Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The building permits yesterday were
of a minor oliarnctor , thrco In number ,
and amounted to $1,050.
The firstimportntiotiof Chicago ccdnr
blocks for paving were received by J.
B. Smith Co. yesterday morning.
The dllToront turning societies , of
Omaha will Rive nn exhibition nt Koss-
Icr's hall , Saturday evening , October 19.
The pavement of Colorado sandstone
Is finally being put down on Thirty-
Blxth from Cuming' to California , on
Burl from Thirty-sixth wcs to Pleasant
unit on Pleasant from Burl to Cumlng ,
the work having commenced yesterday
Willie Schillingor , ngod seven yonw ,
Btop-son of Michael Smith , died yester
day at ! o'clock at the residence of his
parents , 1 1W ! Snunilers street. The fu
neral will take place to-morrow morning
nt 8 o'clock. Services will bo hold In
St. Mary Magdalen's church , Douglas
street , near bixtoonth.
Bids will bo received November 1 ,
by tbo board of public works , for the
folowlng work : The grading of Grove
struct , from Dodge to Davenport ; the
digging ofusowor on Twenty-second
street south of Leavcnwortli and the
construction of a stone walk on the
west side of Fifteenth street between
Furniun and Ilarnoy.
Great watch sale this week. Don't
fall to attend it at Kclholm & Akin's ,
cor. loth and Dodge , opp. P. O.
I'nniicrnpli" * .
P. Schwonk , Norfolk , Is nt the Murray.
ClmrlcsVust , of Lincoln , Is nt tuo 1'nx-
ton.W. . II. R Stout , or Lincoln , Is nt the Mur
ray.E. . W. Hnycs , of Beatrice , is at the Mil-
J. DIxon Avcry , of Fremont , Is at the Mil-
Mr. W. S. Strawn has returned from Lin
John II. Price , of Nebraska City , is at the
J. Tnscoo , of Fremont , Is stopping nt the
L. D. Fowler , ot Sutton , Is stopping at the
I. G. Cliapln , of Lincoln , is stopping at the
Miss Alice McUriilc , of LJluir , Is at the
1C. II. Cross , of O'Neill , is registered nttho
Grant T. Hay and wife , of Osccola , nro.nt
the Casev.
Clmrlcs Doane , ol North LJund , is at the
G. II. Stlckol and wife , of Hebron , are nt
the Murray.
M. 1J. Uavcy , of Lincoln , is registered nt
the Murray.
Samuel T. Pope , of Chicago , is stopping at
tuo Murray.
C. E. Pierce , of Pawnee City , is stopping-
t the Millard.
Joe S. Hratmcr , of Chadron , is stopping at
the Merchants.
Mrs. T. J. Crouch , of Tekiimah , is a guest
at the Murray .
Thomas D. Shurtz , of Alliance , is stopping
at the Paxton.
Gcorso E. Godfrey , of Fremont , is a guest
at the Merchants.
James II. Holhwcll , of Crciglr.on , is stop
ping at the Paxton.
Samuel Pciinington , of Imperial , is regis
tered nt the Casey.
William Fulton , of Nebraska City , Is reg
istered at the Paxton.
George II. Shummel , of Grand Island , is
topping ut , the Millard.
Fred A. H. Pool , of the Ole Olcson Comedy
At the Barker A. E. Hamilton. Helena ;
Charles Samjoy , West Point : J. O. Hobcr-
80n , Sioux City ; P. LJiblins , ilolfast ; George
L. Osborn. Davenport ; C. H. Thompson ,
Boston ; W. D. Badger , .Arlington ; J. G.
Mend , Cliadroii ; P. II. Aanson , Itud Cloud.
At , the Windsor Conwny Lecdom , Hebron ,
Neb ; J. T. Spiroy , Kansas Citv ; W. II.
Russell , Chicago ; C. L. Searlcs , Chicago ; T.
E. Saunders and wife , Lincoln ; E. T. Lock-
wood , wife and daughter. Now York ; F. II.
Rugg. Cedar Hapiits ; J. M. Stewart , Bara-
boo. Wis. ; P. U. Dii vis , York , Neb. ; L. N.
Dean , Barnard , Mo. ; Herb Northoy , Du-
buauc , lu.
