Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Engineer QilloBpio Hold Responsible
For the Gilmore Wreck.
Mrflt Verdict of I ho Kind lien-
tlercil lit Tills City For
Very JMnn.v
"VcnrH. >
Who In Hcsponsllilo ?
Tim Inquest on the romnins of 1'otor Hcu-
Inni ] , who died Wednesday from the Injuries
auatalncd In Tuesday evening's ' railroad no-
cldont at Gibson , \vns held by Coroner
Droxcl yesterday mornlr. ? .
The Jury consisted of I1. W. Welsh , Philip
Andres , OlcorRO Mmllock , I * . McClarcn ,
Jamot Stcphonson , E. A. McClure and M ,
C. T , Ulllcsplo , the cnuliiocr on No. 0 , the
Chlc.U'o trnln , was the llrst witness called.
Ho testified n < t follows :
"Js'o. 0 loft Omnlm at 0:40 : , which gnvo us
flvo minutes to run to Gibson , where wo
Vforo suDposcd to mcol No. 0 , the Kansas
City train. Was running slow as wo up-
pronchcd Gibson , probably twelve or flftcon
miles mi hour. As wo swung into the curve
I shut the onqluo off. I smv. n
kcadllRtit ahead , and then n Inntcrn
waving the slow alqual. I answered
this by two short blasts from the whlstlo
und at oilco applied the air stronger , In fact ,
put alt I had on , but it didn't seem to tuko
hold und I whistled for brakes. 13ut wo
couldn't stop her and wo went into No. 'J ,
ntrilcini ; the angina just behind the tanks.
, "Tho nir was duly examined before wo
? 6tt Otnnhn by the conductor and myself and
found nil right. After the accident wo ex-
( \ ml tied it again and found the stop-code out
at the head of the lmjgngo car. This lot the
Air buck into the train and would not hold.
It could only have neon displaced by some
body on the train or by so mo ono xvho got on
between Omaha nnd Gibson. It was all
fight when wo loft this city. "
Hoboi't H. Love , brukoman on No. 0 , was
called next , his testimony .amounting to
nothliiKinoro nor loss tlmu a corrobaration
of the ont'inccr.
, J. K. Van Dorn , telegraph operator nt Gib-
don , testillcd that ha hud stopped No. 0 to ul-
tow an ] angina to get clear of the track.
U'hat No , t ) had stopped n full minute. Ho
also BlRimlccl No. 0 to slow up , butshe didn't
to any perceptible extent , and ran into No.
0 , as she wus swiiiclug into the curve. No.
l ! was n spe d of twenty miles an
liour ; No. ! ) at ten mllc.s.
John M. Uarron , conductor of No. 0 , testi
fied substantially ttie same as the engineer ,
that owing to adliplncoinont of the stop
cock at the head of the baggage car the train
could not bo controlled.
0 , & > . McCoy , engineer of No. 9 , and II. G.
Hnsha , the tlromaii , both testified that they
came to Jull stop were exactly on time , and
wore Hignnllctl to comra ahead tbut thu way
was clour. Hud just , got under way nnd the
headlight , of No. 0 showed round iho corner
and thu next moment struck No. 0 ,
B. N. Lover , conductor of No. 9 , and
Brulcomim W. s , Uuglu.v testified to about
the Biiiuo facts.
Adjourned to 2 o'clock.
The jury reassembled and ro-cjcaminod a
pnuploof witnesses without gaining material
evidence , after which it retired.
At 4 o'clock the following was rendered :
' We , the Jury , llnd that the deceased came
to his death through a wreck on the 13. &
M. railroad nt Giuson. on the ovoiitug of
October l.'th , through the carelessness of 1' .
D. Glllusput , the criKitieor of train No. 0 , by
not obsorviui ; the rules of the company. "
Will lilkely He Dis-
! < * ; 11111 tlio Scrvicu.
Aside from Frank Laruo , all the victims of
the Burlington wreck , nt Gibson , are reported -
ported to bo convalescing1. Several of the
commercial travelers wtio were injured were
nt headquarters yesterday inquiring after
their baggngo. In the smashlip n number of
trunks und sample eases were destroyed to
eethor with their contents.
No moro cases of injuries ? have been re
ported nsido from these published in TUB
Ben of Wednesday.
As to Laruo , Ins condition is somewhat
liopolul , hut the attending physlciun states
tbut ills case is dangerous.
Charles V. Wcllor , of the Ricliordson
Drug company , \vho was also severely in
jured , was reported to bo resting quietly at
hl homo. Ho will be conliued to his
bed for several weeks.
Superintendent Thompson , who Is investi
gating the affair , has not as yet taken any
action relative to the trainmen , but Inti-
iiiiiUid that Engineer GHllsple , who was on
angina No , 0 , would bo discharged from the
employ of the company.
Knnornl or I'etur Kaulaml.
The funeral of Peter Koulund , the man
who was killed in the 13. & M. wreck at
Gibson on Tuesday last , will tuko place from
his late residence , the Tremont house , corner
of Sixteenth mid Hurt , this morning at S
o'clock. It will bo under the auspices of
Ledge No , 0 , of the Treu Uuna. The ser
vices will bu held in the church of St. Alary
Alagdatcu , Douglas street , near Sixteenth.
A Number of Ijuwyura Atlcnillnj ; the
Sii\ii'cino \ Court.
Ulicru was consldernblo trouble In starting
the Judiciary mill. A call of the docket
showed that some of tno attorneys in nearly
every case sot for trial wcro in Lincoln at
tending the supreme court. Cases were
finally reached , however , in which the at
torneys interested were at homo , nnd the
courts got to work.
Judge Uoano took up the case of - Burroughs
roughs vs. Rlley , an action to recover on
leased property.
Tin case of Latoy & Bcnsou vs. Kolker ,
an net inn on a promissory note , Is on trial
before Judge Waltoloy.
Judge Hopowoll Is still engaged In hearing
the case against William Hamilton , charged
with Arson.
