Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJ&bAY , OCTOBER 18 , 1889. 8
Whont Again Averages Firm With
Temporary Depression.
A Knlr Amount nf Internet Shown in
llio Provision Pit Cntllo Hiu-
In ess Blow tinea Ojion
Active ItuL Decline.
CHICAGO , Oo * . 1 . fSpcclal to
Tun Hr.n , ] Wheat tignln avortiRoJ firm ,
tliouph tlierowiw n tomi-orary period of de
pression during the early part of tlio session.
Tlio market wns quite nctivo at times ,
though ns a. whole It mny bo described as
qulut. Tlio liulli had tlio c.Ul on news.
Cables wore steady mid Now York and
tlmoro reports of yesterday's clnarnnccs
allow 00,000 pncKngcs ot Hour shipped out.
This beats tlio record of a day's ' movement
nnd represents over -100,000 uut > 1iul < t of wheat.
Ucaidcs this , Montreal wired that twenty-
two bout lands 170,000 busliols of tmrd
wheat lind boon worked at that point for
liOltli. Dry weather m the Ohio valley nnd
Michigan nlso claimed a slmro of popular
attention. Local showers have fallen in
Missouri , but tlio premise of an extension of
the rain nrea to the territory cast of tlio
Mississippi docs not soum likely to bofulflllcd
right away. It - is ns dry as ever
through Illinois , Indiana anil Mich
igan , It limy bo lidded nlso that
no fumcrutlon of bull points or factors
would tie complctu without reference to that
great nnd ovur present , nlbcib somewhat
"cliCHtnulty" truth that the visible stocks of
contract wheat nro very light und do not
appear to incrcaso very rapidly , although
local Inspection returns Indicate some im
provement in tbo quality of arrivals at this
point. The receipts hero to-day wcro 211
cars , of which 81 graded No. 2. The most
conspicuous bearish influence nt present
writing Is the enormous movement in tlio
northwest. It docs not let up In the least.
Tlio best posted men miy it would lueruiiso
if cars could bo had to haul the stuff. The
statement Is iirndo in connection with this
mutter that northwestern elevator com
panics nro soiling freely in this market
against their rush holdings. If they are It
is merely follo\vlhj ( the usage of previous
yours , whenever carrying charges prevail.
This has bcon found to bo the
cheapest and best insurance obtain
able. December whekt oponcdQ at
82 0 , sold off to b2Vo nnd ttion worked up to
82 ? < c , subsequently advancing atrongly to
Eiy c. na the importance of the bull news
mentioned above cauio to bo fully under
stood. Auovo S'a a largo business was
done In futures. The inurket reacted under
prcssuro of realizing a.ilcs of long wheat and
speculative offerings to MJ c. May opened
nt fc5lfc. Bold down to S. > c , advanced to SSJ c
and worked back to b5" c. closing there. Oc
tober closed nt SilJ c. Last prices are al
most identical with tlioso of yesterday. The
day's trading failed to develop any vnry
striking features. The heavy weights did
not dlBtltigulnli themselves by plunges on
one sldo or the other. Tlicro were no "gal
lery plays. " and business was transacted
rather quietly , considering the volume.
Wheat cluirtcrs to-day were 55,000 bushels ,
with 05,000 bushels additional to come into
to-uiorrow's report.
Thcro was n. further weakening in tbo rorn
market and lower prices than heretofore
were current for nearer deliveries. There
was no particular fcaturo that lias not al
ready been dwelt ii | > n to account for the de
cline. Finn weather for maturing grain still
continues and heavy receipts at an early date
from the new crop are looked forward to
with conlldcnce. Receivers were drawing
attention to tbo fact that at the reduction
which has taken place in railroad rates UOc
hero now is about as good to t'io Iowa or
Kmisus f.xrinor us ! Ve ! or I ) to would have been
a year ngo. Carload receipts were about as
cotimatod yesterday , but 37,100 bushels came
in by canal in addition thereto. Foreign
purchases have no influence upon values at
present. Clearances from Atlantic ports
were Unlit , but the movement from hcnco to
eastern" consuming points continues on n
heavy scale. Closing prices show n decline
of ' Jfc from yesterday's figures. Novem
ber closed at 'M } f&Ma und May at Me.
Oats wcro weaker , witli sfej'to decline
established. After opening steady at "io a
line of loug May cnmo out ami the market
receded to i.'ljJi'c , later recovering a trille.
The demand was at no tune urgent und the
nearer futures were neglected , oven though
offered at prices > .fe below yesterday's close ,
with November ut ISJ/c and January at
ID'fo. ' Ucceipts ware liberal and with
drawals for shipment included 125bOO bush
els , chiefly No. 3 white. No. 2 to go to store
was neglected nt ISJtfc. No. B white for May
was ot one time offered nt 21c , with there-
cent mild interest absent.
In the provision pit a fair interest was
shown. In speculative trading January pork
led in activity , yet in n majority of the dif
ferent lines the movement was sufllcicnt to
hold the attention of tradois. Outside or
ders were somewhat restricted and the day's
future business was largely between profes
sionals. In the October pork deal there
wcro no now developments. The delivery
sold sparingly nt$10.'Ju@10.9:5 : and closed nt
$10.115 , or tlio same ns yesterday. The
product generally was well supported. Tlio
closings Bhowod nn advance of 7 > o in Octo
ber short ribs and 2'tfo in October and Jan
uary lard , November pnrk and January bhort
ribs. November lard was unchanged. Jan
uary pork declined fie and November short
ribs' nominally 2J c.
CIIKMOO , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HEC. ] CATTLE The receipts wcro di
vided at 7,000 natives , 0,000 Texans nnd ! 1,000
rangers. Business opened slow and sales
men generally quoted prices weak to a shade
lower on everything In the native steer line ,
good , bad and indifferent. Uut few good
Toxins wcro among the arrivals , und such
a dressed beef operators could utilize sold
steady and dinners sold a shade stronger.
Hangers ruled steady , Nutlvo butchers'
etock was In fair demand and steady. A
fair business was reported in tlio stocltorund
feeder line , but at extremely low prices.
Choice to extra beeves , $1.50iOO ( ;
medium to good steers , 13.10 to 1500
Ibs. fl.5iM.-10 ! ! ( ; I'JM to 15130 Ibs , 1.50
04.25 ; U50 to 1200 Ibs , $ aOO@I.OO ;
stackers and feeders , $ l.lJ ) ( < ry.OO ;
cows , bulls and mixed. fl.25$3.7s ( : ; bulk ,
( l.T&Q22,10 ; Texas steers , f.20 ; cows ,
f 1,50ii'J. ( 10 : western rangers , J2.45@P.K ( ) :
cows , ? l,7fi2.50j wintered Texnns , $2.00
@ ! t.50.
Huas nuslucss opened nctivo nnd prices
Bomowhat irregular , but on the whole a shudo
stronger , but Inter on the strength gave way 3r
und the general market closed rather lower
than yobtcrdny. Packers paid fi.03iit,10 : ,
largely fl.00u'-l. ( < ) ; > , and shipping grades made i
$ ll.r > Gl.a.j. . A few selected , all barrows and It I
ovorv ono uliko , old to local butchers at Ii l.-lO , Light sorts made $ l. : gt fit ) i ,
with u few of the Bingo variety ut * lGOQ
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hun. ] STOCKS The opening of the
utock nmrUot with a decline extending to } {
per cent was a disappointment to the loaders
nnd room-traders who gave expression to
bullish views last nlgut. U was argued that
the weakness in trusts had lost its Influence
on railroad shares ; that Atchlson , the dis
turbing Influence , Is largely removed , and
that with moaoy the only thing In the way
there ought to bo mi upward movement at
onco. Tlicro was talk of bettor strength in
coal stocks because of the advance lu rates
soon , and Heading earnings are expected to
show up well at the next report. The money
question promises to bo a lion lu the way of >
the bulls for BOUIO tlmo. 'Tho banks which
called lu loans at 0 } per ceut lute yesterday
uut thorn out at 7) ( < j'J per cent. The belief
prevails that the statement of the St. 1'aul
for the flrit week of October will * uow
, and this furnished a point of attack
for the bears to-day. That stock was raided
to 00'f , or 1 per cent under last
nlRht. IJurllngton surprised everybody by
going off to 100' ' with only a slight
recovery to 107 lioforn noon. Other Grang
ers were weak , but the declines were less
violent , Northern Pacific went to 71 , or
IJf per cent oft from the close yesterday.
