THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JTBIDAY , OCTOBER 18. 1889. NEWSFROMNEBRASKATOWNS A Furmor at Lodl Disappears Uu- clor n Oloud. ASYLUM OFFICERS IN SESSION. a'w i I'rlsoners nt Kearney Sentenced to Ten Vents Knoll for MiumlauRli- ter Doings of Odil Fellows at Urnnd Island. A Lodl Sensation. C.M.LAWAV , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special toTnn IJr.n. ] Tlie town Of Lodl i * much stirred up over the mysterious disappearance of Kmmct Hambrldgc , a prominent farmer. A j'.car ngo , whllo Mrs. Halnbrldgu wn < sick , It was discovered that Caroline Torgoson , n four teen-year-old utopdaughtcr 'of Ualnbrldgc , was about to become a mother. Suspicion ' Dolntcd to the stepfather , who turned up missing. Sheriff Penn subsequently arrested Bainbrldgo m Council Bluffs , brought him back to Broken Bow , when ho wus released on ball. The trial was postponed from time to time until last month. Meantime , the baby was born and shortly afterward died. At the trial , though strong circumstantial ovldcnco was adduced against Bainbridge , the girl , who had been living nt Ills liouso moat of the time during the scandal , posi tively swore that hu was not the father of her buhy. Upoti tier testimony , Bainbridge escaped conviction and was released. After the trialthe girl was sent to Gothea- burg to llvu. Hidnbrldgo came bnck to Lodl , nnd , as Is u'cncrully understood , raised 01)0 ) on his farm by a second mort gage. One day last week bo drove to Cozad , thirty miles. Returning , ho reached n house , about fourteen miles from Cozad , whore ho took supper. About dark the same evening his team walked into tbo yard of .lohn Mat ? : , who lives a few miles nearer Lodi , hauling the buggy , which was unoccu pied. From the buggy a package of dry goods and a whip were missing. There was no trace of Balnbridec. and Lo has not been BCOII since. Many parties have feared foul play anil have beoa searching the canyons for his body. Others believe that Baiubridgo li'as quietly departed from the country , tak ing this method of delaying pursuit. The theory of foul play Is reasonable from the fact that Bainbridge woa supposed to have the $ GO < V lately borrowed , on his person , mak ing a motive for robbery. Equally sensible is the theory that he has skipped , as it is said 'that the girl has gene away from Gothenburg and Is now somewhere in tlie state of Maine. tinbcoiln ANyliuu Olliourfl. BKATIIICK , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special Tclo- * -'Rraui to Tun Bnn.l The thirteenth annual mooting of tbo American Association of Im becile Asylum Officers is in session at the in stitute for imbeciles in this city. The ses sion last evening was duvoted to reports of superintendents and the reading ot the : ui- , nuul address of the president of tlio ussociu- tion. This evening's session was devoted to clerical reports , and upon the conclusion of the formal business a uerlod or social enjoy ment xras indulged , which was participated in by n number of invited guests iroiu this city and Lincoln. Ten Year.lOnch. . Kr.Aiixr.T , Neb. . Oct. 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bni : . | Judge Hainor sentenced Washington Pcttit to-day , who was con victed of manslaughter for shooting ills fallioV , to ten years in tlio penitentiary at hard labor. George Vancil , the West Kearney mur derer , who plead guilty of manslaughter yesterday , received a like sentence. Mrs. Julia 1'ottit , mother of Wasliinuton Pettit , was arraigned for trial as an accom plice in tlio 1'ottit , murder , plead not guilty and the case was continued until the next term of court. Grand l.odtco I. O. O. F. r GHANI > ISLAND , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKI : . | The crnnd lodge , I. O. O. P. , in session hero , uaraded the .streets this afternoon over five hundred 8trout. . They wore preceded by the Daugh ters of Uobeccu to the number ot ono hun dred in carriages. It was the finest proces sion ever witnessed on the streets of Grand Island. The following are the grand ledge officers elected for Iho ensuing year : Grant ! master , W. II. Barber , of Lincoln ; deputy grand master ; John Evans , Omaha ; grand warden , Loomhr , Fremont ; grand treasurer , Sam ilcLay , Lincoln : grand secrctury , D. A. Clinc , Lincoln. The Daughters of Hobecca elected the following olllcers : President state convention , Mrs. Armstrong , of Omaha ; vice president , Mrs. Beaten , Lincoln , Hccretary , Mrs. Witloy , Pawaco City ; treasurer , Mrs. Iloagland , North Platte. Delegates to the national convention at To- pcha , Kan. : Sadie Wricht , of Omaha , for two years ; Alice Williams , Lincoln ; Mrs. M. E. West , Omaha ; Mrs. Hunt , Kearney. The members of the L-raml ledge gave a pub lic entertainment at the opnra house , which was highly appreciated by the largo audi- cuco assembled there. Carritltl Off lli HESIINOFOHD , Neb. , Oct. 17. There was , quite a sensation created by an irate father uud a runaway couple at tbo depot when the 4 o'clock train pulled In. Miss Maud Bul lock , daughter of the Commercial hotel nro- | > rlotor , of Nonpareil , had secretly planned to meet her lover , William Wicker , of this iilnco , nnd tnlto the train forNcwoastlo. Wyo. U'ho old im.n got wind of tlio elopement in time to Intercept tlio disobedient pair just as they were about to go on the train. The , fathcr caught bold of Ills daughter and prevented - vented hnr from getting ou the train. Young Wicker stepped up to the girl's defense and then a struggle ensued. The girl pleaded with her father to Jet her go. She oaid she could not and would not return home with .him. Finally tbo old man's strength gave war and the youutr eouplo hoarded the train and wcro oil' before tlie old man could re cover his breath. North Plat lo iloiinblloanfl I tali IV. NOHTH Pi.ATin , Neb , , Oct. 17. [ Special to TUB Bii.J : The republicans of Lincoln county held a rousing ratification meeting at the court houso. Hon. J. I. Nesbitt , .ludco Church , II. M. Grimes and Holt Lungfnrd of North Platte , Jamot Morrison of Gaudy and J. W , Nation of Wallace addressed the largo audience assembled , Honllres and vocal and Instrumental uiusio were features of the oc casion. A Kcnrno.y I'nstor'M Allliotlon , KEAiiNEiNob. . , Oct. 17. [ Special Tola- Brain , to Tin : BenKev. ] . J. IX Kerr , for merly of Nebraska City , and Into