Or. J , W. McMcmuny. who has been sued
for alleged libel of Ur. Thomas II. l nsorhas
illod a motion to rcqulra Eimor , who Is a non
resident , to give security for costs In the
caso.Tho case of Lewis Heller against Consta
ble 1'aul Stein was on trial before Judge
Dem no yesterday afternoon. This is n suit
on n replevin of a liorso and wagon whloh
Holler claims to huvo bought , but which
wus replovlned to satisfy u Judgment ob
tained against Sylvester Uankol. The defense -
fenso claims that the bill of sulo was ob
tained tlirouch fraud.
Herman C. Tiuiino has brought suit
ngamst 1'etor Bun * for > , ( XX ) damages , ro-
nulting from a blow hi thu eye which has in
jured the sight.
William I. Fry or has brought suit against
Hlrum A. Sturgis et nl to quiet tltlo to lot 23
of Davenport's subdivision.
County Court.
John Spoorl was yoiterday appointed ad
ministrator of thocstuto of John Darius , deceased -
ceased ,
Judgment was rendered In the sum of
K)2.57in ) tkocusoor Klllott vs Gnviu yes
la the case of Wagoner at al vn Palmer &
nivln Judgment was rendered in the sum of
llcara nml Itlnukatone ,
Judge Dundy is devoting all his tiuio now
relating stories about recent adventures
with grizzly boars In Wyoming , but expects
to got down to business next week.
When usked when ho proposed to com
mence grinning , the judge replied :
"I iircbimio wo will not bo ready for a Jury
much before the opening of the regular term
In November , but theru uru several motions
pending which can bu heard In chambers
and I will bo raatly to tul < u some of them up
next week. It U necessary to get as much
of that work out of the way us possible bo
fore tuo Jury cases ere called. "
Morchnnts1 Hotol. Largo sumnle
rooms. K.50&ipur ! ! : < luy. Nut Brown.
Tlio Consolidation ItcinovliiK Some of
the Surplus Lines.
As fast as the molormen nro becoming
schooled In the manipulation of lover and
brake In the street car company's ' system
they nro entrusted with trains on the main
line. On the latter Ihero are eight trains ,
but Inside of n wcolc there will bo sixteen
running , making n live iniiiulosorvlco.
Yesterday mornlnc the company added
trail cars to aovernl of Its motors.
The following changes nro to bo mndo on
the consolidation of the two motor Hues No
vember 1 :
The Btirt street motor line will probably
turn north to Cumlng street nt 'llurty-thlrd
street nnd the tracks west of Thirty-third on
Burt will bo torn up.
The tracks of the old motor system on
Fifteenth street from lloward to Loavcn-
wcrth will bo Abandoned on account of the
stoop and dangerous grade between Fif
teenth nnd Sixteenth on Leavcuworth. The
motor will , instead , run west on lloward to
Sixteenth street nnd south on the tracks of
the new motor line to the Sixteenth street
What will bo done with the Twenty-second
and Twenty-fifth street motor line Is not yet
known. It has not rrovod n profitable run
nnd will'bring In oven less money now that
there Is n better scrvlco on Twenty-fourth
street parallel with It. The line will cither
bo abandoned or will bo in ado part ot n IOOD
with the Thirtieth street line , which extends
to tlio fort.
John I ) . IIowo has been appointed attorney
of tlio consolidated street railway lines as
ono condition of thu deal.
Great watch sale this week. Don't fall
to attend it nt Edholnj & AkIn's , corner
ICth and LJodjjc , opp. P. O.
A List of Local Hlngnivi Who Will
Frequent rehearsals are being given by
local singers who xvill form the chorus of the
Glluiore concert. They are :
Mrs. Atwnter , Mrs. KaauoMrs. ! Gertrude
Cuscaueii , Mrs. W. H. Parks , Mrs. E. A.
.lucobson , Mrs. J. W. Snowdcn , Miss Ger
trude Bell , Misses Mnmlo Beck , E. C.
Moore , Phebo L. Schurtz , Myrtle Coon ,
Grace Slaughter , Ustollo Wood , Mrs. n. F.
Gardner , Miss Ella Kennedy , Maggie Swift ,
F. K. Bunker , Mrs. McKwlng , Miss K. L.
O'Connor , Mrs. L. 13. Richards. Miss P. L.
DoWitt , Mrs. Shearer , Miss Kmily Fuller ,
Miss Bertha Nugent , Mrs. W. J. Gulbralth ,
Miss L. Corby , Misses Ada Jones , Libbio
Swobo , Mrs. IX C. Kennedy , Miss Laura
Morse , Mrs. Klchard Mohr.Miss Grace Mar
ty. Neltio Iluverly , Miss Luur.v Lougprey ,
Misses Maud Brownlcc , Corn Edmistoii ,
FnniiioM. Parr , E. Hlclmrds , "Mrs. J. L.
Kennedy. Misses T. Orman , M. DoWitt ,
Mrs. G. W. Holbrook , Miss Minetta Downs ,
Mrs. James Crary , MissClara Clarkson ,
Mrs. II. H. Alien , Miss M.
Itittcrflold. Mrs. 1J. Wells , Miss
Kceso , Miss Murray , Mrs. Paul
E. Houston , Miss Annie Guild ,
Mrs. C. W. Biggins , Miss M. Cotton , Mrs.
M. L. Shearer , MM. Jotagg , Misses Collier ,
Downs , Duryca , Lowe , Weir , Mrs. Iliiy-
A-ard.Miss Pfclffer , Mrs.Walter , Miss Watts ,
Tnhns , Misses Morrison , W. A. Green. May
Jurus , A. C. Jones , DavisPaUersoii , , Brown ,
{ . Flnuncry , F. Baiter , G. Porinc , Cope-
and , E. Armstrong , M. Graff , Mrs. Tildun ,
Mrs. L. A. Graff , K. Whnrruy , Master
Archie Pratt , Mrs. W. II. Merion , Misses
W. Fassett.Milstone , If. Proston. A. Parker ,
J. E. Alstone , Hocltwell , Grass , Mrs. Diui-
moclr , Misses Wilson , O'ltorhe , NcuneliholT ,
II. Smith , E. MotL. . Campion , N. Camion -
; ) ion , H. Ilayor , C. Ilnyer , Mrs. Uurna , Mrs.
