THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , OCTOBER 17. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No otlvcrtleomonta will bo token for these columns nftor I2:3O p. m. TormB-'Cnsh In ndvanco , Advertisements under this head 10 csnts p < r line ( or tlie firm insertion. 7 conM for cnch subsequent - sequent Insertion , nod tUiO per lln per month. No advertisements takrm for less than K cents for first Insertion. Boven words will UP counted to tlic line : they tnu rim consecutlvtlY and must bo paid In ADVANIT. All advertise ment * miiit bo handc' . in before l..T : > o'clock p. in. , titul tinder no circumstances will they be taken or ( "Iftcontlnncd by tclcpnono. Parties advertising In tlieso columns ami hav- lm thnlr answcii mldrrsscd In cnrnof TUB llpr Mill ptonsoaBkfor a cheek tocnnlilo them to get Ihelr letter ) , ns nntin will Ixj delivered except on presentation of rhpok. All answers to td- v crtlscmonts should lie enclosed In envelope * . All advertisement * In tlieo columns arc DUD- llslud in both morning nnd ovcnlna editions of Tin : II u * tlio clmilntton of which nt-grcgnlcs morn tliiin 18,000 papers dullv. nnil elves the ad- voitlxcrt tlio benefit , not only of thnclty drcu- Intlonof Tun HKK , but also of Council Hindu. Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout thli section of tlio country. "BR'A N c H Advertising for those columns will bo taken ou the iibovo conditions , nt the following bnl- ness houses , who nre nnthorl7ed agents rorTur. HKII special notices , and will qtioto the same rates nh can bo Imd nt tlio main ofDco. _ _ JOHN . lll'.LU Pharmacist. fCO Bonth Tenth Strc-ft. CIIASi.V : KDDY , Stationer * and Printers , 113 South IGth Street. U II. rAHN3WOHl'n. Pharmacist,2115Cuui rj.liig Street. We * rect. .8 , rharmacUt..G2l North 10th GKO. W. PA Hit , Plmrnmclst. liTO St. Mary's Avenue. TlFuO 11 US' PHARMACY , 2JJS rnruain Stitet. WAN7ED. WANTIIll Position OH book-keeper ; have Imd MIC. vonis' experience in the banking busliusi , tlitee years ns teller ; would accept position In nny olllco ! hank preferred. Aildicss < 1. N , . room 47 , Clmmbor of Commerce 1 > UI , , Omaha. 4 TiiO 17J " \\7ANTI5H Sltuntlon as stenographer by a VT Indj1. Suood.l.i'ivvordHpermlnuto. ' Audrcsi 1' , 31. 8. , 17111 Capitol avonno. 767 18J VJITUATION lly a registered pharmacist ; OalUKle. temperate ; rc-ruronco given. Addirss , J ) . U. H. Mr. . Hli ! N. Sid street. 70 * . 17 * WANTliU Situations for peed { -iris. 1'aUlen requiring holnot nny kind should apply nt once as I have nnv amount of nlco glrii on linnd. Mn. llrcgu. : H4j { 8 Kith. "JiMO * 'V\rANTin-I'osltlon : In a first-class dry TT Ltoodfl house by tin Al all round man , best of Mivreuco ; address Cark ( onion. Now Sharon , In. TOJ VJt WANTED--K1ALE HELP. i.Vi gooil men to roproscnt tlio Inler-Stuto At Bnlldltic-nml l.oui association of Illnoni- inuton. 111. , In Nebra ku , Dakota. Kansas and Iowa. Sltiinttoui permunont to satisfactory pintle" . Hi'fertMicoH requited. Call on or ad- dies11' , lluwluy , room I1 , block , immlm , Neb. 710- ' ' ) * AUn.TlSl Fldo lines In spBCinltlos. ( icnor- nits com. Mimph's lii-ht. Olvo route. Cook & bin 1th , iiifrs,21 Paik Place , N.Y. 71'1-17 ' * WANTI'D A boy from 15 to 18 years old ; lllii I'nnium t. v.U-17 / AM'HU ( ! oed tinner. J1U X. Ifltli St. W 707 S.t \\7ANTiu : Six live , cnergotlo ftatiom ry TT salesmen ; none ijnt those thoroughly eompc'tous nnd h.ivmg bad expurlonco need ap ply. ! Uu lioston Sroro , 114 a. Hltli. 772 10 - to tike cure of hors-e and WANTHD-Iloy cow s. A. M. Akin 7M Hi WAiNTIJD Hrltlginipciiters nud htboreis. rilloy. Kramer .V Co , cor. llth and 1'aniam Rts , "tins Mo > ur building. 7t"i TIT < NTID-becond ! b.iUor , nt 510 fco. 10th st. V > 71.1 1BJ n 10 tnlloressew Wanted nt once , 1 good ma chinist aud 2 uooil llnishera for pauts. good and permanent work. 401 S loth st 7C1 17 * WAN'A'KU A wide aw aKoAuioi lean clothing Hiilesiiiaii. L. O. .lonjs. _ 7.0.1II. . r\t"'ANTKI ( ) Cv-o nice > oft nj-meirvv Hh rofer- i JfT'iiccTto botrd with private family. ouSth i luUi St. Mary's ave" ; bath looms. nous > o heated by fmuae.0. Call W livfli ; I'ninam BT. 7l'il6t ' "V\7 ANTI1D Mrst cl.iss coaclnniui : otic- who V > understands the Laro if ) horses thoroughly and must have llrst-class rufciencea. 511 h. 1-tu 7."J 17 WAN'IKD-'J joum- men for light vvoik at i5 vvoekly. Hooiu 17 , isai N U'/J lUi ANTUD-2d baker , f 10 8 iOth st. WANTHD Oood coatmakertoady work ; Opera House 'lallois , Sao City. la. " l. . . . . . . .i. . . r7u 1C * Doyle , cutter. "T\rANTil ; ) Iloy nttendliiR public nchool to W work for his board. 2 < ! 11 bt. ilnry'H ave. 750 IK _ _ " \\7ANTii-Man-a : httstler-who EolkitsTu the way of prlntlnu , to handle Kood side lino. Aldioss.JiJS , llee. _ jllJ' ! ' ! ? _ "VAfANTIiO A Rood coat-maker to won : by TT tlio piece. Andreas , Box 747 , Donlson , In. 7121(1 ( ! : _ _ _ _ "V\"rANTlsl ) y > coal miners for Wyoming Jl.HO T T jmr ton.-'UCJ roclcnu n and laborers for Vi j o- nine , ' Kooil wagon. Albilght's Labor Agency ] U1i Kurnam _ 131 AOr.NTSI Write for terms. J.I sample corsut free. Bchlolo is Co.niKJ Hroadway , Now York. _ U f > _ WANTKD-Salosmennt (75p r month salary and expenses to Hi-H a line of lh er-platcd ware , watches , etc. . by sample only ; horxoand team furnished lree . Write nt once for mil par- tlculurx and sample case of goods free. Kami- ard Sliver Ware Co. , Hoston , Ala sa. _ 57 1 " \y\7ANTKD-A Rood olllco man to no east ; TT mu t Invest K.B iO : mustboa goodbtninos.s mau. AddrexR the Oeo. S. C'llne 1'ubllHhliii ; House. ! Jl * to 331 Wabash ave. , Chlciiao , Ills. _ K49 _ \X7AN'll"D Men for WanhliiKton terrltorv. TT Albright's labor Agency , IliO rarnuinst. frjQ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1\'AN'11HII ( iood bricklayers and stonccut- T.T ters ; Rood VMXSBS paid. Apply M. T. Murphy , rrcinont , ob. _ yw _ WANTI'D 1'otir nundredmon for track lay- IUK In Wyomlnc. Apply to I * . II. Johnsou , 11. &Mjjmacniprile-rat. Omaha. _ liii ) ' ANTKI ) Af-entH. "DoilKo'H Horse Illnu- ktt Holder" koiips the blanket from blowlmtorrtlMlnKOll the lior o. NothluK like It In the maikct ; ovorv horso-ownor buys. Samples by mall , ft'ic , bluyuor & Co , 1'rov litonee- , H. ) . t Lo-ait _ _ _ ' TV'iyi'KCTlVKS Wantod.Kooil reliable men for JL/detectlvcs. . ovury community ; payiua posi tions. Address Kansas Detective llureau.Iock' CTi. ' .Vlchlta. Kan. _ M RNto travel for the rotithlll nurnerlos o ( Canada , We pay > 0 to | IOO n month ami exponscB to agents to KOI ! our Canadian grown block. Add. Stone & "Wollinijton , Madison. WU. l JU WANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTKO fJood ( 'irl for general IIOUHOW orli family of a. apply 2.W Hunioy. 