Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Omaha Gun Olub's Annual
Shootins OoutOBt
r nnd Grlllln Hljrii Articles Tor
n Glovn Contest Cntch ns-
Cntch-Cnii Artists Turf
nnd Dlnmonil Ncxvs.
Tim Omnha * Anntml Slinnt.
In accordance xvith TIIR line's suggestions ,
the Otncha Gun club has resolved to abandon
Its customary fall club hunt , nnd hereafter
tins annual autumn competition xvlll bo con
fined to trap shooting.
The shoot for this year xvlll take plnco
tlus afternoon , nnd xvlnd up the season ,
.ntthc-Gxvln . & Dunmlro .grounds across the
river , nnd n larao attendance nnd general
Rood tluio Is vouchsafed. The conditions of
the contest nro 60 blue rocks to each man ,
18 yards rise.llvo traps , the losing side to defray -
fray thfj expense ot u bnmiuot to bo served
nt the Mlllurd , Messrs. Frank F. Parmolco
nnd John Potty xvcro appointed captains .of
the respective sides , xvhich xvill bo chosen on
the grounds. The sporting editor of TUB
BEE has been selected nn referee.
< On the AVInij.
The cooler xventhcr of the past txvo days
has set the xvlld fowl In flight , und a great
many birds , 1 > oth geese nnd ducks , are seen
dally Hying southward. The searcltv of
xvator hereabouts neonis to preclude the pos
sibility of anything other than fair sport this
fall. Tnoro Is but lltllo XVIIUT in the Upper
Plattc , and tlio geese nro giving their usual
old haunts along Its numerous Islands nnd
bars thr go-by. At Missouri Valley , Whit-
tine , Omixva , Waubuncey and other popular
ducltini : grounds , thcro is little or no xvator ,
and but few birds.
It Would Hi : till ) Tlllnjj.
Base ball cranks are almost unanimous in
the belief that It xvill bo a splendid thing for
local base" ball affairs If the entire control of
t.he club passes into the hands of President
McCorihlck. Some of the the minor stock
holders are Inclined to bo recalcitrant , nnd
threaten litigation nnd other dire ntHlctlons.
However , the probabilities uro thatMcCor-
mfck xvill get the club.
No Motv to tin Hold.
After nil that has been published the deal
xvitli Cincinnati for "Kid" Nichols has not
us yet been completed. President Stern 1ms
not succeeded in making terms xvith Nichols ,
xvho Is noxv nt Mndison , Wis. , nnd the
chances ni-o that Motion will yet secure the
boy. President MeConnick now gives It out
cold that no more players xvill bo sold.
Ilrro lor dmVliit < M- .
Billy Trallley , the DCS Moines catcher , Is
In the city for the winlcr. M'ralHuy ' xvas un
able to say xvhothcr DCS Molnca xvuuld make
an effort to remain in the Western associa
tion another season or not.
'Jlic I'uNc in tins Sporty Hoys.
The cxclti'inent over the coming world's
nries between the New Yorks and the
American association chnmnions prospcc-
lively the Hroohlyns is growing more nnd
more intense daily. At the Diamond bets of
5100 to SSU are offered on the Giants , but as
yet little money bus been laid. In lirook-
lyn thcso odds nro bomg laid on U.vrnes'
men , wiuln in Gotham the Now Yorlts have
the call at $2 to 51. The pulse of the sporty
boy is boating nigh , and in his blind parti-
nnnshlp it looks to a man tin a tren as if ho
had lost sight of his bolter judgment.
Cntoli-iiHCn toll-din.
Frantc Hobinson , champion wrcstlor of
Dakota , and Dan Mathews. the Australian ,
will xvrestlo catch-as-catch-cnn , three falls
outof live , nttlio Coliseum , baturday evening -
ing , for ? K)0aside. )
Green i'ttt 10 Sleep.
Jimmy Murray and Churlio Green , two
wnud sawyers , mot last night nt the rooms of
the Gate City Athletic club to spar eight
rounds for scientific points. The first round
was a succession of .smashes , while in the
second Mr. ( Jrcoa received a smash in the
jaw Hint sent him to the carpet und the arms
of Morpheus. Both were novices. The
purse xyas WO , KO to the xvinner and ? 3 to the
Articles Siiinnd.
Jimmy Lindsay nnd Jimmy Grlflln mot
last night and signed articles for a glove
contest to talto place in three weeks before
the GUM City Athletic club.
Tlinv KotiKlir. ton Kin'iHli.
ST. Louis , Oct. 11. This morning the
police found in a room Henry Fritz , a black
smith , nnd his xvifa dead in bed with the sldo
of his bond crushed in und her body nnd the
bed clothes covered with blood , The woman
xvas evidently killed in a drunken quarrel
with her husband. Fritz xvas arrested.
Not Noxx\
OMXIIA , Oct. 13. To the Kditor of THIS
Buuj In to-day's iasuo you stutu I am ron-
rescntitiB the Spirit of the Times , also the
Chicago Horsomiui. I wns nt ono time a
niutnhur of the editorial stuff of the Spirit ,
but am now solely connected xvith tbo
Iloiaeumu. Tory truly jours ,
Tlio Anicfionii Ansnciiit inn.
CoLUJtnuis , Oct. 14. Ucsult of to-duy's '
cnmo :
Columbui . 0 1000000 0 1 . 000 U 1300 * U
Pini.Ur.i.i'iu ! , Oct. 1-t. Kcsult of tO'diiy'a
Alhloiie . 1 531 4 1
ilultimorai. . . . 0 0 0 U u a
GuiilO'callcU ou account of darkness.
LOUISVILLE , Oct. -Kcsult of to-dny'a
Louisville . a 0000300 0 5
Knnsns City..O 0322001 * 7
, Oct. 1 ! . Result of to-day's
Cincinnati 0 0010000 0 1
St. LouU 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 U 5
I - Ijixtiinlu ItuccH.
CJN-OIXX.VTI , Oct. 14 The track xvas good ,
the attendance small , and tlio xvcathur cola.
Summtiry :
Maldoh" lllllca , txvo-ycar-olds , ulno-six-
tccnths of a mile -Cecil U xvou , Flyer second
end , KmlJy S. third. Timo-Mi ) .
Maiden three-.vcar-olds and xinxvords ,
tin co-fourths of n nnlo Muriou C. won ,
AV ri > ealc second , Ecstasy third. Tluio
1:11' ? ; .
Txvo-.vcar-old mnldnn colts and yearlings ,
flx'o furiongs Polemus xvon , 1'rlnco Albeit
second , Unllynionn third. 'I'inio 1:00 > ,
r Ailn cs , 0110 uilla IJottina xvon , I'rlnccss
k lloxvllni ; soiond , Ustcllo third. Time
Thrco-year-olils and upxvards , thlrtcen-
Mxlpcntlm of a mile Chestnut Hell xvon ,
Kutiu 8 , second , Leo Hrlsett third. Time
"J hrco-yoar-otds nnd upxvards , thirteen-
sixteenths of a milo Llttroll xvon , Fred
Wooiuy second , lluoliler third. Time 1:33. :
oN , Oct. 14. The great Lexington
trot * of tha Kentucky llorso Urcedors1 asso
ciation footfall to-day. The attendance xx'us
large , the xveathor cold and the truck sloxx- .
