Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    * ? ! T.
W'lin itt itniiiliiTir nmtniMmimi
I proimrntory to paving lias
commenced on Cblcntfo street , from
Twentieth to Twenty-second.
The Globe hotel , nt 1310 Douglas
Btrcot , wns sold yesterday to J. J. nnd J.
P. Tfirploy , the consideration being
A , Crtblo cur rnn Into tin express wagon
on South Tenth street yesterday niorn-
inp , slightly injuring one of the horses
and updottinp the wagon.
Mocker Mrs. .Tnno E. Meeker died
nt 20,10 South Eighteenth street , October - *
bor 0 , Rod sixty-six yonrs. The remains
will bo sent to Churiton , la. , for burial.
The waterworks company has been
granted permission to tear up the pave
ment and sidewalks on South Twonty-
cighth street south of Jones for the
purpose of repairing the water main.
Klohard 11. Cooper and Francis T.
Keiilpr Imvo incornoratod the Uonanya
King Manufacturing company for the
purpose of manufacturing an article for
removing scale from steam boilers. The
capital stock Is $10,000.
A- bad break has boon discovered in
the cedar pavement over the sewer ut
Twenty-ninth and Guming street ,
which was put down a year ago. An
examination of tlio place shows a bad
washout that is very dangerous to per
sons driving over the pavement.
Some court house artist has visited
the room recently occupied by City
Comptroller Goodrich. The blackboard
in tlio west end of the room boars a
well-executed tombstone design with
the epitaph "Gone but not forgotten , "
whiloa life-liko drawing of the portly
comptroller in repose is labeled , "Not
dead but pouc across the street ! to Tlltt
BIH : building. " The work was greatly
admired by court house visitors ycstua-
Per son i l
E. M. Judd , of ICcnrnoy , is nt the Pattern
11. K. Wnrronof Neltgli , Is at the Mlllard.
M. J. Tufts , of Lexington , Is at the Casey.
M. A. Urown , of Kearney , is at the Casey ,
E. R Stewart , of Hastings , Is at the P.ix-
C. 13. Louclin , of Columbus , is ut tlio Pax-
Jnrvls Kichards , of Chattron , is at the P. x-
C. T. Brown , of Lincoln , is at the Mil-
H. S. Crawford , of Valley , is at the Mil-
James R. Force , of Tokamah , Is at the
F.V. . Pcnnardon , of 13catrlco , is at the
Pax to n.
Oscar P. Goodman has gone to Denver and
T. P. Livingston , of Plattsmouth , is at the
Charles C. Wilson , of Sterling , is at the
J. H. HoltJeman , of Weeping Water , Is tit
the Puxton.
M. J. Hucchcs and wife , of West Point , are
ntthc Millurd.
M'rs. Thomas Ewoll and daughter , of Lin
coln , are at the Paxton.
L E. Albright and J. S. Gllluun , of Red
Cloud , are nt the Murray.
Dr. J. L. McDonald and J. W. Houston , of
Atkinson , are ut the Casoy.
L. T. Sliannor , J. 11. Drake , n. P. Taylor ,
J. H. Smith , of O'Neill , are at tlio Casey.
Mr. J. F. Iddings and C. L. Wood , ol
North Platte , called upon THE BLI ; yester-
, day.
' Mrs. Avery , an old resident of Omaha , but
now of Chicago , is in the city yetting her
sister , Mrs. Hyde.
Rev. James Rftnklno , D. D. , and wife , of
Geneva , N. Y. , are visiting their son. Mr. R.
P. Rnnkine , at JUG North Sixtooath street.
Attho Windsor P. W. Fiulpan , Boston ;
\V. II. Oplo and wife , Ccntervillc , la ; H.
B. Mcecli , Oimilia ; D. Lnrcourt , Columbus ,
O. ; Sol Osthoimcr , Chicago ; W. II. Love ,
Davoniiort ; Ralph Hill , Adrian , Mich. ; F.
G. Lockwood , Grand Island ; R. B. Williams ,
Milwaukee ; R. J. Jones , Beatrice.
Grctnn lltibbcrs.
Two men who gave aliases were arrested
yesterday suspected of having robbed a hard
ware store at Gretnn , are in Jail. They were
captured on lower Tenth street in the act of
culling n lot of cutlery.
Army News.
Lieutenant Colonel William B. Hughes ,
deputy quartermaster , and Major Dallas
Bache , medical director , will visit on public
business Foils Du Chesno aud , Douglas ,
Utah ; Fort Brldgcr , Camp Pilot Butte and
Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo.
Uodncert It Tliroo Pcct.
The tower of the now city hallwhich was
designed to extend five feet from the build
ing , has been so changed that it will only ex
tend two feet beyond the lino. The archi
tect and contractors do not think that the
change will in any way1 affect the beauty of
the building. _
The Miflttiulu Brnlzcr.
A now charge was Hied against Polo io- )
laney yesterday morning. When first arrested
eevon days ago , ho was charged with as
sault. Yesterday the charge was changed to
assault with intent to commit great bodily
Delaney Is tho"tramp tolegranh operator
who assaulted John Meyers , tlionlcht'watch-
man at the Union Pacitlo headquarters.
When arraigned , Delaney waived an ex
amination and was hold to tbo district court.
His ball is llxcd at &OU.
Visiting Alnrlcflincn.
