Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No mlvortisomontB-wlll bo taken for
. thosb columns nf tor 12:30 p. m.
Torir\B--Cn9h In ndvnnco.
An W-Hlsementn under this head 10 osnts per
ItttO'fozthe llrnt Insertion , 7 cent * for ouch sub
sequent insertion , nnil II M per linn per month.
> .Ko nrtvertifcOMonus taknti forlcss than 2f > tontu
tor flrst Insertion. Seven words will he counted
to Ui6 Ittxo ! iher must run consecutively mul
imiWilMt paid in ADVANrK. All adTfrtlHO-
n cnt.s luUHt ho Imndt" . m before ] 2'fl : o'clock p.
> 7ii. , nivt under no circumstances will they ho
talwn or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrllcR Kilvortlstnc In these colinnnn ami hav-
inn tlielranswers nuilresseil In caroof TUB IlKK
1 Atlir plcuao ask for a check to enable thorn to Rot
their letters , as none will ho delivered except
on crrtentatlon of chwk. All answers to ad
vertisements shonld tin enclosed In envelope * .
All advertisements In tlicsn column * nro DUO-
llshe-d in both morning nnd evrnlnc edition * o (
TIIK llr.r. tlio circulation or which aggregates
worn tlinrt I8rtfl pnpors dnllv. and elves the ad-
vcrtlm-rntho benefit , not only of the city circu
lation ol TUB IIKK. hut also ot Council HlulTs ,
Lincoln and otlior cities and towns throughout
this yt-ft Ion of the country.
Advertising for thei e columns will ho taker
on tlienhoveconrtllloos. nt the following Innl-
ness nouo.s , who nro nutborl7cd agents for Tin
JlKK spi'Plul notices. and will qnoto the saint
lates us cun ho Iiod at the main olllco.
J * 7) flN
hi : fc F.DDV. Stationers mid I'rlntors , IV.
\JSnu\\i \ \ jctlt .Street. _
CJ II. KAliNBWOHTH , I'linrmnclst , 211' ) Cum-
V7\ Inn Street. _ _
TV .1. IH'OIUS : , Pharmacist , C24 North I tt
GKO.W. PA Hit , Pharmacist. ISO ) St. Mnry'i
TrTrTl I its' I'artium Street
\TTA > ! TJ'KI ) l1ci8ltToh ns Tmrttmder. first das'
TT mlxer.l iood rufcu'iicofl. Jtiht from Now
York City. Address 1,8-1 , Hue. _ 4TU 1U
WANTI3D 1'osltlon us stchoirraphor nnC
typewriter. 1) . in. Hoe. Council liluirs.
_ _ _ _
"V\/"ANTiO / : Salesman. sldo llnii ladles' nil
> vortlsi-il shoii ! commission. WuveryShoi :
Cq.f-y lleurboriist. , CIllciiKO. 111. KIMlt
"V\rANTii : ) 1'OHltion of any kind hy
T > mutihavlnirtwo years' nxpenonco nmthlp
plngclnrlc , AddroHH ! 41 lieu olllco. MM1 ! *
" by Blngie muira4 ycnri
ofugti as ilrygooilaor rlothlng pale.inmn
lOyoarH' experience ; wppuks four or llva Irtn
Riiagcs. Aildrosg. 1. 41' , llee. _ Kill 1J *
O stnnt hook-keener or copy
1st liy lady. Heferenco and experience. Ail
' , fiH'j.jiqponicf. _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ * IH iJL.
ting and lilting , desires sowing In families
No. 122-1 N. 17th St. rgii 12 *
\\rANTBD Slumtlon as cuachmau or taki
t > cure of Bi'iitleinan'M place , understand !
his business , good reference. Address Li7ltcc
' 47. ) 14t
"POSITION as riuhler1 and bookkeeper , 1
X years' experiences , can furnish best o
leleroncos. Address T , SU. Ileo olllce. 8iJS 11 +
WANTKD-l'osltlon n s stenographer um
typewriter hy younts lady ; can give rotor
onces. Address J.U , Hifu , JSG 1:1 : *
WANTKD A man to work In a grocerj
storo.ilno thnt Is acquainted with the city
CallBia 8.10th St. . B to 8 p. m. Kl ! ll
A first-class carrlaao wood
WANTHO wanted at once by Atthon , v Co.
Bonth Ojuulm. 4U7 10
WANTED An onerpetlc mofl with ahou
J500 take half Intcruat In legltimati
and ] ) roHtalli ; huslness lu Omahn , Adilree :
I/3 . . ; . } office. 4S1 IU
" \\TAN1ED-A sign wt-ltcrattho llostimstorc
> V . ( iu
, . ) Atone * . 1 iiucliiinlcal draughts
mail , ulso Is architectural draughtsman
Apply A. 0. Collins , afiM N. 17lh Ht. , up stalra
. _ . , . . ' ua H _ _
I1 TX/'ANTKD Allrst-clnss steam litter to ac
T > < ci'pt'p ' rnianent ponltlon ut Salt Lake City
i ApPlrtU'-H. Wind. linglnu & Pump Co.
NAikjr.V. . . . - > ! . . . " . * -na-ir.
VtlHNfjltALAgent wanted in Omaha Tor.ou :
' > * '
iftifisTinSrSTvJn'Piin exponBiid . Ait
dressi hiirnaKor Homo Honellt society , 101 Hroad
vt wv vi.,0 i/\i ir 4i7-ljj ;
cun sccuro money making
. -LVijnalncss worth S30J monthly ; trilling capl
tal ; no cuuvasslng. llnom U , 120 S IDth at.
WANTKD first-class experienced huofc
Keeper for largo dry goods store ; state ox
rorlence , what Hue , how long in ono posltlr.u
abe what salary expected. Address La > , Ileo
. . 4g4 10
JAUT15D A man and wifeon a farm
TV good wuges. Mrs , llrega , 3im 8.15th. 1I5U
W VNTFl ) Tinners , II. li Cox , 1(113 ( Howard
41l > 1ST
| u
WAtiTliD luimedlutely Coopers to maKi
iipplu barrels by the pleco. It. JI. lurner
Lincoln , Nob. 41,1112
VV ANTDD General st.ito ngent to open oillei
hsudquartors In principal city , nsaiimo ox
elusive control of our business und appoint Iq
cal or suti-ugoiitB In every city lu tlio Mate
poods well known , staplii as Hour , in unlvorsa
demand , and pay a net prollt of [ U to inu pel
cent. Address with credentials , Tim Omoi
Company-741 Broadway. Now Vork.
) 3 young men for light work ni
? 15 WP5kly.ltojiui 17. igu N. Rth. a jl 12 :
" '
LtJHNTCI Write for terms. Slsamiilo"corse'
tree. Schle'lo & Co.,3ao Ilroudwav , New York _
ANTKI > Laborers for Texas. Ship dully ,
Fllluy , Kramer .V Co. , cor. llth aud Far
nam Ma. . Max aieyer building. U27
"lA/ANTliD tMfarmx ln N"braska. . Submil
T lowest rush prlco for your equity. Nortl
and west Nebraska preferred. AddrebS.k,2llee
227 10
WA N T15U Salesmen at 17fi p r mouth n ill a r j
and expenses to sell a line of sllvor-plutei
\varo. watches , etc. . by Bumpla only : horse am
team fhrniohod tree. Write at once for full pur
tlcnlurs nnd sample case of goods froo. ftund
jird Silver Ware Co. , Hoston , Mass. 671
TANTI-Uf 2i crailerH and tlo makers "fol
the lllixcK Hills extuiiHlon. Flllcy. Krumoi
ACo. , ilux .Meyef bulldlug , llth and Furnam.
W IW ) nillrortd lahorern for"th <
went. Ciimimny work. Fliley. Kramer &
Co. , Max Meyer building , llth and Furnam ats
\\/ANJ'KD A good illlce man to go east
T t uiimeInvest fc.'i.O ' : mu.vt he n good business
man , Addruns the Uoo. 8. Cllue Publlshliu
House , an to U21 Wubush ave. , Chicago , Ills.
\\MNTBD ilon for Wushliuton territory ,
t > Albngnt's Labor Agency ; IIOJ Farnnmst
\\f ANX.1SD 'Ion brldgo carpenters ; iu ) rock
T men nnd laborers for Wyoming , gooil
wages. Albright's Labor Agoncy.ll''u Funmui
\\rANTKII ( iood hrlcklayers and stonecut
T tern ; good wug paid. Apply V. T
Murphy. Freiuont , Nub. UJQ
"VANTBIAgent . "Dodge's llorso 11 Inn
ket Holder" Tteons the blanket fron :
hlowluir or sliding oir the horse. Nothing Hkt
It In th market ; every horso-ownor htiys
Hampleshy mall , 25c , Stoyner & Co , Provluonce
It. I. U .o-'llt
T\KTICT1 Via Wonteil.tcood relhiblo men foi
J-/dottctlu'ii in every community j paying post
ttpns. AihlroHK Kansas Detcctivo Hiireau.Iock
box gat. Wichita. Kan. UO'-U2Ut
M13N to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries 01
CBinulu. Wo pay ya to * I03 a mouth ami
expenvs to punts ti > soil our Canadian growr
stock. Add. btoiie A : Welllugtou , Madison , Win
. tKO
\v Al ft"rour nundrvd men uir truck lay-
V > lug m Wyoming. Apply to p. H. Johnson ,
H. A : SI , passenger depot. Omaha. Wo
- -
, , _ _ _ JWAJ
/ 1 it ? , wuijtpd af axuTtiuiilns st.