Atchlson sold at 30 { . Trusts wcro unusu
ally quiet , with Sugar nt Q } ( and oft to oM ,
Cotton Oil at 41'4 and oft to - JO'Tho
weakness In railroad shares continued to tno
close. Long stock was pressed on the mar
ket all through the list , whllo the boars took
the opportunity to raid certain stocks. He-
cause nothing deflnlto was done nt the
Northern I'dclfio meeting that stock was
moro easily raided. Atchlson held about
steady. Burlington closed very near the
bottom at 100K. St. Paul suffered 1J l'cr
cent decline for the day to 0 ! ) t the close.
Trusts wore not raided. Money was loaned
freely at 9 per cent nnd rates for a tlmo were
forced to 12 per cent. Even the bulls bavo
abandoned the Idea of an advance until
cheaper money can bo had. The total sales
were 210,000 shares for the day.
The folio wing were the closing quotations !
1J. 8.4s regular. Northern 1'nclllo. . .11
U. B. 4s coupon * . . .1J7 do preferred 71'f
U.S. 4'sregular..lilV U. A N. \ \ ' 'IIP
U. K.4is ! coupon. ! . .inv tloprororrcil..llfl
I'acillttHof'J3 . . .118 N.y.i'ontral 101"
Central I'aclllc. . . . ; ii P. U.fcK SI
rtilciiBoAc Alton. . . . 127 Itorklnlnnil li'lt
ChlcnKo.llurlliigtoD O..M. .VStl * B'J
Asulncv uoprnfcrreil. . * , . . ! ! , !
D..I..VW SU'nul.VOmaha. . mi {
HllnolsC'oiitral 117 doproforreil Oil
I. . II. is W. . ll'J ' U.Uon IMclllo lUM
Kansas Ac Texas . . . U \V'.Ht. L. , V ! 10i !
I.nko Hlioro 10'i'J ilo profirroil Til
Michigan Contral. . ( Western Union. . . . blU
Mo.vnv Stringent , ranging from 0 to 10
per cent ; closed offered nt ( I per cent.
PniMii AIunoiXTiLB PAI-BII 5) ) 37 per
STCIU.IXO EXCIUNOK Quiet and steady ;
sixty-day bills , C1.S2 ; demand , f l.SO.
Nnw Yonic , Oot 17. fSpoolal Tolo ram
toTitB UBK.I The following are the min
ing stock quotations :
Aspen nvi Jfexlcan KW
Caledonia II. II . . J-'VJ Miitunl 14) )
Colorado Central . 10J Ontario JIIUJ
llcad vood T li" Oplilr 100
Kiirelca Con 4'M ' Ortldental UD
( JonliUV furry. . . . 110 I'lymoutli llfl
llomettnlco ir > 0 yavugo 1t0 !
Horn Silver W ) Slurr.v Nevada ISo
Iron Silver 2-'J
Hnnd Uf
WABIUNOTOX , Oct. 17. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK Hin-J : lionds offered : 111,850 at
$1.27 ; $1,000 at $1.05 ; .
CIIICAOO. Oct. 17. 1:1 : % p. m. close-
Wheat Firm ; Cash , 30 } c ; Docsraber ,
82. ' { c ; May , 8'c' ' c.
Corn Firm ; October , 30.Vc ; Novombor.
30'Jc ; May , : )3u. )
Oats Steady ; October , IS c ; November ,
1S54' ! May , 2 1 0.
Kyo October , 42c.
Uarlev f othing doing.
Priuiu Timothy $1.20.
Flax Cash. Sl/iSK ; Mny , $1.89.
Whisky ? ! 02.
Pork Steady ; October , $10,03 ; November ,
$9.40 ; Januar.v , ) .47 ; < f.
Lard Steady ; October. $0.10 ; November ,
$ J.'J2JJ ; January , $5.00.
Flour Steady and unchanged : winter
wheat , $3.00@4.40 ; spring wheat , $1.2o@5.00 ;
rye , * 2..r)0@2.75.
Provisions -Shoulders , S4.2"i@l.50 ; short
clcor$5.50@3.62Kshort ; ribs , October , $5.07' .
Uutter Dull and lower ; creamery , 1045
22o ; dairy , l@l'Jc. ! !
Cliosso Lower ; full cream Cheddars ,
; flats , < yct > Wa\ \ Young Americas.
Kggs Steady ; fresh , lS@19c.
Hides Wealt ; heavy and light groan
salted , ( ic ; dry calf , D@3c ; deacons , each ,
Tallow Weak ; No. 1 solid packed , 4u ;
No.2 , 5 c ; coke , 4 , ' c.
Receipts. Shipm'ts.
Flour . 20,00. ) 8,000
Wheat . 131,00) ) 21.000
Corn . 227.00J 311,000
Oats . 2ii,000 ; 133.000
Now York. Oct. 17. Wheat Receipts ,
83,050 ; exports. 32,000 ; spot dull ;
No. 2 red. flJf SSo lu elevator ; SoCSSoJ o
alloat ; b5 > ( Sii > je f. o. b. ; ungraded red , i4
@ 93c ; options loxvcr ; No. 2 red , No
vember , closing S. > J c.
Corn Receipts , 140,000 bushels : exports ,
lliO.SOO bushels ; spot closed steady at o
slight decline ; No. 2 , 3SJf@39c iu
elevator , 39@40 > a afloat : ungraded mixed ,
37 ( < i40Jfc5 options lowoii ; November , 39c.
Oats Receipts , 207,000 bushels ; exports ,
18,500 ; spot lower ; options moro active and
easier ; November closing 25 ; ' o ; spot No. 2 ,
white. 27w2Sc ; mixed western , 23i ( §
2 Jo ; whlto western , ij@Uc. :
Coiloe Options closed steady. Sales :
50,250 bags ; November , $15.00@15.05 ; spot
Rio , quiet ; fair cargoes , Sl'J.25.
Sugar Raw , nominal ; relluod , steady.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at
S1.00 > / for Novombor.
Eggs Western , 20
Pork Firm ; mess , iuspected , fl2.25@
Laid Firmer but ouiet. Sales : Western
steam , SQ.07X ; closing $0.05.
Unttor Dull ; Klsins , 25i3 ; western dfiiry ,
5@IBc ; creamery , 12g2lc. (
Cheese Quiet ; western , 8 ( ! 10c.
Ht. ijoutH , Oct. 17. Wheat Firm ; cash ,
c ; May , 8f ) C'l34Xc.
Lorn Steady ; cush,2SKc , ; May , 30c.
Oats Easier ; cash , ISo ; May , 21J @ 22o.
Pork Steady at $11.50.
Lard Firm at JO 00.
Uuttar Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at J1.02.
itliiuicnpnli < ) , Oct. 17. Sample wheat
about steady ; receipts 551 cars , shipments 09.
Closing : No. 1 hard , October , 7le ! ; May , SflJ/o ;
on track , SOc ; No. 1 northern , October , ' ( IJ.fc ;
May. 8tjfo : ; on track , 77K@T7jtfo ; No. 3
northern , October , 71c ; May 7'Jo ; on track , '
Milwaiikoi > , Oct , 17. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 73 o ; No. 1 northern , 82o.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , 31e.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 2f ! < j-
Hyo-Firm ; No. 1 , 43c.
