri'RAN Adjourns.
Pjiii.Aiiiii.riiiA , Oct. IS. In closing the
session ot the American Forestry congress
to-day U. ( i , Xonhrup road an essay on
"Arbor Day" In the schools , in which ho
showed the vernal holiday is now being
celebrated very generally. Ho said the
children are planting millions of trees , Cali
fornia taking the lend. KeKolnt Ions -worn
adopted nuking congress to withhold puulio
lands from sale until the timber Is old enough
to I-M. Hon. James A. Heaver , of Pennsyl
vania , was elected president , and Uio meet
ing then adjourned nir.o dio.
A m or i UH n Hoard Adjourns.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 18. The American board
of commissioners for foreign missions fin
ished its business this forenoon and ad
journed bino die.
The I'ostolllon
The postofllco appraisers corralled J. E.
Htloy nnd hnd him sign the documents fixing
tlio valuation of the postollico site yesterday- ,
Tbo papiirrt were then submitted to United
States Attorney Prltiihett for inspection before -
fore filing m the United States court.
Mr. Pritcbott had printed blanks pre
pared for the nppruixcrs , but they thought It
necessary to interline and clianto several
things , which did not suit Mr. Pritchctt's
ideas. So ho returned the papers to them
with instruction * to have thorn prepared in
proper shape.
To l'nstmn < mra.
For sale at less than half cost , R full
outfit of first quality hard wood posl-
olllcu llxlurcd. Yule lock boxes and
Vulo finish throughout : C28 boxed. A
commission of $4U paid to trmhe n sale.
Apply to A. C. Fulloti , Davenport , lu.
llow hipoy , could 1 but in any measure , Ir
such times ns these , make manifest to you
the inclining of heroism , Cnrlylo ,
Kosidinn within Ilio shadow of Hun
ker hill there is n young huly who for
pluck nnrt heroism ranks well with man * ,
whoso tlectls of dnrlnp Imvo boon UnuU.v
prnlsutl and whoso services have boo'n
recognized l > v the national povor nine tit.
Her nniiio is Nellie Louisa Mollcn , and
she is but sixteen yours old.
A most daring rescue was effected by
her iv little more than nycar npo. Nellie
was standing upon the enter jilatfortn ol
the public Imlh-liouRo with a coin pun ion ,
when aho wna snddonly startled by n
sharp cry of terror nml the noise ol
splnshinp wnlor. Running toward the
sea-wall of tlio now wharves , n few rods
distant , she saw a little girl splashing
about in the river , Without hesitating
in she plunged to the rescue , nnd , al
though tho-river nb this point is at least
lifloen foot deep , aho reached tlio sink
ing girl , and , grasping her by the hair ,
sttirtod to tow her to tho. buth-houso.
Tlio task was not nn easy ono , for tlio
drowning girl took n linn grasp on
Nellie's shoulders. With n clinging
weight of clothing ftho could do nothing
and was obliged to sink.
Her charge then relaxed hot * grasp ,
and Nellie inoro nttotnplotl to
bring her ashore. Again she was
clutched in a. death clasp and frtrugglod
to free herself. When almost ex
hausted she triumphed in her endeav
ors , for the other girl had become un
She swam to the light house lauding ,
and with the aid of four iiion who , by
the way. had looked quietly on up to
this point without offering any assistance -
anco lliu drowning girl , Nora Fan-ell ,
was saved. It required ti half hour's
work to rceuscHuto nor. Miss Nellie
was pretty thoroughly exhausted , but
soon rallied and , entering the woman's
batli house , she dried her clothing , took
aquiotswim and then wont homo to
supper. Her parents wcro greatly sur
prised upon reading in the paper the
next day a full account of tholr little
daughter's heroism. Miss Nellie is a
comely girl of light complexion and
\\oll proportioned ligttro. She lias
largo bright eyes , and there istv modest
determination and fearlessness ex
pressed in her features. She 1ms been
a very good swimmer since her ninth
year , anil modestly expresses a willing
ness to plunge in to the rescue of an
other if necessity should arise.
