> * - > THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 14. 1889 , SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No aclvortlsomonta will bo token for those columns nftor I2:3O p. m. TorrrtB--Cn8h In ndvnnco. Advfrtlfemcnts under this head 10 cints per llneforthr llrrt Insert Ion , 7 cents for rncli nub- leuunnt Insertion , nnd .11.m per linn par tnnnth. No ndrortitcmenu taitnn for Icsi tlmn 85 cents for first insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line : they must run coiutcu lively and must bo paia In AOVANCK. All advertise ments muni bo Immlca in before 12flO : o'clock p. in. , ntul under no circumstances will they ba taken or dlnconltnucd br telephone 1'artli'S advertising In these columns nml hav ing their answers addressed In enroot Tin : Hf-.r. mil plenso ask for a check 10 unable tlinm to cot ' ( heir letter * , as none will be Ui-llvereil except on presentation of check. All nnMvrni to ad vertisements should be enclosed In envlopes. All adverll cments In Hno columnsnro DUD- Ilthc-i. in brtli morning and ovrnlnir editions of TUB HI.K tlio clr illation ot which nitim-wates f "lore tlmn 1H , ( 1) ) papers dally , nnd elves the ad * Scrtlsors thcbciKlU , not only of thn city rlrru- Intlonof'rnr. HI.K , but also ot Council IHulTs. Lincoln and olhrr title * and towns throughout thin section of tlio country. B R A N c H dmcisT Advertising for thcxu columns u ill betaken on tha nbovo conditions , nt the followlno bust * nesshoii-e-i , who nro nutliorl/.cd nKents forTnis JlKlt special notices and \vlll quote the satno rate ? n can be had nttho innln oHlco. JOHN \ \ ' . /1IIASI5 k r.nitv. Ptntloncrs und Printers , 113 V Snutli 10th Street. Sll. Vf UNSWOUTJI , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- . IngjBt. Aet. W. ) . lUiailiy , I'harmaelst.K.t North If.th . .Street. GEO. W. 1'AIIIt , 1'hnrmaclst. 1800 St. Mary's _ Avenue. * prtfailiS : < Tll < vitMACr , I Farnam Street. SITUATIONS WANTED. HAIIDVVAIIU man ol 5 years experience , wholosnln ami retail ; well up In shelf und lieavy hardware , plumber , fUeamlltters and pas supplies. Address , I. . f > 7. lloo. Kio-16t "VAMNTKU-aituntlon an cleric In olllco by IT young man ot KJ , wrltos good hand. Ad dress , Ij. Jib ) , llee. 0.11-14 ? WANTHD-rosltton of any hlml by young man havlm : two years' experience ns ship ping clurk. Addrcsi J. 4) ) Hee olllco. 6lI ! I * ! * WANTI.I ) Situation by single man 21 years of age as dry goods or clothing salesman ; 10 years' uxperlonco : speaks four or live lan guages. Address , L 4n. lice. KO ly WANTUD Mtuatlon as coachman or take care of Runtluninn'tf place , understands bis business , good reference. Address 1,117 , Hee. 47i > lit WANTED--N1ALE HELP. * \J17ANTI.D Immodlutely , ton good stonocut- V V tern ou rrcmo.1t court house , Fremont. Nob. ( foodminis. I'.loctrlo light ; can put In extra Hours. Heoly , Bon .V Co. B.VJ l.It WANTHD Three pi ) llrst-clnss KOllcitora ; host of ruforence required. Call nt room 11 , U. H , b.inK , Monday , 10 a. m. CM 1C WANTI.I ) T\vo plumbers , ouo Kut litter and three boys. Apply Jutnloson & Co. . SO'i Bo. lltli t. WU 157 vv a" ' ' " ' I" young men and ladles to learn TT toloKianhy nnd secure employment. Day find evening classes. Omaha Telegraph Insti tute , room Mil Hnmgn block > t)7015 ) ? ANTlTl. M baker. $20 ; 3il cook , $ J ) ; yar d man nnd porter , 315 ; suction hands , team- tiers , laborer ! * , etc , Mrs. Hrcgu , ; lIK ! H. l''th. 070 1 ! ! + D Hey to take euro ot liorso and jv cow , Mil St. Mury's ave. CG7 12 WANTIIU A boy for olllca work. Apply Hoom U10 , First National Hank Hulliilng. 5 > 0 13 A KOod cook , nt Dr. Cell in nil's , 37than t. Mary'u uve ; need wnses i ild. IL71 W WAInTKD Tmmedlatoly Coopers to mace iipplti barrels by the piece. Jl. M. Itirner , Lincoln. Nob. 4(11113 ( \V Ar TKl > General state agent to opun olllco ' h adquartvru iu principal city , assume ox- eluslvo control ot our business mid anpolnt lo cal or sub-agents in every city in the state : coeds well known , staple as Hour , in universal demand , and pay a net prollt of CO to HKi nor rent. Address with credentials. The. Union Company , 744 Uroadway , Now York. ANTKD Syoungmon for light work nt 115 weekly. Hoom 17 , 320 N. 10th. US4 12t WANTr.D-JIcat cook for H. H. house. WO ; pecondcook J3l ; meat nnd pastry cook , J40 ; man and wire for farm , $35 ; green hand , 816 , winter's work ; shovellers , section hands , airs , llrega , niHJ 8. 15th st. C71-14 * " 1X7 ANTED A Ilrst class carriage wood work- TV er at once ; address LOU Ileo ollice. 31513 WANTKD First-class milker , north Deaf and Unmb ins. J. 1 * . Hoch. KM It ; , . - - I TTTANTUn A single man for manager of a TT stock farm near Omaha ; must bo fully competent and show good recommendations. Apply personally or by letter to 1120 Farnam nil ) 14 WANTUD A llrst-class carriage wood worker ! wanted at once by Attuon & Co. , Eouth Omaha. 5 < iS WANTlill S3 coal miners for Wyoming $1.00 per toiul'UO rockmiMi and laborers for Wyo ming. Rood vrngos. Albrlght'u Labor Agency 1D Kuriiam. ] 3t BRLTAI1M. men can secure monoy-maicing business worth $ . ! > * ) monthly ; trilling capi tal j no canvassing. 113Cruighton bit , 120 S 15th. HU14t lA/'ANTUl ) A llrst-class steam inter to acT - T T cept permanent position nt Salt Lake City. Apply US. . Wind Kugino Ss Pump Co , 47V 15 A ! Write for terms , sa sample corset I free. Schlolo & Co.,3UQ Uroadway , New York. 3U5 WANTJ.D Laborers for Texas. Ship dully. KHIoy. Kramer & Co. , cor. llth and I'ar- Cam Btfl. , Max Meyer building. iCT \SrANTKI-Salosmonat S'ripe' iiionTirsiriary Tl uud expenses to sell a Jlno of silver-plated \varo , wutchos , ote , . by sample only ; hoiiieaiul team furnlHhed tree. Write ut once for full par ticulars nnd sample case of goods free. Btand- d Silver Ware Co. , Hostou , Muss. 674 . ( fTANTUD aw graders and tin maker * for vvVV Iho lllncK Hills extension. Fllley , Kramer ft Co. , Max Meyer building , llth and i'urniun. Bid -lOO railroad laborers for the west. Company wort. Fllley. Kramer & Co. , Max Meyer bunding , llth and i'urnain std , 848 \\7ANTKD-A good olllce man to go east ; T T must Invest lU.RO'J ; must bo a good business taan. Address the Oeo. 8. CIlue Publishing House , 315 to 321 Wubush ave. , Chicago , ills. 849 / JS7ANTKI-Men for Wnshlmtton territory , r. T ? Albright's Lubor Agency , 1120 Karnam it. MO \\7ANTKD-ood ! bricklayers and utouocut- T tors ; good wages paid. Apply M. T , 'llnrpby , Fremont , Mob. BW WANTKD Four hundred inon for track lay. Ing in Wyomlug. Apply to P.1I , Johnson. II. & M.poasonger depot , OinMia. tr > _ _ WANTKIAgents. . "Dodgo'H iforfo Itlnii- ket Holder" keeps the blanket from | i Wowlnit or Mlldlngon the horse. Nothing like it iu the market : uverv horse-owner buys. Humpies by mull. 260. Staynor&Co. , Providence. BKTKCI'l VF.S-WantedBood reliable men for detectives In every community ; paying posl- tlons. Address Kansas Detective llure.ui.lock- boKi. . Wichita , Kmi. W > 7-O2Ut MEN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of Canada , Wepay$5Qto (100 a month aud cxpenst-s toupeutstoneil our Canadian grown stock. Add. 610110 & Wellington , .MudUon. Wis. WJ f V/ANTED-FEMALE HELP. \\i ANTKD-Klrst-cIass experienced saleslady ' In clouic department. Htuto experience , cd _ > vher8 employed. Addrius MB , Hoe. a > U NTKD-Qlrl for housowork.laTTDouglas C1414 rAtsl I.D-dirl for general housework and hn" " " " "Irl for nurse , private family. tel u K neral house * yerBUpporler.etc. A' w eoods. Our agent at jtustlu , Minn. , inadons In iu tUy Bupplv Co. , arff , Wu'hl -S waitresses for Green RIver.tMj TT competent woman or girl for llnfTalo.Wyo , family ot a. tM ; cook for uillcer'n fHtnlly of econd Rlrl * , laundrcsscivaltreinci , nuniOKlrls , pwtry coots , nlctit cookbonrdlnR , t5 ; MjRirls for gonernl housu work. Mrs. Itngn , BI48. ! 