Howard , Mrs. C. Bloom , Misses Harper ,
Pratt , A. A. Broadlleld , Baker , J. M. Allen ,
M. P. Doyle , M. Wilson. L. Morris , O'LJrion ,
L. W. Smith , Mrs. Joalyn , Mrs. F. W.
White , C. A. L. Whlto , Urownleo.
Council Bluffs Mrs. E. C. Kcrr , Mrs. O.
P. Huiesbeck , Misses J. Walker , Doimvau ,
Woouburg , Clark , Grass , Wallace , Doming ,
Chamberlain , Mrs. W. H. Wnketleld , Hunua ,
V. Duncan , II. .losclvn , Moorchouse , Miss
Baker , Green , Blanchard , M rs. Toynor.
Miss F. Roedor , Mrs. Moeller , Mrs. Day ,
Mrs. Peck , Miss H. Ball , Johns , A. Bishop ,
D. Day , Mrs. U. S. Brown , Misses E. Cran-
dell , B. Marvin , E. Myers , B. Oliver , A.
Alstrom , 1C. Abornc , II. Swobe , A. Weir , N.
Corby , J. McCuno , Mrs. W. S. Marshall ,
Louis Cobb , G. W. WiCKOrtihnDi , T. E.
Jones , Misses M. Craudcll , M , Duryca , F.
Faweett , C. Kunpp , A. I1' . Doyle , Misses
33oylo , Nina Doyle , Nellie French , K. Pies-
ton , Ada Parker. J. Bell , J. Hanks , Cham
pion U. Nichols , Master John M. Guild ,
Miss Butterilold , Mrs. Doxtcr.
Council Bluffs Misses Despain Portcrliold ,
LIddcu , Oillcors. Mrs. Mullens , Misses J.
Northup , G. McMuhou. Dumon P. Pusey ,
M. G. Di-.ucan , J. Fitch , Dale.
Messrs , VV. Wilhins , J. Northrup , I. M.
Troynor , A. J. Yan Kurun , H. J. Wherry , C.
Carlson , Peacock , O. C. Holmes , G. W.
Holbrook , W. L. McCague , W. Dalo. E. B.
Trout , H. Weir , G. P. Tucker , W. H. Bui-
lard , T. J. Kelly , N. H. Copeland , J , A.
Baker , W. E. Turloy , E. D. Pratt , jr. , E. C.
Burke , G. II. Shelley , J. M. Payne , J. Mul
len , J. Upton , Dr. W. M. Brown , C. Galla
gher , G. DoBrown , C. J. Honoris , P. Clinrl-
ton , A. G. Charltou , F. F. Haliies , J. C.
Shaddock , W. H. Doty , J. .1. Edwards , J.
Mellon , U. B. Wallace , \VhitohouBC , G.
M. Cooper. W. Lester , J. Nicholas , J. Jopliu ,
Dr. S. H. To WHO , F W. Whlto , J. S. Jonas , A.
E. Campbell , II. W. Dunn , C. W. Higgms ,
H. Colter , W. S. Marshall , G. W. E. P.
Miller , G. Chaplin. J. N. Parry. J. Barton ,
C. W. Kultor. C. U. Bull , H. B. Moriarity , C.
W. Cummings , D. A. Doty. W. E Reynolds ,
1 { . Mahcr. W. A. Motcalf , G. A. Hltohoy , H.
Axford , E. W1 Moore , H. Finn , W. E. Pal-
mntin , J. C. Fisher , J. E. Novm , F. C.
Squires , B. W. Moore.
Council BlufTR Messrs , F. Westcott , C.
H. Ogden , W. J. Mnnslluld , E. H. Sylvester ,
W , C , Spooner , E. M. Thornton.
Messrs. F. V. Freeman , W. A. Derrick , C.
D. Darmau , T. J. Punnell , Hall , McCuno , L.
D. Olmstuud , C. E. Abbott , J. M. Smith , ' .V.
S. Robinson , A. Moyer.John A. Cuscaueii , C.
F. Droxcl , H. AV. Taylor , C. K. Ball. C. II.
CumnilugH , J. M. Blliio , D. T. Hutchinson ,
J. P. Willman , H. Wise , J. G. Brown , C , L.
W. Allstrom , D. U. Eniils , F. M. Bench , . J.
D. Kricgor , 13. Portertiold , H. Drexel , C.
Voorhecs. T. W. Brcnncman , J. E. Hoglund ,
C C. Eassou , J. H. Burns , P. D. Boresford ,
U. C. Gould , C. E. Sandors. G. D. Wright ,
C. B. otacy. W. Johnson , J. T. Darloy , C. P.
BIddlo. H. M. Winter , D. M. Hnvcrly , H. S.
Kendall , O. K. Jncobaon. M. 7 . Torscott , J.
Nichols , M. Walker. G. F. Bancroft. M. 13.
Davenport , J , 13. Carmichael , II. S. Kendall ,
J. P. Murphy , A. B. King , H. Ochiltreo , J.
II. Conrad , E. Stringer , A. C. Smith , G. S.
Browster , .1. Keller , William Cragor , E. D.
Evans , G. T. Zimmerman , B. Banns , J , S.
Joplln , Will Morrison , A. ft Graham , J. C.
Swift , .1. W. Snowdon , C. A. Mitchell , J. A.
Kernes , M. J. Duryca , C. F. Gardner , A. F.
Striker , M. A. Luthrop , A. N. Meals , F.
Mittnucr , J. Horustein , F. French , W. C.
Pritclmrd , Dr. K. M. Stouo , C. X.anton , T. U.
McNair , J. Buinnor. C. H. Doyle , G. P.
PliyslcU. II. E. Uollln , U. Dumoiit , L. M.