The Oinalm Schutzenvcrcln's flrst annual
tournament begins to-day nt noon at their
ranpo at Rusor's park , "mid will continue
until Sunday noon. There will bo a l.irpo
number of competing uiarlcsmca hero from
abroad , and arrangements h.wo been made
for n very extensive affair. Something like
$2,000 will bo distributed among the lucky
shooters in cash and prizes , and Sunday
night the tournament will bo brought to n
cljso by a grand moonlight picnic and dunce.
Minor Itohlicricfl.
F. D. Burke , Sam Terry and Robert Paul
were arrested yesterday charged with steal
ing lumber from F. W. Andrews , at 713
South Tenth street. They will bo arraigned
this morning.
Mary Sayldgo , who lives at 43 3 Farnam
street , repoitcd that her house had been
robbed of some shoos and some silverware ,
and that she suspected one Thomas Uoncotn ,
"n grader , who works at Thirty-sixth and
Farnam street. A search warrant was Issued -
sued and two ofllcors went out last night to
search Dcncom's houso.
Instructing tlio Ito lntrnrs.
The city supervisors ot registration will
moot at the council chamber on next Mon
day afternoon at 'J o'clock to rccalvo instruc
tion s from the city attorney regarding their
Ttils step has been made r.o.-ossary by the
tllfforonccs of opinion existing among the
revisit ars. Kiicli inun , nt the mcotini ; of the
board on Tuesday , placed his own Interpre
tation upon the luw and , as a ivsult , no two
sots of uooltg have been kept after ilm sumo
Bj'steui. '
At tho. jnootlnB on Monday the city attor
ney will settle nil disputed questions.
Ono of tlio hotfl iii L'lalnllolil , In Col-
Ol'iulo , For Ouo Dollnr.
yDon't bo n , day too Into and rcgrot ( t ,
Bonr iu inintl wo nro going to have
artesiun walls , lakes and a city of i-GW
lQOJo ) [ in olL'htoou roontha , und n lot
for ono dollar will inuko you u baud-
tome profit in that tlmo.
" \ Yo'haveIno / water now and an olo-
Cfint locution , but $250,000 in Improve
ments will clinngo the looks of things
\Vo will soli * no lots for IOBB thun $
nftor October 15. If you want ono nou
IB the tlmo.
Cus.tlo Rod ; , Colo.
) cnlcr In Dirt Moot nnil
7 Very linportnnt Blftttors.
The rcnl tfslnto men met Wednesday
niRht in furtherance of n move
ment to reorganize the Omaha Heal
istnto exchange. This organization
nst year was very successful. The plnn
vlilch it embraces Is that vvhun u ploco of
iroporty is llntcil with ono ngent ho In turn
IBIS it with every member of the exchange.
n thi wa.v the chances for a.rcndy sale are
greatly enhanced.
The InsUllniPtit plan was also discussed nt
some length. The claim was made that it
ins greatly liljnrod tno straight rcnl estate
rndo. Some bitter things wcro snld of cor-
nln parties who nro eharccd with dishonest
irnutlco in reference to Installment schemes.
o special cases wcro cited however.
Local newspapers wcro discussed ns to
heir ability to stimulate the roul ostnto mar-
tot. Opinions of the various newspapers
voro fully Riven. Almost every man picscnt
voted that Tin : Hen is the only newspaper in
Oinuhn. _
U. r. K. K. .Men TliluU or Sticli niU-
As n , man or a woman lying awake nil
light for four of not poltlny up curly
enough In the morning. You can snvo
ill this worry by going quickly and getting -
ting ono of lliosa Seth Thomas uhirm
slocks at DUIIULM & AKIN'S ,
Cor. lolli and Dodge , Opp. Postollloo.
IJOST ins ijKr'rmi OP oiH3i > ir.
V rrenoh M'cuvet'M MiMliirtunos
AVIillo Hi ) Itouto to Tlilw City.
Stiobcn Socrappln is the name of a weaver
f LjoiiSj Franco , who arrived in this city
Vednesday direct from Paris. Strebaa Is
n n mental condition bordering on lunacy ,
or on his way from Toledo , O. , to this city
10 loju his valise containing a letter of credit
romttio banlcinghousoof Hothschlld & liro.
reprcscntlni ; 130,000 francs.
Some time ngosumo ono in Lyons informed
Strobcn that Oinuha was the greatest silk
minufacturing town in America ; that btisi-
icss was good , salaries enormous , etc. . nnd
10 , having no ties to bind him to his homo
n La Belle France , converted thasavings of
years into cash , the cash into a letter of
credit , and stnt ted for this land of the free
via the Paris exposition.
Afler tnUIiig in the Eiffel tower nnd n few
oilier sights in the gay French capital ho
iurclmsGO > a ticket for Omalia of the Old
Dominion steamshlpcoinpanyrwhlch scut him
Trom Toledo , O. , to Omaha , via the Wnbash
system. At ono of the little stations in ' In-
liana wliero the train stops for lunch Strc-
jen stopped off tor. a sandwich , and while
strugclmp with it the train loft him , catrv-
Inir with it his letter of credit , which ho
hnd placed inside before leavirtg homo.
Not being nblo to spcal ; English , and there
being no one In tlio to"wn who could parley
/ous Francais Strobin was compelled to mnko
ills wnv to Omaha without having communi
cated with the onlcijis of the road. When
lie got here ho found friends , thii company notiflcd anil n tincer sent out.
The loiter of credit can not bo used by anyone
ono but Strcbeu.
