14- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUIi A\V , OCTOBER 18. 1SS9.--SIXTEEN PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ntlvortlsomonts will ho tnkon for those columns nttor 12:30 : p. m. Tornis--Cnsh In nclvnnco. Advertisements under this hcnd 10 cints ppr line for tli llMf Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- fw > fiient | Insertion , and IIM i > or linn per month. Ko advertisements takpp. for less than Jii cents for first Insertion Hevcn words will bo counted to the line ; they tntit run coustcuilvtlv ami mum , bo paid in AM' rtwC'lJ. All ndvertlso- menlH iniiKt be liniuleti in before US" o clock p. in. ami under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Partlrs ndvcrtlsliiK In these columns and hav ing their answers addressed In enroot Tun mr. : Avill ploano nsk tor n chock to cniblo thorn to get their'loiters ' , ns none will be delivered nxcept onpre-sonlntlonof ( heel : . All nnftvers to ad- vcrtlsemonts should be enclosed In envelopes. All ndvcrtHementH InthcMi columns are put ) ; llshed in both morning nnd OVPII nc editions ot Tin : HH : the circulation of which aKBiPgatcs morn tlinn IC.nnO pnprts dntlx' . and clx-es the ad- vntlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of Tin : 111:11. : but nlno of Council Illuirs. Lincoln and other cities nnd toxtns throughout thin acrtlon of the counti v. . _ _ "BRANCHJOFRCES. Advcrlliilng for thc o columns xxlll bo taken on the nbovc conditions , nt the folloxvlnp buM- nesshoii s , who aio luthnilreil agents forlllH HIH : Hpcclal notices , and will iiuoto the samn " ' " ' " " " rates HH inn bo had JOHN W. t.HM South Tenth Street. _ _ _ _ _ _ HASP. ft iiDV ; ) , Stationers nnd Printers , 110 Smith Kith Street. _ _ _ _ II. PARNSWORTII , I'liaimnclst , Sll fumIng - . Ing Street. _ xr'j. HrJlir. rimrmacUt.tt.M North IClh V.Mlcet. . _ Eo7 W. PAl7ii , Phnimaclst. UoJ St. Maij's Avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l7 Uaillis'pHAIlMACV , SJJS Kaimim Ftreot. SITUATIONS WAH7JED. . ARDWARH titan ol 5 years experience. H wholesale nnd letnll ; well up In shelf unit lioitty hardware , plumber , tenmlltters and uni supplies. ticss. i..fi7. HOP. _ ( Mo-liit WAN'Hil'-w'tmitloii ' in clerc In olllce by VV young nnin of 22 , writes good hnml. Ad- dioss , 1 * f > , Jlee. _ feM-lU - TT.X < MSUAlMmi ! ( male ) , ramd ) u uCcurate- S sox-eial years olllro expeilor .e , wants cm. ployment ; lltcdirudicloj..oueos. Addrcf H . I. U , lice. f f " " _ fits n * rTVrrFl.D Position ixi Monounipiier nnd typewriter. D. 10. llec. Council lllutTs. UD Mtuatlon us conchninn or take i c-nio of gentleman's place , understands Ills business , good leference. Address L37IIee. 47" . lit "OOMTION ns cashier nnd bookkeeper , ! l JL veals' eNpi'Uciices , c.in furnish bust of inference * . Addless liSW. lleo olllce. 3S8 11 * ANTUD-Posltlon us stenographer nnd typcttliter bx you..n lady ; can give refer- dices. Address l.l > , llee. 15 U * WANTEP--MALE HELP. for lob printliiK olllco None but ivllcahlo men ncoil ap ply. Cor. l th and Nicholas hts. IW-13 WANTI5D-- Iniinedl.itcly. ten good stoue cut- ters on rrvinnnt rourt houso. Fremont , Nub. ( lood wnges. iit : > ctrlc light ; can put In ultra houra. btely , con A : Co. ti'id IJt ANTKl ) rhreo 0) ) ili-t-clnTs solicit 01 s ; lientof rufi'renco lenulred C.vll lit loom 11 , U. S. bauc. .Monday , IU a. m. l > ul U A HUNTS- Latest nox'i Ity in Hitching . . . noiaiols to tie. ( self-lok ) gipnt Invention. r.8ordoiH taken In one day. o\-oi 2KJ ( ) sold in DO days. Wanted , u party xxlth MJJ tocontiol the flntlro hliite of Nebraska. S.I. Sllsby. Qiilncy- 11) ) , lilO 13" A "COATMAKUU xxMiited Immediately. Ad dress J. W. Curian , Palls City , Nebx Af \\f AtiTKl'I xn > expelicnced tublo xxalters ' , Knqulro at 110(1 ( , . youuit . . . . . men pioforred . _ . J'nrnam st. ti7l -13t WAN 1 111) JU niPli to xxcuK on brlcK paving. Apply at xxoiks nt 7 o'clock Mondny morn ing , 21thand Hiistol Hts. i > 7b-13 ? W' A foxv good cmpcnters for Insldo IliilHhlng. Apply Monda > morning at four- story brick iilldlng. a , e. cor. llth ami Capitol neiiuo. . good sollcllois x\anted. "ill Norm IHh. I07-13f * j\i an ii4ii ni. noxv city hall four good IT Horsosnud dilveis with dumji carts , Mon day inornlnir. John 1' . Coots. Oii ! ( Vit T\/AIi' ) iTr 'TwlTiiltiiiibors o'io gus litter anil Y V three boy . Apply .InmleiOii & Co. . 305 Ko. lltli st. 0114 IW W ANTED A good fnnler at once. Tno Kllto Clonk ana Suit Co. l. > 10 Douelas st. fib 1 U " \\TAN1UD . ' * ) tenms for Missouri'to Haul TI lumber ; from IM to $1 day ; steady xxorK for the xx I liter ; houses tieo to men with families ; freeltrnnsportntlou. R. 4 , ll'J N. tilth , or Geo. H , Dexter , 28 Pearl St. , Council Hlnlls. tj'l UT WANTIJD 10 young men and ladles to learn telegianhy and becnio employment. Day andexoulng Plasse-s. Oiiinba Telegraph insti tute , room MI Rnmge block ; . 07015 ; > m WANTHD liook-keepers , clerks , abstract makers Insuiaiicu wilt LTD. tenrhcrs. schol ars , etc. , to ( all nnd examine the P.lettilc ] ! riiher. Kiascs Ink In txvo hecoims tvithont nbiadlng thu paper Rooms CoO and ( HI , I'axtou block. Oiu 131- WANTIID-Ment COOK for R. R . heuond cook if , ) ) ; moat and pastry cook , $40 ; man nnd xxifo for farm , i2. " > ; urecn hand. Slf > , xvlutoi'sxxork : sIioxellcTs , section hands , Mrs , llrega , 314U 8. I'jtli Bt. 071-1 It \\7ANTUI ) Afhstrlass rarrlacce xvood xx-orK- VI or at once ; address LOJ lleo olllco. fllf > 1,1 VX ANTi : ! ) I'hst-ctnss inllkor , noith Dent > i aim numb Jiis. J. P. Ilocli. Uft lit WANTIID A single man for manager of a stock faun near Omaha ; must bo fully compiitent mid xhoxv goou recominondatlons. Apply personally or by letter to 11.10 Parnam Ciuit * _ _ _ _ WANi'lvD A llrst-chiss cniilnKO xvood. xxoikor ! wanted nt once by Atthon \ . Co. , Bouth Otnnlm. fi'jj _ \\7ANTKD-Rellablo men to solTTho"Nexv - TT port comfort tlialr. Addiess Ncxvport Chali Co. , 3IO' State st , Chicago , ill ; fi'Jl ' 1J * WANTIID Agents , now advertising ma- ehtiio just patented ; best scneme oxer produced , soils to every merchant ; nig nay ; xamplo xvnrk aud teims lOc. Aio Mig Co. , JtaL-lne. x\'ln. 6'jillt _ ANThD-25 coal mliiars for Wyoming * HW per ton ; UU lockmen and laboiets for Wyo ming , good wages. Albright's Labor Agency 1120 rarnam. Ul f > P.LI A ULi ; niini can tecnirt JL\ business xxoithKKi monthly ; trilling cn.pi- tel ; no canvassing. R3Cielghtou blkKO S 1 > th. Mlllt _ _ \\rANTKD Llo men wltli good habits and T pleasing uduioss can llud remuuernttvo cmploymeiit bv calling at Room 4211 , New York Jlfe Uiilldlng , Omaha. Correspondence solicited _ _ _ fllil MJ \\MNTID , : A Ilist-olass steam inter to act - * t cent permanent position at bait Lake City , Apply IT. S , Wind lIiiRlno x- Pump Co , 4VJ IB < _ _ ( "JIIMUlAli Agent wanted In Omaha for oui . ' Improx'fd sx stem of life insuraULo ; llbern teims made xxlth nn experienced agant. Ad ill-em mauuger Homo llonellt .society , 1(11 ( llrond w axNexv York. 417-UJ ' II , II. Cox , Ifil I Howard 1Y' 410 Ptt Al'i'ltr.NTICi ; gills to le.uii drcsamaktni ; . J , D. Upton , Ladles' Parlor , iOM Pariiam , M.I 131 _ _ A HUNTS I Write foi teims. W sample corset free. Schlelo & Co.J'JO Hroadxvav , Noxv Vork , \\7ANTUD-Iaiborers for Texas. Ship dally. T > Pllle-v , Kiamer \ Co. cor. llth and Par- nani ( its , . Max Meyer building. U7 W\NTP.D Salesmniiat ? 