Summary :
UfU : ) class ( unfinished ) Joan Vnllcan xvon ,
1'ocaUontaa sccoiid. UllloUc third , Mludlu-
xvay fourth. Tluio S5.
\carllnj ; BtaUc. unlo doah Stamina xx-on ,
Vonlco Boconu > Oryouo third. Time ! i ; aa a' .
' 1 hreo-yoar-olii etalio Nancy Hanlis xvou ,
Uonnlo Wilmoro s cond , Cuinnhell's Elec-
tlonoor third. Tioio 3i !
Jornino 1'ark Itnnoa.
pAiiir , Oct. U. The nttondanco
1,000. The track xvua muddy. Sum
mary :
Five futjoncs straight , txvo-ycar-otds
Ruccesior xvon , Cuioftaiu st-coiid , CarnoO
third. Time I , Of.
, Mile aud cuo-clBhth.-Trlstan von ,
Crnb second , Defaulter third. Time 2OOJ : { .
Kontonnh handicap , thrc-o-yoar-olds , one
mile Mndstono xvon , Kcnortor second ,
eiupgnrd third. Time 1:48. :
SIXBUrlonw Pontlttcvon , Fit * James
second , Bradford third. Time IslO.
Mlle nnd one-sixteenth ( txvo utartors ) J A
11 xx-on , Hixdpe second. Time 1:51. :
Mlle and ono elRhth The Jockeys guyed
the starter nnd noted disKracofiilly toxx-ards
him. Finally ho becnmo BO Indignant thnt
ho dashed the flag In front of the sinning
post , while the horses xvero strung out for
nearly a hundred yards. The start xvas , of
course , illegal nnd had to DO made over
ncnln. Deception came first In n technical
uroak-axx-ay , but Hcfund xvon the legal race ,
with Lotrltlu second , nnd EIovo third.
Time 2:07. :
Snlo of Flyers.
.TEiioJin Pjiiilj , Oct. 14. Colonel S. D.
llruco to-dny old eighteen thoroughbreds at
auction in the Paddock , Como-to-Tnxv was
the feature of the sale. The following nro
the best prices obtained : liiuicocas , ? l,15."i ;
Larchmont , f 2,400 ; Lexington , 81.23 ; Uncle
Hob , $4,000 : ComotoTnxx$10.100 ; Atrurla ,
How it Alntlo tlio Hun Iinqt Sunday
NOIITII PLAirn , Nob. , Oct. H. | Special
to Tun Hcn.J Tun SUSD.X.T 13nn , lotivlng
Omaha nt 4 o'clock yesterday morning , xvas
delivered to its patrons nt Grand Island nnd
points west of thereon the muln line of the
Union Pacific ns follows :
Grand Island , 7i50 n. m. ; Wood River ,
0:55 : a. m. ; Shclton , 10l ! ! n. in. ; Gibbon ,
10I'J : n. ni. ; Ivonrnoy , 11:15 : n , m. ; .Elm
Creek , 12:0vp. : ! in. ; Luxlngton , 13:43 : p. in , ;
Cozad , 1:25 : p. m. : Gothenburg , S..tO p. m. ,
nnd nt North Platte , about three hundred
miles xvcst of Oumhn , at at)7 : ) p. m.
Tun Hue's special tr.xiti made the .run
from Omaha to Grnnd Island , 151 miles , in
three hours nnd fifty minutes , including lour
stops , in which tuoro xvas n loss of a fraction
ox-or txvon y minutes , reducing the actual
running time to nbout three hours und
txvcnty-soven minutes. This extraordinary
run is only one of inuny In the annals of
great accomplishments In the train scrvlco
of the Union 1'nciile , yet it can bo recorded
as the Iiistest time over mndo by n noxvs-
papur train In rcuulur chartered service.
The papers xvould have been delivered hero
oven an hour earlier had not the California
fust train been delayed in leaving Grand
IsJand. The stupidity displayed by ono of
the Omaha , dallies in publishing nn edition
on Saturday ex-ening with n Sunday morning
date nnd sending it out for distribution on
the midnight froicht , xvhen it is patent to
the minds of all noxv.tpnpcr readers that it Is
a physical impossibility for them to receive
lull illspalches and go to press before mid
night. is receiving mucli derisive comment
and rldiculo along the line of ttio rond.
The Sunday enterprise of Tun line is
being L'rctttl.v ' appreciated by citizens in
towns fnva'eod by tliy service. This fact Is
best cvidcnccd < i > y : tlio. clamor for the papers
upon the arrival o'f the trains.
Minister Varra4. of Chill , Mnicon n
l > < > Htl < Ml lilt.
Uurpu.o , Oct. 14. The party composed of
delegates to the Pan- American congress loft
Niagara Falls this morning and arrived hero
nt 0:15. : The excursionists xvero imincdl
alcly drix-cn in carriages to the city hall ,
xvliero tlu-y xvoro received by the mayor and
other notables , and then pi'oceeacd on n
round of slght-sccine.
Al the Niagara hotel the delegates tind
the first Spanish dinner on their trip. Evnry
olTcrt was made to gix'o n tropical aspect to
the entertainment.
After luncheon the party xvas driven to
ono of the highest buildings in the city ,
xvhere a flno vioxv xx-as had of Lake Erie ,
Huffalo. harbor nnd the suburbs. The grain
elevators xveronlso scon in operation. The next
in the order of entertainment xx-as n recep
tion ut , the board of trade rooms. The dele
gates go tOiErie to-morroxv.
In the evening at the Hotel Iriquois n ban
quet more elaborate than any yet giveu xvas
tendered by the citizens of liulTalo. The
event of the ox'cniii occurred xvhen Minis
ter Varrns , of Cnili , proposed this senti
ment :
"A trlbutn of respect to the great , indus
trious nud free people of the United States
the freest in the world the first m peace ,
the llrst in liberty nnd the llrst in the Auior-
iran fraternity thnt Is to be. "
During the tumultous cheers thnt followed
Minister Xogarrn , of Peru , ( Chili's
late foe ) sprang from his seat and
approaching Varras , extended his hand
and xx'urmly congratulated him upon thn
sentiment. Many , catching- the significance
of the scene , sprang also to their feet and
cheered and xvildly waved handkerchiefs ,
xvhilo others xvitli xvarm handshakings
greeted Scnor Xecarra as bo resumed his
Nclirnsk.a unit I oxvn I'cnslnns.
WASHINGTONOct. . 14. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bui/ : / Pensions granted Nebraskans -
kans : Original invalids William II. Judd.
Increase Samuel Weaver , Joseph Kimball ,
Allen Davis , liYancUt M. Domaranvillo.
Pensions alloxved loxvans : Original Inva
lids Benjamin F. Hoxvlesby , Jns W. Webb ,
Andrexv Petersen , John W. ICirkondall , Wil
liam U. Starks , John Siems , Goorpo Van
Epus. Inei-easo Atlon Jeffries , Lorenzo W.
