Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    T < y . tVOR
An Auspicious Opening of Tholr
Grand Sohuotzonfost.
An Knjnynlilo liny nt tlio % croln'B
Jlcaiilirnl Ilangc , With I no
Scores or tlio Successful
for Hull's H > cn. t
Ycstcrdny nt 1 o'clock , tlio grand fcst o ( tlio
Omnlm Schuotzonvcroln opened nt Kuser's
park with , n ninsnlflccnt attendance of
markstnon nud spectators.
The members ot the club and a number of
other Germans mot nt the Hfkhorn Valley
house , corner of Elwenth nnd Dodge strceU ,
where guests from nbroad were received tind
At Hi-30 o'clock the Sohuctzonvaroln
formed rnnkHimdrrtho leadcrshliiofVllllnni
Stocukcr , last year's king of
shnrpfthootcrg , ami to the music
of the Omaha Musical Union
l > nnd marched south on Eleventh to Douglas
thcncu to I'Y.rnam , tbcnca to Fifteenth , aad
thence to the Missouri Pacific Uopotliora
the ti-nln was taken for tlio parlt.
Knch marksman \voro n short shooting
jacket , n white Alpine hat bound with
ifrcoti rlobon. Hitch of the phoolorn.boro his
rlllo over his shoulder uuU marched \vith the
nlr of n veteran.
A number of the mtsmbors of the organisa
tion drove to the park In private convey
Most elaborate preparation1) have been
made for this fcst , and an unusually largo
number of prizes of both u&uful and orna-
incntnl nrtlrles and money huvo been offored.
It Is the intention of the committee of nr-
rangcmunts and the Veroln to make this the
most successful fcst which has over been
hold In tills section of the country.
The prizes nro on exhibition In John
Uaumor's window , on Itanium street , and
comprise Uio following : John A. Creighton ,
magnificent silver cnj ) , with rides and shootIng -
Ing marksman. $100 ; Fred Krug , la n tine
silver friiuio , f50 ; J. A. Fuller , in n very fine
largo frame , 810 ; Henry Ktiscr , $10 ; Henry
llicharil , § 5 ; Fritz Gounuor , $10 ,
William Coburn$3 ; George Shields , Jo , Clans
1'nhl , . * . ( ) ; Max Llcclit , $ . ' . ; Louis Ktoltsch ,
? 5 ; Morns , K ; Peter Goos. $ .1 ,
Louis Hclrnrod , $3 ; Max Meyer & Hros. ,
parlor lump ; John Uatiiner , marble clock ;
Christ Wiiothricu. silver water pitcher ;
Meyer &Kauplo ( , silver breakfast sot ; Henry
Uolln , silver liquor set ; Julius Schlup , silver
sot forks and knives ; JclT Mogeath , silver
butter dish ; Potei Gees and Louis Hennrod ,
silver tea sot ; Gcorgo Helmrod , broiuo
lamp snd standv Horin SchaclTer , Hllvor
syrup cup ; Henry Seidlor , silver castor ,
John Schroeder , gold tiger eve locket ; Al
bert Calm , gold-lioadcd cane : Herm Hush ,
cano ; Charles Storz , silver uatcr
Bet ; A. Stoot7ol , set forks nnd knives ;
Aug. Boh up , bridle and whip ; M. Knpp , sil
ver cake dlsliV. ; . llutt , silver knives and
forks ; Valentino Uuinpcrtli , silver cake
dish ; Qwinti & Dunniior , aider lor a rillo ;
Henry Voss and W. ScRolko , linn shotgun ,
II. Peterson , John Drcxol. U. Itassmusscn ,
M , Hellmun , each a gold-headed umbrella ;
J. Poppendiclr. fancy onair ; Win. Voss ,
fancy hanging lamp ; G. I. Fruehauf , two
books ; win. Mark , cuso of wine ; Collins
Gun company , cartridge s.itehcl ; Glaus
Mardis , cigar holder ; J. Walker , order
for a coat ; Chas. lirnndcis , order
for n hat ; George Nagel , opera
glass ; S. S. Vuclkcr , case of wine ;
Anton Pockamy , two hams ; FriU Heff , 100
cigars ; Uloclt &IIymanliut ; John 3ackhoft ,
coso wlua The lust mentioned Is called the
Icing's wino , and will be drunk from a largo
cup , uhen tlio king , or the lending marksman -
man , will bo crowned.
On Sunday , tuo shooting will commence at
8 o'clock , and bo biounht to it close at noon ,
In the afternoon the king will be crowned ,
urlics will bo distributed , nnd then will fol
low n grand fete clmmpetro. In the evening
there will bo n grand bill in the park , which
Will bo brilliantly Illuminated.
The llniiKO and Scores.
Ruser's nark is situated one mile south
west of Leavcnwortu street and the Schuctz-
cnverom's rnngo is ono of the most conven
ient and complete In the western country.
The club has leased its grounds of Henry
IZuscr for a period of five jeans , and ex
pended Rouiethitig like $ l.iOO in fitting them
lip. The maximum range Is " 00 yards , with
ten targets perfectly nrranced under
on ingeniously constructed shedding ,
with drop doors , to protect the
targets from tlio weather , pulleys , electrical
appliances , wind gauges , Hags , nnd , in fact ,
ovor.vUdng that appertains to a finished na
tional range.
The shooting manse , a commodious , ouen.
airy structure , Is located directly south of
the target stand , and has been lilted up with
the bust possible facilities for the protection
and convenience of the mnrksmcn.
There are ton shootim ; stalls , or ono for
each target , connected with each other by
means of electrical annunciators , the result
of each man's shot being accurately con
veyed to him and the ottlcinl scorers , oven
bofoia the rouort , of the Winchester has died
There are also nljolning each stall , rifle
racks and shell boxes , and other appliances
calculated to accelerate the contests.