Uarley Easy ; No. 2 , October ,
Provisions-Steady ; pork , $11.00.
Kniisas Oiiy , Oct. 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 hard , cash 05o : October , OIKc ;
No. ! l hard , cash and October. Ulu ; No ,
3 soft , cash , O'Jc ; October , 09c bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash 23) o bid ;
Octooor , ti.Tke ; No. 2 whlto , cash , J5o bid ;
October , 2 c bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash nnd October , lOo.
RCInolmmil , Oct. 17. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 red , 79 79' < fc.
Corn Firmer : No. 2 inKol , : il'rglt } c
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 21@JlKc.
Whisk.vl.U3. .
lavnniDiil , Oct. 17. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders oftcr moderately ; Cal
ifornia No. l,7s-U(7JTs ( I'Jd per contal.
Corn- Quiet : demand poor ; now mixed
western , -Is yt < \ per cental
Oct. 17. llio Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 14,003 ; mnrkot steady ;
choice to extra bcoves , $4.50 4.00 ; steers ,
$3.00@1.40 : stackers and fcudum , ? 1.00 , 00 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , $1,25 ( 2.75 ; Texas
cattle , $ | . ! 50Si.OU ; ; western raugers , $1.75
Hogs UocolptH , 23,000 ; market steady ,
closing lower ; mixed , fl 00i4.45 ( ; heavy.
Sheep Receipts , 11,003 , ; imrltoUstouilv ;
natives , Sl.OOyO.OO ; westerns , * 3)0t j.l5i
Texans , U.40 1,20 ; lambs , J4,0df5.7j. (
KUIIHIIH ( 'lty , Out. 17. Cittlo Receipts ,
5'JOO , ; Bhipmcnts , : ) , tX)0 ) ; steady to ttrong ;
common to choice corn-fed steers , $ J.15ij (
4.HO ; cows , $1.30(32.25 ( ; btockera and feoaera ,
Hogs Hccolpts. 0.700 ; slilpracnt , 0100 ;
? ' . < ) . 'l' < i.1K'lti ! W.lOSlSOj heavy and mixed
Nuititnnl Htoolc Ynril * , Kmt 8r.
Ijuuls , Oct. 17. Cattle Recolpts , 1,300 , ;
shipments. 3,000 ; market steady ; fair to
choice heavy native steora , ty.255C4.70 ; stock.
or * unil feed era , $1.80@2.70 ; raugo steers ,
$3.10 3.W.
Hogs Itecolpts , 3,703 : shipments , 3,800 ;
tnarkot shade lower ; heavy. $3.90@1.20 :
paukluir , U6UQ4.15 ; litjl $1.0021.1)5. )
Bloux City , Oou 17. Cattle ReoaluU ,
1,700) ) shipments. X40 ; market stcndy nnd
unchanged ; cows , flOU@H > 3 ; stockers and
feeders , * 1.60@2.80j veal calrox , $2.00c 13.15.
Ho s Receipts , n.030 ; shipments , - ;
market lower ; light and mixed , f3.CO(33,75 ( {
heavy ,
Thursday , Oct. 17.
The market was very dull nnd slow on
bcoves. nnd a good many wcro calling It
lower , lu fact some holdovers sold lOc lower
than wns offered for them yesterday. There
wcro a few fair natives Here , some selling at
$4-00 , but the packers did not take hold very
freely , as they could not got westerns to kill
with them. A few westerns sorted out from
among the loads of cuttlo not good enough
for buof brought t.iri@2S3. ) The trade In
cow stuff was not largo , but the market wns
about steady. Native caws brought $1.15 ®
2.00 and a few westerns $1.40 < vM.OO. It wns
very slow on stoeker.s and febdors , In fact
there were not many right good cattle of that
description. There were a good many llttlo
northern cattle among the offerings. Thcro
was considerable Inquiry , but the morning
was spcat in looking around in nro than In
buying. Prices were about steadv. Natives
sold nt$2.02.75 ( ) principally nnd westerns
at $2.302.0J. _
lo ! : ; .
The best light nnd heavy mixed hogs
brought about steady prices this morning.
The packers were bidding $ J.S5Q3.90 for tlio
mixed nnd heavy pickers , or 5o lower than
ycstcrdav , prices which tlio sellers wcro not
prepared to accept readily. If anything , the
market grow weaker toward the closo. A
.07 } < f nnd n choice load brought $4.0. > . The
Uoston purchases were reported ns costing
about the. same as yesterday. This trade ,
however , demands n better class of hogs
than they Imvo been potting nnd they do not
want loads with many sows , even if.thoy are
smooth and good ,
Only ono load wns received and it sold rnu-
Idly nt strong prices.
Cattle . 1,700
Hogs . 5.70J
Sheep . ' . ' 00
Prlco" .
The following Is a t.ibloof prlcji piH In
thlsmirknt for tha gradss of stoolc mon-
tlonod :
PrimostocM. 13)3 to 10'lbi.I.OJ ' ( ) ( WI.35
Good steers , 125J to 11" > J Ibi. . ! 5.SO W 1.3.1
Good steers , I0 , no 13JJ Ibs. . . 350 ( < ? UO
Western stoars . U.B1) @ 'J 10
Common cannora . l.OJ till. 5)
Ordinary to fair cowa . l.u'J fi < H 70
Fair togotil cows . 1.70 © l.K ! )
Good to choice cowa . 1.U3 ( fi.15 )
Fairtogood bulls . 1.50 ( < § 2.0J
Light stocicors and foadera. . . . 2.0) ) ( Vii.53
Good readers , 50 to U03 Ib3. . . 2.3J < i J.'JJ
Fair to choice light lie s . 3 93 @ I 00
Fair to choice heavy noes . 3.9D iI.OO
Fair to ctiolco mixed hos . 3.80 ( tftt.'M '
Common to rough ho s . 3.50 © J.90
Iteprcscntative S.ilus.
No. Av. Pr. Vo. Av. Pr
J. ) . 1001 $2 91) ) IS . 1317 $1 00
9 . 13H1 OJ
3 1.170 1 15 17 930 1 7.1
3 1015 1 25 22 1050 1 75
; 3 IDS'J 1 lid 2 1225 1 75
2 ! ) i no 10 1014 1 9. )
0 b75 1 50 9 059 2 00
3 ioro
21 SCO 1 90 .1000 3 55
U. .111)3 ) 3 00 19. .1010 3 OS
. 3 20 'JO. . 52i ( 2 00
. OS' ' ) 3 20 18. ,12(5(1 ( ( 2 75
.1104 2 30 10. .128' ! 3 75
3 30 .1072 a 75
i 'JT'J 2 50 2. .1175 3 03
i 35 i. .1550 1 75
1330 i 50
37 043 2 40
3 5)53 ) 300 1 140 333
1 1370 2 00
Owner nnd Xo. Av. Pr.