Lewis , H. W. Koynolds , Gcorgo J. Paul.
Council Bluffs Messrs. C , A. 'Spoonor ,
Hadoloite , J. M. Sylvester , C. O. Fitch , C.
Woodbury , Prof. McDormoU , Noble , John-
sou , Taylor , Prouty. Oflicer.
Tina list is not quite complete , but will bo
oorrectcd nnd completed ut the rehearsal
next Friday evening.
A Gnoil Aiitilo | |
is on.sontiul to peed iioultli ; but at thU
benson it is often lost , owing1 to the
poverty or impurity ol the blood , do-
ruiiKOinunt of the ( Uffostlvo organs , und
wotiUauinpoiTcct of the chuti'in { , soa-
son. Hoods Sarsiiimrillu is u wonderful
Hiedioliio ( or crotitinjj nn tippotito.toninff
the iligostlon , nnd Klvlnj ; strength to
tlio whole systoin. Now is the time to
tuko it. Bo sure to got Flood's Stirsapa-
rillu. _
Houcclier Hound Over.
CharlesDeutchor , the man who robbed Ole
Olcsen , his room mate , of $301 a few nights
ugo , was before Judge HorKa yesterday aft
ernoon and was hold to the district court in
the sum of filH ) , Deutcher has coiifcsbed that
ho stole the money , which has stuco been ro-
liuporliint tVotloo.
Wo nro now milkingBmnll aizo Dilo
Bemis , (1(1 ( ( little botuiB in each bottle. )
They uro the most convonlunt to UBU ;
Epociully ndaplod for children und
women. Price Ii5 cents a bottle. J. F.
Smith ti Co. , St. Loula , Mo ,
Editor Gore MUBOS Looking South
at the Fountain of Salt.
An IntorrlowAVItli CotiKrcssinnn Cou
ncil A Clever Forj cry Stnto
Board of Transportntlon
Slnto Hondo Jottlnus.
Liscorx ULMSCXU or Tnn Owvtii UBE , 1
lrW ( P STIIBI-.T ,
LtscohN. Ncb.Oct. ,17.1 ,
The fight for the postoftlco In this city Is
till being pushed with vigor by the reipec-
Ivo candidates , Congressman Connell , who
s still here , patiently hears the claims of
iach and will act Intelligently when the
liropcr time comes. Regarding the rumor
.hat Senators Mnndersou nnd Paddock had
.endorcd the ofllco to Editor Gore , und the
cndor had been accepted , ho said to TUP. Br.c
'cprcscntatlvo ' to-day : "Ihavo posltlvo ns-
uranco that such is not , the case. There is
: > orfcct understanding , I have reason to bo-
love , between myself nnd the senators ro-
: ardmg the disposition of this ofllcc. Tlio
scnatora have no desire or Inclinn-
ton to embarrass mo in the
disposition of the patronage of this district.
At the right tlmo Senators Mnnderson , Padlock -
[ lock and myself will consider the claims of
the several candidates tor the Lincoln olllcc ,
and I think It will uo placed whore it will do
tnc party the most good. I have no inclluii-
ion to attempt to place the patronage of this
olllcc without a thoughtful conforcnco with
my confreres. They have rights that I am
bound to respect. There will bo nothing
done with tlio claimants for the oillco until
seine tlmo in December. Final stops will
then bo taken , and until that time I have
nothing dcllnita to say. It is posstulo that
the senators may give the oilh-o to Mr. Gere ,
but as yet I am positive that they have not
akeu any decisive nutiou , mid I believe that
ho claims of ull the candidates will bo
houghtfnllv considered and passed upon ,
but some of them must bo disappointed. "
Clover Koriirry.
Tudge Stewart heard a peculiar case to
day , brougnt in connection wltli the settle
ment of the late J. J. Gilliluii's estate. It
, vus brought by a Mrs. Miller , of Rooa , to
recover on two promissory notes for $1ICO.
It appears that two notef , ouo for ? 1,000 nnd
.ho other for109 , were Riven to ono Has-
itlns over six years ago , but owing to dis
agreement on tlio r.ito of interest they were
t orn up and two others given at n later date ,
and negotiated by a nephew of tlio deceased.
1'hcbo notes were for like amounts. However -
over , when due , they wcro paid and taken
up. Now two similar notes turn up , nnd
after six years they are presented for p.iy-
nent nt the Html settlement of the ( lend
man's estate. Cashiers of four of the banks
of the city were put upon the stand to-day
and they pronounce them vary clover for-
ccrics. It seems , however , that Mr * . Miller
came by ttieui in a regular business trans
action , but can not lix upon the author of
tlio forgery.
Stulo House t > oil I ii us.
Governor Thaver went to Norfolk to-day
to inspect tlio insane asylum at that place.
Deputy Jenkins , of the bureau of labor ,
sent a number of sugar beats to the chemical
department of the State university this
norniug. Prof. Nicholson will analyze
Auditor Beaten received and registered
to-day 4,000 of Ainsworth water works bonds.
Sherilt Dahlmau , of Dawes county , com
mitted William White , Frank Williams ,
Thomas Barnes and Green Gradley to the
penitentiary for a term of years to-day.
Articles and Amendments.
The Star Land and Loan company , of
Omaha , filed articles of incorporation in the
ofllco of the secretary 01 state to-day. Stock
to the amount , of $50,000 is authorized , which
is divided into dOO shares ot $100 each. Of
the authorized capital stock $ -0,000 | la9 boon
subscribed nnd paid up. lucorporators : R.
H. Wicks , W. M. Kelso and C. C. Skinner.
Amendments to the McCook Co-operative
Buildiug nnd Savings association were also
llled. These provide that a board of nine di
rectors shall govern the lu.stilutlon in the
future , thrco of whom Bliall servo for three
years , thrco for two years and tliroo for ono
year mid tire Urst election under this order
to bo held at the annual olcutiou in Ib'.lO. '
The amendments uru attested by 13. B.