To Con tractors. Wo have yet a few
milos.of good \\ork to lot on Gothenburg
ennui. Write or telegraph to Franklin
& Carrollcontractors , Gothenburg1Neb.
Its Eilitor Gets Into Conflict With tlio
County Auditor.
Editor Vaughn of the Daily Democrat
> remises to have some fun with the commis
sioners over their slaughter of his hill for
irintmg the delinquent tax list. His original
jlll called for 90i ( descriptions at 5Jf cents ,
nnd 20,817 descriutions at 2 % cents , for
which ho wanted the modest sum of ? J,0-i9 01.
Ho was allowed $100 on nfcount on a rough
estimate that his real nlaltu for this printing
would amount to fO'2-1 , and that ? 1U1 duo him
for printing road notices would make a total
of a little more than $700 duo him.
When the claims got into the hands of
County Auditor Evans , that gentleman found
that Vaughn's publication included a whole
lot of duplications and other errors and that
lie was really entitled to pay for publishing
only 723 lot descriptions nt 5 % cents and
18,000 laud descriptions nt 2 cents.
Just a little difference of ii/JOj descrip
This cut the amount duo the wily adver
tiser for the tax list publication down to
SSid.ll. There is duo him S101 for an alleged
publication ot road notices , making a total
of id 10.11. For work actually done the
couniy has overpaid Vnughn about 550 , but
ho lias an election proclamation und sundry
olllcial matters in hand , the publication of
which will balance the account.
But Mr. Vaughn won't let the matter rest
that easy.
Ho insists that his original claim of
$2,0.29.01 for the tax list publicatioa Is correct
and must bo paid. He claims that lie has
been advised by a leading attorney that ho
can collect the amount allowed by law for
the puollcatiou.
"That is nil bosh , " was County Attorney
Mnhoncy's opinion on tills claim. 'The law
fixes the maximum rite and the commis
sioners can take advantage of any lower rate
offered. "
But .Mr. Vaughn has another scheme.
Ho claims that the figures biu wera for
each insertion , and not for tlircn Insertions ,
ns claimed by the commissioners. Mr.
Vaughn claims the words " 3 in. , " meaning
thrco Insertions , were inserted in the spccitl-
catioiiB after tlio bids were received.
"Hint's a lie , " said County Auditor Evans ,
whoa no heard this claim. "I wrote ttiose
words in myself when the specifications for
bids were being made out , nnd Vuughn
knows bolter than to make any such claim. "
"Thoro will bo some fun out of this thing
yet , " said CommissionerO'KcolTo. "I fought
this contract when it first came up , but the
board allowed it , and you BOO the mess we're
in. There's ono good thing though , The
row over this bill will servo as a notice to
the people that the tax list has been pub
lished. They would have never found it
out any other way. I'll wager that
Vaughu has violated his contract and
.misrepresented in ibomaUor _ of chculntinn.
Ho swoio ho had a circulation of over 3,000
copies. All tlio papers I ever saw from his
ofllco was the pilu of sovcial hundicd with
this tax list Unit was dumped in the commis
sioners' room the other day. I gunss I'll
ask him to show uy his circulation books just
for the fun of it. "
Attention , Sir It n I li tw , _ _
Mount. Calvary commundijry , No. 1 : You
will ns omblo promptly at the asylum at 1 p.
m. , this date , to act as escort at tlio funeral
of Sir Knight Hume. Visiting air knights
invited. F. G. Unow.v.
Acting Commander.
A Clinnco Onoo In n Lift ; Time.
Great watch sale this week ; don't fail
to attend it ut Euholm & Auin's , cor.
15th nnd Dodge , opp. U. S. postofllco ,
Omaha , Nob. , _
Last night ono of thu most enjoyable con
certs given in this city attracted a fair sized
audience to the Boyd.
William II , Shonvood was the particular
attraction , and his wonderful mastery over
the keys of the piano cntiancod the auditors
and impelled to u number of encores.
Miss B. A. Pennoll , with her rich , round
and full voice , snug several selections , aud
Biing them most sweetly.
Mr , Edward J. Brett rendered several se
lections on the violin withex.eclleutoffeut.his
accompanist Doing at different times Mrs ,
Brett and Mr. Sherwood.
The conceit was under the management ol
Mr. F , H. Uobbing , who Is enthusiastically
engaged in the work pt. bringing celebrated
musicians to thU city , In u series of concerts
of which that of last nlgbtnvas the lirst.
To-U'iy , in the art rooms of Mux Mayor ,
Sixteenth aud F.xrnam streets , Mr , Slier-
wood will illustrate the most approved
method of piano playing and at the same time
interpret a number of the finest compositions
of several of the most prominent composers.
Tin Thoosnplilcal Society.
UIUXD IstuxD , Neb , Oct. 10. To the Edi
tor of TUB Unsj Permit mo to correct an
error iu your IBSUO of October 5 , in relation
* o the so called expulsion of "II. P. i'lavat-
oky and W. ( . Jiulgo" from the Thcosopht-
cal society. An assertion made by n Dr.
Jones , who U not n member of the society ,
having been repudiated for questionable
conduct. ThoTlicosophlrnl society Is an In
corporated association and Its membership Is
well known , hence this Dr. Cones has no
authority for such assertion except that
which originates in his own imagination ,
Voiy respectfully ,
M. J. GIIAIUM , r. L. S.
Knights of Pythlnq
Visiting Omaha , and in attendance to
the grand ledge , will llnd n beautiful
selection ot badges and jewels at
special prices during the grand Iodg6
session. Call nnd sco us.