23 feeders 10C3
li ( steers 1170
21 steoi-8 1159 2 b5
Sbtccrs , stray * . liU5 3 S3
1 steer , stray 1000 2 85
1 steer , stray 1)170 ) 3 83
1 steer , stray 1300 2 S3
1 steer , stray 1330 3 S3
Tomkins & Voorhecs
31 Hteors . 12015 2 03
1 feeder line 2 00
1 feeder 1220 2 00
. lOfccders 1320 2 50
21 feeders 1319 3 50
Tcschcmauher & UoUcllier
Ufucdcrs 103.1 2 05
1 feeder. 1170
6 feeders 1035 | 2 55
37 steers 1103 2 (15 (
Istecr : 1220 3 05
4cows 1UG3 1 00
1 cow 1070 1 00
4cows 10S3 1 00
0 cows ' .170 1 GO
37 cows 015 115
3 feeders 1125 2 30
T. J. Swan-
Si stcp i 1030
Slovens & Mcisner
iiUcows 851 1 40
5S feeders 070 2 30
W. A. Sawyer
3 steers 1117 2 CO
Sparks it Tiiinin
42 feeders 1223 2 33
Tim Kiunoy
Ssteers 1305 2 .15
U steers 13S ) 2 50
25 steers . , 1213
2 tniiia 1375
Sh. Pr.
fl fiO
40 3 00
3 00
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
. .249
. .318
. .303
. .201
. .237
. .331
. .303
. .2 > 7
. .200
. .273
. .253
. .274
. .278
. .291
. .301
. .32.5 .207
. .275 ,353
. Hl'J .314
. .290 .20J
. .231 .303
. .307 .224
. .21 .230
. . 'Mi .309
. .2(53 31S
. .230 .291
. 291 .231
.344 .235
67..252 200
203 westerns 90 3 00
Llvo Stuck Ni
William Grosshans , of Sutton , was In with
J. L. McCoy brought bogs over from Coun
cil IllufTs.
J. P. Morris , of Walters Station , was In
with hogs.
J. H. Rothwcll cauio m from Crelghtou
with cattio.
IK-S *
i I
T. W. Churchill , of Potter , had sheep on
tlio market. , ,
Price ifc Buckley , of TJcinyor , find hogs on'
the market.
Richard Hobbs & Co. , Hradslinw . , had
hogs on market.
C. W. Lcium ramo ovef from Henderson ,
In. , looking for feeder' ,
J. 1J. Sangstor wns In from Stewart with
thrco loads of cattle.
Wilbur was represented -by T. Cochran ,
who had hogs on the market.
N. W , Hlcnkiroii came down from Mis.
sotirl Valley , In. , looking for feeders.
Carter & Shores In from Cody with
load of cattle of thclrown raising and fecd-
Luke Voorhcos , of Thompson & Voorho cs ,
if Van Tassel , Wyo. , was on the market
vith six cars of cattio.
The Jamison Hros. , ot Dews , In. , wcro
th hero yesterday buvlng feeders and they
ook homo with them 303 head. They are
miong the heaviest feeders nud shippers In
owa and their purchase yesterday was only
, beginning. They will need nt least n thou-
and morohead lu a short time.
President Uabcoolc has Issued the follow-
ng letter to commission mon : Referring to
uy letter of August 20 , 1SS9 , 1 llnd that Chi-
inco & Northwestern No. 39 , Is not n very
atlsfactory train to load live slock lu for
western Iowa , nnd 1 Imvo arranged with Mr.
Hopkins , superintendent of Iowa division of
lint road , to handle llvo stock oil his fust
rain , No , 15 , that leaves Jefferson , la. , 11:20 :
i. m. and nrrlvos nt Council Iluff ) * at 9:15 : p.
in , 1 trust that there will bo HUtllclont stock
on this train every night tu justify the Union
acillo railway in handling it promptly bo-
Avcen Council Bluffs and South Om.ilia ,
'Icnso request yoHr shippers to load for this
rain when It is possible for them to do so.
Jefferson is 120 miles cast of Council IJlulTs.
Prod UUP , Kfitlts , 12 to.
Encg Strictly fresh , ISc ; seconds , I4e ,
Hinns , PKI.TS , TAI.I.OW , ETO. Green salted
; ildcs , 4 ? c ; dry salted hides , 3) ) < Joi dry flint
hides , 7c : calf hides. 5$5) ( o ; damngcd hides ,
2c less ; slieep pelts , green , each , 25i1.00 ( ;
sheep polls , dry , per Ib , 9 ( < 7 > 12c. Tallow , No.
l@ Mc ; No. 2 , 2) ) @ 'lic. ) Grease , whlto ,
f < lc ; yelloxv , 2 , ' ' ( ii3c.
Vooi. Fine , avoruce , 15(3)1(50 ( ) ( ; medium ,
average , 21 ( < J22o ; quarlur blooti , average , 20
@ 21c ; coarse average , 15@17e ; cotts and
rough , avrrago , ll@IOc.
Funs Heaver , per Ib , $2.00@.1.50 , each ,
$2.00(30.00 ( ; otter , each , $3.tHi ) ( 700 ; wolf ,
each , 59c ( " $ l.25 : coon , each , 2-X'$75c ; mink ,
each , 155i"iiOo : musk rat , full , fijijUc ; skunk ,
rat , ifiMftOc ; br.dgor , rat , 2jiSOo ( ; deer skins ,
fall , per Ib , lS@27c.
UuTTKKtxr. 1'ubs , 14o ; rolls , 15c.
Ai'i-i.r. itUTTnu Cc.
ONIONS 15(7T20c. (
HUTTEH Creamery , fancy. 22@33c ; choice
20@21c. Dairy , fancy. 17t'fSu ; choice , 15
© lc. ( ! Country , fancy , lll@17o ; good to
choice , 14gl5i ( : ; fair , lOyile ; inferior , 7
( < * Sc.LIVE
LIVE PinisoNS Per doz. $1.50.
GAME Prairie culckcn , $3.00 ( 8.50 ; mal
lard ducks , $3 50(7(3.00 ( ; mixed ducks , $1.50(3 (
1.75 ; teal , SI.23@l.fiO ; Jack snipe , $1.00@1.23 ;
quail , $1.75@2.00 ; jock rabbits , $3.00C' .t.50 :
small rabbits , ? 1.00i7)l.20 ( ) ; squirrels , tl.OO ®
1.10 ; plover , $1.00@1. 25 ; venison saddles , 13-
gillc ; carcasses. bu > 10c.
ItsANS Choice hand-nicked navy , SI. 75 ®
2.00 ; choice hnnd-picKcd medium , $1.(55 ( ( < §
1 bO ; choice linnU-uickcd country , Sl.75@l.SO ;
uk-an country , $1.0" ft 1.75 ; inferior country ,
CHEIISI : Young Americas , full cream ,
12c ; factory twill * * , 10c ; off grades , " ( jTbc ;
Van Rossou IMom , $11.)0 ner doz ; sap sago ,
19c ; brick , 0@lc ( ) ; limburger , S@9c ; uomes-
tlu Swiss , 13 ( < l4c.
LKMO.NS Fuucy , $000@3.50 ; choice , ? 3.50
@ 0 00.
'CKANiiinr.ti:3 Capo Cod , ? 9.00@10.00.
Oitvxots Louisiana , per box , $1.00.
IU'CKWIIKAT FLOUII Per bbl. , $0.50.
Giui-cs N. Y. Concord , per basket , S5@
AiTi.r.s Pcr bbl. , $1,00(23.00. (
C.ii.iroiiviv ( jiiM-cs ? 1.30ji$1.75. (
C tMroii\i v Pi.fiis Jl-50.
PK-.IIS 40 Ib. boxes , § I.75@2.75.
HAV VIS According to size , per hunch ,
$2.00(3300. ( '
CofovxuifS Per 100 , ? 3.00.
AITM : I3i TTKII 5c.
CIDDK 13bls , S5.50 ; bf.bbls. $3.00.
M.uv.c Sio \ u12) ( uil5c per Ib.
VEIL Choice , medium size , 4 ( J.'ic ; choice
hcavv 3f ? to.
llosEi Ko ! per Ib for choice.
PKBSCKVI : * 9' ' r@lOc ner Ib. 3 > iQS4c per Ib.
Huiswix : No. 1 , lf.19e.