The markers occupy positions In nits flvo
feet or more below eacn target , ronderlng
accidents next to impossible , uecnuso no ono
is visible about the targets during ttio tshoot-
The markers indicate by flagging when a
target tins been shot nt and It is immediately
replaced by another target , each marksman
shooting at his own individual target
throughout the contest. The danger lines
are plainly dcilncd , and absolute observation
Of the lilies and regulations of the range nro
onfoiccd during the progress of tha competi
The committee of nrrangtiinonts consisted
of Louis Heluirod , chairman ; William ICrug ,
William Scgelko , Fred Fuller , MIctiaei Kopp ,
Charles Storz and William Hutt ,
The shooting mastora uora Christ Wuoth-
rlek nnd Henry Ktiser. The committee on
shooting xviis William Krtlg , chairman ; Fred
Fuller nnd William Hutt. John Uaiimer
was superintendent of the day's contests , so
far us keeping the qillulnl record , etc. , were
The contestants of the first competition
were Louis Ilclmroil , William Mack , William
Scgelko , A. Jostcn , Henry Buldler , Peter
Ooos. F. Mogdott , U. A. Stockman. F. W.
Walther , Hans 1'etorson. J. It. Clarkson ,
Ilormuii Hush , George ICarll , Fred Fuller ,
Julius Ship , C. Matthois , William F.
Stoeckor , Henry Voss , William Krug , Harry
ThoisHon , Frank Heft and J. Howor.
William Stoocker boi-u olT the drat honors ,
the Kiug medal , ut last year's tournament ,
with F. Wnlthor second.
T.ho conditions of ycstordny's contest weie
COO yards , olT-hand , throe-pound pull , three
targets. The man target , three shots for $1 ;
ring tnrcot , ? 1 it snot , nnd the Kohr target ,
twenty shots for $1.
The following uro the scores :
Donated Prizes Herman 10 07 :
George ICarll , Sir-It ) ; Cimrlos Storz , Uf 19 ;
William Krugr , 1U- l'-n5 ; Charles Motz , ai ;
Henry Voss , JIT ; William Unit , 1-31 ; M.
Kojip , 2.J-4 ; II. A. Stockman , 'M ; William
Maclt , 45 ; William Voss , 47 ; C. Puul , 20 } H.
Thlcssen , 40.
The Man Target William Krug ,
10 l'J-10 ; Louis Heimrod , 13 10 ; Clnus
Mntthlns , 13 ; P. A. Fuller , 3J 11 W-41 ;
Wucthnch. 17-a ) ; F. W. Matthias , 41 ;
Julius Schlup , 30-t7-4'J ! : H. A. Stockman ,
04-15 ; II. Peterson , 17 ; William Mack , M ) ;
H. Uusoh , Ul ; Fred Mongodoht , ill ; Charles
Motz , US ; Henry Voss , IDs W. F. Stocker ,
JO ; lien Kostcr , jo , William Voss. l8 ! ; II.
, 18-05 ; M. Kopp , ST.
The Kcbr Target Thu contestant scoring
100 points at this target Is entitled ton medaL
The da's shooting ended with P. A. Puller
tn the lead wltti 03 , acd Joe Clarkson second
With 6S.
Tlio shooting begins Uiij nioruiug promptly
tUUO. ;
Au Atitiiilmo C'uro.
Is onlv put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and U an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
vrouuds , chapped hands , and all akin erup.
tlons. Will itosltlvoly euro all kinds of pilos-
MICN'l1. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
itd cent * per box by mull It ) ceuu.
Ijlclitor Union Pnclllo Trnlni Are Now
Atllo lo Mnka 3fnll Uoiinoctintia.
Smco receiving a positive assurance from
I'osttmiftter-Gcncrnl Wunnmakor that ho
uouhlninka serious trouble unless the delays
in the transmission of malts censed , the
L'nlon 1'ncillo fias bccli ilcllvcrlng oast-bound
mail at the transfer from Option on time.
The train 1 divided Into two sections nt
North 1'lnlto. The 11 rst has tlio postal , InR.
gage , sleeping and dining cars. The second
has the express , smoker , day coach nnd cli.ilr
cars , the latter section tends to all the way
buMnchs. It Is consequently an easy matter
to makn good tlmo and arriro ac
cording to schedule arrangements In
stead of from ono to throe hours
behind. At llrst nil responsibility for
being Into every nlqht wna curried to Iho
Central I'nclfic. but now It Is different. Hy
xvny of cxphinntloti , nn oDIcml snld : "Our
tlmp-tnbio wns constructc-d for n seven car
tram , hut , instead , \vo liavo been running
twelve , fourteen nnd ns hlph ns sixteen c.irs ,
which nith so nmn\ stops to innlie , not only
UnncKcd us out but left it impossible : for the
engineer to regain any losi time. "
However , no disposition was shown to
remedy this stnto of affairs until the post-
unstcr general threatened to assess n heavy
fine ngalnst the ciomp my for every failure ,
except for unavoidable cause , to ninlto con
nection with the Burlington mall train nt the
trnnslcr depot. _
Got rid of that tired feeling as quick
.13 possible. TnUe Hood's Sarsnpnrilla ,
which gives strength , u fjood appetite ,
and hciilth.
Snld to llanc Over Ihn Union I'n *
clflo Co\\slird.
The mayor , building Inspector , board of
public works , and a council committee have
been matting an examination of the Union
Pacific's old cowshed depot , nnd It Is under
stood they have decided that the structure Is
in an unsnfo condition nnd It will bo ordered
torn down. This action It is said was forced
upon these oDlclals by complaining citizen1) )
who , It seems , long IRQ discovered signs ol
weakness In the building and predicted a se
rious calamity at some unexpected moment
unless steps were taken to prevent it.
These examiners , so the story runs , will
make their report to thu council next Mon
day night und the prospects uro that thcro
will bo a lively contest.