Cor. ICth anil Dodge , opp. P. O.
The t'ytlilnti Grand Ijoiluo CoiinUlor-
inc tlio Sutijcot.
The Knights of Pythias grand lodsso mot
nt 10 o'clock yesterday morning with n full
attendance of delegates.
'Iho special committee appointed to con
sider and report on the resolution to incor-
lorato the grand lodge , reported In favor of
nrorporating. The rojiort was adopted , but
-ho matter of electing n clerk nnd trustees of
Lho proposed incorporate body nnd the con
sideration of in tick's was loft over until the
election of olllcors.
It Is probable that the grand ledge will not
ncorporate during this session , owing to the
pressure of business domnuding the time and
attention of the body.
The gro.Uor part of the morning was taken
up in listening to the committee on law ,
ivhlclt repotted on matters referred to it.
Many of the resolutions wcro amendments
o the constitution nnd wcro laid over under
, 'ie ' rules. Those which were adopted were
( light chances in different sections of the
aw , which do not materially clutngo its in
tent ns it now stands , but moro clearly de
fines It.
Tno entire grand longo wns photographed
in a group on the east aide of the court house
at 1:1)0 : ) p. in. ycs'crdnv.
Attho afternoon session little business
was done aside from the election of oflleers ,
which resulted us follows :
John M. McFarland , of Columbus , to bo
grand chancellor ; M. H. Christy , of Ster
ling , prand vice chancellor ; W. A.
Howard , of Kearney , grand prclatn ;
Charles G. Alton , of Ainswortli- grand
master of oxchrqucr ; H. M. Bushnoll ,
of Lincoln , grand keener of records nnd seal ;
H. It. Weber , of Omaha , grand master nt
arms ; E. W. tloyt , of Long Pine , grand
inner guard ; .1. II. Green , of Hebron , grand
outer guard , John Morrison , of Lincoln , was
elected representative to the supreme lodge.
A clerk and live ti ustecs were elected and
Jinpouerod to dinw up articles of incorpora
tion and incorporate tbo grand ledge accord-
tig to law. The newly elected Keeper of
records and spals , II. M.'BUshnoll ' , of Lin
coln , was elected to the position of clerk of
Lho trustees , und John B. Wiightnnd O. P.
Dinges , of Lincoln ; J. M. McFarlnnd , of
Columbus ; John Q. Goss and F. W. Oiton ,
of Bcllovue , were elected trustees.
session NOTES.
Omaha was selected for the place of hola-
Ing the next session of the grand lodge of
Nebraska Knights of Pythias.
The grand ledge has instructed its supreme
representatives in the supreme ledge to op-
lioso any change of name in the Uniform
Hank , as is proposed by that bqdy. These
representatives nro also instructed to work
for special icprcsentation In the supreme
lodge of the Uniform Rank.
The ofllcors-oleet of the grand ledge for the
ensuing year wcro Installed by Past Grand
Chancellor O'Neill at midnight. The grand
lodge adjourned about 1 o'clock.
Daughters of Queen Lizzie.
A public installation of oQlccrs of the
Daughters of Queen Lizzie , a branch o the
Knights of Tabor , was held in tlio Omaha
Guards' last . The "
armory night. "daugh
ters , " to the number of twenty-live , were
present , resnlendent in thcir elaborate re
galia , consisting of white dresses , pink
capes , crossed on the breast and golden
The members of the order of Twelve ,
Evening Star temple , No. 05 , Knights ot
Tabor , wo'-o also present to assist in the in
stallation and lend their dignity to the cere
mony. The knights were arrayed in tlioir
brilliant uniform , consisting of black coat ,
pants and u bright satin baldric , on which
wnro mysterious letters ariauged m orderly
Tlio exercises of installation were con
ducted by Uov. Moses Dickinson , of St.
Louis , the founder of the order , and national
chief grand mentor.
The ofliccrs installed wcro Mrs.V. . W.
Williams , chief preceptress ; Mrs. Ophelia
Smith , vice preceptress : Mrs. Eliza Turner ,
recorder ; Mrs. Ida Huff , assistant recorder ;
Mrs. 11. Halsoy , chief treasurer.
After the cciemony of installation the
Kev. Dickinson addressed the daughters and
impressed many valuable precepts upon their
Following this the knights gave an exhibi
tion drill , after which supper was served.
JcflVrsomnn Scnnilal.
A number of citizens from Jefferson town
ship in the city report a lively social sensa
tion in the neighborhood.
The fact has como to light recently
that Fred Connemycr , A man of
sixty , covets his neighbor's wife ,
nnd has for several months been hav
ing improper relations with her. The story
as told is to tlio effect that every time she
came to Omaha , which was quite often , ho
also had business ticrc , and while in the city
on each occasion they took advantage of the
opportunity offered them to meet and enjoy
each other's society.
Two or three nights ago Mrs * Connemycr
nrincu herself with a club , visited tlio neigh
bor's house and of the woman , demanded her
husband who she thought was llicra nt the
time. A scene occuirred which roused the
community and now every resident is dis
cussing tlio situation. '
Merchants' Hotel. Largo sample
rooms. $2 , $ :2.50 : & 8II per day. Nat Brown.
I/iaeiiscil to Wed.