Grent watch sale this week. Don't
fail to attend it at Edliolm & Auin's ,
fcor. loth and Dodiro , oup. P. O.
? ut Dead.
Young Klopmnn , who was hit with a sin-
plotreo by John Quinlaa , foreman of Calln-
ban's graders ut Thirty sixth and Popple-
ton streets , loft the hospital yesterday and
Villsoon bo able to return to work. Ho says
no will not prosecute Quinlau.
Great watch sale this weak. Dop't
Jail to attend it at Edholin & Akin'e ,
or. 10th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
Tliomii Held.
Paul Thoma , the saloon mnn i on Cut-Off
Island , who shot Jack Cross , the printer , wus
boforp Justice Dunn yesterday and seen red a
continuance of his hearing lor ono week.
Tito court placed his b.ill at & ! 00 , but Thoma
pould not Bcuaro that amount and was com
mitted ,
Great watch sale this week. Don't
fail to attend it at Edliolm & Ahiu's ,
cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
' Mtiuli : for the IVnplo'H Churcli.
Rev. C. W. Savidgo , the pastor , has made n
contract with Mr. Franklin Smith of this
city to take charge of the uiusleof his church
tor the coming year.
Mr. Smith will devote his , whole time to
the work and will immediately organize a
large chorus.
Grent watch sale this week. Don't
fail to attend it at Kdliolm & Alun's ,
cor. 16th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
llnvo You Itciuls
The remaining dnys on which voters may
register are as follows : Thursday. October
81 ; Friday , November 1 ; Saturday , Novem
ber 2.
The registry In each ward will bo kept
opoa on each of the above days from S a. in.
to 0 p.
Great watch sale this week. Don't
fall to attend it at Edholm & Akin's ,
cor. ICth and Dodge , opp. 1' . O.
I'ny Your AnbuhHinrnt.
There will bo a meeting of the republican
county central committed at the Millard hotel
next Saturday afternoon. As It Is proposed
to maka a vigorous campaign the committee
finds that n certain amount of money must
bo raised through assessments. Consuquont-
ly. action with thut end in view must bo
tultcn asoou us passible ,
Great watch snlo this week. Don't
fail to attend it ut Kdliolm iS ; AUlu'u ,
cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
\VnniIiOI Again ,
Another of H , H. Waudoll'a victims has
juiulo his uppnnranco ,
Ho is George Horst , who lives on the bet
toms. Wandell had given him au Insurance
policy at the rate of $11 per annum , which ho
paid in a noto. A few days ago a stranger
cumo to his house and domundud the policy ,
Stating that it was not good , liorst surren
dered the paper but saj's that WuiiUull nolds
his note which ho desires to recover. He
did not pay any cash , Wuadoll is in the
county Jail.
For a disordered. liver try Bcechaiu's Pills
Advion to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It Boothos the child , softens
the gums , allays all paint ) , euros wind
colic , and is the best vorneuy for dlur-
hoeu , ioo ! u bottle.
Tlioy Bequest That No Ilanqitot Ho
1'rcpurcil for Tlioni lu Omnlia.
Mayor Hroatch received n telegram yes
terday from Special Agent W. E. Curtis , of
the stnto department , who 1ms the Pan-
American excursion party In charge. The
telegram was dated Cleveland , and requested
that no banquet bo arranged In Omaha on
Saturday night for the congress. Ho re
quests that the party bo allowed to rest qui
etly nt the hotel or attend the theatres , and
says :
"I make tills request by the unanimous
wish of our people , who nro completely ex
hausted by hospitality. "
In reply to thH telegram the mayor cnt
Mr. Curtis a letter , assuring him that
Omaha would glvotheoxcurslonlstsashoarty
a welcome and good entertainment as any
city In the country. Ho will nsk the mer
chants and business men goncrallv to deco
rate their buildings and show thcso distin
guished ciiL-sts that O inn 1m Is not less enter
prising than her eastern rivals , A committee
will moot them at Sioux City and escort the
pnrtv to Oniahii over the Chicago , St. Paul
Minneapolis & Omaha road , arriving nt 2:30 :
p. in. 'Jho.v will bo mot nttho depot by the
mayor and a largo delegation of citizens , and
given a formal welcome to the city , and go
tticnco by special train to the stock yards
mid packing houses. Upon their return car
riages will bo taken nt tuo Union Pnclllo
depot for a drive , nt the conclu
sion of which the delegates
will bo quartered at the Pnxton , where rooms
have boon eniragod for them. In the evening
they can go to sco "Tho Stoaw.iy" at Bo.yd's
and Margaret Mather at Uio Grand.