777 JO * "IJlTANa'KI ) ixp : rleuoed ijirls to sew diO' ' T T parle * . Clms. bhlverict iV Co. LMtl I amain , ' 70 10 "WTANTKO-OIrl to do gimcral lioiibuwort , ; T T in family , Apply at 20.53 Dodgfl treet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7IW Ibt v YrANTKINciit . honoit ami willing girl foi TT geumal hoiuevsork. Call 700 N , I fill Ht. "l\rANriI-WaUt liaster mid UuUluns. M \V A.Vullacf , 1010 How nni at. | 7i3 IS W ' AMUIU A good girl ; T&il Lalilornln t ! _ 7t0 _ lh _ _ \\rANT/i / ; > ( lood Klrl ; Binull family ; uooi M vuigua.tiX'Uooruiikave. , near Lea vrnv\ ort Ii 741 ( ) ) Klrl for trencial housoworic , hllO Call GMI tt. 7 < 5 HT _ _ _ " \VAI\TKO-Ulrrfor houi > ewoik,8ill DotiRlas " TT _ _ 71" II' " \\7 ANTUD ComiK'ti ut steady Klrl or women for family ot .1 In VSyomiiif.ffJJ ; 'J 1) ) . n ctrln , .0 ; i Inclty ; pastry cooV , fJ.1 ; in clrl for country tcmim. Mi- . Hiogu.UMS H. nth , 7ANTKD An old Udy usnuran. nqulian - r. iTt , A. Wai lure , jnu Howard. Ti ± 17 _ _ _ \VANTKH-A nui to do light Y > Ko DOl Vlreliila nv , 17 1SJ LADV BKOIUB wanted , also mem two tm msu-e new Bprcinltlfa : one lady mailo K bo for o dinner ; another ililllrathour. Ai'drea : Uttlu A. Co. . px 413 , ChK-BCO , 111. Ofi luj " \\7ANT1U ) A neat , steady girl for genera hotibUnork , I'JIS Cuiiltoi avo. O'Jl lii \ \ < ANTHD Klr-t-claiia experienced IT in cloak ; department. Btuto o and vvhcro employed. Addrutu J.tG , Hue. \\7ANTKD A good girl for mineral liousc T T wott at 14J1 biienuuu nvc' , upply ut nm DRESSMAKING. WlnoberR &ft nml cloak raaltor : LOUIS clonks to order nnd ntcnmed : scnlnkln clonlm repaired , all Kinds fur irlmmlnc-i fur- ulshed. Itru Capitol nvo. , repairing of all kind. 373 In Inmllles. GJ7 Eo. 17th ave , D1 132ol8 D1MISS MISS MlnnlPk's dressmaking parlors. 1724 Lemenworth. 773o2fij BOARDING. T * OUMS and board. 201 Eo. S5th ftve , XL cv , tot WAN7ED-TO RENT. " \\rANTHn Small furnished house In coo < l TT locftlltyncar primary school. Address M 0 , lice oillco. 7 4-VSf \\'AM'KI ) lly family of three small nir- ulslied liotibo , for 0 montliH. Andress Jl 6 , llceolllcc. -SISJ unfurnished or furnished rooms with board formun , wife and one child : must bo bntuecn lluidctte , lllunny. l(5tn ( and istli , mod ern conveniences. Adui'ess M 0 , Hen olllio. T\rANTP.D Ity youns ? marrlnd couple wheT T > will bo pcrnmnent two lurnlslied or tin- Jnrnlshed rooms In fvato \ family , location must bo do liith1o. Ituferences ghcn iindre- UUlred , ndtirtss 1.71 , lleo olllrc. 7'I \\7ANTiil-lloom to rent within hnlf or threa-quaitorsof MinlH from llniney and 10th for M. 1) . W. HenOoison , Oil Jones stt 719-nt " \S7ANl'Ti : ) to Kent Sulto of two teems for tlueo Bditlemeii , with orlthout bonrd , within two blocks of ISth st , nnd Capitol iwe. Ailarcss li (11. ( lleo , ut onrc. a .1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "V\7ANrKli Ita.inl tor KO.IUOIII in. ita u.iil two small daUBhtorB near prlmarj school : tuo llrst elites looms needed not higher than "d tloor. Ailditss M U ) , lloajilllco. 7IJ1 I8 \\7ANTr.D-To know n. peed location tor a TT imrnussahop , address J. 0. HlessliiB. Ar lington. Nob. > ' . ' > It * - ' rent half of furnished WANTIID-l'urtyto best bulldlnzs in city. Addioss Mi" , llooolllce. 701 sot FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOH HUNT One now H-room house at cor. nth and Capitol ore. , built cvprossly for boaralnjand rooming : will bo romplptcii Sflth December. See Dr. Neville , cor. 14th and Douglas. 774 Jit * | 1HH ) HUNT To ie < ionsible p rty , 7-room -I ? lioiisp. No. 12il N. auh St. Loback , Uoom IV , Chamber of Com me tee. 7d7 > 0 8 HOOJI Cottnse , No. UH1J llurdctto street , throe blocks from electric motor , two from horse cars ; large , Ulwh roomt ; clecant Inside ilnlah. Insldo blinds , storm windows , etc. ; city \vnter , e oed liarn. Will rent or lenso - tennt.t . I'tofcr toj-ood , it spoutIblo very cheap. to Rtll. Lots ndjolutuf * also for Halo cheap. Terms to suit ptiicliit-tr. Ini-ulro on premises or of K A. JInm-c-r , 1'rlnter , liasoment NV. . cor. 14th nnd Knrnnni. ' 04 I pOIl'llKNT FlrTo i-osldencc. 8113 Cnss streot. fiunlsnod or unfurnished , to small family forterm of joars. Ix > rent to losponslblo pin tles , llogijs V Hill , leal estate , ] 4 3 1'iirnain st. 740 IU Iorsr.8 and business places torrent. J. J. Litkiuson , 18 I'aiUm blk , 78S ; best hquso for the money In Omaha for Till ; 8 looms , furuace , hath , hot and cold water , on Dodud st. cable Hue , $10 per month. F. .1. llorthvvick , an S. llth st. 77'l III'NT Coltai-e 4 rooms , UttOSMtli.S blocKs Houth ' .paunworthht. UH1 10' O 11OOM house for ient.22I.iS. llth Btreet , 50 On mouth. 70517j OIIOOM house , nutpr in kitchen , 10Ul"S 18th. CM 1 FOH HI'NT 10 room houso. with all modern conveniences , on south lOtli street , o lirovMicll hull. 7-room licuso , S31 South 17th street , y 4 room cottnsros on fcouth I''th streot. Will rent very cheap through the v\Inter J.'t loom lints , on N. ITth bt. , suitable for light hr.usckeoplni * . Apply to Oruen \\lllluma , 1st Nntl. bank bulldmif. t- _ T AHC1 * 12-rooiu house with all conveniences JLJaud Inrge bam , cor.Otli and Caidvv ell sts. FOH I'.riXT At corner of .loncs and 25th sts. , a very desjrabli ) house of nlnaroonm and laundry with ull modern linproxvinentK , stiblo Ifdcaliod. 'IheW. C. JvesUo. , 31JS. 14th st. CillH Foil HKNT-'Kive loom house , $15 per mo , , S. K. corner llth and Vlutoii sts. ( ! 17 IT1OH HKNT New 4-room Uata with all con- JL' venloncos , 3 blocks from postoQlce , $10 per month. Roberts , 4OI N. loth st. 50. ' ) 17t " 7-1 oem house with barn , Jl"i nnr month. O. f Harrison , Mcrcnanta' Mat. ! ) IftOK HENT OutHido lint In Llnton block ; 0 looms , heated by steam , newly paperi'it , grate In parlor ; ulsoono Hat upstairs. No. 8. "n- ( iiilu : ntillT. In the block , 13th and Mason sts. John Ilaiulln , acent. Ki 'M TT1OH HUNT 1 nrmshed hoiisn. n rooms ; 1 JU rooms now tented ; furnace , city water aud bath. O. 1' . Davis Co. , 160i rarnam street. nn ia TJ1OU lir.N'T llouso ncnrtna depot. Inijulio JJfllSfcOUthlStllbl. C53 Ib * TjAOH UI'NT "Sine loomed house with bath -U room , laundry and j-urref , cor Gooif-Ja ave dnd MHtioii uti ) , possession given Nov. 1st. Ap- on premise * to Mrs. L. A. Orolf. RiTi 16j T/iOIl HHNT fc-ioom honsj with all couven- J-1 leiic < . ' 3 and lu flrst-Llass location ; can give possc'dsion at oncn. fi-ioom Hat. 607 N. 18th St. . K . Wu luivi ) several houses nnd a number of store looms for rent. Apply to Oreen A : Wil liams , Mr-iCNiit. llaiik building. 4J7 TTtOH KK.Vi" 7-room cottage , with bath. 2012 JL ! Capitol ave , Iniiulro ! iJ18 Capitol ave. U31 IB FOlt HKNT House tt rooms , city water , gas , cellar ; north pait city. 2 blocks fiom cable. Apply room 1 , Arlington block , 3'Jl mo HUNT I'lat 11. filfl bo. ifith st. Has all JL conveniences and willbo papered and llxed up In good shape for a good tenant. Cull at Her K Co , 1112 Hainey Et. , tor particulars OH HiNT : ! l new tints near corner 18th and F Jour" , No 017 S. 10th. ! SUt TOH HUNT-Handsome 10-room house , nil X1 conveniences , paved btrcet , cable and horse car)1 ) , 6 mlnutos'wall , ofpostolllce. Nathan bhel- tou , 1014 1'nrnam ht. Ml TJ"iOH HKNT A near , now room cottago.nenr JL ; Ji'.i\onwortn iind It'ith utrc-ots. Inquire tor Luebbbii , at 1U07 rarnam st , Omaha. 142 nOH linNT Nice new li-rnom cottages with JD celling , liiOJitnd nun Half Howard st. Hunt J15 per mouth each , liiujulro eKt S 17th bt. | 123 Tj'OH HENT Two 7-room brick house2101. . JL' 2111 Hamilton st. ; every modern improve- montJOc ; > ach , Leuvltt Iltirnimm , 1 Crelghtou block- . 