7&p r month sulixr.v nnd expciiheg | o sail a line ot hllx r-dutei ) ! ware , watchesetc. , byxamplo only ; horseaiul tram furnished freo. write ut once for full par tlcnlarx and nauiple case of goods froo. Stand aid Silver WatoCo. , lloston , .tlass. 071 WANTIJD angiadeisand ll innkers foi the Illuct Hills BXtciiHlou. Klllp.v. Kramei &Co. , Max Meyer building , llth and Pariiam , \\7ANTIID-IOO rulltoad laborer ! for th ( ii xxeit. ( Jompany xxork. Pllley. Kramer A Co. , Max Meyer Imtidlng. II llh and Purnam aid 818 \VANT1U-A good olllce man to co east IT must Invest IJ.O'A ' ) ; mu t be u good business nun , Addles * the Geo. & Cllne Pnbllshliu House , Uli to 1UI Wubush ave. . Chlcuyo , UU. 849 \VANTiD-.M u for Washlnuton territory ii Aluriifiit's l.abor Agency , 1120 Kurniinut WO ViTANTKU Uooil bilrUayers ami btouecut terst good xva s palU. Apply > ! . U Muiphy , Vieiuout. Neb. VMO WANTUD-Pour nundred men for track lay lug In Wyoming. Apply to 1' , H. Joliniou ) ) , t. M , pa seii | { r OcDot , Omaha , V4i - . "Do.lgo'n Itoraft lllnn- WANTRD-Agents. the blanket from bloxvlntt or sliding oit the horse. Nothing like t In the market ; every horse-owner buys , "nmples by mail , ssc. Slnyner it Co , Providence * , > i uju , o-oi Dr.TiTl\ : Wnntod.goodicllabloinen for detect Ix es In exory community ; pa > Ing jiosl- Ions. Address Knnsus Detective Hiireau.Iock- tax. 230 , Wichita , Kan. WTrUM to tTavel for the Ponthlll nurseries of MKN . WepayJoOto JIOO a month and xponscs to agents to sell our Canadian grown lock , Add. Stone St Wellington , Mndlion. " Is. NJL " MyL H - TUN I cTi-ilx-nntedTSjTir Popirielon s. Wages } l per week. ( K U \ \ ANTHD-rirst-class experienced saleslady > in cloak department. State experience nil xvhcre employed. Address I < C2. Hce. C.i3 - blrf forlioiwew oik. SJI4 Douglas C41 li ( Url for gcnorftl housework and WANTIMI hnlf-piown girl for nurse , private iamlly. 2 ! Capitol ave. C.'l II Waist litters , cloak litters and WANTUIl Ullorcsscs. on Monday'morning. Jlio Ullto Cloak .V Suit Co. , 1010 Douglas st. - young woman to do nencral WANTHD-A . Apply after 0 o'clock Mon- lay moinlntf , IS''I Capitol a venue. flUl-l rANTI'.H Sensible steady woman or girl 1 in family of ! l in Douglas , Wyo. , $ 'u ; : i valtresspa nnd laundress. J.1) ) : pastry cook. 7 ; cook for editor's family of 2. if J ) ; : i second drls , nnr.so iilrls , nforhoubework lnsuburbs.il ( i * ; > ; n dining room girls In clly ; cooks for lonidlnt * houses , nnrt.W glr'.s for general house- vork. .Sir. . llre a,31IHS. IHh. U75 14 A\rA.NTii-(5ood : girl for general housework - > > work , rcforeiifoionulioil. Mrs. J. IMIamn , 2'Jll Woolwortliaxe. 68114 ' \\Tsiftocmplova few ladles. on salary , to tnko clmigu of my business at their homes ; > ntlri'ly unobtPPtlonablo ; light ; Very fasfInat- ngnnd lipaltlittil ; : io talking toqulrod ; wixues 'in ' per week. Hood pay for nart time. My pforonrcs Include some of the bo t known pee > ilo of Louis111" . Clntlnnatl , I'lttshurg and Isexx-heip. Addie s xtlth stamp , Mrs. Marlon Walker. 41h and Chestnut Sts. , lQuUvllle. - /AiN'lliD TliiBQ.la ! yollrlton for city ; ono pach for'XoiuicIl Illnirs nnd South Omalia..UilfT'2j So 20tli St. , afternoons only. 6 L'-m WANTii ; ) 1/xdy agents for child s reform waists , f < klrt-bustlu Hiibstltnte. baby's din ner supporter , etc. Nexv goods , tjur ngcnt al Austin , Minn. , made Ku In ID dajs. Ladles' Supply Co. , 237 W , Washington , St. , Cblc-xgo. 2 > M4 * \v ANTP.D-Plrslcl.iss ac&mstiess nt 2ICU Douglas. f > 'J7 13t WANTUIl Herman girl for honsoxxoik and take c.uo of child y years ; only lady and child In family. 1704 Webster ( it. , second floor at Mrs. lloys. 012 13r W r.D util lot ccneral housexvork. MM Shoimanavu. oou l.'lj LADV agents wanted , also men ; two lm men e now specialties ; ono ladvinado JJ7 l > eforo dinner ; anotherln Ilisthour. AOdress Littlp & Co. , llov II.J , Chicago , 111. 003 10J \VANTii-ocd : ! girl ; small faintly ; coed T xx-ages.Sii Georgia ave..nearl.iavenworth. LO. ) IJJ TVTANTl'.D "A girl to do fienpral nousexvoik T In a small tnmllv , American or German prefoiiud. Mrs. D. 1L Whoaler , 6'4 S. 2iHh ht. r > ! 7 Lt i--A ) rompetent girl for genet al honscxvork at2uiu Callfoinui st. , Gorman prpfeircd. f.2J U W ANTii-Compi : ) > tent girl in family of two Call moinlngs , G.H S. 2Mb st. uoi DRESSWlAKIfJC. IOl'IS Wlneboig dress and cloalc maker ; Jphisli cloaksto older and stcamod : sealskin clonks leimlied , all Kinds fur tilmmlngs fur- ulbhcd. 1KU Capitol ave. . repairing of all kind. 313 DltnSS.MAKINCJ In inmllles. OJ7 So. 17th axe. IHJols * MISS Minnlck's dicssmaklus p-xrlors , 1721 Leavenxvoitli. 77'lo5l BOARDING. IJ UOMS and boaul , 2)1 fco. 2Jth ax e. C5 : ) ? G LOIli : hotel , UO.S 1310,1J12 Douglas ! < .tieet. Dll l > t KST lable boaid at Glooo hotel. fill lit 1)HIYA'JI < fumlly , nicely located. In modern residence , xx 111 take tnrco boarders nt ren- .sonablu toims ; ploanant homo ; lereiences e\- I'lmimed ; artjHurney st. S7 lit WANTED-TO RENT. NTKU to lluiit hulto of txxo looms for thieo gpiitlemon , xx'ith or xvlthout boinl , within txx-o blocks of 18th st. and Capitol ax-c. Address L 01 , lleo , at once. 073 W AN I'KDTo rent a sma1 ! House xvltli large janl or giounds. Myer Levy. 'W5 N. l > tli. BOARD nnd slnglo room hv young gentle- man In piIvnto family or first-class boaid lng house- Stat tuims and particulars : ad dress 1,41. llee. 540 Ut MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. AYOl'NG man would HKe to copy at home munnscrlpt nr any other legil documents for lawyers. Addicss Jifil , lieu. fS n * WANTKD Illilldlne material for caslMiotes , mortgages , horse and phaeton , iluo bills , lots houses , farms , lauds , utc. , etc. Mukoollers W. .1. Paul. KM ) Painam. . diO-H \WAN'Iii : ) Two gentlcnieu to take loom , T breakfast andexenlm : dmnor In private family ; 24th near St. Mary's ave. Addieas Jj 17. llee. file 13t FOR RENT HOUSES. RALP of furnished house or furnished looms for Housekeeping. 151i Javenport htieot. II4S11- IjlOR HUNT Nice cottage. Grooms nnd pantry , JL1 pouli , xxell nnd cl-toin xxnter , tu'oion pliipe , South lUh htioet. on motor lino. Apply to Ml- . .lullaStoln , 1111 Douglas sticit. lll't 13 * | j1IJIMhllii ( : ) honso. u rooms , xxlth allmodprn J. Improvenionts , 21st ave. nnd Hoxxaid street. AddresDr. . l.Ivl P. McKcnua , loom S , ( relgh- ton blk. u7d lit 'inoit RKNT Noxv IMoom brick house , with . - collar and all modern Improvenipnts. Tliree blocks sonthxveat of court hoiibu , barn it des ired. Addicss , L. M , Hoe olllco. G.17-1.J1 : rpKN-room Hat for rentmodern conveniences JL 2i So , mth st. aw MJ FOR HENT 10 rooin Tiolise , with all modern conveniBiices , on south 10th street , opp , llroxx null Hall , 7-room lioilio , 831 South 17th Mreet. 34-ioom rottnges on { outh 12th street. Will lent very chenp through the winter. 33-room lints , on N. 17th St. , suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to Oreon tc Wllllnms , 1st Nntl. bunk bulhlini : . 6M Al'KVf houses to lent , fheai ) , for painting , cariienter work , etc. , etc. Call at once. W , .1. Paul. UO'J I < amain. iWMI LA RG U 12-room house with all conveniences ami large barn , cor.'nth and Cauixxoll nts. C20 " | yOKi'.iNT ! corner ofjbnosandl'Jth ( .fsT. J-i very desliable liouao of nine looms and laundry xxlth all modern Impiox-cmcnts , stublo if de-hud , 'llio W. C. Ives Co , , 313 S. llth s > t , _ _ ( l.'J 18 _ l I'.NT 7-room Hat all rouxoiilonces , cemtrally icoated. Lodxvlch AShaxx' , over I Ilo ix aril st iK2 1 1 _ /OR UKNT--Pi\o room house , fp > iicr ino.y. U JJ. corner llth and Vlnton sts. M7 good Huts In central location f-jxx hero the fmnlluro Is for sale. Co-Operativo J.anili , _ , Lot Co. . 