15tlU CT lat _ \ \ 7.\N1KH A ( tin to now with a tailor nt custom work. 'Ul South lit hit , 4(6 ( 113 G lir < wanted at 2M5 Canning tt. 495 12 ! l-lrl , at c llfornla lionto. ll and liouglas , _ Kl IS ? - A Rirl for general house vrorj. HornbcrKflr's , C20 8. lUb t. SCO I'-'j JADt" nKcnts wanted , ale men ; two 1m. -Jmon o now gpeclnltlcs : ono lady made ' . > 7 bctoro dinner : another $ lt > llrstliotir. AOdrcas MttloAUo. . Ilex Ut. 'Tlilcapo. 111. COS10J ANTMDCompptint girl In family of tiro. Call mornings. ( VII 8. 5-nh ; t. _ W4 DRESSMAKING. LO1MS Wlnebcrc rtrcs * and cloaK maker ; IUKI ! ) cloaks to order nnd stenmed ! sealskin oloakn repaired , all Kinds fur trimmings fur nished. it'-'U Capitol aro..rupnlrliiK of all kind. ; ri ; ACOMl'KTKNT dr sitnakpv.undor ! < tands rut- line and llttlng , desires setting in families. No. iza N. nth t. tai ia D UKSSiTAKIKTi lu tamllles. OJ7 Bo. 17th ye. DMISS MISS Mlunlrk's dressmaking parlors , 17-M Leaven worth. 773oSSJ BOARDING. ami board , SOI So. 35th aye. KOOM3 aye.GTA GTA IP ? G 1,011 B hotel , 130 , " . 1310.1312 Douglas street , oil irt B I'S'I' table board at Olooo hotol. Oil 15t P 111 VATi : family , nlcoly located. In modern residence , will taka tnrco boarders at roa- soimlilo terms ; pleasant homo ; references exchanged - changed ; ailW Haruny st. _ Iks"l4t _ VVAN7ED-TO RENT. WANTIUIlo Hint Sulto ot two rooms for three pontlemon , with or without board , within two blocks of 18th st. and Capitol ave. Adarcss 1.01 , lice , at once. 073 _ NjISCELLANEOUS WANTS. IMtlT'ATi : fiTiiTliy would like to tnko n child to board. Address 1C 71 , Hee. 6V > l.'t " - - \ TANTKD ( looil second hiiud parlor stove , U 7 , CrelRhton block. 4 MSf FOR RENT HOUSES. FUIINISIIKI ) house. Brooms , with till modern Improvements , aist ave. and llowardstrcet. Address Dr. l.lvl T. MuICcnnn , roomi. , C'roUh- ton blk. 071) ) 14t _ _ FOR KENT 10 room house , with all modern conveniences , on south 10th street , opp. llrownell hall. 7-room home , 831 South 17th street. ! l l-room cottapes on South I'-'th Btreot. Will rent very cheap through the winter. U-ronin ! lints , on K. 17th St. , suitable for lipht hnusakeoplng. Apply to Orcen A : Williams , 1st Natl. bunk building. ten A HOOM house , 2.11th nnd Sahler , city wnter , T JO per mouth. Apply Suiix'l Ilurns , 1318 Par- nam. 6801" F 1011 HUNT Id-room house , modern Improve ments , 17-M DoilHO. UK ) 13 THOU H1NT ! llotfe suitable for two fn.nllles , JL1 Inquire IWl Dydgo. _ 550 ] 3t " " ltrNTJ-n"hoiiscs Irr"fVntrafiiiid 3lon- FOH month parks , ut from $0 to J1D per month. Wallace , aiO llrown building , ICth and Douglas. 4U4 li HKNT Two tec room houses ; one between - tween Kith and 17th on Dodgu hi ; , thu other Is 1530 Dodgn St. ! ? uo Dr. Neville , cor. Douglas and 14th. _ IlM-1 JJ HOB 13-room house with all convonlonces LA and largo burn , cor. 30th and Caldwell sts. C30 _ _ ' 1/1OH UiiNT At corner ot Jones an < rS5th stsT J n vary deslinble house of nine looms nnd laundry with all modern Improvements , bttble if desired. The W . C. Ives Co. , U13 S. 1 Ith st. O.J318 TPOIl IlENT Five room house. 915 per mo. , S. * ! U. corner lltli and VInton sts. 017 / " } HOOM Mat in good location rontji'i per mo- Ufurnlturo JlVi. nil modern conveniences. Co. operative Land and Lot Co. , 20S N lUtn st. 571 13 ITIOIt HKNT Now 4-room lints with all con- JL' venlenuos , 3 blocks from postolllce. fin per month , Itoborts , 4&i N. llith st. 5115 17t rr-room house with barn , $1 > nor month , ( i i' i Harrison , Mercluintb' Nat. bank. 48U oilENT-OutsIdo llat In J.lnton block ; 0 rooms , heated by steam , newly papered , grate In parlor ; alsoono llat upstairs. No. H. lu- nulru nt',117. In the block , 13th ami Mason sts. John llamlln , agent. _ _ 553 30 "IJKll HKNT Mimisuod house , n rooms ; 10 J. rooms no w rented ; furnace , city water anil bath , 0. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnnm street. 513 10 _ TTIOH IinNT House near tno dojiot. luqulro -I ? 013 N l-'ttl s > t. 053 15 TjlOH HKNT Fiyo nice largo rooms witn JL porch and yard. ( VII 17tU St. , between .lack- son and Leavvnworth. K3i 15 ; " " OH HINT ! Nlnu roomed haute with" bath room , laundry and garret , cor Georgia nve dud Mason sts , possession given Nov. 1st. Ap- _ on promises to Mrs. L , A. Oroir. 5U5 in/ "fPOll HKNT House with rooms. In good JL1 condltlon.on Mason st. between intn and lltli sts. Inquire at 1117 Ltntou block. John llamllu 4 < 3 15 _ "T/1OH HKNT 8-room housa with all cotiven- JL1 lences and In llrst-class location ; can give possession at oner. n-room lint , 607 N. Iflih St. , $3) . We hayo several houses and a number of store rooms for rent. Apply to Ureeii & Wil liams. First Nat. Hank building. 4U7 _ TTIOH HK.NT 7-room cottage , with bath. 2U12 JU Capitol ave. Inquire 3518 Capitol ave. 331 14 FOH HKNT House Brooms , city -water , gas , cellar ; nnrth part city , 3 blocks from cable , Apuly room IB , Arlington block. 3J1 miTwr.NT Flixt ll. flSalth ( ! st. lias all J- conveniences nnd will bo papered and llxed up in good shapi * for a good tenant. Call at Her .v Co. , lll3Harnoy st , , for particulars. _ _ _ XVJ. FOH HKNT ; i now Hats near corner JUth ncil Joueg. No. 017 H. 10th. ! Hil _ 'IT OH HKNT 7-room llat , Lange block , mod- JL1 orn improvements. Enquire U13 S. 13th st , _ 160 FOH HKNT Handsome 10- room house , alt conveniences , paved street , cable and IIOFM ) cars , 5 minutes' wall ; of postolllce. Nathan fhel- ton , li)14 ) " 1'imiamjjt. _ Hil _ P OH"HKNT A iioat , nowo-room cottage.neor Loavonwonii und 35th streets. Inquire fur lAtcbbun , at 1007 Farnam at. , Omaha. 143 FOH HKNT Nice new 5-room cottages with collars , XM > and 3313 Half Howard st. Kent 115 pur month each. Knqulre ttU ti 17th bt. 123 _ FOH HENT Two 7-room brick house ? , 3409. 