Miller , .lesso Helcner. Joseph R Hill , Wil
liam H. Davis , John H. Turner. Original
xvidoxx-s , etc. Julia W. , xvidoxv of Emanul
Wulburn ; John H , . father of Josluh Cooper.
ItToxicnn xvidows Jane , xvidoxv ot Samuel
Windy. _
l-'ntit 'I'min on n Hiuyolo.
PEOIIIA , 111 , Oct. II. [ Special Telegram
to TUB lUr. . ] Pcorla bicyclists are greatly
exulted over a performance by Hert Meyer
In this city. Tlio xvhoelman made a trial
stralght-axvay milo on a country road JH 3.-1JI.
IIo xvas mounted ou a high-geared safety ,
and started at n pistol Mint. This is tbo lust-
eat mile over made in America on a xvhcol.
The timekeepers xvoro stationed at the end
of the Htrctcli , nud both watches agreed. Ho
reuo xvith a brisk wind at his back.
Sirs. Kiolunoiul SrciircH a Dlvoroo.
ST. Josrji'ii. Mo. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuu HUE , l-Mrc. Eva M. Richmond ,
xvifo of Dr. S. A. Ulehmond , the jiatont medIcine
Icino manufacturer and the slaver of Colonel
, 'ohn Stronir , late editor of the Herald ,
xx'as granted n divorce from her hus
band to-day on the grounds of abuse and the
fact of his having been incarcerated ia no
asylum. She wns granted an absolute du-
cren and the custody of her children.
An liiHiini ! MUM huloldus.
KAIAMAZOO. Mich. , Oct. U. [ Special Tele
gram to THU HBC. | This morning Emerson
H. Chamberlain , a prominent citizen of Shol-
byvlllo , Mich. , committed suicide at the asylum -
lum uy hnntilni ; hluisolf. Ho had been in
sane for six years. His mania was of a
homoeidnl character and ho hud drowned
Ins four-year-old daughter Just before his ad-
mUsloii to the asylum.
Sent 10 HID I'oor Ilnitso.
LOUISVILLC. Ky. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele-
crani to TIIK lice. ] At Winchester , Ky. ,
to-day , Kichurd Clark , son of James Clark ,
xvho died xvhilo u-overnor of Kentucky , xvaa
sent to iho poor house. Uo has boon u con
firmed drunk-aid. Clark is a brothor-in-laxv
of Senator Uuck , and u uuiu of line educa
tion. _
A Council of XVar in Purio.
PAIIIS , Oct. 14. A council of xx-ar xvus held
hero to-day to discuss the Increase of the
German frontier corps. It xvas decided to
double the SIxtti army corps in order that
100,000 men may bu sent quickly to the fron
tier in casu of an emergency. It xvas also
resolved to increase the rallxvay facilities ,
AVordti'ilrMou Fall.
Pun.uiEU'itiA , Oct. 14. Clartt & Keen ,
manufacturers of xvorstoda , made an assign
ment to-dayt The liabilities are unknoxvn ,
but it U said the principal burden xvdl full
on Iho buuUs that have discounted the linn's
paper. Fiva hundred hands xvero employed
by the ( Inn , Work is suspended.
A Severn KarthqunUo.
V * M-e , Oct. It. An cartliquaUo xvas ox-
vnenced In this region to-day. Bovornl
i' luscs in n vlllaco nuar hero woi o destroyed.
An Unknown Flontor Pound In the
Blvor Nonr Plattsmouth.
The Trial nfGnrrlscm nt Albion Knils
Inn Verdict of Mnnslnuglttor
AVIiolo l-'nnilly Poisoned IJjr
Corned Jlcof.
Ati Unknoxvn Floater.
Pj.ATTSxtoUTii , Nob. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tol-
egrnm to TUB BDE. | About 0 o'clock this
evening the body of nn unknoxvn man xvns
found in the Missouri river near the mouth ot
the Platte by a iUhcrmnn. Coroner Henry
Bocck xvas notlllcd nnd ho hastily summoned
a jury and hurried to the spot. The body
xvns that -of a man , well dressed , but the
color of his clothes xvns not Ulscornnblo on
account of having been In the water BO long.
His ngo xvas about thirty or thirty-five years ,
xvclplit about 100 pounds , height 5 feet 7
Inches. IIo had probably recently xvorn a
moustache , but xvns shaved smooth xvhcn
drowned. On his collar xvcro the Initials
"M. A. M. " Ills features xvcro com-
plutely destroyed by the decomposition
xvhlch the body him undergone. Thnro
xvcro no marks of violcncu on his body nnd
the Jury returned n x-crdiot that ho cnmo to
his death from drowning , the cause of xvhlch
xx'ns unknown. Tlio lishcrmnn claims to
have been xvntchlng for a man xvho foil off
of ono of the bridges across the river nt
Omnhn nbout two xvcoks ngo nnd thinks
that probably this is the man. Ho has been
In the xvator about two or three xvcoks.
Coroner Bocok xvill hold the remains until
after the nrrix-nl of the morning trains from
Omaha , after xvhlch time , if unclaimed , the
bony xvill bo buried.
Suit I 'or Ili-nvy
DAKOT.VCITY , Neb. , Oct. 11. [ Special to
THE Her. . ] To-day began one of the most
Interesting trials ever held In the district
court of Dakota county. It Is the case of
Grlbblo vs. Sides , in which John and Bnr-
noy Grlbblo sue ono John , Sides for 510,000
for damaging their good name nnd character.
Two years ago the barn and horses of John
Sides xx-cro burned nnd there was every reason
son to bellovo tnat the flro xvhs the xvork of
an incendiary. The Grlbbles xvoro bitter
enemies of Sides nnd suspicion pointed very
strongly to thorn , on account of their prcvi-
ous threats "to do up John Sides some xvay
or nnother , " und from the junny different
Btories they told us to their xvhorcabottts on
the night of tholirc. They noxv claim that
Sides accused them of setting fire "td the
barn nnd claim that the accusation has ilnin-
ngud their character to the amount of
S10.000 , and so nray for that utnount in their
petition. The parties are all xvell-
to ao farmers , and ns thoGribbles have boon
bgrn und raised hero , the xvliblo county Is
interested in the trial. There arg about
sex'unty-fix-o witnesses on both sides , and ns
botli sides have employed eminent legal
talent , the trial promises to bo the most in
teresting over held hero. 13y the ilro Sides
lost his barn , eight thoroughbred horses und
five tons of hay , in all about § 2,500.
Giirri-on Convicted of MariHlaimliter.
ALIHON' , Neb. , Oct. II. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bic.J : The verdict of the jury in
the Garrison murder case xvas manslaughter.
The x-erdict is contrary to public sentiment
and the testimony as xvell. It is expected the
court xvill cither set aside the verdict or sus
pend sentence and send tho. prisoner to the
insane us.vluni. Such an action would bo
hichly satisfactory to the citizens.
I'olHnticil dinned
NKIWASKCITV , Neb. , Oct. M. | Special
Telegram to Tun BEG. ) Information from
Syracuse says that nnother family , that of
James West , xvas poisoned by oatiug canned
bcof and for a time xvero in n critical condi
tion. This makes the third family poisoned
in that place wit bin a xveck from the sumo
Fremont News.
