Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    i&i.iiii > t'ifltiittlaiiiih&hi ' !
No advertisements will bo taken for
those columns otter I2:3O : p. m ,
Terms Cnsh In ntlvnnco.
AdMrtlsements under this head 10 cints per
line for the llrnt Insertion , 7 cents for each Bub-
Mfjutnt Insertion , nn < l tl.rtlpor linn per month.
No ndvertiFemcntstaknr. for less than 2.1 cent *
fortlMtliiftertlon. Hevcn words will bo counted
to the llnot they luunt run rontecutlvblr and
nitibo paid in ADVANl'l : . All advertise
ments must bo handed in before 12'tn : n'clocV p ,
m. , nml timUr no clrnitnstanros will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Patties advertising In thcuo columns and liav-
lac their answers addressed In carnet Tin : HKR
will plonso HRIC for n chc < ! t to enable them to get
their letters , us none will bo delivered
oni > -entatlon ot clierk. All answers to ad-
\ettl--cmrntii Bhonld be enclosed In envelopes.
AH ndvortl emout In tlii-Ro columns are out-
llshed in both morning and evening editions ot
UllKlUr the rlrcnUtlf.n of which aggregates
more than IH.Od ) papers dflllv. and elves the nil-
vertlirts the benefit , notonly of theclty rlrru
Intlon of Tin : llir : , but also of Council lllutrs.
Lincoln and other rit lei and towns throughout
thliincMlon ortlm eotilitiv.
Advcrtlslnc for thu-o rnlnmnswlll bo taken
on thnnboxo conditions , at the following busi
ness hoii-oa , who mo nutlmrlml agents torTnn
IlK.r. special notlceK , nml will quote the same
rates IIH tan be hud at the main olllco.
JOHN , HULI Pharmacist , 820 South"Tenth
CIIAHU.V UDDV , Btntloncrs and Prlutors , lia
South inth Sin et.
Q II. I'\TlNS\VOHTIiTPliarmacIstTIJTr. . ( 'i
k J4lngStreet. '
T\r .1. HL'OHKf , PmnnaeisU ! JI North 10th
VT Stiect.
GUO. W. PAUII , Phiirmaclst. 1800 St. Marj's
T.Tt"IIII'.S' PHAHMACV. SSOi l-'nrnam Stieot.
_ _
\ \ rANTUH Situation by young man ; spcnks
' 1'ngllAh and Gcinuiu ; will work lit any
thing. AddrcsHM. II. Ileo olllce. SI2-ITf
"I yANTUD-situutlou T > V married lady at
" housework ; small family nrcfcrred Ad-
JL , I. ' , llee olllco Hll-17 *
\\rAWTUD I'ositlon us book-keeper ; have
TT hud fix veals'uxporlenculu the banking
liuslntrs-i , three j-cars as tfclltr ; would accept
position in any ollice ; bank preferred. Andres ?
G N. . room 4i , Chamber of commerce bla , ,
Omaha. 7i I7J
"V\rANTUl ) Situation as stenographer by a
TT laily. Speed , 12.1 wordipermlnuto. Artdrcsi
T. M. 8. , 1701 Capitol avenue. . 757 ! ? J
Cjl'l'l'ATlON lly a , registered pharmacist ;
VJslngk1. temperate ; refer"iicugiven. Address ,
D. C. H. Me. . 812 N. ad street. 7fl. > 17 *
Vt/'ANTHD Printer--dood type-setter. It to
T T t years old ; Btato experience and price
wanted Address Mirror. Lyons , Nob. bJU IS
WANTUD Hai tender and clerk at Uutopeun
T > hotel. 828 If
LAsTLItKHS wanted at Uellnno Uotol and
touuty hospital ; J4 01 day ; S hours jwork.
WAN I'UII 2 boy.s aLeut 18 years ot ago ut
\V V. Morse .V Co. st shoo factory , cor. llth
nnd Douglas. S I ! 17
\A/Af TUnTiiuon lei city work. 81.75 : rook
T T for restaurant , til ) ; ono. for U. It. eating
house foil ; clerk for small hotel , Jl' > ; man to
ilrl\e nml deliver poultry , etc , , $25 , rco.-i and
Ijoiud , secuilty andrefeieiires reciulred. Lots
ot work for good uii-'ii. Mis , Hrega,3l4t4 S llth.
Ml li
\\TANTi ; iy A boy.Ygo IB or 1" . vvlio wTiles a
t good hand and coneitut Ilgmes ; wages ,
818 per month. Addiess In own hand wilting.
il. Ill , Ileo ollice. 82J7 ! * _
\\T ANTUD Stenographer and typewriter
it possessing machine lor Job one day. Ad
dress M h cam Iteuoilici to-day. 81817
A OUNTri wanted i\irywhero : tor new , use-
-Ci tut , ( iulck-bolllugno\elty. Hamplefli cents.
f Kelblec & UoVlue , louniu1. ' , Darker blilg.
" \\TAN I'UD Two llr t-clpss coat makers.
IT Hai nes Hios. , Ilastingf , Nob. SI 1-22 ?
WANTJID Young mini of thorouch busl-
ueai training tor ollfioworlt. lust bo good
ireuman , and nceurati * No attention will be
liatd to amillcattoi's that full to itivo age. refer-
unces and sahuy cxpei 'ed. Address , .M 11 , lieu.
fc ( 1,9
AI'U'.V goodmou to icpreseiit the Inter State
llulldlng and Loan iiisocliitlon of Illoom-
iiigton , 111. , lu Nobiahlcu , Dakota. Kansas and
loua. ijltuattons permanent to satlsfactorv
parties. ItnfoinncuB required , rail ou nr ad-
tlioss K , L. Huwley , room I'.1 ' , Continental block ,
Omaha , Neb. 700-2:1 : *
AGUNTSI Side lines in specialties. Gener
ous com. Samples light. Glvo unite.
Cook A , Smith , mfrVJ ) Park Place , N. V. 791-i
\\rANTUD A boy from 15 to 18 joars old ;
111 ! ) J'aruam ct. VJ.I-17
HD Court tinner. : ilO N. Kith Rt.
707 22t
" \ITAVI'UD Hrldgo caipeutera and laborers.
T T 1'illey. Krniner jtUo , cor. llth and rarnaui
sis. , Mas.Meyerbullulng. 7 < W
\\7 ANTUD I Irst-class coachman : ouo wheT
T understands the earo of horses thorough ! )
nnd must have llrst-ehus references , fill S. r.'tfi
* * "i i *
t"j i
"VT \ IrAN'lUD "jonng men for light work at $15
T t weekly. Hoom 17. 22U N Itith. U9J l')3 )
XTAlTi'UD Mann hustler who solicits li
TT the way of prlntluir , to handle good sldo
line. Address , L W , Hee. 71,1 lilt
\\f , ANThD 21 coal minors for Wyoming
* i pur ton ' . ' 00 lockmeii and laboreis for \ \ yo-
nlntr , good wagon. Albright's Labor Agency
1120 Kuinam. 131
_ _
AGI'.NTSl Write for terms. $ .1 tamiila rorsoi
free. Scntolo If Co.,390 llroailwav. New York ,
Polesmenat } 7"ipcr month salary
T i aiid expenses to soil a Hue of bllvoi-platet
ware , wiitcho"etc. . by B.implo only : horitonm'
team fuinlshed Iree. write ut once for lullpar
tlculnrx mid sample case ot goods free Stand.
aid Silver Ware Co. , Ito'itoii , Mass. 674
" 1A7ANTH1) ) A rfood ollko man to go cast
i T must Invest & .MJUO : unlit bo a good businoa
man. Addruss the Coo. ti. C'llne Publishing
House , ; il'toKIVab.ibli ave. , Chlc.igo , ills.
\7ANTHD-.Men for Washington territory
i Albiijul'a Labor Agency , ll.'O rariunust
\\7ANTIJD ( ! oed brlckhivers ami stonecut
T ters ; good wages patil. Apply M. T ,
tluiphy , I'lomont , r\ob. 1'iiO '
W ANTUD Four numlivd men tor track lay
lug In Wyoming. Apply to P II. Jounsou ,
II , .VM , p.ii-sengor depot. Omaha. 'JD.1
\\rANTUD Agents. "DOilgo'H Horse lllau.