Davis , president , and Edward E. Lowmau ,
New rtotarics I'ubllc.
The governor to-day made the following
notarial appointments : Frank S. Howell ,
Albion , Boonc county ; Jcsso F. Eller , Har
vard , Clay county ; John M ! . Dougherty ,
Omaha , Douglas county ; E. G. Titus. Har
vard , Clay county ; William Adams , O'Neill ' ,
Holt county ; Fred L. Albright , Harvard ,
Clay county ; D. A. Baxter , Superior ,
Nucuolls county ; Henry H. Bony , McCook ,
Red Willow county ; W. C. Rails , Goring ,
Scotts BlulT.s county ; John P. Honc.vcutt ,
C'owles , Webster couuty.
Tlio State Hoard of Transportation.
Tlio state board of transportation will
hold an adjourned meeting to-morrow , Fri
day. It was suggested that the coal and cat
tle rate question might como up for revision
at that lime , but Just why it was expected to
como up no ouo seemed to know. These
questions were fully considered ut ttio meet
ings in June , July and August on tlio Suth
erland-Manning complaints , and the roads
were given notice to appear and show cause
why ttio orders should not bo enforced. At
the meeting held Tuesday , after nil the an
swers wcro in , the dual order wus made am'
thu secretaries ordered to servo conies on the
managements of tlio several roads. To-daj
when asked if theo copies had been served ,
the chief clerk said that they had not. lit
had not yet finished making the copies. He
then voluntoorcd the information that the
question would doubtless como up for re
vision at the Friday meeting. When nskcO
if any road had asked for a rehearing , ho
said that they had not. But no still insisted
that the rate question would bo likely to uo
roviowcd , notwithstanding thu "final" order
rnudo Tuesday.
Authorized InRiirmica Companies.
Associations authorized to transact busi
ness In this stoto under the law governing
secret societies :
Canton Masonic Mutual Benevolent
society , Canton , III. ; Covenant Mutual Ben
evolent association , Galcsburg , 111. ; Endow
mcut Rank Knights of Pythias , Cnicago ,
ill. ; Fraternal Mystic Circle , Columbus , O , :
Iowa Masonic Benevolent society , Oslrn
loosn , la. ; Iowa Knights of Pythias Insur
ance association , Murslmlltowi ) , la , ; Knight
Toinplara and Masons Llfu In
demully company , Chicago , 111 ; Knights
of Honor ( supreme ledge ) , St. Louis , Mo , ;
Modem Woodman of Amc/Ica , Fulton , 111.
Masoulo Mutual Benevolent society , Indian
apolln , 1ml. ; Masons Fraternal Accident as
sociation , Westlield , Mass. ; Northwestern
Masonlu Aid association , Chicago , III. ; Na
tional Benevolent association , Minnaapnlls ,
Minn. ; Odd Fellows' Mutual Aid and Acci
dent association , 1' , O. ; Pythian Lifo as
uoclatlon , Oiimha , Neb. ; Royal Arcanun
( supreme ledge ) , Boston , Mass. ; Scottish
Rite Knight * Templars and Master , Dayton ,
O. : Masons' Aid association , Dayton , O ,
United States Musonlo Benevolent associa
tion , Council Bluffa , la. ; V. A. S. Fra
ternity , DCS Momcs , In.
Supreme Court I'rooeoilliiati.
Proceedings in tbo supreme court to-day
Mr. Charles K. Clapp wus admitted to
practice. Dunham vs Courtnav , time to
inako payment extended thirty days. The
following cases wore argued and submitted
Kettlor vs Kettler , Detwiler vs Detwilor.
The following case wus Illod for trial : The
State of Nebraska ex rel , John McLuno e
ul vs Weldon B. Common ; error from the
district court of Johnson county.
City News and Notis.
W. S. Strawn , Esq. , of Omaha , was hero
to-day on legal business.
Robert W. MitchPll and Miss Celesta Tan-
nahlll were married at 8:30 : last evening a
ho residence ot the orldovs parents , ntB and
Sixth streets.
Mrs. Maria Piersolli bf Camden , N. Y. , is
visiting her son , Mr. Johu-S. Finch.
Major Hastings nnd wjfo returned yeslcr-
dev from an extended trip to the cast ,
Hon. W. J. Council 'loft ' for homo to-dav
nflcr spending thrco 'days in the Capital
The Good Templars hold n pleasant rcrcp-
lon this evening nt their hall on North Ninth
Hoscoo A. Perry , ofTlummcr , Perrv t
: o. , was married this evening to Miss bora
( t
Frit * Johnson and Miss Augusta Hodlnnd ,
) otnof Crounsc , Nob. , Were married by Judge
Stewart this morning.
The attendance nt.tlio Catholic fair in
3ohanan's hall has been good nil week. Last
light Henry Vollstodt , one of the mail car
riers , was the winner of a handsome smok-
mr set ,
Willlnni Barr was arrested this morning on
complaint of tbo sidewalk inspector for ro
using to lay n sldowalk at H and Eleventh.
iVhen brought before the court ho agreed to
comply with the order.
.T. K. R. Millar , formerly the popular agent
of the Pacific Express company , of tills city ,
but lately of Kearney , has returned to Lin
coln to-day. Ho will succeed Harry Hnnna
as city agent of the Missouri Pacific.
Joe Tlco unit Frank Johnson , two farmers ,
engaged In a matiuco at Tenth and P streets
vostorday evening. They appeared before
ils honor tills morning nnd contributed the
usual amounts to the city treasury for dis
turbing the ponce.
The Troacy jieaeo case created no little'
amusement in Judge Snulllug's court to-day ,
lohu Troacy was arrested on n peace war
rant sworn out by his wife. The ola man
was backed by his sou nmt the old lady by
lor daughter , and lively times were had.
After hearing the case the judge dismissed
the complaint.