FBF.MONT , Nob. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele-
cram to TUB HER. ] Sheriff : Mnllon loft to
day for Lincoln xvith Frank Courtney , sentenced
tonced to the penitentiary for three years for
burglary committed nt North Bend lust
Thursday night. Courtney xvas captured on
Friday , taken before Judge Marshall In the
district courton Saturday , pleaded guiltj and
rcccix'ed his sentence.
Moritz Klein , the mulu thief , xvho goes
over the road for txvo years , xvas taken at
the same tlmu ,
William Wagner , alias "Bismarck , " and
Thomas Genenck xvero taken to the asylum
at Norfolk yesterday.
/Thomas / McDonald , of Saundcrs county ,
xvill bring suit against J. McDonald , of this
city , for damages. The latter caused
McDonald's arrest a fcxv days ngo , charging
him xvith having uttered forged pancr to the
amount of about $40 , sorno time in August.
The conx'outipn of the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society , Topeka branch , closed
last night nnd the delegates nil loft for
their homes to-day.
Ilflil lor HOI-NO stenlliie.
PONCA , Neb. , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bin.J George Norton , the borso
thief xvho stole the team from this county a
xvcok ago , xvas captured at Grand Island
Friday and xvas brought back hero Saturday
night. IIo was given , a hearing the same
evening. Ho pleaded guilty to the charge of
horse stealing und xvas bound over , his bond
being Hxeu at $500. Norton xvas endeavoring
to sell the team xvhon arrested by the Grand
Island police. Ills homo Is in Dakota county ,
and he is but txvmity-ono years of age. In
confessing Ilia critno ho stated that ho had
txvo confederates and that they deserted him
xvhen it xvas known that they xvoro followed.
The Columbus 1'oslofllce.
COLUMIIDS , Nob. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bui : . ] The postbfllco xvar Is
ended , provided Carl Kramer's appointment
is confirmed.
The Columbus Improvement compacy let
the contract to-day for a new postofllco
building in this city of tha track to James
Pearsoll for $4,000. The building xvlll be of
brick , 2'JxaO , two stories. The second fioor
xvlll be used by the telephone exchange.
Victimized Dya Medical Fraud.
NisniiASKA. CITV , Neb. , Oct. H. [ Special
Tclcgrntn t-j TJII ; BRB.J Some time ago
James Carson , au invalid of this city , signed
a xvi-itten contract , ns ho says , xvith the no >
torlousDr. Janss , of Grand Island , to effect
a euro or no pay. The doctor loft the city
without giving uny treatment whatever. To
day the contract turns up us a promissory
note for $120.
Knows AVlion lie's Got Knnngli.
BIUTIIIOE , Nob. , Oct. 14. ( .Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB.I Stephen Bull , the doiu-
ocrutia candidate for county clerk , has de
clined to run , and directs that his name betaken
taken off the ticket. Mr. Bull has made
three hopeless campaigns for the same ofllco
and thinks ho has had fun enough on a dem
ocratic ticket ia Gaga county.
Iturijlnrs Kontcnnod.
Ciuio , Neb. , Oct. 11 [ .Special to Tun
BEB. ] The txvo negroes , James JJrown nnd
.frank Welcome , urrcstcd for burglarizing
the store of T. C. Hickman , had their trial
in the district court of Burt county hist
xvcok , xvoro found guilty , and sentenced by
Judge llopoxvoll to three years hard labor in
tbo penitcutiary at Lincoln ,
A Former Wlsncr Citizen's Dontli.
WISNEB , Nob. , Oct. 14. [ Special to TUB
BUB. | Noxva has Just reached hero of tbo
death atWahoo of G. W. Harding , the jun
ior member of the firm of Harding Bros. ,
xvho have successfully conducted a largo
creamery business at Wuboo for the past
six years. The remains xvlll be tuken to
Now York state for burial.
Columbus K , of | > .
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Oct. 14.-r-lSi > oolal Tele-
graui toTiiu BKB.J Ajrund. ( reception was
given thli cx-cnlngTy the Knights of Pythias
nt the residence pf J. McFnrland In honor ot
his election ns grand chancellor ot the
Knights of 1'ythfnsnf Nebraska.
Tnkcu tO'tlio Poult cut Inry.
NEIIIUSKA CffTf Nob. , Oct. 14. [ Special
Telegram to Tifis1 Ijcs.l-Shonft Wlllman
to-day took txvo 'yditng burglars Ness nnd
Fltrpntrick the penitentiary to sorx'o ono
your each.
County1. ' 'Conventions ,
Lnuisviu.i ! , N'obOct. . U , | SpecIal Told-
gram to Tim Dec. | The democratic county
conyontlon xvns hold" hero to-day with 1C3
delegates. R. B''VVhlacu ! was elected chair
man , and D. McEufrco , secretary. The fol-
loxvlng oillcers xx-ero nominated : Treasurer ,
W. H. Cushlng , PlnUanioiitlt ; clerk , S. T.
James , Greenxvood ; recorder , C. P. Armelo ,
Plnttsmouth ; sheriff , W. Tlgho , Mount
Pleasant ; county Judge , B. S. Ramsey ,
Plnttsmouth ; superintendent of public in
struction , Q. W. Noble , Weeping Water )
commissioner , A. tf. O. Lodor , Grecnxvood ;
surveyor , II. V. Schmidt , 1'luttsmoulh ;
coroner , A. LHlgglns , Plattsinoiith. W.
B. Schroek , of LouNvillo. xvas
elected chairman ot the county
central committee , and Dr. It.
B. Wallace , of Union , secretary. The con
vention also elected nineteen delegates to
the fltato convention to bo hold nt Ouiahn ,
Tuesday. The ticket is decidedly n xveak
ono and docs not clvo satisfaction In nny
part of the county , not ox-en In Plattsmouth ,
although it has live out of the nlno can
NiomuiiA , Nob. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tolc-
gram to Tin : Uin.J : The democratic county
convention mot hero Snturdnx' , October IB ,
nnd nominated a full ticket as follows : G.
B. Bayha , treasurer ; W. Welcle , clerk :
Hnrpor , judge ; Dr. Hottlcman , coroner ;
Snnford Horton , surx'oyor ; Carl Witte , re
publican , sheriff ! Joseph Pares , comiuls
Karl Onlloxvuy Acquitted of n Das-
tnrdly Ohiirto.
ICniNimnn , Oct. 14. The carl of Gnlloxvay
xvas arraigned this morning at Dumfries on
the chanro having mndo nn Indecent assault
upon n child named Gibson. The court room
xvas croxx'ded xvith leadiug pcoplo of the
community. The little girl gave testimony In
regard to the nature ot the earl's offense ,
and her testimony wns corroborated by
other xvitnesses. The statement by defense
to disapprove the testimony xvas lead. After
the hearing of further evidence the earl xvas
acquitted of tlio charge. .
The guilt of the accused seemed so clearly
established that those present in the court
room , many of whom xvoro friends und roia-
tlxvs of the little girl xvhom the accd noble
man xvaa charged xvith abusing , took no pains
to conceal their disgust xvith the verdict.