pastor of the Presbyterian church here , bus under gone n sever. ) mental and physical derange ment within the past few wcoks , Ho was uccompanlod by friends to Chicago to-day , where ho will take medical advico. Ho will upend the winter in Milwaukee. Overwork nnd worry over business mutters Is assigned us tlio cause of tlio trouble. A Hlir Criminal Hooker. CCNTIIAI. CITV , Neb. , Oct. 17. | Special to THE Bun. ] Monday Judge Post com- MOnced what promises to bo a lengthy term of the district court. Thcro nro cluvcn cases on the criminal docket , the largest number for.ovor tun years. The cusu against Otto Foster for embezzling county funds was heard yesterday , ami although the state's evidences was positive and was not denied by the defense , Foster was sot free. Judge Post's Instructions amounted practically to orders for conviction , but tbo jury didn't ' fuel that way. The only point attempted to bo uiudo by tlio defense was , that Foster was u "clerk" and not a "deputy. " The criminal cao against Colonel Wcbstor Will bo heard in a day or two. The civil case ngalust Webster and 1m bondsmen Is also togo to trial this toriu , aud whoa It Is roacncd go long slogo will bo settled down to. The cnso is an mtrlciito onu , and every point will bo stubbornly contested , Suicide Near Wyiuore. nuATuicB , Nob. , Oct , 17 , | Spscl l Tclo | ram to TUB BEK. ! Coroner Itoo was bum- monod to the vicinity of Wytnoro this after noon to hold on inquest on ( ho body of John Wolf , a Gorman farmer , who had suicided by jumping Into a deep well on the promise * . The deceased was generally regarded ns de mented , and about six weeks ago made an attempt on his life by cutting a fearful gush In his throat with a razor. Ho had but re cently recovered from the first attempt on his life. Ho Is said to leave a family in com fortable circumstances. IM.ittFtninntli'H Now Industry. PiATTHMOtmt , Nob. , Oct. 17. jSpoclnl to TIIH BBE. | The first product of the Upper- maun tnconooscont Electric Lamp company wcro turned out yesterday and compare fav orably with tbo lamps manufactured by any custom firm. None but skilled workmen are employed aud the quality of all material tiRed is Iho best , nnd the company has orders' for lamps which can not bo lllled for some time nt tbo present rate of manufacture , which is 1,200 Ininp * per wt-ok. The cannclt.v of the factory Is O.IM5U lamp * per week and a full force will bo put to work soon. A iarriji& TOO runvious. The aiovo to Srcnro. fcnyder's Indorse ment lly Uf-rmnn Democrats. Circulars wcro distributed over the"wholn town and advertised In the Gorman Tribune announcing a meeting of German democrat * nt Twenty-sixth and Walnut streets at 8 o'clock last night. A small crowd gathered nt the appointed place , and , after waiting for some time , Julius Wordln Introduced biinselt ns the man sent out by Adam Snyder with Instructions to organize a democratic club for the hitter's special benefit. Ho stated that bo had expected to sco n gathering of COO or 81)0 ) people , but ns there was such a small attendance ho thought it advisable to adjourn the mooting until next Wednesday , but ex plained that the intention of the organizers was to have a club which would Mlpport Adam Snydcr without roforcnco to any other candidatu of cither party. F. C. Ulebo , a prominent democrat , de manded an explanation from Wcrdln us to what authority ho had for calling n democratic meeting and announcing English , German and Polish speakers. Ho nsUod if Adam Snydcr , or the central committee , or anyone else had authorized such a foolhardy proceeding as this attempt , to organize a club for the support of nny ono candidate , and predicted that Snyder would lose at least 200 or 800 votes on account of this foolishness. Ho denounced the attempt ns an outrage on the party , and ono * which would react upon the promoters. Werdln did not attempt to replybut merely stated that the ward was democratic and ho guessed Snyder would carry ii anyway. The meeting then adjourned Itself uncere moniously. The Danish democrats made nn attempt to hold a meeting at Gates' hall , at Twouty- sixtli and Walnut streets , but only live Danes enthused enough to meet , and alter waiting until 10 o'clock for some more ot their coun- tr.vmcn to materialize , they gave it up and loft In disgust. Ninth Ward Hcpnhlfc.inN. The republican club ot the Ninth ward held a regular mectinc at 2003 Farnam street last night. The attendance was largo and business was conducted with dispatch. Tlio members of tbo county central com mittee from tlio Ninth ward wore empowered to request the executive committee to furnish teams foe tiso on election day. P. M. Christiansen , George Simlcy and William D. Edwards were appointed a com mittee to canvas's the ward ami make a list of the names ami locations.of all voters in the ward. Tlio club adjourned until next Friday evening. .Seventh Ward ItcpnlilicmiH. At a meeting of tlie Seventh Ward Repub lican club last night ways and moans were discussed for getting out a full registration of tbo republican voters. Of the 1-10J voters in the ward less than -100 have registered. It was iinnily agreed to select two men from each precinct to canvass the ward for regis tration. Tlio men chosen wcro J. C. Thomp son and Erick T. 'Johnson in the First pre cinct , and Pctor Crlss and A. E. Baldwin in the Second precinct. Great wiitchsalo this week. Don't fail to fUtond it at Kdholin & Akin'a , corner ICth nnd Dodge , opp. P. O. III3TEC.T1VI2S IN SESSION. _ _ _ t ODleers Klcctnd mm 1/mcolu Chosen for I\ext , Year. The Officers' and Detectives' association of the United States held .its annual session at the Paxton hotel yesterday. Considera ble business was transacted , much of which was ticcrnt in its nature. A movement was inaugurated by which better communicating facilities will be bud in the future. The de tails of the plan are quite elaborate in their nature , and will bo perfected by tbo execu tive board. The association is composed of police ofll- cors ami detectives , and extends from the Atlantic to tlie Pacific , Inspector Byrnes , of the Now York police force , uomg tin active member. Its object is facilitation in detect ing criminals. But few members usually attend the meetings , the business being transacted by the executive board. The oillccrs elected yesterday wore C. A , Hawley , inspector of police ut