V 4a i- '
"TirANTJjn-A competent girl for „ _
* Jiou > vrkutHJlU California Bt ( r0rmai
pri'terttd. f,32 13
73 "tJ. wnUtca'icsiN. 17tu.
_ , tot
VANTti-nirl-at : California house. Iltl
1 laujUJoHClas/ MI j :
\\rANTUH--UulyngeiitH for chlla B rofo7u"
T wt\lBtn.Hklrt.bu tlu8UbslHute , baby's dtu
per supponor , to. New : oods. Our ugciit at
i AUKtiu , Mimiy inadae7.t In 10 days. "
Supply Co..aifwf WnshlnBton , t.'viil
VV ' A good , B'rl ' for
JJL w r.\.BQi1 \ washer una Ironer preferred
tlra. K J. llnrthwlc ' > : .jiui loJifB st. _ aou 1J _
"XV ANTI ; -'A VOUUR mirso sir ! frame .lliuely"
> Ueruimorfiviedaproteaed. 6W8oiith27tli
40 1 Up
1 " " '
s"iculb"B'l ,
WAHTnt ) A woman pastry COOKS good
w tres paid to a peed cook. New York chop
1IOU5B No. 1. lit Booth Uth lit. 459
\irANTKD-Threo ladr solicitors tor city ;
Vl ona each , for Council HlufTs and South
Omaha. iCallKX ) So. 20tn St. , afternoons only ,
_ _
WANTED A smart anil brlRtit young clrl to
as lst In general House work. Enquire 16U
Dodge ? t. 420
_ . . _ _ . _ _ , _
\ ANTKO-Olrl for Rfcncr'M housework.
T > must be good cook , gooawnges. 2x2 N 19tlu
_ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ 412 lot _ _
WAN' A. ycuuij girl to aasiat at iirosv
> mnklnif at 23)8 ) Fnrnam st. 4M lot
V\rANTiU-rA : : felrl to sew with n tailor nt
V > jiimom ! work. ; Ul Boulh llthst , 4S5 Kt
\\7ANTKIJ-Uood Pinart jrirl for Rfnernl
T > House ; small family. J2u2 Georgia avo.
LOCI3 Wlnoberg Ors nnd cloatc maker ;
plush clonks to order nhd ntfonieil : senliVln
clonkn renalred. nil Kinds fur trimmings fur-
nUhcd. 1I2U Capital nvc. , rupalrlnc ot all kind.
HIISSMAKINO In lamllio * . an 80. ITUi are.
M1B3 > lnnlckv8 | arrssmnktng' parlors , 1721
l.eavenworili. 7" ! o eg )
WANTKD flood flocond. hand parlor stove.
H7. CrelKhtph hloelt. 41U-12 ;
donn nt my house or ny da Wo
per tloz. or 'Ac rough dry. Ktl N. SM. .
\VANTi:0-llorsts : to winter at $1 u month
per Head on furm near Irvluuton , Plenty
of Rraln allll hay to ffrd , good Bh"ltor and good
cnro given tlioni : colts , horaoi orrow taken In
cxcliunge for fiedln ; them. W. It. 1 Ionian. 1U1
fT-iooiiT houjc-wlth"barn. $ l" > wr month. c.r
Harrison , ilorcnutitt Nat. bank. 4tO
"I71OH HI-INT 1-urnished house , 13 rooms ; 10
J- rooms now runted ; furnace , city water aud
hath. O. F. Davis Co. , 1603 Faruam street.
6 IS 10
HKNT 1130 S. S tli sU ft-room house.
$ Uner mont ; convenient to South Omaha
dummy. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nut.llaiik.
TJlOIt HFNTFlve nice large rooms witn
JJ porch und yard. < Wl 17th St. , between .lack-
soil uudj-ontenwortli. S'.l ) i4
TTIOlt ItnNT Nlue roomed hou e with" hath
-L1 room , laundry and ( jarref , cor Georgia ave
and Mason sts , possession given Nov. 1st. Ap
ply on promises to Mrs. U A. Groir. fiuTi HI/
FOR HKNT Four flats and throostores.Sonth
ictli st. . near Leavcnworth. Now. itefer-
enco required. C. C. Turuer 1323 Howard st.
5SI Kit
FOR Itr.NT HOUBO with 0 rooms. In ( rood
conditlon.ou Mason st. hot ween intli and lith
sts. Inquire at VlTLlatda block. John ( lamllu
44tt ir.
. . HKNT 8-moiii IHIUJJ with all enliven-
ieuces and in Ilrst-cluas location ; can give
possession iitoncn.
fi-room Hat , ( ! 07 N. 10th. St. , J2 > .
Wo havg sfvernl houses ami a number of
store looms for rent , 'Apply to Green Jtf Wil
liam's , FirM 'llMjrtj bulUltng. t' _ 437
IfOU HKNT-U-room < ott7igo 44 mile from P.
JO. . , water and sewer. J. H. Evans , 'MS N. Y.
I.I to liulldlug. -ill 10
FOH HUNT 0 homes la Central iind Moil-
mouth Darks , nt from 40 to Sin per month.
Wallace , 310 llrown building , loth and Douglas.
401 b'
4-room house , Cuinlng und 27th sts. C. F ,
Harrison.Merchants' . Nat. bank. 4b ! )
17UH IIKNT 7-room hotiso 4J18 Nicholas st.
JL1 Walnut Hill , liuiulre of.l. a Gladdcn.uoxt
door. itm 1'it
TTOH HENT'7roora cottage.'with bath. .1112
J- Capitol ave. Inquire 231iJ Cupltol av . ail 11
FOH HUNT House 0 rooms , city water , gas ,
cellar ; north part city , 2 blocks from cable.
Apply room 1' ' , Arlington block. . 3.11
FOH lir.NT ? : . U-room modern house. In
Kountze Place.
&n. ill-room brick IIOUSP. 20th st. , near St ,
Mary's avenue , every convenience.
Id-room brick house , cor. litti and Capitol
avenue ; all conveniences.
C-room flat , J22.fiO.
lnquiro Nethorton Hall. 1112 Farnam. S02 13
rilO KENT Flat 11. TilO So. Kith st Hns all
X conveniences. nmlwlH.he papered and llxeil
Her oc Co. , 1112 Harney s' , tor particulars.
i 2 _
-room modem house on tie motor line. C. K
; Hnrrlsou , Merchants. ' Nat. bank. 4511
for rent Ouo at the n. o. cor. of
17th and Davenport sts. . and ono at the cor.
of 20th and Corby sts. Patrick Hroj. , room 2.
Arlington blk. a'12-11
HUNT : i new Hats near corner IGth aud
FOH . No. CITS. 16th. Ml
KENT Two tec room nouses ; ono be
tween l th and 17th oil Dodge st ; , thn other
is 1.120 Dodge bt. See Dr. Neville , cor. Douglas
and I4th. 3.-U-13J
NOW ready Six Hat.3 , ot four rooms each ,
centrally located ; gas , water closet and
water. Prlco ? 20 per month each. Apply to
Itooorts. 4ft. N inn SL ata-tlt
plOIt ItUNT-S-room house at 1110 S 13th.
"ITlUTl ItiNT : 7-room lint , Luuge hlock. mod-
J-1 em Improvement ! ) . Ummlro tU2 & mih st.
13) )
T71OK HENT Handsome ID-room house , all
Jcoiivenleuce : ? . puved street , cable and horne
cars , r > minutes' wulfc of pobtolllce. Nathan Shel-
ton. IdU 1 amain at. b.'il
H OUS158 for rent Wilttlnson , 1117 Farnam.
_ _
"ir.OH HUNT ID-room house , bteam heat , nil
improvements , cheap rent. U. Thompson ,
room 211 , Shecly block , l.ith and Howard.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
HUNT A neat , new n-room cottage.near
Leivvonworth und ioth fitreets. lunulre for
Luebbbii , at 1CUT Furnam st , Omaha. _ Hi
TT.Oll HUNT Nice new R-rriom cottages wltfi
-C cellurs , ihtuDandSlfJ HalC Howard st. lloat
J15 per month each. Kniinlro U. I U 17th st.