2.'i ) N. Int h st. _ Ml 1 1 / ! ROOM Hat In good location rent i' > per mo- "fnrnlturofl'iC , all modern conx-fiiiieucas , Co. operative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N liitli st. 571 U fTAOR RUNT Nexv 4-room Hats with all conJ - Jvonlencos , 3 blocks from postotllce , Jlil per month. Roberta. 40J N. IQtli ht. a ITt 17 loom home xvltli barn-Hlimr mouth , O , P l Harrison , Mercimmb' Nat , bank. 4"J ! RUNT-Ontsldo Hat In Lin ton block ; 0 ; rooms , heated by steam , imxvly jiapereo , grate In parlor ; ulsoono Hat upstairs. No , H. In- nulre at 017. in the block , 13th und Mason sts. John llamlln , acant. _ _ 652 20 i 771OR RUNT Mirmshedliouse. U looms ; 10 J. rooms uoxv teiitod ; furnace , city xxater und bath. O. P. Davis Co. , 160 } rarnam street. 61' . ' ill _ 1TIOR RKN"Inoii ea for carpenter xx-ork anil JU palming. W , J. Paul , IWJ Purnam , | 053-13 _ _ TTtOR KENT House near tno depot. InqnlTo 13 012 N IStli Bt. eve. 10- _ OR RKNT-Cheap ; honsesof six rooms. Wll ! take painting and carpenter xx ork as pay. W. J. Paul. IWJ Pttuiam. UM-13 _ TT\OR \ RUNT Plve nice larpo rooms xvltl -L1 poreli and yard. C.JI I'tli nt , , betxveen Jack. on and Leavvnworth. UO 15t 77\OR \ RKNT Niiw roomed hou > e with "b&tl J- room , lanndiy and K rret , cor Georgia are and Mason sts , possession given t > a1st. . Ap ply on pruiU to Mrs. L. A. Uiotl. 606 10J II1OR IlKNT Pournats anil three ftores-Pouth JL ; ir.th st. , near Lenvenworth. New' . Hefvr- cnce required. C. C. Turner. 1B3 Iloxvard st. 52) ) lit iroit RKNT--House xvltti 6 rooms. In coed JL1 conditionon Mnsonst.bctxvpen lotn and llth ts. Inquire at U17 Union block. John llamlln 443 1A 1jHll RUNT s-room hottss with all conven- JL1 tellers and in flrat-cUss location ; can giro iocssion at onco. fi-room Hat , 607 N. Ifith stH . . Wo hiivo sot oral houses nnd a number ot tore rooms for rent. Apply to Green A. Wil liam * , Plr.n Nat. Hank building. 4)7 ) 771OK RlINT-r-room honso 4.-18 Nlchoiaj st. Jj Walnut Hill. Inquire ot J. li Gladden.next door. ; ro l R.NT 7-room cottnitc , with bath. 2tlr2 Capitol ave. Inquire a > l8 Capitol ave. 331 14 FOR RUNT House "rooms , pity water , gas , ccllai ; north part citja blocks from cable. \pply room IP , Arlington block. 3J1 _ . . RKNT J3i. 0-room modern house , in Kouutzo Place. $ . . Ill-room brick house , 20th st , near St. Mary's avenue. , etery convenience. , III-room bilck house , cor. Ittli and Capitol avenue ; all conveniences. 0-rooni flat , W..M ) . Inquire Nethcrton Hall , 1112 rarnam. am 13 PO HUNT Fiat H. Aid So. Jflih st Has nil JL conveniences and tvlllibo papered and Mxcd in in good sharn for a good tenant. Call at llerKCo , lllSJIarnoy su , for particulars.aw. aw. ItKNT ; i ncxv lints nor corner lutli nr.d FOIt . No. 0178. 10th. 301 Itl'.NT 7-loom Hat , Lange block , mod ern improvements. Knqulro UU S. ir\OH \ Itr.NT Handsome 10-room house , all Jt ? conxenleuroi. patpd street , cable and noise cars , r > ! nlnutes'walofpo ! tolllcu. NathanShel- on , lilll I'arnamst. Ml TOOK HUNT A Jioat , nexvo.roomcottnge.npar JO lipavonxtortn and Uotn streets. Inquire for lAicbbbii , at lee , rarnnm st , Omaha. 14- ! EOH HUNT Nice new It-room cottlTgos with cellars , : t)09nnd ) 3313 Half Howard st. Kent Jl j per month ciuh. Luqiilro ( J24 9 17th st. I Wit HUNT Two 7-room brick houses. 240t , 1 2111 Hamilton st ; every modern Improve- jncntiiJJcncli. Lenvltt llurnhnm , ICroIghton block. 112 " 17V31C HKMT Id-room house , all modtrn con- JU venlencus , halt block from street car , t-XJ pcrmoulli. Cull at M7 PnxtonblocK. Ill IMINT Twelve-loom house , Btablo and IfOH 1 oaningo house , on S. 21st stiout , next to cor ner I.caxemvorth ; inodprn impiovemcnts and In perfect repair. Apply to Lexvls S. Heed \ Co. , room it. ; Uonul of 'J uxdo building. WO T7VU lU'.NT I0-ronin house , htenm boat , nil JL' iuiprovcmunts. cheap lent ( I. II. Thompson , room 214 , Sheely block , 15th and Howard. 851 FOH 1M3NT Eight room house , wltn ample Kiounds , corner l.cnvcnxxorth and 21st sts. ; bath mom. hot and cold water. Apply to Lett Is S. Heed \ Co , room til , Hoard of Ti ado bulldlmr. H OUSKS for rentWiltlnson , 1417 Taiiinm. 8.M TTIOlt HUNT by Sholes d Hamilton JC Hoom 21U 1st National Hank lildg. } f > 5 14-room House , all conv. , 24thand Cnss sts. fi-U-ll - room house , nil conv. . same location. $10 H-ioom house , all conv. , Hanscnm Place. Wl 27-room Hals. Ifith and lloxtnrd sts. $2"i 8-ioom house , all conv. , Windsor Place. ? : t > 2 7-room nouses , all conv. . Windsor PI ace. JJ7 7-room house all conx112.1 S. 25th ave. Kntlro building on S. ICth st. , suitable for ho tel or boaidlng ; lent all or part. U.M FOIt KENT 0-room modern Improvedhoiibe , corner. Apply M. Klguttor. 11US. KUli. SK ) VKHY low , txxo 7-room houses on IBt'i nnd Vlnton ; txx-o 8 nnd ! l loom houses on 27th anil Woolxxoith ( with city xtater and bath ) ; two fi-room houses ill LilKoln Pl-xce. Hoom Till ) . Paxton block 480 " | j > OH UiNT : A il-room cottage , city , cistern JL'xater. . conx oiiient to business. David .1 amlo- son , 314 S. Jith st ir,9 l/U)1t UiNT : NoatT-room House , in good reX - X ; pair , on co" 20tli and Woolxxortn ave. ; pos session given Oct. 1st. Jnqulro G. II , Izsthnck , llee ollice. f.1' ' i FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. Al'lNKLY furnished room for gentleman , ccntially located. Inquire at 1320 Douglas st. ( Ml U * "I/UN1 , art pottery in Hoyal Worcnster , Doul- J ? ton , Hungarian , Honii , PhenHn Croxvu , etc. , at prices lo\\er thancliewliere at Moody's china store , 1)02 N. inth Bt. IM113 A LA UG I ? line of llohomlan table glassxxnte , lust recelxed fiom the factories , ut.Moodj'B , 30N , ICth 6t. CM 1.1 FOR HUNT Nicely furnished front looms , single or In suite. 210 S. 12th st. illl-l ) ! 17OOMS for Kent Most desirable location In JX city , evciythliiKmodem ; licat ; pri vate family.MJ South 2'th st. ( i72-llt HKNT Noxvlv iurnlslied rooms J- cheap ; motor , cable and Horse cm * . 1M4 N IFtli s1- . flj" 13f llNT Planished front room w ItTfliT modern coiix'onlenccs , to gentlemen only , at20J.'tfct. Mnrv's avenue. Apply at store. 210 and2U bouth riftoontli st. C8J "fjlOH HUNT F.legantiv Inrnlsned rooms with Jgas. . bnth aud beat ; boa id If desired ; 3 min utes' wall : iroin court house ; 20JO Ilarnpy. " 1T10II itKNT 1'urnlslifld loom with bonid.suit- JL' able Ior2iefcicncesrequiiod. ; lOHDouulas. O NK fuinlshed room for oun or txxo pentle- mcn. Prixute family. 2JllParnamst. 35i ELEGANT furnished rooms ; every modern convenience ; ! ! 10 month andupxxnrds. Glebe HotoU 010 IBj : FOR 1IP.NT A hiilto of rooms , xx-lth boaid. 172-J Dodge street. an GLOIM3 hotel ; new management ; Toiploy Ilios. , props. Pincat table board II per xveoe. ROOM w 1th or without board. 1812 Dodge. BUS "VTKWLY fiunishett rooms for rent. Sll'J Par- Jnnm st. 383 I3t FOll"III3NT 2 nicely fuinlshod looins. xxlth board ; 1100 Capitol avenue. te8 Ij liKO ANT rooms In modem brick residence , UoncHUitnblo for man nnd wife and txvo fin- Bio ; telephone. References evchaiiKed. IP21 Cuss &t. 4W 1'it I7\OR \ RiNTPiunshed ; ! front rooms ; isil JU Dodge stl eet. G3'J-o'"i FOR Itl'.NT ; ! furnished rooms for house keeping or otlierui-io , UOI N. leth Ht.C'8 C'8 ! lit 13LLASANT next ly fui nlshed room w ith boanl modem conveniences , terms lensonablo. 