Denver , presi dent ; A. L. Pound , of Lincoln , tlrst vice president ; John Fuller , Now York , second vice president ; Frank Anderson , Molinc , 111. , secretary and treasurer. . Tlio convention meets next year m Lin coln , the object boiuir centralization of loca tion in puicu of ineiaiiiL' . No Omaha olllcers Joined , as was antici pated , and the Omaha policy will receive no bunetit from tlie society. Why li uv 4 Turn. "Probably not ono purson iu as thous and knows why leaves cliiuifro thoii * color in the fall , " remarked an eminent botanist the other dny. "Tho common nnd old-fashioned Idea is that all this rod nnd golden glory wo sco now is caused by frosts. A true and soiontlllu ex planation of the causes of the colonu of loaves would nouussittUe u loiifj nnd intricate discussion. Stated briefly nnd in proper laiiKua o , those causes am these , says The Home : The green matter - tor iu the tissue of u leaf is composed of two colors , rod nnd blue. When Iho sap coaucs to How in the fall , nnd the natural jrrowth of tliu tree censes , oxid- niton of the tissue tnUos pltiuo. Under certain conditions the green of the lent changes to rod ; under different conditions il takes on u yel low or brown tint. The difference ) in color is duo to tliu difforcnuo in combi- imtiou of the original constituents of the green tissue and the varying con ditions of climate , exposure nnd goil , A dry , cold cllnmlo produces more brilliant follngo than one that Is dump and warm. Tills Is tlio reason Hint our American autumns are so much more gorgeous than those of Knclnud. There nro several things about loaves that oven science cannot ex plain. For instance , why ono of two trees growing uido by side , of the sainn ago uud having thofiamooximsuro , should lake on a brilliant red in the full and the other should turn yellow or why ono branch of a tree should bo highly colored nnd the rest of the tree hnvo only u yellow tint , uro questions that are impossible to answer as why ono member of a itunily should bo ior- feotly hcalthv and nnothor slclcly. Maples and oaks have the brightest col ors. Fun With an Kol. An Erie man hnd great fun the other day by letting a good eel loose in a crowded store and tolling the people to mivo themselves , as the big ratttosnako had oscnnud from the dime museum , in the melee a largo quantity of goods was badly dninngqd , boxes and jars smashed and the lloor Hooded with molasses. Four Indies fainted , The eel and the iiructicul joUor escaped. Great watch snlo this wool ; . Don't fail toattond it ut Kdholin & Alcin's , corner Ifitli and Uodge , opp. P. O. THE BLIGHT OF THE SOUTH , An Eldorado Blasted by the Igno- rirat Powor-o the Blacks. A FERVID APPEAL TO THE NORTH Henry Wnttorson Itofore the Nntlonnl Itonrd r 'Jratio , In ScsMoit ht Jjoiiisvlllc , Sjicnks of Iho Cross of Ills Country. Tim Ittditlo of Iho S LOUIBVIM.E , Oct. 10. At tlio second day's session of tlio National Hoard of Trndo rcso lutlons wcroadopted In substance as follows ! That our rivers mid tmrborn should bo Itn- proved and maintained by tlio general ROV- crniiiunt ; tluil congress prant , no ch.irtera for bridges over our navigable streams un less amply stifllclcnt in width nnd Icngtb ; tlmt congress should orfimilzoii naval rcsurvo force , nnd that conpross bo ashed to foster tlio merchant murina b.v ovcry legitimate menus especially to Soutli America. The Terry bankrupt bill was endorsed and n tncinorial adopted reciting its virtues nnd rocninmcudliiR It to roniiruss for enactment. A resolution was passed "rrqiiestltiR tlio Pan- American conpress to tal < o uetlon for tlio establishment of n unit of colmifjo common to nil tlio American people. The to-night witlniKrnnd banquet and nn address b.v llcmry Wntterson , who spolto on tbo general - oral stnto of the country. In concluding bis address Mr. Wntterson referred to tlio Kldorado the- now south at length , spealclng of the richness of the fields to bo opened up there. Ho added : "IJtit what is tlio value of nil this Ifva have not order and law remilaloil by intelligent and responsible government ? llowshalf It p.'ollt you or anybody if it bo not brought under the spoil of lhativizard's wand which wo call civilization , nnd to whom shall this wand bo committed to the Anglo-Saxon , with centuries of enlightened freedom behind him , or to the African , Just emerged from slavery ? "No ono can comprehend the moaning of this great menace to the prosperity of the south who lias not been there , who docs not live there : nor is it possible for it to bo treated with wisdom by any other than local ngencics. CnnnoL the thinking pcoulu of the north imagine , if they nro unable to sou this ) Can they not feel that they may trust Iho In telligence , the humanity , the Christianity of tbo south nnd the testimony of truly respon sible northern men who have gone sooth , to deal with this disease , which outsldo pressure has always aggravated and will always ag > gravnto ? " "I struggled earnestly and long to estab lish the black man and his rights under tlio constitution and Its amendments , but I am lllleti with no vain illusions born of sympathy and ignorance. I nm blind to none of the dangers that lurk amid tlio shadows of this great cross , which for some mysterious pur pose I know not what has been put upcn the south , but which , I do know , the south nlono can break , asthu south ulonohas berne it. " Grout wntch sale tliis weolc. Don't fail to attend it at Kdhohn fc Ainu's , corner 15tli and Dodge , opp. P. O. S1 OKT1NG M3WH. A Shoot. FOP IJlir Money. C. C. Hulctt , chief clerk at the Millard , nnd Eugene Morritt , day cleric at the same house , have been laboring under tho' hallu cination that they are crack wing shots. Frequent controversies have arisen between the two gentlemen over their respective. skill with the gun. and much feeling has been engendered. A crisis was inevitable. and their rivalry culminated yesterday morning in a match shoot , fifty blue rocus , eighteen yards rise , for 610,000 n side. It took place on the Omaha Gun club grounds , ticross the river , nnd re sulted as follows : Hulctt. . I 1011100011111110 llllllOllllOJ.1'110 < 1101110100111111 33 Merrill. 