_ _
I ' 'OH IlEST Two 7-rqom hrlclc house ? . 24OT.
Jill Hamilton st. : every modern Improve
ment ; ju ; each. Luavitt Uuruhum , ICrelghton
bog. ! _ fl'j
TT OH HKNT Id-room house. Hli moileru con-
X veiilenres , half Kluec from street car. Kit )
perinonlti. Call at.yi" I'qxtoii blocn. Ill
T7OH UlINT Twelve-room house , stable and
JL1 carnngo house , ou.8. 21st street , no\t to cor
ner Lcavoiiworth ; mdilern imnrovoiucots und
In perfect repair. . Apply to- Lewis S. Hoed
Co. , room " RJIoimnot Tnulo building. imp
Hii\T ; lilght rnont house , witn ample
-L. grounds , corner Leuveuworth and 21st nts. ;
hath room , hot and cold water. Apply to l.o is
S. ltaud& Co. , room it. ; Hoard of Trade bulldlnc. '
, 'i 1117
lOlt HHNT Two nuw.Vroom cottages ou mo
tor Hue , $10 per month ; Ml Douglas.
TflOH HKN'l'hy ghplos iV Hamilton
J : Itoom lilU 1st Natloual Hank Hhlg.
Wi 14-roum houw , nil conv. , 2lthanduss ; sti ,
KO-11-room hunso , all con v HBIHO location.
* 4U 8-room hoiihe , all conv. , Hanscom Place.
* . 27-room HatH. Hith and Ilinviud uts.
tel or liounllnK ; rent all or part. irfJ
TilOlt HKNT 0-room modern Improved IIOUSP ,
X'corner. Apply M. P.lgutler. 1112 H. loth. btU
Y1JIIV lo\P. two 7-room bouses on IHtU and
V'lnton ; two H aud 1) ) room housaa on 27th
ami Woolworth ( With city water and hath ) ; two
fi-room houses In Lincoln I'i'U-e. Itoom nil1 ,
Pax Ion blocic. , . 4K )
flUJiTTtlTNT A B-rooin cottage , city , cistern
4- ' water , convenidiit to biulnoss. DuvliUumto-
Bou.yjj H. Ifith st. MU
TjlOU 1IINT .N out 7-room House , In good re-
JL1 pair , oucqr.20th and Woolwortu ave. : pos
session given Oct. Ibt. Inqulru O , H. 'Izschui-k ,
Hoe olllco.
HUNT A ploiisKnt'huy-wlndowTmith
front room ; bout locution ; all conveniences ;
suitable for ono or two gentlemen , 'lu' I'unium.
TflOH HKNTr-'l : woTooniB for light housckeeiT
- - ' lug , furnished or unfurnished , aiuf. istu.
tO * 1U
T7IOH HKNT-i ; rooms tn a Hat. \\Tcofn5tn
JL' and Leavontvortll sts. KS ist
1OOMa furnUnp d\uth hoard , lU'T'Flcago.
* \ tut uj
TLnnIN ( J3HRI ) rooms S front rooms , up and
JL1 down stain } , yry convenient , Iflil Farnam.
ivo lit
EOH KHNT-Nlccly furnished looms. No. COS
N. 17m st. ] MM m
HALF of furiflihcd house or furnished rooms
tor houseieeplug. 1613 Jiaveuport at.
"VfEWLVfurnlshea rooms for rent. SUB Far-
Jnam gf. a&l nt
Tj LKOANTrooras la modern brick residence.
J-Jone suitable lor mail and wife and two sin
gle ! telephone. Inferences exchanged. lsl !
Cass st. follSt
1710H ilIJNT-KuniUhed room with board.bult-
J- able torSirufcrenuurequired. Itlll Domtlas.
4li-\OJ \ _
Lf. fl TTT liuiopeuu hoteTcor. lath"anil
vr lodfe | ; p clnl mtoby week or unnth.
NI ? furnl-ihwl room for ono or two rcntle
men. Vrlmte family. 2J1I I' rnamBt. RV )
TJ OOM with or without hoard. 1312 Dodge.
JLi > * 2v2
TjlOIl HKNT Nlcoly furnished ropms , with
-L.1 Tionnl , In private family. Hefcronces. 2307
Fnrnam. m-Kj
ITiOIl KENT Furnished front rooms , H18
J Dodge street. KW-o'J !
PLfcASANT newly furnished room with board
modern conveniences , terms reasonable.
TOR HKNT Two furnished rooms , centle-
JJ men only , as N. ictli t.
N furnished rooms , .
QI m
ijUrilNlBU F.I ) room with board , for 2gentle-
JU men. ia.1 8. 2.1th BTC. .115 It *
"nOOMS-M , M $10 , ei2. 1BIT Cnlcagost
, .7 HKNT To one or two pentlpmen wllli
Rood references , a 'nicely furnished front
room , heated hy steam and centrally located
Inquire 7x'4 a IQthst , 188
PiiKASANT fiirnMied roonn with hoard. In
house with modern conveniences. 210 South
88th. 317-11 ;
T7IOH HUNT TWO furnished rooms on tjt.
JMary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; MX mln-
nte ' walu of biislncts crnlpr. Ki-fensnco re
quired. Inquire at store , 210 and 212 S. l.Uh st.
_ 8.VJ
room with bath. 61US. i'Gth st.
GOOD 8.13
NICIILY furnished roomall couveulenceaij ;
N.nth. 450 O IB
. fitrnlftlied rooms with hath nnd
, l.iI'J Howard st , 017
TputN18HiDroom3 : and board iftjj Chicsigo.
JL ] 3iiiol7t
31'NFrilNlHHin : suite or single ,
In hrlck hulldlug , Includlnic furnace heat , gay
and bath room , located 00" ) N. IStlist. 4iM li )
rpWO iinfunilshed rooms for rent In central
-L location with heat , gas and bath , for S-'Opci
month , lu brick liar. Co-operative Land uud
Lot Co. . aVS . ICth st. 4TJ 11
HUNT .1 untiirnlshed rooms.suttnhlo for
208 N. lath St. axi
TT OR HUNT Unfurnished rooms sultahlo for
-L1 housekeeping , cniivouiently located. Unit's
Renting agonry , 13W Farnam.
"ITlOlt HF.NT 4 unfurnished rooms suitable
-L forliousokoeplngto family wltliotttchlldrcn.
N. W. cor 17th and Webster st. 1'rlco * i8.
- S ANP ;
HUNT A 4-story brick building. UM1W
RUltnhlo for wholesale ; good trackage ; 1
have nlso n number of Hue. residence pro ) ) '
erty lor rent or sale. For particulars call ot
adutcss 4U'J-111 Ileo bldg. N , O. llrown. 4lJa
F 11NK atore , with cellar , KS ) South l
TT1OR RKNT 2 new stores , 017 and olb S. Ifilh.
-L1 Flue show windows. Uo'J
EOR RENT 2 very clesfra.h'le ' .Ims.cmeuta un
der block cor. Kith and .liiclcson .sts. , size
EOxlOfeet. 'Jhey have steam heat and \\atet
atuM\ould he suitable for a h.ii her shop ot
most any kind of business. 1 will , Us them up
in good shape for a good tenant. CaH'atlll : .
Hanicy St. , 1 * . K. Her. _ 424
T710R KENT Store. 1111 Farnam St. , 20 hv 12 f
-L feet , 2 stories and cellur. Nathan Shellon ,
IfiU Ftirnam st. tW
r1O UllJfT Desirable warehoaso r6pm on
JL track. Apply to C. W. Iveltb , 714 1'aclllo st ,
_ MU
FOR RENT The 4-story hrlck building with
or without power , formerly occupied hy Th *
llee Publishing Co. . DIG Farnam st. , Tne build
ing has a lire-proof cemented basiment , com
plete steam-heating fixture * , wat r on all the
lloors , gas. etc. Apply at the olllcu ot The llee.
* iiir.
Oil KENT After Oct. 1 , flue front 6fncp.
ground lluor ; plate glass window ; hent and
Hunt furnished : a most desirable location fet
any kind of buslnosi ; rent reasonable , Inqnlrt
Omaha Ice Co. , IllOSo. IHhst. M3
O NE hnndieil-foot store H block from 1 * . O ,
Fleming , 14th uud Douglas. 212 O 12
nN'T 'rurep-'Htory brick building , 1110
- DougloHst. . suitable for wholesale or ware.
house. Chas. Kaufuiaau , 130. . ' Douglas street.
nrpon nmTT n - moin > MO uv oo rt. noateu uj
JLA bteam. Euqulro J. Nagl , U12 So. 13th st.
LIST your property with Strinser ft Penny
Uouglas blocic , s. e. cor. 10th and DodRn.