3411 Hamilton tit. : every modern improye- inentg3'Jcach. ; ' Leavltt llurnliuni , 1 Crolghton block. _ fl3 " 1710H HKNT 10-room house , alt modern con- JL1 venloncra. half block from street car , iJO porinontli. Call at 627 Pnxton blocic. Ill TTOH HKNT Twelve-room house , stable and JL carriage house , on S , " 1st btieet. next to cor- uerlieavenworth ; modern improVfinuntH and lu perfect repair. Aptily to Lewis B. Heed & Co. . room 13 , Hoard ot Tiado building. W6 l0ll HKNT 10-room house , htoam heat , nil JL1 ImprovementH. cheap rent. (1. IU Thompson , room 314 , Sheely block , Ifith and Howard. t 5t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TJ1OH HKhT Eight room haute , wltn ample JL1 grounds , corner Loaveuworth and 2Ist stti. ; liuth room , hot and cold water. Apply to Lewis S. Heed fc Co. , room 13 , Hoard ot Trade bulhltuir. _ v.n HOUSK8 for rent-WiUlnson , 1417 Farnam. . _ SM TJ OH HK.N r by Hholos tt Hamilton JU' lioom 310 1st National Jlauk Hldg. f ° JJroom ' houbu , ull cou v. . 24th and Cuss Bt . HO-ll-room house , allcony. , same location , l1,0 " 00"1 ll ° , uf ° . "II conv. . Hanjcotu Place. tW-3 ; 7-room tlots. loth and Howard sts. ! -8-roorn house , all conv. , Windsor Place. io 3 7-room nouses , all couv. , Windsor Place. 1-7 7-room house all cony. , ins ! S. 35th live. Kntlre building on a 10th st , suitable for ho tel orjjoardlngj rent nil or part. _ KU "OOK HUNT 0-rooin modern Improved house , JL' corner. Apply M. Klgutter. liua iOth. KM YKItV low , two 7-room tiouseo on 18th and yiuton ; tw 08 and U room houses on 27th ud Woolworth ( with city water and bath ) ; two fi-room houses in Lincoln Pice. Itoom BIB. pantoii blocic. _ _ _ 4W * HJlMI NT A o-room cottage , city , cistern water , convenient to business. Darld Jamie- st. _ IjlOlt HKNT Nest 7-room house , lu good re- JL' pair , on cor. Sotli and Woolwortn ave. : i > os- nesslon given Oct. lat. Inquire U , II. Urichuct , Hen olllce. _ KU FOR RENT-ROOrTlS FURNISHED. TOOM8 for llrntMoat desirable locution In JLV city , everything modern ; kto m bent ; prl- rate family. South Mth at. 072-1 it lOll HKNT , ' 1 nlcoly furnlhoU rooms in prl- vate faintly , sluylu or en suite , N. W. coruor Cua N 17th. 13 u ; TOI HUNT rnrnlshed front room ivlth al JU modern conycnlencca , to gentlemen only. _ „ Mary's avenue. Apply at store , 210 nnagi | South Fifteenth st. 080 B > Olt itKNT Kitmlshod room with bonnl.snlt * JL-1 able torSirctorcncearequireil , 1011 Douitlas. 415111. " 1JIOH HKNT-Nlcoly furnlshadfront room" JJ snltabla for " youn ? gentlemen. Anpiy 4271 Cnpltolaro. 699 13 HKNT Nicely furnished rooms7 % Tlth ml , In private family. Iteforencos. KU7 Farnam. 8CO-12J T AHOi : front room , furnished , for two pen- JLJtlemcn or wan and Vilfojprlce $10. 1701 Web ster. fi&7 12C 171UIIN13IIKI ) room with board , for S gentle- JL1 men , tzi S. goth aye. 3lfi la * o NK furnished room for one or tuo rcntlo- men. Private family. ll Tarnam st. .IV ) ITUilidANT turnUhcd rooms ; every moaeni jy convenience ; Hi ) month and upwards. ( Hobo Hotel. nio 1ST liSoil HKNT A Hiilto of rooms , with board ; J ir. j Dodge street. CM GI.OHI.'hotol ; now inanairctneiit ; Torplcy llros. , props. Finest table board Jl per wee * . i 0011 with or without board. IS\'J \ Dodi ; . EOlt HUNT 2 nicely ftirutslicd room' , with board ; 1POO Capitol avenue. r > WJ EIiKH ANT rooms In modern brick residence ? onnnultnblo formnn and wlto and two ln- clo ; tulcphono. Iloforeuccs cxchnnu'cd , lt-1 Cuss st. 4.YI I.Vt 'iTvOiMlUNT I'll nil shed front rooin ISIJ Jt ? Uodgn street. KiD-o'M "IDIibASANTnewly furntshrd room with board i modern conveniences , terms tvusonablo. win DoiiRius. 4 < i ; : ' " 1710H HUNT A plonsant bay-window south - * - ' front room ; bo t locution ; all conveniences ; SMitaUto foriiiioortwoaeiilloinen.tr.'l- . "OI.KA8ANT furntilied rooms with lH > ard , In J new unck residence with modern conven iences. ox ) B. iictuavo yj > i n : R _ TTlOlT HUNT To one oFtwo Rrutlemen with JKood references , n nlcnly fnrnlHlioil front room , heated by steam nnd centrally located Inquire 7-4 S 10th st , 1S IJT. ( " 1.A1H Kntopcnn hold. cor. liltti and OUodpe ; bpeclul rati > by week or month , POIt HUNT Two furnished rooms on St. Mury'H avenue , to Kentlemt-n only : MX min utes' walK of business crnter. Iti-fcrence ie- qulied. Inqulront store. 810 and 212 S. IMh st. ' " ( 'i OOli loom with bath , ullts. i'cth 5.1" VJ ( " J.-)8 NICIIIiV furnlshel"room , all com onlences,3l.i K. I'tli. < : .n u is EI.KRAN'T fiunhlieil rooms with bath and stcnm. I VJ Ilo\uird st. .M7 "filUllNISIlliD rooms and boar I ISJJ I'lnrngo. FOR RENT- ROD MS UNFUQMt8HED. _ 17Olt * HUNT -'I unfiirnuihed rooms. ultablg for J- ' housekeoiliiq- N. 13th f > t. 'MS T7 < 011 HKNT-l'iifunilshoil roonisi tillable for J-1 housekneplng. coiivnntantly loj.ite I. llutt'3 " " lenry , 15 W l''uniani. ft-jiioU HUNT llno store ? , 017 nnd 1J S. 10th. I'tno fallow windows. a.Vj "T71OK HKNT Store room lu llovd opvra house A building. KmiuUe Aniorli'au fnvlncs HauK. 151 Miltnlile for whol3 ale : good trackage : I Imvo also a number of lluo ro-idonceproi- i-rty lor rent or snlo. Tor ptr.liculars call or otlm-css 1'i.Mll lleobhlK. N./J. llnnvn. 4J3 "IjTIN i : store , with cellar , 0:0 : South Ifith , F ! OH HUNT t rooms in a llat. tf. W.cor. Ibth and ! Li--u enworth sts. 53t > ISt TJKUt HENT 3 very desirable bastjiutnts un- JL1 der block cor. Kith ni.d .lack on bts. , size ollxwfeet. Tliey have steam beat and water nmlwoidd be suitable for u barber shop or most uuy kind of biislness. I will IU thum up in good shape for u good tenant. Call ut 1.112 llarm-yst. . P. K. Her. 43J ONK uundroii-foot store 14 blocic from P. O. Fleming , 14th and Douglas. 313 O 13 FOH HKNT Store. 1111 1'arnam St. , 30 by 128 feet , 2 stories und collar. Nattian Shelton , 161 1 1'.irnam bt. Kii ! _ _ rpo HKNT Desirable warehouse room ou JL track. Apply to C. W. ICelth , 711 Paeltle st. ai _ TJIOH HKNT The 4-story brick building with JL ! or without power , formerly occupied by The Ileo Publishing Co. . UIO Karnam st. Tno build ing has a tiro-proof cemented bisHinniit , com plete steam-hontlug llxturoi , watsr on nil the ttoors , gas. etc. Apply nt the olllco ot The llee. ! U5 _ _ _ _ TTIOH HKNT After Oct. 1 , Hue trout olhce , J-1 ground lloor ; Plate class window ; lieat and limit furnished : n most clesiivibln location for any kind of business ; rent reasonable. Inquire Omaha Ice Co. , 310 So. nth st , Ml HENT Three-story brick biliui ; , ljo - Douglas St. , suitable for wholufilq or ware house. tihas. Kaufnmnn , 13) ' Douglas street. 410 _ _ _ _ _ _ IJIOKHGNT Basement 40 by fi. ) ft. heated oy -U steam. Enquire J. Nag ] , 1112 So. 11th st. _ . 471 L .1ST . your property with Stringer & Penny , Douglas block' , M. c. cor. lUth und Dodgu. filO 10 KU S CE L LAMEO US. TflOl'ND The best sweet pickles lu the mar- JL' kot. Ask your grocer for llnlny. ' sweet pickles and take no other. 