Judge Shields Issued licenses to the fol
lowing parties yesterday :
Name and residence. Ace
( Thomas Glblin , Omalia . K\ \
1 Eunice Sargent , Omalia . 23
I Charles If. Stacey , Omaha . 21
( Annie J. Jodeite , Omaha . 20
IS not only a distressing complaint , of
itself , lint , by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en
feebled , la the parent of innumerable
maladies. That Aycr'a Snrsnpnrllla
Is the best euro for Indigestion , even
when complicated with Liver Complaint ,
is provctl by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake , ot LtocliHay
Centre , Mich , :
"Liver complaint and Indigestion
made my lifo a bunion nnd came nrnr
ending my existence. For more Hum
four years I suffered untolil agony , was
reduced almost to a skeleton , anil hardly
liml Htrcngth to drag mjsulf about. All
kinds of food distressed mo , and only
the most ilelicnta could ho illgcslcd ut
all. AVithin the tlmo mentioned sovenil
nlij slclans treatcil mo without giving re
lief , Nothing that I took > < eoiiie'l to ilo
any permanent good until I commenced
the itao of Ayot's Sarhaparillu , which
bos producetl uonileiftil results. Soon
after commencing to take the Sarsaparilla -
rilla I could sec nn improvement in my
conilition. My appetite bpcau to return
nnd with it came the ability to digest
nil the food taken , my stiongth improved -
proved each clay , nnd after a few
montlm of faithful attention to your
directions. I fouml injaelf a well
woman , nblo to attend to all household
duties. The incilldno baa given mo u
now lease of life. "
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr , J , C. Ayer & Co. ( Lowell , Mass.
Price < l ; § U UottlM , < 0. Worth 5 loit/e. /
a rrninlticnt Now York Doctor
osnjt iipiiu tlio SuIJcotvhlcli N
AttrnotltiM so intiati Attention ,
"Do you bBllnvodln the Kllxtr ot f.trot" 1
ftikcd of a prominent Now V'orK physician ro-
aiie doctor thotmht n moment , carefully , nnd
snldt "Certainly t do , but not In the war In
which Doctors flmvn Seqiiard or Hammond
Imvo licon dc < iprlblnit It , All that has ueen fald
In tlio press or the land for the p ist monthi
proves Hint BomothlDK Is needed to nsslst and
sustuln the > Ital nod often fnlllni ; force j of llto ,
mttNaturoiiuvorliitendod the human body Tor
injoctloiH and they arc always Injurious bo-
cnuso unnatural. "
"lint Is Unot often ilono. Doctor ? "
"I nm sorry to say It K Mirpulno Injcclloni
nro far too common and tnov are the Rroat
OHU'-B of thit fcnrrul living death , known as tha
opllinl habit. 'I hero la but. ouo w ay to properly
reach or sustain thialtallty nnd llto , and that U
through the Rtom.ioh , nnd there li no discovery
ot modern tlmos. wnich. If rluntiy n od doi-t
this so thoroughly , keeps IIACK dHt-nso and yro-
IOIIRS llfo. as pure wiiHkoy. Mind you , 1 sny
pure \\Iilskoy , for all i-lso li Inurlon9. | Iho
I'irccti of n pure nrtlclo llko IHillv'i 1'uro Malt
Whiskey , nro practically thee ot an 'elixir of
llfo.1 It toups up und strengthens llio syBtcm ,
without Injmlotm toactlon orllliout tlio
formation of any habit. Hlondito ronowllfo
In the aRcd nntl rcsloro it to thosointuladlo
llfo. Kor vom-1 ! ! eipaclnlly , who nroaivt ,
laiifsuld or nuiTeiing ni uiot women Is
almost Invalunblo. All physicians learn these
thlnirs tiom their practice , und cnnnot but lie
believers In n trim nnd FonMblo 'elixir of llfo'
llko this rmro attlclu of which I Imvo been
spooking. "
Tbo Doctor himself seemed to bo n icood ox-
amnio of the Irutlis ho iiclvnuced for his strong
frame nnd clear eye showed him to bain par-
foct hrnltli. and 1 lett him much impressed
liv the rloariu'ss , tiuth and commonsense
DRS. BET ! S & BET ! S
litM rxnvAM STHF.ET , OMAHA , USD.
tUpposlto 1'axtou Hotel. )
Offlco hours , 0 a. in , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p.'m.
Speclallbts in Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases.
tJryConsultntlonl at office or by mail free.
Midlclncs sent Vjy mall or express , securely
Backed , frco from observation. Guarantees to
euro quickly. safely and pernmnenlly.
lons. Physical Uocny. urlslnpr from indlsoro
tlon. I'xcess or Indulgence. pi odticlnn Sleepless
ness. Despondency ! 1'lmplej oa the fiico , aver-
Bleu to society , easily dlscouiaged. lacK of conll
denco , ilull , unlit to ] study or business , and llmla
lifo a burden. bnfcly , permiiiiently nd pri
vately cured. Consult Itra. iJetts i. Belts , HIM
Farnnm St. , Omnhs , Nob.
Blool and SMiseases
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scrufuln , Erysipelas. rover bores ,
Blotches , Ulcers. I'aiusln the Hend tind Ilone-s ,
ByphllltlcSorolhroat , Mouth and 'Jonguo. Ca-
tarih , etc. . permanently cured tthere otherl
h.ive failed.