The company's officials will bo on hand to
oppose nny nrtlnu looking to a destruction of
the depot , mainly on the ground tlmt , this
movement lor Its condemnation was inaugur
ated by parties an hunted by prejudice
against their building a union depot such ns
is proposed In the plans whluh huvo been
submitted. The commissioners' report ,
nevertheless , will stiow that many of the
bolts and roils In the roof have been eaten
away bv runt and are loosn , thus leiing ; the
network of heav.\ iron girders , braces , up
rights , etc. , in u very shaky condition.
For iloiulncho
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. I. H. San ford , Sheffield , Mass , says :
"Most excellent in derangements ot the nerv
ous 4vstcm , such ns headache und sleepless
ness , "
Masonic llnll the Hunno or a
h'li.jovnbhi Kvont.
Masonic hall was a scene of gavoty last
night , the occasion being the llrst annual ball
of Omaha division , No. 120 , Older of Railway
Conductors. The punch xvas laid aside , the
waybill tabled , and the lantern used to deco
rate the wall , and In lieu ot the stcorotjpcd
dull of "Tickets , " "Balance on the corner
und swing your best girl , " was heard.
The dancing hall presented an animated
aupenrance , the walls being decorated with
rod , white nnd blue lights , while o\er the
orchestiu chairs hung the red flag whifh sig
nifies "another train following , " which \\iis
interpreted to mean "Look out for us in
Ib90. " At least u hundred couples we're
present. The committee on nrraiiemncnts
consisted of Messrs Mnrs Nobbs. F. II.
Keoslian , C * . A. Kugh , Gconro E. 13alrd ,
William Vjynn , M. J. Hocho and W. H.
The rcreptinn committee was composed of
Colonel L , . M. Anderson. S. M. Bond , W. W.
Keen , U. T. I'owers , M. C. Wallace , C. C.
Kisor and 13. A. Toggenbi.rg.
The lloor malingers wcia * Harry Oilmoro ,
C. U. .Blood , .1. II. 15.nley , U. H. Ileagy , H.
.T. MnntJ ? . II. Miclcolwnlto. Gcorgo K.
Kotluoulc , J. T. Wiseman , W. S. Fox , Ceorgo
Gordon , W. H. Iioirumii , O. li. Lumbar ,
George Malouc , John Katllff , F. E. Van
Guilder , M. Weir , W. C. Allen , Arthur
Ulakely , G. T. Ucckloy , George W. Urooics.
Tim ( Jurtin , .lames Cussiday , J. \V.
Hurdinir , Howard ICcnncdv , George Mitch
ell , G. H Mack , William Miller , J. H. Kill-
ston. M. P. Suitor , Scott Thompson , Thomas
Cahill , P. J. Fmrbrass , 13. IJonnolly , P. K
Uunbar , James Gregory. M. A. Jlumbrlght ,
J. W. Inlow , G. H. Kinenid , W. H. Madden ,
Thomas H. Mitchell , George 13. Millar. A. P.
Nash , William Kouso. A. J. Smith. P. E.
Wlnkolman , W. S. Wllcox , J. T. Williams ,
Asa Wilder.
Cut nr rli Snuff.
When Btiffci ing with catarrh , cold In the
head , ncrvoim headache , etc. , use Uuino's
Snuff , it will relieve you at once. Price iioe
ut druggists. . _
Interfiling I'
George Ames , the real estate nun , was ap
pointed by the Union Pacllio railway ns one
of the nnpr.ilsers of their proocrty in Omaha
and across the river.
When the sonata investigating committee
sat hero the other ilayMr. Ames was called be
fore it to testify as to his individual i.stiniato
of thn values , npart ft am the oxuaustlvo lu-
port. of tlio appraisers which he hud previ
ously concur ! cd in.
Mr. Ames said that tlio Union Pacific
owned HIS acres of land within thu city lim
its , which ho estimated to bo worth over
1,000,000. Ho said further that the com
pany owned nbuut ono thousand acres of
land on the Jowu sldo of the river , the esti
mated vuluo of which ho put , at 41,500,000.
Thcsu aiu Interesting II ( fines.
Cuslnnnn'A Mcntho inhaler curea cntairh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever ,
Ti Inl free ut your druggist. Prteo SO cents.
'U'muloll in llunl
II. H. Wnndell , tbo insurance solicitor
who was arrested a few days ago at the in
stigation of one TOrgcnson , who charged him
with embezzlement , was before Judge Herlia
yesterday afternoon nnd had his ctfso con
tinued until Tuesday next. Wnndoll seems
to bo In hard luck. His baud is llxod ntonly
( Soil , and although lie has mada numerous
efforts U ) secure a bondsman they have boun
futile , aud ho is compelled to remain m jail.
The Denver Lottery Co. want ngotits.
Tickets , CU eouts. Address A. C. Itoas
ic ! Co. , Dotivor , Colo.
A lloi-riiili ) Crime.
James Spcllmnn , n well known crook , who
was shot in u row in Sioux City some months
ngo , was arrested last night on the charge of
having pcrpctiutod u urlmo against nature
ot the person of Wilbor Merrimnu , a twelve-
year-old boy. The deed was perpetrated in
u box cur. 1 bo boy is in a critical condition.
Are you nervous or irritable ! A glass of
Cook's imperial wine banishes that feeling'
It's ttio pure grape juice naturally fermented.
An Unruly Kicker.
O. Forcoll , while under the Influence of
liquor , kicked in his neighbor's door on
lower Capitol avenue and was fined $ .DO
for Ida conduct.
tontion to conuncro'nl ' mon. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittrcdio &
Brulnard , propriotors.
R. Trumbull has been appointed ngent in
this city of the Western Hallwav Weighing
association , to succeed U cargo Carroll , re
signed. _
To the young inco Po zonlM Complexion
Powder gives froslior chuniiit , to the old re-
ueucdyoutb. Try lu
Collision ou the IT. P. Avorbod by
Two Bravo Mon.