TT ket Holder" keeps thu blanket fiom
Wowltm or sliding on the horse. Nothing like
It in the market ; otcrv hoise-ownor buyn ,
Hamptebbymull.'jc. iuyncr&Co. , Piovitteiice ,
It. I. tiK.o-Ht :
TTvUTUriTVUS Wanted.guod reliable men for
JlJdetectlves'ln every community ; paying posi
tions. AddienS Kansits Detective Ilitreaulotk-
1)0x2-1' , WlUilta. Kan. WJ-O.-Jt
UN to tiavel for the 1'outhlH nurseries of
Canada. We pay $10 to } | W a month and
pxpeiibiH to iigents to HOI ! our Canadian grown
Block. Add. Stone .V Wellington , Madlsou. Wla.
ir A .NTUD-A _ oed liuibe girl. CO I S. 3Uh st.
f rw7
' \ \ ANTUD A good girl fur' general hoiife-
> . work , neil 8.ith aye. t.Uili4
1\rANTUD A youim woman to do general
> hoi owork. Inquire 1817 Capitol avenue.
HM isr
. . . . . . . . j tor Colorado , s for Wy
oming. fcM ; competent girl for ilnlTulo , 4 m
famll.\- . ! ; 1 for Deadwood. Dak , r.M ; pastry
cookH , T7 ; conk lorolllcer'x family of : ' , fJ'i ' ; any
iimount of good places lu iinv.Uo fnmlllo-i. Mrs.
llugii , J1H , H. IMh. _ J 5J1 ! !
A GOOD girl , cook and liiuudieas wanted at
lr ) Coifmaun'a re 2th ; and St.
Jlarv't. n\u , Wl 22'
woik. tKXl SWi't. BIM !
rPO tallorcsscti Wanted Hi ouce , 1 good ma-
J chinlsiiud2u'ood | lluisheru for \uiitti. good
vnieti ; uud peruiaueut work. 401H llth st.
7M I7
_ _
"WANTUD-Glrlto do gi-ueral hoiuework , a
> In family. Apply at 'AM Dodge btreet.
\\rANlKO-\Vnlst M.
A , W ullace , lOl'J lluwnnl bt. 7W 13M.
\\rANTUIl-Good slrl ; Bniull family ; good
T T wuuva.bJ UcuruUuvu. , uearLejvviiwortli.
_ _ _ _
T VfANTED An old lady asuurjjo. Inunliunt
f > 1UU Chicago. 7tj ! J7t
WANTKD-tMrl for homework. M , A. Vuf-
lace. 101V Howuid. 7i 17
\ \ ' , ANTKO-rirst-class oxpcrlenceil
VT in clont department , Stnto pxptnonoo
ftnrt where cmploved. Addrem LIE ! . Hee. BCT
Wlnebers dr and cloafc maker ;
TO1TI8 cloaks to order and steotned : sealskin
cloaks lepnlrcd , ail Kinds fur , trimming * fur-
nlslied. " 142U Cnpltol ave. . rcpalrlns of nil kind.
KINq lu inmllles. CJ7 So. l-thiiie ,
M Tss MlnnlrK's , drcssmaklnB parlors. 1721
Leaven worth. 773o 26 ]
K- and board , 201 Ho. SJh ( ave.
) Two uufuritlsnod rooms by Nov.
1st , D. M. Pearson , care llarr D. ( I. Co.
-ma furnished Itousn In coed
loculltyuuar iirlmary seliool , Aildress M
P , llee olllie ; 73-Mht
- v family of three small fur-
nNlied house , for 0 inquths. Address M 5 ,
lice olllce. 781 23
rpWO unfurnished or furnished rooms vltli
J board for inun , wife nuil one child : uuistbn
between lltiidottu , Illnney , IBtn und IMIi. mod
uli convenience * . Adutess M 0 , Ileo olllre.
7H1 18
\\7ANTIU to It nt Suite of two rooms for
' t three nnntlemcli. with or without board ,
vilhln two lilocks of IKlh st. mid Capitol ave.
\dlrc"s 1.01 , Ileo , nt once. dTJl
[ 71011 LU5 > U-S fin ins. r. years 11 miles out.
L' llopusi : Hill , real estate , UOS rnitiam.
moil I.llAsll ( iiDlco Inside reildauco lots for
L' long term of ycar , very low lentnl. lloirgs .V
1111. W2I
' \\7ANTI3l ) lloanl for canciemin , wife and
f two small daughters near primary school :
wo Ilrst class rootiin needed not lilnher tlmn 2d
loor. AddiessM It' ' , liee olllco. 7H1-I81-
" \\7ANTnD To know a feou'l loeitlon tor n
VT narnuss shop , address J. 0. Blessing. Ar
lington. Neb. 77u ) Uf
W ANTHD Party to rent half ot fiunlslied
olllco In one of the best butldlnzs in nty.
AOdiets 1.07. Ileo oHIee. 701 20t
"VTlNlJ-room house , in excellent location : all
J-N modem cenvonlcnci's : lent J'lO ' ppr mo.
Price of furnltiiro $ Wll ) , part c.iiih , balance on
time : rooms full. Co-Operative l.and and Lot
Co. . Ma N. lUli st. Ll ! !
rruiN-room house , in good location ; all mod-
JL cm conveniences cistern water , etc. ; lent
$ .10 per mo. Co-Opeiallve Laud and J.ot ( o . " 01
N. icth st. S'l in
" > MtOOM ( nowJiHiscs. ) nllmodcinconveiilen-
> cc except furnnoo. at fl ( ) . halt block fumi
notor. nili Paxton Itlock. S2i )
TlOlt Itr.NV Two fi-ronm rottages on D.uen-
poit street nbout three blocks west of the
ilgh schnol , nunlshoil , jjj oacn. ( ion N.
links , N. Y. Lifeblilg MT'ICI
P OIt HUNT Newly papi'iod S-rooni lioi
good well , clstorn. near street cars , 2WJU
'inukllnst. aoornorth. l > t ! IS *
TlOIt HKNT 1 coed cottages in Omaha View.
JJ Hoggs ie Hill. _ .H)3 ) 21) )
. . . . HUNT Nice 7-ioom house with motlern
JL' convcnloiicc.nui N. 2Jth , near Crelghtou Col
ege. . 7y > " '
"ir.OH HKNT One now ll-ioom house at cor.
Jt ? I'th nnd Capitol ave. , built evincssly for
booralng and rnomlng : will bo completed 2ilth
December. See Dr. Neville , cor. 14th and
Douglas. 771 22t
"IT1OH HUNT To responsible party , 7-room
JU hoiibc. No. 1223 N.UJtli St. Loueck , lloom
Chamber ot Commerci * . 7o7 20
8-HOOM Cottage , No. 2SU liuidettntreet. .
tluee blocks from eUclrlc motor , two fiom
lioise cars ; huge , Ulgh rooms ; elegant luMde
llnlf.1) ) , Inside blliulb , storm windows , tc. ;
oily water , good bain. Will lent or lent-i >
to good , responsible cheap. Prefer
to sell. Lots adjoining also for F.ilo cheap.
Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire on premlhes
or of K A. Manger , Pilntcr , Basement ifV. .
cor. 14th and Vat num. iO
FrH ) HUNT rine lesidcnce , 2112 Cass street ,
furnlslii'd or iinfuiiilslind , to small family
for term of years. Lo.\ rent to responsible pin
tles. Hoggs i ; Hill , leal estate , HuJ rurniim st.
710 1
FT OI'SHS and business places tor rent. H J.
ULWilkinson , U18 PaMon blk. 788
THU best houbo for the money In Omaha for
rent : 8 looms , fmnncf , bath , hot and cold
water , on Dodge ht. cable line , $10 per month.
F. .1. llorthwick , 21,1 S. 14th st. 77D
3 HOOM house for lent , 2212 S. llth street , $3
a mouth. 70117J
FOK HKNT ID-room lioiibe. with all modern
coimmiences , on south I0th street , opp.
Brow noli hull.
7 loom house , 831 South 17th street ,
a l-room cottages on houtli 12th street. Will
rent very cheap through the winter.
iltl-ioom Hats , on N. 17th st. , suitable for light
housekeeping. Apply to Green .V Williams ,
1st Null , bank biilldiuc. t-
T A HOU I2-room house with all conveniences
J-Jand large barn , cor. 2tith and Cauiwel ! sts.
" 171OH I'.riNT At comer of .Tones and 2ith st ? .
JL' a very deslrublo hoiuo of nine looms and
laundry with all modern Improvements , stable
ifdcsiiod. UhoW. C. IvesOo. , 3iiS. : llth st.
O.-J 18
T/'OK ' HUNT Pivo room house , $15 per mo. , S ,
JL1 U. corner llth and Vlutonsts. 017
POH HKNT Now 4-room Huts with all con
\euleiites , T blocks from postolllco. Sill pa
month , Hoberts , Vtl N. 1MU st. Sil.i 17
rr-ioom house with barn , ? Hucr month. C. ! '
t Harrison , ilorcnauts1 Nut. bank. 4t'J !
ltENT-Out ltlo Hat in Llnton block ; fl
ns. heated by steam , newly papered
„ i parlor ; nlxouno Hat upstairs. No. t1. In
quire at vii , in the block , lath mm Mason sts.