At 10 o'clock Sunday the visitors will go to
Fort Omaha , where nt 11 o'clock they will
witness n parade by the regulars , under
special dispensation granted by the presi
dent. From the fort carriages will bo taken
for the mansion of Nelson Patrick , whcro the
visitors will bo royally entertained. Sunday
afternoon the uucsts will Inspect the smell
ing works , and nt nicht will board their own
train and bo whirled away to DCS Molncs ,
Great watch sale this week. Don't ' fail
to attend it at Edliolm & Akin's , corner
10th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
An Old Colored Lady Fl ; litliiij In the
Courts For n Home.
Judge Wnkeloy inndo an order In district
court yesterday restraining D. F. Mount
and Paul Platz from moving n uousn , occu
pied by Charity Smith , from its location on
the site of the alley between Douglas and Far-
nam and Twentieth nnu Twenty-first streets.
This proceeding is the result of ttic action
of D. T. Mount's agent on Tuesday In re
moving Mrs. Smith's house from the prop
erty. The property belonged to the estate of
the late Senator Ihtchcocic and was sold by
his heirs to D. T. Mount. Mrs. Smith , who
Is au old colored woman , claims to have a
verbal Ufa lease on the property from
Senator Hitchcoclc , and has had possession
of it for the past twenty-two years. On
Tuesday , at Mr. Mount's order , in Mrs.
Smith's absence , the house was removed from
its location. Wednesday night Mrs. Smith
had nnothor frame cottage put up on the
property , and yestciday morning at daylight
took possession of the premises , and had a
rousing llro burning in an old soap kettle in
ono corner of the shanty.
She then filed a petition for
an injunction restraining Mount and his men
from removing the now structure or interfer
ing with her in icturning the old house to its
place. The petitioner also asked for damages
In the sum of3,500. .
Judge \Vakeley granted the restraining
order and set the hearing of the case for Oo-
ober 28.
Icu for Sale.
f 00 to 1,000 tons good ice on railroad
track. Will bell cheap. Address A.
G. Buchanan & Co. , Fremont , Nob.
Uncle From I lie Coast.
Colonel Tom D.ivis. business manager of
jnc Stowaway , " is in town , having just 10-
turned from n trip to California. While the
colonel is enthusiastic over and tells good
stories about having uroken the record with
bis attraction , ho found the condition of
tilings In several places very much changed
since ho visited the coast two and three
years ago.
"ban Francisco nnd Sacramento , " said
Mr. Davis , "aro all right , but the bottoai has
dropped out of Los Angeles completely. The
boom has gone from tncro and it toolc hun
dreds of pcoplo away xvith it. Those who
still remain have no money As an illustra
tion of the decline in Los Angelus , ono man
I mot offered to sell mo a piece of propcity
for ? ; 5WO , that cobt him $15,000 less than two
years ago. "
Great watch sale this wool ; . Don't fail
to attend it at Edholm & Akin's , corner
15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
The Missionary Union.
The opening address at the mornIng -
Ing session of the Womam's Mis
sionary union was made by Mrs.
George W. Hall , president of the branch.
After the business reports were read , an
hour of devotion followed , with Mrs. H. E.
Gaylord as leader.
Greetings from the various branches were
then read , Mrs. Merrill reading those from
Missouri , Mrs. Montgomery those from
Iowa , nnd Miss Baker those from Michigan.
In the afternoon addresses were made hy
Mrs. Tlinin , Mrs. Merrill , Miss Abblo Baiter
and Mrs. S. C. Dean , while interesting feat
ures called the Young Ladles' Hour , the
Children's Hour , nnd children In costume ,
gave something of variety to the programme ,
Great watch wale this week. Don't
fail to attend it at Edholm As Akin's ,
cor. 16th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
A Cnpltnl ol $ r ( ) OOOO.
Articles of incorporation were filed for the
Omaha Loan it Trust Company Savings
bank. The corporation is to do a general
loan mm savings business , 'iho capital
stock Is placed at $300,01)1) ) ) . The incorporators
are A. U. Wyman , B.V. . Nash. J. J. Brown ,
J. II. Millard , W B. Millard , William Wal
lace ami Mux Meyer.