_ . _
Filled With Liquor , Ho Attempts to
itrlnc Two Loaded
Trains Togoilier Under ttio
Cover of tlio
A Drunken Fiend.
A dastardly attempt was made to wreck
two passenger trams on the Union 1'aclflo
near I'nplllion Thursday-nlght.
J. A. McCann Is the Union Pacific night
operator nt the end of the double track near
that place. Thursday night ho reported for
duty In a stnto of intoxication , but thcro being
no ono nf higher authority about , ho sot to
work without molestation in a position which
placed in his hands the lives of hundreds of
people. The double track terminates where
No. 1 passenger , west bound , sidetracks for
No. 4 passenger , east bound.
The I'ortncr train loft Omaha nt tno usual
tlmo nnd upou reaching Papllllon
backed in to nwatt the arrival of Is'o. 4. In
n few minutes , n rumbling noise Indicated
that No. 1 wns near nnd It was ther. that Mc
Cann endeavored to carry out his diabolical
intentions , Ho walked along the track to
the switch nnd as tno headlight of the engine )
elnred only about ono-half of n mlle nway ,
ho turned the switch so Hint the tinln would
leave the main track and enter the spur unon
which No. 1 was standing. His net was for-
tunntoly discovered in tlmo to prevent n col
lision. Tlio day operator , u Mr. Moore , nnd
Conductor Kennedy , who had charge of No. 1 ,
discovering the situation inshed to the
switch nud succeeded In throwing it back
before No. 4 reached it.
McCnnn fought them desperately and In
the melee Conductor Kennedy cut his wrist
so badly on n piece ot glass that ho was com
pelled to abandon bis train and return to
Omalm for treatment.
Conductor Mnllory was sent from hero to
tnko Kennedy's place , during which the
trains were delayed 0110 hour. McCann wns
arrested nnd was turned over to tko author
ities at Albright.
Another Version.
James Flnncgan , night operator at the end
of the double track south of Albright , was
too full of water on the sldo Thursday evening
to mnnago tlio Instrument , and whcn'overlanit
No. 1 , going wst , ni rived , Mr. rinncgnn
could not givooiders. After waiting twenty
minutes , Mr , Fitinogan refusing to allow tbo
day operator to operate the Instru
ment to get 01 dei s Conductor H.
Kennedy proceeded to throw Mr. Finnegan
out. Tncjobwns done promptly and aitis-
ticully but the door being thrown to bv Mr.
Finnegan caught Mr. Kennedy's ' loft hand
cutting two bad gashes on the thumb.
OinalinN Ilntri rilled J"5lect
loTn-D.iy'n Convention.
The democratic county primaries were
held yesterday to elect delegates to the
democratic county convention which is to beheld
held in the police court in this city this
afternoon nt 2 o'clock. The delegates elected
by the several wards aio as follows :
' First Ward Terence Bovlo , Thomas
Cftsev , Lew Herman , Walter BrandosVndy
Frick. Owen blaven , John Xcr/en.
Second Ward John F. Murohy , Louis
Boehmc , James nunnery , Leo Bridges ,
James Norton , Geo. V. Heins , M. Cnrr.
Third Ward The contest waxed warm
from the opening to the closing of the polls.
Up to a o'clock in the afternoon the Hoihcry
element was in the lead , and money was
offered nt odds on the election of the entire
delegation , \ \ ith no takers. From ttiat time
until the polls closed the Toid
delegation kept steadily gaining , but
still the opinion prevailed that the
result would bo close , with the Rothcry dele
gation carrying the day. But the final count
showed 1,100 ballots cast eicht more than
there were names on the poll list. It also re
sulted in Ford's delegation carrying the
election by seventeen majority. As chore
was more or less irregularity in the count.
the Hotlicry delegation will contest the elec
tion before the convention to-day. Hubert
Uocho for assessor nnd 1'uinlc Solon for con
stable , both on tlio Icothery ticket , w.'io
nominated over Co gfovc und Snuwdcn , the
Ford candidates , by a small majority. The
following delegation VULS elected : .lames
Douglas , Frank McGrow , Dick Burdish ,
Charles Schlank , John Donovan , Put Ford
and U. Hnrd.
Tlio delegation that will contest the elec
tion is Ed Rothery. Hubert Hocho ,
John Cummings , H. J. Clnncoy ,
James Dermoedy , Andrew McAndrcws
and Jerry O'Grady. The crounds
of the contest will bts illegal voting und un
excess of ballots as compared with the poll
Fourth Ward John F. Goad , Fred Borth-
wick , Charles Landroek , George Guy , A. L.
Potter , Andy Moynihan , A. S. Kitclue.
Fifth Ward Seven hundred and thirty-
nine votes were cast. There were two
tickets , but the ono headed by T. J. Con way
won by n majority of ! T > 0. Henry OstholT ,
who is n strong Droxcl man , headed the de
feated ticket. The ticket elected Is un
pledged , und is ns follows : T. J. Con way ,
Nicholas Keller , M. V. Gannon , James
Brady , John McGorry , Frank Birmingham ,
Pete Connolly. For assessor , S. Wakeflold.
Sixth Wnrd Geoi go W. Tioniey , John
Heed , C. II. Mi'Eckron , Bernard Sachsso.
Charles Johnson , , Jake Houck , Ed Paulson
Seventh Ward Matters were very quio.
in this ward. Two tickets wore In the field ,
denominated the pledged and unpledged ic-
spcctivelv. The vote stood U9 to 21 in favor
of the latter. Several of the candidates
charged County Superintendent Mahoney
with voting u number of paupers from the
poor faun. The following aio tlio delegates
elected . P. W. Blrkauser , J. Samuel Cos-
ney , Andy Murohy , Jerry Kynn , Cliris. Nes-
seii. Hohort L. Gates , Ed F. Moroanty.