John Haiulln , aecnt. M2 20
HUNT 8-room liousj with nil convon-
lences and In Hrst-tU'ss ' loiatlou ; can glvo
possession at oiun.
fi-rooin Hut , OU7 N. ICih St. . J 'l.
Wo have several hoimes nnd a number ot
ptorii rooms for lent. Apply to Gieeu , V William
liam- ' , I'-Irt.t Nat. Hank building ; . _ 4117
IIK.VJroom cottage , with liatti. "ill"
1 upltol avo. Imiulro 2.118 Capitol ave. Ml IB
t ) ItUNT-I'lRt 11.511) ) So. I th St. Has all
com ententes and will bj papered and fixed
iili in good Hhanu for u good tenant. Call at
o. , 111211ainoy bU , tor partlmlttrs.
ITUW HUNT Handsome I'J-room ' house , all
JO ronieiilenros , pnved street , cable und hoifco
car , C nilnntes' wall.of poatolllca. NathanSliol-
ton , lilll 1 urnambt , bOl
OH HUNT A neat , newfi-room cottage.uear
Leavenwortu and illth strt-ots. Inquire for
Lucbbon , at lcU7 Farnam st , Omaha , 11'
FOH HUNT Nlre new Ij-rnom cottages with
celbiis , ICOTandUJIH Half Howard sr. Iteut
{ 11 per month each , jiiiulio : ii4 ; y 17th fctt
Tj''OTrHUNr-Two7-room bilck houses. 2103.
J-1 2111 llamlltoiiht. ; o\ery modornlmiirovt-
mont ; JJJcucli. Leavltt Iluiutmin , ICrelghtou
bloiic. li :
FOH HUNT Ill-room Imnsc , nil modem con.
venlenees , half blocK /torn btieut car. < f..O
permonth. Cull nt K' I'uitou block. Ill
TTOK HUNT Twelve-room house , htablo and
JL carnage house , cm H 2l t troer , next to cor
ner Loimmwoith ; niodirii immovements uud
in perfect repair. Apply to Lewis S. Hoed \
Co , room 13 , Hoaid ot Tinilu bulUlllig. WO
"I7OIt HUNT 10-rooiu Jiouse. hteaiu heat , nil
Jimpruvenients. . cheap u ut. G , U. Thompsaii ,
room 211 , Mieely block , loth uud Howard ,
HUNT Uliht room house. . , wltn ample
luojiuds. coiner Lcauworth and 2lat eu ;
bath room , hot uud cold water. Apply to Lonlt
S. Hued \ Co , room Kl , Hoard of Tiudo building- .
F OH HUNT by Sholes.v Hamilton
Hooui2iu Ut National Hank Hldg.
Sitf 14-room house , all couv. , 21th and ( ASJ sts.
tiOl \ room house , allconv. , naiuo location.
HO s.toom house , all conv , Hanscom Place.
S.W 27-room Hats. HHh and Howard bis.
* ii 8-ruom hoiibe , all couv. , Windsor Place ,
l.i ) 2 7-room nouses , nil couv. , Windsor Place.
f.7 7-room house all couv. , lira S. 25th a\e.
Uutlro bullalng on S. ICth at. , bultuble for ho
tel or hoarding ; rent all or part , Vo'J
HUNT 0-rooiu modern improved house ,
Apply M. Ulgutler. UL ! 8. JOth. bJJ
\7KHY low , two 7-room houses on 18th and
T Vlutou ; two 8 audit room houses on 27th
and Woolworth ( with city water and bath ) ; two
r.-ioom houses iu Lincoln Pltco. Itoom 619 ,
Pttxton block. 4 SO
TjAOH HUNT Neat i-room houte. lu tfood reX -
X ; pair , on cor. 2 < lth and Woolwortn ave. ; poa.
Region given Oct. Ut. Imiulro U. 1) ) . Uzscluick ,
llcootllce. CW
O i omn furnlbhuil for houseitevpinir. cncap.
JU ti. llth , south of viaduct. TVtt 1st
"VTTrniiY furnished rooms with steam hsat ,
J-ii Plnnln orcnanlte. lirn. MartU
block , 704 N. 10th atrett , third lint. &V > Ht
LKOANT suit of rooms In modern brick
resldcnro suitable for four gentlemen , also
glnKlo room , llonrd It desired. Telephone ;
1821 Cass st , Kid-sot
TT10H illtNT Purnlshod front room wltn nl
JU modern conveniences , to gentlemen only.
BtatiiHt. Mory's avenue. Apply nt Atoro , 210
and 2 12 South I'lfleenth st. C80
IfLKOANT furnished rooms ; every nipticrtt
JLUcouvcnlencoiJlo month nndupwnrds. llobe
Hotel. 010 IS ?
ruTll HUNT A unite of rooms , with brtard
- * rcc "w
9 HOOM3lighthouse-keeping 1319 N. ISth
iritjHNISHUD front rooms. 400 N. 13th.
JL ? K. . ) aij
moil HUNT Nice furnished bed loom and
JL1 paMor , cheap 1HJ2 Cnmlngst. 770171-
desirable looms ou first lloor ; mod-
crc couvonlencos Address M 8 , Hoe olllco ,
W , 18J
T\JHULYIiirnlshcd.rooms ) , saw Dodge. ' _
-Ll 401 COf
JjIUlANT furnished looms with bath and
steam , lMt > Howard st _ _ _ _ ? ' " _ _
TOUItNISilUD rooms and board IRJ Chicago.
K HUNT riirnMied Jooms for2gentle-
mon , or man mid wife , ion Douglas. O'M
f ) 1.AIIOi : well fiirnlslied trout rooms : nlso
ipontli bed loom ; modern convenience * : Ilrst
class board If desliotl : SiXi I'nrmun. UU 2tij
FOH 1U5NT i'oone or two RclitTomon with
Kooil references , n nicely tiirnlshod front
room , heated by slc.un and centrally located
Imiulro 7-4 8 IPtli st , If8
ST. ( liAlU Ilitoj-enll hotel , cor. Kitli and
_ Uodfc : spcUnl inte by Week or month
"HUNT 2 nicely furnished loom" , with
IMitl Cnpltol nvonuo. WS
IJSOH ltUNT rurnl8heil float rooms , is
-L1 Do U.W-OIJ
" | 7UK ItllVr A ploiisnut bay-window solitli
JL1 front room ; bust location ; nil conveniences ;
mUitjle for one or two gentlemen - .
PhHASANT fuinMieilrufims with bonid. In
new imck icsldeiico with modern couiuti-
lences fkVJ s. 2t'th iivo 5V1 17 ;
FOK HKNT Two fnrniMliod looms on M.
Mary's ainuiuto gontlumim only ; six min
utes' wain ot business center. Itiiferenco re
quired. liKiulio nt store , 210 and 212 S. 1.1th .st.
ROOM with or without board. 1812 led o.
2' ,
TTlOlt HUNT Nicely furnished looms with
JL1 Has. imtli unit heat. Paul's Hats , Hoard four
dolhir.ta week. 407 N 1'ith st. Till SI +
iOOD room wltli bath. 510S. 2Ctti si.
NICB1 < V furnished room , all couvoiili.'iice-t'JM
N 17th. 410 O 18
ITUJIl HUNT Unfiirnlahi'rt rooms for hoiise-
JL1 keeping ; nlso nice foldliiubed and uirnltiiio
for cale cheap ; n.o. cor. lllth and Cuss st. < . .
o\erieutleman a feiocery. 771 lh
EOH KENT 3 nnfurnlslicd rooms.sultable for
housekeeping , 2"8 N. Uth < t. _ 2H8
"IT'OIl ' HUNT riifnrnlslicd rooms suitable for
Jl1 lionsekceplti ) ; , coniHiiiuntl ) lo > .utod. Hint's
Ueutlnic ngenry. 15'KI raiiiam.
ASTOItK. rent \ cry low , to a responsible par
ty , luqulic hi feedntore , No. llo'l ' N. IHliht.
Sl'i ' 24J
rITHK most promising locality for business In
JOmalin Is on ICtli ht. , bctwi-on rariuuu nnd
Iea\enworth , the fnttiro retail dlstrlrt of the
city , ttlogant blocks me Kolng up. and nothing
sli.ibby will ever bo erected tlune.
Take n liok ) nt the new block nt Nos. 707-0'f-
711 S. loth St. , near f.eiuenwoith ; all heated
with steam , imtl full plate-glass front , and so.
mi o a lease for a number of years. Tlios. r.
Hull , lilj Pnxtonjiloi'k. .VJi _
FOH IIP.N'T Suewstoio ? , 017 mid Ol'J S. lutli.