1 0110110111010100 00101010010 01U010 1001110101011110 20 Frank Parmclce noted as referee , and Mr. Morritt labors under the idea that he was shenniganoc out of the race. Ho claims that at least llfteen of the birds decided "dead" by Parinoleo wcrn't oven "dusted , " and has protested ngiinst the stake-holder , William Hoagland , from paying over the stakes. It is a very ugly situation. A Couple of Match Knees. "Airholo" Hilly Townsend and W. E. JCason will shoot a couple of match races Saturday afternoon for § 23 a side. The first is to bo " . " > live birds , Ul yards rise , English modified rules. The second "o blue rocks , IS yards rise. After these matches there will Do a sweepstakes shoot , particinatcd in by members ol botli the Omaha and Lofovro gun club4. lliMiiiRNRcy Knocked Out. Ullly Hennessey , formerly of this city , and ttio man who gave .Ilmmio Lindsay the hardest light ho ever bad , was knocked out by Charlie Turner before the Golden CSato Athletic club , San Francisco , Wednesday night , after u stubborn battle of forty-live rounds. THIS Sl'KEIJ KING. ICnccH. CINCINNATI , Oct. , 17. The attendance was large arid the track Rood. Summary : Maiden three-year-olds and upwards , thrce-quarton ) of a mile Chandler won , ( jovornor liosa sucond , Maud H. third. Time 1 : IS. Thrco-year-olds and upwards , seven furlongs longsAmos A. won. Kitchott second , Mcclciu H. third. Time I : : ) ' / . Three-year-olds and upwards , seven fur- IOHIH Lucy 1' . won , UUIIOUIIVQ bccond. Littrol third. Timo-l : : ) . Two-year-olds , Jlvo furlongs Clmntross won , Sena second , .la , Ta thin ! . Time 1 : UI. Three-year-olds and upwards , tiino fur longs Fannie won , 1-irutidolc.Uo second , 1'rinco Fortunatus third. Timo-1 Mitf. Edftcwater handicap , two-year-olds , tlirro- quarters of a mile lOxpurienco won , JJolli- ! fiiiK Rci-ond , Mount Lubunnon third. Time UIICCH , LISMNRTOX , Oct. 17. The attendance was largc.nnd the track fast. Summary : Two twonty-snvon class Wndo won , I Jar- cola HOi'oml , Marquis tnird. Time SjiSIif , Match between .yearlings Stamla won , Administer second. TimuIUf. : . Kroo-for-all Jack won. Harry Wilkes second , Juncmon thliit. Time ! i:15. : ' Two twonty-ono class Gold Leaf won , Uermudu second , Lottlo W third. Time O .1(1 . J J. Hlly.nhulh KUZMIKTII , N , J. , Oct. 17. The conditions wcro favorable. Summary : Sweepstakes , ono and one-sixteenth miles Lonpstruot won , Cracksman second , He- porter thrd. | Time 1 ; .VJ . Sweepstakes , three-fourths of n mile Gregory won , Hop second , Mauilo H third. Tiino 1:16. : Sweepstakes , thrcofourths of a mile Oregon won , Arab second , Eluvo thin ? . Time -1:18 : 4. HaiuiicniuuvoopstaUes , ono and three-six teenth * iniles Hurrlstur won , liurnslilo second end , Tboodosms third , Time 2:07Jf. : ' Sweepstakes , live and one-half furlongs Miiidon won , Swift Bccond , Burnout third , Time 1:10. : o 'J'urklHli Truii ) ) * mutiny. LONDON , Oct. 17. The report of the mutiny of thrco companies of Turkish soldiers at Canoa , Crete , fs confirmed. The oftlcursvuro beaten and wounded. Chaklr 1'aslm is helpless. A Drunkard .SiileliloH. TAUNTON , Muss. , Oct. 17 , John Llnneliun , of Fall Ulvor , serving a scntupc.o for drunk enness hi ] uil here , hanged himself in his cell curly this morning. Four Aion Hailly Injured. ' WIL KisiiAiiiiE , Pa. , Oct. 17 , A boiler in the packing liouso of H. Kelnborg , nt Carbondale - bondale , exploded this morning , probably fatally - tally injuring four wen. HER MONEY. i i i _ . Terrible Pnto of n FAllen Woman xt ' ' C'ovlnutoti. Sioux CITT , la. , Oct. 17. Iho town of Covington , Nob. , Just opposite this city , which has been , tljp homo of nil the thieves and prostitutes tlmt wcro driven out of Sioux City , has addcfpiuiotticr crlmo to Its record. Sunday night Ida Kiklnrc , an ininnto of Nell Johnson's ' notorious resort , was horribly bcnton by a visitor to the house , receiving six wounds , frtimowhlch s'10 ' 'Hc ' l l"'s ' morn ing , The facts' ' 111 the case as learned by n visit to Covington nro that oa the night In question n strrirtgc ? , of prepossessing appear ance , went to tbo Johnson pla.'o and , becom ing apparently struck on tbo Kildaro girl , went to her room. A short time after the man came down and went out , but as the girl did not nppear , an investigation fol lowed , which resulted In finding Iho woman lying in n pool of blood , unconscious. Blood was mulling from a ghastly wound on the tumplo whllo her body wes covered with cuts moro or less severe. Upon being brought back to consciousness tlio victim told her story. She hnd fallen asleep and whllo sleeping the man had bound her hand and foot. Just as he had her securely bound she awakened and attempted an outcry , but the stranger crasped her by the throat , then pulling n revolver from bis pocket , struck her over the head until she uccamo uncon scious. Hobbcry was the aim of the man , ns bo took all the money in the room , about 97 , a gold watch and chain nnd Jewelry , and oven slipped the rings from the girl's hand. Medical aid was at once summoned but the victim was so weak from the loss of blood that she could not revive nnd died this morning. Tlio girls is a well known charac ter about Covington resorts , although only about eighteen years of ago. Ida Kildaro was not her real name , but ovch when dying she refused to dlvulco hur real name. She said she Hud a mother at her home , but re fused to say where her homo was. The funeral - noral was hold to-day. No clue leading to the apprehension of the man who did tbo deed has been found. Ho was seen emerg ing from the house , coming directly acres ? the pontoon bridge to this city. Although the city has boon thoroughly searched no trace of the murderer has been found. It was luarned to-day that tbo girl's ' real name was Ida Stewart , nnd her father , Will- lam Stewart , a prosperous farmer , lives ut Qalt , 111. A telegram was received from htm to-day forbidding shipment of the remains of tbo girl and declining to do anything what ' ever. The coroner's Jury to-day found that tbo girl camu to her death at the hands of an un- unown party. Supreme Court Doolslons. DBS MoiNr.s , la. , Oct. 