11J "IJ OH HKNT 10-room house , alt modern con- JL ; vculeni'03 , half block from street car. f.10 permoiilli. Cull ut tS7 Piixton blocic. Ill TTOH UI'NT Twelve-room house , Mablo and JL' carriage hoiibe , ou H.Ut stroer , next to cor ner Leavuiiworth ; moilern Imrroveiiifuts nnd In perfect repair. Apply to Lnwls H. Huc'd is Co , room 11 , Hoaid ot Trade building. VM TTOH HliNT 10 room house , bteam heat , all JImprovemenlfi. . cheap lent. U. IL Thompson , room-11 , bliecly block , 15th nnd Howard , b5l POH HHNT-Elght loom house , wltn ample ciouudt , corner Lcuvenvvorth mid -1st fits. ; bath mom , hot and cold wutor. Apply to I.tml.s b. Itotdi Co. loom U , Huiti dot Trade building. ; vn HUN I' by Sholos fc Hnmllton lloomIU 1st National Hank illdcr. C&V-14-iuom hotuei , nil couv. , " 4th and Cas ? Eta , ttO 11-room house , nllconv. . Kama location Hil Moom liouso , all conv. , llimscom Place. Sii-'iT-room llulx. ICUi and Iluwurd at * ks " h loom house , all oonv. , M'lmUor Plaro. f > : ( i ' "T-iooiu iiouaeii. all conv. , Windsor Place. cJ77room hnuuo all conv. , l.r.'J S. 2Atb avo. I'.ntlrc building on S. 10th St. , Biiltablo for hotel - tel or boat ding ; rent ull or part. UoU HB.NT u.rooni modern Improvedhouso , corner. Apply M. Klgnitor. HU S. 10th. WO \AUHY low , two 7-room houses on lvth and > Vlnton ; t\vo band u room hon B > on 27th and Woolwoith ( with city water uud bath ) ; two f room housed In Lincoln Place. Itoom 610 , I'lttton bloct. 4sO Tj OH HKNT Nont i-ioom house. In good re- J3 pair , on cor. 2th ! and Woolwortn ave. ; pos- t npablon given Oct. Ibt Inquire O , It. Uzichuck. llee olllce. VM i. FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. " | j"OH ItCNT Nice furulihed bed room and JL"yarlor. . cheap. 1K)2 ) Cumlngtt. 770 17t rptlllKK dublrablo rooms ou first floor ; mod- J- ere convontonc-03 Address MB , TjMIl HUNT Three newly furulaned rooniB , JL ! Itrjl Douglas. 7M10J "VT'ItJl'IA" furnished rooma , 2203 Dodge. IN ] .401 OB Ll'OANT fuiuUhetl roouu wltU bath and , 1Mb Howanlbt , 617 Jjil'HNlHHKU roouu and board 1J13 ChicRgoT 171011 HUNT furnlslied front room with , ixl JU modern conveniences , to Rontlcnun only , atSR Ht. Mnry'H nrcnue. Apply at more , 310 ( indsiasonth Fltteentn st. C80 / \NB furnished room for one or two rentlo- v/men. 1'rlvntc family. SJ111'ntnamst , xq BMUJANT furnished rooms ; every modern convenience : 110 month nnd upwanK ( Hobo Hotel. cm m " OH 11RNT A Hiilto of rooms , with board. 1721 podpo street. ( m JlOlt HUNT tTirnltheil looms for'sBentTo"- X1 men , or man nnd wife. HUi ! DoiiRla . 0 )1 ) f ) liAIinii well fiirnlsbrtl front rooms ; nlso -isouth bedroom ; modern conveniences ; llrst class board If desiiod ; saffi rnrnnm. 701 ! MJ 1T10K ItKST-To one or two ncntlemen with -I ? Rood references , n nicely funilshcd front room , nontei ! by steam nnd centrally located Inquire 724 a 19th * t. 8 " T. a.AIH Kuropoan hotel , cor. llth ! and S 1)0(1 jrc ; tpccUlintoby week or month tCO "TIlOll HUNT 2 nicely fuinlslied room" , with JL } board ; 1UUU Capitol lUciilie. 6Hit IT OIl UKNT-nirnlshed front rooms. Kid JJ Dodge street. KtJo'S 171011 HUNT A pleasant bnylndow south J-1 front room : best location : all conveniences ; suitable for DUO or two gentlemen. ! 12 rnrnnm. PI.RASANT furnished rooms with board. In new tirick resldonco with modem conven iences , { fa s , snii nvo rAJ iTt 1 > IllVA'n5famllv , nlcoly located , in modern residence , will take tnrco boarders nt ren- wiimblu terms : p1oa atit homo ; retorenccs ex changed ; HI l ) llnruor st. f > S7 1 | Olt HUNT Two turnlHiiod rooms on flt. Mary's a nnuu. to gentlanum only ; sl < c mlu- ntrs' wnlK of business center. Itefeteneo 10- quired. Inquire at store , " 10 nnd " 1S. . l.'tli st. KVi with or without board. 1812 Uodt o. I710H HUNT Nicely furnished rooms with JL1 pas , bath and heat. I'mil'MlliUs , Hoard four dollars n neck. 107 N Jnth st. Wl alt G COD loom with bntlL ClUS. 2Cth st. NICHfiY furnished room , all toiivenlciicos,315 N.Ktlu 4.10 . O 1H FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. I71OH Hl'.NT Unfurnished rooms for houso- -L kcephifnlso ; nice foidluc- bed and furniture for sale cheap ; n. o. cor. 10th nnd Cuss BU. , ov er Uontluinau'd grocery. 771 1B 1OH HKNT 3 unfurnished rooms.snltablo for housekeeping , 208 N. Uth t. 20S fjlOH HKNT Unfurnished rooms suitable for -U housekeeping , conveniently located. Hutt's tenting ngenry , 1500 rarimm. KSto'M FOR RENT-STORZS AND OFFICES rtlllK most promising locality for business In J- Omaha In on ICth ht. , between rarnam and Loavemvorih , ilio fnturo retail district ot the city. Elegant blocks at o going up , and nothing shabby will over bo erected thcio. Take a look nt the now block at Not. 707-703- 711 S. Kith St. . near Lcavenwoith ; all he-nted with steam , nnd full plate-glass front , nnd no- curnaloaso for a number of years. 'Jhos. F. Mall , ail Paxton bloek. fiWi FOH Iir.NT-2uo\v stolen , 017 nnd Gil ) S. 10th. Flue show wlmlovvti. il 'J T71OH HIINT Storeroom In Hey d opera house JL1 building , inquire Amcilcun Savings Hank. 151 | jOH HI'NT-A 4-story brick building , GS\120. iJ suitable for wholssulo : good truckage ; 1 have also a number of line residence prop erty lor rout or sale. 1'or particulars call or address 400-411 lleo bldg. N , O. Brown. 4JO i : store , with cellar , KM South Kith. 2SJ N41 : "fjlOH HUNT 2 very desirable basements tm- J > der block cor. IMli and .luckson fits. , sl70 ! Ml\40feet. They have steam beat and water nmlwonlil bo suitable for a barber shop or most nny kind of business. 1s 111 ilx. thorn np In good shape for n good tenant. CallntllU llarney St. , 1' . E. Her. 423 "noil HUNT Stoic. 1111 rarnam St. , 20 bv 12 8 - feet-stoi lea and collar. Nat ban Fholton , 1G14 rurnnm ut. NVJ o Itl'NT Deslrablo vvnrohouso room on track. Apply to C.V. . Kolth , 714 I'acltte st. T710H niNT : The 4-story brick building -.nth JJ or without po\vor. formerly occupied by The llee Publishing Co. 10 Farnnm st. Tne build ing has a lira-proof tumentol bisemant , complete - ploto steam-heating llxturoa , water on all the lloord , gas , oto. Apply at thu olllco of 'Iho Hoc. U15 T7IOH HENT After Oct. 1. line front oHlce. JL ; ground lloor ; plute qlass window ; hsat and light furnlslien ; a most desirable location for any kind ot business ; rent reasonably Inquire Omaha Ice Co. , H10 So. loth st. fwj "rriOH ItnNT Throe-story brick building , 1110 JD Douglnsst. . Hultablo for wholesale or ware house. Chas. Kaufmanu , 130- Douglas street. FORKHNT Ilasement 40 bv BO ft. heated Dy steam . Inqulie J. Nagl , lil > So. 13th at. _ 471 R-NTAL AC-.NCIES. 1ST your pioperty with Stringer "c 1'cnny , J Douglas blocs , s. c. cor. IGth and Dodge. f.l'J 10 MISCELLANEOUS. MolN'llUIi'S Cejobrated Oinamentnl and An- tomutlc Weather btrips havn provuil the best ovei ottered to the public. Wo will apply the strip to w ludows and doors for : ic per foot. Wnirnnted to keep out dust. soot , gas nnd v\ hid nnd to last duilng the life of the runbur. Wn refer jou to gentlemen of Chicago who have had our strips In usoforO jenrs : Lulrarln I'ooio , Gov. lloverldgo , Hon. U li. Hand , L. O. Spencer. Nathan Mears. Tor work or to see samples address L. J. Keene , WJ-i Ilumlllon St. , Omaha , Nub. 7IJ4 Ibt . - to know that Wheeler * WANTP.D-Vcople Wheeler arethe hole agantbln Dom-lns Co of the Peopl" ! . ' Llvo EtocKlus. Co. . of I'enu. covers loss fiom all cau&os. Wo can insure your hnrso for $ KKi. for less than two cento pur ( lny. Wheeler X Wheeler , L'ouglas and Itith st. 7fiO IK T/101TND The best sweet plrklPS In the mar- JL ? kot. Ask your giocer for lloluz' H\vi-et picklei mid tuko no other. OR ! 