I ino show windows. .i.1'j
fllOU HUNT Store room l.i Iloyd opcr.i housu
I. building , r.miitlrc Amerlian buvlncs Ijank.
fjlOH HUNT A l-story hriciv DUlldlngOsxlW.
JD sulfiblo for wholisale : gooil trackage : I
. . ra also a number of line residence prop
erty for rent or alo. 1'or particulars call or
ailiiiess KW-lll Ileo bldg. N , O.Jlrown. 413
1 store , with cellar , OJO bouth ICtn.
KENT 2 very doslrablo basomeuts under
der block cor. iljtu aiid Jucksouits. . , silo
! 50x40fcot. They hnvo heat and water
and would be sullabla for a burlier shop or
most any kind of business. 1 will IK them up
in good shape tor n good tenant. CallatHU
ILirney St. , P. E. Her.
[ 71OH HUNT Store , 1111 I'ainam St. , 20 bv 138
J feet-'stories and cellar. Natnau Sheltou ,
1G14 I'nrnam st. to' )
HUNT Desliable warehouse room on
TIO . Apply to C. W. Keith. 711 P.icltlc st.
FOH HUNT The 4-story brick building with
or without power , fm meily occupied by The
lied Publishing Co. 010 rauiam st.Wo build-
lug has n lire-proof cumonte J. basement , com
plete steam-heating llxtures , water on all the
lloors , as , etc. Apply at the ollko of Iho Hue.
TT1OH HKNT After Oct. 1 , Hue front olllco.
JL1 ground lloor ; ulnte uliiss window ; and
llcht turuisiiod ; a most deslr.tblo location for
any kind of business ; rent icasonuuie , Inquire
Omnha Ice Co. , ! 110 So. llth st. fu'J
1T10K 11RNT Three-story brick bulldln ! ; , 1110
JL' Douglnsst. . HUltable for wholosam or ware
house. Chas. Kaufmanu. 13Ji Douglas street.
FOH KI.NT Ilisement 10 by 0 ft. heated uy
bteam. Enijulie J. Nagl. B1J So. nth st.
T517ANTKD People to know tliat Wheeler &
V > Wheeler aretuo solo agents In Douclas Co
of the Peoples'Live block Ins. Co. . of Peiin.
covers loss from all causes. We can Insure
vour lioine for JUKI , for leas than two cents poi
day. Wheeler & Whoulcr , Douglas .indjnth st.
Tiirt Ih
D The best sweet pickles In the mark -
k t. Ask your grocer for llnlm' sweet
picklua and tuku no otlier. etc ; 2J
Foil LUASU 'WJ a-101 adjoining city , for
chtli.v. poultry , gardfiiluir. etc. In lots to
suit ; W peraire. lioe'g & , Hill , 14U8 raiunui.
FUATIII'IIS cleaned , curled and d\cd , hats
leahaued , at P. M. Si-uadell & Co,21H N. Hith
A UCTION salas nvery Tuesday uud Friday
ji Vnioriuugnt 11-1 Furuaui. Omaha Auction
Storage Co. 775
TVt.Ji/ Strong , cor. Saunders and CassltiB
Jts. ' . . KouuUe place. Telephone DM , KIT u'tt
CASH paid for lion.-oholil fiirnltutc. stoves ,
Omahu Auction i btorngu Cu , 11-11 1'uuiam
_ _ _ _ _ M12
NT1QITAH1AN llooKStoro , 1I1U Farnaui St.
Casti paid for eccoud-haud boons.
HT painting taught for Won lesson : paints
aml biushos furnished. All kinds ot paint
Ing and stamping done to order , Mrs. O. A
Tmmibou , I - ' ) - ' N. ITth st. , up stairs. tJO ) Hit
EVUNING Prench class. New Vork Llf <
lluilillug. Hoom l.i lules Melle. 711 N U
rnilll banjo taught nt an art by Ueo. P.Gelien
JL beck. Apply at Ileo olllco. IttU
SCHOOL of Uxpresstoc , Vocal Altlculato
Pantomlnlc. L V , Anderson , bheolv block
W ANTUD Horses to winter at JJ a moutl
per head on farm near Irvlnctou. Plenty
ot gr.iln and hay to fned , good shelter and gooi
caiu given them ; colts. horaeH or cows taken In
exchange for feeding them. \ \ . II. Human. 10
HOHSUS Wintered at my farm , good rangi
and Paddocks ; no barbed wire ou place
lioraei called for aud delivered ; terms model
atu. Telephone 077. Clms. ilLCormlck , Cal
Mini. Neb. 417 117
TWILL winter horses on W. II. Millard' ' .
farm at Calhcmu , Neb. Iteasonablo rates
care considered , Ordem can be left with W. II
Millard or mailed UIH atCulhoun. T.J.I'lcrntng
T 08r-0nopleceof 115-18 lucli iimttluK be
JJtween North and Bouth Omaha. Lenve
word at Mi B. 13tU , 1'ludor will b liberally
rewarded. tQ6 la
Ty'.AH not fall to have Holnti' owee
J.J pickles on the table It you wnt mn to b
prompt at my meals , CS3 20
LADH'.S and gentlemen desiring correspond
cuts uddre s Corresponding Club , Kausa
City , Mo , Inclose btamp. bVtllf
CUT How erg and plants cheapest at A
UOPB ' , N. ttost ,
WANTi : D-To buy lorn otlrst cl s inortRngcs
for eastern party , luyga & III1L scu &
" 1A8H forfnrnlturp. CArpets , etc. Well' * Auc-
V-Alon Storage Co. . an fy Kith. 715
WANTBn-4 or ft tliMiifttul yrtsotonrthto
> > nil lot 58 , liurr Oakf/uw. / up to Brads. In-
: iilrc W. N. ] > orward. 1517 Douglas t. 700
TIHACKAOK storRKO at'kiwost rates. W. M.
lliiihinaa. 1311 Lenveiurorth 61
s TOItAQK : nnd for nrrtllim We collect unil rte1
Oliver ioodsor all dcwrfptlon , merchandise ,
nrnltnro ntl hngcnf-ont cheapest ratei lot-
toraKQ for any IctiRtli of time. Vans and
vugon * to boliml at shorK'st notli e. with rnro-
ul men for movlnp. 1'ncklnff and sblpplng
ram our own wni-eliotiso done on moderate
liaw. Mcrclmndlso loaded nnn unloaded.
Vareliouso on our own tracks. Offlco 317 8 lUli
t. Telephone IK. lion ell .V Co. SKI
JTOUA01 ! at low r.itos nt 1121 Varuam street.
JOmalia Auction aiul StoraRO Co , BffiJ
MA DAM I ! Wfllliiclon , world-renowned as-
troloRlst , test madiiitu ntul destinv reader.
list from IhirnpD. TelH yotir life from thn
cradle to the Rrave , reunites the separated ,
niises speedy innrrlryo ltli the one yon love.
ocates disease and terats with maasigo and
olectilcbatbs. All In tiouble sl.oula not fall to
consult thU cltied oeoieis. Parlor R. upstalm.
17 ? , lUh ; olllco liotirt , from 10 a. m. to 10 p. in.
012 1st
ITIOK'n'NI ! Teller Mrs 1/cnormaii can be
JL1 cnniulted on all nlTnlro ot lltu. SiitUfiiclloil
gnninntucd. No. SJION. liltlibt. tlO''nllJ
DH. NArsNMi ; V. Warti'ii. clairvoyant , mcdi-
cul and busliiLMs medium. Komalo diseases
a su.'clalty. 11 ! ) N , IGtn St. . rooms " and il. 105
\ \ ; lllTiKStnS sliorthnid and yi'rtlw ' ;
> T school. Darker block. 1 lie best mid cheap
est In thu city. O.W N 12 *
Ur.\NIAliiTsiioTitlianTl School.llooinllll Wnio
V ' bib. , ( siicrescor to Vnlentlnu ) tlia largest
exeiuslvosliortllnnd school In the vest. Tc.irn-
eiMiirovcruiitliiirepoiteis. Particular nttciition
mid to tvpowrltlnir. ilutihnlilcal constiiiLtloii
of machine tauglit by factory oxpc-i t.
li HH SXliU 2 olllco destcs and a show iases.
J. ' umaha Hubhor Co. 7UU 18
TJ1OH SALU Vine largo horMo ; iib trade
JL : HoK s& Hill. l J-lL
iroil SALU 41 jds velet Hnmols cnrnot.otio
JL' lluo oak bed room set. only been used lew
weeks. Will sell very cheap 1518 Douglas.