Eighth Wnrd C. F. Williams , Henry
Schroder. Michael J. Downs , D. P. Angoll ,
Alfiod Wolff , Fred Weymullor nnd James
Ninth Wnrd-Euclid Martin. S. S. Van
Boureu , F , W , Simpson. John O'Donohtio , J.
A. Llnnhun , C. J Smyth , Edward Gurskc.
First Ward Peter Brannon , John H.
Howe , Frank Plvonko , George Parks , Ku-
dolph Hart/ , Herman Trcnkle , James Car
Second Ward Georeo J. Soltzcr , 0. T.
Donuhoo , James II. Fleming. A. B. Haley ,
liodlo Hcdmond , James MoDormott , Thomas
McGulro , Michael J. Flahoity , John Bagloy ,
James H. Lowry.
Third Ward William Martin , Henry W.
McKomlry , John Nelson , James McCune ,
Edwaul Hnnloy , John Hlckoy , John Blon-
don , John Blivcrnicht , Henry Uitzon.
Fouith Ward John S. Walters , Hlchaid
S. Cm tin , Dennis McLano.
Seventh Wanl Itopiibllcnns.
The Seventh ward republican club hold n
rounlur meeting in Justlco Anderson's ofllcu
last night. In the absence of both the pros !
deal and vico-presiilcut , D. II. Wheeler was
elected chairman pro lein. An executive
committee for the ensuing jour was appoint
ed , consisting of D. H , Wheuler , J , A. Wood
man , Gustavo Anderson , A. P. Nicholas , J.
T. Pilcher and Andrew 13ovlns.
A Volition Tor IMorrlHoii.
Over eighty-live of the younger members
of the Omaha bar have signed a petition urg
ing Mr. John S. .Morrison to lun indepen
dently for the otllco ot Justlco of the peace.
Tlio distiict comprises the Fourth , Sixth
and Ninth wards , Mr. Monison is now jus
tlco for the first named ward. Ills ardent
supporters aio working on the non-partisan
idea , claiming it to ho just us Important to
elect non-partisan Jufttlcu us non-partisan
Judges of the district court.
Hopiililloiin Co nil-ill CominlKpc.
The county republican committee will
meet this ufteuioon In the Mlluu-d hotel to
maku arrangements for the coming cam
paign. The members are as follou s :
First Ward L. F. Lytlo.John Butlor.John
Second Wurd Dan O'ICcefTe , John Hoye ,
Fred Bohui.
Third WnrdM , O. Klcketts. S. B. Smith.
Lee Hartley.
Fourth Ward--T. K. Sudborougli , Elijah
Dunn , Moses O'Brlun. '
Fifth Wnrd ChnrTeS L. Samlors , George
Kinp. M. Sullivan.
Sixth Wnrd-C. K. , Kclsey , W. A. Grant ,
T. J. McGrnw.
ScYcnth Ward--C. N , Inskccp. Louts
Peterson , J. C. Thompson.
Eighth Wnrd-U. B , Hulcombo , J. U.
Moore , Charles E. Bruncr.
Ninth Wnrd-M. S. Lindsay , W. I. Klcr-
stend , D. J. Burgosa
Clmlrmnn W. F.'liurley.
South Omaha D. 'Anderson , Ed Mayfleld ,
LU. . Gibson.
Valley W. II. Tbomai , William Mllohlll.
West Ouiulin Geqrgo W. Hoberts , Henry
Chicago C. H. Dthkcr , II. A. Nolle.
Union Frank Bj'Hubbard. Chris Tcdde.
Waterloo F. W. Corliss , H. B. Hcnnin-
Elkhorn Isaac Noves , G. H. Wllllami.
McArdle H. U. Avcry , Elijah Allen.
Douglas Ed Lcedcr , H. Uosslck.
Mlllnrd William Vnn Doliron , John
Lomko. .
Jefferson- . C. Timmc , Pctor Mangold.
Florence John Simpson , sr. , John Paul.
The First With n Good Uncord.
Lnst-Momlny the B. & M. reached Hat
Creek , South Dakota , and Thursday a train
of twenty-one car loads of cattle shipped by
Grove & Tllloston and J. W. Hammond ar-
rlvfd ( In South Omaha. The entlro distance
of N ) . " > mllca was mndo nud the cars placed nt
tha chutes for unloading in twenty hours
and thirty minutes ,
Agent W. B. Cheek is Justly proud of the
first run , and states that several more largo
shipments will bo inndo from that section to
this market.
Sr. AKIICS F lr.
The printing committee ( or St , Agnes fair
has decided to publish a dally paper during
the fair nnd has given the contract to the
Maglo City Boomor. The committee bos
been out and has been successful in getting
advertisements enough to assure its financial
Political Club Organized.
The Independent Political club has olcctcd
officers as follows : President , M. Ersltin ;
vice president , J. Blondon ; treasurer , J.
Powers ; secretary , J. M. Brown ,
'Notes About the City.
Peter Johnson is ill with malaria.
A son born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bry
A son bom to Mr. nnd Mrs. William Chad-
Miss O'Brien Is 111 wlthlnflamation of the
Miss Abbio Curtis , who has beau ill , is
Miss Kate Wymon , of Albright , Is 111 with
symptoms of fever.
Mrs. Mulcahey. of Albright , Is suffering
with inflammatory troubles.
The Bohemian Turner's ' association will
give a dunce in National hi'll , Twenty-fourth
and L streets , Saturday evening , the 10th.
Manager John A. Doe , of the now tanning
establishment , is showing souiu very soft and
nice sheep skins , thu first output of the
Bernard Blum has tnken out n permit , for a
theatre hall. The building will bo frame ,
two stories GOxSO feet ( and will bo erected on
the alley in the rear of the Wisconsin house.