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE Uin/l The supreme court rendered the following decisions hero to day : II.V. . Glcason vs the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company , jippcllant ; Kookuk district ; ; reversed ! Stnto of lowavs.lohn Howinan nnd George .T. liowman , appellants , Mc.rsliall district ; ufllrmcil. Orestona Hoogc.vs John Hoocre and Ger trude Hooijo , appellants ; O'Brien district : aflirmcd. , . ] Ira Cook vs , J-t I. MacFarland et al , ap pellants ; Hoone district ; reversed. H. A. Granirer. vs.F. S. Uriniu , assignee , et al , appellants ; .Delaware district ; re versed. . , i : F. IX Hobbms , , tappcllant , vs James Dig- gins and John Ilc'nnessy ; liuchnnun district ; reversed. . f The Odd CI.AKINDA , la. 'Oct. 17. At the annual communication pf.'tho grand lodge of Odd Fellows the following oftlcors were installed for the current term : J. C. Lougueville , grand master , Dubuquo' } 'Louis Hrcderman , deputy grand master , Cputicil Bluffs ; William Garrett - rott , secretary , Itilrlmgton ; L. Hoscman , grand warden , MpJiCezuma ; A. , T. Morrison , grand tre.'isurer , Ma'rengo ; Ii. M. Ilartimmn , Indlanola , grand. ijqprcsctitntlvc. The grand lodge to-day adopted a rcsolu- . tiou against admitting .to iiicmborsliin any person wlio has been" convicted of violation of tlio laws. This' refers particularly to violators lators of the prohibitory law in tills state. The next session of the grand lodge will beheld held in Ucs Moines. The alloxvanco for grand lodge dues was fixed at 0 pur cent , and $ 1,000 was appropriated for the expenses of the grand secretary's ofllco next year. State Sunntorlnl Nomination. DUIIUQUB , la. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The republicans of this county to-day nominated for the state senate General George W. Jones , ono of the pioneers neers and most distinguished men of Iowa. Ho was the first United States senator from Iowa , was ono of tho.sccond& in the famous Cilloy duel while he was in comiross , and was a life-long democrat up to 1SSI. Hois now over eighty years of age , but his mental vigor is untiuated , and ho is still a very in teresting man. Tlio county is overwhelm ingly democratic , but General Jones will make a lively canvass. Kolniked tlie ISrc\v ; ry Men. DES MOIXCB , la. , Oct. 17. The United States district court to-day threw out of court tbo case of tlio SchliU Brewing com pany , of Milwaukee , against the oftlcers of tbo Temperance Alliance at Iowa City. The latter seized a curload of beer lust Fob runry , which was afterwards ordered returned , but in tlio meantime thirty-live kegs were frozen and destroyed. Tlio brewery brought suit for SIO.OOU damaircs , but Judge Shiras de clares that his court has no jurisdiction , and sharply rebuked tbo plaintiff for this attempt ut retaliatory prosecution. The Presbyterian Synod. MAIISII.VLI.TOWN , la , , Oct 17. [ Special Telegram to TII n Bun. I The eighth annual session of the Presbyterian Synod of Iowa convened this evening. IJcv. Stephen II. Phelps , of Council DlnfTs , preached the npmi- ing sermon. A largo number of delegates arrived to-day , and the tcssioii will bo one of great interest. Tlio prcvby tries of Jnwa are composed of USO mmnhora and 4T/J churches , with a membership of 12T5l ! > . A Ciinuli : of Kun OAK , Iu. , Oct. 17.Special [ Telegram to TJIB Hr.u.l A brutal affair came to light hero to-day in the arrest of Horace Mod- dnueh and Andrew Agcr for the rape of a little girl of eleven years named Florence C'honowcth ' , daughter of u laborer. The de fendants wore hold to answer under $1,500 bonds each , An Old Witiiian Duiiuqui : , la. , Oi ; 17. [ Special Telegram to Tim HHK.J MrH.Cbristina Ilillier. lifty- suvon years old , huugud hot-Bull' last night at her homo m Center towfahlp , this county. She made her departure by the ucll rope suspended from aHroo. Ill health is said to bo the cause of bor : lct , o Death. Mibsoum V.u.irftj'la ' , , Oct. Hi. [ Special ' ' Telegram to Tup , , JiE.J : ni ht a switchman In tbu.iUhieajjo it Northwestern yards at thia piaco'rtniheil William Knnis was finished to death by a'movinir HtocV train , his body buinfj badly inlii&led. llu mid bad sovj eral narrow usuapuS before. lion , A , S-Ctiaiimnn I ) nd. Iis ) MOINIIS , la. , "joit. 17. ( Special Tolo- irraia to Tun lii ltrSnoii , A , S. L'hapumn , the republican uiindiUatu for rcprcsouta tivo In the next Ipglslaturo'from Wright county , died al his homo Iu Wall Lnlco township yes terday , Ho was a mombur of thu last house. ItnilroudM in I'rospuot. UAI-JU Cur , S. DOct. . 17. [ Special to TUB HIK. : ] Some activity is being Bhown in railroad circles , which is caused by tlio mys terious movements of railroad men , and U construed generally as preparatory to the construction of a road across the reserva tion. It is hello vod that the Burlington road is Intending to build Into this city through the southern hills. Persons known to have close connections with that company have be'on quietly buying real estate In and about th c'lt.v. For thefcu ruubonn , nnd the general development of tin ) country , prices of rcul cbtuto ur rapidly advancing , and it in be lieved by thosn l e t rusted that a ucnulno boom will Boon rouclt u > > . MORE SPOKES TO THE HUB , Added by Two Missouri Paolflo Suburban Trains. AN IMPETUS TO TRAFFIC. People ns Far ns Falls City Mny Soon do Their Dally Shopping Hero Anil Sleep nt Homo at Two IMoro Lontl ( o Omnliri. The Missouri Pacillc promises soon to talto a step which will bo of Importance to the business houses of Omaha. It will bo no loss than tbo puttinc on of n local train between Falls City , Nob. , and Omahu , it will arrive In Omhhn ill 11 a. m. , ' and returning , Icavo nt C p. m. , thus providing for n stop-over of sis hours in Omnhii. This will enable the merchants of Falls City , Nebraska City , Weeping Water , and several other promt * dent Intormcdlato towns , to como to this city , transact their business nnd return on the same day , without any Inconvenience. Falls City Is 115 miles from Onmhn , and the territory thus included belongs to the wholesale trade of Omaha. The date on which this train will bo nut on has not , as yet , been nRrccd upon. Ttio beat train service on the Kllthorn , Htirllngton and Union Pacific has ( rown mu tcrially from t.ho commencement , nnd the representatives of the respective roads state that tbo result have proven very satisfac tory. Not only has it increased their cam- Ings , tlioi mate , but it has also built up a strong business relationship between the Omaha nnd country dealers. mi ) T1I13V Chairman Mat-ilii CoiicitrcH tlio n , & M. Tor Allcued Discrimination , ' "Why didn't your road make special rates for the delegates to the