HOHSKsTWlnteYeirat my farin7Bbod ranee
and I'nddocks ; no luirbed wlro on pluce ;
horses called for and delivered ; terms inoder
ate. Telephone 577. Chas. SlcCormlcJc , Cal-
noun. Neh. _ i7-nT !
TT1KATIIRIIS cleaned , curled and dvcil. hat ;
JD reshaped , at K. M. Schadcll tCo.,2S N. lath. .
_ ai.i N4
IWILfj winter horses onV. . 11. atlllariVt
farm ut Calhoun , Neh. llen oiiahlo rntes ,
carp conaldcred. Orclern can be loft with W. 11 ,
Milliard or mailed me nt Calhoun. T.J.l'li'mlnir ,
_ U4 uj _
A t'CTION saltis pvery Tnetdny and Frldav
iiiK ut llil Farnam. Omaha. Auction A
o. 775
D ll.MAUVFtroiifr , cor. Suunilorsund Cnsslus
u "ta. . ICountzo place. Tulephoiie 14H)7 _ ) nlll
C ASH paid lor household furniture , stoves ,
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1 11 1 i'liinuni
rilHK linnjo taught us an art hy Oeo , .
JL beck. Apply ut Dee ollice. l jU
ANT10HAU1AN Ilooc Store , 111,1 i'nrnam st.
Cash paid for sccoml-hnncl boots.
I'CHOOL of Kxpression. Vocal Aitlculate ,
I'antumlnlc 1. V. Anderson , Sheelv blocs.
GKKKMAN lessons , -Mr. Uorudriieb. Olllte
Fruehaiif 'B book store. aj'i ol3J
T OS'J-A round hilvrr pin. with a Hunt yollou
JLwjinvpl In It. A libcrul reward will 1m puld
for Ha return to It. II. 1'outtle , World-Herald of.
Hce K10 lit
LOST 1'roin cor. Cuss untl 16th ft. , hhick
lioiso with buj'py haruu snan met Been
pohiK west on Cass. Itcward will De paid tot
his return to livery barn , cor , loth aria C.ii > s.
15111 ?
$25 reward will po pnlil for return of hliu li
Frunch poodle dog to < K II. ami J. Collhw ,
iilil : HoiiBluHst. ; unsworn to name of Howdy ,
Wus lost Oct. I ut II. & M. depot. xsi |
lllact shawl. Owner can have thu
by puylnsfor advertisement. Apply at
lloo olllco. W.I 11
LADlKSand gontlcmen desiring correspond-
entH uddresn Correspoudlug Club. Kansas
City , 3Io.J _ closebtamp. . i'8J nt ;
EDWA'UI ) Audrewa will Had his daugnternt
1703 Corby street , Omaha. .Molllo Andrews.
m-\y \
/-JHNTI.KMHN. It you desire a v ire or n lively
VJcoirespondent , sona your addresis to thu
American Corresponding Club , lox ! ill.'l. Clarlis-
hUlB , W. Vtt. .M3ol3J
Wl.'lIAVKnonioonstoniers for good Omaha
property at fair figures. HutcUlnsnn A :
Weau. IJ''f Donglus st. 47j 13
ASirforTTirnlture , curpeti , stoveii. froiiornl
miUe. Wellb' AlictlouA.-Btoi-ugcCo.il7S.l : h.
_ . . . ) About 2.00) ) loads of dirt , j , A.
Nuugle k Co. , coiner Nicholas uud l.'itli sts
467 12
WANTKD-2 or a good Uoracs. for cash and
rleur Oinanu property. A. P.'Jukey N V
Life Inilldlnir. f ,
OTOItAfiU and forwarding. We collect undde-
Oliver good } of all description , merchandise ,
furniture aud baggage at cheapest rntes ror
Btorugo for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to ho hud at shortest notl > , with nire-
fill men for moving. Packing and shipping
rom our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded ana unloaded
\ \ urehouse on our own tracks. OlllcoSH 6 Hth
St. Telephone 114. HoweU ( c Co. 'vu-'ff ; ,
rpllACKAOl-rstor ige"atTowest rates. W. MT
- tllushmnu. . Ull Leavenworth. _ t6t
"K10II lUINT-Store room la Hey d opera hausa
A balldme. Enquire American Savings Dank.
_ _ 151
tiTOUAOK at low rates at 1121 Farnain street.
gomaha Auction and Storage Co. KB
OTOIjAflK-CldMi , Uiy. and reasonable rates.
Oells' Storage & Auction Co. , 017 8. Utn st ,
- lit. OH
_ _ _
Dlt. NAMNlK V.'warren. claUvoynnt , jnedi-
calauabnslnesjjnediuin. Fejuale dUens.-a
a specialty. 119 N. iota st. , rooms S na U. 103
MA DA Ml ] Welllnnton , , world-ronoxrned as-
trologlsr , trstmedinm and dcMlny reader ,
Jnit from Knropo. Tells your life from the
cradle to the KTATP , ciinllp.i the aepArnted ,
rauocs speedy manlrgeuwJUh the ono you lovft.
locMca nUeaso and ter&n with maassgn and
electric baths. All In trouhle fthoula not fall to
consult this Rifted seoregj. Parlor 0. upswlrs.
4KB , llth ; onico liourb frMn 10 a. m. to 10 b. m.
w 13 1
QTANllAlirJSn'orthaiWf'Bchool.Hoom 34S Wnro
C ? hlk. . ( succesf or to Vdtentlno s ) the largest
exclusive .oQorthand schoolln the Teucn-
crs nro verbatim rpportrtWPartlCMlftr attention
paid to typowrltlnc. Mothaulcal construction
ofmachmotaugut hy fnctory expert. Circulars
TTUlKNCir Evening Sihoo' Irtll open nn
-K evening French class Oct. 14. PrtrntolM-
( tons will also be given at residences. 1'nrtlos
Intending to Join please address or call hpou
Jules Merle , gun Davenport st. EM-13
TT10U SALE Tno furnlturo In a 7-room flat
-V and Hat to rent ; furntiiiro all new and wilt
ho fold on liberal trrmn. Address room 6. E25'i
go. lUlh st. , Omaha , Neb. _ KCM2 *
"I71OII 8A IJK A RrriyTiorie , 4 years old , weighIng -
- * . ' Ing between 12UO and 1300 pounds. Apply
030 Douglas. _ E31 lt
iv-2 : < , U".0 nt a bargain , llntchliison A :
Douglas st 514 13
"HIOll SAIiR A square pmno , originally cost
JU oo. will fcoll for 1150. 1'or particulars
call at lEUCass st. Gil 11 *
T71O11 SALKFitmlture of a fi-rooni cottage.
J- complete ; house for rent. Aililres * or call
Chas. K Stephong. Max Merer Ilro. 607 10 ;
T71OII SALH-tmaT ? well trnlned horse , noftt
K and trusty , with hiiggy and harness , KJS ;
horse worth the amount. Address J. . P. O.
hos 75J. _ tm 12J _
I OH BALI. 1 'l-sontoil cnrrlugo maile by
J- Simpson ; 1 set double hnriifss , and house
hold furnltnro. Cor. Georgia ave and Ala ? on st.
Mrs. L. A. ( Irolf. tOI IfiJ
NK\V Ktmlmll orgnn on monthly payments.
Also , good cow. Call , itXt ) K Fariiam ,
4Ci ) lit
SA 1,13 Second hand fiirnlturoof nluo-
room house. Apply nt C35 S. lithsr.
4M-S3 *
IJHK SALE MnrLlo monuments nt cost at
* ? 221B Cllllllllg St. 4C8 l j
"filOIl SALK A f-year-old , 1100-poiind contle
-L ? horse : hiiuil made harness aud bticklioard ,
Inqulro 431 S 24th avo. 41)0-1 It
FOll SALE-Good Hadlnut Homo heating
stove , CO yurds carpet , table , utc. ( leo. U
Mean , lts : ! Douglas. 40714
FOIt SALE One horsf. sorrel , suitable for
lady's use , 14U hands high , weight-tOO Ibs.
Enquire at engineer olllco , army headnrs. Ileo
building. 401 11J
T7IOK SALE Ice In car lots , Gilhert llros. ,
* - Council HluJTs. Ia. 401 * 23
SAFF for Sale llargnin ; double floors ;
nearly naw. 618 K. T. Lifo Hulldlng. 2-
IHAVHJID.OOO worthof the host selected dry
goods In Lincoln that I will sell at 25 per
cent dbcount for cash , or will trade for city
property. I. H. Hiair , 117 So. llth St. , Lincoln ,
Keli. 307-13
11O11 SALK A IK-horsc imwor Porter onglno
In good condition , weight 5lOOp omuls cyl
inder i Is HI. For particulars apply to The Hea
oiHce. 71H
FOIt SALE Eight ( S ) handsome thorough-
hred Shetlonil ponies. Address K C. Letts.