Great watcli sale this wool ; . Don't
fail to attend it at Edholm & Alan's ,
cor. Ifith and Dodge , opp. P. O.
Heavy on iho
The practice of some contractors of hiring
laborers and tlion paying them in checks
which have to bo discounted nt a loss to the
laborers still continues. Most of the work-
jngmon are not aware that their pay is sure ,
as S3 per cent cf the money coining to the
contractors for tuoir Jobs is withheld to in
sure the laborers of their hire. A oonCrao-
tor , therefore cannot draw the bulk of hU
money unless ho first pays bis men. The
present system adopted by the unscrupulous
contractors makci the poor laborer * pay tha
per cent charged by the banks Instead of
falling on the contractors.
Great watch sale this week. Don't
fall to attend it at Edholm & Akin's ,
cor. ICtli and Dodge , opp. P * 0 r
I'UOl'OSKs' ' 10 STAY.
Air. Clnrksou Will Ulvo tlio 1'artlsnu
Nominee lilH Manila Full.
The fiTends of II. .T. Davis nro vary Jubi
lant because of his appointment by
Governor Thayer as Grofl's successor
on the bench. They claim that this
will iasuro the election ot Davis.
Tbo frlnnds of Clarkson do not so regard
it. On the contrary , they clnlm the gov
ernor's ' action will only intensify the light.
A number of strong men who , up to the
present tlmo have not taken nn active part ,
say they are now ready to go to work for
To the queries of n Bnn reporter who mot
Mr. Clnrkson , ho replied :
"My friends urged mo much against mv
own wishes to bo n candidate , ! was endorsed
by the bar , am in tlio light , nnd propose to
stay until It is settled at the polls. One thing
I wish to correct , and that is this : tlio
friends of Davis have been circulating a rupert -
port that previous to the bar incut-
Ing I promised him my sup
port and influence , which is
not so. They cnmo to mo long before I
thought of being n candidate and I told them
If Howard Smith was out of the race Davis
W9uld bo my tiext choice. . Later on DavlV
frioads urged the necessity of n bar mooting ,
circulated n petition to have one called , and
\\ctit into It pledging themselves to stand
by ttio result. Simcral , Gurloy nnd
Wakcloy came to mo with the
petition , but at that time my frlonds had in
duced mo to consent to run and because of
tlio fact that I was then a candidate I re
fused to sign It , "
"Smco Davis1 nomination by the repub
lican convention , " said a prominent member
of the bar , "the stock argument of these
who support him Is that Clarkson broke faith
with them , when on the other hand
they threatened n game of bulldozing by de
claring that all opposition In the bar mealing
would combine and elect Leo Kstolle , Fur
thermore , " ho continued , "In accepting the
republican nomination. Davis acknowledged
that ho was doing u dishonorable nut , but ,
under the whip of Cliarloy Green and Paul
Yumlorvoort , who made him bollovo that if
ho refused it his goose would bo
cooked for nil time , ho preferred to risk his
honor rather than lese the chance of getting
to the supreme bench , which Is his chief am
bition. "
"Tlio fnct is not forgotten , ' declared a
legal licht in New Yon : llfo utiildinir , "that
Governor Tliaycr some time ago declined to
appoint for the reason that the election is too
near at hand , but since ho has every
lawyer declares that ho had
as much if not more right to appoint Clark-
son , ni the choice of the bar as ho did. Davis
also owes his nomination to a small portion
of one of the t\vo parties. "
Anothcrla\vycrwho is comparatively a now
member of this bar , and ngnlnst whom the
cry of click rule can not bo raised , says that
under the circumstances ho feels liiaiself
bound to support and vote for Mr. Clarkson.
"I am glad , " ho continued , "that Davis has
been appointed to fill Grofl's vacancy , bu-
cause tlio work on hand * demands it , nnd
I am an admirer of his , but hn cer-
tainlv went into the bar meeting along
with the rrstof us and there pledged himself
to support its nominee. Every lawyer who
was there must either stand by Clarkson or
foifelt his honor. "
Tins is tin1 view entertained by half a
dozen leading citizens talked with yesterday.
Cliamoerlniu'-i Colic , Cholera ami
Dlarrluua Remedy.