Firlnntr TfrniiQFff nn < l Bladder Complaints ,
ttluIlGy > Ulllldly 1'alnCul. Difficult , too fre-
nuont : llurnlng or Oloody Urmo , Urlno high col-
oreil or with nillkr sediment on standlne , Weak
Back. Gonorrho-at Oleet , Cj stills etc. ,
Promptly and EaMy Owed , Charges Itcasona-
blo. _ _ _
STRICTURE ! K'iWro11 ' ;
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlan. Cures Directed nt homo by patient
\\ltliout a moments pain or arnoynnce.
To Yoiiiiff Men anfl MiuillB-Apfl Men ,
< 3T1DI ? PITDP Tha awful edects of early
A UlJIm UUuu Vice , which linncs organic
weakness , destroying lioth mind and body , with
all Its dreaded Ills , permanentlvcured ,
Tinn PU'PT ' ? Adi ess thouo who have impaired
UUOi DDllU thcmseh os by .Improper Indul-
cencos nrd HOlltory habits , which ruin both
body nnJ mind , unfitting thorn ror business ,
tudy or marriage.
MAHIUKI ) MEN. or those entcrlnon that hap
py life , a\varo of physical debility , q.ulckly as
Elsted ,
Is baied upon facts , .First Practical Expo
rlcnce. Second Kverycase Is especially studied-
tlius starling nilsht. Third Me.llolnes mo pro ,
p.ued in our labatory exactly to stilt each case ,
thus affecting cures without Injury
fcfi Send 0 cents uostcpa for celebrate \ w orks
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
' .Thousands cure 1. t = A friendly letter 01 call
may bavo you future sulloilnir and shame , and
add golilyn years to lire. tar-No letters an-
owered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamp * .
Address or call on
Bit's. KETTsi & IIITTTS ,
UOSTainam Street , Omaha , N b.
S:8S' :
( URGE size ) 5
_ . , i receive I * B
yff " 3a * aafcjiaujjgityA : m
ConuiiPliuliiK JMiuitlny Octnlior 1 lt > > .
Ihignuoment of Mr. Win II.
Aided by u competent comedy company under
tlio direction of Joseph HrooitH.
MoniLillanil'1 itciddiiv'u'ninys cinU Wttlnculau
the JIPW cosmopolitan comedy ,
Ily llrander MatilieuH Rud uiw. H. Jessop.
Wednvuiiy HvenniK , Oct. 10.
. , , . , , . .v Dutililefir. .
From t iu I reucli u ( l.a Illc ho.
And the latent I/ i oismsailou
THE Bl I 00 ? ; .
t-cata na'o Saturday
Itegular prices go on
r i
If you cnn buy nr. Overcoat and save 33 per cent on ( ho transaction , tlmfc 33 per cent is equivalent , lq so
much money earned. Just consider for a moment what 3i ! per cent amounts to , on nn Overcoat for which you
have to pny § 15.00 elsewhere. It means a saving of $3.00 by purchasing of us , our m-ico being § 10.00 for poods
of equal quality. On higher priced goods the saving will bo greater , Our claim to save you those dollars enu
be easily subtaiiliatcd by comparison of our prices with those of other stores.
It is hardly necessary to sny that we sliow the largest line of medium weight Overcoats , comprising Mel
tons , Kcrsoys , Wide Wales , Cheviots , etc. , at 55.75 , § 7.50 , § lf.OO , § 12.75 and finer if you want them. The liner
grades are lined with the very best silk , with satin trimmings and of superior workmanship.
Special , 200 very fine nil wool Kersey Overcoats with excellent Italian lining and a rich satin sleeve lining ,
beautiful fitting garments , at $9.00 , they are really wcrtli $15.00 , and are sold for Unit elsewhere.
Hat Department Correct Fall shapes of Stiff ami Soft ITats , at prices just about one half what you hiue to
pay in other stoics. Our great 95 cent Derby has not yet been duplicated by any store for less than $2. Our
finest Dcrbys at $2.00 , S2.50 and $2.75 , are of the same qualities for which other houses ask from $3.oO to § 5.
Shoes We are opening daily now and fresh goods direct from the factories. Having a big trade and polling
our Shoes so cheap , we sell them quick and accumulate no old stt-ck. Our shoos 'arc emphatically the bcjt
that can bo had anywhere and every pair is sold with a guarantee.
Trunks and Valises.
We have fitted up our basement for the sale of Trunks and Valises.
Like in every department of our business we shall offer in this line
the largest Variety at greatly lower prices than these goods can be
bought elsewhere.
Write for all Fall Catalogue.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 186 So.
Chicago , Ills , ( ClarkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
Clirouic , Neryons aufl Priyate Diseases ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the cflccn
leading to early decay and peihaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
rcver-Fiiling success.
SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DIseases -
eases permanently cured.
* S-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicoccle and all diseases
ef the Gemto-Urimry Organs cured promptly without
injuiy to Stomach , Kidneys or oilier Org-ms.
* S" No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
aa-S niJ irrnts rJostaee for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and uencate "Wases.
< 82r 1 hose contemplatip , . Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
IS cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may sa\e future suffer
ing and shame , and add golden j ears tolife. * 3-Hook
"Life's ( SecretErrors , " jocentsstamps ( ) . Medicine
nnd u ritings sent cvcrj where , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to js. Address "
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. ClarU St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
JLnok to Your Wurdrolic.
rj.'hese cool days suggest heu\y clothing
wo are well prepared to provldo for the
comfort of our customei" . Our block
comprises Men's Tall and Winter hulls of
ihohlchostgrado of malerlal nnd work
manship , lOKclhcr with an unlimited st.p.
ply of warm Hosiery and Underwear.