Horn is a story of an exploit of a
Fro n eh youth in the battle of Trafalgar.
About the middle of the ongiigoinont ,
when defeat started the French in tlio
face , tlio French commander mignillc'd
that utter rout could , bo prevented only
by tlio conveyance of certain written
instructions to tlio vessel which had
been the bulwark of the Kroneh on that
day. Tlio announcement was received
with n generality of ( starling eyes and
blanched cheek * , when up utenpeil
proudly and smilingly a , lad named
Kocquo. The commander understood
that look. "Will you think of the dan
ger , my brave lad ? " ' 'I have thought
of it. sir ; I am ready. " The metsago
was immediately placed in a tight box.
which was forthwith securely fastened
around the neck of the lire-bientiling
The .British saw tlio heroic lad plunge
into tlio water , and quickly surmifod
the moaning. Whoa ho reappeared at
about twenty yards from the vessel
whence ho leaped , the British guns
were turned on him without delay. Hut
the wary lad dropped below tli3 surface
and rose at a further distance onward
for a fresh inhulaunti. This was done
regularly anil at brief intervals. The
British , however , could not trace his
movement , which was studiously irreg
ular , and lired at random toward the
spot where they supposed hu might
como up. The hissing.balls plowed tlio
waters deep and wide , but without
avail. For nflcr an exhausting struggle
of ten minutes the young hero suddenly
emerged at tht side of tlio vessel to
which lie steered , and was hastily
drawn aboard by ready lianus. A shout
of exultation wont up from the Krench
and the British at the success of this
heroic act.
The sailors of the ship which re
ceived him rushed forward to over
whelm him with mad congratulations ,
but the noble lad was no more ; He hud
sunk upon the deck and expired from
Hlieur exhaustion.
The message was important. Tlio re
mains of tlio vanquished were safely
conducted from the si-ono of conflict1 ,
and with them lingering in the bosoms
of many went the tearful memory of
tlio heroism of 1'ocquo.
Queen Victoria recently conferred
the decoration of the Albert medal of
the hocond iilnss upon William Carter ,
A. B , , of Uio bark Gettysburg of Aber
deen. The Gettysburg was lost by
striking on the Morant Cayn , on March
. ' ! ! lnsttiovon of the crow being drowned.
The sea during the night washed over
the fihip and over the remaining nine
of the crew , who , however , managed to
hang onto the wreck until daylight ,
when Carter and t-os-on men were able
to reach a rock whicii was tunm above
water at the distance1 o ! about live hun
dred yurdu. The must"1 ! of the vouhel
tried to follow , but was injurutl and ox-
haiibtod , and the * ei ; was so stnuitr Unit
ho was knocked down , and would
Imvo been , drowned bad jiot Car
ter rciurncd and carried him to tlio
rock. Carter afterwards unam out and
scoured part of the topmast and yard ,
lashed them together , and with n&aist-
nnco brought thorn ashore , where they
were formed into a raft. The nine IIIIMI
left got on llio raft , and with Finall
pieces of wood commenced to puddle to
the nearest island , distant a mile and n
half , ( . 'tirtor and another huumun at
times swimming alnugdlda and dirout-
ing the rafl , which was fruquuntly
turned olt itn course , and HOiiiotinius up
set owing to the heavy sea running at
the time. Carter and biotliora sub = e-
quontly Kwam to a lurccr iblmiil aquur-
tctof a mile dihtunt , the former return
ing tin ) next day and assisting the miih-
tur and ti fconmun , who were noi-iously
injured , to reach it. The Hiirvivorj of
the bhtpwrccKod crow remained on iho
larger ihlnnd till April 151 , when Carter
and others manufactured a larger raft ,
on which two of Iho crow BaHod to
Jamaica , a distance of thirty-two milco ,
iti two dayh , wlieroby tlio rescue of all
tlio men was ultimately olVectcd ,
One Saturday night in March last two
men employed abat > aw mill in Albt-
marlo cdiuity , Virginia , named Clark
Sutherland and A. Martin , btartod to
go to tlioii > hoiuoii nc > u * North G.irdon ,
Dlntuut about fiuwn miloH. They weru
both mounted , Martin having belaud
I'nsjtiroly cured by
these S.i\tlo Plll
They nlRo rclUno Dlu-j
trcdH fro"/i / Dyspepsia , In- ,
dlt'cstlou and Too Henri )
Iutlri ( ; , A jxrfi"t rwn-
edj'forllzliict. , Nau xti ,
Drowsiness , Had Tustt
in tlio Moulli , Coated
Tongue , I'.iln In tlio PJo ! ,
TOItril ) I.HIClt. Thf )
regulate the Jiowtls. I'nretf \ eatable. '
him a ncphow of the former , about ton
yonrs of ngo. The night vyns intensely
dark. Their course lay across Hard
ware river , nniRly turbulent , rooky
stream , dangerous at any Unto to eross.