2ill.r > Douglas. 484 Pit " 171OR RUNT A pleasant bay-window south Jfiont room ; best location ; all conveniences ; suitable for ono ortxvo gentlemen. 2212 Pnrnam. 418 i fninlbhed rooms , sunny nnd pleasant , - - will rent slngl } or e-n suite. 20-1 Karnam , 602 lit NICUIA" furnished looms , 2209 Dodge. 401 ] 3t ILUAHANT f in ntslioil rooms xxlth bonid , In ncxv uncle rcsldeuco xxlth modern conven iences. B50 S. 2iith live JSM ITt TjlOR RUNT Nicely fuinlaheil rooms. No. 003 J2 N. KtHBt. 600 Ut TnOOMS-M , tS SIO , $12. 1017CnlcagOBt. J-V 155 15Y FO11 RUNT To one or txx-o gc'iitlemon xvltli good lofeioncos. ti nicely turnlslieil front room , noated by steam and centially located lliqulio 721 H llilh st. lt-8 CLA1R P.uiopean hotel , cor. lllth nnd life ; special late by week or month , FOR RENT Txxo furnished rooms on St. Maiy's ax anne , to gentlemen only ; six mln- ut s' walK of biisinees center. Reference IB- rill I led , Jnqiilie at store , 20 und 212 S. IMh st. UODioom wltli batli. Cl'JS. 2Cth hi. 858 NICKdY furnished room , all convciilences.uis N. 17tli- 4M O 18 ELKOANT furnished rooms with bath and htoam. Uli HowauUt. MT TTTuitNlsTlUuVooms and board 1823 C'lncauoT Jv HOaO 171 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. rplIREUdcblrablo rooms on llrbt floor ; mod- Jem couvenleiicoi. Address , L49 , Hee olllce , 574 13t _ TTNPintNI.SIllID rooms , front nnd oack par- U lor with modem coiixc-nleiicei , Unnnirn at Oil N Ibth st. 65U UJ _ F I OR RKNT Two unfurnished looms 70QN pith Bt. _ B1 ° JLL _ 17O U RUNT : ) unfurnished rooms , aultablu for -1 ? houaekeeplng. ia N. Ulh i.t. _ 2od RUNT ITnfurnlshPd rooms suitable for Housekeeping , conveniently located. Hint's llBntlng agency. IMP 1'arnam. 6o o2iJ FOR RENT-3TOR 8 AND FOR RUNT A good tuo-story busmots house Inthetoxxuot Pickrell , Oage county , V , P. railroad ; a tine business point ; no competition ; possession given Immediately. Umiulru of Mrs. A. K.KdxvaidsJIS N 6tn at. . Heutrlc-H. N ob.j.Vn.jj TpOR RKNT S new stores , flli and 019 S. ICth , - * - ' I'luuehow wiudowa. J6'y FOR Hr.NT-Slornjropm In Hey d opera house building. Uniulrt American Savings Hank. l/iou RKNT A VsTory Dries iniliiting , csxiHi JH Mtltahto for xvhoI'SMoi ; good trackage ; I have nlso a nunibfrof line ro ldcncoprop erty for rent or snlrt * Per particulars call or address 403-111 Hcobjilif , N , O. llroxvn. 431 1NK store , with ccJlar , OW South 10th. , ItRNT 2 vcry'iUslrablo ' hnsomentstm- 1 dor block ror. lilth and .Inckson sts. , glzo 30 40 fpot 'Ilioy Imro gtonin heat nnd water nndwoi.ld bo RtilttOilo for a bnrlier shop or mostnny kind of biisilfess. 1 will IK thorn up In itood shape for Wio)0d lonant , CnllntlllJ llnrnoy at. , 1K. . Her _ 4M 17U > It HUNT Store. 1111 rurnnm st , , Mbvias JL ; fiet , Ustoiles andttllnr. Nattiau Slioltoii , 1014 I'm ni\m su NTi ! _ rp ( ) HUNT Tleslinblo wurohouse room on JL tiaclt. Apply to 0. W. Keltb , 714 I'nclllo at. fnOH Itr.NT-Tho 4-story brlclc bnlldlnff with JL1 or w Ithout iowrr. ; formerly occupied by Tlio lleo Publishing Co. . U10 rnrnnm st. Tno binld- inslmsn lire-proof comcnteil basament , roni- plcto stepiin-heatlUK llxtnros , wntor on nil tlio lloors , gn < < . etc. Apply at the olllco of Ulio lice. U15 171011 UK.NT After Oct. 1 , Jlno front orace , X' jjround lloorj plate Rluss window : boat and Hunt fiirnisiicrt : a most dpslrdblo 1 oration for any kind of business ; rent rcnsoanblo , Iniiilre | Omaha Ice Co. , II10 So. 1'itli st. B 1 TTlOll HENT-Tlireo-Rtorybrlclc bulldlne. IHO JL ? IJottglnsst , , BUltnblo for wholesale or ware house. Chns. Kaufmixnu , 133i Douglas street. 403 HI'.NT llasomont 10 by RO ft. hontcd uy Meum. liniiulre J. Nngl , U12 So. nth stv 471 RENTAL AGENCIES. T .1ST your property wltli Stringer & Penny , JU Douglas blocK , s. e. cor. 10th and Dodgo.Ml . Ml ) 10 MISCELLANEOUS. IjluUNH xvhoro tboy keep the gonumo free J-1 burning Kentucky lump coal , 111) ) North Uith , llniinonA ; Woclh. OH-1J TYlOrND The be" > t sxx-ect pickles In the mnr- -U kut. Ask your grocer for llnluz' sweet pickles nnd take no other. CS2 20 ANTUD-Ry lands for hotfos of six to eight rooms , lots , etc. W. 3. Paul , liWi Pnr- nnm. | > OJ-13 OlVlIi service examination ( | iiestions and In structions to get government positions went for Me , Poital note. Information llureau , Kansas City , Mo. KUMJj : "VT Y. & . Chas. p. Strong , expeit ncconntants. -i- > Rooms KO and (131 ( , Paxton block. Hooks ( becked and balanced and statement rendered for indlxiduals orcorpoiatlons. pstlmates furn ished contractors , and computatlonsmndo ; for nichltpctsnnd engineers. G17-13t "l AINTING nnd carpenter xvork for house JL. lout. Cheap. W. ,1. Paul , 1000 Pnrniuii. CCO-13 LAIlis ) : are quick to dlscoxer that the free burning Kentucky lump sold by Harmon \Veeth , ll'J North lutli , Is the bout coal mined. Gil-IU MASSAiR ( tieatment llaths nnd tieatmont of scalp and hair.Tiifsdays and Saturdays devoted to olllce woik. U a. m. to 10 p. m. Mis. K. M. Post. 413 SlOth st. b3 13 ? STOVl'.S repalied , polished nnd put up at your OXMI place. E. Cohen , 111 N. 10th. 640 13t ] \r \ A KI2 oilers for houses of six to eight rooms lots , etc. , etc. W. J. l-aul , 1GCU rarnam. GCU-13 " .r.no xxorth of lino'furniture xxill bo sold $ \\ediiesauyinornlng ut 10 o'clock at 1208 Harueyst. 609-15 IIATIIKHS cleaned , curled and dxod. liats , eslmped , at P. Mv Sohadell \ Co.,218 N. 16th. M ) 11 A UCTION sales every Tuesday and Filday u Xmormng at 1121 Karnani. Omaha Auction k Stoiago Cu. 775 kit. M AHV Strong , eor. Sanndeis und Casslus 'hts. . Kouiit/o place. Telephone 1ISI. 237 n'lj C ASH paid for household furniture , stores. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1U1 Parnam. A NT1Q1TAHIAN I6oic ! Stole. 1111 Painam st. Cash paid for second-hand boocs. EDUCATIONAL. rilHU banjo tnuglit as nnaitby Gco. r.fipllen- 1 beck. Apply at Hee olllce. 5Q SCHOOL of Kxprosaloc. Vocal Aitlculnte , Pantomlulc. J. V , Anderson , Sheely block. KllOSQf G IJKMAX lessoua-Mr. Horndruck. Olllco lYiieliauf's bookstore. 2V"i o3j STOCK BOARDZD. WANTED Horses to winter at $1 a month per head on farm near Irvinctoii. Plenty of ginln and liny to feed , good shelter and good care gl\-en them ; colts , horses or roxvs taken In exchange for feeding them. W. 11. Hoiiian. 101 HORSP.S Wintered at my firm , good range and Paddoqks ; no barbed xxiio on plnco ; hoises called for and delivered ; terms moder ate. Telephone 577. Chns. McCoimlck , Cftl- lioiiii. Neb. 417n7 I WILL winter Iio es on W. H. Mlllaid's farm nt Cnllioun , Neb. Rpasonnblo rates , rare ronstdPred. Oiders can be loft x\lth W. II. Mllhud or mailed mo atCallioun. T.J.riemlng. IMnl LOST. JOST My temper In not biiylnc the free - / binning Kentucky lump coal of Harmon & Wceth , 11U North ICth , ns ndx'ertlsed bv my neighbor , Oil-Ill LOST On Painam St. , Oct. 0. ' 89,44 vol. Amor- Ican Reports ; the Under xxlll bo suitably ifl- wmded. Return to llaitlott , HalUilgOcfe Led- wich , N Y. Lire building. 69U 15 r OST or stolon-One Spitz about flx-o mouths JL/old goes by thn nnmo of ' llenuty. " Mbeiul loxxard glx'eu If returned to 220.J Cumfng st. 51713 * PERSONALS. T r.AR xvlfe , do not fail to Haxo llolnt ? ' hxvect j J pickles on the table If you want me to bo prompt at my meals. ( .83 20 IiTTRbON A L I lurry uou admits Ills mistake 111 1101 biijlngiis directed the ftee burning Kentucky lump coal , sold by Harmon .V Weeth lit ) North lijthbt. 