democratic state convention PS well as to the state republican convention } " thundered Euclid Martin through the telephone to a representative of the Burlington at the headquarters , yes terday morning. The reply must have been evasive , be cause Mr. Martin turned from the trans mitter and to Ticket Agent Fonda said : "It is not fair to discriminate iu this way. All our delegates had to pay full faro , while tbo republican dolof-ates to my own personal knowledge ) not only eujoyed a special rate , but , a Inrjjo percentUKo of them traveled on passes issued by tlie' HnrliriKton company. I thlmc this matter should bo thoroughly aired. " Mr. Fonda , the ticket agent , endeavored to explain the existing differences by stating that no arrangements had been made for spe cial rates for the democratic delegates prior to the date of the convention which was too late. Ills explanation , however , was not very satisfactory to Mr. Martin. Another Holt Ijlno Train. The Missouri Pacific will put on another -local train in the suburban service ; also to run between Omaha and Portal. This train will be added to the service on Sunday next , aud on that date a new time card will make a slight cliiiiiRO in the running of suburban trains , as well an these on the main line. The new tram will leave Portal at 7:50 in the morning arriving at tbo Webster street deuot at Sll : ! ! a. in , Returning it will lonvo Omaha nt 4:1. : > n. m. , arriving at Portal at (5 ( p. in. Tram SOS which lias boon running between - tween Omaha and West Side , will be discon tinued owing to the new train being run on the hitter's bchcdule. Under the now lime card thu throuith train on the Missouri lja- c-illc that leaves here at 1) ) p. in. , will leave at StiO. : Several other minor changes will bo made. ! Jctiiilro4 Moro llooin. The trafllc of the Missouri Pacific at this point lias increased to that extent that tbo present accommodations have proved inade quate. It has been decided to enlarge the freight depot at Sixteenth and Nicholas streets by adding another story to tlio building. I'ho lower portion of thu building will then be used exclusively for freight , and the office of the superintendent of the Holt Line and also that of the local freight agent will bo re moved to the annex. Work in this direc tion will be commenced on Wednesday next. Raldwin Promoted. C. E. Baldwin , wuo for years has boon chief clorl : of the gonornl ofllco of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha in this city , has resigned , nnd will leave for Seattle on Monday next to assume the posi tion of cashier of the Oregon Hallway & Navigation company at that place , O , F. Uriggs , who recently resigned the general agency of the Omaha , fills a similar position on tlie Oregon Uailway & Navigation com pany at Soattle. . Hlcopcl'q ° " 'I' " Alliance Iilno. The Uurlington has commenced to equip its Alliance branch with first-class uussengcr rolling when the line to Newcastle is completed it will bo provided with accom modations the same us tbo main line. Mon day next Pullman sleepers will bo put entrains trains Nos. 41 and 43 , and will bo rua bo- twccn Crawford and Lincoln on this line. TiolcotH Stolon. Tlio ticket oftlco of the liurllncton at Monmouth - mouth , 111. , has again been visited by burg lars , so says J. S. Francis , the general pass enger ngunt , in a bulletin this morning. Forms No * , bfi , 8(5 ( , U7,83 nnd Ml , reading over the U. & M. from the Missouri river to Den ver fnrouto 10 San Francisco , were stolen. This is the third time this office lias boua burglarized within six months. Appointed Coinim-rcittl Audit , .T. I ) . Munn , chief clerk In the general ofllco of tbo Chicago nnd Northwestern at this .point , has boon appointed commercial agent of tbt > Toledo , St. Louis it Kansas ( Jity with headquarters at this point. Mr. Aluun will havu charge of all business of the com pany in Nebraska. Orny thu niitn. An Individual who claims to know where of ho speaks , states that tlio position of gen eral traffic munaunr of the Southern Pacillc , BOOH to bo vacated by J. C. Stubbs , will bo glvun to. Uichard Gray , cow general freight iiueni of that road , Ncxviniin to Sueci-nd Wicjknr. It is reported on cooil authority that W. II. Newman , until recently third vlco-prosldcnt of the Missouri Pacific , is to go to the Chicago cage & Northwestern , in the capacity of gen eral trafllc manager , vice Wicker , resigned. Itnllroud Noli ; * , The wreck on the Hurllngton at Gibson has been cleared up. C. C. Cooper , of the auditing department of thu Union Pacific , has gene cast to bo ah- bent two weeks. Passenger engine illfi has been turned out of the Union Pacific simps for bcrvico on the Omaha & Uupubhcan Valley. The Union Pacific wrockcr is engaged In rlo.irliiK the truck nt Fremont , whore two frolght train ! ) collided yesterday. A. H. Smith , assistant general freight auent of the Hurlington , has rotnrnrd from the knights Templar condavo at Washing ton. ton.Tho "Hig four" has established o general agency ut this point with 12 , Jackson in charge. The headquarter * will bo located in the First National bunk buildlui ; . The St. P.iul & Omaha will , on November 1 , adopt for all its country stations the same demurrage mien that am lo bo then put in force at Omaha , Sioux City and several othur important points by the Oninlia and Council liluffs division of the Chicago Car Service association. Albert H. Hnyscr , for moro than five years past chief clerk In tbo ofllco of the superin tendent of the St. Paul k Omaha , in this ntv. has been promoted to nn Important po- Mllou in the chief train dispatcher's olllce of the stimu company. Philip M , Koso takes the chief clorUstiip In thu superintendent's office. A CONVERT TO BUDDH'lSM. CcrcinonlfBorUmolvloKnn American Into the Godless Church. ttacontCoylon papers contain accounts of a remarkable ceremony which took plnco recently in Colombo , snvs the London Times. This wns Iho reception of n gentleman from Amoricn , who lately arrived in Ceylon , into the Hud- dhlstcrcod. The proceedings took plnco under the direction of the Buddhist high priest , assisted by eleven yollow-robcd monks. Tlio convert knelt before the assembled priests nnd intimated his de sire to bo admitted a member of the lluddhist church. Tlio high prloat then catcchlfccd him , and the assembled monks satisfied thorn solves tlmt ho was fitted to bo a follower of JJuddhn. Tlio gentleman , whoso name was Powell , then bogged of the high priest "tiiplvo him tlio 1'ansll , " which the latter did , the candidate re peating it nftor him with the palms of the hands brought together uplifted. Uavlng explained lo Iho convert the responsible duties of a 13nddhist , the high prioat gave him his blessing. A nicotine was afterwards hold , at whitm Mr. Powell explained Ills reasons for having * embraced ISuddhlsm. nnd de scribed the mcntnl process which ho had gene through before ho arrived ut the conviction of ils truth. It appears that ucnrlv forty years ngo , whoii ho was a child , no came across n book iu his father's library , in which was a picture. 