Marslinltowu , la. _ ' MB 13 _ _
FOH SALE A lot of now shelving at a bar
gain. M list be Hold.'M. H. I'ariotte , rontul
agency , room 21 Douglas block ji20-i2
"IIIOllSALE A quantity * of building stone.
JL Apply to ttie siiporldundont Iteo building.
MIDLAND Otmranteci * Trust Co. . N. V. Lifa
bldg , complete abstracts f urnlsned and titles
to reul o Uteoxamlncd.perfcctod guaranteed.
loans v anted on "bilek"
XJor re.sldouco hlocks Favorable terms and
lates. Klmbiill , Cnmiif ) i : Hyau , 12U.'i l-'arnam. -
Ji 200NJ !
MONEY" to loan on city properly and farm
lands at lowest rates. J. D. Kittle , 430 Pux-
tou block. ' * 178
" '
"iTFO'NEY'to ' loan ou horses , wagons , mules ,
J > 1 i.oi.uuimid Bnoils , pianos. orgniiH. diamonds ,
lowest rules , 'iho IlrsiorKUUlzod lonn olllcu In
the city. Miikcu louns from thirty to three hun
dred uud sixty-live days , which can bo paid In
part or whole at any tlmo. thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Call ana see us when
you want money. We can assist you promptly
nnd to your advantage removal ot
property or publicity. Money nlays ou hand.
No dolaylu makiip loans. C. F. Heed & Co ,
ill ! ) S. l.'ith st , , over lllnghn.111 & Sons. t > 75
M ONl'.VtoIoaiu ! O. 1 . Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents. liiOl Farnam st. 70
\\i ANTED First-class inside loans. Lowest
rntes. Gill and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co.ltnjFaniam. _ _ 77
MONEY' loaned for 30 , OOorlXl days , on any
kind ot chattel security : reasonable inter
est ; confidential. J. J. WllKlnson , 1117 Farnam
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before Retting my rates , whlrli uro the low
est on any su-ji trom 41 to JIO.O'W.
1 make loans on household good * , plamv , or
gans. horaesmnloi.vagoa - , waronoiise receipts ,
IIOUFOS , leaofti. etc. . In nur amount , at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal ol
l.onin can ho made for one to Bit months nnd
j'ou can pay pirt at any time , reducing both
principal and interest. 1C yoiiowe a balance cm
your timilturu or horses or have a loan ou
them , I will tuke it up and carry it for you ns
long as you desire.
If you netMl money vou will fl nd It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
II. K. Musters , room 4 , Wlthno ! ) building. l ! > tn
Mid Harney. _ b79
MONI3V to loan at low rates and no delay.
Capital and surplus Jl.saj.CXO. Lombard
Investment Co..Jii9b IJIthst. HSU
to 7 percent : no nu-
idltlonal charges for commissions or attur-
ncy's fees. W. U. Melkle , 1'lrst Nat bank bldg.
SEHSboles. room 10 First Nat'l bank , before
making your lo.ins. _ _ sni
MONIii'td loan on real estate security nt
lowest ruts1Ilofoni negotiating louns see
Wallace , It Ulu llrown blilg. liith und Douglus ,
MONK V Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchnsu good commercial
puner itml morfgaaa notes , b. A. Slouun. cor ,
Mm and I'urnuin. _ t 'l
MONKV tn loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Biuilro. I2ja Farnam St. , Mrst National
bank building. bbt
M ONUV to loan on city or farm property.
Cieo. J. 1'aul. ICO'J Farliam st. )5.i
MONKV loaned on furniture , horses and
wugons ; rains reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 a. l.ith . Ht. . opptiilte Mlllard hotel. bai
" \TI3HHASKA Jlort. Loan Co. will mate you a
-L > loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flne Jewelry , or securities ot any klnit ,
without publicity , at reasonable rated.
Itoom 7. Itowley hlock , fiouth Omaha ,
Itoomu Gli-JlW I'Axton bok ! Omaha
- , : , , Neb.
_ _ _
iDUIIiAOKljI'llIA .MATtcflge& | Trust Co. fur-
J. nlsh cheuti easterly jnoney to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
ut their western olllce.t f.Georgo W , P. Coatetf ,
room ? . Hoard of Trade , n bKS
BKVOIIK making chattel or collateral lo.ins"
it will pay you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. , room H'l , Heojnlllillm | . _ Kt9 _
I OANS on chattel
Jclal rules this week ! llnwkeyu Investment
Co. , It. : u , Douglas bl'k.ICth and Dodge HU.
_ _ _ - _ * , _ Tun-pji
MONKV loaned onlcntittol eocurltlos nnd
Jewelry. Itoom lll.aiieoloyhlk , F.H.Jorome.
(115 ( o an
1' OANS-Clty anil fu uii ' loans , juortgage pa-
-Jper boutiht. " _ 8lcCnKip'Iuye8tment ? Co. 1O1
ByiMHNo loans , . V. Sholes. K1U First
NatlonalUaiiK. I . _ 87J
O''lOO.ooa to loan i\t e pep jint. MaaBan b Jla-
P honey , loom VU I
MONRV to lo-m on furniture , horses , wagons
etc , , or on uny approved security J. W.
llobuius , llllii Farntim street , 1'axton otel.
MONI2V to loan on any security
tor short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment company ,
roouuuu I'jrton blocs. ba
OMAIIA"Ch ! tterLo n Co. , Hoom , ifarker
block Jioney at lowest rate. VlJo 't
nUIIHT mortgage loans at low rates and no
A delay , u , V. Sholes , 210 1'lrst National hank.
f ,9Afs ni il "on real estate and mortgages
-LJoougnt. I uls S. heed 4 ; Co. r. W , board trade
_ _
l 'iVSJONB ' Mortgnca Co.-I.oans of (10 to
JII.X ( ) ; getoiir rates before borrowing find
saie money ; loan on horses , furniture , or any
approved becurlly , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old. and lowe -
e it WS.SUeeley I > lkl5th A ; Howard gt.
_ _ tat
ClA."rf'K ! , ' < ftn . strictly conliueutlal. "ilTT
Hail , iti Continental block. IX Oil
\ A few thousand on Insldetmlm *
r property or Rood Sd mortgnco
BSS J fiO , lice olllco , SC3
TjMHST National safety dfcroslt vfiult.i.
JJ to rent K to SJ > n year , 337 8. lath.
? one with small amount of cash ran so *
euro n grocery nt n burgalUi ns It mu t ho
RoM , \Voalsolmveonoot tuu hc t small Joh
printing n tabiutjineut < < for sale at a hnruahL
Hlltclilnsou XWend. . 1531 Douglas at. 472 lit
DRUG business formle ; will Rlvi low prlco
to cash buyer ; this Is a sntip ; Investigate ,
Stringer v Vctmy , Uouglas hlock. Pltf 10
euorgctta man witn $ X to take full
GOOD of n peed paying business. Itoom 81
St. Clair Hotel , cor. Mth'nnd ' Hodge. 018 10 ;
Foil SAKE Cheap.mnrbfe worksshop.ttock.
tools and very favorable lease : uplondlit
chsnco. Imjnlro at prcraUej , 2318 Cumlng it.
or OiO N a-th ave. 401 I5t
OR8AT. K N o. 1 feed sTore ; tocAttonTbest In
F city : n grand Invfstnient for n inn t ultti
small capital ; terms cash. Address Ji 14 lloo ,
71011 SAM ! Or trade , a well established book
F and. : stationery toro. Dux MJ. I
HKNT-ltestaiirant with bakery Inbnso-
JL' mcnt nnd rnoniH aoove. oath rooms , dining
room to sent 10iinew brick hulldlng , parties own.
Ing ItwUhto go out otbuslnens ; party must bo
responsible. Tor particulars address (5. W.
Whlttaker. Kearney , Nob. , lluiralu Co. < U801 ;
Ktovators Correspondenio solicited
GHA1N anyone wishing to buy grain eleva
tor * in line gralu country. Klevators at l.lbor.
ty , Huichard. nnd Violet will bo Bold Oct. IStli ,
( food Imilness points. Opportunity for n 1 .u--
pain. Address Crolghtou Atoms , u ? lgnee F. St
M. Hank , Humbolt. Neb. ! T13 _
AS 1 am going to engngo In tlio wholesale
business , toiler my entire grocer stock nnil
fl.xturos for sale nt Invoice price , pattca- ,
balance on tlmo If deslroil. H.des from JlO.OWl
totl wm | > er month , all cash. To agents no
trade of any kind will ho considered. 1M N.
llrowu's C , 0.1) . , 710 and 712 N. 10th st.
SAIjK Grocorv- store ; stock In good
condition ; host of locations ; rent low ; doing
best business In tna city : us good us giving
away H.0.0 ; will Invoice about $1,51)0 ) ; part ciish
halauco good paper. Address box Hfi. South
Omaha. Ut--lilJ
ITtOll SALi : A private bank with Its business
J. In a live town. No other hank in the place ,
( load reasons tor Belling. Address , 1C , HIH < .