The announcement of the verdict
xx-ns the signal for louu expressions
of disapprox-al . Iroin the benches
where the spectators xvcro seated , und
the froxvns and threats of the presiding
judge xxero of no ax'ail to suppress the crlos
of "Shame , shame1 , " uttered by dozens of
indignant persons.
In London tlio news' of the verdict xvus
recelx'cd xvith &et& indignation nmong the
common people , was iwinted out that
had the accused been anything but n great
nobleman the dviuonco brought out xvould
ha\ro been sufficient to convict lain a dozen
times over. ' '
A. Mississippi aiurdorci- Gets Swift
NICHOLSON , Minn.Oct. . 14. A filial affray
occurred hero t'o-i3uy , virtually the out
growth of the Osyka tragedy of last year in
xvhich Druggist Vomoda xx'as assassinated.
The case aguinstlr. Tett , charged xvith
complicity , xvas dismissed to-duy for lack of
proper evidence. After this 13. C. Collins ,
one of tliovitessett Against Tott , xx-as heard
talking about the matter outside. Tett xvent
home , got n shotgun , returned , nnd iinding
Collins talliintc to several people at tho.court
house , fired txvo louds of buckshot into his
face , killing him instantly. Quinton 1'erton ,
a bystander , xx'as quite seriously xvonndcd. | t
Collins' brother-in-laxv , J. W. Turner , then
opened on Tett xvith a piitol , and tlio doctor
xvas fatally xvouuded , dying iti a short time.
Slint 1'Voin AinDiisli.
Louisx'ir.i.n , Ky. , Oct. 14. News has been
received that John Unwood and Hezekiah
Hall xvcro shot down from ambush last xveolc
ten miles from Harlnn. Cawood xvas a
wealthy farmer and Hall a fai m hand. Ca-
xvood is u brother-in-law o'f Judge Lexvis ,
xvho attempted last summer to arrest Will
Howard and his gang of oullaxvs. Howard
is suspected of complicity in the assassina
The 13lcetric Current Shut OlTniKl No
Oas nt Hand.
NEXV YOKK , Oct. 14. It is noxv decided
that all electric light xx'irns above ground
must fo. No injunction can bo served on
tlio board of health unless eight days' notice
is given , and should the courts make the
injunctions against the mayor permanent
the board of health xvill talto the matter in
hand and before oiuht days not a xviro xvill
bo left above ground.
The supreme court being occupied xvith
other cases the argument on tho" injunctions
xvas postponed until to-morroxv. Counsel
for the United States and Bush companies
agreed that mcatuvhilo tlio current xvould bo
stiut off from a largo number of Ihcir cir
cuits so no danger xvould result. Consequently
quently a largo section of ttio city is in dark
ness to-night.
All tha electric lights soutn of Fifty-ninth
street are being cut off , and the time having
been lee short to arrange for ttio llgiitim ; of
the thousands of uns 'amps xx'hioh have fallen
into disuse since tbo Introduction of elec
tricity , Madison Square and Union Square
parks , around xvhich the life of the city clus
ters at night , are shrouded in almost impen
etrable gloom. Haln xvas falling and the
gloomy sky nerved to intensify the dark
ness. The police patrol has been doubled in
many sections of tlio city.
The Visible Supply.
CHICAGO , Oct. 14. The visible supply for
the xx-eok ending October 12 , as compiled oy
the secretary of the Chicago uoard of trade ,
is as follows :
Wheat . ! 20,1J9. ! < )00 )
Com . 1,457,0 ! ! ( > 0
Oats . O.KWI.OOO
Uyo . 1,2 0,01)0 )
Barley . ; . ' , „ „ „ . . . 1,043,000
TO Tlijij""lji\IIII3S.
Sllvyfwnro Sale ,
Monday , Tuosfliiy und Wednesday , un
heard-of biirgmns in all kinds of bllvor-
xx'iiro. Como nnd'Hce. Edholin& AUln ,
cor. 15th and Dpd o. opp. I' . O.
A Fatal Jlolioi'
Bucn ill's , O. , Ot(14. John Hoxvard , engineer
gineor , Frank J.JaUor and Kdxv. Ilcmmnn
xvcro instantly Itillpil early this morning tiy
nn explosion of , | < u boiler in Heminau'H
sorghum mills ;
Goiuton a strike.
ANTXVCIIP , Octl' J14. The engineers and
stokers on the TrMlantio steamers have
gone ou u btrike. j , .
Gold beads , bountiful styles , at Kd-
liolin & Akln'a.
Dlhlocntpd HIH nip.
James Wells , a tramp , boarded a Union
Pacific freight train last night at the depot ,
to ride westward. At Papillion ho xvas dis
covered by the conductor , xvbo "fired" him
xx'hllo the train xvas In motion. Ho fell in a
hole and dislocated his hip. Ho xvas sent to
Oinahu and taken to St. Joseph's ' hospital ,
xvhero mcdiuul assistance was rendered ,
Arrested For Hobbory.
Henry Hall xvas arrested lat night for
stealing & 00 worth of clothing from H. H.
Davis , at 1015 Capitol avenue. The crime
xvas committed Sunday.
A Hiiro Throat or OOIK-M , Is suffered to
progress , often results in un Incurable throat
or lung trouble. "Broxvn' Bronchial Tro
ches" give instant
lown's Domooratlo Candidate For
Qovornor Stntoa His Position.
Close or tlio Stnto Convention of the
. X , M , C. A , A Urnkciunn. Killed
Supreme Court Decisions
Iiiocndlnry Flrca.
Treated the Hnhjoot Sllldly.
DCS MotXES , In. , Oct. H. | ! ? peclnl Tele
gram to TUB BBS. | The roiillos of the dem
ocratic candidates for governor and llouton
ant governor to Inquiries of the farmers' '
alliance on the railway question xvoro mndo
public to-day. Mr. Bolos , the candidate for
governor , treats the subject mildly , nnd In
nbout the nama line ns Senator Uutchlsot :
did n foxv xvcok i ngo. Ho expresses hissym
pathy xvlVu the present movement for state
control of railroads and favors n continuance
of the present laws so long as they do hot
injure the rights of nnyono. Ho takes amore
moro consorvatlx'o opinion ot the rail
road situation than somo1 of his
party hud expected. Ho snys ns to the elec
tive feature of tbo present comtmisloiier
system that it should bo kept so until "such
system has had n lull and satisfactory trial. "
Ho fax-ors tlio retention of the present rull-
- laxv till "it has boon
xx-ay fully nnd prac
tically tested , nnd If it appears that amend-
menis are needed to make It moro olllclent
they should bo mado. " As to the othei
questions asked , ho takes the name position
practically ns Senator Ilutchtnson nnd the
republican party. Mr. Bcston , the candidate -
date for lieutenant governor , contents him
self xvith n general endorsement of Mr ,
Boies' position in a "mo too" fashion. As u
xvholo Hie letters nro very mild find do not
meet the expectations of the radicals. XTtio
have claimed thnt tlio republican candidates
xvero too much railroad men for them to
tlho Y. i f. C. A. Convention.