'It was the figure of Huddlm scaled in Iho conventional altitude on a lotus. Impressed by the expression of peace and love on the face , Mr. Powell got into the habit of going every evening' ' to a room to ait in "a position ns nearly like it ns ho possi bly couht. "On asking who or what picture it wns , " Mr. Powell said. "I was told that it wns Iho picture of : i lioathon god , but Us memory clung to mo , and when 1 heard its name I never f.orgotit , but learned later what the symbol was and its meaning. " Doing.ns ho said , nat urally of a religions turn of mlntt. unit beingMiitended by his father to bo a clergyman , Mr. Powell was well edu cated in the Christian doctrine. "Hut I recognized and felt that there must , bo some law that I could work out of myself , and that if I controlled my thoughts my lifo manifested an obodl- once to that power ; but it was long be fore I recogni/ed tlmt this was the 'law of right thought.1 At ono lime he appears to have sought a refuge in ng- nobticism , but .soon after ho abandoned this mental attitude , and a perusal of "Tlio Light ot Asia" aroused in him the desire to take rcfugo in the law of Lord r.utldlui. PAXTO.V IioTKh , OMAHA Special at tention to commercial men. Finest and largest hotel in the west. Kittrcdgo & IJrainard , proprietors. in In\'i ? : < tlonH. But few people rcalizo the vast amount of money that has been made by the ingciiioim Yankees who hnvo invented little thing. ? , says the Home. The Now .Tcrsoy man who hit upon the idea of attaching a rubber erasing tip to the end of lend pencils is worth &JOO.OIH ) . The miner who invented u metal rivet or eyelet at each end of the mouth of coat and trousers pockets , to resist the strain caused by the carriage of pieccsof ore and heavy tools , has made more money from his letters patent limn ho would hayomudo had ho struck a good vein of gold-bearing quart'/ . Every one has soon the metal plates that nro used lo protect the. hculs nnd soles on rough shoes , btit every one doesn't know tlmt within ILMI years the man who hit upon the idea has nmde $250,000. A-5 large a bum nsvas ever obtained for any invention was enjoyed by the Vanicco who invented the "in verted glass boll to hang over gas jots to protect ceilings from being blackened by smoke. The invontorof roller skates has made $1,000.000 , notwithstanding the fact thai his patent hnd nearly ex pired before the value of it was ascer tained in the craze for roller skating that spread over the country a few years ago. The gimlet-pointed tcrow has produced more wealth than most silver mines , and the Connecticut man who first thought of putting conpor tips on the toes of children's shoes is as well off ns if ho hnd inherited $1,000.000 , for that's the amount his idea has realised for him in cold , clammy coin. The common noodle throudor. which ovcry one has seen for snlo , and which every woman owns , was a boon to needle users. TJio man who invented ifhas an income of $10.000 a year from his invention. A minister in England made$50,001) ) by in venting an odd toy that danced by winding it with a Hiring. The man who invented tlio return ball , an ordi nary wooden ball with a rubber string attached 10 pull it back , miido $1,000,01)11 ) from it. The person who invented the most recent .popular toy , "Pigs in Clover. " will bo rich before sno'.v Hies. Tie wns poor lust November. A AVnr of this Future. When war comes in Europe , as it must come some time , it will be Keen tlmt a now era has begun in tlio art of destruction. The Belgian historian , Kmilo do fjtiveloyo , sums up in an arti cle in the Forum for October the terri ble factors of the next con- lllct. The civil war in the United slates was but child's play in compnrihon. With Kiifsia and Franco on oiio side and Germany , Austria and Italy on the other , 7,000.001) ) of men can bo 'instantly put in the Hold , with 10,000,000 in reserve. The facilities for concentration and the improved arms are siifh that more men may easily bo killed iu one day than have ever be fore boon killed in u whole war. The continuous nropnnitious for war , even when there is no thought of its immediate occur rence arc fur greater and more expen sive tiinn over before , Franco 1ms sur rounded hur frontiers nnd her eanllul with a continuous line of forts and en- tronchnionls. Germany has made Mot/ , Sirasburgi Mayo nro and Cologne gi gantic fortresses , whichhecm nbsolutoly Impregnable. Italy lias fortllicd her Alpinu pannes , her ton ports , and even the Klurnnl City ithelf. Belgium is spending forty millions of francs in tlio construction ot redouts with cupolas of steel , to close the piiMHiigo by the Mans valley. The war budgets are everywhere SnereiiHlng in enormous proportions. "And it is under this continual menace of the most frightful shock of armies that our pluuet will ever have looked upon , " writes M. do Lavoloyo , ' 'that wo live. And the most extraordinary thing ! * , Unit wo got used to it. Wo KH nbnut our bublnuss , our pleasures ; no rudi iu erowds from all parts to the 1'arin ex hibition , while each one buys : 'It maybe bo for to-morrow ! ' " A Great Bishop Mnllalllcu , who hatt been preaching to a largo congregation of Methodists in Ilnrribburg , mndo n bug- gofatlon in ono of bin talks u few even ings ago which created u deep lin- m'ofablon and may probably ri.'biiU in something practical , bays the Bulmlo Express. Ho said tlmt the Mothodibts of Pennsylvania munt HIOII bo iti to think of establishing a nnllunal vmii'i'r- blty , at which these who may bo i-nllcd ' to'preach its doctrines can bo eii'icut'-d nnd equipped for the great lalmr , us well ns for tlio education