041-1,1 PERSON A l A young man of xvealth would like a lady correspondent of 18 or 20 years. Object fun , nddross \ , 45 lleo olllce. 51)1 tj LADII'.Snnd gontlcmen doHlilngcoriespond- ents iiddioss Correbpondlng Club , Kansas City. Mo. Inclosostamp.'H ! > n4t " KNTLKMHN , if you desire a wire or n lively roi respondent. BOIIU your mid leas to the AmeilcanCorrenponaing Club , Hex on. darks- buig , W. Va. 211) ) olJJ WANTED-TO BUY. WANTliD or ICO acres tree claim or homestead rellnqulshment , within Ifiu mllca of Omaha ; must be good lunrt aim thoiip. AUdiess LM. lieu olllce. 014 1,1 ; ANTIID-To buy buggy hoise , weight II Hundied , young , and must bo cheap for cash ; give full particulars. Address , li. M. lleo. i OIB-1W WANTii-Two : trhckage lots near llth and Nicholas sts , ; must bo cheap ; address li Ml Hee olllco , , U1U 15t WP. HAVKbomeonstomprs for good Omaha pioporty at fair Uguros , Hutclilnson A : Wead , 1524 Douglas st. 472 1. ) WANTIID "orllfiood homes , for cash and cli-nr Omatia properly. A. P.'Jiikey , N. Y. Life building. ] f STORAGE. S'lORAGK nnd forxxdlng. . Wo collect unddo- llxer goods of nil , .dvscilptlon , merchandise , fuinltiiro and bngsageat iheupest nites ror Htorago for nnv length of time. Yans and xvagons to bo had nt sliprtest notli e , with cnre- ful men for moxinp. racking mid shipping tiom our oxxn tvarc'lionso donn on moid rat o charge. MiichnndUnloaded ana unloaded. Wnrt'houss on our own tracks. Oinco Sll 8 llth st. Telephone 114. Hbxvell \ Co. Bit ) MIRACKA ( K Htorage nt loxxest lutea , WTM7 JIlushman. . Mil Lcuxeinx'orth. 804 H nt loxv rates at 1121 Parnam street. 'Omaha Auction and Storage Co , b02 "CLAIRVOYANT. FORTIINK Toller-rMrs. Lenorman can bo consulted on allalfalrsof life. Satisfaction gjunranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st. Ici-'ull ] DlT. NAr > Nil : V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi. cal and biiBluess medium , female cllscaies asimclulty. HUN. l6tHm , . rooma2 and a t6' MA DA.Mi : Wellington , xxorld-icnowned as- trologlnt , test niBdium and destiny reader , just from linropo. TelH your llfo from the cradle to the grave , reunite * the separated , causes opeeay marilrge with the ona you love , locates disease und teruto tvlth muaisee and electric baths. All In trouble should not full to consult thin gifted Meres * . I'arlor 0. upstairs. 417B. llth ; otlico huuib from 10 a. m. to 10 , m. SHORTHAND AND "TYPEWRITING Wnm'TTP.SUY'8 "horthaiidand"typSwrTtlTiK si boo I. Harker block , 'me best and cheap- t in the Uty. 6JS N 13 * tJTAND.Ult ) Sliorthnnd School.Room 34' > Ware fj blk. . ( sncccs or to Valentines ) the largest exclusive Miortlmnd school in the west. Teacn- ersnrp verbatim reporters. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Mechanical conjunction of m&chino taught uy factory expert , llrcitian too ? 4. IfK.VP auction safe of * 600 wortlTol "nno vT funilturo at lee clock Wednesday inoinlnp , 0 t. 16 , nt 1203 Harncy t. (6015 ( _ FOH 9ALU Iiy every leading grocer , Helnr. sxxect pickles , _ BAVpacor , phnctoii. harness , slolchs , cte. . etc. , for sale or exchange. W. J. PAtil , IBO'J Parnam. too U FO ifHALi : Hoise , light wneon nudliHriiPss , I7S. cost J15J. O. O.llottcimnu , 401 S. 10th. SAMJ Mondny llth contents ot 11 loom house for sale clioap 1719 Davenport f > t. , all ele gant goods. Ladies aio invited to call nnd seo. Ia ts only ono day. BSai.tt 771O11 UAIiU Nexv antlntte o.ik dres or , folding JL ? ucti , commode , centrrtablp , llritssels carpet aud chair * for & . " > . Address L 6' , Hen olllce. USD 13j FOR SALU or 'JTnde-RpRlstered trotting stallion , I > ears old ; breeding gilt edge ; en. clo o stamp. Dr. 0. M. Prentice , P.ilrlloIdNeb- "TTM'RNACIJ and stove In coed condition for JL1 sale. Address A. 11 , Omaha Savings bank. OTIMt TrtOR SALK Cl.eap , a dog cait , hainoss and JU pony , together or separately ; pony is eight years old , gentle nnd xxell broken to harness and saddle. Apply at 308 N. 22d st. M2 14t FORSALK A iiunntlty of building stone. Apply to the superintendent Itoo building. fTIOR SALU or exchnnga for unencumbered JL1 real estate Gliding Record 3HJ standnrd nnd registered stallion , trotting stallion , span hoisps , brood innie. Addicss A. II. Dillon. 514 I'lj Fi ° o'oSAMJ ' Second hand furniture of nine- loom house. Apply at t35 S. 17th st. ' 171011 SAM ! Marble monuments at ro t at LA 2210 Cninlng at. 4fifi ir.J FOR SAM-Oood lladlunt Homo heating stove , to > arils rat pet , table , otc. lleo. J < . Ilcnn , 1'U Douglas ) . 407 14 FIJol bAl.i : Ire In car lots , Clllbeit llros. , Council , Illuirs , la. 4W ' } S IAl'H for Sale Ilargnm ; donblo doois ; neatly new. 518 N. V. I.lto llulldlng. 27 ! FOR SAMI Fnrnlturo of a ti-room cottage. complete ; house for lent. Address or fall Chns. r. Stephens , Max Meyer Hro. CO" lo ; IilOll SA1.I5 A .TiOiono poxxor Porter engine Iti good condition , weight n.lOJpouuds cyl inder 11x1(1. ( For paitlcutars apply to 1 ho lleo ollice. 7U3 CHOU SALE V.lght (8) ( ) handsome thorough JLA bied ShPtlaud ponies. Addioss ! ' . O. Letts Marshaltown. la. OtiJ 1.1 EOH SALE 1sonted ! ( carilngo made by Simpson ; t set double harness , and house hold furniture. Cor. Georgia ave and Mason .it. Mrs , L. A.Ciotl. COJIIJ ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND ( iuarantee A. Trust Co. . N. V. Life bldg. complete abstracts furnlsnud and tltlPH to reulesUto examinedperfected &Kiinranteecl. 803 MONEY TO LOAN MON1JY to loan at thieo (3) ( ) per cent on chat tel or other ax tillable eciiiltlcs. D. i : . .lolinson loom IGO N. Voik Mfo bldp. r > 72nlO MONIJY to loan by an eastern man , on gilt cilgo pioperty , for the ne'\t lOdays. Harris , loom HI , 1st Nat. Hank. 6'fl ) BUILDING loans xtnnted on brick business or rcMdeiico blocks. Knxoiable terms nnd rates. Klmbnll , Champ X Ryan , 120" > Parnam , 3)0 ) N 2 PIULADnLPllIA Mnitgngoi Trust Co. fur nish cheat ) eastern moiiov to borrowers , pm chase securities , petfect titles , accept loins nt their xx estein olllce. Geoige W. P. Coates , loom" , lloiud of 'Jiade. SS8 AO'iK)0 ' ( ) to loan nt 0 per rent. LlnaHan Ac Mahoney - $ honey , loom WU Paxton block. Ko MONIJY to loin on I'urnltuie , hoiscs.xx-aKOiis etr , 01 on any nppioved secuilty. J. W. Itobblns , Utl'j Parunm ttieet. I'axton Hotel. K71 "AIONUYlto loan at loxv rates nnd no delay. -IllCapital and sinpliis ? Iy , ( XiO. Lombard Investment Co. , 309S J3thst. bSO CHATTLU loans , strictly confidential. M.I. Hall , 1 ! ) Continental block. 7O24 MONIJY to loan on any security tor slioittime.it loxv latus. Loxxestiates on personal pioperty. The Hendei&on Mortgage Investment company , loom 400 Pnxton blocs. 872 o MAHA Chattel Loan Co. , Room 4- . Darker block. Money at lowest rate. 713 o 24 "IIIIItbTmoi tzage loans at loxv rates and no JL1 delay. D , V. bholes,210 Pii t National bank. BUPORIJ making chattel or collateral loans , it will pay you to see The Western Intest- ment Co. , room 44J , llee building. bf'J MONIJY to loan on city property and farm Innds at low cst rates. J. D. Xlttle , 4JO Paxton - ton block. 