Blown Park citizens complain that they
are neglected and that other parts of the city
get water supply , electric lights , grading
and the like , while the citizens of that pure
of the city cannot got what they actually
About People.
Mrs. Ferdlnnnd Graham , who has been
visiting friends at Oakland , la. , has returned.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J.'i DnfUeld , of Center *
ville , la. , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K.
C. Young. *
JSr. and Mrs. Kobeitson , of Valparaiso ,
Ind. , who have been the cuosts of Mr. and
Mis. D. S. Cuttis , have gene on west on
their trip.
Michael Kelley , formerly captain of the
fito department at the Omaha packing
houses , has gene to ( Chicago and rumor says
with matrimonial intent.
A. T. Sidwell , of the Drovers' Journal
force , will Icavo Sunday for Concordia ,
Ivans. , to icsumo his old business m the
grain elevators. 'Mr. Sidwell will do his last
journalistic work to-day. While hero ho
and his estimable wife have made many
friends , nnd they leave with the good wishes
of all who know them.
Mrs. Harriett's Elder Son Outdoes All
His niatos in CiiasctlncRS.
Mrs. Hodgson Burnett's older son ,
Lionel , spent some time tit Atlantic
City last bummer , says u Now York dis-
piiteh. Vivian was with his mother
doii ) } , ' Europe , and Dr. Burnett was not
expected homo for several months.
Lionel wn staying with friends in ono
of tlio cottages and appeared to enjoy
the absence of the paternal eye.
The heir to the Burnett estates is
fifteen years old. Ho is short , but
thickly act , with a largo head. Ho can
outdo in cusaudnoss any five bovs in the
A reporter hud n long tallr with the
brother of the original Lord Launtlo-
roy , who , us everybody knows , is Vivian ,
and appended are some of the remarks
ho made on himself , on his mother , on
Vivian , the little lord , and oa his
mother's books.
"Viv. " ho said , ' -was ns much of ahoy
hey and a mi i banco as I am , until ma
had 'Fiutntloroy' published. "Wo both
had orders to appealin our velvet suits
and to bohayo like little lords. Viv is
thirteen , and immediately btmmered
down and posed according to orders. I
i ebollod , would not wear my curls or
my velvet suit , and decamped , leaving
the whole Held to Viv. I am an Amer
ican , a republican , and I'll bet you n
box of cigars the world's fair will bo
in Washington.
"I never look much stock in books.
except dime novels. There's 'Lono
.Taolc , the Brigand of the Uocky Mount
ains. ' It's a dandy. No stuff and non
sense about that. Lots of blood and
thunder nnd a fine detective in it.
"O , you should sco Viv writing a lot-
tor. 1/ocsn't look much like the little
lord. lie sits down at the table , stretches
himself and his logs , and then scribbles.
Viv is a pretty follow. Ho doesn't like
anybody to saj so and ho once attempted
to lick : a follow for saying &o. Ma's books
have ruined Viv. Before they were pub-
libhod ho was a HrstVato follow and liked
a good big _ bpi'co us much as I do now. "
Precisely at noon the sound of mili
tary music was hoiird from outside the
hull , and wo know' that the king had
como , says a Stockholm letter to the
I'lltslmrg Dispatch. The audience rose
and i oinainei ] standing as lie came in ,
bowing to right and left , followed by thu
crown prinro , the president and secre
tary of the congrcsj. the court martial
and adjutants. The involuntary expres
sion which came tu pvcry one's lips was :
"What a" Ills hand-
feomo , ilorid face is set oil by
gray hair and ben I'd , and his broad
shoulders , erect add largo llguro , well
be como his olllcu. Trained nt sea , ho
has the bearing of u captain who trcndb
the duel ; with full confidence in his own
powers of command. lie were the
falilondld uniform of an admiral , over it
the broad blue sash of tho'Ordor of the
Seraphim , btara and decorations in
quantity nnd immense gold opuulottcs.
As teen as King Oscar had put on his
eyeglasses lie rose and road in French
his address of welcome or rather
shouted it out as though he were giving
commands from the bridge in u gale of
wind. A man of line literary taste and
culture , which seems to bo hereditary
in the Bornadotto family , ho is con
sidered the best bpceohinalttjr in his
The frcsbman class ut Amlicrat numbers ! ° " tuo fc'rouml , and theio are several
additions to the upper classes.
Ho Secures n Writ of Hnboaa Corpua
Before Judge stownrt. '
Mnt m It. Il.thlnln , of Lincoln , Will
Co a Dcslrnttlo Voting Man A
Homo DcsDnllcit-.V Ciifluns Suit
Against n Untbjr.
LIXCOLV UuuEiuor TUB Ouvnv URC , J
LINCOI.V , Nob. , Oct. 11. )
Judge Stownrt , of the county court ,
ordered n writ of habeas corpus to issue
in favor of Lttgeno Paul Wing Fong , this
morning , returnable forwllh. The petition
of Joe Wing Fone , father of Kugcno Paul ,
sets up that ho wns married to Mary WltiR
Fong nt Nelson , Kuckolls county , October
S3 , 1SS5 , nnd that they continued to live to
gether as husband nnd wtfo until February
10 , 18SS ; that Xorcmbor 10 , 1SSO. HtiRcno
Paul , the child In controversy , wns the
Issue of the mnrrlngo. The petitioners
furthof tcurcscnts that on the 10th day of
February , 1SSS , Mary Wing Foug , his law
fully wedded wlfo , left and abandoned his
residence while ho WAS from home , taking
with her their infant child , ana has wrong
fully dom-lvcd Eugene Paul of his liberty ;
that ho hits never been to see. Ills child slnco
the time bis wife left his bed and board ,
nnd such other facts commonly Incident to
such cases.