Thvs medicine can always bo depended
upon , not only in tlio milder fornw of
summer complaint , but also for mnlifr-
nant dysentery mid choler > v iiifuntum.
The lives of many persons and especially
ly- children nro suvod by it each year.
AVnnts to ( ! o llroke ,
Pat Ford had a roll of the "long green" in
hi pocket as largo as the average policeman's
head. Ho wanted to bet that no man could
pick out a loser in Boyd , Snydcr , Shields ,
O'Malluy or Megoath , His limit was $ ' . ' ,000.
Great watcli sale this week. Don't
fail to attend it at Edliolm & Akin's ,
cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
Another Day.
James Wilson , accused of assaulting Miss
Gould , at Seymour park , on Sunday , with
intent to commit rape , was arraigned before
Justlco Wade. As County Attorney Mahoney
and bolhflf his assistants were engaged in
the district couit the case was continued
until this afternoon.
Great watch sale this week. Don't fail
to attend it at Edholm & Akin's , corner
IGth and Dodge , opp. P. O.
They Were
Murray and Green , tlio two tramps who
were arrested on Tuosdav nt South Omaha
for engaging in a pri e fight alleged to have
occurred on Monday night at the Gala City
Athletic club rooms- were before Judge
Borka yesterday afternoon ana their cases
dismissed. As none of the membuis of the
club were present , Attorney Crowcll under
took the dofunso. The city attorney dis
missed the case upon learning thut the con
test was with olgnt-ounco gloves.
Great watch sale this week. Don't
fail to attend it at Edholm & Akin's ,
cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
A Floweriuji Oleandor.
Mrs. Daniel Burr , of thh city , has pre
sented Tun BIK : , with an exquisite flowering
oleander. This ovcrgwon shrub stands aboa
nlno feet high , and is in full bloom. It is an
object of interest and admiration to every
one about tlio building and to visitors. It oc
cupies a commanding place In the court , with
Tin : BKIJ'S display of ovotics , and is appre
ciated by no ono more than by the proprietor
of Tuu BIE. : _ *
Great watch sale this weolr. Don't fail
to attune ! it at Edliolm it Akin's , corner
loth and Dodge , opp. P , O.
Clul ) Mcotlntr. .
The Omaha Press chin will hold an Im
portant meeting next Sunday afternoon ,
October 20 , at S o'clock. All the members of
the club are earnestly requested to bo pres
ent , as there is a grout deal of business that
demands immediate attention , A pro
gramme for a series of winter evening so
cials will bo arranged.
Is superior oxoollouco proven in millions of homos for moro than n quarter of a
century. It is used by the nltcd States Government. Endorsed by the
Itenda oftho Great Universities as tlio Strongoat , Purest and Most
Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not con
tain Ammonia , Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans.
KAX ri8A.lst'O ! ,
Thin rcinnrknlilo Whiskey , which is
Si popular throughout the lOnst , pcifi-
FMHHIH In addition to IIH iiurlty nud
flavor , propprllcsvliloh uinko It pur-
tloulitrly healthful. In nil eases < r
C'oldi , I'uuiiiiionln or ttio first. Rtncns
of Consumption , U Is cN | * lnlly oil- !
ulout , V ir tin ; xvoak , ( lolllltat'd or
need , It In most vnlunhlr. Kor Imlltl-
tni : IID xvnsto uorvc nud uiit'clo ( Usur ,
It htn : lho hi : hi5nt omtorficiiiontsor ilio
mrdlonl prol'esuliin. It in solil by all
ropucnhln dntKclHti.
, a , Y.
( Opposite Paxton llo'.tl. )
Office hours , 9 t. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 n ,
m. to 1 p. m.
Spool illstj in Chronic , Nervoui Skin nnd
Dlood Diseases.
"Consultation at oilico or by mail free.
Medicines sent by mull or oxpiess , sec'irely
imckeil , free from.uDit'rvatlon Otiai'antces to
euro nuli-kly. infely ami perjiianenVly.