083-20 $2. " > 0 worth of fltiH furniture will be sold Wednesday morning nt HI o'clock nt 1208 Hartley At. Wi'J-16 TTIKATIIKHS cleaned , curled nial dyed , hath JL ! robhnped , at F. M. Schiulell \ Co.A'lt ) N. Hlth. SOi 14 , AL'CTION sals vcry Tuesday and I'rldttV morning at 11 rarnam. Oiuulia Auction i Storage Co. 7711 DH.M/ Ml V Strong , cor. Haimders und Oasilus fata. . Kniintze place. Telephone J4 1. _ ] 7 n3t 6 ASH paid for household furniture , stoves. _ LNTIQrAHIAN HOOK Store , fl 13 l'aniam"st. Cash paid for second-hand boolts.f . f 0-O23J EDUCATIONAL. rplIK banjo taught as iiu art by Ouo. F.ielleu- ( _ JLbcck. _ _ Apply at Hee olllce. Ujp 171HKNCII I enmg Schoo' 1 will open nn JL' evening French clasx , Oct. It. Private les sons vrlll also bo given nt residences , parties Intending to join please address or call upou Jules ilorlo , 2301 Davenport st. au-K SCHOOL ot Kxprossldc. Vocal Articulate , Puutomlnlc. 1. V. Anderson , tihnely block. r > 'JI030t STOCK BOARD-P. V\7ANTKD Horses to whiter at Jl li month TT per head on farm near Irvlnctou. Plenty of grain and hay to feed , good shelter and good care given them ; colts , horses or rows takou in exchange fpr feuding thum. W. H. Hainan. 101 HOHSKS Wintered nt my form , good range and Paddocks ; no barbed wlro on place ; horses called for and delivered ; terms moder ate , Tidephoue 677. Chaa. McCormlck , Cal- tioiili.Neb. _ 417-n7 I WILL winter hordes on W. II. Mlllard'a farm nt Calhoun , Ni'b. llensonable rates , care considered. Ortlern cmi be left with W. II. Mlllard or inallod me ut Culhoan , T.J.l'louilng. IMlll LOST. 1O8T On Farnam St. , Oct. 0. 'K,44yol. ) Amnr- Jlcan Heportb ; the Under will bn suitably re warded. Heturn to Hartlett , lUUrlzo.V Led- wlch , N. Y. Ufe building. MO 15 LOST Pocket-book containing I1T to $150 ; also 0. H. & Q. pass favor W. J. lluldwinand wife , Omaha to Peorla , and 11 visiting curds ad dressed W. J , Iluldwln. Peorla. 111. Finder will bo suitably rewarded by leaving sumo atofllco ot Hartlett , lluldrldco & Ledwiclc , room 512 , New York Llfo building. 678 12t PERSONALS. TAKA It wife , do not full to have llelnti' sweet plclclesonthetabia If you want me to t > o prompt nt my meals. ota 30 "C * DWAHD Andrews will liiid m daugnter at 11/171W Corby street , Omaha. Mollle Andrews , 5JU-13 _ _ _ _ _ - "I ADIK3 and gentlemen desiring correspond. incuts uddresi Correupoudlug Ultil/ . Kansas City. Mo. Ineloaoatainp. aft ) ud _ WANTKD-Two trackage lots near 1 Utrand . „ , Nicholas sts , j must ba cheap ; address L S9 llee otlict ) . CIO Ut \\7ANTKD-A good 2nd hand light road TT wugpu , 1'arty having one for sale cheap , ftdur Jonn itly rlon , WnUoo , N V. CM HS WANTKD To buy flvojor t n ncres with fly room bouso and good .barn , within six mllen of postolllce , north ana 'west direction * preferred , Small wish ( Tmymcnt , AddroM , \Tllh full particulars , li 4 ? , Uep oinco. 654 121 ANTnO-Abont S.OCfi ] ( Hs < of dirt. .1. A. JS'&nglo ft ( Jo. , coroenNlcholas and 1tth ! sts t _ 457 13 \\7ANTKD-2 orn good licrsci. for cash and T I clear Omaha propertyi A , P. Tukey , N , Y. Llfo building. . . . 233 STORAGE. STOHAOfi nnd fonvardwp.jWc collect and de liver tfoods of nil descriptor , merchandise. furniture and baggage at fhrapest rates for storage for nnr length of 'limp. Vans and vragous to bo had at nhortett notli-p , with care ful men for moving. 1'acfclng and shipping from our own warehouse done ou moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Offlco Slf S Kth St. Telephone 114. llowell Jfc Co. 8B3 _ milACICAOK storage nt lowest ratos. W. M. .i. Hushman. Mil Leimmworth. _ fCt STOHAOB nt low rales at 1121 Fartiain street. Omaha Auction and Storage Co , ff ' CLAIRVOYANT. friOHTL'NK Teller Mrs. IxMiorniau ran bo JL ? consulted on nil alTalrt of lite. Satlafartlou gunimnccd. No. I1ION. Ifith st. OOJnllJ " | " \K , NAnNlL V. Warren , clairvoyant , mertt- JlVcal and buslncsN medium. Female discuses asbKClalty. HUN. 10thst. . rooms2 audll (05 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING T\7 lUTTLKSKVS siiTiitliiiml and typewTlthig T school. Hiirkcr block. Tno best and chpap- est 111 the city. KV ) N ] 2 STANDAHD SnoitTianil ScTiool.Hooni 315 Ware blk. . ( successor to Valentino si the largest cjccluslvesiiorthiind school In the west. Tuacn- ors arevrrnntlni reportnv. Particular nttentioti paid to typewriting Mechanical cons-ttuction of machine taught by factory expert , Circulars _ FOR SALE-WISCELLAJjjEOUS _ TMllKAT auction sale of,800 wirth bf lliiu VJI furniture at Illo clock Wednesday morulng , Oct. in. at 120 : ) Hartley si. IGU 15 TTOH SALK lly every leading grocer , Heinz JL1 sw et pickles If 0 H SALKTToise , light wngon and harness , 1 7o , cost ? 15J. O. C. lletterman , 401 S. 10th. _ _ _ _ OJO 14 _ IjHW SALE or Trndn logl-.tered | trotting I' htalllon , i years old ; breeding gill edge : en. clo o stamp. I'r. O. M. Prentice , FulrllcM , N'ob- 3jHSATK and stove iu good condition for t tale. Address A. II , Omaha Savings bank. r.KI 14 * _ _ TjMMl 8AL11 r"henp , n dog curt , harness nnd JL1 p my. togi'tliiT or fepnrateiy : pony is eight years old , gentle and well broken to Harness luujyaddti' . Apply nt UOS N. 22d st. 512 1 It triOHSALK-A qunntliv ot building stone. JL1 Apply to the superintendent lice building , C25 _ TfTrt ill SALK Second him d f multure or nine JL loom hou-tt * . Apply at C35 8. 17th st. _ _ _ IjlOU SALK Marble mouumants at co t at JL1 tt'Ii CumiiiKbt. 405 15J HALi : Hood Kudlant Homo hcatlni ; - ' Hove , i,0 , yards raipet , table , etc. ( leo. L. Hoiui. 1 i."J Douglas. 407 14 ir < OK SA"LTiro [ In car lots , Gilbert llros. , 1 : Council lllutl ! < . In. 40ii 2-J _ _ SAFI ; for Sale Ilarguin : double ooors i : nearly new. 5H N. \ . Life Iltillduig , ij uit SAliK Kiirn.tiiru in. 11 ft-rqom uuiiu u . JL compute ; hoiiso for rent Aildrewi or call Chas. 1' ! . Stephens , Max Meyer llro. f > 07 US i IiMiU S.U.I' A n.i-lioi < c > pnw-or Porter englno iu KO.nl condition , elriir .1.10 'pounds ' cyl inder nxlfi. 1'or pnrtlcuiiiM'apply to The Ik-o olllce. i , 7US WoTt SALH 1 : j-vont "i canlage mndo by J-Simpson ; I set double Iiarni'ss , nnd houno- hold lurnlturo. Lor. GeorgiaTive and Mason st. .Mrs , 1. . A. CJiotl I I0i 10J ABSTRACTS OF 'TITLE. MIDLAND ( Uiuranteo.A. Tiiist Co. . N. V. Mfe bldg. romnlcUi abstract s.ruriilstied ami tlllcis. to real estate cx.imiucd.p.'rEec ted &guaruntt > cd. I ' fOS KJONE.Y TO LOAN MONIJY to loan at three ( ! lpcr ) cent on chat tel or other available securities. D. U. Johnson room Wt ) N. York Llfo bldir. 672nlO MONKY to loan by an eastern man , on gilt edge property , for thu next ID days. Harris , room 411 , 1-t Nut. Hank. 5-J'J I > ( * IfiIINO loam wiinti-d ou brkk bnsluo'.s I > or restdenco blocks. I'uvorable terms and rnti6. Klmbull , Champ tc Hyiin , 1205 Farnam. ADKLl'l II. \ Mortgage & Trust Co. fur- . ( ilHh cheat ) eastern money to borrowers. juifrltase securities , peift'it titles , nccopt loans Ut their ni'stcm olllce. George W. P. Coates , loom 7. Hoard of Trade. tfts $5l\V"to ) loan at C per cent. I.inanau it Mn- llouoy , loom 50J I'axioii block. K70 MONKV tolo.mon furnllurp , horses ! , wacoim , etc. . or on any approved security .1. W. Kobblns 1111' , Farnam fctreet , Paxtou Hotel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONI2Y t < i loan at lo rates nnd no del.iyT Cupltal and siuplns Jl.tJU.wu. Lombard Investment to. , IU.O.S IJth bt. ht.0 CHATTLP. loiiiis. fcti Icily ronililoutlal. M.I. Hall , 13 Continental block. 