Pies FKCT PlckleJ , kits , 75c ; pickled
ilgs tongues , kits , < 2.35 ; piuicled tripe , kits ,
[ 55c ; plcklud H. C. tripe , kits 85c ; spiced pigs
uoclss , kits , $1.15. i
HRBpToNGfts Salt , bbls , ? 20.00 ,
HAY $4.00g3.)3. ( ( )
FKBl-S10.0012.00. .
Por\roL3 20@5c. !
( iroccrles.
Puovisioxs Houis , N'o. 1 , 10-lb average ,
> u : 20 to 22 Ibs , lOc ; 12 to 14 Ibs , lie ;
shoulders , 5c : breakfast bacon. No.
1. c ; ham b.iusage , 9c ; dried
beef hams , S'jc ' ; beef tongues , 50.00 per ; dry salt meats , 4i'i < iT > ljj'e DT lt > ; Imui
roulette , (5Vj'endd ( ; Ic per Id forsmall lots.
PICKUP Medium , per bbl. $1.50 ; small ,
$3.50 ; gherlcins , $050 ; C. & 13. chow chow ,
qts. $3 > 3 ; pts. S3.40.
CVMIV 9'j ( < ? l2 > fo porUi.
Cnocoi\in AXII Coc'04 21@37c per llj ;
German chickory , red , 7'rfc. '
Cixmu ! .lumiilcu , \ $ pints , ? 3.0v ) per doz.
COITKU Green -Funcy , olU poldon Rio ,
J < c ; fancy old puabcrry , 23c ; Rio choice to
fancy , 22o ; Rio , prime , 20c ; Rio , good ,
20c ; Mocha , 30c ; Jayn , fancy Mandohlnijr ,
2'Jo ; Java , good Interior , 2lc ; African , 21c.
Cori'Hi : Roasted Arbucklc's Arosla ,
' 8o ; McLaiighlin's XX.\X , 24J o ; German ,
t ; c ; Dilworth , 23 e : Alaroma , 24,1a'o.
SUUAIM Cut loaf , 9JbC ; cut loaf , cubes ,
9c : stundard. powdered , 9J c ; XXXX ,
powdered , 914Fc ; granulnted , standard , 8c ;
confcctlonors' A , 7-Vc ; Whlto , oxtr.i C-7J o ;
extra O , Nebraska , 7)s'c ) ; amber , 7J60 ; Cali
fornia golden C , 7c.
SAbstoi ; liolognn , 4Kll5c ! : Frankfort ,
7ctonguc ; , 8) ) u ; summer , 18c ; head cheese ,
6)40.Pour )
Pour TUV Chickens , per do ? , live , choice
Id , S2.75Sj3.00 ( ; springs , $2.50r < ? 3.75 ; dressed
porlb , 10V ( < ) llc ; turkeys , live , b@9c ; dressed ,
HGli2o ; : ducks , live , per doz , $2.5U@3.00 ;
dressed per Ib , Ill2o ; geese , live , per doz ,
$0.00(3800 ( ; dressed perlD , Il@l2o.
L\iiiTiorccs Refined , 6 40 ; pure leaf ,
OJi'c ; kettle rcndcrcii , 7c. Add ? 8c to c for
smaller Quantities.
LYI : $1.73@1.50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; IBrazils , 7o ; fll-
berts , lie ; pecans , 10o ; walnuts , 12 > o ; pea
nut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc.
WuiiM'i.NO PAIT.I : Straw , per Ib , 1J/ ®
2Ku ; rng , 2) ) o ; manilla , U , 5.IO ( o ; No.
1 , be.
SALT Dairy , 230 lb * > in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , CO , 5s , $2.30 ; best , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 ; best grade. 23 , ' 10s , $2.20 ; rocic unit ,
crushed , fl.Sil ; dairy salt , Ashlon , 60-lb bags ,
S5u ; bulk. 224-lb bugs , $3.25 ; common , iu
bbls , $1.25.
FAUIXACBOUS Goons Uarloy , 3 ( < ? 3J c ; far-
lana. 4) ) o ; peas , 3io : oat meal , 2 % ( < 5o ; mao-
aroma , llo ; vorinicolla , lie ; rice , 3j ( 7o ;
sago and tapiocn , 0@7c.
FISH Salt Dried cod fish , 5) ) @S ) o ; scaled
herring , 2lo nor box ; hoi. herring , dom. , 50e ;
HumDiirg , spiced horrln ? , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
imp , , 85o ; mackerel , largo family , $10.23 per
100 Ibs ; whlto fish , No. 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.75 :
trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $350 : anchovies , 85i * .
CAXXII : MHATS Corned beef , Urough-
man , 2-tb , ner doz. , $2.10 ; corned beef , Ar ,
mour's , 2-lb , per doz , $3.03 ; corned beef ,
Lioby's , 2-lh , $2.10 ; 2-lb lunch tongue , $5.00 ;
Mb lunch tongue , $ . ' ,7.512t } \ ham , $ J.85 ; 3-lb
brawn or hoadchci'so , 1200 ; 3-lti pigs' feet ,
$2 40 ; 3-lt > roast chicken , $2.30 ; 2-lf. roast turkey -
key , $330 ; potted ham , yt U > , $1.23 ; 1-H >
chipped occf , $2.13.
DIIIKD FIIUITS Currants , new , ;
prunes , casks , lU001bs,4'i' ' ( ; 4io ; prunos.bbU
or bags , 4)f@4Jo ; citron pueU. drums , 20 Ibs.
22o ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , ICu ; faril
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , 'Jo ' ; apricots , choice ovup-
orated , 14ci apncots , Jolly , cured , 23U > boxes ,
15o ; apricots , fancv. Mount Hamilton , 25-lb
boxes , ICa ; apricots , choice , bags , bO Ibs ,
14Ko ; apples , evaporated , Alden , 50 Ib boxes
Oo ; apples , Star , 8 0 ; apples , . 'aaoy At-
don , 5 Ib , lOo ; uuples , fancy Alden , 7 Ib , lO o-
black'jerrlea ' , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 6Jiifi (
0) ) 0 ! chornos , pitted , dry cured. 15o ; pears ,
California fancy , 4 s boxes , 23 Ib , 12Ko
peaches , Cal No 1 , fancy , > 4'sunpbags,80 Its
15c ; nectarines , red , 12o ; nectarines , silver ,
bags , 12o ; pitted plums. Cat , 25 Ib boxes , Ho1
raspberries , eviip N Y , now , 27e ; prunes ,
Cal , U C , 90-100 boxes , 35 Ibs , C o ; prunes ,
Cal , H 0 , 00-70 , Oo ; orange peel. 15o ; raisins ,
California Loudons , crop Ibb9 , $2.40 ; raising
Cal loose , muscatels , crop 1838 , tJ.OOOW.lO !
Valencies , 18b3 , 80.
CANNED Fisii-Urook trout , 3 IU. $3.40 ;
isltnon trout , 3 Ib , ti.33i clams , 1 b , fl.25 :
clams , 3 Ib , $0.10 : cla ni chowder , 31b , $1.23 ;
lovilcd crab * , I Ib. 52.25' , deviled crabs , 3
b , $3.50 ; codfish bnll > , 2 Ib. $1.73 ; cavicr , Jf
b. $ i.33 ; eels. I Ib , $0.40 : lobsters , 1 Ib , $ lw ! ;
obsters , 31oJPO ; lobston , deviled , X Ib ,
$3,23 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , 41,75 ; mnckcrol mus
tard sauce , n Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $3.25 ; oysters , 1 Ib , r 5o ; oysters ,
3 Ib. 51.00 ; salmon , C. U , , 1 Ib. $2.00 ; salmon ,
C. H. , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; dalnion , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.(50 ( ;
inlnion , Alaska , 3 Ib , lfJ.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
"OILS Kerosene P. W. 0 , o ; W. W. 12o ;
.cadllght , salad oil , ? 2.15V9.0J ( { per
lozcn ,
STAIICII 3J47o ( per lu.