WPiyfMITQ IIFRHFFV spermaton hrcn , s ral-
IIDllVUUu llJjDLLl.ll nal Losse-t.NiKht imlJ :
lions. 1'hyslcftl Decay. arlihiK from mdlscrn
tlon , T.xcess or Indulgence , pi oiluclnu : Sleepless
ness , Despondonry. I'lnip'ej on ti ! ! nrt , aver-
nlon to Boclety. entity rtlscouraueil , IsoK of cnnll
dunce , dull , unfit for sttulr or business , anil Minis
Hfo n burden Shfi-ly. permanently and iirl-
vatoly curod. Consult lira , lietts & lletts , 1 U3
1'arnam St. , Oniniu , Mob.
Blood anfl Skin 'Dishes '
result * , completely eradicated without tlio aid
ofMurcury , Scrofula , 1'rysipelns , I'nvcr boies ,
Blotches , I'lcerfl. Pains lu the Head and llonos ,
B > phllltlc Sere 'I Hrent. Mouth and 'JoiiKUi * , Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently curttlhere otberl
hnro failed.
PiiiniW Iffiri'l' ' ! ? nni1 madder Complaints ,
Mllluyi Ulllldilf IMInful. Difficult , too fie-
quont Hnrnlncor UMoJy Tn-io , t'rlne high col-
m ed or with mllkyt edlmenr on * > tnrillni ; , Wuik
Bactc , ( Joiiorrhira , Clent , ( . 'istltH. cto. ,
I'romntly niitl Bafolr Cured , Chargea He.isonn-
SF1TYrBPTn"/R ! ! Onarnnteeil
, per-
3 J. JAl . * < * & . VJJSUJZtl mancut C.iro , ic
mnval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dllliitlon. f.u-cs eittcled nt homo by patieut
without , a moments pain or annoyance.
To Young Men and Mitii11a-Aeil Mc'i ' ,
ASIIRP nilRP 'I ? > 0 < iw"il otlerth of early
UUilfj uUilu Vfce. wliicli btniRS OIRIUUC
w < iknos * , dcstroyljt ; both mind nnd body , \\fth
all Its dieaded UK permanently cured.
riDiJ PL'TTv ! Adies-Jtlioiewho have impaired
ilHOi DD110 themsohtts by Improper indiil-
gencos acil solitary habits , whlcli rum both
ody and jnlnd , unfitting them tor business ,
ituuy or marriage.
Mmiwn Mii.v. or those entering on th t hap
pylife , a aio ot physical debility , quickly as
lb based upon facts , Flr t-Practlcal F.xpa
i fence. Second K\ cry rasu Is especially studied-
thus FUrtiUff aright. Ihltd-.Moaioiuesaro pu- ,
pm ed In our 1 ibdtory exactly to suit each tase ,
thus airectlntf cuieiUthout Injury
PP'Send B cents nostc.ce for celebrate 1 works
on Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases.
Tfcouoamls ciirod HT'A filendly letter or call
may MIV you fntnra siiiroiini ; and Miamp. and
mid K'lMen yca.-s to life. { VrNo letters an-
iwered unless accompanied by 1 cent J In stainus.
Addrzs.s or call on
1103 ranmm Street. Oir.nhaN k.
( Unit size )
nni receive &
lly tlio use of tbo
nurruo : CI nnr/r
will jinstlvoly euro Jinpoteucy. Lost Manliooil ,
SL-MI.II Doray. Korvond Dubllity , Lad : of Do-
volopoinent , Vnrlc'ojelo , ntc
DUIM.HX iurilIJ ; : ( ( IIULT. ndaptml for tlio
euro of l ) > vpii.sla. Lher Coinplalnt , Kidney
DlBeaiio , Lami ) fl.inK , ItliniiniatUin , Hclatlea , ( tc ,
Kl.r.fTHIOSI'lNAI , lini.T. ailaptfd f..r the
riuii of I'iiiMljiila , Hplno DbuaaiKpllipiyor
Kits , etc.
A willton guaranlte plycn with oveiy Unit
that ItU11 cum ( llwjuno Ills rucommenik'd to
cure or money rt'fuuilod ,
1'rlce for any ono of the above Ilelts Is J5.