Our artistic selection of Neckwear Is a de-
llphtto the eyes.
\\"o have sointthlng choice In Ifandker-
chlnfs something excellent in Gloves
and something reliable in Umlireltes.
Children's Clothing a specialty.
And other first class PIANOS , and
Remember , Wo do Not Soil "ston
cllod" Pianos ,
All Instalments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo offer a flno S325 Piano forS250.
Visitors Wolcomo.
Cor. IGtli and Farnam Sta.
ICT , w B p li" Pft/oi / Desiring
etratod 1U es of Hoota and Shoes , mannfactur-
d oy 0. M. Henderson It < 'o. , of rhtcaeo-f ae-
torlea t Chicago. Ulxpn. Ills , and Kond u ,
WlB.-Bhould write BAM. W. WA'IPON , real-
dtftce. FUGMONT. NKU. 'Iravcllng ttijant
Heulcjuurt t for Uubbera.
TlO Cent Cljrur la < 'iulilj.Is
Can bo cured In 20 to CO dajs hy the
use of the
Tor sale only by the Cook llcmedy Co. , of
Omaha. Nebraska. K lite to us tor the names
und address ot patients \\lio luibeen
cured and from whom w lla e permission to
refer. &jphllls is a illsthiiso that has always
bulllid the skill of the mo t eminent ph > slclnns
and until the discovery of the Coot Remedy
Co 's " .MAGIC RUMljUV , " not one in llfty o\er
haIng tlio disease has been cured. We guaran
tee to ctiio any case that cnn bo pioduced.
' .Those w lit ) have taken Mercury , Potash , S. 8. 8.
Suctis Altcians or other ad\eitlsed leinedlos ,
with only temporary bcnellts can now bo r ° r-
inmiently cured by the use of the "MAUIO
ItflMDI'V" or ( ttn IAM.IC lt iuv l.r CA < . OtitntllU
Ht'b. Ilewarn of Immlt itlous. It Is absolutely
> Impossible for any other person or company to
lia\oonrtormnlnnr any remedy lite it In ellect
and results , a he Cook Itemedy Co. , has bosn
treating patients for four \ears nnd have al
ways glen pei feet satisfaction. 1 hev are llnan-
daily responsible , having a capital of over
&UO.IOO , making their guaraiiteo good.'o soli
cit the most obstinate cases llioso who have
tried oveiy known lemedy ana lost all hope of
recovery. Coirespond with us nnd let ns put
you In possession of evidence that convinces the
most skeptical. Mark what wo say : In the und
j on MUST UEO our "MAGIC HttMr.OY" before
joucan bopcimanently cmcd. It Is IJio most
heroic blood purltlcr ever Known. Wiltu for
All letters conlldcntlal.
I'usuro ' you are polling the Cook
Hcmedy CO'B Marie Remedy.
None others are Genuine. Parties claiming'to
bo nscnts for us are impostci and frauds. Vull
paiticulars free. Addiess all communications
ROOM 418 ani 419 , FaxlonBlocl
tbo I.lqunr Habit , 1'oHlllvcly Cured
br AdminlntorliiK Dr. JlaiucH'
Gulden Hpcnlflc.
it cnn boglvon In a cup of colfeo or tea without tlio
knowledge f tin person tiiklii'lti Is absolutely harm
less , anil will effect a epcony and pcrmnnent tiiro
whether tlio pallnnt. U n moderate iirlnkcr or an al
cotiol wreck , 'lliotisanils of Urtnikiinlfl liavn boon
made temperate men who huvu taken l.olilL-n Speclllo
In tliclrcolfi'o wltliont their knotvlodKO anil today bo
lioto they ( jiilt ilrtnkldir ot lliclr own freewill. U1
Jsover rails. The syhtcin once Impregnated with tliu
rpctlflc. It hoiomca an utter Impoio'lbllltr for I ho
liquor appitllo to exist , lor bale by Unlin A. < lo. ,
UrutiKlstx , r > th unit Doimlns ate. , and Itlli anil rum-
lag tts. , Onuili i. A. I ) , roster A. llro. . Council Illulfr.
iv , Uclfast , Dnlilln nntl Lltcrpool
Cabin iM . uiof.Vi to IV ) , ai'conllnir to locution of etnt
room. IJi-i.iirsloii f < o to S'.U.
Slccrnuu to anil from ICurorio at lanrc-st Hates.
AUI > Tlt 1HMMMN A. CO. , ( iCIl'l ROntf ,
W Ilroail way , New Vork
JOHN DLCGUX , Gcn'l Western AKcnt.
101 Ilandolpli Et , Chicago ,
AKcnta , at Oniah
Ladies' ' Tailor
u i nrtii A
.Now Vork.
( rormcilySlst atrcotj
\UM. UK AT Till !
Oil. lltlnmill'JUi ,
\ \ uli the
Novelties and
1'or juitiimn and
\ \ Inter
Join rifni nilitrtliaulierols
_ iiKnunprliellmt
In too c'lnij' . Uli iH-litrio
pay a fair prleo und ffet
coed KloicB llku lluicli.
lliixoii'H , liny ore niailo ,
I UcBtinanucraiiilaroMiir-f
riuili'il to Lu tbe nio tl
kervlcialilo InivJi' . If ) ou\ \
want to know uioro olx.nt
KlotiB 111 tinirnl iwul
Iluiclilimiiii'H ( lavfri
In funicular , fnclogo
utamiiforllio bonKAbuul
( jlavi'n. It will Interest
you l.nTtui.ifiiiiiJlbCi.