7M O21 KONKV to lonit oil tiny security tor short time at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Hrmlei son Mortgage Investment company , room 100 Paxtou blocl. 873 OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , Hoom 42. llarker block. Money at lowest lute. 713o24 " 1711HST mortgage loans at low rates and no -L1 delay. D. V. Slioles.210 First National bunk. OKFOHK making chattel orcoll.iter.il loans , l'it will pay you to see The Western invest * mont Co. , room II. , Hue building. hti'j MONJJY to loan on i-lly jiroperly and farm liindb at lowest rntos , J. D. X.lttle , 430 Pus * ton block. n DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before ( jetting my rates , wnlili uro the low est on any suui from Jl to ( flii.ODJ. 1 moke loans on huiiiohold good * , pianos , or- ganH.horses.niulo" , wagoa , warelioUKerucel ] > t' . , houses , leases , etc. . Iu nnr amount , at the low est possible latcs , without publicity or removal of property , Loans can bu made for ono to six months and youcaupuy nirt at any time , reducing both principal und Interest. If you owe n balance on your turiilturu or horses or have a loan ou them , 1 will take it up and carry it for you as long as you ileslrr- . U you neuil money vou will fl ml It to your ad vantage to wo mo before borrowing. II. P. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building. 15th and Hiirnoy , 87U MONl'A to loan on horses , wagons , miilos , household goodx , plunos , organs , diamonds , low est rates. The Ilrst organlrud loan olllco In the city. Makes loans rrora thirty to throe hun dred uud sixty-live days , which CMI bo paid in part or whole ut any time , thus lowering the principal anil interest. Call ami sue us when you want money. Wo call usslst you promptly und to your advantage without , removal of property or publicity. Mxinpy , always on hand , No dclm In mukir.L , ' loans. I * K n ed & Co. . a ID H. I Ith at. , prutIllngham A .Sons. m i\r \ ONI.Y to loan. O. Y. Davli Co. , real estate and loan agent * , 1501 Farnam st. H70 \\'ANTFJ First-claps inside loans. LowASt rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , 1U > 1 Furnam. H77 MONKY loaned for 30..riOprtKl days , on any kind of thuttel security ; .reasonable inter * est ; confidential. J. J. WIlKlirton , 1417 Farnam _ I _ H78 IOANKoncliattu ( / < ! ralsecurlly,8pi ) . JJclul rates this Week , 'Ilawkeyo ' Invostraeut Co. , 11. 'M , Douglas bl'LItjtl ) juiul Dodge Hta. 700-OSl M ONRY loaned on chattel recuritlos and Jewelry , lioom lll.Sheelvybllc , RII.Joromt > . T OAN8 City ana farm loans , mortgage pa * J-Jper bought. HcCamia Inye stment Oo. M BUILDINCI loons , J ) . V. Sholes , 210 First National baiuc. t ) j f OANB made on real eKlate nnd mortRagos JUuousut. I/ouls S , itcea it Co. r.lU , board trade _ _ _ KKV8TONK Hortuage Co.-Ioans of 110 to II.OW ; g t our rates before borrowing ana sava money ; loan on IIOI-BCH , furniture , or uny pprorcd ( security , without publicity ; notes bought : for now loan , renewal of old , and low * etc r t scull ltaS,8heeley ) Ilkl5th k Howard su W ) § \vri VL" ' " " ? to7percont ; no ad. -i aitloual charges for commlaxjons or attor ney's fees. W. U. MelUo , First Nat bauk bldg. 1V1 ONBV Loans negotiated at low rates with- J-Uout delay , and purchase good commercial to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J. ' " or.r.f holes , room 210 Tint Nafl bank , be for * Omaklng your loans. 8KI TV f ONRV to loan on real estnt security mt J.TJUowcst rate.i. llofora negotiating loans see Wallace , It 31U llrown bldg. 16th and Douglas. MONKV to loan on city or fsrm property. Oca J. Paul. 1000 rarnam st. N-S * leaned on furniture , horses and MONKV wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 8. lath si , , opposite Mlllard hotel. KM Moit. Ixmn Co. will mate you loan on houschotil coeds , horses , wagons , land contracts , fins Jewelry , or securities ot any kind , without publicity , nt reasonnhlo rates , Koom7 , Ilowley block , South Umnha. Kooms MS-J1U , I'arton blocic , Omaha , Neb. S37 . . S' A few thousand on InMdounlm * -proved city property or good Cd mortgage paper. Address J oil , lice olllce. " 03 SAFETY t > Er > 03IT VAULTS. 1 1 UST National safety rtcroslt vaults. Haf -i : to rent y > to $ M n year. 307 S. 13th. " DUSIN ESS CHANCES " ] > Altn liu lnc'si chance , stoelc of general Jl merchandise J 1,0 U.nnil cstahllsh piibuslncs.i ; , prollts last year iitlOi , n snap for some ono It taken at once ; will toll for Inx'olco prloo and for cash only ; other btt lnu < tt requires atten tion. Address Lock Ilex No. 110 , Oroeley Cou- tcr , Nob. 0)4 16J _ _ "llf OTIS Imnd bar turnlilieil In South Omaha ; J Ihcatoilirithstenm , anwly papered , unit all modern Improvements. Hare chance for man of muuil capital , Kent J1UI per month , with socur- lly. inuiUro 1JJI Douglas st , Omalia. 07 ICT SAM5 Tno furniture In a 7-rooiu flat and llat to rent ; fiirnliuru all nnw nnd will ba sold ou liberal tormi. Address room n. 3 So. luth St. , pmnhu , Nob. _ Ktl 1 ' . ? . ) best solocteil dry goods In Lincoln that I will sell at > 5 par cent discount for cash , or will trade for city property. 1. 11. lliatr , 117 So , llth s.t. , Lincoln , Noli. 1OT-I3 _ _ FOIt SAlilI A gray horse , 4 years old , -weld ing between 1'WO and 1'MO pounds. Apply t31 Irf B , IUIC-S.tUtiO ( ] at a bargain. Hutchlnson A i3\Vead IWl Douglas st 5H 12 _ _ F OH SA M ! A lot of now shelving at a bar- Ruin. Must be sold. ,1. 11. Tarrotte , rental y , room SI Douglas block KU-i" EOIt HAI.15 Mnnrt. well trained horse , nnd trusty , with bitKKy nnd ImriiPss , &i'i ! ; liorsfl worth the nmoiint. Address .1. . 1' . O , boic 7M. ryill U'J 1T1OK SALV : Stora tlxtnrct , ssifn , olllce , H tnbloH , countprx , HlivUlnit Uoik , show CHDUS , etc. t. U , .lonoH. loTO ( "araniu. 5US m _ DHIHJ buslnt'ss forsalo : 111 give low price to nustiliuyir : this Is a snap ; luve tlratf. Stringer .V 1'uniiy. Douglas block. fil'J ' 10 ITIOHS Or trade , a Well oitabllsheil book J. mul mvllouory store. Ilex . "ilH. . ' 1 l/lllll 1tiNT : lMtiiurnnt ( with bakery lubnso- -L mnnt and rooms aoovc , b.ith rooms dining room to < setitlOJucv brick liulldln.piti ties own- Ihu it wish to go out nt business ; p.uty must be ivtponsllile. Tor p.irtlculais mldrvss U. W. WdUtnkvr. IvUiiruoy , Nob. , llulVulo Co. 4SCO1D ; liTJ Oheup.imirblu works.Nhop.sTocW , tools uud vciv tavoralilo lease ; splendid rliance. liiuulie at pvcmlsaj , ' 10 C'lmlns bt. ornTUNritluiyo. 