Mary Wing Fong for answer
states that she Is nblo to support Kugcno
Pnul ; that slm left her husband for good and
suOlclcnt reasons : that she is the only
proper custodian of ono of such tender years.
Shu further states that Joe Wing Fong is a
monster in human form , an opium outer and
a person altogether unlit to rear nud provide
for the issuu of their mnrringo.
The child Is now In the hinds of Sheriff
Mcllck , nnd the bearing will possibly take
plaoj this afternoon at ( o'clock , A replevin
case , however , Invited the attention of the
court" nt : t o'clock , nnd a decision may not bo
reached bcfote to-morrow.
A. bunt ; Sum.
Mntson U. Baldwin , a flftoen-yenr-old son
of Fred W. Hahlwin , has fallen heir to * 25- ,
000 from a great aunt who lived in Ohio , but
who was killed In a runaway accident nt
Colorado Springs some time since. The boy
is well known in this city , as ho tlrlvcs the
Mayor brothers' yoat cart.
A 1'ccullnr I.ia\v blilt.
John Hanson nud wife vs Ezra Ricknor
wns the title of a cnso docketed for trial in
Justice Snclliug's court this nftcinoon. The
cn30 is peculiar nnd Is attracting considera
ble attention. Kickncr , the defendant , is a
barber at 133 South Eleventh street. Hansen -
sen alleges in his petition that ho has been in
the habit ot getting his tonnorlnl work done
at Hickner's ' shop ; that ho contracted tlio
barbels' itch by being rarelessly shaved by
the defendant ; Unit tie in turn gave it to his
wife , and together they claim damages in the
sum of 5100. Ueturn day is IKod tor Monday ,
October 14 , when the case will bo put on
A IcK | > nilcl Home.
John Truux tiled his petition In the district
court to day. alleging divers misderaeanois
on the part of Henry H. Grimes , whom ho
joins In civil action. Ho sets up that during
the niontii of January last Grimes wrong
fully deb inched and prostituted the person
of Kli/a Truax , nlaiiiUfTs wife , and that on
divers occasions ho enticed her from homo ,
taking her to Ounum and other places for
unlawful and unholy purposes , winning her
ulfectioiib from him mid thus despoiled and
ruined Ins home. The plaintiff thinks that
this was worth $15,000. and he prays for
judgment in this sum and costs of suit.
AcciiS"ri tty His Kutticr.
Dennis U. Corinntr , a farmer boy , lies in
the county Jail rharpcd with forgery. It ap
pears that on September 10 ho secured $32.f > 0
from J. 1' . Chapman , a money leaner ot this
city , on a note signed by S , 13 , Corning , the
father of the acuubud. The note was made
payable in thiity days at the Ameiican Ex
change bank. Mr. Corning was notified that
the note would full uuo October 15 , and
knowing nothing of tno making of it came to
the city to investigate. Thereupon hoent
before Judge Stewart and filed infoimation
against his son , charging him with uttering
the note with the purpose of defrauding him.
Authority wns therefore gien Sheriff Mellnk
to put him under arrest , which was done this
morning at 1 o'clock. The parties are all in
the city at this hour , and an effort is being
made to settle the matter before it goes any
Stnto Iliiiiati Dlattors.
Mr. V. Monay , of Geneva , Nance county ,
was in the city to-day for the purpose of reg
istering $4,000 of water works bonds.
The Mason's Fraternal Accident associa
tion , of Wcsttield , Mass , has complied with
tlio law and ia privileged to transact accident
insurance in the * > tutc.
Governor Tlmjer , Treasurer Hill and Sec
retary Laws went to McCook
to-day to at
tend the Soldiers' and Sallois' reunion at
that place. They will icturn home Satur
Supply awards for the Hastings asylum
for the incurable insane are as follows :
Coal , II. L. Edwiuds ; ice , F. E.Ilkison ;
Hour , C. C. White ; meat , Charles Davon ;
boots and shoes , S. M. Thompson ; gincerics ,
Charles II. Kipp ; clothing , Barnes llros.
The board of public lands nud buildings
mot yostordr.y afternoon ana anpointcd J. A.
Lattu engineer nt thu capitol for the ensuing
year , and J. 1' . Roller liroman. Four olec-
trio liphts wcio ordered put in the dome of
tlio building , and the two m the front and
rear to bo taken out.
According to law , the directors of the
Building and Loan association of ttlnoiiimg-
ton , 111. , Hied a resolution In the olllcc of secre
tary of state , ncccptlng the statutory provis
ions enabling foroitrn corpoiatlons to become
domestic corporations. Capital stock ,
SS.OOO.OOO. Incorponitois : Thomas F. Tip-
ton , Ernest Mammon , JoluiH. Stoutonsoyor ,
Isaac N. Clarke and Frank L. Bunu.
Kuiiromn Court
Court met pursuant to adjournment ,
State VH Malic , defendant defaulted , llo-
coivor ordered to wind up affairs of bank.
The following cases were argued and sub
mitted : Koenig vs Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy Kailroad company , Waters vs Stout ,
biehurling VH Kinchlou , Graves vs Dai-row.
The following cases wore ( Hod for trial-
National Lumber company vs city of Wy.
moru ; error from tno [ district court of Gage
Frank Gopcn vs Chnlres HrcttormlU utnl ;
error fiom the district couit of Lincoln
Frederick II. Schroder vs H. H. Barber ;
error from the distiict court of Gospor
City NmiH and
II. S. Grus , of Morrison , 111 , , and Miss
Vulllo V. Soholes , of this city were married
to day ut the resldenco of the bride's , parents ,
150-1 H street.
General Charles , H. VntiWyclf , of Ne
braska City , ib at tha Capital.
J. W. Johnson , of Sutton ; J , F. Armstrong ,
of Beatrice ; U. L. King , of Osccola ; E. U.