'M TTIIIATllKlta cleaned , curled and dyed , hats -I-1 tchhuped , at r. M. bcluulull X Co.'IH : N. lutli. -.iIn t _ _ _ . - AUCTION sales pveiy Tuesday and Friday morning at 111'arnam. ! Omaha Auction X Ktorago Co. 77fi \H , MAHY Strong , cor. Hannders nnd Casslns 'fcts. , Kouutzo plnce. Telephone 1WI. 2U7 nJt C iASH paid for household furniture , stoves , Omaha Auction & btorago Co. . ll.'l rnriinm. NTIQUAHIAN HOOK Store , 1113 Farnam st. A Cash paid for second-hand boons. EDUCATIONAL. VKNINU i'rench class. Now York Life E Ilulldlng , Hooin Wi. ) .lilies Merle. 711 N l' rpllKliauJo taught n nn art by Ceo. r.dolien. JL beck. Apply at Ilee olllco. ji'iU * SCHOOL of Expression , Vocal Aillculnte , I'automlutc , 1. V. Anderson , fahoelv bloci- . MIO20t STOCK DOARDED. WANTl"l-Hor-6S to winter nti rvmontl per head ou farm near Irvlncton. Plenty of grain aud hay to feed , good shelter and gooi rnroglvon thnui ; coltn. horses arrows taken It exchange for feeding them. W 11. Human. 101 HOKT.iJ Wintered at my farm , good range and 1'nddneks ; no barbed wire on plnco hoiscrf called tor uud delivered ; teiiuH inoJer nto. Telephone f > 77. Cliaa. McCormlck , ( 'al noun , Nob. _ 417 n7 winter horse ? on W. II. Mlllard'n IWILIi nt Cnlhoun , Neb. llpasonnblo rates can * consldored. Orders can be loft with W. II Mlllard or mailed mo utCalhoun , T.J.I'lumlog 154 nl LOST. LOST or stolen Askye terrier pun ; answer * to name of Wllllo ; eats and tall cropnrd Itoturn to 1610 Wlrt , and gut reward , H , \ os PERSpNALS. ODT tlowers and plants cheapest at A lloogo'i , llMN.Kthnt. 730 iW TA15AHvlfe. do not fall to have Heintz' swee JL/ pickles on ( he table It you want me to bo prompt ut my mcala. t& 20 1 ADIKS and gentlemen desiring correspond - Jentu uddresa Corresponding Club , Kanja City. Mo. incloaefctamp. aJJ nU WANTED-TO BUY. \\7ANTUD | To bur an cstabllened fire lusur T unco agency or ijaituerahli ) lu name. Ad dress J , Jj. , b03 B. mu et , W7 19J "IASH forfurnltur * . carp ts , eta WelVfl Auo- tlon jlorogo Co. . 31T HT ; llth. 715 WANTBD Oood Sfcond-hnnd ranco stove for hard or oft coal ; mn t bo in good or- l r and prlco very low , t\dures . JjJ lieo. ANTED-4 or B th atid jclsot MrnTfo miloUx1 * , llurr Oftkndd , tip to grade. In- Qlilro W. N. Dorward , MlTiDotiplasst. 700 STORAGE. TlHAClCA"KRtoraKo"alcnvflstrates. W. M. JL lluahnmn. 1111 Lcnv morth fni TOHAOB nnd forvvarlHtllr. Wo collect nnil'de * silver t-oods of nil dccclptlon. merchandise , urnlturo and bngcagent cheapest rates for forage for any lengtlt 6f time. Vans nnd vngons to behadatshoVtt-rt notice , with care- til men for moving. IMckltiR nnd slilpplng rom our own rnrehouso ilonn on moderate charge. Merchandise. loaded nnn unloaded. Vnreliousa nn our own tracks. OITlco 1J S llth Bt , Telephone IH. Howcll & Co IXX1 JTOHAdI" nt low rates at 1121 Knrnam street. JOmalia Auction nnd atornpo Co , ( Ki CLAIRVOYANT. MADAM15 Wclllnnton. vvorld-rcnovvnod as- trologUt , test medium and deMlny reader , list from linropo. Tells your life irom the crndloto the grave , reunites the separated , AUKOS speedy marrlrge with the one you love , ocntes cllspaso nnd torrtts with mnassge and electric baths. All In trouble should not fall to consult thli glftod goorflss. Parlor 0 , upstairs , I17S. llth ; olllco noun , from 10n , m. to 10 p. m. HIB 1st TTlOHrUNr. Teller Mrs. l.cnormnn can bo JL ? consulted on nil affairs or life' . Satisfaction guaranteed No.JlloN. iftthBt. TO2iillJ "I vll. NA NII : V. Warren , clairvoyant , metli- J cat nnd business medium. 1'emalo diseases ustiHclalty. ll'J N. IflthBt. , rooms i ! nnd il. 105 S H olRTHAND AND TYPEWRITING WHlTTLtSiY'Sshoithnnd : : nnd typewriting school , darker block. Ino best and chi-nn- est In the city. C.18 N' 12 * STANDARD Shorthand School. Itoom Ulo Ware blk. , ( successor to Valentino s ) the largest excmslvesnorthnud school In the west. Teueu- ors are vcruatlmreporters. 1'ai tlculnr altentiou paid to typov\rltlmr. Mechanical construction ofmaclune taught by factory expert. Circulars FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS "IjllllST mortgage notes for sale , one , two aud Ju ? tlueo years , interest pajablo seinl-nnuu ally. Address M II. llcoolllcc. 7 < t-17 ) FOlt SAM : Now ftirultureof n (1-room house ; house torrent. Inquire 1018 Palo st. 773 17 * HOHSB , buggy ana harness , cheap. 1'rnnk UothamUtli _ anaptols ata. 780 Jd _ FOlt flAM : Kurmturo of ll-roora houso.JVIl ; rent JM ) ; income J1JO per mouth. Inquire G09S. llth st. 7S ) lb * TJIOH 8AI.U A now furnace ; cheap for cash i1 or will trade. Inquire' at 210 a lJth 7JO T7IOH SAW ! Sim-lo hursos or tonms , cnenp , JO and on easy terms. 11.1' . Mnstois , tlooiu 4 , Wlthnull bullclllig. 7T.I 24 FOR SA 1,1" Now Amesherry phaotou ono of the llnest. See It.l' . Masterl , Hooin 4Wllh- ncll building. 71324 A I' I US I'-clnss nasolluo steve for sale v cry cneap. 1701 Daveilpoit bt. 7 ri 17J FOH SAM2 One llvo-gla s landau In coed re-- patr. i'nsy payments. II. R Mnsteis , Itoom 4. Witlmoll Imlldlng. 731 24 T71OH SAM-a cows cheap H. II. I lender- JL. ' son , room 101,1'uxton blk. ti'i" ' , FOH PALI ! I ! } every leading grocer , Heinz . - - FCKSALi--A quantity , of building stone. Apply to the superintendent Hoe building. ' " * 625 F SAM : Second hand furniture of nine - room house. Apply aj 03j s. 17th s ? . } FOH SAM' Ice In cif lots , Gilbert llros. . Council lUnirs , In. ' 40J S3 S AKi : for Sale Hmcain ; double aoors ; nearly new. flS N. VVLlfe HulldtnK. SR3 IOH SAM : Furniture ,9t n R room cottage , complete ; hoiibe for rent. Address or call Chas. 1' . Stephens. Max Ml-yer Ilro. 507 1C ? InOll SAbn A iri-horso newer Torter engine 1 In good condition , wotght fi.lOOpounds cyl inder 11x10. For particular * apply to 'Iho ' lice oflice. , , , 703 TTOH 8ALK 1 D-soatod carriage made by JL ? Simpson ; 1 net double Jinrness , and house hold furniture. Cor. Georgia uvo and Mason st. Mrs. L. A ( Siolf tOJ 10J ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee k Trust Co. . N. Y. Life bldg. coinoleto abstracts f jrnlsnecl and tltlos to real estate examinedperfocte il A ; guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN M 'ONKV : loaned on chattel security or roa estate. J. J. WlUlnson , 018 Paxton blk. 788 OH.003 I'm nta money to loan or w 111 buy good Pmortgago , W. L. Selby , r. U , Hoaid of Trade. MONRY to loan by nn eastern man , on gilt edge property , for the next lOdays. 