4BI K.t IPOIt SAl.i : A private bank with Its business - In a live town. No other bank In the place. Good reasons for sell Injr. Address , Jjfi , lice. TTlOlt SAIiH-I.i-asonnd furnlturo ot tlia Ie- -L pot Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , at n bargain , A oed clniuce for the rifillt man. Address , Do- pol Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. CV ) "IjlOU SAl.1' Ajjood p.iylin ; grocery Moiv lu - * - Lincoln. Terms , hull eastu Kor particulars ud'lr6ss ' II , lloo otllce , Lincoln. Nob. GS7-O 3t _ ' " t _ FOR EXCHANGE. , 131Olt i'l'll.NtiK : A nlrp rnrTirTo7iTlood i t > to < 'k of f-'rocerles or Konernl slock. Address I. J < . liarkrr , Oreeley Cuntro , Nou. r 5'i ' JIJ Or. for city property , two good farms joining towns situated In Ilurlan and Orcelv counties , Jloyor Jc Itnapkp , 1105 liar- ney st. WloS ) " 1710 II JJXC'HANfiK A good yonnu team of J-1 norsi'S for furniture or stoves. Now Kng- land riirnuure Co. . TO ) N. IQtli si. 087 13 * rilO EXCIIANOli Inside Omaha pioporty or a -i farm for furniture nearly now , Carne Heal Hstato Agency , 317 i-heoly block. 311 lit FOU IIXCHANHE Nice lot fui toaui and carriage , Inqulro room 301 N , Y. Lite bldg , 350-11 _ _ _ St'l'EltJI property. Hochoster , fl. i * . , rents fl.-IOii ; ciiliy | f lO.OJ'l , for western property. > I. W. , DOX K Fostorlu , O. ' ' 67U 12 * POIt KXCI1 AN01' We have for trade astock of Jew plry for land or city propeity. i'lno double house on Mxl-T-foot lot only i'j miles fulm po'-tolllco to trade for Mimllor house. Kltiht wioiuud lioiiKu and { u Jlot to trade lor lund. N't'- biasUtito ii propprty In good sliapiulenr of iticiim bniuce , and cash t o'trade ' for Omaha prop erty. li you Imvo imythliif : for trnclo ruhxju us. Arnold k Wiiistanli'y , C3 , ' > Ptixtou olock. 05115 _ _ \A7ANTKD To nxcliance dry coeds notions and millinery Roods for clour land or city property nnd part cash. Address bet 479 I'raukfoit , I ml. W5 _ _ KKNTAI , property , inside , to exchange for clear fiirms or vacant city lots. Thos. F. Hall , illl 1'aMon blocK. S39 : l-l'or any kind ot Rood property , a grain elevator In ono of the best towns in lowu , sltuutut1. lu the heart of n line agricultural country. Present owner is uos u Kialnman , and has other business , A rare clmnco for a practical man. Also , live thousand acres of line timber land In northern Tennes see. lioom 14 , Cuumber of Commerce. Tel. 1410. . J a to _ _ \\TANTI3D To triuK gilt-edged property i > mid canh lor a small hotel in a llvo No- bids ka town. Uooin 11. Chamber ofComniPrce. Tol. 1410. 3IH _ _ _ _ _ FOH KXrilAMilS-Aii clognnt tract of land containing l"u aerui in Antelope comity , Nub , , ullh oromnry improvements. A qunrtur section In Hand couuty , Dakota , partlv lm | > ro\eil , Klghty iicreb near Tonncll lllutls , la. lloliso and lot on S. l < lth st. Large amount of Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil Mock. Will exchange for good pioporty or tint election of sumo houses. Uoo. J.Sternsdoill , First National bank bulldlng. : > ; 0 FOH SALi : Oiiu of the best lots In Kenervolr add. 11. It. Hall , It 4'i Hurkcr bile. 015 10 FOR S'M.E ' REXL ESTATE GKKAT bargain for ono week. 1 lot , Wxlftl , boiitti front on Hamilton St. . Walnut Hill. & "WO. I Irst. mortgage paper of $ ( fl ) . drawing U per cent Intel eat. payable huml-annunlly. tor tMi. Nl acres of good tarin land ou the D. 1' . It , It , , 101 mllus west of Omaha , 4 in UPS from good town. Cheap for cash , or will trade for lot. K. U. Merrill , 44th and Seiward Bt * . 4 : lit 171OU BALi : Two ill room"houses" with 10 JL1 year leastJJ.OOJ ; haif cash , I'ays 17 per Cbiit oil prlco asked. Don.t fall to InvostlKato this. Alto good ilriiK slock wltn need pay- iiiKfi buslueaH ; part cash und part trade , Also lull lot Saundfra A Illmobaugh'aaUdtoNN aluut Hill. SVJUi'K-iJU cash , l.ayuwell.V. . A. Spencer , room 3 , Hiinhman Hlock , ( &Mu Foil BAM : A flue lot,00x131 on I'atilckave. between the two motor lines can bo bouuht lorfJ. ' . ' , ' ) ! ) . 'j'ho llueht south front lot In C'llttou llili.i'Ml. If yon uiii lookliiK lor a bargaluln cllliur vacant or linprovvi'd properly call on us. Arnold .V Wlnhtanley , f > t. ) 1'nxtou block. twO 15 'iJli.Klti : tno ( uiutal lAJt.slyniK"Until tliri'e- L fourths ofamllt ) of the courthous ( < ln I'lcrre , thu capital of Houth Dakota , run now be bought for JUKI each. In MX monthn they will be worth JUIO. Now Is thu tlimi to buy. Inquire of It. 1' , Ilosworth , Koom r. . llnrker Hlock , Omaha , AM US Place Is the only location in C mahv Hiiiroundud and re.ichod by paved streets , motor , cable and homo curs that you cuti buy for e-W to $700 on a payment down ot $7"i to tW , balance In one , two , three years , at b per cent interest. In Amos I'laco you not only gut good proocrty on easy teiins but you hayo all the Improvcineiits ut hand , including School 3 , Churches , Htoreu , Itoslduncex , ud the best facilities in the way of car lines in this city. Do not nibs this ( ioldrii Opportunity to secure you a lot in the heart of Omaha on * cash payment of 175 to 1100 with long time on the balance. No such terms were over given before on Inside Property and you ran convince yourself of tula by an In spection of Hie ground , which will not cost you a ceuc and may do you home good , < Ames' Place DBS nn absolutely perfect title , nnd you will ad mit hus uobiiperlor In Omaha , t > a fur us Price. Terms. ( location , are concerned. This is a large and growing city , in which surai a cbutice to bocure good property ou our terms and prices U seldom of fered. I-ooic up AinnK1 1'lucs und bee where it 1s located , and rot wh t you c a do tmtvly , uruly and easily , Ames. 47iU $37.000 actual vaUtoinsl < 1 bn ln s nnd resi dence , 13 MW worth ot houses being built adjolnlnp. vrlll cell forl7umowl ( Why ? Kor reason am in need of S10.WW cash ; great orrer. Address L Mi , lice. COinll ] aillK most promising locality for bitslneis In Omntta Is on ICth ht. . b tvrren rnrnam and LcKvrnworth , vhe future r tMI district ot thn city. Illeqant blocks are Roltiit up , nnd nothing shabby will over bn erected there , Take n look nt tha now block at Nos. 707-700- 711 H. lath st , near LeAvcnwoith ; nil heated with . trmn , nnd full plato-glnss front , and so- eum a lease for a number ot years. Thoi. K , Hall , ail Paxton block. _ _ fi i "II1OII SATil5-lrhap , 8-room houseon motor 13 line , WnluutHlU.lltKHlIIMcaili. ; luqulro ot n. U. Merrill , 4lth and Seward sts. 4(0 Ut sell good lot In Orchard Hill for $701) ) ; easy terms , ttrlngcrft Penny , Douglas blk. fiio 10 TTUHl 8AM. On lonifllmo ami easy payments , V handsome , new , well-built houses of M'.nnd 10 room . All conveme ices , good nolKhbor * hood ; paved streets , street .cars , and within nnlkliiK illstnnco ot 1' . O. Nathan Shellon. 1014 Farnnui street. 8W IJ1OH 8ALr-.n.73 acres , ntc , 5 , tp. 12 , r. 0 w. . JL' llninllton county , Nob. Houses Manlo , Mi acres fenced , living water. Price $ fltK , F. K Atklnsowncr.rallro ulbldg. _ , Denver , Ool.Sfll _ _ I7KU ) SALH n-rootu cottaico to bo movedwith JL1 fence and shed , price tJ8. 1012 N S-'djit. Foil SA Mi Two cholro lots near SpnUldlug street ( paved ) , tXX > . Wolslmnsi Co. , I.XPO- tlonbdg. IK 18J HOMKSon monthly payments. 