JOIIK O. lIUltlllNMIV , Johittcnn V. , ' . *
flOMCV and all urinary troubles cosily.nulclc-
MUllCI ly and uiifcly cured by UOt'TIJUA
Capsules , hovurul caaei cured in sot en day * ,
hold at { l.fio per boir , all ilrim.'Htf , nr by mult
from Doettua M'lV Co , 113Vhlt 't. , N. Y.
full direction * .
H.W.COR , ISlH&DonoE Sis. OMAHA , NEB.
XectFacilitie9.ApparatuBandRemedIeaforBuecei ) > fu !
Treatment of every form of D'icase requlrinff
Board Se Attendance , Bent Accommodaticns la WciL
Elactrlcity , Paralysis , Epilepiy , Kidnev. Bladder.
eye , tar , SUaani Blcod ind all Surgical Operationi ,
HK MiYK I tTEl T illllEn A I.Y IAG-11 DKI'illTnilST 1 oa
WOSM UUii\uumi > MUvr. ( STBnTlY ( FRIVATF. )
Only UeUablo Medicil Inititute makinj a Specialty of
All Blooa Dlieatei luttrMfulljtrtotfit. . BjrWllllo 1'olloa
remotcJ ( torn Hie ijntem without mercurr. Nm It ! > | or > l1i
Treiljutnt fcir Lou or V1T11. I-UM till. 1'artlei unable lo Tlilt
cimtjtetrettfidat tioui tiy correfipcndcncc. Allrotnniunlea.
UonieoDfldeotlal. U dlalnr or-iitrumrnt | > cfntljniallorex.
f' "lecurtl7i' cktl.noBi rli .oliiilltaltroDltl.licr lender.
Ou r"ion llnttrilo prtfcirrd. C : l nJconiu tuioniDiI
blitorror Tojr eaie , aud we will lend In pUIn rr tl r , oar
vn TREE voa I'ritate , nuci i < jr
nnn&f & GA M : ?
UUUrIU m R | NtrroulI.c..c > .luiiolfrjSjL. ;
Uli ; Uleet nad Varlcocelr , wllh quejllon IUI. Addrcn
ISth and Dodge Bbecti , 01IAHA , KEB.
Dn.B. U. WfiST'BNKrivH AND
MKNT , HKUnriinleed snoclllc for Mysti'iln , J > izzl
no f. OouviilsioiiH , rit . NITVOUS Nbiiniicln ,
llerul.iohe , Norvoiii I'rostr.itlnn cnnod bv the
itso of alcoliol tobacco. Wnkef illness , .Mental
Drfprei'jloii , SottunliiKof tlio Hr.iln , lostiltliiK In
Inbanityandlcadlniitoinlsiiry , tleiuy and death ,
I'leinatuiuOld ( , llnrrennoss , Loss ot I'owor
v , Involtuitarv Losses und
orhii'a tausc'd byinui'-oxortlnuof the br.vlu , wolf.
abtihO or ovcilnilujjiunco. Kach box lontalni
on month's treatment. Sl.lflabov or sU boxes
foi"i.O'1,6Biitby mnll propald nn receipt ofpilco.
To cut ii any caw.lth eiuh ordr rocolvcd br
us for K lioxot. ucconip inlcilMtht j.txo ) will
hend tliointii liaser our written Kiiaraiiti'u to refund
fund tlio inonov It tlio tro itincnt doeti not allccC
a euro. Ou.uuntt'e.s issued only by Goodman
DniKC'i ) .DrugKlbtH , Bulut'ciilH , 11IU i'uinam
treot , Omaha Nobraskn _
it Lobt.Muiilioatt * Hex mil
J tuk nf Ili'i < li > ( > nit ill. I.4in r Dmlntt. * . ! ( .
Tn iiitrodiK' . ' . \vlll ( HI K OSi ; AU Al ( o a ictlnblo
< r YTT > "E1 Weakneia of Body nd Hindi f.tlittt
VL' IU JCv flJ ofErronci Kctn caln OHor Younr- ,
lloluil. XM MiMIIHIIinillr lletlornl. lluirln InlarrB and
HlrrniillKiiliyib.l tlir > r IIHTIHIIllllHH * nillVtriiOUr.
AbEOlolrlr unnllla IKIUK Till XT E\f lm li > l > dav.
Mm O.llf ; frum 47 bulri , l > rrllurlen , MI | r'orrlruUunlrln.
You ran wiltt tbria. Iteok. fiillrii lanatl n , bnil | > rn < fi rpalUfl
Mltd > Ir . tdlmi telE i6ir l CD. . BUlf lp.ri ,
Anft.tanmul tlMjutUaUt IlldlcihCab
Luiii ; , < if le > l UttLluif rll'U'H ' , 'lubit nu iillirr.
flu * ! If. Cilfi ) fr lartlculan aud "Ilillrr rv *
1 ull a."fn/fff'f ( tjr rclurninull , Auutf / " /
Nos , 3O3-4O4-I70-6O4.
FdulfUXlMU jimriiniiiHiinil ncldri'ts to inn and.
Kill tviiil > uii II Ul. ( KlI'M tlml will lOKllVHI.Y
I'lJlH. 1-11,1 ? millunt only lUtiiuts. Mils-J'UlliUN
J" O. JJyx boi , Grand ItlauU-Ntli.