1 hurls , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hank. 5iU BUII.Ul.Ni ; loans vumtod on brick business or ic-sldencB blocks. Fiivornblo terms and ratcp. KlnibaU , Champ & Hyau , I'.M'i I'nrimm. aw N a PHII.ADlILVHIAMortgaso. * ; Trust Co. fur nish cheat ) eastern money to borrow era , purchase securities , puifect titles , accept loans nt thflrv\eatorn ollieo , Ueoigo W. I1. Coates , loom 7. Hoard of Trade. BKS Cljott > , ( ' ) to loan at C per cunt. Llnanan Sc Ma- Phoney , loom WJJ 1'axton block. H0 MONl'V to loan on furnlt-io , j-uiie .we , , Jus , e'tr . or on any nppioved secuilty J. W. Hobblus , HlUi Karnum street , 1'axtou hotel. MONBV" to loan nt low rates and no delay. Capital ana surplus ifl.600.lXIO. Lombard Investment Co. , .1008 Klthst , i < SO /IHATJ'Li : loans , Mrlctly confidential. M.I. l Hall , 1'J Continental block. 7 O24 " [ I/TON / iY to loan on any security J-T-L lor short time at low .rates. Lowest rates on personal pioperty. The IIcadei- Mortgage Investment company , room 400 Paxtou blocc. a"i O MAHA Chattel Loon Co. , Itoom 42 , Darker block. Money at lowest rate. 71IO24 Tj"IIItST mortgage loans at low rates nnd noL -L delay , J > , V. sholos.210 i'lrst National bnnk. 871 * BICKOHU making chattHl or collateral loans , it will pay you to sea The Western Invest ment Co. , room U. , Hco building. bt > J MONI1V to loan on city inoperty and farm lauds ut low est raUu. J. D. X.itile , 4JU I'ax- ton bloiK , 178 T\f ) YOU want moneyIf so , don't borrow J- before getting my tales , which are the low est on nny sum f rum tl to 110 , WU. I make loans on household good * , pianos , or gans , horties.miiles.wnRouswarehouse receipts , houses , leasen , eta. lu anv amount , at thu low eat possible rates , without publicity or removal of property A . , Loans can be made for.ana to nix months nnd you can pay pait at 11117" time , reducing both pilnclpalund luteieht. Ifiyouowo a balnnco on jgiiriurnltiiro or lioraqi ( pr have a loan ou them , I will tnki ) it up nuu carry it for you as long as j ou desire. ' If you need money voUnvillflnrt it to your ad vantage to see mnbefnrtVborrowlni * . H ] ' . Masters , roam I , WUhuell building , lltn and llarnoy. ' tT ) MONP.V to loan on hqrtcs , wagons , mules , household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , lowest rates. Mho llrst or/'MiUed / loan olllce In tlio city. Mulica lounnrroai thirty tothreo hun dred anil sixty-live days , which can bo paid in part or vv hole at uuy tfmd. thus lowering the principal and liiteri-st , 'nlll ' ana BOO us when you wunt moiiuy. We cnu'ysslst you promptly and lo jour advautagn vvlthout rejnovnl of property 01 publicity Mojiey always on hand. No delay In mak * . ' loana , " 0. l\ Hoed A. Co , 310 8.1 , th st. , over lllnghaVii jfc Sons. b75 MONKYtoloan. O. T/f/avU / Co. , teal estate and loanagents. rillTnlnam st. B70 WANTKIi I'lrst-clas3 Inside loans , lowest rates. Tall and suu Us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , 1WH 1'arnam. 877 OAKS on chattel and collateral aocurlty.Bpo- J Jclalratos thlswrek , w * * i < i * i ii i t ma TH * rui"b | 11 nn * * * -"j u luvnntmuut Co. . H , IO , Douglas bl'k. , 10th aud Dodge nl * . ONKY loaned on chattel eecurltles and jewelry , Hooin411kheoley blk. IMI.Jerome. Oi6 o 1 $ ITlI.DlNil loans , D. V. BholesfTlo" firbt National bam * . b7J r OANSniade on real estate aud mortgagee J-Jbougut. IA > UU B. Itecdi Co. r.lJboard trade Wl KKYSTONK MortgnBe Co.-lxans of HO to tl.0ugetour ; r to Iwfore borrowing and save mouey ; loan on her t > 8 , furniture , or any approved security , without publicity ; notea bought ; for now ] Uan , renewal of old. nnd low. H20Jbheeey ! blL,15th i Howard at. M ONKY to loan on loal * tate security at lowest rato.s. Hororo negotlatlnt : loam see Wallace , II 'Jio Urown bide ; mill and Douglas. OAN8 City ana farm lo-mi. mortengo ' - McCngite InTcMment Uo. l > iSTT > RNCK loans-C to 7 percent ; no nrt- J. illtlonnl chargeii for commissions or attor ney's feos. W IJ. Melkle , llrst Nat bank bids. t81 | \ | ON BY Loans negotiated at low rates with- a.u out delay , nnd purchase Rood commercial paper and mortgage notes. B. A. Slonnn. cor , 13th nnd I'nrnnm. 883 MONEY to loan on city or farm property , ( leo. J. Paul. 1C09 Farnam st , KSO _ QKP.SlioipT. ( room 2"lO 1'lrst Niu'rbaiik , lieforT VJinaking your loans. 8R1 MON iV : * to loan ; cashou hand ; no dolny. .T. W. Squire. 1 'I'J I'nrnnm st , , Kirst National bank building. fcl " \rEHilASiCA Moru Ix > an Uo. w IH make you J- > loan on household Roods , horses , v\ngous , land contract * , flno Jovvelrv. or securities of any kind , without publicity , nt umsonMilo rntos. lloom 7 , How ley block , South Omaha , Hooins fil l'J , 1'axton block , Omaha , Neb , , _ _ _ _ _ _ 8S7 fllOI.OAN" A few thousnnd ou Invldounlm * J- proved oily property or good 2d mort ago paper. Address M 411 , lice olllce. 2(13 ( MONIJV loaned on furniture , horse ? nnd vvngons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , US B. l.lth si. , opposite Millar d liotpl. B.SC ) SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. National safety iiw oslt vaults. Safes JD to rent $ " to Sii n year , 0)7 ) R. 1 Ith. 2W BUSINESS CHANCES. Tj'OH HKNT-Luneh counter nt P. II. ( ItcenX X' cor. 18th nnd St. Mnry's uvenuo ; tills Is n splendid chnuco. 7tO 1J RTOCivfor hoots nnd shoes , host locution In tuocltv of Omnlm. Nob. ; Interests nhowhoie compon mete to sell out. Addicss M 7 , Heo ollli o. 7iiJ lii' dj ' .Ntl Hist class stock iriocerlcs. fixtures , etc , Tlocntlon onu of best in Omnhix. Address Ml , , Heo olllco. 7fhlli + A LOON at n acrltlce. fl.OOJ cash , to oirect sale in tw o days. Andret ! 2 , Hco olllce. 741 17t _ _ _ " | 3 A NK for hnlo Ilulldlng. lot. snfo tlxturcs 4 Jandjf urnlturo at Veunngo. Nob. , 20 miles from any other bank : no better location onu bo found ; apply to J. W Maher , Grant , Nob. , at once. _ 'OH 17 _ HOTUli and bar furnished In South Omaha ; hontod with stcnm. nnvvly pnporeil. and nil modern Improvements. Hare chance for mnn of small capital , lleut $1(1) ( ) par month , with secur ity. Inquire 1201 Douglas st , Omaha. nor Ut FOH BAM" Store flxtmos , unto , olllce , tallies , uutorp. sholvlng closk , show raocs , etc. I(3 ( .1 ones , 1JOJ rurnnm. _ fiOH 20 ItUO business for bale : wlll felvo low price to cash buyer ; this Is n snap ; Investigate. Stringer & . Penny. Douglas block. _ fill ) 10 , < fl Wonted , a thorough business man as $ proprietor of branch house for Nobiawkn. lor particulars address box 10J ! < , DesMolues. la. 7 'J I8J T71OR SAIK Or trade , a well established book JO and htntlonery stoio. Hot nis. Kit TJIOR HiNT : Itestiurnnt with bakery In base- JL ? mont and looms uuove. oath tooms. dining room to heat lXiuow ( brick building , pai tins ow n- lug itw'lshtogo outorbusluess ; party must bo lesponslble. 1'or particulars address ( ! . \ \ . Whittaker. Kearney , Neb. . llnllaloCo. 4t6OUi T"OIt BAl7i : A prlvaFe bank with Its business J. lu a llv o town. No other bitik In the place. Good relisons for selling. Address , LO , H < e. T71OH SALK-r/easoand fiirnlturo ot ttie De- JO jior Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , at n bargain. A cjood chance for the right man. Address , De pot Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. 