John Larimer drew 350 yesterday and pro
ceeded to paint the town. Ho wus found
ate yesterday evening by the Missouri Pn-
cillo track , dead drunk , When taken to the
itutlon ills 50 was all gone hut 5 cents nnd
iU gold watch wus nowhere to bo soon. Ho
was lined $1 and costs this morning , which
i is friends paid.
Lieutenant Edgar S.Dudley , formerly pro
fessor of military science at the state uni
versity , Is in the city wltn his wife , guests of
J. H. Barley. Lieutenant , Dudley has
recently been assigned to duty with the cele
brated Woodruff battery at Fort Leaven-
worth , nnd is hero awaiting orders and visit-
ng hl.s old friends.
Mury Brennnii has been making herself
icnrd again. About 7 o'clock last evening a
lolico call to the McLuiu house ut Eighth
nnd O developed the fact that she was un-
leavorintr to raise the roof oft tlio house be
fore painting it. She had been imbibing too
nuch red liquor. Ofilccrs Post and Otto had
a hard tusaol with her before lie was en
sconced in the cooler , and ODlcer Post's right
thumb was badly bitftn. Slio got $20 and
costs this morning.
An AUHuliito Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
und is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and ull skin ertip.
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
20 cents per box bv mail 30 cents.
Mort ; SutownlUs.
Sidewalks must boltidon the following
streets on or before the C7th of this mouth ,
or they will bo laid by the city ut the expense
of the property owner :
South side Pacific street , between Virginia
and Georgia avenues , nix feet wide.
East side Virginia avenue , between Pacilic
and Mason streets , six feet wide.
Nortli side Cass street , between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth streets * fourteen feet wide.
North sUe and south sides ol Webster , between -
twoen oventeouth and Nineteenth streets ,
East side Eighteenth street , between Cass
nnd California , repairs.
East side of Seventeenth street , between
Cass and California , iVYnr.s. |
North sidonf CaHform.ibctwoeu Sixteenth
and Eighteenth streets , repairs.
East side of Seventeenth , between Mason
and Lcavonworth , repairs.
West side of Seventeenth , from Mason to
Williams , repair. * .
South St. Mary's avenue , lot 4 , Johnson's
addition , repairs.
Nortli Cotitnr street , between Seventeenth
nnd Eighteenth streets , rcp.firs.
East and west side Eighteenth street , be
tween Viutou and Spring streets , six feet
South side Clmrles.betwcon Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth , repairs.
Southwest corner Tivent.v-llfth nnd
Charles , repairs.
South sidoCorby street from Thirty-fourth
street to Thirty-sixth , four feet. wido.
Soutli side of California street from Thir
tieth street to Thirty-second street , six feet
North side Castellar between Sixteenth
and Seventeenth streets , repairs.
West sidool Sixteenth street between Dor
cas nnd Martha , repairs.
East side and south half west side Twenty-
sixth street , between Uapitol avenue nnd
Dodge , six feet wido.
South side of Cass street from Eleventh to
Twelfth streets , six feet wido.
1U10 Webster street , repairs.
South side of California north 150 foot of
lots 1 , 3 , ! J , 4 , 5 nnd 0 , block 0 , Park Place
addition , six 1'cct wide.
Why peoples like to trmlc in the liirgcst store isbecmtso they know , by exiiarienco , that such establish
ments cmv nml do soil on n smnllcr porconlngo of profit. Everybody likes losce n big slock. There is no
question thnt wo carry the largest slock of Men's Furnishing Goods in the City , nnd there is no question
tlmtvo sell everything in that line nt much Inwor prices Hum other houses. Furnishing Goods marlcoil
nt the sumo small percentage oC profit us the Clothing , is a fuiitnre you \viil \ not find outside of our store ,
In the Underwent Department we olTor to-day the following specinl bargains.
Fine fancy mixed Merino Shirts nnd Drawers , silk bound nt 40c , worth 7 c.
FineCnmols Hair Shirt s nnd Drawers , the shirts with double breast nnd double back , silk bound and ,
silk stitched , nt G5c. Those are sold in other houses for nearly double the money.
In Flannels nnd Cassimero Overshirts we display an immense line , ranging in price from 40c to ? ; i.OO.
In this Department wo offer fine California Uluc FlannelShirts single breasted , at § 1.1" ) , double breasted ,
with pcnrl buttons , § 1.25.
In Hosiery we make the following special offerings : 200 dozen fine all wool seamless socks nt lee ,
regular price 2oc.
English Merino Half Hose , double heels and double too nt 20c.
Camels Hair Jlnlf Jluse , .very fine nnd excellent shndiN at 2oc.
Cardigan and Jersey Jackets in great variety.
Onr Glove Department is the largest in town and every pair oC Gloves wo sell is warranted. Wo luke
them back if they rip.
We place on sale Ibis week a line of line Calf Shoes with genuine Cork sole at $2.75. These shoes retail -
tail everywhere at $4.00. We have them in Congress and Lace all widths. Gentlemen who hnvo
boon paying 7 nnd 3S.OO for shoe ? nre invited to call and see how well we can fit thorn in a line of real
Hnndsewc'l ' line Calf and Kangaroo , which we sell sit sJ.uO nnd SI.75 , and ( ho finest Froniih Calf
nt $5.50. Wo h.ivc all lasts and styles , and c-tn fit your foot comfortably and save you considerable money.
? Vi
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
TIII ; i AND or
'Send for CircoZjr.Sj tirMli3fr9.2-- _
For sale by Goodman Drue Co
A GOODRICH Att'y nt-La\v , 12) Dear
born Ht. , Clilcnso : advice free ; SI vonr.s ex
lierlcncc ; business ijuletly and lezally traus-
uctcd. -
A Typewriter made to meet thu modern
want for a marhlno which prints directly from
typo , iii-os no ribbon , aligns ponnammtly at
point of printing. Is Mglit , Compact , Durable ,
ami In u word , in bull t on hrlentlllu principle * ,
tliolnvemlou of (1. W. N. Yost , the builder or
both the Itomlnuton and Callsraph.
Machines with llemlngton or Callsraph key
boaul lib desired.