1 have still 15 lots for Halo lu Aldlno square , on which I will build homes to suit purchasers , mm take payment monthly , quarterly , or yearly. Aldlna sqiiam Isoil Uraco street , ono blank from the motor Una and two blocks from the cable , ami by either Hue you can start from the postolllcs and got thorn m 10 minutes. It has nil ntlvan * tngos of water , sewer , gas , pavements , etc , , and the terms are the easiest ovar offered In this city. 1 linvo nl o 10 lots on Cass street , 1m- twccn Kith and seth streets , which I will sell on snmo terms. Call and examine plant ) of houses etc. J ) . JO'lpualiooJOUl Fnriinni U all nvlT8AI.K Iotriirb7autlfiil Clifton Hl.ron JU easy terms to persons wanting homes , ( let u homo while you con. A , 1' , Tukey , M. y. lifo building. 837 GO TO tha "Oltl llollablo" M. A. Upton Co. ' Ifith and Pnrnnin , for real ostnto InM'st- ineiits. Iteferences Our past dealings. C75 15 GO TO thu l7oid "Iioliablo" M. A. Upton Co. . ICth nmt Karnnm , for real oatato Invest ments. Hcterencoa Our past dealings. fi75 FOItSAf.l ? Lincoln I'taco lot nt half price. H. It. Hall. H K Murker blk. M5 10 FOH HAU.-On easy terms , lot IS , lu block 8 Lincoln nlnco Wio. A double comer on 30th nnd Kmnict st. In Hodfordplnco , Itiuxllll ftJMt > . 3 room hoiihc. lot tuviur > , luV \ , Cumlnr ; , on monthly pay monts. Jl.Iiio. . New 7-room house , lot 50x127 , near motor Hue , worth S.tKM , gl.UH ) . A business corner on Douglas st , $ 'J.WO. Otto Lobock , It 18 , Chamber of Commerce , 171 15 1I1AVR some llrst-cl'xss rental property for sn9 | cheap within ono mile of postolllco , on pined ctreiits and motor line. Thos. ! ' . Hall , Jll I'uxton block. KW B LAMKI ) If 1 don't hell that Halt block in Iloyd's addition for $ 'I,7V ) . It has got tojjo this neuk sure pop. Its n corker for the money. Shales. 310 First National bank. 410-17 TTIOHSALK 45-ncro tracts of laud adjoining -U city , will sell very cheap on small payments , II. II. Hall , R a llark-er blfc. f lo 1U 1JAHTIHS having equity In Omaha real cctato J- with pressing inrumbninco , hhuuld call ou ytrlugor\ ; Penny , Douglas block. CHI 10 GO TO the "Old llellablc" M. A. Upton Co. , li'ith and 1'arnam , for real estate invest ments. Hofeieno's Our p.'ist deullngs. 57515 fUlTO the "Old Iluliablo" M. A. OptonCo. VI Kith and Fnriiain. lor real estate Invest ments. Itolerdiicos-Onr past dealings. 575 lb * 'ITlOlt SA I.H At nue-tliird what they nro worth 1 ? 5 lot * close to Daiuieo Place. U. It. Hall , It 42 Marker blk. fdu li ) _ ' Tl'cT'm the "Old Hollable" M. A. Upton Co. , "Jlf'th ' ana rarniim , for r al estate Invest ments. References Orr past dealings. D76 15 FlTll SALIVA lluiTcornerTn Myers. Hichards &Tildcn'a add. li. K. Hall , It 43 UarKer blk. GI519 _ Tj'Olt 8 A LK ' .l-room lioiiie. Darn ana lot , -L ? Iluiiscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Hunk. 8'f. ' _ TClOll SAI.I3 X.O.X ) acres laud In Nebraska : - Atlxl40 foot lots S. 1'kh st. nt a satrillclnR price. Inquire 1413 8. Kith. Oeo. II. Peterson. _ 515 O1)J ) _ TJ OIl SALF. fc'.IXXl TJO-ncre stock tarm in -L1 Hrowu Co. , Neb. For particulars write to Ilex 170 , Ainsrvorth. Neb. 1)03 ) OA ) * FOR SALK Tno motor will run to Omalm. View In n few weeks and lots are valued from tM.l . to fL.'V'O. ' ' We nave one lot that can bo sold for Will , nicely on grade and surrounded liy newly built houses and close to motor. Terms easy If taken at once. Apply to Nebraska - braska Bottling i : Supply Co. , room \i. \ board of tradu 35-1-15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SNAP b. W. cor. 38th st. nnd Poppleton ave. , 100 four fqtlHre , J5/JO ) . Must ba taken iiulclr. 0. A. fcturr ,13tfi 1'arimm st. 3Sji 1 1 _ IN OH SALK On easy terms , a tine 8-room 1 hoiiho In Orchard 111 II , Tor particulars ail- dre- L 17 lloo olllce. 331 _ GOIOthe-Oldllellabte-M. A. Upton Co. , Kith nnd Karnam , for real estate Invest ments. llofercnces Our past dealings. 57515 1TIOII SALK-tKx ) will buy lot 30. blk ll.Omana 1 View , ouo block from motor , on grade : size oOx30. ! Jiiqulro U , II , Tzschtici , Omaha Hoe. OMAHA HOTELS. G hotel newly furnished under new managemect. till 15 * WINDSOR HOTIJL-Corner of lUtn and .Idckhousts , , II blocks from Union depot , Heat - . ' a day house in tne city. b'JJ ' Varu line lot 50x12' , iu LAFAYETTE PARK. S25 Cash , Balance Monthly. TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT forGASH This beautiful addition lays ou the elevated lands In the northwestern part of the city , only 7 minutes walk from suburban trains , and about lOmlmites from the proposed motor lino. Price is less than half asked for adjacent prop erty. Only n limited number of lots will be sold nt this price. Lome quick It you want ono or morn of these extraordinary bargains , VAN BEURBN , Douglaa & 8 14thst Notion to ContrnclorH. Kstlmates either entire or in part will be re ceived tor the construction of n warehouse for Win , Dnt'i-niK A : to. , to be situated ut Kth til. nud Capitol Ave. . Oiiiuha , Nobuiska , For pluiib , etc- . , call at Ihe olllcu of I. HoiiosiiN .lit. , Architect , 614 Hroun Il'ld'K , 10th uud Doug- las. oDdUt , The InrROit , rniu.il iii < U llne.i. In iliu ivurltl itscnccT iiccoiiiuioilutluna unoicellfil , IVuit * York t. T.tvprixMil vln Ou 'iiitnvn. The Celebrated I Tliu Flntml Hlonin. fin * ICt'n L'llvorJCoi.ielbl.lii luiliuudd.lUGli ItIII ) llcw Yori to 0agow ! via Lonlonisrr/ rurnosslu , Ott IHth | ClrcasHlu , Noy . . . . s.'d Dttvonlu , October -tith | Krhlople , Nov. . . 1'th Now Ycri to Azores , Gibraltar ani Ital7. Hnluon , Perouil.f'lito null Hlrrrnec ritti i > lilnnc- trnru. Kirunliiii 'llckiu inliuiil , imuiuumlUlilii luie. luni Ljdtlier Ilia I'lcluifMina Cl > do ami Nutili of ] re- Unit , or Mvtr Menej nud Boutli uf livluul , or Nui'lei unit Gibraltar. j'.icur.lon. to I'ur | . or Oonllnrnlnl Tour on low. cut trims. Traveler * ' ClrcuUr lxlln ot Credit m l Unaiiforanj uiM < yiuit at limr tcuirciitr > Ui. AMiIyto Iiy ff our IfK-alairrnt' or to HENDERSON BROTHERS , Chicago , III , II. B. lUr.U H. V. MOOIIKi. C. II. MA it us. nCOE , YOWGE te CO. 1 Mitiunc-iukKua ot - ' fWALKINC CANES , ioweit prie i. Ooodi for Rtrf rtmen , Auctioneer. nd Ag'alt. fianr Ktck1 dK"lfoHl ndi Bp l Hf. ) lUlSrUIIKU UTiMIOlt Witt * 7 16 WASHINGTON Av . b'r. loms.Mo. A GOODRICH Atfy at-Uvr. 1SI ] Dear born Ht.Chlcatfo ; udvlco free ; .it foam ex porlence ; business quietly aua legally trans * actflJ. IllSGISTttATlO.V , Provisions of tlto New Itnw on the ritilocl. The new roRlstrntlou > a\r provhlea for tha registration of voters for election purpose * In inotroiwlltnn cities , cities ot the Ilrst olais nnd cities ot the second class , InohiiUnpr all portions ot the voting precincts In which said cities are mtuntoil , Section 1 makes It the duty ot the mayor nnd council to prepare books for tlio registra tion of voters , und prescribes the form thereof , Section 2 provides thnl three supervisors of registration shall bo appointed b.v the city council m September of oneu year for every precinct In such city , nnd not moretlmn two of whom oh all belong to the miino political party. Section 3 provides for tlio clmUoiiftliiR of nny person who applies for registration