178 DO YOU xxant money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rate's , which are the low est on any sum from ifl to 910,000. Intake loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horfiosmiilos , wngons.wareliousn receipts houses , leases , etc. in any amount , at the loxvest possible intes , without publicity or removal ot pioporty. .Loans can bo made for ono to fix months nnd voucanpny part at any time , icdnclnc both pilnclpnl and Intel est. If > ouoxvo a balance on > ourimnttma or hoises or have a loixn on them , 1 xvlll tnko It up and cairy it for you as long ns you desire. H you need money von xx'iliand it to your advantage - vantage to i-eo mo before borioxxing. H P. Masters , loom 4 , Wlthnell building. PitH ana Hainoy. D70 ONKto loan on Horses , xvagon * . mules , household ( roods , pianos , organs , diamonds , lowest rates. The Ilrst oignui/ed loan olllco In the city. Makes loans trom thirty to tin eo hun dred and sixty-live days , xvhlch can bo paid In pait or xxholo nt nny time , thus loxveiIng the principal and Intoipst. Call nun see us xvtipn you w ant money. We can assist von promptly and to your advantage without icmoval of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delayin makir.tr loans , C. P. Reed & Co , 311) ) S. Uth st , , over lllnghnm ti Sons. 875 MONP.Ytoloan. O. F. Davis Co. , teal estate and loan agents , 1501 Paiuamst , h70 \\i AN ] UD Pirst-class inside loans. J.oxvost ii rates. Call and see ns. .Mutual Invest ment Co. , ISO I 1'arnam. 877 ONUY loaned for 'JO , CO or ! K ) dayn , on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417Painum. P78 T OANS on chnttel nnd collateral securlty.spo- JJclal rates this week. Haxxkove Inxestmeiit Co. , R. ! ! 3 , Douglas bl'k. , lutli and Dodge sts. ro.N'IJY loaned on chattel Epcnritles mid Ijoxxeliy , Room Ill.Shoeleyblk. P II.Jerome. T OANS City ana faiin loans , mortgage pa- I Jpar bought. McCugue Investment Co. SX ) Tj HNfl loans. 1) , V. bholcs , 210 PIrst JJ National bane , 87J J OANS mode on leal estnto nnd mortgages Joouglit. J.ouls b. Reed & , Co. rll , board trudo KUYSTONE Moitgaee Co.-Loans of JJO to 81.01 * ) ; gotour rates before borrowing and sate money ; loan on horfcs , fiirnltnio , or any approved hocutlty , xMthnut publicity ; notes bought ; for noxv loan , rcnoxxal of old , and low- estiuteH.call lt-0 , bhecey ! ljlkljtliA.IIo\Miidat. 80' ) US1DKNCU loans fl'i to" percent ; no ad- dltiomil charges for commissions or attor ney's fees. W. II. Melkle , Pli t Nut bank bldg. SKIiPholes. room 210 Plrst Nat'l bank , before making your loans. U7J M ONUY to loan on teal estate seem Ity nt lowest rates. Holoiu negotiating loans see Wallace , R3IO llrown bldg. loth and Uonulus. MONKY fxian * negotiated at loxv rates with- out delay , nnd puichaso oed tommerelal paper and mortgage note ) , h. A. blouan. cor , 1'ltli and Pariiam. Efti MONHY to loon ; cash on hand ; no delay , J , W. Siiulre. 121U Purnam st. , riist National bank bulldluK. bM ONUY to loan on city or farm property , tloo. J. Paul , JUOU i'arnam at. e 5 loaned on furniture , horses and MONUY ; rains reasonable. City Loan Co. , 114 .S , llth bt. , omiolte Mlllard hotel. bJU XriUIKASKA Mort , I.oan Co. will make you a 1 > Joun on hoiuehold geode , horses , xvagons , land contract * , line Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at le.isoimble rates. Hoom 7 , Rowley block , Honth Omaha , Rocins 918-510 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb , POl Ppo LOAN'-A fexv thousand on inslda unlm- JL proved city property or Kood 2U paper , Addieii J 64 , lieu olllc * , SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. "IjllHST National safety tlui osltvauluT Safes J to rent .Mo $ M a year , Mi 3. ntli. ' . " J 7 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. rponny personTiavliiR fWO and would like a JLpayliiR business. I havoa well lointpd ol ar nnd tobacoo itoro OolnR n thriving buMnpss ; this Is a Rood ctiauco , will minrrttitoo Mi wnekly 10lnvestor.\adre _ _ s , II.DI , Heo olllco. reo-iu 1 ! 'promptly t-\keir ri j > i'lnity"ileino7istrrtted L tupnyJM.tMJtoifau.wJ vcnilvj can ) IP sn. ciuedtor fJKO ( aown ; 1msituation snilrl Adaress li < vi , lioo olllco , 0121 J " 1)A1I12 business chnnce , stoik of general -itmerrhixiidlaoJI.OM.nnd established business , proiits last your ROH asn.xp for some one If taken nt once ; will sell tor invoke pi'lco nnd for cash only ; other huMuess ronuifcs ntten- tlon. Addicss Lock llox Xo , II1 ! , Oreoloy LVu- tcr Neb. ) | U.J HOTIili mid bur tuinhhed In South 0 in MI a" hentcd with steam , newly import' . ! , mid nil inodprn Improvement ? , Hare chance forinau of amnll capital , llont ? IX ( ) par month , with socur- Ity. liuiulro m Douglas st , Omnhn. dor is ; T7101I SAM' 1'nyliiR nowspnper with book JL' mid Job department In town of 40V ( ( ) Inlmb- Itants ; a splendid opportunity. Address li | | , lleo. Mltt AIIAUUA1N in a good Riocery atoie for tiWj. Confectionaiy , bikerv and lestnurnnt pom- mncd In Kood locution for II.IIM. ono-hnlt for ifroo. Co-oporntlvo l.nnd and lot Co. an N lilth nu 13 _ _ " B HlriCbuiillnB'Jx'xIl , lensoif ground. rent of ground lu\v \ , rontial location , sewer and water ; will sell rhenp. Co-opcrall\o Land and Lot Co. , aj'iN.liitll st. 6711,1 " 171011 BAM ) -Store llxture . safe , oIllceT . * - ' tables , counter" , "liplvtnic do k , show i uses , ate. li. U. Jones , ljuo I'lirnnm nils 20 SOMU one with sninll aiiiount of rash ran se > cute a grocery nt a bntgaln , ns It must bo sold. Wo also hnvo ono of thu bo-t t.nmll Job pilntlng establishments for snlo nt a bntunln. llutchtnson& Wead. 1521 UoilRlas st. 472 IJ " 1HIT ( ! business for sale ; will six o low pilco M tocnshlmy r ; this 1 * u snnp ; ImustlKate. Stringer > V Penny. Douglas block. riltilil FOR RAI.K-irocery ( store ; stock In good condition ; bestot locution ? ; rent loxv ; clolni ; bust business In tlio city us coed us glvlnu nxxayJUKiO ; will Invoice about Hr > ' ) ii ; pnit cash balance good paper. Addieas box : M , South Omaha. IIS.-IIJ F OK SAM' No. I fvudtoio ; location best In city ; a grand Investment for a ma i xvltli Email capital ; tcrmscash. Addicas 1-lt llee. giKiM T71O1I SAIK-Or tiade. awoll ostablUlteil book JL'nnd statloneiy store. Ho < c * > l8. ' JI "IJIOlt HUNT liestailrnnt with bakery In base- J mont and looms aiioxu. bath roonw , dlulug i oonv to heat tKluow ( bi li < k biillillns. pai t les oxvu- Ing ItxxIshtOKo out ofbusliH'ss ; parly must bo responsible. 1'or pntttculaifl nddlcss (1. ( W. Wiilt taker. Keninoy , Nob. . Iliitrnlo Co. 4b 0l'j ' ; GllAlN Hlev.xtora Coripspouden1 : ! ' solicited from anyone xxUhlng to liny gi'iiln elevators tors in line grain country. I'.lpvutors at Liber ty , lliuch.xrd. and Violat will bo sold Oct. 12th. Good business points. Opportunity fora bar gain. Address Crclchton Moms assignee r. A , M.JUnklIiunbolt , Nob. UT2 13 _ _ FOR SAM ! Cheap.innrblo works. shoiislocl > , tools and X'cry fux'orublo lensc ; Hplendlil chanco. Inqulie at premises 2JIO Cum Ins -it. or 070 N Slth avo. 4fil Iftt T3 > OK BA lr.-A prlvtebaik w Uh It JIn n live town. No other bink In the place. Good reasons foi selling. Address , li " ) , IIPP. 22o Oil SAI.KLease nnd fnrnltuio of the I ) - per Hotel , Lincoln , Neb , at a bargain , A good chance for the right man. Addros , De pot Hotel , Mnioln , Nob. Ur > l FOIt SAM2 A good Phyllis grocery store In Lincoln. Terms , half easli. Tor pnitlcnlnrs ml'.lress It , Hoe olllce. Lincoln , Nub ( , s-O ; 21 * FOR EXCHANGE. FOIt iX'HAN : < n : A JiUo uxrm foi a good stork of grocorlt1" . or general lock. Addiuss T. N. lluikcr , ( ireeley Centre , Nei ) . fu'i ' 1IJ XCIIANTT ! for city pioppTTy two good farms joining to\Mis situated In llailan and ( Ircely counties. Mejer \ . Haaplce , lltl'i liar- ney st. Wl oW FOI ! iXCHANJi ; ; Wo ha\o for trade astoi k of 'ewehy ' for land or city piopeity. I'lno double house on liii > :127-root lot only l'i inlli-s fiompostolllco totiadeioi smaller house , night loomed house nnd fu 1 lot to trade foi lund. Nc- binskato\xn piopertj In good slmpi1 , clt'nr of InciimUi UUCP , nnd i as > h to tiade for Omaha urop- oity. If yon lmx-e nuythlns for tindvculion ns. A mold A , Inst.inlej , SnPaxton ulock. in i ir > B l'ILDIMi material of all kindforlots , etc W. .1. 