"IJ1OH HAI.K Haitroiia truck scales. Knnulro
JJ ot A. Ueetmacer , lo ft City. la. 250 Irft
HOTEfi , with furnltnro , fixtures , carpets ,
goodwill , etc. , 3HUXI. to trnile for good
fann ; farm to trade for nuUe. Addri > 8f , I ) . I.
Thornton , ill K. 15th st. 2U1 11
TjliraIvTjn ( rcas and f nraltura ot tlio le-
J- par Hoteli Lincoln , Nub , , at a bargain , A
good chanro for the right inau. Address , De
pot Hotel , Lincoln. Nob. (153 (
TjlOR 9Af E A good paying grocery store In
Jt ? Lincoln. Terms , half cash. Tor particulars
address It , Uoo olllce. Lincoln , Neb.087O
087-O SI *
TIO RXCHANGK Tualde Omaha property or a
farm for fur nit nro nearly new. Car o llenl
Kstate Agency , 317Kheoly Dlock. mi lit
"V\TANT1D ! To trade llrstclnss South Omaha
> T reul estate or Iowa farm land ror stock of
drugs In city or country. Address 1 > 3H. Hoe.
454 UC
OH HXCIIANOK Nice lot foi team and
carriage. Inquliv room 201 N. V. Llfnjridg ,
FORSAljE Ono ot the best lots In Kecervolr
add. II. H. Hull. It 4J Darker blk. S15 18
OR HXCIIANGR-Kor any kind of good
property , a grain elevator In one of the IIOH
towns In Iowa , Bttuutcc' In tlio heart of a tine
agricultural country. 1'reseut owner is not n
grain man , mitl has other business. A rare
chance for a practical man. Also , five thousand
acres of line timber land In northern Tennes
see. Itoom 14. Cmimber of Commerce. Tel.lliti.
T\TANTED To tradn. gilt-edged property
T ? nnd cash tor a small hotel in a live. No-
btaskatown. Room II. Chamber of Commerce.
Tel. 1110. 24
TJ1OR KXOIIANOE An elegant tract of land
JL : containing 1SJ acres In Antelope couaty.
Neb , , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter section In Hand county , Dakota ,
parrlv Improved.
Eighty acres near Council Illuffs , la.
House and lot on 8. Itith st.
Large amount of Oil Mountain ami Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or tlio erection of some houses. Ueo.
.LStcnisdorirFirst National bank hulldlnc.l7fl !
WANTED To exeliauce dry goods notions
and millinery goods for clear land or city
property nnd part cash. Address box 4'9 !
Frankfort , lud. 003
EENTAI , property. Inside , to exchange for
clear farina or vacant city lots. Thoa. V.
Hall , 3111'axton block. KH
EXCHANOK for city property , two good
farms Joining towns situated in Harlan und
( ircely counties. Meyer & Raaplce , lim Hur-
ney st. tiOto'JO
EAT"h ,
south front on Hamilton Ht. . Walnut Hill ,
$510. First mortgage paper of tOJ , drawing u
per cent Interest. pa > ahlo .suml-amumlly. tor
* 5W. ( tt ) ncrca of good farm land on the U. 1' .
11. It..101 miles west of Omaha. 4 mlli-s from
oed town. Cheap for cash , or will tnulu for
lot. n. G. Merrill. 44th and Seward sts. 43) lit
HO.M KS on montiily payments. I have still
in lots for sale lu Aldlno square , ou which
I will build homes to suit purchasers , anil take
payment montnly , quarterly , or yearly. Aldlno
square is on Grace street , one block from the
motor line and two blockttfrom the cable , and
hy either line you can start from the postolllce
and get there m 10 minutes. It has all advan
tages ot water , sewer , gas , pavements , etc. ,
ana thn terms nro the easiest over offered In
thlacltv. 1 have also 10 lots on Cass .street , bo-
twecn 2 : > th and 2Sth ( streets , which I will Bell on
same terms. Cull and examine plans of hoitbos
etc. D. J. O'Donahoo , Ifflll Farnam st. m I
TTIOHSALF.-IB-aero tracts of land adjoining
A ? city , will sell very cheauon small payinontf , ,
H. It. Hall. 1143 Darker blk. 6is li )
BLAMED If I don't sell that Halt block in
lloyd's addition for J-I.7V ) . It has got to go
this \vefk'sllr6 pop. Ii.3 a corker for the money.
Shales , 210 First ; National bank. 418-17
MONEY" made l > y buying Omaha business
property now. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
Nut , Hank. _ 4S'i '
TDAIlTins having equity in Omohareal estate
X with pressing inrnmbrance , should call on
Slrlnger Ic Penny , Douglas block , 5lu lu
EIGHTY'ncro farm In Douglas Co. , " $25 jicr
aero ; j(2lacrB ( ) farm In Douglas Co , , $ i * > per
acre , lloomll , Ilushman block.
TTJO" SAW ! Two choice lots near Spauhllng
JL1 street ( pavedj , J300. Wolshaua is Co. . Kxpo-
tlun bilg. 5UJ 12J
A FINK furm , 40 miles north , to exchange for
good Omaha property ; 518 N. V. Life. 118-lu
YOU can now buy at prices kiumn to bo low
and on terma within the reach of all the
best property to-day In Omaha for the money.
It U not ontKldo , but In town , and Is Hiirrotmd-
ed mill reached by paved Htioets , cable cam.
motor curs and homo curs , with Una improve
ments on every slde.lucluillngschools.cburchos ,
and all that gons to muse thu property not only
valuable , but deslrahlo as a home locatlou or a
Rate , sure and certain Investment.
Wny Pay Heat
when hucli a chance 1s otlerod you to gtt a
home ? It Is , too , only u matter of half an hour
to investigate the truth of these htntii-
ments us to the value ot the property
now offered and convince yoiirfcolf that
all claims made for it are positively facts and
not Helton. The chunr.e to buy thin cluss ot
property Is tcldom olfored at the terms now
given , nud not only for unmicstlonably good
property In the inldst of the bent Improve
ments , hut for property , the title of which Is
Positively Perfect
and beyond the question of a douot. Vou can
pet u lot to suit your wants ; you can buy u full
lot or a half lot. Just au you wlih. ami you cuu
do this ou a cash payment of not to exceed
* 75 to UIOO.
the balance to run one. two , three yearn , at
a per cunt Interest. No Idea of what the
lots are can bo hod without a personal In-
Hpoctlonof thorn , and thla can bo nmdo any day
without costing you u cent , for conveyances
are always on hand to show property , Prices
run from
; oo to t70o
per lot , on payments of f75 to 8150 cash , halance
long time at b per cent Interest ,
Amofi Place ,
Lots at these prices are a bargain. A golden
opportunity la given you to thus eecuru a lot lu
Ames Plact ! ,
which runs from Bummers t. on the cast to
VTtu st. ou the woat , itemember that
ruble Cars ,
Motor Card ,
Horse Cars.
all nm to Amos * . I'laco. and that you also Imvs
paved streets , city water una all modern lm.
pruvementa In this popular locality , while a
payment down of (75 to (150 will secure you a
lot , with three ) years time In which topaytho
balance , it will pay you to see
Ames' Place
and Its Improvements , and bear In mind , too ,
the prices uakod are only
I5jl to ' ( O.
with all the conditions ami Improvements that
make the propeity valuable. Come and con
vince yourbelt .as to value land dealrablity of
this property. Now li the t ma to buy.
Ames ,
IWi r'arnam st.
iSJ 10
THOU S AI/K Lotim'beaut I till Clifton IHIl on
-I ? easy trms to persons wiuitlmj homos. Q t
a home while you can. A. r , Tukey , N , V. Life
hulidlng. ; CT
IjlOll 8A1.1'-Cheap , R-room honso on motor
JL1 line. Walnut Hin. fl.WXl ; fijo cash. Inciulro
ot 12 0. Merrill. 4ltii and Sewartl st * . 4M Ht
TrOltT ALK OnenslermsT iotiaTn block
1 : Uncoln place. RW.
A double corner on 30th nnd Kmmct st , In
Bedford placv , IKixUO ft.Win.
3 room house , lot G0\l s InV \ , Ctuntmr. on
monthlvpnytuents , Jl.iwi.
New ' -room house , lot 50x127 , near motor line ,
worth riww. fi.Bfti.
A business corner on Douglas st , tio.030.
Otto Lnbeck. U1 ? , Chamber ot Conunen-c ,
, 71 IS
"HUHl SAIiK New eloitant 0-room IIOUSP. nil
JL1 modern convonlencix , oust front. In the best
residence locality In Onmna ; will sell cheap ,
llrcuuan V Co , , room 3 , Chamber of Commerce.