05T TjlOlt SALiK A good paylnc grocery store In J Lincoln. Terms , half cash. For particulars address 11 , Hoe onice. Lincoln , Nob.CS70 CS7-0 21 * FOR EXCHANGE. Y\7 vNTKD-Iwnntto trade ngoofl clear lot TT in Omnlm tor a good team ot driving horses. * A. P. Tukcy , N. Y. Life bldg. 7K ) * I"ftXOlIANCi- ( ) fora gonl merch.iudlce JCJstoro near OiuaLm ; address bos W , Alton , la. 723 20J O UOOI ) Inrms in Hitchcock Co. , Nno. to trade for stock ot dry goods , clothluij , boots nud shoes ote , both In good state of cultivation lizhtiurumb-nnco and near good live town , will trade ouo or both ; address LGS Hee olllce. 707 2J EXCHANOi : for city proporty. two good farms Joining towns situated lu Ilurlnn and Oreely counties. Meyer i ; Haapke , 141)5 ) Har- ney st. OUlolO WANTED To exchnnce dry goods notions and millinery goods for clear land or city property nnd part cash. Address box 470 Vrankfort , Ind. IKw EHNTA1. property , Inside , to exchange for farms or vacant city lots. Thos. 1' . Hall , .111 Paxton block. t % FOH KXCIIANHE ror any kind of good pioiierty , a grain clevatoi In ono of the best towns lu Iowa , situate1 ! in thehoartof a line agrlcultui.'d country. Present owner H nol a giiilnman-md lias other business. A rare chnuco for a practical man. Also , iv ! e thousand aciesot line timber land in northern 'lonues- see. Hooin 14 , Cuumbcr ot Commerce. Tel , 1110. WANTP.I ) To tiadn. gllt-edgod property nud cash tor a small hotel In n Uvo No- biaskatovvn. Uoom 11. Chamber of Commerce. Tol. 1410. 241 ! FOR SALEREVESTATE | 7 OH SATiH by Otto Looeck on easy teims ; JL1 10 acres In fapnng Vnliey , ndjolnlni * city uud near Holt line , HW per acre , vvoith $ . ? JO. U.i acres on 1 reinont , Klkhoin H. H. , near So. Oinnhn , $ l.uoo. Ano lota In Solomon's odd. , $ MO to gCOO. Lobeck , Itoom IB , Chamber of Commerce. 7W > 21 8"HOOM Cottage , No. 2H12 Ifuiditto street" tince blocks Jrom olcctric motor , two from horsi * cats ; lurges high rooms ; elegant lusldo finish , Insldo blinds , storm windows , etc ; city witter , good bam. Will rent or lenso to good , responsible tenant very chenp. Prefer tobell. Lot iidjuliilng nlso for sale cheap. 'IVims to suit purchaser , liuiuiro on premlcps , or of 1\ A. Manger. Printer , Ilaseineut N. W. cor. IUh and I'liiimm , ' 04 _ IHAVi ; some tlrst class rental propelty for sals chenp within ono mlle of postolllci * . ou paved stroits ami motor Hue. Thos. 1' . Hall , Jll Paxton block. b'Jl BIJAl'TlKL'MIomos lean oiler for t.Uo ; i first-class houses just completed , Nos. .Ulli , IL29 and .C."JI Poppicton avenua Thodo lioiibt M nre designed hy ulirorout nrchltcctH and are uu- like In every respect. 'I hey me splendidly and .substantially built wltn double floors tluough- out , furmice1 , bathhot and cold water , splendid brick cellars. It will pay you to cull nnd In spect this property , ( ieorgu N. Hicks , room JOi N. Y. Life otilldlug. 710 1" ) FOH SAM : Ono of the best lots In Koservolr add. H. H. Hall. H 4i llarkt-r hik. 515 IU J7"OH BAIii : , v ery cheap , no trades , farm M 1.711 A ncu-s. Bce,5 , 12 N , o w. Iluiiultoncounty Neb , 2 mllu.s from Mariitiutte. uniall housu , utablo , 3 lucres p.wturo rencnl , living water prlco only $10 per acre , * . i.4IT.(0 , one-thlid IB'li ciop included , Turmn J2.2HO cash balanroil per cunt Intel cut , F. 1C. Atkins , owner , rallroud build ing , Denver , Colo. 778 _ GO UALI.ACU , Hrowu bulldlnt' , Ktli'nnd > Douglas. A lu-nt i-room : housn nnd one of the best lots in Monmouth park. JI.MXl ; f.V ) cash and $ ! " > per month : woith J-.OOO. Tula is a clinuco to get a homo easily aud cheaply. Lot 4 , block A , llcdford , fronting State nnd Hilstol Ms , n good investment at * l-uo. Lot 4 , IHnckI , Carthage , one of thu best east fronts in thai addition , only * 'MJ. ' to 'Nov. 1 ; woitli tl'J.i. ( Will build on this lot tor auyotio . Two of the best south front lots on Tin mini street In IfriRgs Place. J1K ) oticli , easy p-iy. meiitv ; wllkbilngriiOln leii thuiia year. lot II , I Hock L , 1 owo'g add. i/O f t nuiitli Iront. one block tiora electrlo mctor line , il.lU'J ' , ml- mhnblnloi for tuo cottaues : easy turniH. Well Hltuatecl 21 and 2.1 fet't lot ! on Military roan In Clifton JIlll. . " > UO nnd 9MO. Will build comCortatilo rottaues on tlie e lots nnd Hell them for 8l.0.0to t'Mtnslost \ pc-hslblo pay- moms , aioti ) in Clifton Illlifor JMXicach ; will build ou any of these and sell ou easy pny- J.o't.1 , block ! , Huwthorae , fora few days at Moiimoutn Park is the most nttrnctlvn addi tion about Omnlm. LotsHOOtoI.UOi > . Kic'ctrie motor line reaches thin addition , crudes are bu ms establish-ill , mull is dollveic-d , vvatsr service after Januuryl.tlnu ches. nchools nud sidewalks convenient , PeuthUnroperti before you buy , Wallace , llrown llulidlnc. 74J 17 _ TfOMiTa for f-ulo on Monthly I'ayinents. IL ( .room ( IwulUugiu Central Pars , full lot , toutli front ; payuionts. Jl'.w ) per month. Bmull cottacjo in Central Part , full lot ; pay- mentB. litt ) per montli , 0 room dwelling , corner IWlb nnd Patrick ave nue , full lot , south front ; payments , 1 0 per "flandsomo 7-room dwelling , on Grace Btreet , all modern Improvements , on monthly pay. monts. Other property In ull part * of the city. Call and see me. i > . J. O'Donahoo , 1W1 1'ajnooi. T > IKHHB ihe CnpUal-Lotslylngwlthln threo. J. fourtlu of * mile ottha court tioiisn lu PteiTf , the capital ot bouth Dakota , can now bo bought forfliUcacb. In six months they will be worth Hoo. NowlstlieUnio to buy. Inquire of it. P , UoavveitU , HoowiX , Har.ur Ulock. Omahu , tw G O TO the "Old llellnbl " M. A. Upton Co. IGth nnrt Knrnkm. for rral estate tnrcat- HeforeiiCM Our past dcnllng-i , 75 "I710KSAM" I facro tracts of land adjoining A' city , will sell very cheaton small payments , II. II. llall , n t2 llarttr blk. 61510 " \X71Mi sell Rood lot In Orchard Hill for. $700 ; TT easy terms , btrluuor A Peutiy.Uoiiplas blk. _ _ MO'lft I310H SAM' Lincoln 1'iaco lot at half price. JU H. H. Hnll. " "arkfrblk. f.nb _ IJAHTII'.S having equity In Omnhnioal estate with prpsslng incumbrnnre , nnould call on Stringer & Pcnnv , Douglas block. niu 10 tl3TjA > IKI ) Tf 1 ( Tout seJT iTuit haTnnbc ( fin JJHovd'a addition for $ .IIV > , lthn Kottogo his week sura pop. its n roikcr for thf > monvy. jholc-g , glQJ'lrst National bank. _ 4111-17 ICT.OOO actual value Inside buelu * ss and rest. Pdonce , M1.OJO worth of houses bolng built ad joining , will sell for $ I7IU ) now 1 Why ? Tor reason nm In need of JIO.UOJ cash ; grout otTor. Address I.f > 0 , Heo. ( tilullj "IJIOH SAIt-Onlonittlmo nud easy payments , J. handsome , now. vvull-bullt houses ot K.ti.nud 0 roouii. All corn-vine ires , good neighbor- iood ! paved streets , street cars , ami within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Farnam street. tsu F Oil SAMl At one-third what they nrovvortn n latfl close to Duuddo Place. II. 11. Hnll , H 42 llnrkor blk. ni5 IB _ ' OH'SA LK-A film cornorin M.voriHlrhnrds . &Tid ) < Mi'aaad. 11. K. Hall , H U llarKor bit. 615 1 _ TfOH SA f.r.