STOVI : Pot.i9it-tlOOrt5.97per ( RPOSS.
SPICKS Whole , per Ib Alliplce , Oo ; Cas-
sla , China , No ; clove * , Ponani ? , 23c ; nut-
negs , No. 1 , 75cj pepper , l ( jj :
Dry Ooods.
PIIIXTS Pink nnd Hobcs Richmond , flo ;
Allen , Co ; Rlvcrpomt , 5 > c ; Stool River ,
Paclllc , (5 ( c.
XTi IniHro Hltio St. Loger , OKo ;
Washington , ( l ) c ; American , 0) ) < jc ; .Vrnold ,
OWc ; Arnold Century , I'o ; Windsor Gold ,
1'k't , lOKc ; Arnold 11 , 10' c ; Arnold A , 1205
Arnold Gold Soul , lOJ o : Yellow Seal , 10 > ic.
COM roiiTKissl. ( . 50 ( :53. : 00.
COIISKT JK VX3 Uoston , 7VCAndroscoff ; -
: ln , 7Ji'c ; ICtMrsago , 7Jfc ; Rockport , O c ;
Concstoga , ( V/c.
Ciusit Slovens' 11 , SJijo ; Stovtms' A. 7o :
Jlcachcd , So ; StoveiiR1 P , ijfc ; bleached
Sfo ; Stovctii1 N , 8)jo ; bleached , 0 > ic ;
fa tovons' SUT , HMc.
DKXIMSAmoskeag , 0 07 , lV ( c ; Kverott , 7
07 , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13o ; Haymaker , SKc ;
Tnffrey , XX. lll/o ; JalTroy , XXX , 12 'Jo 5
Heaver Crook , AA , 12o ; Ue.ivor Creek , itIJ ,
lie ; Ueavor Creek , CC , lOc.
GIXOIHM Plunltctt , checks , OJfo ; Whit-
Housekeeper , 8' ' e ; New Candidate , HJ o ;
licrkoloy cnmtirlc. No. 00 , Oc ; Yon Hot , 4-1 ,
Sfe ; butter cloth , OO , 4' ' c : Cabot , 7) ) 01
urwcll , half blciu'licd , S'fo ; Krnlt of Loom ,
S2fo ; arecn G , Oe ; Iloi'e , "Ho ; KliiR Phillip
cambric. lOo ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ; l on.s-
ilale , SHe ; Now Yont mills , lOo ; I'cpperoll ,
12 In , lOc ; 1'eppcrell , 4(5 ( In , llo ; I'cpperoll ,
0-4 , H } < fe ; Ponperell , 8-4 , 20o ; Pepporell , 0-1 ,
22e ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 2lo ; Canton , 4-4 , S , ' c ;
Canton , 4-4 , 0fo ; Triumph , Oo ; Wamsutta ,
lie ; Valley , fie.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7fc } ; International ,
YYScShetucUet ; , S , S } e ; Wnrrcn , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Horwielc , IJA , ISo : Acme , 13c ; York.
0 In , 12 > o ; York , 32 In , 13 c ; Swift Uivor ,
So ; Thorndike , OO , 8J c ; Tliorndlko , Kl \
SKo : Thorndike , 120 , ! ) K ; Thoriuliko , XX ,
ICe ; Cordlt , No. 5 , tHijo ; Cordls , No. 4 , lOJfe.
UrcK West Point , 281n , 8oz , ! > K ; Vfost
Point , 20 In , 10 oz , ISJtfcVost ; Point , 29 In ,
12 oz. Ifi' c ; West Point , 40 In , 11 or , ICc.
Fi.AXjfKi.s Plaid Haftsmcn , 20e ; Clear
Lake , 3l ! ) c ; Iron Mountain , 2c.
PniNTS Solid Colors Atlantic. Co ; Slater ,
Oo ; Berlin oil , C-Ko ; Garner oil. 0@7c.
SimiTi.N-o CIIKCKS Caledonia X , OWe ;
Caledonia XX , lOi o ; Economy , lc ) ; Otis. 9c ;
Branlto , OJtfe ; Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw
River plaids , BJ-jC.
SiicuTixn , UUOWJT Atlnntio A , 4-4 , 7 fc ;
Atlantic II , 44 , "o ; Atlanlio D , 4-4 , C c ;
Atlantic 1' , 4-1 , Oo ; Aurora tiU 4-1 , ( ic ; AUrora -
rora C , 4-4. 4c : Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ/o ;
lloosler LL , 1-4 , iV o ; Inilinn Head , 4-4 , 7o ;
Lnwreuco F-.IJ , 4 4 , 5JC ? ell Dominion , 4-4 ,
" > > tC ; Peppcrell U , 4-4 , 0fc ? : Pepperoll E ,
40-inuh , 7'/c ; Pepnoroll , S-4 , 17Wc ; Pepporoll
0-4 , 20o ; Pepporoll 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca C ,
4ft | ! ! ; Wnchusetts , 4-4 , 7e ; Aurora I { , 4-4 , 7c ;
Aurora H , 4-1 , O'rfo.
FtAXxni.sVliltoG. . II. No. 2 , ? f , 22 > < fc ;
O. H. No. 1 , 5f , 20 } < fo ; G. H. No. 2 , Jf , 22' c ;
O. ll. No. 1 , % , 30c ; Quecheo No. 3,1/ ; , .TJ'i'o :
Qucclico No. 2 , J , U7 } o ; Anawan , 32 | c ;
Windsor , 2W C-
FIAXXCLS Kcd C , 24 ineli , 13' . c ; K , 24
inch , Bljfo : G G.21 ineh , 20o ; H A F , % ,25c ;
J K F , ft7c ; G , % , 25c.
UATTS Standard , Se ; Gem , 8c ; 13eauty ,
12Xe ; lioonc , 14o ; U , cased , S0.30.
liMNKCTS Whlte$1.00 57.50colorcd1.10 ;
@S.)0. ( )
VAIIP Hlbb , white , 18 > o ; colored.
COTTON' FIAXNHLS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
B. S c ; ( JO , 9/c ; XX , lJ' ( < o ; OO , ll c ;
nblpached , LL , 6 Wo : CC , ( JJi'o ; SS , 7 fo ;
NN , ISKc ; AA , 14c ; DD. ISJio ; TT. lO c ;
YY , ISis ; HIJ , 19c ; 20 , bleached , 8 > c ; CO.
12 } c ; W ) , 13J < Jc ; 50 , brown and Mate , Uo ; 70 ,
12'Tjc ; ' . " ( ) , lOc.
KBXTU KV JCAXS Hercules , 17c ; Leam
ington , ; ! 2'o ' ; Glenwooil , 20 ; Melville , 23c ;
Haug-up , 27'.jc ; Memorial , 15c ; Standpoint ,
ISc ; Durlium , 27iic.
Mi-CEhnvxuous Table oil eloth , $2.50 ;
tnblooil cloth , marble , $2.50 ; plain Holland ,
9 'cdado ; Holland , 12) < c.
I'niNTS Dress Charter Oak. So ; Kamapo ,
4c ; Lodl , 5 , ' c ; Allen , ( Jo ; Richmond ; Cc ;
Windsor , C , K ; Kddyatono , O/ ; Pacific ,
nn ( I Kopo.
HIXDEIITwixi : Sisal , liij c ; hemp,14Ko ;
muiiilla , 15c.
Ci.oTinsi.ixr.s Cotton. 50 ft , $1.20 ; cotton
CO ft , 51.40 ; jute , 50 ft , 90c ; jute , CO ft , ? l.OO.