On this occasion it was swolon ft'oiu the
frequent rains that hnd fallen. AVIion
they ronched the ford Martin with the
boy was in advance , Ilia horse had
hardly entered the etronm when ho
Btumbled over ono of the many Inrgo
rocks that lay in tholr course , nnd in
trying to recover himself ho entirely
submerged both riders. Sutherland
not yet entered tlio stream , ns his horse
hud become unmanageable , ami from
the darkness could not tell what hnd
occurred. Martin , after some little
time managed to got out , and not until
ho reached the shore did Sutherland
Icnrn what hnd happened , and that his
ncphow wns being washed down the
stream. He only walled to hoar that
the boy was still in the water , when ,
with the rapidity of a door ( Sutherland
is a strong , athletic , courageous young
man ) , ho swung down the sldo of tlio
stream , calling to tlio boy , but not until
ho had run about a half a mile did he
receive a response so feeble as to bo
hardly hoard.
Ho plunged into the water at a point
where it was moro dangerous than nny
in the neighborhood to enter. Only in
tent , hnwovur , on saving the lad' ho
thought not of his own danger , and in
the shortest possible- time reached the
nearly drowned mid froy.on child , whom
ho bore in his arms lo the shore. Tlio
first words of the little fellow , after
recovering his speech , were : "Undo
Clark , I know you would save mo and
Uol lei me drown. "
About six years ago a wrnek was
sighted in front of a life-saving nta-
lion , wliich wo shall call No. 1 , situated
about forty miles north of Capo Htit-
tcrns. The ship could not bo reached
by shooting a line , tind tlio ot-ly way to
save those on board was to go out in a
surf-boat. The men in Station No. U.
seeing tlmt those in Station No. 1 wvre
not doing anything toward saving the
distressed sailors , came to inquire the
reason. The captain of No. 1 Pnid that
it was impossible to reach the ship , and
that ho would not risk his life in Irv
ing. The captain of No. 2 then told
his men that the adventure was very
dangerous and that ho could not order
thorn out , but if they would volunteer
to go ho would load them. The entire
crew immediately oxnressod their will
ingness lo go and started back to their
station for tlio boat. They drew it
through the wind lo a point opposite the
wreck , a distance of about live miles ,
and after two or three unsuccessful at
tempts succeeded in passing the break
ers. They reached Uio wrack , took th
crow on board , and all returned to shore
in safety.