-'t-room house , unrn nutl lot , JL. ' Ilinincoin Place , nt n batgnln. llnrrla , room 411 , lut Nat Hank. art _ "ITtoll SAI.r--SOM : iicros land in Nohraskn ; JUwixllo foot ION S. llth st. nt a Micrlllclnt- lrlco. Iniiulro 141SH. 13t'i ' Oeo. II. Peterson. FOH SV.MJ-JJ.lKU-'GOacio stock tnrin m llrown Co. Nel > . For particulars write to IoITU ! , Alnafiorth , Neb. I'C ' ? O.1) ) * TOOUBAM" 3-room house nnd lone , 13th niul JL' Ohio , Cheap and on easy terms. II. I' , Masters , lloom I.Wlthuoll building. Tin 21 "IjtOH SALK-On easy tetuis. n ilno h-room JL ? house In Orchard Hill , lor pnrtlouhusud- dress 1.17 Heo olllco. 231 OMAHA HOTELS. WINDbOH of 10th and liUksonsts. , U blorxs from Union dopot. llcst SJ a duy hrtiso In the cltv. W > 7 DiHsoliitton Tliollrmot lliown & Nnvman has this day dissolved. Hereafter the linn will be H. Nu - miin. The suld It. Newman pajs all bills ami colU-ct all outstanding bills. A. lliiow.v. o-ll ! d-l t * H. KI.WMAN- . CHlUr QUAHTUltMASTUR'3 Ol'KICK. Omaha , Neb , October 16 , ISM. Healed proposal ! ) In triplicate , will be received hero until two o'clock p.m. . central time , Novembei- 15,18 < i.a idtnenopened. foil ) Ultonabituminous c < ill 22IU lb totho tun and ! U cords wood dcllM rod nt Camp l'll"t lluttc.Vyo. . or other points speclhod by blddnr , Tlio I .S. respr\estho right to i eject any or all bids I'loforencoxvlllbu plen to urtlclcsiif domestic pioductton. All Information - formation fiirnl < hed on nppllcitloti to this of- Ikdorto A. A. O. il. . Camp Pilot Unite. Un- velopus rontaluuiK uroiiosiils should be mnrkod propo nls for fiiot. nnd addressed toVM. . 11. illHUIKH , l/.uutciinnt Colonel aud Deputy Quailermasterllenoral , U.S. A . Chief Quartet master. O IB cl UN 7 H. 1'rojiomilH tor 1'av lilt ; ItoiulH. Souiti OMMI v , Nr.ii. 1 October Idtli. IBS' , f Senlod proposals will bjiicelveil by tlio nn- dcrslBiied until Octobci ' .th , l S' ) , at I o'clock p. in. , furthn puicli.i o ( if tnltty elirht thousand ittitilct pavltijj bouilH of the llty of South Omuiiii. b.ild bondilll bo dated No- \emborlst , IHS9 , and will ba due In one , two , thtee , four , live , six. KUUMI , eight and nine yenia f loin I heir date , a similar amount becoming duo each jour , nte In sums of llvolmudreit each , and bear Interest from their date at the i.ito of seven per cent per annum , payable annually. Thi ) pi Inclpul nnd Interest are both payable at the-1 JsciU agency oflhoStato of Nobrask.i In Nu VOIK. Said bjnds nio Issued under tlio charter power of said llty , nnd will l > edellvoi d to pur- tlinsei s on pavmeut tliorefor at the Cltv 'I ioas , ury in t-outli Omaha on No\ ember 1st , is-j. Itids will bo addressed to the underolRiied nnd marked "I'roposnls for District 1'nvlni ; Honda , " nnd must stut.i tlio full name mid nddiess of tlio bidder , the amount of nald bonds desired ( a similar amount duo oauh year 1'ioin one to mno years ) and the price proposed to bo paid with accrued Interest. The right Is lesoixed to ro- Jcct any or nil bids IJn. JOIINSTOV. OKiulut. Ch'ilrman rinauco Omimltte. I > KOl'OSAr-3 for Kroctlon of School Ilulldlng , etc , U. S. Indian Survlie. VanKton ABcnc-y , Daktota October 12th , IK ? ) . Sealed propoKiils , ludorhcd "lrooals ] for election of a fcthool bmldln , ' , or for bulldliiK materials" an the. tasu may be , nnd directed to the muU'islmicd at Greenwood , Dakota , \\W bo received at this olllco until one o'clock of November ! > th , IRS'i. for fuiiiIshlnB the necessary mateilals nnd labor and lorerectlnn a t\vo story frumo bchool bnlldliiK at the 1'ankton ABency , Dak. ' In ac- corduueov\ltb plans nnd bpe-illcntionstlintmny bo examined at thu ollieo ot t ho " 1'Ioneer Press" of St. Paul , Minn. , the "lleo ' of Omnhu , Nelu. , nnd "Journal" of Slouv City , Jo a ; also for furnishing a variety of lumber , brlikfl , wln- douii , clooio.bardttiiu1ett , , ( a lull list and des cription ot which miv bo obtained bv appllira- tlon to the nnilerslRtiecl ) . ipcjulred for nijeiicy buildings. liiMubmlttlm ; bids forthcuti ( .t on of the KJinol butldliiK. bldilerx mustHtatit the le'imth ot time rvmlied to comploti- - nnd for fiinilshluu building mntcrlal , the price of euth aitlcle olTured for dt llverv under contract must bo fperlllc illy stated. Certlliod checks All lids ) must no iierompanied by coi tilled chocUsnnon some.TnltedSt ites depository , piyablo to the order of tno uiulTRlgneil. for at leust.r > per oi'iit oftht amount of the proposal , which chec.R will be forfeited totho rnltcabtatesiiicnsunii } bid der or bidders receiving an nvv.ud Hhnllfiill to promptly ovecute a contract withstood and auf- iicloiitaurotlcs , otherwise to bo returned ro the bidder. The rlsht Is reserved to reject nny or all bids or any p.u t of any bid If dcemi d for the best Interest of the borvlce. BAMTKli T. IrAVV , V S. Indian Agent. QlCiU'lt Fotlce Is hereby plvon that a book will be opened at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday , the six teenth clay of November , 18oi ! , nt tno ollieo of J. M. Thurstou , Union 1'iiclllc HulUliug , In the city ot Omnhu , Douslns county , Nobrusku , for the purpose ofiecelvmc subscription.i to the capital stock of the Omuha Union Depot Com pany. \V. II. llOI.COMIl , O.V. . Ho .liiu.cii : . T. t ( , KlMllAI , ! , . 1'or the IncorporntoiA. ' " THE iHHlM'TIME TA8LES , OMAII A. Si u it u n'roTniUul Depot lutli be Mason HU.I Chicago Vestibule ix. : . . . : i:15 p m 0W : a in CbIcii oMall ii:15 u m (1:11 ( : p m ChlcaKO hocal C:4J : ( p in 7:11 : u m Denver Vestibule Kx. . . . 1(1:0) ( : n , m niX : ) p m Lincoln ti Concordm f-o'l 8:0) ) u m n.15 p m Colorado Mall 7:1) p m : u m Chicago 1'nat Mull . . . . : OI p m Kansas City Kxpress. . . . ! ) : ! . - > a m 0li : a m Kansas ltyjjxprcss. . . lliOJ p in flVi : p m UNION I'AOII'IO l < eave Arrlvo Depot 10th and Maicy Hts Omaha. OlllHllU Overland I'lyer. . . . . , . . , 7p : > 0 p m I'uclllo Kzprua * , H2.u ; ml 7:20 : a m Dom-or I'.xproas. . . 1U:30 a mi SVi ; p m Kunsus C'lty. Lincoln ic Huiurlci ) llxpiess 4:45 : a m 12 : nn m tdrund Island Kxpresi / > : p m J:2.p : in I'nnllllon I'usseiiKer. . . 6:5.1 p ml 7:39 a m tDally Eicapl Sunday. MlNSOUJtl I'ACII'IO . LbU.O jilt iv a Dejiot litluv-WutisterHts1 Omaha. Oin.uiu. Dny Kxpre s IO-1J n m OilO a in Night _ VW : p i it " C'l ; ) p in " O. ftN.W. H. H. I T.eava | Arrive Depot 10th &i Jlurcy ats. Omaha. xpioss , Dally 0li : ( a m' ' 7.0i p m Fast Limited , Dally . . . 2:10 : p m 10,21) ) n m jHie I'lyer. " Dally. . . Htoj ; ) ml H:0'i : a m 0. Sl.ibT. 1 AIH * Lcavo Arrive Depot lUlj A , Mnrcy nts. Omaha. Omaha. No. 2 Uir : > a m No. 4 ' U.OO p m No.-l 7:15 : a in No.3. . . . . . . . . . fiM : ) p m 1' . R A M. V. H. It. Arrlvo Depot 11th * Webbter i-ts Omnhu , Omuhit Hliick Hlllii Dijirnsi . . KM a. m \\Vt \ \ : p m Hastings to KuperJor Kx , 8:40 : a m UM : ) ) i m Lincoln .V vVahoo Pas * fi-,10 p m 10:16 : u m Dav Id City ic York ; p m 10:1.1 : u m Norfolk Pass 6:10 : 10:11 a m Fremont Pass . . . . : ii43 p m BIOlTXClTyiT'ACIFIOl I.eava Arrlvo Depot 15th A , WubsterutJ. { Omaha. Omaha , bt. Paul Limited | flittTp in y.Vi a m a H. i. & . . Leave Arrlvo Depot 10th It. Marcjr sts. Onuilm. Omaha. DOS M nines Accommucl'n 6:41 : a m ( ijufl p m Ailnutie Hxpreaa. . . . . . Sill u m 7:0) : p m Night I'xprcns . . . . . . 4 ; 15 p m u.o ; a m Vejllbuled Hxproaa. . . Mils p m 7:40 : njn WAUASH WKaTKUN. Leare Arrlv * Depot 10th & Murcy uta. Omuha. No. B bt. L. Kxp. Dally. 