.Marco stock of second liaiul Typewriters , ot
all makes , for bale , rent or exclmin'o. We are
iilbo&ales iiKcliW for the "MKHHI'IT" Type
writer , tno low priced in.ichlna on the
market. I'rlcu } ! > .
> * Wo \\ouhl DO pleased to receive a call from
- . * ! you. w hether you want to ptirolriso or not , and
.1 ; wo will gladly show you the ' VOST" and tlm
' < finest and larpmt stock ot Typasvrlter I'nnil-
lure. Buppllcu , etc. , ever brought to thU city.
GEO.H. SMITH & CO. , (005 ( Farnam St. , Omaha
and * Hot * Water Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O8 South IBth Street , Opp. Postoffice , Telephone 149O
1B18 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
blllO , rinACT , ) ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 180 So.
lUieSIJ Chicago , tils. \ ClnrUSt.
The Regular Old-Established
Is still Trcatlnc wlih tha Greatest
Ciroiiic , NcrFons and Private Diseases ,
* B-NERVO'US DEBILITY , Loot Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Tcrriblo
Dreams , Head and Hock Ache and all the eflccli
leading lu early decay and peihaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
nc\er.fultnK success.
SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Slila Dis
eases permanently cured.
KJ-KIDNEYand UUINARYcornplalnts.Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcoccle anil all diseases
of the Gcuito-Urinary Organs cured wromptlyttllhutil
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
a' No experiments. ARC ami experience Im
portant. Consultation free ami sacred.
A3T"Send 4 cents postace for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Disease * .
8 I hose contemplating Marnace fend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male .Hid Female , each
ii cenls , both TS cints ( stampi ) . Cor'ult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save mtiiicstilTcr.
inn and shame , aril add golden } cars to life. XKjJllook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents'stamps ) , ilcdicina
nnd uritings sent e\cryuherc , secure fiom exposure.
Hours,8to8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
ISO So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. .
Cnn Ije cured In SO to en days by tlio
use of the
Tor Biilo only by the Cook lleniedy Co. . of
Omalm. Nebraska. Write to us ror tlu > nniuci
nnd address nt' patlcntKlio liuvii been
cureilmil fiom liotun Imvo jiunnisslou to
rcfur. S.vjlillli ) Is n ills a-o tlmt n s ulwayo
bullied tliu Kklll of thu most eminent physicians
and until the discovers' nt th Cook Id'tnu Iv
Co ? s "MAO1C1 UltMKiJV. " not ouo In llfty over
Imvins tliu ( llacitbO lias bi-en turoil. Wo ( 'iiurnn-
tro to pure nny niso that tan-bo iiroilnccil.
These wliu have taken Murcury , Potash , H. H. 8.
HnciH .Alterans < ir other nuvertltcil ivinudlus ,
with only temporary benellts can now ho jior-
' cured by tliu use of the "MAIC ( !
HKMUDV" itt thn Cool ; Kumutlv Co. . Uuiuhn ,
i Nob. llownrn ot Iininltatinns. It Is absolntoly
l Impossible for any othur petson or ooinimnv to
' Imvo our torinnlaoruny lomeily llucllln clfout
und results , 'lliul'ook Iteiucdy Co. , linn boeii
trvntlncpatlentH lor four yew * and Imxn nl >
wuys given jierfcctsiitlifactfou , 'J hey arcllniin. .
cl.iliy losiuitiHlhlu , lutviti ( { a capital ot over
J.'mMKM , m.tklnptlinlrt'Uiirantcn Kood. We holl-
cltthomott otintlnutu ciii llioso who linvu
tried ovnry known remutlv nnn lost all liopu of
recovery. Correspond with UH und let UH put
ynn lu possession nl uvldoncathut ronvlnceH tlio
mo.stHkcutlciiI , Mnrkwhnt wowijr : Inlhouud
jou.MUSTut.aour MACilC HKAIIIOV" hoforo
you can bo permanently cured. It In thn most
Iieiolo Mood purlller ever kiioun. Wrltu for
Diirtlciilai-H. AllletU-i'n conUduntial.
PAIITinU llesiint you nro ecttlnt ; the Cook
UHUIlUn Keinudy CO.'H Maulo Uuinudy.
None otherH are eenulnn. Parties cliilralnu to
lie aucnts for usnro Inirtoslors uud fraudH. Kttll
jmitlcnlars freo. Addroja all coininunlcatlous
The Cook Remedy Go ,
Rooms 418 and 419 , Faxlon Block ,
nco cnosc DIAMOND DHAND.
Fnfi * * ur nl alw ji rrHallf. I.mHi't , c l <
l > ruitiUt Tor IHumund llrufidlii 11 > < ! luttatlk
Ujie , K led ftltli tluc riMiuu TiiLn nuudier *
Hol Ir.tipi ( ) rwr i nluiri ) aril ' * ) trllr lur
I < udln'fn tetttrl > r riliirinuull. ft a net \ijtri
iVuHlV 131" liH "f < ri" ? f rom. ! 'T ' cf-
K l * nr < ( U nfynutUiil cr-
nianli oi ! . ite. I wlfl j'iijli tulimtil'o lrf IU < ' ( nliilj
fnnlMr.liitf full | < .HIcuUis foi home cure , fno ut
CPrUF ) F.'c'FOV/LEnf ' ! f/Iooduo / , Conn.
Nos. 303-404-170-504.
Wccn you am buyiijulotei ! rrini mlitr tlmt there Ii
uch a ' Mli f m n price Hint
It UHI thtai > . II l > U lii-r to
pnjr n fair priui ntnl irrt
L'CKxl KlntCR llkQ Illllfll.
iliiNuuM. They nru laiwle ,
from wli rled nklnaln the
betl monueranil uru w til -
I'unlld 10 tw Hit ) Ilionl
Mrrlcuahlo inu'le. If jou
want lu kuow more abuuf
Kluvri In Kcnural und
Iliitchliiniiii'a ( ilpvt'u
In | urtlculnr. enniu
tainifur | the lookALn
Ijluyra. It trill lulr TCtt
you. KuTim.uiii > iwi.