OiTi'jnvA , la. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bci.J The convention of the
Y. M. C. A. closed hero last nlcht xvitli n
farewell meeting nt.tho M. 13. church , con
ducted by Mr. J.U. Hague. Short addresses
xvore mndo by a largo number of ilelenates.
and then UOO young men joined hands around
the auditorium and sang the farewell hymn.
The next convention xvill Do hold iti Burling ,
A llralcoinun Killed.
BI.OCKTON , la. , Oct. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEI : . ] Early this morning u
brakcman named Frank Egglcston , xvhilo
coupling cars at this place , xx-ns run ox-or
and killed. His homo xx'as at Horton , Ivan. ,
and his rcuiuius xvero shipped thcro to-night.
An Incendiary tllnzp.
MWOWINP , In. , Oct. 14. rSpc-cial Tele
gram to Tun BBC.J Henry Schroder's
barn in Fulton toxvnolilp , xvith sex-cral
horses , a lot of hay and implements , xx-ns
burned this morning. Tbo loss Is over
$1,000. It is supposed to have been of in
cendiary origin.
The Siipi-iMin * Court.
DES Moixnf , Iu. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bin. : ] Tlio supreme court
decided the following cases to-day :
J. P. Farley , nppolhint , vs. Peter Gcisho
kei ; Dubuque district ; rcx-erscd.
L. S. Chase vs. Annie W. ICnynor et al ,
appellants ; Cerro Gordo district ; modified
und alllrmcd.
Sliorxvm & Sehermerhorn , appellants , vs.
C. 13. Mubcu ; Cerro Gorao district ;
William Burns , J. F. Burns , appellants ,
vs. Georce V. Oliphuut ; Clarlc district ;
Boulton Carbon company vs. P. M. Mills ,
appellant ; Pollc district : alHrmed.
Death oT lion. S. G. Winchester.
DBS Moi.M-3 , la. , Oct , 14. Hon. S. C.AVin-
Chester died at Eldora yesterday of paraly
sis. He xvas a member of the last constitu
tional convention and prominent in the state
for many years.
IIo aiakcH a Fearful Strngglo For
ST. Louis , Oct. II. A special from Hills-
boro. 111. , tolls of a desperate attempt at es
cape , made by Harry Franklin , a
prisoner in the jail there , last
night. About 0 o'clock Sheriff Grisvvold
lot out three prisoners from the cage into
the corridor to xvush. Franklin rushed at
the sheriff xvith a sling-shot he bad made
out of a toxvcl stuffed xvith salt
and broken glass. The sheriff
knocked him doxvn uud drew a rex'olver , but
Franklin arose nud.xvns knocked down again
xvith the butt end of tuo xvonpon.
Again ho arose , blpcdinjr pro
fusely , and iho sheriff told him
to surrender or ho would bo killed. lie
rushed at the sheriff again , saying it xvas
liberty or death , nnd tha olll-
cor not caring to shoot the man
clinched xvith him. In the terrible
struggle that ensued , they both i oiled doxvn
two flights of stairs , Franklin receiving
sex'ero injuries , fie xvas overcome and
found to hnvo seventeen cuts on his scalp.
The sheriff's ' injuries nro slight.
If u lar o and most enthusiastic audience
is any criterion for a treat success , Mr. Wil
liam H. Cnmo must liax-o felt highly fluttered
xvith tlio xvay his nexv comedy , "On Proba
tion , " xvus received last cviming at
Boyd's opera house. It Is true
that Mr. Crane personally had a
great deal to do xx'ith attracting and
$ ? 00 house , for ho Is one of the greatest fa
vorites that visits Omahu ; but It Is also trim
that the play xvhich the star has chosen deserves -
servos n great deal of nppicrlution , nud it
must be highly flattering to tlio en
tire company to rccelx-o such a cordial
xx'clcomo. ' 'On Probation" is ono of those
comedies that must bo scon to be thoroughly
understood and enjoyed , as It xvculd take up
too much space to enter into every detail of
this now cotnody by Brandon Matthews and
GCOI-KO II. Jessop. The plot , although very
simple , runs through HO nuny il.tlo "bv-plnys1
that the auditor's attention is nlmply spell
bound from the very Hau until the
full of the last curtain. It Is sel
dom that any company pays so
mucli attention to every detail. From
the scenery down to the stage money used
everything xvas simply perfection nud
the audience appreciated every effort on the
part uf Mr. Crane und his company. Tnoro
can bo nothing but.praise for the star him
self. His acting as Jonathan SiUboo , the
true und good hearted American , xvas nature
itself , und bin support was evidently
selected with great cure. Speaking of the
ladles , Miss Lizzie Hudson , as Mary Alar-
low , easily carried off the honors. She in
not only u Jieautlful xvoman , but nets with
grnco nml easiness uud she wins
her nudlcnco from her very llrst line.
Miss Gcorgio Drcxv-Hurrymoro wan elegant
as Lady Frank Brooke , and acted the part of
the ndvontoro'B widow quite to perfection.
The same can bo nrid of Miss Kilty A'uu
Antxvorp as Scnhoiu Olivnrla Y'JJuuray.
MibsJuno Stuurb as Ladle Harmony , und
Mrs. Augustu Foster , xvho played tlio part
ol Mrtt , Harmony , It xvus n pity that Mr.
T , 1) , Fraxvley did not hnvo moro
to do do as the Unsslan Prince ,
us bis lltUo scene xvith Miss Ktimrt m the
last act showed him to bo a very capable
uctnr. The other gentlemen of the company
among them especially Mr. James Nclll ,
Mr. Hunry Bergman , Henry Brahnm and
Will'am ' Herbert deserve nothing but tha
highest praise for the manner lu xvhlch they
imporsuauto their respective parts.
A top heavy , although a light audlonca
doxvn utairti , greeted Dan McCarthy's noxv
play , l Tno Dear Irish Boy. " at the Grand
opem house lust evening. The Mluy is In live
acts und allows a great deal of skill on
tlio part of the author , xvho himself
acted the role of Teddy O'Ncil , nnd
ho xvas ably supported by uis co-btar , Mr.
Gustax'o Itoynolda , ai Mike McC'lutchey.
There ia some epeuTuT scenery , notably
among It the ruins ot CnMlo Dars by moonlight -
light , xvhlch Is very cfToctlx-o. The company
Is a very clover one , and xvlll no doubt draxv
good homes for the remainder of their engagement
gagomont ,
Ijtlllnii Clicwq Wood T.lko Gum nntl
Does Other Herculean Fonts.
On Tenth nvonuoXow York , a prottj
17-ycnr-ohl-Rlrl lives. HOTnnino Is To
bin nnd she dwells xvlth hop pnrcnts nnil
nbhlos by their- decision iti nil tlilncs.
Miss Tobln , to tbo ordinary obsorx-or
is not allToront from oUsor girls of boi
nco. She limy bo the lonst bit botloi
fopinod , n trillo moro erect ivhilo xvnlk-
inif , nnd soinoxrlmt moro confidant in
her comportment.