Thompson , W. H. Bristol and A. Walton of
Omaha ; H. C. Hainan , of Ulyeos , und W. T.
Hichardson , ot David City , are prominent
NobiasKuns In the city ,
Tlio Castaveby matter is in a fair way to
bo settled. L'astavshy will pay the woman
for expenses in raising the boy und she will
agree to let Jilm ulono in the future ,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
tTlien Dalwu slciwe gave tier Castoria.
Wbcu thatu a Child , sha crinl for Ca&torta ,
When she became Mln , she clung to CaEtorU ,
\71'niOiohiuClililrcn ! , t
For Dlllaui and Narvoui Disorders , tuch as Wind and Pain In the Stomach. SIcV Headache. Clddinttt , Fu %
net i. and Swelling nllftr Meats , Dizilnes * and OrowslneM , Cold Chills. FluiWngs ol Heat , Loss ol Appelito.
Shortness ol Breath. Coitlveness , Scurvy , Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Siren , FrloMlul Dreams , an > ) all
Nervous and Trembling Sensations. Ac. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE IIELlEF IN TWENTY MINUTES ,
trills Is no llctlon. Erory milTnrer In cnrnp tly tnvltoil to try ono l > ox ot ttiwio rills , ami tUoy v ill bo
ncknowlnclKccl to Im re irbiufrr/kil Mnllrlnr ,
UKFOHAM'S riLLS , tnkou n dlroctotl , trill qulckljr /Vmnlcttocomplotohealth. . Fern
they ACT LIKE MAGIC ! a fete fnvs will work vrontlpMiipon tlio VltM Organs t Strcnglhenlno tlio
tnusciilnr System ; rostorlnp Ions-lent Completion : lirlilKlnit bAclt the keen edga of appcllto. nua
i rousing witli the FlOSEDUli OF HEALTH llu ir/io/o / /ij/tloif nirr/ot ( | tlioliumrm frnmo. Thono
are "facta " admitted by IhouwuuH. In nil clnsvjt or Bcwlclyi ntnl onoof. the bout cimrnutecu to tlio
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , mil directions wlin oncU Bos
Prcimrcil only tiy TI1OS. IlItKCIIATI , Ht , irdiMU , I.nncnMiIro , rnKlnm ! .
SeM f > t ; J > r vtitHf a'-nrrnllit. 0. F. ALLEN & CO. . 363 and 307 Canal SI , New York , Solo AsontS f r
the UnltoO HUUC3. tc/io / ( ir jiiiiilrnrcliit Uoca nut Ufop Ilium , )
Jmtntitlv Btopi the most uxcrticlntini ; wxtns : never fnlls to plvo case tt > iho mifTt'rer.
other cxtornnl 1'AIN , n few implications net llko much ? , causing thu pain to liiatixiitly stun.
FAINTING SPBM.S , NnilVOUSNUSS. SLKCl'LUSSNliyS urc lollvod hutantii' , and
quickly cured by Inking iuwurdly lit ) to OU ( hops in u liitlttumbler ofvntor. . M ccntan Hot *
tloj Sold by DrufTjflsK
With HAD WAY'S ' PILLS there Is no bettor OUKU or PKEVUNTIVK OP FEVUIl
Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
A. B. MEYER & GO. ,
1O8 South 16th Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
To denlors only. Mills Southcin Jloiii ! I. Itoonis , 1. a ami : ) . t' . S. Nn'luiinl IJink IHiUaini ;
Telcplione 1 to" , Umalin , tsob.
1513 Douglas Street , Omo-ha , Nebraska.
nnnvui f fA1
FOP sale by Goodman Druto Co
lilus , etc. , will Tuul the
llie I ) ret , eahst , mini.
tlurablc and tccuminf .
jcal coal oil lamp //.Si
in the world.
room iiS ft ,
Ifii tbnn
1 rt.un
0 ]
in n
.J at
.iM.ini ]
I in pi ,
: in ( ha
( uvjlujUe/or 1
Olevelaud , OUIo.
I'orBiilebr Jl , II. lillss and 1'eiklns , Outcli
. .
Henil f Ull wu raurimiuoanU mldruii to mo and ,
will < "M(1 > ou u IIKCKII'K Unit will l-O IIVilT
UUIIKl'll.lcSonUcutluuly lUccnti. Mils 1' O.V
1 * O. UuiM , Umu
riilciiqo Kxprois , Ually .
1'nst Limited , flnlly . . .
"Iho IXMT. " Dally.
Depot li tluVVuustti Kt3
It No. a „ CiUnmA : ( | No. 1:1 : 7:10 : am
C No. B . , , . lltVJinnl ) No. 1
A No. 4 . . . 10,00 u in 0 No. r , fnir pin
A No. U .UHSpmlA No. ! 1 fiUj : m
No.O . . .11.41)11 m No.7 :27am :
J\o.H . < ll5pin : No.a . . . m
No. 4 . Hi' 'i a m N r , . Bill ) pill
CIIICAOO , MIMVAUKi : ! ' . .V HV. l'AUI <
A No. S . .9:40 : n ml A No. 1 . . .7 : < Oam
* MO * . ojt'ttiu'A ' NO u , , , . r > :4r : > nni
A No. i UiiSpmiA No. 1 . . , . . , OjlUptu
A No. 10 . . . .7 : < r.amA | No. 9 flV5am :
A No. IS. . . . .7OOpraA : | No. II . . . .a00pio ;
A No. 8 . , , ,4 Alp ml A No , 7 12:00 : in
A daily : II dully , oxoent Baturday : 0 ox cop ,
fiunduy ; 1) rxcupt Monday ; 'Cant mall.
A 10 Cent ( . 'four In ( Mnilily if.
A GOODRICH Att'y 121 Dnir
lioru htJi ilrauondvIce ; ; "I yiitiA ut
l > rleiucj business ijulutly una iBtfally tiaui