FS1 8AI.1' Marble monuments at cost at
11 ! Cllinlm ; st. 4CIi iiOJ
IjllHST mortgage notes for sale , one , two a d
J three yean. Interest payable seinl-anuu
aly. ! Address .M 15. Hen ollice. 7J-17
FOltSALU- furnltureof a i-room ! house :
house for lent Iniulre 1B18 Ohio st. 77'J 17 ?
"IJIOH HALK Kurnitiiid of It-ioom ! IOUM . $5(10 ( ;
i rent NU : Income Sl'Jl ) per mouth. Inuulie
609 S. llth St. 78Illb
F Oil hALU A new furnace , cheap for casher
or will trade. Inquire at 210 S. Kith. TfU
't ' SA LU Single horses or teams , eneap ,
nml ou easy terms. II. r. Masters. Hoom 1 ,
WithiiBll building 731) ) 21
1T1OH SALU Now Ames erryiiliaeton one of
JL tinlluest. . See 11. ! ' . Mfstor4 , Hoom 4.With-
Hell bulldtllg. r " 7 ! ) ' 21
A MHST-class gasolluo stove for sale very
J-i-cnenp. KOI Dii\enporst. | 720 17J
"I71UR SALU Ono llvo glu-Il landau in cnod re-
JL ? p.ur. iasy : paj-ments ; II. F.Miistnis , Koom
4 , Withnell building. , , 7 ) 24
OK SA1.K 't cowdhMip. ) . H. H. Hender-
sou , mom 10' ' . I'.ixlun ylk. W > 1
FOUPALU-ltj every leading grocer. Ilelnz .
swvet picklm. jj , 081-20f
FOR SALU A quautllt7of building stone.
Apply to ttie auperlnteiinbnt Hee building ,
in G2d
" 171011 PA LU Second Imui , furniture ot nine
JL/ room lion ie. Apply uP7KJ > S. 17th sr.
CounS \LU-Ico In car1ot3 , Gilbert llros. ,
Coun Ilium ? . la. - 403 if !
SAl'U fpr Sale HargrAiiJ 'double Ooora i ;
nearly new. MB N , V.J.tfo llulldlng.
IrtOH SALU A IK-horao lioner Porter engine
' in good condition , weight [ i.lOapouudB cyl
inder llxin. Tor partlcutar-i apply to The Ileo
ollice. 7'J3
MIDLAND Guarantee A. Trust Co. . N. V. Life
bldg , comulet abittiicthfiirnlstii.d and titles
to real estate OY.imincd.purfected & guaranteed.
MONEY loaned on chattel security or rea
estate. .1. J. Wllclnson , 018 PaMon blk.
$ IOOJ Pii\ato money to loan or will buy good
mortgage , W. L. Selby , r. U. lloutd ot Tiada.
"JljONKY to loan by nil eastern man , on gilt
JL'ledjie property , for the next lOdays. Harris ,
loom 111 , 1st Nat. Hank. [ V'J
I CILDINC loam wanted on biick business
Jorresidence blocks , favorable tarmi und
rates. Klmbali , Champ .V Hyun , 1201 rarnam.
2-JO N 2
PHILATKLPIIIAJIorlgage& Trust Co. fur
nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase secui I ties , paifect titles , accept , loans
at their western ollice. George W. P. Coates ,
loom 7. Hoard ot 'J ratio. yss
. loan at C per cent. Llnalian & Mn-
lioney , looiu.Vl ! I'uxton block. 8 0
MONUV to loan ou ,
elror on anv approved security . .1.v .
Itobblns , HlHj rarnum btreet , Paxton Hotel.
MONHV to loan at low ratoa and no delay.
( Upltnl mm surplus fl.WXI.OOO. Lombard
Investment Co. , 8UOB 1'ithit , hhO
CHATTLU loans , Btrlctly ronUdoiitlal. M. I.
Hull , 10 Continental block. 7ij O24
MONUV to loan on any hecurlty
lor fchoit time at low
rates. Lowest latoj
on personal
The Heiidor'.oii Mortgage Investment company ,
room 400 Paxton blocc. 872
O SIAilA riiattol Loan Co. . Hoom 42. Darker
bloUr. Jloney at lowest i.ite. 7I3O24
p HIST mortgage loam at low lutes and no
1 delay. 1) , V. bholes.2IU 1'Jrst National bank.
1 > KrOHK making chattel or collateral loaiiw ,
J > it will pay you to nee The Western Invest
ment Co. , room 14' , lloo building. hb'J
MONUY to loan on city pioperty and faun
hinds at lowest rates , J. D. X.lttle , 4:10 : I'ux-
ton block. is ;
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my tales , which are the low
est on any sum fitim it to f IO.XJ. ( )
I mnko loans on huuaehold good' , pianos , or
gans , horhSH.mules , wugurLvwuronoiiHO reculpta ,
houses , leases , etc. . in unv.nmonnt. ut the lowest
possible rates , without pnbllcltv or lemovul ot
proporty. i t ,
Loans can bo made tor puo f o six months and
you can pay part at any time. loduclm ; both
principal nnd mtfiest. Ifyoaowo n balance ou
\onrinriiitnru or horsosj ttr have a loan on
ihom , I will take it up nuCijCarry it for you as
long as you duslio.
It you neid money vou Will.find it toycurad-
Mimn0 ; to see mo before Wrf-owlng.
II P. Musters , ioom 4 , Wminell building , l.ltn
and llainey. 67 ! )
MONUY to loan ou hordes , wagoiu , miilos ,
household uoods , planpsi , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates , 1li ilvat oixnnl/.od loan ollice in
the city. Makes loans trom thirty to three bun
dled and sixty-live days , phlch cnn bo paid lu
pint or whole at any time , thus lowering the
principal anil Interest , CilUimiiheo us when
you want money. We can juslst you promptly
and to your advantage-ulthoiit removal ot
property or publicity. Mutrty always on hand.
No delay in making loauM J < / ' . T. Heed & Co ,
319 H. Uth it. , ovdr HlnghamA Sous. S7u
MONUY to loan. O , I' . Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1'a1'uinam \ it , 070
\\7ANTKIi-rir6t-cla 8 inside loans. Lowest
11 rates. Call and BOO us. Mutual Invest
ment C0..1M1 Farnam. 677
MONEY loaned on chattel eecurlttea and
Jowehy. Jloom 4)1Slitttjley ) bile. r.H.Jerome.
B HILDINO loans , D. V. Bholes. 210 First
Nailonal bun * . 67'J
1 LSUENCKloans-HIS ) { to7 percent ; no ad-
-tiilltloual charges for comtnlsslons or attor
ney's fees. W. 11. Melkl , I'lrat Nat bank bldir.
_ _ _ _ !
KVBTONB Mortgage Co.-Loans of (10 to
tl.OW ; getour rates before borrowing and
aara money ; loan on horses , furniture , or any
approved becurlty , without publicity ! notes
bought : for now loan , renewal ot old , and low.
estiatescall it 203,6hoelerblk,15tht Howard. : .
MONL\ loan n real estate security at
lowest rates. Hoforu negotUtlnu loanu sea
\ > Allnce , It ail ) Ilrown bldg. IBtti und Douglas ,
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgHRO pa-
par botieht. McCngue Inrr&tmcnt Co. KW
T OANH on ehnttol and collateral securltr.spn.
JlJclal r t s thUcck. . Hawkeye Investment
Co. , II. Kt , Uottglns bl'k. , 10th nnd DoJcn sts.
r.OANStnkdaon real estate and mortgages
JUbought. lXUls S. Itceil & Co , r.Uuonnl trade
1YI ONK Y Ix > n negotiated at low rates with-
J-'Jout delay , and imrchase coed commercial
paper rtjid mortBago notes. S. A , Slouan. cor.
13th ntfa 1'arnani. ! < S1
MONKV to loan on city or farm proporty.
_ JUoo.,1. Paul. ItTO rarn m st. _ _ W5
QKK Slides , room _ u" first Nafl bank , betoro
OmaVIng your loans. 873
"JXI ONUV to loan ; cash on hand ; no Tolay. , I.
.11 L\v. Squire. 121V rarnatn St. , Klrst Ni\tlon l
bank building. mi
\rKlillASKA .Moit. Loan Co. will mate you
J-i loan on honseliold goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contract ! * ,
nne Jowelrv. , or securities ot any kind ,
without publicity , at rciuonnblo rates.
Hoom" , Rowley block. South Omaha.
Itoouis ( ilP-jlU , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kijl _ _
o TXIAN A few thousand on Inside iinlm-
proved city property or good i-'d tuortitngs
paper. Address M 4U. lice oilier , 203
MONEY loaned on furniture , hoises and
Wagons ; ratei reasonable. Cltv Lonn Co. ,
118 S. lllh HI. , opposite Millard hotel PM )
bT Nntlonal safety dt-roslt vaults. Hafos
lent Ci to $ J1 a year , 3J7 S , Uth. V. "
W ANTUD A man ot energy with about
$ ' 03 cash to take halt lutorest in prolltublo
legitimate business. Address Jl IH , Hee.