1'anl. IbO ) 1'ninam. WjU-U To e\cliaimo dry Roods noflons nnd millinery goods for clear land or city propcity nnd part cnbh. Address bet 4VJ rrankfort , Ind. ! W3 EKNTAL propeity. Inside , to ovchange for clear fauns orncant city lots , llios. r Hall , 311 1'axton blocK. 8) ) FOR IJXCHANGK Per any kind of good property , a grain elevator in one of the best toxvns In loxxn , situated In thohonitof a Hue agricultuinl country. Present oxxiieris nos u gialuman , nnd lias other business. A rule chance for a practical man. Also , fixe thousand acres ot Hue timber land In not them Tennes see. Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. Tel. mo. XMG " \rAKUolIers of hinds , farms , etc. . foi houses , JJllots , etc. , etc , W. J. Paul , IbO'J Pnrnam. WiO-1) ) " \\rANTKn-To tindn , gllt-edgod pioptrly and cnf.li torn small hotel In a live Nu- btaska town. Room II Chamber of ComiiiPice. Tcl. I HO. 2111 TT1OR KXrilANOi : An elegant tract of land JJ containing 12rt acres In Antelope couaty , Nub , , xvltli ordmarv impiovements. ' A quiutcr section in Hand county , Dakota , pnrtlv impioved. nighty acres near Council Illnir. , In. House and lot on S ICth st. Lnigo amount of Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil stock \ \ ill exchange for good pioperty or the nroi tlon of some bouses , iloo. j.Btcni'Hlorll.Pirst National bunk building..1711 771011 SAIU-Ono of tha best lots In Kossixolr JL1 ntld. II. It. Hull. R 1. Haiker btK. rl" , I'.l FOR SALE REM. FSTATE GRKAT'bnrgalirfor one "week. I lot. U\\l \ iT , Hontli fiontou Hamilton st.Vnliiut III11 , JVW. riistmortKugo paper of 1-0) . draxxIns'J per rent Inteiest. jmyablo beml annually , lor * > OJ. M ) acres or goodfaim land oullie U. P. R , It ,10i miles xvest of Omaha. 4 miles tiom good town. Cheap for cash , or will Undo for lot. U. G.Mcnlll , IllhandSnuurdf.ts. 41'Jllt- F OIl 8ALH Txxo 10 loom houses xvith M jour len e. J4.00J ; hnif cash. Pajs 17 per c nt on price asked , Don.t fail to Invustlgato tlds. Alsogoml ding stuck wltli coed pay- limB buslucss ; pait cash nnd part tiade. Also full lot Maunders A , Himebniigh'snddto Wnhmt Hill. 81UO ; sax ) cash. Lays xxell. W. A. .Spencer , room 3 , Hushmnu Hlock. hiMO ONLY ten ( $10) ) dollartoija wananty deed to a fiOxlJB feet South Omalia lot. Tree from mortgage , title clear , KUurnnteed dry. level ana close to rnllinad. Only one place toget tliem. 3lO South IMh Ht , Pain commences Mondny morning. Oct. II. ( .buries P , Hcnjixmln , solo agent , DIO So. 15th st. t > IMIt T71011 SALi-AIIno : lot..OxlllonPatilckavc. ' X1 between the txvo motor line < an bo bought foi)2,2.'iO. The llnoht Kouth fiont lot in Clifton lllll.i7.Xi. If you are looking lorn bnrgnlnlu either vnrant or Improvxed property call onus. Arnold X -tanleyrj.j 1'axlon block. GM Ifl F"OR PALU-Or exchange : 1.300 acie rancn. nllsto. bed xvltli tliorough- bred llolangulnh cnttlo und ovcrytnlng npces- s.ity to cniry on lancli , wants Omaha city prop- fiiiiots In Council HlnlTs neiir motor line for good fauns or Omaha inojierty. 20,000 Cigars for Omaha jiiopeitj' . Wo liuvo several farms nnd a little cash xxo xxish to put Into good building lots neni car I louses of from 4 to U rooms In different part ol town to exchange lor lots , farm or bell on eiiBy payments , Wanton-CD ) tds of dirt to ( III In on lot 17. bl' { 2 , cor.'IMh and Mason , Western Lund nnd Loan llxrhaiige. 311 S lOth. 2J M SAM3 A few more rholco lots III Pierre , FOR thoinpltiU of tsoutli Dakota ; got theiu IIB- foie they are nil gout' . Nohrauka i.aml and Loan Lxohnngo , 311 H. loth st. ( Ul I ) IJIHRKi : tlio tiipltiiT Lots lying xxTtlilu tlficlT- fourtHHofamlloof Ihocouithoiiselii Pierre , the capital of South Dakota , ( an notv bnboimht for iluJeuch. Iiislx tnonthatJiey xxlll bo woith ilX ( ) . Now Is lliu tlinn to buy Imiiiho of R. P , llosworili , 1IOOH14. . llurker Illock. Omaha , ( i28 . 'I , ) nctual value Insldo bii8h. Ki and rt < sl- $27,011) , # .ll.i lii worth of houses being built adjoining , will soil fortir.UMnowl Why ? Per reascn am in need of 110,00 ] cauti ; grant olfer. Address LWl , lleo. i/JInllJ ; most ptomltlng locality for business In ailli M on IClh ht. , between Puinuiii and Leavenxxouh , ihe future retail district of tha city , lilegiiiit blocks aiogoing up , and nothing' cliabby xxlll vvor bo eroded tlieio. Take a look nt the now block at Nos 707-709- 711 h 10th Bt. , near Leuvenwoitli ; all heated with titpam , und full iilute-Klass front , and no- rum a leane for a number of years. Thov. P. Hall , JU Paxton block. r,05 _ 771OII RALK-Cheap , 8-ioom hou o on motor J1 line , Walnut II111 , ll.two ; HV ) caili. Inquire ot K. U. MtJirlll , 4lth und Sexvard tts. 4 < 0 Ht e y leuud. ttrlnu'erA I'emiy.Douglus blk. VMP.9 , I.W Pariwm St.-Ami's Pisco U tlw onlr locality In Omaha with all Improve ments , Including motor , cabin und IIOMU car. ' , xx hen you c n buy a lot for only paylntt doxvn but Jl > to JMo and having ono , ixxo and threoyears In which to piy the bal ance. 'Iho solid , substantial Improvements' surrounding \tnos Place make It inside prop erty of HID uostRort Noxv Istbo tlmotnf ccnro you a lot or a half lot , as you wish. Do not miss such n tlo.dcn Opportunity , but como anil scowlmt a little money will get for you. THO payment ot J75 to S10) ) down Is fixed nt this mail siti'i becniiso the property H not only x aluable , but w ill groxv more so. Ames Place , is on SaumleiflMiect andls rcnched by paved streets , motor and cabin cai.s as well ns norse cars , tlood substantial Improvements In the Residences Schools Churches 1 nctoues Btoios nlo already theio and uo better or fnstor proxv- Ing location can be found In Omaha. 'I hint of thocimiiceiogeiu lot for a homo by pa j lug JI5tojimun-h nnd haxlugono txxonndtlnee jcnrs In xxhtcu to PA ) the balance. Ames Plnco Peifprt'llllo Quick Tiaiispoitatlon Host Paved Streets Motor and Cable Inci easing Values t < nfest Investment Conveniently Lointed. Tnke Hum to look at this propcity , It Is xxoith all a ked foi it nnd wilt bo woith more' . i'ftdoxxn , JIOO down. 1 , 2 , II jenrs in xxhloh to pay the balanceDo you want to make a start or get a homey If so ronipand in vestigate this ground and ronvlnro jouwelf ot Us xnlue. Nothing Yentuio nothing have is ns true to-dav as It exer wnss yon now have a chnnco to buy r omethlng xxell worth jour monev and t tint will innko } on more inoiicj ; como und see xxhat It is. Don't Walt ! The pilcos nnd tcrnm mimed don't ln t forcxeu- ; remember It this xx ns not The. best piopeity It would not pay Toailvuitlao itil AdxcttlMiiKln I he Iloo Costs too miii.li money I'lilessyon have , needs Worth all and uioie than you ask for them. Don't foruet all this ; you can lux estimate thu ynll jon wish to , and In theoud jou Will be convinced ' 1 hat eveny claim mnilo for Ames' Place Is cor- luct. x. on do not co out In the suburbs , but light In teixxii and jou tnko absolutely uo chances. He suio Amos PlAcn As to pi Ices , As to terms , . Per impioxement , Pur desirability. Positive ) } ran Not be o\cellod. Cable und .Motor , As xxell ns horse Cars , give the best Rapid transit , And no one who Ionics over the piopeity can obcit | either to prices iiske-d or teims given. Tnko nothliu foi granted , but come and see for youiselfthn situation uiid Mtrtouiullngs. Con- xcynnccs always icady tonlmxv piopeity. AMI > , UV)7 Painam , st , _ Telephone , 701. _ _ (1)2-13 ( _ ft UO. N. HICKS' real estate column.ti mo V Iiigonts for and cuntrol some ot the llnest pieces of liixo < tiueiit iirope'ity noxv on the market. Rend our choice list of lesldeiKo property. Ulcguiit comer on : ! | st mid Woolworth avenue , facingnoitli entrance tollans- eom pa IK if I'.OOO Nlio lot. ( ieouila avenue near school house . . . 