A Journal reporter lonrnod , linwoyor
thnt Aliss Tobln wag decidedly dllToroui
from other girls so dillct-ont , In fact
thnt sha x-orjos upon the humnn pbo-
noinonon. Mrs. Tobln o.xlontod nn In-
vitatlon xvith the promise Unit Lllj
xvould shoxv oft her various nccotnpllali-
inonts. When'tho reporter Imil seiitod
himself In the neatly furnished parlor
Mrs. Tobln cxplnlnud that Lily xvns
blessed with an iron jaxv , an iron skill
nnd the muscular poivor of John L. Sul
livan , William Muldoon , and Samson
combined. She also mentioned that
Lilly has wrestled with all the hcavv-
xvoifrht Tenth avcnuo beaux , and that
not ono of them could hold his oxvn
against her. A.motifr her other accom
plishments eho could chew xvood and
sxvlnjr llfty-pound dumbbells tied to hoi
hair xvith nlarminy case.
Dnrlnp this recital the pretty subject
sat in a rocking chair blushing like u
little school tflrl on receiving fluttering
praise. Lily Is a somi-bloiulo or cha-
tnquo xvitli laughing blue eyes , dimpled
cheeks , small plump hands , and a figure
of undeniable , opulence.
" ( Jhow some wood , Lily , " said her
Lily rose from her chair as if she
xvas about to play on an imncinary
piano , ( joinyr into the kitchen she re
turned xvith an ordinary bundle of
kindling xvood. anil soleoting u gooil
knotty picco began to munch it with
the nonchalance of n society girl at
work on a box of caramels. The xvood
xvas undeniably hard and tough , but
Lily's tooth sank through it as if it was
so much putty.
"Don't 8\va'lloxv \ it , Lilly , " cautioned
thb mother , and , like the obedient
child she is , Lily relinquished a mouth
ful of xvell-masticatcd splinters , xvhich
looked as if they had boon pounded bv
a sledgehammer. In an explanatory
xvay Mrs. Tobin said :
' Wo don't let Lily out much , and she
xvill sxvallovv anything. Wo don't glvo
her any meat sh.6 gets too
strong. All XVQ give nor is homo made
bred , but she thrives , so on tiuit that xve
are all afraid of our lives xvhon she gets
mad. Her father is a blacksmith , and
is petty stronc , but if ho &uyb anything
Lily doesn't like she pick's him up nnd
fires him on the 11 OOP , and ho has to
stay there until she tolls him ho can
cot up. Her three brothers never con
tradict her , as she can rrab all three
together and squeeze them so that not a
bit of broalh is left in their bodies. "
"Yes , 1 am strong , " joined in Lily.
"Imcusiiro forty-two inches around the
Inist and only eighteen inches around
the xvaibt. That is , xvith my corsets on , "
she added , xvith an explanatory biuile.
"Swing some iron in your teeth ,
Lily , ' ' said her jnolhcr.
Lily caught up a fifty pound dumbbell
to Jxvhich she attached four ordinary
llatirons xvhich weighed seven pounds
apiece. She fastened a stout rope to the
seventy-eight pounds of iron , and plac
ing one end of the rope between her
tooth began marrhing up and down the
room xvitb the masis of iron dangling
from her teeth.
"I could carry three times as , much as
that if they xvould let mo , " contemptu
ously remarked Lily , nssho dropped the
irons. "I'll bet I can carry you in my
teeth if you xvill lot me fasten this rope
around your waist , " she continued ,
turning to the reporter. The latter
said ho needed no &ucli illustration to
boliex-o her statement.
'Well , than , do you xvant to see hoxv
strong my hair is ? Hero , mother , give
mo thobo irons and that dumubcll
again. "
Taking one-half of her hair she knot
ted it about the dumbbell to xvhich the
four irons xvero attached. Thou bbo
.straightened her head and body up and
began prancing about the table in the
center of the room.
"This ain't anything.'sho paid. "If
they xvould onljf give mo a hhow Td do
something big. I don't feel this xx-eig'ht
on ono side of my head. I could carry
four times us much as this fastened to
my hair , The women who Bliilo down
wires in circuses hanging by their huir
don't do much. I could d'o that and
have some ono clso hanging to my
licols. 1 xvcigh 1-10 pounds , too. "
Then to xvork oil komo of her excite
ment she picked un the fifty-pound
dumb-bell , nnd tossing it up in the air
xvithin n few inches of the coiling ,
caught it dexterously in one hand as it
descended toxvard tie lloor.
"If you think I can't xvrestlc take oil'
your coat and vebt and give mo a show
at you. " The reporter ( Inclined on the
ground that ho was not in training , and
then Lily said to her mother : "Cio
downstairs and it you see anj of the
boys on the corner tell them lo come up
bore , that I want to have a wrestle.1'
Mrs. Tobin returned in a moment ,
saying- that the bo\s , xvcro not in u
wrestling humor.
Lily only developed her Samson-liko
abilities six months ago. She xvent tea
a Bowery museum and after watching
the iron-lingered man catch big caution
hulls and to s mammoth iron dumb-bells
in the air , she made his acquaintance
after the performance and astonished
him by handling his hoavibt xveights
xvith iihtounding OIHO.
Since then slio has douo nothing but
chow bfoomhandlos , play ball xvith this
different members of her family , and
oxorcibo her great btrongth in ox-cry
possible xvay.
Lily xvas'born in Paterson , N. J. , but
has lix'ed in Noxv York most of her life.
Her father is un Irishman , xvhilo her
mother xvas born in Scotland.
or I'ytlilus
Visiting Omaha , nntl in attoudanco i0
-ho grand lodge , wilt ilnu .v uauutifc
selection of badges and jewels iii
special prices during Iho grand loilgct
session. Call and BUO us.
Cor. IGth and Dodge , opp. P. O ,
fl Itooin I'ull or J'i't
A childless old lady of Stoddanlnvillo ,
Pa. , years ugo tot apart a small room
for spiders to make their in , mid
no broom has ever disturbed it. Tlio
upiders dwell together in harmony us n
rule , although the lady buys they tonic-
times have regular cul-uid-dog | fights ,
.Sffildren Cry for Pitcher's Castorla ,
( Then Babjr tins rJei , we gare tier Castcria.
When ulio iru a Clilld , alia critn ] for Cutnrla ,
When she Uooamo MI J , the cluuf to C'auorla ,
lCmt)07.r.lln t In Tllotitrcnl.
A Montreal dotocllvo pays there
Rcoins to bo a mania nmong pcWrlv paid
clerks in thnt city just now lo ctnbt'r.i'.lo
from thotr omuloyors and leave for the
United States. There have boon eight
reports of the kind nt ono time at ono
station xvithin a xvcok.
TO Till :
Sllvnrxvnro Sntr.
Monday , Tuosdny and Wednesday , un
heard-of bargains In all kinds of allvet1-
xvaro. Como nud see. Kdholm&Akin ,
cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P. O.
Gold bonds , beautiful styles , nt Kil-
holm& A kin's.
Tlio Chlnoso Still
The Scott exclusion net tloos not scorn
to keep the Chlnoso out of the country.