A NO. ON li Cigar store , ouo of the best in the
city , in ono ot the ln nt lorntloua In the
eitou reasonable tcliiis ; Invoice nbout
Jl.NH ) . Co-Opcratlvo Laud mid Lot Co , MS N.
Ifithj < t _ _ _ _ _ K-M "L
$111 ! ) to tffll made monthly In our county agen
cies ; Hilling capital ; no cauuisstug. H. it ,
Cielgbton block , 120 S. ICth St. > 0l 17 *
771OH HUNT-Now hotel. In heart of city :
JL1 thirty looms. W.I _ rnam Smlth,12.01'aruam
hit )
FOH SALU Cheap.marblo ock
tools and \civ favorable lease ; sploti'lld
chance. Inniilre at lu'cmlsu ? , 2210 C'iming ht.
ornro N nvo 451 20f _
TjlOlt HUNT Lunch counter nt P. II. Green's.
JL1 cor. 18th nml St. Mary's tuonno ; this Is a
pplendld liauce. 7K11PJ
STOCK for Sale Gents' furnishing good .
boots and shoes , best location In tne city of
Omthn , Neb. ; luteiosts cNowhcio compels mete
to sell out.Addie8s _ t ; Hee olllco. 7ti IS'
$ Jr.PO llrft class stof-k ciorcrles , Ilvtuios , etc ,
location ono of best In Omaha. Address MI , ,
Heoofllce. 7Wlit
rilOH HUNT ( O ncrps for gardening , five miles
JL1 west of Omahuhnuso : w ith stone collar.barn.
cribs , good wntei. 20 acies tlm tier , fencod. and
i nulling water. Call utitloe It , or address nt
once , James Vore , 522 S.iOth : St. , Omaha.his
his 2tn
SALOON at n airltlcp , $ I.OXi ( cash , to elfcct
. sale In two days. A'udress , M 2 , HeoolHce.
744 17 ?
"OANIC for sale llulldlng. lot , safe fixtures
I Jund fmiilturu ut Vomugo , r eb. , 20 miles
from any other bank : no better loeitlon can bo
found ; apply to J. W. Maher , Grant , Neb. , at
once. 70H 17
HOTUL and bar furnished in South Omaha :
heated with Bteam , iinwly tmpored , ami all
modem linprovcmout" . Hare rhaiicoforninnof
small capital. Itent $ IX ( ) per month , with seciir-
Itv inniilro tail n.iuKlas st. Omnhn. fi07 IPt
FOH SALU Store fixtures safe , olllee ,
tallies. uuter . shelving desk , show cases ,
otc. L. O .1 Ones , 1.103 t'nninm. WiS 20
TJinr-Wanted , a tlii > rouRh lmsluess man as
$ proprletoi of liniuch house foi Nebiaska.
1'or paitlouhifs addiess uox llUS.DesMolneo. la.
7.VJ 181
FOH SALU Or tra'tle , a well established book
and stationery Bloio. llu\riis. t
"I Oll HUNT Itestoiirant with bakery Inbaso-
JL1 ment nnd looms aoovc. u.ith tooins , dlaiug
roomtos.ent IfWnow brick bulldlug , parties own-
lug it wish tu go out ofbublness ; party must bo
lesponslble. 1'or particulars address G. W.
Whlttaker. ICc.irney. Neb. . lliinaloCo. _ 4NJO1S ?
TTiOll SALU A private bank w Itli Its business
J. in a 11o town. No other bank In the pUce.
Good icasons tor selling. Address. L 0. l.\'i' \ ;
SALE Lcaso and furniture of the Depot
pot Hotel , Lincoln , Nub. , at n bargain , A
good chunco for the right man. Address , De
pot Hotel. Liutolu , Nob. M
TTIOU SAL U A good paying grocery store In
JE Lincoln. Terms , half cash. For particulars
address II , Ileo office. Lincoln , Nab.G870
G87-0 21 *
WANTED 7B.OOO brick In exchange tor clear
lot in South Omaha , worth MOO cash. Ule-
gautMX 12.1 foot lots for sale in North Omatia
addition,4 blocks fiom motor in operallon.from
8,00 to SKXI ; o cash , lialante JIO month , Never
Better time to Im eat than now 9-M.O H ) in blocc
ot lots.wltliincumbrauco itinuliiBil untilyearn ) ,
to oxchnngu lor clear unimproved laud ;
make oiler. Manv double coiners on best
.stieotslntno city for sale. Investigate. Good
property and money to oxchr.nge for other
juopertj tolmprovii. I give my whole utten-
tlon to ical estate business , buying Belling ,
lentlngimd ( \ cliuuglng.Vouldbeplo.ihed to
do business with you. Try me. Geoigo M.
Cooper , N. V. Life building. 82,1 Hit
BXO'IANUK 1BJ acre farm In Nebras
ka , .sixty miles fiom Omalin , timber and
water t'lcnty.w III oxchanse for Omaha or South
Omaha property , Addiess llox. 605 , So. Omaha.
EOT 10
FOH KXCHANGK A nice , clean well lo
cated groceiy. with an established tnulo.
Invoices about $1.500. 417 Sheoly block. 7U8 18j
T710U KXC-IIANOI- final t. Holt Co. . Nob. .
JO now house.Vrooms / andclosutb , with 4 cor
ner lots : rents for $10 per month ,
A feed store and two business lets , rents for
$12 per month ; will trndo for a stock of hard
ware , elothliig or boots and shoes. Address
Frank E Haitlgau , CreteNeb. _ _ _ 70IJ * )
Yil7 ANTED I want to trade a good clear lot
T T In Omaha lor a good loam ot driving
her < "es.A. _ _ P. Tukoy. N. Y. Life bldg. 7nft
EXCIIANOU-H.-'O' ' ) fora t'onl mcrchaiidlce
iloio Omaha : address box tti , A lton , la.
W ANTUD Small Block of clean genl1 mor-
cUandlse ; good Impiovod Keya Palm Co.
farm of 10J or 320 acics. Addiess , M 11. Hee.
15 18 *
f ) GOOD farms lu Hitchcock Co. . NOD , to
tr.ido for stuck of dry goods , clothing , boots
and shoub- etc , both in good state of cultivation
llirht Inciimb'.auce and near good llvo town ,
will tiudoone or both ; addioss L68 Uee ollice.
707 IW
fjlXCHANGU for city property , two good
J3Jfarms jululng towns situated in Harlati und
( freely counties. Meyer i : Hnapko , 1101 Har-
ney at. _ uat olJ
\I\7ANTKD To exciianca dry goods notions
V ) nml mlllliiury goods for clear land or city
pioperty und part cash. Address box 47U
rrankfortlntl. _ _ _ ilia _
EUNTAL property , lunldo , to oxchanno for
rlear farms or vacant city lots. The * . 1' .
yill Paxton block. _ b2U
UXCIIANHK-l'or any kind of good
property. 11 gralu elevator in ono of the best
towns in lowu , situated In the heart of a line
agrlcultuifil country. Proseut owner Is no ; a
Kialnuian , nnd has other business. A rorn
chance for a practical man. Also , live thousand
acres of line timber land in northern Tonnes-
see. Koom II , Unambcr of Commerce. Tel. Hl'J. '
fi OK bALU by Otto Loneek on easy terms :
JL' 10 iieics in bpnng Valley , adjolnlm ; city
and near Kelt line , H1U per acre , woith J-W ) .
: u acres on 1'romont , uikiioin It. It , , near So ,
Omahu , 112,001) ) .
Aero lots In Solomon's add , , $100 to ? 000.
Lob''Ck , lloom 1H , Chamber ot Commerce.
70S 21
JjMK SALK Cheapebt llrstclusa farm of 100
1 aciea in NouraaKu , 139 acres cultivated , deep
black ilcn boll , no sand ; Kearney county :
E..WU only , llouga i ; Hill , 1405 i'linmm. Bouai
"A N ITlegant t-nToiiTiiouso In Walnut Hill for
- .Vonly il.W' ' , lilgh nnd lot , } U >
cash , balance easy. If you wauttobpy , hell
or trade coino mm eerfui. Strong it. iCo. : . ,
Itooms BJO nnd till , Paxton blk. _ 8.18 17J
LAMUD lf I don't sell that half block In
lioyd'H addition for M.7W. It has got to go
this w eclc mire poi ) . It3 a corker for tlm money.
bholca , 210 Ifli3t National bank. _ 41U-I7
MUMlCB for Palo on Monthly Payments.