COTTON TWIVI : Fine , 2c ( ) ; medium , lOJtfe ;
heavy hemp , 14c ; light hemp , 17c.
SAU , Tnixn-lt , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14e ;
Manilla rope. lOa'c : sisal rope , lli < c ; now
product , 9c ; jute , 9) c , cotton , H5c ; hide
rope , 17.
Lumber and JtuiNlliiK IMalcrial.
STOCK HOAKIIS A. 12 inch , P 1 s 14 and 10
feet , $4(5.00 ( ; 13 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , Hand 1C feet ,
$11.00 ; C 12 inch , s 1 H 12 , 13 und 1(5 ( feet ,
$ : ! 0.00 ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 nnd 1(5 ( foot ,
$23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 iu , sis , 12 foot , $18.00 !
No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $17.500 ?
13.50 ; No. 1 com , 13 in , s 1 s , 10 , 18 and 211
feet , $10.50 ; No. 2 com , 13 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10
feet , $17.00.
POPUP. LrMiirju Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s 2 s , $1VOO ; clear poplar. % panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , § 25.00 ; clear
poplar , J in panel stock wide , s 3 s , $23.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated coiling , J , $29.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5 > inch halves nnd S inch quar
ters , lie ; white cedar , 4 inch round , ICe ;
Tennessee , red cedar , split , ICu ; split oak ,
whlto , 8c ; sawed oak , 17c.
SimLaNo. . I plain , Sand 18 Inch , f 17.50 :
No. 2 plain , 8 und 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18.00.
12 ft 1 1 ft 1C ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 34 ft
2x1. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1(500 ( 1000 1800 1900
2M5..15 00 15 00 15 00 1(5 ( 00 1C 00 18 00 10 00
2x8. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 1(5 ( 00 1(5 ( 00 18 00 19 00
2x10. . . 15 00 1500 1500 11)00 ) 11500 18001900
2x12. . .15 00 15 00 15 00 1(5 ( 00 1C 00 18 00 19 00
4x18x9.1(500 ( 1(500 ( 1000 1700 1700 18001900
Fr.NCixo No. 1 , 4 nud Oinch , 13 and 14 ft ,
rough , $1(5.00 ( 10 50 ; Nol , 4 und 0 inch , 1(1 ( ft ,
$17.0017.50 ; No. 2 , 4 und (5 Inch , 13 ami 10 ft ,
$ I3.51 ( ) 1.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 ft , $15.00
@ 10 00.
FINISHING 1st and 3d clear , l > f inch , s 3 s ,
$19.0U@51.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , IK and 3
Inch , s 2 B , $47.00050.00 ; 3d clour , ! ! ; inch , ft
2 s , jit.0l | ! ( 4.00 ( ! ; U select , lif , 14 and 2 inch ,
s 2 s , $ ,17.00C'C'3s.OO ; 1st nnd 3d clear , I men , s
2 s , $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , S-'Hi 00 ; A
. select , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; 11 select , 1 inch , s
3 s , $30CO.
BiiiNii.ia ( : , L mi Per M XX clear , $1.15 ;
extra * A * , $3(50 ( ; standard A , $2.(1) ( ) ; 5-Inch
clear. ? 1.U1.70 ) ; c-Inch clear , $1.751,60 ;
No. 1 , $1.10I1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $3. 10 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $1 r > 0 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
luth , $2.'iO.
IJoAuns No. 1 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 1C ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 com sis 12 , 1 1 and II ) ft , $1(1.60 ( ;
No. it rom s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $14.50 ; No.I
com sis 12 , 14 nnd 1(1 ( ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Add 6o ( ) per M ft for rough ,
Halts , 2) ) inch , OOo ; O. Cr. itutts , 3) $ ( 3 , ss ,
85o ; ! t-ln well tubing. D , ft M. and bev.
S22.10 : tuckets , D. .Sc II. , flat , $22.00 ; pickets.
D. & I ! . , square , $ lf , ( )0 ) C = )
FJ.OOIIISO 1st com (5-Inch ( white pine ,
$31.00 ; 3d com U Inoh white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com 0-inch while piun , $20,00 ; D com 0-iiich
whlto pine , $20.00 ; com t nnd 0-inch yellow
pine $15.00 ; Star 4-Inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st and 3d clear yellow piuc. 4 und ( Much ,
$10.00 ,
white pine partition , $ . ' 12 00 ; 3d Com , % In
whlto pine partition. $27.03 ; clear % iu , yel
low pine celling , $20,00 : clear ? In , Norway ,
$14,60 ; 3d Com , % in Norway , f 12.60.
LISIE Best , 85c ,
Cr.MiiNT $1 35.
I'M STKK $2.23.
H AIH 300.
Huii.nixo UICICK Common , $ fl.00' ' < i7.00 per
M ; selected , $7.00fa8.00 ' per M ; bower brick
W.OOM9.0J per M. ,
round for Pound ,
Time : Moore "Did you suvo ns much
money as you thought you would by
snondiiiL' tno Buininur } n the country ? '
ljooro ( with a hard , blttor laugh )
"riavo inonoyl Why , man , my wife has
put up sixty jura of prcsorvoal"
California Prodnutn.
It is but a short time slueo ollvo oil of
? nllfornin was not known to any o.vHcut
n the markets of this Btnto , says the
Sail Francisco UulloUn. Hut ollvo
roes htul boon growing for nearly or
quito n hundred years. Tlioso pioneer
rcos were confined to the mission
orchards. Within the last llvo years
the demand for the olive oil of Call-
brnla has boon fat- ahead of the pro-
Itictlon. Most of It 1ms boon sola on
ho spot. Iloro are four products of
California that promise to obtain the
control of the markets of this country
nnd to obtain commercial rocoRiiition
ibroad. vl ? : raisins , OKH , primus and
olive oil. Perhaps tu those , at no dis-
unt day , will bo added the currants ot
commerce. No other stuto will com-
> oto with California for the fli-it place
n the production of those frtiltsiuultho
iltimato possession of the markets of
his country.
Hoiiietlitnc to Uctnnnilicr.
If you are gn\\\K \ \ \ cast , remember the
'Hoclc Island Hotito" run the sleepers
and chair cars of their solid vestibule
ruin to and from the Omaha depot ,
caving Omahii at 8-lo : p. m..thus avoid-
n < T the transfer at Council Hluirs. Three
lolid trains Oally. All chair cars are
rcc. Dining : CUM on all through trains.
Our trains inalro eloso conuoctloiis with
ill eastern limited trains connecting
'n union ( lopol at Chicago , avoiding n
ransfor across the city to parties on
onto to Now Yorlc , Uoston nnd other
sastcrn cities , "and everything n little
juttor than other lines can olYor. "
Ticket olllco.ino1) Piirmun. Uon'l W. A
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
$05 South Ittfli Struct , -
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
omccrs nnd Directors K. M. Morncmixn , f >
M. Hitchcock , .los. Oftrncnu. Jr. , A. Henry , K
H. Aiiilor on'm. . U.Muul , v urns. : I , . II.
mns , A. 1' . Hopkins , jircs. ; A , Mlllivr , ! .
' . II. llryunt , usslatnut cashier.
CnpHnl $400.000
Surplus .Ian. 1sl , 1S8 ! ) oil,000
Ilr.Niir AV. YAII : * , I'rcslileut ,
1.1SW i1 * S. I < KII > . Vlco 1'ruslacnt.
A. K. Tou/.ti.ix.
AV. V. iioimr.
J.N. II. I'KTitirK ,
W. II. S. lluiinx. : c.isliler.
Cor. li.'lliiiul : I'linuiin Sts.
A General liankluir llusluessTransacted. .