of young men for nil other professions. Old Dickin son college , ho declared , wnsombnlmcd In memories wliit'h mndo It dear to all Methodists. Bishop Mallnllou's ' hope is Hint the time is nnl far distant when Dickinson college will develop Into a magnificent university , with endow ments for its support of from $0,000,000 to $8.000,000. "Such an institution , " said tlio bishop , ' 'the Methodists of Iho United Stales can make , and n good silo for It Is where Dickinson college stands now. " ISo Onnnp Tor l > 'cnr. A rumor has reached hero from Eng land that the English enpitnlists who have been buying up breweries so ex tensively in Ihls country nro making strenuous elTorls to gnin control of tlmt industry , so ns to fix their own price * nnd run the business in this country ns they think best. It was rjuilo gener ally supposed tlfat this syndicate hnd sulllclcnt power to mnko Itself felt , but the brewers in New York , says the Now York Time ? , are almost unanimous In saying that the American brewers have not the slightest cause for fear. Mr. Albert Solfort laughed at the idea of the Englishmen obtaining control In this country. "It is impossible for them , " ho Mild , "to do nnylhing ns yet. It has tnkiMi them three years to'got hold of n $10,000,001) in vestment in brow- ks , and before tliov arc rondv to bo out rivals they must in vest $10,000,000 more. This , at Iho rate they have been going , will ttilco them nearly llfteen years. Of course , if our investment ( mould remain stationary they would have at the end of that time no more than wo , nnd could not make a strong fight. T feel tlmt wo have no grounds to be ( heightened , at least for EOino years to come. " Honll/.ctl 'J'hoir I.tin any. Last year fifty-live persons presented themselves voluntarily at the .Scotch lunatic nsylums and asked for treat ment. IS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub- 1 stances from the bronchial pasHit t's , Frequently , this causes inllannnntiun and Iho ni-cd ot nn anodyne. No oilier expectorant or anodyne is ctpml to Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the iiincnn , allays irritation , induces repose , and is tlio most popular ot nil cough cures. "Of the many preparations bcforo the public for the euro of colds , couuli ! ) , bronchitis , and Id ml reel dbuaso'j , them is mini' , within thu ranpo of my uxperi- cnco , si > reliable as Ayi-r's Oherry IVe- toral. Kor yi-ara 1 was subject to i-olda , followed b.v l < ! rribloi'oiii lis. About four years ago , when MI alllirtod , I was ad vised to try Ayer's Cherry 1'i'ctoral and to lay nil other icincilics nsldo. I did. NO , and within a week wns well of my cold and cough. Hindi then 1 havn always Itopt this preparation in ihn house , nnd fcol coniparalivulv noeitie. " .Mrs. ii. L. Drown , Denmark , Mi s. "A few years ngo T took a severe cold which affected inv IIIIIRS. 1 had a ter rible couch , and passed ninbt nfl < ir night without sloop. Tlio doctors gave mu up. I tried Ajrr's ( . 'berry I'oi-tornl , which relieved my Jinn ; * , induced sloop , and afforded the re.-t ni-ffusary for Ilio recovery of inv Htrength. Hy III" con tinual use of tlio IVcloral , n permanent cure was effected. " Horace Kairbrotber , m , Vt. rr.crAiiru nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & . Co. , Lowell , Mass. BoldbynllDitigflhta. I'rlccSl ; Blxbolllcn$5. OF TIIK 1THLIC CIIAltlTV. Establisliecl in 1S78 ItV THE NATIONAL GOVr.llNJir.NT. Ol'KltATCI ) Under a Twcntj Yean" Contra : ' by th > Mesisan International Improvonmt Compinj. Grand Monthly Drawing * held In the ravllllon in thi < Alumoda I'lirK. City or Mexi co , nnd publicly conducted by ( lorvrnmmit llllclnls appointed for tlio pnrnobo 1-y tliu Scciotarli's of the Interior and tue Treasury. OP Till ! The monthly tour ( toll ir Drawing AVI 11 ho In-Ill in l hu * City of Mexico on lliveiiilicr Ifltli , 1889 , CAPITAL PRIZESGO.OOO . , KO.OOO TlcUolH at. $1 , ijCtUO.OOO. Price of Tickets , American Jlonoy. WHOUiSJJ HAIVntiJS. QtJHTAUItS 1 MRT or riii/.i : ? \\IMTV\Ji 1 l > lll/.iIP ; S rfl.ffti 1 CAPITAL I'ltl/Jidl' . . . . JI.I M 1 Crtl'JTAli 1'KI/KOP ill.lltMls. JU.OIHI 1 ( iltANII I'ltl/.i ; OK.VXKI Is. . ; i I'lii/.iwsor j.ixci ro. ( I 1'HIXICSUl'1 ril ) lire. . O ) I'KI/KSor LIM nro I.U.PI Jldl 1'IIIX.ICSOI-1 KM nrf. lll.UII ,11(1 ( I'KI/.KSOI' M urn. 17.INHI & 51 IMIIXKS 1)1' ) ' ! nro. /ri'iiu.MMATio.v riu/.is. : J50 I'rizo.-i ot t'Hl app. to i ' , tiKM , ( I'rlzu. . l..ll I' of Wlupp. to IM.I1'1" ' I'rlBu 7BI'I If.ti Prl/.os of < iunjip. to lii.iwi I'n/o n.ixiJ 'dccldedViy. ' . . . . ' fWf03 I rl/.o. . . 15)3il ! ) T-'tll 1'lb.eH \motllitlllK totlif.UM AH prl/.es aold in tliu U'lilted Status full paid in L'.S. L'l.lTcliey. t57 Ken Ci.i'ii ItAiKS. or any furtbor i information itlon desired wrltu leullily to tlio unilerHlKn | > d , clearly Mutiny ( your residence , willi Ht.ito. conn. ty. Mivct nd mimlic.r. Muni rapid return mail delivery u 111 Ii- assured b.v your uiu lojlui , ' an cnvulupo bcurlin ; your full addruns , IMPORTANT. Address r . , CITY or MCMCII , MIMCO. ; lly ordinary Icttpr , containing .MUSKY OIIIIKII Issued by all KxprnxH Companies , New Vurk Hi- i hiinci ) , Jtrult or I'oitul Noto. Kpecnil Kiinruicq. lly terms of contract tlio i.ompanv niiibtd . posit tlio sum of all prizes tnelinlod In Uiu Dclicnm beluro sulllni ; a jdimle tlrUet , and ru- cclvii tbt ) tolJowinfCGlUulal itiTjiiil : i'i-iiTii''icrtri ' ; . i iic > , ii , < ci-ti/ntii < ii u < r /mi. ( foil Itmil , nf Mrjicn anil tiuiitli Atiin inl linn Hnct l ilfi > nhll I/if / TKI mull ii final * t < i uiiiiiitnter Hit i i/iMri | ; ( fti'l ill-urn ill uwn liiithc J , < ittntiil < , hi IttnrKi nii-lii I'ulillrn. It. IIOIill IJI'i/ rillt.l. Intrrfiiliir. I'nrtbor , tlio Company i r ) < | iilred to dhtrlli- ntii llfiy-flx per cent , or tin ) value of nil tliu tirkeln Iu pn/.L a luwr pronortiuatlii.u U Riven IIIlillV ullll'f l.'itterv. I'muliy , tin1 iiniiiiiiif of fiti'iIK Hi. i t-d to KI.II u | ai.r i J.H than ure. i-olilliy oUiur luiiunm - > umu HLliemui. Ba BU irthey lo unl IIKAI.TII u < I iiiVniv : , tlioiiW t.iir llullcil niiit rnmliol A. B. G. WHITE OATS 'A. B , a. OATMEAL. ) Till : IIKS1 ( iltAINS M'li.AM ( OOKI21I-MOST IJABIIA- llil'Vl'l'l | ( | Ol'IOKI.V I'ltUI'.Mtl.U -A Hii.lJIUCH : llltHAKI'AST D1HII , Hark , ho * " ' > ii tti f -url f lit lii'iilnri A.O. , to iliO , to. , jUuif v Et-NunYuik.