Atlilrev , ( i. W. CLINTON , Wchl'n Afoul ,
Tito abovn Holts ura undo imdar I'orfll BII Pot
cut L'lunlul to I'rtir , Conrad onfubi , and
tinder t' S. Patent Kiantwl to I'rof I' II. Van
Wtyde. M I * , I'lmtTiUnt of N. V. , Klectiii al So
ciety umi latu I'lof.iufClicinlstry ut N V. , Mud
Daslrlnt ;
to exam-
inn t li n
_ . _ „ . Juatly eel-
rbiHied lines of Hooti anil Shoes , innnufacttir-
d uy 0. H. Henderson .V Co. , of Chicago - Factories
tories at ClilfUKO , Jll.xon , Ilia. , anil Konil lu ) ,
Wl . - houll wrlta HAM. N. WATSON , residence -
dence , FIIRMONT. NKIJ. Traveling uijout
lle djuart r for Hubbers.
tate Li
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin ami
Catla pusautofOi to W , arcordlutc to location of ilut
room , KxcurtloiiMturJJ.
Etcemsa to nnU Irani 1'uropo at I/oiTctt fUtci ,
Al'iTiN D.u.DUiN" i Co. , Ucn'l Agents ,
M llrouJway , New Yurie
Jou.v lli.unE.s'.Ccn'l WcttiTii AKmit.
1' ' ' HumlolpU 81. , Clilcngo ,
lUuuv li , ilooiits.Tuua. UiC NNU ,
Ak-cuti ,
The purchase of n winter overcoat Is n matter of so much importance , that \ou cnnnot nfford
to disregard our invitation to thoroughly examine out- stock beloro purolmsina. Wo will offer
this vvcelc , the oest values over presented to the public.
The first bargain lot we offer this week , is n line of Fine Melton Ovcrconts.ln three shades , linht
nnd dark brown , and a neat gray mixture , at the popular price of $1B Woolen linings and stum
sleeve linings , in every respect a reliable garment , and cannot bo purchased In any other store
lor the price we offer them.
Fine Chinchilla Overcoats , Price
Wo will give you the benefit of our experience ns mnnufnclurers. by olferina cut prices early In
the season , and wo claim that this lot of pure nil wool Chinchilla Overcoats , which we offer at
$1O , cannot be purchased for any such price , outside the Continental ; all sizes 04 to 44.
The largest stock , quality unequalled and the lowest prices , are the strongest claims for your
Boys' Overcoats , special bargain lines , $5 $ , $6 $ and $7. $
Children's ' Overcoats. $4 $ , $5 $ and $6. $
Send to us for self measurement blanks , and a sample suit cr overcoat will be sent to you frco
ofcharge. We will pay all express charges on goods which arc not
OES MO IN E9 Proprietor
Cor. Dougias and 15tli Sts.3 Omaha.
Vi-9 thorn IH science In nclvortis-
Itiu ronclko liit'tN npp wlmr tlin
pcojile AViititfAiiil tiooil Cloilics. )
Ihpeiliolo onlv forfeits public confl-
deuce 1'ou want the voitli of your
inoii"y lien jou bur , nnd joti will go
v.lierejon ale stuo of { ii'Ulnir It Hxcel-
li nco in all things is n ui-ttor watcln\or < l
tht-n shiirpuess or slire dness.
KSTAIILISFini ) 1S 1 ,
lUgwbB \ & UBUD
And other first class PIANOSnntl
Remember , Wo do Not Soil "Ston
cllotl" Plnnos.
All Instruments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo offer n fine S325 Plnno for S25O.
Visitors Welcome.
Cor. 10th aud Farnara Sta.
Friday and Saturday , Dot , 18 and 19
( Satuiday .Mutlnee ;
OHO IlOIJV'dOreat Lauu'hlna Stlccesi
Pull of run. I'jotty Mnsle , Urilllant Spclalties | ,
A J'i'uno-r : cuMKby COMI'ANV ,
Headed by the comedians ,
Together \\lth the diaiiulug Actreaa aud
Itetrilm-prices , beat * to ou eale U'l.urjaa
Making- possible for them to
dress well for ; t little monc/i
Tailoring stylish suits to order from the newest and most fash
ionable woolens ( from both foreign and home mills ) at irtcomr
parably low prices , is placing the name of Nicoll in the mouth oi
hundreds of young men about town.
Suife iede to
Such handsome goods for the money you've rarely ever
seen. By an arrangement of our own you see hundreds of
fabrics without the least labor
They're they are Look at them.
Manufacturers and Whoi > saJo Dealers in
Yelloisr IPiiie.
only. Hill. B-mUtra oun. L. a. Mntlou.i.Uuok