415 ; p m 13:20 : pm _ 0. ST. P. M.&O. Arrive Depot 15th & Wobiter ut . Omaha. Omnhu , flloux City Kxpxeis . . . . 1:03 : p m liu p m Kloux City Ac'mmodat'u 7:10 n m 0:10 : p m bt. I'aul Llmltsd. . 0:15 : p Ut'i : u m Florence h'as-encer. C : a PIJ : a m Florence I'lmenuer , . , C:20 : p m 0lti : p n thlorence 1'nteeimor. . ti : ' u m 10:21 : u m tFlore-ucfl l'us cuiur. ; , 1'JJ p u Gili Ji 111 Dully lxr iitHuud y. IHumjay O-ily. HJBUUHAN TUAIN3. li ; AVcHtrrnnt. Running btttreen Council ntattw nnd Al bright , in addition lo the atatloni mentioned , trains stop nt Twentieth nna Twenty-fourth jtirytr , ' and at tlie8uiniultin _ * Omnlm , _ _ _ _ _ _ ffroa'iT'TransOmaha ( South I Al- K fer , depot. Shofrly. Umnha bright. KN A.H. A.M. A. U. A.M. A.M. A.M. 6:45 : (1:8 ( : 0:00 6:05 : BilO BH7 8:87 : 8M : OMO 0147 7.01 7ro : 7ua ' 7I.W 7:42 : 7M 8:00 : 7i45 7153 8j2 sra 8 M P.OJ n.o" : I2 lolin PM5 10:12 : 10:31 : 10I4J 10152 11 03 11112 . 11:2 : 11 : w 11:5. : r.w. P. M. V. Ji. P. M. r. M. 1 . M. iin : 12:12 : 13:81 : 12..1J 12i4 12 : t . > in ; 1:52 : SlIM 2:4 : 8:311 : 4ic ; 4I5 ! 3:4.i : 4C : ! 4M r.iic KilS fi.OJ nil : 0m : 7ttt 7li : 71.10 7R2 : 8a- : ( 8:11 : HiftS 9OJ : HI2 ; UtS5 BS52 10:0.1 : 10:23 : 10.30 nr 1 1 i-l ) 1 - 31:00 : 11:07 : 11:51 : 13:01 : Y llBf ! ( K'.Oi - * ; * , cuUNCir , CHICAQO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIHO. II No. 2 . . . . 5nopmA ; No 13 . . .7:10 : n m O No. 0. . . . fliNlpm l > No. 1 .Ul5pm A No. 4 . . . 10 00 ii in .0 No. Ii . fittnpm A No. 14 . . .U:4"ipm.v : | No. 3 0:3J : a m CHICAGO & NOIlTHWUSTIJilN No.O B. 4(1 ( n in ! No. 7 . . . . , HS7nm : j > o.B 3nji : mlNo.l ! 7l"mm : [ \o \ 4 U:2."inmN ! < > fi Oil5pui CHICAQO. MIIiWAUICr.r. Si SV. PAUL A No.S. . . .0:40 n in A No 1 . . . 7 : ( lamA A -o n i n m < NO 'I . r.-JSnm KANSAS. CITY. ST. JO IU-H & COUNCIL HI UITg. A No. 2. . , . 10.07 a m A No. ! ! . . fi'i" > a m A No. 4 U.ripinA No. 1 fl:10pra 8IOL..V l/i i > .V PAUII'IC. A No. 10 . . .7OVnm'A : ' No. 0 . . . . Sjf.lam A No. 12. . 7tKpm'A : ) ' No. 11 . . . .UtHplu ) OMAHA A. ST. LOUIS. A No. 8 . . .4 : jpm'A ' No. 7 . . .12POm : i A dally ; II dally , cxcont Saturday ; 0 oxcop > Bunday ; D except Monday ; fubt mall. THE REALTY MARKET. pKcoa oa rajj-a -L yesterdav. J H DicKovto L M Smith , lots" , undo , ulk \\nlimt ) Hill , iicil . . { 100 Nancy , leleroii ! to Lovett \ . \\iolni.ui , part lot y , blk 10eat Omulia , w il . . . 0,030 W ! llmlontoll II Itubliihou.lots HI to III. blk 1) ) , and lots ( i to H , bis 10. Ninth Omaha , \ \ d . . . . 2f09 KS Hood and wife to II H Scliobcrg et nl , lot : i. blk ii , Albright sanncN , w cl . . . Otto llnumaim and \\Uoto It il Srholiere ; etal. lot .11 , llaumunu s Ut add to West Mdo. wd . . . . . . . . 3'.B C A < oennd v\lfotol l.MuiKcl , mid 'j of. bik \\estOm.ihn \ , vv d . J .1 -Markol to OA Coo , w H oflot 4 , blk U , HuodMHt add , w d . I ! llOiiandlertoSngcliuylei. lot 2 , blkO , .Moiriteo Hill , vv il . . CO .Maitln Calm etal to John .Muiii * , lotlO , blk I , ( irammwroy pirk , vv d . . . . . 750 JtbAlllsto it II Nun ton , lot 14 , blk s , fctev oil's I'liucvvd . 1,20'J Omaha it U A ; T Co to II W due. lots 28 amiV , blk " , Pnumlors A ; Hlmubaugh's add to Walnut Hill , wd . BOO Omahu UK A , 1' Co. to 'J heo Williams. lol'J 7 nn ilP , blkll , lots ! ) to U. blK. , lotsl ami 2. blk 0 , lots 1 , - . 1 nnd o. blk 7 , Saundms Illmuhniigh's Mt. riiii-iintndd. wd . 2,800 M Ii Meaty niul husband to H Weicholt , 1 lo sllmul 10. blk'-M , Hojd'sndd.wd. . . . J.kOO II I Mattlce , ot nl to Jus ile.iumont , < ; t al , S lots U aim M , ulid ) , Hurlliigton Center , vv d . . . . N H Drown anil wile to .1 II i'ninniern , Jr , plot 1,1. blk 8. Patrick's 2d add. qcd. . . . Oato ( Ity Land ( oto .lohn Upton , lot 11 , blk7 , llovNllngflreen. wd . John Ilinim.iu and vv Ifn to ( J J Duelling , lot ID , blk l , Wnlccley. w d . Lee Worm it toil , lot : i , blk 4. Hheit < llii add , deed . D JO'Doniihoeut alto AlolllUd , lot 1 , Al- dhiQMiuuro , v(1 . . J I ! .M Ilia midwifes to rJ Taylor , lot 11. blkU Orchard Hill. vd . lin V an Camp aud vvllo to M llunscii , lot b , blk 8 , Van Camp's mid , wd . E b Kooci and vvlfi > to O It Lee , lot 2) ) , blk in , Albright HUimox , wd . D b Hood aim vvlfu to ( J It Loe- . lot 7. blk 10 , Albright's nimov , wd . J U 1 > ( ulso and w Ifo to John 1 Hcdlck , lot 7blk IWOmnba , wd . John 1 Hodlck and lfe to .1 O Denlne , n H blk 1 J , Ihiuiu .V KIlucn'H add , vv d . . . C 1) Lav ton and wife to 1'inuk Itouun , 2 H-resiiiswmvB-U-U. w d . A J I'opplcton and wlfo to 1'opplotou I'urk llutldlng association , lot U , blk tt , I'opplelon park , w d . . . I'opplc'ton 1'nric Hulldlni- association to 11 C Moody , lot i ; , blk 2 , Popplotou park , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . "IHvon ty-elght tiausfers. . J1H.730 The following oiilltlltiL * permits vvoroissued aithoollicouf Builillnt ; Inar.uctor Whitlouc ! yesterday : William Hronuhton , tv\o story flat , T\\c'iitlcthaiidlinc ( ( 8,000 Tnumlnor permits 700 Tnr eo permits * 8,700 Pcoplo will notlmvu a now cough r omeily , when tlioy know tlio valuu of Or. liull'H ( Jont'h Syrup. Kho stood ut the guto In tlio Into aprloi * twlliglit. and whim who an id good bye , nhu full.niUfjlgl.i ! kiss lior roHV chock ; but' aim only Binilud , lor lior mother tmd invested ! ! D cents in u bottle of Salvation Oil. ' 1 liir-itintr T'or Kuovvl cil ( * < * . NowYorlc Weekly : Trump ( with an old Bchoul book ) Suy , inlstor , will yoi1 kindly lull mo what loltor tliiH la. Pcdcbti'iaii Uoi'tuinly. Thiit'H L. Cun'lyou road ? "No , sir ; but I'mtryin' tor leurn , uu' I alitin't ruhttill I ilo , nutlinr. " ' J am doliglitud to Hud bo Inudablo an ambition in one of your clnsH. You have takun tlio rlefliL ut lust.1' "Yos , Htr , it's mighty rouyli on iv traveler lilo mo not lo ho ublo to toll whotlior a feigns Bays 'Jiuwuru of the or 'l-'ioo Lunch Opoiiiii } , ' , " ' An Almiiliito Cure. ThoOHlGINALAUIHriNUOINl'MKVC Is only put up in lurgu two ouiicii tin boms , nnd IH uu ubsulutu euro fur old nores , burns , vvounJs , rhuppcMl hunds , and nil nkm nriin. lions. Will poHilivuly euro all kinds of piltu- Ask fortlioOUiaiNALjAWKTWIS OlNi'- MKN 1' , Hold by ( ioo iiimn Drui ; couipiuy ut 2i ! coiiU pur box bv mail UU couU. 'I \VcaIililoHt l''rionlly ( Koulnty , A Htatomont Unit tho1 order of For- cbtorH was the wealth ionl friundly bo- eit-ty in tlio world , posscsbinf- capital of XI,821,10 ! ; ! , iu ( mntradictod by another that the ManuhoHtor Uiiitv of Oild Fol- IO\VH luid a cnpitul of 0,800,7:10. : il Ciilllornlti , tlio Idiiul oC Dlhuovpi'lPH. AS'liy will you lay aw lo ( all nluht , couuli- inK , whim that most vtTuctlvu uuu iiKruunulu California remedy , Suntu Abiu , will wivo you immediate roliofl BAN'l'A AIJJK is the only cuarnntcoil euro for consumntlon. astlimu uncl ull bronohiul cornplulntB. Kohl only In largo bottles , nt $1 , Tlirco for t'l.M. Tlio Goodman Urut * Co. will De plcauod to nuiiply you , and RimriinUio rollof wlion used us directed CJAMFOKNIA OAT-IKJUUK liovcr tnto \ \ rolluvo catarrh or cold lu tlia Ji'ad. .Six mouths treatment , f 1 , By wall Bl 1(1. (