O. lIUTCUIMiU.V , JouaiUna , K. V.
N. W.Con , 13fH& DODuE Sis , OrVmH/T. UEB.
. .
Beit Vocill ties , AjiparnhnandKcniodlcsforOuccMsfu !
Trfatmrnt of every form of BUtata requiting
eNid a Attendance , Beat Accommodation ! ! in Wtit.
Electricity , Patalsmls , Eptlepiy. Kidney. Bladder )
Bye , bar , bkln&nn Blood and ull Ororatiom.
K lilt HI mar JtllllEI A I.tlMI-n i > H'.iiiriins-rum
n" , " y.1" , ' " ? " , ! ! * ' ( STRICTLY fRIYATF. )
Only Reliable Kfclical Institute making a Er ccUlly of
All Ulooilllic fi iuerr > ifnUr ttrilf J. Sri'Mllllo I'olnon
rrniotedrraulthiijittiiiillhoiitiiicrcurr. } , lUtlorillx
Trotmint for fan of TITAI , run HI. I'irllei unible to
uiraajbeltcnt,4 lliom lycorrii [ > oniicicr. ! All community
lIumconlMciuhl. Wfdltlnt.orln.mnmm..tiltrm.iorei. :
I're.sirc'jreUriclieJ.nonjBrki lolDitltMccoiilrnuorirniifr.
uiiei'eriiinatliaertKvrprcrcircd. fallanJ coniuit UIIT.end
bblorror Tourc it , ana ws will mil in r > l ln Trnrprr. oof
nnntf ° ai'ni i . iii
inMPK FREEiv i r
UU * CV III iJillll , Nc""iDI Vajc.l , iliolcnirtrrli.
111. ; Uktt tn , , wlthqnmtljallik dJrru
13th and Jed e StrtcU , OffAIfA ,
DlI.E. I' . Wl.ST'S NllliVli AVII Hll\IX llKVr-
MKNT , iiKiinniiit < > uil btiurlii1' for llyitcrlii , Diz/.l-
ness. ConvnlsloiiK , Kits. NcrvtiiM Ncuralulii.
leuducJio. .N'ervoiiNl'mstnillou oiiisod liv Ihu
USD iif ulc.iliol . . .MeiiliU
i . Softi-nliiKot tlio Unilii , riMtiltlnp : in
uudlcadliiK toiuliory. ctfoiy : and ilculli
iircOia AKU. IturrciinenH , Jo-tn or I'o or
liifltliorsox. involuntary hoxieK .uul Siicriinil-
orhiL-a cnuseilliyovpr-nxcrl Ion of tin ) brain , Hflf.
iiliuso op nvorlnilnlprnrn , Kuril IMIX rowuln <
onn moiitli'strontniciil. | .HI n box , or nl.Iwxui
fort-w'.hcnl ' by intill prcjuilil on ivccipt of price.
Tocnrt'nny fate. With o.uh oiiln1 inrclvwl by
usforMx boxes , nccoiiiiiinloil [ ( will
Hcuiltliupui-LliiiHfr our \vrlttpn wiiirnntf to r -
fund tlio money If the truutinrnt does not ollotit
a euro. Giini-nntcL'3 Issiitd only by Cooiluinn
DniKO' . , DniTOlKlH , Bolo Agents , 1110
treut , Omaha Nebru.-kii
ror > * i > rritiulirifiu'ii , l l .Mutiliuotl. h suul lrcuy
J.iicl. < iT llp > i > l iimcii | , l.ii.x' * . llriiln. , < tf.
To liitrailiiri-.ulll ( II VI' < IM ; AU Al In it lellnMi
I'- " . ! " < > ' 'i.iMinl ) , Or.lUHtpii
teed *
ilio I.Uuor Ilnlilt , l'oilllrt-1) Cured
lT ) Adniiiil-terUiu Dr. UnliiOM' '
( jolilrn Hpcrlflc.
HCAII liOKlvnn In iiruimf eulteu or ten without th
kiiiiAlvilu | { < itlh3 | > urson tuKliiKlti liulixiliiti'ljr liuriif
U'hs , nml ttlll i > u njiL'eily itml iicnnaiuMit uiro ,
Mlu'lhcrthii patlfiit 1. u luuilvrutoilrliiki'riir nil Hi *
loliol wiri'k. TlKiiivuiiiU ( it ilninkiinU IIHVU
luuilu teinpcruto men who hut lukvn ( iolilrnHi'i'i ' Iflo
' ( ulTuOHltliout their kiinwKulJiii mill tiuluy 1m
. - icy iUlt | ilrlnkliiif oMuuIr o n ( no will. IT
t' llr Fulls. Tlmryelum oriuo Impii-annHMl wllli > "
. H Ijeio nn ultiir impi ( nllillllr fur tin
llfjUnr uui'C'ilui lu oilsl. fur uulo liy ICulin A ( ki.
iilK , IMhiirnI DouKli ' ! . un < l l lh I'1' ' ' 'iim
.Oiualiu , A.i. \ . Poster i , llru. . Cuiiiull IllulTi.
N rUOl I HE o n r l nd MERVOU8 OEBILITTl
" - " W..kncn of Body ind Hindi Etfe.U
of Erron or Zu i In Old or Younr. h
Botllll. KvM. jmiKXIII f.llr K..Ur d. lion U trj.r.t , ? j
Hlr > | lbc > VlKtkl > liIVtLOlilHlk.UiNIIiU1bi > r8Jlir.
lUulaltli .r.lll UUIK TKKJTHItT-K.i.HU Ii < < r ,
' ' - fr. 41 Bl.U. , T.rrll.rU. , ud r > l | > ( M > lrUf.
a c.a will * Ui t . U eli , ruli.ipU.iitl.a , j,4 tr .
( nt. UJr . CCIl UKICJll CO. . IUMm N " .
I'o fJci't Pin Ciiflilon Free to