176 Ull
EOH SALK-llyJ. II. Kvans.
South front ou Sp.iuldluc : 41,0X1.
llest lot In Popploton I'ark JI.WM ,
Hfst lot in Orchard Hill JI.OV.
( " ! .olce corner * lu Uarthaga S9M.
Kant front on Suundors JiiWO.
2 lots Viiiton Placo. Vtntou street , osch ? ( ) ( .
BO fret on Cnss , near Siiitl , S.nnK
84 feet cornn : Nicholas and 22ml , M2,000.
Choice Uoorela avo. lot only S..HOJ.
Handsome llttlo a i-oom cattago onpavod at , ,
ea y terms , ti , 030.
hlrgant homes 11.1)00 ) to IJJ.OiO.
4-room cottage , close , 41,450.
J. II. Evans. M8 Now Y'orlc Mfo Ilultdlnc.
SALE At one-third what they nro worth
FOR close to Dundee Placo. Hall , 1143
Harkcrhlk. 015 13
,10,00) private uiouov to lonn , 7 per rent net.
, C. F. llnrrlMm , Mcrcbanta' Not. Hank. 4FU
I HAVE sorno tlral-class rental property for
snU cheap within ono mlle of postolllcr , on
puvsil ptroets nud motor lluo. Thos. F. Hall ,
itll Paxtonhlock. KKl
. private inoitoy to loan , Spercfcnt. ( ' . F ,
$2.000 , Jlerchnnt.s' Nut. Hank. 4MK
IT OH PALE A tine corner In Myers. Hlclmi-ds
JJ 3i Tildeu's add. H. It. Hall , H 43 llarxcr bit ,
filfi 10
" \\71LL sell good lot lu Orchanl Hill for $ THI ( ;
IT easy terms. Strluuor& Pouiiy.DoiiKlas hlk.
AM KS Place Is the only location In Omaha
surrounded and reached hy paved streets ,
motor , cable and horse cars that you can buy
$500 to J70)
on a payment down ot JTi lo S103 , bivlnnco In
one , two , three years , at 8 per cent Interest. In
Ames Place you not only got good prooorty on
easy terms hut you have all tlio improvements
at hand , Including
Schools ,
Churches ,
Heildcnct" ,
and the best facilities In the way' of car lines In
this city. Do not miss this
Goldnu Opportunity
to secure you a lot In the heart of Omaha on a
cash payment pi
tTG to $10 ! )
with longtime on the balance. No such terms
were over given bufore on
InsUlo Prdpoity
and you can convince yourself of tills.hy an In
spection of ho ground , which wlll.uot cost you
a cent and may do v.ou some good ,
.Ames' Plnro l
has an absolutely perlcet title , arid > 'oa will ad
mit has no supcrlor-iii Omaha , so far as
. . -Location.
are concerned. Tltis is a largo and. growing
city , in which sucli n chance to securn good
"property on our term- * and price * Is seldom of-
lered. Look up Ames' Place and see wnero It
Is located , and see what you can do safely ,
surely an.l easily.
Ames ,
1607 Farnam.
474 12
l.noit HA LK Lincoln Place lot at half prlcoT
J U. R. Hull. It 42 Darker blk. . ( ilS 1U
40OdU business corner. C. F. Harrison , Mer
chants' Nut. hank. 4MJ
GO. WALLACE , llrown bldg. ICtU uud
Good cottiigo und ono of the host lots in Jlon-
inotilh 1'ark. very easy terras , only f 1,600.
Lots 21 and 22. block H. Orchard Hill , with 130
feet east front on Lowe ave , corner and city
water , easv terms , very choap. for both $1,75'J. '
An cast front In Carthngo worth jl 80. only
J K ) . * -i
00 feet front on Franklin st , la Lowe's mid ,
hlock from newmotor line , very cheap nt if 1.400.
Lot 7. hlock I , Denlso add. $ .P,7W.
1 have lots'for S5 'O.f'.iU , Jl.OlX ) , 81.500 , on which
1 will build nud sell to good partlo.s on very
easy puymentH. . No better way to" get a homo
foril.ouo to fc'.MK ) at from JIO to $25 per month.
Kee your eye on beautiful Monuioiith 1'ark ,
reached hy electric motor line , only a hloukb
from paved street , church , arrangements being
tnndo for school , city water atter the llrst of the
year. No addition llKe It about Omaha ; lota on
very easy terms and houses and lots for sale or
for rent at low figures In this attractive addl-
tlou' G. G. Wallace , llrown bUhj. _ 405 30 _
C1OR SATiK 1-room cottage to ho moved , with
JL1 fence and shed , price $75. 1012 N ! IM st.
[ 517 12J
FOR BALK Onlongtlmo and easy payments.
handsome , now , well-built hoiiben ot'8 , 0.nnci
10 rooms. All conrcnic ices , gootl neighbor
hood ; paved stroctM , Rtreot curs , and within
walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014
Farnam street. 810
JIIOR SAM :'ja acres , sec.n , tp. 12 , r. fiw. ,
JL Hamilton county. Nob. Ilouso , stable , UOil
acres fenced , living water. I'rlco $ (1,001 ( , F , K
Atklns.owner.rallroad bldg. , Denver , Col. 8Ut
LOT II , block 10 , Omaha Vlo > v , 81,200. C. F
Harrison , Merchants' Nat. hank. 489
T71OR SALE 9-rooin. house , uarn ana lot ,
A1 Hunscoin I'laco , ntn bargain. Harris , room
411. 1st Nat. Hank , B 2
T7 ) R SALE H.O-H acres land In NobraskaT
JU HisUO foot lots S. nth st. at u Kacrlllclnt :
price. luqtilro 1412 S. 13t'j. Geo. H. Peterson.
TmOR SAIK-te.WM-a20-acro stock ranii in
JL1 llrown Co. . Neh. For particulars write to
lloil'O , Alnanforth , Null. 0(13 ( O29
FOR SALE The motor will nm to Omaha
View In a few weeks and lota me valued
from KKXl to # 1.600. We nave 0110 lot that can
bo sold for M.W. nicely on grade and nurromulod
hy newly built houses nnd close to motor.
Terms easy if taken at once. Apply to Ne
braska Settling i Supply Co. , room u , board of
trade 355n
NAI'-S. W. cor. 2fth st. and I'oppleton nve. ,
100 feet square , JD.etf ) . Must bo taken quick.
O. A. Htarr , iai5 Kaniam Bt.
TJlOR SALE On oasv terms , d ilnu H-room lu Orchard mil. For puriloulurs ud-
dress 1 , 17 .llee olllco _ 2H1 _ _
imoit SAIiB-WlW Mill buy lot 20 , hlk li.dmana
JL1 View , one hlock from motor , on grade : fci o
00x120. liiqulro G. D , 'IV.bchucE ' , Omaha Hoc ,
WINDSOR HOTKL-Corncr ot lotn and
Jackson sts. , ! 1 blocks from Union depot ,
Ilest $ J a day house In the city. tfJi
The 1'uhllo are hereby nolinod that the firm
of Htitbpn und Wulf lately doing btiHlncas at
00.1 S. lllth St. , Omaha , Nehranku. i.s thl day dis
solved by mnt mil consent , Henry Wnlf retiring
fromsuld bu&lnvbi , OTTO Hi UIIUN ,
" " ' Wui * .
Omaha. Nb. , . Oct. 2.1880.
'Jlio business \ \ \ \ \ ho continued hy OttoStnbcn
at the same pluco. whobiirccudHtoalltherlghts
of the old lirin , all'lehtH due the old llrm are
puvublo to me and all liabilities : of tald llrm
will ho sbttlcil by me. orro HTIIHKN.
Uiuahu , Neh. , Oct.2,1689. edit :
I lowcjt p'rlcei , Oooai for Streflinen ,
| Aiictfonotri and A jfnU. CanelUckl :
i and Knife Stand ! a Bpeclilty. j
iii.rsTinim < tr.u < n.i K HITK.
715 WASHINGTON Avt.jr. Louis , Mo.
Gloomy lloiiHolK/IU UriiiiinnntN ,
Tlio custom of prcsorvingr oollln plntos
nnd usiiip thorn for liomo doconition
ficomB to provftil tliroufjliout tlio stitto ,
Buys tlio Hnrtfonl Counint. The Now
IfiWL'ii Piilliuliuip rojorl8 it In Milford ,
Now Mllford iind titnitford. AIIIOH
ether thitiKd tliiit paper guys : "Ono
fumily in Now Milford la said to have
u collodion of no loss than fourteen
brass , Mlvor , und plated roll en tnkon
from the colllim of dcitd momtjor. ; of the
family , reaching down to within fifty
years of the founding of the colony , two
centuries and a half ugo. An uniiiblng
story is told about the cotlln plates col
lected by a Stratford fumily , Tboro ,
were nine or ten of them In places of
honor about flio parlor of tbo old-fash-
ionod farm house. Some years ago mi
Irreverent burglar entered the housa at
night , and bolzing ho glistening mo-
montooa dumped thomull into ) ils booty
bag , together with the silver knlvea
and fork's. The people were gratified
it day or two Inter to roeoivo u box by
express , in which were packed all tlio
missing cotlln plates. With it was a
note in a rough hand , which snid ;
"Hero is your collln signboards. I iuivo
found tlioy wasn't much but Qortunn
silver In them , nnd that nln'tjny'il'iio.