Correspondence solicited. COMpANES , , ETC.
tl.W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
163-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
70 Stale Street , BOSTON.
Euccciinn to Heed , Jonci li Co.
f holesale Manufacturers of Boots & Snoss
Agenti for lloiton Uubbcrblioo Co. , I10J. HOlauailU ]
llarnojr clreut , oiutliit , Nehruskn.
Z & ILEIt ,
Beer Brewers ,
IU1 North Bltilitctntli stroel.Oir.aUa , Net ) .
Manufacturers of Galvanized IronCornicB
_ Steam fittings , Pu m pa Etc
PnniDS , Pines anil Engines ,
Btiam , water , rnllwny nn < l mining uppllo , to ,
WO.Wiand VII ( mam ilr jt , Oiimliiu
U. S. WIND EKOINU ,1l > 171(11' ( CO. ,
Sicaai and Water Supplies ,
[ JalllJuj < nlnl rallli , 918 nn > l .m jonen it. , Oiualik.
( J. K Itoti , AotiiJtf Mnnnter ,
A CO. ,
Engines , Boilers anil General Machinery ,
Ehtet-lrcm wori , ili > Km piiLi | , raw inllli ,
PAXTON A VIIMLINU ntox wonics ,
Vronght anfl Gait Iron Biiilding WorK ,
'lnei , tirm work , gpneral tounjry , marbl
bluck ! ullli wurk. unlcenii'l wurki , U , I" , 1
unJ Kill ilreet , Oinulin.
OMAUA wini : A inox
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing
JJeik i ll § , irlmlow Duarili , llnwer itaodi , w
Ie. 1. ) .Vorili Kill itmol.Uuinlia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire aim Burglar Iroof Safes ,
Vnulli , loll work. Iron tlnittcri nii'l ' ttra cuapti ,
U. AuJrenJ. uruu r. t or < r Ufa anil Jackiuu ilk ,
Such , Doors , Eto.
31. A. DIMiltOW ACO. . ,
Wboleiala jnaufactur < r of
Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
llrancli oflic * . 12lli uaJ IzarJ lreeti , Omeka , NcS.
Of iioutli Oiualia , Liiuitci
TrsiAwiizr.rafij'jtMEF co.r
Agrlcnll'l ' Implements , Wasons , Carriage )
Itucclcs , etc.Vliolftnle. . Omah , Xvtirxka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Kitrnnm ilroot , Umixhit , Ncl > r .k .
Furniturs ,
Omntu , Nobrnskn.
' 3fcc'o/fi ) ; jiHJior A'
Wliolcsale Grocers ,
Itth mtl I. n nnonh trnptJ. Oniftli.i , .
ir. .
Heayy Hirflware , Iron and Sfeel ,
: pilnn , wftitim "lock , liHtilnnra , lumber tie. 1IOJ
ml 1111 llaro * ) sucsl , Om n Liu
Mnnutncturoronml Jnb on In
iis , Boggles Rake1 , , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. Pill nnd I'nclflo Mrcots , Oniftha.
1. HOSPn , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
15n L'ouxlnn ilrcvt , Oinili.i , Xcbri > 't .
Booto nnd Shoou.
II' . V. MOUSE A CO. ,
Jobbers of Boats and SUoes ,
101,1103 , UOSlJouBtni Urcnl , Omiitin. Mnimfnctcrr ,
Kunuuor Btrcul. IHnlun.
Conl , Colco , Etc. _
jr. TUA'rauuK COAL , GO , ,
Miners and Shippers of Coal an1 Cai
Ituoui I I * Niilmii il 1'iin'i Hull II i iliiii'i'i.
JotitCiS of Hdrd i-ni - S-Jtt - Coal ,
arjBonth 13tli ctroet , Omalin , Nol'r ik .
Stiippcrs of Coal and CoRe ,
314 South IStli lt..Om lm , Nob.
f bolesale Lninber , Etc ,
mporloJ nnd Anicrlrnn 1'orllanJcment. .
ngoutlor Mllw.ul ; , lijitruu loccmonl and
yulntj wliltu iimo.
( 'HAS It. LEE ,
Dsalcr in Wwtofl Lumber ,
,7ood cnrpcti mul pnrqin't lloorlni ; . 1'tli ni
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IStb etrcot anil LTnlun 1'nrlllr track. Omnlin.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Linfe , Sash ,
Doora , Ktc. YnnU Corner 7th anil rouclan. Offle
Corner llitli and
FJiED. ' . UltAY.
Lnmbe1 Limp Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner I'th ' anil DoiiKlns sis , Omnlia.
f. A' . DIEVZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lunger ,
13th anil California Mreili.Omalin , K brnsk ,
Millinery nnd Notions.
LOUEHFElbiil& CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
SOV.IUmidiSoulti ! lltb street.
_ Notions.
j. T. noliiKsoN x'onox co. ,
Wholesale Notions and Furiiisliing Good ! .
1124 Hnrnejr street , Olnulia.
Commission nnd Storngo.
Storage and Commission Mcrchanls ,
SpacluHlea-IlutliT. OBKS , clice'o. poultry , cam
1112 lluuarcl atruut , fjnittlin , MI. |
Dry Goods and Notions.
" >
Dry Goods , Furnishing M ] and Notions
110 ? nnd 1104 Dotifln" , cor. lltli atrcct , Our.ilia.Nob.
Importers & JoliteinDry Goods.Nolions .
QGBfl furnlibliie cooiK Cnrnir lllh nud " '
Blruuts.Oinulia. ' ' '
BnilWHariwira anfl Scale Repair Shop
llcclinnlc * ' tool niul lluffnlo ic lci. H05 " " '
trucl. Dumb * , } iat > .
Toys. JElo.
Jobber * of
Toys , Dolls , AHmis , Fancy Good ? ,
furnl > bln ( fonrtj , clillitien' * r r- '
tarimm ttrcut , Clinaliu , Noli.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
AxU grea > o , etc. . Orouha. A. 11. IlltliQ" , lM naiiert
Wholesale Paper Driers ,
Carir anlco tock or ( irliitlnir , nrai/pliiifunJ writing
| tr jpajlil attontlanitlrea o card paper
Chicago , Milwaiikee _ & SI , Paul R'/ ' ,
The licst Itouto from Oiinilia anil Council
! o
EAST = =
Chlcnt'o , AND .Milnnukcc ,
St. 1'aul , .Mliinrniiulls , Cellar KnpUIs ,
Itock Isluuil , Fiei'jiorl , Itucbfuril ,
Clinton , ] > iiliiiiio ( , Davenport ,
Miiillsun , .Innusrllle ,
\Vliionn , fu Crossc ,
JknJ all other Important points Kait , Nurtbiait and
For throiiwh llckett call < iu llio lltkel nt'i at at mil
Farnam Darker llluoor at Unh'a ' I'nuflo
JJopnt ,
Pullman Kle per and the duett Dlnluv Can In lh
wurlilare run on tli tnf.iii line ol llm I lilrani > , till ,
waiikfn A Ft 1'nul llaltnAf , uriil evvry alltntlon II
l > al < l Io iiaiiuiKer * \ > y tuurtuuui ujploy i of tli
conjpnnr. 1UMII.I.KK SuntTJl .Manamr ,
j. K.TI'CKKII , Ai.litarH icicr ; l Mnoni/er.
A. V u , CAIU'lCMhlt , Utneral I'anenver and
llckit Aatnt
UFO K , HKAFFOfll ) . A ulit at cneral
ftiiil Ticket
Teacher of the Violiiu
Opm fur eiiBugements ut concerts , cntvrtola *
lilouti vto.
At I'tiplU Hotldonco. Wl North 151U tre t ,
Oiuuliu. Nobrublta.
H ES 8 C U H E D i'1" nf
miHliilicTllllltAR EAR CUSHIONS
n U.ixn dt > r4 iU.ll > cll ; . t'OuluiUUt.