Tlirco years ago , at the Hollmoro col
liery , two miners were engaged In drill
ing a blast hole. When it had boon
drilled and Illlcd with giant powder a
lighted fuse was attached. While
everyone was breathlessly awaiting the
explosion , the mine huporintondoiit , ae-
ecmpaitied. by two young Indies , walked
slowly up lo the spot , and , not knowing
liioir terrible danger , stopped opposite
Iho charge. He began cxplaiiuu < r iho
use of the breasts. One of the miners ,
Koeitig that shouting would not do , for
the man would most likely slop and ask
what llicy were saying , and purhaps
nol oven Ihcu understand , ran forward
to pull oul Ine fuse. When within
twenty feel lie saw tlmt it would explode
the uevt tnomct. Without thought ot
his o\yii danger , although ho knew the
act would doubtless end in a horrible
death , ho gave three great bounds and
throw himself headlong on tlio fuse just
as il gave a last libefero eiilering iho
Kiiyptinn Corn in D.ikotii.
In raising Egyptian corn , A. .T. Allen ,
of Wiirnok , Dale. , on tlio Milwaukee )
roail , claims to have had success this
season , lie said : " 1 saw n statement
in a newspaper last season about corn
having been brought from Kgvnt by n
certain explorer , and wrote to him for
some. He responded , sending ineKevon
kernels , whicb , he informed me , lie
had tnkcn from an underground tomb
near tlio bank of Hie Nile , and Unit they
werQ , like Mark Twain's mummy , 3,01)1) ) )
years old. He mndo no chivrgo "for the
seed , and thinking , as t do yet , that lie
found lltom as hegtiid , I cultivated them
with care and iiiteresl. Kuch Kernel
produced three stalks , and on oa > - hlalk
gouw nn cur aboiitoighl indies lonf and
two or Ihreo inches in diameter. Thfio
ears tire well Illlod with kernels about
tlio si/.o of popcorn. The B.talks attained
the tjize of our Indian corn , and were
sofl and uico for foddor. even when Iho
grain ripiMiod. 1 think a great deal of
lliu boii.l , and shall so\v it next year on
a good sized patch. "
MUs f-in til' * Tame Fish ,
Miss Kmina Smith , of Norway , Me. ,
has nn aquarium. Near Iho pier at her
cottage nlie lias a school of tame llsh.
They consist of chubs , hornpouis ami
flat iish. They are so well trained us lo
cat beans out of a spoon. She lias tlio
larger ones named and can call UIIMII to
her. Miss Smith Ims boon feeding thorn
for bovoral seasons , and they havogrown
to a largo size.
Vitality and Vlpor anu'.tclily ' tfn-on to
nvory purl of the body liy JIools Hiinuiparllln
That , llivil I'uci i\g \ in u i Iroly ovrruuiiiu , thu
blood Is piirliloil , cnrl-'lH'il unit vltiillzi-d , tbu
filonuii-h 1 > > t'iMi-il iuiilHtririKihuai'l. ! Ihuitppetltti
ri-hti/rtd tli > ' Ulilnuyu nml UI-IT invlgni'utou , tlio
bruin rofI'lc-iiuil , the liolo y H-m built up , Try
IIHid H tvirwiparlllu now.
I'l-L-piuud ' ' > ' - ' lluud & Uu. , l.uwell , MUSJ.
inft > ilnw fropi Mil ef-
- . . . ' " 'I * < > > yuMUul cr-
I taBHrui .i-iulr ili y m-l
. _ . . .rnir/HalllUliletlt.lU.U < M-llfil )
, . full | > ai1kiil i < fur liumu cure , lliu &l
AllUlfH * .
> ( T. C. FOWLER , Moodus , Conn.
Civil lIiiKlnopvlnif. Classics , uunui-i ,
Ilr. llcv. R li. mJN'I'.NUTON , I'ruiltlont ,
l.-i. Cuu W. VlillllKUK , Bupurinti-aaunt.
A GOODRICH Att'y nt-f , .w. 13l
b ( rn Ht. , t-'hlcug'ii ml vie 3 frorij al years ut
[ lorleni-oj buhiu.3 : ( iiilctly nnd legally trans-
tcte 1.
. .1 UcV 11 r f |
Bri4 > UiMT ,