You'ro wolconiOi to 'om , nnd than leg for
.vnursUvorln spoons , which I'll keep.
Merry Chrislinns. " ' '
" , .
T * i
The Denver Loltorj-Co. wnntngonls.
Tlukols , CO cents. Address A C. Rosa
& Co. , Denver , Colo. '
Coinpllinont to Al. KHT , < I.
Mr. Edison and Ms Jtmn ly lotlPnri9 { ,
vostonluv morning for Oorhnxiiy , . has
the Pnll > Iall Gnzotto. The great ok-c-
trlclun has boon received In Paris with
more than royal honors. lid wns en-
tcrlaincd on Mondny by the Society of
Civil .Knglnocri1. M. Elffol wnsanuiblp
to preside , but his place was tilled by
his son-in-lnw , AfJor lunch , which
took plnco ou the llrst platform of the
tovvur , the coniDiiny adjourned to .M. .
IhfTolV apartment at tlui top * , trhora'M.
Gounod sat down to the piano nndctang
some lines of Alfred do Mussot , sot'tu
mimlo by himself. 13oforo leaving Mr.
Edison wrote his niiiuo lu that libra
d'oroM. . Killol's visiting btok. pvdfac-
ing it with the following compliment :
"Top Eiffel Tower , September 10 ; 1J8 {
To M. EUTol , the bravo builder 01 , so
gignntto nnd original n specimen of
modern engineering , from ono who Ima
the greatest admiration nud respect for
all ongencors , including tlio great en-
einccr , the bon Diou. Thoauis A.
Edison. " Ho subs-ciiicntly ( wrote hia
name upon Mile. EitVol's fan , which
forms u valuublo collection ot auto
graph's , bo irlng the signatures of nil
tlio princes of the blood royal and tlio
princes of science who Iuivo visited her
father's chef tl'ivuvro ,
U'd the younij fnco Poz/onl's Comi > lcxion
Powder Kivcs fresher uhnrins , to the old ro-
nowcil youth. Try U.
Soulnl Purity.
The Grand Duke Wnltllinir ia break
ing bounds after being , snysLabouehero
in Truth , lUtocn years the slave of the
wedding ring. Ills wife was BO muoU
his comrade , as well as companion , that
there Boomed no danger of his sliding
away from her. She tnkos his changed
mood au tragiquo. This is foolish.
What can she oxpoctof a man for whom
the state discharges his natural und
wholesome duty of mpportlng his wife
and children , and who is above tbo
power of Mr * . G ru tidy to annoy him ?
In the late czar's time the way of the
imperial family was for its grand duko.s
to exchange loiters of license with' their
wives. Scandalous quarrels wore , thus
avoided , and soiled linen was Uopt out
of sight. It was Hover oven washed at
homo. The present ciir comes up to
the standard of the social purity party
in England , lint would ho keep thciy
if the nihilists did not make him taku
a poignant interest in bin wife ' and
children , and they in himV lie trem
bles for their lives , and they for his ,
every day ho rises. This endears them M
till to each other. The highest family
in Kussin is the most closely knlti iii * .
bonds of mutual niYcctioii.
An AliHoluto Cure. '
Is only put up lu largo two ouiico tin boxes ,
nnil is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , nnd all slun orup.
lions. Will positively cure all kinds of pilei-
MJ3NT. Sold by Goodman Urtn ; company-at
2S cants per box bv mail 110 cents. ' *
1 -
Tlio llutlkon tlio III no.
The following dispatch from Frank
lin , Muss. , to a St. Louis paper , will bo
rattling good news to the warriors on
the Blue : A private letter from Ne
braska uivos H graphic account of a
duel between two full-blooded Arabian
horses , ridden respectively by Governor
John M. Thayer and General Colby.
Governor Thayer's steed was named
Lindentreo , and the ether named Don.
Lindontreo began the trouble upon the
state camp ground by rushing across
tlio field nnd striking Don full in the
side. Both men are good ridora , and
that alone saved a serious accident. The
challenge by Lindontroo was promptly
taken up by "Don , und the animals
faced ouch ether in the center of the
Hold. When each reared upon its hind
Ings as they came together in thq'shoelc
of battle , striking and biting viciously ,
they turned like a flash , and kick after
kick was given with lightning rapidity.
The horses tried their best to throw
their riders that tlioy might continue
the llghUwithout these disadvantages ,
but the two generals maintained their
positions until the bystanders succeeded
in separating the angry animals. Tlio
riders escaped unhurt except that Gen
eral Colby's logs received u kick in
tended for his horse , but no bones were
A Ooml With An ArccntirVrniiH Ida-
From City of Mexico Two Republics , Sept.
22d : A very _ romantic plnisoof everyday
Ufa in Mexico hus been dovulopcd by the Into
drawing of the Itunollccncu lottery iu this
city. From the obscurity caused by com
parative poverty a youiiK man spoltcn of in
tlio highest turmti hus by onu of these luclty
freukn of fortune buun elevated to thu posi
tion tlml hia education und family run I : tie-
manil. Thu youui ; mar. on whom fortune's
favors have been showered by tins sudden
Inversion of thu cornucopia argentiferous ia
Mr. .IOBU Male , a cleric in the llrat criminal
court of this city , who has for somu time
bucu employed thcro at a sulm-.v of $21) ) per
month. Lluforu the drawinj ; JMr. Male pur-
clinsccl n liuif ticket in thu Dcncllcniicu lot
tery. Tliu day' fnlluwm tiiu dr.iwiiig bo
was ononf a largo number who Hcunnoil tlio
list of the pnzu winncra nxlilbitod In thu
show windows of thu olllccs of thu lottery
company on fcjan Francisco Htrcut. Jim
ticltct wai numbered : iiW : , ! ; ( , and
corresponded with the number on
the list culling for thu capital
prize of SIUO.OOO. . IIo i-oulil iot
for a tlmo realize his luck and tlircu different
times want into the cdiccs mid cxmuincd
other lists. Ills perturbation was so Kreut
thnt it WIIB noticed by thuclorka la the olllcu.
Mr Uassottl , thomiiiiaecr of the cominuiy ,
wub called and ho asked Mr , Male if ho'hulii
a ticket calling for a prUo. Mr , Mnlo pro
duced lilH ticket nnd in company with Mr.
Jiassctti the lucky man took a cub and went
to the Hank of London anil Mexico where
tbosumof $00,000 , the amount culled for hy
tlio slips of paper , wus redcpositcd to thu
order of Mr , Malo. „
Tlio family of Mr. Mnlo a few ycurx ago
wus very wealthy , but by ijoiau unfortunntu
trunsuctlona lost all und WJIB reduced , Jo u
Btuto of poverty. Tie | HOII received n good
cducutloti und ia by other aucoinlillsUinonta
thoroUKhly lilted to enjoy lilb'cood luck.
Tlio Hcquol to Mr. Miilo'a ' cliuiigo of for-
tunii yet remains to bo told. It Heoins thut
foraomo tlmu liu bus been ont'iifed to u
younu ludy of a good family of this city but.
owing to Ins strultuncd circumstances wiw
loath to Interview the mother upon thn sub
ject. Hut with tbo BUddcu iicqiilBiiibu of
wcaltb ho visited bur anil witbji chivalry un
common to thin utfo trlud to force hur to tnlco
bis dcDomt rocclpta for u murriaKO portion to
the apple of hia oyo. His earnestness won
over the mother and BOOH the bells will rinj , '
merrily thu murriugo of Mr , Mulu und bU
novlu. *
Kotiiflthlnir 10 Hi'iniMiil > r.'f , '
If you nro going east , remember the
"Hock Isl-md Route" run the glnopVj'ii
and chair earn of their bolid v'ebtlbulo
train to and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Oinnhti at 8L5 p. m.thus avoid
ing thotraiisfurutCouncillilutTs. 'i'hreo
solid trains dally. All chair cars are
free. Dining caruon all through trains.
Our trains make close coimcQtlons with
all eastern limited trains connecting
in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a
transfer across the city to parties en
route to Now YorK , "Boston und ether
eastern cities , "and everything a llttlo
bettor than other lines can offor. "
8. , STiiVJSNJ ) ,
Ticket offlco,1805 Purnom. Gon'l W. A