7-room dwelling In rentriil Park , full lot ,
south fronts payment * . K.V ) permonth.
bmall cottage in Cential Part , full lot ; pay
ments. t\2M \ i > or month , ,
C room dwellluir. corner 84th nnd Patrick ave
nue , full lot , south front ; iipynienw , * * ) per
' ? landsomo7-room dwelling , ou Grace street ,
all modern improvements , on monthly pay-
monts. Other propel ty in all part * ot the city ,
Sill "lid si"me. . IJ. . 6'iJonafioo. 1UU I'ornani :
1DIEHHK the Capital Lots lying within three-
J , fourths ofa mile of the court house In Pierre.
the capital of boutti Dakota , can now be bought
for tlli ) each. In six moutlw they will bo worth
WOO. Now Is the time to buy. Imiulre of It.
If , lloswortU , lloom I'.1 , Uarker Ulock. Oinaha.
GO TO the "Old Iteliabla" M. A. Upton Co.
inth and Karnam , for renl notalo invest'
ments , Hcf eroncca Our post dealings. fi7JV
7j10 SALU-4fi-ncro tracts ot land adJolntiiR
JL ; citywill Bell verr clieaoon small payments ,
11. H. Hall , R llofitar bit. M6 19
\\7ill7IeU ROoTilot In Orchard Illll for 7W :
easy terms. ttrlniicr.VPonuy.DoUHlas blk.
. rd'.i in
Gl ( WALLACE llrowu bulldliiB , IBth nml
A neato-room house nnd ono ot tlio best lots
In Monmoiith park. $ ltn.V ) cah and Jlfi per
month : worth -OW. ' 1 his Is a cluinco to get a
home easily nnd olio.iply.
Lot 4. block A , llttdfurd , fronting State nml
ItrUtol sts. , a Rood Investment nt SI.KHi.
I.ot 4 , Illoct2l , Carthage , one of the best cast
fronts in that addition , only F UK ) , to Nov. 1 ;
worth SI.VW ) . Will build on tills lot for an ) ouo
desiring a , home.
Two of tha best south front lots on Tarnam
street In Hrlim * Plarp. Jl.sw ) eath , easy pay
ments ; will bring ? -uUl ! lu los a year.
Lot II. IIlock ul.ow-0'Hndd. 10 tt , Miuth trout ,
one block from electric motor Hue , Jl,4 ! > > , ud-
mlrablo lot for two cottnses ; easy term * .
WollMtiiatrdSlnmlSlfect loti on Military
road in Clifton Hill , S.1'1) ) and ttM. Will build
romfortatilfl cnttacc.s on these lots and cell
thorn for 11.1)00 ) to Jl.'H . ' .nslest jiosslblo pay-
inetiti. 20 lots In Clifton Hill for S < 00 each ! will
build on any of these nnd sell on easy pay
ment o. .
Lot si , block 4 , Ituwthorno , fora few days nt
MoiunoutnPark Isthomo't attrnrtlvo addi
tion about Omnlia. Lots } iotol.uiX ) . Klectrlo
motor Hue reaches this addition , grades nro be
ing establl'lmd , mail is delivered , water Hervlco
atierJanuaryl.cliurehes , schools and sldo\salka
ronvenieiit. See this property before sou buy
Wnlhue. Hrown llulldlug. 74'2 17
8-HOOJI Cottage , No. 2slJ Hunlctto street ,
( luce blocks iroin electric motor , two from
horse cai. ; large , high looms ; elegant limldu
lliilsli , insldo blinds , Ntorm wIndows. otc ; city
water , itood Imril.lll rent or lease to ROOU ,
responsible tenant very cheap. Picfer tusoll.
Lots adjoining also for sale cheap. Terms tu
Bull purchaser. Inmilreou pieulsos : , or of r.
A. Manger. Printer , Jlnsomcut N. W. cor. llth
and 1 arnani. 7t'l
IHAVlv EOino llrst-cl-xss rental property for
sale cnuap within ouo mile of ixtsiolllce , nu
p.i\od Btieuls and motor Hue. Thos. 1' . Hall ,
311 Paxton block. KU
TjSoil SALK Ono ot the best lota lu Uesoi voir
JL1 add. II. It. Hall , H 42 Harker blk. Mr. 11
1JVHI BALU , veiy cheap , no trades , farm ill I.It !
JL' ncrt1" . , 12 N.O Hamilton county Neb ,
S miles trom Jlarnuetto. binall house , Htable ,
inoacres pasture fenced , living water , iirlcu
only Mi ) per ncio. $ . ) , one-third 18-'i urop
lucuidcd , Tormi ifS.-W cash balance 0 percent
interest , F. 1C. Atkins , owner , lallroau build
ing , Dunvor. Colo. 778
'lilOll S7LU111) ) ' acres very Hue lamUnCivia"f
JU county , 1.200 takes It. Hoggs iV Hill , JO.2(1 (
QPKU1AL bargain 80 acrcH of peed farm
Oland , : io ) miles wostof O.imlm on LT. P. K. It. ,
4 miles trom town , to tracm for lot. W ) . lln > t
inortKHKutMpor. tvm. Pull lot tin Hamilton Bt.
Walnut Hill for $ .VW. Inqulio ot K.G.Merrill ,
44th nnd Suward Hts. jsai 23t _ _
$27,0'XI ' actual aluoInside business and rest-
donee , JKID.OKU woith of houses being built
adjolnliiK. will sell forl7,00iinowl why ? Tor
icnsonum lu need of JIO.UOJ cash ; great olfor. Ir.ii , Ileo. ( ilnllj )
"I71OH SALU-OnlougMino and easy payments ,
JL1 handsome , new , otH..i.aml
10 inoms. All couvcme icns , good neighbor
hood ; paved streets. Mroet car < , and within
walking distance ot P. O. Nathan Shelton , Hill
I' htreot. S'.K )
"IJIOK SALU-Che.iueot nud nest residence lots
JL' in Omahu to parties wanting them for
homes. Hoggs A-jlill. 1W * , rariiam. Wtt 2(1 ( _
FOIt SALU At one-thin ! what they nro worth
r. . lots close to Dundee Place. 11 , It. Hall , H 4.
Harker blk. CilG 1U
F 1OIIHALU A Hue corner lu Myers , Hichaids
& : Tlldeu'H add. H. K. Hall , U 4J HarKer HlK.
TfOU SALU ll-ioom house , uarn aim lot ,
JL Hituscom Place , ut a iMigalu. Harris , room
411 , 1st Nat. Haul : . KU
( m"sA LiH.OJ3 : aeies laud In Nel ; Ts'kaT
ridxUII foot lots S. llth bt. at a satrlUrlnt ;
\nlco. Imiulro 111" S. lltU. Gco.lI.Peterf.ou
_ Glj U.M ;
"jjlOH SALU.lK 2i-acre stock tarm in
JL1 Iliowu Co , Neb. Tor particulars write to
llox 170. Alnsivortli. Neb. l 3 O.'J *
" 171OH SALK ll-room house and lease , l.ith and
JL1 Ohio. Choan and oa easy terms. H. V.
Masters. Hoom 4Wlthni > ll building. 7J9 21
SALU On easv terms , a line -room
JL' house lu Orchard Hill. 1'or paillctllar > , ad
dress L 17 Hoe olllco 281
IIOTKL-Onner of lUth and
.Idcksousts. , ! I blocks from Culou depot.
Host $ J a d.iy house lu thu city. k'n
Notice IK heieby plven that a book will tie
opened at 10 o'clock a. m. ou tatnrday , the six
teenth da > of November , IKS' ' , at tne oillce of .1.
M. Thurstou. t'ulon Paclllo llulldlng. In the
city ot-Omahu , Douglas county. Nebraska , for
the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the
capital stock of the Omaha Union Depot Com
pany. IV. H. HOI.COMII ,
< ! . \V. HOI.UIIKCK.
T. L. Ki.MUAi.r , ,
Tor the Inrorpoiators.
PHOPOSALS for Urectlon of School llulldlng
otc , II. H. Indian Hervlio , V'ankton Agency.
Daktotu. October 12th , l.ssl > . Sealed propoi-als.