2'CO Choice corner. 1110 leet Ir image , ncai Park avenue and Pnellli'.ioom lor block of four lio.ises . . -V > CO One ot the llncst leslnenpo sites In West Omnha.'iivirri , Jncksoiiand Lowonxo C > , rOO Ouxl.'l nei r.liipkson and lith . 2.VJO Comer , I2ixlj ) , tenth nud east tionl on ttith and St. Maiy's ave , xxitli olegiiut cottanoj a beautitul home . 2J.OOO IflxllO , on Si'th ne.il .inrlfon i-t . . JI.5IKJ ' 0 feet on Pmknxe , lacing llnusconi piik 1'IHO , ! lfoolfii > tat'e > on Capitol axe , near.'itii .1,1' * ! Nice east Mont lot , Ktli nuai Daxonpoit 2.00J 01 feet double trontnge , on "bill and 27th sts. , loom for li houses 0,00 Corner 7lixl t ! . .Iack"0iiaud3ltli sts . 4 , UO lleiiutltul leMldenee lot in Miuth i Pink , on llunlette , betxxeen Utth and 17 sts 3"jOO Splendid coiner IiKjxIJJ. on.IJtli nnd CM cage , north and east front 7CiO Nl o lesulencu lot In Wu tlu.xtn. close to Hell l.iuo depot , 20 minutes lido to city 475 Residence lot near " 7th nnd llnui j 4,1.\0 Plist "lass cottn o nnd lot , I'aiknve . 7,00 P.legnnt double U'sidviue xxltli large lot , 75xlU ) fc-et , nice bain.cltj water , sc'Hc'i- ngenndgas . . ir > ,509 Spli mild ii't-Idencu on I'aiknxe , 11 looms , neiUx' built , all modem coimonleucos H.UOU Nil o enttnge Iiomu2itli noai I'oppleton 4&OJ Hi ick bloi-K , llxo II loom Houses , iiexx and modem built , bast lesldeure pait of city , pay h per cent on fTU.OOj ; vim oiler at . 60,0) ) Klugautnexx lesidence ,1ust being com pleted in ll.in"com ri.fc. all modern conxenlpuces , very deslrablo neighborhood - hood , close tu elrrtilccni lines , just the place for a bcantlttil home ; for u fo\v ilnys at . . 7TOa Klegaut lesldeiico lot , dl feet , on 2'ith ' nxo , K'0 Resldenco lof. 6ixl ) 0 , ,11st. neai Parllle . 'J.60I Coiner. uUxlJii. Pacille nnd .idst Hts ( ' , ' 00 Elegant doublecoiuei. UK ) feet east fumt on list and Poppleton , paved hts , sexxei- ago , city water , Ka" . etc , ono of the line-it residence sites in tlio city . . . P.001 Splendid cast fiont lot on Georgia a\o . 4.1UO lioublo cornel on WooUxoitli und 'f'uil. IMJ lee t bou th flout , facing llnnscom Pail : . .f. . . . . 7.GOO Splendid residence wlte , 70 teet HOiitli flout , on Poppleton live. , llaiiscom Place , loom lor block of tin eo houses ri.OOO Heiintifnl Ilometi. Uognnt leslleiico , just , romplctetl , nhiH rooms. Pumice , bain , < Ity xxutei , cistern , doiihlo Hoots , dose to noxx ulec- lib motorllne , high und healthy location , Ibst class nt'lghboi hood. If not i < > ld by O tuber 1C , xxlll be lei tent Can glxo liimiedlnte iio-.sefcS- slon. Illcks , Xo\v Voik Lite building. Acre Piopuitp. Acie piopeitjwplllomteil , offers the thiPtt oppirtnnily fui an liivehtment now on the miu kit , ( ulliind see the bnigulns I ollei. rixe acre" , close to Hell Line inllxxny $ 2,600 Thlity ai 10 tract. Just outside limits. 21,000 Tenaiie Irnct , closolo Holt Line htntlon 4 , SOU Ten linexxllli Jiou oand bain gioxe 1.WO I ' hot npie"pb ndld gaulcii spot Poityncies , nice finit nnd xegrt inlogai- ileii . . . 10,00) SplendidInxentmcnt , " ) nciecloo , to Helt Motion , will mal.li 1W nice lots woiths-IV ) tnch . . 10,000 In Ninth Omaha xvo oil or : JniiB lots i iixir.0 feet txxo blocks from .Sum mit depot , nnd only ten minutes ride bj L' P. dummy tialns trom Tenth street depot , nnd four blocks tiom noxx motorcar line on 2IIU street. 'Ihn clieapust and best located liomes Ini inlhoul and lalioiliu men noxv In the m.ii- ket. Cm olfertor a foxx days at 750. llaigaln-Oii 24tlxbtr et , thu main street con necting Omnlia iind .south Omalia. NHXV elecirlo motor car Hue nnxv being laid on this slroet. Inn oiler tvn of the IlnaH lots on thostieet. perfect ginde , city A'utoi.etc , , nt pi Ices iiuiiurnn lot on M. near 27th street , f-'outli Omahahalf block from U. P. depot Pueufor a fexv days , i-U)0. ) llcirg.iln Three nice lots on a corner , on 28ti ) stiqct , near Catholic church , South Omaha , Kxchungo List , Twenty four Kiilendld leslilenco lots Jn-it out side city llmltH Hi West Omaha , licit Line mil- xvny urns on onosldo ( if piojieity. Hull Htntlon i lent adjoining. Car Line till eady within a fexv blocks. I'llce 112,000 , Inuiinbiamo , KilJP , duo in about I. 2 , a and 4 yinis o.xmr'K eijiilty isIO ) , Will trade for good farm land or Im. pruxcd city piopeity , TocMiiaiiu chohe business piopeity , con sisting of number OHO In ! k block , i < iitins f r W.IKJIIperxiaiAllltraiiu for cholco xuc.int luslilenro lots. Poi Uvdiance Txxo hnmlipd acio farm In IliitlPi county , Nut ) . ; OIIB liundn A airoi in oul- tixation ; small house , outbuildings , ote. Piled 1 .IHJO. Can tiado fitr Imiirov * d city propeity. Nlco P.'iim Ifi'lncroj ' in Kuox county , NuU. , to trade for house and lot. [ , W acres-Good fnim luud In Central Ne braska , to trade forlmpuixpd cltypioiieuy , Sevonty.llvoiholci lotuJi K'utsldoillj llmitn , wintn IVOniPh , Piii "f entile triia t < 7KU ; liicumbiancdoiily ji. , . ) ii ; . wn. is oiiulty. tll.Don. ) < fit * In Dundee plaie. Jut inn Hi ot tliHploii- eily , Hiflse-llliu fiiil. M t' > * I.2V ) . ( 'ixn irad'j thlhpnipcity firllint-elaiBHt < ii.k ranch , To UxUiangoTxTenty lour 111 o lots In Cot tage place , on Helt Linn railway. Jiihtlht jijuco for a iilco homo , miigiillleeiil x Inw. healthy locu tion , onlyiwcut ) minutes' ildn doni busliuaa < enter , all clear and frro of IncumbranciH. Can , ladu lol grHid llotiso and lot. Per Trade-One of tn flnoKf iileccs of lost- do.ifppr ipeity liK'oitiull Illullx. KIcgautliDUHe , totitiuilv located , utc. Will exchange lor rood Block iamb and homo ca < > h. Uwill pay to In. xistlgato this If joiihaxnllrft clnvs pioperty to ( Mill orox- rhiingicall and buo mo , ueo. N , lllikrf. Nuxv Yuik l.ltolluimiliK. tIJO 13 I ORSAMJorUxchniigo-IO.oOOaPiosof wvst- - * em Nehiniika and custom Coloiudn land , witn < iiuill defe-ired annual rayiiiL-nts. Inteiost all ! pci cent Will Hellchoap for uiiulty eaali 01 xxlllmll for onu-toiitn payment tush down , balance to run ten j eat ut iiiilinal payment * ' , AI no will tiade oiiultleh for city and toxxn prop , city. CoiieiipoHilcTro Hollcited , AddiesH D. 0. Jlownid , ic.il ostuto biokur , ICcanioy , Nub. FOR SALl-J-Onlnngtlmo and easy payment * , handsome- , new , well-built IIOU.H-D nf ili.and * 10 looms. All com e-nio ices , good ni-lglbor. hoort ; pavt-d street * , ulreet caw , and within xxnlltlng dlslaiiee ot P , O. Nuthan Hhellon , 1014 1-ariiAin street. t'X ) / IOH HAI < I' 1(1,73 ( acres , sec. 6 , tp. W , r. Ow. . , Hamilton county , Nub. Honsy , gtaolo , 30a , ; nercH fenced , living xvati-r. I'llco iilK ( , P. K , ' Atklnsoxxnori llroadblii ] ; , , Denver , Col , Mil