After an intcrmisahm o ( iv foxv montli *
CMilncso immigration Is assuming Us
old proportions nt Sun Frnnclsco. A
steamer x\hloh arrived n foxv days ngo
brought 103 Chinese , the men clusibd 119
"mo roh nuts" nnd the xvomoli us
"xvivoa. " The locnl piipors nay Hint
they ovklontly belong to the laboring
Gold bonds , bcnullfnl styles , nt Ed-
helm & Akln's.
Overrun With Morning Glories.
In Von turn , county , Cnl. , the wild
morning glory nourishes so Itixurlnntly
ihut itthrontcns to inonopoli/.u nil the
tlllnblo lunil.
A Clinnoi ) Ontn in a Mfo Tliur > .
Oi'cntxx-iitcli stile this \x-ooU \ ; don't fail
toultond it at Kuholm & AKin'3 , , coi %
loth nnd Dodge , opp. U. S. postolllco ,
Ointihn , Nob. _
CJolil Imnili ? , beautiful styles , nt Eil-
holin & A lei if s.
IlolVatnlcil HIM C7 , A. H.
Nnxv HVVKX , Conn. , Oct. 11. A soiisatlbn
has been created by the dlscox-ory of n de
ficiency ol f 1,000 in the accounts of William
H. Stoxvo , ( junrteniiastiT of Attnnral Fonto
post , G. A. K. titoxvo hns been quurtcnnan
te r lor hoveu years and Htooa high iu busi
ness nnd social circles.
Money Wanted In Koutlirr lltvnr.
The great mining enterprise of un
covering the bed of Feather river , in
California , at Dig Demi , has proved u
fitlluro. The stream xvas successfully
diverted , hut the gold expected to bo
found at Iho bottom xvas not there. It
is said S.L'.OOH IOU xx'as expended ou the
Positively cnrod byE
tin-so r.'ttlo PHI
They also rcllex-o ] ) ls- |
Irof.s fro-fi Dyspepsia , In-l
digest Ion and Too 1 Icnrt } I
EAtlng. A perfect rcm-f
edy for lll/ilnew , Nausea , t
Uro-.vslncss , Had T.wti1 !
Itho Jluuth , CoatcdH
Tongti" , Pain In theSlde.F
TflltPIH IIViit. : TUeyJ
rcsnlato tlio IJowcls. 1'urcly Vcgetublo.
If they icjiard Il > : Mm imrt llrovosu , sliuuM buy
lliilloil nntl ( 'rn lnvl
KASll.V IlllSKSTHO-oriOKIjY rilUl'All
Trade Mark.
KoutiiX' AM. < ! iioci.ils. boiul for clrculnrj , Ac. , to
Tun rritCA l S .Xll < i. CO. . Si Murray L. New York.
I'.ixtou llulul. )
onici > hours , 0 a , in , to S p. m. Sundnya , 10 n.
m to I p. in.
HpwlilUts in rbronlr , Nervous 8V/n / anil
Illciotl iilsouse.
rr Conaiiltntfon nt olllco or by mull free.
Hi'dlotiU'S bent Ijy mall or p.xpreii , Eociireljr
packed , freu ( nun olisi-MHtlmi CnnrautouH to
euro ( iiili'kly. Hafnly .in > l pcuuani'tiliy.
iloiiM. I'liyslcul Decay , nilalnir from IiullHcro
tlou , I'.xcciu or IndulKi'iii'i' . piodiiriilKSIeeploE ! )
iiBs , uospondency. I'linp'ev ' on tlm fticn. aver-
iilon to Burlutv , 1'ivslly iilvuiitiiged , ] &UK of cunll
deuce , dull , unlit rot faintly or hushifsu , nnd llniM
II fu a biirdi-u hafoly , ptTmnnetilly ftnd"prl >
valcly cured. Consult lira , llctta U.iMii , Itlli
J'ltiniim St. , OniHba , Neb ,
Blood anfl SKiii Disease
oiiiiilcti'hcr.idlciitod without tlio ulil
of Mercury. Hcrnfiilii , Kr/slpolaii I'BVIT
s , riroro. I'ninilii tlinllcnd uud llonnH ,
t-fcirn'llir . - , Mciiuli nnd ' '
Hypldllllo < i.-it 'Inilcii' , Cif
tunli , etc. . pcniiaiiuntly cutcdheru utlii'U
luivo fulled.
r IfninQfU n"d Illnildpr tomplamtd ,
t Ulludly Valnfiil. Uiillnik. 1410 fro !
llurnlngnr Illoody I'rnu' , I'rliui lifyli col.
l or xvith nilU'y tedlincnl un ntnndlnv , XXVftlc
Buck , ( loiuiirlici'M , Ck'Ht , Cl > tltH. etc. ,
I'rdiuptly uud b'al'i-ly Cured , Clmryea
tnnval coniplcls , vl 111 jut ciillmu , ! < ; or
dlllntlon. dirt'H oltcclcil lit liomn lijr jiutlvnt
v HUimt u moittoiits vuin or anne ) nut B.
To Yonnr Men anil MIilM AoJ ; Men ,
DP nllDL1 'J'llu i'u"'l ' oiien * of e.
nJj uUIlD VJci' . wnlrJi bi ( orsa
i-Hrf , ( k-Hlroyliu ; lioth mind nnd body , wllh
all Itstltradrd Ills , pciinaiifiitlyciirud ,
A'lioiMihojBvliohiivo impnlro < t
t'JI'IIIWlVfl I * . ) ' lllllMDJMT llMlllll
iird bollliu ) linblts. Mliicii ruin both
IJody ! iil : mind , iiiilUtlui , ' them tor
MAiiniKiiAlKN. or tliosn onlf-rinir on that Imp
Vf life , nxvaru of i > ! iy lcul debllliy , ( julckly UK
Ol'lt ' SUCCESS ,
la tn el ( upon fact ! , Klr t-l'racllcal Kzpa
rlrnci * . BwonO \
K\uryfaKols ospcclnlly studied-
thiHhtirtlnif nilKht. Third Mollomuiaro pro.
Hiieiliii our luLmiory exactly to suit eucli cam.
.linn aliening curuji ttitliout Injury
piVBeiul Oc < ti U iKiBtttrii for celebrate \ works
on Cliroulr , NervouH nud Oollcato JJUaiuei.
J'lioii aiiiH ciirud. f4V A friendly latter or cull
i/my nm < you fin urn Mitleriui ; und hhnnio. ami
Ud Kolden ymrn to life. r 'No letters ou
tworn ! iinlvHinccoiiipnntQil by I ( nti lu itnmUi.
Adilr 5 orrttll on
onUKTVH A. utyrvH ,
Ul)8 Furnam Ktioat , Umnhn. N h.
nto cnoaa OIAMOND
ait : mi' ' i' J r t'jM ' . IjiJIc. , f U
ieaM Illlin < i4 red m i4U.i
' /I. . .u 'iMtt'iiuolhrr.
Mt % .IP IT ( rti'-i ill > u < "Itrllcr ! ) ,
if ) . lll , * * < < < < < UirlrrlMrM Mull , tlaut Hul
r ViilcIiitcrkw.Cii. ; , U ai ab Ml'lilt.l