Indorsed "I ropowls for election or a wheel
building , or for building mateilnls" as tlie taso
may be , and dlic-cted to the undersigned at
Greenwood , Dakota , will bn received at tills
olllco until one o'clock of November nth , Ibb'l. '
for furnishing the necessary matciial.s and
labor and ior yrectlng a two-story heliool
biillillug at the Vnnktnn Agency , Dak. ' In af-
cordancp\rlth plans aiulnpoilllcatlonstlintinuy
bo examined nt the olllro ot the "Plonoer 1'io s"
of St. Paul , Minn. , the "lien" of Omtih.i. Nobr. ,
and " .lournal" of Sioux ( . 'Ity , lawn ; alto for
furnishing a variety of lumber , brkks , windows
dews , doorUmrdwarc , etc , , ( a full Hut and dS-
crlptton of which may bo obtained by applica
tion to the undersigned ) , requited for agency
buildings. I n submitting bids for the erection of
the Rchool building , bidders must state the
length ot time rjonln d to complete it : and for
furnishing building matcrlalf , the price of curb
article ollered for delivery under contract must
be Hpccitlcally hinted. Certllled checks All bids
must uo accompanied by cei tilled checks upon
some United Stites depository , p.iyablo to the
order of the undersigned , for at [ east 5 percent
of the amount of the pi oposal. which check w 111
bo f 01 felted to tin ) United Status Incase anj bid
der or biddei.s receiving an auaid shall fall to
promptly execute a t w lib good and nut-
llcleutsuietles , othurwlsii tn be leturned to the
bidder. The light is io crved to i-uJoU any or
all bids or any part of any bid If deemed for the
best interest of the beiUce. BAMI UL T.
LUAVY , L'.H. Iiiillnu Agent. jtlGdJlt _
" " "
OUlii5" : QIIAHTKIlMASTUirs""lI'nCI3 )
Omabu , Net > . , October 1 , ! ( ! ) . Sealed pro-
puHal , in tiiplirnto , will bo lecehed heia
until iw o o't lock p. in. , reiitiul time , Oc'.ohnr
yistpy , \ , and then opened foi I'onatnuddii of
nuo brick Htorelmuso uc Qiinrte.iinastor'H
Depot in this city. 1' ' S.ioservcs light to inject
any or all bids , rulllnf.jimatloii tuinlsliod ou
nppllcatlon to this olllco , vhero plallu and
fcpeclfli .itlons of the building can be hucn. Kn-
vulopcs containing piono als Klio.ild bo marked
" 1'ioposulB for Hikk htcnelioiirc , " nududdieH-
bed toVM. . II , HUGHU-l. Lieutenant Colonel
nml Deputy iiurtormuster General , II. S. A. ,
Chlefjiuait iiniibtur. O i d4t 17 18.
VV Omaha , Nob. . October 15 , IHS'i. Sealed
proposals in triplicate , will bo leu'ived hero
until two o'clock p. m , . ceutial time. November
in , IH'iJ. anil thennpciicd. for 2 OJ tons bituminous
coul 2210 Ibs to thu ton anil iJO coids wood
delivered at Camp Pilot Untie , v\'yo , or other
points Hppclhod by bidder. Thn I' . S. reserves the
right to reject any or all blda 1'iufnt meow ill bu
given to arttclebutdomt.-Mlc production. All In
formation furnished ou application to this of.
llcoorto A. A. tl M. . Camp Pilot llutte. Uu-
\oloiies containing proposals ulioultl be nmrKod
proposals for fuel , and addn ssed toVJI. . 11.
HI'GIIKB , Lieutenant Colonel unit Deputy
( juurtermuster General , U.S. A. , Chlof Quinter-
muytur. O in < M tN' , H.
I'l'iijinHiils Ini' 1'iivliii ; HoiKlH ,
SOUTH OMAIM , Nrn. I , IBSi' ' . f
Bealoi ] proposals will baiccelvtd by the un
dersigned until Octobei . ' .til. IM.I , at 1 o'clock p.
m. , for the purchase ( if tniity eight thousand
dollnis ( lihtrlct paving hotidx of the ( Ity ot
South Omaha , hulil boi.iU will bo dated No-
vcinber 1st , IMS'J , nml will bo duo lu one , two ,
three , rum , five , six , su\en , eight and nine yeaix
fiom their date , aBlmlhu amount bDcomliigUuii
i acli j ear , are in Hums of llvo hundred each , mid
bear Interest from their date at the rain o
dovonpercent per nnnum , payablu annually.
The piinrlpaluud Interest aru both payable ut
thu rlhcal agency ot'tlioHtulu of Nebraska In
Bald bonds are issued under tlio charter
power of bald City , nnd will tiodelhered topui-
chasers on payment then for ut the City Titas
ury In Soiitu Omaha on November 1st , Ih u.
Ilids will bo nddrcxsid to the undersigned nnd
marked "Pioposals for Dlelrlct Paving llonds , "
nnd must state the full iiamo and addri-BS of
the bidder , the amount of nald bonds desired ( a
felmllar amount due each yeur from ono to iilnu
years ) and the nrlce proposed to bo pnld with
accrued Interest , 1 ho right Is lescrxoil tu re
ject any or nil bids Uii. JQIINRIOK.
O la a lu t. Chairman Finance Coininltto.
No. 2 . . . 0IHJpmA : No. ill. . . .7:10 : am
O No. H llMpmD ) | No. 1 . Ojlfiptn
A No. 4 lOiOOiim.O No. fi. . . 5:1.1 : pm
No. 11 y:4ipmA : | No. : i. 0:30 : a m
No. 8 9.40am No. 7 :27am :
No. 8 : iI5pm : No. II 7:11 : a lu
No. 4. . . . , . . . 'J:2j am No. r , : ir > pm
A No. " . . . .0:10amA : No I. . . . 7 : ) aul
A "o * : * T > in A Vn'I . r.'Jr mil
No. 2 . . . . 'No. : ! n:2,1nui :
No. 1 'JiiripmA No. . . . . ' . . . . : piu
siouji. ou & PActi-'it ; .
No. 10 7:0'iam'A : ' No. 0 . . . Br.llam
A No. 12 7:00 : pin'A ' No , 11 . , , .0:00piu :
i No. 8. . . . . .4:111 : p m1 A No 7 12:0011
A daily : l ! daily , oxcnnt Saturday : 0 oxcop >
Sunday ; D except Monday ; fubt mall.
n.lARK T.
INSfHUMUNl'S placaa on rjj > r4 ducmz
JU yeslonlav.
A P1 ukoy et nl to I' A Cone , lot 12 , blk 0 ,
O.Kton Hill , wd 4 im
Myron and A L Hied toChailcsKlugolot
fi , bikr. . , Van Cump'H add , w il 45U
Uarryoodward to II Anderson , lot U ,
blk 1 , Lancaster Place , wd 4jO
Omaha and Florence Laud and Trust ( 'o
to A Schmidt , lot 10 , bllclOJ , Plorcuce ,
Wit 4V )
Vf H Homiin and wife to A It Cariiontvr ,
olll ft lot 14 , blk 14alnut Hill. wd. . ' 1,200
il U Uduaiilfi and luisband to A II ( ' lien-
ulston. lotfj , blU 2 , Lafayette Pork , w d " J
0 H Hoggs and wife toj r Alton , lots 1
midblk II. Part Forest , wd CVJ
C.I Hmlth to Co-operative Land & Lot Co ,
.lohlilialton , loi'i , bit " , Cottage Plate ,
w < 1 4''j
C.I Smith to Co-opnratUi ) Land > V Lot Co ,
Jot7 , bit ! ' , l > Jttugo Place , ( j c d . . . . 1
DKArchnr nml wife to I Clinic , lot 7 ,
ArcherPhuo , w d , . . . ' .OUtl
Wenei Liibu and wife to W btetu , lota 14
nnd IUIIKI. | ; Orcliaid Hill , wd J.OKJ
N A Kuhn , trustee , todeorge ( iwier , lots
Uundll , bUcV.Crulghton Helghti , wd I.OJfl
Twelve transfers 8 11,101 ,
DiHtriliiituitr I'OW T in I'nrlH ,
OHO of tlio inoritiinioi'ttuitoiturrisc3 ) ) [ )
in I'ni'lH IK tlio Comjirossod Air com
pany , wlilch diatributus | ) ewer throuj'h-
out the city. It bcirari with n piiou-
nuitic cloak system about 1870. This
isiiioss ( jrou- until thora arc nnvr
aliout8,0(10 ( pnounmtiiclocks ! , publioand
iirlvato , driven from u Hlution about
four iniloH east of thu Madoloino. The
company ilifatrluulca noivur for any
purpoeo. Tlioro arcs about " 50 inolora ,
varying in power from onc-oitfhlh HOI-BO
power to Ufty horse power , for ull borta
of purposes , all driven from the central
btatlon. Tlio fiyMom uboil IB that of
Victor I'opp. and 'tis being : extentlod
with great rapidity.
The finality of the blood depends
mueh upon peed or bad digestion and
assimilation ; to make the blood rich in
life and btrtmfrth giving constituents ,
USD Dr. J. II. McLean's Btenfrthoninff
Cordial and ISlood Purifier ; it will nour-
iHh tlio proporilob of the blood from
wliiuh the * clements of vitality uro