and nrcscrlbes tlio oath to bo niltnlulstorad la such cnscs , Section ft provides that the salary of super visors shall bo ( a a day for the time uottmlly employed , Section 8 provides ttint tlio days for regis tration shall bo OH Tuesday four weeks , thu Wednesday of the third weuk , the Thursday ot tlio .second week nnd the Friday nnd Saturday of the first \vcok preceding tlio day of the November election of cnoh year for Ronoral elections , and on Friday mid Saturday of the second week , and on Satur day of the Ilrst week prucodlni ; the day of all other elect ions. Section U provlile.s that tlio supervisors ot registration nhiUl bo in mvsslon on the days of registration from 8 a. in , until 0 p. m. Section 18 niuluis It the duty of the cltjr clurlt to furnish the supervisors of registra tion with the ncoossiiry books und blanks. Section 10 provides that the registration books shall romuiii In the eustoily of the city cleric. Section IS provides that the Judges of oleu- lion in each product shiill hayo nt the polling place on nlootlou day the registry books for such prcchujt , nnd no vote shall bo re ceived uitlo.ss the iiamo of the voter shall nt - pour on such registry book , unless such voter shall produce tin uflldnvlt sworn to before tlio city cleric , or other person nj > - poinlcd by tlio iniivor , and sub scribed to by at least two freeholders , suttliiK forth that such person IB n qualUted voter , und giving his reason for not appear ing bofoie iho supcrylsors ot ri'KlHtnitloii. Section 'Jl provides thiiUmch political party shall bu entitled to Imvo a challenger nt eiioti pliieo of ri' lstnition , whoshull bo nsstgned u plnco where ho can see every person who jiresents hlmsolf for registration. Section 21) ) provides that nny person who shall resistor or procure the rojristry of tiny person throiiL'li Iriuul , or who shall vote Illo Rally under the provisions 01 this act shall bo ( lecinud guilty of n felony , and an convic tion shall bo si'iitoncud to the penitentiary for u term of not less than ouo , nor mom than llvo yours. Section ; iU provides that If tiny supervisor or registration shall bo guilty ol willful nog- leotof duty or corrupt or fraudulent pruo- tleo iu thu execution of the same ho shall ba doomed guilty of n misdemeanor , und on con viction thereof shall bo sentenced to tlio county lull for not less than ton or morn than sixty days , or lined not less than ? 100 nor uioro limn ? 2)0 ( ) , or both. Section ill nrorutcs that , if any supervisor , clerk or other otllcer having custody of rco { ords shall destroy , rhaiigo or mutlliito any of the records ho hlinll bo doomed guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be sentenced to the county Jail for not less than ton days nor uioro than sixty , uiul forfeit his ofllcc. Section il'j provides thai any person not nn onicer who shall bo guilty of any of the nbovo otTciiHcs shall bo sentenced to the county jail for not less thun ton days nor more than sixty days , and lined nut less than f5C nor more tliaii $ , .011. or both. Section SS provides that any person malt ing a fulso oath or ulllrimiUon provided in this act shall bo guilty of n felony , und on conviction thereof shall he sentenced to the penitentiary for n term of not less than ono nor more than tdn years. Section Ut toIII Inclusive provides Dentil- tics for thu violation of the provisions of this act , und for olTcnscs against pence nnd good order , the uersons provided by law to carry out the provisions of this net. Section 41 provides that no Irregularities or defects in carryinc out the provisions of this act shall constitute n defense for tut ) violation of the provisions of this act. Section 4'i provides for the publication In a newspaper In each city the boundary of elec tion precincts , uud the time and nlaco of reg istration. Section provides that the cost of carry ing out the provisions of this not shall ba paid out of the general fund of such city. TO 'JIIK IVIMIW. Monday , Tuesday mul Wednesday , uu- heiird-of Imrjrains in all Itintls of silver ware. Conic and tuo , Edhulni & Akin , cor. ] .rth nnd iJodgu , upp. P. O. Hoe PXMVH Stands. The morning , evening and Sunday HEII can bo found regularly ut the following places : IIOT8I.3. iPnxton Hotel News Stand. Mlllard Hotel Nuws Stand. Murray Hotel News Stand. Arcrulo Hotel Nuws Stand. Metropolitan Hotel News Stand. Windsor Hotel News Stnml. Can Held Housoftews Stiind. Cozzens Hotel News Stand. Hnrker Hotel News Stand. Merchants Hotel News Stand. HOOK , NUWS AK1 > TOY STOItES. .loplm & Co. , 'MS North Sixteenth. Dick Castcllo , JVOO North Six'xjonth. J. Rich , < KW North Sixteenth. J. 1 > . Hoy. UIH North Twenty-fourth. Hubin iiros. , 511 South Tenth , Frank iColblo , 1118 South Touth. M. Mrostler , 1105 Kiirnatn. I' . N. Meilhedo , nib South Thirteenth. J. I. Kruolmuf t Koiit.li Kiftdiiiith. E. Wyinun , 1111 South KifUionth. U. Eckel , 503 South Sixteenth. J. S. Cuulflelil , l.'IOl Kiirmim. A. Anderson , iWlil Ciimlng. S. K. Hiinscn , U'l .l Ciimliif ; . W. H. Picard , 17A1 St. Mury's avenue. J. W. Martin. lll'W 1'nrlc avciiuo. JOH. Tlmmons , 'JOth nud Luke , o.ihlo depot , O , D. U Miner. 15il Leaven worth , P. Stubon , 1101 N. 17th btreot. M. E. Luwronco , Blfi S. ISth. A. 1. . Keith , JS. \ { > . I rah street. K. Alpine , 1TA > . > Douulus. N. Homier ' , lU'JO Douglas. D1IUO STOHltS. S. K. Howell , corner Loavcuwortli nnd South Twenty-ninth. Peyton & Owen , 'J101 L > or.vonworth. Clarendon drug stora , U7th ana J.ulto. KI.BVAIOTI nors , Qco. Cooper , Mercants' Huulc building. hOUfll OMAHA. J. S. Stott , Postonlco. O. Keutlier , at newsstand and on fit root , Patrons of TIIK HIM : will nollco the abovt new agencies ut drug Htorus und olovutora , which huvo bcuti placed for the further oc- coiiiiiiodution and coiiveiilenuo of lieu readers. Persons who full to procure Tun Una when wanted , will confer favor by r acts to the Jlii : olllco. TO I.ADIIH. Hllvci'warii H'-lo. Monday , Tuesday nnd WodnoBtlav , tin- lieiirtl-of Imr alnH in ull kin not Hllvor- wuro. Coino mid s > co. Kdliolni & AUin , cor. 15th und IJiidfio , opp. i' . O , Vontilaiioii In Mluk ItouiiiH. Tha sick room uhould txlways and in all woiithoi'ri , Biiya tlio Lntfioa' Homo Journal l > o ventilated with outuldo uir. An excellent plan ia to keep open a door into an adjoining room , wl.oro u window iu up , or u board may ho lilted into the top of tlio upper tush BO Ihut this may bo Uopt lowered , ullowlnf ? the fresh air to enter tliront/li tlio spnco thus creitU'd between the nuelios , and if all oilier ways fail , olinply lower the upiwr snsh of Iho window farthest from Ihu bed , and keep it down two inoliCM night and day. important a a tills mut ter of ventilation IB , oupoeially in lutitf trouble it may bu ovor-dorio , and euro inual continually Do oxoreibod and OK- Iroines guarded a < , 'aindt. I'AXTO.V IIOTKL , OtIAlIA Hlioolal Ut- ten lion t commeruial men. Kinebtund lark't'Ht holel ia thu wobt. Klttrodgu it Drainurd , projirietorH.